

医学学术英语u1tb文章In 1955, during the dawn of the modern era of randomized clinical trials, Thomas Chalmers and his colleagues published a remarkable paper.1 It was then and probably remains one of the most detailed reports of clinical trials ever published: it begins with a Table of Contents and runs on to a further 71 pages of small type. It is a model of how randomized trials should be reported, reflecting Marc Daniels' call for better reporting of clinical trials five years earlier,2 and anticipating by over four decades the reporting standards agreed and promulgated by the CONSORT Group.3Tom Chalmers and his colleagues described the eligibility criteria of participants clearly, and their random allocation (with concealment of the next participant's assignment) into th eir 2?×?2 factorial trials,4 thus permitting comparisons of two regimens per trial. The similarity between treatment groups in respect of 34 other variables that might affect patient prognosis was confirmed. Experimental and control regimens were precisely defined, and compliance with them was closely monitored and reinforced. All patients were accounted for at the end of the trials. Analyses were clearly described and transparent. The ‘external validity’ of the trial results was tested by comparison with another, independent control group of patients. Finally, late effects of the treatment regimens were assessed in a 10-year follow-up study.I first came across this report in 1959. Although I failed to appreciate many of its methodological strategies and strengths at that time, it changed my career. I was a final-year medical student on a medical ward, where a teenager with ‘infectioushepatitis’ (now called ‘Type-A hepatitis’) was admitted to my care. He presented with severe malaise, an enlarged and tender liver, and a colourful demonstration of deranged bilirubin metabolism that made me the envy of my fellow clerks. However, after a few days of total bed rest his spirits and energy returned and he asked me to let him get up and around.In the 1950s, ever yb ody ‘knew’ that such patients, if they were to avoid permanent liver damage, must be kept at bed rest until their enlarged liver receded and their bilirubin and enzymes returned to normal. And if, after getting up and around, their enzymes rose again, back to bed they went. This conventional wisdom formed the basis for daily confrontations between an increasingly restless and resentful patient and an increasingly adamant and doom-predicting clinical clerk.We clinical clerks were expected to read material relevant to the care of our patients. I wanted to understand (for both of us) how letting him out of bed would exacerbate his pathophysiology. After exhausting several unhelpful texts, I turned to the journals. PubMed was decades away, and the National Library of Medicine hadn't yet begun to help the Armed Forces Medical Library with its Current List of the Medical Literature. Nonetheless, it directed me to a citation in the Journal of Clinical Investigation (back in the days when it was a real clinical j ou rnal) for: ‘The treatment of acute infectious hepatitis. Controlled studies of the effects of diet, rest, and physical reconditioning on the acute course of the disease and on the incidence of relapses and residual abnormalities.’1 Reading this paper not only changed my treatment plan for my patient, it forever changed my attitude toward conventional wisdom, uncovered my latent iconoclasm, and inaugurated my career inwhat I later labelled ‘clinical epidemiology’.The paper introduced me to Tom Chalmers, who quickly became my hero and, a decade later, my friend. Tom was a US Army gastroenterologist in the Korean War, and had become involved ina major outbreak of ‘infectious’ hepatitis among American recruits. The application of conventional wisdom on enforced bed rest was keeping affected soldiers in hospital for about two months and requiring another month's convalescence. Tom wrote: ‘This drain on military manpower, along with more recent [short-term metabolic] observations suggesting that strict bed rest might not be as essential as heretofore thought, emphasized the need for a controlled study to determine the safety of a more liberal regimen of rest and less prolonged hospitalization’.Employing what I increasingly came to recognize as ‘elegant simplicity’, Tom and his colleagues allocated soldiers who met pre-defined hepatitis criteria at random either to bed rest (continuously in bed, save for one trip daily to the bathroom and one trip to the shower weekly), or to be up and about as much as the patients wanted (with no effort made to control their activity save 1-hour rests after meals) throughout their hospital stay. The time to recovery (as judged by liver function testing) was indistinguishable between the comparison groups, and no recurrent jaundice was observed.Armed with this evidence, I convinced my supervisors to let me apologize to my patient and let him be up and about as much as he wished. He did, and his clinical course was uneventful.My subsequent ‘clinical course’ was far from uneventful. I became a ‘trouble-maker’, constantly questioning conventional therapeutic wisdom, and offending especially thesubspecialists when they pontificated (I thought) about how I ought to be treating my patients. I had a stormy time in obstetrics, where I questioned why patients with severe pre-eclampsia received intravenous morphine until their respirations fell below 12 per minute. I gained unfavourable notoriety on the medical ward, where I challenged a consultant's recommendation that I should ignore my patient's diastolic blood pressure of 125 mmHg ‘because it was essential for his brain perfusion’. And I deeply offended a professor of paediatrics by publicly correcting him on the number of human chromosomes (they had fallen from 48 to 46 the previous month!).Tom Chalmers, along with Ed Fries (who answered the question about whether diastolic blood pressure should be ignored) and Archie Cochrane, became my role models. Ten years after I discharged my hepatitis patient, armed with some book-learning and blessed with brilliant colleagues, I began to emulate these mentors by converting my passive skepticism into active inquiry, addressing such questions as: Why do you have to be a physician in order to provide first-contact primary care?5 Are the ‘experts’ corr ect that teaching people with raised blood pressure all about their illness really makes them more likely to take their medicine?6 Just because the aorto-coronary arterial bypass is good for ischaemic hearts, should we accept claims that extracranial–intracranial arterial bypass is good for ischaemic brains?7In the year that the paper by T om Chalmers and his colleagues was published, there were only 347 reports of randomized trials. Half a century later, about 50,000 reports of randomized trials were being published every year, with the total number of trial reports by then exceeding half amillion. I am proud to have contributed to this development, to the skepticism that drives it, and to the better informed treatment decisions and choices which have been made possible as a result.。

Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology1. What is medical terminology?Medical terminology refers to the specialized language used by healthcare professionals to communicate effectively and accurately in the field of medicine. It consists of specific medical terms, prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms.2. What are the basic components of a medical term?A medical term usually consists of one or more word parts, including a root word, prefix, suffix, or combining form. The root word provides the essential meaning of the term, while the prefix and suffix modify or describe the root word. Combining forms are created when a word root is combined with a vowel.3. How are medical terms commonly formed?Medical terms are often formed through a combination of word parts. For example, "gastritis" is formed by combining "gastr-" (root word for stomach) and "-itis" (suffix for inflammation).Chapter 2: Body Systems and Functions1. Describe the respiratory system and its functions.The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the external environment. It includes the nose, throat, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Functions of the respiratory system include breathing, gas exchange, and maintaining the body's acid-base balance.2. Explain the functions of the cardiovascular system.The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. Its main functions include transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining blood pressure and regulating body temperature.Chapter 3: Common Medical Conditions1. What is hypertension?Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition characterized by elevated blood pressure levels. It is often associated with lifestyle factors, such as diet and physical activity, and can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Treatment may include lifestyle changes and medication.2. Define diabetes mellitus.Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. It occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or does not effectively use the insulin it produces. Common symptomsinclude frequent urination, excessive thirst, and unexplained weight loss. Management of diabetes includes dietary changes, exercise, and medication.Chapter 4: Medical Procedures and Treatments1. What is a CT scan?A CT scan, short for computed tomography scan, is a medical imaging technique that uses X-rays and computer processing to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body. It is commonly used to diagnose and monitor various health conditions, such as internal injuries, tumors, and infections.2. Explain the procedure of a cardiac catheterization.Cardiac catheterization is a procedure used to diagnose and treat heart-related conditions. A thin tube called a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel through a small incision, usually in the arm or groin. The catheter is then guided to the heart, where various tests and interventions can be performed, such as measuring blood pressure, injecting contrast dye, or conducting angioplasty.Conclusion本文提供了大学医学英语教材的答案,涵盖了医学术语、人体系统与功能、常见疾病以及医疗程序和治疗等内容。

基础医学英语知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新潍坊医学院绪论单元测试1.Medical English is very important to the university students. ()参考答案:对第一章测试1.The skin is the first defense line of the human body. ()参考答案:对2.White blood cells are the second defense line of the human body. ()参考答案:错3.Macrophages can eat the bacteria only. ()参考答案:错4.Antigens can be identified by T cells at first. ()参考答案:错5.Antibodies can destroy the foreign bodies. ()参考答案:错6.The external threats to the human body include living things and ____.参考答案:null7.Dendritic cells have many ____.参考答案:null8.Antibodies include IgM, IgA, IgG, IgD and ____.参考答案:null9.Helper T cells can bind to the dendritic cells and ____.参考答案:null10.The complement system can be activated by combination of antibody and____.参考答案:null第二章测试1.Bones are made up of two types of tissue — compact bone and cancellous orspongy bone.()参考答案:对2.Bone marrow is found in almost all bones where compact bone is present.()参考答案:错3.Involuntary muscles are the muscles that can be controlled consciously.()参考答案:错4.Saddle joint permits movement back and forth and from side to side, andallows rotation.()参考答案:错5.Bone remodeling is the replacement of old bone tissue by new bone tissue.()参考答案:对6.____ bone is the solid, hard, outside part of the bone. It looks like ivory and isextremely strong.参考答案:null7.Bone marrow is found in almost all bones where ____ bone is present.参考答案:null8.Cardiac muscle is an ____ type of muscle and its rhythmic, powerfulcontractions force blood out of the heart as it beats.参考答案:null9.Condyloid joint permits movement ____ rotation, such as in the jaw or fingerjoints.参考答案:null10.The fibrocarti'laginous callus is converted into a bony callus of ____ bone.参考答案:null第三章测试1.The left and right halves of the heart are connected from each other. ()参考答案:错2.The valves of the heart keep blood flowing in the correct direction,preventing the backward flow of blood. ()参考答案:对3.Veins can be categorized into four main types: pulmonary, systemic,superficial, and deep veins. ()参考答案:对4.Blood is a constantly circulating fluid. It can provide the body with nutrition,oxygen, and waste removal. ()参考答案:对5.The pulmonary circulation carries oxygenated blood from the heart to all thetissues in the body except the lungs and returns deoxygenated blood carrying waste products ()参考答案:错6.The heart has four valves. These valves include the ____, tricuspid valve, ____and aortic valve.参考答案:null7.One complete heartbeat is made up of two phases: ____ and ____.参考答案:null8.____ are the blood vessels that deliver oxygen-rich blood from the heart to thetissues of the body.参考答案:null9.There are five types of white blood cells— neutrophils, lymphocytes, ____,eosinophils, and ____.参考答案:null10.There are two different systems of circulation: ____ and ____.参考答案:null第四章测试1.Oxygen in the air moves from the lungs through blood vessels to the heart,which pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body.()参考答案:对2.The lungs are protected by the rib cage, which is made up of 12 ribs.()参考答案:错3.The primary function of the trachea is to transport air to and from the lungs.()参考答案:对4.The secondary bronchi link the trachea to the left and right lungs.()参考答案:错5.Respiration is the most basic and necessary activity performed by the bodiesof living organisms to survive in this world.()参考答案:对6.The first phase of respiration begins with breathing in, or ____.参考答案:null7.The ____ blood cells attack any disease-causing organisms that escape thehairs, cilia, and mucus of the nasal passages and pharynx.参考答案:null8.At the end of each bronchiole is a special area that leads into clumps of teenytiny air sacs called ____.参考答案:null9.The ____ supplied by one segmental bronchus defines the anatomical limits ofa bronchopulmonary segment.参考答案:null10.____ segments have the apex of the pyramid in the hilum whence they receivea tertiary bronchus, and appropriate blood vessels.参考答案:null第五章测试1.The taste receptor cells send information to the gustatory areas of the brainvia the seventh, ninth and tenth cranial nerves.()参考答案:对2.As food reaches the end of the esophagus, it enters the stomach through thepyloric sphincter. ()参考答案:错3.The ileum is the last and shortest part of the small intestine. ()参考答案:错4.External anal sphincter, is controlled by involuntary muscles. ()参考答案:错5.The liver is the largest gland in the body. ()参考答案:对6.There are four groups of tonsils. They are ____, ____, ____, ____参考答案:null7.The stomach produces digestive juices called ____.参考答案:null8.The small intestine is divided into three parts, ____, ____and ____.参考答案:null9.The large intestine is made up of five main parts: ____, ____, ____, the anal canaland the anus.参考答案:null10.Bile contains bile salts and ____, which emulsify large lipid globules into tinylipid droplets.参考答案:null第六章测试1.The only difference between the female and male urinary system is thelength of the urethra. ()参考答案:对2.The primary organs of the urinary system are the ureters. ()参考答案:错3.Blood flows into the kidneys through the renal vein and exits through therenal artery. ()参考答案:错4.The filtrate absorbed in the glomerulus flows through the renal tubule,where nutrients and water are reabsorbed into capillaries. ()参考答案:对5.The location of bladder is different between in men and in women. ()参考答案:对6.The organs of the urinary system include the ____, renal pelvis, ureters,bladder and ____.参考答案:null7.The kidneys have three basic mechanisms for separating the variouscomponents of the blood: ____, ____, and secretion.参考答案:null8.The kidneys are two ____ organs, each about the size of a fist.参考答案:null9.____ filters water and small solutes out of the bloodstream.参考答案:null10.Like the stomach, the human bladder is a ____ organ that expands andcontracts when emptying.参考答案:null第七章测试1.The fallopian tube is the female reproductive organ that provides a place tosupport a developing human. ( )参考答案:错2.Menstrual Cycle is a monthly series of hormone-controlled changes thatprepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. ( )参考答案:对3.The vagina is the female reproductive organ that produces eggs and thehormones estrogen and progesterone. ( )参考答案:错4.Testosterone produced by the testes cause bodily changes during malepuberty. ()参考答案:对5.Implantation is a process in which sperm-laden semen leaves the male body.( )参考答案:错6.The egg's path begins in the ____参考答案:null7.The female external reproductive organs include____,____, ____,____,structures associated with____null8.____ is responsible for the maturation of sperm.参考答案:null9. A major male sex organ that produces and stores sperm is called the ____.参考答案:null10.The tiny male cell that unites with the female ovum to form a fertilized egg orzygote is called the ____.参考答案:null第八章测试1.Sympathetic is when your heart rate and blood pressure increases, alongwith respiratory rate and your pupils dilates and causes sweating, associated with flight or fight response. ( )参考答案:对2.Parasympathetic increase heart rate and respiration rate and sweating. ( )错3.Brain stem is in charge of involuntary actions such as breathing and heartbeat. ( )参考答案:对4.The vermis of the cerebellum connects the hemispheres of it together. ( )参考答案:对5.Both the brain and spinal cord are surrounded by three layers of protectivecovering called meninges. ( )参考答案:对6.Specialized cells that carry impulses are called ____.参考答案:null7.____ of cerebral cortex regulates voluntary muscle , muscle movements, basicintelligence, personality.参考答案:null8.____ and ____ are the two divisions of the nervous system.参考答案:null9.The brain consists of three major divisions____ , ____, and ____.参考答案:null10.The brainstem is divided into three sections in humans: ____ , ____, and ____.参考答案:null第九章测试1.The adrenal gland are on top of the kidneys.()参考答案:对2.In females, gonadotropins target the uterus, while in males, gonadotropinstarget the testes. ()参考答案:错3.TSH stimulates release of thyroid hormones. ()参考答案:对4.To produce thyroid hormones, the thyroid gland needs iodine. ()参考答案:错5.There are four tiny parathyroid glands that are attached to the thyroid glandon each side. ()参考答案:对6.The hypothalamus releases various kinds of hormones to control the ____gland.参考答案:null7.The hormone ____, released by the pituitary, activates milk production inwomen who are breastfeeding.参考答案:null8.During childhood, an abnormal overproduction of growth hormone canresult in ____.参考答案:null9.PTH regulates the level of ____ in the blood with the help of calcitonin.参考答案:null10.Each adrenal gland has two layers, the outer layer is ____ and an inner layer is____.参考答案:null第十章测试1.Homeostasis requires the organs to be able to detect changes in theenvironment and to control them.()参考答案:对2.Positive feedback is good for you and negative feedback is bad for you.()参考答案:错3.Your blood sugar levels are carefully regulated by a positive feedback loop.()参考答案:错4.The relationship between potassium intake from diet and excretiondetermines external balance.()参考答案:对5.Sodium accounts for 5 to 10 percent of the concentration of the extracellularfluid.()参考答案:错6.Homeostasis in living organisms involves expending energy in order tomaintain a position in a dynamic.,____.参考答案:null7.There are two types of feedback mechanisms, ____ feedback and ____ feedback.参考答案:null8.Blood sugar levels is a ____ feedback loop, that keeps those levels steady.参考答案:null9.Glucose molecules can also be linked together into a long chain called ____stored within cells.参考答案:null10.The total body water is distributed into two fluid parts, the extracellularfluid(____)and the intracellular fluid(____).参考答案:null。

医学英语(下册)课文翻译UNIT 1 疾病的介绍1 人体是一个艺术的杰作。
2 当一个器官需要做更多工作时,它往往会增大,肥大。
3 血液在维持内环境稳定方面发挥着几个作用。
4 疾病是某个身体部位,生理系统,或整个身体的不健康状态,其中结构或功能发生紊乱。
医学专业英语 阅读一分册 第一,二,三章翻译(passage one).doc

