

双语新闻阅读与练习讲义 高三英语备考专项复习

双语新闻阅读与练习讲义 高三英语备考专项复习

双语新闻阅读与练习“薄荷曼波”风格来了,你准备好了没?双语新闻As spring arrives, are you ready to shake off the drab hues of winter?随着春天的到来,你准备好摆脱冬天单调的色彩了吗?On Chinese social media platforms, many posts are buzzing about this season’s fashion craze among China’s youth: the“Mint Mambo” style.在国内的社交媒体上,许多网友都在讨论这一季中国年轻人的时尚热潮:“薄荷曼波”风格。

The Mint Mambo trend has expanded beyond fashion to influence various aspects of one’s lifestyle. It also extends to makeup, TV shows and even stationery, reflecting its airy and radiant essence.“薄荷曼波”的热度也早已从时尚领域破圈儿,融入生活的方方面面:美妆、电视剧甚至文具都被这股浪潮席卷。

“This is the vibe of spring,” wrote young Chinese netizens online, showcasing their Mint Mambo outfits and underscoring the trend’s role in celebrating the spirit of the season.“这是春天的氛围。



“Mint” signifies the fresh, invigorating shade of mint green, echoing nature’s vitality and setting the stage for a springtime palette dominated by green hues. “Mambo”, a lively South American dance, captures a sense of liberati on and joy.“薄荷”指嫩绿色、淡蓝色、淡黄色等低饱和度的自然色系,“曼波”是源于南美的流行舞蹈,热情奔放、无拘无束、自由自在。





1. 阅读目的明确:在开始阅读之前,我们需要明确阅读的目的,确定自己想要从中获取哪些信息,这样可以帮助我们更有针对性地进行阅读。

2. 提取关键信息:在阅读外刊文章时,我们需要注意提取关键信息和重点内容,比如主题、观点、结论等。

3. 学习生词:阅读外刊文章时,难免会遇到生词,我们需要及时记录下来,学习其词义和用法。

4. 总结归纳:阅读完一篇文章后,我们需要进行总结归纳,将文章中的主要观点和信息进行整理,这样有助于我们更好地掌握文章的内容。


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英美报刊知识点总结Newspapers play a crucial role in our daily lives, providing us with reliable information, news, and opinions about various issues. English and American newspapers have a long history and have significantly evolved over the years to cater to the changing needs and preferences of their readers. In this knowledge points summary, we will explore the key aspects of English and American newspapers, including their history, structure, content, and impact on society.History of English and American NewspapersThe history of English and American newspapers dates back to the early 17th century when the first regular newspapers were published. In England, the first English-language newspaper, The Corante, was published in 1621. In America, the first newspaper, Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, was published in 1690. Over the years, newspapers in both countries have played a pivotal role in informing and shaping the opinions of the public on various social, political, and economic issues.Structure of English and American NewspapersEnglish and American newspapers typically have a similar structure, consisting of several sections, including news, opinion, business, sports, and entertainment. The front page of a newspaper usually features the most important and breaking news stories, while the inside pages contain more detailed and in-depth coverage of various topics. Additionally, newspapers often include special sections, such as lifestyle, arts, and culture, to cater to the diverse interests of their readers.Content of English and American NewspapersThe content of English and American newspapers covers a wide range of topics, including local, national, and international news, politics, business, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. These newspapers also provide analysis, commentary, and opinion pieces from journalists, columnists, and experts, giving readers a comprehensive understanding of the events and issues that shape their world. Moreover, newspapers often feature interviews, profiles, and features that provide insight into the lives of influential individuals and ordinary people alike.Impact of English and American Newspapers on SocietyEnglish and American newspapers have a significant impact on society, influencing public opinion, shaping political discourse, and serving as a watchdog on government and corporate power. Through investigative reporting and in-depth analysis, newspapers hold individuals and institutions accountable and provide a platform for diverse voices and perspectives. Moreover, newspapers serve as a source of information and a catalyst for social change, raising awareness about important issues and inspiring action among readers.Challenges and Opportunities for English and American NewspapersDespite their enduring relevance, English and American newspapers face significant challenges in the digital age, including declining readership, advertising revenues, and competition from online news sources. However, newspapers also have opportunities to adapt and thrive in the digital era by embracing new technologies, developing engaging multimedia content, and building strong relationships with their audiences through social media and digital platforms.In conclusion, English and American newspapers continue to serve as a vital source of information, commentary, and analysis for readers around the world. Their rich history, diverse content, and significant impact on society make them an indispensable part of our media landscape, and their ability to adapt and innovate will ensure their continued relevance in the future.。

