Unit 1 Communication Across CultureTranslation纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。
Case StudyCase 1In this case, there seemed to be problems in communicating with people of different cultures in spite of the efforts made to achieve understanding.We should know that in Egypt as in many cultures, the human relationship is valued so highlythat it is not expressed in an objective and impersonal way. While Americans certainly value human relationships, they are more likely to speak of them in less personal, more objective terms. In this case, Richard…s mistake might be that he chose to praise the food itself rather than the total evening, for which the food was simply the setting or excuse. For his host and hostess it was as if he had attended an art exhibit and complimented the artist by saying, ―What beautiful frames your pictures are in.‖In Japan the situation may be more complicated. Japanese people value order and harmonyamong persons in a group, and that the organization itself-be it a family or a vast corporation-is more valued than the characteristics of any particular member. In contrast, Americans stress individuality as a value and are apt to assert individual differences when they seem justifiably in conflict with the goals or values of the group. In this case: Richard…s mistake was in making great efforts to defend himself. Let the others assume that the errors were not intentional, but it is not right to defend yourself, even when your unstated intent is to assist the group by warning others of similar mistakes. A simple apology and acceptance of the blame would have been appropriate. But for poor Richard to have merely apologized would have seemed to him to be subservient, unmanly.When it comes to England, we expect fewer problems between Americans and Englishmenthan between Americans and almost any other group. In this case we might look beyond the gesture of taking sugar or cream to the values expressed in this gesture: for Americans, ―Help yourself‖; for the English counterpart, ―Be my guest.‖ American and English people equally enjoy entertaining and being entertained but they differ somewhat in the value of the distinction. Typically, the ideal guest at an American party is one who ―makes himself at home,‖ even to the point of answering the door or fixing his own drink. For persons in many other societies, including at least this hypothetical English host, such guest behavior is presumptuous or rude.Case 2A common cultural misunderstanding in classes involves conflicts between what is said to bedirect communication style and indirect communication style. In American culture, people tend to say what is on their minds and to mean what they say. Therefore, students in class are expected to ask questions when they need clarification. Mexican culture shares this preference of style with American culture in some situations, and that…s why the students from Mexico readily adopted the techniques of asking questions in class. However, Korean people generally prefer indirect communication style, and therefore they tend to not say what is on their minds and to rely more on implications and inference, so as to be polite and respectful and avoid losing face through any improper verbal behavior. As is mentioned in the case, to many Koreans, numerous questions would show a disrespect for the teacher, and would also reflect that the student has not studied hard enough. Case 3The conflict here is a difference in cultural values and beliefs. In the beginn ing, Mary didn…trealize that her Dominican sister saw her as a member of the family, literally. In the Dominican view, family possessions are shared by everyone of the family. Luz was acting as most Dominican sisters would do in borrowing without asking every time. Once Mary understood that there was a differentway of looking at this, she would become more accepting. However, she might still experience the same frustration when this happened again. She had to find ways to cope with her own emotional cultural reaction as well as her practical problem (the batteries running out).Case 4It might be simply a question of different rhythms. Americans have one rhythm in their personaland family relations, in their friendliness and their charities. People from other cultures have different rhythms. The American rhythm is fast. It is characterized by a rapid acceptance of others. However, it is seldom that Americans engage themselves entirely in a friendship. Their friendships are warm, but casual, and specialized. For example, you have a neighbor who drops by in the morning for coffee. You see her frequently, but you never invite her for dinner --- not because you don…t think she could handle a fork and a knife, but because you have seen her that morning. Therefore, you reserve your more formal invitation to dinner for someone who lives in a more distant part of the city and whom you would not see unless you extended an invitation for a special occasion. Now, if the first friend moves away and the second one moves nearby, you are likely to reverse this --- see the second friend in the mornings for informal coffee meetings, and the first one you will invite more formally to dinner.Americans are, in other words, guided very often by their own convenience. They tend to make friends easily, and they don…t feel it necessary to go to a great amount of trouble to see friends often when it becomes inconvenient to do so, and usually no one is hurt. But in similar circumstances people from many other cultures would be hurt very deeply.Unit 2 Culture and CommunicationTranslation文化有时候被称为我们的心智程序,我们“头脑的软件”。
2. 你认为强调个人之间的文化差异有什么利弊?答:强调个人之间的文化差异有如下利弊:(1)利:每个人都隶属于若干群体,而且没有哪两个人隶属的群体是完全相同的。
因此,每个人都应该被认为是独特的.强调个人的差异,就是在从地区、职业、年龄、性别等方面来研究不同文化对个体的影响,这有助于跨文化交际深入开展. (2)弊:过于强调个人之间的文化差异也有一定的弊端.个体只是一种或多种文化的具体情况.根据传统的观念,文化通常不是指个人行为,而是指一个群体的生活方式和习惯,个人之间的差异研究只有在把他们当作群体代表时才有意义。
Unit 1 Communication Across CultureTranslation纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。
Case StudyCase 1In this case, there seemed to be problems in communicating with people of different cultures in spite of the efforts made to achieve understanding.We should know that in Egypt as in many cultures, the human relationship is valued so highlythat it is not expressed in an objective and impersonal way. While Americans certainly value human relationships, they are more likely to speak of them in less personal, more objective terms. In this case, Richard…s mistake might be that he chose to praise the food itself rather than the total evening, for which the food was simply the setting or excuse. For his host and hostess it was as if he had attended an art exhibit and complimented the artist by saying, ―What beautiful frames your pictures are in.‖In Japan the situation may be more complicated. Japanese people value order and harmonyamong persons in a group, and that the organization itself-be it a family or a vast corporation-is more valued than the characteristics of any particular member. In contrast, Americans stress individuality as a value and are apt to assert individual differences when they seem justifiably in conflict with the goals or values of the group. In this case: Richard…s mistake was in making great efforts to defend himself. Let the others assume that the errors were not intentional, but it is not right to defend yourself, even when your unstated intent is to assist the group by warning others of similar mistakes. A simple apology and acceptance of the blame would have been appropriate. But for poor Richard to have merely apologized would have seemed to him to be subservient, unmanly.When it comes to England, we expect fewer problems between Americans and Englishmenthan between Americans and almost any other group. In this case we might look beyond the gesture of taking sugar or cream to the values expressed in this gesture: for Americans, ―Help yourself‖; for the English counterpart, ―Be my guest.‖ American and English people equally enjoy entertaining and being entertained but they differ somewhat in the value of the distinction. Typically, the ideal guest at an American party is one who ―makes himself at home,‖ even to the point of answering the door or fixing his own drink. For persons in many other societies, including at least this hypothetical English host, such guest behavior is presumptuous or rude.Case 2A common cultural misunderstanding in classes involves conflicts between what is said to bedirect communication style and indirect communication style. In American culture, people tend to say what is on their minds and to mean what they say. Therefore, students in class are expected to ask questions when they need clarification. Mexican culture shares this preference of style with American culture in some situations, and that…s why the students from Mexico readily adopted the techniques of asking questions in class. However, Korean people generally prefer indirect communication style, and therefore they tend to not say what is on their minds and to rely more on implications and inference, so as to be polite and respectful and avoid losing face through any improper verbal behavior. As is mentioned in the case, to many Koreans, numerous questions would show a disrespect for the teacher, and would also reflect that the student has not studied hard enough. Case 3The conflict here is a difference in cultural values and beliefs. In the beginn ing, Mary didn…trealize that her Dominican sister saw her as a member of the family, literally. In the Dominican view, family possessions are shared by everyone of the family. Luz was acting as most Dominican sisters would do in borrowing without asking every time. Once Mary understood that there was a differentway of looking at this, she would become more accepting. However, she might still experience the same frustration when this happened again. She had to find ways to cope with her own emotional cultural reaction as well as her practical problem (the batteries running out).Case 4It might be simply a question of different rhythms. Americans have one rhythm in their personaland family relations, in their friendliness and their charities. People from other cultures have different rhythms. The American rhythm is fast. It is characterized by a rapid acceptance of others. However, it is seldom that Americans engage themselves entirely in a friendship. Their friendships are warm, but casual, and specialized. For example, you have a neighbor who drops by in the morning for coffee. You see her frequently, but you never invite her for dinner --- not because you don…t think she could handle a fork and a knife, but because you have seen her that morning. Therefore, you reserve your more formal invitation to dinner for someone who lives in a more distant part of the city and whom you would not see unless you extended an invitation for a special occasion. Now, if the first friend moves away and the second one moves nearby, you are likely to reverse this --- see the second friend in the mornings for informal coffee meetings, and the first one you will invite more formally to dinner.Americans are, in other words, guided very often by their own convenience. They tend to make friends easily, and they don…t feel it necessary to go to a great amount of trouble to see friends often when it becomes inconvenient to do so, and usually no one is hurt. But in similar circumstances people from many other cultures would be hurt very deeply.Unit 2 Culture and CommunicationTranslation文化有时候被称为我们的心智程序,我们“头脑的软件”。
《跨文化交际》题集一、选择题(每题10分,共100分)1.跨文化交际主要研究的是:A. 不同国家之间的政治关系B. 不同文化背景的人们之间的交流与互动C. 国际经济的合作与发展D. 全球气候变化的影响2.在跨文化交际中,哪种行为可能被视为不尊重他人?A. 直视对方的眼睛以示真诚B. 在交谈中频繁点头表示赞同C. 在未经允许的情况下触摸他人的头部D. 礼貌地询问对方的个人生活3.“高语境文化”与“低语境文化”的区别在于:A. 沟通中直接信息的多少B. 人们使用语言的频率C. 社会习俗的复杂性D. 对时间的重视程度4.下列哪项不属于非言语交际的形式?A. 肢体语言B. 面部表情C. 语音语调D. 书面文字5.在一些文化中,沉默可能被视为:A. 同意的标志B. 思考的表示C. 不尊重的行为D. 沟通的一种方式6.“文化休克”通常发生在:A. 一个人长时间处于自己的文化中B. 一个人初次接触并适应新的文化环境时C. 一个人对某种文化有深入了解之后D. 一个人在不同文化之间频繁切换时7.下列哪项是跨文化交际中常见的挑战?A. 语言障碍B. 价值观差异C. 沟通风格的不同D. 以上都是8.在一些文化中,时间被视为一种:A. 可以随意支配的资源B. 必须严格遵守的规则C. 可以用来建立社会关系的工具D. 以上都有可能是,取决于具体的文化9.“面子”在跨文化交际中是一个重要的概念,它通常指的是:A. 一个人的社会地位B. 一个人的自尊心和荣誉感C. 一个人在外貌上的吸引力D. 一个人在经济上的实力10.下列哪项不是促进跨文化交际有效性的策略?A. 增强文化意识B. 发展跨文化沟通技巧C. 避免与不同文化背景的人交往D. 尊重并适应不同的文化习俗二、填空题(每题10分,共50分)1.在跨文化交际中,__________是指由于文化差异而导致的沟通障碍或误解。
跨文化交际专业试题及答案一、选择题1. 跨文化交际中,以下哪个行为最可能被视为不礼貌?A. 直接注视对方B. 握手C. 鞠躬D. 保持微笑答案:A2. 在美国,人们通常在什么情况下会使用“please”?A. 要求别人做事B. 表达感谢C. 表达歉意D. 表达同意答案:A3. 在日本,以下哪种行为被认为是尊重的表现?A. 直接进入别人的办公室B. 敲门并等待允许C. 未经允许就坐下D. 直接打断别人说话答案:B4. 在阿拉伯文化中,握手时通常不包括以下哪个动作?A. 用右手B. 保持眼神接触C. 持续时间较长D. 同时用左手触碰对方答案:D5. 在中国文化中,赠送礼物时以下哪个行为是不恰当的?A. 包装礼物B. 赠送钟表C. 赠送书籍D. 赠送鲜花答案:B二、简答题1. 描述跨文化交际中非言语交流的重要性。
2. 解释文化冲击是什么,并给出一个例子。
三、论述题1. 论述在国际商务环境中,了解和尊重不同文化的重要性。
