
国际服务贸易外文翻译文献(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:《World Development》,2015,12(1):35-44.英文原文The research of international service trade and economic growth theoryChakraborty Kavin1 IntroductionThe study of the relation between international trade and economic growth is one of the most active issues. Since 1980s, the world has been in transition from national economy orientating towards natural resources and manufacturing industry to global and regional economy orientating towards information resources and service industry. After the signature of GA TS in1994, the institutional arrangements on liberalizing service trade result in a world-wide involvement division and exchanges of service trade, and it is undoubtedly that the positive interaction between service trade and investment leads to economic growth. But the theoretical research on service trade lags behind practice.Is it a statistic phenomenon or a universal rule of economic growth? To approach the above two issues from theoretical and empirical perspective is of great value to policy-making.For the proposition of that "International service trade will drive economic growth". Theoretical analysis shows that although service tradeis not a direct interpretative variable to economic growth, it can effect economic growth indirectly through other growing factors and technology upgrade, but the ways and mechanisms are different in different stages. In a certain stage of economic development, service trade (including investment) will have static and dynamic effect on factors supply and technology upgrade in one county, which will lead to the domestic alteration of resources condition structure. It is the enterprises that select industry structure, technology structure and trade structure according to dynamic alteration way of comparative technology structure and trade structure, which will ultimately promote evolution of economic growth gradually. So far as operational mechanism of service trade and investment is concerned, service trade affects factors supply in one country by physical capital accumulating effect, human capital effect, technology upgrade effect, institutional transition effect, employment effect and externality of technology, then influences the upgrade of industrial structure, the upgrade of technological structure and the transition of mode of economic growth. It is obvious that dynamic effect is greater than static effect; that external effect is playing more important role than internal effect; and that technology spillover effect of foreign direct investment in service industry is greater than that of service trade in a narrow sense (including across-border supply, consumption abroad and movement of natural person).For the research of mechanism about how service trade drive economic growth. Firstly, the paper verifies the causality between service trade and economic growths concerning different economic bodies and the representative countries. The results show that there are causalities between international service trade and economic growth in the whole world, in the developed countries, in the US and in china. In the developing countries, service trade is the Granger cause of economic growth; In the whole world and the developing countries, economic growth is the Granger cause of service trade; In the US, service export is the Granger cause of economic growth, and economic growth is the Granger cause of service import. On this basis, it is concluded that the opening of service industry will benefit economic growth in one country. Secondly, in order to explore on how the service trade and investment act on economic growth, empirical studies are employed to explain the case of US and that of China. The results show that the routes by which service trade affects economic growth in the US can be rowed as follows from more significant to less: employment effect, human capital effect, physical capital effect, technology effect, institution effect. The results of empirical analysis of China can be summarized that: the routes by which service export affects economic growth can be rowed as follows: employment effect, physical capital effect, institution effect, human capital effect, technology effect; the routs by which service import affectseconomic growth can be rowed as follows: technology effect, institution effect, employment effect, human capital effect, physical capital effect; the routes by which FDI in service affects economic growth can be rowed as follows: technology effect, human capital effect, institution effect, employment effect, physical capital effect. Moreover, the effect of FDI in service is stronger than service import, and the effect of service import is stronger than service export.According to the empirical test in this paper, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: service trade in a narrow sense will have static and dynamic effects on factor supply in one country through import and export of service, FDI in service industry is one of the most important cross-border transactions and is another important channel which will affect the transition of advantages on factor supply in one country. It should be emphasized that the above-mentioned channels will have different effects on countries at different stages of economic development. Whether the roles can be brought into play or not depends on given restraints. The input output of factors themselves cannot form a clear function, but will interact together and act on economic growth hand in hand through numerous feedback chain.Chinese economy is now undergoing transformation from elementary age to middle age of industrialization. Service trade and investment in current period have both advantages and disadvantages.Based on these judgments, we propose that China should pursue a policy favoring protectionism on management of service trade and adopt relevant countermeasures as follows. Scientific development view should be formed with an eye to harmonizing development of three industries so as to lay a solid industries foundation for service trade; The strategic programming should be stipulated and the market of service trade should be opened gradually; The rule of international transfer of service trade should be mastered and environment of utilizing foreign investment on service industry should be improved.As the characteristics of the world's service-oriented economy have gradually emerged, service trade originating from the upgrading of industrial structure has developed rapidly, and the scale of service trade is rapidly expanding. From the statistical data, the total exports of world service trade rose rapidly from 365 billion U.S. dollars in 1980 to 377.779 billion U.S. dollars in 2008, an increase of 9.35 times. Compared with the trade of goods with a long history, service trade is a new form of trade. With the continuous increase in absolute size and relatively low levels, service trade has become a focus of attention in modern society.2 The impact of overall service trade on economic growthAccording to the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (GA TS), which was signed in 1994, trade in services includes Cross- border Supply, Consumption A broad, Commercial Presence, and naturalperson mobility. (Movement of Natural Persn) Four modes. The service trade of these four modes has completely different properties and characteristics. Therefore, it is difficult to establish a unified theoretical framework for service trade to affect economic growth. The corresponding literature is very rare. The only foreign documents are mainly Robinson et al. (2002), who simply regard service trade as a commodity. Trade, without taking into account differences in the four trade models, studied the economic growth effects of service trade liberalization using the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model.Using empirical methods to study the literature on the impact of overall service trade on economic growth is more, but such studies are mostly domestic scholars. Research shows that the average contribution of China's overall service trade to economic growth is 18.9%.3 Effect of Service Trade in Different Industries on Economic GrowthAt present, the literature on the impact of industry trade in service trade on economic growth is mostly concentrated in such service sectors as finance, telecommunications, and health care. These studies have basically reached a relatively unanimous conclusion that the opening of the service sector or the increase in productivity can significantly promote economic growth. . For example, studies by Beck et al. (1998), M urinde & Ryan (2003), and Eschenbach (2004) suggest that the opening of the financial sector has, to a certain extent, broken the monopoly of domesticfinancial markets and prompted the orderly competition of financial markets. On the normal development track, productivity has improved, and it has finally led to economic growth in the country. Kim (2000) studied the relationship between the development of service trade in the distribution sector and the growth of total factor productivity (TFP) using Korea's input-output data. The results show that the liberalization of service trade not only significantly promoted its own TFP. The promotion also promoted the improvement of total factor productivity in the related manufacturing sector. The total factor productivity growth brought about by service trade almost covered the entire economic sector.4 Effect of Service Trade on Economic Growth by Different Trading ModesThere are few literatures on specific transaction models and theoretical studies on the impact of trade in services on economic growth. Carr et al. (2001) & M arkusen et al. (2005) theoretically examined the commercial existence model by means of the CGE model. The impact of the trade in services on economic growth shows that the opening up of trade in services is an important source of the increase in economic welfare of a country. From the perspective of economic welfare, the opening up of trade in services is a general trend. Subsequently, the use of CGE models to theoretically examine the impact of service trade on economic growth began to prevail. For example, Rutherford et al. (2005)used the CGE model to evaluate Russia's WTO accession effects, and Ko nan &Maskus (2006) used CGE models. The potential effects of Tunisia's elimination of barriers to trade in services were studied. Their conclusions indicate that the increase in the level of economic welfare in one country can benefit from the opening up of the service market, while the elimination of FDI market access barriers in the service sector is a pattern of four trades. The most important liberalization measures are the main sources of increased welfare in a country. There are a lot of literatures on the relationship between service trade and economic growth in specific models using empirical methods. In the four modes of trade in services, commercial presence is the most important one, and from the point of view of data availability, although statistical data is still not very accurate, commercial existence of service trade is based on service industry FDI as a carrier. To achieve this, researchers can use service industry FDI data to characterize the scale of service trade in this model, and this type of trade model has received more attention. Among them, Markusen (1989) believes that the existence of commercial trade in services has two positive and negative effects. The positive effect is that competition in the service sector has led to an increase in domestic demand for the sector’s production factors, which is conducive to output growth. The effect of market size and negative effects means that the intensified competition in the domestic market of service industries has led to the withdrawal ofdomestic service-oriented enterprises from the market. The study by Markusen (1989) shows that the effect of market size after the opening of the service market far exceeds the crowding-out effect. After offsetting the crowding-out effect, it can still promote the productivity improvement of the non-service sector and further lead to the structure of domestic trade in goods. The changes, those sectors that were previously low in productivity and dependent on imports, will evolve into high-productivity export sectors, which is quite similar to the latest research findings on the interactive development of producer services and manufacturing. Hoekman (2006) and Hoekman (2006) used India as an example to examine the impact of the existence of commercial trade in services in the finance, telecommunications, and transportation sectors on the competitiveness of the goods export sector, and believe that these sectors have been liberalized. The level of soft facilities has been increased, which in turn has greatly reduced the operating costs of the downstream product manufacturing sector, which has increased the export competitiveness. With the inefficiency of the domestic service industry, the unfavorable pattern is reversed with the help of commercial presence of service trade. Feasible choice. Guerrieri et al. (2005) took the EU as the research object and analyzed the role of commercial trade in services for knowledge accumulation and economic growth. The study concluded that the openness of the service market or the relaxation of domesticservice regulations has positively promoted economic growth. It was found that the imported service items may be more able to promote economic growth than the domestic same service items due to high technological content.5 Possible Future Research DirectionsIt is not difficult to find from the above-mentioned documents that since the development of service trade started late, research on the growth of service trade began to rise gradually from the 1980s, and more than 20 years of research in this area is in the ascendant. With the further enhancement of the status of trade in services, the possible directions for future research will generally include the following aspects.From the point of view of research methodology, classification of service trade can be studied. As the theory of goods trade has gradually matured, the development practice of service trade still calls for the birth of the theory of service trade. Helpman and Markusen, international economists, expressed on different occasions that the difficulty in establishing the theoretical system of service trade lies in the fact that there are large differences in various types of service trades, and it is difficult for researchers to overcome the gap between them. Classifying service trade according to certain standards and exploring the impact of various types of service trade on economic growth is a possible direction for future research.From the perspective of the research subjects, it is possible to study China’s service trade and economic growth. China’s GDP has already ranked second in the world. However, the service industry’s added value accounted for only 40% of GDP, which is obviously not commensurate with the status of an economic power. In addition, the trade in services is still relatively small compared to the trade in goods. Under such a realistic background, what is the relationship between China's service trade and economic growth? How will service trade contribute to China's economic growth? What impact will service outsourcing have on China's economy? With China in In the next decade, how will China make service trade an engine of economic growth? From the academic point of view, economists from all countries are paying attention to China’s economic development, and China’s service trade will also be improved. It will become a research hotspot.From the perspective of research topics, it is possible to study the impact of service outsourcing on economic growth. In 2008, the scale of global service outsourcing market has reached 1.5 trillion US dollars. According to the UNCTAD (UNCT AD) speculation, the global service outsourcing market will increase by 30%-40% in the next 5-10 years.The surging service industry outsourcing is a new form of service trade. How does service outsourcing drive economic growth through employment, industrial structure upgrading, and technology spillovers?What are the differences in the impact of contracting and receiving services on economic growth in the service industry? Research on these issues will start with the development of service outsourcing to important theoretical guidance.中文译文国际服务贸易与经济增长理论与实证研究Chakraborty Kavin1 引言国际贸易与经济增长始终是国际经济学最生动的论题之一。

中文3780字标题:Tourism and hospitality marketing: fantasy, feeling and fun原文:Experiential marketing has become a cornerstone of many recent advances in areas such as retailing, branding and events marketing, but with attempting to sell an experience of a place through relating it to the lifestyle constructs of consumers. For many years we have discussed the characteristics of tourism and hospitality products, which suggest that marketing within the sectors is different to many other industries, as purchase decisions are made on the basis of projected and perceived images, rather than prior experience. However, despite the amount of literature being written on these perceived differences, most marketing in the sector relies heavily on traditional marketing concepts, and it is often difficult to discriminate tourism and hospitality approaches to marketing from those advocated for other consumer products.Tourism and hospitality has become a major economic activity as expectations with regard to the use of our leisure time have evolved, attributing greater meaning to our free time.The evolution of tourist behaviour encourages both change and the emergence of new meaning (Bouchet et al., 2004). This results in marketing having potentially a greater prominence in tourism and hospitality, than in other industries. Potential that is not always fully achieved (Morgan and Pritchard, 2002). The key reason for this failing is that in the main marketing for tourism and hospitality has been focussed not on the consumer, but on the destination or outlet, with marketing strategies being related to the products offered (Williams, 2000, 2002). As marketing within this sector has evolved however, the offer has become increasingly less important due to the enormous heterogeneity of consumer motivation and behaviour. The result is that firms and destinations within this sector need to redefine their strategies to reflect these changes.Studying the behaviour of consumers has become increasingly complex, and it is fair to argue that tourism and hospitality by its very nature, should be in the vanguard of research into contemporary consumers (Williams, 2002). Tourism and hospitality offers a multitude of venues in which people can consume. Bars, restaurants, hotels, theme parks, casinos and cruise ships all operate as “Cathedrals of consumption”(Ritzer, 1999) offering increasingly complex consumption opportunities to increasinglycomplex consumers. Tourism and hospitality has developed into one of the most important global economic activities, due in part to a combination of a transformation of offers and increasingly postmodern demand. These changes mean that tourism and hospitality consumption has evolved to become more qualitative, more demanding, and more varied (Bouchet et al., 2004).Anecdotal evidence delivered through media coverage, would suggest that contemporary consumers are self-indulgent, pleasure seeking individuals, easily dominated by marketers and advertisers, who act like sheep in the ways they mimic referent others. However, the reality is obviously much more complex than such a scenario suggests. Contemporary consumers are as likely to be driven by thrift as to they are to be hedonistic, they use consumption to make statements about themselves, they use consumption to create their identities and they develop a sense of belonging through consumption. For many people it is through consumption that relationships are formed, for example, colleagues enjoying a drink after work or childrenhosting their birthday parties at McDonalds, enabling them to define their circle of friends .Consumption also plays a part in finding fulfilment, developing creativity and expressing their individual abilities. Clearly such a complex phenomena cannot be easily understood.Recent arguments have been sounded that aspects of contemporary tourism and hospitality consumption have reflected the phenomena of postmodernism. Whilst many believe postmodernism to be a meaningless intellectual fad, inaccessible to many involved in marketing within our sector, others agree that there are worthwhile insights to be gained from the debate on the post-modern condition and its consequences for tourism and hospitality consumption and marketing. I do not intend to discuss at length the use of post-modern discourse in tourism and hospitality marketing as I have exercised it in previous work (Williams, 2000, 2002). The term postmodernism refers to a break in thinking away from the modern, functional andrational, and during the last couple of decades it has spread across all domains of knowledge, including marketing. The key concepts of post-modern marketing are fragmentation, indeterminacy and distrust of universal discourse, but by eschewing modernism it introduces a radicallynew and different cultural movement which coalesces in a reconceptualisation of how we experience and explain our world. In terms of experiential marketing two aspects of the post-modern discourse are most relevant, hypereality and image.Hypereality is one of the most discussed conditions of postmodernism, and refers to the argument that reality has collapsed and has become image, illusion, simulation and simulacra (copies for which no original exists). Hyperreality refers to a blurring of distinction between the real and the unreal in which the prefix “hyper” signifies more real than real. When the real is no longer a given but is reproduced by a simulated environment, it does not become unreal, but realer than real, to the extent it becomes what Baudrillard (1993, p.23)refers to as “a hallucinatory resemblance of itself”. In postmodernism, with the advent of hyperreality, simulations come to constitute reality itself. This scenario is exemplified throughout the tourism and hospitality industry. Baudrillard himself used the example of Disneyland, arguing it is more real than the USA itself. A point reinforced by Venturi (1995, p.67) who suggested “Disneyland is nearer to what people want than what architects have ever given them. Disneyland is thesymbolic American utopia”. In postmodern society people have become fascinated by signs and as a result, they exist in a state where signs and images have become more important than what they stand for. The result is that today’s consumers consume imagery and do not focus on what the images represent or mean. As Miller and Real (1998, p. 30) argue “we live in a world where the image or signifier of an event has replaced direct experience and knowledge of its referent or signified”.While it is accepted that there are problems with investigating tourism and hospitality marketing through a postmodern orientation, it clearly encompasses a broad range of consumer experiences. In addition it has the potential to reframe our thinking about marketing practice in an increasingly fragmented global marketplace.A better understanding of the underlying macro forces and micro behaviour, associated with postmodernism, can be leveraged by marketers to obtain competitive advantages in the increasingly dynamic, unpredictable, unstable and competitive tourism and hospitality environment.Traditional marketing provided a valuable set of strategies, implementation tools and methodologies thattourism and hospitality firms could use in an earlier age. As Schmitt (1999, p. 55) argued “traditional marketing was developed in response to the industrial age, not the information, branding and communications revolution we are facing today”. In a new age, with new consumers we need to shift away from a features-and-benefits approach, as advocated by traditional approaches to consumer experiences. We need to consider new concepts and approaches which capitalize on the opportunities offered by these new consumers. One such approach is experiential marketing; an approach which in contrast to the rational features-and-benefits view of consumers, takes a more postmodern orientation and views them as emotional beings, concerned with achieving pleasurable experiences.Experiential marketing is a growing trend worldwide, with enthusiasts reported in all sectors of the global economy, from consumer products such as Ford Motor Company (Kerwin, 2004) to health care providers such as the North Hawaii Community Hospital (Hill, 2003). As Schmitt (1999, p. 53) states “experiential marketing is everywhere”. The question is what has caused this evolution in the world of marketing, and what are the implications for consumers of tourism and hospitality?Experiential marketing was first introduced by Pine and Gilmore (1998) as part of their work on the experience economy, and further refined in many subsequent articles and books by the same authors. Pine and Gilmore (1999, p. 2) explained their view of experiential marketing in the following manner “when a person buys a service, he purchases a set of intangible activities carried out on his behalf. But when he buys an experience, he pays to spend time enjoying a series of memorable events that a company stages to engage him in a personal way”. Experiential marketing is about taking the essence of a product and amplifying it into a set of tangible, physical, interactive experiences which reinforce the offer. Rather than seeing the offer in atraditional manner, through advertising media such as commercials, print or electronic messaging, consumers “feel”it by being part of it. As Gautier (2004, p. 8) argues “experiential marketing is a totally new way of thinking about marketing, if you think it’s about simply tweaking around the edges, think again”. Experiential marketing is not about one-off events, sponsorship, sampling or general field marketing. Experiential marketing describes marketing initiatives that give consumers in-depth, tangible experiences in order to provide them with sufficient information to makea purchase decision. It is widely argued that as the science of marketing evolves, experiential marketing will become the dominant marketing tool of the future (McNickel, 2004).Experiential marketing has evolved as a response to a perceived transition from a service economy to one personified by the experiences we participate in. In such a perception experiences are as economically different from services as services are from goods. Pine and Gilmore (2004) explain that experiences have emerged as the next step, in what they refer to as the progression of economic value. If we accept such a position; that modern economies are seen as making a transition from the marketing of services to the marketing of experiences, all tourism and hospitality offers are acts of “theatre” that stage these experiences. The experience economy has been summarised by Petkus (2002) as follows:. contemporary economies have evolved from the delivery of commodities to the delivery of goods, from goods to services and are presently evolving from services to experiences;.as services became increasingly commodified, customer perceptions of competitive advantage diminish, as does satisfaction;.the delivery of experiential market offerings involves engaging customers in a memorable way; and all actions of the organisation contribute to the performance of the experiential market offering.The huge growth in the field of experiential marketing appears to be the result of the effect of the numerous success stories cited in the media. As Kerwin (2004, p. 94) states “the beauty of a well desig ned experience is that while it doesn’t reach nearly asmany people as a TV spot, it can attract the very customers who are most likely to buy”. The evidence seems to support this contention, for example, research undertaken by SRI, an international market research organisation, found that experiential marketing drove faster results than traditional methods, with consumers suggesting it led to quick positive purchase decisions. Amongst certain groups, younger consumers and females, the results were even more encouraging (Allen, 2005). The same research also demonstrated that experiential marketing made consumers more receptive to other forms of associated advertising, an important factor in an era of integrated marketing communication. Similar results were found by IMI International. Their research suggested that more than 55 per cent of consumers felt that the biggest single influenceon propensity to consume was the ability to sample or interact with a product before purchase. In the UK, research undertaken by ID Live Brand Experience stated that as many as 85 per cent of consumers valued the opportunity to experience; touch, smell, taste or hear, products. Of those surveyed, 58 per cent confirmed that experiential marketing had encouraged them to make a purchase they were not previously planning to make. The importance of this development is not lost on marketing executives with more than 70 per cent of them recently stating that experiential marketing is the current “big theme”(Gautier, 2004). Pine and Gilmore (1999) the originators of much of the current thinking behind experiential marketing cite US Bureau of Labour statistics showing that consumer price indices, employment growth and growth in GDP have all increased at a faster rate for experiential offerings, than for commodities, goods or services. To summarise, the reason behind the continuing growth in demand for experiential marketing, is that it appears to work for both firms and customers. As Witthaus (2004, p. 10) states:.it achieves measurable results by offering innovative ways of communicating with customers in their own environment,leading to a better ROI. And it offers a memorable, engaging and exhilarating way of reaching customersExperiential marketing demonstrates that the media landscape has unalterably changed in recent years. In 1985, a commercial on peak-time television would have been expected to reach over 40 per cent of the population. A similar commercialtoday would be unlikely to reach more than 15 per cent of the population, and this figure is likely to continue falling (Gautier, 2004). Despite increased spend on traditional media many of the worlds top products and brands have suffered falling market share. There is a widespread belief that old models of advertising spend are no longer as effective as they were and alternatives have to be sought.出处:Alistair Williams, (2006) "Tourism and hospitality marketing: fantasy, feeling and fun", International [J]Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 18 Iss: 6, pp.482 - 495标题:旅游与服务市场:奇幻,感觉,有趣译文:体验营销已经成为许多最新进展领域的基石,例如零售业、品牌和事件营销,但随之而来的是企图一提样营销为目的建立消费者的生命周期。

