关于英语手抄报的内容 英语手抄报的内容

英语名言(二)1、attwentyyearsofage,thewillreigns;atthirty,thewit;andatfort y,thejudgment.(benjaminfranklin,americanpresident)二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。
)2、doyoulovelife?thendonotsquandertime;forthat’sthestuff5l ifeismadeof.(benjaminfranklin,americanpresident)你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。
)英语作文(三)大雨过后overtheheavyRainmanyyearsago,beforeImovedtothecity,Ilivedinasmalltown .Iwassoclosetothenature,Icouldseethemountainandtheclea rwater.Irememberthetownbecameespeciallybeautifulaftert heheavyrain,theairwassofreshandIfeltalittlecozy,itwaslike agiftfromgodinthehotsummer.themountainlookedsoclearo vertheheavyrain,itjustwashedbytherain.thethingsaroundm eweresogreen.Ilovelivinginthetown,Iespeciallylikethetow nwhenitwaswashedbytherain.Atthatmoment,natureandme wereunited,wejustlikeagroup.很多年以前,在我还没搬到城市的时候,我住在一个小城镇里。

1. 介绍英语国家文化和风土人情
- 英国文化:介绍英国的传统节日、风土人情、历史文化等,例如圣诞节、威尔士的羊毛节等。
- 美国文化:介绍美国的多元文化、风景名胜、生活习惯等,例如好莱坞
2. 学习英语习语和俚语
- 英语习语:介绍一些常用的英语习语,例如“piece of cake”、“hit the hay”等,附上详细的解释和例句。
- 英语俚语:介绍一些常用的英语俚语,例如“hang out”、“chill out”等,解释其用法和背景故事。
3. 英语名著赏析
- 《简爱》:介绍这部经典小说的故事情节、主要人物以及主题思想,引
- 《了不起的盖茨比》:介绍这部美国文学经典的创作背景、主题思想以
4. 英语学习方法和技巧
- 听力训练:介绍一些提高英语听力的方法和技巧,例如多听英语广播、看英语电影等。
- 口语练习:介绍一些提高英语口语的技巧,例如多与外国人交流、模仿英语播音员的语音等。
5. 英语诗歌赏析
- 《威廉·莎士比亚诗选》:介绍莎士比亚的诗歌作品及其艺术特点,引导学生欣赏其诗歌之美。
- 《罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗选》:介绍弗罗斯特的诗歌作品及其表现形式,激发学生对诗歌的兴趣和理解能力。

关于我爱英语的英语手抄报内容1.坚持不懈,从不间断.每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的时间.(Never give up, keep working on. Speak English at least 10-15 minutes every day. The best time to learn English is in the morning and the evening.)2.方法要灵活多样.一种方式学厌了,能够变换其他的方式,以便学而不厌.(Different kinds of ways to learn English. One way is boring, you can use other ways, so that you won't feel bored.)3.上下相连,从不孤立.记忆英语要结合上下文,不要孤立的记单词和短语,要把握句中的用法.(Connect up to down, don't make it alone. According tothe passage, remember the words and phrases, try to graspethe meanings of the words. )4.熟记常用语,确保准确无误.把常用的交际用语背熟,俗能生巧.(Remember useful expressions, and make sure it's right. Practice makes perfect.)5.尽量用第一人称来记习惯用语和句型,以便记忆牢固.(Try to Remember idioms and setences with the first calling, make sure to remember deeply.)6.多方位多角度来学英语.要经常读报、听广播、看外语电影、听外语讲座、读课本和别人交谈等方式来学英语.(Learn English in different ways. Read newspapers, listen to the radio , watch English movies, listen to English lectures, read textbooks and talk with each other ect.)7.敢于开口说英语,不要怕犯错误.人人都会犯错,这是在所难免的,只要敢说,就一定能学好.(Speak English as much as possible, don't be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone can make mistakes, it is possible. Try your best to learn it well.)8.要创设情景,增强交际训练.语言的使用离不开场景的强化训练,只有交际,才能学好.(Set up situation, strength comunacation practice. Language can't leave away from the situation, you'd better do more practising and you can learn it well.)2. From saving comes having. 富有来自节俭 .A penny saved is a penny gained.省一文是一文.Frugality is an estate alone.节约本身是一宗财产.He that regards not a penny,will lavish a pound.小钱不知节省,大钱将滥花.3. time works wonders.时间能够创造奇迹times changge.时代正在改变time flies.光阴似箭,日月如梭。