第一章To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。
Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。

课程名称医学英语词汇授课专业中医翻译06级必修课专业课(√)授课方式课堂讲授(√);实践课()考核方式考试(√);考查()总学时数 4*18=72Terminology-----from termthrombocytopenialymphocyticleukemiacarcinoma 癌hepatitis 肝炎cholesterol 胆固醇医学英语术语:上述这些单词来源于希腊或拉丁词根,有特定的医学含义,我们将之统称为医学英语术语(medical term);医学术语学:而将专门研究它的学问称为-医学术语学(medical terminology):An introduction to the language of veterinary and human medicine第一章医学英语术语学概述医学英语术语学(medical terminology)是研究医学术语的起源和发展的学科,也是向广大医务工作者、医学院学生、医学科学研究人员提供科学的方法以提高对医学英语术语认知能力的一门专项技能,同时也是医学与语言学结合的跨学科研究方向。
2、医学术语与基本词素Psychiatrist---psych /iatri /istPhysiology---physi /o /logy二、医学英语术语词源学、发展史(了解)及其学习的意义1、来源于拉丁语、古希腊语词缀可与不同的词干一起,擎生无数新词。

excitatory 兴奋性的 excitability 应激性 excitant 兴奋剂
inhibitory 抑制的 inhibit 抑制
inhibin 抑制素 inhibitable 能抑制的
传 导
英 conduction 拉 丁 conduct(o)-
电位 潜力
英 拉 丁
potential potenti(o)-
语 拉
丁 matur-
拉 nutrition
premature 早熟的,早产儿 hypermature 成熟过度
nutritional 营养的 nutrient 营养的,滋养的
mature 发育成熟
希 troph(o)-
汗, 汗腺
英 语 希
咽 希 pharynx 腊 pharyng(o)-
食 英 esophagus
digestive 消化的 ingestion 食入,摄入 maldigestion 消化不良 indigestion 消化不良 pepsin 胃蛋白酶 pepstatin 胃酶抑素
pharyngeal 咽的 pharyngitis 咽炎
动 脉
英 artery 拉 arteria 丁 arteri(o)-
arterial 动脉的 arteriovenous 动静脉的 arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化
小动 英 arteriole
脉 拉 arteriol(o)-
arteriolar 小动脉的
静 脉
英 vein 拉 vena ven(o)-
英 heart

