《英语词汇学》自考真题试题及答案解析总分:102分题量:51题一、单选题(共51题,共0分)1.“Woman”becomes“Frau”inGerman,“femme”inFrenchand“fùnǔ”inChinese.Thisexampleshowsthatindifferentlanguagesthesameconceptcanbe representedbydifferent______.A.soundsB.formsC.unitiesD.meanings正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析2.Thefollowingwordsofthebasicwordstockdenotethemostcommonthingsandphe nomenaoftheworldaroundusEXCEPT______.A.fireB.hotC.photoscanningD.sister正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析3.Aliensareborrowedwordswhichhaveretainedtheiroriginalpronunciationan dspelling.WhichofthefollowingwordscomesfromChinese?A.BazaarB.KowtowC.RajahD.Blitzkrieg正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析4.TheIndo-EuropeanlanguagefamilyismadeupofthelanguagesofthefollowingE XCEPT______.A.EuropeB.theFarEastC.IndiaD.theNearEast正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析5.WhichofthefollowingisNOToneofthemainsourcesofnewwordsinthepresent-d ayEnglishvocabulary?A.Therapiddevelopmentofmodernscienceandtechnology.B.Social,economicandpoliticalchangesC.Theinvasionofforeigncountries.D.Theinfluenceofotherculturesandlanguages.正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析6.ModernEnglishvocabularydevelopsthroughthefollowingchannelsEXCEPT___ ___.A.creationB.borrowingC.semanticchangeD.lexicalchange正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析7.Howmanymonomorphemicwordsarethereinthefollowingwords?catsbossworkim propertriedA.1B.2C.3D.4正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析8.Amongthefollowingwords,“______”doesNOThaveinflectionalaffixes.A.likedB.children’sC.happierD.it’s正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析9.WhichofthefollowingwordsdoesNOThavesuffixes?A.NorthwardB.WidenC.HappyD.Worker.正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析10.Amongthefollowingwords,“______”containsanegativeprefix.A.amoralB.de-composeC.antiwarD.foretell正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析11.Fromtheviewpointofwordformation,theword“smog”isa______.poundB.conversionC.clippingD.blending正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析12.Whichofthefollowingispartiallyconverted?A.AwhiteB.AdrunkC.ThepoorD.Finals正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析13.Onecanfigureoutthemeaningof“airmail”tobe“mailbyair”byits______.A.onomatopoeicmotivationB.morphologicalmotivationC.semanticmotivationD.etymologicalmotivation正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析14.Whenareadercomesacrosstheword“home”inhisreading,thewordmayremindhimofhis“family,friends,warmth,safety,etc.”Inthissense,theword“home”conveys______.A.connotativemeaningB.stylisticmeaningC.affectivemeaningD.collocativemeaning正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析15.WhichofthefollowingstatementsisTRUE?A.Grammaticalmeaningreferstothepartofspeech,tensesofverbsandstylistic featuresofwords.B.Unlikeconceptualmeaning,associativemeaningisunstableandindeterminat e.C.Affectivemeaningindicatesthelistener’sattitudetowardsthepersonorthinginquestionD.Collocationcannotaffectthemeaningofwords.正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析16.Wordsthatareidenticalonlyinspellingbutdifferentinsoundandmeaningar ecalled______.A.perfecthomonymsB.homographsC.homophonesD.homonyms正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析17.ThedifferencesbetweensynonymsexistinthefollowingareasEXCEPT______.A.denotationB.connotationC.referenceD.application正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析18.“Apple,pear,peach,orange,lemon,etc.”makeupthe______of“fruit”.A.synonymsB.homonymsC.superordinatetermD.semanticfield正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析19.______ofmeaningisaprocessbywhichawordthatoriginallyhadaspecialized meaninghasnowbecomegeneralized.A.DegradationB.ElevationC.ExtensionD.Specilization正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析20.WhichofthefollowingisNOToneoftheextra-linguisticfactorsthatcausech angesinmeaning?A.Culturalreason.B.HistoricalreasonC.ClassreasonD.Psychologicalreason正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析21.Theword“minister”originallymeant“aservant”,butnowhaschangedto “aheadofaministry”.Thisprocessofmeaningchangeiscalled______.A.extensionB.elevationC.degradationD.specialization正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析22.Ingrammaticalcontext,themeaningofawordmaybeinfluencedbythe______in whichitoccurs.A.structureB.sentenceC.phraseD.clause正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析23.Thereisanambiguityinthesentence“Heisahardbusinessman”dueto______.A.polysemyB.homonymyC.synonymyD.antonymy正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析24.WhichofthefollowingisNOToneofthecontextclues?A.DefinitionB.PolysemyC.SynonymyD.Antonymy.