
With the 1970s came an end to the domination of the single international design movement. While on the one hand Modernism continued to come under attack and to be widely discredited, on the other hand latter-day modernists set out to prove the validity of this moment and to persuade us that, even with changing economic, social and cultural conditions, the impulse of technological progress would lead us into a bright future.
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课程名称:工业设计专业英语英语 英文名称:English for Industrial Design 适用专业:工业设计专业 课程类别:专业基础课 开课时间:第4学期 学期总学时:48学时
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English for Industrial Design 工业设计专业英语
Schools of mechanical & electrical engineering

(6)·(Twentieth-century··industrial nations)20世纪意大利设计仅仅是意大利当代文化、政治、社会和经济事物的一个方面。
(9)·(Markers and colored pencils ideal ··any drawing surface)马克笔和彩铅既是设计过程中最理想的工具,又是最终表现效果中最理想的工具。
·(Neither extensive practice··as casein and tempera)有了这两种上色工具,既不需要过多的练习,也不需要高超的技巧,这两种方法简单明了。
·(Markers and colored pencils are readily··and watercolor)马克笔可以很容易的买到,并且如今在专业的设计事务所里它大概是应用最为广泛的上色工具—-比加蛋黄的颜料的画法和水彩应用更为广泛.·(A variety of marker··or toned point paper)在专门经营艺术和绘画工具的商店里可以买到何种各样的马克笔品牌。


Design-Led Innovation设计驱动创新By Design Council/UK设计委员会/英国In 2006 our former Chairman, Sir George Cox,was commissioned by The Treasury to undertake a review of creativity in business, and to recommend how the governments, educational institutions and to recommend how the governments, educational institutions and businesses could help support economic growth.Supporting innovation sat at the heart of his recommendations because he saw that the UK currently earns most of our living through high value creative industry, and that without protection,investment and development, our creative industries could falter in the face of developing international competition. Sir George saw that designers working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, with business managers, engineers, scientists and technologists, can support innovation in the UK.设计驱动创新由英国设计委员会/2006年,我们的前主席乔治•考克斯爵士(Sir George Cox)受英国财政部委托,对商业中的创造力进行了一次评估,并就政府、教育机构如何以及政府、教育机构和企业如何帮助支持经济增长提出建议。

