B.规模酬劳改动有关C.外面经济与不经济有关D.因素的边沿生产率有关E.固定成本与可变为本所占比重有关4.当某花费者对商品X的花费达到饱和点时,则边沿功效MUxA、正当B、负值C、零D、不确立,需视详细状况而定5.假如在厂商的短期平衡产量上,AR小于SAC,但大于AVCA、损失,立刻停产B、损失,但连续生产C、损失,生产或不生产都能够D、获取正常利润,连续生产为(),则厂商()8.在垄断厂商的短期平衡时,垄断厂商能够()91011.两种商品在两个人之间的分派,能被称为帕累托最优的条件为()12.不使某个人受损失就不可以使另一个人得益13.个人都处在其花费契约线上14.个人都处在他们的功效可能性曲线上15.包含以上所有条件16.在厂商的停止营业点上,应当有()A.AR=AVCB .总损失等于TFCC.P=AVCD .以上说法都对9.所有以下因素除哪一种外都会使需求曲线挪动?()A.花费者收入变化B.商品价钱变化C.花费者偏好变化D.其余有关商品价钱变化10.某田户今年扩大播种面积并获得丰产,则可预期他的收入会()。
••2024年《微观经济学》课程考试试卷(A 卷) 。
留意:1、本试卷共 4 页; 2、考试时间110分钟一、名词说明(每题4分,共16分)市场经济 要素的边际收益 外部成本 洛伦兹曲线二、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1.某消费者的收入下降,而他对某商品的需求却增加,该商品为()。
A 、劣质商品 B 、奢侈品C 、互补商品D 、必需品2.预算线反映了( )。
A 、消费者偏好B 、消费者的收入约束C 、消费者人数D 、货币购买力3.边际产量曲线和平均产量曲线存在以下( )关系。
A 、边际产量曲线穿过平均产量曲线的最低点B 、边际产量曲线穿过平均产量曲线的最高点C 、平均产量曲线穿过边际产量曲线的最低点D 、平均产量曲线穿过边际产量曲线的最高点4.在垄断市场上边际收益( )价格。
A 、大于B 、小于C 、等于D 、大于或等于5. .在完全竞争的要素市场,生产要素的边际成本就是( )。
A 、要素的收益B 、要素的价格C 、要素的利润D 、要素的成本6. 利率改变的收入效应是,利率上升时人们当前( )。
A 、只储蓄不消费B 、增加消费,削减储蓄C 、不消费,只储蓄D 、增加储蓄,削减消费7. 风险中性者的财宝效用曲线是( )。
A 、一条直线向右上方倾斜B 、一条直线,向右下方倾斜C 、一条凸向原点的曲线D 、一条凹向原点的曲线8.假如上游工厂污染了下游居民的饮水,根据科斯定理,( )问题就可妥当解决。
A 、不管产权是否明确,只要交易成本为零B 、不论产权是否明确,交易成本是否为零C 、只要产权明确,不管交易成本有多大D 、只要产权明确,且交易成本为零9. 旧车市场上,因为信息不对称,结果是( )。
A 、高质量车易于成交B 、低质量车易于成交D 、都简单成交 D 、都不简单成交10.具备纯粹公共产品的属性是( )。
A 、增加一个消费者运用的边际成本为零B 、不能够区分消费者或非消费者C 、能够通过供应和需求的相互作用而生产出来的D 、A 和B三、推断题(每题2分,共20分) 1.. 规范分析主要回答“是什么”的问题。
微观经济学试卷2一、名词解释(每个4分,共20分)1. 需求是指消费者在一定时期内在各种可能的价格下,对某种商品愿意并且能够购买的数量。
2. 边际效用是指消费者在一定时期内增加一单位商品的消费所得到的效用量的增量。
3. 交易成本:任何交易都可以看成是交易双方所达成的一项契约,围绕交易契约所产生的成本,就称为交易成本。
4. 寡头市场是指少数几家厂商控制整个市场的产品的生产和销售的这样一种市场组织。
5. 洛伦兹曲线是用来衡量社会收入分配(或财产分配)平均程度的曲线。
二、填空(每个1分,共10分)1. 经济稀缺性是指经济生活中这样一个基本事实:人力资源和非人力资源的数量都是有限的。
2. 在微观经济学中,一般总是假定厂商的目标是追求利润最大化3. 最高限价下的供不应求会导致市场上消费者排队抢购和黑市交易盛行4. 在农业生产活动中,存在着这么一种经济现象:在丰收的年份,农民的收入却反而减少了。
这种现象在我国民间被形象地概括为谷贱伤农5. 效用理论有两种:一种是基数效用论,另一种是序数效用论6. 生产要素一般被划分为劳动、土地、资本和企业家才能这四种类型。
7. 固定成本是指厂商在短期内必须支付的不能调整的生产要素的费用。
8. 厂商实现利润最大化的均衡条件是边际收益等于边际成本9. 厂商主要可以采取三种组织形式:个人企业、合伙制企业、公司制企业。