跨⽂化交际全部答案参考资料Unit 1 Communication Across CulturesReading IIntercultural Communication:An IntroductionComprehension questions1. Is it still often the case that “everyone?s quick to blame the alien”in the contemporary world?This is still powerful in today…s social and political rhetoric. For instance, it is not uncommon in today…s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems are caused by minorities and immigrants.2. What?s the difference between today?s intercultural contact and that of any time in the past?Today…s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greater importance than in any time in history.3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life today?New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated cultural interaction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter.4. How do you understand the sentence “culture is everything and everywhere”?Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from the instant of birth. It is omnipresent.5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communication?The three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state).6. What does one?s family teach him or her while he or she grows up in it?The family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in that world.7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our culture?Because language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generally agreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community.8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning to?People can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, etc.9. How can a free, culturally diverse society exist?A free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without1prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society.Reading IIThe Challenge of GlobalizationComprehension questions1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed?Many things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past mosthuman beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this changed and still fast changing world in which we live.2. What a “global village”is like?As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remote cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. In a ―global village‖, members of once isolated groups of people have to communicate with members of other cultural groups. Those people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other.3. What is considered as the major driving force of the post-1945 globalization?Technology, particularly telecommunications and computers are considered to be the major driving force.4. What does the author mean by saying that “the …global?may be more local than the …local?”?The increasing global mobility of people and the impact of new electronic media on human communications make the world seem smaller. We may communicate more with people of other countries than with our neighbors, and we may be more informed of the international events than of thelocal events. In this sense, ―the ?global…may be more local than the ?local…‖.5. Why is it important for businesspeople to know diverse cultures in the world?Effective communication may be the most important competitive advantage that firms have to meet diverse customer needs on a global basis. Succeeding in the global market today requires the ability to communicate sensitively with people from other cultures, a sensitivity that is based on an understanding of cross-cultural differences.6. What are the serious problems that countries throughout the world are confronted with?Countries throughout the world are confronted with serious problems such as volatile international economy, shrinking resources, mounting environmental contamination, and epidemics that know no boundaries.7. What implications can we draw from the case of Michael Fay?This case shows that in a world of international interdependence, the ability to understand and communicate effectively with people from other cultures takes on extreme urgency. If we are unaware of the significant role culture plays in communication, we may place the blame for communication failure on people of other cultures.8. What attitudes are favored by the author towards globalization?Globalization, for better or for worse, has changed the world greatly. Whether we like it or not,2globalization is all but unstoppable. It is already here to stay. It is both a fact and an opportunity. The challenges are not insurmountable. Solutions exist, and are waiting to be identified and implemented. From a globalistic point of view, there is hope and faith in humanity.Translation纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,⼈们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和⾏为举⽌上存在的差异,⽽长久⽆法互相理解、⽆法和睦相处。
对外经济贸易大学《跨文化交际(英)》期末考试I.True-False: Decide whether each of the following statements is true orfalse. Write T for “true” and F for “false”.(每题1分,共20分)1.The term “intercultural communication” was first used by Geert Hofstede in1959.2.Hall defines culture as the "software of the mind" that guides us in our dailyinteractions.3.In most of Africa, Argentina and Peru, putting one’s index finger to his templemeans ‘You are crazy.’4.Stereotyping is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizes yourexperiences and guides your behavior toward a particular group of people.5.V alues are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture.They are the innermost “skin of the onion.”6.People from some cultures may lower their gaze to convey respect, whereas thismay be understood as evading or even insulting in other cultures.7.Unbuttoning one’s coat is a sign of openness, friendliness or willingness to reachan agreement.8.In order for intercultural negotiation to be successful, the parties must provide fora win-lose situation.9.Edward Hall’s theory states that the four levels embody the total concept ofculture like an onion – symbols, heroes, rituals, and values.10.Successful intercultural business communication involves knowing theethnocentrisms of persons in other cultures. Understanding the mindsets of both oneself and the person of another culture will result in more efficient communication.11.Ethnocentrism is the belief that somebody else’s cultural background, includingways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is better than our own.12.People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not likechange as compared with people of Asian and Latin cultures.13.When dealing with German business people, you should avoid jokes and otherforms of humor during the actual business sessions.14.In the business circle, American business people use first names immediately.panies should avoid sending female employees to the Middle East, as inArab countries men may refuse to work with women.16.In Southeast Asia, you should avoid presenting your business card with your righthand.17.When accepting a business card, German business people carefully look at thecard, observe the title and organization, acknowledge with a nod that they have digested the information, and perhaps make a relevant comment or ask a polite question.18.The OK sign may be interpreted as asking for money by Japanese businesspeople.19.Nonverbal communication is important to the study of interculturalcommunication because a great deal of nonverbal behavior speaks a universallanguage.20.In short, intercultural communication competence requires sufficient awarenessknowledge, motivations, and skills. Each of these components alone is sufficient to achieve intercultural communication competence.II.Translation: Translate the following Chinese terms into English and English terms into Chinese.(每题1分,共20分)1. stereotypes2. paralanguage3. ethnocentrism4. masculinity5. high-context culture6. monochronic time7. speech act 8. conversation taboos9. vocal qualifiers 10. power distance11. 译码12. 偏见13. 文化震惊14. 不确定性回避15. 概念意义16. 语用错误17. 礼貌原则18. 归纳法19. 空间语言20. 礼仪与礼节III.Multiple Choice: Choose the ONE appropriate answer.(每题1分,共20分)1. Understanding another culture ________.a.enables businesspeople to know why foreign associates believe and actas they dob.is best achieved through “do’s and don’ts” listsc.is important for businesspeople because they can appear to be betterinformedd.isn’t necessary for businesspeople2. Non-linear languages ______.a.are object orientedb.see time as a continuum of present, past and futurec.are circular, tradition oriented and subjectived.lead to short-range planning in business practices3. Which statement about values is incorrect?a. V alues are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in aculture.b. V alues are learned by contacts with family members, teachers, andreligious leaders.c. V alues will be influenced by what is seen on television or read innewspapers.d. People in various cultures have basically similar values.4. People from cultures that follow the monochronic time system tend toa. do one thing at a time.b. be committed to people.c. borrow and lend things often.d. build lifetime relationships.5. Which statement regarding haptics is incorrect?a. In Thailand, it is offensive to touch the head.b. Japan is considered a "don't touch" culture.c. Greece is considered a "touch" culture.d. In Latin American countries, touching between men is unacceptable.6. The opinion that everyone has a position and clearly defined privileges is _____.a. a view of hierarchical structure of social relationshipb. a view of group orientation structure of social relationshipc. a view of individual orientation structure of social relationshipd.none of the above7. General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone from anotherculture include all of the following except:a. politics is a safe topic in most cultures.b. avoid telling jokes.c. avoid personal questions.d. keep the conversation positive.8. Which statement best describes an incorrect handshake?a. In the U.S., a handshake should be firm.b. An Asian handshake is usually gentle.c. Germans repeat a brusque handshake upon arrival and departure.d. A British handshake is firm and repeated frequently.9. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect?a. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.b. Thought patterns impact oral communication.c.When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the factsand goes to generalizations.d. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation withdifferent cultures.10. Which statement is incorrect?a. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge ofanother culture's nonverbal communication patterns.b. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.c.Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultural encounters.d.When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch thebehavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style.nguage is important because it _____a.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.b.allows us to be understood by foreigners.c.is determined by colonialism.d.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.12. Which of the following countries uses high-context language?a.Canadab.Germanyc.Japand.United States13. Slang is generally _____a.understood by everyone.b.spoken by the masses.c.easily translated.ed by subgroups.14. Nonverbal communication does not include _____a. chromatics.b. chronemics.c.haptics.d. semantics.15. Dominance, harmony, and subjugation are all value orientations that correspond to which of the following cultural problems?a.What is the nature of human beings?b.What is the relationship of humans to nature?c.What is the orientation of humans to time?d.What is the human orientation to activity?16. Proverbs are significant to the study of intercultural communicationbecause_______.a.they provide a compact description of a culture’s valuesb.they tell a great deal about what a culture praises and what it rejectsc.they unite a people with the wisdom of their ancestorsd.all of the above17. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance?a. One group's truth should not be imposed on others.b. Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends.c. Citizen protest should be repressed.d. Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people.18. The main idea of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is thatnguage is just a device for reporting a person's experience.b.two languages can represent the same social reality.c.the social reality can be conveyed to a person who does not speak thelanguage.nguage functions as a way of shaping a person's experience.19. Many multinational firms find that cultural shock can be alleviated bya. sending only top executives abroad.b. sending only young, single associates on overseas assignments.c. testing associates to see who is most qualified.d. selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certainpersonal and professional qualifications.20. Which of the following statement is incorrect?a.Knowing cultural variations in the use of silence is helpful whenconversing with persons in another culture.b.We need to keep things in perspective and not get offended each time wedeal with someone who has a different attitude toward touchingc.Good advice when communicating with persons in other cultures is tokeep gestures to a minimumd.Although oral communication varies from culture to culture, non-verbalcommunication is almost always interpreted the same in each culture.IV.Answer the following essay question. (共20分)Compare and contrast the following proverbs from two different cultures: “It is the duck that squawks that gets shot”and “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” How do people from these cultures perceive silence and talk? In light of their different perceptions, how might they view each other? What problems might arise in their interactions?V.Case Analysis: Analyze the following conversation from an intercultural perspective.(共20分)The following conversation took place between two Chinese friends.A: We’re going to New Orleans this weekend.B: What fun! I wish we were going with you. How long are you going to be there?A: Three days.B: Do you need a ride to the airport? I’ll take you.A: Are you sure it’s not too much trouble?B: No, no. It’s no trouble at all.Case Analysis: Analyze the following conversation from an intercultural perspective.参考答案及评分标准A卷VI.True-False: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for “true” and F for “false”.(每题1分,共20分)1. F2. F3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. F9. F 10. T11. F 12. F 13. T 14.T 15. T 16. F 17. F 18. T 19. T 20. FVII.Translation: Translate the following Chinese terms into English and English terms into Chinese.(每题1分,共20分)1. stereotypes 定势/刻板印象2. paralanguage 辅助语言/副语言3. ethnocentrism 民族中心主义4. masculinity男性特征5. high-context culture高语境文化6. monochronic time单一时间观念7. speech act 言语行为8. conversation taboos对话禁忌9. vocal qualifiers 声音修饰10. power distance权力距离11. 译码 decoding 12. 偏见 prejudice13. 文化震惊cultural shock 14. 不确定性回避 uncertaintyavoidance15. 概念意义denotational meaning 16. 语用错误pragmatic failure17. 礼貌原则the Politeness Principle 18. 归纳法inductivepattern19. 空间语言spatial language/proximics 20. 礼仪与礼节etiquetteand protocolVIII.Multiple Choice: Choose the ONE appropriate answer.(每题1分,共20分)1. a2. a3. d4. a5. d6. a7. a8. d9. c 10. b11. a 12. c 13. d 14. d 15. b 16. d 17. a 18. d 19. d 20. dIX.Answer the following essay question. (共20分)测试重点:Compare and contrast the proverbs “It is the duck that squawks thatgets shot”and “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”The former is an English proverbwhile the latter is a Chinese proverb. In light of their different perceptions, the twocultures might differ in terms of silence and talk etc. and problems might arise in theirinteractions.评分标准:从以上角度进行分析,其他根据具体答题情况酌情。
