



大连海事大学英语2580部分翻译[1]______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.A. dry chemical or foamB. foam or soda acidC. carbon dioxide or foamD. carbon dioxide or dry chemicalKEY: D二氧化碳或干粉灭火器作为化学灭火器,用于扑灭电器火灾。

[2]______: A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A.Captain’s cabinB. Chief Officer’s lockerC. ChartroomD. Pilot’s cabinKEY: C在驾驶台或附近提供必要的装卸设备或用具和海图的存放和天文钟布置的房间叫做海图室。

[3]______:The main center-line structural member, running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone.A.FrameB. DeckbeamC. StringerD. KeelKEY: D在船舶底部沿首尾向铺设有时提及当做主骨架的主要首尾结构是龙骨。

[4]______:the vertical distance measured on the vessel’s side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it.A.BuoyancyB. FreeboardC. DraftD. DisplacementKEY: B船中部从载重水线垂直测量到干舷甲板上边缘或相应的点的距离叫干舷。



本⽂是为您准备的《航海英语阅读理解90篇(带翻译)》请⼤家参考!Chapter 1(⼤连题库 60 篇)Passage 01 Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. They can operate as liners 班轮. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea 远洋 liners or short-sea liners 近海. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes. Ferries 渡船 are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East. Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships 游轮 for part of the year. 商船设计得能运载货物。



航海英语中英对照 200 口语题1. Red Rose 轮不能修理受到的损坏.damage.2. Red Rose 轮处在危急状况中.condition.3. Red Rose 轮将抛弃货物以脱浅.will jettison cargo to refloat.4. Red Rose 轮需要拖轮协助.Red Rose requires tug assistance.5. Red Rose 轮只能慢速航进. at slow speed. MV Red Rose cannot repair MV Red Rose in critical MV Red Rose MV MV Red Rose can only proceedProvisions anddrinking Keep calm.There crew of MV Utopia.9.不管天气如何,穿戴好保暖\长袖衬衫\结实的鞋和帽子,不要穿高跟鞋 . Put on warm clothing,long-sleeved shirts,strong shoes and head coveringwhatecer the weather.No high-heeled shoes.10 .不能抛弃 IMO 危险品货物.Do not jettison IMO-Class cargo.11. 不要返回房间取你的物品. Do not return to your cabin to collect yourproperty. 12. 不要进入救生筏,进入救生筏的命令将由驾驶台或驾驶员发出.Do not enter the liferafts.The order to enter the liferafts will be given fromthe bridge or by the officers.13. 不要让儿童攀登或坐在船舶的栏杆上. Never let children climb or sit on the ship's rails.14. 不要忘记个人证件和眼睛,如果需要带上药片. Do not forget personaldocuments,your spectacles and medicine if necessary.15. 船舶不得在分道通航制区域内抛锚. No vessels shall anchor in atraffic separation schemes.16. 船舶应尽可能避免在分道通航制区域内或其端部附近抛锚. a vesselshall so far as practicablc avoid anchoring in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near its terminations.17. 从停车到启动需要多长时间? Howlong does it take to start engine fromstopped?6. 按规定,只能由一名驾驶员分配食物和饮用水. water will be distributed by an officer only as per the regulations.7. 保持镇静,没有理由恐慌,救生艇员完全知道应该怎样做. isno reason to panic.The lifeboatmen know exactly what to do.8. 被我船救起的人员是永乐轮的船员.The person picked up by my ship is18. 带好你的救生衣和毛毯.你将在床下找到你的救生衣. Take your lifejacket and a blanket.you will find your lifejacket under your bed.19. 当发出7短声1长声的全船紧急警报时,所有的旅客必须到你们的集合点. Whenthe general emergency alarm is sounded,which consists of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast,all passengers have to go to their assembly station. 20. 带好你的救生衣和毛毯, 救生衣存放在房间内你们的床下和集合处.Take your lifejacket and a blanket with you.lifejackets are stored in yourcabins under your beds and at your assembly stations.21. 建议你上船后试穿救生衣.You are encouraged to try on your lifejacke when entering the lifeboat.22. 当叫到你的名字时,请大声回答"至到".When your name is called out,please answer loudly "here".23. 当进入救生筏后应立即保持入口畅通, 坐在救生筏内.Clear the entranc of the liferaft immediately after entering.Sit down in the liferaft immediately.24. 当进入救生艇时不要相互推挤, 应立即坐在艇内.Do not push each other when entering the lifeboat.Sit down in the lifeboat immediately.25. 当你听到连续不断的1长声和1短声的弃船警报时,请采取与全船紧急报警相同的行动.When you hear the abandon ship alarm,which consists of one prolonged and one short blast repeated continuously,please act in thesame manner as under the general emergency alarm.2 6 .舵工应复述所有舵令,值班驾驶员应保证舵令被准确立即执行.所有舵令均应执行到另有命令为止.all wheel orders given should be repeated by the helmsman and the officer of the watch should ensure that they are carried out correctly and immediately.all wheel orders should be held until countermanded. 27.儿童必须始终受到照看. children must be kept under permanent obervation.2 8.飞机将在1 93 0 UTC到达遇难船处,以协助搜寻.aircraft ETAat the vessel in distress is 1930 utc to assist in search.29. 附近的船只已经得知我们的情况. vessels in the vicinity have alreadybeen informed of our situation.30. 搁浅后red rose 轮正在下沉. mv red rose is sinking after grounding.31. 海上救助协调中心已经得知我们的情况.the maritime resuce co-ordination center have already been informed of our situation.32. 火势是否得到控制.is the fire under control.33. 火势未能得到控制,我需要co2灭火器.fire is not under control,and i require co2 extinguishers.34. 机舱失火, 我轮需要泡末灭火器.fire is in engine-room,and i require foam extinguishers.35. 机舱有人监控还是由驾驶台控制?is engine-room manned or is engine on bridge control?36. 集装箱内装有多种杂货, 应用专门的吊车装上或卸下装箱船.there are many kinds of cargoes loaded in the container,which should be loaded on or discharged from the ship with special crane.37. 简介穿着要求及至集合点需携带的物品.briefing on how to dress and what to take to assembly stations.38. what noice is required to reduce from full sea speed to manoeuvring speed?将海上全速转至操纵速度需多长时间通知?39 将救生衣套过你的头, 将带子收紧, 将带子绕在腰部并在前面打结.pull the lifejacket over your head-tighen the strings well-pull the strings around your waist and tie in front.40. change radar to relative head-up. 将雷达换成首向上相对显示.41. 将首尾撇缆备妥.have heaving lines ready forward and aft.42. make fast aft tug alongside on the port side 将拖船系在左舷.43. 救援船预计在1930utc 到达事故地点.ETA of rescue ship at distress position is 1930 utc.44. rescue craft are coming to our rescue and the crew members are requested to escort helpless passengers. 救助船正来救助我们, 请船员保护孤弱的旅客.45. no dangerous targets on radar. 雷达上没有危险物标.46. 雷达有盲区吗?has radar any blind sectors?47. the dunnage board between two ties of cargoes will not only prevent the movement of the lower tie of cargo,but also distribute evenly theload of the upper tie of cargo onto the surface of the lower tie. 两层货物之间的衬垫板可以防止下层货物的移动, 可以使上层货物的重量均匀地分布在下层货面上.48. 螺旋桨的侧推效应很强吗?is turning effect of propeller very strong?49. condition of persons picked up is bad,maybe already died. 落水人员的情况不好,可能已经死亡.50. 没有援救red rose 轮能继续航行.MV Red Rose can proceed without assistance.51............ 育龙轮 ............. Y u-Long ...............................52. 每人都应严格按驾驶员或船员给出的示范动作行事,如果需要,船员将会帮助你。



[4] Have the safety belts for _______been examined?A. total enclosed lifeboatsB. totally enclosing lifeboatsC. totally enclosed lifeboatsD. total encloseing lifeboats答案:C 全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗?[5] The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________.A. in satisfactorily conditionB. satisfactorilyC. satisfactoryD. satisfactored答案:C防火救生艇被发现是良好的[6] We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___ the abandon ship drill.A. combining withB. combined withC. combining toD. combined to答案:B我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。

[8] Painting on _________is prohibited because it will weaken its sensibilityA. ship shellB. exterior of winchesC. hydrostatic release unitD. hold ladders答案:C在静水压力释放器上涂漆是被禁止的,因为它将会减弱灵敏度[20] Without doubt the radar is a highly important navigation aid. But duty officer shall aware that_____ when using it.A. Its range reading is more accurate than its bearing readingB. A low-lying coastline with a long, flat beach will show up properly on the radarC. Radar is only aimed at collision avoidance.D. The use of radar is necessary only when visibility is restricted.答案:A毫无疑问雷达是一种非常重要的助航设备。

航海英语2580题库 最新补充500 航海英语154_权威翻译版分解

航海英语2580题库 最新补充500 航海英语154_权威翻译版分解

第一部分航海英语2580题库(权威翻译版)[1]______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.A. dry chemical or foamB. foam or soda acidC. carbon dioxide or foamD. carbon dioxide or dry chemicalKEY: D二氧化碳或干粉灭火器作为化学灭火器,用于扑灭电器火灾。

[2]______: A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A. Captain’s cabinB. Chief Officer’s lockerC. ChartroomD. Pilot’s cabin KEY: C在驾驶台或附近提供必要的装卸设备或用具和海图的存放和天文钟布置的房间叫做海图室。

[3]______:The main center-line structural member, running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone.A. FrameB. DeckbeamC. StringerD. KeelKEY: D在船舶底部沿首尾向铺设有时提及当做主骨架的主要首尾结构是龙骨。

[4]______:the vertical distance measured on the vessel’s side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it.A. BuoyancyB. FreeboardC. DraftD. DisplacementKEY: B船中部从载重水线垂直测量到干舷甲板上边缘或相应的点的距离叫干舷。



航海英语中英文1. The funnel is a casing used for exhaust pipes from the engines.烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机。

2. The satellite antenna is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气.3. The galley is where delicious food is cooked.厨房是制作美味食物的地方.4. The messroom(军舰或海军基地的)食堂 is where the crew eat their meals.食堂是全体船员用餐的地方.5. The anchor is used to moor停泊, 系泊(船只) 使停泊;使固定the ship to the seabed海底,海床 to keep it stationary不动的; 静止的,固定的;不可移动的.锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动.6. The bulbous bow is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction摩擦; 摩擦力with water so that the ship moves more easily.船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动.7. The bow thruster is placed in the front of the ship under the water,which eases berthing (船舶的)停泊位或锚位or manoeuvering sideways斜着, 斜向一边at slow speed.船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。



1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?A.Rocket parachute signalsB.Buoyant smoke signalsC.Hand flare signalsD.Self-igniting signals答案:D下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat?A.the retro-reflective tapesB.the reflective tapesC.the flashing bandsD.the anti-flashing bands答案:A根据国际海事组织规则,反光带应该安放在救生艇外面[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts?A.Anti-seasickness medicineB.Immersion suitsC.axesD.lifebuoys答案:D下面哪一个在在救生筏上不需要---救生圈[4]Have the safety belts for _______been examined?A.total enclosed lifeboatsB.totally enclosing lifeboatsC.totally enclosed lifeboatsD.total encloseing lifeboats答案:C全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗?[5]The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________.A.in satisfactorily conditionB.satisfactorilyC.satisfactoryD.satisfactored答案:C防火救生艇被发现是良好的[6]We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___the abandon ship drill.bining withbined withbining tobined to答案:B我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。