10. 不完全竞争市场分为三种类型,它们是垄断竞争市场寡头市场、垄断市场。
三、判断(每个2分,共10分)1. 市场不能解决每种商品生产多少的问题。
N2. 在均衡价格下,价格没有理由会变动。
Y3. 如果一种商品的需求价格弹性是0.5,价格由1美元上升至1.04美元会导致需求量下降2%。
Y4. 在竞争市场上,倘若企业面临边际成本大于边际收益的局面,则企业减少产量,利润将减少。
N5. 工资率上升有收入效应和替代效应,两者的作用方向相反。
微观经济学试题库(含答案解析)预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制第一章引论一、单选题(70题)1. 下列哪一种资源是最不具有稀缺性的?)A.医生;B.苹果;C.铁矿石;D.空气;2. 下列中的哪一个问题是最有可能被微观经济学家所研究的?)A. 一般物价的膨胀;B. 整个经济中的失业;C. 总产出的增长率;D. 汽车行业中的劳动就业3. 下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题? ()A. 通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的?B. 政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗?C. 消费者如何对较低的价格做出反应?D. 收入与储蓄之间的关系是什么?4. 经济学有时被称作社会科学的皇后,这是因为:(A.它强调经济增长和经济发展;B. 几乎所有的学生都必须学习经济学;C. 它的边际分析方法广泛应用于其他学科;D. 规范经济学和实证经济学的区别。
5. 经济学家的理性行为假定:()A.仅仅在其提供有效预测的限度内才是有用的。
6. 微观经济学研究(),宏观经济学研究()。
A.政府对市场制度的干预 B.企业赚取利润的活动C.研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题D.个人的生财之道8.“资源是稀缺的”是指()A.资源是不可再生的 B.资源必须留给下一代C.资源终将被耗费殆尽D.相对于需求而言,资源总是不足的.9.失业问题如果反映在生产可能性曲线图上,可记为()A.生产可能性曲线内的一点 B.生产可能性曲线上的一点C.生产可能性曲线以外的一点D.不在该平面直角坐标系上.10.下列哪一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移?()A.股市持续走强 B.通货膨胀C.有用资源被发掘或技术进步D.消费品生产增加,资本品生产下降. 11.一个经济体系必须作出的基本选择是()。
错误2、在两种替代品之间,其中一种商品价格上升,会使另一种商品的均衡价格(供给不变)( A )。
A、上升B、下降C、不变D、不确定3、预算线绕着它与横轴的交点逆时针转动是因为( D )。
4、某厂商每年从企业的总收入中取出一部分作为自己管理企业的报酬,这部分报酬属于(BD )。
A、显成本B、隐成本C、经济利润D、正常利润5、一企业采用最低成本进行生产,若资本的边际产量为5,单位资本的价格为20元,单位劳动的价格为8元,劳动的边际产量为( B )。
A、1B、、3 D、46、下列几组商品的交叉价格弹性为负向的有(BD )。
A、面粉和大米B、汽油和汽车C、羊肉和牛肉D、录音机和磁带7、从原点出发的射线与TVC相切的产量上有( AB )。
A、AVC最小B、MC=AVC YC、MC最小D、AC最小8、在需求和供给同时减少的情况下,将出现(C )。
错误10、当消费者处于均衡时( A )。
错误13、“资源是稀缺的”是指( B )。
3、已知生产函数Q=f(L, K)=2KL-0.5L2- 0.5K2, 假定厂商目前处于 短期生产,且K=10.
(1)写出在短期生产中该厂商关于劳动的总产量TPL函数、劳动的 平均APL函数和劳动的边际产量MPL函数。 (2)分别计算当劳动总产量TPL函数、劳动的平均APL函数和劳动 的边际产量MPL函数各自达到极大值时的厂商的劳动投入量。 解: (1) TPL =f(L, 10)= -0.5L2 +20L- 50
产的扩展线方程为K 3
L 3
即 2L
10 L1/ 3 K 1/ 3 3
5 L2/ 3 K 2/ 3 3
P, L
当PL=1,PK=1, Q=1000时,厂商长期生产的扩展线方程为2L=K.
