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postbox rule 投递主义
Insane 精神病患者
Intoxicated 醉酒人
The contractual relationship 合同关系
对合同法的了解对所有的商人是至关重 要的,因为大多数的商业贸易是建立在合同 关系的基础上的,我们把合同定义为自愿交 易的许诺,如果谁违反了所谓的合同义务, 将会被要求赔偿。
Implied: from conduct
3.Valid,void,voidable contracts 有效、无效、可 撤销
Valid: is legally binding on both parties Void: an essential element is missing Voidable:one of the parties has the option to end
the contract
4.Unenforceable and illegal contracts 不能执行 和非法
5.Bilateral and unilateral contracts 双务和单务
• Consensus 合意
合同的形成必须是双方在协商的基础上达成的 合意(a common will).我们不需要通读合同中的每一 个条款。如:保险合同、租赁合同、贷款合同等, 但是也要给双方一个机会理解合同以促使其成为有 效合同,合同条款必须是清晰的,不能模糊,否则 法院会宣布合同因没有达成合意而无效。
Contract as voluntary exchange of promises.
重要的是要明白,什么时候同意合同的条款,人们创造 和定义它们自己的规则和义务,这不同于其它领域的法律, 比如侵权法,规则和义务都是强制性的,一个有效的合同双 方都是可以预料的情形,人们可以达到任何合同的协议,只 要在法律允许范围内,合同涉及的范围是自由的。例如:商 品销售、消费者权益保护、雇佣、合伙,公司和财产,后面 的章节将陆续讲到。
Important words
Consensus 合意 Consideration 对价 Capacity 能力 Legality 合法 Intention 善意 Viodable 可撤销 Bilateral 双务 Unilateral 单务 Defaulted 违反 Counteroffer 反要约
2.Consideration对价 :is the price each is willing to pay
to participate in the contract.
3.Capacity能力:Parties to a contract must be legally
capable of understanding and entering into the agreement.
Chapter 6 Formation of Contracts
Chapters Highlights
The elements of a valid contract
Consensus--offer and acceptance
Consideration-the price one is willing to pay
Offer 要约
aliens 外国人
invitation to treat 要约邀请
natives and corporation 自然人和法人
Revocation 废止、撤回
Revoke 撤销
Acceptance 承诺
Counteroffer 反要约
promissory estoppel不得自食其言
案例:Sussex.com 诉ICBC 案
Offer 要约 A tentative promise and include all of the terms in the contract 要约是一个试探性的许诺,需要对方作出回应,人们所提
供的一些资料,不能被认为是合同,而仅仅wenku.baidu.com要约,只有被 对方接受或签订才能被叫作合同,要约要包括合同主要条款 。
我们学习合同法,重点在于解决所出现 的问题,大多数合同关系可以达到双方的满 意度,只有少量的合同纠纷会诉至法院。
Element of a contract 合同的要素
1.Consensus合意:Parties to a contract must have
reached a mutual agreement to commit themselves to a certain transaction.
Freedom of contract
When we study contract law, the focus is usually on the problems that can arise. The courts become involved in a small proportion of contractual agreement, when an irresolvable dispute arises.
Interim agreement 临时约定 Quasi-contracts 准契约 Invitation to treat 要约邀请
1.Formal and simple contracts 正式和简单 Formal: seal wax 腊封 Simple:parol(verbal or written)书面或口头
2.Express and implied contracts 明示和暗示
Express: have expressly stated
4.Legality合法:the agreement must be legal and not
against public policy.
5.Intention善意:both parties must be serious and intend.
Important terms and definitions 重要的条款和定义