大连海事大学英语2580题库中英文对照学习完整翻译版[1]KEY: D二氧化碳或干粉灭火器作为化学灭火器,用于扑灭电器火灾。

[2]KEY: C在驾驶台或附近提供必要的装卸设备或用具和海图的存放和天文钟布置的房间叫做海图室。

[3]KEY: D在船舶底部沿首尾向铺设有时提及当做主骨架的主要首尾结构是龙骨。

[4]KEY: B船中部从载重水线垂直测量到干舷甲板上边缘或相应的点的距离叫干舷。

[5]KEY: A一次可以获取多达20个物标,当跟踪能力达到最大时候,就不再录取了。

[6]KEY: A英版航路指南详细描述海图的细节和安全航行所包含的信息。

[7]KEY: D英版航海通告出版是为了英版海图的改正。

[8]KEY: D木板和席子被用来做垫舱料,如果你装载大米。

[9]KEY: A低气压1002百帕,位置53N 127E4向东12节速度移动,伴有冷锋中心经51N3 126E1移至51N2 125E4,伴有暖锋从46N1 128E2 经过40N2 125E2位置。

[10]KEY: C强气压梯度导致了比斯开湾西北的强风和狂狼。

[11]KEY: D为了与3994号海图一致,从这张海图上读出的位置应该向北移动0.03分的距离。

[12]KEY: B航海日志全面记录了航次的情况,由值班驾驶员在每次值班结束后详细填写记录。

[13]KEY: C船员用浮油刮集船清扫不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。

[14]KEY: D由RCC(海上搜救协调中心)组织的燃烧不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。

[15]KEY: D漂流不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。

[16]KEY: D进港指南的附篇不包括在周版航海通告里。

[17]KEY: A烟雾信号时白天在救生艇上发出的最容易看到的危险信号。

[18]KEY: A推算船位是任何时刻船位可通过前次准确的定位得到的过程,计程仪所显示的船舶航向和距离数据用于此目的。

[19]KEY: C一旦明天早上下雨,装货将被延迟。



航海英语基础知识学习航海英语基础知识学习(英汉互译)一、甲板部工作用语1. Hoist/lower the “H” flag, please! 请升起/降下“H”旗!2.Hoist the Chinese national flag on the fore mast, please! 请在前桅升起中国旗3.Hoist/lower one black ball, please! 请挂上/降下一个黑球4.Hoist a red light over the white one. 在白灯上面挂上一只红灯5.Hoist/lower the anchor ball. 升起/放下锚球6.Switch on /off the anchor lights. 打开/关闭锚灯7.Please open the front window. 请开启前面的窗户8.Clean these windows. 把些窗户清洗干净9.Open/ close the starboard window/port door, please! 请打开/关上右舷窗户/左舷门10. Bring the pilot's bag to the bridge.把领航员的包拿到驾驶室11. Lift up the pilot's bag from the pilot boat. 把领航员的包从领航艇上吊上来。

12.Lower the pilot ladder on the port/starboard side. 把领航梯放在左/右舷。

13.The pilot ladder is too high. 领航梯太高了。

14.The pilot ladder is about two meters above the water. 领航梯约在水面上两米。

15.Lower the pilot ladder a little more. 把领航梯再往下放一点。



航海英语的试题及答案1. 请解释下列航海术语的含义:- A. Port- B. Starboard- C. Bow- D. Stern答案:- A. Port - 左舷,指船只左侧。

- B. Starboard - 右舷,指船只右侧。

- C. Bow - 船头,指船只的前端。

- D. Stern - 船尾,指船只的后端。

2. 船舶在海上遇到紧急情况时,应如何使用国际信号代码?答案:当船舶在海上遇到紧急情况时,应使用国际信号代码发出求救信号。

具体操作如下:- 通过无线电设备发送SOS信号。

- 悬挂国际信号旗,如N和C旗。

- 点燃信号弹或其他视觉信号。

3. 船舶在航行中如何确定自己的方位?答案:船舶在航行中可以通过以下方法确定自己的方位:- 使用罗盘确定方向。

- 通过观测天体(如太阳、星星)确定位置。

- 使用GPS或其他导航设备。

- 参考海图和航标。

4. 船舶在进出港口时,需要遵循哪些规则?答案:船舶在进出港口时需要遵循以下规则:- 遵守当地港口的交通规则。

- 保持与港口当局的通讯畅通。

- 遵守国际海上避碰规则。

- 确保船舶的灯光和信号设备正常工作。

5. 船舶在遇到恶劣天气时,应采取哪些措施?答案:船舶在遇到恶劣天气时,应采取以下措施:- 调整航向以避开风暴中心。

- 减速航行以减少船只受到的冲击。

- 确保船只的密封性,防止进水。

- 准备应急设备,如救生衣、救生艇。

6. 解释下列航海术语:- A. Draft- B. Trim- C. Heel答案:- A. Draft - 吃水深度,指船底到水面的距离。

- B. Trim - 船体的纵向倾斜度,指船头或船尾的下沉程度。

- C. Heel - 横向倾斜,指船只因风力或其他外力作用而向一侧倾斜。

7. 船舶在海上如何进行货物的装卸?答案:船舶在海上进行货物装卸时,应遵循以下步骤: - 确保货物的稳定性和安全性。

- 使用适当的装卸设备,如起重机、叉车。

- 遵守货物装卸的安全规程。



航海英语听力与会话中英答案第一章公共用语口述题1. Please say something about your hometown. 请评价一下你的家乡例一(简单)(1) My hometown is Dalian. Dalian is a beautiful city. 我的家乡是大连。


It is in the Liaoning Province, facing the Bohai Sea. 它是在辽宁省,面对渤海。

There are about 5 million people in the city. 大约有500万人在城市。

(2) It is a famous tourist coastal city in China. Its climate around the year is suitable and comfortable for living. 它是著名的旅游沿海城市,整年的气候很合适,舒适对于的生活。

The sky is blue and the air is clean. There are many famous spots attracting many tourists every year. 天空是蓝色的,空气是那么清新。


(3) The specialties of Dalian is the seafood. There are many good restaurants providing delicious seafood. 大连特色是海鲜。


例二(稍难)I come from Zhoushan我来自舟山Zhoushan is a city in Zhejiang province舟山是浙江省一个城市It is a small city with a population of about 100,000. 这是一个小城市的人口大约10万It is located by the sea. It is a famous tourist city. 它坐落在海边。



Passage 3-01Labour should be ordered by 0900 hrs for 2nd shift (1500 to 2300 hrs) on same day and by 1300 hrs for 1st shift (0700 to 1500 hrs) for next day. By1100 hrs, for 3rd shift (2300 to 0500 hrs) in same day.Under normal circumstances, no work is performed during meal hours 1100 to 1200 hrs and 1830 to 1930 hrs. unless the ship is classified as a key vessel or the agent orders work during the meal hours.劳工应责令0900小时第二轮班同一天(1500至2300年时)小时和1300第一班的第二天(0700至1500小时)小时。




C 001. If you want to order labour in this port for the third shift in same day, the order should be made by________ .如果你想在这个港同日第三班劳动,顺序应该是在…A. any time任意时间B. 0900 hoursC. 1100 hoursD. 1300 hoursB 002.________is performed during meal hours under usual circumstances.正常情况下,…会被安排在用餐时间工作A. Cargo work货物装卸B. No cargo work不进行货物装卸C. Ordering work by Agent代理所下的订单工作D. loading and discharging 装卸A 003. Loading and discharging can be performed during meal hours _____A. if the ship is classified as a key vessel 该船为重要船只B. if agent orders work beforehand 代理预先有所要求C. under normal circumstances 在正常情况下D. either A or B A或者BC 004. What does the word “key” mean ________?A. laden满载的B. small小的C. pivotal重要的D. big大的Passage 3-02Before arrival in the United Kingdom, the master will have informed his owners or agents of the approximate time of the vessel's arrival at the pilot station for the port of destination. The vessel should be flying her ensign and also her signal letters and the requisite pilot signal when approaching the pilot station. The international signals, as well as any local port signals, can be found in the Sailing Directions, which is also known as the "Pilot Book"When a pilot is required most ports now require due notice of the vessel's ETA to be sent in by radio. However, this does not relieve the ship's obligation to display the pilot signal ("G" by any of the methods of signaling ) until the pilot is aboard when "H" flag will be flown. If the master or first mate of the vessel has a pilotage certificate for the district then the above is unnecessary, in such case the pilot flag (white and red horizontal halves, as on the pilot vessel) will be flown.在到达英国之前,船长会在引航站通知他的业主或代理到达目的港的大致时间。



航海英语部分翻译1.Which action(s) is/are included in crane operations?A. Normal boom stowage and shutdown operationsB. Emergency shutdown operationC. Removing booms from stowageD. All of the above起重机操作中包括哪些动作?上面所有的2.Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision?A. Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vesselB. Systematic observation of objects detected by radarC. Long-range radar scanningD. All of the above哪些步骤应该用来判断碰撞危险?上面所有的3.A mooring line leading 45°to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a ______.A. spring lineB. warp lineC. bow lineD. breast line一种系泊缆跟龙骨成45度,用来牵制船舶首尾移动,叫做倒缆4. When two power-driven vessels are crossing, which vessel is the stand-on vessel?A. The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel.B. The vessel which is to port of the other vessel.C. The larger vessel.D. The vessel that sounds the first whistle signal.当两艘机动船交叉相遇,哪一艘是直航船?在他船右舷的船舶5. When using a hand held smoke signal from a lifeboat, youshould activate the signal _____A. on the downwind sideB. on the upwind sideC. inside the boatD. at the stern当在救生艇上用手举起烟雾信号,你应该使信号在下风侧。



1. 起重机操作中包括哪些动作?上面所有的2. 哪些步骤应该用来判断碰撞危险?上面所有的3. 一种系泊缆跟龙骨成45度,用来牵制船舶首尾移动,叫做倒缆4. 当两艘机动船交叉相遇,哪一艘是直航船?在他船右舷的船舶5. 当在救生艇上用手举起烟雾信号,你应该使信号在下风侧。

6 登上破损船舶,最重要考虑的是保留储备浮力 7. 遵行条款,海员必须应该注意什么? 8. 在北半球,热带气旋,热带风暴,飓风的旋转方向是什么?逆时针向内 9. 在装散装谷物以前,污水井必须被盖住以防止滤过污水井 10. 舷墙上允许甲板水排入海里的洞是排水孔 11. 当一船在前方或接近前方看到另一船,在夜间他能够看到他船的桅灯成一线或接近成一线或两盏舷灯,应认为存在对遇局面。


13. 对于任何给定的起重机,当吊臂生长,起吊能力减少 14. 雷达不仅获取物标方位,而且同样能测物标离你的距离 15 在不良的能见度中船舶应减速。

16.在15.8N, 132.4E 处的热带气旋已于昨天下午升级为近中心风速70节的热带风暴。

17. 他们已决定立刻卸重(大)件货物。

18 在船上要成为一个驾驶员必须获得驾驶员证书(适任证书)。

19.你已经对飞机发送了一个 视觉信号,接着飞机以直线和水品高度飞到你位置的上方。

你应该怎样做?重复你的信号 20.你的雷达设为真运动显示模式。

以下哪一个在平面位置显示器范围内将不出现移动?浮筒的回波 (Plan position indicator. 平面位置显示器) 21船舶的位置应以岸上已知的固定物标方位来标绘。