1. 英语学习的重要性:介绍英语是全球通用语言,学好英语能提高沟通能力和竞争力。
2. 英语学习的好处:讲述学习英语可以拓宽视野,了解不同的文化、思维方式和观念。
3. 学习英语的方法:列举一些学习英语的方法,如阅读英文书籍、和外国朋友交流、看英语电影等。
4. 英语学习资源推荐:介绍一些好的英语学习网站、App和书籍资源,如BBC Learning English、Duolingo等。
5. 英语学习的误区:分享一些学习英语常见的误区,如只重视语法而忽略口语、背诵单词而不进行实际应用等。
6. 成功学习英语的经验分享:请一些学习英语有经验的人分享他们的学习方法和心得,给读者一些启发和建议。
7. 英语学习的乐趣:介绍英语学习也可以是一种乐趣,比如通过看英文电影、听英文歌曲、参加英语角等方式来轻松愉快地学习。
8. 英语学习的挑战:讲述学习英语的困难和挑战,鼓励读者坚持下来,克服困难。
9. 学习英语的动力:鼓励读者找到学习英语的动力,比如考取
10. 英语学习的未来发展:展望未来英语学习的趋势和发展方向,如人工智能语音交互学习、在线学习平台等。

初一英语手抄报内容英语经典名言(一)1、Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no life .理想是指路明灯。
2、The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too.世界犹如一面镜子:朝它皱眉它就朝你皱眉,朝它微笑它也朝你微笑。
3、When all else is lost the future still remains.就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。
4、Living without an aim is like sailing without a pass.生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。
5、To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.既当演说家,又做实干家。
6、The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it.人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。
7、Every man at forty is a fool or a physician.人到四十,如果不是傻子,就该知道保养身体。
8、Living without an aim is like sailing without a pass.生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。
9、Honesty is the best policy.诚实为上策。
英语经典寓言故事(二)三个好朋友Story 1 Three Good Friends One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant es along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them bee good friends.一天,一只猴子在河边骑车。

初一上册英语手抄报内容1. 标题:初一上册英语手抄报2. 英语日常用语:-您好:Hello-请问:Excuse me-谢谢:Thank you-不客气:You're welcome3. 英语学科词汇:-语文:Chinese-数学:Math-英语:English-物理:Physics-化学:Chemistry-生物:Biology-历史:History-地理:Geography4. 英语谚语:-勤奋是成功之本:Diligence is the mother of success.-知识就是力量:Knowledge is power.-一分耕耘,一分收获:One minute of labor, one minute of gain.-勇往直前:Forge ahead bravely.5. 英语实用句型:-请问几点了?What time is it?-今天天气如何?How is the weather today?-你好吗?How are you?-我很好,谢谢。
I'm fine, thank you.6. 英语小故事:有一天,小红(Xiaohong)遇到了一位来自美国的朋友。
7. 英语手抄报图片:初一上册英语手抄报图片一:展示一幅精美的英语书法作品,寓意着学习英语要从基本功入手。

healthy英语手抄报内容以下是一些关于“healthy”主题的英语手抄报内容,包括健康饮食、健康生活、健康心理等方面:1. 健康饮食* Eat a balanced diet. 均衡饮食。
* Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your meals. 多摄入蔬菜水果。
* Limit your intake of processed foods and sugary snacks. 限制摄入加工食品和含糖零食。
* Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks. 喝足够的水,避免含糖饮料。
* Eat whole grains and avoid refined grains. 吃全谷物,避免精制谷物。
2. 健康生活* Get enough sleep each night. 每天保证充足的睡眠。
* Exercise regularly and challenge yourself to stay fit. 定期锻炼,挑战自己,保持健康。
* Limit your screen time and make time for physical activity. 限制屏幕时间,安排时间进行体育锻炼。
* Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke. 戒烟,避免吸入二手烟。
* Maintain a healthy weight. 保持健康的体重。
3. 健康心理* Practice stress management techniques. 练习应对压力的技巧。
* Connect with family and friends to build social support. 与家人和朋友保持联系,获得社会支持。
* Avoid negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations. 避免消极的自我评价,用积极的肯定来代替。