鼻凹 nasal pit鼻板 nasal placode鼻腭管 naso-palatal canal鼻鳍 nasal fin侧腭突 lateral palatal process ,也称继发腭( second palate ),腭突( palatine shelf )第一鳃弓软骨 Meckel's cartilage 额鼻突frontonasal process 腭裂 cleft palate分叉舌 bifid tongue ,也称舌裂( cleft tongue , split tongue )颌裂 cleft jaw继发腭 secondary palate颊咽膜 orapharyngeal membrane 甲状舌管 thyroglossal duct 界沟 sulcus terminalis 颈窦 cervical sinus 口凹 oral pit 口咽膜 orapharyngeal membrane 拉特克囊 Rathke's pouch ,也称神经颊囊( craniobuccal pouch ),颅颊囊( craniopharyngeal pouch )联合 merge 联合突 copula 面裂 facial cleft 模式发育 patterning 奇结节 tuberculum impar 前腭突 median palatine process 前脑单脑室畸形 Holoprosencephaly 切牙管incisive canal 球状突 globular process 融合 fuse 鳃弓 branchial arch 鳃沟 branchial groove 上颌突 maxillary process 舌盲孔foramen cecum神经节原基 ganglionic placode施万细胞 Schwann 细胞为神经鞘膜细胞外间充质 ectomesenchyme 也称外胚间叶,系来自于神经嵴外胚层的结缔组织的总称维甲酸综合征 retinoic acid syndrome (RAS,妊娠早期服用过量13-顺-维甲酸引起的发育异常下颌软骨 Meckel's cartilage嗅板 olfactory placode嗅窝 nasal pit咽囊 pharyngeal pouch 也称鳃囊原发腭 primary palate原口 stomadeum中鼻突 medial nasal process主动脉的 conotruncal第二章牙的发育氨基葡萄糖 glycosaminoglycans成牙本质细胞 odontoblast成釉蛋白 ameloblastin成釉器 enamel organ成釉细胞 ameloblast分泌型成牙本质细胞 secretoryodontoblast赫特威上皮根鞘 Hertwing epithelialroot sheath基质小泡 matrix vesicle颈环 cervical loop静止型成牙本质细胞 resting odontoblast蕾状期 bud stage连接复合体 junctional complex 马拉瑟上皮剩余 Malassez epithelial rest帽状期 cap stage萌出 eruption非胶原蛋白 non-collagenous protein 内釉上皮层 inner enamal epithelium 前成牙本质细胞 preodontoblast 前期牙本质 predentin缩余釉上皮 reduced dentalepithelium托姆斯突 Tomes processe脱落 shedding 交替外釉上皮层 outer enamal epithelium星网状层 stellate reticulum牙板dental lamina牙囊dental sac牙乳头 dental papilla引导管 gubernacular canal釉丛蛋白 tuftelin釉结enamel k not釉龛enamelniche釉索enamel c ord釉质形成 amelogenesis原发性上皮带 primary epithelialband罩牙本质 mantle dentin中间层 stratum intermedium终棒 terminal web钟状期 bell stage第三章牙体组织玻璃粘连蛋白 vitronectin ,细胞外粘附蛋白,副纤维粘连蛋白成纤维细胞 fibroblast成牙本质细胞 odontoblast 成牙本质细胞突起 odontoblastic process ,也称 "Tomes'fiber"成牙本质细胞突周间隙periodontoblastic space成釉蛋白 ameloblastin穿通纤维 perforating fiber蛋白酶 proteinases第一章口腔颌面部发育神经嵴 neural crest NSPs第三期牙本质 tertiary dentin 芮氏线 lines of Retzius ,釉质生长线修复性牙本质 reparative dentin多细胞层 cell-rich zone 沙比纤维 Sharpey's fiber ,穿通纤维牙本质 dentin乏细胞层 cell-free zone, the zone of 神经壁层 parietal layer of nerves ,牙本质磷蛋白 dentin phosphophoryn ;Weil , Weil 层Raschkow 丛dentin phosphoproteins , DPP反应性牙本质 reaction dentin 神经传导学说 direct innervation 牙本质生长线 von Ebner 1ine反转线 reversal line theory 牙本质涎蛋白 dentin sialoprotein ,非釉原蛋白 non-amelogenins 生长激素抑制素 somatostatin DSP缝隙连接 gap junction 生长线 incremental lines ,同芮氏线牙本质涎磷蛋白 dentin骨钙素 osteocalcin 施雷格线 Schreger line sialophosphoproteins骨连接素 osteonectin 树突状细胞 dendritic cells 牙本质小管 dentinal tubule骨桥蛋白 osteopontin 双糖链蛋白聚糖 biglycan 牙本质牙骨质界 dentino-cemental骨样牙本质 osteodentin 丝氨酸蛋白酶 serine proteinases junction固有牙髓 pulp proper ( kallikrein-4 )牙骨质 cementum管间牙本质 intratubular dentin 死区 dead tract 牙骨质生长因子 cementum growth管周牙本质 peritubular dentin 髓核 pulp core factor核心蛋白聚糖 decorin 髓周牙本质 circumpulpal dentin 牙骨质粘附蛋白 cementum adhesion 横纹 cross striations 糖胺聚糖 glycosaminoglycans protein基质金属蛋白酶 20 matrix 透明层 hyaline layer 牙面平行线 perikymata ,也称釉面横纹metalloproteinases 20 , MMP20 透明牙本质 sclerotic dentin 牙髓 dental pulp继发性牙本质 secondary dentin ,牙发透明牙本质 transparent dentin 牙髓牙本质复合体 pulpo-dentinal育完成之后形成的牙本质托姆斯颗粒层 Tomes' granular layer complex腱蛋白 tenascin 托姆斯突凹 Tomes processes pit , TPP 牙釉质 enamel绞釉 gnarled enamel 微孔 micropore 牙釉质溶解蛋白 enamelysin紧密连接 tight junction 未分化间充质细胞 undifferentiated 牙釉质牙本质界 enamel-dentinal科尔夫纤维 Korff's fiber, 最先形成mesenchymal cell junction ( EDJ)的牙本质纤维无细胞固有纤维牙骨质 acellular 牙釉质牙骨质界 enamelo-cemental类牙骨质 cementoid intrinsic fiber cementum, AIFC junction流体动力学说 hydrodynamic theory 无细胞外源性纤维牙骨质 acellular 油炸圈样 appearance of doughnut磨损 abrasion, attrition extrinsic fiber cementum, AEFC 有细胞固有纤维牙骨质 cellular纳米球 nanospheres 无细胞无纤维牙骨质 acellular intrinsic fiber cementum, CIFC耐龋潜能 cariostatic potential afibrillar cementum, AAC 有细胞混合性分层牙骨质 cellular脑啡肽 enkephalin 无细胞牙骨质 acellular cementum mixed stratified cementum, CMSC诺伊曼鞘 Neumann sheath 无釉柱牙釉质 rodless enamel 釉板 enamel lamellae欧文线 Owen line (加重的牙本质生长细胞牙骨质 cellular cementum 釉丛 enamel tufts线),也称 "contour line of Owen" 纤维粘连蛋白 fibronectin 釉丛蛋白 tuftelin前期牙本质 predentin 限制板 lamina limitans 釉蛋白 enamelin桥粒 desmosome 楔状缺损 wedge shaped defect 釉帽 enamel cap球间牙本质 interglobular dentin 新生线 neonatal line 釉面横纹 perikymata ,也称牙面平行线釉梭 enamel spindle釉小皮 enamel cuticle釉牙本质界 enamel-dentinal junction (EDJ)釉原蛋白 amelogenins釉柱 enamel rod釉柱鞘 enamel rod sheath原发性牙本质 primary dentin ,牙发育时期形成的牙本质原胶原 tropocollagen灶性孔 focal hole, FH罩牙本质 mantle dentin中间连接 intermediate junction 中间牙骨质intermediate cementum 重塑 remodeling 转导学说 transduction theory组织细胞 histiocyte第四章牙周组织不成熟的弹力纤维 oxytalan fibers弹力纤维 elastin fibers点彩 stippling凋亡 apoptosis附着龈 attached gingiva根尖组 apical group根间组 interradicular group固有牙槽骨 alveolar bone proper环行组 circular group结合上皮 junctional epithelium束骨 bundle bone水平组 horizontal group斜行组 oblique group牙槽骨 alveolar bone牙槽嵴组 alveolar crest group牙槽突 alveolar process牙槽龈组 alveologingival group牙骨膜组 dentoperiosteal group牙间乳头 interdental papilla牙龈 gingiva牙龈结合 dentogingival junction 牙龈上皮gingval epithelium 第六章涎腺半月板 demilune 胞吐 exocytosis 杯状细胞 goblet cell 储备细胞 reserve cell锇酸 osmic acid 分泌单位 secretoryunit 分泌管 secretory duct 富脯氨酸蛋白 proline-rich protein 富酪氨酸蛋白tyrosine-rich protein 干细胞 stem cell高血糖素样蛋白 glucogon-like protein颌下腺 submandibular gland 混合性腺泡 mixed acinus 肌动蛋白 actin 肌球蛋白 myosin 肌上皮细胞 myoepithelialcell 肌微丝 myofilament 浆液性腺泡serous acinus 浆粘液细胞 seromucouscell 晶样体 crystalloid 局浆分泌merocrine 抗蛋白溶解蛋白antiproteolytic protein篮细胞 basket cell 连接复合体junctional complex 酶原颗粒zymogen granule 排泄管 excretoryduct 粘多糖 mucin 粘液性腺泡mucous acinus 全浆分泌holocrine-type secretion 乳铁蛋白lactoferrin 闰管 intercalated duct 腮腺 parotid gland腮腺导管 Stensen duct腮腺素 parotin舌下腺 sublingual gland舍格伦综合征 Sj?gren syndrome肾素 rennin嗜酸粒细胞瘤 oncocytoma嗜酸细胞 oncocyte嗜酸性腺瘤 oxiphilic adenoma唾液 saliva唾液腺 salivary gland味觉素 gustin纹管 striated duct涎液素 ptyatin腺泡 acinus小涎腺 minor salivary gland 原始多潜能涎腺导管细胞 primitive pluripotential salivaryduct cells致密小体 dense body组氨酸 histidine第七章颞下颌关节多细胞带 cellularrich zone钙化软骨带 zone of calcifiedcartilage关节囊 capsule关节盘 disc滑膜 synovial membrane髁突 condyle颞下颌关节 temporo-mandibular joinTMJ纤维软骨带 fibrocartilaginous zone 纤维性关节表面带 fibrous articular surface第八章牙发育异常II 型牙本质结构不良 dentin dysplasia typeII ,冠部牙本质结构不良I 型牙本质结构不良 dentin dysplasiatype I 四环素牙 tetracycline stained teeth 遗传性乳光牙本质 hereditary白兰地型 brandywine isolate ,牙本质锁骨颅骨发育不全征 cleidocranial opalescent dentin形成缺陷的一种dysplasia ;也有称锁骨头颅发育不良阴影牙 ghost teeth ,区域性牙发育不斑釉 mottled enamel 胎生牙 natal teeth ,出生时即已萌出良半面过度增生 hemifacial hyperplasia 的牙鹰爪尖 talon cusp成熟不全型 hypomatuaration type 特纳牙 Turner's teeth ,与乳牙有关的釉珠 enamel pearl低磷酸酯酶症 hypophosphatasia 感染或创伤引起继生恒牙成釉细胞的损伤,远中磨牙 distomolar多生牙 hyperdontia; supernumerary 导致继生恒牙牙釉质形成不全或矿化不全早萌 premature eruptionteeth 弯曲牙 dilacerations 正中牙 mesiodens非氟性牙釉质浑浊症 non-fluoride 无牙 adontiaenamel opacities 先天性梅毒牙 congenital syphilis 第九章龋病氟牙症 dental fluorosis 小牙 microdontia 暗层 dark zone附加牙 supplemental teeth 新生牙 noenatal teeth ,出生后 30 天变形链球菌 mutans streptococci; S.副磨牙 paramolar 内萌出的牙mutans钙化不全型 hypocalcified type 形成不全型 hypoplastic type 表层 surface zone过早脱落 premature loss 雪帽型 snow-capped 病损体部 body of the lesion畸形舌侧尖 lingual cusp deformity 牙本质基质蛋白 1 dentin matrix 蛋白溶解-螯合学说畸形舌侧窝 lingual fossa deformity protein 1, DMP1 proteolysis-chelation theory畸形中央尖 central cusp deformity 牙本质结构不良 dentin dysplasia 蛋白溶解学说 proteolytic theory结合牙 concrescence 牙本质涎蛋白 dentin sialoprotein, 发酵乳杆菌 L. fermentus巨牙 macrodontia DSP 放线菌属 actinomyces壳状牙 shell-teeth 牙本质形成缺陷症 II 型干酪乳杆菌 L. casei矿化不全型 hypomineralized type dentinogenesis imperfecta type II 根龋 root caries牛牙症 taurodontism 牙变色 discoloration of teeth 化学寄生学说 chemico-parasitic前牙的牙外突 dens evaginatus of 牙骨质发育不全 hypocementosis theoryanterior teeth 牙骨质过度增生 hypercementosis 化学细菌学说 chemico-bacterial区域性牙发育不良 regional 牙内陷 dens invaginatus theoryodontodysplasia ,阴影牙牙釉质混浊症 enamel opacities 坏死崩解层 zone of destruction融合牙 fusion 牙釉质矿化不全 hypomineralized 获得性薄膜 acquired pellicle ,唾液乳牙滞留 persistence of deciduous enamel 薄膜teeth 牙釉质形成不全 enamel hypoplasia 急性龋 acute caries桑椹牙 mulberry molar 牙釉质形成缺陷症 amelogenesis 静止性龋 arrested caries少汗外胚层发育不良 hypohidrotic imperfecta 菌斑 bacterial plaqueectodermal dysplasia 牙釉质延伸 cervical enamel 慢性龋 chronic caries少牙 hypodontia extension 猛性龋 rampant caries双生牙 gemination 牙中牙 dens in dente 内氏放线菌 A. naeslundii水流围绕圆石 water streaming round 牙阻生 impaction of teeth 平滑面龋 smooth surface caries bouldings ,根部牙本质结构不良的表现延迟萌出 retarded eruption 轻链球菌 S. mitis乳杆菌属Lactobacilli 三联因素学说three primary factorsTNFdegeneration of the 急性化脓性牙髓炎pulpitis 急性浆液性牙髓炎pulpitis 急性牙髓炎可复性牙髓炎odontoblastic layer acute supurativeacute serousacute pulpitisreversible pulpitis periodontitis急性牙槽脓肿磷脂壁酸acute alveolar abscesslipoteichoic acids慢性闭锁性牙髓炎pulpitis 慢性溃疡型牙髓炎chronic closedchronic ulcerative慢性根尖脓肿abscess慢性根尖周炎periodontitis慢性牙槽脓肿abscess肽葡聚糖chronic periapicalchronic periapicalchonic alveolarpeplidoglyansnon-plaque-induced gingival lesions非炎症性noninflammatory奋森龈炎Vincent gingivitis福赛类杆菌Bcteroides forsythus ,Bf共聚coaggregation骨内袋intrabony pocket骨上袋supragingival pocket护骨因子osteoprotegerin,OPG坏死性牙周病necrotizingperiodontal diseases慢性增生性牙髓炎 chronichyperplastic pulpitistheory嗜酸乳杆菌 L. acidophilus酸原学说 acidogenic theory透明层 translucent zone ,硬化层脱矿层 zone of demineralization 唾液薄膜salivary pellicle ,获得性薄膜窝沟龋 pit and fissure caries细菌侵入层 zone of bacterial invasion血链球菌 S. sanguis牙本质龋 dentin caries牙骨质龋 cementum caries牙釉质龋 enamel caries远缘链球菌 S. sobrinus粘性放线菌 A. viscosus逆行性牙髓炎 retrograde pulpitis前列腺素prostaglandins , PGs特发性吸收idiopathicresorption牙内吸收internal toothresorption牙髓变性pulp degeneration牙髓充血pulp hyperemia牙髓钙化pulp calcification牙髓坏疽pulp gangrene牙髓坏死pulp necrosis牙髓渐进性坏死 necrobiosis牙髓网状萎缩 reticular atrophy ofthe pulp牙髓纤维性变 pulp fibrosis 牙髓炎pulpitis牙体吸收 tooth resorption 牙外吸收external tooth resorption 转化生长因子 transfer growth第十二章牙周组织病白细胞介素 interleuk ins,IL白血病性龈增大 gingival enlargementassociated with leukemia伴白血病性龈炎 gingivitis withleukemia伴有牙髓病变的牙周炎 periodontitisassociated with endodontic lesions边缘性龈炎 marginal gingivitis变性 degeneration病损确立期 established lesion剥脱性龈病损 desquamative lesion ofgingival创伤 trauma创伤性咬合 traumatic occlusion蛋白酶 proteinases发育性或获得性异常及其状况第十章牙髓病白三烯 leukotrienes , LTs 白细胞介素 interleukin不可逆性牙髓炎 irreversible pulpitis残髓炎 residual pulpitis成牙本质细胞层空泡变性 vacuolarfactor,TGF第十一章根尖周炎蜂窝织炎 cellulitis 根尖肉芽肿periapical granuloma 根尖周炎periapical periodontitis 急性根尖周炎acute periapical developmental oracquired deformities and conditions反应全身疾病的牙周炎 periodontitis as amanifestation of systemic diseases放线共生放线杆菌 Actinobacillus actinomycetem comitans , Aa 非菌斑性牙龈病损metalloprotinases ,MMP hyperplasia 龈沟液gingival crevicular激素性龈炎 steroidhormone-influenced gingivitis急性坏死性溃疡性龈炎 acutenecrotizing ulcerative gingivitis急性坏死性龈炎acute necrotizinggingivitis继发性咬合创伤secondary occlusal trauma家族性龈纤维瘤病congenital familial fibromatosis浆细胞龈炎 plasma cell gingivitis 胶原酶collagenase金属蛋白酶 metalloproteinases 进展期advanced lesion聚集 aggregation菌毛 fimbriae老年性萎缩 senile atrophy 硫酸软骨素酶chondrosulphatase 慢性牙周炎 chronic periodontitis 慢性龈炎 chronic gingivitis 密螺旋体属 Treponema 破骨细胞分化因子osteoclastdifferentation factor,ODF前列腺素 E2 prostglandinE2 , PGE2侵袭性牙周炎 aggressiveperiodontitis青春期龈炎 pubertal gingivitis人类白细胞抗原 human leucocyte antigen,HLA妊娠期龈炎 pregnancy gingivitis始发期 initial stage嗜麦芽糖密螺旋体 T. maltophilum梭螺菌龈炎 fusospirochetalgingivitis特发性浆细胞龈口炎 idiopathic plasma-cell gingivostomatitis特发性龈增生 idiopathic gingival透明质酸酶 hyaluronidase唾液粘蛋白 mucin维生素 C 缺乏性龈炎 vitamin Cdeficeint gingivitis萎缩 atrophy细胞因子 cytokine细胞粘附分子 cellular adhesion molecules , CAM细菌性生物膜 dental pla que biofilm 先天性家族性纤维瘤病 congenital familialfibromatosis牙槽骨弥漫性萎缩diffuse atrophyofalveolar bone牙菌斑性牙龈病 dental plaque-inducedgingival disease牙龈病 gingival diseases 牙龈卟啉单胞菌 Porphyromonas gingivalis ,牙龈二氧化碳嗜纤维菌Cap nogingivalis牙龈乳头炎 papillary gingivitis牙龈退缩 gingival recession 牙周变性periodontal degeneration 牙周病periodontal disease 牙周脓肿 abcessesof the periodontium牙周炎 periodontitis牙周症 periodontosis炎症 inflammation咬合创伤 occlusal trauma 药物性龈炎medication-influenced gingivitis遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病 hereditarygingival fibromatosis遗传性龈增生 hereditary gingivalhyperplasia龈袋 gingival pocketfluid,GCF龈裂 gingival cleft; Stillman'Scleft龈增生 gingival hyperplasia营养不良 dystrophy营养不良性 dystrophic早老性萎缩 presenile atrophy早期病变 early lesion粘附 adhesion粘性放线菌 Actinomyces viscosus , Av战壕口炎 trench mouth脂多糖 lipopolysaccharedes , LPS中间密螺旋体中性多形核白细胞 polymorphonuclearleukocytes,PMN肿瘤 neoplasia肿瘤坏死因子-a tumor necrosisfactor- a, TNF-a组织金属蛋白酶的抑制剂 tissueinhibitors of metalloproteinase , TIMP第十三章口腔粘膜病艾滋病 AIDS白斑 leukoplakia白塞综合征 Behcet syndrome白色海绵状斑痣 white sponge nevus白色念珠状菌 candida albicans白色水肿 leukoedema白皱折病 white folded disease斑 macule扁平苔藓 lichen planus,LP程序化细胞死亡 programmed cell death大疱 bulla单纯性疱疹 herpes simplex地图舌 geographic tongue淀粉样变性 amyloidosis多形渗出性红斑 erythema multiforme lymphoma 天疱疮细胞 Tzanck cellexsudativum 口腔毛状白斑 oral hairy 网状变性 reticular degeneration非典型性 atypia leukoplakia , OHL 韦格内肉芽肿Wegenergranulomatosis非霍奇金淋巴瘤 non-Hodgkin lymphoma 口腔念珠菌病 oral candidiasis 萎缩 atrophy复发性阿弗他口炎 recurrent aphthous 口腔粘膜下纤维化oral submucous 细胞凋亡 cell apoptosisstomatitis,RAS fibrosis 腺性唇炎 cheilitis glandularis复发性阿弗他溃疡 recurrent aphthous 溃疡 ulcer 肖曼小体 Schauann bodies ,多核巨细ulcer , RAU 类天疱疮样扁平苔藓lichen Planus 胞内的包涵体复发性坏死性粘膜腺周围炎Pemphigoides,LPP 眼、口、生殖器三联综合征periadenitis mucosa necrotica 良性游走性舌炎 benign migratory oculo-oral-genital syndrome recurrens , PMNR glossitis 增殖性红斑 erythroplasia过度不全角化 hyperparakeratosis 良性粘膜类天疱疮benign mucous 粘膜良性淋巴组织增生病benign过度角化 hyperkeratosis membrane pemphigoid lymphoadenosis of mucosa过度正角化 hyperorthokeratosis 