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Part II Vocabulary and Grammar

I. Choose the best answer:20’

26. Which of the underline parts has the different pronunciation from the others?

A business

B luckily

C assistant

D simple

27. It’s _________honor for every guest to be involved to ________dinner.

A. a, a B an,/ C an, the D /,/

28. There are various kinds of _________in this river, and I have caught three ______so far.

A. fish, fish B fishes, fishes C fish, fishes D fishes, fish

29. Mr. Bean as well as the other passengers ________quite angry ________the delay.

A. are, with B are, about C is, with D is, at

30. ------You are always full of _________. Can you tell me the secret?

------ Taking plenty of exercise every day.

A. energy B strength C force D power

31. The teacher who _______a class is a class teacher.

A. is in charge of B is in the charge of

C is responsibility for

D in charge of

32. Since everyone is here, let’s get down to business. What does the underlined part mean?

A. buying or selling goods B company

C matters that need to be dealt with

D trade

33. In the past few years, Dr. Sun __________great success in the field of science.

A. has achieved B achieved C had achieved D achieves

34. I remember ________him 200 Yuan last week, but he forgets ______the money to me.

A. lending, to return

B. to lend, to return

C. lending, returning

D. to lend, returning

35. You are sure to learn the subject well ________ you find the right way.

A. until

B. through

C.as long as

D. unless

36. _______, you need to give all you have and try your best.

A. Being a winner

B. To be a winter

C. Be a winner

D. Having been a winner

37. He likes pop music, so he _______go to the corner tomorrow night, but I’m not sure.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. should

38. Sorry, madam. This kind of laptops _______ out. Look! Laptops of that kind also _________well.

A. have been sold, sell

B. sells, have been sold

C. have been sold, sold

D. have been sold ,sell

39. Parents often expect their children ________all the things that they couldn’t do in the past.

A. did

B. doing

C.to do


40. It’s time to __________these foolish ideas and become serious.

A. put away

B. put up

C. put up with

D. put out

41. My brother is going to Japan ________next May and he will stay there for _______.

A. some time, some times

B. sometime, some time

C. sometimes, some time D some times ,sometimes