新闻英语与范文评析 笔记

新闻英语与范文评析 笔记

1.The Function of HeadlinesA:Five main functions.First, a headline summarizes a news story with the mostimportant and attractive words.A reader usually doesn’t havetime for every piece of newsthat’s printed. With theguidance of terse headlines,readers can quickly find theparts they want to read.Second, it sparkles the wholepage. One can imagine howsuffocative a newspaper couldbe if there were not a singleheadline and dozens of newsstories just piled up.Third, it beautifies the form ofedition. Headlines are gooddecoration to the page as theyappear in various sizes andtypefaces.Fourth, a headline sometimes is used to attract the readers’attention.Fifth, a headline can be used tomake some comment.2.2. Grammatical features ofheadlinesFirst, there are omission ofarticle, conjunction, pronoun,link verb and auxiliary verb. Itis used to summarize andhighlight the content. Forexample, “China sees housingas (an) engine to drive (the)economy.”Second, present tense is used to show things that happened inthe past.Three reasons:First, it saves space. In mostcases past tense is longer inspace than the present tense,with an “ed” in extra. Sopresent tense can save somespace for a headline.Secondly, present tense isactive. It puts the reader intoaction and gives him a feelingof participation, so that itattracts readers’ attention.Thirdly, a present-tenseemphasizes the timeliness ofthe news. It gives the reader asense of freshness andimmediacy, although he mightwell understand that a head inthe present tense in today’snewspaper is presentingyesterday’s news.More:First, use “be to do” instead of “will do” to present the futuretense, and “be” is often omittedin order to save space.Second, use “be doing” topresent things that arehappening, and “be” is oftenomitted in order to save space.Thirdly, sometimes presenttense can also present thingsthat are happening or willhappen, for example,”Labourplans BBC shake-up. ”Third, active voice is moreoften used. It is more colorfuland appealing, more forwardand powerful in transferringmeaning than passive voice.The word ”be” or “by” areoften omitted only use pastparticiple to express passivity.Fourth, punctuations are usedsometimes in headlines.English headlines are knownfor its terse structure, andpunctuations are used in muchrarer cases than in the text.Punctuations only appear in thehead for two reasons. First,they are used to save space. For example, comma is used tosubstitute “and” only to savespace. Secondly, they are usedto show the relation betweentwo groups of words. Forexample, a dash is used toconnect a quotation and itsattribution.3.4.3. Why sometimes in headlines,“and” ,“the” or “to be” are notomitted?5.A: They are not to be omittedin two occasions. One, whenthey are in set phrases, such asin the headline, “TB on the riseagain”. Two, when they can fill up the space hole in a headline.For example,“Four killed andfive hurt in a house fire.”4. The language feature of headlinesA: A headline is aiming at summarizing a whole article with a few words. So journalists make great effort in choosing the right words which are clear in meaning and economy in space.There are some preference for journalists and editorsFirst, they use abundant of simple words. Some are teeny tiny little words that lively express some meaning. “Hit” or “ruin” are often used instead of “damage”Second, initials are often used to save space, like “WTO” or “ABM”Thirdly, Abbreviations are used, which can be easily recognized by readers. Such as “ad”and ”biz” which can be easily found in the English newspaper. Fourthly, there is flexible use of journalistic coinages. To save time and space, journalists often combine two or more words into one word in practice and coinage then comes into being. They are very impressive and catchy, some even have the characteristic of originality, like “newscast.”5. Different styles of the typefacesAmerica/Canada: capitalize the first alphabet of every notional word.English: capitalize the first alphabet of the first word in a headline.Exceptional: New York Times: capitalize every alphabet to beautify the editionmon styles for headlines[/b] A: flush-left head, droplinehead/indented head,crossline/keyline, centered head, inverted pyramid head, banner head/streamer and jump head. 7.Difference between Chinese headline and English head?A:They are different in four ways. First, Chinese headlines usually provide more information than English heads. Chinese heads are often multi-deck, and English heads are often one-deck, thus Chinese headlines tend to focus on the totality of the news. And if it cannot include all the facts that is needed in the head, the subhead can do the job. Another reason it usually carries more info is that each Chinese character takes up equal space, while English words are not. As a result, Chinese heads tend to be like mini-story in capsule form, while English heads accentuate on one important factor of the news.The second difference is the difference in the use of words. Like in English heads, it’s a no-no to begin a head with a verb. But in Chinese headlines, it’s ok. There are abundant use of simple words which serve to save space in English heads, but you can need not to follow that rule for every Chinese character takes up equal space. For another example, people seldom use adjectives or adverbs in English heads following the principle of “ABC”(accuracy, brevity and clarity), but you can easily grasp a piece of Chinese news with adjectives or adverbs in the headline.Thirdly, they are different in tense. English heads often use present tense which had been called “historical present tense” to present yesterday’s news, and avoid time-indicating words like “yesterday’ or “last night”. But Chinese heads use them to indicate the happening time.The last difference should be in the word layout. You can never lay the English headlines in vertical form, but you can certainly do that in Chinese heads. People use single quotation mark in English headlines but doublequotation mark in Chinese headline.8. News value determinersA: timeliness or freshness; Importance/consequence/impact/si gnificance;Prominence;Proximity/locality/nearness Unusualness/bizarreness/oddity/no veltyHuman interest;Conflict9. Hard news and soft newsHard news (spot news/straight news): Events that are timely and are covered almost automatically by print and electronic media. They are often very serious and important news.Soft news: Events that are usually not considered immediately important or timely to a wide audience.10. Genre of news reporting NewsFeatureCommentaries and columns Interpretive reporting Investigative reportingNew journalismSkit/essayPicture news/photojournalism 11. News structureInverted pyramid style: it is the most frequently used structure in news writing.In this structure, events are written in descending order of importance. First of all, a terse lead is formed. The lead offers the most essential elements telling who, what, when, where, why and how of the story. Advantages: First, it is convenient for editors to decide the news value and cut the news from the bottom; Second, it is convenient for journalists to meet the deadline without missing any key facts; Third, it can help readers to find the main facts of the news quickly. Disadvantages: First, the main facts all frequently appear in the headline, lead and body, which would be suffocative to most readers; Second, the writing is not tightly organized and fully deployed, what’s more, the styl e is top heavy and lack of suspense interest.Pyramid style/the chronological styleIt is composed by three parts, they are beginning, body and ending. To write a piece of news in pyramid style, a beginning is given first and events are written in time sequence. Writers can take advantage of narrative and descriptive writing, so it flows better and involves readers. At the meantime, it