所以 ,
2L K
5L1/ 3 K 2/ 3
6、假设某厂商的短期生产函数为 Q 35L 8L2 L3 。 求:(1)该企业的平均产量函数和边际产量函数。 (2)如果企业使用的生产要素的数量 L=6,是否处于短期生产的合理区间? 为什么? 解:(1)平均产量函数 APL Q / L 35 8L L2 ,
边际产量函数 M PL d Q/ dL3 5 1 6 L 23 L (2)当 APL MPL 时,L=4(取正根);当 MPL=0 时,L=7(取正根)。 当企业使用的生产要素的数量 L=6,介于 4 与 7 之间,处于短期生产的合 理区间。
L 100 3 2, K 200 3 2
L2 L)2
微观经济学试卷及答案培训课件经济学院第⼀学期期末考试《微观经济学》试卷(A )⼀、选择题(下列每题只有⼀个正确答案,请将正确答案的序号填写在答题纸相应的空格中。
每题1分,共15分) 1.就⽪鞋和⽪包⽣产者⽽⾔,⽪鞋价格的上涨将导致()A.⽪包供给的下降B.⽪包供给曲线上点的移动C.⽪鞋需求曲线的移动D.⽪鞋供给曲线与⽪包供给曲线均左移2.经济学中短期和长期的划分取决于()A.时间长短B.可否调整产量C.可否调整价格D.可否调整⽣产规模3.同⼀条⽆差异曲线上的不同点表⽰()A.效⽤⽔平不同,但所消费的两种商品组合⽐例相同B.效⽤⽔平相同,但所消费的两种商品的组合⽐例不同C.效⽤⽔平不同,两种商品的组合⽐例不相同D.效⽤⽔平相同,两种商品的组合⽐例相同4.下列⾏业中最接近完全竞争市场模式的是()A.飞机B.卷烟C.⽔稻D.汽车5.在完全竞争长期均衡中,如果企业成本不变,市场供给量的增加( )A.全部来⾃原有企业B.全部来⾃新增企业C.部分来⾃原有企业,部分来⾃新增企业D.以上三种情况都有可能6.在完全价格歧视下,()A.需求曲线变成了边际收益曲线B.需求曲线变成了总收益曲线C.边际成本曲线变成了边际收益曲线D.边际成本曲线变成了总收益曲线7.当⽣产的产品价格上升时,作为在竞争性市场中⼀个追求利润最⼤化的⼚商⽽⾔,对劳动的需求曲线将()D.不受影响8.下列各种成本中,哪条成本曲线的变动规律是向右下⽅倾斜( )A.平均固定成本B.平均可变成本C.短期边际成本D.短期总成本9.⼚商在短期均衡产量上,如果AR⼩于SAC,但⼤于A VC,则⼚商()A.亏损,但继续⽣产B.亏损,⽴即停产C.获利,继续⽣产D.亏损,⽣产与否都可10.下列关于洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数的论述,错误的是()A.洛伦兹曲线弯曲程度越⼤,基尼系数越⼤B.基尼系数越⼤,说明收⼊分配越不公平C.洛伦兹曲线越靠近对⾓线,说明基尼系数越⼤D.洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数都是描述收⼊分配公平程度的指标11.商品X、Y的价格按相同的⽐例上升,⽽收⼊不变,预算线()A.向左下⽅平⾏移动B.向右下⽅平⾏移动C.不变动D.转动12.⽣产可能性边界图形的轴线⽤于衡量()A.⽣产性投⼊或资源的数量B.产成品的数量C.产成品的价值D.上述答案均正确13.如果边际成本在⼀定产量范围内⼤于平均成本,则在该范围内,产量的增加都将促使平均成本()A.升⾼B.降低C.升⾼或降低取决于可变成本的变化D.保持不变14.假定某歌唱演员的年薪为10万元,但他(她)从事其他职业最多只能得到3万元,则这个演员所获得的经济租⾦为()A.10万元15.帕累托最优配置是指()A.总产量达到最⼤B.边际效⽤达到最⼤C.消费者得到他们想要的所有东西D.没有⼀个⼈可以在不使任何他⼈境况变坏的条件下使得⾃⼰境况变得更好⼆、判断题(在答题纸相应的空格中,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。
4.已知某企业的生产函数为Q=L2/3K1/3,劳 动的价格ω=2,资本的价格r=1。求: (1)当成本C=3 000时,企业实现最大产 量时的L、K和Q的均衡值。 (2)当产量Q=800时,企业实现最小成本 时的L、K和C的均衡值。
在成本C=3 000时,厂商以L*=1 000,K*= 1 000进行生产所达到的最大产量为Q*= 1 000。 :在Q=800时,厂商以L*=800,K*=800进
(2)假定在短期生产中,资本投入量不变,以K表示;而 劳动投入量可变,以L表示。
对于生产函数Q=AL1/3K2/3,有:MPL=1/3AL-2/3K2/3 且dMPL/dL=-2/9AL-2/3K2/3<0。 这表明:在短期资本投入量不变的前提下,随着一种可变
要素劳动投入量的增加,劳动的边际产量MPL是递减的。 相类似地,假定在短期生产中,劳动投入量不变,以L表示;
行生产的最小成本为C*=2 400。
5.假定企业的生产函数为Q=2K1/2L1/2,若资 本存量固定在9个单位上(K=9),产品价格(P) 为每单位6元,工资率(w)为每单位2元,请确 定:
(2)企业应雇用的最优的(能使利润最大的)劳动 数量;
(3)若工资提高到每单位3元,最优的劳动数量 13 是多少?