英语⼿抄报的内容英语⼿抄报的内容 英语⼿抄报的内容有哪些呢?英语是我们学习的重要的科⽬,也是我们⽐较困恼的科⽬。
英语⼿抄报的内容篇⼀:感恩节英⽂祝福语 Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family. 给你们全家感恩节的祝福。
Warm wishes at Thanksgiving. 在感恩节,衷⼼地祝福你们。
I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving. 但愿你能来过感恩节。
It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together. 家⼈团聚的节⽇⾥,不能看到你,我会感到难过。
Our first Thanksgiving should be our best. 我们第⼀次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。
I wouldn't want to spend Thanksgiving with anyone else. 我只愿和你共度感恩节。
Thanksgiving just won't be the same without you. 没有你,感恩节就不会⼀样了。
This will be our first Thanksgiving apart. 这将是我们第⼀次不在⼀起过感恩节。
Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you. 感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。
Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids. 孩⼦们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说:我们爱你们。
Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year. 感恩节是⼀年中最好的节⽇。

The biggest boring, is boring hard.2、我只想现在过得精彩,无所谓好坏。
Now I just want to have a wonderful, there is no good or bad.3、不速之客只在告辞以后才最受欢迎。
The intruder to one of the most popular only after the leave.4、大海有崖岸,热烈的爱却没有边界。
The sea has the scarp, warm love have no boundary.5、充满了声音与狂热,里面空无一物。
Full of sound and fanaticism, empty inside.6、愚者自以为聪明,智者则有自知之明。
The fool does think he clever, but the wise man knows himself to have.7、没有什么比希望不平凡而更平凡的了。
Nothing is more mundane and wish to be remarkable.8、今日所受苦难,都是他日笑谈的谈资。
Today, the sufferings are another joke.9、聆听他人之意见,但保留自己之判断。
Listen to the views of others, but retain their judgment.10、两个人骑一匹马,总有一个人在后面。
Two men ride a horse, there is always a person in the back.关于成功名言1、A man can succeed at almost anything for which he hasunlimited enthusiasm.无论什么事,只要对它有无限的热情你就能取得成功。

以下是店铺整理的英语读书⼿抄报的内容,欢迎阅读参考! 英语读书⼩报的内容 英语的学习⽅法: 1.Study Every Day 坚持每天学习 It's important to study English every day. However, don't exaggerate! Study for thirty minutes every day instead of two hours once a week. Short, steady practice is much better for learning than long periods on an irregular basis. This habit of studying English every day will help keep English in your brain fresh. 每天都坚持学英语很重要。
2.Review Grammar as Your Watch or Read 回顾你观看或阅读过的语法知识 Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video. For example, try to write down each example of a form you are studying such as the present perfect. Use highlighters (colored pens) with texts to highlight forms that you are studying. 在阅读⼀篇新的⽂章或观看⼀个新的视频时,给你⾃⼰定下⼀个语法⽬标。

Concerned about migratory birds to protect the environment.2、善待动物,和谐生存!Treat animals well, live in harmony!3、关注候鸟,保护环境。
Attention to migratory birds, environmental protection.4、保护野生动物是人类更好的选择!Protecting wild animals is a better choice for human beings!5、关爱生命,停止杀戮,我们拥有一个共同的地球。
Love life, stop killing, we have a common earth.6、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,维护生态平衡。
Protect birds, protect wild animals, maintain ecological balance.7、保护动物维护生态平衡。
Protection of animals to maintain ecological balance.8、假如动物,穿上你的皮!If an animal, put on your skin!A man wrote a letter to a small hotel he planned to visit on his vacation: "I would very much like to bring my dog with me. He is well-groomed and very well behaved. Would you be willing topermit me to keep him in my room with me at night?"An immediate reply came from the hotel owner, who said, "I've been operating this hotel for many years. In all that time, I've never had a dog steal towels, bedclothes, silverware or picturesoff the walls. I've never had to evict a dog in the middle of the night for being drunk and disorderly. And I've never had a dog run out on a hotel bill. Yes, indeed, your dog is welcome at myhotel. And, if your dog will vouch for you, you're welcome to stay here, too."One day, xiao gang to do the homework, go out to play, he, dance, singing, looking, saw a bird, its wings is colorful, the head is black, the mouth is yellow, xiao gang want to give it toget down to play.Xiao gang has been chasing the bird, the bird has stopped in one of the land, the little just slowly and quietly walked to the bird, the little bird didn't realize, the little just jumped up,and caught the bird. Glad to xiao gang, walking, while playing with a bird, looking, saw has blood on his hands and saw the bird had hurt his foot, xiao gang hurriedly to speed up the pace,help the bird clean up the wound, returned home, xiao gang on the water to wash the blood, took the paper, the wound to encase, xiao gang said the mother proudly: "mum, this is my catch birds,beautiful." "The mother saw it and said angrily," how did you catch the bird? The bird is a good bird. Let it go, and you can't catch it." Xiao gang heard, the face is red, hurriedly put thebird away, little just followed the bird to his home forest.Xiaogang put a wooden card in front of this huge forest, which said "love birds".感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