Ⅲ.外文翻译外文翻译之一Destination brand positions of a competitive set ofnear-home destinations作者:Steven Pike国籍:Australia出处:Tourism Management, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 24 January 2009原文正文:Abstract:Although the branding literature commenced during the 1940s, the first publications related to destination branding did not emerge until half a century later. A review of 74 destination branding publications by 102 authors from the first 10 years of destination branding literature (1998–2007) found at least nine potential research gaps warranting attention by researchers. In particular, there has been a lack of research examining the extent to which brand positioning campaigns have been successful in enhancing brand equity in the manner intended in the brand identity. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of an investigation of brand equity tracking for a competitive set of destinations in Queensland, Australia between 2003 and 2007. A hierarchy of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) provided an effective means to monitor destination brand positions over time. A key implication of the results was the finding that there was no change in brand positions for any of the five destinations over the four year period. This leads to the proposition that destination position change within a competitive set will only occur slowly over a long period of time. The tabulation of 74 destination branding case studies, research papers, conceptual papers and web content analysesprovides students and researchers with a useful resource on the current state of the field.Keywords: Destination branding; Consumer-based brand equity; Short breaks; Destination image; Destination positioning1. IntroductionEver since the brand literature commenced in the 1940s (see for example Guest, 1942), there has been consistent recognition that branding offers organisations a means for differentiation in markets crowded with similar offerings ([Aaker, 1991], [Gardner and Levy, 1955], [Keller, 2003] and [Kotler et al., 2007]). For destinations, effective differentiation is critical given the increasingly competitive nature of tourism markets, where many places offering similar features are becoming substitutable (Pike, 2005). For example, around 70% of international travellers visit only 10 countries, leaving the remainder of national tourism offices (NTOs) competing for 30% of total international arrivals (Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2002). The pursuit of differentiation is explicit in brand definitions, which have most commonly been variations of that proposed by Aaker (1991, p. 7):A brand is a distinguishing name and/or symbol (such as a logo, trademark, or package design) intended to identify the goods or services of either one seller or a group of sellers, and to differentiate those goods from those of competitors.However, in the foreword to the first issue of Place Branding and Public Policy, editor Simon Anholt (2004, p. 4) suggested “almost nobody agrees on what, ex actly, branding means” in describing place branding practice as akin to the Wild West. There has been a lack of consistency in defining what constitutes destination branding, both within industry and within academia (see [Blainet al., 2005], [Park and Petrick, 2006] and [Tasci and Kozak, 2006]). The mostcomprehensive definition to date has been that proposed by Blain et al. (2005, p. 337), which followed Berthon, Hulbert, and Pitt's (1999) model of the functions of a brand from both the buyer and seller perspectives:Destination branding is the set of marketing activities that (1) support the creation of a name, symbol, logo, word mark or other graphic that readily identifies and differentiates a destination; that (2) consistently convey the expectation of a memorable travel experience that is uniquely associated with the destination; that (3) serve to consolidate and reinforce the emotional connection between the visitor and the destination; and that (4) reduce consumer search costs and perceived risk. Collectively, these activities serve to create a destination image that positively influences consumer destination choice.Branding is therefore considered mutually beneficial from both the supply and demand perspectives. Enhancing the ability of the brand to differentiate effectively can generate advantages for products and services, such as increased purchase intent (Cobb-Walgren, Beal, & Donthu, 1995), lower costs (Keller, 1993), increased sales, price premiums, and customer loyalty ([Aaker, 1991] and [Aaker, 1996]). Advantages for destination marketing organisations (DMO) include increased potential to differentiate against places offering similar benefits, increased destination loyalty and increased yield for stakeholders such as local tourism businesses and travel intermediaries. Benefits for the traveller include ease of decision making through reduced search costs, reduced risk, and possibly enhanced brag value.The focus of most research reported to date has been concerned with the development of destination brand identities and the implementation of campaigns (see for example, [Crockett and Wood, 1999], [Hall, 1999], [May, 2001] and [Morgan et al., 2002]). One area requiring increased attention is that of tracking the performance of destination brand positions over time. That is,the extent to which destination brands' positioning and repositioning campaigns have been effective in enhancing brand equity consistent with that intended in the brand identity. This is an important gap in the tourism literature, given: i) increasing competition (see Morgan, Pritchard, & Piggot, 2002), ii) the increasing level of investment by destination marketing organisations (DMO) in branding since the 1990s, iii) the complex political nature of DMO brand decision making and increasing accountability to stakeholders (see Pike, 2005), and iv) the long-term nature of repositioning a destination's image in the marketplace (see Gartner & Hunt, 1987). In terms of metrics for DMOs in general, a number of researchers in various parts of the world have pointed to a lack of market research monitoring effectiveness of destination marketing objectives, such as in Australia (see [Carson et al., 2003] and [Prosser et al., 2000]), North America ([Masberg, 1999] and [Sheehan and Ritchie, 1997]), and Europe (Dolnicar & Schoesser, 2003).The aim of this study was to track the brand positions held by a competitive set of near-home destinations between 2003 and 2007. For this purpose the efficacy of a hierarchy of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) was trialled. CBBE was first promoted by (Aaker, 1991) and (Aaker, 1996) and more recently by (Keller, 1993) and (Keller, 2003) to supplement traditional balance sheet brand equity measures. The rationale underpinning CBBE as a brand performance metric is that consumer perceptions of the brand underpin any financial estimate of future earnings estimated in the financial measure of brand equity. Since a financial balance sheet brand equity measure will be of little practical value to destination marketers, the concept of CBBE is worthy of consideration by DMOs. However, the potential of CBBE for destinations has only recently attracted the attention of academic researchers (see [Boo et al., in press] and [Konecknik and Gartner, 2007]).具有竞争力的靠近家乡的旅游目的地的目标品牌定位作者:史蒂文・派克国籍:澳大利亚出处:旅游管理,新闻,更正的证明,可在线2009年1月24日中文译文:摘要:虽然品牌学在20世纪40年代就已经兴起,第一个与目的地品牌相关的出版物却直到半个世纪后才出现。

旅游中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文Tourism: A Matter of Common Concern AbstractProblems of tourism and recreation in the Wadden Sea are discussed. Special regard is given to land- based activities being in harmony with nature and favoring the protection of environment. The discussion focuses on the trilateral Wadden policy of the conceded European countries. The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.Key words:Trilateral Wadden Sea policy, tourism, land based recreation, adverse effects on nature1.Why a Common Concern?In the Wadden Sea area people live, work and recreate. Trilateral Wadden policy has been mainly focused on sea- based recreation. But an activity in the Wadden area which also has a direct influence on the dunes, mudflats and tidal areas is land based recreation. Millions of people visit the area each year for leisure. Until now this has been neglected by the international Wadden policy. Because of the influence of and developments in this sector, it is necessary to widen the scope of this policy so that a strategy can be developed for all recreational activities. This implies making intelligent choices. What kind of recreational activities and accommodations fit this nature area? When and where should they take place? What amounts are in harmony with the nature we want to protect? Answers to these questions are part of a strategy for conservation of nature and recreation.In 1994, in Leeuwarden, ecological goals were drawn up not only for the tidal area, but also for the beaches and dunes, the salt marshes, the coastline and the rural areas (on the islands and the adjacent areas of the mainland). In addition, it was recognized that the trilateral policy covered a wider area than just the Wadden Sea. loss of natural habitats and the disturbance of flora and fauna as a result of increasing tourism was identified as a cause for cancel. To better understand the influence of landbased recreation on the area's natural environment, it is necessary to first consider the situation in the tourism sector. This is mainly based on the experiences obtained by the Dutch Wadden Society in the Dutch Wadden Sea region.2.A Summary of the SituationI. Since the middle of this century, the Wadden Sea area has been a popular destination for an ever growing number of tourists. Today tourists can choose from a wide range of accommodations: hotels, hiking cabins, apartments, camping sites, bungalows and so on. This development has sparked a lot of building activity; sometimes to replace old buildings, but more often for new building sites. In a number of cases this has been at the cost of dune areas.A first observation: to offer all these visitors a place to sleep more and more space is occupied. Sometimes at the cost of nature and sometimes at the cost of historical buildings or rural landscape.II. But not all visitors to the area stay overnight. On the one hand there are the day tourists to the islands. Especially the islands with a short ferry time and/or low ferry costs ate favorites. On the other hand the different recreational areas along the mainland coastline also attract a large number of day tourists, particularly in Germany. Tourists not only desire a place on the beach in the sun, but also want to walk in the dunes, buy a cup of coffee and have proper transport facilities to and from thearea. On the main land side of the ferry dam to Ameland, for example, there ate plans for a second level in the car park on the mainland to offer day tourists extra parking space close to the ferry.A second observation: day tourism leaves its marks in the landscape by facilities, over fulled ashtrays, empty beach chairs and treaded plants, also when the day is over.The short second or third holiday, a midweek break or a day to escape it all, has become reality for many. The quiet and long off-season period is a thing of the past for the local population and nature. The accommodation-branches anticipates this trend by building more and more cabins and bungalows at former camping sites. The lengthening of the holiday season has been encouraged by the development of so-called "bad weather facilities" like the tropical swimming pool. The result is that walkers and cyclists can be found on the beach or in the dunes as early as March. This can cause problems for migratory and breeding birds. Should the areas important to these birds be closed off to the public earlier in the year? That is against the idea that people should be given as many chances as possible to enjoy nature. So what is more important: undisturbed feelings of liberty or undisturbed nest building?A third observation: lengthening of the holiday season means more disturbance risk to a number of bird species.IV. Recreational activities are no longer limited to a walk breathingthe fresh sea air of a healing dip in the water. The current possibilities seem endless, a few examples: parachute jumping, golfing, "nature combing", walking on the mudflats, visiting bird colonies, seals, a wagon ride through the dunes and marshes, short aero plane trips, kiting, sunbathing, night-life, cross country cycling and so on.A fourth observation: recreational activities, even nature oriented, have more and more adverse effects on nature.The economic aspect of tourism certainly plays a role in the trilateral policy decisions. The weight that this aspect carries in the policymaking process is a choice in itself. But in what terms are we measuring the economic effects, in jobs, in regional income and investments, or in the sustainable use of nature?A fifth observation: economic aspects are part of the discussion about tourism and there is quite some cash flow related to it.3.Developments and New Trendsit When coming up with a strategy for recreational activities is important to consider developments and trends in the sector.1. Tourism is a growing industry. It is seen as a sector which can provide employment in the near future. And for this reason subsidies are given. That is an attractive proposition, particulary in regions with relatively high unemployment. Many community councils along the Dutch coast have plans to exploit tourism. These vary from building a small bungalow park to a health spa with a beach. Work is already inprogress on the islands to improve the quality of accommodation. This requires larger investments and returns.2. The trend to take a number of short holidays. The same number of over night stays are therefore being shared by more and other visitors and more transport is required.3. Hotel managers want the same bed occupied more often. The stabilization of the number of beds available (a policy on the Dutch Wadden islands) is therefore certainly not synonymous with a stabilization of recreation volume.4. The trend towards more active holidays. The activities can range from nature excursions to sport events. This raises the question whether the Wadden nature is seen as a backdrop or as a destination itself. In order to formulate a strategy on tourism we will have to take into account the five observations made.4.summarize:(I) more and more space is taken by accommodations, improving quality also requires more square meters per tourist;(II) Day tourism leaves its marks in the landscape;(III) Season lengthening means shortening of the undisturbed periods for birds;(IV) Recreation activities, even nature oriented, have more and more adverse effects on nature;(V) The tourism related cash flow is on the rise;(VI) A growing number of people visit, know and hopefully appreciate the Wadden Sea area and.., disturb each other.The importance of the international Wadden Sea area does not need to be stressed. Nor does the importance of protecting the area's natural development. Joint trilateral goals and targets have already been laid down or are receiving the final touches. Al1 we have to do, is bring about the goals. The trilateral Wadden policy can no longer ignore land based recreational activities; their effects are too far reaching. Dunes, marshes and birds are currently witnessing a loss in territory and an increase in disturbance and damage. The countryside is under attack and new building projects threaten to overshadow the cultural and historical value of the area. And sometimes there ate just too many people around.It's not enough to acknowledge that recreation is important to the area, to declare ah area a national park, to do some zoning or to fix the number of beds.A fundamental consideration is needed. What kind of recreational activates and accommodations fit this nature area?When and where can they take place? Whatamounts are in harmony with the nature we want to protect? Answers to these questions ate the start of a strategy for conservation of nature and sustainable recreation.5.The Choice of the Dutch Wadden SocietyThe Wadden Sea area offers some very special opportunities for recreation. When people get to know and appreciate an area they are more willing to protect it. And from the perspective of tourism it is nature, the openness, the birds, the unique landscape and the historic cultural values that makes .this area into something singular and special. These are the selling points of the Wadden Sea area on the touristic market. In our view there should be possibilities to experience that specific Wadden Sea nature. This means Wadden nature" oriented recreation. But in such a way that it is and continues respecting nature. This is of course something totally different from island hopping by aero plane or a disco party on the beach.What such a choice means from a sustainable and economic perspective is of course an important question. Does it mean more visitor management, more excursion leaders and less disc jockey? More bird watches facilities and wardening and less recreational air traffic and tropical swimming paradises? These aspects definitely need moreresearch. The Dutch Wadden Society has taken initiatives in this direction but we certainly cannot cover this alone.To formulate such a strategy it is vital that there is a complete picture, based on comparable data, of recreation in the international Wadden area. At this moment data are still incomplete. So from our point of view the following steps lead to a strategy for conservation of nature and of sustainable possibilities for recreation:- identify the processes and areas which need extra protection. -identify the unique opportunities the area offers. -identify frictions between existing tourism and nature conservation goals. -select the types of tourism and recreational activities that can be accommodated in harmony with the area and the goals. -make choices regarding: "when', "where" and "what amounts'. - formulate clear policy goals. - develop indicators to monitor and -execute itTime is ripe to make choices and there are already some hopeful initiatives. In "Nord Friesland a "Zukunftswerkstatt Tourism’s und Umwelt" is being drawn up with the aim to elaborate concepts for "umbel- und sozialvertrigliche Tourismusentwicklung'.The Dutch, German and Danish province and regions along the Wadden Sea started a project to develop a vision on sustainable tourism. The trilateral Wadden policy can encourage these initiatives. In 1997, in State, there should be an acknowledgement of the importance and effects of land based recreation at a trilateral level. It must be possible to developa common strategy for all tourism and recreation activities in the trilateral Wadden area, particularly in the light of the ecological and landscape goals that have already been agreed on in the past and which also reflect the recreational interests.译文:旅游业共同关心的问题摘要旅游业协会针对瓦登海问题进行了讨论,讨论的内容是关于陆地活动与自然和谐以及环境的保护。