4、边际产量曲线与平均产量曲线的交点,一 定在边际产量曲线向右下方倾斜的部分。
5、若生产函数q=(4L)1/2(9K)1/2,且L,K价 格相同,则为实现利润最大化,企业应投入较 多的劳动和较少的资本。
CHAPTER 4 INDIVIDUAL AND MARKET DEMAND1. Explain the difference between each of the following terms:a. a price consumption curve and a demand curve;A price consumption curve identifies the utility maximizing combinations of two goods as the price of one of the goods changes. When the price of one of the goods declines, thebudget line will pivot outwards, and a new utility maximizing bundle will be chosen. Theprice consumption curve connects all such bundles. A demand curve is a graphical relationship between the price of a good and the (utility maximizing) quantity demanded ofa good, all else the same. Price is plotted on the vertical axis and quantity demanded on thehorizontal axis.b. an individual demand curve and a market demand curve;An individual demand curve identifies the (utility maximizing) quantity demanded by oneperson at any given price of the good. A market demand curve is the sum of the individual demand curves for any given product. At any given price, the market demand curveidentifies the quantity demanded by all individuals, all else the same.c. an Engel curve and a demand curve;A demand curve identifies the quantity demanded of a good for any given price, holding income and all else the same. An Engel curve identifies the quantity demanded of a good forany given income, holding prices and all else the same.d. an income effect and a substitution effect;The substitution effect measures the effect of a change in the price of a good on theconsumption of the good, utility held constant. This change in price changes the slope of thebudget line and causes the consumer to rotate along the current indifference curve. The income effect measures the effect of a change in purchasing power (caused by a change inthe price of a good) on the consumption of the good, relative prices held constant. Forexample, an increase in the price of good 1 (on the horizontal axis) will rotate the budget linedown along the indifference curve as the slope of the budget line (the relative price ratio) changes. This is the substitution effect. This new budget line will then shift inwards to reflect the decline in purchasing power caused by the increase in the price of the good. Thisis the income effect.3. Explain whether the following statements are true or false.a. The marginal rate of substitution diminishes as an individual moves downward alongthe demand curve.This is true. The consumer will maximize his utility by choosing the bundle on his budgetline where the price ratio is equal to the MRS. Suppose the consumer chooses the quantity ofgoods 1 and 2 such that P 1P 2MRS . As the price of good 1 falls, the price ratio becomes a smaller number and hence the MRS becomes a smaller number. This means that as the priceof good 1 falls, the consumer is willing to give up fewer units of good 2 in exchange foranother unit of good 1.b. The level of utility increases as an individual moves downward along the demandcurve.This is true. As the price of a good falls, the budget line pivots outwards and the consumer isable to move to a higher indifference curve.c.Engel curves always slope upwards.This is false. The Engel curve identifies the relationship between the quantity demanded of agood and income, all else the same. If the good is inferior, then as income increases, quantitydemanded will decrease, and the Engel curve will slope downwards.5. Which of the following combinations of goods are complements and which are substitutes? Could they be either in different circumstances? Discuss.a. a mathematics class and an economics classIf the math class and the economics class do not conflict in scheduling, then the classes couldbe either complements or substitutes. The math class may illuminate economics, and theeconomics class can motivate mathematics. If the classes conflict, they are substitutes.b. tennis balls and a tennis racketTennis balls and a tennis racket are both needed to play a game of tennis, thus they arecomplements.c. steak and lobsterFoods can both complement and substitute for each other. Steak and lobster can compete, i.e.,be substitutes, when they are listed as separate items on a menu. However, they can alsofunction as complements because they are often served together.d. a plane trip and a train trip to the same destinationTwo modes of transportation between the same two points are substitutes for one another.e. bacon and eggsBacon and eggs are often eaten together and are, therefore, complementary goods. Byconsidering them in relation to something else, such as pancakes, bacon and eggs can functionas substitutes.7. Which of the following events would cause a movement along the demand curve for U.S.