



















































《报关实务》课程标准一、管理信息课程代码:制订人:所属系部:经济贸易系批准人:制订时间:2017年7月20日二、基本信息学分:4学时:64学时,其中理论教学:32 学时,实践教学:32 学时课程类型:专业基础课适用专业:物流管理先修课:《国际贸易实务》后修课:《商品编码》三、课程定位《报关实务》是报关专业的一门必修课。




























Teaching Syllabus of The Practice of the Customs DeclarationCourse Title:The Practice of The Customs DeclarationApplicable Specialty:International Trade of Higher Vocational CollegesCredit Hour:72hoursCredit:4credits1.Preface1.1Course DescriptionThe Practice of the Customs Declaration is an outreach course for students majoring in International Trade in higher vocational colleges.This course focuses on fostering professionalism and expertise of talents in customs declaration.Students shall complete The Operation of Export Business,The Operation of Import Business and The Operation of Foreign Trade Documents before this course and The Operation of Foreign Trade Order Supervision following this course.1.2Course DesignThis course has been developed according to the Specification of Services for Customs Brokerage,Requirements of Service Quality for Customs Brokerage and Tentative National Professionalism Standards for Customs Declarer published by the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China.It also originates from researches on cooperation between the businesses and colleges.Firstly,typical tasks have been identified;secondly,the basic knowledge and professional capabilities have been determined.Based on the knowledge and capabilities summarized,learning projects,processes and content have been designed carefully in accordance with customs declaration processes of specific customs supervision modes.Progression has been considered in this course as all the operation tasks from all the learning projects are arranged in an order of increasing difficulty.Vocational capabilities would be improved through such teaching and learning processes based on the working processes.The students would enhance their abilities of autonomous learning and problem solving.Besides the vocational skills,team spirit,cooperation,problemsolving and other abilities would also be developed through the case operation,group learning,flipped classroom,role play etc.Professionalism has been included and emphasized frombeginning to end to foster comprehensive and sustainable capabilities.2.Course Objectives2.1Knowledge ObjectivesAfter completing this course,students shall acquire knowledge related to customs,customs management system,customs declaration and related management system as well as relevantlaws,and comprehend China’s foreign trade supervision systems and measures,HS coding system,customs valuation,origin management,import and export taxation basics.2.2Capability ObjectivesAfter completing this course,students shall be able to negotiate and conclude the brokerage contract of customs declaration,obtain and check customs documents,identify HS codes andcountry of origin,calculate and examine taxation and fees,and prepare,implement and managecustoms declaration schemes.2.2.1Specialized capabilities:The students shall be able to negotiate and concludebrokerage contract of customs declaration,precisely judge supervision mode of the cargo,determine and acquire pertinent documents in accordance with specific customs system andmeasures,design and implement customs clearance scheme,categorize the cargo with accurateHS codes,correctly prepare customs declaration documents,input the Customs Declaration Formthrough QP,calculate tax and fees accurately,and provide reasonable suggestions on themanagement of customs declaration firms.2.2.2Methodological capabilities:The students shall be able to independently facilitatecustoms routines with knowledge acquired,follow examples to fulfill tasks with properself-control and self-management,positioning,decision-making,planning and assessment.2.2.3Social capabilities:The students can follow professional ethics.They shall be able toimprove their abilities of learning,teamwork,logic thinking,communication and adaptation,andcultivate careful and meticulous style.3.Teaching Contents and RequirementsNo.Content Task Skill Requirements Knowledge Requirements CreditHours0Introduction •Know customs&related management;•Know customs declaration&related management;•Be familiar with customs affairs with categorization e-customs handling and integrate customs affair reform;•Understand China’s foreign trade restriction system&measures;•Understand commodity categorization, master the general categorization rule.81CustomsclearancewithgeneralcargoTask1Customsclearancewith generalexports•Be able to negotiate,concludeexports customs brokerage contract;•Be able to discern general exportssupervision mode;•Be able to correctly categorizeexports;•Be able to offer relateddocumentation plan;•Be able to receive documents fromclients and check the validity for thecorresponding customs affair•Be able to fill in the draft customsexports declaration document;•Be able to fulfill declaration ofgeneral exports•Be able to determine taxationsituation of the exports;•Be able to fulfill release andclearance of the exports;•Be able to make correct settlementwith clients;•Be able to file all the documentation;•Be able to follow up.