跨文化交际全部答案(总30页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除参考资料Unit 1 Communication Across CulturesReading IIntercultural Communication:An Introduction Comprehension questions1. Is it still often the case that “everyone‟s quick to blame the alien” in the contemporary worldThis is still powerful in today‘s social and political rhetoric. For instance, it is notuncommon intoday‘s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems arecaused by minorities and immigrants.2. What‟s the difference between today‟s intercultural contact and that of any time in the pastToday‘s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greater importancethan in anytime in history.3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life todayNew technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated cultural interaction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter.4. How do you understand the sentence “culture is everything and everywhere”Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from the instant of birth. It is omnipresent.5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communicationThe three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state).6. What does one‟s family teach him or her while he or she grows up in itThe family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in thatworld.7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our cultureBecause language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generally agreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community.8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning toPeople can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, etc.9. How can a free, culturally diverse society existA free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society.Reading IIThe Challenge of GlobalizationComprehension questions1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changedMany things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this changed and still fast changing world in which we live.2. What a “global village” is likeAs our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remote cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. In a ―global village‖, members of once isolated groups of people have to communicate with members of other cultural groups. Those people maylive thousands of miles away or right next door to each other.3. What is considered as the major driving force of the post-1945 globalizationTechnology, particularly telecommunications and computers are considered to be the major driving force.4. What does the author mean by saying that “the …global‟m ay be more local than the …local‟”The increasing global mobility of people and the impact of new electronic media on human communications make the world seem smaller. We may communicate more with people of other countries than with our neighbors, and we may be more informed of the international events than of the local events. In this sense, ―the ‗global‘ may be more local than the ‗local‘‖.5. Why is it important for businesspeople to know diverse cultures in the worldEffective communication may be the most important competitive advantage that firms have to meet diverse customer needs on a global basis. Succeeding in theglobal market today requires the ability to communicate sensitively with people from other cultures, a sensitivity that is based on an understanding of cross-culturaldifferences.6. What are the serious problems that countries throughout the world areconfronted withCountries throughout the world are confronted with serious problems such as volatile international economy, shrinking resources, mounting environmental contamination, and epidemics that know no boundaries.7. What implications can we draw from the case ofMichael FayThis case shows that in a world of international interdependence, the ability to understand and communicate effectively with people from other cultures takes on extreme urgency. If we are unaware of the significant role culture plays in communication, we may place the blame for communication failure on people of other cultures.8. What attitudes are favored by the author towardsglobalizationGlobalization, for better or for worse, has changed the world greatly. Whether we like it or not, globalization is all but unstoppable. It is already here to stay. It is both a fact and an opportunity. The challenges are not insurmountable. Solutions exist, and are waiting to be identified and implemented. From a globalistic point of view, there is hope and faith in humanity.Translation纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。
《跨文化交际》试题(附答案)Paper 1 Communication AnalysisThe following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.Question 1Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant.Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love it!Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.Question 2Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong!Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job.Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure.Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music.Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment.Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game.Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather important experiment!Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.Question 3Case 3:This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.Jim had never been to China before. Li Zhen took him to a classical pianoconcert performed by a famous Chinese pianist. During the performance people were talking and at one stage someone ran up onto the stage and presented the pianist with a bunch of flowers during the playing of a particular musical item. This happened several times during the evening. It also happened when two singers were on stage singing some songs that he was playing. Jim thought all these things quite strange. At the end of the performance the audience applauded the pianist and he applauded them. The audience began to leave while the pianist remained on the stage.Paper 2 VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill the gap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spaces provided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the4. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided on a different .5. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it was decided he would .6. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still some that needed explanation.7. There are many different used when talking about people's relationships in China.8. "Mike! Meet Jane, the ."9. "Ok, the argument is over. Let's forget it, you know."10. People in English speaking countries also avoid losing face or hurting other people by telling .11. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British pub culture, especially the system of which all members of the group are expected to join in.12. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit when she received the news that her husband had left her for another woman.13. In China there is a real sense of in social situations. Paper 3 TranslationTranslate the following passage from English into Chinese. Please write your translation on the answer sheet.What do we mean by "Intercultural Communications" or "IC"? This is not a description of the popular trend toward talking about international things or going overseas. IC is actually an academic and applied discipline that has developed internationally since the 1950s. Sometimes called "cross-cultural communications" or "comparative culture" , scholars most often use the prefix "inter" with the word "cultural" to describe the interaction between cultures. On one level, IC is represented by culture studies, where we examine the political, economic and lifestyle systems of other countries. On another level, it is applied linguistics, where we seek to understand the relationship between language and culture. Many Chinese English teachers and professors have been interested in this aspect since the 1980s - How to teach English in ways that help students also learn the basic communication practices of Britain, the US or other English speaking countries.But the discipline of Intercultural Communications is actually a broad and well-developed field of study. IC is an interdisciplinary application of fields like cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology (and social psychology), communication studies, applied linguistics and educational pedagogy. IC is a comprehensive attempt to understand all aspects of human cultures and how they interact with each other.To understand Intercultural Communications, we seek to understand tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing. In the last thirty odd years, scholars have developed both theoretical framework for comparing cultures and some practical dimensions for considering the similarity and differences between them. One level of intercultural comparison is Cultural Identity. Another level of comparison is Verbal Communication. Another area receiving much attention is Nonverbal Communication. Paper 4 ReadingPassage 1 Questions 15-20In recent years criticisms have been voiced concerning sexist bias in the English language. It has been argued that some of the vocabulary and grammar we use reflects and reinforces a traditional view of the world as one in which men are dominant and women play a secondary role. Takethe word 'chairman' for example. While this can in fact apply to people of both sexes, it appears to some people to be male-oriented as it ends in 'man'. In the past people taking the role of chairman were exclusively male and the word was obviously originally a compound of 'chair' and 'man'. Many English speakers, however, have ceased to view this word as a compound and no more feel it to be composed of these two units, than they perceive cupboard to be a composite of ' cup' and ' board'. In addition the continued use of chairman might be defended on the grounds that the final syllable is pronounced /m'n/ rather than /mn/, just like the final syllable of woman. Despite such considerations other speakers take a contrary view and are sensitive to the components of which it is made up. They clearly perceive it as a title that perpetuates traditional ideas about the place of women in society. For this reason they seek to replace it with neutral terms such as 'chairperson' or 'chair', so that it is now possible to ask questions such as; 'Who is chair of the committee?' Other changes advocated include the replacement of words such as 'postman', 'fireman' and 'policeman' with more clearly neutral terms such as 'postal worker', fire-fighter' and 'police officer’. There is, however, continuing controversy about how far such language changes should go. Should changes be considered for traditional idioms as 'man in the street' and titles such as 'Peking Man'? What about those words where the male meaning of 'man' is no longer dominant, such as 'manhandle'?To the extent that changes have taken place, they have done so more in the written language and formal pronouncements than in everyday speech. You would be quite likely to read in the paper that 'Postal workers are to receive a pay increase.' But 'Has the postman been?' would be most likely to be heard in informal conversation. Here 'postma n’ remains firmly entrenched in popular usage.The extent to which language reflects and shapes attitudes and behaviors is a matter of conjecture. Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Turkish do not make the kinds of sex distinctions English makes through its system of pronouns, but it would be difficult to maintain that males who speak these languages are less sexist than males who speak English! Answer the following questions according to the above text:15. The general use of the word 'man' added to English words indicates .A. sexual feelingsB. sexual freedomC. sexist ideasD. sexist bias .16. Generally where language and sex are concerned in Britain .A. all people agree change is neededB. some people agree change is neededC. people can't make up their minds on the issueD. people think the issue is unimportant and not serious17. What example does the author give to support a defense of the word 'chairman'?18. What does the author argue for when the example 'manhandle' is given?19. What does the author have to say about the impact of language changes?20. What is the author's argument in the final paragraph?Passage 2 Questions 21-27Can Computers Do a Better Job Rating Stocks?Since May, Charles Schwab has been providing stock ratings to clients using a computerized system that it says tries to remove human bias.In particular, Schwab says, its system is meant to avoid the conflicts of interest that have plagued traditional brokerage firms, whose research analysts have often acted as cheerleaders for companies being courted by their investment bankers."We believe that our single biggest advantage is our objectivity," said Jerry Chafkin, Schwab's executive vice president for investment advice and products. " While the development of the methodology is human, the analysis is being performed systematically and automatically.Though Schwab is perhaps the most prominent financial services company to use a computer-driven rating system, several others, including Value Line and Zacks Investment Research, pick stocks in a similar way.The various systems produce very different ratings of individual stocks, and their ability to outperform a market index fund over time has not been proved conclusively. The verdict is still out as to whether computers do it better than people. What is clear, though, is that the major computerized systems hand out fewer positive stock ratings than do Wall Street analysts, who seem to give them out very generously.People who run computerized selection systems criticize traditional Wall Street analysis as having institutional conflicts of interest, as well as individual bias. "I am very suspicious about opinions and judgments and emotions by humans in individual stock selection," said Samuel Eisenstadt, Value Line's research director.However, the computer-driven stock-picking systems must rely on the selection criteria of their creators. All try to isolate factors that their developers believe have the greatest ability to predict share prices. Most models compare a company9s historical earnings growth with that of other companies. And many track the extent to which earnings have surprised analysts.Many firms use their computer-based stock-rating systems as marketing tools.The designers of these systems say they should be judged on how a group of stocks performs over time. But all the systems assume, as do stock analysts on Wall Street, that superior research, by humans, and analysis can select a group of stocks that will outperform the market averages over the long run.Market analysts say it is too soon to assess the fledgling Schwab system or new models, like Microsoft's year-old Stock-ScouterMark the following statements True (T) / False (F) / Not Given (NG) according to the information provided in the text.Write T, or F or NG on your answer sheet in the spaces provided for questions.21. Charles Schwab is a computer company.22. The method of operation by Schwab is done automatically.23. 'Value Line' and 'Zacks' have similar operating methods to Schwab.24. There is no conclusive proof that computers perform better than humans.25. Wall Street analysts are generous in rating stocks.26. Human beings make value judgments according to the research director of 'Value Line'.27. Analysts are surprised at the growth rate of share prices.答案及评分标准Paper 1: Communication Analysis●The following points should be covered in the analysis.●Award one point for each of the points covered (underlined). Paper 2: Vocabulary●One point for each item.●Answers must be the same as the key.4. vocation5. foot the bill6. grey areas7. kin terms8. trouble and strife 9. live and let live10. white lies 11. buying a round12. below the belt 13. communityPaper 3: Translation14.“跨文化交际”或“IC”是指什么呢?这并不是对于谈论国际事务或出国大潮的描述。