-produced clothing, and which would cause a shift in the demand curve?a. the removal of quotas on the importation of foreign clothesThe removal of quotas will shift the demand curve inward for domestically-produced clothes,because foreign-produced goods are substitutes for domestically-produced goods. Both theequilibrium price and quantity will fall as foreign clothes are traded in a free marketenvironment.b. an increase in the income of U.S. citizensWhen income rises, expenditures on normal goods such as clothing increase, causing thedemand curve to shift out. The equilibrium quantity and price will increase.c. a cut in the industry’s costs of producing domestic clothes that is passed on to the market in theform of lower clothing pricesA cut in an industry’s costs will shift the supply curve out. The equilibri um price will fall andquantity will increase. There is a movement along the demand curve.9. Suppose that the average household in a state consumes 800 gallons of gasoline per year. A 20-cent gasoline tax is introduced, coupled with a $160 annual tax rebate per household. Will the household be better or worse off under the new program?If the household does not change its consumption of gasoline, it will be unaffected by the tax-rebate program, because in this case the household pays 0.20*800=$160 in taxes and receives$160 as an annual tax rebate. The two effects would cancel each other out. To the extent thatthe household reduces its gas consumption through substitution, it must be better off. Thenew budget line (price change plus rebate) will pass through the old consumption point of 800gallons of gasoline, and any now affordable bundle that contains less gasoline must be on ahigher indifference curve. The household will not choose any bundle with more gasolinebecause these bundles are all inside the old budget line, and hence are inferior to the bundlewith 800 gallons of gas.11. Explain which of the following items in each pair is more price elastic.a.The demand for a specific brand of toothpaste and the demand for toothpaste in general.The demand for a specific brand is more elastic since the consumer can easily switch toanother brand if the price goes up.b.The demand for gasoline in the short run and the demand for gasoline in the long run.Demand in the long run is more elastic since consumers have had more time to adjust to thechange in price.1. An individual sets aside a certain amount of his income per month to spend on his two hobbies, collecting wine and collecting books. Given the information below, illustrate both the price consumption curve associated with changes in the price of wine, and the demand curve for wine.The price consumption curve connects each of the four optimal bundles given in the tableabove. As the price of wine increases, the budget line will pivot inwards and the optimalbundle will change.4. a. Orange juice and apple juice are known to be perfect substitutes. Draw the appropriate price-consumption (for a variable price of orange juice) and income-consumption curves.We know that the indifference curves for perfect substitutes will be straight lines. In this case,the consumer will always purchase the cheaper of the two goods. If the price of orange juice isless than that of apple juice, the consumer will purchase only orange juice and the priceconsumption curve will be on the “orange juice axis” of the graph (point F). If apple juice ischeaper, the consumer will purchase only apple juice and the price consumption curve will beon the “apple juice axis” (point E). If the two goods have the same price, the consumer will beindifferent between the two; the price consumption curve will coincide with the indifferencecurve (between E and F). See the figure below.Assuming that the price of orange juice is less than the price of apple juice, the consumer willmaximize her utility by consuming only orange juice. As the level of income varies, only theamount of orange juice varies. Thus, the income consumption curve will be the “orange juiceaxis” in the figure below.4.b. Left shoes and right shoes are perfect complements. Draw the appropriate price-consumption and income-consumption curves.For goods that are perfect complements, such as right shoes and left shoes, we know that theindifference curves are L-shaped. The point of utility maximization occurs when