adds suspense interest to the story.Mixed form of invented pyramid and pyramid style (Circle style) After a lead, events are written in time sequence. It has the advantages of pyramid style and important facts can be presented high in the story. The most important information is repeated in the narrative, so that readers can have a chance to absorb it. It is more effective storytelling and can keep readers interested until the end then leads up to a real conclusion. Comparing with the other styles, this form is more balanced. But it discourages editors slash the story from the bottom.List techniqueWall Street journal formula: It tends to focus on individual.12. Forms of reportingSingle event coverage/brief Roundups: it tends to focus on the totality and integrity. There are two types of this kind: horizontal roundups and vertical roundups. Follow-ups/ follow-up stories (second cycle stories/ development stories)Advantages: First, it attracts readers’ attention by accentuating on one important fact of the news; Second, it tends to fully deploy thenews from different aspects, which can well make up for the contradiction in terms of freshness and integrity; Third, it helps to form the public opinion. Content: Facts that are not mentioned in previous stories or some background of events.The developments of the events;Different opinions from people of all walks of life;The prediction of the events;Important facts that previously reported.In-depth reports: Including investigative reporting and interpretive reporting emphasize on WHY.13.Features of leadsA: Succinct. A summary lead should outline a news story in no more than 35 words Informative. A summary lead should contain the 5Ws of news. Intriguing. Leads are sometimes called “grabbers”, which means it serves the duty to grab the readers’ attention.What’s more, leads should also be straightforward, varied, clear specific and active.That why English journalists struggle for the best wording and leave no stone unturned.14.Types of leadsSummary lead/roundup lead Main fact leadDescriptive leadDirect address leadQuotation lead (full quotation lead/partial quotation lead) Suspense leadDelayed lead/multi-paragraph lead Contrast leadQuestion leadAnecdotal leadCombined lead/multiple element leadLabel lead (empty lead)15.Famous pressesAP(Associated Press)UPI(United Press International)AFP (L’Agence France Press) Reuters (The Reuter Ltd) Kyodo; Itar-Tass; ANSA; PTI (Press Trust of India);DPA(德新); EFE(埃菲社,西班牙)16.placement of the dateline English: place, date, press name中文: press name, place, date17.Sources of news reporting Accurate news sources: with the name of organization, people or agency;Implied news sources: people who do not want to be told the name, or sources from nonsense people that readers do not have interest in, as used like “witness said”Use fuzzy words to imply the sources such as “it is said”18.Difference between feature and news.A: Three differences.First, their focus is not the same. News reporting provides all facts that are related. It tends to focus on inclusiveness and integrity of the news, while features only present the most characteristic and impressive episode of the story. A piece of news shows a panorama, but a feature gives an enlarged close-up.Secondly, their writing purpose is not exactly the same. News only tries to inform the readers, while features try harder to attract the reader’s attention with more detailed and descriptive writing. Thirdly, their composition structure is not always the same. News reporting for most cases adopts inverted pyramid form, but features follow no such rule. It can be very flexible in terms of structure.19.Types of features1) News-oriented, interest-oriented2) Profile; what-feature; locality feature/ travelogue; personal experience feature/ I-account (withimmediacy, persuasiveness and vividness)20. Types of commentaries and columnsEditorial,; commentary; column21. Common topics of the commentaries and columns[/b] Important events; typical or hot topic; significant or big festival22. Keynote/language feature of the commentaries and columns[/b] First, it should be accurate, succinct, and informative when summarizing stories.Second, there are abundant uses of formal words, long and difficult complex sentences.Third, tone should be impersonal, but the editorial “we” is used sometimes to establish a rapport between the editors and readers.23. Grammatical features of English newsLanguage of news stories should be fit for communication, so it is accurate, succinct and understandable. In addition, it has to meet the deadline and limited page space. So in practice, Journalistic English has its own features distinctive from other forms of language.Omission of “that” as a conjunction;Omission of “on” before date;Use of split infinitive, in news stories, such phrase as “to illegally enter” is often met.Break of sequence of tenses, it is flexible to use the tenses if basic grammar principle has been kept. Use passive voice to give prominence to the object or to catch the attention of readers. Proper insert of backgrounds, it makes the news more understandable to readers and deepens the thesis of the news. There are contrast back-grounding, interpretative back-grounding and explanative back-grounding to be insert when necessary. Heavy use of attributes and they are often linked by hyphens.Use direct or indirect quotations to show maximum objectivity and to decrease the color of personal slant.Use dashes to insert parenthetical statement in order to give more background and show the opinions of people related,Use figure of speech in a flexible way, which makes the story more readable, vivid and attractive. The common figures are: alliteration, humor, contrast, exaggeration, witticism and so on.24. When use passive voice? First, when the receiver of the action is more important than the executor. For example, the casualty of a plane crash or a fire rage usually draws a lot of attention, passive voice is used in these cases.Secondly, passive voice is used to attract readers’ attention because the very beginning of the news draws more attention then the words hides deeper in the paragraph.25. Wording features[/b] Journalistic English is quite exclusive. It includes solemn statement of president, relaxed talk of common people and special jargons of various fields, but they have the samepurpose¬——to transfer information and make sure that readers can understand them with least energy and time.Use specific names to indicate special things or meanings. For example, the palace “Kremlin” refers to “Russia”.Use loanwords to indicate new things or exotic things, French phrase “en mass” are often used to express the meaning “in general”. As in journalistic English, words of certain people often quoted, so there are various words used to express the meaning of saying, such as “allege”, “claim” and “argue” are often used.News words emerge in endless streams. New meaning may come from former words as “basket” can mean “a series of problem.” New words may come from new things such as “Euro” “petrodollar” and so on. Old words can be combines to form new words, such as “cybercafé” “compuword”, etc. Abundant vogue words can be seen in journalistic English, their special meanings come into being in a certain current and disappear afterwards. “Trauma” is one of such kind of words.Fuzzy terms can be used to add credibility to reporting as well as fit the reading habit of readers’, such as “green” “tall” and so on. Use the words vividly to put the readers into action or gives them a feeling of participation.26. Why sometimes reporter use fuzzy terms?A: 4 reasons.Sometimes reporters cannot find to the exact data, so he have to use fuzzy terms. This would make the reporting even more credible.As most readers only want to get a rough idea about what is happening, a report crammed with various detailed descriptions would be suffocative to most readers.Reporters sometimes don’t have the time to check every truth out before he have to dispatch the story to ensure timeliness of the news. What’s more, fuzzy terms can make the news much easier for readers.Fuzzy words have the advantage to enliven a writing, which accurate language (especially figures) might fall short of.