硫黄素 T thioflavine T 周缘扩展现象 Nikolsky 征海绵形成 spongiosis 慢性盘状红斑狼疮chronic discoid红斑 erythroplakia lupus erythematosus 第十四章颌骨疾病红色增殖性病变 erythroplastic 梅一罗综合征 Melkersson-Rosenthal 板层骨 lamellar bonelesion syndrome 表皮树突状细胞 dermal dendrocyte获得性免疫缺陷综合征 acquired 糜烂 erosion 伯基特淋巴瘤 Burkitt's lymphoma immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS ,艾滋念珠菌病 candidiasis 不确定细胞 indeterminate cell病疱 vesicle 成软骨细胞瘤 chondroblastoma基底细胞空泡性变及液化 vaculation 疱疹性口炎 herpetic stomatitis 虫蚀状 moth-eaten appearanceand liquefaction of hasal cell 气球变性 ballooning degeneration 出血性骨囊肿 hemorrhagic bone cyst棘层松解 acantholysis 桥粒芯胶粘蛋白 desmocollins 穿凿性吸收 tunneling resorption or棘层增生 acanthosis 桥粒芯糖蛋白 desmogleins dissecting resorption痂 crusts 丘疹 papule 穿凿样 punched-out appearance假膜 pseudomembra ne,伪膜区域剥脱性舌炎 glossitis areata 单纯性骨囊肿 simple bone cyst间杂型红斑 interspersed exfoliativa 单骨性骨纤维异常增殖症monostotic erythroplakia 人免疫缺陷病毒 human bibrous dysplasia 也称单骨性骨纤维结构胶样小体 colloid body , Civatte 小体immunodeficiency virus , HIV 不良角化不良 dyskeratosis 肉芽肿性唇炎 cheilitis 单核基质细胞 mononucleate stromal结节病 sarcoidosis granulomatosa cell均质型红斑 homogenous erythroplakia 上皮萎缩 epithelial atrophy 单核巨噬细胞系统mononuclear皲裂 rhagade 上皮异常增生 epithelial dysplasia phagocyte system抗核抗体 antinuclear antibody , ANA 舌乳头炎 lingual papillitis 动脉瘤性骨囊肿 aneurysmal bone cyst 颗粒型红斑 granular erythroplakia 嗜碱性变性 basophilic degeneration 多发性骨髓瘤 multiple myeloma口腔 Kaposi 肉瘤 oral Kaposi sarcoma 噬黑色素细胞 melanophages 多发性软骨瘤病 multiple口腔非霍其金淋巴瘤oral non-Hodgkin 天疱疮 pemphigus chondromatosis多骨性骨纤维异常增殖症 polyostotic 汉- 许- 克病Langerhans cell histiocytosis ,同郎格fibrous dysplasia 也称多骨性骨纤维结构Hand-Schiiller-Christian disease 汉斯细胞病( Langerhans cell disease )不良颌骨放线菌病 actinomycosis of jaws 朗汉斯巨细胞 Langhans giant cell恶性成骨细胞瘤 malignant 颌骨骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of jaws 勒-雪病 Letterer-Siwe disease osteoblastoma 颌骨结核 tuberculosis of jaws 良性成骨细胞瘤 benign oseoblastoma 腭隆突 torus palatinus 颌骨巨细胞病变 giant cell granuloma 淋巴结的交错突细胞 interdigitating放射性骨坏死 osteoradionecrosis 颌骨梅毒 syphilis of jaws dendritic cell非钙化骨样组织 unmineralized 弧立性骨髓瘤 solitary myeloma 硫磺颗粒 sulfur granuleosteoid 化牙骨质纤维瘤 cementifying fibroma 滤泡树枝状细胞 follicular dendritic富巨细胞性病变 giant cell rich 急性化脓性颌骨骨髓炎 acute celllesion suppurative osteomyelitis of jaws 慢性非化脓性硬化性骨炎Garr G s钙化骨 mineralized bone 继发软骨 secondary cartilage chronic nonsuppurative sclerosing孤立性骨囊肿 solitary bone cyst 继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进 secondary ostitis Garre骨化性骨膜炎 periostitis ossificans hyperparathyroidism 慢性骨髓炎伴增生性骨膜炎chronic 骨化性纤维瘤 ossifying fibroma 家族性颌骨多囊性病 familial osteomyelitis with proliferative骨巨细胞瘤 giant cell tumor of bone,mulitilocular cystic disease of jaws periostitisGCT 家族性颌骨纤维异常增殖症 familial 慢性化脓性颌骨骨髓炎chronic骨壳 involucrum fibrous dysplasia of the jaws suppurative osteomyelitis of jaws骨瘤 osteoma 家族性巨颌症 cherubism 慢性局灶性硬化性颌骨骨髓炎chronic 骨膜骨肉瘤 periosteal osteosarcoma 甲状旁腺功能亢进focal sclerosing osteomyelitis of jaws骨膜下骨吸收 subperiosteal bone Hyperparathyroidism 慢性弥漫性硬化性颌骨骨髓炎chronic resorption 假囊肿 pseudocyst diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis of骨旁骨肉瘤 paraosteal osteosarcoma 间叶型软骨肉瘤 mesenchymal jaws骨肉瘤 osteosarcoma chondrosarcoma 慢性硬化性颌骨骨髓炎chronic骨软骨瘤 osteochondroma 浆细胞瘤 plasmacytoma sclerosing osteomyelitis of jaws骨软骨性外生骨疣结核性颌骨骨髓炎 tuberculous 磨砂玻璃样 groundglass appearance osteocartilaginous exostosis osteomyelitis of jaws 内生型软骨瘤 enchondroma骨髓瘤 myeloma 静止性骨腔 static bone cavity 破骨细胞瘤 osteoclastoma骨外骨肉瘤 extraosseous 巨大型骨样骨瘤 giant osteoid 侵袭性成骨细胞瘤aggressive osteosarcoma osteoma osteoblastoma骨外型软骨肉瘤 extraosseous 巨细胞肉芽肿 giant cell lesions of 侵袭性骨化性纤维瘤aggressive chondrosarcoma the jaws ossifying fibroma骨纤维结构不良 fibrous dysplasia of 巨细胞修复性肉芽肿 giant cell 青少年骨化性纤维瘤juvenilebone 也称骨纤维异常增殖症reparative granuloma ossifying fibroma骨小梁周围纤维化 peritrabecular 郎格汉斯细胞病 Langerhans cell 日光放射状(影像) sun-rayfibrosis disease ,同郎格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症肉芽肿性炎症 granulomatous骨样骨瘤 osteoid osteoma ( Langerhans cell histiocytosis ) inflammation海绵型骨瘤 cancellous osteoma 郎格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症软骨瘤 chondroma软骨颅 chondrocranium (染色体)三体 trisomy 艾滋病病毒相关性涎腺疾病软骨肉瘤 chondrosarcoma 垂直裂 vertical cleft HIV-associated salivary gland disease 软骨粘液样纤维瘤 chondromyxoid 错颌 malocclusion 暗细胞 dark cellsfobroma 骨剥露 denudation 奥辛兰 Alcian blue上皮样细胞 epithelioid cell 骨关节病 osteoarthrosis 半多能双储备细胞理论嗜酸性肉芽肿 eosinophilic granuloma 骨关节炎 osteoarthritis,OA semipluripotential bicellular reserve 树突状细胞系统 dendritic cell 骨赘性唇状突出 osteophytic lipping cell theorysystem 滑膜软骨瘤病 synovial 伴淋巴间质的未分化癌死骨 sequestrum osteochondromatosis undifferentiated carcinoma with髓外浆细胞瘤 extramedullary 髁突增生 condylar hyperplasia lymphoid stromaplasmacyfoma 类风湿肉芽肿 rheumatoid granuloma 变性型涎腺肿大症 degenerative髓外性尤文肉瘤 extramedullarg Ewing 类风湿性关节炎 rheumatoid sialosissarcoma arthritis , RA 波形丝蛋白 vimnentin图顿巨细胞 Touton giant cell 类风湿性小结 rheumatoid nodule 成涎细胞瘤 sialoblastoma外伤性骨囊肿 traumatic bone cyst 颞下颌关节紊乱病 temporomandibular 大细胞癌 large cell carcinoma外生骨疣 exostosis joint disorders 导管发育异常 developmental下颌隆突 torus mandibularis 切线裂 tangential cleft anomalies of ducts纤维 - 骨病变 fibro-osseous lesion 绒毛状突起 villous projection 导管内乳头状瘤 intraductal新生儿上颌骨骨髓炎 neonatal 色素性绒毛结节性滑膜炎 pigmented papillomamaxillitis villonosdular synovitis 导管乳头状瘤 ductal papilloma牙骨质骨化性纤维瘤退行性关节病 degeneratitive joint 导管腺泡单位 ductoacinar unit cemento-ossifying fibroma disease 淀粉酶 amylase洋葱皮 onion-skin 纤维素样变 fibrinoid change 顶浆分泌 apocrine硬骨板 lamina dura 象牙化 eburnation (骨质)多动脉周围炎 polyarteritis原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进 primary 血管翳 pannus 多发性肌炎 polymyositis hyperparathyroidism 蚓状小体 vermiform bodies 多囊腮腺 polycystic parotid gland 致密型骨瘤 compact osteoma 游离小体 loose body 多能单储备细胞理论 pluripotential 致密性骨炎 condensing ostitis 原纤维化 fibrillation unicellular reserve cell theory中心型 central type 多细胞理论 multicellular theory周围型 peripheral type 第十六章涎腺非肿瘤性疾病与涎腺肿瘤多形性低度恶性腺癌 polymorphous 周围型软骨瘤 peripreral chondroma PAS periodic acid schiff 的缩写, PAS low-grade adenocarcinoma周围性巨细胞肉芽肿 peripheral giant 反应即过碘酸雪夫反应,用于对糖原的特殊多形性腺瘤 pleomorphic adenoma cell granuloma 染色恶性多形性腺瘤 malignant转化亢进 high-turnover state 癌胚抗原 carcinoembryonic antigen ,pleomorphic adenoma棕色瘤 brown tumor CEA 恶性淋巴上皮病变 malignant组织细胞增生症 X histiocytosisX 癌在多形性腺瘤中 carcinoma ex lymphoepithelial lesionpleomorphic adenoma; carcinoma in 发育性舌侧下颌涎腺陷入第十五章颞下颌关节病pleomorphic adenoma evelopmental lingual salivary gland放射线损伤 radiant impair inclusion disease 亲和素生物素过氧化物酶复合体非皮脂淋巴腺瘤 non-sebaceous 口腔干燥症 xerostomiaavidin biotin-peroxidase complex, ABC lymphadenoma链亲和素过氧化物酶 streptavidin 人类免疫缺陷病毒 hunman 非特异性透明细胞癌 clear cell peroxidase,S-Pimmunodeficiency HIV carcinoma, not otherwise specified 链亲和素生物素复合物溶菌酶 lysozyme 非特异性腺癌 adenocarcinoma not streptavidin-biotin complex SABC 乳铁蛋白 lactoferrin , LF otherwise specified , NOS 良性淋巴上皮病变 benign 乳头状淋巴囊腺瘤papillary分泌组份 secretory component lymphoepithelial lesion cystadenoma lymphomatosum 副涎腺 accessory salivary gland 亮细胞 light cells乳头状囊腺癌 papillary 干燥综合征 sicca syndrome 淋巴上皮癌 lymphoepithelial cystadenocarcinoma管状腺瘤 canalicular adenoma; carcinoma乳头状囊腺瘤 papillary cystadenoma tubular adenoma淋巴上皮囊肿 lymphoepithelial cyst 乳头状涎腺瘤 sialadenoma 过氧化物酶抗过氧化物酶 peroxidase 鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma papilliferum anti-proxidase, PAP 流行性腮腺炎 epidemic parotitis; 上皮 - 肌上皮癌汗腺瘤 syringoma mumpsepithelio-myoepithelial carcinoma 合胞体 syncytium慢性复发性腮腺炎 chronic recurrent 上皮肌上皮岛 epi-myoepithelial 坏死性涎腺化生 necrotizing parotitisislandsialometaplasia 慢性涎腺炎 chronic sialadenitis 上皮膜抗原 epithelial membrane 混合瘤 mixed tumor慢性硬化性颌下腺炎 chronic antigen , EMA获得性免疫缺陷综合征 acquired sclerosing sialadenitis of舍格伦综合征 Sj?gren's syndrome immune deficiency syndrome AIDS submandibular gland; K uttner 瘤 施墨试验 Schirmer test ,检查泪液分 霍奇金淋巴瘤 Hodgkin lymphoma 弥漫性大 B 细胞淋巴瘤 diffuse large 泌情况的一种试验肌上皮瘤 myoepithelioma B-cell lymphoma嗜酸细胞瘤 oncocytoma 基底储备细胞理论 basal reserve cell迷走涎腺 aberrant salivary glands 嗜酸性腺瘤 oxyphilic adenoma theory免疫球蛋白 A immunoglobulin A 透明细胞癌 clear cell carcinoma 基底鳞状的旋涡状 basisquamous 免疫细胞化学 immunocytochemistry 透明细胞瘤 clear cell tumorwhorling免疫组织化学 immunohistochemistry 未分化癌 undifferentiated carcimma 基底细胞腺瘤 basal cell adenoma 囊腺癌 cystadenocarcinoma 细胞角蛋白 cytokeratin 急性化脓性腮腺炎 acute pyogenic 囊腺瘤 cystadenoma 纤维连接蛋白 fibronectin paratitis内翻性乳头状瘤 inverted ductal涎石病 sialolithiasis急性涎腺炎 acute sialadenitis papilloma涎腺病毒病 salivary gland virus 挤压假象 crush artifact 皮脂淋巴腺癌 sebaceous disease甲状腺球蛋白 thyroglobulin lymphadenocarcinoma涎腺导管癌 salivary duct carcinoma 浆液细胞腺癌 serous cell carcinoma 皮脂淋巴腺瘤 sebaceous lymphadenoma 涎腺导管结石 salivary duct stone 结外边缘带 B 细胞淋巴瘤 extranodal 皮脂腺瘤 sebaceous adenoma 涎腺导管囊肿 salivary duct cyst marginal zone B-cell lymphoma 前淋巴瘤 prelymphoma 涎腺发育不全 aplasia of salivary 静止骨腔 static bony cavity桥本甲状腺炎 Hashimoto'sglanddepression巨细胞包涵体病 cytomegalic thyroiditi s涎腺发育异常 development anomalies of salivary gland涎腺放线菌病 actinomycosis of salivary glands涎腺结核 tuberculosis of salivarygland涎腺囊肿 salivary gland cyst涎腺退行性肿大 degenerativeswelling of salivary gland涎腺先天性缺失 congenital absenceof salivary gland涎腺炎 sialadenitis涎腺异位 hetrotopic of saIivarygland涎腺症 sialadenosis腺癌 adenocarcinoma腺淋巴瘤 adenolymphoma; Warthin 瘤腺鳞癌 adenosquamous carcinoma 腺泡细胞癌 acinic cell carcinoma 腺样囊性癌adenoid cystic carcinoma 小管 - 腺泡复合体tubelo-acinae-complexs小细胞癌 small cell carcinoma小叶状癌 lobular carcinoma血管瘤 haemangioma血型物质 blood group substances 粘液表皮样癌 mucoepidermoid carcinoma粘液腺腺瘤样增生 adenomatoid hyerplasia of mucous glands植物血凝素受体 lectin receptors 终末导管癌teminal duct carcinoma 转移性多形性腺瘤Metastasizing pleomorphic adenoma组织多肽抗原 tissuce peptide antigen ,TPA鼻唇囊肿 nasolabial cyst鼻腭管囊肿 nasopalatine duct cyst鼻牙槽囊肿 nasoalveolar cyst残余囊肿 residual cyst成人龈囊肿 gingival cyst of adults 发育性根侧囊肿 lateral periodontal cyst根尖囊肿 radicular cyst含牙囊肿 dentigerous cyst畸胎样囊肿 teratoid cyst 即婴儿龈囊肿Bohn 结节甲状舌管囊肿 thyroglossal tractcyst假性囊肿 pseudocyst颈部淋巴上皮囊肿 cervicallymphoepithelial cyst口腔淋巴上皮囊肿 oral lymphoepithelialcyst滤泡囊肿 follicular cyst锚纤维 anchoring fibrils萌出囊肿 eruption cyst皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst皮样样囊肿发 epidermoid切牙管囊肿 incisive canal cyst切牙窝 incisive fossa 球状上颌囊肿globlo-maxillary cyst 鳃裂囊肿 branchialcleft cyst 上皮斑 epithelial plaque 舌下囊肿ranula透明小体 Rushton body 外渗性粘液囊肿mucous extravasation cyst下颌感染性颊囊肿 mandibular infectedbuccal cyst下颌正中囊肿 median mandibular cyst 涎腺牙源性囊肿 sialo-odontogenic cystcyst新生儿牙板囊肿 dental lamina cyst of thenewborn牙旁囊肿 paradental cyst 牙源性产粘液囊肿mucus producingodontogenic cyst牙源性角化囊肿 odontogenic keratocyst牙源性囊肿 odontogenic cyst炎症性根侧囊肿 inflammatorycollateral cyst异位口腔胃肠囊肿 heterotopic oralgastrointestinal cyst婴儿龈囊肿 gingival cyst of infants釉突 enamel spur粘液囊肿 mucocele 痣样基底细胞癌综合征Gorlin 综合征痣样基底细胞癌综合征 naevoid basal cellcarcinoma syndrome潴留性粘液囊肿 mucous retentioncyst第十八章牙源性肿瘤壁成釉细胞瘤 mural ameloblastoma 标准或经典型骨内成釉细胞瘤 classic intraosseousameloblastoma成牙骨质细胞瘤 cementoblastoma 成牙组织 dental formative tissue 成釉细胞瘤ameloblastoma 成釉细胞肉瘤 ameloblasticsarcoma 成釉细胞纤维瘤 ameloblasticfibroma 成釉细胞纤维肉瘤 ameloblaticfibrosarcoma成釉细胞纤维牙本质瘤 ameloblasticfibrodentinoma成釉细胞纤维牙本质肉瘤 ameloblastic第十七章口腔颌面部囊肿腺牙源性囊肿 glandular odontogenicfibrodentinsarcomafibrous histocytoma,MFH多形型称为多形性恶性纤维组织细胞瘤 / 未分化高级别多 形性肉瘤 (pleomorphic malignant成釉细胞纤维 - 牙肉瘤 ameloblastic fibro-odontosarcoma丛状型 plexiform pattern 丛状型单囊成釉细胞瘤 plexiform unicystic ameloblastoma 促结缔组织增生型成釉细胞瘤 desmoplastic ameloblastoma单囊性成釉细胞瘤 unicystic ameloblastoma恶性成釉细胞瘤 malignant ameloblastoma 反折线 reversal line 非肿瘤性牙滤泡增生 non-neoplastic thickened follicle骨异常增殖症 osseous dysplasias 混合性牙瘤 complex odontoma 基底细胞型成釉细胞瘤 basal cell ameloblastoma 棘皮瘤型 acanthomatous type 畸形 malformation极性倒置 reversed polarity 角化成釉细胞瘤 keratoameloblastoma 颗粒细胞型 granular cell type 良性成牙骨质细胞瘤 benign cementoblastoma 滤泡型 follicular pattern玫瑰花样结构 rosette-like structure 明显的玻璃样变 marked hyalinization 前成釉细胞 preameloblast 乳头状角化成釉细胞瘤 papilliferous keratoameloblastoma牙本质生成性影细胞癌 dentinogenic ghost cell carcinoma牙本质生成性影细胞瘤 dentinogenic ghost cell tumor牙骨质样组织 cementoid 牙瘤 odontoma牙源性癌 odontogenic carcinoma 牙源性癌肉瘤 odontogenic sarcoma 牙源性钙化囊肿 calcifying odontogenic cyst ,COC 牙源性钙化囊性瘤 calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor牙源性钙化上皮瘤 calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor; Pindborg 瘤牙源性角化囊性瘤 keratocystic odontogenic tumour牙源性颗粒细胞瘤granular cellodontogenic tumor 牙源性鳞状细胞瘤squamousodontogenic tumor牙源性囊肿恶变malignant changeodontogenic cysts牙源性肉瘤 odontogenic sarcoma 牙源性透明细胞癌 clear cell odontogenic carcinoma 牙源性透明细胞瘤 clear cell odontogenic tumor牙源性纤维瘤 odontogenic fibroma 牙源性腺样瘤 adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, AOT牙源性龈上皮错构瘤 odontogenic gingival epithelial hamartoma牙源性影细胞癌 odontogenic ghost cell carcinoma牙源性影细胞瘤 odontogenic ghost cell tumor牙源性粘液瘤 odontogenic myxoma 牙源性肿瘤 odontogenic tumor一般型成釉细胞瘤 classic ameloblastoma 影上皮细胞 ghost epithelial cell 原发性骨内癌 primary intraosseous carcinoma原发性骨内鳞状细胞癌 primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma粘液瘤 myxoma粘液纤维瘤 myxofibroma 真性牙骨质瘤 true cementoma 中心性巨细胞病变(肉芽肿) central giant cell lesion ( granuloma ) 周边型 peripheral ameloblastoma 周边性牙源性纤维瘤 peripheral odontogenicfibroma转移性(恶性)成釉细胞瘤 metastasizing ( malignant ) ameloblastoma组合性牙瘤 compound odontoma第十九章 口腔颌面部其他组织来源的肿瘤 和瘤样病变边缘不规则 border irregularity 不对称 asymmetry 车轮状 - 多形性 storiform-pleomorphic成人型纤维肉瘤 adult fibrosarcoma 成釉细胞癌 ameloblastic carcinoma 丛状血管瘤 tufted angioma 又称进展 性毛细血管瘤 (progressive capillaryhemangioma)、 Nakagawa 血管母细胞瘤 ( angioblastoma ofNakagawa)动静脉性血管瘤 arteriovenous hemangioma多形性组织细胞增生症 polymorphic histocytosis,PH恶性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma 恶性淋巴瘤 malignant lymphoma 恶性雀斑样痣 lentigo melanoma 恶性肉芽肿 malignant granuloma恶性纤维组织细胞瘤 malignant。