跨文化交际试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 跨文化交际的定义是指:A. 不同国家和地区间的交际活动B. 不同民族和文化背景间的交际活动C. 同一文化内部的交际活动D. 不同语言之间的交际活动答案:B2. 文化差异会对跨文化交际产生以下哪种影响?A. 理解困难B. 语言障碍C. 价值观冲突D. 人际关系紧张答案:A、C3. 在跨文化交际中,以下哪种行为被认为是失礼的?A. 目光接触B. 握手问候C. 低头鞠躬D. 打招呼时用双手表示敬意答案:C4. 在中国文化中,以下哪种颜色象征喜庆和幸福?A. 黑色B. 红色C. 绿色D. 白色答案:B5. 在进行跨文化交际时,以下哪种策略是最有效的?A. 强调自己的文化优势B. 忽视文化差异C. 遵守对方的文化规范D. 强迫对方接受自己的文化观念答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简要阐述跨文化交际的重要性以及其中存在的挑战。
2. 在国际商务谈判中,如何合理利用非语言交际手段?答案:在国际商务谈判中,非语言交际手段可以帮助加强沟通效果。
3. 请简要解释文化冲突是如何产生的,并提出解决文化冲突的建议。
参考资料Unit 1 Communication Across CulturesReading IIntercultural Communication:An IntroductionComprehension questions1. Is it still often the case that “everyone‟s quick to blame the alien”in the contemporary world?This is still powerful in today…s social and political rhetoric. For instance, it is not uncommon in today…s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems are caused by minorities and immigrants.2. What‟s the difference between today‟s intercultural contact and that of any time in the past?Today…s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greater importance than in any time in history.3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life today?New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated cultural interaction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter.4. How do you understand the sentence “culture is everything and everywhere”?Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from the instant of birth. It is omnipresent.5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communication?The three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state).6. What does one‟s family teach him or her while he or she grows up in it?The family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in that world.7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our culture?Because language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generally agreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community.8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning to?People can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, etc.9. How can a free, culturally diverse society exist?A free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without1prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society.Reading IIThe Challenge of GlobalizationComprehension questions1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed?Many things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this changed and still fast changing world in which we live.2. What a “global village”is like?As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remote cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. In a ―global village‖, members of once isolated groups of people have to communicate with members of other cultural groups. Those people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other.3. What is considered as the major driving force of the post-1945 globalization?Technology, particularly telecommunications and computers are considered to be the major driving force.4. What does the author mean by saying that “the …global‟may be more local than the …local‟”?The increasing global mobility of people and the impact of new electronic media on human communications make the world seem smaller. We may communicate more with people of other countries than with our neighbors, and we may be more informed of the international events than of thelocal events. In this sense, ―the ‗global…may be more local than the ‗local…‖.5. Why is it important for businesspeople to know diverse cultures in the world?Effective communication may be the most important competitive advantage that firms have to meet diverse customer needs on a global basis. Succeeding in the global market today requires the ability to communicate sensitively with people from other cultures, a sensitivity that is based on an understanding of cross-cultural differences.6. What are the serious problems that countries throughout the world are confronted with?Countries throughout the world are confronted with serious problems such as volatile international economy, shrinking resources, mounting environmental contamination, and epidemics that know no boundaries.7. What implications can we draw from the case of Michael Fay?This case shows that in a world of international interdependence, the ability to understand and communicate effectively with people from other cultures takes on extreme urgency. If we are unaware of the significant role culture plays in communication, we may place the blame for communication failure on people of other cultures.8. What attitudes are favored by the author towards globalization?Globalization, for better or for worse, has changed the world greatly. Whether we like it or not,2globalization is all but unstoppable. It is already here to stay. It is both a fact and an opportunity. The challenges are not insurmountable. Solutions exist, and are waiting to be identified and implemented. From a globalistic point of view, there is hope and faith in humanity.Translation纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。
跨文化交际全部答案参考资料Unit 1 Communication Across CulturesReading IIntercultural Communication:An IntroductionComprehension questions1. Is it still often the case that “everyone?s quick to blame the alien”in the contemporary world?This is still powerful in today…s social and political rhetoric. For instance, it is not uncommon in today…s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems are caused by minorities and immigrants.2. What?s the difference between today?s intercultural contact and that of any time in the past?Today…s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greater importance than in any time in history.3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life today?New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated cultural interaction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter.4. How do you understand the sentence “culture is everything and everywhere”?Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from theinstant of birth. It is omnipresent.5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communication?The three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state).6. What does one?s family teach him or her while he or she grows up in it?The family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in that world.7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our culture?Because language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generally agreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community.8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning to?People can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, etc.9. How can a free, culturally diverse society exist?A free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without1prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society.Reading IIThe Challenge of GlobalizationComprehension questions1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed?Many things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this changed and still fast changing world in which we live.2. What a “global village”is like?As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remote cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. In a ―global village‖, members of once isolated groups of people have to communicate with members of other cultural groups. Those people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other.3. What is considered as the major driving force of the post-1945 globalization?Technology, particularly telecommunications and computers are considered to be the major driving force.4. What does the author mean by saying that “the…global?may be more local than the …local?”?The increasing global mobility of people and the impact of new electronic media on human communications make the world seem smaller. We may communicate more with people of other countries than with our neighbors, and we may be more informed of the international events than of thelocal events. In this sense, ―the ?global…may be more local than the ?local…‖.5. Why is it important for businesspeople to know diverse cultures in the world?Effective communication may be the most important competitive advantage that firms have to meet diverse customer needs on a global basis. Succeeding in the global market today requires the ability to communicate sensitively with people from other cultures, a sensitivity that is based on an understanding of cross-cultural differences.6. What are the serious problems that countries throughout the world are confronted with?Countries throughout the world are confronted with serious problems such as volatile international economy, shrinking resources, mounting environmental contamination, and epidemics that know no boundaries.7. What implications can we draw from the case of Michael Fay?This case shows that in a world of international interdependence, the ability to understand and communicate effectively with people from other cultures takes on extreme urgency. If we are unaware of the significant role culture plays in communication, we may place the blame for communication failure on people of other cultures.8. What attitudes are favored by the author towards globalization?Globalization, for better or for worse, has changed the world greatly. Whether we like it or not,2globalization is all but unstoppable. It is already here to stay. It is both a fact and an opportunity. The challenges are not insurmountable. Solutions exist, and are waiting to be identifiedand implemented. From a globalistic point of view, there is hope and faith in humanity.Translation纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。
跨文化交际概论题集一、选择题1. 跨文化交流的主要目的是()A. 传播本国文化B. 了解和尊重不同文化C. 实现经济利益D. 推广语言答案:B2. 跨文化交流的定义强调()A. 不同种族之间的交流B. 不同文化背景人们的互动C. 国际间的政治交流D. 语言的转换答案:B3. 跨文化交流的重要性体现在()A. 促进全球经济发展B. 增进文化理解与和谐C. 加强国际政治合作D. 以上都是答案:D4. 下列哪项不属于跨文化交流的要素()A. 语言B. 价值观C. 地理位置D. 风俗习惯答案:C5. 跨文化交流对个人的影响包括()A. 提升文化敏感度B. 拓宽思维方式C. 增强适应能力D. 以上都是答案:D6. 跨文化交流的意义在于()A. 消除文化差异B. 促进文化融合C. 保护本土文化D. 以上都不是答案:B7. 以下关于跨文化交流的描述,正确的是()A. 只涉及语言的交流B. 是一种单向的信息传递C. 包括文化的相互影响和适应D. 不需要考虑文化背景答案:C8. 跨文化交流的定义涵盖了()A. 不同国家之间的交流B. 不同民族之间的交流C. 不同文化群体之间的交流D. 以上都是答案:D9. 跨文化交流的重要性在于它能够()A. 提高国际竞争力B. 丰富个人经历C. 促进文化创新D. 以上都是答案:D10. 下列哪项不是跨文化交流的挑战()A. 语言障碍B. 文化偏见C. 相似的文化背景D. 价值观差异答案:C11. 跨文化交流有助于()A. 培养全球视野B. 增强民族自豪感C. 推广本国文化D. 以上都是答案:D12. 跨文化交流的定义不包括()A. 文化的冲突与对抗B. 文化的理解与尊重C. 信息的传递与共享D. 人际关系的建立答案:A13. 跨文化交流对社会的影响包括()A. 促进社会进步B. 增加文化多样性C. 加强社会凝聚力D. 以上都是答案:D14. 以下关于跨文化交流重要性的说法,错误的是()A. 可以避免文化冲突B. 有助于推动文化发展C. 能够促进国际合作D. 是全球化的必然趋势答案:A15. 跨文化交流的关键是()A. 掌握多种语言B. 了解不同文化的特点C. 拥有丰富的知识D. 具备良好的沟通技巧答案:B16. 跨文化交流的定义涉及到()A. 文化的传承B. 文化的变迁C. 文化的比较D. 以上都是答案:D17. 跨文化交流的重要意义在于()A. 提高文化认同感B. 促进文化交流与合作C. 保护文化遗产D. 以上都是答案:D18. 下列哪项是跨文化交流的积极作用()A. 减少文化误解B. 增进文化认同C. 促进文化发展D. 以上都是答案:D19. 跨文化交流的定义中强调的是()A. 文化的共性B. 文化的差异C. 文化的交流与融合D. 以上都是答案:D20. 跨文化交流的重要性在全球化背景下变得()A. 更加突出B. 逐渐减弱C. 没有变化D. 难以确定答案:A21. 以下哪种文化差异属于宗教信仰的差异?()A. 对神灵的崇拜方式不同B. 对建筑风格的喜好不同C. 对艺术形式的欣赏角度不同D. 对节日庆祝方式的不同答案:A22. 文化差异中的审美观念差异表现在()A. 对音乐风格的偏好不同B. 对服装款式的选择不同C. 对自然景观的审美标准不同D. 以上都是答案:D23. 教育体系的差异属于文化差异的哪种类型?()A. 教育目标的不同B. 教学方法的不同C. 教育资源的分配不同D. 以上都是答案:D24. 家庭观念的差异包括以下哪些方面?()A. 家庭成员的角色和责任不同B. 家庭关系的重视程度不同C. 家庭教育的方式不同D. 以上都是答案:D25. 以下哪种文化差异属于思维方式的差异?()A. 对逻辑推理的重视程度不同B. 对直觉和经验的依赖程度不同C. 对问题解决的方法不同D. 以上都是答案:D26. 文化差异中的饮食文化差异包括()A. 食物种类的不同B. 烹饪方式的不同C. 用餐礼仪的不同D. 以上都是答案:D27. 艺术表现形式的差异属于文化差异的哪种类型?()A. 绘画风格的不同B. 文学作品的主题和风格不同C. 音乐节奏和旋律的不同D. 以上都是答案:D28. 社会规范的差异包括以下哪些方面?()A. 道德准则的不同B. 法律制度的不同C. 社交礼仪的不同D. 以上都是答案:D29. 以下哪种文化差异属于历史传统的差异?()A. 对历史事件的评价不同B. 对传统文化的传承方式不同C. 对历史人物的纪念方式不同D. 以上都是答案:D30. 文化差异中的语言文字差异包括()A. 文字形式的不同B. 词汇含义的不同C. 语法结构的不同D. 以上都是答案:D31. 价值观的差异可以体现在()A. 对成功的定义不同B. 对幸福的追求不同C. 对人际关系的重视程度不同D. 以上都是答案:D32. 审美标准的差异包括以下哪些方面?()A. 对美的定义不同B. 对艺术作品的评价不同C. 对自然景观的欣赏角度不同D. 以上都是答案:D33. 宗教仪式的差异属于文化差异的哪种类型?()A. 宗教活动的形式不同B. 宗教信仰的对象不同C. 宗教教义的解释不同D. 以上都是答案:D34. 文化差异中的时间观念差异表现在()A. 对时间的重视程度不同B. 时间安排的方式不同C. 对准时的理解不同D. 以上都是答案:D35. 空间观念的差异包括以下哪些方面?()A. 对个人空间的需求不同B. 对建筑布局的喜好不同C. 对地理位置的重视程度不同D. 以上都是答案:D36. 以下哪种文化差异属于社会结构的差异?()A. 社会组织形式的不同B. 社会阶层的划分方式不同C. 社会权力分配的不同D. 以上都是答案:D37. 文化差异中的性别观念差异包括()A. 对男女角色的定义不同B. 对性别平等的认知不同C. 对性别行为的规范不同D. 以上都是答案:D38. 艺术创作动机的差异属于文化差异的哪种类型?()A. 对艺术表达的目的不同B. 对艺术创新的追求不同C. 对艺术传统的尊重程度不同D. 以上都是答案:D39. 以下哪种文化差异属于民俗习惯的差异?()A. 对节日庆祝的方式不同B. 对婚礼仪式的重视程度不同C. 对民间传说的传承方式不同D. 以上都是答案:D40. 文化差异中的教育观念差异包括()A. 对教育目的的理解不同B. 对教育方法的选择不同C. 对教育资源的分配不同D. 以上都是答案:D41. 文化休克通常发生在()A. 初次进入不同文化环境时B. 长期生活在同一文化环境中C. 与不同文化背景的人交流时D. 学习其他文化知识时答案:A42. 文化休克的主要表现包括()A. 焦虑、孤独、困惑B. 兴奋、好奇、激动C. 平静、适应、融入D. 自信、乐观、开朗答案:A43. 以下哪种情况可能导致文化休克加剧?()A. 积极学习当地语言和文化B. 与当地人保持密切联系C. 固执地坚持自己的文化观念D. 尝试适应新的生活方式答案:C44. 文化适应的过程通常包括()A. 接触、冲突、调整、适应B. 了解、接受、融入、认同C. 观察、模仿、学习、创新D. 排斥、抵制、妥协、适应答案:A45. 当面临文化休克时,以下哪种应对方式是积极的?()A. 逃避现实,拒绝与外界接触B. 抱怨和指责当地文化C. 保持开放的心态,努力适应D. 坚持自己的文化传统,不做改变答案:C46. 文化适应的阶段中,“蜜月期”的特点是()A. 对新文化充满好奇和兴奋B. 开始感受到文化差异带来的压力C. 逐渐适应新文化,融入当地生活D. 对原文化产生强烈的怀念答案:A47. 文化休克的程度可能受到()的影响。
Scholar’s definition
Edward Sapir : “Culture may be defined as what a society does and thinks. Language is a particular how of thought.” “Culture is the socially inherited assemblage of practices and beliefs that determines the texture of our lives.”
“culture” and “society”
A culture is the way of life of a nation, while a society is a community organized in accordance with a certain way of life. (Herskivits, 1945)
Approaches for examining a particular culture
1) Sense of Self and space. 2) Communication and language. 3) Dress and Appearance. 4) Food and feeding habits. 5) Time and Time Consciousness. 6) Relationships. 7) Values and Norms. 8)Beliefs and Attitudes. 9) Mental Process and Learning. 10) Work Habits and Practices.