英语手抄报参考内容以下是一些关于英语手抄报的参考内容:1. 标题:English Around the World这个主题可以讨论英语在全世界的重要性,不同国家的英语方言,以及学习英语的好处。
2. 标题:Famous English Writers这个主题可以介绍一些著名的英国作家,比如 Rowling, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare等,以及他们的主要作品。
3. 标题:English Idioms and Phrases这个主题可以介绍一些常用的英语习语和短语,以及它们的意思和用法。
4. 标题:The History of English这个主题可以介绍英语的历史,包括它的起源,发展和变化,以及它对世界语言的影响。
5. 标题:English for Business and Technology这个主题可以讨论在商业和技术领域中英语的重要性,以及如何学习这种语言以便在这些领域中取得成功。
6. 标题:English Learning Tips and Strategies这个主题可以提供一些学习英语的建议和技巧,例如如何提高听力和口语技能,如何记忆单词,如何阅读和理解英语文章等。
7. 标题:English in the Media这个主题可以讨论英语在媒体中的重要性,例如新闻、电影、电视节目和社交媒体等。
8. 标题:English in Education这个主题可以讨论英语在教育中的重要性,例如在大学、国际学校和语言学校等地方的使用。
9. 标题:English for Travelers这个主题可以介绍学习英语对于旅行的好处,例如如何用英语交流、订酒店、点餐等。
10. 标题:English Words and Expressions for the Weather这个主题可以介绍一些描述天气的英语单词和短语,以及如何在日常生活中使用它们。

Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life.-----Goeth 天才形成于平静中,性格来自于生活的激流。
Wherever valour true is found, truemodesty will there abound.-----W. S. Gilbert
Life can only be understood backwards, But it must be lived forward.-----Kierkergaard
A Night Mooring By Maple
-----Zhang Ji
Moon's down ,crows cry and Frost fills all the sky. By maples and boat lights, I sleepless lie. Outside Suzhou Hanshang Temple is in sight. Its ringing bells reach my boat at midnight.
月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠。

初一英语手抄报内容1. Greetings 问候语Hello! 你好!Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon! 下午好!Good evening! 晚上好!How are you? 你好吗?Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!2. Self-Introduction 自我介绍My name is [Your Name]. 我叫[你的名字]。
I am [age] years old. 我今年[年龄]岁。
I am from [your country]. 我来自[你的国家]。
3. Family Members 家庭成员Father 父亲Mother 母亲Brother 兄弟Sister 姐妹Grandfather 祖父Grandmother 祖母4. Daily Activities 日常活动Wake up 起床Eat breakfast 吃早餐Go to school 上学Have lunch 吃午饭Do homework 做作业Play sports 进行运动Watch TV 看电视Go to bed 上床睡觉5. Numbers 数字1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten6. Colors 颜色Red 红色Blue 蓝色Yellow 黄色Green 绿色Orange 橙色Purple 紫色Pink 粉红色Black 黑色White 白色Brown 棕色7. Animals 动物Dog 狗Cat 猫Elephant 大象Tiger 老虎Lion 狮子Giraffe 长颈鹿Monkey 猴子Rabbit 兔子Panda 熊猫Dolphin 海豚8. Seasons 季节Spring 春季Summer 夏季Autumn/Fall 秋季Winter 冬季9. Weather 天气Sunny 晴天Cloudy 多云Rainy 下雨Snowy 下雪Windy 有风Stormy 暴风雨。

