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Book 1

Unit 1

Model : What’s your name ? I’m Gogo .



Unit 2

Model : What’s this ? It’s a book .



Unit 3

Model : Can you sing , Tony ? Yes , I can .

1.swim / Jenny / yes

2.cook / Gogo / no

Unit 4

Model : Tony can swim .

1.Gogo / fly

2.Jenny / read

Unit 5

Model : Who’s she ? She’s my mother .

1.she / sister

2.he / father

Unit 6

Model : What’s her name ? Her name’s Lisa .

1.his / Ben

2.your / Gogo

Unit 7

Model : Is this a bird ? Yes , it is .

1.rabbit / yes

2.polar bear / no

Unit 8

Model : Who’s he ? He’s my brother . His name is Tony .

1.sister / Jenny

2.friend / Ben

Unit 9

Model : What color is this ? It’s red .



Unit 10

Model : How old are you ? I’m ten .

1.Jenny / six

2.Tony / nine

Unit 11

Model : What do you like , Gogo ? I like cake .

1.Lisa / salad

2.Ben / cookies

Uint 12

Model A: Is it green ? Yes , it is .

1.orange / yes

2.red / no

Model B : What’s your name ? I am Lisa .

1.her / Jenny

2.his / Ben

Model C : What do you like ? I like cheese .

1.your sister / cake

2.your father / noodles

Book 2 Unit 1

Model A: What’s this ? It’s a pen .



Model B: What do you like , Gogo ? I like chicken .



Unit 2

Model : I am happy .

1.you / cold

2.he / light

3.they / sad

4.Tony / heavy

Unit 3

Model A: Do you like soccer ? Yes , I do .

1.dodge ball / yes

2.tennis / no

3.basketball / yes

4.volleyball / no

Model B: Do you like baseball ? Yes , I do .

1.Jenny / badminton / no

2.he / ping-pong / yes

3.they / soccer / yes

Unit 4

Model A : What’s this ? It’s a snake .



Model B : Do you like soccer ? Yes , I do .

1.Ben / baseball

2.Tony and Gogo / dodge ball

Unit 5

Model : What’s that ? It’s a pink lamp .

1.this / gray door

2. that / red apple

Unit 6

Model : Are these grapes ? No , they aren’t . 1.mangoes / yes

2.cherries / no

Unit 7

Model : Where is my skirt ? It’s on the chair . 1.pencil / under the chair

2.book / in the desk

3.pants / between the desk and the chair

4.socks / on the bed

Unit 8

Model A: Is that a black pillow ? No , it isn’t .

1.brown / blanket

2.white / bed

Model B : Where’s my pencil ? It’s on the desk .

1.eraser / in / pencil case

2.socks / under / box