第一单元 A History of TCMText A A History of TCMThe history of traditional Chinese medicine can be traced through archaeological excavations extending back millions of years.Primitive people spent most of their time on basic survival: hunting, locating and preparing plants for food, building shelters, and defending themselves. It's easy to imagine that over time, they'd have sampled most of the local plants in their search for food. In time, an oral record evolved that identified those plants that made good food, those that were useful for building, those that had an effect on illness, and those that were poisonous. Through trial and error, a primitive form of herbal medicine and dietary therapy was taking shape in China.Fire also played a central role in their lives as a source of warmth, fuel, and light. As they huddled around fires, it was only natural that our ancestors would discover the healing powers of heat. Those powers would have been especially evident for cold, damp ailments such as arthritis, for which heat provides immediate relief. This was the origin of the art of moxibustion, the therapeutic application of heat to treat a wide variety of conditions.These ancient people must have experienced a variety of injuries during their rugged lives. A natural reaction to pain is to rub or press on the affected area. This hands-on therapy gradually evolved into a system of therapeutic manipulation. People discovered that pressing on certain points on the body had wide-ranging effects. They began to use pieces of sharpened bone or stone to enhance the sensation, and acupuncture was born.Written History of Traditional Chinese MedicineThe written history of traditional Chinese medicine has evolved mostly over the last 3,000 years. Archaeological digs from the Shang Dynasty (1,000 b.c.) have revealed medical writings inscribed on divination bones: early shamans, mostly women, used scapula bones to perform divination rites; later these bones were also used for writing.The discovery in 1973 of 11 medical texts written on silk has shed some light on the sophisticated practices of that early period of Chinese history. Dated to 168 B.C., the texts discuss diet, exercise, moxibustion, and herbal therapy.Liberally mixed with shamanistic magic, an extensive text,Prescriptions for Fifty-two Ailments, describes the pharmacological effects of herbs and foods.Also dating from about this time is the legend of Shen Nong, the Emperor of Agriculture, who tasted 100 herbs daily to assess their qualities. (He is said to have been poisoned many times in the course of his investigations.)By A.D. 400, the basic foundations of traditional Chinese medicine had been put into written form. By this time, most of the magical aspects of medicine had been left behind; there was an increasing belief in the powers of nature to heal disease.The most important book compiledbetween 300 B.C. and A.D. 400 is Huang Di Nei Jing (Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine).The work is divided into two books: Simple Questions and Spiritual Axis.The first book deals with general theoretical principles, while the second more specifically describes the principles of acupuncture and the treatment of disease. Remarkably, this ancient work is still valid; it forms the foundation for the contemporary practice of traditional Chinese medicine. For example, the Nei Jing states that cold diseases should be treated with hot herbs, and hot diseases should be treated with cold herbs. This principle is still followed today in clinical practice.Hot, inflammatory infections are treated with cold herbs such as honeysuckle flowers or Coptis root; cold, debilitating conditions suchas chronic fatigue are treated with warm, stimulating herbs such as ginseng or Astragalus roots.Modern research has confirmed that these plants contain constituents with strong pharmacological effects on these specific conditions. By the second century A.D., physicians all over China were compiling writings of the latest discoveries in acupuncture and herbal medicine. It was during this time that the famous physician Hua Tuo wrote about herbal anesthesia.Although his formula for the anesthetic has been lost, his unique system of acupuncture points is still in use. He was also a pioneer in recommending exercise as a method of maintaining wellness. He is quoted as saying "a running stream never goes bad," meaning exercise moves qi and prevents the stagnation that leads to disease.Another pioneer of the time was Zhang Zhongjing, who wrote Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases after witnessing an epidemic that ravaged his city and killed most of his relatives. This highly regarded physician developed a system of diagnosis so sophisticated that it is used by practitioners in modern hospitals 1,700 years after his death.Progress of Medicine in ChinaThe progress of medicine in China runs parallel to the nation's political history. Between the second and fifth centuries A.D., China experienced a period marked by war and political turmoil.One of the ironies of war is that it has a tendency to lead to advances in medicine. The periodic times of unrest in Chinese history, such as this, were no exception, as the increased need for practical, convenient, effective remedies led to further developments in medical treatment.During this time, Ge Hong wrote Prescriptions for Emergencies in order to spread the knowledge of acupuncture and moxibustion to the masses.Around A.D. 650, Sun Simiao compiled Prescriptions Worth A Thousand Gold, which integrated the clinical experiences of the different schools of acupuncture at that time.During the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.), China's Imperial Medical Bureau established departments of Acupuncture, Pharmacology, and Medical Specialties. Numerous additional treatises and compilations of medical knowledge and experience were prepared.In the Five Dynasties period (907-1368 A.D.), advancements in printing techniques led to a dramatic increase in the publication of medical texts.One of the important books of the period was Canon on the Origin of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, in which Wang Zhizhong incorporated the clinical experiences of the practitioners of folk medicine.During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), many medical specialists compiled the works of their forebears, further expanding the extensive base of medical knowledge.The most famous physician of the period was Li Shi Zheng (1518-1593), a kind and generous healer who did not accept payment for his services. After reviving the son of a prince from a coma, he was appointed court physician and served in the Imperial Academy of Medicine.His most incredible achievement was his 40-year effort in writing the Ben Cao Gong Mu (General Catalog of Herbs), a monumental work published after his death. Consisting of 52 volumes at the time of its printing, the Ben Cao Gong Mu remains an important reference for traditional Chinese herbalists.The recent history of traditional Chinese medicine saw the integration of new techniques with ancient understanding. This integration process continued until the 19th century, when the Opium War of 1840 turned China into a semi-colonial society. Western colonial powers derided traditional medicine as primitive and outdated.The Communist party came to power in themid-20th century, bringing much turmoil to China; however, the Communists saw the need to promote traditional Chinese medicine to avoid dependence on the West.A great need for traditional doctors arose since there were far too few Western-trained physicians to serve the huge population: only 10,000 Western-trained doctors were available to serve 400 millionpeople.Traditional Chinese medicine began a course of revival that continues today. Many Western-trained physicians and scientists in China started to conduct research on acupuncture, moxibustion, and herbal medicine, and a gradual integration of the two systems began.In 1945, an acupuncture clinic opened in a Western hospital in China for the first time. Since then, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have been practiced side-by-side in Chinese hospitals, sometimes by a physician who has been trained in both fields.For example,a cancer patient might receive radiation to treat a tumor then be sent to the herbal department for formulas to strengthen his immune system and normalize his blood count.Since the 1970s, Chinese hospitals have trained students from more than 100 countries in the principles of traditional medicine.Interest in traditional Chinese medicine was sparked in the United States in the early 1970s when New York Times reporter James Reston experienced an acute appendicitis attack while in China.His report of receiving acupuncture to relieve hispost-operative abdominal pain brought an awareness of this system of healing to the general public.Since then, acupuncture and herbal medicine have gradually taken hold in North America. With more than 10,000 practitioners and an increasing number of schools of traditional Chinese medicine, this ancient system has taken its well-deserved place in the Western world.Text A A History of TCM通过考古发掘,中医药的历史可以追溯到数百万年前。