篇一1. y:baby 婴儿;happy 快乐的;windy 有风的;sunny 晴朗的;sorry 抱歉的candy 糖果;many 许多;family 家庭;party 聚会2. ee:feet 脚;beef 牛肉;meet 遇见;see 看见;feed 喂3. ea:tea 茶;read 阅读;eat 吃;repeat 重复4. ow①(大嘴巴):cow 奶牛;flower 花朵;wow 哇;down 向下;now 现在;how怎么5. ow②(小嘴巴):slow 慢的;snow 雪;yellow 黄色的;window 窗户;snowy 下雪的;tomorrow 明天6. oo①(短音):book 书;look 看;football 足球;good 好的;cook 烹饪;goodbye再见7. oo②(长音):balloon 气球;food 食物;zoo 动物园;noodles 面条;room 房间;cool 凉爽的;too 也;afternoon 下午8. ai:rainy 下雨的;rainbow 彩虹;paint 绘画;wait 等待;rain 雨9. ay:say 说;way 路;birthday 生日;Monday 星期一;always 总是;today 今天;day 日子;may 也许10. ou:house 房子;mouse 老鼠;sound 声音;count 数数;about 关于;around在周围二、 1. 2. 3. 4.四会单词23. ice cream 冰激凌24. tea 茶25. hamburger 汉堡26. sandwich 三明治27. salad 沙拉28. fresh 新鲜的29. healthy 健康的30. delicious 美味的31. hot 辣的32. sweet 甜的33. dance 跳舞34. sing English songs 唱英语歌35. play the pipa 弹琵琶36. do kung fu 练武术37. draw cartoons画漫画38. swim 游泳39. speak English 说英语40. cook 烹饪41. play basketball 打篮球42. play ping-pong 打乒乓球43. clock 钟44. photo 照片45. plant 植物46. water bottle 水瓶47. bike 自行车48. in front of 在前面49. beside 在旁边50. between 在中间51. behind 在后面52. above 在上面53. forest 森林54. hill 小山55. river 河流56. mountain 高山57. lake 湖泊58. village 村庄59. house 房子60. tree 树61. building 建筑物62. bridge 桥old 年老的young 年轻的funny 有趣的kind 亲切的5. strict 严格的6. polite 有礼貌的7. shy 害羞的8. helpful 有用的9. hard-working 努力的10. clever 聪明的11. Monday 星期一12. Tuesday 星期二13. Wednesday 星期三14. Thursday 星期四15. Friday 星期五16. Saturday 星期六17. Sunday 星期天18. wash my clothes 洗衣服19. watch TV 看电视20. do homework 做作业21. read books 看书22. play football 踢足球1. Is he young? 他年轻吗?Yes, he is. 是的,他是。

快乐学英语好看的手抄报内容资料一、英语谚语1 The fire is the test of gold,adversity of strong man.烈火验真金,艰难磨意志。
2 The first step is the only difficulty.迈出第一步是最艰难的。
3 The fox knew too much,that‘s how he lost his tail.机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命。
4 The fox preys farthest from home.兔子不吃窝边草。
5 The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.坐井观天。
6 The grass is greener on the other side.这山望着那山高。
7 The greatest talkers are always least doers.语言的巨人总是行动的矮子。
8 The higher up,the greater the fall.爬得高,摔得惨。
9 The leopard cannot change its spots.本性难移。
10 The more noble,the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。
二、英语小故事Old Cat and Little Cat were fishing together on the riverbank.A dragonfly flew over. The little cat saw it, put down his fishing pole, and tried to grab the dragonfly. The dragonfly flew away, and the little cat, unable to grab it, stopped trying and went back to fishing on the riverbank. As soon as Little Cat was back [lit: as soon as little cat looked], Old Cat caught a big fish.A butterfly flew over. The little cat saw it, put down his fishing poleand again tried to catch it. The butterfly flew away without the little cat having caught it, and Little Cat again went back to the riverbank. As soon as he looked over at Old Cat, Old Cat had caught another big fish.Little Cat said: “How annoying, why is it that I haven’t caught even one little fish?”Old Cat looked him over and said: “If you’re fishing just fish, don’tbe in two minds about it. If you spend a while catching dragonflies, then you spend another while catching butterflies, how can you catch fish?”Little Cat listened to Old Cat’s words and begin to fish intently.The dragonfly flew over again, and the butterfly flew over also, but itw as as if Little Cat didn’t see them. Not long after that, Little Cat caughta big fish.老猫和小猫一块儿在河边钓鱼。