[b]27. Difference between newspaper lead and broadcasting lead.[/b]A: Three differences.First, most newspaper leads are summary leads, which include all the 5Ws of the news. But a broadcasting lead usually gives a rough summary with only a few important truths, because it would be easier for the listeners. Second, broadcasting lead should be shorter in length and simpler in structure to make sure that the news is easy for listeners. Thirdly, broadcasting leads usually adopt present tense or present perfect tense to emphasize timeliness and freshness of the news. But newspaper leads must use past tense when reporting things that happened.[b]28. The features of broadcasting English[/b] Broadcasting news often use small words in order to make it understandable. Spoken language is used instead of written language, as “aim” is used instead of “purpose”.In order to make the broadcasting brief, simple sentence are always used.The broadcasting leads, in most cases, tends to focus on the most important factor of the news by using short and simple sentences. The present tense is often use to add timeliness, freshness and immediacy to the news. Approximate numbers are used instead of exact numbers, such as “roughly” “about” “just over” and so on.Quotations should be fit for listening so indirect and short quotations should be used instead of long and direct quotations. Quotation using should follow the rule that source attribution should be placed before the information considering the listening habit.29. Different quotation using between broadcasting news and newspaper newsFirst, indirect and short quotations are often used to make the news fit for listening habit, but it can be very flexible in using quotations when writing a newspaper news. The second difference should bethe difference in the placement of source attribution. In most case, source attributions follow the information in newspaper reporting, because what is said is more important than who said it, but it is different in broadcasting news, attribution should be placed before the information considering the listening habit.30. Difference between news reporting and news translating[/b] There are different audiences at home and abroad in culture, language, political system and life style. Readers’ interest should be carefully considered before translating Chinese news into English news.Communication effect is the most important aspect when translating Chinese news into English news. Make sure that foreign English reporting is not literally translated from Chinese news.The translation of Chinese news to English news should be accurate and understandable. Proper explanation can appear in the news if it is necessary.Try to pay attention to:One should offer necessary background in a flexible way. Focus should be placed on the most important factors of the news. Do not treat the background as the main fact of the news. Considering the readers’ attention/interest abroad do not mean that one can not report the news with accurate trait, our purpose of English news reporting is to show a real China to the world, so reporting with some kind of culture trait is necessary to some extent.31. Ways of using punctuations in the headlineEnglish headlines are known forits terse structure, and punctuations are used in much rarer cases than in the text. Punctuations only appear in the head for two reasons. First, they are used to save space. Second, they are used to show the relation between two groups of words. There are three ways of using punctuations.Using comma instead of “and”A dash is used to connect a quotation and its attribution. Colon is used to substitute “be”, or instead of “say” to show the quotation.32. The disadvantages of the news just with objectivity only? First, it pays too much attention to the clarity without considering the readers’ comprehension ability. Second, it neglects the journalists’ initiative.So, reporters often use interpretative way of writing which will make up all those disadvantages.33. The features of Political News First, it has a distinctive political flavor.Second, political news has the priority of the first page, which shows the importance of the news. Third, it should be reported in a much more timely way. Fourth, the journalist who would report the political news should be ready-witted, and what’s more, every details of doing the report should be elaborately planed.34. How to write news about laws and ethicsStick to the principle of objectiveness and fairnessDeal with each case on its merits of laws and ethics news of home and abroad.Know some professional knowledge in the fields of laws and ethics, and explaining them in an understandable way while doing some reporting.Add some example of cases in order to make the news more understandable. You can use quotations to add objectivenessand fairness or explain legalese in an understandable way.35. The features of financial news reportingFirst, it has a preference for short but strong words to lively express the story in a way of contrast in order to ad objectivity and credibility to the news.Besides using the word “increase”, words like “go up” “jump” are frequently used.Using abundant quantities of word s like “dip” “drop” “fall” to express the meaning of “decrease”. Second, use various ways of expressing to show the trend of economic development. Thus, it perfectly combined the dull figures and the useful information in a more attractive way.Make full use of comparative degrees and superlative degrees to provide the info.Use adjectives and adverbs to show the development levels in a proper way.Third, explaining the dull figures in a much more flexible way which makes the dull numbers more understandable.Use small data instead of large data.Use ways of contrast or comparison.Explain in an understandable way or use various figures of speech. Use approximate numbers in a flexible.Forth, proper using of idioms in order to meet the deadline of reporting,36. Qualifications of a good reporterAs it given by the Christian Science Monitor, a good reporter should be self-operating, productive, caring, versatile, exemplary, authoritative, expansive, supportive, visionary, sensitive, considerate, confident, distinctive, intuitive, teachable, selfless, responsible, active, paced and fully impelled. More accurately, given reasonable intelligence, most of the attributes of a successful reporter are acquired not inherited.A good reporter should:Aside from desire and ability to write for print——he should have insatiable curiosity.A flexible and social personality A nature that relishes a variety of experiencesA temperament to work under the pressure of deadlineA tolerance permitting objective observations of people and events A successful reporter also needs ambition, drive, determination, and most certainly, self-discipline. Reporters need to know how to gather facts for a story as well as how to write in a clear, accurate, fair and coherent style, so that readers can immediately understand the story.Every reporter should be a voracious reader, a collector of information about everything that is going on.It is important for reporters to know as much about the complete operation of the newspaper as possible——not only its editorial policies, but its business, technical and mechanical divisions as well. Reporters must know the characteristics of journalism as it is practiced not only at his or her newspaper, but also in the profession in general.A reporter needs to understand the unique role of a newspaper in society。



