名胜古迹介绍 英文PPT

Here we are! 我们到
了L!et’s rock and roll! 我们出 发吧!
Tian’an Square天安 门
Chengtian Men--1417
Tian’an Men—1651—main entrance to the Imperical City
Welcome to Beijing
Province Tian’an
! Chang’a
n Street
the Monument
to thly step this way!请往 这边走!
Tian’an Men Square
the Largest City Square in the World
the Symbol of modern
a Glorious Page of the
Birth of
1、scenic spot 景点 2、sightseeing 观光景点 3、Have endured times and changes 饱经沧桑 4、the Palace Museum 故宫 5、the Portrait of Chairman Mao 毛主席的肖像 6、the Gate of Heavenly Peace 天安门 7、Founding Ceremony 开国大典 8、Chang’an Street 长安街 9、the Monument to the People’s Heroes 人民英 雄纪念碑

天安门广场东侧,东长安街南侧, 与人民大会堂相对称布局,是在
史的综合性博Na物ti馆on。al Museum of China in Tiananmen Square
in central Beijing east, East Chang An Avenue
assembly hall is located on
inside Peking Olympic park, the north of the stalk
line in city in Peking carry of east side. Construct
area 258,000 kilometer, accumulate 204,000 kilometer
with the ground. In 2008 Olympic game period,
Olympic Forest Park undertake game activities, such as opening ceremony,
closing ceremony, track and field events and man
容纳100T万ia人n'。anmen Square is one of the largest city
中国国家博物馆 an ancient Chinese system display comprehensive

of Bird‘s Nest, it contains the official 2008 Olympics swimming facility. It measures
177 meters long, 177meters wide, and 30 meters high. It owns 17,000 seats,
Two years after Beijing Olympic end, half of the stadium was built a water park that called Water Cube Water Park. Beijing Water Cube Water Park has also become the largest indoor water park in Asia.
Design Idea
They just exposed the steel structures entirely and let them become the most natural appearance. The form of the stadium looks like a big nest which embraces human beings.
including the 11,000 temporary seats and 6,000 permanent seats.
Design Idea
Designed by Chinese and Australian, it is the first building in the world built upon "nd sports a polyhedral 9 steel-framed structure.

when the night comes. From inside the stadium, there look like show off their blue and white elegant color to the outside of the stadium. Visitors can see it from the outside, bright blue colors that shine make Beijing Water Cube look more calm, quiet and cold when night comes.
The design combines modern technologies with Chinese traditional values. In tradition, Chinese conceptualized a square Earth and a round Heaven, and this formed the design's central theme. Moreover, the cube shape dominates ancient urban buildings. Its design is of traditional style to meet all its functional requirements.
History of Beijing hutong
In the past, Beijing was composed of hundreds of courtyards around the Forbidden City, and these lanes stretched out in all four directions, connecting the different kinds of courtyards in the city. Although originally formed in the Yuan Dynasty, the building of the these developed fast during the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the Yuan Dynasty, there were about 29 Hutongs, while in the Ming Dynasty, this number increased to 1,070. In the Qing Dynasty, it grew to 2,076. It is said that by 1949 there were as many as 3,250. But with the passage of time, and the requirement for city construction, the number of them has fallen dramatically. In 2003, only 1,500 were left, and now no more than 1,000 remain. Thus, protecting them is an urgent problem for modern people.
北京介绍 英文ppt

➢Pure white wild duck
Beijing snacks
北京介绍 英文ppt
How I would travel
Arrive by train Go with friends Live in hotel Go to see some places Bus, Taxi, Subway 3days
北京介绍 英文ppt
Forial palace
Temple of Heaven
➢the centre of imperial ritual ceremony
北京介绍 英文ppt
➢Parents have been there
北京介绍 英文ppt
Tiananmen Square
➢the largest city square in the world
The Great Wall
➢a world-renowned scenic spot
Skiing Target shooting Acrobatic shows and nightlife
北京介绍 英文ppt
Attractions—cultural art
Peking opera
➢ a principle tradition
Blue of Jingtai
北京介绍 英文ppt
Northern capital
北京介绍 英文ppt
About Beijing