Chapter 1 Patient-Physician Interaction 第一章医患沟通The patient-physician interaction proceeds through many phases of clinical reasoning and decision making. 医患沟通在临床诊断和治疗决策的许多阶段中进行着。
The interaction begins with an elucidation of complaints or concerns, followed by inquiries or evaluation to address these concerns in increasingly precise ways.这种沟通开始于病人诉说或所关注问题,然后通过询问、评估不断精确地确定这些问题。
The process commonly requires a careful history or physical examination, ordering of diagnostic tests, integration of clinical findings with the test results, understanding of the risks and benefits of the possible courses of action, and careful consultation with the patient and family to develop future plans.这个过程通常需要细致的病史询问和体格检查,进行诊断性化验,综合临床发现和化验结果,理解分析拟行治疗过程中的风险和疗效,并与病人及家属反复磋商以形成治疗方案Physicians increasingly can call on a growing literature of evidence-based medicine to guide the process so that benefit is maximized,while respecting individual variations among different patients.医生们越来越容易查阅不断增长的循证医学文献来指导这个过程,使得疗效最大化,但要考虑到不同病人中个体差异是存在的。

学术英语unit1,unit3,unit4,unit9课文翻译 Unit 1 Text A神经过载与千头万绪的医生患者经常抱怨自己的医生不会聆听他们的诉说。
奥索里奥夫人 56 岁,是我的病人。
她锻炼不够多,最后一次 DEXA 骨密度检测显示她的骨质变得有点疏松。
以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。
我需要和她谈谈每天吃五种蔬果、每天步行 30 分钟的事。
我是不是应该再加一种降血压的药?药片多了是否让她困惑?更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃带来的风险孰重孰轻?骨密度 DEXA 扫描显示她的骨质有点疏松。

新编临床医学英语第1期:病患的问题与诉求Unit 1 Text A Internal Medicine and Today's Internist第1单元文章A 内科与内科医生Questions/Pleas of the Patient病患的问题与诉求How can I find a good doctor?"我如何找到一位良医?How can I find a good doctor whom I can afford?"如何能够碰到一位价格亲民的医生?How can I find a good doctor who cares about me as a person?〃又如何能够遇见一位把我当成“人”看待的医生?How can I find a good doctor who will take the time to listen and understand?"如何找到一位能够花时间倾听我的诉说,了解我的名医?People who need medical care ask these questions throughout the world every day.每天,全球有许多病患都在询问这些问题。
They ask them because they face a health care system that is scientifically complex, organizationally overloaded, and generally not oriented to the patient as a person.他们之所以问这些问题,是因为他们所面对的医疗保健体系技术深奥、机构臃肿,而且一般都没有意识到病人首先是一个“人”。
When an individual first becomes ill, regardless of the symptoms, he or she needs mostsomeone who seems to say,如果有人生了病,不管症状如何,他们最希望听到的是:"I am a good doctor;I charge a reasonable amount for my services;I care about you,thepatient and I will take the time to listen and understand."“我是医生;我只收取亲民价格,我关心病患,我将倾听你的诉求,理解你。

医学英语(山东联盟)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新滨州医学院第一章测试1.The etymology of medical terms refers to the origins of medical terms.参考答案:对2.Most of the medical terms originated from Latin.参考答案:错3.In many cases of modern medicine, Latin and Greek words are used to createnew terms.参考答案:对4.Tooth's roots in Greek and Latin are “odont(o)”, “dent(o)”.参考答案:对5.Stomach's roots in Greek and Latin are“proct(o)”,“rect(o)”.参考答案:错6.What is combining form in Latin for stomach?参考答案:proct(o)-7.The combing form of Rectum in Greek is_____.参考答案:proct(o)8.The suffix “-plasty” in medical terms means______.参考答案:surgical repair9.The prefix“endo-” means_____.参考答案:within10.Which of the following suffix means abnormal condition?参考答案:-osis第二章测试1.People with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are meticulousperfectionists.参考答案:错2.Who is a behaviorist?参考答案:B. F. Skinner3.Cosmetic surgery training is completed through a post-graduate residencyprogram.参考答案:错4.Which makeup tricks can you adopt to make your eyes look bigger?参考答案:Strategic eyeliner5.Empathy is to __________参考答案:share another person’s sadness.6.If your friend is in trouble, which expression conveys empathy?参考答案:I can see how upsetting this is to you. What can I do for you?7.When a doctor communicates with a patient, the positive way is to look intohis /her eyes.参考答案:错8.When a doctor attempts to deliver bad news to the patient try to ____.参考答案:Soften your tone.;Pause briefly.9.The three different types of cloning include .参考答案:Molecular cloning;Organism cloning;Therapeutic cloning10.Molecular cloning focuses on making identical copies of DNA molecules inchromosomes.参考答案:对第三章测试1.In TCM, the understanding of the human body is based on the holisticunderstanding of the universe as described in Daoism.参考答案:对2.The function of yin and yang is guided by the law of unity of the opposites.参考答案:对an transplant does not remove and replace an entire organ, but ratheronly a portion.参考答案:错4.Solid transplantable organs include: heart, lungs, liver, pancreas andintestines.参考答案:对5.The goal for maximum benefit criteria is to maximize the number ofsuccessful transplants.参考答案:对6.In China, when a person dies, the hospital must comply with their writtenwishes regardless of what their family may want.参考答案:错7.Precision medicine is attempting to customize treatments on the basis of aperson's gene tic's or environment.参考答案:对8.Based on the understanding of paragraph 6 of the text, why is it difficult tostore patients' genome data?参考答案:data will also pose a computational challenge.9.Coronary heart disease is closely linked to .参考答案:a diet that is high in unhealthy fats10.Kwashiorkor is mainly caused by inadequate protein intake.参考答案:对第四章测试1.Why does the author say "The human body is a remarkably complex andefficient machine"?____参考答案:It is amazing how well each system functions and coordinates with other systems to enable humans to live and reproduce.2.What can we know about the bones according to the passage?_____参考答案:Bones are united by joints and held together by ligaments.3.Which of the following is True about the heart?____参考答案:There are four chambers which are made up of several layers of smooth muscles.4.Different types of anaesthesia cannot be used in combination at any time.参考答案:错5.When anaesthesia awareness occasion during a surgery, the patient may feelpain or may not feel it.参考答案:对6.Anesthesia awareness only happens with ________.参考答案:general anesthesia7. Prostate cancer is often slowly growing. There may be no symptoms at first,even for years.参考答案:对8.What may be more appropriate for older men where the cancer is notcausing much in symptoms?参考答案:Watchful waiting9.what is uterus?参考答案:子宫10.what is induced abortion?参考答案:引产第五章测试1.Just like a conductor who controls and directs the different musicians in anorchestra, the endocrine system controls and directs other systems in our body, telling them what should be done at what time.参考答案:对2.What are the functions of the thyroid gland?参考答案:Bone growth ;Stimulate cellular metabolism ;Development of the brain and nervous system3.The tip of the heart at the lower edge is called the _______.参考答案:apex4.Which is NOT cardiovascular disease?参考答案:Lupus erythematosus.5.Cortex makes the hormones that control our growth, metabolism, water andmineral balance, sexual maturity, and how we respond to stress.参考答案:对6.The hindbrain consists of the following parts,which are参考答案:Medulla; Pons;Cerebellumrynx is not only the organ of respiratory system but also that of digestivesystem.参考答案:错8.Pharynx contains a pair of vocal cords, which vibrate to make sounds.参考答案:错9.What is the meaning of medical term “Eupnea”?参考答案:normal breathing10.Which of the following combining forms mean lung or of lung?参考答案:pulmon/o第六章测试1. A wide use of passive voice in results section of a research article is for thepurpose of being objective.参考答案:对2.Researchers should present representative data rather than endlesslyrepetitive data in your manuscript.参考答案:对3.Medical record, also known as case history, history and physical notes, healthrecord, and medical chart, is used to describe the systematic documentation of a patient’s medical history and care, time to time within one particularhealth care provider’s ju risdiction.参考答案:对4.Titles have two functions: to identify the main topic or the main point of thearticle and to attract readers.参考答案:对5.If we intend to emphasize the information of other researcher's study in thecitation, the reporting verb tense we usually use is present tense.参考答案:对6.It is not necessary to point out the limitations of your study in the part ofdiscussion of academic writing.参考答案:错7.The structure of discussion is a trapezoid, which means the information indiscussion is from being specific to being general.参考答案:对8.The structure of introduction is a trapezoid, which means the information inintroduction is from being specific to being general.参考答案:错9.The purpose of an abstract is to help your reader understand the paper andget at your main points quickly.参考答案:对10. A summary is to rewrite the original piece.参考答案: 错。

大学公共医学英语-第一单元四级词汇及知识点Unit 1 You Can Be Healthy and Happy一.四级词汇总结1. Concern: vt.1). (不用被动语态)关于2). 涉及,关系到;影响到。
The news concerns your brother. 3). 使担心;使不安[(+about/for)] The boy's poor health concerned his parents.He is concerned for her safety.4)使关心[(+about/with)]He was very concerned about her.名词n.1). 关心的事,重要的事[C]That's no concern of mine.2). 担心,挂念;关怀[(+about/for)] Andrew expressed his concern.2. decline:vi. 下降,下跌;减少;衰退,衰落As one grows older one's memory declines.Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month.vt. 婉拒;谢绝[+to-v]She declined their invitation.She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn't feeling well.n.下降;减少There is a decline in real wages.实际工资有所减少。
3.eliminate:vt.1). 排除,消除,消灭[(+from)]Our goal is to eliminate poverty. 2). (比赛中)淘汰[(+from)]Our team was eliminated from the competition in the first round.3). 杀人4.discount:n. 折扣;打折扣We give a special discount of 10 per cent for cash.如用现金购买,我们给予九折优待。