文献出处Dee, Philippa and Hanslow, Kevin, Multilateral Liberalization of Services Trade (March 16, 2012). Productivity Commission Working Paper No.1619. Available at SSRN: /abstract=323743 or /10.2139/ssrn.323743Trade in ServicesPhilippa Dee1 Why worry?Why should trade theorists and trade policy practitioners worry about services?First, 60 per cent of the world’s GDP is earned there (World Bank 2001). This is not just a rich country phenomenon —119 of the 132 countries listed in the World Development Report have a services share of GDP that exceeds their industry share. And 81 have a services share of GDP that exceeds 50 per cent — from Bangladesh and Botswana to Zambia and Zimbabwe.Second, close to a third of world trade is generated there (Karsenty 2000). It is no longer tenable, if it ever was, to regard services as non-traded. Nor is it correct to say that most services trade is via commercial presence and hence not comparable to merchandise trade. Karsenty shows that on the basis of available statistics,’ traditional’ trade in services — defined to measure cross-border transactions — is today larger in absolute size than establishment-related trade in services. And some of the economies most dependent (in relative terms) on services trade are also some of the poorest (e.g. Armenia, Lesotho and Kiribati).Third, barriers to services trade are significant. Because they are primarily regulatory, and differ substantially from traditional tariffs or quotas, there is no simple ‘tariff equivalent’ with which to compare to merchandise trade barriers. But the effects of removing them can be substantial. For example, Dee and Hanslow(2001) suggest that the global gains from eliminating barriers to trade in services, based on preliminary estimates of those barriers, could be about the same as those from eliminating all remaining barriers to trade in agriculture and industrials. And significant gains would accrue to developing economies.Fourth, services trade barriers are currently subject to negotiation in both multilateral and regional forums. The multilateral services trade negotiations currently under way as part of the ‘built-in’ agenda of the WTO have moved beyond the stage of establishing negotiating guidelines, to the stage of ‘talking turkey’ —services trade liberalization proposals have already hit the negotiating table. Of the 20 extant Regional Trading Agreements (RTAs) currently being examined at the Australian Productivity Commission, 14 have significant coverage of services and foreign direct investment —issues that extend beyond the boundaries of merchandise trade. And the coverage of non-merchandise trade issues increases, the more recent the agreement.So it is incumbent on both trade theorists and trade policy practitioners to understand the nature of services, trade in services and services trade barriers. The aim should not just be to identify theoretical possibilities. It should also be to identify negotiating priorities, so as to maximize net benefits and reduce unintended consequences in a policy area that is still, sadly, largely uncarpeted territory empirically. With services sectors being large in most economies, the downside risk from getting it wrong is significant, and the risk is certainly there (e.g. Dee, Hardin and Holmes 2000, Francois and Wooten 2001).What follows is a discussion of these issues from the perspective of an empirical trade policy modeler who works in a policy advisory organization and who borrows(probably not enough) from trade theorists. The discussion may therefore miss some theoretical issues and contributions, but to compensate, will include data and parameter issues that could nevertheless use some input from trade theorists.2 What is special about services?These days, a trade theorist might say there is surprisingly little that is special about services.Even early papers largely dismissed concerns that the determinants of comparative advantage in services might differ from those in goods (Hindley and Smith 1984,Deardorff 1985). A few papers in the late 1980s examined some of the important characteristics of services, and highlighted the role of factors such as knowledge intensity (eg Markusen 1989, Melvin 1989). These same factors were subsequently central to ‘new trade theory’ treatments of trade in manufactures (eg Grossman and Helpmann 1991).It is now commonplace to treat both manufactures and services as having increasing returns to scale, firm-level product differentiation and Dixit-Stiglitz preferences among firms (eg the survey by Markusen 1995, Markusen, Rutherford and Tarr1999, Brown Deardorff and Stern 2000),1 with only the interpretations sometimes differing about the source of the firm-level product differentiation and the nature of the fixed costs producing the economies of scale. Only the agricultural sector is routinely treated, in theoretical models at least, as being a constant returns to scale, homogeneous product industry. But perhaps this has as much to do with needing a simple mechanism to pin down returns to sect orally mobile factors as it has to do with reality in a world where agricultural policy issues now include genetic engineering, varietals property rights and geographical indications.Brown, Leadoff and Stern (1996) noted that Ethier and Horn (1991) identified one characteristic that seemed to be special about services — many were customized to the needs of individual purchasers. This is one level of product differentiation below that now included in most trade models. Brown, Leadoff and Stern noted that it didnot seem possible to incorporate this property into formal empirical analysis. I am not aware of any subsequent analysis that has included this characteristic explicitly, but it seems to be implicit in the choice of nesting structure of demand for varieties in some more recent models of services trade. This issue is discussed below.3 What is special about services trade?There is one characteristic of services trade policy that is special, and is starting to influence the way that services trade itself is modeled. That characteristic is the formal recognition within the WTO of commercial presence as a method by which services are traded.Foreign direct investment occurs in all sectors. Dee and Hanslow (2001) used Unhand APEC data to estimate that about 20 per cent of world FDI stocks were in the primary sector (agriculture, mining and food processing), with about 40 per cent each in the secondary and tertiary (service) sectors. Using very rough methods to estimate the output being generated from these FDI stocks, they estimated that the world output of outward FDI firms in the primary sector was about 80 per cent as big as the conventional exports of that sector, with comparable proportions being 40 per cent for the secondary sector and 60 per cent in services.If the output of FDI firms is recognized as a method by which goods and services can be traded, then trade by commercial presence is significant in all sectors, even though it is not captured in conventional balance of payments statistics. By the same token, conventional trade is also significant in all sectors.So there is nothing special about trade in services via commercial presence (except perhaps that some services can be traded only via commercial presence).What is special is that, although there has been little progress in achieving multilateral or plurilateral agreement on liberalizing barriers to FDI generally, therehas been progress in setting up a multilateral mechanism to liberalize FDI in-services. That mechanism is the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)under the WTO. The GATS is set up to liberalize trade in services, and it formally recognizes commercial presence, along with three other modes (cross-border trade, consumption abroad, and the movement of natural persons), as a method by which services are traded. Regional Trade Agreements are also increasingly including provisions to liberalize services and FDI.So comprehensive modeling of services trade policy now needs to take into account liberalization of FDI in services as well as liberalization of other modes of services delivery.Theoretical issues in modeling ownership and locationBy happy coincidence, many of the features required to model the location of economic activity were already being built into both analytical and empirical models of services trade via the recognition of increasing returns to scale and firm-level product differentiation. Indeed, some of us who built such features into conventional CGE models that already had international capital mobility and an extensive treatment of tariffs and transport costs were unaware that we were adding’ economic geography’ to our models until Paul Kurgan (1998) told us so!But in models that differentiate the ownership and location of economic activity, number of seemingly innocuous modeling choices can sometimes have alarming effects on model results.Are economies of scale regional?One early choice is whether the economies of scale in services are regional or global. In treatments that assume large group monopolistic competition, where the equilibrium mark-up of price over marginal cost is directly related to the extent ofproduct differentiation, this boils down to the same thing (although Nearly (2001)argues that perhaps it shouldn’t) as whether domestic and foreign firms, although differentiated, are perfect substitutes at the margin. Equivalently, do all firms appearing a single nest in the preference functions, or are there multiple nests with different elasticity’s of substitution at e ach node?译文服务贸易(节选)菲利帕迪依1服务贸易倍受关注的原因为什么服务贸易理论学者和服务贸易政策执行者都十分关注服务贸易的发展?第一,世界GDP的百分之六十是服务贸易产生的(世界银行 2001)。

旅游管理毕业论文外文翻译Exploring Asian Cruise Travelers’ Travel Experience and Perception Sangchoul YiHospitality and T ourism ManagementPurdue UniversityJonathon DayHospitality and T ourism ManagementPurdue UniversityandLiping A. CaiHospitality and T ourism ManagementPurdue UniversityABSTRACTThis study aims to explore Asian cruise travelers’ cruise experience and its multidimensionalperception of cruising as well as the effect of travel ers’ perception on satisfaction and behavioralintention. In order to measure Asian travelers’ multidimensional perceptions, survey items wereadapted from SERVQUAL and SERV-PERV AL. Exploratory factor analysis was performed firstto identify travelers’ multi dimensional perceptions on travel experience. Subsequently, a multipleregression was conducted so that researchers examine how the tourist’ perceptions affecttravelers’ satisfaction and behavioral intention. Statistical results showed that Asian cruisetravelers have two dimensional perceptions and each perception can be named as “perceivedquality” and “perceived value”. The perceived quality has four components. They are “Facility”,“F&B”, “Entertainment”, and “Staff”, and the perceived value consists of three componentsincluding“Emotional response”, “Perceived price”, and “Behavioral price and reputation”.According to the statistical results, travelers’ perceptions on cruise experiencing affect travelsatisfaction and travelers’ behavioral intention.Keywords: Asian cruise tourists, Cruising experience, Perception dimensionality, Perceived quality, Perceived value INTRODUCTIONThe cruise industry has been experiencing dramatic growth in the international tourism sector.According to the Cruise Line International Association (CLIA), its average growth rate is over 8%a year and the number of cruise passengers was 14 million in 2005, which was ten times morethan that in 1980 (Dwyer & Forsyth, 1998; Kwag & Lee, 2009). With dramatic growth of thecruise industry, the market environment is getting competitive and appears to be saturatedbecause of overcapacity (De la Vina& Ford, 2001; Kwortnik, 2006). This is because most of the cruise market is based upon North America and the regional market share accounts for 85% ofthe total cruise market. A strategic effort to occupy the competitive cruise market can berepresented in the number of newly launched cruise ships because a quality stateroom, upscalecruise facilities, and stable room supply are essential for successful business in the cruise travelmarket, and these success factors can be achieved by launching new cruise vessel. For instance,major cruise liners have launched about 100 new cruise ships from 1996 to 2004, trying to attractpotential customers, occupying a growing market share and developing new market segments (Lobo, 2008).Recently, the Asian cruise market has been highlighted as a new emerging market in thecruise industry. Currently, the Asian cruise market has 5% of total cruise market share, but theAsiancruise market has great potential as a new locomotive to sustain the cruise industrybecause a rise in national income in Asian countries can cause a dramatic increase of Asiancruise travelers. In East Asia, Hong Kong is a major hub for an international flight andinternational cruise liners. The city is attracting a number of western cruise travelers to Asiacruise travel, and Hong Kong is also a base for mainland Chinese cruise travelers. The number ofthe cruise travelers from Hong Kong alone 459,000 in 2007, which is more than double thanfrom 201,000 in 2005 (Stanley, 2008). However, the Asian market has been still underdeveloped,and the market needs more investment and marketing research on the Asian market (Kwag &Lee, 2009).LITERATURE REVIEWThe tourism industry is service based industry, and the cruise travel and cruise ship itself canbe viewed as a floating resort and tourism destination. Therefore, service quality issue is one ofmost important topics for cruise marketers because a good service quality and consumer’s satisfaction can guarantee business survival at least in the service industry. Consequently, thehospitality and tourism industry have focused on service qua lity improvement and customers’satisfaction.Service qualityA great deal of service-quality studies have been done in last three decades, and most oftopics have been center around efficient and accurate measurement of servicequality (Ladhari,2008; Martínez Caro &MartínezGarcía, 2008). This is because measuring a service quality is a starting point to research consumers and consumers’ perception on service experience. In theservice industry context, service quality can be viewed as perceived service quality and it can be defined as “ theconsumer’s judgment about an entity’s o verall excellence or superiority”(Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988). Developed measurement instruments are mainly basedon identified consumers’ perception on consumption experience. For example, Parasuraman et al.(1988) conducted the most influential studies on service quality, which was developing theSERVQUAL instrument. The SERVQUAL instrument had had ten perceived dimension, butParasuraman et al. refined SERVQUAL measurement items, achieving five dimensions ofperceived survey quality. The dimensions were labeled as “Tangibles”, “Reliability”,“Responsiveness”, “Assurance”, and “Empathy”. The instrument has become a foundation ofservice quality measurement instruments in various industry setting. One of distinct features isthat the instrument compares b etween consumers’ expectation a nd realized performance ofspecific service. However, this approach has been challenged by some alternative measurementapproaches.Service quality in the hospitality and tourism industryIn the hospitality and tourism industry, the perception of service quality has been widelyresearched and focused because it is imperative for marketers to know how consumers feel aboutservice level in the hospitality and tourism industry. In order to measu re consumers’ satisfaction and a perc eived service quality, the SERVQUAL instrument has been introduced and modified inspecific industry setting (Badri, Abdulla, & Al-Madani, 2005; Engelland, Workman, & Singh,2000; Frochot& Hughes, 2000; Khan, 2003; Knutson, Stevens, Wullaert, Patton, & Yokoyama,1991; Raajpoot, 2002; Stevens, Knutson, & Patton, 1995; Tkaczynski& Stokes, 2010). For example, Knuston et al. (1991) tailored the SERVQUAL into the lodging industry andgeneratedLODGSERV instrument in order to measu re consumers’ expecta tion for service quality in the lodging industry. Khan (2003) examined ecotourists’ the servi ce quality expectation by usingmodified the SERVQUAL instrument, named as ECOSERV. It was found that tourists haveunique a dimension in service quality expectation at each tourism industry setting. Stevens et al.(1995) and Raajpoot (2002) tried to measure consumers’ service quality in the lodging industrysetting by modifying the SERVQUAL instrument. They generated modified versions of theinstrument. DINESERV, which was generated by Stevens et al., was general version of theSERVQUAL in restaurants industry, and TANGSERV, which was proposed by Raajpoot, wasfocused on specific the SERVQUAL dimension, tangible quality.METHODOLOGYA questionnaire was developed based on previous empirical studies andSERV-PERV ALperceived value measurement instrument. The survey instrument consists of mainly four parts,which are perceived quality, perceived value, satisfaction level and behavioral intention, anddemographic variables. This research extended the SERV-PERV AL instrument because theinstrument has just four perceived quality items and they are too general to measure cruise travelers’ perception on cruise experience. Qu (1999) provided cruise travel attribute items,which consists of four dimensions such as “Accommodation”, “Food and Beverage”,“Entertainment”, “Other facility”, and “Staff”. Because the attr ibute items have uniqueness andsimilarity with SERVQUAL instrument at the same time, the attribute items were merged intoSERV-PERV AL instrument.The sample was collected from cruise travelers of a Koreancruise liner. The conveniencesampling was chosen because of time and cost limitations. Two trained interviewers visited amedium sized cruise ship, the Penstar Honey, and distributed questionnaires. Questionnaireswere placed in 200 cruise ship cabins. After respondents completed the survey voluntarily, thequestionnaire were gathered at the reception desk of the cruise ship. A total of 140 questionnaireswere collected between May and June in 2008. Participants were sampled on eight separate 3-day and 4-day voyages with various destinations such as the Korean national marine park, Osakain Japan and Bebu, which is a famous Japanese spa destination. The samples yielded 117 usableobservations.An exploratory factor analysis was first performed so that underlying dimensions of eachconstruct were revealed. Based results of exploratory factor analysis on each construct likeperceived quality and perceived value, four perceived quality dimension were identified andthree perceived value dimensions were obtained. These sub-dimensions of perceived quality andvalue composed overall perceived quality and value construct for cruise travel. SPSS version 18and STATA 10 were used to conduct exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis toexamine the relationship between hypothetical relationships between constructs.RESULTSAccording to the factor analysis results in Table 1, perceived quality has four dimensionsincluding cruise ship facilities, food and bever age service, entertainment, and crew’s service.Perceived value consists of three dimensions such as emotional response, perceived price, andbehavioral price and reputation. Each construct has sub dimensions, which means thatcruisetourists recognize their cruising experience based on four dimensions like facilities, food andbeverage, entertainment, and staff as well as the tourists value their experience by two constructsperceived quality and perceived value.Table 1Exploratory Factor Analysis Results for Perceived Quality of the Cruise ExperienceSub-dimensions of two constructs are measured by multiple survey items. Exploratory factoranalysis provides construct reliability for determining whether survey items are suitable formeasuring the sub dimensions and constructs. Items with factors loading are less than .5 wereeliminated to refine survey measurement items. Mean value of each survey items represent cruisetourism service quality index, and most of the means recorded higher than 5, indicating highquality of cruise service experience. Results can show that cruise tourists are more likely to havepositive cognitive image on cruise experience and cruise ship brand.In Table 2, it was showed that perceived value construct has three dimensions includingemotional response, perceived price, and behavioral price and reputation. Petrick (2004)suggested that the perceived value construct has five dimenstions, which included perceivedquality as a part of the construct. However, in this study, researchers specified perceived qualityas independent part of the construct when the perceived quality was measured because a surveyinstrument was developed to measure service quality more specifically than original SERVPERV AL instrument.CONCLUSIONThis study aims to explore As ian cruise travelers’ cruise experience and its multidimensionalperceptions of cruisingexperience as well as the effect of travele rs’ perceptions on satisfactionand behavioral intention. In order to measure Asian travelers’ multidimensional perceptions,s urvey items were adapted from previous empirical study, the SERVQUAL instruments and theSERV-PERVAL instrument item. An on-board survey was conducted on eight separate 4-daysvoyages of the Far East Asia in 2008. Exploratory factor analysis was performed fi rst to identify travelers’ multidimensional perceptions on travel experience and service quality in cruise travle. Subsequently, a regression analysis was conducted so that researchers examine how the travelers’perception of cruise travel experience affect s tourists’ satisfa ction and behavioral intention.对旅游者旅游体验感知的探索——以亚洲邮轮游客为例Sangchoul Yi,Jonathon Day,Liping A. Cai,酒店与旅游管理专业,美国普渡大学。