岸基雷达援助可用吗? 24. 请告诉你的船长你在走锚。

(Dragging---走锚Dredging---拖锚)25. 气压梯度是水平距离上气压差别的计量。



agentn.代理人, 代理商; 经纪人作用者, 原动力, 动因; 作用剂'eidʒənt'electricadj.电动的, 电的使人震惊的i'lektrikchemicaladj.化学的n.化学药品'kemikəlsodan.苏打, 碱苏打水, 汽水'səudəacidadj.酸味的, 酸的尖刻的n.〈化〉酸酸味物质'æsidcarbonn.〈化〉碳'kɑ:bəndioxiden.〈化〉二氧化物dai'ɔksaidprovide withn.给…提供;以…装备necessaryadj.必要的; 必需的必然的; 不可避免的n.必需品'nesisərifurnituren.家具'fə:nitʃəhandlingadj.操作的n.处理'hændliŋchronometern.精密计时器; 航行表krə'nɔmitəcabinn.〈美〉小木屋(飞机上的)驾驶舱, 船舱'kæbinchiefadj.级别最高的; 总的主要的, 最重要的n.族长, 酋长首领, 首长tʃi:flockern.寄物柜'lɔkəmainadj.主要的; 最重要的n.总管道; 干线meinstructuren.结构, 构造有结构的事物; 复杂的整体; 建筑物vt.组织; 安排; 构造; 制定'strʌktʃərunningadj.流动的n.跑步'rʌniŋbackbonen.脊骨, 脊柱骨干, 支柱, 主力, 中坚骨气; 毅力'bækbəunfamen.名声, 名望feimstringern.上弦匠,长条支承木材'striŋəkeeln.(船的)龙骨vt. vi.翻身; 倾覆ki:lvesseln.船, 舰容器血管, 脉管, 导管'vesəlamidprep.(表示位置)在…中间, 处于…之中, 为…所环绕(表示环境)处于…环境中, 处于…状态中; 由于存在…情况, 由于处于…状态中(表示让步)尽管有…的情况, 尽管存在…的状态ə'midupperadj.较高的, 上部的vt.用大写字母排印/upper crust面包表层的皮贵族阶层, 上流阶层; 最上层/upper works〈海〉水线以上的船体'ʌpəcorrespondingadj.相当的, 对应的符合的, 一致的'kɔris'pɔndiŋbuoyancyn.(物体在液体里的)浮性浮力(从失望、噩耗等中)恢复正常的能力, 恢复乐观(价格、营业状况等的)维持力, 恢复力, 上涨行情, 增长趋势'bɔiənsi freeboardn.干舷'fri:bɔ:ddraftn.草稿, 草案, 草图汇票应召入伍者; 特遣队vt.起草, 画草图, 草拟选派, 抽调征募, 征召…入伍drɑ:ft30 displacementn.移置, 代替dis'pleismənttargetn.(射击的)靶子(欲达到的)目[指]标(服务的)对象; (攻击的)对象vt.瞄准某物'tɑ:ɡittrackn.踪迹, 痕迹, 足迹小路路径, 路线轨道跑道vt.跟踪, 追踪trækcapacityn.容量, 容积才能, 能力身份, 职位kə'pæsitireachn.伸手可及的距离(江河的)河段vt.到达联络vt. vi.伸出手臂; 延伸ri:tʃacquisitionn.获得, 得到获得者, 获得物'ækwi'ziʃənamplifyvt.放大, 扩大增强vt. vi.详述'æmplifaidetailn.细目, 细节; 小事各种细节, 详情'di:teildirectionn.方向, 趋向, 趋势, 动向方面, 范围指南, 指示, 说明管理, 指导姓名和地址di'rekʃənpublishvt. vi.出版公布'pʌbliʃadmiraln.海军将领, 舰队司令'ædmərəlchartn.图表航海图唱片的每周流行榜vt.绘制地图, 在图上标出跟踪; 记述tʃɑ:thandbookn.手册, 便览'hændbukdunnagen.手提物品,日常用品'dʌnidʒwoodenadj.木制的, 木头的僵硬的, 呆笨的'wudnplankn.(厚)木板政纲条目, 政策要点plæŋkrushn.冲, 奔繁忙的活动大量急需vt.催促vt. vi.(使)急速行进; 仓促完成rʌʃmatn.席子, 垫子mætsteel barn.棒材,条钢,型钢,钢筋steeln.钢, 钢铁vt.使坚强, 使坚定sti:lroughadj.粗糙的; 不平的粗鲁的; 粗暴的; 粗野的; 剧烈的粗制的; 粗略的; 概略的(味道、声音等)令人不快的; 难吃的; 刺耳的不舒服vt.过艰苦生活rʌfbayn.湾分隔间低沉的吠声月桂树vi.(尤指猎犬等)低沉地吠叫beisteepadj.陡的, 急剧升降的〈非正〉(要求或价格)过分; 过高vt. vi.浸, 泡sti:pgradientn.道路的斜度, 坡度变化程度'ɡreidjəntpositionn.方位, 位置地位, 身份职位, 职务姿势, 姿态状态, 状况, 境况, 形势态度, 立场阵地vt.将(某物)放在(某一)位置上pə'ziʃənconsidervt.把…看作, 认为关心, 体谅, 顾及vt. vi.考虑kən'sidərecordn.记录, 记载最好的成绩, 水平; 纪录经历, 履历; 功过vt.显示; 自动记下vt. vi.记录; 录音, 拍摄ri'kɔ:dvoyagen.航行, 航海; 航天'vɔiidʒprotestn.抗议; 反对vt. vi.声明; 抗议'prəutest60 accident reportn.事故报告biodegradableadj.生物所能分解的'baiəudi'ɡreidəbldissolutionn.(社团等)解散; (婚约等的)解除分散; 溶解衰败; 死亡, 消亡〈律〉离婚'disə'lu:ʃəncrewn.全体船员, 全体机务人员一队(或一班、一组)工作人员kru:skimmern.撇乳器'skiməoxiden.氧化物'ɔksaidspillvt.使跌落泄露机密vt. vi.溢出; 泼出spilemulsificationn.乳化,乳化作用i'mʌlsifi'keiʃənsedimentationn.沉淀,沉降'sedimen'teiʃənburningadj.烧着的急切的, 迫切的引起争论和焦虑的n.燃烧'bə:niŋorganizevt. vi.组织'ɔ:ɡənaizprocessn.过程, 进程工序, 制作法vi.列队行进vt.加工; 处理'prəusesweatheringn.侵蚀,风化'weðəriŋevaporationn.蒸发(作用)i'væpə'reiʃəndispersionn.散布,驱散,传播,散射;离差,差量dis'pə:ʃəndriftingadj.漂流的,飘动的'driftiŋamendmentn.修改, 改动; 修正案ə'mendməntsupplementn.补遗, 补编vt.增补l'sʌplimentguiden.指导者向导, 导游有指导意义的事物vt.引路; 指导操纵, 驾驶影响, 支配ɡaidentryn.进入入场权入口处登记, 条目, 词条参赛的人[物]参加比赛的名单或总(人)数'entrivisibleadj.看得见的, 可见的, 有形的明显的, 可察觉到的'vizəbldistressn.悲痛, 痛苦, 忧伤, 苦恼贫困, 窘迫危险, 困难, 危难vt.使痛苦, 使忧伤dis'treslifeboatn.救生艇'laifbəutflashvt.闪耀, 闪现vt. vi.发出闪光flæʃtransmissionn.传送, 传播, 传达播送传动装置, 变速器trænz'miʃənapplyvt.应用; 使用; 敷, 涂使刻苦努力; 致力于vt. vi.申请, 请求; 适用ə'plaidistancen.距离, 间距远处, 远方(时间或空间的)相距疏远, 冷淡'distənsindicatevt.标示, 指示, 指出象征; 表明或暗示…的可能性'indikeitdead weightn.静负载;固定负载postponevt.延期; 推迟'pəust'pəununitn.(工作)单位(计量或计数用的)单位(课本中的)单元(特定功能的)装置'ju:nittotaladj.总计的; 全部的完全的; 全然的n.总计, 总数vt. vi.计算'təutəlenclosevt.把…围起来把…装入信封, 附入in'kləuzsufficientadj.足够的; 充足的sə'fiʃəntboundaryn.分界线界线, 范围'baundərifreightn.货运; 货物vt.运输, 装货于freitvehiclen.交通工具, 车辆传播媒介, 手段'vi:ɪklcurven.曲线, 弧线曲线状物, 弯曲物vt. vi.(使)弯成弧形kə:vsurfacen.面, 表面水面, 液体的表面外表, 外观'sə:fisanglen.角, 角度观点vi.垂钓, 钓鱼vt.把…放置成一角度使(新闻、报道等)带有倾向性'æŋɡlfarewelln.告别, 欢送'fɛə'weldevelopvt.(照相)冲洗, 显影vt. vi.开发, 发展(使)成长, (使)发育, (使)发达di'veləpobjectn.物体对象; 客体目标; 意向; 目的可笑的人[事物]宾语vi.不赞成, 反对; 抗议vt.以…为理由反对'ɔbdʒikt backgroundn.(画等的)背景, 底色背景情况个人背景资料'bækɡraundconspicuousadj.显眼的, 明显的kən'spikjuəspermanentadj.永久(性)的, 固定的'pə:mənəntpreliminaryadj.初步的, 预备的, 开端的n.准备工作, 初步行动pri'liminəriconditionn.状况, 状态; 地位健康状况, 可使用的状况条件, 先决条件环境, 情况疾病vt.制约, 限制使习惯于, 使适应kən'diʃənsubjectadj.常有[常患, 常遭受]…的; 倾向于…的须服从…的; 受…支配的受约束[管辖]的, 不独立的取决于…的, 有待于…的n.主题; 题目; 问题话题, 考虑的问题学科, 科目; 课程主语, 主词vt.使服从, 征服, 制伏'sʌbdʒikttensionn.紧张紧张的状态张力, 拉力'tenʃənforwardadj.向前方的, 向前进的; 位于前面的早熟的, (儿童)发育早的adv.