第一章口腔颌面部发育鼻凹nasal pit鼻板nasal placode鼻腭管naso-palatal canal鼻鳍nasal fin侧腭突lateral palatal process,也称继发腭(second palate),腭突(palatine shelf)第一鳃弓软骨Meckel's cartilage额鼻突frontonasal process腭裂cleft palate分叉舌bifid tongue,也称舌裂(cleft tongue,split tongue)颌裂cleft jaw继发腭secondary palate颊咽膜orapharyngeal membrane甲状舌管thyroglossal duct界沟sulcus terminalis颈窦cervical sinus口凹oral pit口咽膜orapharyngeal membrane拉特克囊Rathke's pouch,也称神经颊囊(craniobuccal pouch),颅颊囊(craniopharyngeal pouch)联合merge联合突copula面裂facial cleft模式发育patterning奇结节tuberculum impar前腭突median palatine process前脑单脑室畸形Holoprosencephaly切牙管incisive canal球状突globular process融合fuse鳃弓branchial arch鳃沟branchial groove上颌突maxillary process舌盲孔foramen cecum神经嵴neural crest神经节原基ganglionic placode施万细胞Schwann细胞为神经鞘膜细胞外间充质ectomesenchyme 也称外胚间叶,系来自于神经嵴外胚层的结缔组织的总称维甲酸综合征retinoic acid syndrome (RAS),妊娠早期服用过量13-顺-维甲酸引起的发育异常下颌软骨Meckel's cartilage嗅板olfactory placode嗅窝nasal pit咽囊pharyngeal pouch也称鳃囊原发腭primary palate原口stomadeum中鼻突medial nasal process主动脉的conotruncal第二章牙的发育氨基葡萄糖glycosaminoglycans成牙本质细胞odontoblast成釉蛋白ameloblastin成釉器enamel organ成釉细胞ameloblast分泌型成牙本质细胞secretory odontoblast赫特威上皮根鞘Hertwing epithelial root sheath基质小泡matrix vesicle颈环cervical loop静止型成牙本质细胞resting odontoblast蕾状期bud stage连接复合体junctional complex马拉瑟上皮剩余Malassez epithelial rest帽状期cap stage萌出eruption非胶原蛋白non-collagenous proteinNSPs内釉上皮层inner enamal epithelium前成牙本质细胞preodontoblast前期牙本质predentin缩余釉上皮reduced dental epithelium托姆斯突Tomes processe脱落shedding 交替外釉上皮层outer enamal epithelium星网状层stellate reticulum牙板dental lamina牙囊dental sac牙乳头dental papilla引导管gubernacular canal釉丛蛋白tuftelin釉结enamel knot釉龛enamel niche釉索enamel cord釉质形成amelogenesis原发性上皮带primary epithelial band罩牙本质mantle dentin中间层stratum intermedium终棒terminal web钟状期bell stage第三章牙体组织玻璃粘连蛋白vitronectin,细胞外粘附蛋白,副纤维粘连蛋白成纤维细胞fibroblast成牙本质细胞odontoblast成牙本质细胞突起odontoblasticprocess,也称"Tomes' fiber"成牙本质细胞突周间隙periodontoblastic space成釉蛋白ameloblastin穿通纤维perforating fiber蛋白酶proteinases第三期牙本质tertiary dentin多细胞层cell-rich zone乏细胞层cell-free zone, the zone ofWeil,Weil层反应性牙本质reaction dentin反转线reversal line非釉原蛋白non-amelogenins缝隙连接gap junction骨钙素osteocalcin骨连接素osteonectin骨桥蛋白osteopontin骨样牙本质osteodentin固有牙髓pulp proper管间牙本质intratubular dentin管周牙本质peritubular dentin核心蛋白聚糖decorin横纹cross striations基质金属蛋白酶20matrixmetalloproteinases 20,MMP20继发性牙本质secondary dentin,牙发育完成之后形成的牙本质腱蛋白tenascin绞釉gnarled enamel紧密连接tight junction科尔夫纤维Korff's fiber, 最先形成的牙本质纤维类牙骨质cementoid流体动力学说hydrodynamic theory磨损abrasion, attrition纳米球nanospheres耐龋潜能cariostatic potential脑啡肽enkephalin诺伊曼鞘Neumann sheath欧文线Owen line(加重的牙本质生长线),也称"contour line of Owen"前期牙本质predentin桥粒desmosome球间牙本质interglobular dentin芮氏线lines of Retzius,釉质生长线沙比纤维Sharpey's fiber,穿通纤维神经壁层parietal layer of nerves,Raschkow 丛神经传导学说direct innervation theory生长激素抑制素somatostatin生长线incremental lines,同芮氏线施雷格线Schreger line树突状细胞dendritic cells双糖链蛋白聚糖biglycan丝氨酸蛋白酶serine proteinases(kallikrein-4)死区dead tract髓核pulp core髓周牙本质circumpulpal dentin糖胺聚糖glycosaminoglycans透明层hyaline layer透明牙本质sclerotic dentin透明牙本质transparent dentin托姆斯颗粒层Tomes' granular layer托姆斯突凹Tomes processes pit,TPP微孔micropore未分化间充质细胞undifferentiatedmesenchymal cell无细胞固有纤维牙骨质acellularintrinsic fiber cementum, AIFC无细胞外源性纤维牙骨质acellularextrinsic fiber cementum, AEFC无细胞无纤维牙骨质acellular afibrillarcementum, AAC无细胞牙骨质acellular cementum无釉柱牙釉质rodless enamel细胞牙骨质cellular cementum纤维粘连蛋白fibronectin限制板lamina limitans楔状缺损wedge shaped defect新生线neonatal line修复性牙本质reparative dentin牙本质dentin牙本质磷蛋白dentin phosphophoryn;dentin phosphoproteins,DPP牙本质生长线von Ebner 1ine牙本质涎蛋白dentin sialoprotein,DSP牙本质涎磷蛋白dentinsialophosphoproteinsword.牙本质小管dentinal tubule牙本质牙骨质界dentino-cemental junction牙骨质cementum牙骨质生长因子cementum growth factor牙骨质粘附蛋白cementum adhesion protein牙面平行线perikymata,也称釉面横纹牙髓dental pulp牙髓牙本质复合体pulpo-dentinal complex牙釉质enamel牙釉质溶解蛋白enamelysin牙釉质牙本质界enamel-dentinal junction(EDJ)牙釉质牙骨质界enamelo-cemental junction油炸圈样appearance of doughnut有细胞固有纤维牙骨质cellular intrinsic fiber cementum, CIFC有细胞混合性分层牙骨质cellular mixed stratified cementum, CMSC釉板enamel lamellae釉丛enamel tufts釉丛蛋白tuftelin釉蛋白enamelin釉帽enamel cap釉面横纹perikymata,也称牙面平行线釉梭enamel spindle釉小皮enamel cuticle釉牙本质界enamel-dentinal junction (EDJ)釉原蛋白amelogenins釉柱enamel rod釉柱鞘enamel rod sheath原发性牙本质primary dentin,牙发育时期形成的牙本质原胶原tropocollagen灶性孔focal hole, FH罩牙本质mantle dentin中间连接intermediate junction中间牙骨质intermediate cementum重塑remodeling转导学说transduction theory组织细胞histiocyte第四章牙周组织不成熟的弹力纤维oxytalan fibers弹力纤维elastin fibers点彩stippling凋亡apoptosis附着龈attached gingiva根尖组apical group根间组interradicular group固有牙槽骨alveolar bone proper环行组circular group结合上皮junctional epithelium束骨bundle bone水平组horizontal group斜行组oblique group牙槽骨alveolar bone牙槽嵴组alveolar crest group牙槽突alveolar process牙槽龈组alveologingival group牙骨膜组dentoperiosteal group牙间乳头interdental papilla牙龈gingiva牙龈结合dentogingival junction牙龈上皮gingval epithelium第六章涎腺半月板demilune胞吐exocytosis杯状细胞goblet cell储备细胞reserve cell锇酸osmic acid分泌单位secretory unit分泌管secretory duct富脯氨酸蛋白proline-rich protein富酪氨酸蛋白tyrosine-rich protein干细胞stem cell高血糖素样蛋白glucogon-like protein颌下腺submandibular gland混合性腺泡mixed acinus肌动蛋白actin肌球蛋白myosin肌上皮细胞myoepithelial cell肌微丝myofilament浆液性腺泡serous acinus浆粘液细胞seromucous cell晶样体crystalloid局浆分泌merocrine抗蛋白溶解蛋白antiproteolytic protein篮细胞basket cell连接复合体junctional complex酶原颗粒zymogen granule排泄管excretory duct粘多糖mucin粘液性腺泡mucous acinus全浆分泌holocrine-type secretion乳铁蛋白lactoferrin闰管intercalated duct腮腺parotid gland腮腺导管Stensen duct腮腺素parotin舌下腺sublingual gland舍格伦综合征Sj?gren syndrome肾素rennin嗜酸粒细胞瘤oncocytoma嗜酸细胞oncocyte嗜酸性腺瘤oxiphilic adenoma唾液saliva唾液腺salivary gland味觉素gustin纹管striated duct涎液素ptyatin腺泡acinus小涎腺minor salivary gland原始多潜能涎腺导管细胞primitivepluripotential salivary duct cells致密小体dense body组氨酸histidine第七章颞下颌关节多细胞带cellularrich zone钙化软骨带zone of calcified cartilage关节囊capsule关节盘disc滑膜synovial membrane髁突condyle颞下颌关节temporo-mandibular join,TMJ纤维软骨带fibrocartilaginous zone纤维性关节表面带fibrous articularsurface第八章牙发育异常II型牙本质结构不良dentin dysplasiatype II ,冠部牙本质结构不良I型牙本质结构不良dentin dysplasiatype I白兰地型brandywine isolate,牙本质形成缺陷的一种斑釉mottled enamel半面过度增生hemifacial hyperplasia成熟不全型hypomatuaration type低磷酸酯酶症hypophosphatasia多生牙hyperdontia; supernumeraryteeth非氟性牙釉质浑浊症non-fluorideenamel opacities氟牙症dental fluorosis附加牙supplemental teeth副磨牙paramolar钙化不全型hypocalcified type过早脱落premature loss畸形舌侧尖lingual cusp deformity畸形舌侧窝lingual fossa deformity畸形中央尖central cusp deformity结合牙concrescence巨牙macrodontia壳状牙shell-teeth矿化不全型hypomineralized type牛牙症taurodontism前牙的牙外突dens evaginatus ofanterior teeth区域性牙发育不良regionalodontodysplasia,阴影牙融合牙fusion乳牙滞留persistence of deciduous teeth桑椹牙mulberry molar少汗外胚层发育不良hypohidroticectodermal dysplasia少牙hypodontia双生牙gemination水流围绕圆石water streaming roundbouldings,根部牙本质结构不良的表现四环素牙tetracycline stained teeth锁骨颅骨发育不全征cleidocranialdysplasia;也有称锁骨头颅发育不良胎生牙natal teeth,出生时即已萌出的牙特纳牙Turner's teeth,与乳牙有关的感染或创伤引起继生恒牙成釉细胞的损伤,导致继生恒牙牙釉质形成不全或矿化不全弯曲牙dilacerations无牙adontia先天性梅毒牙congenital syphilis小牙microdontia新生牙noenatal teeth,出生后30天内萌出的牙word.形成不全型hypoplastic type雪帽型snow-capped牙本质基质蛋白1dentin matrix protein 1, DMP1牙本质结构不良dentin dysplasia牙本质涎蛋白dentin sialoprotein, DSP 牙本质形成缺陷症II型dentinogenesis imperfecta type II牙变色discoloration of teeth牙骨质发育不全hypocementosis牙骨质过度增生hypercementosis牙内陷dens invaginatus牙釉质混浊症enamel opacities牙釉质矿化不全hypomineralized enamel牙釉质形成不全enamel hypoplasia牙釉质形成缺陷症amelogenesis imperfecta牙釉质延伸cervical enamel extension牙中牙dens in dente牙阻生impaction of teeth延迟萌出retarded eruption遗传性乳光牙本质hereditary opalescent dentin阴影牙ghost teeth,区域性牙发育不良鹰爪尖talon cusp釉珠enamel pearl远中磨牙distomolar早萌premature eruption正中牙mesiodens第九章龋病暗层dark zone变形链球菌mutans streptococci; S. mutans表层surface zone病损体部body of the lesion蛋白溶解-螯合学说proteolysis-chelation theory蛋白溶解学说proteolytic theory发酵乳杆菌L. fermentus放线菌属actinomyces干酪乳杆菌L. casei根龋root caries化学寄生学说chemico-parasitic theory 化学细菌学说chemico-bacterial theory 坏死崩解层zone of destruction获得性薄膜acquired pellicle,唾液薄膜急性龋acute caries静止性龋arrested caries菌斑bacterial plaque慢性龋chronic caries猛性龋rampant caries内氏放线菌 A. naeslundii平滑面龋smooth surface caries轻链球菌S. mitis龋病dental caries乳杆菌属Lactobacilli三联因素学说three primary factors theory嗜酸乳杆菌L. acidophilus酸原学说acidogenic theory透明层translucent zone ,硬化层脱矿层zone of demineralization唾液薄膜salivary pellicle,获得性薄膜窝沟龋pit and fissure caries细菌侵入层zone of bacterial invasion血链球菌S. sanguis牙本质龋dentin caries牙骨质龋cementum caries牙釉质龋enamel caries远缘链球菌S. sobrinus粘性放线菌 A. viscosus第十章牙髓病白三烯leukotrienes,LTs白细胞介素interleukin不可逆性牙髓炎irreversible pulpitis残髓炎residual pulpitis成牙本质细胞层空泡变性vacuolardegeneration of the odontoblastic layer急性化脓性牙髓炎acute supurativepulpitis急性浆液性牙髓炎acute serous pulpitis急性牙髓炎acute pulpitis可复性牙髓炎reversible pulpitis慢性闭锁性牙髓炎chronic closedpulpitis慢性溃疡型牙髓炎chronic ulcerativepulpitis慢性牙髓炎chronic pulpitis慢性增生性牙髓炎chronic hyperplasticpulpitis逆行性牙髓炎retrograde pulpitis前列腺素prostaglandins,PGs特发性吸收idiopathic resorption牙内吸收internal tooth resorption牙髓变性pulp degeneration牙髓充血pulp hyperemia牙髓钙化pulp calcification牙髓坏疽pulp gangrene牙髓坏死pulp necrosis牙髓渐进性坏死necrobiosis牙髓网状萎缩reticular atrophy of thepulp牙髓纤维性变pulp fibrosis牙髓炎pulpitis牙体吸收tooth resorption牙外吸收external tooth resorption转化生长因子transfer growth factor,TGF第十一章根尖周炎蜂窝织炎cellulitis根尖肉芽肿periapical granuloma根尖周炎periapical periodontitis急性根尖周炎acute periapicalperiodontitis急性牙槽脓肿acute alveolar abscess磷脂壁酸lipoteichoic acids慢性根尖脓肿chronic periapical abscess慢性根尖周炎chronic periapicalperiodontitis慢性牙槽脓肿chonic alveolar abscess肽葡聚糖peplidoglyans致密性骨炎condensing osteoitis肿瘤坏死因子tumor necrosis factor,TNF第十二章牙周组织病白细胞介素interleuk ins,IL白血病性龈增大gingival enlargementassociated with leukemia伴白血病性龈炎gingivitis with leukemia伴有牙髓病变的牙周炎periodontitisassociated with endodontic lesions边缘性龈炎marginal gingivitis变性degeneration病损确立期established lesion剥脱性龈病损desquamative lesion ofgingival创伤trauma创伤性咬合traumatic occlusion蛋白酶proteinases发育性或获得性异常及其状况developmental or acquired deformities andconditions反应全身疾病的牙周炎periodontitis asa manifestation of systemic diseases放线共生放线杆菌Actinobacillusactinomycetem comitans,Aa非菌斑性牙龈病损non-plaque-inducedgingival lesions非炎症性noninflammatory奋森龈炎Vincent gingivitis福赛类杆菌Bcteroides forsythus,Bf共聚coaggregation骨内袋intrabony pocket骨上袋supragingival pocket护骨因子osteoprotegerin,OPG坏死性牙周病necrotizing periodontaldiseases基质金属蛋白酶matrixmetalloprotinases,MMP激素性龈炎steroid hormone-influencedgingivitis急性坏死性溃疡性龈炎acutenecrotizing ulcerative gingivitis急性坏死性龈炎acute necrotizinggingivitis继发性咬合创伤secondary occlusaltrauma家族性龈纤维瘤病congenital familialfibromatosis浆细胞龈炎plasma cell gingivitis胶原酶collagenase金属蛋白酶metalloproteinases进展期advanced lesion聚集aggregation菌毛fimbriae老年性萎缩senile atrophy硫酸软骨素酶chondrosulphatase慢性牙周炎chronic periodontitis慢性龈炎chronic gingivitis密螺旋体属Treponema破骨细胞分化因子osteoclastdifferentation factor,ODF前列腺素E2 prostglandinE2,PGE2侵袭性牙周炎aggressive periodontitis青春期龈炎pubertal gingivitis人类白细胞抗原human leucocyteantigen,HLA妊娠期龈炎pregnancy gingivitis始发期initial stageword.嗜麦芽糖密螺旋体T. maltophilum梭螺菌龈炎fusospirochetal gingivitis特发性浆细胞龈口炎idiopathic plasma-cell gingivostomatitis特发性龈增生idiopathic gingival hyperplasia透明质酸酶hyaluronidase唾液粘蛋白mucin维生素C缺乏性龈炎vitamin C deficeint gingivitis萎缩atrophy细胞因子cytokine细胞粘附分子cellular adhesion m olecules,CAM细菌性生物膜dental pla que biofilm先天性家族性纤维瘤病congenital familial fibromatosis牙槽骨弥漫性萎缩diffuse atrophy of alveolar bone牙菌斑性牙龈病dental plaque-induced gingival disease牙龈病gingival diseases牙龈卟啉单胞菌Porphyromonas gingivalis,P.g牙龈二氧化碳嗜纤维菌Cap no gingivalis 牙龈乳头炎papillary gingivitis牙龈退缩gingival recession牙周变性periodontal degeneration牙周病periodontal disease牙周脓肿abcesses of the periodontium 牙周炎periodontitis牙周症periodontosis炎症inflammation咬合创伤occlusal trauma药物性龈炎medication-influenced gingivitis遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病hereditary gingival fibromatosis遗传性龈增生hereditary gingival hyperplasia龈袋gingival pocket龈沟液gingival crevicular fluid,GCF龈裂gingival cleft; Stillman'S cleft龈增生gingival hyperplasia营养不良dystrophy营养不良性dystrophic早老性萎缩presenile atrophy早期病变early lesion粘附adhesion粘性放线菌Actinomyces viscosus,Av 战壕口炎trench mouth脂多糖lipopolysaccharedes,LPS中间密螺旋体T.medium中性多形核白细胞polymorphonuclear leukocytes,PMN肿瘤neoplasia肿瘤坏死因子-αtumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α组织金属蛋白酶的抑制剂tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase,TIMP第十三章口腔粘膜病艾滋病AIDS白斑leukoplakia白塞综合征Behcet syndrome白色海绵状斑痣white sponge nevus白色念珠状菌candida albicans白色水肿leukoedema白皱折病white folded disease斑macule扁平苔藓lichen planus,LP程序化细胞死亡programmed cell death大疱bulla单纯性疱疹herpes simplex地图舌geographic tongue淀粉样变性amyloidosis多形渗出性红斑erythema multiformeexsudativum非典型性atypia非霍奇金淋巴瘤non-Hodgkin lymphoma复发性阿弗他口炎recurrent aphthousstomatitis,RAS复发性阿弗他溃疡recurrent aphthousulcer,RAU复发性坏死性粘膜腺周围炎periadenitismucosa necrotica recurrens,PMNR过度不全角化hyperparakeratosis过度角化hyperkeratosis过度正角化hyperorthokeratosis海绵形成spongiosis红斑erythroplakia红色增殖性病变erythroplastic lesion获得性免疫缺陷综合征acquiredimmunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS ,艾滋病基底细胞空泡性变及液化vaculationand liquefaction of hasal cell棘层松解acantholysis棘层增生acanthosis痂crusts假膜pseudomembrane,伪膜间杂型红斑interspersed erythroplakia胶样小体colloid body,Civatte小体角化不良dyskeratosis结节病sarcoidosis均质型红斑homogenous erythroplakia皲裂rhagade抗核抗体antinuclear antibody,ANA颗粒型红斑granular erythroplakia口腔Kaposi肉瘤oral Kaposi sarcoma口腔非霍其金淋巴瘤oral non-Hodgkinlymphoma口腔毛状白斑oral hairy leukoplakia,OHL口腔念珠菌病oral candidiasis口腔粘膜下纤维化oral submucousfibrosis溃疡ulcer类天疱疮样扁平苔藓lichen PlanusPemphigoides,LPP良性游走性舌炎benign migratoryglossitis良性粘膜类天疱疮benign mucousmembrane pemphigoid硫黄素T thioflavine T慢性盘状红斑狼疮chronic discoid lupuserythematosus梅一罗综合征Melkersson-Rosenthalsyndrome糜烂erosion念珠菌病candidiasis疱vesicle疱疹性口炎herpetic stomatitis气球变性ballooning degeneration桥粒芯胶粘蛋白desmocollins桥粒芯糖蛋白desmogleins丘疹papule区域剥脱性舌炎glossitis areataexfoliativa人免疫缺陷病毒humanimmunodeficiency virus,HIV肉芽肿性唇炎cheilitis granulomatosa上皮萎缩epithelial atrophy上皮异常增生epithelial dysplasia舌乳头炎lingual papillitis嗜碱性变性basophilic degeneration噬黑色素细胞melanophages天疱疮pemphigus天疱疮细胞Tzanck cell网状变性reticular degeneration韦格内肉芽肿Wegener granulomatosis萎缩atrophy细胞凋亡cell apoptosis腺性唇炎cheilitis glandularis肖曼小体Schauann bodies,多核巨细胞内的包涵体眼、口、生殖器三联综合征oculo-oral-genital syndrome增殖性红斑erythroplasia粘膜良性淋巴组织增生病benignlymphoadenosis of mucosa周缘扩展现象Nikolsky征第十四章颌骨疾病板层骨lamellar bone表皮树突状细胞dermal dendrocyte伯基特淋巴瘤Burkitt's lymphoma不确定细胞indeterminate cell成软骨细胞瘤chondroblastoma虫蚀状moth-eaten appearance出血性骨囊肿hemorrhagic bone cyst穿凿性吸收tunneling resorption ordissecting resorption穿凿样punched-out appearance单纯性骨囊肿simple bone cyst单骨性骨纤维异常增殖症monostoticbibrous dysplasia 也称单骨性骨纤维结构不良单核基质细胞mononucleate stromal cell单核巨噬细胞系统mononuclearphagocyte system动脉瘤性骨囊肿aneurysmal bone cyst多发性骨髓瘤multiple myeloma多发性软骨瘤病multiplechondromatosis多骨性骨纤维异常增殖症polyostoticfibrous dysplasia 也称多骨性骨纤维结构不良恶性成骨细胞瘤malignantosteoblastoma腭隆突torus palatinus放射性骨坏死osteoradionecrosis非钙化骨样组织unmineralized osteoid富巨细胞性病变giant cell rich lesion钙化骨mineralized boneword.孤立性骨囊肿solitary bone cyst骨化性骨膜炎periostitis ossificans骨化性纤维瘤ossifying fibroma骨巨细胞瘤giant cell tumor of bone,GCT骨壳involucrum骨瘤osteoma骨膜骨肉瘤periosteal osteosarcoma骨膜下骨吸收subperiosteal bone resorption骨旁骨肉瘤paraosteal osteosarcoma骨肉瘤osteosarcoma骨软骨瘤osteochondroma骨软骨性外生骨疣osteocartilaginous exostosis骨髓瘤myeloma骨外骨肉瘤extraosseous osteosarcoma 骨外型软骨肉瘤extraosseous chondrosarcoma骨纤维结构不良fibrous dysplasia of bone 也称骨纤维异常增殖症骨小梁周围纤维化peritrabecular fibrosis骨样骨瘤osteoid osteoma海绵型骨瘤cancellous osteoma汉-许-克病Hand-Schiiller-Christian disease颌骨放线菌病actinomycosis of jaws颌骨骨髓炎osteomyelitis of jaws颌骨结核tuberculosis of jaws颌骨巨细胞病变giant cell granuloma颌骨梅毒syphilis of jaws弧立性骨髓瘤solitary myeloma化牙骨质纤维瘤cementifying fibroma 急性化脓性颌骨骨髓炎acute suppurative osteomyelitis of jaws继发软骨secondary cartilage继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进secondary hyperparathyroidism家族性颌骨多囊性病familial mulitilocular cystic disease of jaws家族性颌骨纤维异常增殖症familial fibrous dysplasia of the jaws家族性巨颌症cherubism甲状旁腺功能亢进Hyperparathyroidism 假囊肿pseudocyst间叶型软骨肉瘤mesenchymal chondrosarcoma浆细胞瘤plasmacytoma结核性颌骨骨髓炎tuberculous osteomyelitis of jaws静止性骨腔static bone cavity巨大型骨样骨瘤giant osteoid osteoma 巨细胞肉芽肿giant cell lesions of the jaws巨细胞修复性肉芽肿giant cell reparative granuloma郎格汉斯细胞病Langerhans cell disease,同郎格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(Langerhans cell histiocytosis)郎格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症Langerhans cell histiocytosis,同郎格汉斯细胞病(Langerhans cell disease)朗汉斯巨细胞Langhans giant cell勒-雪病Letterer-Siwe disease良性成骨细胞瘤benign oseoblastoma淋巴结的交错突细胞interdigitatingdendritic cell硫磺颗粒sulfur granule滤泡树枝状细胞follicular dendritic cell慢性非化脓性硬化性骨炎Garré'schronic nonsuppurative sclerosing ostitisGarre慢性骨髓炎伴增生性骨膜炎chronicosteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis慢性化脓性颌骨骨髓炎chronicsuppurative osteomyelitis of jaws慢性局灶性硬化性颌骨骨髓炎chronicfocal sclerosing osteomyelitis of jaws慢性弥漫性硬化性颌骨骨髓炎chronicdiffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis of jaws慢性硬化性颌骨骨髓炎chronicsclerosing osteomyelitis of jaws磨砂玻璃样groundglass appearance内生型软骨瘤enchondroma破骨细胞瘤osteoclastoma侵袭性成骨细胞瘤aggressiveosteoblastoma侵袭性骨化性纤维瘤aggressiveossifying fibroma青少年骨化性纤维瘤juvenile ossifyingfibroma日光放射状(影像)sun-ray肉芽肿性炎症granulomatousinflammation软骨瘤chondroma软骨颅chondrocranium软骨肉瘤chondrosarcoma软骨粘液样纤维瘤chondromyxoidfobroma上皮样细胞epithelioid cell嗜酸性肉芽肿eosinophilic granuloma树突状细胞系统dendritic cell system死骨sequestrum髓外浆细胞瘤extramedullaryplasmacyfoma髓外性尤文肉瘤extramedullarg Ewingsarcoma图顿巨细胞Touton giant cell外伤性骨囊肿traumatic bone cyst外生骨疣exostosis下颌隆突torus mandibularis纤维-骨病变fibro-osseous lesion新生儿上颌骨骨髓炎neonatal maxillitis牙骨质骨化性纤维瘤cemento-ossifyingfibroma洋葱皮onion-skin硬骨板lamina dura原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进primaryhyperparathyroidism致密型骨瘤compact osteoma致密性骨炎condensing ostitis中心型central type周围型peripheral type周围型软骨瘤peripreral chondroma周围性巨细胞肉芽肿peripheral giantcell granuloma转化亢进high-turnover state棕色瘤brown tumor组织细胞增生症X histiocytosisX第十五章颞下颌关节病(染色体)三体trisomy垂直裂vertical cleft错颌malocclusion骨剥露denudation骨关节病osteoarthrosis骨关节炎osteoarthritis,OA骨赘性唇状突出osteophytic lipping滑膜软骨瘤病synovialosteochondromatosis髁突增生condylar hyperplasia类风湿肉芽肿rheumatoid granuloma类风湿性关节炎rheumatoid arthritis,RA类风湿性小结rheumatoid nodule颞下颌关节紊乱病temporomandibularjoint disorders切线裂tangential cleft绒毛状突起villous projection色素性绒毛结节性滑膜炎pigmentedvillonosdular synovitis退行性关节病degeneratitive jointdisease纤维素样变fibrinoid change象牙化eburnation (骨质)血管翳pannus蚓状小体vermiform bodies游离小体loose body原纤维化fibrillation第十六章涎腺非肿瘤性疾病与涎腺肿瘤PAS periodic acid schiff的缩写,PAS反应即过碘酸雪夫反应,用于对糖原的特殊染色癌胚抗原carcinoembryonic antigen,CEA癌在多形性腺瘤中carcinoma expleomorphic adenoma; carcinoma inpleomorphic adenoma艾滋病病毒相关性涎腺疾病HIV-associated salivary gland disease暗细胞dark cells奥辛兰Alcian blue半多能双储备细胞理论semipluripotential bicellular reserve celltheory伴淋巴间质的未分化癌undifferentiatedcarcinoma with lymphoid stroma变性型涎腺肿大症degenerative sialosis波形丝蛋白vimnentin成涎细胞瘤sialoblastoma大细胞癌large cell carcinoma导管发育异常developmental anomaliesof ducts导管内乳头状瘤intraductal papilloma导管乳头状瘤ductal papilloma导管腺泡单位ductoacinar unit淀粉酶amylase顶浆分泌apocrine多动脉周围炎polyarteritis多发性肌炎polymyositis多囊腮腺polycystic parotid gland多能单储备细胞理论pluripotentialunicellular reserve cell theory多细胞理论multicellular theoryword.多形性低度恶性腺癌polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma多形性腺瘤pleomorphic adenoma恶性多形性腺瘤malignant pleomorphic adenoma恶性淋巴上皮病变malignant lymphoepithelial lesion发育性舌侧下颌涎腺陷入evelopmental lingual salivary gland depression放射线损伤radiant impair非皮脂淋巴腺瘤non-sebaceous lymphadenoma非特异性透明细胞癌clear cell carcinoma, not otherwise specified非特异性腺癌adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified,NOS分泌组份secretory component副涎腺accessory salivary gland干燥综合征sicca syndrome管状腺瘤canalicular adenoma; tubular adenoma过氧化物酶抗过氧化物酶peroxidase anti-proxidase, PAP汗腺瘤syringoma合胞体syncytium坏死性涎腺化生necrotizing sialometaplasia混合瘤mixed tumor获得性免疫缺陷综合征acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS霍奇金淋巴瘤Hodgkin lymphoma肌上皮瘤myoepithelioma基底储备细胞理论basal reserve cell theory基底鳞状的旋涡状basisquamous whorling基底细胞腺瘤basal cell adenoma急性化脓性腮腺炎acute pyogenic paratitis急性涎腺炎acute sialadenitis挤压假象crush artifact甲状腺球蛋白thyroglobulin浆液细胞腺癌serous cell carcinoma结外边缘带B细胞淋巴瘤extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma静止骨腔static bony cavity巨细胞包涵体病cytomegalic inclusion disease口腔干燥症xerostomia链亲和素过氧化物酶streptavidin peroxidase,S-P链亲和素生物素复合物streptavidin-biotin complex SABC良性淋巴上皮病变benign lymphoepithelial lesion亮细胞light cells淋巴上皮癌lymphoepithelial carcinoma 淋巴上皮囊肿lymphoepithelial cyst鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma流行性腮腺炎epidemic parotitis; mumps 慢性复发性腮腺炎chronic recurrent parotitis慢性涎腺炎chronic sialadenitis慢性硬化性颌下腺炎chronic sclerosing sialadenitis of submandibular gland; Küttner 瘤弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤diffuse large B-celllymphoma迷走涎腺aberrant salivary glands免疫球蛋白A immunoglobulin A免疫细胞化学immunocytochemistry免疫组织化学immunohistochemistry囊腺癌cystadenocarcinoma囊腺瘤cystadenoma内翻性乳头状瘤inverted ductalpapilloma皮脂淋巴腺癌sebaceouslymphadenocarcinoma皮脂淋巴腺瘤sebaceous lymphadenoma皮脂腺瘤sebaceous adenoma前淋巴瘤prelymphoma桥本甲状腺炎Hashimoto's thyroiditis亲和素生物素过氧化物酶复合体avidinbiotin-peroxidase complex, ABC人类免疫缺陷病毒hunmanimmunodeficiency HIV溶菌酶lysozyme乳铁蛋白lactoferrin,LF乳头状淋巴囊腺瘤papillarycystadenoma lymphomatosum乳头状囊腺癌papillarycystadenocarcinoma乳头状囊腺瘤papillary cystadenoma乳头状涎腺瘤sialadenoma papilliferum上皮-肌上皮癌epithelio-myoepithelialcarcinoma上皮肌上皮岛epi-myoepithelial island上皮膜抗原epithelial membraneantigen,EMA舍格伦综合征Sjögren's syndrome施墨试验Schirmer test,检查泪液分泌情况的一种试验嗜酸细胞瘤oncocytoma嗜酸性腺瘤oxyphilic adenoma透明细胞癌clear cell carcinoma透明细胞瘤clear cell tumor未分化癌undifferentiated carcimma细胞角蛋白cytokeratin纤维连接蛋白fibronectin涎石病sialolithiasis涎腺病毒病salivary gland virus disease涎腺导管癌salivary duct carcinoma涎腺导管结石salivary duct stone涎腺导管囊肿salivary duct cyst涎腺发育不全aplasia of salivary gland涎腺发育异常development anomalies ofsalivary gland涎腺放线菌病actinomycosis of salivaryglands涎腺结核tuberculosis of salivary gland涎腺囊肿salivary gland cyst涎腺退行性肿大degenerative swelling ofsalivary gland涎腺先天性缺失congenital absence ofsalivary gland涎腺炎sialadenitis涎腺异位hetrotopic of saIivary gland涎腺症sialadenosis腺癌adenocarcinoma腺淋巴瘤adenolymphoma; Warthin瘤腺鳞癌adenosquamous carcinoma腺泡细胞癌acinic cell carcinoma腺样囊性癌adenoid cystic carcinoma小管-腺泡复合体tubelo-acinae-complexs小细胞癌small cell carcinoma小叶状癌lobular carcinoma血管瘤haemangioma血型物质blood group substances粘液表皮样癌mucoepidermoidcarcinoma粘液腺腺瘤样增生adenomatoidhyerplasia of mucous glands植物血凝素受体lectin receptors终末导管癌teminal duct carcinoma转移性多形性腺瘤Metastasizingpleomorphic adenoma组织多肽抗原tissuce peptide antigen,TPA第十七章口腔颌面部囊肿鼻唇囊肿nasolabial cyst鼻腭管囊肿nasopalatine duct cyst鼻牙槽囊肿nasoalveolar cyst残余囊肿residual cyst成人龈囊肿gingival cyst of adults发育性根侧囊肿lateral periodontal cyst根尖囊肿radicular cyst含牙囊肿dentigerous cyst畸胎样囊肿teratoid cyst即婴儿龈囊肿Bohn结节甲状舌管囊肿thyroglossal tract cyst假性囊肿pseudocyst颈部淋巴上皮囊肿cervicallymphoepithelial cyst口腔淋巴上皮囊肿oral lymphoepithelialcyst滤泡囊肿follicular cyst锚纤维anchoring fibrils萌出囊肿eruption cyst皮样囊肿dermoid cyst皮样样囊肿发epidermoid切牙管囊肿incisive canal cyst切牙窝incisive fossa球状上颌囊肿globlo-maxillary cyst鳃裂囊肿branchial cleft cyst上皮斑epithelial plaque舌下囊肿ranula透明小体Rushton body外渗性粘液囊肿mucous extravasationcyst下颌感染性颊囊肿mandibular infectedbuccal cyst下颌正中囊肿median mandibular cyst涎腺牙源性囊肿sialo-odontogenic cyst腺牙源性囊肿glandular odontogeniccyst新生儿牙板囊肿dental lamina cyst ofthe newborn牙旁囊肿paradental cyst牙源性产粘液囊肿mucus producingodontogenic cyst牙源性角化囊肿odontogenic keratocyst牙源性囊肿odontogenic cystword.炎症性根侧囊肿inflammatory collateral cyst异位口腔胃肠囊肿heterotopic oral gastrointestinal cyst婴儿龈囊肿gingival cyst of infants釉突enamel spur粘液囊肿mucocele痣样基底细胞癌综合征Gorlin 综合征痣样基底细胞癌综合征naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome潴留性粘液囊肿mucous retention cyst第十八章牙源性肿瘤壁成釉细胞瘤mural ameloblastoma标准或经典型骨内成釉细胞瘤classic intraosseous ameloblastoma成牙骨质细胞瘤cementoblastoma成牙组织dental formative tissue成釉细胞瘤ameloblastoma成釉细胞肉瘤ameloblastic sarcoma成釉细胞纤维瘤ameloblastic fibroma成釉细胞纤维肉瘤ameloblatic fibrosarcoma成釉细胞纤维牙本质瘤ameloblastic fibrodentinoma成釉细胞纤维牙本质肉瘤ameloblastic fibrodentinsarcoma成釉细胞纤维-牙肉瘤ameloblasticfibro-odontosarcoma丛状型plexiform pattern丛状型单囊成釉细胞瘤plexiform unicystic ameloblastoma促结缔组织增生型成釉细胞瘤desmoplastic ameloblastoma单囊性成釉细胞瘤unicystic ameloblastoma恶性成釉细胞瘤malignant ameloblastoma反折线reversal line非肿瘤性牙滤泡增生non-neoplastic thickened follicle骨异常增殖症osseous dysplasias混合性牙瘤complex odontoma基底细胞型成釉细胞瘤basal cell ameloblastoma棘皮瘤型acanthomatous type畸形malformation极性倒置reversed polarity角化成釉细胞瘤keratoameloblastoma 颗粒细胞型granular cell type良性成牙骨质细胞瘤benign cementoblastoma滤泡型follicular pattern玫瑰花样结构rosette-like structure明显的玻璃样变marked hyalinization前成釉细胞preameloblast乳头状角化成釉细胞瘤papilliferous keratoameloblastoma牙本质生成性影细胞癌dentinogenic ghost cell carcinoma牙本质生成性影细胞瘤dentinogenic ghost cell tumor牙骨质样组织cementoid牙瘤odontoma牙源性癌odontogenic carcinoma牙源性癌肉瘤odontogenic sarcoma牙源性钙化囊肿calcifying odontogeniccyst ,COC牙源性钙化囊性瘤calcifying cysticodontogenic tumor牙源性钙化上皮瘤calcifying epithelialodontogenic tumor; Pindborg瘤牙源性角化囊性瘤keratocysticodontogenic tumour牙源性颗粒细胞瘤granular cellodontogenic tumor牙源性鳞状细胞瘤squamousodontogenic tumor牙源性囊肿恶变malignant change inodontogenic cysts牙源性肉瘤odontogenic sarcoma牙源性透明细胞癌clear cellodontogenic carcinoma牙源性透明细胞瘤clear cellodontogenic tumor牙源性纤维瘤odontogenic fibroma牙源性腺样瘤adenomatoid odontogenictumor, AOT牙源性龈上皮错构瘤odontogenicgingival epithelial hamartoma牙源性影细胞癌odontogenic ghost cellcarcinoma牙源性影细胞瘤odontogenic ghost celltumor牙源性粘液瘤odontogenic myxoma牙源性肿瘤odontogenic tumor一般型成釉细胞瘤classic ameloblastoma影上皮细胞ghost epithelial cell原发性骨内癌primary intraosseouscarcinoma原发性骨内鳞状细胞癌primaryintraosseous squamous cell carcinoma粘液瘤myxoma粘液纤维瘤myxofibroma真性牙骨质瘤true cementoma中心性巨细胞病变(肉芽肿)central giantcell lesion (granuloma)周边型peripheral ameloblastoma周边性牙源性纤维瘤peripheralodontogenic fibroma转移性(恶性)成釉细胞瘤metastasizing(malignant)ameloblastoma组合性牙瘤compound odontoma第十九章口腔颌面部其他组织来源的肿瘤和瘤样病变边缘不规则border irregularity不对称asymmetry车轮状-多形性storiform-pleomorphic成人型纤维肉瘤adult fibrosarcoma成釉细胞癌ameloblastic carcinoma丛状血管瘤tufted angioma又称进展性毛细血管瘤(progressive capillaryhemangioma)、Nakagawa 血管母细胞瘤(angioblastoma of Nakagawa)动静脉性血管瘤arteriovenoushemangioma多形性组织细胞增生症polymorphichistocytosis,PH恶性黑色素瘤malignant melanoma恶性淋巴瘤malignant lymphoma恶性雀斑样痣lentigo melanoma恶性肉芽肿malignant granuloma恶性纤维组织细胞瘤malignant fibroushistocytoma,MFH (多形型称为多形性恶性纤维组织细胞瘤/未分化高级别多形性肉瘤(pleomorphic malignant fibroushistiocytoma/undifferentiated high gradepleomorphic sarcoma);巨细胞型称为巨细胞恶性纤维组织细胞瘤/伴巨细胞的未分化多形性肉瘤(giant cell malignant fibroushistiocytoma/undifferentiate pleomorphicsarcoma with giant cell);炎症型称为炎症性恶性纤维组织细胞瘤/伴有明显炎症反应的未分化多形性肉瘤(inflammatorymalignant fibroushistiocytoma/undifferentiate pleomorphicsarcoma with prominent inflammation);粘液型被归在纤维母细胞/肌纤维母细胞性肿瘤中,称为粘液纤维肉瘤(myxofibrsarcoma);血管瘤样型则归为分化不确定的肿瘤中,称为血管瘤样纤维组织细胞瘤(angiomatoidfibrous hisiocytoma))非霍奇金淋巴瘤non- Hodgkinlymphoma,NHL分叶状纤维瘤leaf-fibroma复合痣compound naevus汞纹amalgamtatoo海绵状血管瘤cavernous hemangioma黑色素瘤melanoma黑色素胚前瘤menotic progonoma黑素细胞痣melanocytic naevus化脓性肉芽肿pyogenic granuloma霍奇金病Hodgkin disease,HD棘层松解性鳞状细胞癌acantholyticsquamous cell carcinoma也称腺样鳞状细胞癌(adenoid squamous cell carcinoma)基底样鳞状细胞癌basaloid squamouscell carcinoma尖锐湿疣condyloma acuminatum亦称性病性疣(venereal wart)或性病性湿疣(venereal condyloma)交界痣junctional naevus静脉性血管瘤vanous hemangioma结节性恶性黑色素瘤nodular malignantmelanoma巨细胞性龈瘤giant cell epulis局灶性上皮增生focal epithelialhyperplasia亦称Heck病(Heck disease)颗粒细胞肌母细胞瘤granular cellmyoblastoma颗粒细胞瘤granular cell tumor口腔转移性肿瘤metastatic tumors inthe oral tissues棱形小体angulate body淋巴管瘤lymphangioma淋巴瘤样肉芽肿病lymphomatoidgranulomatosis,LYG淋巴网状系统lymphoreticular system鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma鳞状细胞乳头状瘤squamous cellword.。