文献信息:文献标题:The Effect of International Tourism on the Development of Global Social-Economic Processes(国际旅游对全球社会经济发展的影响)文献作者:Cherkasov I L等文献出处:《Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism》,2017,8(6 (22)):1166-1170.字数统计:英文2560单词,13979字符;中文4047汉字外文文献:The Effect of International Tourism on the Development ofGlobal Social-Economic ProcessesAbstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of international tourism on the development of global social-economic processes. The authors prove that international tourism not only boosts inflows of foreign currency into the country but also ensures employment for the population and helps make rational use of domestic resources. The paper establishes that international tourism has lately been experiencing exceedingly rapid growth and development, second just to the automotive and chemical industries. Right now, the significance of tourism to the development of global social-economic processes is constantly growing, which is due to the influence of tourism on the economy of various nations. The authors conclude that the development of the tourism industry in various regions may also be fraught with certain dangers, like increased strains on the environment due to excessive concentration of production and people in tourism centers, devalued traditions, and declines in the prestige of national cultures as a result of the commercialization of life.Keywords:international tourism; development; globalization; need; service; export; cultureIntroductionTourism as a form of fulfilling people’s need for leisure has had a profound effect on the global community. Revenue from international tourism is currently among the more substantial components of so-called invisible export. The development of tourism relations is a crucial way to improve the situation around the world, strengthen partnership among nations, and foster mutual understanding among people of different cultures. Tourism has become an objective need in modern civilization.International tourism not only boosts inflows of foreign currency into the country but also ensures employment for the population and helps make rational use of domestic resources. It has lately been experiencing exceedingly rapid growth and development, second just to the automotive and chemical industries. This adds extra relevance to investigating international tourism as a crucial phenomenon of today’s society.The basics of the effect of international tourism on the development of global social-economic processes have been examined by scholars K.B. Kostin (Kostin 2016), D.Yu. Rozhkova (Rozhkova 2015), E.N. Trofimov (Trofimov 2011), A.A. Shilnov (Shilnov 2014), O.A. Yastremskaya (Yastremskaya 2014), and others. Notwithstanding the large number of scholarly publications devoted to general and special issues related to international tourism, various aspects of the operation of international markets for tourism services, and issues related to national competitiveness in them, certain theoretical-methodological and applied aspects of optimizing participation in international tourism exchange may need further research.1.MethodsThe methodological basis for this study is a systemic approach, with a set of general scholarly and special economic methods also employed, namely: the historical-logical method of cognition; methods of comparative analysis; methods of structural, functional, and situational analysis; economic-statistical methods (employed in determining the latest trends in the development of the market for tourism services); methods of expert assessment and comparative analysis of existing models; methods of scholarly abstraction, analysis and synthesis, and extrapolation(employed in examining the prospects for the participation of various nations in international tourism exchange and ways to galvanize it).The study’s information base is grounded in various fundamental solutions, information-analytical reviews, research and methodological publications by domestic and foreign specialists, statutory and regulatory sources, and statistical materials from international organizations.The work is focused on the following aspects of tourism: its place in the world economy and the latest laws governing its influence on the development of global social-economic processes; the distinctive characteristics of the global market for tourism services and factors in the transformation of its structure; the effect of large-scale public activities on the development of the tourism industry.2.ResultsUnder today’s conditions, tourism is among the more developed sectors of the world economy and one of the more dynamically developing forms of international trade in services (Ek. Agamirova, El. Agamirova, Lebedeva, Lebedev, and Ilkevich 2017, Jacobs, Horowitz, Mavroudis, Siegel, and Sade 2013). The total volume of foreign currency receipts recorded between 1950 and 2016 has increased 145 times. To be specific, in 1950 the number of tourists globally was 25 million and the industry’s turnover totaled $2.2 billion, while in 2016 these figures exceeded 450 million and $372.8 billion respectively.Today, international tourism is developed the most in Western European countries. The region accounts for over 70% of the world’s tourism market and nearly 60% of all foreign currency receipts. Around 20% is accounted for by America and less than 10% by Asia, Africa, and Australia combined.The biggest suppliers of tourists are the US, Belgium, Denmark, Germany Holland, New Zealand, Sweden, Canada, and England. The biggest recipients of tourists are Australia, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Turkey, Egypt, Portugal, France, and Switzerland.Research indicates that international tourism may develop unevenly not only inparticular regions of the world but within a particular destination as well, which may be due to the degree of development of tourism infrastructure in the area, its remoteness, and other factors.The recent ebullience in the tourism market has had a positive effect on the economy of most nations around the globe, with the financial turnover of the global travel and tourism industry totaling nearly $6.3 trillion in 2016. The sector contributed a total of 10.7% of all revenue to global GDP, the largest share being accounted for by the EU (11.6%), North America (10%), and East Asia (9.7%).Thanks to the interrelationship between tourism and adjacent sectors of the economy, tourism has supported 221.7 million jobs (8.4% of total employment globally). The greatest number of residents employed in the tourism sphere is observed in Southeast Asia (Korea, Japan, and China) – 74,818 thousand people. Southeast Asia is followed by South Asia – 30,796 thousand people. In Europe, the figure is 24,302 thousand people.Receipts from international tourism have totaled around $2 billion per day. In 2016, total expenditure in the industry was $683 billion, which is $48 billion or 3.5% greater than the 2015 figure. If we add to this $132 billion spent by foreign tourists on transportation, we get over $850 billion worth of tourism exports, which is 7% of the world’s total goods and services exports.Most of the receipts to the tourism sector come from the expenditure of tourists who travel for personal reasons – $2,834 billion. In 2016, the way in tourist expenditure was led by the US, Japan, countries within the EU, Canada, and Mexico. The volume of tourist expenditure in Europe increased $21 million in 2016 and totaled $348.In Asia, the observed rate of increase is 51%. The increase in receipts has been brought about by high rates of growth in China and administrative regions – Hong Kong and Macau. Southeast Asia – especially Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Vietnam – is becoming one of the most attractive regions for tourists, its demand outpacing the supply of tourism services.The increase in receipts to the Pacific region has for the most part been broughtabout by tourists’ interest in the arts and everyday life of aborigines. The greatest number of tourists are visiting Australia and Oceania at a time when Europe and North America are experiencing a slump in tourism activity. This may help smooth out seasonal fluctuations in international tourism.Asia and the Pacific region attract tourists with their unique nature, and new industrial nations – with their business tours. Recreational tourism is well-developed in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The Japanese tourism industry is ranked 2nd in the world after that of the US. Hong Kong and Singapore offer shopping tourism services, while Thailand is developing new beaches on the country’s southern coast and organizing informative trips to its northern part.Tourism is well-developed in Australia and New Zealand, Melanesia and Micronesia. What additionally makes tourism lucrative for the Pacific Ocean islands is the relative proximity of the Australian market, and this getaway enjoys a good image with European tourists.In Africa, the current rate of increase is 64.2%. The warm climate, sandy beaches, unique historical and cultural monuments, and exotic flora and fauna of such nations as Kenya, Zambia, Mauritius, Tunisia, and Algeria have been facilitative of increases in the number of tourists visiting the African region. Right now, the most popular destinations in the North are Tunisia, Egypt, and Morocco, and in the East – Kenya, Tanzania, the Seychelles, Mauritania, and Zimbabwe. Some of these specialize in elite coastal tourism and have a world-class hotel industry in place, which helps them generate up to $900 off each tourist. However, overall Africa is lagging behind other regions in international tourism, as many of its nations are poorly developed economically and lack political stability, with the progress of many areas being impeded by military conflicts and epidemic diseases.America is second to Europe in terms of tourism’s contribution to GDP (30.6%). These are South America, Central America, North America, and islands within the Caribbean. The leading role in this region is played by the US and Canada, which have a vast internal tourism market and a highly-developed infrastructure with an extensive network of hotels and a solid transportation industry in place. SouthAmerica’s tourism flows are relatively minor, which is due to political instability and slow economic development. The major types of tourism in the region are coastal tourism, sports tourism, excursion tourism, and business tourism.Revenue from international tourism reaches 15–25% of overall export revenue. A level this high is the consequence of the region being competitive and certain regions actually specializing in tourism, like Canada and islands within the Caribbean.Europe remains the worldwide leader in tourism. In 2016, the rate of increase of its tourism resources totaled 5.3%. Europe leads the world in sanatorium-resort therapy, leisure, and tourism. The European region is home to popular mineral springs, beaches, and alpine areas. A major portion of the region has all the conditions for those interested in leisure and sanatorium-resort therapy.Evidence from practice suggests that international tourism is quite a dynamic phenomenon. Experts are forecasting the tourism sector to grow tangibly over the next 10 years, with annual demand for tourism services expected to increase 4.7% between 2017 and 2025 and the contribution of international tourism to the world economy expected to total $10.8 trillion in 2025.The production of tourism services is expected to have an annual growth of 3.6%, with the number of those employed in the tourism sector expected to increase 1.5%. Annual growth in tourist arrivals will total 5.8%, with growth in capital investment expected to reach 4.9% and total $1.7 trillion by 2025. The number of jobs in sectors adjacent to tourism is expected to reach 275 million by 2025.The way in terms of the number of those employed in the sector will be led by China (78.6 million people), followed by India (26.1 million) and the US (19.3 million). Tourist expenditure is expected to increase over the next 10 years. For instance, the expenditure of American tourists both inside and outside the country is expected to nearly double. And in terms of increase in this indicator it is, above all, the developing nations of Asia that are expected to be among the top 10 nations globally.Tourist expenditure will increase the fastest in China. Among European nations, the top 10 will include a couple of Eastern European nations – Poland, whose averageannual growth in tourism expenditure will total 8.3%, and the Czech Republic – 7.7%.According to the authors’ forecast, one should expect increases in the market share of international tourism through to 2030 in all regions of the world except Europe and America (Table 1).Table 1. Forecast for the development of international tourism across regions around theworld (million people)The average rates of growth will be the highest in the Middle East and East Asia and Oceania (7.2% and 6.4% respectively), while the lowest ones will be observed in America (3.8%).3.DiscussionThe reliability of the above approaches to assessing the effect of international tourism on the development of global social-economic processes has been substantiated by the study’s findings. Europeans will have to withstand tough competition for revenue from tourism, which will require that the European tourism industry boost the quality of services it provides (Dzhilavyan and Varyukhin 2012, Kuzakhmetova, Sitdikova, and Shilovskaya 2016, Urbanovich 2012).Expenditure on all types of travel – and, above all, on transportation – will increase faster than other family budget items. Trips will be more frequent but shorter, as expenditure on a single trip will reduce. On the whole, expenditure on travel will increase due to the inclination to consume higher-quality leisure.The number of trips will be increasing thanks to intercontinental trips from Europe to America, Asia, and Oceania. The use of airborne transportation will be expanding faster due to increases in the number of convenient direct flights.Considering the increasingly active implementation of computer systems, the waiting times for booking a trip will also be reducing.The following 2 age groups are expected to be represented by the most active tourists: senior citizens and youth. We will continue to witness growth in demand for tourism related to visits to major cultural heritage sites and active leisure. The condition of the environment will be one of the dominant factors in attracting tourists, especially in rural and seaside areas.The geography of international tourism will be determined by specific factors in the attractiveness of particular regions that will be a priority for tourists. Going forward, nature potential will remain the major source of satisfaction of tourist needs.International tourism will continue to boom, with South and Southeast Asia expected to be among the most popular regions to visit. There will be gravitation toward intact nature, which is naturally associated with the concept of beauty, and in this regard we are going to witness further development of, above all, the environmental tourism sector.ConclusionTo sum up, it is worth noting that the significance of tourism around the world is constantly growing. This is due to the influence of tourism on a nation’s economy: tourism boosts the contribution to its balance of payments, ensures employment for the population, facilitates the diversification of the economy, and helps ensure a more rational use of recreation resources. Having said that, the development of the tourism industry is also fraught with certain risks, like outflows of currency overseas, environmental and technogenic dangers, and loss of cultural values.Under today’s conditions, tourism is among the more developed sectors of the world economy and one of the more dynamically developing forms of international trade in services. Today, international tourism is developed the most in Western European countries. Going forward, some of the major trends in the development of tourism will be boosts in the quality of the tourism product, increased tourist expenditure on travel, and the development of non-traditional types of tourism.中文译文:国际旅游对全球社会经济发展的影响摘要本文的目的是分析国际旅游对全球社会经济发展的影响。

文献出处: Hill, John. A new perspective of tourism product development: The Case of South Korea [J]. The Journal of International Travel, 2014, 35(3): 125-141.(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。
)原文A new perspective of tourism product development: The Case of South KoreaHill, JohnAbstractAs the tourism consumption rising demand for personalized, tourism consumer’s independent participation consciousness enhancement. Tourism product development to meet the growing demand for personalized, tourists pay attention to the experience of tourists is crucial. The development of modern society and the change of consumption concept, tourism are more likely to experience the real life experience, enhance feelings of self-realization. The authenticity of the tourist experience is the cultural meaning of tourism activities.In the study of tourism experience, authenticity is one of the core issues. The study of experience of tourism authenticity, not only has theoretical significance of cultural studies, and has a guiding significance to tourism development. In recent years, tourism research in the field of authenticity as the academic concern increasingly, especially in terms of tourism culture, from the perspective of tourism experience less research of the tourism product development research.Key words: authenticity; Experience; Tourists; Tourism product development1 Tourism product development processContrast the status of the previous South Korean tourism product development, be helpful for us in the tourism product development in the era of experience economy into more targeted experience elements, enhancing the market value of tourism products. In South Korea tourism product of the market by the buyer to the seller's market, selling changes - the three stages of buyer's market.1.1 The first stageThe characteristics of this stage is give play to the resource advantage of primarycharacteristics of supply oriented seller's market, is also the number of tourist product innovation stage of development, especially the number of tourist spots. Before 1987, nearly 70% of tourists tourists travel purpose is, arguably, the history of South Korea tourism is in accordance with the history of tourism products. This one phase, the south Korean tourism under the policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating, started from the past political reception, cultural exchange is given priority to, to give priority to with business services, earning foreign exchange of economic business, the tourism market is basically a seller's market, tourism product innovation basic work mainly focused on giving full play to the advantages of resources, expand the number of tourist spots. South Korea tourism products in this period is given priority to with primary resources, variety single, the structure is not complete, rely mainly on the increase of the number of the tourist attractions and tourism facilities to meet the needs of tourists. Traditional on the basis of the resources of tourism products is very rich, South Korea tourism product development based on tourism as the breakthrough point, to Korean culture as the main body of the purpose of the rapid development of market monopoly to South Korea tourism products play an important role1.2 The second stageThis stage is the continuing development of tourism at the same time, begin to pay close attention to the special tourism products and the development of special tourism products. After the first phase of development, a south Korean tourist product and have been able to put into the market on a large scale, but the same time the world tourism market consumption trend towards, pure purpose of products in the market space gradually narrowing, real special tourism and special tourism products, tourism market a major Asian tourism at the same time adjustment, declining proportion of intercontinental travelers, tourists from close range scale expands rapidly. Close the popularity of the tourist not only expand the market space, deduce the specific tourist motives more diversification and the diversification of tourism way. Participatory, entertaining and distinct personality constitutes a new market focus for the integration of new products and development trend. In 1987, the national tourism administrationproposed change single do line situation, special tourism and special tourism development, the development of the individual and family travel, form a pattern of diversification of products. Since the early 1990 s, South Korea tourism departments and enterprises pay attention to the use of South Korean tourist resources type, features colorful compose various types of tourism product development. Since 1992, a year to determine the different theme, with focus on the promotion of different types of tourism products. Holiday products to drive the rise of the special tourism development and construction, prompted South Korea tourism products to form sightseeing, holiday and special pattern of the three pillars of tourism products. (2) This reflect a shift from a seller's market to a buyer's market, on the other hand shows that South Korea tourism market consciousness and competition consciousness gradually enhanced. Tourism product development by relying on resources to expand the number of tourist spots, also gradually transformed into construction with emphasis and plan a batch of tourist routes, tourist route construction to stimulate the development of tourist spots and the depth of the tourism resources development. At this stage, a buyer's market trend of tourism product makes tourism products in every link more closely contact with the market demand, tourism product diversification and specialization trend gradually formed, and pay attention to hardware product quality and improve the quality of our services, in order to improve the economic benefits of the tourism industry as a whole.1.3 The third stageThis stage is a buyer's market stage of development. Concept of market competition, tourism enterprises and tourism managers to research the demand of tourists, to design a marketable product. Is a comprehensive very strong products, tourism products require breakthrough construction of tourist route in the past, become a including tourism destination image construction, the coordination with economic and social development of tourism, tourists, local residents and tourism practitioners, the tourist ecological social environment coordinated coexistence, every aspect of system engineering. Along with the development of regional tourism, tourist activities on the near distance and developed, and the supply of tourist activitiescharacteristics change requirements change along the traveling route line of original model, and into the travel purpose ground roll out, to tourism destination as a unit of overall construction, coordination and optimization of the tourist products, the tourists in the tourist destination can fully meet the demand of various substances spirit. This prompted the tourism product marketing gimmick diversification, into service and experience factors in the product, meet the demand of tourist’s mental stage.2 Two problems existing in the tourism product experience2.1 Type single tourism product experiencePine with Gilmore put forward to make people feel is one of the most abundant experience include entertainment, education, and escape from reality, aesthetics four types of experience, the experience type is rich, experience the better the results. South Korea now experience of tourism products is given priority to with the purpose, more dominant aesthetic experience, only to mobilize the visual sense in experience, experience type single make profound cultural connotation of tourism products difficult to explicit, and for some cultural relics of ornamental also need certain professional background knowledge, aesthetics and education experience very snorkeling, tourists to tourism products stay in watching, buildings, monuments and so on the surface of the scenic spot tourism experience content, the lack of deep, various types of tourism experience.2.2 Travel experience the same contentNo patents, tourism products have the features of easy to imitate. Traditional Korean tourism product innovation is insufficient, the phenomenon of redundant construction is more common. South Korea tourism product regardless of from the type and quantity is very rich, but in actual travel, content is similar, resource characteristics have not been able to come out of the full performance. At the same time, the design of tourism projects lack of features, the experience of the same content makes visitors feel familiar, it is difficult to obtain the unforgettable travel experience, tourism products lack of professional travel experience design. And experience respectively the core elements of tourism is the tourism product experience provided by the object with the tourists everyday life, the difference of the differenceis larger, the more can stimulate the tourists travel desire, also has development value. The present tourism products lack of diversity development, it is difficult to meet the demand of tourist’s experience.Experience respectively the development of tourism products in South Korea is still in the theory of infancy, domestic academia for its research is limited, although scholars have carried on the preliminary study on tourism experience, is only for one tourism product shallow levels of discussion. Due to the development of the theory of experience economy in South Korea at an early stage, there was lack of experience on tourism products design experience respectively.2.3 Tourism experience of participationTraditional Korean tourism product development mode is a resource - oriented, the dependence on resources to product development. For most of the tourism products, or directly to the original resources as the project, make tourists can experience the resources of ecological and historical value, the development depth is not enough, not characteristics. At the same time, need few tourists involved to complete the project, the development of tourism products to stay on the surface of experience, and the resource itself very little contact with the local population. Product development lack of innovation, imitation, following severe, similar products, to the use of resources at the simple extensive stage, can't meet the personalized needs of unusual experience for visitors3 The tourists and the development of tourism productsFor different types of tourism products, the authenticity of tourists demand is different. Here we combine clement chug in the authenticity of the tourism experience rule and the scenic area management problem "as a law in this paper, we summed up experience of tourism authenticity. Author put all the scenic spot is classified into humanities scenic spot and the natural scenic area, and puts forward the concept of the original true scenic area, it refers to those who have experienced a certain time of the historical and cultural precipitation, less interference or destruction of the scenic spot.For with a history of ontology in the sense of real estate field and reflect real life custom tourism destination specific landmark tourism cultural products, namely theoriginal true strong tourism products, such as historical and cultural heritage, cultural relics sites, from the objective, they are real, for these scenic area, the main task of management is to protect the good humanities and natural environment, the less artificial interference, to give visitors experience the real; At the same time in the cultural objective authenticity intact at the same time, should pay attention to environment, and guide the design of the artificial factors such as service. To reflect the cultural activities held at the destination, such as some real folk music, dance, and some onto the stage of festival celebration activities, can understand from the perspective of structuralism real authenticity. Authenticity of experience can be increased by operating organization, Pierce (1986) argues that authenticity can be achieved by the experience of the physical environment, social interaction, and based on the experience of people get, theatrical real also can let visitors get high quality tourism experience. At the same time, the enthusiasm of the community residents to participate in is also very important.England's rural tourism is, through the method of "reproduction history", through the participation of visitors and the community residents to improve interaction effect of the authenticity of the experience. Held in destination for the destination of the cultural activities outside of products (such as theme parks) the authenticity of the experience, can be interpreted from the perspective of existentialism real, tourist experience has nothing to do with the object of tourism, tourist experience has intensified, intoxicated, feel the real self. Experience of this kind of tourism products is short, need to inspire visitor’s experience, objective existence not true to the real experience, and constantly to update the tourism products, tourism products to achieve sustained development.译文旅游产品开发的新视角:以韩国为例作者:希尔·约翰斯摘要随着旅游消费个性化需求的上升,旅游消费者自主参与意识增强。