北京的旅游景点英语介绍Beijing, the capital city of China, is home to a plethora of amazing tourist attractions that showcase the country's rich history, culture, and natural beauty. 北京作为中国的首都,拥有许多令人惊叹的旅游景点,展示了这个国家丰富的历史、文化和自然之美。
One of the most iconic landmarks in Beijing is the Great Wall of China, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that stretches over 13,000 miles. 中国长城是北京最具标志性的地标之一,这处联合国教科文组织世界遗产横跨13000英里。
Another must-see attraction in Beijing is the Forbidden City, a massive palace complex that served as the imperial palace for centuries. 北京的另一个必游景点是故宫,这是一个规模庞大的宫殿建筑群,数个世纪以来一直是帝国的皇宫。
For those interested in traditional Chinese art and culture, the Summer Palace is a must-visit attraction in Beijing. 对于那些对传统中国艺术和文化感兴趣的人来说,颐和园是北京一处必去的景点。
In addition to its historical and cultural attractions, Beijing also offers visitors the chance to explore its natural beauty at places like Beihai Park and the Fragrant Hills. 除了历史和文化景点之外,北京还为游客提供了探索自然之美的机会,比如北海公园和香山。

It is located in the middle of Beijing, China, and now houses the Palace Museum.
Temple Of Heaven
Built between 1409 and 1420, the Temple of Heaven is one of Beijing"s most impressive parks in terms of Heaven is one of Beijing"s most impressive parks in terms of architecture, color and significance.
Building forbidden city started the 1406th year.
It took 14 years and about 200,000 workers to complete the complex.
It is protected by UNESCO.
Part of his name - Forbidden refers to the fact that no one could enter or leave the palace without the permission of the emperor.
Over several hundred years, in front of the Tiananmen, many democracy meetings and demonstrations are held.

tourists clad in clothes that made them the look-alikes
5Hale Waihona Puke The Palace Museum
The Palace Museum
The Palace Museum, known as the
Forbidden City in the West, located
in the centre of Beijing, covering an
area of 72 hectares, was the imperial
Peking Duck
Peking Duck
Peking Duck has the reputation of being the most delicious food in the world. The Chinese have a saying: Visitors to Beijing must do two things: climb the Great Wall and eat Peking Duck. While at Quan JuDe, ducks are roasted directly over flames from fruit-tree wood, at Bian Yi Fang roasting is done in closed containers fired with crop stalks. The best places to go for Peking Duck are Qianmen, Hepingmen and Wangfujing.

the Forbidden City 故宫博物院——紫禁城
palaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now,it is the best preserved palace all over the world and opened to people as a palace museum.
纪念碑呈方形,建筑面积为3000平方米。台座分两层, 四周环绕汉白玉栏杆,均有台阶。上层座呈方形。台 座上是大小两层须弥座。整座纪念碑用17000多块花 岗石和汉白玉砌成,肃穆庄严,雄伟壮观。
毛主席纪念堂位于天安门广场前 端,在人民英雄纪念碑和正阳门 之间。纪念堂整体为正方形,建 筑面积2万平方米,高33.6米。现 有10个厅室对外开放。
北京大学建立于1898年,它在中国被认为是最 好的,最有选择的大学之一。北京大学中国最 早正式成立的国立大学。北京大学是一个综合 性大学,同时也是国家重点大学。它屹立在圆 明园和颐和园附近。
Peking University was established in 1898.It is regarded as one of the best and the most selective universities in China. Peking University is the first formally established university, and the first national university of China. Peking University is a comprehensive and National key university. It stands near the Yuan Ming Gardens and the Summer Palace.

