小学五年级英语 5AUnit2第三课时教案

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●三、课题:A new house 四、课型:新授课

●五、教学内容:单元Part E、F、H


1.进一步掌握句型What’ s in/ on/ under/ behind …?及其回答There is a… in/ on/ under/ behind…./ There are some …in/ on/ under/ behind…。



4. Say a rhyme“Do you like my house?”





1.T: Boys and girls,nice to see you again. Before we start our lesson, let’s enjoy a rhyme first.同学们,很高兴又和大家见面了,在上课之前,我们先来欣赏一首儿歌吧。PPT3

2.T: Now, look at the picture of the text and answer my questions.下面请大家看屏幕上的图片,回答老师的问题。PPT4

How many rooms are there in my house?

What are they?

3.T: Good, now let’s check the answer. 核对一下答案,你答对了吗?PP5

4.T:Boys and girls, can you tell me what’s in the p icture?请大家看图告诉老师,图片里有什么?PPT6


1. Practice the dialogue:

T: Here I have another picture for you. Can you ask a question according to the picture? 现在屏幕上又有一幅图片,你们能根据这幅图片提些什么问题呢?PPT7

T: Great! We can ask‘ What’s behind the door?’

We can ask ‘Where are the umbrellas?’

And we also can ask ‘Are there any umbrellas behind the door?’T: You did a good job! I’ll show you another picture. You can use the sentences to ask and answer with your partner.现在老师就给大家一幅图片,你们可以用刚刚的三个句型跟同桌互相问答。PPT8

T: 大家都讨论好了吗?

2.Part F

T: Look carefully, boys and girls. There are some differences in these two pictures.同学们请仔细看屏幕上的两幅图,他们之间有什么不同?PPT9 Look, there is a book on the desk in Picture 1. But there isn’t a book on the desk in Picture 2. Can you make sentences like this?你会象老师这样造句吗?

T: Good, you also can say ‘ There are some glasses on the desk in Picture 2. There aren’t any glasses on the desk in Picture 1.’T: Now, open your books. You can see two pictures on page 20. Please make some sentences according to the pictures.请大家打开书,第


T:Now, let’s check our answer. 让我们来核对一下答案吧。PPT11


3.Part E

T: Boys and girls, do you feel tired? Let’s have a rest. Here I have a story for you. Would you like to listen to it?同学们让我门休息一下吧。我们一起来听一个故事,怎么样?PPT12

T: I think it’s a funny story. Let’s read it sentence by sentence. You can open your books. Part E.请同学们打开书,E部分,我们


4. Part G

T: Now, please look at the screen, kids.PPT14 Can you read these words?

T:That’s right. Black, happy, hat, rabbit.你都读对了吗?

T: Can you read this sentence now? (等待几秒)

T: Yes. The rabbit in the black hat looks very happy.

Here the letter “a” pronounced /A/.Can you give me some similar words?你还能举一些例词吗?

S: Bag, map, glad, apple.

T: Great!

5. Part H

T: At the beginning of the lesson we enjoyed the rhyme‘Do you like my house’, now let’s learn to read it. 在本节课开始的时候我们一起欣赏了小诗‘Do you like my house’,下面我们就一起来学一学吧。

(总结:Today we learned Part E, F, G, H of Unit 2. We learned a funny story and a nice rhyme. I hope you can tell the story to your parents and review Unit 2 by yourselves after class. 同学们,今天我们学习了第二单元的E,F,G,H部分。我们学了一则有趣的故事和一首儿歌。希望大家在课后可以把这个故事讲给你的父母听,并认真地复习本单元内容。好了,今天的内容就到这里了,同学们再见。)