《英语经济新闻教学资料》经济新闻笔记May 9 , 2012 GDP = C + I + ,X-M,ConsumptionInvestment ,包含Government Spending,Foreign Trade (出口-进口)Per capita- 人均……Economic indicator(s) 经济指标Year-on-year 同比Month-on-month 月环比Consumption :CPI 消费者物价指数,Consumer Price Index,PPI 生产者物价指数 ( Producer Price Index )Retail sales 零售PPP 购买力平价,Purchasing Power Parity )一种根据各国不同的价格水平计算出来的货币之间的等值系数,以对各国的国内生产总值进行合理比较。


Investment :Interest & rateBench mark rate 基准汇率FDI 对外直接投资 ( Foreign Direct Investment )RRR 存款准备金率,Required Reserve Ratio,Fixed asset 固定资产StockShare 股份Listed company 上市公司Stock exchange(s) 股票交易The two bourses ,在中国指,上海深圳证券交易所Index 指数Shanghai Composite Index 上证综指Compositional Index of Shenzhen Stock Market 深证成指( X-M ) :Exchange rate 汇率Trade surplus 贸易顺差Trade deficit 贸易逆差Export 出口Import duties / tariff 进口关税Exchange reserve 外汇储备Anti-dumping 反倾销Anti-subsidy 反补贴Balance of International Payments 国际收支平衡表 ( BoPs ) Economic policyMacro- 宏观……Fiscal policy 财政政策Constrictive紧缩的Monetary policy 货币政策Aggressive 积极的Prudent 谨慎的Percent 百分比Percentage point 百分点Property market 房地产市场Housing prices 房价Down payment 首付Mortgage 按揭Mortgage rate 贷款利率Economics 经济体Developed countries- OECD 经济合作不发展组Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 简称经合组织Developing countries- emerging countries : BRICs 金砖四国Brazil Russia India ChinaBRICS 金砖国家,+ South Africa,NBS 国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics of China MOC 商务部Minister of CommerceGAC 海关总署 General Administration of Customs IMF 国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund WTOWorld Bank银监会中国银行业监督管理委员会,China Banking Regulatory Commission,CBRC,保监会中华人民共和国保险监督管理委员会,China Insurance Regulatory Commission , CIRC ) 证监会中国证券监督管理委员会,China Security Regulatory Commission , CSRC ) Big Four 四大,会计师事务所,第一产业 Primary Industry第二产业 Secondary Industry第三产业 Tertiary IndustryRemedy 救济Safeguard 保护斱法Press conference 记者招待会Euro zone 欧元区Infrastructure construction 基础设斲PMI 采购经理人指数 Purchasing Managers' Index标准数值是50,超过50说明经济利好May 16 , 2012 Manipulate vt. 操纵US accused of manipulating dollarChina Economy By NumbersIndustrial output 工业产出M2 货币供应量之二广义的货币供应量 (Cf. M0 / M1 / M3 / M4) Power consumption油价看NYMEX纽约商品交易所目前,纽约商业交易所,New York Mercantile Exchange,和伦敦国际石油交易所,IPE,是世界上最具影响力的能源产品交易所,上市的品种由原油、汽油、取暖油、天然气、丙烷等。




As a news reporter, taking notes is an essential part of my job. Here is a template that I use to organize my notes when covering a news story.1. Headline: I always start with the headline of the news story. This helps me stay focused on the main point of the story.2. Lead: The lead is the first paragraph of the news story. It should answer the five Ws and one H: who, what, when, where, why, and how.3. Quotes: I always write down any quotes that are relevant to the story. This helps me accurately report what was said.4. Background information: I also take note of anybackground information that is relevant to the story. This includes any history or context that helps readers understand the story better.5. Facts and figures: If there are any statistics or numbers mentioned in the story, I make sure to write them down accurately.6. Follow-up questions: As I am taking notes, I often come up with follow-up questions that I want to ask the interviewee. I make sure to write these down so that Idon't forget to ask them later.中文:作为新闻记者,记录笔记是我的工作的重要部分。



