向前[向末]端前进向着将来vt.发送; 转寄促进'fɔ:wədrequiredadj.必需的ri'kwaiədrefrigerantadj.制冷的n.制冷剂ri'fridʒərəntsuitableadj.适当的, 适宜的, 恰当的'sju:təblprotectvt.保护; 保卫关税保护prə'tektvisibilityn.能见度, 视程清晰度'vizi'bilitireturnn.回来, 回程, 回路偿还, 归还回复; 回归; 复发归还之物利润, 收益vi.返回, 回来恢复vt.还, 归还, 退回回报ri'tə:ngain controln.增益控制gainn.获益; 增财利润; 增加vt. vi.获得, 赢得增加, 增进(钟、表)走快ɡeinbrilliantadj.闪光的, 明亮的光辉的, 辉煌的'briljəntcluttern.杂物, 零乱的东西零乱'klʌtəcontroln.控制, 支配, 管理管理手段vt.控制, 抑制, 支配管理, 操纵kən'trəulsweepn.打扫, 清扫挥动, 摆动大面积搜索vt. vi.扫, 打扫, 拂去扫视swi:pinterceptvt.拦截, 截住, 截击'ɪntə'septincompleteadj.不完全的, 未完成的'ɪnkəm'pli:tsurveyn.调查vt.眺望; 纵览测量; 勘察检查, 鉴定通盘考虑, 回顾sə'veidraughtn.通风, 气流一饮, 一口之量drɑ:ftwarningn.发出警告; 受到告诫警告, 前兆'wɔ:niŋwarnvt. vi.警告, 提醒; 告诫; 预先通知, 预告wɔ:nnavigatevt.(从海上、空中等)横越; 横渡; 飞跃vt. vi.给(船舶、飞机等)引航; 导航'næviɡeitwithinadj.(表示位置)在…里面, 在…内部(表示时间)不超过(表示距离)不超出(表示范围)在范围[限度]内wi'ðinfathomn.英寻vt.理解…的真意, 搞懂, 弄清楚'fæðəmowingadj.欠着的, 应付的, 未付的'əuiŋsurvivevi.幸存, 活下来vt.比…活得长, 经历…之后还存在sə'vaivcopevi.成功地应付; 对付kəupsinkingn.沉没'siŋkiŋTitanicn.〈希神〉泰坦神族的tai'tænikcountlessadj.无数的; 多得数不清的'kauntlistallyn.账; 记录; 比分; 得分vt. vi.(使)符合; (使)吻合'tæliexpenses iks'pensisn.费用,开支feen.费, 酬金fi: pilotadj.试验性的; 引导的n.飞行员, 宇航员引航员; 舵手vt.驾驶带领, 指引, 引导试验, 试用'pailətsailingn.帆船运动(轮船的)航班; 起船'seiliŋwheeln.轮子, 车轮, 机轮方向盘, 舵轮旋转, 旋转运动vi.转动, 旋转vt.推, 拉(车)hwi:ltelegraphn.打电报电报机vt.打电报向(某人)发指令vt. vi.打电报传达(消息)'teliɡrɑ:fphrasen.〈语〉短语, 词组; 成语说法, 简洁的语句, 警句vt.叙述; 措词freizvalidadj.正当的, 有充分根据的, 符合逻辑的有效的有法律效力的'vælidfiguren.数字图解, 图表; 装饰性的图案人或动物的像, 画像, 肖像轮廓, 人影, 身材, 体态, 风姿算术, 计算vi.出现, 被提及vt.计算在内估计, 有可能; 认为, 料想'fiɡəstoppern.阻塞物; (尤指)瓶塞'stɔpəshortenvt. vi.弄短, 缩短'ʃɔ:tnequaladj.相等的, 同样的平等的能胜任的, 合适的n.同样的人, 相等的数量能与之比拟的东西, 匹敌者vt.与…相等或相同比得上'i:kwəlsheaven.滑车轮,槽轮v.捆;反桨划船ʃi:vMediterraneanadj.(似)地中海的, (似)地中海沿岸国家的'meditə'reinjənanchoring strengthn.碇系力dockingn.,adj.入坞(的)'dɔkiŋsternadj.苛刻的, 严格的严肃的, 严厉的stə:nbown.弓, 弓形物鞠躬, 低头vi.(向…)弯腰; 鞠躬vt.低头, 俯首bəucurrentadj.现在的, 现行的通用的, 通行的, 被普遍接受的n.水流, 气流电流趋向, 趋势, 倾向'kʌrənt collarn.衣领, 领子(狗等的)项圈'kɔləboomn.(营业等的)激增, (经济等的)繁荣, 迅速发展隆隆声vi.激增, 猛涨, 兴隆发出隆隆声bu:mtoppingn.配品, 浇料; 装饰'tɔpiŋliftn.抬, 举电梯, 升降机免费搭车; 搭便车鼓舞, 振奋vi.消散vt.终止; 解除vt. vi.举起, 抬起liftoutboard boatn.船外马达guyn.家伙, 伙计ɡaispidern.蜘蛛'spaidəbarometern.气压计, 晴雨表bə'rɔmitərovevt.流浪, 漂泊(指眼睛)环顾rəuvadventuren.冒险活动; 冒险经历; 奇遇冒险, 刺激vt. vi.冒险əd'ventʃəhauln.拖, 拉拖运货物的距离一网的捕获量, 一次偷得的数量vt.运送传讯vt. vi.拖, 拉hɔ:lmovableadj.活动的; 可移动的'mu:vəblblockn.街区, 街段大块(木料、石料、金属、冰等)障碍(物), 阻塞(物)vt.堵塞, 阻塞阻碍, 妨碍blɔkhookn.挂钩; 鱼钩钩拳转弯处vt.弯成钩形vt. vi.钩住, 吊住, 挂住huksnatchn.抢; 夺; 攫取(物的)片段; 短时间; 一阵vt.迅速获得; 乘机获取vt. vi.突然伸手拿取; 攫取; 抓住snætʃbondingn.黏结;连[搭,焊,胶,粘]接,结[耦,焊,接]合,压焊'bɔndiŋcablen.(船只、桥梁等上的)巨缆, 钢索电缆vt. vi.给(某人)发电报, 打电报告诉(某人) 'keibl tankn.油[水]箱, 罐, 槽坦克tæŋkhandlen.手柄, 把手vi.易于操作vt.处理, 应付, 对待拿, 触, 摸'hændltemporaryadj.临时的, 暂时的, 短时间的'tempərəriloopn.圈, 环, 环状物回路, 循环vt. vi.(使)成环, (使)成圈lu:phorizontaladj.水平的, 与地平线平行的'hɔri'zɔntəlbandn.带, 箍条纹价值、数量等的范围; 无线电的波段, 频带一群, 一伙乐队, 乐团vt.用带绑扎vt. vi.结合起来; 伙同bændcharacteristicadj.特有的, 典型的'kæriktə'ristikcompositeadj.混合成的, 综合成的'kɔmpəzitwreckvt.毁坏[毁灭]某物rekspheren.球(体)(兴趣或活动的)范围, 领域sfiəcabinetn.橱, 陈列柜内阁, 内阁会议'kæbinitcontainvt.包含; 容纳控制, 抑制kən'teinpostn.柱, 杆, 桩终点标志邮政邮件邮局, 邮筒职位岗位, 哨位vt.张贴; 贴在…上宣布; 公告邮寄设岗委派pəustrechargevt.给(电池)再充电; 给(枪)再装弹药'ri:'tʃɑ:dʒcardinaladj.最重要的, 主要的n.红衣主教'kɑ:dinlinterruptvt. vi.打断'ɪntə'rʌptstiffenvt. vi.(使)变硬'stifnstressn.压力, 紧张强调, 重要性重力重音vt.重读强调strescelestialadj.天的, 天空的si'lestjəlprimeadj.首要的; 主要的; 基本的最好的, 第一流的n.全盛时期vt.使准备好, 使完成准备工作事先指导, 事先向…提供情况praimlatituden.纬度特指的纬度地区自由, 自由范围'lætitju:dnumericaladj.数字的, 用数字表示的, 数值的nju:'merikəldeclinationn.倾斜, 下倾赤纬磁偏角'dekli'neiʃənassignvt.分配; 交给指派, 选派指定, 订出ə'saincommandn.命令指挥, 控制掌握; 运用力, 控制力部队, 兵团; 指挥部vt.命令应得, 博得, 值得俯瞰掌握, 支配vt. vi.指挥; 控制kə'mɑ:ndchainn.链, 锁链一系列的事物连锁店或旅馆束缚vt.用铁链锁住束缚tʃeinbridlen.马笼头, 马缰vt.给…套龙头控制'braidleffectiveadj.有效的; 生效的事实上的, 实际的给人印象深刻的i'fektivabsorbvt.吸收把…并入, 同化吸引…的注意力, 使全神贯注əb'sɔ:bstrippern.脱衣舞表演者, 脱衣舞女'stripəclingvi.附着于抓紧或抱住坚持kliŋwildcatadj.(商业上或财务上)鲁莽的, 冒险的n.野猫脾气暴躁的人'waildkætstatementn.声明, 陈述结算单, 报表'steitməntextensiveadj.广阔的, 广泛的; 大量的, 大规模的iks'tensiveditionn.版次, 版本i'diʃənrevised editionn.修订版reprintn.重印书, 再版书vt.(书籍)重印, 再版'ri:'printprojectionn.投掷, 发射, 喷射投影, 投影图prə'dʒekʃəndepictvt.描绘; 描画描述di'pikt polen.柱, 杆地极; 磁极, 电极截然相反的两极之一, 极端pəulconnectvt. vi.连接, 联结把…看作有关联; 由…联想到给…接通电话kə'nektmeridiann.子午圈, 子午线顶点; (权力, 成就等的)全盛时期mə'ridiənazimuthal chartn.方位(投影地)图Lambertn.(姓氏) 兰伯特(物) 朗伯(亮度单位)'læmbə(:)tconformal mappingn.共形映射[像],保角映射[变换]transverseadj.横向的'trænzvə:smeasurelink v.有…大小n.测量计量制, 度量法计量单位量具, 量器尺度, 标准程度, 地步措施, 办法vt.量出; 记录估计, 估量仔细考虑(通过竞争, 冲突等)考验某事物, 较量vt. vi.量'meʒədepthn.深, 深度, 纵深深厚, 深切, 深刻深处, 深渊depθheadwayn.