•Master applicable scope of general trademanagement;•Master customs declaration procedure ofgeneral exports;•Master types of exports customsdeclaration;•Be familiar with basics of customsregulation documents;•Be familiar with commoditycategorization rules&methods;•Master stereotype of general exportscustoms declaration form;•Master China’s management rules onexports tariff;•Understand filing requirement ofcustoms declaration documents;•Master regulation on customs clearance.16Task2Customsclearancewith generalimports•Be able to negotiate,sign importscustoms brokerage contract;•Be able to discern general importssupervision mode and offer relateddocumentation plan;•Be able to correctly categorizeimports;•Be able to plan for the applied cargodocuments based on general importsregulations;•Be able to receive and check all the•Master the types of general exportscustoms declaration forms;•Master all the documents required forgeneral imports clearance;•Master the taxation method of generalimports;•Master the determination measure ofdutiable value on imports;•Master the methods for identifyingcountry of origin of imports;•Master the calculation of imports tax,8imports customs declaration documents from the clients;•Be able to fill in general imports customs declaration draft;•Be able to fulfill general imports declaration;•Be able to identify the composition of dutiable value on related documents;•Be able to correctly calculate general imports tax,value-added tax& consumption tax,along with imports taxation affairs;•Be able to correctly calculate delayed declaration fee&delayed tariff fine;•Be able to facilitate amendment& cancellation of customs declaration form;•Be able to facilitate on-site clearance;•Be able to settle the related fee with clients;•Be able to categorize,organize& keep the files.value-added tax and consumption tax;•Master the rules for delayed declaration fee&delayed tariff;•Master applied tax rate&exchange rate rules;•Master imports tariff payment procedure;•Understand guaranteed taxation, taxation security&mandatory measurements2Customsclearancewith taxreductioncargoTask1Customsclearancewith specifictax reduction•Be able to process filing and customsapproval for the tax-deductible goods,either specific or temporary;•Be able to fill in customs declarationform for tax-deductible imports;•Be able to process clearance oftax-deductible imports;•Be able to handle the affairs forrelieving specific tax deductible goods;•Be able to calculate additional taxduring the regulated period.•Master the scope of tax-deductibleexports;•Master clearance system of specific taxdeduction;•Master imports clearance procedure ofspecific tax deduction;•Master the rules for imports&exportstax deduction;•Master the filling rules of customsdeclaration bills on specific tax deduction;•Master the on-going regulations of taxdeduction.43Customsclearancewithtemporary cargoTask1Customsclearancewithtemporaryimports•Be able to process temporaryimports application;•Be able to accurately fill in customsdeclaration form for temporaryimports;•Be able to tell the temporary imports&exports subject to ATA documents,imports&exports not subject to ATAdocuments,and temporary imported&exported exhibit;•Be able to choose suitable measuresfor temporary imports;•Be able to facilitate on-goingdisposal&clearance of temporaryimports with correct preparation ofthe customs declaration form.•Be familiar with terms and characters ofapplication and verification of temporaryimports&exports;•Know the applicable scope&issuing andmanagement organization of temporaryimports&exports subject to ATA;•Know the applicable scope of temporaryimported&exported exhibits;•Master the clearance procedure oftemporary imports&temporary importedexhibits subject to ATA&not subject toATA;•Master the filling rules of customsdeclaration form of temporary imports;•Master the on-going disposal&clearance regulations of temporaryimports.4Task2Customsclearancewithtemporaryexports•Be able to facilitate application fortemporary exports;•Be able to choose suitable methodfor temporary exports customsclearance;•Be able to fill in customs declarationform for temporary exports;•Be able to facilitate on-goingdisposal&clearance affairs oftemporary exports.•Master the application procedureregulation of temporary exports;•Master the customs clearance process oftemporary exports&temporary exportedexhibits subject&not subject to ATA;•Master the filling rules of customsdeclaration form of temporary exports;•Master on-going disposal&clearanceoperation of temporary exports.44CustomsclearancewithbondedcargoTask1Customsdeclaration ofbonded cargo•Be able to facilitate on-line customsregulation process for bonded cargo;•Be able to facilitate approval,amendment&extension of bondedcargo;•Be able to facilitate application ofoutsourcing&non-local processing onbonded cargo;•Be able to facilitate the return,exchange,domestic sales,waiver&indirect imports/exports;•Be able to facilitate the indirectimports/exports with furtherprocessing bonded cargo;•Be able to facilitate thecancellation after verification.