1 Swapping gems for cashWhat next for South Africa's foremost mining family?MOST people would be overjoyed to pocket $5.1 billion. But Nicky Oppenheimer, the chairman of De Beers, said that it was with a heavy heart that his family had decided to sell its remaining 40% stake in the world's biggest diamond miner to Anglo American, a mining behemoth. The deal marks the end of an era for South Africa's foremost mining dynasty.The Oppenheimers have been in the diamond business for more than a century, including over 80 years with De Beers. Nicky's grandfather Ernest settled in South Africa in 1902, having been posted to the diamond-boom town of Kimberley at the age of 22 as an agent for a London-based firm of gem traders. By 1917 he had set up his own mining company, Anglo American. A few years later he won control of De Beers, a diamond miner that had been founded in 1880 by Cecil Rhodes, a British-born colonialist. By the time Rhodes died in 1902, De Beers controlled 90% of the world's diamond production. Rhodes's immense fortune still pays for people like Bill Clinton to study at Oxford.Since 1929, when Sir Ernest (knighted for war services in 1921) took over as chairman, the Oppenheimers have led De Beers almost without interruption, massaging the price of diamonds by hoarding them and occasionally selling part of the firm's stockpile. The family has wielded political influence, too, mostly bankrolling liberal causes. Both Ernest and his son Harry served in South Africa’s parliament: Ernest for 14 years in the run-up to the second world war, and Harry for nine years as a member of the anti-apartheid opposition.Of late, however, the family's influence has waned. Some wonder whether Nicky and his son Jonathan have the same drive and acumen as their swashbuckling forebears. And Anglo American, the firm their family founded (and in which it now has a stake of 2%), moved its headquarters to London in 1999. Nicky Oppenheimer insists that the family will stay connected with South Africa: they are still based in Johannesburg.What will the Oppenheimers do with their new pile of cash? The deal will take months to complete, so they have time to ponder. Under its terms, they are barred from dabbling in diamonds for two years. But other possibilities abound.The family has two investment arms. One, called Stockdale Street Capital, invests largely in medium-sized firms in South Africa. The other, Tana Africa Capital, is a joint venture with Singapore's sovereign-wealth fund, Temasek, and invests in therest of Africa. Among other things, it holds a stake in a Nigerian firm that sells powdered milk, and it plans to build up five to ten substantial firms over the next decade.At the moment, Tana is focused on fast-moving consumer goods and agriculture, and to a lesser extent on building materials, health and education. The new money could go into any or all of these areas, says James Teeger, a family spokesman. And the Oppenheimers may also look at infrastructure and energy, two of the hottest businesses south of the Sahara. Nicky Oppenheimer is said to be furiously jetting around looking for shrewd places to inject his cash.宝石交易南非最有影响力的矿业家族,下一步会如何?在大多数人眼里,获得51亿美元是一件高兴的事。







以下是几个常见的新闻报道特点:1. 简明扼要:新闻报道的语言应该简洁明了,避免冗长的叙述和累赘的修饰词。


2. 第三人称:新闻报道一般使用第三人称,避免使用第一或第二人称,以保持客观性。

3. 时间、地点和人物:新闻报道中必须包含时间、地点和涉及的人物。


4. 陈述式语气:新闻报道应以陈述句的形式进行表达,避免使用感叹句或疑问句,以确保信息的准确度和客观性。

二、新闻报道常用句式和表达方式以下是一些常用的英语新闻报道句式和表达方式,同学们可以参考运用到自己的写作中:1. 标题:新闻报道的标题应简明扼要,准确概括新闻内容。

2. 引言:新闻报道的引言通常是对事件的简要描述,用于吸引读者的注意力。

3. 头条:新闻报道的头条是对整个事件的概括性陈述,应包含最重要的信息。

4. 事件描述:在报道正文中,需要对事件进行详细描述,包括时间、地点、人物和相关细节。

5. 事实陈述:新闻报道应准确、客观地陈述事实,避免个人观点和情感色彩的插入。

6. 引用:适当引用相关人物的观点和言论能够增加新闻报道的权威性和可信度。

7. 结尾:新闻报道的结尾应该简洁明了,可以对事件的结果进行总结,或者提出相关问题引发读者思考。





1. No weapons of mass destruction---Britain’s key justification for war have been found. The Pentagon acknowledged last week that a review of more than 600,000 captured Iraqi documents showed “no evidence that Saddam Hussein’s regime had any operational links with Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida terrorist network”. (基地恐怖组织)英国出兵伊拉克的主要理由---大规模杀伤性武器,并未被找到。


The Pentagon : the huge five-sided building in Arlington, Va. As a symbol of military , it is often metonymically to refer to the Defense Department of USA.(美国国防部)rather than the building itself.2.The US insists that Tehran retains nuclear ambitions, despite its own intelligence estimates that work on a weapon has stopped, but its occupation of Iraq has given Iran a hostage it could never have imagined having.ehran (德黑兰):referring to the government of Iran (指代伊朗政府)美国政府坚持认为,德黑兰有发展核武力的野心,诚然美国从自己掌握的情报评估报告认为,伊朗的核武器研制工作已经停止,然而,美国对伊拉克的占领却给了伊朗一个做梦都没有想到的可乘之机。


Subscribeto a charity
Which magazine do yousubscribeto?
The paper is trying to get more readers to…
Subscribea few remarks at the end of the essay.(在论文后面签注意见)
Perhaps the best comparison is that of seasickness.最恰当的比喻也许是比作晕船的那个。
there is nocomparison没有可比性
comparisonsare odious.人比人,气死人。
a.one and only;single
belong to or restricted to one person or group, not shared.专有的、独用的
To give asubtitleto/…subtitled“…”
Get things badly out ofperspective.处理事情极为失当。
in/out of perspective①可见物体的位置或比例不正确;(不)按比例②[U] ina way that does not exaggerate any aspect不夸大[夸大];恰当[不恰当]:
sign (esp the name)at the foot of a document

Newspaper English(英语报刊阅读)

Newspaper English(英语报刊阅读)

• ADSL Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line 又名网络快车。 • APEC Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation 即亚太经济合作组织。 • AQ Adversity Quotient逆境商数. CATV Cable Television即有线电视 • BBS Bulletin Board System 公告牌系统或 电子公告板。
• 风声雨声读书声声声入耳