医学英语知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新南华大学第一章测试1.What is the word for inflammation of the heart?()参考答案:carditis2.What is the medical meaning of the word “plastic”?().参考答案:整形的3.Which of the following words is formed by the process of blending? ().参考答案:metanomics;abortuary;medicare4.What are the two frequently used cognitive mechanisms to generateamphibious words? ().参考答案:metaphor;metonymy5.WHO is an abbreviated form of “World Health Organization” .()参考答案:对第二章测试1.Which one is not the expression that can show objectivity of medical English?()参考答案:hedging2.Medical English has its unique stylistic features, and one is the frequent useof nominalization which refers to the nominalization of verbs, adjectives and sentence to shorten the sentence. ()参考答案:对3.Definition clues or an appositive phrase can help readers to guess wordmeaning. ()参考答案:对4.What are the context clues? ()参考答案:example;antonym;hyponym;restatement5.What are the steps in scanning an article? ()参考答案:Anticipate in what from the information is likely to appear.;Keep inmind what you are searching for.;When you find the sentence that has the information you seek, read the entire sentence.;Let your eyes run rapidly over several lines of print at a time.6.The main idea is the reason or purpose for the author to write the article. It isnot the subject; it is the author’s viewpoint on the subject.()参考答案:对7.Finding the main idea of an article is one of the most important reading skillsto master. We should learn to identify it by taking the following steps:()参考答案:Search for clues;Look for the topic sentence of each paragraph;Locate key words;Analyze the title8. A professional medical article is written in formal English rather thaninformal English.()参考答案:对9.Critical reading means thinking carefully about an author’s claims, ratherthan accepting these claims at face value.()参考答案:对10.Well-chosen examples, statistics, expert opinions and textual evidence,namely, official documents or literature, are very effective to support thewriter’s opinions.()参考答案:对第三章测试1.Major factors that could influence translation of polysemous words are().参考答案:context;collocation2.“Tender” in the sentence “the fracture site becomes swollen and tender.”could be translated as().参考答案:有压痛的3.“Constitutional” in the sentence “The constitutional effect of acuteinflammation is characterized by leucocytosis and antibody formation.” co uld be translated as ().参考答案:全身的4.“terminal” in the sentence “the use of the term terminal must also take intoaccount the effectiveness of current medical therapeutics.” could betranslated as ().参考答案:临终5.Medical English is mostly used in science and technology texts, so it showsthe general characteristics of science and technology texts.()参考答案:对6.Extensive use of Nominalization is the only characteristic of medical English.()参考答案:错7.The use of noun or gerund phrase in medical English can not only reduce theappearance of sentences or clauses, but also contain a lot of information and make the text very compact.()参考答案:对8.Due to the characteristics of "parataxis" in Chinese, the meaning isdetermined by the word order, and the verb structure cannot be convertedinto a noun structure. ()参考答案:错第四章测试1.Choose the right title.()参考答案:Military health and epidemic prevention: Problems, causes andcountermeasures.2.Treatment of severe respiratory infections ___ penicillin.().参考答案:with3. A typical semi-structured abstract consists of().参考答案:Conclusion;Methods;Results;Objective4. A good title should be ().参考答案:clear;concise;correct5.The specific research questions should be stated in the introduction section .()参考答案:对6.Past tense should be used to review the existing knowledge about the chosenaspect of research.()参考答案:错7.Past tense should be used to report what you did in your experiments.()参考答案:对8.The author had better avoid vague or unnecessary statements.()参考答案:对9.It is unnecessary for the author use the same symbols for the same types ofdata throughout the paper.()参考答案:错10.In the discussion section, the author can simply repeat what has been said inthe results .()参考答案:错第五章测试1.MSF’s actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of ______.()参考答案:independence and impartiality2.In two main medical education modes--undergraduate education mode andpostgraduate education mode, it takes at least ___ years to become a GP.()参考答案:113.The integration of TCM and western medicine should be applied through theprocess of _______. ()参考答案:prevention;treatment;diagnosis;rehabilitation4.Health care system refers to a system or program by which health care ismade available to the population and financed by _____.()参考答案:private enterprise;government;both government and privateenterprise5.The Beveridge model uses an insurance system usually financed jointly byemployers and employees through payroll deduction.()参考答案:错6.TCM has attained legal status in many countries.()参考答案:错7.Patients pay medical bills before they get treated when they see doctors inChina, while patients get treated before they pay their bills in westerncountries.()参考答案:对8.Doctors Without Borders is an international medical humanitarianorganization founded by a small group of doctors and journalists in UK in 1971.()参考答案:错9.Bioterrorism can help reignite old infectious diseases.()参考答案:对10.Many important infectious diseases have never been adequately controlledon either the national or internationally level.()参考答案:对。
[医学英语文章带翻译]医学类英语文章医学英语文章带翻译医学英语文章带翻译医学英语文章带翻译 1 椎间盘突出Unit 2 Text A Herniated Disc (Disc Herniation of the Spine) 第二单元主题 A 椎间盘突出症Many patients with back pain, leg pain, or weakness of the lower extremity muscles arediagnosed with a herniated disc. 许多患腰腿疼痛,下肢肌端乏力的病患均为椎间盘突出症。
When a disc herniation occurs, the cushion that sits between the spinal vertebra is pushedoutside its normal position. 椎间盘突出发生时,脊柱间的缓冲带将发生侧突。
A hrniated disc would not be a problem if it weren“t for the spinal nerves that are very close tothe edge of these spinal discs. 如果脊神经不是离椎间盘特别近的话,椎间盘突出就不是什么大问题了。
HOW ARE THE SPINE AND ITS DISCS *****D 脊柱与椎间盘The vertebras are the bony building blocks of the spine. 脊椎是建造脊柱的构件。
Between each of the largest parts (bodies) of the vertebrae are the discs. 各椎骨之间为椎间盘。
Ligaments are situated around the spine and discs. 脊椎和椎间盘周围散布着韧带。
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• physiology(生理学)____ physi(自然,本性,身 体的)/o(连接性元音)/-logy(学)
• 熟练掌握医学英语术语的词素分析、词素 合成、构词方法,能够帮助读者达到记一 认十、记百认万的认知效果
• 医学英语术语学是一门研究学科,更是一 门实践学科。在医学英语文献中有许许多 多在常用英语中少见的专业术语,这些专 业术语看起来既冗长又难记,况且没有规 律可循。
• 然而,细分析之下不难发现大多数医学 术语均包含了基本词素,他们的构成也 遵循了相当固定的模式,因而对医学术 语的研究,从本质上来说,是对构成医 学单词的部分分析以及在了解它们的结 构的基础上对整套词汇的构成的研究, 略举几个词例就可以从中发现其构词模 式和规律:
• 语素(morpheme):是指构词要素中表示意 义的最小单位。任何一个词都是由语素组成的。 包括词根和词缀。
• 词根是一个单词的核心,是同根词共有的可以 辨认的部分。
• 词缀(affix):是特殊的词根。包括前缀 (prefix)和后缀(suffix),原是独立的词或词 根,但由于经常放在别的词根或单词前后使用, 经过长期发展,失去了独立作用。
• psychiatrist(精神病医生)____ psych(精神心理) /iatri(医疗,药物)/ist(专家)
• anatomy(解剖) _____ ana - (向上,离) /tom(切割)/ - y(条件,行为)
• cytoplasm(细胞质)____ cyt(细胞)/o(连接 性元音)/plasm(浆,血浆)
• 医学英语术语的发展史也包括在整个英语的发展史中。由 于英国在历史上曾受到多种外来民族的侵略和统治,外来 民族语言不可避免的渗入其语言中并大大地丰富了他的词 汇量。而医学与其他学科相比,更受外来词汇的影响,所 以医学英语术语中的一些组织器官的名称一部分来源于对 希腊语的直接移用,一部分来源于拉丁化的希腊词,还有 一部分沿用盎格鲁-撒克逊表达方式;少部分病名、药名 和疗法名来源于法语、意大利语、西班牙语等。1895年, 国际公认拉丁语为世界医药界的通用语言,正规的处方和 药名须用拉丁语书写,大量英语化的拉丁语词汇和英语化 的希腊词素被创造。各种新发现的复杂症状,疾病,发病 机制及药物获得了由希腊语及拉丁语的词根和词缀成分所 构成的相应的医学术语表达,这些构词法沿用至今,极好 地适应并推动了现代医学的发展。
语为母语的国家的中国大夫不能做临床医 生,其中一个重要的原因就是他们的医学 专业英语太差,不能适应工作的需要,加之 缺乏口头和笔头交际能力,很难通过国外 的医师执照考试。相当多的医生出国后还 需要接受专业英语培训班的培训或在英语 环境中熏陶、浸润几年才能重新走上从医 的道路,白白浪费掉医生生涯的最佳时光。
医学英语术语(medical term)
医学术语学(medical terminology)
第一章 医学英语术语学概论
引言 为什么要学医学英语?
• 随着改革开放的进一步深入和信息社会的到来,我国对 外交流日益频繁,外语教育在我国医学发展中起越来越重 要的作用,社会对医学生外语综合能力的要求也会越来越 高。医学英语是我国高等教育中的一门重要课程,是大学 英语教学中一个不可缺少的组成部分。它担负着促使学生 完成从学习阶段向使用阶段过渡的任务。这门课的质量直 接关系到我国医学人才的素质和实际工作能力的培养。医 学生毕业后在以后的临床、教学和科研工作中, 大量需要 使用英语,如: 查阅医学文献、撰写科研论文、翻译专业资 料、参加学术会议、思想交流、出国进修学习等等。
医学英语术语速记 How to Master Medical Term
倪云 2011年9月
• tuberculosis /tju,b:kju’lusis/ • bronchitis/br’kaitis/ • vitamin
上述这些单词来源于希腊或拉丁 词根,有特定的医学含义,我们 将之统称为 -
问题已经摆出来了,一个是数量大, 一个是词条长,怎么解决呢?我们能 不能仔细地研究分析一下这千千万万 条医学英语术语的构成规律,找出一 条“捷径”来,使其由多至少、化繁 为简、从难变易,以利于我们更快、 更多、更好地把它们掌握起来?
——medical terminology
面对这一庞大的数目,单凭人 们有限的记忆力去解决它,几 乎是不可能的。
除了数量过多以外,还有一个 “词条冗长”的问题。固然有 些医学英语术语和普通的英语 单词差不多,仅由几个字母或 十几个字母组成,通过反复地 读和写能够记住它们,但也有 不少的医学英语术语,却是长 长的一大串.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ如:
众所周知,词汇是语言的“建筑”材料。一栋房子 的好坏取决于很多方面, 但建筑材料是否优良是很重要 的一个因素。一个医学生的专业英语修养和交际能力 如何也取决于很多方面, 但医学词汇是否丰富是很重要 的一环。即使你掌握了大量的语音和语法规则, 倘若医 学词汇贫乏, 必然影响你的的专业英语阅读和交际。语 言学家Wilkins曾说过,“without grammar, litter can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.” 由此可见词汇教学是医学英语教学中的重 中之重。那么,你们印象中医学英语词汇有什么特点 呢?
• 1.0万 • 10万 • 0.1万
医学英语术语究竟有多少? 很难说清楚。最常用的恐怕也 不下1万条左右,若包括较常用 的在内总有数万条;一部比较 完全的医学词典,通常都收载 有10万条左右的医学词汇。
而且,随着医学及其边缘科学的迅猛发展, 新的术语仍在与日俱增。特别是最近几十年 来,每年差不多要出现1000条左右新术语。 因而总的说来,医学英语术语的条数是一个 非常可观的数量。
请看这样的医学英语术语,一般 由二十多个字母组成,如果凭藉我 们的记忆能力,硬是把它们一个字 母一个字母地连续背下来,显然也 不是一件轻松的事。