旅游服务贸易的比较优势外文翻译外文翻译原文The comparative advantages of trade in tourism servicesMaterial Source:World Tourism EconomyAuthor:David JamesThe thought of comparative advantage was mentioned earliest in The Wealth of Nation of Adan Smith, then David Ricardo came out the theory of Comparative Advantage. By the research of Eli F Heckscher and Bertil Ohilin, factor was added into the theory and the theory of comparative advantage was further perfected. With the development of international trade, people found that something happening in international trade could not be explained by the theory of comparative advantage. So, Michael Porter came out the theory of comparative advantage of nations and constructed competitive advantage of nations and constructed comparative perfect theory system.International service trade came forth later in international trade, but with the share of it becoming bigger and bigger, all the countries attached more importance to service trade. So, service trade was brought into multilateral trade system of GATT. The tourism trade shared a large portion in the service trade, and brought forth a moreconcern of every government.With opening up of China’ tourism market, the tourism service trade face opportunities and challenges never met before. This thesis was separated into four parts. The first partintroduce China’ tourism service trade and analyze the importance to china’ trade. Classic Comparative Advantage Theory and Competitive Advantage Theory were discussed in chapter twoIn chapter three, these two theories were used to analyze actuality of China tourism trade. In chapter four, some countries’ good measure were discussed, and relevant measures were brought forward to improve the competitive adva ntage of China’ tourism service trade in the world.The service trade is the most rapidly developing area in the international trade domain. In the recent several decades, the volume growth of service trade in western developed country has gone far beyond the growth of the goods trade. As the most important component in the service trade, and as one of a few key industries which have international competitive advantages after China enters WTO, the tourism industry obtains the widespread attention. Tourism in our country has already obtained huge achievement during the 30 years of reform and open. But it is an unavoidable question to promote international competitiveness of China's tourism for China transforming from the traveling great nation to the traveling powerful one. This paper utilizes the theory ofindustrial international competitiveness in tourism and does a research on the problem of international competitiveness of tourism in our country. And by illustrating the current developing situation of tourism in China, the author uses Mr. Porter's "state Diamond" model to analyze the existing key factors which could significantly affect our international competitiveness of tourism. Furthermore, this paper sets up an index system basing on the tourism service data of import and export, which is composed of three indices such as International Market Occupancy Factor, Trade Competitive Power Index, Revealed Comparative Advantage Index, makes a worldwide comparative analysis of our tourism competitiveness. World tourism resources and the tourism industry are the external environment of China's tourism, and have the most significant impact to China's tourism. So in the four part of this thesis, the paper introduces some development patterns in the world, analyzes three countries' tourism and gets some new ideas on how to develop China's tourism services. Finally, bases on the conclusion made by the certain analysis and practical evaluation, the author provides some useful suggestions for promoting China's tourism competitiveness from the tourism product structure, regional structure of the tourism industry and so on.The tourism is one of the biggest and develops quickest service industries in the world. and is regard as “the forever sunrise industry”. On Ju ly 21, 2005, Peoples Bank of China announced our countrystarts to implement take the market supply and demand as a foundation, refers to a basket currency to carry on the adjustment, to have the management floating exchange rate system. From now on, the price of Renminbi was increased , and brought the profound influence for our country’s tourism. Under the Renminbi revaluation background, how big of the traveling service trade’s competitive in the international market; how to became a powerful traveling nation in the world; pay more attention to the competitive while make a strategy of traveling developmental and use the theries conduct t the practice are the main viewpoints in this article This article utilizes the domestic and foreign traveling competitive power theory in the traveling service trade domain, research the competitive power of our country’s traveling service trade international under the background of Renmibirevaluation. First, this article to the domestic and foreign traveling international competitive power theory which has carried on the elab omtion with to organize, discusses the suitable in the traveling service trade domain, has emphatically introduced the baud conpetitiv -e advantage theory。

以下是关于旅游的外文文献:1. 'Tourism and Sustainable Development' by David B. Weaver (2002)这篇文章探讨了旅游业对可持续发展的影响和贡献。
2. 'Tourism and Economic Development' by Richard Sharpley (2014)这篇文章探讨了旅游业对经济发展的影响,以及旅游业如何成为促进经济发展的工具。
3. 'Tourism and Culture' by Kaye Sung Chon and Turgut Var (2012)这篇文章探讨了旅游业与文化之间的联系。
4. 'Tourism and Climate Change' by Daniel Scott and C. Michael Hall (2011)这篇文章探讨了旅游业对气候变化的影响和贡献,以及旅游业如何应对气候变化。
5. 'Tourism and Technology' by Dimitrios Buhalis and Adele Ladkin (2015)这篇文章探讨了旅游业与技术之间的联系。

毕业设计(论文)英文资料译文英文题目:The analysis of the balanced development problem of China Tourism service trade中文题目:中国旅游服务贸易均衡发展问题研究专业:国贸1101班学生姓名:倪志刚学号:111001107指导教师:邱爱莲时间:2015年3月20日The analysis of the balanced developmentproblem of China Tourism service tradeLu Xiao-jin , Hu Hui-minGuilin institute of tourismAbstractUnder the situation of trade deficit of tourism trade in service, the scale of the deficit and the lost of national foreign currency exchange are increasing in direct proportion in China. It is a pseudo-proposition that balances China’s international payment via the deficit in the trade of travel services. Nowadays, China is at a crucial period of transformation and upgrade in foreign trade structure.Tour-ism service trade meets the goal of the structure upgrade. At the present stage, china should insist the balanced development of tourism service trade.Key words: tourism service; trade deficit; balance development Tourism service trade is one of the pillar industries in china’s service trade. According to “the tourism competitive report”released by the World Economic Forum in 2011, China’s natural resources is ranked fifth place in the world. China had kept the situation that imports of tourism exceeded exports of tourism until 2009. Tourism service trade began to appear deficit since China’s economic policy emphasized the role in boosting domestic demand. The size of deficit reached $24.1 billion, which accounts for 20% of the tourism service trade. Therefore, the imports and exports of tourism are in an unbalance state. According to “the annual report of china outbound tourism development 2012”released by the China national tourism administration, the deficit will expand to $33 billion. The tourism service trade is facing the trend of rapid growth year by year. This phenomenon did not attract government enough attention. The author thinks that the rapid expansion of the deficit in the trade of travel services should cause our high vigilance.1. The national exchange cost in the situation of the deficit in the trade of travel servicesAt present, China’s exports of tourism grow slowly. The scale of tourism services trade mainly relies on the growth of the imports of tourism. According to the author’s analysis, there are system deficiencies which exist in China’s cur-rent foreign trade policies. The deficit in the trade of travel services will cause the loss of national interests, and generate the diseconomies consequences of scale of tourism services trade.Analyzing the situation of China’s international balance of payment, we can find that China has deficit in the service trade and surplus in capital project. However, the international fund holders will take money out from China ultimately. At the same time, “hot money”flows into China. Ultimately, the international speculator will withdraw more and more foreign currency as appreciation of the RMB. The deficit in the trade of travel services will cause the shortage of foreign exchange. The shortage of foreign exchange will be supplemented via the surplus in goods trade. In goods trade, industry International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBIT 2013)© 2013. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press products account for 90% of total export. These exporters will get export-tax refund from China after the industry products have been exported to other countries. China buys the foreign exchange from the exporters. Therefore, the actual cost is higher than the exchange rate quoted by the State General Administration of Exchange Control of the People's Republic of China.We assume that the exchange rate is RMB6.25/USD, and the exporter’s cost of foreign exchange is RMB6.20 per U.S. dollar. At present, the export-tax rebate rate of ordinary industrial products is 13%. According to the export-tax rebate rate, the computational formula of tax refund is: Tax refund = 6.2÷1.17×13%= 0.69(RMB)After receiving the payment, exporters will sell the foreign currency to state according to the foreign exchange rate. China buys US dollars from exporters according to the foreign exchange rate of 6.25 Yuan per U.S.dollar. On the other hand, China pays export -tax refund to exporters as well. Therefore, China actually spends RMB 6.94 to buy one US dollar. Outbound tourist buys US dollars from bank of China according to the foreign exchange rate of 6.25 Yuan per US dollar. If the deficit appeared in tourism service trade, the deficit would be supplemented via the surplus in goods trade. When outbound tourist buys one US dollar from China, China will suffer a loss of 0.69 Yuan. In other words, outbound tourists can obtain 0.69 Yuan subsidies when they buy one dollar form China.Shown in Figure 1, if the deficit in the trade of travel services partly gets foreign exchange from trade surplus in goods, China’s actual cost of the purchase of U.S. dollars (6.94 Yuan / dollar) is higher than the national price of the sell in dollars (6.25 Yuan /dollar). The gap between China’s actual cost of purchase of US dollar and the national price of selling US dollar is equal to the national tax subsidies which are given to goods exporter. Therefore, it creates loss (shown in the shaded part). The deficit in the trade of travel services and the lost of national foreign currency exchange are increasing in direct proportion. In other words, the country would generate exchange loss when tourism service trade began to appear deficit. In fact, the loss is a kind of subsidy to outbound tourist. And this state subsidy is targeted subsidy which is only obtained by outbound tourist. Most of the residents will lose the chance to obtain the subsidy as they haven’t economic capacity to pay for expenses of outbound travel. The larger the deficit in the trade of travel services, the more wealth will be transferred to the outbound tourists. In the year of 2011, the deficit in the trade of travel services was $ 24.1 billion. According to the state exchange losses, china formatted the exchange loss of 16.6 billion Yuan. In other words, state subsidies given to outbound tourists had reached 16.6 billion Yuan. As most of outbound tourists are social high-income peoples,they have strong consumption ability. The tendency of outbound tourism is further strengthen under the policy of nationalforeign trade (because they can buy US dollar in lower price). And with the growth of China's per capital GDP, the potential demand of outbound tourism is expanding. The consumption of out-bound tourism are expected to increase. In addition, outbound tourists shopping abroad can also enjoy duty-free shopping policy. Therefore, China's outbound tourists can enjoy double subsidies. The double subsidies became the catalyst for China's upsurge of out-bound tourism (outbound tourists receive government subsidies by purchasing foreign exchange in china, and enjoy foreign duty-free shopping policy at overseas.On the other hand, the China’s tourism companies which operated the business of inbound tourism sold their foreign ex-change earnings from international tourism in accordance with the state official foreign exchange rate, and did not get the country's export- tax rebates. These companies settled accounts with overseas travel agency by using US dollar.Therefore, the tourism companies’ policy cost is 11% higher than the policy cost of goods trade. Foreign tourists can only enjoy the duty-free shopping policy when they shop in Hainan. Therefore, foreign tourists’ shopping enthusiasm in China was severely inhibited. That’s one of the reasons why the average spend of inbound tourist is not high.According to the China's current foreign trade policy, the imports of tourism service can obtain potential subsidies from China but the exports of tourism service can’t. Therefore, this is an asymmetric system arrangement. It becomes the important reason that outbound tourism is increasing in high speed and the inbound tourism has become stagnant. This is a system defects. If the foreign trade’s system defects wouldn’t be corrected, the imbalance of trade in tourism service will become more and more serious.2. It is a pseudo-proposition that balances the international payment via deficit of trade in tourism service According to an academic viewpoint, the balance of the international payments via deficit in the trade of travelservices which can help to reduce trade friction, slow the pressure of RMB appreciation, and create a favorable external environment for China’s foreign trade. In response to the downturn of the international market since the international financial crisis, China has taken the way of stimulating domestic demand as the main means of economic growth. Therefore, the role of foreign trade in boosting the economy is beginning to weaken. And the existence of large number of goods trade surplus, country has misgiving about encouraging the exports of tourism. Therefore, the inbound tourism has the trend of being marginalized. The rapid expansion of the deficit in the trade of travel services seems to be practicing the statement “the balance of goods trade surplus via the deficit in the trade of travel services”.2.1 The practice of balancing the international payment via deficit in the trade of travel services does not coincide with scientific development viewChina’s surplus in goods trade is created because China is at the low end of the industrial chain, and has a lot of processing trade. China’s surplus in goods trade is also the results of the multinational company’s industrial transfer, production internationalization and the value chain control. It is China's position arrangement of economic globalization. We should suit the remedy to the case, and get rid of the vassal arrangement of our country’s trade structure via the western developed countries. We should take the strategy of industrial structure advancement and upgrade the industrial structure from secondary industry to tertiary industry gradually. We should gradually realize the industry chain transfer from low-end to high-end in the international division of labor, develop general trade and reduce the proportion of processing trade. And the practice of reducing the trade surplus in goods via deficit in the trade of travel services is to use the low value- added export products to substitute the high value-added export products. It is to use low-end trade industrialstructure to alternate high-end trade industrial structure and use low efficiency to alternate high efficiency. This practice would work against the strategy of industrial structure advancement and run counter to the development rules of market economy and the country's long-term interests.Therefore,it is a pseudo-proposition that China balances the international payment via the trade deficit of tourism trade in service.2.2 The external environment can’t be improved via deficit in the trade of travel servicesIn international trade, competitors often protect their own interests by using the trick of international trade friction when their own interests are threatened. In order to obtain more interests, the developed countries use international trade friction to delay the backward countries’ economy development and keep its leading position in the world. So long as there are places for competition, the conflict of interest exists. Therefore, there will be trade friction. The trade friction between the countries is the normality of the international market competition and is not able to be solved simply by addition and subtraction on the balance of payment.We should use the international trade rules to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests. We should continue to enhance the international influence, take an active part in instituting international trade rules, resolve trade frictions through the market mechanism and the win-win principle, and reduce external costs. The way of giving up own interests, damaging national economy and making compromise that does nothing to solve the trade friction problems. In fact, the beneficiaries of tourism service trade are the exporting countries’ tourism industry. In situations in which the country has the deficit in goods trade, the industries where exist inverse production have no direct access to get subsidies and get little benefits from the surplus of tourism service trade. These enterprises’ demands haven’t been met. So they will still ask their government to put pressure to their competitors that do harm to theirinterests. The international trade friction will not be avoided. Therefore, we can’t reduce the trade fiction and obtain a favorable international economic environment by utilizing the deficit in the trade of travel services to reduce the surplus in goods trade. That won't do us any good though.The practice of improving the external environment of foreign trade via deficit in the trade of travel services is futile. China's deficit in the trade of travel services in 2011 has reached $ 24.1 billion. In the first half of 2012, China's outbound tourism grew 19% of total, while inbound tourism declined year on year. The scale of deficit in the trade of travel services will be further expanded and it is unable to be reversed. "China's Foreign Trade Situation Report (Fall 2012)" issued by Ministry of Commerce shows that the number of trade remedy investigations against China's export products is 55, an increase of 38%, in the first three quarters of 2012. The amount of money involved is increased nearly eight times than before. The situation of trade friction is becoming more serious. At the same time, the pressure of RMB appreciation still remains. In Nov.2012, the renminbi's spot exchange rate did not hit a daily limit only in the day of 16 and 21. The rest of 20 trading says, the renminbi's spot ex-change rate had ever reached the daily limit position. China has imported great amount of tourism service trade. But there is no sign of improvement in the external environment of China's foreign trade. In Sep. 1987, Japan launched a “Ten Million Programme” to double out-bound tourist departures from 5 million to 10 million between 1986 and 1991. At that time, Japan’s industrial structure was in the world's advanced level as Japan had become an economic power. Japan’s outbound tourism was become a mass consumption. Japan tried to expand out-bound tourism scale and quell international economic disputes through using the deficit in the trade of travel services to balance the international balance of payments. The practice was not only failed to prevent the appreciation of Japanese yen, but also usheredeconomic stagnation in a long-term. Japan is still difficult to get rid of the predicament. As the result, we can find that it is unrealistic to ease trade friction via the deficit in the trade of travel services. 3.The Chinese benefit of the balanced development of import and export trade in tourism services3.1 The balanced development of imports and exports trade in tourism services will be conducive to the sustainable development of tourism industry.Inbound tourism can earn foreign exchange for the country, generate revenue, bring the employment opportunities and enhance the quality of tourism products. Inbound tourism can also promote the development of related industries, promote the growth of national income, and lay the economic foundation for citizens outbound travel. The outbound tourism can provide people with the exotic tourism product, broaden people's horizons, enhance people’s quality life, bring a spirit of joy for people,and promote economic and cultural exchanges with countries around the world. The rapid development of outbound tourism without he support of inbound tourism, will result in the loss of social wealth cause the blood loss multiplier effect on our economy, damage China's economic development, and ultimately affect the continuing development of the tourism service trade. Some scholars argue that the multinational operation of tourism enterprises can reduce the loss of wealth. But only several China's tourism enterprises have the multinational operation ability. Tourism industry is labor-intensive and resource-dependent industry. If a country with tourism resources kept the monopoly on the tourism resources, multinational tourism enterprises would have difficulty to transfer wealth to their home country. So, the reduction of the wealth loss via multinational operation is really been just a theoretical thing until now. Therefore, the balanced development of imports and exports trade in tourism services will be conducive to the sustainable development of tourism industry.3.2 The balanced development of import and export trade in tourism services will be conducive to the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade China is now in the key period of fast economy development. With the development of the national economy and the growth of people's income, the original mode for growth—depending on low labor costs to exchange for economic growth—may not work much longer. As China is losing the advantage of demo-graphic dividend gradually, labor costs in China are rising. The overall economy has entered into a stage of the increase in the cost of essential factors of production. Since 1996, the processing trade has occupied the half of China's foreign trade. However, China's labor cost advantage is losing gradually. In order to achieve maximum benefit, multinational companies are gradually transferring the labor-intensive industries to the countries with lower labor costs. China should accelerate structural readjustment, industrial restructuring and upgrading. Tourism industry is a strategic industry which is able to drive the development of national economy, push the upgrading of the industrial structure, provide more employment opportunities and bring social benefits.Therefore, China should take the improvement of the competitiveness of tourist service trade as the cut-in point to achieve a balanced development of inbound and outbound tourism, expand the scale of tourism service trade, and improve the place of tourism service trade in China's foreign trade structure.3.3 The balanced development of import and export trade in tourism services will be conducive to making China be the tour powerful nation Tourism industry is the labor-intensive industries which highly dependents on resources. But tourism industry’s dependence on technology is relatively low. Compared with other service industries with high technology dependence, china has a comparative advantage of tourism resources and labor cost. Therefore, China has greater chance to be thetour powerful nation because the object of making China be the tour powerful nation required a relatively low cost and difficulty. Comparing with competitors, China’ tourism companies have a great gap in brands, channels, marketing, management models and business philosophy. In order to enhance the international competitiveness in the travel services industry, China’s tourism companies should spend a lot of money on products’ research and development, the construction of the international market brands, channel development and the cultivation of high-end international market. As tourism service industry requires finance investment, the huge loss of social capital caused by the rapid expansion of tourism service trade deficit is a great waste of resource. The outbound tourism could be seen as the fashion trend of the pursuit of high-quality life by high-income people This might lead to the formation of concept that national tourism products are the low-end products. This concept is not conducive to the construction of China's tourism brand and tourism industry's health and long-term development. In fact, the potential huge outbound tourism market in China is also a kind of strategic resources. We can take the cooperation approach that we use outbound tourism market to exchange inbound tourism market. The cooperation approach can help us to achieve a simultaneous growth of inbound and outbound tourism, expand the scale of tourism services trade, and achieve the object of making China be the tour powerful nation.4.SummaryIn conclusion, the deficit in the trade of travel services is not in China's economic interests.China should strive to reverse the development trend of the deficit in the trade of travel services, take various measures to guide tourism service trade to the balanced development. Firstly, China should reform its foreign trade system, overcome the system defects of the inhibition of tourism services exports and encouraging imports, make policies to encourage tourism services exports, make export rebates policy for tourismservices trade and promote policies of foreign tourists shopping departure tax rebate as soon as possible. Secondly, China’s long-distant outbound tourism is a kind of luxury consumption according to China's current consumption level and stage of economic development. We can levy upon the similar imported luxury goods’ consumption tax to China’s long-distant outbound tourism. This approach can inhibit irrational consumption of outbound tourism. On the other hand, we can use the tax revenue to develop the inbound tourism products and market. We should improve the international competitiveness of inbound tourism, raise development money for the expansion of the size of the exports of tourism services, further reinforce the basis for the development of inbound tourism and promote coordinated and balanced development of import and export trade in tourism services.In addition, we should give full play to the strategic role of China's outbound tourism market and take the cooperation approach that we use outbound tourism market to exchange inbound tourism market in foreign economic cooperation.The cooperation approach can help us to achieve win-win situation in foreign economic cooperation, and promote the balanced development of the import and export trade of China's tourism services.文章一:来源 International Conference on Information ,Business and Education Technology(ICIBIT 2013)中国旅游服务贸易均衡发展问题研究路小金,胡惠民桂林旅游高等专科学校摘要在服务旅游行业的贸易逆差的情况下,赤字的规模和国家外汇兑换的损失在中国不断成正比例增加。