Unit O n e Design Fundam entalLesson1 Color Dr awing(1)Markers and colored pencils are ideal for use during the design process as well as for final renderings or drawings.Since much rough drawing and sketch-work is done on thin tracing papers, brush media such as water-color and tempera are unusable,since they will buckle the paper. Makers dry quickly with no buckling and along with colored pencils,can be quickly used on almost any drawing surface.Neither extensive practice nor a high level of skill is necessary with these two color media, since methods are simple and direct.By becoming familiar with the methods you will probably speed your work considerably.For most designers this approach to color is faster and easier to handle than brush media and one with which most students and professionals are to some degree familiar.Many of the advantages and subtleties of water-color and other brush media are attainable with markers and colored pencils.The mingling and graded washes of watercolor and airbrush techniques can be imitated,as can the highlighting achieved with opaque brush media such as casein and tempera.Markers and colored pencils are readily available commercially and are probably the most widely used color media in professional design offices today—more so than the brush media of tempera and watercolor.A variety of marker brands is available at stores that specialize in art or drafting supplies. Choose a marker brand with a full range of colors so that a wide choice is possible.Each of the brands offers between100and200different colors,many of which are variations of a single hue.It pays to use a high-quality colored pencil for this kind drawing.A soft,waxy pencil is preferable to a hard,brittle type,as it produces a more brilliant deposit of color,a necessary characteristic for effecting lighted surfaces on tracing or toned print paper.Whether you are primarily involved with interiors,exteriors,or general color-work, black-line media in a variety of widths are necessary for texturing and outlining.Since technical pens often clog when used over waxy colored pencils,it is best to use felt-tipped and ordinary fountain pens.Of course,other types of line media that you find workable may be substituted for those suggested.The important point is to have a variety of line widths available.As with the line media mentioned above,you will also need a palette of gray markers and colored pencils(including black and white),regardless of the type of color-work you are engaged in.Warm-gray pencils and markers are slightly reddish,while cool and cold-gray markers and pencils are slightly bluish.It is recommended that you obtain both a warm-gray pencil series and a cool gray marker series.With this variety neutral grays and neutralized reductions of color intensity may be mixed when desired.Cool-gray markers also seem to represent exterior windows more believably.If your design work primarily encompasses natural materials and outdoor design as does that of a landscape architect a natural palette of markers and colored pencils is recommended.These colors can be used to draw plant materials,various kinds of woods,bricks,a variety of stone types, and other related materials.Lesson1 Color Dr awing(1)Colored pencil is applied over a marker“base”for any or all of the following reasons:to alter the color of the marker base,to make a surface appear illuminated,or to give the effect of subtle texture with line patterns.If an area of paper is covered with a transparent marker coating,the resultant color will be a blend of the paper color and the marker color.The marker color will appear most brilliant on white paper since a maximum amount of light will reflect from the paper’s surface through the marker coating to the viewer’s eye.On yellow tracing paper the color will appear lighter and more washed out and will change depending on the color of the surface.On toned paper the same marker coating will appear less brilliant,depending on the lightness or darkness of the tone,since less light will reflect from the paper’s surface.Colored pencils leave a semiopaque coating on the paper’s surface.When used very lightly,the paper will still show between the minute spots of pencil deposit,since the pencil has coated only the highest grain of the surfaces.The result is a visual mixture of paper and pencil.When used with more pressure,the pencil will eventually squash the grain and thoroughly coat paper,resulting in a solid,brilliant color.Note,however,that,even when applied with pressure, the resulting pencil color will be partially influenced by the color and tone of the paper beneath it.When light-colored pencils(such as White Flesh,and Light Violet)are used on toned papers,the resulting color seems to glow.This is because the lightness and brilliance of the colors appear even greater in contrast to the dull-toned surface.A similar phenomenon occurs when light-colored pencils are applied to yellow tracing paper and placed over a darker surface.An even greater apparent brilliance is created when the drawing is placed almost parallel to the direction of the light.The use of light-colored pencil over a toned or marker surface is an especially effective way of making a surface appear illuminated.From the above discussion,the effect of colored pencil applied over a marker base should be clear.Light reflects from the colored-pencil deposit,while the marker simultaneously shows through the minute particles.The result is a visual mixture of the two—a third color.The visual mix of separate colors is not new to color work.The neoimpressionist painters placed spots and lines of pure hue in close proximity to one another,thus forming medial mixtures when viewed from even a short distance.New Words1.rendering/rend ri/n.演出之方式;表现效果2.sketch-work/sket-w k/n.草图3.tempera/temp r/n.涂料加蛋黄以使色彩暗晦的画法4.buckle/b kl/n.扣子;弯曲;使变形5.subtlety/s tlti/n.精细;聪明;诡秘6.airbrush/br/n.喷笔7.mingling/mingli/adj.混和的8.casein/keisi n/n.酪蛋白Unit One Design Fundam ental9.drafting/dra fti/n.起草;草拟10.textile/tekstail/n.(织物的)密度;质地;结构11.clog/kl g/vi.阻碍12.felt-tipped/felt-tipt/adj.檀毛;笔尖的13.encompass/in k mp s/vt.围绕;包围14.palette/p lit/n.调色板15.blend/blend/v t.混和16.neoimpressionist/ni uim pre nist/n.新印象派主义者“neo-”前缀,意为“新”17.proximity/pr k simiti/n.接近;近似Phr ases and Expr essions1.tracing paper描图纸2.pay to use充分利用3.be applied to应用于NotesIf your design work primarily encompasses natural materials and outdoor design as does that of a landscape architect a natural palette of markers and colored pencils is recommended.如果你的设计作品主要包括自然材料和象建筑风景这类的户外设计,那么最好用自然色彩的马克笔和色铅来作画。

