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1.No one except Jack and Tom ________ the answer.

A. are knows

B. is knowing

C. knows

D. know

2.Nothing but cars_______ in the shop.

A. are going to sell

B. were sold

C. are sold

D. is sold

3.Here is a message of importance to every man and every woman who_______ .

A. votes

B. vote

C. voting

D. are


4.Politics_______ one of the subjects that I study.

A. are

B. is G. were D. was

5. _______ a lready been interviewed.

A. A number of applicants have

B. A number of applicants has

C. The number of applicants have

D. The number of applicants has

6. _______ i s misused in the sentence.

A. A word or two

B. One or two words

C. One and two words

D. Many words

7.There _______ priceless jewellery on display at the exhibition hall.

A. are

B. have

C. is

D. has

8.I am the one who________ w rong.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. have


9.Each of the footballers________ over 150 pounds.

A. weigh

B. weighs

C. weights

D. were


10.Half of the material ________ away.

A. has been taken

B. are taken

C. have been taken

D. were


11.The manager or his assistant ________planning to go.

A. was

B. were

C. has

D. will

12.There _______ in this room.

A. are too many furnitures

B. are too much furniture

C. are too much furnitures

D. is too much furniture

13.His brother rather than his parents ________ .

A. are to be blamed

B. is to blame

C. are to blame

D. is to be blamed

14. What caused the accident and who was responsible for it_______ a mystery to us.

A. has been remained

B. have been remained

C. remain

D. remains

15. To know merely the main facts________ enough.

A. are

B. be

C. being

D. is

16. Watering the flowers and looking after the children________ all I have to do every


A. are

B. is

C. was

D. were

17. Each boy and each girl________ a new book.

A. have gone

B. has gone

C. have got

D. has got

18. American and Dutch beer ________ b oth much lighter than British.

A. are

B. is

C. were

D. was

19. It is not I but you who________ the first to run to the goal in that competition.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. is going


20. Every means________ been tried since then.

A. has

B. have

C. are

D. is

21. One and a half bananas________ o n the table.

A. are left

B. is left

C. have left

D. has left

22. There _______ in this room.

A. are too many rooms

B. are too much room

C. are plenty of rooms

D. is plenty of room