《跨文化交际》试题(附答案)Paper 1 Communication AnalysisThe following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.Question 1Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant.Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love it!Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.Question 2Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong!Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job.Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure.Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music.Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment.Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game.Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather important experiment!Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.Question 3Case 3:This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.Jim had never been to China before. Li Zhen took him to a classical pianoconcert performed by a famous Chinese pianist. During the performance people were talking and at one stage someone ran up onto the stage and presented the pianist with a bunch of flowers during the playing of a particular musical item. This happened several times during the evening. It also happened when two singers were on stage singing some songs that he was playing. Jim thought all these things quite strange. At the end of the performance the audience applauded the pianist and he applauded them. The audience began to leave while the pianist remained on the stage.Paper 2 VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill the gap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spaces provided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the4. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided on a different .5. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it was decided he would .6. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still some that needed explanation.7. There are many different used when talking about people's relationships in China.8. "Mike! Meet Jane, the ."9. "Ok, the argument is over. Let's forget it, you know."10. People in English speaking countries also avoid losing face or hurting other people by telling .11. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British pub culture, especially the system of which all members of the group are expected to join in.12. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit when she received the news that her husband had left her for another woman.13. In China there is a real sense of in social situations. Paper 3 TranslationTranslate the following passage from English into Chinese. Please write your translation on the answer sheet.What do we mean by "Intercultural Communications" or "IC"? This is not a description of the popular trend toward talking about international things or going overseas. IC is actually an academic and applied discipline that has developed internationally since the 1950s. Sometimes called "cross-cultural communications" or "comparative culture" , scholars most often use the prefix "inter" with the word "cultural" to describe the interaction between cultures. On one level, IC is represented by culture studies, where we examine the political, economic and lifestyle systems of other countries. On another level, it is applied linguistics, where we seek to understand the relationship between language and culture. Many Chinese English teachers and professors have been interested in this aspect since the 1980s - How to teach English in ways that help students also learn the basic communication practices of Britain, the US or other English speaking countries.But the discipline of Intercultural Communications is actually a broad and well-developed field of study. IC is an interdisciplinary application of fields like cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology (and social psychology), communication studies, applied linguistics and educational pedagogy. IC is a comprehensive attempt to understand all aspects of human cultures and how they interact with each other.To understand Intercultural Communications, we seek to understand tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing. In the last thirty odd years, scholars have developed both theoretical framework for comparing cultures and some practical dimensions for considering the similarity and differences between them. One level of intercultural comparison is Cultural Identity. Another level of comparison is Verbal Communication. Another area receiving much attention is Nonverbal Communication. Paper 4 ReadingPassage 1 Questions 15-20In recent years criticisms have been voiced concerning sexist bias in the English language. It has been argued that some of the vocabulary and grammar we use reflects and reinforces a traditional view of the world as one in which men are dominant and women play a secondary role. Takethe word 'chairman' for example. While this can in fact apply to people of both sexes, it appears to some people to be male-oriented as it ends in 'man'. In the past people taking the role of chairman were exclusively male and the word was obviously originally a compound of 'chair' and 'man'. Many English speakers, however, have ceased to view this word as a compound and no more feel it to be composed of these two units, than they perceive cupboard to be a composite of ' cup' and ' board'. In addition the continued use of chairman might be defended on the grounds that the final syllable is pronounced /m'n/ rather than /mn/, just like the final syllable of woman. Despite such considerations other speakers take a contrary view and are sensitive to the components of which it is made up. They clearly perceive it as a title that perpetuates traditional ideas about the place of women in society. For this reason they seek to replace it with neutral terms such as 'chairperson' or 'chair', so that it is now possible to ask questions such as; 'Who is chair of the committee?' Other changes advocated include the replacement of words such as 'postman', 'fireman' and 'policeman' with more clearly neutral terms such as 'postal worker', fire-fighter' and 'police officer’. There is, however, continuing controversy about how far such language changes should go. Should changes be considered for traditional idioms as 'man in the street' and titles such as 'Peking Man'? What about those words where the male meaning of 'man' is no longer dominant, such as 'manhandle'?To the extent that changes have taken place, they have done so more in the written language and formal pronouncements than in everyday speech. You would be quite likely to read in the paper that 'Postal workers are to receive a pay increase.' But 'Has the postman been?' would be most likely to be heard in informal conversation. Here 'postma n’ remains firmly entrenched in popular usage.The extent to which language reflects and shapes attitudes and behaviors is a matter of conjecture. Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Turkish do not make the kinds of sex distinctions English makes through its system of pronouns, but it would be difficult to maintain that males who speak these languages are less sexist than males who speak English! Answer the following questions according to the above text:15. The general use of the word 'man' added to English words indicates .A. sexual feelingsB. sexual freedomC. sexist ideasD. sexist bias .16. Generally where language and sex are concerned in Britain .A. all people agree change is neededB. some people agree change is neededC. people can't make up their minds on the issueD. people think the issue is unimportant and not serious17. What example does the author give to support a defense of the word 'chairman'?18. What does the author argue for when the example 'manhandle' is given?19. What does the author have to say about the impact of language changes?20. What is the author's argument in the final paragraph?Passage 2 Questions 21-27Can Computers Do a Better Job Rating Stocks?Since May, Charles Schwab has been providing stock ratings to clients using a computerized system that it says tries to remove human bias.In particular, Schwab says, its system is meant to avoid the conflicts of interest that have plagued traditional brokerage firms, whose research analysts have often acted as cheerleaders for companies being courted by their investment bankers."We believe that our single biggest advantage is our objectivity," said Jerry Chafkin, Schwab's executive vice president for investment advice and products. " While the development of the methodology is human, the analysis is being performed systematically and automatically.Though Schwab is perhaps the most prominent financial services company to use a computer-driven rating system, several others, including Value Line and Zacks Investment Research, pick stocks in a similar way.The various systems produce very different ratings of individual stocks, and their ability to outperform a market index fund over time has not been proved conclusively. The verdict is still out as to whether computers do it better than people. What is clear, though, is that the major computerized systems hand out fewer positive stock ratings than do Wall Street analysts, who seem to give them out very generously.People who run computerized selection systems criticize traditional Wall Street analysis as having institutional conflicts of interest, as well as individual bias. "I am very suspicious about opinions and judgments and emotions by humans in individual stock selection," said Samuel Eisenstadt, Value Line's research director.However, the computer-driven stock-picking systems must rely on the selection criteria of their creators. All try to isolate factors that their developers believe have the greatest ability to predict share prices. Most models compare a company9s historical earnings growth with that of other companies. And many track the extent to which earnings have surprised analysts.Many firms use their computer-based stock-rating systems as marketing tools.The designers of these systems say they should be judged on how a group of stocks performs over time. But all the systems assume, as do stock analysts on Wall Street, that superior research, by humans, and analysis can select a group of stocks that will outperform the market averages over the long run.Market analysts say it is too soon to assess the fledgling Schwab system or new models, like Microsoft's year-old Stock-ScouterMark the following statements True (T) / False (F) / Not Given (NG) according to the information provided in the text.Write T, or F or NG on your answer sheet in the spaces provided for questions.21. Charles Schwab is a computer company.22. The method of operation by Schwab is done automatically.23. 'Value Line' and 'Zacks' have similar operating methods to Schwab.24. There is no conclusive proof that computers perform better than humans.25. Wall Street analysts are generous in rating stocks.26. Human beings make value judgments according to the research director of 'Value Line'.27. Analysts are surprised at the growth rate of share prices.答案及评分标准Paper 1: Communication Analysis●The following points should be covered in the analysis.●Award one point for each of the points covered (underlined). Paper 2: Vocabulary●One point for each item.●Answers must be the same as the key.4. vocation5. foot the bill6. grey areas7. kin terms8. trouble and strife 9. live and let live10. white lies 11. buying a round12. below the belt 13. communityPaper 3: Translation14.“跨文化交际”或“IC”是指什么呢?这并不是对于谈论国际事务或出国大潮的描述。
对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院2010-2011学年第二学期跨文化交际导论(英) 复习大纲课程名称: ENG338a【跨文化交际导论(英)】考核方式: 开卷笔试[占总分的70%]复习范围:以指定教材(第1-9章)为主,课件内容为辅。
试题形式:客观试题50 题,每题2分,题型共三种形式:I. Definition Matching.Match the terms with their definitions. (给术语配对定义,10题,1题2分,共20分)II. True-False. Circle A if the statement is true; circle B if it is false. (判断各句是否正确,20题,1题2分,共40分)III. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. (在所给的4个选项中选择一个最恰当的答案,20题,1题2分,共40分)复习方法:●认真学习指定教材,结合课件的教学内容,全面复习,从总体上掌握这门跨学科课程的特点;●理解各讲中的主要教学内容,即每讲开始前的Learning Objectives,不要死记硬背,重理解、勤思考、细观察,从跨文化交际的角度对文化差异进行分析、记忆、总结;●要力图将跨文化交际理论与交往实践相结合,将西方文化交际的理论与实践与中国的本土文化相结合,通过大量真实生动的交际的成败案例的学习,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力;●参考指定教材各章后的练习以及书后附的两套模拟自测题,术语定义配对题、是非题和多项选择题可帮助复习检验对所学内容熟悉的掌握程度,熟悉客观题型,问答题和案例有助于进一步理解。
跨文化交际导论课程期末考试模拟题(红色答案来自答疑系统,供参考)Ⅰ. Match the following terms with their definition. (20%)1.the study of the way that people use physical space to convey messages. C2.the way in which time is used in a culture. A3.the actual practice of concepts or beliefs. B4.the total activity of learning one's culture. D5.social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. EA.Temporal language/ chronemicsB.Behavior communicationC.Spatial language/proxemicsD.EnculturationE.Values6. between nations and governments rather than individuals A7. perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities C8. a learned organization of rules for making choices and for solving conflicts D9. volume, pitch, and rate that affects message meaning E10. the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings BA.internationalB.contextC.valueD.stereotypesE.paralanguageⅡ.True or FalseMark A if the statement is true; mark B if it is false.11.When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussing one'sfamily and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures. B12.Transference of pragmatic rules refers to the transference of corresponding words andsentence structure from mother tongue to target language. A13.Since all cultures share the same basic values, cultures attach the same meanings to thesebasic values. B14.Primary values are the most important. A15.Some countries officially recognize religious rituals that affect business encounters. A16.People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not like change ascompared with people of Asian and Latin cultures. B17.The behavior of John lying in bed and reading a novel is a two-way contact. B18.Linear Model is one of the earliest and still the most useful attempts to describe thecommunication process A19.International communication takes place between such groups as African Americans andLatin Americans. B20.Intercultural communication as a discipline was not established in U.S. until the 1980s. B21.Without the cultural rules people also can behave properly. B22.Culture is not something we are born with, but rather it is learned. A23.Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of any culture. B24.In Germany, business gifts are usually exchanged at the beginning of formal negotiations. B25.New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the globaleconomic arena have increased globalization. A26.No country is completely self-sufficient. A27.All cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which the politeness is achievedmay vary significantly. A28.International English is used only by businesspeople who practice English as a secondlanguage. B29.International communication takes place between such groups as African Americans andLatin Americans. B30.The process of learning culture is always conscious. B31.Ethnocentrism leads to a objective evaluation of how another culture conducts its dailybusiness. A32.The hierarchy is a theory has not been proven applicable to all the countries. A33.Cultures may differ, but communication practices do not differ. B34.Culture is ongoing and subject to change. A35.The term “co-cultures” suggests the inequality betwe en groups. B36.Chinese is an example of linear language. Amunication barriers are caused by the same communication having different meanings indifferent cultures. A38.New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the globaleconomic arena have increased globalization. A39.Power distance in the United States is comparatively high. B40.Pragmatic failure is the inability to understand what is meant by what is said. A41.Values motivate people. A42.Attitudes are the same thing as values. A43.Eventually, with the spread of technology everyone will have the same values. B44.In order to understand a culture's values, you need only to learn the "do's and taboos" of behavior in that culture. A45.Social class is unimportant in negotiator selection. B46. Relationship building is important in Arab and Latin America. A47. Achievement in countries with high masculinity scores is expressed through material possessions. B48. Acculturation is the socialization process of how people learn their own culture through what is said and done. B48. Consumers in high uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to perceive little or no risk in the purchase of new products.49. Intercultural communication competence requires sufficient awareness, knowledge, motivations, and skills. A50. Values are enduring attitudes about the preferability of one belief over another.51. Cultures are so different that we will never be able to communicatesuccessfully. B52. Transference of pragmatic rules refers to the transference of corresponding words andsentence structure from mother tongue to target language. A53. Today intercultural communication encounters are different from encountersof the past. A54. All languages can, in their own way, distinguish between present and pastevents, but they may not feel that this distinction is important enough to createa system of verb tense. A55. Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of anyculture. B56. Values are learned; they are not innate. A57. Long-term-oriented cultures are characterized by patience, perseverance, and respect forone’s elders and ancestors. A58. Nonverbal aspects are very important in low-context cultures. A59. When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussingone's family and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures. B60. Chinese is an example of a linear language. A61. Language serves as the only guide to how a culture perceives reality. B61. All languages can, in their own way, distinguish between present and past events, but they maynot feel that this distinction is important enough to create a system of verb tense. A 62. Globalization is the ability of a corporation to take a product and market it anywhere in theworld. A63. In order for intercultural negotiation to be successful, the parties must provide for a win-losesituation. B64. In some countries, using gifts to assure success in sealing an agreement is an accepted way ofdoing business. A65. As they become globalized, companies will have to train their work forces to deal with multiculturality. A66. People from countries with strong uncertainty avoidance are more likely to remain closefriends in spite of differing opinions. A66. Even if the language is common to both cultures, one culture may restrict the meaning of certain words. A67. In their business letters, the French do not usually apologize for mistakes. B68. Achievement in countries with high masculinity scores is expressed throughmaterial possessions. B69. Acculturation is the socialization process of how people learn their own culturethrough what is said and done. B70. In the Japanese society, knowing the rank of people with whom you conduct business is veryimportant. A、Ⅲ. Multiple ChoicesMark the letter corresponding to the correct response.1. What country ranks the lowest on individualism? CA.AustraliaB. CanadaC.GuatemalaD. United States2.Proponents of which attitude feel that self-interest is an appropriate goal?A.Uncertainty-reductionB. AttributionC. IndividualismD. Collectivism3. Language is important because it AA.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.B. allows us to be understood by foreigners.C.is determined by colonialism.D.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.4. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? CA.CanadaB. GermanyC.JapanD. United States5. Which one of the following statements is not among the functions of culture offered by Dressler and Carns? CA.Culture makes it possible to anticipate how others in our society are likely to respond toour actions.B.Culture enables us to communicate with others through a language that we have learnedand that we share in common.C.Culture leads to better understanding in business.D.Culture provides the knowledge and skill necessary for meeting sustenance needs.6. Culture can be classified in all the following ways except Ba)Artifact, concepts and behaviorb)Positive culture and negative culturec) A level of values and a level of resultant behaviour or artifacts of some formd)An invisible level and a visible level7. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there is a defect in the button causingit not to fit into the chassis." This statement is an example of a DA.linear explanation.B.verbose explanation.C.nonlinear explanation.D.why explanation.8. Which of the following would be an example of a translation problem? Ding the intention of the speaker rather than the actual words in the translation.B.Qualifying slang terms.C.Not translating conversation taboos.ing a word for which no exact word or concept is available in the second language.9.Which of the following greeting way is somewhat unique to Chinese? BA. Giving regards to others.B. Commenting on something.C. Using address forms as greeting.D. Using nonverbal forms as greeting.10.The styles of paragraph development for oriental countries could be described as DA. a vertical straight line.B. zigzagged lines.C. a circular, spiral lineD. a digressive, back-and-forth zigzag.11. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? CA. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.B. Thought patterns impact oral communication.C.When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goes togeneralizations.D. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with differentcultures.12. Which statement is incorrect? BA. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of anotherculture's nonverbal communication patterns.B. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.C. Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultural encounters.D. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch the behavior ofthe persons you are talking with and match their style.13.People of which type of society believe their truth is the only truth?A.IndividualisticB. Strong-uncertainty avoidanceC.CollectivisticD.Weak-uncertainty avoidance14.What we are willing to die for and what we deem worthy of protection is determined byour ___? BA.belief systemB.value systemC.attitude processesD.social organizations15. Slang is generally DA.understood by everyone.B.spoken by the masses.C.easily translated.ed by subgroups.16. Nonverbal communication does not includeA. chromatics.B. chronemics.C. haptics.D. semantics.17. As a result of globalization, new issues facing corporations includeA.cultural differences in work ethicsB.stereotyping by members of international teamsC.personnel who are overqualified for overseas positionsD. a & b18. The classic The Silent Language published in 1959, was written byA.KluckhohnB.BenedictC.MeadD.Edward Hall19. Which of the following has occurred due to advances in technology?A.People are beginning to spend more time with family members.B.The number of relationships we have with people have decreased.C.People have more frequent contact with people from other cultures.D.People are gaining a clearer sense of who they really are.20. It is important to study intercultural communication becauseA. it is a necessary and worthwhile pursuit.B. most people are more alike than they realize.C. cultural differences bring people together.D. intercultural communication is subjective.21. ______ are the most important. AA. Primary valuesB.Secondary valuesC.Tertiary valuesD.None of the above22. In cultures that tend toward individualism, what aspects are encouraged? DA. competitionB.personal goalsC.individual rightsD.all of the above23. We learn culture DA.from folk tales, legends and mythsB.in conscious or unconscious waysC.through art and mass mediaD.all of the above24. Which statement least represents U.S. values? CA. U.S. Americans value directness over indirectness.B. U.S. Americans value time management over leisure.C. U.S. Americans value history over planning for the future.D.U.S. Americans value equality over inequality.25. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance?A.One group's truth should not be imposed on others.B.Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends.C.Citizen protest should be repressed.D.Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people26. Which time orientation is held by cultures that value living and realizing the potential of today?CA.past orientation to timeB.immutable orientation to timeC.present orientation to timeD.mutable orientation to time27. Which of the following value orientations emerged from the Chinese research team?A.long-term versus short-term orientationB.masculinity/femininity orientationC.preferred form of activity orientationD.uncertainty avoidance orientation28. The notions of masculinity and femininityA.are universal for every culture across time.B.are not just based on biological differences.C.have not changed through the ages.D.have well-established and understood meanings.29. From what areas of the world do most of today's immigrants to the United States come? and Latin AmericaB.Mexico and Eastern EuropeC.Haiti and ChinaD.Eastern Europe and the Middle East30. The China Association for Intercultural Communication is held ______.A. once a yearB. every two yearsC. every three yearsD. every four years31. Who of the following would feel most comfortable with silence during a conversation? Amanager from _____. CE.the United StatesF.GermanyG.Great BritainH.Japan32 Which statement related to work attitudes is incorrect? AA.U.S. attitudes toward work are more relaxed than those in Europe.B.In the United States, hard work is applauded and often rewarded.C.The Japanese attitude toward work is very group-oriented.D.In the United States, the attitude toward work is ingrained from an early age.33. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? DA.The structure of a language affects the perceptions of reality of its speakersB.The structure of a language influences thought patterns and worldviews of its speakersnguage functions as a way of shaping one’s experienceD.There is a general agreement concerning the validity of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis34. Which statement is incorrect? Dnguage is a reflection of the environmentnguage is reflection of cultural valuesnguage is a reflection of culture, and culture is a reflection of language.D. A good mastering of a foreign language equals a complete understanding of its culture.35. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? Ca. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.b. Thought patterns impact oral communication.c.When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goesto generalizations.d. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with differentcultures.36. Which statement is incorrect? Ba. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of anotherculture's nonverbal communication patterns.b. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.c.Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultural encounters.d.When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch thebehavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style.37. Language is important because it Aa.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.b.allows us to be understood by foreigners.c.is determined by colonialism.d.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.38. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? DB.CanadaC.GermanyD.JapanE.United States39. Slang is generally HE.understood by everyone.F.spoken by the masses.G.easily translated.ed by subgroups.40. General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone from another culture includeall of the following except: ca. politics is a safe topic in most cultures.b. avoid telling jokes.c. avoid personal questions.d. keep the conversation positive.41. Which statement best describes an incorrect handshake? ca. In the U.S., a handshake should be firm.b. An Asian handshake is usually gentle.c. Germans repeat a brusque handshake upon arrival and departure.d. A British handshake is firm and repeated frequently.42. Language is important because it ee.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.f.allows us to be understood by foreigners.g.is determined by colonialism.h.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.43. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? HF.CanadaG.GermanyH.JapanI.United States44. Slang is generally LI.understood by everyone.J.spoken by the masses.K.easily translated.ed by subgroups.45. Nonverbal communication does not includea. chromatics.b. chronemics.c.haptics.d.semantics.46. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there is a defect in the buttoncausing it not to fit into the chassis." This statement is an example of a HE.linear explanation.F.verbose explanation.G.nonlinear explanation.H.why explanation.47. Which of the following would be an example of a translation problem? Hing the intention of the speaker rather than the actual words in the translation.F.Qualifying slang terms.G.Not translating conversation taboos.ing a word for which no exact word or concept is available in the secondlanguage.48. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance?a. One group's truth should not be imposed on others.b. Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends.c. Citizen protest should be repressed.d. Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people.49. The main idea of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is thatnguage is just a device for reporting a person's experience.b.two languages can represent the same social reality.c.the social reality can be conveyed to a person who does not speak thelanguage.nguage functions as a way of shaping a person's experience.50. Many multinational firms find that cultural shock can be alleviated by Da. sending only top executives abroad.b. sending only young, single associates on overseas assignments.c. testing associates to see who is most qualified.d. selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal andprofessional qualifications.。
对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院2009-2010学年第二学期跨文化交际导论(英) 复习大纲课程名称: ENG338a【跨文化交际导论(英)】考核方式: 开卷笔试[占总分的70%]复习范围:以指定教材(第1-9章)为主,课件内容为辅。
试题形式:客观试题50 题,每题2分,题型共三种形式:I. Definition Matching.Match the terms with their definitions. (给术语配对定义,10题,1题2分,共20分)II. True-False. Circle A if the statement is true; circle B if it is false. (判断各句是否正确,20题,1题2分,共40分)III. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. (在所给的4个选项中选择一个最恰当的答案,20题,1题2分,共40分)复习方法:●认真学习指定教材,结合课件的教学内容,全面复习,从总体上掌握这门跨学科课程的特点;●理解各讲中的主要教学内容,即每讲开始前的Learning Objectives,不要死记硬背,重理解、勤思考、细观察,从跨文化交际的角度对文化差异进行分析、记忆、总结;●要力图将跨文化交际理论与交往实践相结合,将西方文化交际的理论与实践与中国的本土文化相结合,通过大量真实生动的交际的成败案例的学习,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力;●参考指定教材各章后的练习以及书后附的两套模拟自测题,术语定义配对题、是非题和多项选择题可帮助复习检验对所学内容熟悉的掌握程度,熟悉客观题型,问答题和案例有助于进一步理解。