1. 世界各地的节日(Festivals around the world)
2. 自然和环境(Nature and the environment)
3. 科技的力量(The power of technology)
4. 健康的生活方式(Healthy lifestyles)
5. 探索太空(Exploring space)
1. 节日介绍:描述不同国家的节日,比如春节、感恩节、万圣节等,并解释这些节日的起源和庆祝方式。
2. 自然和环境:讨论全球变暖问题,介绍一些环保行动,如回收、减少浪费、种植树木等。
3. 科技的力量:介绍一些现代科技产品,如智能手机、人工智能、无人机等,并讨论科技如何改变我们的生活。
4. 健康的生活方式:介绍一些健康饮食和运动方式,以及如何保持心理健康。
5. 探索太空:描述一些太空探索项目,如火星探测任务、哈勃太空望远镜等,并讨论人类在太空探索中的未来。

1. 英语的历史与发展:介绍英语的起源、演变和传播,并强调英语作为全球通用语言的重要性。
2. 英语的重要性:解释英语在国际交流、商务合作、科技发展等方面的关键作用,并列举相关案例。
3. 学习英语的好处:探讨学习英语对个人发展的积极影响,如拓宽视野、增加就业机会、提高沟通能力等。
4. 英语学习方法:分享一些有效的英语学习方法与技巧,如听力训练、口语表达、阅读技巧等。
5. 掌握英语的推荐资源:介绍一些值得推荐的英语学习资源,如学习网站、电子词典、英语学习软件等。
6. 名人学英语经历:介绍一些成功人士如何通过学习英语改变自己的故事,激励他人学习英语。
7. 英语习得的误区:列举一些学习英语常见的误区,如只依赖机械记忆单词、语法死记硬背等,并提供正确的学习方法。
8. 英语文化和传统:介绍一些英语国家的文化习俗,如英式下午茶、美国独立日等,帮助学习者更好地理解英语文化。
9. 趣味英语:分享一些有趣的英语语言游戏、谜语或笑话,增加学习英语的乐趣。
10. 自己的英语学习心得:分享自己学习英语的心得体会,包
11. 鼓励他人学习英语:提供一些鼓励学习英语的语句或格言,激励他人迈出学习英语的第一步。
12. 结语:鼓励读者尝试学习英语,并提供学习英语的机会,

The earth is our
common home, and it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to protect it.
Reduce pollution and waste,
protect the environment, and make the planet a better place
Conserve energy and
resources, take environmentally friendly measures, and contribute to the planet
Protect flora and fauna,
maintain ecological balance, and make the planet healthier
Advocate green travel,
reduce vehicle exhaust emissions, and make the air cleaner

3.英语学习网站和应用:有许多英语学习网站和应用提供免费学习资源,如BBC Learning English、WordReference、Quizlet等。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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1) The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。
2) Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。
3) Offense is the best defense.进攻是最好的防御。
4) Old friends and old wines are best.陈酒味醇,老友情深。
5) Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨。
6) Once a man and twice a child.一次老,两次小。
7) Once a thief,always a thief.偷盗一次,做贼一世。
8) Once bitten,twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
9) One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。
10) Wet behind the ears.乳臭未干。
The Zhao State was taking up arms against the Yan State, and Su Dai traveled to speak with King HuiWen of Zhao on behalf of the Yan State, and he told the following fable: “When I was coming here I passed over some gentle water, and by chance I happened to see a clam sunning itself. A sandpiper seized the opportunity to peck at the clam’s meat, but the clam slammed the two wings of its hard shell shut on the sandpiper’s beak. The sandpiper said, ‘Today it won’t rain, tomorrow it won’t rain, and there will be one dead clam!’The clam gave as good as he got, saying: ‘I won’t come out today, I won’t come out tomorrow , and there will be one dead sandpiper!’Neither party was willing to give up, and at this time, a fisherman scooped them both up and carried them off. If Yan and Zhao oppose each other, we’ll both fight ourselves weary. I’m afraid the strong Qin State is playing the role of the fisherman, so I hope that your majesty will carefully deliberate on this matter.”
’蚌也针锋相对地说: ‘今天不出,明天不出,就有死鹬。