进展,净空高度'hedweibargen.驳船vi.(鲁莽而笨拙地)猛撞, 冲, 闯bɑ:dʒoverheadadj.离地面的; 头顶上的; 上空的, 架空的adv.在头顶上; 在空中在楼上n.(企业的)经费'əuvəhedchockn. vt. adv.楔,木楔,楔形物用楔子垫,收放定盘上满满地tʃɔkfittingadj.适合的, 恰当的n.设备, 家具, 日用器具试穿, 试衣'fitiŋshacklen.手铐, 脚镣, 镣铐束缚, 羁绊vt.给(某人)带上手铐或脚镣束缚'ʃæklgearn.用具, 设备, 衣服齿轮; 传动装置; (排)挡vi.换挡vt.使兴奋起来; 使准备好vt. vi.(使)搭配; (使)适合ɡiəcargon.货物(量)'kɑ:ɡəuemergencyn.紧急情况, 不测事件, 非常时刻i'mə:dʒənsi concentrationn.专心, 专注集中, 集结'kɔnsən'treiʃənprovidevt.规定vt. vi.提供; 供给; 供应prə'vaidbulwarkn.堡垒, 堤岸支柱舷墙'bulwəkcastn.投, 掷, 抛, 扔铸造物; 塑件石膏演员表, 全体演员vt.投射, 加…于分配(演戏剧等的)角色vt. vi.投, 掷, 扔浇铸kɑ:stsharpadj.锋利的, 尖锐的急转的, 陡峭的; 突然的, 急剧的轮廓鲜明的; 明显的; 清晰的灵敏的, 机警的辛辣的, 刺骨[鼻, 眼, 耳]的蓄意中伤的; 尖刻的; 严厉的adv.准时地突然地, 急剧地ʃɑ:psupportn.支撑, 承受, 支持, 赞助支撑物, 支柱, 支座, 支架给予帮助[同情]的人支持者, 拥护者vt.支撑; 撑扶; 托住; 支持维持赞助; 赞成; 供养经常光顾; 为…捧场忍受sə'pɔ:tpipen.管子, 管道烟斗管乐器, 笛子vt.以管输送传送吹哨子下令(表示欢迎)滚边, 镶花边vt. vi.用笛子吹奏; 鸣啭, 唱paipstoven.炉, 火炉stəuvclausen.从句(法律文件等的)条款klɔ:zchartern.许可证纲领, 宪章, 宣言包租vt.发给…许可证包租'tʃɑ:təownern.物主, 所有人'əunədispatchn.急件, 快信(记者发回的)新闻报道派遣, 调遣vt.派遣, 调遣, 发送匆匆吃[做]完dis'pætʃberthn.(船、列车等的)卧铺(船舶的)停泊位或锚位bə:θexpeditevt.加快进展迅速完成'ekspidaitloadingn.装载,装填'ləudiŋdischarging portn.卸货港口specificadj.明确的, 确切的, 详尽的具体的, 特有的, 特定的仅限于…的; 只发现于…的n.特效药具体方面, 细节spi'sifik readyadj.准备就绪的乐意的, 情愿的(思维)敏捷的'redidefiniteadj.明确的, 确切的一定的, 肯定的'definitrouten.路, 路途, 路线, 路程ru:talley wayn.小路,巷道;走廊,通道alleyn.胡同, 小巷小径'ælicorridorn.走廊, 通道'kɔridɔ:embarkvi.乘船vt.装载im'bɑ:kcloudn.云团, 群造成不愉快或不明朗的事物vi.(某人的脸)显得阴沉或忧伤vt. vi.(使)某物变得阴沉暗淡, 不清楚klaudclassifyvt.分类; 归类'klæsifaisequencen.有关联的一组事物, 一连串先后次序, 顺序, 连续'si:kwənssignifyvt.表示…的意思, 意味'siɡnifaiapproachn.靠近, 接近, 临近通路, 入口, 途径方式, 方法vt.接洽, 交涉; 着手处理vt. vi.接近, 走近, 靠近ə'prəutʃfrontadj.前面的, 前部的; 正面的n.前面; 正面一面前线, 战线联合行动, 阵线幌子, 隐蔽物vt.作…的正面vt. vi.面向, 朝向frʌntstationaryadj.不动的; 静止的'steiʃənəriportableadj.便于携带的; 手提式的; 轻便的'pɔ:təblextinguishern.熄火者, 扑火者; 消火者; 消火器; 熄火器, 灭火器ik'stiŋɡwiʃəannuallyadv.一年一次,每年'ænjuəlicheckn.检查, 核对制止, 抑制〈美〉支票, 账单vt.阻碍, 制止; 抑制vt. vi.检查, 核对tʃek gagen.厚度, 直径测量仪表规格, 尺度vt.计量, 度量估计, 判断ɡeidʒpressuren.压(力), 压强强制, 压迫'preʃəamountn.量, 数量, 数额总额, 总数vi.合计, 共计等同, 接近ə'mauntsealn.海豹印章, 印鉴, 图章封条, 封蜡vt.盖章于密封决定si:lcofferdamn.围堰'kɔfədæmdeckn.a floor built across a ship over all or part of its length 甲板, 层面vt.装饰某人或某物dekstrengthn.力, 力量; 体力, 力气强度; 浓度优点, 长处人力[数]; 兵力streŋθplacingn.配售'pleisiŋapartadv.相距, 相隔分离, 分开ə'pɑ:tbeamn.梁, 横梁束, 柱vi.发出光与热面露喜色vt.播送bi:mcombinationn.合作, 结合, 组合联合体, 组合物密码组合, 字码组合排列, 组合'kɔmbi'neiʃənpurposen.目的; 意图作用; 用途; 效果意志; 毅力; 决心vt.有意, 打算'pə:pəsproducen.产品, 农产品vt.出示, 提供引起; 导致出版; 上演vt. vi.生产, 产生, 出产制作, 创作prə'dju:svelocityn.速度vi'lɔsitifogn.雾vt.雾气笼罩使迷惑vt. vi.模糊不清fɔɡfoamn.泡沫; 泡沫材料vi.起泡沫; 吐白沫fəumstreamn.小河, 溪流流, 一股, 一串水流方向, 潮流(按能力分的)班级vi.飘扬; 招展vt. vi.流; 流动stri:m commonadj.普遍的, 常见的公有的, 共有的, 共同的一般的, 平常的'kɔmənmoorn.荒野, 旷野vt. vi.停泊, 系泊(船只)muərepresentvt.表现, 描绘代表, 象征, 表示作为…的代表'repri'zentfactorn.因素, 要素〈数〉因子, 因数'fæktəperprep.〈拉〉(表示关涉)通过, 由(表示根据)依照, 根据(表示比率)(尤指数量, 价格, 时间)每pə:, pəstrandn.(线、绳、发的)股; 缕strændcoren.果核核心, 精髓, 要点kɔ:compassn.罗盘, 指南针圆规界限'kʌmpəsseekvi.企图; 试图vt.请求, 征求; 求教vt. vi.寻找; 探寻si:kcapabilityn.能做某事的素质; 能力尚未发挥的天资或素质'keipə'bilətirelativeadj.相对的; 比较的n.亲属, 亲戚'relətivbearingn.举止, 风度方向轴承'bɛəriŋbarn.酒吧间, 售酒的(饮食)柜台条, 块(门、窗等的)闩, 栅栏vt.闩(门等)阻止, 阻拦, 封锁bɑ:containern.容器集装箱, 货柜kən'teinəcuben .立方形的东西, 立方体〈数〉立方kju:blikelyadj.可能的; 有希望的适合的adv.可能'laiklidenseadj.密集的, 稠密的, 浓密的密度大的愚笨的densbulkn.(巨大)物体, (大)块, (大)团主体, 绝大部分vt. vi.变得越来越大(或重要)bʌlk householdadj.家庭的, 家用的n.同住在一所房子里的人, 一家人, 户'haushəuldappliancen.器具, 器械, 装置ə'plaiənsfragileadj.易碎的, 脆的虚弱的, 脆弱的; 经不起折腾的'frædʒailindustrialadj.工业的, 产业的用于工业的in'dʌstriəlmachineryn.(总称)机器体系, 机构mə'ʃi:nəricontinuousadj.连续的, 没有中断的kən'tinjuəswatertightadj.不漏水的,水密的'wɔ:tətaitbulkheadn.隔离壁(用在船舱、隧道、太空飞行器, 以防止在一部分损坏时水或空气流入其他部分)'bʌlkhednormallyadv.通常; 正常地'nɔ:məlistructural elementn.构件,结构部件exterioradj.外部的, 外面的n.外面, 外貌, 外表户外景色图, 外景eks'tiəriəcenterlinen.中心线'sentəlainjoinern.工匠'dʒɔinəcorrectionn.改正修改; 纠正kə'rekʃənaugmentationn.增加'ɔ:ɡmen'teiʃənincludevt.包括, 包含in'klu:dnauticaladj.与船舶、海员、航海有关的'nɔ:tikəlnautical almanacn.航海天文年历Venusn.金星维纳斯'vi:nəsplatingn.电镀,被覆金属'pleitiŋtemporarilyadv.临时preventvt.预防vt. vi.阻止pri'ventincreasen.增加, 增大, 增多vt. vi.增加, 增大, 增多in'kri:slengthn.一段, 一节长, 长度; 距离leŋθsquareadj.正方形的成直角的平方的n.正方形广场平方vt.使成方形与…一致结账贿赂skwɛənotchn.(边缘或表面上的)V型痕迹, 刻痕水平, 等级vt.在(某物)上刻V形痕nɔtʃcrackn.裂缝, 缝隙劈叭声, 爆裂声意外的一下重击试图, 尝试俏皮话vt. vi.(使…)开裂, 破裂(使)身体上或精神上垮掉打开, 砸开(使)发出爆裂声krækdrillingn.演练'driliŋslotn.(机器或工具上的)狭缝, 狭槽〈非正〉(在表册、系统等中所占的)位置, 职位, 空位vt.把…放入狭长开口中; 把…纳入其中, 使有位置slɔtweldvt. vi.焊接; 熔接welddoublern.加倍装置,大碗'dʌbləcyclonen.气旋暴风'saikləunfinaladj.最后的, 最终的决定性的, 确定性的n.