跨文化交际导论课程期末考试模拟题(答案供参考)Ⅰ. Match the following terms with their definition. (20%)1.the study of the way that people use physical space to convey messages. B2.the way in which time is used in a culture. A3.the actual practice of concepts or beliefs. E4.the total activity of learning one's culture. C5.social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. DA.Temporal language/chronemicsB.Behavior communicationC.Spatial language/proxemicsD.EnculturationE.Values6. between nations and governments rather than individuals A7. perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities C8. a learned organization of rules for making choices and for solving conflicts B9. volume, pitch, and rate that affects message meaning E10. the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings DA.internationalB.contextC.valueD.stereotypesE.paralanguageⅡ.True or FalseMark A if the statement is true; mark B if it is false.11.When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussing one'sfamily and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures. B12.Transference of pragmatic rules refers to the transference of corresponding words andsentence structure from mother tongue to target language. A13.Since all cultures share the same basic values, cultures attach the same meanings to thesebasic values. B14.Primary values are the most important. A15.Some countries officially recognize religious rituals that affect business encounters. A16.People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not like change ascompared with people of Asian and Latin cultures. B17.The behavior of John lying in bed and reading a novel is a two-way contact. B18.Linear Model is one of the earliest and still the most useful attempts to describe thecommunication process A19.International communication takes place between such groups as African Americans andLatin Americans. B20.Intercultural communication as a discipline was not established in U.S. until the 1980s. A21.Without the cultural rules people also can behave properly. B22.Culture is not something we are born with, but rather it is learned. A23.Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of any culture. B24.In Germany, business gifts are usually exchanged at the beginning of formal negotiations.A25.New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the globaleconomic arena have increased globalization. A26.No country is completely self-sufficient. A27.All cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which the politeness is achievedmay vary significantly. A28.International English is used only by businesspeople who practice English as a secondlanguage. B29.International communication takes place between such groups as African Americans andLatin Americans. B30.The process of learning culture is always conscious. B31.Ethnocentrism leads to a objective evaluation of how another culture conducts its dailybusiness. A32.The hierarchy is a theory has not been proven applicable to all the countries. A33.Cultures may differ, but communication practices do not differ. B34.Culture is ongoing and subject to change. A35.The term “co-cultures” suggests the inequal ity between groups. B36.Chinese is an example of linear language. Amunication barriers are caused by the same communication having different meanings indifferent cultures. B38.New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the globaleconomic arena have increased globalization. A39.Power distance in the United States is comparatively high. B40.Pragmatic failure is the inability to understand what is meant by what is said. A41.Values motivate people. A42.Attitudes are the same thing as values. A43.Eventually, with the spread of technology everyone will have the same values. B44.In order to understand a culture's values, you need only to learn the "do's and taboos" of behavior in that culture. A45.Social class is unimportant in negotiator selection. B46. Relationship building is important in Arab and Latin America. A47. Achievement in countries with high masculinity scores is expressed through material possessions. B48. Acculturation is the socialization process of how people learn their own culture through what is said and done. A48. Consumers in high uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to perceive little or no risk in the purchase of new products . A49. Intercultural communication competence requires sufficient awareness, knowledge, motivations, and skills. A50. Values are enduring attitudes about the preferability of one belief over another. B51. Cultures are so different that we will never be able to communicatesuccessfully. B52. Transference of pragmatic rules refers to the transference of corresponding words andsentence structure from mother tongue to target language. A53. Today intercultural communication encounters are different from encountersof the past. A54. All languages can, in their own way, distinguish between present and pastevents, but they may not feel that this distinction is important enough to createa system of verb tense. A55. Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of anyculture. B56. Values are learned; they are not innate. A57. Long-term-oriented cultures are characterized by patience, perseverance, and respect forone’s elders and ancestors. A58. Nonverbal aspects are very important in low-context cultures. B59. When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussingone's family and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures. A60. Chinese is an example of a linear language. B61. Language serves as the only guide to how a culture perceives reality. A61. All languages can, in their own way, distinguish between present and past events, but they maynot feel that this distinction is important enough to create a system of verb tense. A 62. Globalization is the ability of a corporation to take a product and market it anywhere in theworld. A63. In order for intercultural negotiation to be successful, the parties must provide for a win-losesituation. A64. In some countries, using gifts to assure success in sealing an agreement is an accepted way ofdoing business. B65. As they become globalized, companies will have to train their work forces to deal with multiculturality. A66. People from countries with strong uncertainty avoidance are more likely to remain closefriends in spite of differing opinions. B66. Even if the language is common to both cultures, one culture may restrict the meaning of certain words. A67. In their business letters, the French do not usually apologize for mistakes. A68. Achievement in countries with high masculinity scores is expressed throughmaterial possessions. B69. Acculturation is the socialization process of how people learn the ir own culturethrough what is said and done. A70. In the Japanese society, knowing the rank of people with whom you conduct business is veryimportant. A、Ⅲ. Multiple ChoicesMark the letter corresponding to the correct response. C1. What country ranks the lowest on individualism?A.AustraliaB. CanadaC.GuatemalaD. United States2.Proponents of which attitude feel that self-interest is an appropriate goal? CA.Uncertainty-reductionB. AttributionC. IndividualismD. Collectivism3. Language is important because it AA.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.B. allows us to be understood by foreigners.C.is determined by colonialism.D.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.4. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? CA.CanadaB. GermanyC.JapanD. United States5. Which one of the following statements is not among the functions of culture offered by Dressler and Carns? CA.Culture makes it possible to anticipate how others in our society are likely to respond toour actions.B.Culture enables us to communicate with others through a language that we have learnedand that we share in common.C.Culture leads to better understanding in business.D.Culture provides the knowledge and skill necessary for meeting sustenance needs.6. Culture can be classified in all the following ways except Ba)Artifact, concepts and behaviorb)Positive culture and negative culturec) A level of values and a level of resultant behaviour or artifacts of some formd)An invisible level and a visible level7. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there is a defect in the button causingit not to fit into the chassis." This statement is an example of a DA.linear explanation.B.verbose explanation.C.nonlinear explanation.D.why explanation.8. Which of the following would be an example of a translation problem? Ding the intention of the speaker rather than the actual words in the translation.B.Qualifying slang terms.C.Not translating conversation taboos.ing a word for which no exact word or concept is available in the second language.9.Which of the following greeting way is somewhat unique to Chinese? BA. Giving regards to others.B. Commenting on something.C. Using address forms as greeting.D. Using nonverbal forms as greeting.10.The styles of paragraph development for oriental countries could be described as DA. a vertical straight line.B. zigzagged lines.C. a circular, spiral lineD. a digressive, back-and-forth zigzag.11. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? CA. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.B. Thought patterns impact oral communication.C.When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goes togeneralizations.D. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with differentcultures.12. Which statement is incorrect? BA. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of anotherculture's nonverbal communication patterns.B. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.C. Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultural encounters.D. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch the behavior ofthe persons you are talking with and match their style.13.People of which type of society believe their truth is the only truth? AA.IndividualisticB. Strong-uncertainty avoidanceC.CollectivisticD.Weak-uncertainty avoidance14.What we are willing to die for and what we deem worthy of protection is determined byour ___? BA.belief systemB.value systemC.attitude processesD.social organizations15. Slang is generally DA.understood by everyone.B.spoken by the masses.C.easily translated.ed by subgroups.16. Nonverbal communication does not include DA. chromatics.B. chronemics.C. haptics.D. semantics.17. As a result of globalization, new issues facing corporations include DA.cultural differences in work ethicsB.stereotyping by members of international teamsC.personnel who are overqualified for overseas positionsD. a & b18. The classic The Silent Language published in 1959, was written by DA.KluckhohnB.BenedictC.MeadD.Edward Hall19. Which of the following has occurred due to advances in technology? BA.People are beginning to spend more time with family members.B.The number of relationships we have with people have decreased.C.People have more frequent contact with people from other cultures.D.People are gaining a clearer sense of who they really are.20. It is important to study intercultural communication because CA. it is a necessary and worthwhile pursuit.B. most people are more alike than they realize.C. cultural differences bring people together.D. intercultural communication is subjective.21. ______ are the most important. AA. Primary valuesB.Secondary valuesC.Tertiary valuesD.None of the above22. In cultures that tend toward individualism, what aspects are encouraged? DA. competitionB.personal goalsC.individual rightsD.all of the above23. We learn culture DA.from folk tales, legends and mythsB.in conscious or unconscious waysC.through art and mass mediaD.all of the above24. Which statement least represents U.S. values? CA. U.S. Americans value directness over indirectness.B. U.S. Americans value time management over leisure.C. U.S. Americans value history over planning for the future.D.U.S. Americans value equality over inequality.25. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance? DA.One group's truth should not be imposed on others.B.Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends.C.Citizen protest should be repressed.D.Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people26. Which time orientation is held by cultures that value living and realizing the potential of today? CA.past orientation to timeB.immutable orientation to timeC.present orientation to timeD.mutable orientation to time27. Which of the following value orientations emerged from the Chinese research team? AA.long-term versus short-term orientationB.masculinity/femininity orientationC.preferred form of activity orientationD.uncertainty avoidance orientation28. The notions of masculinity and femininity BA.are universal for every culture across time.B.are not just based on biological differences.C.have not changed through the ages.D.have well-established and understood meanings.29. From what areas of the world do most of today's immigrants to the United States come? D and Latin AmericaB.Mexico and Eastern EuropeC.Haiti and ChinaD.Eastern Europe and the Middle East30. The China Association for Intercultural Communication is held ______. BA. once a yearB. every two yearsC. every three yearsD. every four years31. Who of the following would feel most comfortable with silence during a conversation? Amanager from _____. CE.the United StatesF.GermanyG.Great BritainH.Japan32 Which statement related to work attitudes is incorrect? AA.U.S. attitudes toward work are more relaxed than those in Europe.B.In the United States, hard work is applauded and often rewarded.C.The Japanese attitude toward work is very group-oriented.D.In the United States, the attitude toward work is ingrained from an early age.33. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? DA.The structure of a language affects the perceptions of reality of its speakersB.The structure of a language influences thought patterns and worldviews of its speakersnguage functions as a way of shaping one’s experienceD.There is a general agreement concerning the validity of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis34. Which statement is incorrect? Dnguage is a reflection of the environmentnguage is reflection of cultural valuesnguage is a reflection of culture, and culture is a reflection of language.D. A good mastering of a foreign language equals a complete understanding of its culture.35. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? Ca. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.b. Thought patterns impact oral communication.c.When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goesto generalizations.d. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with differentcultures.36. Which statement is incorrect? Ba. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of anotherculture's nonverbal communication patterns.b. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.c.Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultural encounters.d.When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch thebehavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style.37. Language is important because it Aa.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.b.allows us to be understood by foreigners.c.is determined by colonialism.d.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.38. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? DB.CanadaC.GermanyD.JapanE.United States39. Slang is generally HE.understood by everyone.F.spoken by the masses.G.easily translated.ed by subgroups.40. General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone from another culture includeall of the following except: Ca. politics is a safe topic in most cultures.b. avoid telling jokes.c. avoid personal questions.d. keep the conversation positive.41. Which statement best describes an incorrect handshake? Ca. In the U.S., a handshake should be firm.b. An Asian handshake is usually gentle.c. Germans repeat a brusque handshake upon arrival and departure.d. A British handshake is firm and repeated frequently.42. Language is important because it Ee.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.f.allows us to be understood by foreigners.g.is determined by colonialism.h.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.43. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? AF.CanadaG.GermanyH.JapanI.United States44. Slang is generally LI.understood by everyone.J.spoken by the masses.K.easily translated.ed by subgroups.45. Nonverbal communication does not include Da. chromatics.b. chronemics.c.haptics.d. semantics.46. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there is a defect in the buttoncausing it not to fit into the chassis." This statement is an example of a HE.linear explanation.F.verbose explanation.G.nonlinear explanation.H.why explanation.47. Which of the following would be an example of a translation problem? Hing the intention of the speaker rather than the actual words in the translation.F.Qualifying slang terms.G.Not translating conversation taboos.ing a word for which no exact word or concept is available in the secondlanguage.48. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance? Ba. One group's truth should not be imposed on others.b. Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends.c. Citizen protest should be repressed.d. Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people.49. The main idea of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is that Dnguage is just a device for reporting a person's experience.b.two languages can represent the same social reality.c.the social reality can be conveyed to a person who does not speak thelanguage.nguage functions as a way of shaping a person's experience.50. Many multinational firms find that cultural shock can be alleviated by Da. sending only top executives abroad.b. sending only young, single associates on overseas assignments.c. testing associates to see who is most qualified.d. selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal andprofessional qualifications.。
on any observable believed group membership.
judging a Japanese college student in mid-20s to be only 14 or 15.
6. _______can be narrowly used to refer to intentional use as in using a nonspoken symbol to 2. A student from Colombia may study in the United States and earn a Ph.D., teach at a
meaning of Islam, to rejuvenate faith. 14. Confucius encouraged a sense of __________and harmony. 15. ______is composed of two or more nuclear families joined by an extension of the parent- child
12. ______ is the term for limiting women to traditional women’s roles and men to traditional men’s roles.
13.____________ is the ninth month on Islam’s lunar calendar and it is a time to reflect on the
18. _______ is a unique African American celebration with focus on the traditional African values of family, community responsibility, commerce, and self-improvement.