the budgetconstraints, L1 and L2 touch the kink of U1 and U2. See the following figure.In the case of perfect complements, the income consumption curve is also a line through thecorners of the L-shaped indifference curves. See the figure below.6. Two individuals, Sam and Barb, derive utility from the hours of leisure (L) they consume and fromthe amount of goods (G) they consume. In order to maximize utility they need to allocate the 24 hours in the day between leisure hours and work hours. Assume that all hours not spent working areleisure hours. The price of a good is equal to $1 and the price of leisure is equal to the hourly wage. We observe the following information about the choices that the two individuals make:Graphically illustrate Sam’s leisure demand curve and Barb’s leisure demand curve. Place price on the vertical axis and leisure on the horizontal axis. Given that they both maximize utility, how can you explain the difference in their leisure demand curves?It is important to remember that less leisure implies more hours spent working at the higher wage. Sam’s leisure demand curve is downward sloping. As the price of leisure (the wage)rises, he chooses to consume less leisure to spend more time working at a higher wage tobuy more goods. Barb’s leisure demand curve is upward sloping. As the price of leisurerises, she chooses to consume more leisure since her working hours are generating more income. This difference in demand can be explained by examining the income andsubstitution effects for the two individuals. The substitution effect measures the effect of thechange in the price of leisure, keeping utility constant (the budget line will rotate around the current indifference curve). Since the substitution effect is always negative, a rise in theprice of leisure will cause both individuals to consume less leisure. The income effectmeasures the change in purchasing power caused by the change in the price of leisure. Here, when the price of leisure (the wage) rises, there is an increase in purchasing power (the newbudget line will shift outwards). Assuming both individuals consider leisure to be a normalgood (this is not a necessary assumption for Sam), then the increase in purchasing powerwill increase demand for leisure. For Sam, the reduction in leisure demand caused by the substitution effect outweighs the increase in demand for leisure caused by the income effect.For Barb, her income effect is larger than her substitution effect.7. The director of a theatre company in a small college town is considering changing the way he prices tickets. He has hired an economic consulting firm to estimate the demand for tickets. The firm has classified people who go the theatre into two groups, and has come up with two demand functions. The demand curves for the general public (Q gp ) and students (Q s ) are given below.Q gp =500-5PQ s =200-4Pa. Graph the two demand curves on one graph, with P on the vertical axis and Q on the horizontal axis. If the current price of tickets is $35, identify the quantity demanded by eachgroup.Both demand curves are downward sloping and linear. For the general public, the vertical intercept is 100 and the horizontal intercept is 500. For the students, the vertical interceptis 50 and the horizontal intercept is 200. The general public demands Q gp =500-5(35)=325tickets and the students demand Q s =200-4(35)=60 tickets.b. Find the price elasticity of demand for each group at the current price and quantity.The elasticity for the general public is εgp=-5(35)325=-0.54 and the elasticity for the students is εgp =-4(35)60=-2.33. If the price of tickets increases by one percent then the general public will demand .54% fewer tickets and the students will demand 2.33% fewertickets.c. Is the director maximizing the revenue he collects from ticket sales by charging $35 for eachticket? Explain.No he is not maximizing revenue since neither one of the calculated elasticities is equal to –1.Since demand by the general public is inelastic at the current price, the director could increase the price and quantity demanded would fall by a smaller amount in percentageterms, causing revenue to increase. Since demand by the students is elastic at the currentprice, the director could decrease the price and quantity demanded would increase by alarger amount in percentage terms, causing revenue to increase.d. What price should he charge each group if he wants to maximize revenue collected from ticketsales?To figure this out, find the formula for elasticity, set it equal to –1, and