工业设计专业英语翻译 Lesson 1 Workplace Design

Lesson 1 Workplace DesignJeremy MyersonIn briefAlso known as innovative workplaces.As the knowledge-driven economy of the 21st century places a premium on generating new ideas and intellectual property,the creation of more-innovative workplaces in which fresh thinking can develop and teamwork can flourish has become a central preoccupation for senior managers in many different types of organization.随着21世纪知识经济的溢价产生新的创意和知识产权,创造更有创意的工作场所可以开发新思维和团队精神能蓬勃发展,已成为关注的中心在许多不同类型的高级管理人员组织。
As a concept, the “innovative workplace” responds to a growing recognition within employing companies that the physical working environment can have a profound effect on an organization‟s culture and on the individual‟s performance.Successive anthropological studies have demonstrated a proven connection between habitat and human behavior.历届人类学研究已经证明了一个成熟的栖息地和人类行为之间的连接Today,there is widespread acceptance that the traditional habitat for white-collar work—the modern office has significant shortcomings in terms of planning,layout,facilities and aesthetics.These shortcomings prevent organizations and individuals from working to their full potential in terms of innovating effectively.这些缺点,从工作方面的有效创新,以充分发挥其潜力的组织和个人..Designing offices to release innovation potential within the organisation links the application of a number of design processes directly to the realization of organisational goals.These processes include space-planning,interior,architectural,furniture and lighting design.这些过程包括空间规划,室内设计,建筑,家具和照明设计Designing innovative workplaces is not about creating visually “wacky”,attention-grabbing environments.It is about closely tailoring the physical environment to the requirements of developing new knowledge within the organisation.设计创新的工作场所,是不是创造视觉“古怪”,引人注目environments.It密切剪裁的要求开发新的知识在组织内的物理环境。

这次影响是国际的和本次活动的解放效果在其他许多国家,包括法国,西班牙,德国,荷兰,大,英国,捷克斯洛伐克和日本索特萨斯自己被称为“新设计” 。

Lesson17Insects won’t take over the earth, they own it now. A leading biologist explains why bugs are the world’s most successful design.昆虫没有占据地球,它们现在属于地球,一个杰出的生物学家解释为什么昆虫是世界上最成功的设计。
They incorporate astonishingly sophisticated design features, both structurally and functionally, which render them especially well suited for survival on this planet.无论在结构上还是机能上,它们具有令人惊讶的设计能力特征,来展示出它们在这个星球上的适应性。
There’s no denying it: Bugs Rule. There are currently 200 million insects for every man, woman and child. Of the species identified, more than half are insects.不可否认的是:昆虫法则。
We humans may not like the idea, but there is no denying it: Bugs Rule. Estimates have it that there are some 1018 bugs now alive on the planet. It is not only their sheer number, but also their diversity that is staggering: Of the total million species of animals, plants and microorganisms that have been identified, more thanhalf—or over 800,000—are insects. And while new species of insects are being discovered daily, over 10 million may yet remain unknown.我们人类可能不喜欢这个主意,但是不可否认:昆虫法则。

Lesson1 What Is Design
There are many misconceptions about design. Sunday supplements and glossy magazines often use ‘design’ as a buzzword denoting style and fashion. While the toaster or corkscrew being featured may be well designed, the result is to feed the belief of would-be design clients that design is restricted to the surface of things and how they look, and that it’s best employed at the end of the product development process. (人们)对设计有很多误解。星期天增刊及服装杂志经常使用‚设计‛ 这个词作为风格和款式的流行用语。而特色的烤面包机和螺丝锥可能设 计精良,这也会给潜在的客户这样的理念—设计只是局限于事物的表面 和外观,
Lesson1 What Is Design
设计是基本的。人们需要记住我们周围的所有事物都是设 计出来的,设计结果几乎影响到我们生活的每一方面,我们 工作的环境,我们订购假期的方式,我们开启果酱瓶盖子的 方式。但是当使用这些东西的时候,我们认为这是理所当然, 但是正如国际工业设计咨询公司的创始人Bill Moggride所说 的,‚在制作这些东西时很多反复试验工作看起来毫不费 力。‛ Design and the user Good design begins with the needs of the user. No design, no matter how beautiful and ingenious, is any good if it doesn’t fulfill a user need. This may sound obvious but many products and services, such as the Sinclair C5, WAP mobile phone services, and a great many dot COM businesses failed because the people behind them didn’t grasp this.