•Be familiar with the term,character,scope,management of bonded processing;•Understand e-customs regulation towardbonded cargo firms;•Understand registration&cancellation ofbonded cargo;•Master the knowledge of customsoperation on bonded materials,finishedproducts,faulty products&by-products;•Understand the customs managementtoward further processing bonded cargo.105Customs Task1•Be able to facilitate customs•Be familiar with customs regulation on6clearance with other imports/ exports Customsclearancewith bondedlogisticsTask2Customsclearancewithe-commerceimports/exportsTask3Customsclearancewithimported&exportedrepairsTask4Customsclearancewith returnsTask5Customsclearancewithimported&exportedcourierclearance of bonded logistics;•Be able to facilitate customsclearance of e-commerceimports/exports;•Be able to facilitate customsclearance of imported&exportedrepairs;•Be able to facilitate customsclearance of returned cargo;•Be able to facilitate customsclearance of imported&exportedcourier.bonded regulated area;•Be familiar with customs regulation onspecially regulated area;•Understand customs regulation one-commerce imports/exports;•Be familiar with customs regulation onimported&exported repairs;•Be familiar with customs regulation onreturned cargo;•Be familiar with customs regulation onimported&exported courier.6IntegratedcustomsclearanceTask1Integratedcustomsclearanceoperation•Be able to compose customsclearance solution;•Be able to organize&facilitate thesolution;•Be able to offer instruction oncustoms clearance.•Basic knowledge of customs clearancerisk management;•Knowledge of customs management ofimports/exports pre-categorization.8Total724.Suggestions for Course Implementation4.1Textbook CompilationA new textbook shall be compiled through cooperative efforts between colleges and businesses.The framework of the new textbook should break the traditional segmented andknowledge-based framework ideal for the customs declaration proficiency test or customs declaration standard test.The new textbook should follow the operation process in accordance with specific customs supervision mode upon imports and exports.Thus,projects and tasks would be designed to fit the operation process with progressive knowledge and skills covering a spectrum from ease to challenge,from simplicity to complicity.The textbook shall be driven by tasks,oriented toward practice,and led by teachers with a focus on the students.In that way,the students can acquire a profound knowledge of customs and develop vocational capabilities and ethics during the learning tasks.4.2Suggestions for Teaching4.2.1The team:Teachers with both academic and industrial background should be included. Full-time and part-time teachers are an ideal combination for this course,for a joint preparation of the lectures and a cooperative development of teaching resources.4.2.2The site:Simulation classrooms are recommended with customs declaration computer software.Field study should be a plus to expose the students to international logistics firms for a better understanding.4.2.3The method:Various teaching methods such as group learning,self-study,flipped classroom,role play,and case study should be adopted.Customs declaration process under different supervision modes are to be repeated with reinforcing contents to each task.Students are required to accomplish the tasks more and more independently with less and less instructions from the teachers.Teachers gradually re-focus on specific instructions pertinently with proper outreach tasks.Thus the teaching would perfectly match the learning with improved teamwork,coordination,communication and self-study.4.3Suggestions for Assessment and EvaluationFormative assessment and summarized assessment should be integrated for a change. Traditional undiversified assessment subject and the system of one-test-for-all and one-test-for-conclusion should be shifted to a comprehensive and diversified assessment system involving360degree evaluation such as self-assessment,mutual assessment,teacher’s appraisal, etc.Assessment type Items Subject Scoring Weighted Formative Team project40%Group assessment24assessment70%60%Teacher assessment40%16 Individual project60%Self-assessment30%18Teacher assessment70%42Sub-total10070Summarized assessment30%Knowledge ABC40%40 Processing60%60Sub-total10030 Total1004.4Development and Application of Teaching Resources4.4.1Modern education technology could be applied with simulation and internet platform to achieve shared quality resources.4.4.2Cooperation between colleges and businesses would offer practical training and internship opportunities.Contents of the course would also be adjusted to embrace the business realities through such cooperation.4.4.3Websites for reference:/publish/portal0/General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China/ccba/China Customs Brokers Association/article/b/Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China Websites of local customs brokers associations。