文献信息:文献标题:The Effect of International Tourism on the Development of Global Social-Economic Processes(国际旅游对全球社会经济发展的影响)文献作者:Cherkasov I L等文献出处:《Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism》,2017,8(6 (22)):1166-1170.字数统计:英文2560单词,13979字符;中文4047汉字外文文献:The Effect of International Tourism on the Development ofGlobal Social-Economic ProcessesAbstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of international tourism on the development of global social-economic processes. The authors prove that international tourism not only boosts inflows of foreign currency into the country but also ensures employment for the population and helps make rational use of domestic resources. The paper establishes that international tourism has lately been experiencing exceedingly rapid growth and development, second just to the automotive and chemical industries. Right now, the significance of tourism to the development of global social-economic processes is constantly growing, which is due to the influence of tourism on the economy of various nations. The authors conclude that the development of the tourism industry in various regions may also be fraught with certain dangers, like increased strains on the environment due to excessive concentration of production and people in tourism centers, devalued traditions, and declines in the prestige of national cultures as a result of the commercialization of life.Keywords:international tourism; development; globalization; need; service; export; cultureIntroductionTourism as a form of fulfilling people’s need for leisure has had a profound effect on the global community. Revenue from international tourism is currently among the more substantial components of so-called invisible export. The development of tourism relations is a crucial way to improve the situation around the world, strengthen partnership among nations, and foster mutual understanding among people of different cultures. Tourism has become an objective need in modern civilization.International tourism not only boosts inflows of foreign currency into the country but also ensures employment for the population and helps make rational use of domestic resources. It has lately been experiencing exceedingly rapid growth and development, second just to the automotive and chemical industries. This adds extra relevance to investigating international tourism as a crucial phenomenon of today’s society.The basics of the effect of international tourism on the development of global social-economic processes have been examined by scholars K.B. Kostin (Kostin 2016), D.Yu. Rozhkova (Rozhkova 2015), E.N. Trofimov (Trofimov 2011), A.A. Shilnov (Shilnov 2014), O.A. Yastremskaya (Yastremskaya 2014), and others. Notwithstanding the large number of scholarly publications devoted to general and special issues related to international tourism, various aspects of the operation of international markets for tourism services, and issues related to national competitiveness in them, certain theoretical-methodological and applied aspects of optimizing participation in international tourism exchange may need further research.1.MethodsThe methodological basis for this study is a systemic approach, with a set of general scholarly and special economic methods also employed, namely: the historical-logical method of cognition; methods of comparative analysis; methods of structural, functional, and situational analysis; economic-statistical methods (employed in determining the latest trends in the development of the market for tourism services); methods of expert assessment and comparative analysis of existing models; methods of scholarly abstraction, analysis and synthesis, and extrapolation(employed in examining the prospects for the participation of various nations in international tourism exchange and ways to galvanize it).The study’s information base is grounded in various fundamental solutions, information-analytical reviews, research and methodological publications by domestic and foreign specialists, statutory and regulatory sources, and statistical materials from international organizations.The work is focused on the following aspects of tourism: its place in the world economy and the latest laws governing its influence on the development of global social-economic processes; the distinctive characteristics of the global market for tourism services and factors in the transformation of its structure; the effect of large-scale public activities on the development of the tourism industry.2.ResultsUnder today’s conditions, tourism is among the more developed sectors of the world economy and one of the more dynamically developing forms of international trade in services (Ek. Agamirova, El. Agamirova, Lebedeva, Lebedev, and Ilkevich 2017, Jacobs, Horowitz, Mavroudis, Siegel, and Sade 2013). The total volume of foreign currency receipts recorded between 1950 and 2016 has increased 145 times. To be specific, in 1950 the number of tourists globally was 25 million and the industry’s turnover totaled $2.2 billion, while in 2016 these figures exceeded 450 million and $372.8 billion respectively.Today, international tourism is developed the most in Western European countries. The region accounts for over 70% of the world’s tourism market and nearly 60% of all foreign currency receipts. Around 20% is accounted for by America and less than 10% by Asia, Africa, and Australia combined.The biggest suppliers of tourists are the US, Belgium, Denmark, Germany Holland, New Zealand, Sweden, Canada, and England. The biggest recipients of tourists are Australia, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Turkey, Egypt, Portugal, France, and Switzerland.Research indicates that international tourism may develop unevenly not only inparticular regions of the world but within a particular destination as well, which may be due to the degree of development of tourism infrastructure in the area, its remoteness, and other factors.The recent ebullience in the tourism market has had a positive effect on the economy of most nations around the globe, with the financial turnover of the global travel and tourism industry totaling nearly $6.3 trillion in 2016. The sector contributed a total of 10.7% of all revenue to global GDP, the largest share being accounted for by the EU (11.6%), North America (10%), and East Asia (9.7%).Thanks to the interrelationship between tourism and adjacent sectors of the economy, tourism has supported 221.7 million jobs (8.4% of total employment globally). The greatest number of residents employed in the tourism sphere is observed in Southeast Asia (Korea, Japan, and China) – 74,818 thousand people. Southeast Asia is followed by South Asia – 30,796 thousand people. In Europe, the figure is 24,302 thousand people.Receipts from international tourism have totaled around $2 billion per day. In 2016, total expenditure in the industry was $683 billion, which is $48 billion or 3.5% greater than the 2015 figure. If we add to this $132 billion spent by foreign tourists on transportation, we get over $850 billion worth of tourism exports, which is 7% of the world’s total goods and services exports.Most of the receipts to the tourism sector come from the expenditure of tourists who travel for personal reasons – $2,834 billion. In 2016, the way in tourist expenditure was led by the US, Japan, countries within the EU, Canada, and Mexico. The volume of tourist expenditure in Europe increased $21 million in 2016 and totaled $348.In Asia, the observed rate of increase is 51%. The increase in receipts has been brought about by high rates of growth in China and administrative regions – Hong Kong and Macau. Southeast Asia – especially Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Vietnam – is becoming one of the most attractive regions for tourists, its demand outpacing the supply of tourism services.The increase in receipts to the Pacific region has for the most part been broughtabout by tourists’ interest in the arts and everyday life of aborigines. The greatest number of tourists are visiting Australia and Oceania at a time when Europe and North America are experiencing a slump in tourism activity. This may help smooth out seasonal fluctuations in international tourism.Asia and the Pacific region attract tourists with their unique nature, and new industrial nations – with their business tours. Recreational tourism is well-developed in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The Japanese tourism industry is ranked 2nd in the world after that of the US. Hong Kong and Singapore offer shopping tourism services, while Thailand is developing new beaches on the country’s southern coast and organizing informative trips to its northern part.Tourism is well-developed in Australia and New Zealand, Melanesia and Micronesia. What additionally makes tourism lucrative for the Pacific Ocean islands is the relative proximity of the Australian market, and this getaway enjoys a good image with European tourists.In Africa, the current rate of increase is 64.2%. The warm climate, sandy beaches, unique historical and cultural monuments, and exotic flora and fauna of such nations as Kenya, Zambia, Mauritius, Tunisia, and Algeria have been facilitative of increases in the number of tourists visiting the African region. Right now, the most popular destinations in the North are Tunisia, Egypt, and Morocco, and in the East – Kenya, Tanzania, the Seychelles, Mauritania, and Zimbabwe. Some of these specialize in elite coastal tourism and have a world-class hotel industry in place, which helps them generate up to $900 off each tourist. However, overall Africa is lagging behind other regions in international tourism, as many of its nations are poorly developed economically and lack political stability, with the progress of many areas being impeded by military conflicts and epidemic diseases.America is second to Europe in terms of tourism’s contribution to GDP (30.6%). These are South America, Central America, North America, and islands within the Caribbean. The leading role in this region is played by the US and Canada, which have a vast internal tourism market and a highly-developed infrastructure with an extensive network of hotels and a solid transportation industry in place. SouthAmerica’s tourism flows are relatively minor, which is due to political instability and slow economic development. The major types of tourism in the region are coastal tourism, sports tourism, excursion tourism, and business tourism.Revenue from international tourism reaches 15–25% of overall export revenue. A level this high is the consequence of the region being competitive and certain regions actually specializing in tourism, like Canada and islands within the Caribbean.Europe remains the worldwide leader in tourism. In 2016, the rate of increase of its tourism resources totaled 5.3%. Europe leads the world in sanatorium-resort therapy, leisure, and tourism. The European region is home to popular mineral springs, beaches, and alpine areas. A major portion of the region has all the conditions for those interested in leisure and sanatorium-resort therapy.Evidence from practice suggests that international tourism is quite a dynamic phenomenon. Experts are forecasting the tourism sector to grow tangibly over the next 10 years, with annual demand for tourism services expected to increase 4.7% between 2017 and 2025 and the contribution of international tourism to the world economy expected to total $10.8 trillion in 2025.The production of tourism services is expected to have an annual growth of 3.6%, with the number of those employed in the tourism sector expected to increase 1.5%. Annual growth in tourist arrivals will total 5.8%, with growth in capital investment expected to reach 4.9% and total $1.7 trillion by 2025. The number of jobs in sectors adjacent to tourism is expected to reach 275 million by 2025.The way in terms of the number of those employed in the sector will be led by China (78.6 million people), followed by India (26.1 million) and the US (19.3 million). Tourist expenditure is expected to increase over the next 10 years. For instance, the expenditure of American tourists both inside and outside the country is expected to nearly double. And in terms of increase in this indicator it is, above all, the developing nations of Asia that are expected to be among the top 10 nations globally.Tourist expenditure will increase the fastest in China. Among European nations, the top 10 will include a couple of Eastern European nations – Poland, whose averageannual growth in tourism expenditure will total 8.3%, and the Czech Republic – 7.7%.According to the authors’ forecast, one should expect increases in the market share of international tourism through to 2030 in all regions of the world except Europe and America (Table 1).Table 1. Forecast for the development of international tourism across regions around theworld (million people)The average rates of growth will be the highest in the Middle East and East Asia and Oceania (7.2% and 6.4% respectively), while the lowest ones will be observed in America (3.8%).3.DiscussionThe reliability of the above approaches to assessing the effect of international tourism on the development of global social-economic processes has been substantiated by the study’s findings. Europeans will have to withstand tough competition for revenue from tourism, which will require that the European tourism industry boost the quality of services it provides (Dzhilavyan and Varyukhin 2012, Kuzakhmetova, Sitdikova, and Shilovskaya 2016, Urbanovich 2012).Expenditure on all types of travel – and, above all, on transportation – will increase faster than other family budget items. Trips will be more frequent but shorter, as expenditure on a single trip will reduce. On the whole, expenditure on travel will increase due to the inclination to consume higher-quality leisure.The number of trips will be increasing thanks to intercontinental trips from Europe to America, Asia, and Oceania. The use of airborne transportation will be expanding faster due to increases in the number of convenient direct flights.Considering the increasingly active implementation of computer systems, the waiting times for booking a trip will also be reducing.The following 2 age groups are expected to be represented by the most active tourists: senior citizens and youth. We will continue to witness growth in demand for tourism related to visits to major cultural heritage sites and active leisure. The condition of the environment will be one of the dominant factors in attracting tourists, especially in rural and seaside areas.The geography of international tourism will be determined by specific factors in the attractiveness of particular regions that will be a priority for tourists. Going forward, nature potential will remain the major source of satisfaction of tourist needs.International tourism will continue to boom, with South and Southeast Asia expected to be among the most popular regions to visit. There will be gravitation toward intact nature, which is naturally associated with the concept of beauty, and in this regard we are going to witness further development of, above all, the environmental tourism sector.ConclusionTo sum up, it is worth noting that the significance of tourism around the world is constantly growing. This is due to the influence of tourism on a nation’s economy: tourism boosts the contribution to its balance of payments, ensures employment for the population, facilitates the diversification of the economy, and helps ensure a more rational use of recreation resources. Having said that, the development of the tourism industry is also fraught with certain risks, like outflows of currency overseas, environmental and technogenic dangers, and loss of cultural values.Under today’s conditions, tourism is among the more developed sectors of the world economy and one of the more dynamically developing forms of international trade in services. Today, international tourism is developed the most in Western European countries. Going forward, some of the major trends in the development of tourism will be boosts in the quality of the tourism product, increased tourist expenditure on travel, and the development of non-traditional types of tourism.中文译文:国际旅游对全球社会经济发展的影响摘要本文的目的是分析国际旅游对全球社会经济发展的影响。
旅游企业7Ps 服务营销策略外文文献翻译3000多字

文献出处:Crick D. The 7ps service marketing strategy of tourism enterprise [J]. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2015, 33(5): 705-715.原文The 7ps service marketing strategy of tourism enterprisesCrick DAbstractTourism development as a pattern of service industry, service marketing is a new field of modern marketing, 7ps is the core of service marketing mix system.7ps service marketing concept can help tourism enterprises to understand the visitors, keep tourists, provide a better service. But most of the tourism enterprises are still exposed don't know 7ps service marketing strategy, there is no analysis of tourism consumers demand characteristics and differences, can't meet the demand of consumers, such as the service level is low. And 7ps concept can be applied to the product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy; personnel, tangible demonstration, service process strategy and physical display, etc. Tourism enterprises only do a good job in service marketing innovation and advancing with The Times, to win in competition.Keywords: 7ps; Marketing mix; Tourism enterprises1 IntroductionAs the third industry, tourism is a form of modern service industry; tourism can promote the development of local economy. Entering the 21st century, tourism received extensive attention of all countries in the world and we will vigorously support. Even if the service has quite developed European and American countries, however, are still exposed some aspects of the service level is low. The development of modern tourism enterprises, to customer satisfaction and loyalty as the core, with an emphasis on customer service, tourism competition is service competition, service as the window of tourism enterprises, can through the tourism enterprise service marketing research, promote the service level of tourism enterprises.7ps the service marketing theory to the development of modern tourism enterprise service plays a guiding role and realistic significance. With the development of normalization, network, intelligence, based on the new development trend of modern tourism enterprise content, 7ps service marketing contains development, also gives a new connotation, 7ps every aspect adds new content. This paper accordingly puts forward in the new environment, based on the service marketing strategy of "7ps" new development of thetourism enterprises in the aspect of service marketing.2 7ps service marketing overviewIn the 1970 s, the development of service industry is very rapid, service marketing theory is based on the traditional marketing theory of 4ps, in 1981 by the cloth, and three more than Turner "P" service development. Service marketing combination of seven elements, namely, 7ps: products (Product), Price (Price), channel (Place) (People), Promotion (Promotion), personnel, service Process (Process), tangible demonstration (Physical Evidence), thus forming the 7ps service marketing combination, make with 7ps as the core of service marketing combination system.7ps combination is vital to the success of service enterprises. Personnel, service process and physical features three elements can reflect the characteristics of the enterprise service marketing mix. In today's world, with 7ps service marketing concept as the core of customer satisfaction competitive strategy proved to be more and more suitable for today's increasingly competitive business environment. With the development of Internet technology, the 7ps injected new ideas, service marketing theory of service marketing based on the theory of the 7ps new requirements are put forward. Increased marketing, marketing, online marketing, such as marketing strategy, combined with more experiential service, customized service, online service, etc. The combination of services marketing and tourism enterprises, must cause a major reform of the tourism enterprises 3 Tourist enterprise service marketing present situation3.1 Travel service products lack of innovationTourism enterprises to provide the service difference is small, lack of innovation, not form the core of competitive advantage in service, many tourism enterprises have not done to provide customers with personalized have obvious differences in characteristic of personalization service. Limited service marketing, service marketing is more reflected in the field of high-end, the VIP customer service, and according to the general public service marketing concept and attitude. As a result of the traditional marketing concept has a profound effect on enterprise still, their understanding of service marketing still stay on the surface, not the systematic regulations on the service and overall management. On the connotation of the tourism culture is not deep, grade is not high, the service marketing connotation understanding insufficiency, tourism service marketing consciousness, service management level is low, the unclear understanding of service features, service quality control is lax, serious short-term consciousness and behavior. In theprocess of implementing service marketing, because many enterprises on the fuzzy characteristics of services, understanding is not enough, lead to poor service effect. Some problems in the tourism scenic spots in the service, impact on the tourism image.3.2 Less attention to the tourists and staff needsTourism services to interact with visitors less of each scenic spots to provide services in there are very few tourists participatory projects, most of the scenic spots or purpose of tourism projects, almost no vacationing industry type, business type, spa tourism projects, tourists in the tourist attractions, time is short, not impressive, many tourism enterprises only part of the pre-sale service and on service, without a good after-sales service system. At the same time, tourism enterprises are not fully understand and pay attention to service personnel's mood and feelings, service personnel's stability is poor, the tourism enterprises lack of sense of loyalty, so it's easy to make the service personnel brought resentment of tourism enterprises to work, will seriously affect the quality of service, so that companies cannot achieve satisfaction of tourists, tourists to the discontent of the enterprise, and eventually lead to the image of the enterprise. Due to lack the necessary training service personnel, the enterprise service is not standard, the quality level is not high, thus unable to provide satisfactory services for tourists, keep visitors.3.3 Single tourist service channel and promotion wayMany tourism enterprises in the process of operation, manual labor is more, the lack of technology, the use of new technology. Travel agency still stays on the use of telephone, little use of the Internet into daily business work. Not fully online through the network platform, the use of social networking tools. For some travel agency's website, the survey found online platform service is not perfect, the main way of telephone or personal to the travel agency consulting, online services should serve to tourists and visitors experience as the center, optimize the website backstage. Service personnel online help tourists access to information and complete the transaction smoothly, in order to improve the success rate of web traffic and booking. Therefore, tourism services, by means of new social networking tools can implement different quality service. In terms of promotion, use holiday sales promotion is frequently used way, not taking targeted, differentiated promotion methods, service marketing is quantification stage of development, the pursuit of the scale of development, attaches great importance to the publicity, has not yet entered the stage of development of service.4 Tourism enterprises 7ps service marketing strategy4.1 Tourism product strategy of the enterpriseOn the application of tourism product strategy needs to accord with the needs of different visitors. Product is the brand of the trend of future development, so should be based on their own products, be your own brand, highlight the characteristics of tourism products brand, attract visitors attention and purchase, eventually meet brand loyalty. Tourism products including core product, tangible products and additional products, three levels. At this level additional product, tourism enterprises can provide tourists with comprehensive, personalized and diversified travel service. For example: in terms of tourism information service, can through the one-on-one online information service; Tourism enterprises can increase some interactive, visitors can participate in the tourism project, highlight the personalized, customized services; At the same time, tourism products need to address the special needs of road trips, family travel, etc.4.2 Tourism enterprise's price strategyThere are many kinds of price strategy, including the competition oriented pricing, demand-based pricing, cost oriented pricing method, such as the main method is used in the traditional tourism enterprise competition oriented pricing method. Tourism enterprise's price strategy will directly impact on sales of tourist enterprise itself, so to adopt flexible and varied ways, tourism enterprise transition role, under the personalized demand oriented, by adopting the method of demand-based pricing to develop tourism products prices. With the development of economic and social, to produce the personalized needs of different visitors, including experiential service demand, customized services and personalized services. Tourism enterprises determine the target market, different pricing for different target markets of tourism demand for different tourists oriented pricing strategy. Demand-based pricing strategy include: perceived value pricing method, the auction pricing method, reverse pricing method, starting from the demand of consumers, with different pricing method.4.3 Travel channel strategy of the enterpriseTourism enterprises in the traditional sales mode need to explore new sales channels, to perfect the service platform for online, and online services should serve to tourists and visitors experience as the center, optimize the website backstage. Service personnel online help tourists access to information and complete the transaction smoothly, in order to improve the success rateof web traffic and booking. Tourism enterprises through the network online platform of online services, won the customer's personal information, including email address, you can through the mail sends some travel information in the form of tourists, customization through email marketing, providing personalized service. Tourism enterprises use regional sales, agent marketing, online marketing, distribution channels, and maximize sales. In tourism enterprises micro blog some travel information, etc., at the same time provide consulting service and feedback. In order to increase the coverage of the sales channel, the alliance between the tourism enterprises can take the competition strategy.4.4 Promotion strategy of tourism enterprisesNetwork era, the Internet has become the carrier of all kinds of information transmission, the network marketing development in recent years gradually mature, visitors to the network marketing also from the beginning of the doubts and don't accept gradually turned into a trust and love. Network marketing is not just to the tourism enterprise image, but also in building a tourist enterprise brand, the characteristics of wide coverage, thanks to the Internet, creating famous brand. Tourism enterprises need to be innovative, not only the traditional marketing way. Try network marketing should be combined with the development of The Times, from a different Angle to promote tourism enterprises.译文旅游企业7Ps 服务营销策略Crick D摘要旅游业作为服务业的一种模式,发展服务营销是现代市场营销的一个新领域,7Ps 是服务营销组合体系的核心。