• • •
• 一:新闻的定义与新闻价值 • 1) News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story • 2) News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number. 3) News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely, that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them。
Newspaper English
A new perspective of the world
My open e-mail box



新闻笔记英文阅读教学设计News Note English Reading Teaching DesignIntroduction:English reading comprehension is an essential skill for language learners. To enhance students' ability to understand and analyze news articles, this teaching design focuses on developing their English reading proficiency through news note-taking. The design incorporates strategies, activities, and assessments to optimize students' learning experience.Section 1: Pre-Reading Activities1. Accessing Background Knowledge:Before reading the news article, students will brainstorm and discuss the topic, activating their prior knowledge. The teacher can facilitate the discussion by prompting questions and providing relevant vocabulary.2. Previewing Vocabulary:To ensure comprehension, students will be introduced to key vocabulary related to the news topic. They will engage in activities such as matching words to definitions, completing word webs, or creating concept maps.Section 2: Reading Activities1. Skimming:Students will practice skimming the news article to gain a quick overview of the content. They will focus on identifying the main idea, key points, and the structure of the article.2. Scanning:Next, students will scan the article to find specific information by using headings, subheadings, and other text features. This activity will enhance their ability to locate details efficiently.3. Reading for Detail:In this activity, students will engage in a close reading of the article to understand its content fully. They will analyze the arguments, identify supporting evidence, and comprehend the author's perspective.Section 3: News Note-Taking1. News Note Format:Students will be introduced to a standardized news note format, which includes sections such as headline, lead paragraph, supporting details, author's viewpoint, and conclusion.2. Note-Taking Practice:Using the news note format, students will practice taking notes while reading the news article. They will focus on summarizing the article, highlighting key facts, and capturing important quotes.Section 4: Post-Reading Activities1. Collaborative Discussion:Students will participate in a group discussion, sharing their news notes and exchanging insights from the article. The teacher will facilitate the conversation, encouraging active participation and critical thinking.2. Analytical Writing:Students will individually write a short analytical essay based on the news article. They will be guided to organize their thoughts, incorporate evidence from the article, and provide their own analysis and reflections.Section 5: Assessment1. Vocabulary Quiz:To assess students' understanding of the key vocabulary, a short quiz will be conducted. The quiz may include matching, fill-in-the-blanks, or multiple-choice questions.2. News Note Evaluation:The teacher will evaluate the completeness and accuracy of students' news notes. This evaluation will focus on content comprehension, organizational skills, and the ability to capture essential information.Conclusion:This teaching design promotes English reading comprehension by incorporating news note-taking strategies. By engaging in various pre-reading and post-reading activities, students develop their ability to skim, scan, and read for detail. Additionally, the practice of taking notes in a structured format helps students summarize, analyze, and internalize the information from news articles. This comprehensive approach facilitatesstudents' English reading proficiency and prepares them for effective communication and critical thinking.。



英语新闻读后感As a creator of Baidu Wenku documents, I am pleased to share my thoughts on a recent English news article that I read. The news article, titled "Global Efforts to Tackle Climate Change," discussed the various initiatives and agreements being made by countries around the world to combat climate change. After reading the article, I was left with a strong sense of hope and determination to contribute to these efforts in any way I can.The article began by highlighting the urgency of the climate crisis and the devastating effects it is already having on our planet. It mentioned the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and the loss of biodiversity. These sobering facts served as a stark reminder of the pressing need for action to address climate change.One of the key points of the article was the Paris Agreement, in which nearly 200 countries committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. The article also mentioned the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference, where world leaders came together to discuss and negotiate further actions to mitigate the effects of climate change.What struck me the most about the article was the sense of unity and collaboration among nations in the face of this global challenge. It was heartening to read about countries setting aside their differences and working together towards a common goal. This spirit of cooperation is essential in tackling a problem as complex and far-reaching as climate change.Furthermore, the article highlighted the role of individuals and communities in the fight against climate change. It emphasized the importance of making sustainable choices in our daily lives, such as reducing energy consumption, supporting renewable energy sources, and advocating for environmental policies. This served as a powerful reminder that each and every one of us has a part to play in addressing climate change.In conclusion, reading this news article has reinforced my belief in the collective power of humanity to overcome challenges. It has also inspired me to take a more active role in promoting environmental sustainability and advocating for climate action. I am hopeful that with continued global efforts and individual commitments, we can work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for our planet.In summary, the news article has served as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for action on climate change, while also instilling a sense of optimism and determination to contribute to the collective effort. I believe that by working together, we can make a meaningful impact in addressing this critical issue.。



英语新闻及知识点总结Summary:A recent study published in the Journal of Respiratory Medicine has revealed the crucial role of vitamin D in preventing respiratory infections, such as the flu and COVID-19. The study, led by a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge, found that individuals with adequate levels of vitamin D were less likely to develop severe respiratory infections.The findings of the study have significant implications for public health, especially in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With many countries struggling to contain the spread of the virus, the role of vitamin D in bolstering the immune system and protecting against respiratory infections has become increasingly relevant.The study also highlights the importance of ensuring adequate intake of vitamin D, particularly in populations that are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, such as elderly individuals, people with darker skin, and those who live in northern latitudes with limited sunlight exposure.The research team behind the study has called for further investigation into the potential benefits of vitamin D supplementation in reducing the risk of respiratory infections. They also emphasize the need for public health measures to promote awareness of the importance of vitamin D and its role in supporting overall health and immunity.Key Points:- Vitamin D plays a crucial role in preventing respiratory infections, including the flu and COVID-19.- Adequate levels of vitamin D are associated with a lower risk of developing severe respiratory infections.- Populations at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, such as the elderly and people with darker skin, should pay particular attention to their vitamin D intake.- Further research is needed to explore the potential benefits of vitamin D supplementation in reducing the risk of respiratory infections.- Public health measures should emphasize the importance of vitamin D in supporting immune function and overall health.In conclusion, the study's findings underscore the importance of vitamin D in preventing respiratory infections and supporting overall immune function. As the world continues to grapple with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of vitamin D in maintaining respiratory health has taken on added significance. By promoting awareness of the importance of vitamin D and its potential benefits in reducing the risk of respiratory infections, public health efforts can help bolster the resilience of populations againstrespiratory illnesses. Further research into the potential benefits of vitamin D supplementation will also be essential in informing public health recommendations and strategies for mitigating the impact of respiratory infections.。