沧州职业技术学院《港口与航运管理专业》课程标准专业带头人:系主任:刘世元批准日期:二〇一七年九月目录一、课程概述 (1)(一)课程性质 (1)(二)课程基本理念 (1)(三)课程设计思路 (2)二、课程目标 (3)(一)总体目标 (3)(二)具体目标 (3)三、内容标准 (4)(一)学习目标 (4)(二)活动安排 (5)(三)知识要点 (9)(四)技能要点 (10)四、实施建议 (10)(一)教学建议 (10)(二)考核评价建议 (10)(三)教材编写建议 (11)(四)实验实训设备配置建议 (12)(五)课程资源开发与利用建议 (15)五、其它说明 (15)一、课程概述(一)课程性质《报关实务》是一门具有极强的实践性特征的课程,主要学习报关专业知识、海规海法、商品规类、报关程序、税费计算、报关单的填制与改错等内容,是报关货代人员必备的专业知识。









《报关实务》课程标准课程名称:《报关实务》课程编码:学分:2 总学时:32适用专业:商务英语专业一、前言1. 课程性质《报关实务》是三年制高职高专学校商务英语专业开设的专业拓展能力选修课程,在第五学期完成。

本课程是商务英语专业的专业技能理论(限选)课,其前导课程为《国际贸易概论》、《国际贸易实务》、《综合英语》等,其后续课程是《顶岗实习与毕业设计》,是一门实践性强、涉及面广, 以理论为基础,时效性强的操作技能课。

2. 基本理念进出境通关作为对外贸易的重要环节,是一项独立性、技术性、政策性、涉外性较强的工作,《报关业务基础与实务》是一门新兴的处于不断变化调整中的课程,不仅要注重外贸行业岗位的需求,也要注意与相关的职业资格考试接轨。




3. 设计思路课程总体设计原则:以就业为导向,以能力为本位,以职业技能为主线,以单元课程为主题,以打好基础,了解适应岗位要求为目标,尽可能形成项目课程教学体系。




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1. 认识报关业务及海关对报关的管理制度;
2. 了解与报关相关的法律法规,掌握报关单位、报关员海关注册登记管理基础知识;
3. 掌握进出口货物通关制度;
4. 熟悉进出口商品归类和原产地管理基础知识。

1. 能够有效获取并整理、审核随附单证;
2. 准确填制各类海关监管进出口货物报关单;
3. 能够按照海关要求,进行电子申报及现场交单,配合海关查验;
4. 办理报批、报核业务;
5. 核算应税货物的完税价格,进行税费计算;
6. 对商品进行正确归类。

1. 具备统筹协调能力、综合运用能力、革新创新能力;
2. 具备爱岗敬业、吃苦耐劳的良好职业道德;
3. 具有合作意识和协作精神;
4. 具有自主学习能力和自我提高能力。