毕业论文外文参考资料原文及译文外文题目(中文):Cultural goods, market and national relations and international free trade system (文化商品,市场及国家关系和国际自由贸易制度)时间: 2010年9月至 2011年6月Cultural goods, market and national relations and international freetrade systemJim Mc GuiganAn example in cultural studies is the most popular today "cultural economy" - on economic and cultural thoughts to check it, rather than as an industry as a kind of words. Cultural historians will say thetrend is difficult to Atlantic new party. In 1992, British media academics Jim MaiGuiGen blamed on contemporary paradigm crisis culture research, its separation from cultural and political economy. He put forward louder appeal and a pair of consumption culture mode of production as the center. His proposal also a populist criticism, leading, consumption as the center, with value of examples of the audience, ' 'positive is a sovereign consumption subject is who (imagine is) not industrial control economic and cultural existence reason McGrigan, 1992). MaiGuiGen, of course, quite a person in his own time. How to put back on the bottle - for the elves in 'economic recovery mode, avoid it enters' key back to marxist economic rights fatalism - is still a provocative, but not out of the mission.In 1992, when the humanities center at Wesleyan university in Massachusetts, theorist and culture combined each 1 team director in American culture industry for a term called seminar "producing and sales culture" (Mr Mann, 1996). This is an amazing attempt, sponsored by Coca-Cola Coca-Cola foundation, academic access to cultural criticism of the industry, how the latter imagine market research and consumer, and asked them if they intentionally create and shape our hope.The research methods, launched a module, this conference most close to overcome epistemology is divided into production center and consumption as the center of the method, material conditions in culture understanding query, namely as a department. Fast forward to the early 21st century, the economy of the "culture" currently hype culture and media research won additional value, because this time, it is not only the scholars in the ivory tower who is support the analytic reasons. More important is, 'a cultural turn' in its momentum gathered enterprise sector, according to 'culture' plays a key role in theeconomic aspect, and marketing practices, on the one hand, the performance of the organization, enhance the other. However minor a trend, and also it is notable that in economic discipline, a key economic geographer proposed quality as a cultural economics a set, discourse structure, positive frame market. Therefore, before the market does not exist at the 2002 ·), described some of its objective, transcendental method (DE guay and discourse. Economic theory is regarded as an economic structure, positive ensemble shaping reality (Karen, 1998, 2000).The political, cultural, and policies.I MaiGuiGen in agreement with early in a standoff in 1990s about this is cultural investigation. Like him back after, I think the simple answer is retrieve a lost causes materialism of the return of the traditional culture research political economics. In order to do this, I will devote myself to the production of material culture study. The trajectory of the economy and culture, however, there is a warning. It runs the risk of triggered by the central concern of cultural research subject identity, namely the cultural politics. Double challenge, I want to take a project, through policy research key, is located in the method to yourself the hand on the cultural and economic ties between a between, and politics and policy, such as in. Let me explain more. Mainstream culture has to stay in my two aspects of the field in a world analysis differentiation. In their planning things, 'political commitment' need to assume the criticism and boycott; ` policy, on the other hand, is with security, hegemony, and the status quo. This is understandable mainstream culture research (its staple fare, that criticism power) fired policy guidance culture research committed revisionist rebels who thought the betrayal of from margin (1 title in the study of regional culture of privileges) to center,where ` power 'is institutionalized policy form, corruption and the absolute necessity.We wouldn't be sitting here today in this seminar, and if we believe such a partial idea of effectiveness. This is one-sided, because it does not acknowledge both desire and possibility of the bridge academic workers political criticism and participate in the gap between. For those of us who today to share a concept: a critical frame policy research provides a breakthrough point these transitional activities. It specifies a scholar BBS, to meet the decision makers and analysts who are willing to engage in multidisciplinary policy discussions. Most importantly, the two organizations dedicated to the possibility of social transformation in China has incremental reform through the regulatory system, from the backdrop of cultural production ` 'means a more complex than what the process of the cultural and economic mode can be alone provides. For us, even started thinking, cultural policy areas regulatory policy changes, we must first recognize that'culture' cannot simply follow market principles, because it is in the same time "means and purpose of social regulation and government" (Bennett, 1992,26), therefore, 'culture "is the supervision system, constitutive can be considered as indispensable rationality government. This culture/government couplets, should be given equal weight so the analysis of the correct culture tendency research emphasize the link between cultural/market.In addition, we must not be concept misleading is, the close relationship between 'culture' and 'government' is China alone. Even America and Britain ruled kingdom deregulation of speech, still be on time, price and transmission standard content television industry especially in land departments (hyjal Lin, 2001) pelosi. ` culture'should be whether consciousness, like a commodity in the center of the international debate is underwayThe feasibility of about culture cross-media border trade. In Canada, Europe and more recently in the United States (on media ownership debate is involved, the federal communications commission's ruling heart), countries and cultural policy instrument to delimit the national cultural market active participation. Throw open the resistance of national culture, therefore, is not just China market integratedly.Research problems,I think pieces are as follows: what constitutes a query the cultural market the policy management? And they should go to where? Like other policy areas, China after joining the WTO, cultural policy has become such turmoil and controversial areas, it stripe easier than ever to different thoughts and prescription. Intervention I still should notice, nonlocal flux because in such a culture industry "as a policy of birth" classification of just recent. It can be traced back to 2001, when the 10th five-year plan made conspicuous place, for the first time chanye for reform to mandarin era began. From the current challenges of opening China's wto content industry provides country further encourage development think-tank music college in Hong Kong academy for performing arts in service as the young talents emerging cultural industries. Then, last year, two main research institutions "national culture industry" also launched one after another, in the north, in Beijing university, in Shanghai jiaotong university in the south. Meanwhile, the blue of cultural industry each year the institute of social center issued by Chinese culture research in science. In China, academia provides a feasible policy Suggestions, location and application humanities spirit is an obvious reality cultural issues more and more policy. The domainResearch problem-based now let us return and fulfilling method and my big framework research problems specific problems group. Thought what the purpose is' culture 'and' economic ', 'political and policy in the series service to our policy review Chinese culture? This makes my table 3The basic premise that is a built-in: on1. Cultural need to be understood as an economic sector, namely 'culture industry' as the state regulators;2. Culture is a continuous development of relations, economic and policy areas, and trade;3. Culture is the goods, but not like any other commodity.All these building ground floor is my big is big not ask: if the United States theory 'market' itself is a kind of word building, as China? Final model in the media industry in particular, China should take back sharply to the country's pattern is similar to the U.S. public cultural products. Rolling provide This has taken on two levels, and in the county TV media and board level of small-scale news units across the river. Whether to adopt a deregulation in over big media collectivization form and content? How Europe, cultural market? In decision-making and debates, the European affairs committee new regulation means? With democracy is cultural commercialized, the final answers cultural consumption space, and create a diversity of cultures? These problems are more complex, because they are how to answer team under the language environment after the test. That is to say, the rapid changes of the answer, because we hope our countries turn of problems, from terrain democratic U.S., Canada and Western Europe to China, political credentials in the best inconsistent. These problems, but a more inquires after our discussion, will clarify the Chinese model cultural policy should choose as a media industry is slowing sculptureout more autonomy space. For this reason, we must study these problems triggered set twenty years in the international debate long-term international free trade from cultural exemption launched between the United States and Britain in a refugee camp in the European Union and Canada and countries in the opposite faction found. No matter whether we in Europe/Canada pattern or American model will better service in China, we need to realize that the YinXiangJie, domestic policy in the sovereignty of isolation international cultural policy, no longer strong resistance. Although there are What advantages and disadvantages of the establishment of a global integration of cultural policy system?Seriously consider specific problem I will now in concrete ground task I generally buildings. The first premise we need to watch closely industry of Chinese culture, the second premise existing regulatory conditions, make our international trade of culture at home against the debate. The third premise a series of questions caused, namely: (a) cultural products should be traded? (2) market is established in Chinese state media border to differentiate commercializable goods and the commercializable is reasonable; And allusion, (3) what is a better system from other kind of calibration? (4) what appropriate policy tools will be most effective in governance goods circulation and traded in the Chinese culture areas? Finally, as a thought, I care more about the problem and put forward and provide at this stage, must be better than the answer.China's culture industry market access method: mixed cargo rules.As mentioned above, the official discourse mandarin chanye as was formally established in 2001. Because then the enterprise concept jituan "double formula" "have already appeared in the occasionalgovernment documents suggest, the news media departments, but store the" dressed in front of the public institutions they like to do, "the commercial business enterprise"." But until the 16th party congress in 2002, the state propaganda machine and substantial, has officially difference enterprise concept, with "the public culture of the organization's business culture (mandarin" by "(mandarin) chanye), attributed to each clear mission, different means and objective development. The state's logic is a one of the hair division. We know, the development of China's culture industry control to solve the problem. To enter the market main interesting is that the market threshold into different points division department. Therefore, the traditional defies generalisations Chinese culture industry is' commercially 'did tell us very little about China itself, and the cultural landscape for many investors to reduce the influence of domestic policy and foreign. -What is the basic rule of cultural industry, the management of capital into which sub industries were officially designated as "commercializable" (you yingli xing), this is no, this is considering threshold category? Commercializable department was not deemed too sensitive national culture and information security. They include performance, tourism, industry and culture exhibition, technical production and sale of audio and video products, sports and entertainment, higher education and vocational education. They are opening up the domestic collective and social capital and foreign capital. Existing capital of the designated department of the state, and he ordered by as intrusive, but through annexation gradually exit and transferred asset sale, nearly ups and downs, and bankruptcy. Scale the next supervision danweis highly relevant state-owned monopoly position of cultural identity formation and information security. Inthis large category, not the commercializable commercializable Beijing distinguish from department. The latter include: obligation education, the agency responsible for national cultural relics preservation, libraries, museums, cultural workstation, most departments need and monopoly state-owned capital ownership. Whether domestic or foreign capital is allowed. Regulations become more complicated, because our approach to commercializabe, monopoly before category - cultural domain news, broadcasting and television. Capital into these industry is highly controversial and national unstable because policy of volatility.Authorized monopoly capital media giants, but to exit the small and medium-sized media company. Criterion, reiterated that the basic principles - policy matters - the same size, take the basic principles of the claw big regulation measures adopted a filial piety (" grabbing big, release small ") has taken department on the first and the second. Problem is, although what complex medium diversification and corporatization media organization allow absorption domestic capital, in theory, they will only be allowed to invest in the media industry. Another limitation is that only certain sub industries of small and medium-sized media were allowed in absorbing external capital, namely points and department limited to basic facilities such as printing and publishing services related value chain, retail, information transmission and distribution, the main points unit, nothing can do and content of offer. Therefore, even though their names to shareholders, the media are banned from department of domestic investors intervention the enterprise production content and asset management. With foreign investors hold so, if bertelsmann, its sphere of influence to be included in the publishing industry time only. As shown above, capital inflows has been allowed to focus on what isconsidering the basic structure of the media in the industry by department. How in printing, the content of the department news, broadcasting, television media? Mark ` commercializable in blue books. ', but in fact it is how to commercializable?What is the market thresholdEntry in the domestic and foreign capital domain specific? In the media content industry of foreign investment, first of all, we have to understand that China's entry into wto agreement not bound to the content of liberalization. Domain for foreign capital investment, the hurdles is insurmountable. The content providers limited foreign works, such as bloomberg television station, phoenix TV, and the InforNews news corporation's TV group the new agreement with hunan radio, movies, and explain as follows:(1) the financial and economic news (the main menu according to bloomberg information platform and distribute) is that "safe" content.(2) joint hunan TV entertainment production (namely agreement with multinational as new heavyweights) is worth welcome. Rupert murdoch's small victory, there is a lot of things to do the logic of the inspectors' theme for preferential treatment as science and technology, financial, economic, leisure and lifestyle, ideology neutral mass market, such as games and the charge talk show, sports and drama. It is believed that is beneficial to the development of the industry domestic TV content, the current value chain of the weak culture department policy proposals have been urged Beijing to pay attention.(3) of the broad masses of the pearl river delta area, it is beyond the pearl river out those foreign achieve broadcasting organizations. The most important is, (4) landing rights and mutual exchanges and plan again) foreign broadcasting company (news group is the real target andearnings - bargaining chip, foreign group must be submitted to the negotiating table. Worth notice, though, the propaganda of its history, the TV is the only launched foreign language of entertainment channel, now says 1.3 percent in a short period of time to the audience the gold guangdong province January 2003. Top all the above limitations naming, all foreign a content is subject to strict inspection before distribution.The cultural industry of China's regulations of general brought me three in the us directly observed. The first third field my asking, culture that is the goods, traded commodity trading markets and the boundary between the cultural industry is very fluid. They, in turn, rapid change next reform system (this cycle, shorter and shorter after becoming the new party secretary hu. This fully explain commercializable properties not constructing and ` stable commodity. 'second, from this kind of instability, three-quarters of a mixed goods, in some of their properties, trade mark `' and some ` traded '(the so-called this fall commercializable, to the media monopolies category charming). The third kind ` throughout China capital inflows ` if we mean circulation 'society, so-called people are' British ziben - and collective capital. It is difficult to place detailed introduces the current popular practice bound by this company obtains shell relates to Chinese media access media capital (through the domestic real estate world, not, publish, investment and (such as banking) become listed companies. I just want to say that government departments of the new policy emphasis goes across media, cross, and trans media merger between the region further blurred the line ` 'and ` public pure pure private' funds. Capital properties will be mixed into such degree, China will be remembered as the hybrids land. This leads me to my third observation: more and more economic consideration to infiltrationpolicy to decide what cultural products were allowed to obtain a diversified financing structure. We are faced with the same old problems, from other grafting industry department's culture: at what level admiral economic ideology is the erosion of preferences China, there are political elite market vision unique socialist culture commodity economy is the foundation this mixed commodity increasingly complex system, a no vision not entirely theoretical, so often laugh at?International trade regulations at home against domestic cultural policiesThe above discussion fully demonstrated the dominance of the concept of Chinese cultural market policies. No matter how we evaluate the policy framework and the characteristics of any market discourse proof is, it was vital to the Chinese culture policy analysis (and lyricist for industrial) culture blue were told at home against international trade free debate culture exemption. Meaning, this kind of knowledge can offer is three times. First, it will provide the efforts to promote Chinese culture, policy makers, their argument, to help promote 'cultural center' profit margins to make policy. Secondly, it will suggest China cultural policy makers, research fields, including cultural trade influence competition policy and investment policy, tax law, services, and intellectual property system (" final report ", 5) in. Third, China is increasing pressure to comply with the international free trade agreement, it will be informed about the fact that other countries in Tunisia policymakers as Canada and ends development of economy (ditto, band 27) hold the same career, normative market is helpful to the domestic growth cultural industries.The last point is a tricky, because it might mistake me support at home the protectionist policies concerning a democratic countries poor. Of course this is not my intention. I'll be back soon this important point. First, rapid trade summary of the order of international cultural debate. Canada and the countries of the European Union opposes a media products. Britain's free trade rules, such as gatt culture and extensive cultural don't agree to release, besides audio-visual sector. But U.S. argued that cultural products trade is to release any other goods, and shall be subject to the unit did not exception. Of course China is Canada or France. Although every country has the right to protect its imports from countries replaced its cultural American culture, we cannot apply for to formulate policy debate of normal trade media notorious for a record of domestic review. Regime From this perspective, banned imports of amount of western culture content of Chinese citizens from denied to choose a filtering political and cultural development of democracy. Like Edwin baker scholars in legal research is quite thoughtful and points out: "free traders are correct, historically, some repressive regimes had tried to protect and promote cultural imagine, here is usually not only picky import restrictions but also have the same restrictions on freedom of expression of the serious internal" (baker, 2002,260). Similarly, China's media content all boycott liberalization should not and the European commission with equal Canada against trade protection media said, and is essential for maintaining citizens domestic cultural space of variety and growing ball (the European commission, 2000). In China, set up the case, limit the barriers to trade and investment flows in the audio-visual sector that is quite another matter. Therefore baker puts forward "some equipment other than the free trade is necessary to prevent picky government distortions" (baker, 254). Hethinks, human rights law, but is not free trade law is the most feasible international policy documents, can one stone kills two birds - a country need to nourish the sensitivity of the domestic media pluralism and openness cross-border cultural exchange.I think Chinese cultural policy makers can draw lessons from this international debate something else - some protectionist policies how it can help the healthy development of the alimentary domestic media. Policies, such as state subsidies and radio media place, screen the working hours and quota quotas in Western Europe and Canada. In view of this, the current Chinese policy media company of state-owned capital withdraw all from small medium, not a necessity for the development of f local media. Usually, the smallest and most minor media is the most independent of the mind. Leaving their the law of the jungle of the survival of the fittest for China's news gathering - fully prove - is to further to inspectors.The international debate about trade and culture is important, but in another respect Chinese policy makers. Because governments around the world continue to privatization and exogenous in every government service department and the boundaries between citizens and private with amazing speed redraw, this debate back to, public domain problem, one public culture is only a small part. What service and property duty to rationing, obviously this public responsibility should be private provision, must take back to policy makers in the agenda. As western scholars in beginning to reconsider must be obtained and market balance social (again, the American public opposition to the federal communications commission's ruling thought), China needs to realize the equality of access problems, including a public domain market acquisitions and public cultures of the moment. Therefore, it is imperative that we research the market state of established in Chinadistinguish boundaries ` circulation 'cultural products from ` traded. Discuss what kind of policy will follow, if we devoted to the problem as public goods picture of what the public culture of China is related to the case? (I don't open some because ` 'and between historical equation ` state'). Finally, my big question is the cultural policy mode should be Chinese turn? Europe/Canada or the United States?。