感 谢 你 来 过 , 不 遗 憾 你 离 开 。
使全县最大的骨干企业焕发出生机。国际威亮、北京联昌、武汉黎氏面粉、裕丰等一批相对大个头 的企业落户通许,相继开工建设,还有相当一批小个头企业正在建设,有的已投入生产。如长智镇 的肉联厂设备已经安装,还有奶品加工厂正在建设。玉皇庙镇的家具厂、朱砂镇的洗衣粉厂、竖岗 镇的植物油厂、板材厂等。这些都使我们的工业
经济总量上有了新发展。通过开放,引进资金,引进项目,引进技术,使我们的工业经济有所提升, 进而增加我们县的工业经济总量。我们的农业基础不错,历得到上级领导的认可,也是我们引以为 豪的优势。水利条件好,粮食产量高,农业结构调整也取一定成效。但是我们通过开放,通过用市 场的理念和抓工业的理念思考农业,认为我们
景区很安静,当安静与繁 华交织在一起时,除了有 文词错搭的感觉以外,似 乎还有一种现实的错位。 然而,当你身临其境时所 感觉到的不仅仅是她的硬 件文明,同样重要的还有 人文感觉。
景区很安静,当安静与繁 华交织在一起时,除了有 文词错搭的感觉以外,似 乎还有一种现实的错位。 然而,当你身临其境时所 感觉到的不仅仅是她的硬 件文明,同样重要的还有 人文感觉。
摩 登 景 区
景区很安静,当安静与繁华交织在一起时, 除了有文词错搭的感觉以外,似乎还有一种现实的错位。 然而,当你身临其境时所感觉到的不仅仅是她的硬件文明,同样重要的还有人文感觉。 因为我所看到的是连同城市里旅游的人们都有着特别的儒雅,不张扬,不喧哗,就像这座城市中的 建筑一样,充满了包容。
绚丽的霓虹灯凸显着东方明珠的辉煌,外滩的洋房讓人在这座城市中迷惘,黄浦江景耀眼 的光芒却有一种近代的沧桑。

3.The Great Wall at Badaling
4.Thirteen Tombs
1.Changling tomb
ma temple
1.It is comprised of five main halls and many galleries. This temple was first the palace offered to a prince. When he gained the throne, he offered it to the Tibetan Buddhists as the religious sacred place. 2. the biggest Buddha statue carved from a single tree.
ma temple
Joss sticks and candles
Eminent monk
7.Temple of Heaven
Page 10
7.Temple of Heaven
1.Becareful while encountering illegal tour organizers promoting the tours on the streets. 2.shopping
• That’s all~ • Thank you for listening~
1.Tiananmen square
• Chairman Mao's mausoleum
2.Forbidden City
• With over 9,000 rooms and over 250 acres, It burned down and was rebuilt, sacked and renovated for times, so most of the architecture you can see today dates back to the 18th century in the Qing Dynasty.

The Forbidden City
-----陈美均 NO:
Nowadays, when we talk about it, many Chinese people will call it “The Palace Museum”, but in many western countries, almost every brochure which introduces the old palace still use it’s old name “ The Forbidden City”. What the most western people interested in is to explore the mysterious atmosphere of ancient Chinese royal family that was presented in the movie The Last Emperor and oriental feudal autocratic system(封建帝制)
The Dong Hua Gate to the east
The Xi Hua Gate to the west
The spiritual valour to the north
(the Palace of Heavenly Purity)
the hall of union
This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City.

The Bird’s Nest in the night
Tourists can not only visit the Olympic venue, but also go skiing in winter
Beijing Aquatics Stadium
Located on the west side of Landscape Avenue in the Olympic Green and to the west
of Bird‘s Nest, it contains the official 2008 Olympics swimming facility. It measures
177 meters long, 177meters wide, and 30 meters high. It owns 17,000 seats,
National Stadium
Affectionately known as Bird's Nest, it is situated in Olympic Green Village, It was designed as the main stadium of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The Olympic events of track and field, football, weight throw and discus were held there. Since October, 2008, after the Olympics ended, it has been opened as a tourist attraction.
The design combines modern technologies with Chinese traditional values. In tradition, Chinese conceptualized a square Earth and a round Heaven, and this formed the design's central theme. Moreover, the cube shape dominates ancient urban buildings. Its design is of traditional style to meet all its functional requirements.