For the first time design, without the crutch of architecture, was proclaiming itself to be free from the restraints of Modernism and in tune with the post industrial age. The impact was felt internationally and such was the Liberating effecny other countries—including France, Spain ,Germany, Holland, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia and Japan— aligned themselves to (what Sottsass himself dubbed“the New Design”).)
设计首次没有依赖建筑这根拐杖,而宣告它自身摆脱了现代主义的束缚,而与后工业时代合拍。 这次冲击是国际性的,这个时间的解放效应分别影响了许多国家,包括法国、西班牙、德国、荷 兰、英国、捷克、日本,他们结成联盟,被索特萨斯命名为“新设计”。
Called“the designer decade”, the 1980s enjoyed another worldwide consumer boom and the now fully democratic concept of design took on a new meaning in the context of this affluence. The word“designer”was tagged to any commodity (that promoted itself as special, from hairdressers to jeans.) In the mass - market context of the late 20th century the term“designer”implied a level of individualism and taste (that was reassuring to people
工业设计专业英语 0

Industrial Design
Painter – Van Gogh
If you want to comprehend the real
significance of someone’s work, you should
make a full understanding about his story.
English for Industrial Design
Industrial Design
Main Contents
课文讲解、翻译示范 基本的阅读、翻译练习
Industrial Design
Main Contents
短篇文献阅读、翻译练习 口语表达训练 写作训练
是内心翻腾的感情烈火的写照,但同时也似乎寓意 着一种苦难,一种深重的苦难。
Industrial Design
comprehend——vt. 理解,领会
significance——n. 意义,重要性
Industrial Design
Story of Vincent Van Gogh
•生前寂寥、死后荣耀 •1978年,伦敦拍卖会,《向日葵》以大约五十九亿 日元的天价被日本人买走了。 •梵高生前卖出的作品只有《红色葡萄园》一幅。在
惜的是,梵高本人却在还未获得正确评价之前,就自 己拉下了人生的帷幕。”
Industrial Design
《向日葵》就是在阳光明媚 灿烂的法国南部所作的。 画面像闪烁着熊熊的火焰, 又满怀炽热的激情,充满运 动感,笔触粗厚有力,色彩 的对比也是单纯强烈的。 梵高笔下的向日葵不仅仅是 植物,而是带有原始冲动和 热情的生命体。

1、AALTO,ALVAR(1898——1976)Finish architect and designer. Aalto studied architecture at the Polytechnic in Helsinki from 1918 to 1921. He established himself as an architect in 1923,and his Sanatorium at Paimio (1929——1933)is a classic of International Modern architecture. At the same time he began to design plywood chairs,and in 1935 set up a firm,Artek,to market his simple and successful furniture. Some of his plywood is cantilevered like Bauhaus tubular steel,but clearly softer in finish. His furniture was successful in England and in America and prompted other experiments in that direction,notably by Jack Pritchard. From 1937 he designed glass for Iittala,using asymmetrical shapes and subtle curves. Though part of the International Modern movement,Aalto was always sensitive to brick as a material,and he was one of the gentler exponents Modern forms.阿尔瓦尔,阿尔托(1898——1976)芬兰建筑师和设计者。

工业设计专业英语lesson2课后自由阅读翻译Why Good Design Doesn‘t Always Guarantee Success为什么好的设计并不总是成功的保证If a customer‘s total experience surrounding a product is bad, it can supersede everything else about the product, even its outstanding design. 如果一个客户围绕一个产品的总经验是坏的,它可以取代一切有关的产品,即使其卓越的设计。
―Good design is, of cours e, a primary building block of the total cu stomer experience,‖acknowledges Daniel Cuffaro of Altitude, a Boston-based product design and development firm. But good design in itself does not guarantee a positive customer experience. To achieve that, you need to build customer awareness, make the product easily available, price it properly, package it well, and offer support after the purchase. ―When these things are achieved in support of an excellent product,‖ says Cuffaro, ―they make three things possible - three things that make up a sort of ?valu e pyramid‘‖―当然,好的设计, 是总用户体验的一个主要组成部分‖,Daniel Cuffaro 承认,一个位于波士顿的产品设计和开发公司。