外文翻译:旅游业是世界上最大的产业之一原文来源:Keywords network university remote learning HomeNet 电子商务包括如何建立客户关系网络将成为即将举行的为期一天的夏洛特周三重点。

文献出处:Bobirca A, Cristureanu C. The international competitiveness of trade in tourism services: Evidence from Romania [J] Advances in Tourism Economics. Physica-Verlag HD, 2013: 189-202.原文The International Competitiveness of Trade in Tourism Services:Evidence from RomaniaAna Bobirca and Cristiana Cristureanu1 IntroductionTourism is the only service activity that can potentially provide trading opportunities for all nations, regardless of their level of development. However, it is also a sector where there is clearly an uneven distribution of benefits that is largely dependant on countries’ ability to strengthen their performance in the global economy, which in turn requires improving their competitiveness.Since the beginning of the 1990s, Romania has experienced major changes in its tourism exports volume, growth rate and structure. These disparate punctuations have all influenced the relative competitive position of Romania on the international tourism market and have been associated with changes in its tourism trade balance. In the same time, the new and more heterogeneous European architecture has induced significant changes in Romania’s regional tourism competitiveness.Against this background, the paper attempts to suggest a framework for assessing the international competitiveness of Roman ia’s tourism services trade, by focusing on the relationship between competitiveness and tourism trade performance.To this end, the first part starts by introducing the concept of international competitiveness and by presenting, evaluating and systematizing key issues of the complex analysis on international competitiveness. The paper subsequently considers the relationship between export performance and international competitiveness, as well as its relevance for international tourism. The second part includes a macro overview of the tourism sector, focusing spherically on its importance to the econ omy. The third part of the paper sets out in detail the framework for calculating the proposed measures of competitiveness and shows the importance of the methodological approach in interpreting the information provided by these indicators. It also illustrates the recent performance of Romanian tourism, based on an integrated measure of international trade competitiveness. The paper concludes by explaining the competitive position of Romania on the European tourism market and by identifyingresearch issues that require further study.2 Perspectives on International Competitiveness – The Relationship Between Export Performance and International Competitiveness and its Relevance for International TourismThe concept of international competitiveness, although controversial and elusive, has gained acceptance and continues to attract the attention of both academics and policymakers worldwide.Most measures of international competitiveness that have so far been considered were undertaken at the economy-wide level (Garelli 2003) and generally refer to the ability of a country to produce goods and services that meet the test of international markets, while simultaneously maintaining and expanding the real income of its citizens (European Commission 2007).Because competitiveness ultimately depends upon firms in a country competing successfully on the domestic and international markets, attention has focused on com petitiveness at the firm level (Porter 1990), where it is generally understood to refer to “. . . the ability of the firm to retain and, better still, enlarge its global market share, increase its profits and expand” (Clark and Guy 1998, OECD 1993).Accor ding to traditional economic theory, a firm can gain competitive advanage through comparative cost of production by, for example, reducing labor cost. However, recent research suggests that non-price factors are equally important determinants of competitiveness. The range of non-price factors is diverse and includes human resource endowment, such as skills; technical factors, such as research and development capabilities and the ability to innovate; managerial and organization factors, both internal to the firm and externally organized through relationships with other bodies, customers, suppliers, public and private research institutes, and other firms (Clark and Guy 1998, Fagerberg 1986). Together, these factors determine the ability of the firm to compete succ essfully in international markets, on the background of changing technological, economic, and social environments. Export performance and the ability of the firm to maintain its market share remain the ultimate indicators of international competitiveness.Consequently, although widely proclaimed, the theoretical bases of international competitiveness as it relates to national economies and their international trade have been less analyzed in academic literature. Thus, the nature, benefits and constraints on a nation of being internationally competitive remain ambiguous (Coldwell 2000, Krugman 1994, 1996).International competitiveness, within the context of trade in goods and services, refers to a nation securing and maintaining a trade advantage vis-à-vis the rest of the world. International competitiveness is advanced whenever the economic welfare of a nation is enhanced through an increase in the flow of trade or through an alteration in the conditions of trade starting from a presumed initial equilibrium (Coldwell 2000).Trade theory asserts that economic welfare is dependent on the production of goods and services that a country has comparative advantage in. This, in effect, meansthat international competitiveness is secured when production is in line with a country’s comparative advantage situation. If countries perform well internationally and compete successfully for export markets, this could be a sign of their sound international competitiveness.Therefore, at the international level, competitiveness can be defined as the ability of an economy to attract the demand for its exports and the investment to supply that demand, all within social norms that result in an improved standard of living for its citizens. This, in turn, depends on the macro and microeconomic policies, regulations and institutions that affect the productivity of the economy’s factors of production and the costs of doing business.A review of available literature and empirical evidences supports the notion that international competitiveness can be explained, to some extent, by a country’s ability to export (Dollar and Wolff 1993, Fagerberg et al. 2004). There is, in fact, a self-recurring relationship between export performance and international competitiveness. Exports are the first level of international competitiveness affirmation. The improvement in export performance leads to an increase in a country’s competitiveness. This effect is a result of enterprises’ skills, knowledge, propensity to innovate and use new technology, ability to exploit technological opportunities in a successfully commercial way, etc.On the other hand, in striving to achieve successful exports in highly competitive global markets, a country is forced to improve its competitiveness. The more competitive a country is, the more economically powerful it is. Consequently, it is more capable to compete on the global market, to attract people with higher level of knowledge, skills, to buy new technologies, etc., and to improve its export performance, as well as to achieve better export results. This can, in turn, favor additional innovations and trigger an improvement in its competitiveness.Consequently, export performance and competitiveness should not be considered in isolation, since they are mutually interdependent.However, competitiveness should not be equated only with a country’s ability to export. The evolution of export market shares is also an important element of trade competitiveness, while the latter is just a component of a nation’s competitiveness defined by the European Declaration of Lisbon as the capacity to improve and raise the standard of living of its habitants by providing more and higher quality employment, and a greater social cohesion. The gains or losses of world market shares by individual countries are often considered as an index of their trade competitiveness. However, market share growth depends also on structural factors. Due to changes in demand, a country’s geographical and sect oral specialization at the beginning of a period is an important factor shaping future market share growth. Similarly, the country’s ability to adapt its exports to such changes will also affect the final outcome. Furthermore, the concept of international competitiveness in tourism services also encompasses qualitative factors, that are difficult to quantify; the quality of services involved, the degree of specialization, the capacity for technological innovation, the quality of human resources (Rubalcaba and Cuadrado 2001) are factors that may influence a country’s tourism trade performance favorably. Likewise, high rates ofproductivity growth are often sought as a way of strengthening competitiveness. But it is not necessarily the case that favorable structural factors of this sort will give rise to increased sales on foreign markets. They may, instead, show up as improving terms of trade brought about through exchange-rate appreciation, while leaving export performance broadly unchanged. It is for this reason, as well as because these factors are hard to measure in quantitative terms, that consideration here is confined to a more specific and integrated method for determining Romania’s relative competitive position in international tourism.3 An Overview of Romania’s International Trade in Tourism Services3.1 Key FactsRomania’s Travel and Tourism Economy1 currently shows a return to positive territory, following negative results posted during the early years of economic transition, with an optimistic outlook for growth over the next ten years, much stronger than that of the EU.With a 4.8% contribution of tourism to GDP, Romania ranks the 162nd among 174 countries, being currently among the lower-tier, tourism-intensive countries of the region and the world. However, Romania’s prospects for tourism sector growth are better than for most of its neighbors and competitors within the regional and world ranking, i.e. 6.7% contribution to GDP over the next 10 years and 12th position, respectively (World Travel and Tourism Council 2007).Romania’s Travel and Tourism Industry2 contributed 1.9% to GDP in 2006, rising to 2.5% of total GDP by 2016, while in the European Union, the Travel and Tourism Industry posted a GDP contribution of 3.9% in 2006 (World Travel and Tourism Council 2007).While the Travel and Tourism Economy accounts for 8.7% of global employment, Romania’s Travel and Tourism Economy employment was estimated at 485,000 jobs in 2006, representing 5.8% of total employment, or one in every 17.4 jobs. The current 265,000 Travel and Tourism Industry jobs account for 3.1% of total employment, as compared with 4.2% of total employment in the European Union (8.6 million jobs) (World Travel and Tourism Council 2007).Travel and Tourism represented, in the European Union, 13.0% of total exports in 2006. In Romania, exports make up a very important share of Travel and Tourism’s contribution to GDP. Out of the total Romanian exports, Travel and Tourism represented 5.2% (1.2 billion Euros) in 2004, with a prospect to increase, in nominal terms, to 1.8 billion Euros (4.6% of total) by 2016 (World Travel and Tourism Council 2007).The vast majority of international arrivals in Romania are from Europe. Since 2000, some 95% of visitors every year have been intra-regional. Out of these, a growing number – 75% according to 2004 figures –represent arrivals from the five countries with which Romania shares a border: Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro.3.2 Major FindingsThe analysis shows that, while still lagging behind the developed economies, the trendtowards a service-oriented society is observable for Romania. This is also reflected by the increasing proportion of GDP attributable to tourism services and the growing share of employment in the tourism services sector.Although the overall tourism balance of Romania is positive, EU represents a net exporter of tourism services to Romania (the tourism balance is negative, with a worsening deficit from 2005 to 2006); still, the propensity to trade with EU partners is stronger in this field, reflecting a high er degree of integration into the EU tourism services market (EUROSTAT 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006).While Romania’s Travel and Tourism is growing in terms of international visitors, the country’s tourism receipts have been lagging considerably behind neighbori n countries. In 2004, Romania registered some 38% of those registered by Bulgaria, approximately 12% of those registered by Hungary and the Czech Republic and a mere 7% of Croatia’s receipts. This reflects the fact that many of Romania’s visitors do not stay overnight or spend anything while they are in the country, an important weakness to address for any tourism plan going forward (EUROSTAT 2003, 2004, 20058, 2006).–Within EU-15 countries, Romani a’s largest markets are Germany, Italy, France, Austria and the UK. Worryingly, arrivals from all of the EU-15 countries showed negative growth in 2004. This can be attributed in part to the accession of ten new countries to the EU and related incentives for visitors to these countries, such as low-cost airlines.– Growth in 2004 was driven by Hungary, which showed a 69% increase in arrivals in Romania. Outside Europe, Romania’s main international markets are the USA, which has shown steady growth since 2000, to 111,000 arrivals in 2004, as American tourists have started to be aware of the fact that Romania is more than a “Dracula” destination; and Israel, although the Israeli market has remained stagnant in recent years. Tourists from China are also expected to increase in the future, as Romania received approved destination status in June 2004 (EUROSTAT 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006). Analysis of accommodation figures shows that a large number of these visitors do not stay in registered facilities and either reside with friends or relatives, or do not overnight in Romania. Thus, it is difficult to quantify their impact on the economy.– The majority of international arrivals to Romania are by road, again mirroring the large proportion of the country’s visitors from bordering countries. However, arrivals by air have also seen a healthy rise over the past five years, with increased frequency of scheduled services and some charters operating in regional airports.As Romania is forced to liberalize its aviation industry as a consequence of EU accession, air transport is set to rise dramatically in the near future. Arrivals by rail are decreasing at almost the same rate that air arrivals are increasing, as air travel becomes cheaper and more accessible.4 Methods for Assessing the International Competitiveness of Trade in Tourism Services4.1 The Research MethodFor the specific assessment of the international competitiveness of trade in tourismservices, the underlying methodological approach undertaken in this study is based on the idea that the economy with an improving degree of competitiveness in tourism services is the one able to enhance the size of its tourism services exports to a certain market. Similarly, the economy with a declining degree of competitiveness is the one that increases the size of its tourism services imports coming from other countries. The greater or smaller degree of competitiveness a country (or sector) has shows the nature and degree of participation it has – through its exports – in the imports carried out by the analyzed market, i.e., a country improves its competitiveness in the way that the other country increases its imports coming from the former one (Mandeng 1991).In addition, the process of inserting a country in the international economy is related not only to its exporting progresses, but also to the behavior and actions of other competitors. The model is adapted from De la Guardia, Molero, and Valadez (De la Guardia et al. 2004) that introduced the aspect of the dynamic nature of markets and implemented through their work an ex—post assessment of services competitiveness, by providing a descriptive reference on the changes produced in the competitiveness level and specialization degree, in international trade. The commercial advantage is revealed through the evolution of tourism exports which reflects improvements in competi tiveness, and through the evolution of tourism imports that reflects a worsening of the commercial advantage.(1). Based on the aforesaid, the changes in the international tourism services trade competitiveness are measured through the analysis of different variables: 1. the first variable is the market share or participation in the market, and measures the portion of the market that is supplied by a certain country or the tourism sector of this country;(2). the second variable used is the export structure of the analyzed country. This variable reflects the relative weight of the tourism sector in the total exports of that country;(3) finally, by means of the import structure of the market, the degree of dynamism that the tourism sector has in the analyzed import market can be determined. Through the combination of the aforementioned variables, three “tourism competitiveness matrices” (see Table 12.1) are constructed, that allow for the description of Romania’s international tourism trade development profile.The Market Share Competitiveness Matrix illustrates the fact that a country’s tourism exports can be classified according to their international competitiveness starting from the behavior of the country’s market share in tourism exports and the evolution of the world tourism services imports over time.In effect, the world market share held by each country in tourism services exports can increase or diminish throughout time; such modifications take place in the same time with the increase or decline that tourism imports register in international trade.This allows for the classification of a country’s tourism exports as performing, missed opportunities, declining and retreating.Tourism services are performing when a country enhances its market share in tourism, in circumstances in which this activity has an increasing importance in world-wide trade.Tourism services are missed opportunities when a country is losing market share, while international trade in the sector is enhancing.Declining are those tourism services in which the exporting country increases its market share, while the international market is shrinking.Finally, we define the situation of tourism services as retreating when this economic activity, besides losing market share, registers a decline of dynamism in international trade.The competitiveness matrix of the export structure is obtained relating the behavior of a country’s tourism services export structure with the tourism services import dynamism of the international market.This matrix shows how the adjustments of the export structure can take place in the same direction or in the opposite direction with respect to the changes in world imports structure. The different segments of services exports, including tourism, can be classified, from the point of view of their international competitiveness, through the changes that take place in the services export structure of the country and the world services imports structure throughout time.Combining these two variables, tourism, as a services exporting sector can be classified as performing, missed opportunity, declining and retreating, with the equivalent meaning mentioned before.Finally, tourism exports can also be classified from the point of view of their international competitiveness throughout time, when the degree of trade specialization of each country and the evolution of the world imports are simultaneously analyzed.The specialization index is defined as the relative par ticipation that an exporting sector of a country has in world trade.3Similarly, tourism, as an exporting sector can be classified as performing, missed opportunity, declining and retreating, with an identical interpretation to the ones previously indicated.Our aim here is to adapt and apply the model developed by De la Guardia, Molero, and Valadez in order to assess the international competitiveness of tourism services, using information related to the current situation of the EU-25 countries and to that of Romania, based on the statistical information available.Balance of payments transactions for tourism services are less easy to link to actual tourism services provision than is the case for goods; some tourism activities may be difficult to disentangle from goods or capital transactions. Countries have developed unique national methods for assembling the data: some have tended to rely more on statistical surveys and others have relied more on central banks’ administrative systems. Even so, there has been and still remains considerable variation in data collection methods. To compound the picture, methods of collection have changed considerably over time.Despite these troubles, we believe that the forthcoming descriptive analysis could bring some highlights on international competitiveness and the factors determining the commercial position in tourism services trade.The sample data is drawn from UNCTAD-IMF-BOP Statistics on Trade in Services by sector and country (OECD 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, UNCTAD 2003,2004, 2005, 2006), a data-set which covers exports (credits) and imports (debits) of three main services categories: transportation, tourism and travel and other commercial services, according to the concepts and dentitions’ of the IMF Balance of Payments Manual with a focus on tourism services. Data-set comprises the 25 EU countries, Romania and the world (178 countries) and covers a yearly time period comprising 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.4.2 The Research Results4.2.1 The IndicatorsThe evolution of the market share shows the penetration ability of tourism as a services exporting sector of each country in the international economy.The data reveal that, for the analyzed period, the EU-25 economies were among the main world suppliers of tourism services, since they maintained an overall participation next to 45% of the world supply in tourism exports. Altogether, the group constituted by these countries slightly diminished the held proportions of the world quota in tourism services (–0.68% growth rate).From the perspective of individual countries, the economies that registered an increase of their quotas in the world market of tourism services were, in order, those of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, UK and Luxemburg.By contrast, especially significant are the results registered by countries like Hungary, Finland and Spain, which decreased their market share in tourism.Romania’s market share in tourism services exports declined at both world level (Romania –world) and in relation to EU-25 countries (Romania –EU-25), but the decrease in the latter case was more severe (20.85%, as opposed to 4.65%). Also, the reduction in Romania’s market share on the EU-25 market was much higher then the overall European market retreat.Through the analysis of the export structure we can appreciate the importance that export of services has as currency provider for the EU-25 economies and Romania.Data show that, in relation to the examined services sectors, the exports of tourism services represent about 27% of the overall services exports in the EU-25 countries and about 28% at world level, meaning that, compared to the world export structure, the EU-25 countries exhibit a similar pattern, with a slight negative deviation for tourism services.In the analyzed period, most of the countries registered minor decreases in their currency entry through exports of tourism services. The countries that opposed this trend were Poland, Estonia, Malta, Germany, UK.In Romania, tourism services represent about 14% of the overall services exports, which is below the world and European average (27–28%).The evolution is similar with that signaled above, meaning that the structure of Romania’s exports is altered in the detriment of tourism services, that are decreasing both in relation to the world and to the EU-25 countries, but with a much higher amplitude in the latter case (27.85%, as compared to 6.14%).译文罗马尼亚的旅游服务贸易的国际竞争力安娜;克瑞斯缇娜1 引言对所有国家来说,旅游业都可以为本国提供交易机会,这也是唯一可能的服务活动。
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由于竞争力最终取决于一国企业在国内和国际的市场成功,所以对竞争力的注意力都集中在企业层面的竞争力上(波特,1990),对于此的普遍理解是指“……该公司保持,并更好的是,扩大其全球市场份额,增加和扩大利润的能力” (克拉克和盖,1998, 经济合作与发展组织,1993)。
因此,一个国家国际竞争力的性质,效益和局限性仍然含糊不清(科尔德威尔,2000,克鲁格曼,1994, 1996)。
一个可用的文献回顾和实证证据支持国际竞争力可以解释为在一定程度上,一个国家的出口能力这一观点(道乐和沃尔夫,1993, 格博格等. 2004)。
其中,出口市场份额的演变也是贸易竞争力的重要元素, 而后者仅仅是一个国家的竞争力组成部分由欧洲里斯本宣言定义为通过提供更多和更高质量的就业,改善和提高其居住生活水平和产生更大的社会凝聚力。
(二)研究结果1. 指标市场份额的演变表明了旅游业作为国际经济中每个国家的服务出口部门的穿透能力。