Must See Places in Beijing
Beijing is unarguably one of the most visited places in the world. Every year finds millions of people come to Beijing to see the capital of China, a fast changing metropolitan city of old and new. Beijing is a sleepless city, so you can easily find something for you at any time for whatever you like.
NO.2 Great Wall at Badaling
The Great Wall was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. It runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys . It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world. The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years.
NO.1 Forbidden City
The Palace Museum, known as the Forbidden City in the West, located in the centre of Beijing,covering an area of 72 hectares,was the imperial palaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now,it is the best preserved palace all over the world and opened to people as a palace museum.

Beijing, the capital of China, is a city full of history and culture. Here are some of the main tourist attractions in Beijing:The Forbidden City - This is the largest ancient wooden building complex in the world. It was the royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and is now a museum open to the public.The Great Wall of China - This is a series of fortifications built along the northern borders of China to protect against invasions. The Great Wall is a World Heritage site and one of the new seven wonders of the world.The Summer Palace - This is a beautiful皇家园林in Beijing, known for its scenic beauty and rich cultural heritage. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Beijing.The Temple of Heaven - This is a complex of temples and pavilions located in the southern part of Beijing. It was built in the Ming and Qing dynasties and is now a popular place for tourists to visit.The National Stadium - Also known as the Bird's Nest, this is the main stadium of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It has a unique design and is a popular tourist destination in Beijing.The National Aquatics Center - Also known as the Water Cube, this is another iconic building from the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It is now a tourist attraction with various water-related activities and exhibitions.The Fragrant Hills - These are a group of hills located northwest of Beijing, known for their beautiful scenery and cultural significance. It is a popular place for hiking and sightseeing. These are just some of the many tourist attractions in Beijing, and there are still many more to discover. Whether you are interested in history, culture, or natural beauty, Beijing has something for everyone.。
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Design Idea
They just exposed the steel structures entirely and let them become the most natural appearance. The form of the stadium looks like a big nest which embraces human beings.
when the night comes. From inside the stadium, there look like show off their blue and white elegant color to the outside of the stadium. Visitors can see it from the outside, bright blue colors that shine make Beijing Water Cube look more calm, quiet and cold when night comes.
The design combines modern technologies with Chinese traditional values. In
tradition, Chinese conceptualized a square Earth and a round Heaven, and this formed the design's central theme. Moreover, the cube shape dominates ancient urban buildings. Its design is of traditional style to meet all its functionalቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱrequirements.
including the 11,000 temporary seats and. 6,000 permanent seats.
Design Idea
Designed by Chinese and Australian, it is the first building in the world built upon "the soap bubble" .theory, and sports a polyhedral 9 steel-framed structure.
of Bird‘s Nest, it contains the official 2008 Olympics swimming facility. It measures
177 meters long, 177meters wide, and 30 meters high. It owns 17,000 seats,
It looks like a huge blue box, from which it takes its nickname: the Water Cube. It is blue in order to reflect sunlight. It shines in the sunlight like a pearl in water. From the inside, you may discover that the pneumatic cushions of all sizes are just like sea bubbles. Beijing Water Cube will also more beautiful.
The Design Advantages
In it, the designs of everything are humanistic. The bowl-like stands zone surrounds the court. No matter where the spectator is seated, the whole game can be seen without any visual obstruction. The stadium adopted the electro-acoustic public-address system. It makes the index of voice definition reaches 0.6. This number assures that all the audience can hear the broadcast very clearly.
National Stadium
Affectionately known as Bird's Nest, it is situated in Olympic Green Village, It was designed as the main stadium of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The Olympic events of track and field, football, weight throw and discus were held there. Since October, 2008, after the Olympics ended, it has been opened as a tourist attraction.
Two years after Beijing Olympic end, half of the stadium was built a water park that called Water Cube Water Park. Beijing Water Cube Water Park has also become the largest indoor water park in Asia.
The Bird’s Nest in the night
Tourists can not only visit the Olympic venue, but also go skiing in winter
Beijing Aqua.tics Stadium
Located on the west side of Landscape Avenue in the Olympic Green and to the west