机电英语第一节课后翻译The practice of design can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling activities that an engineer can undertake. There is a strong of satisfaction and pride in seeing the results of one’s creative efforts emerge into actual products and processes that benefit people. To do design well requires a number of characteristics. The design engineer should not only have adequate technical training, but must also be a person of sound judgment and wide experience, qualities which are usually acquired only after considerable time has been spent in actual professional work. A star in this direction can be made with a good teacher while the student is still at university. However, the beginning designer must expect to get a substantial portion of this training after leaving school through further reading and study, and especially by being associated with competent engineer. The more any one engineer known about phrases of design, the better. Design is an exacting profession, but highly fascinating when practiced against a broad background of knowledge.译:设计实践作为一个工程师去做的最为兴奋和高兴的事情之一。

Lesson 2请看BIack&Decker公司的新型电熨。
家庭用品Home depot 公司主管商品零售的执行副总裁杰里·爱德华兹说:“中国有很好的设计师,但是(在许多产品上)他们并不了解美国市场。
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1、AALTO,ALVAR(1898——1976)Finish architect and designer. Aalto studied architecture at the Polytechnic in Helsinki from 1918 to 1921. He established himself as an architect in 1923,and his Sanatorium at Paimio (1929——1933)is a classic of International Modern architecture. At the same time he began to design plywood chairs,and in 1935 set up a firm,Artek,to market his simple and successful furniture. Some of his plywood is cantilevered like Bauhaus tubular steel,but clearly softer in finish. His furniture was successful in England and in America and prompted other experiments in that direction,notably by Jack Pritchard. From 1937 he designed glass for Iittala,using asymmetrical shapes and subtle curves. Though part of the International Modern movement,Aalto was always sensitive to brick as a material,and he was one of the gentler exponents Modern forms.阿尔瓦尔,阿尔托(1898——1976)芬兰建筑师和设计者。
2、GROPUS,Walter (1883---1969)German architect. After studying architecture between 1903 and 1907, he worked for Behrens from 1908 to 1910. His earliest pre-First World War furniture was neoclassical. He was a member of the Deutscher Werkbund and in 1919 succeeded Van de Velde as head of the Weimer School of Arts and Crafts. This became the Bauhaus, first at Weimar and then in 1925 at Dessau, in a new International Modern building designed by Gropius himself. Gropius otherwise designed very little, but as director of the school was a major influence through his selection of staff, for example Moholy—Nagy.沃尔特(1883---1969)德国建筑师。
3、BEHERENS,PETER(1869——1940)German painter,graphic designer and architect. He was a graphic artist until 1901 when he built his own house at the Darmstadt artists’colony,two years after having been invited there by its patron,the Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig. From 1906 he established the “corporate identity”of AEG,the vast German electrical company,producing architecture,graphics,kettles,fans and clocksfor the firm. In 1907 he became a founder of the Deutscher Werkbund. At one time in 1910 Le Gorbusier,Gropius,and Mies van der Rohe all worked in his office. Behrens has been called a pioneer of Modern design,but this preservation of the traditions of the Renaissance and Schinkel suggest how far he was in fact a classicist.帕萨蒙提(1869——1940)德国画家、平面设计师和建筑师。
4、RUSKIN,JOHN(1819——1900)British writer and critic. Ruskin was educated privately and at Christ ChurchOxfor,from 1837 to 1842. In 1843 he published the first volume of his Modern Painters,completed in 1860. He became interested in architecture,and the Gothic style in particular,publishing The Seven Lamps of Architecture in 1849 and The Stones of Venice in 1851---1853. He wrote prolifically,and inspired Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement to turn away from industry for aesthetic and social reasons. He dislike railway trains,glass and iron,machine ornament and any decoration which lacked truth to materials,andwrote,for example,about the “Nature of Gothic”in which the beauty of medieval craftsmanship and architecture is equated with the joy experienced in its creation。
Ruskin met Morris in 1857;Mackmurdo studies under him at Oxford in 1873 when Ruskin was Slade Professor of Fine Art(1870---1879)。
He held that post again from 1882 to 1884,and although increasingly arbitrary in his judgements ,and sometimes even insane,he influenced the whole the second half of the nineteenth century. His influence was also felt in America,where Charles Eliot Norton was a friend of his,and“Ruskinian Gothic”architecture began to be produced as early as 1863.约翰·罗斯金(1819——1900)英国作家和评论家。