决赛(大学的)期终考试'fainəldevelopmentn.发展, 生长新阶段, 新事态; 新产品, 新发明新开发地di'veləpmənt$1tornadon.龙卷风; 旋风tɔ:'neidəupolaradj.(近)北[南]极的正好相反的'pəuləplotn.故事情节(秘密)计划, 密谋小块地皮vt.把…分成小块; 划分绘制; 标出vt. vi.密谋plɔtutilizevt.利用, 使用'ju:tilaizmagneticadj.有磁性的, 有吸引力的磁性的mæɡ'netik coursen.课程进程, 过程航向, 航线一道菜kɔ:ssetadj.固定的; 指定的不变的n.(一)套, (一)副收音机; 电视机vi.(日、月等)落, 下沉(植物)结子, 结果vt.放, 搁置setdriftn.漂移, 漂流吹积物; 堆积物趋势, 动向, 倾向大意, 要点, 主旨vi.漂, 漂流漂泊, 流浪driftaccountn.账, 账户记述, 描述, 报道vi.解释; 说明vt.认为ə'kaunthourly raten.计时工资fixn.困境, 窘境定位于受操纵的事vt.修理; 校准固定, 安装安排; 决定, 确定准备, 做(饭等)fiksactn.行为, 行动法令, 条例(一)幕vt. vi.行动, 做表演, 假装起作用æktloadn.负荷; 负担装载, 装载量工作量, 负荷量vt. vi.把…装上车[船]装…ləudlongitudinaladj.经度的,纵向的lɔndʒi'tju:dinlstiffnessn.坚硬,硬度'stifnistien.领带, 领结关系; 联系束缚, 牵连, 累赘vt.系, 拴, 绑vt. vi.打结; 系上taiwebn.(蜘蛛等的)网周密的布置; 网状物; 圈套webplaten.盘子, 碟金属牌平板, 薄片vt.镀, 电镀pleitwrinklingn.起皱现象,起皱纹'riŋkliŋdueadj.应支付[给予]的应有的, 应得到的到期的预定, 预期适当的, 正当的, 适宜的dju:twistingn.翘曲,扭曲'twistiŋsecureadj.牢固的; 可靠的有把握的; 确切的vt.握紧; 关牢使安全(使)获得; 把…弄到手si'kjuəwiren.金属丝, 金属线电线, 导线电报vt.给…装金属线vt. vi.拍电报'waiəropen.粗绳, 绳索, 缆一串vt.(用绳子)捆, 绑rəupconsistvi.组成, 构成在于, 存在于kən'sistsingleadj.单一的; 单个的; 仅有一个的; 单独的适于一人的, 一人用的, 一人做的未婚的, 独身的n.单程票单打比赛vt.挑选'siŋɡlprotrudevt. vi.(使某物)伸出; (使某物)突出prə'tru:dhornn.角, 触角角质物号, 号角喇叭, 报警器hɔ:ncleatn.夹板kli:tbollardn.(行人安全岛的)短柱, 护柱(船上或码头上的)系船柱'bɔlɑ:drestrictvt.限制; 约束ris'triktmodificationn.缓和, 限制, 减轻更改, 改变, 修改'mɔdifi'keiʃənstudn.领扣, 按扣鞋钉(镶有宝石等并有一条小棍连着的)首饰, 耳环(用于装饰的)大头钉, 饰钉一群马(指种马)性欲强的男人vt.用饰钉、宝石等装饰(某物表面)stʌddevicen.装置, 设备, 器具手段, 策略di'vaisdischargen.获准离开, 释放排放出的物体vt.卸船偿还执行; 履行vt. vi.放出; 流出开枪; 发射dis'tʃɑ:dʒreliefn.(痛苦等)缓解, 减轻, 解除轻松, 宽慰换班[接替]人, 加班[增开]的公共汽车、火车等ri'li:ffabricn.织物, 布构造, 组织'fæbrikscreenn.屏风, 帘, 纱窗掩护物屏幕银幕; 荧光屏vt.遮蔽, 掩护放映(电影), 播放(电视节目)审查, 甄选skri:nenlargevt. vi.扩大, 扩展, 扩充放大in'lɑ:dʒbore bɔ:n.令人讨厌的人或事物, 麻烦vt.令人厌烦vt. vi.挖, 掘, 钻, 开凿(洞、井、隧道等) holen.洞, 孔; 窝破洞, 裂口; 漏洞, 破绽困境, 窘境vt. vi.(在…上)打洞或穿孔həularrangevt.整理; 布置vt. vi.安排; 准备ə'reindʒcircumferencen.周围; 圆周sə'kʌmfərənsformationn.形成, 构成形成物编队, 排列fɔ:'meiʃənrotatevt. vi.(使某物)旋转[转动](使某人或某物)轮流[按顺序循环]rəu'teitdocumentn.公文, 文件, 文献vt.证明记录, 记载'dɔkjuməntoffshoreadj.近海的向海的, 离岸的'ɔf'ʃɔ:inflate in'fleitvt. vi.使充气(于轮胎、气球等), (使)膨胀(使)通货膨胀, 物价上涨pack pækn.包裹; 背包小纸盒, 小纸包一群; 一伙; 一堆(纸牌的)一副vt.装罐把…裹起来携带; 装备有挑选…使之偏袒自己vt. vi.(把…)打包, 收拾行李塞进; 拥进(使)聚集成团logn.原木, 木材, 木料航海[飞行]日志vt.把…记入航海日志航行(…距离), 飞行(…小时)vt. vi.砍伐lɔɡmoden.方式, 样式样式, 风格məudmaleadj.男性的, 雄的凸形的n.男人; 雄性动物; 雄性植物meilcouplingn.连接连接器; (尤指列车等的)车钩, 挂钩'kʌpliŋinsideadj.内部的; 里面的; 内侧的n.里面, 内部内脏prep.(表示位置或方向)在或到…里面(表示时间)少于in'saidthreadn.线; 细线线索, 思路vt.将(针、线等)穿过…将(影片)装入放映机θredvisualadj.视觉的, 看得见的'viʒuəlsignaladj.明显的, (非常)显著的, 非凡的n.信号, 暗号(无线电或电视所传送的)讯号, 讯息, 图像vt. vi.发信号; 用信号传达; 用信号通讯'siɡnəl acknowledgevt.承认, 供认告知已收到鸣谢, 感谢ək'nɔlidʒrequestn.要求, 请求所请求的事物vt.请求, 要求ri'kwestdrawn.抽奖, 抽签平局, 不分胜负vi.移动, 来临打成平局, 不分胜负vt.拔出, 取出, 抽出提取, 汲取, 领取引起, 吸引vt. vi.绘画, 画拖, 拉drɔ:verticaladj.垂直的, 竖的'və:tikəlfairlyadv.公平地, 诚实地相当地, 适度地完全地, 简直'fɛəliaccurateadj.精确的, 准确的正确无误的'ækjuritestimatorn.评价者,评估特有者'estimeitətechniquen.技巧, 手法, 技术技能tek'ni:knavigation 'nævi'ɡeiʃənn.航行(学); 航海(术), 航空(术)导航, 领航reckon 'rekənvt.猜想; 估计〈非正〉思忖; 设想考虑; 认为〈正〉计算fibern.光纤'faibəservicen.服务, 接待公共机构, 政府部门; 业务服役; 任职vt.检修向…提供服务支付…的利息'sə:visfakeadj.假的, 冒充的n.骗子赝品vt.伪造, 篡改, 对…做手脚仿造vt. vi.假装feikfictionn.小说虚构的或想像出的事, 并非完全真实的事'fikʃəndisplayn.陈列, 展览陈列的货物、艺术品等vt.陈列, 展览显示, 显露dis'pleiradarn.雷达雷达装置'reidəfairway 'fɛəwein.(高尔夫球场上的)平坦球道fairway buoy n.航标boundadj.被捆绑的, 被束缚的一定的, 必定的去, 准备去n.跳, 跳跃, 跃进界限, 范围vi.跳; 弹回vt.给…划界, 限制baund referencen.提及, 涉及参考, 查阅引文; 参考书目证明书; 推荐信; 证明人; 推荐人'refrənsbreakn.裂口, 裂缝; 破裂间歇, 中间休息vi.破晓, 突然出现vt.破坏, 违反终止, 中断透露, 说出打破(纪录)vt. vi.打破, 折断, 弄坏breiktown.拖, 拉, 牵引vt.拖, 拉, 拽təuhosen.连裤袜, 长统袜, 短统袜软管, 胶管, 水龙头vt.用软管浇[冲洗]həuznozzlen.管嘴, 喷嘴'nɔzlattachvt. vi.贴上; 系; 附上ə'tætʃhydrantn.给水栓, 消防龙头'haidrəntexposevt.曝光暴露; 显露揭露, 袒露iks'pəuzballastn.(保持船身稳定的)压舱物vt.给某物装上压舱物'bæləstminimaladj.〈正式〉最小的; 极少的'miniməlimpactn.影响, 作用冲击(力), 碰撞vt. vi.对某事物有影响'impæktstabilityn.稳定(性), 稳固stə'bilitishutvt. vi.关, 关上ʃʌtcompartmentn.间隔, (列车车厢的)隔间kəm'pɑ:tməntgalleyn.平底大船; 战舰(船上或航空器上的)厨房'ɡæliposen.姿势, 姿态装腔作势, 伪装vt.提出vt. vi.使摆姿势; 以…身份出现pəuzadditionaladj.增加的, 额外的, 另外的ə'diʃənlthreatn.威胁, 恐吓可能造成威胁的人[事, 想法]恶兆, 兆头θretgreasen.动物油脂油膏, 油脂vt.涂油脂于, 用油脂润滑ɡri:s ventilationn.空气流通通风设备; 通风方法'venti'leiʃənescapen.逃走, 逃脱; 逃避消遣, 解闷vi.逃脱, 逃跑漏出, 泄漏vt. vi.逃避, 避开; 免除is'keipliquidadj.液体的, 液态的清澈的, 明亮的(声音)流畅的易转换成现款的, 流动的n.液体'likwidflammableadj.易燃的, 可燃的'flæməblflown.流动, 流量vi.流, 流动; 循环垂; 飘拂fləurequirevt.有赖于…; 需要命令, 指示要求, 规定想要ri'kwaiəavailableadj.可用的或可得到的可会见的, 可与之交谈的ə'veiləblspontaneousadj.自发的, 无意识的自然的, 天真率直的spɔn'teiniəscombustionn.燃烧, 烧毁kəm'bʌstʃən。