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对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院2009-2010学年第二学期跨文化交际导论(英) 复习大纲课程名称: ENG338a【跨文化交际导论(英)】考核方式: 开卷笔试[占总分的70%]复习范围:以指定教材(第1-9章)为主,课件内容为辅。
试题形式:客观试题50 题,每题2分,题型共三种形式:I. Definition Matching.Match the terms with their definitions. (给术语配对定义,10题,1题2分,共20分)II. True-False. Circle A if the statement is true; circle B if it is false. (判断各句是否正确,20题,1题2分,共40分)III. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. (在所给的4个选项中选择一个最恰当的答案,20题,1题2分,共40分)复习方法:●认真学习指定教材,结合课件的教学内容,全面复习,从总体上掌握这门跨学科课程的特点;●理解各讲中的主要教学内容,即每讲开始前的Learning Objectives,不要死记硬背,重理解、勤思考、细观察,从跨文化交际的角度对文化差异进行分析、记忆、总结;●要力图将跨文化交际理论与交往实践相结合,将西方文化交际的理论与实践与中国的本土文化相结合,通过大量真实生动的交际的成败案例的学习,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力;●参考指定教材各章后的练习以及书后附的两套模拟自测题,术语定义配对题、是非题和多项选择题可帮助复习检验对所学内容熟悉的掌握程度,熟悉客观题型,问答题和案例有助于进一步理解。
跨文化交际导论课程期末考试模拟题(答案供参考)Ⅰ. Match the following terms with their definition. (20%)1.the study of the way that people use physical space to convey messages. B2.the way in which time is used in a culture. A3.the actual practice of concepts or beliefs. E4.the total activity of learning one's culture. C5.social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. DA.Temporal language/chronemicsB.Behavior communicationC.Spatial language/proxemicsD.EnculturationE.Values6. between nations and governments rather than individuals A7. perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities C8. a learned organization of rules for making choices and for solving conflicts B9. volume, pitch, and rate that affects message meaning E10. the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings DA.internationalB.contextC.valueD.stereotypesE.paralanguageⅡ.True or FalseMark A if the statement is true; mark B if it is false.11.When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussing one'sfamily and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures. B12.Transference of pragmatic rules refers to the transference of corresponding words andsentence structure from mother tongue to target language. A13.Since all cultures share the same basic values, cultures attach the same meanings to thesebasic values. B14.Primary values are the most important. A15.Some countries officially recognize religious rituals that affect business encounters. A16.People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not like change ascompared with people of Asian and Latin cultures. B17.The behavior of John lying in bed and reading a novel is a two-way contact. B18.Linear Model is one of the earliest and still the most useful attempts to describe thecommunication process A19.International communication takes place between such groups as African Americans andLatin Americans. B20.Intercultural communication as a discipline was not established in U.S. until the 1980s. A21.Without the cultural rules people also can behave properly. B22.Culture is not something we are born with, but rather it is learned. A23.Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of any culture. B24.In Germany, business gifts are usually exchanged at the beginning of formal negotiations.A25.New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the globaleconomic arena have increased globalization. A26.No country is completely self-sufficient. A27.All cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which the politeness is achievedmay vary significantly. A28.International English is used only by businesspeople who practice English as a secondlanguage. B29.International communication takes place between such groups as African Americans andLatin Americans. B30.The process of learning culture is always conscious. B31.Ethnocentrism leads to a objective evaluation of how another culture conducts its dailybusiness. A32.The hierarchy is a theory has not been proven applicable to all the countries. A33.Cultures may differ, but communication practices do not differ. B34.Culture is ongoing and subject to change. A35.The term “co-cultures” suggests the inequal ity between groups. B36.Chinese is an example of linear language. Amunication barriers are caused by the same communication having different meanings indifferent cultures. B38.New and improved technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the globaleconomic arena have increased globalization. A39.Power distance in the United States is comparatively high. B40.Pragmatic failure is the inability to understand what is meant by what is said. A41.Values motivate people. A42.Attitudes are the same thing as values. A43.Eventually, with the spread of technology everyone will have the same values. B44.In order to understand a culture's values, you need only to learn the "do's and taboos" of behavior in that culture. A45.Social class is unimportant in negotiator selection. B46. Relationship building is important in Arab and Latin America. A47. Achievement in countries with high masculinity scores is expressed through material possessions. B48. Acculturation is the socialization process of how people learn their own culture through what is said and done. A48. Consumers in high uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to perceive little or no risk in the purchase of new products . A49. Intercultural communication competence requires sufficient awareness, knowledge, motivations, and skills. A50. Values are enduring attitudes about the preferability of one belief over another. B51. Cultures are so different that we will never be able to communicatesuccessfully. B52. Transference of pragmatic rules refers to the transference of corresponding words andsentence structure from mother tongue to target language. A53. Today intercultural communication encounters are different from encountersof the past. A54. All languages can, in their own way, distinguish between present and pastevents, but they may not feel that this distinction is important enough to createa system of verb tense. A55. Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of anyculture. B56. Values are learned; they are not innate. A57. Long-term-oriented cultures are characterized by patience, perseverance, and respect forone’s elders and ancestors. A58. Nonverbal aspects are very important in low-context cultures. B59. When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussingone's family and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures. A60. Chinese is an example of a linear language. B61. Language serves as the only guide to how a culture perceives reality. A61. All languages can, in their own way, distinguish between present and past events, but they maynot feel that this distinction is important enough to create a system of verb tense. A 62. Globalization is the ability of a corporation to take a product and market it anywhere in theworld. A63. In order for intercultural negotiation to be successful, the parties must provide for a win-losesituation. A64. In some countries, using gifts to assure success in sealing an agreement is an accepted way ofdoing business. B65. As they become globalized, companies will have to train their work forces to deal with multiculturality. A66. People from countries with strong uncertainty avoidance are more likely to remain closefriends in spite of differing opinions. B66. Even if the language is common to both cultures, one culture may restrict the meaning of certain words. A67. In their business letters, the French do not usually apologize for mistakes. A68. Achievement in countries with high masculinity scores is expressed throughmaterial possessions. B69. Acculturation is the socialization process of how people learn the ir own culturethrough what is said and done. A70. In the Japanese society, knowing the rank of people with whom you conduct business is veryimportant. A、Ⅲ. Multiple ChoicesMark the letter corresponding to the correct response. C1. What country ranks the lowest on individualism?A.AustraliaB. CanadaC.GuatemalaD. United States2.Proponents of which attitude feel that self-interest is an appropriate goal? CA.Uncertainty-reductionB. AttributionC. IndividualismD. Collectivism3. Language is important because it AA.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.B. allows us to be understood by foreigners.C.is determined by colonialism.D.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.4. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? CA.CanadaB. GermanyC.JapanD. United States5. Which one of the following statements is not among the functions of culture offered by Dressler and Carns? CA.Culture makes it possible to anticipate how others in our society are likely to respond toour actions.B.Culture enables us to communicate with others through a language that we have learnedand that we share in common.C.Culture leads to better understanding in business.D.Culture provides the knowledge and skill necessary for meeting sustenance needs.6. Culture can be classified in all the following ways except Ba)Artifact, concepts and behaviorb)Positive culture and negative culturec) A level of values and a level of resultant behaviour or artifacts of some formd)An invisible level and a visible level7. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there is a defect in the button causingit not to fit into the chassis." This statement is an example of a DA.linear explanation.B.verbose explanation.C.nonlinear explanation.D.why explanation.8. Which of the following would be an example of a translation problem? Ding the intention of the speaker rather than the actual words in the translation.B.Qualifying slang terms.C.Not translating conversation taboos.ing a word for which no exact word or concept is available in the second language.9.Which of the following greeting way is somewhat unique to Chinese? BA. Giving regards to others.B. Commenting on something.C. Using address forms as greeting.D. Using nonverbal forms as greeting.10.The styles of paragraph development for oriental countries could be described as DA. a vertical straight line.B. zigzagged lines.C. a circular, spiral lineD. a digressive, back-and-forth zigzag.11. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? CA. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.B. Thought patterns impact oral communication.C.When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goes togeneralizations.D. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with differentcultures.12. Which statement is incorrect? BA. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of anotherculture's nonverbal communication patterns.B. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.C. Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultural encounters.D. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch the behavior ofthe persons you are talking with and match their style.13.People of which type of society believe their truth is the only truth? AA.IndividualisticB. Strong-uncertainty avoidanceC.CollectivisticD.Weak-uncertainty avoidance14.What we are willing to die for and what we deem worthy of protection is determined byour ___? BA.belief systemB.value systemC.attitude processesD.social organizations15. Slang is generally DA.understood by everyone.B.spoken by the masses.C.easily translated.ed by subgroups.16. Nonverbal communication does not include DA. chromatics.B. chronemics.C. haptics.D. semantics.17. As a result of globalization, new issues facing corporations include DA.cultural differences in work ethicsB.stereotyping by members of international teamsC.personnel who are overqualified for overseas positionsD. a & b18. The classic The Silent Language published in 1959, was written by DA.KluckhohnB.BenedictC.MeadD.Edward Hall19. Which of the following has occurred due to advances in technology? BA.People are beginning to spend more time with family members.B.The number of relationships we have with people have decreased.C.People have more frequent contact with people from other cultures.D.People are gaining a clearer sense of who they really are.20. It is important to study intercultural communication because CA. it is a necessary and worthwhile pursuit.B. most people are more alike than they realize.C. cultural differences bring people together.D. intercultural communication is subjective.21. ______ are the most important. AA. Primary valuesB.Secondary valuesC.Tertiary valuesD.None of the above22. In cultures that tend toward individualism, what aspects are encouraged? DA. competitionB.personal goalsC.individual rightsD.all of the above23. We learn culture DA.from folk tales, legends and mythsB.in conscious or unconscious waysC.through art and mass mediaD.all of the above24. Which statement least represents U.S. values? CA. U.S. Americans value directness over indirectness.B. U.S. Americans value time management over leisure.C. U.S. Americans value history over planning for the future.D.U.S. Americans value equality over inequality.25. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance? DA.One group's truth should not be imposed on others.B.Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends.C.Citizen protest should be repressed.D.Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people26. Which time orientation is held by cultures that value living and realizing the potential of today? CA.past orientation to timeB.immutable orientation to timeC.present orientation to timeD.mutable orientation to time27. Which of the following value orientations emerged from the Chinese research team? AA.long-term versus short-term orientationB.masculinity/femininity orientationC.preferred form of activity orientationD.uncertainty avoidance orientation28. The notions of masculinity and femininity BA.are universal for every culture across time.B.are not just based on biological differences.C.have not changed through the ages.D.have well-established and understood meanings.29. From what areas of the world do most of today's immigrants to the United States come? D and Latin AmericaB.Mexico and Eastern EuropeC.Haiti and ChinaD.Eastern Europe and the Middle East30. The China Association for Intercultural Communication is held ______. BA. once a yearB. every two yearsC. every three yearsD. every four years31. Who of the following would feel most comfortable with silence during a conversation? Amanager from _____. CE.the United StatesF.GermanyG.Great BritainH.Japan32 Which statement related to work attitudes is incorrect? AA.U.S. attitudes toward work are more relaxed than those in Europe.B.In the United States, hard work is applauded and often rewarded.C.The Japanese attitude toward work is very group-oriented.D.In the United States, the attitude toward work is ingrained from an early age.33. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? DA.The structure of a language affects the perceptions of reality of its speakersB.The structure of a language influences thought patterns and worldviews of its speakersnguage functions as a way of shaping one’s experienceD.There is a general agreement concerning the validity of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis34. Which statement is incorrect? Dnguage is a reflection of the environmentnguage is reflection of cultural valuesnguage is a reflection of culture, and culture is a reflection of language.D. A good mastering of a foreign language equals a complete understanding of its culture.35. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect? Ca. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.b. Thought patterns impact oral communication.c.When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the facts and goesto generalizations.d. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation with differentcultures.36. Which statement is incorrect? Ba. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of anotherculture's nonverbal communication patterns.b. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.c.Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages inintercultural encounters.d.When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch thebehavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style.37. Language is important because it Aa.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.b.allows us to be understood by foreigners.c.is determined by colonialism.d.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.38. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? DB.CanadaC.GermanyD.JapanE.United States39. Slang is generally HE.understood by everyone.F.spoken by the masses.G.easily translated.ed by subgroups.40. General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone from another culture includeall of the following except: Ca. politics is a safe topic in most cultures.b. avoid telling jokes.c. avoid personal questions.d. keep the conversation positive.41. Which statement best describes an incorrect handshake? Ca. In the U.S., a handshake should be firm.b. An Asian handshake is usually gentle.c. Germans repeat a brusque handshake upon arrival and departure.d. A British handshake is firm and repeated frequently.42. Language is important because it Ee.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how weperceive others.f.allows us to be understood by foreigners.g.is determined by colonialism.h.is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.43. Which of the following countries uses high-context language? AF.CanadaG.GermanyH.JapanI.United States44. Slang is generally LI.understood by everyone.J.spoken by the masses.K.easily translated.ed by subgroups.45. Nonverbal communication does not include Da. chromatics.b. chronemics.c.haptics.d. semantics.46. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there is a defect in the buttoncausing it not to fit into the chassis." This statement is an example of a HE.linear explanation.F.verbose explanation.G.nonlinear explanation.H.why explanation.47. Which of the following would be an example of a translation problem? Hing the intention of the speaker rather than the actual words in the translation.F.Qualifying slang terms.G.Not translating conversation taboos.ing a word for which no exact word or concept is available in the secondlanguage.48. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance? Ba. One group's truth should not be imposed on others.b. Scientific opponents cannot be personal friends.c. Citizen protest should be repressed.d. Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people.49. The main idea of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is that Dnguage is just a device for reporting a person's experience.b.two languages can represent the same social reality.c.the social reality can be conveyed to a person who does not speak thelanguage.nguage functions as a way of shaping a person's experience.50. Many multinational firms find that cultural shock can be alleviated by Da. sending only top executives abroad.b. sending only young, single associates on overseas assignments.c. testing associates to see who is most qualified.d. selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal andprofessional qualifications.。