01 思维导图
03 目录分析 05 精彩摘录
02 内容摘要 04 读书笔记 06 作者介绍
新闻 技巧
本书精心挑选了BBC、VOA。CNN的新闻,包含了国际社会的各个方面,让你足不出户就能掌握国际风云变幻; 在每篇新闻前精心设置了相关背景知识介绍,让你能更好地理解新闻听力内容;还邀请了专业人士翻译听力原文, 练习听力的同时还能锻炼翻译能力;本书支持二维码扫码收听,让你可以随时随地掌握纯正发音,享受听觉新体 验!
化教育创新 Cultural and
Chapter 5息 息相关——每 日社会生活 Social Life
1.丰富的新闻话题 2.多样的听力练习 3.简要的背景概述 4.实用的技巧点拨
Unit 1—BBC News Unit 2—VOA News Unit 3—CNN News
Chapter 1风云变 幻——世界政治热点
Hot Political Issues
Chapter 2一掷千 金——全球财经连线 Global Financial Times



Explanation 1. In the air = current; in circulation 2. review = survey, re-examine 3. heighten = become more intense 4. hazard = n. danger, risk 5. preposterous a. = absurd荒谬的 6. legitimate a. = reasonable 正当的;合理的 2. Amount to = be equal to / equivalent to 相当于 3. tentatively adv. = not definitely 不果断的 4. 3. controversial= likely to cause controversy 引起争议的 5. 4-6 Exert v. = apply sth.应用 6. minuscule adj. = very small , tiny 7. consensus n. = common agreement 8. wallop v. = heavy blow buttress v. = support加强 9. ionize v. 使电离成离子 molecule n. 分子
2. The view-point of the EPA is [A]. there is casual link between electricity and cancer. 3. [B]. electricity really affects cancer. [C]. controversial. 4. [D].low frequency electromagnetic field is a possible causesue n. 动植物组织 blistering a. = sharp , severe 尖刻的 imprimatur n. permission / approval 批准;认可 carcinogen n. 致癌物 clog v. = block 阻塞 plummeting a. = fall down steeply be afflicted with = cause trouble to sb. 使苦恼 prudent adj. = foresight 有先见之明的



新闻英语的阅读技巧新闻英语(journalistic English)主要是指新闻报道文章使用的英语。







报刊上的文章以新闻报道(news report)为主,它通常由标题(headline)、导语(lead)和正文(body)三部分组成。

1.仔细阅读导语英文报纸标题不但难懂,而且很容易使人误解,比如“Loyalty Order Issued”(政府发布效忠命令),到底是哪个政府发的命令?只看从标题是无从知道的。






导语要求围绕着新闻报道的五大基本要素———who(人物),what(事件),where(地点),when(时间),why (原因)或how(进展)———用极其精炼的语言把事件的过程和真相一语道破。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
n. creation or expression of sth. beautiful;
skill in such creation
subjects of study (nguage /literature/ history) in which imaginative and creative skills are more important than measurement and calculation needed in science.
Is thisnews a harbinger of good days to come?
vt.To signal the approach of; presage(often something unpleasant).
Their idealism has been battered.
Skills(contrasted with scientific techniques)
Thesolecause of the accident.
We have thesoleright to sell this range of goods.独家经营这类产品。
The movie took a battering from critics.
v.strike repeatedly with hard blows;to repeat violence and assault
v.censure, criticize, or defeat severely or thoroughly.
ad.Earn one’s living in such a way
a.fair and impartial in treatment orjudgement
Anartsdegree with honors in linguistics
Theartof appearing confident at interviews.
Well-practiced in theartsof seduction.惯用诡计
Idiom:get sth. down to a fine art.(fine art= the arts)
Harbinger/ˈhɑː.bɪn.er of spring.
Iwork freelance from home.
Ajournalist who freelances.
a.independent or uncommitted in politics or personal life
To provide withsubtitles
Amovie that was subtitled forEnglishspeaking audience.
A secondary, usually explanatory title, as of a literary work.副标题(n./v.)
“……”said XXX,who added that……
Eddywanteda paperthat would distinguish itself byproviding even-handed newswhen the trend of the day was topick up readers through sensational, so called“yellow journalism”whose art was perfected bywarring [adj.] newspaper barons like Joseph Pulitzer andWilliamRandolph.
It’smottois“to injure no man, but to bless all mankind”
ArtTheartof the Renaissance.
Her performance displayed greatart.
This tapestry is a work ofart.
Pick up readersthrough sensational, so-called..
Yellow Journalism
Nationally distributed newspaper
Prove a harbinger of
Asteep rise in the cost of
Weekday print edition
a.one and only;single
belong to or restricted to one person or group, not shared.专有的、独用的
To give asubtitleto/…subtitled“…”
Distinguish itself by
The trend of the day
Abandon its weekday print edition,choosinginsteadto put daily news on it’s…
It’s the firstnationally distributednewspaper to make such a move…