航海英语评估词汇1.abbreviation 缩写词2.abnormalities 异常情况3.absorbent 吸油剂4.accommodation ladder5.accompany 陪伴6.activate 启动7.activity 活动8.actual 实际的9.adequate 足够的10.adjacent 邻近的11.adjustment 调整12.adrift 漂流的13.advisable 可行的14.aforementioned前文提及的15.agent 代理16.alert 警报17.aloft 高处的18.alongside 并靠19.alpha 希腊字母A20.alter 改变21.amongst 在…之中22.annual 每年的anti-corrosive pain 防腐漆23.apparatus 设备24.appliance 用具25.applicable 适用于的26.application 申请,应用27.appropriate 恰当的28.approval 批准(n.)29.approve 批准(v.)30.armband 袖标31.arrange 安排32.ascertain 断定33.ashore 岸上34.assemble 集合,组装35.assembly station集合点36.assessment 评估37.assignment 任务38.assistance 救助39.associate 与…联想40.attachment 附件41.attendance 出席42.attribute 归因于43.audits 审计44.authority 权威45.avoid 避免46.aweigh 锚离底的47.awful 可怕的48.bale 捆49.ballast 压载水50.ban 禁止51.barge 驳船52.batten 封舱53.beams 横梁54.bearing 方位,轴承55.berth 泊位56.bilge pump 污水泵57.billboard 广告牌58.biscuit 饼干59.blame 责怪60.blast 声号61.block 帖图62.boiler 锅炉63.bosun 水手长64.bottom 海底65.bound 注定的66.briefly 简短地67.bruise 疤痕68.bulkhead 隔舱69.bulwark 舷墙70.bump 碰撞71.bunkering 加油72.cabin 舱室73.cable 锚链,电报74.cadet 见习驾驶员75.calibration 校正76.canal 运河77.cancellation 取消78.canvas sling帆布吊货带79.capacity 能力80.capsize 倾覆81.carbon dioxide二氧化碳82.cardinal 基础的83.carpenter 木匠84.carton 纸箱85.casualty 伤亡人数86.catalogue 目录87.categorize 分类88.category 范畴89.caution 谨慎90.cease 停止91.centigrade 摄氏度92.certificate 证书93.chain sling 吊链94.chain 锚链95.chandler 供货商96.charterer 租船97.charterer 租船方98.cheerily 开心地99.chemical 化学的100.chief 主要的101.chipping and scaling 铲锈与刮锈102.chisel 凿103.clearance 清楚,通关104.clip 夹扣105.coastguard 海岸警备队员106.code, 标准,密码107.collide 碰撞108.collision 碰撞109.column 栏木,柱子bination 合并bustible 易燃的bustion 燃烧modity 商品pensation 赔偿petency 能力pulsory 强制的117.concerned 关注的118.condensation 凝固119.conduct 行为,举办120.congested 拥挤的121.consignee 收货人122.consistent一致的123.constrain 迫使124.consumption 消费125.container 集装箱126.continuous 连续的127.contradict与…意见相左128.conveniently 方便地129.convention 公约,习俗130.convoy 编队131.cooperation 合作132.correspondence 通讯133.corridor 通道,走廊134.corrosive 腐蚀的135.coupon 优惠券136.cover 覆盖137.crack 裂痕138.crane 起重机139.crate 柳条筐140.critical 关键的141.critical condition 临界状况142.crosswise 交叉的143.crude oil 原油144.crushed carton压扁的纸箱145.cubic meter 立方米146.cucumber 黄瓜147.currency 货币148.curriculum 课程表149.damage survey损坏勘验150.damp 潮湿的151.davit 吊艇柱152.decent 体面的153.declaration 申报,宣布154.declare 宣布155.decorate 装饰156.delay 推迟157.delicate 纤细的158.dent 凹进去159.departure 离开160.deposit 储存161.derrick 重吊162.derust 除锈163.destination 目的地164.destined 注定的165.detail 细节166.detention 扣留167.determine 确定168.deteriorate 恶化169.device 设施170.diagonal 对角的171.diameter 直径172.diesel 柴油173.dimension 尺寸174.disconnect 断开175.dismantle 拆除176.dispense 放弃177.dispersant 祛除剂178.dispute 争议179.distress 遇险180.distribution 分配181.diver 潜水员182.diverge 分歧183.divorce 离婚184.dizzy 眩晕的185.dockside 船坞边186.document 文件187.drain 排水188.drainage valve 排水阀189.dredger 疏浚船190.drifting 漂流191.drip-tray 滴水盘192.drum lid 桶盖193.drummed 桶装的194.dual watch facility 双工设备195.dunnage plank 垫料木板196.duplicate 一式两份197.durable 耐用的198.dust 灰尘199.dutiable 须征税的200.duunage 垫料201.eject 弹射202.embarkation 上船203.emit 散发204.endorsement 批准205.ensure 确保206.entirely 完全地207.entity 整体,法人208.epidemic 流行病209.errand 差事210.escort 护送211.essence 本质212.essential 本质的213.establish 建立214.evaporate 蒸发215.eventually 终于216.exactly 准确地217.exceed 超过218.exclusively 排他性地219.execute 执行220.execution 执行221.expire 过期222.explosive 爆炸物223.extend 延长224.extinguisher 灭火器225.extra 额外的226.facilitate 有利于227.fairly 相当地228.fake 假的229.familiarization 熟悉230.fare 票231.final 最后的232.flammable 易燃的233.floating 漂浮234.flooding 进水235.foodstuff 食品236.fore peak tank前尖舱237.foreman 工头238.foul 缠绕的,污浊的239.fracture 使…脱臼240.fragile 易碎的241.fuel 燃料242.fumigate 熏舱243.function 功能244.gain 获得245.galley 厨房246.gangway 舷梯247.gantry 龙门架248.generator 发电机249.germ 细菌250.grant 批准251.guideline 指导方针252.guy 稳索253.handsomely 漂亮地254.harbour 港口255.hawse pipe 锚链管256.hazardous 危险的257.hectopascal 百帕258.hoist 升起259.horizontal 水平的260.hospitalization 住院261.iceberg 冰山262.identification 身份263.immediate 立即的264.immersion 没入水中265.immigration 移民266.implement 履行267.implicitly 含蓄地268.imply 暗示269.inaccurate 不准确的270.incident 事件271.incinerator 焚烧炉272.incline 使倾斜273.inconsistency 不一致性274.indispensable不可缺少的275.individual 个别的276.ineffective 无效的277.inert 惰性气体的278.infect 感染279.inferior 低劣的280.inflation 通货膨胀281.initiate 启动282.injure 使受伤283.injury 受伤284.inoculate 打预防针285.inoperative 无法工作286.inspect 检查287.inspection 检查288.inspector 检察官289.install 安装290.interlock 联锁291.intermodalism多式联运292.interrelation 相互关系293.interval 间歇294.intonation 语调295.investigation 调查296.issue发放问题,期(刊)297.item 项目,东西298.jettison 弃船299.jumbo 重吊300.keep sb informed of让某人知道…bourer 劳动者ntern 灯笼unch 使…下水;交通艇undry 洗衣服305.leeside 下风舷306.level 水平,等级307.liable 易受……负责的308.liquor 酒309.litter 担架,垃圾310.longitudinal 纵向的311.longitudinal 经度的312.long-sleeved shirt 长袖的衬衫313.loose bale 散装包货314.lot 一票(货)315.lower 降低316.luminous 发光的317.luxury 奢侈318.magnetron 磁子319.mandatory 命令的320.manifold 总管321.manoevure 操纵322.manrope 扶手绳323.manual 手动的,手册324.mast 桅杆325.mat 垫子326. maximum 最大限度(的) 327. medical医疗的328. MFAG医疗急救指南 329. military assistance 军事援助 330. minimum 最小限度(的) 331. minor 次要的 332. missile 导弹 333. moderate 适中的 334. moisture 潮湿 335. moor 系泊 336. motor 马达 337. mount 架设 338. MSA海事局339. multilingual 多语种的 340. necessity必要性341. negative 否定的 342. neglectful 忽略的 343. non-essential 无关紧要的 344. nozzle喷头 345. observe 遵守 346. obstruct 妨碍 347. obtain 获得 348. obtain获得349. obvious 明显的 350. occasionally 偶然地 351. occupation 职业 352. oily water 油污水 353. on the spot 当场 354. optimize 使…优化 355. ordnance演习356. outfit 装备 357. outlet 排出口 358. overdue 超期 359. overflow 溢出 360. overhaul 大修 361. owing to 由于 362. oxidize使氧化363. package 包装/包裹 364. painkiller止痛药 365. paint油漆 366. parachute 降落伞 367. parallel 平行的368. particular average 单损 369. paste 粘贴 370. patrol 巡逻 371. perform实施372. periodically 定期地 373. permanently 永久地 374. personnel 人员 375. pertinent 中肯的 376. pier码头377. pilferage 偷窃 378. pilot ladder 引水梯 379. piping管系380. pirate 海盗 381. plank木版382. plug 塞子 383. plumber 管道工 384. poisonous 有毒的 385. portable可移动的386. potential 潜在的 387. pratique 免于检疫 388. previous 之前的 389. prior to在……之前 390. probably 或许 391. prohibit 禁止 392. projector探照灯393. prompt 快速的 394. properly 恰当地395. provision 食品,条款 396. pumproom泵房397. qualified 合格的 398. quantity数量399. quarantine 检疫 400. quay 码头 401. radioactive放射性的402. radius 半径 403. railings栏杆404. rating 低级船员 405. receipt收据 406. reciprocal 反向的 407. recondition修理408. rectify 矫正 409. reefer冰箱 410. refrigerated冷藏的411. registry 登记 412. regulation 规定413. release 释放,发行414. remark 议论,备注 415. removal排除416. renailed carton 重新用钉子钉上的箱子 417. renew 更新 418. repetition 重复 419. replenish补充420. representative 代表 421. rescue救护422. residue 残渣 423. resource 资源 424. respect 尊敬,方面425. respectively 各自地426. restow 重新码货 427. restrict 限制 428. resume重新开始429. retreat 撤退 430. revise 修订431. rig 架设 432. roger明白433. rope off 用绳子隔离 434. rotation轮转435. rough handling 野蛮装卸436.route 线路437.rust 生锈438.safeguard 保护439.sagging 中垂440.salvage 打捞441.sanitary 卫生的442.sanitize 使卫生443.scale and odor 刮锈与气味444.scattered 分散的445.scene 景色446.schedule 日程表447.scoop 勺子448.scrape away 勉强过关449.scupper 排水孔450.sea suction valve 海水吸水阀451.search 搜寻452.sea-valve 海阀453.secure 固定,安全454.security 安全455.segregate 隔离456.segregation 隔离457.seismic 地震458.separation 分离459.serviceable 可用的460.shift the guy 移稳索461.shifting cargo 移货462.shipowner 船东463.shipper 货方464.shipyard 船厂465.signature 签名466.slack 松弛的,空闲的467.slamming and pounding (指大浪)用力拍打468.sling 司令货吊469.slop tank 污水舱470.sludge 污水471.smelling cargo 有味道的货物472.smooth 顺畅的473.snatch block 开口滑车474.snatch 抓起475.souvenir 礼品476.spanner 扳手477.specification 规格478.sphere 范围479.spillage 溢出480.spirits 白酒,精神481.spontaneous 自发的482.stainless 不锈的483.stainless 不锈的484.stamp 邮票485.standardize使…标准化486.statement 说法487.statutory 法规的488.steadier 更稳健的489.steel pipe 钢管490.steer 操舵491.stevedore 搬运工492.steward 电报员493.storm valve 止回阀494.stove 炉子495.stow 堆放码垛496.stowage plan 积载图497.stowage 堆放498.stowaway 偷渡客499.stowpiece 固定夹500.strain 扭伤,拉紧501.strategy 策略502.structural 结构的503.submerge 浸入水中504.submit 提交505.substance 物质506.substitute 替代507.summary 总结508.superfluous 多余的509.superintendent 主管510.surge 纵摇511.survey 勘察512.surveyor 验船/货师513.survivor 幸存者514.suspend 中止515.sway 横荡516.swing 移动517.switch 开关518.syllabus 大纲519.synthetic scoop 合成材料做的舀水器520.tag 标签521.tally 理货522.tallyman 理货员523.target 目标524.tarpaulin 帆布525.technical 技术的526.temporary 临时的527.tension 绷紧528.terrestrial 地面的529.terrorist 恐怖分子530.The anchor is home. 锚已收至锚链舱531.thereto 向那里,此外532.thickness 厚度533.threat 威胁534.tide 潮汐535.tier 层536.tighten 旋紧537.timber 木材538.tonic 滋补的539.touch down 降落540.tour in pairs 两人一组巡逻541.toxic 毒气的542.transmit 传播543.transshipment 转运544.transverse 横向的545.treat 对待,请客546.triangular 三角形的547.trim 使均匀,纵摇548.tube 试管549.turbine 涡轮机550.turnover 装卸货时间551.tweendeck 二层甲板552.twist 弯曲553.two coats of 两层的554.unconscious 昏迷的555.under control 在控制下556.unfortunately 不幸地557.union purchase 双吊558.unseaworthiness 不适航性559.update 使更新560.upstream 上游561.vacant 空闲的562.vaccination 种疫苗563.valid 有效的564.validity 有效期565.veer 风向顺转566.ventilate 使通风567.ventilation 通风568.ventilator 通风管569.verify 核实570.vertical 垂直的571.via 通过572.vicinity 附近573.victual 食品574.viscosity 粘性575.visibility 能见度576.visual 视觉的577.voyage 航行578.wake 尾流579.walkie-talkie 步话机580.weld 电焊581.wharfside 码头边582.windlass 锚机583.windward 向风处的584.workmanship 工艺585.worn out 疲惫的586.wreck 毁坏587.yacht 游艇588.589.。