solve for price and quantity. For the general public:εgp =-5PQ=-15P=Q=500-5PP=50Q=250.For the students:εs =-4PQ=-14P=Q=200-4PP=25Q=100.9. The ACME Corporation determines that at current prices the demand for its computer chips has a price elasticity of -2 in the short run, while the price elasticity for its disk drives is -1.a. If the corporation decides to raise the price of both products by 10 percent, what will happen toits sales? To its sales revenue?We know the formula for the elasticity of demand is:EQP P=%%∆∆.For computer chips, E P = -2, so a 10 percent increase in price will reduce the quantity sold by20 percent. For disk drives, E P = -1, so a 10 percent increase in price will reduce sales by 10percent.Sales revenue is equal to price times quantity sold. Let TR1 = P1Q1 be revenue before the pricechange and TR2 = P2Q2 be revenue after the price change.For computer chips:∆TR cc = P2Q2 - P1Q1∆TR cc= (1.1P1 )(0.8Q1 ) - P1Q1 = -0.12P1Q1, or a 12 percent decline.For disk drives:∆TR dd = P2Q2 - P1Q1∆TR dd = (1.1P1 )(0.9Q1 ) - P1Q1 = -0.01P1Q1, or a 1 percent decline.Therefore, sales revenue from computer chips decreases substantially, -12 percent, while thesales revenue from disk drives is almost unchanged, -1 percent. Note that at the point on thedemand curve where demand is unit elastic, total revenue is maximized.b. Can you tell from the available information which product will generate the most revenue forthe firm? If yes, why? If not, what additional information do you need?No. Although we know the responsiveness of demand to changes in price, we need to knowboth quantities and prices of the products to determine total sales revenue.10. By observing an individual’s behavior in the situations outlined below, determine the relevant income elasticities of demand for each good (i.e., whether the good is normal or inferior). If you cannot determine the income elasticity, what additional information might you need?a. Bill spends all his income on books and coffee. He finds $20 while rummaging through a usedpaperback bin at the bookstore. He immediately buys a new hardcover book of poetry.Books are a normal good since his consumption of books increases with income. Coffee is anormal or neutral good since consumption of coffee did not fall when income increased.b. Bill loses $10 he was going to use to buy a double espresso. He decides to sell his new book at adiscount to his friend and use the money to buy coffee.Coffee is clearly a normal good.c. Being bohemian becomes the latest teen fad. As a result, coffee and book prices rise by 25percent. Bill lowers his consumption of both goods by the same percentage.Books and coffee are both normal goods since his response to a decline in real income is todecrease consumption of both goods.d. Bill drops out of art school and gets an M.B.A. instead. He stops reading books and drinkingcoffee. Now he reads The Wall Street Journal and drinks bottled mineral water.His tastes have changed completely, and we do not know exactly how he would respond toprice and income changes. We need more information regarding his new level of income, andrelative prices of the goods to determine the income elasticities.11. Suppose the income elasticity of demand for food is 0.5, and the price elasticity of demand is –1.0. Suppose also that Felicia spends $10,000 a year on food, the price of food is $2, and her income is $25,000.a.If a sales tax on food were to cause the price of food to increase to $2.50, what wouldhappen to her consumption of food? (Hint: Since a large price change is involved, youshould assume that the price elasticity measures an arc elasticity, rather than a pointelasticity.)The price of food increases from $2 to $2.50, so arc elasticity should be used:.We know that E P = -1, P = 2, ∆P = 0.5, and Q=5000. We also know that Q2, the new quantity, is Thus, if there is no change in income, we may solve for ∆Q:-1=∆Q0.5⎛⎝⎫⎭2+2.525,000+5,000+∆Q()2⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪⎪⎪.By cross-multiplying and rearranging terms, we find that ∆Q = -1,000. This means that she decreases her consumption of food from 5,000 to 4,000 units.b.Suppose that she is given a tax rebate of $2,500 to ease the effect of the sales tax.What would her consumption of food be now?A tax rebate of $2,500 implies an income increase of $2,500. To calculate the response of demand to the tax rebate, use the definition of the arc elasticity of income..We know that E I= 0.5, I = 25,000, ∆I = 2,500, Q = 4,000 (from the answer to 11.a). Assuming no change in price, we