航海英语 带中文翻译

航海英语 带中文翻译

航海英语302烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.A.The funnel烟囱B.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气.2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线厨房是制作美味食物的地方.3.——is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galley厨房D.The satellite antenna食堂是全体船员用餐的地方4.——is where the crew eat their meals.A.The funnelB.The messroom食堂C.The galleyD.The satellite antenna锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动.5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchor 锚C.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动. 6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏B.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。

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154题中英对照1.Self-igniting signals自动点火信号is not provided with onboard lifeboat?2.According to IMO, the retro-reflective tapes反光带shall be posed outside lifeboat.3.Lifebuoys-救生圈is not required on survival crafts4.Have the safety belts for totally enclosed lifeboats全封闭式救生艇been examined5.Are your lifeboats fitted with tripping line锚爪拉索6.The fireman's outfit consists of safety lamp, protective clothing, rigid helmet, breathingapparatus 但不包括VHF7.Mercator projection莫卡托投影can always give true distances8.Why do distances always have to be measured from the nearest scale on a Mercator chart?Because it varies for each latitude因为它与每个纬度成比例9.Ship's heading is the direction the vessel is pointing.航向是船舶指示的方向10.How long would 15 minutes of longitude be at a latitude of 60 degrees North?在北纬60度15分经度是多长?7.5海里11.Which one of the followings is incorrect about magnetic compass?The magnetic compass is always placed inside steel constructions磁罗经总是放在刚性结构里面12.Which one of the followings is correct regarding the use of gyrocompass?Gyrocompass needs to be checked from time to time旋转罗盘需要经常被核查13.What often happens when using echo-sounder at river estuary where a layer of fresh waterlies on the top of denser salt water? A scattering layer appears.出现散射层14.Regarding the use of GPS, which one of the followings is incorrect?GPS can provide a real-time position 实时的位置under any condition15.officer shall be aware that A. Radar’s range reading is more accurate than its bearing reading16.As for racon, which one is incorrect:D. Racon can be used to take place of radar17.What does a Racon help with? D. Identifying a seamark18.What does ECDIS stand for:B. Electronic Chart Display and Information System19.The IALA buoyage system is divided into two categories:C. The lateral system and the cardinal system20.The lateral system is used in B. restricted water such as buoyed channels21.In region A, The green buoys are kept to starboard and red to port when sailing from sea to land22.Which one of the followings about Traffic Separation Scheme(TSS) is incorrect?D. Being in the TSS does change the general rule of the Road convention23.How do you take a running fix移线定位?C. By taking bearings from a landmark at intervals and measuring the distance covered in intervals.24.Who has the right of way in a Traffic Separation Scheme? C. The vessel coming from the starboard side25.What would be colour of IALA starboard hand lateral buoy, as seen when sailing toward land, in Europe? 答案:A在欧洲,当驶向沿岸时将会看到航标协会右舷指示侧标是什么颜色?Green绿色26.As the tide makes the water D. rise and fall twice a day a resulting current is generated27.the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect. This is called the C. Slack平潮28.The average time between two high waters is 12 hours and 25 minutes because this is the time it takes for B.The moon to be at the opposite side of the earth答案:B两个高潮之间的平均时间是12小时25分钟,因为这个时候月亮在地球对面29.What is the tidal height? C. The water above the Lowest Astronomical Tide30.What is the right way to use VHF CH16 and working channel?A. Ships can call other ships on Ch16 but should move to working channel soon.31.How to report your ship call sign to a shore station? B. Use phonetic alphabet 音标字母32.Which one of the followings is not a right way to call an unknown vessel by VHF?D. According to her crewmembers答案:D33.If there were suddenly an immediate danger for both the vessel and its crew, you send a MAYDAY onD. Ch16 with 25 watts output34. a distress situation allows you to send only a very short message, after MAYDAY , you first say______A. Your name and call sign35.GPS receiver errors depend on D. construction 答案:D ________.36.Error in the GPS positions has nothing to do with D. ship's position GPS误差与船舶位置无关37.What is the main purpose of DGPS?A. Improve positioning accuracy 提高定位精度38.The accuracy of the DGPS mainly depends on_______.D. The age of the calculated correction 差分GPS的精度主要依赖于计算改正量39.What is the purpose of a Pedestal(基座,柱脚)Rail?A. To change the direction of lead on a mooring line?改变系泊缆的导向答案:A40.You stand a greater risk of injuring yourself during mooring and unmooring operations than at anyother time. So remember:C. Do not work too close to the drum when handling wires/ropes41.Which one of the followings is not a right way to behave during mooring unmooring operation?A. Stay close to the towline at all time42.The most serious danger from synthetic ropes is C. Snapback急速反弹when it breaks43.Unlike wires, synthetic ropes do not give audible D. sign of pending failure在断裂前44. A ship does not possess an all-wire or all-sythetic mooring outfit, the best procedure is to use____for spring and breast lines and _____for headlines and stern lines.A. The synthetic ropes, the wiresB. The wire s, the synthetic ropesC. The wires,the synthetic ropes with the wiresD. The synthetic ropes with the wires, the same as the former答案:船舶不会具有全金属绳或者全人造绳锚泊设备,最好的方法是用金属绳做倒缆和横缆,用人造绳做首缆和尾缆45.The ideal rope for stoppers should satisfy the following requirements except that ____B_.B. The size of the stopper should be as large as possibleually, do not use more than _____ complete rope turns around the drum. B. 3-447.If you have steel wire ropes leading in the same direction with other ropes, which will take themost of the load? A. Steel wire rope48.. Snapback 急速弹is a serious danger when we are handling_____.A. Wire ropeB. Nylon ropes onlyC. Synthetic ropesD. Manila49.Choose one statement which is correct according to safe mooring practice. DD. Two or more lines lea ding in the same direction should always be of the same material.50.What does a navigator who uses an ECDIS require?A. Good navigational knowledge and a professional job attitude51.When own ships position input to ECDIS wrong, what is the result?D. Position, range and bearing taken on the ECDIS will be wrong52.What should you avoid when receiving work order? D. Misunderstandings53.. What kind of information does the fire plan contain? B. location of firefighting equipment onboard54.Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space?A. Yes, always55.. What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye?A. Rinsing of the eye56.. What is the meaning of UEL? C. Upper explosive level UEL意思是爆炸上限57.. In which way may intake of poisoning material not occur? D. By protective measures58.What is OPA 90? C. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 什么是邻苯二甲醛90?1990油污法案59.What is the maximum oxygen percentage allowed in a tank?C. 8% 答案:C油舱中允许的最大氧气百分比是多少?60.What does OBO mean? 答案:B OBO的意思是什么?矿石/散货油61.. What is the meaning of LEL? C. Lower explosive limit LEL是什么意思?爆炸下限62.. What kind of fixed extinguishing plant is installed in an oil tankers’ engine room and pump room?C. CO2 plant 那种固定灭火装置安装在油轮机舱和泵房?二氧化碳装置63..Before any portable gas indicators are brought to the measuring spot, what is very important to do with theseanalysers first? A. To do a full calibration 全面的校正64.. Which one of the following factors does not reduce the effect of free surface?A.Minimum number of daily service tanks in useB. Where possible, tanks either full or emptyC. GZmax at minimum 25°D. Bilges pumped out答案:C下面那一个因素不能减小自由液面的影响?最大复原力臂最小在25度65.. Where is the draft largest when the ship has an aft trim?A. ForwardB. AftC. MidshipsD. The drafts are equal all over the ship答案:B当船舶尾倾时最大吃水在哪里?船尾66.What percentage of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1?B. The percentage is not specified答案:B行李的百分比为多少时需要选择安全等级?这个百分比没有任何规定67.73. Who is responsible for the development of the ship security plan? CSOA. The company security officer答案:A谁负责开发船舶安全计划?公司安全检查人员74. Who is responsible for the regular security inspections of the ship? D. The ship security officer答案:D谁负责船舶常规安全检查?船舶安全检查人员SSO68.. For whom is the ISM Code mandatory? A. All vessels 500 GRT and above答案:A谁要强制执行国际安全管理规则?所有500总吨以上的船舶69.. Who can contact the Designated Person? D. All officers and crew答案:D谁能联系指定人?所有高级船员和普通船员70.. Who can suggest changes to the SMS? C. All officer and crew71.. How many hours of rest is the minimum required in a normal day? B.10 hours72.. The ISM code is pat of _____. A. SOLAS 国际安全管理规则是SOLAS公约的一部分73.. When are you allowed to throw plastic garbage overboard? D. Never74.. Why is the ISM Code mandatory强制性的? B. To improve safety提高安全75.. Why should you report accident to the Designated Person? B. To prevent it from happening again DPA76.Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least_____?B. Once a month77.. What is the purpose of the girders in the tank? C. They support the stiffeners and take up some of the seaforces 答案:C舱内桁的用途是什么?他们支持加强杆和抵挡一些海水压力78.. When does a bulk carrier experience extreme tension in bottom structure during fast rate loading?B. During loading of heavy cargo in mid-ship holds 在船中货舱装载重大货件期间79.. What is the difference between static and dynamic forces on a ship hull?A. The former is set up by cargo and sea while the latter by wave actionA在船体上静电干扰和()的不同点是什么?前者由货物和海水形成而后者由海水波动形成80.. What is the worse case consideration for the hull girder at sea?B. When a wave length between the crests is approximately equal to the length of the shipB在海上船桁体考虑的很不好情况是什么?当波峰之间的波长约等于船舶长度的时候81.. Who is normally deciding which search pattern to use? B. OSC 由谁决定使用的搜寻方式?82.. What i s the meaning of the word “ROGER” when used in radio communication?D. I have received your transmission satisfactorily83.. What type of oil is most suitable for reducing the effect of heavy seas?C. Vegetable oil答案:C哪种油最适合减小波涛汹涌的海面的作用?植物油84.. Communication between ship and aircraft is _____.B. Difficult because of different radio bands因为无线电频段不同85.. When is the parallel sweep search used? B. When searching a large area答案:B什么时候使用平行搜索?当在一个大的海域搜索时86.. The following information may not be required to be communicated to a distressed craft?D. Rescue award if successful D和一个遇险航空器联系,成功后的营救奖品NO CURE, NO PAY87.. A search and rescue region is _____.D. An area of defined dimensions88.. The first ship arriving of a SAR incident should _____.A. Assume OSC duties 承担现场协调或指挥的职责89.. Which standard man overboard manoeuvre is considered the best during bad visibility conditions?D. The Williamson turn 威廉逊回旋法90.. Can the RCC and RSC use NA VTEX for shore to ship distress traffic?A.Yes RCC和RSC能把NA VTEX用于岸到船的遇险通信吗?91.. What is most important when using expanded square search? A. Accurate navigation答案:A当用展开方形搜索最重要的是什么?精确航行92.. What is most important for visual search purposes?A. Design of individual search patterns93.Dose the COLREG give any preference to ship equipped with radar?A. YesB. NoC. Only during reduced visibilityD. Only in good visibility答案:B国际海上避碰规则公约对船舶配备雷达给出了任何优先权吗?94.. COLREG NO.10 apply to _____. D. V essels sailing in separation schemes答案:D国际海上避碰规则适用于航行在分道通航制的船舶95.. How is a uncoded racon displayed on the PPI?A. As a lineB. As a dotC. As small circleD. As a large circle答案:A未加码的雷达信号在PPI上显示什么?像一条直线96.. What type of radar can activate a racon?A. X-band radarB. S-band radarC. C-band radarD. No radar can答案:A什么类型的雷达能激活雷达信标?X波段的雷达97.. What is a coded racon?C. A racon which display a morse code on the radar screen答案:C什么是编码雷达信标?在雷达屏幕上显示摩尔斯码的雷达98.. What is the purpose of the radar reflector?D. Making small objects better visible雷达反射器的用途是什么?使小物标更清晰99.. How to reduce beam width distortion? D. Reduce gain答案:D怎样减少波束宽度的失真?减少增益100.. Marine radar range accuracy is generally______.A. LowB. HighC. UnstableD. V ery low答案:B船用雷达测距精度一般很高101.. What is the purpose of VRM control?A. To measure distance accurately VRM控制的用途是什么?测量精确的距离102.. What course should be fed into a stabilized radar picture?A. Compass courseB. Gyro courseC. True cours eD. Course made good答案:C什么航向被输入稳定雷达图象?真航向103.. What is the correct speed input to an ARPA used for traffic surveillance?A. Ground speedB. Speed through waterC. Speed from GPSD. Speed from Doppler答案:B输入用来交通监察的ARPA的正确的速度是什么?对水速度104.. How does current and drift affect the relative motion, relative vector presentation相对矢量?A. No effect海流和漂流的怎样影响相对运动,。