solve for ∆Q.0.5=∆Q2,500⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪25,000+27,50024,000+4,000+∆Q()2⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪⎪⎪.By cross-multiplying and rearranging terms, we find that ∆Q= 195 (approximately). This means that she increases her consumption of food from 4,000 to 4,195 units.c.Is she better or worse off when given a rebate equal to the sales tax payments? Draw agraph and explain.Felicia is likely to be better off after the rebate. The amount of the rebate is enough to allow her to purchase her original bundle of food and other goods. Recall that originally she consumed 5000 units of food. When the price went up by fifty cents per unit, she needed an extra 5000*$0.50=$2,500 to afford the same quantity of food without reducing the quantity of the other goods consumed. This is the exact amount of the rebate. However, she did not choose to return to her original bundle. We can therefore infer that she found a better bundle that gave her a higher level of utility. In the graph below, when the price of food increases, the budget line will pivot inwards. When the rebate is given, this new budget line will shift outwards. The bundle after the rebate is on that part of the new budget line that was previously unaffordable, and that lies above the original indifference curve.13. Suppose you are in charge of a toll bridge that costs essentially nothing to operate. The demand for bridge crossings Q is given by P =15-12Q . a. Draw the demand curve for bridge crossings. The demand curve is linear and downward sloping. The vertical intercept is 15 and thehorizontal intercept is 30.b.How many people would cross the bridge if there were no toll? At a price of zero, the quantity demanded would be 30. c. What is the loss of consumer surplus associated with a bridge toll of $5?If the toll is $5 then the quantity demanded is 20. The lost consumer surplus is the area below the price line of $5 and to the left of the demand curve. The lost consumer surplus canbe calculated as (5*20)+0.5(5*10)=$125.d. The toll bridge operator is considering an increase in the toll to $7. At this new higher price, how many people would cross the bridge? Would the toll bridge revenueincrease or decrease? What does your answer tell you about the elasticity of demand?At a toll of $7, the quantity demanded would be 16. The initial toll revenue was $5*20=$100.The new toll revenue is $7*16=$112. Since the revenue went up when the toll was increased, demand is inelastic (the increase in price (40%) outweighed the decline in quantitydemanded (20%)).e. Find the lost consumer surplus associated with the increase in the price of the tollfrom $5 to $7.The lost consumer surplus is (7-5)*16+0.5(7-5)(20-16)=$36.。
3.解答:(1)由生产数Q=2KL-0.5L2-0.5K2,且K=10,可得短期生产函数为:Q=20L-0.5L2-0.5*102=20L-0.5L2-50于是,根据总产量、平均产量和边际产量的定义,有以下函数:劳动的总产量函数TP L=20L-0.5L2-50劳动的平均产量函数AP L=20-0.5L-50/L劳动的边际产量函数MP L=20-L(2)关于总产量的最大值:20-L=0解得L=20所以,劳动投入量为20时,总产量达到极大值。
关于边际产量的最大值:由劳动的边际产量函数MP L=20-L可知,边际产量曲线是一条斜率为负的直线。
第二章重要的概念均衡价格需求需求函数供给供给函数需求价格弹性需求量的变动需求的变动供求定理供给的价格弹性需求收入弹性需求的交叉价格弹性恩格尔定律简答:1、影响需求和供给变动的因素2 需求和供给的变动对均衡价格、均衡数量产生怎样的影响?2 影响需求价格弹性的因素有哪些?3 何为需求价格弹性?需求价格弹性的大小与销售收入变动有何关系?4、运用供求定理分析说明“谷贱伤农”画图:需求曲线供给曲线均衡价格的决定需求的变动和需求曲线的移动供给的变动和供给曲线的移动需求供给的变动对均衡的影响需求的价格弧弹性的五种类型线性需求曲线的点弹性的几何表示线性需求曲线的点弹性的五种类型需求弹性与销售收入公式:需求的价格点弹性需求的价格弧弹性供给的价格弹性需求的交叉价格弹性计算:课后习题第三章重要的概念预算线总效用和边际效用边际效用递减规律无差异曲线消费者均衡商品的边际替代率边际替代率递减吉芬物品消费者剩余恩格尔曲线收入效应替代效应简答:1.根据基数效用理论,边际效用与总效用的关系是怎样的?2.基数效用论是如何推导需求曲线的?3.序数效用论是如何推导需求曲线的?4.序数效用论是如何说明价格——消费曲线的?5.什么是边际替代率递减规律?为什么边际替代率是递减的6.无差异曲线的特征7.消费者偏好的假定8.书104页的表3-4画图:1. 用图形分析吉芬物品的替代效应和收入效应,并说明其需求曲线的特征。
2. 用图形分析正常物品的替代效应和收入效应,并说明其需求曲线的特征。
3. 由消费者的收入---消费曲线推导消费者的恩格尔曲线4. 消费者剩余5. 预算线的变动6. 价格---消费曲线7、收入---消费曲线公式:消费者效用最大化的均衡条件商品的边际替代率计算:课后作业第四章重要的概念生产函数固定替代(投入)比例生产函数边际产量等产量曲线边际技术替代率边际报酬递减规律等成本线扩展线规模报酬递增(递减、不变)规模报酬简答:1.在一种可变投入生产函数条件下,厂商应如何确定可变要素的合理投入区域?2.结合图形说明厂商在既定成本条件下实现最大产量的最优要素组合原则。
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微观经济学课程考试试卷 4 卷1、下列事物中那个不具备稀缺性( A )A.空气B.矿泉水C.食物D.安全保卫2、下列短语可有用机会成本予以解释的是(A )A.杀鸡焉用牛刀B.物以稀为贵C.买卖不成仁义在D.薄利多销3、在得出某种商品的个人需求曲线时,下列因素除( D )外均保持不变。
A.个人收入B.其余商品的价格C.个人偏好D.商品本身的价格4、劣质品需求的收入弹性为(B )。
A.正B.负C.零D.难以确定5、当总效用增加时,边际效用应该:(A )。
A.为正值,但不断减少B.为正值,且不断增加C.为负值,且不断减少D.以上都不对6、预算线的位置和斜率取决于( C )。
A.消费者的收入B.消费者的偏好、收入和商品的价格C.消费者的收入和商品的价格7、在生产的有效区域内,等产量曲线( D )。
A.凸向原点B.不能相交C.负向倾斜D.述说法都对8、在完全竞争市场上,某厂商的产量是500,总收益是500,总成本是800,总不变成本是200,边际成本是1,按照利润最大原则,他应该(B )A.增加产量B.停止生产C.减少产量D.以上都可以9、生产者剩余等于( D )。
10、在完全竞争但是存在外部成本的情况下,产品的最优产量应该(C )。
(√)21、边际替代率:在维持效用水平不变的前提下,消费者每增加一单位某种商品的消费须放弃的另一种商品数量,公式:MRS12= -(△X2/△X1)。