正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析25.WhichofthefollowingisNOToneofthecharacteristicsofidioms?A.Thepartofspeechofeachelementinanidiomisveryimportant.B.Theconstituentsofidiomscaneplaced.’tberC.Thewordorderinanidiomcan’tbechanged.D.Anidiomfunctionsasoneword.正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析26.Idiomsnominalinnaturehavea(n)______asthekeywordineachandfunctionas anouninsentences.A.verbB.adjectiveC.prepositionD.noun正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析27.Lexicalmanipulationisoneaspectoftherhetoricalfeaturesofidioms.Thef ollowingEXCEPT______belongtolexicalmanipulation.A.alliterationB.reiterationC.repetitionD.juxtaposition正确答案:A本题解析:暂无解析28.OxfordAdvancedLearnersDictionary’,3rdEdition(1980),isamongthebest -knownBritish______dictionaries.A.unabridgedB.deskC.pocketD.bilingual正确答案:B本题解析:暂无解析29.Generally,adictionarycoversthefollowingcontentsEXCEPT______.A.spellingB.pronunciationC.definitionD.syntacticalrules正确答案:D本题解析:暂无解析30.CollinsCOBUILDEnglishLanguageDictionary(1987)hassomeuniquefeatures suchasdefinition,extracolumnand______.A.pronunciationB.grammarcodesageexamplesnguagecodes正确答案:C本题解析:暂无解析31.Theprofessorworkedfor7hoursata________.A.stretchB.extendC.expandD.prolong正确答案:A本题解析:此题考查的是固定词组搭配。
华中师范大学网络教育学院《词汇学》练习测试题及答案 本科I. Decide whether the statements are true or false and write T (true) or F (false) in the correspondibrackets. (每题一分) ( ) 1. “All national character ” is the most important of all the five characteristics of the basic word stock. ( ) 2. By origin, English words can be classified as “native words ” and “loan words ”. ( ) 3. The languages (Norwegian, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish) all belong to Germanic Family excepNorwegian. ( ) 4. Old English vocabulary is full of endings. ( ) 5. Allomorphs are phonological variants which realize morphemes. ( ) 6. Inflectional morphemes are added to the end of words to show grammatical concepts. ( ) 7. The most productive means of word-formation is affixation. ( ) 8. Acronyms are words of initial letters, which are pronounced letter by letter. ( ) 9. Reference refers to the relationship between different languages. ( ) 10. Grammatical meaning refers to the part of the word-meaning which indicates grammatical concepts. ( ) 11. In the process of “Radiation Radiation”” the derived meanings of words are not directly related to the primarymeaning. ( ) 12. The diachronic approach to polysemy is to find how a word gradually acquires its meanings in process of development. ( ) 13. When a word changes from a specific to a general meaning, it goes through extension of meaning.( ) 14. “meat meat”” is an example of narrowing of meaning. ( ) 15. “teacher teacher”” and “student student”” are converses. ( ) 16. A word which has a synonym naturally has an antonym. ( ) 17. Meaning is a relatively stable element in a language compared with spelling. ( ) 18. The changes of meaning are caused by both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. ( ) 19. Extra-linguistic context refers to factors beyond language. ( ) 20. Linguistic context provides clues for guessing meanings of new words. ( ) ) 21. 21. 21. Idioms Idioms Idioms are are are phrases phrases phrases and and and short short short sentences sentences sentences the the the meanings meanings meanings of of of which which which are are are not not not easy easy easy to to to infer infer infer from from from the the constituents in most cases. ( ) 22. Idioms can be classified in different ways but the classification according to grammatical function the most helpful way. ( ) 23. Commonization involves proper nouns used as common words. ( ) 24. In some pairs of antonyms, the marked terms cover the meaning of the unmarked. ( ) 25. Variations of idioms are the idioms whose forms are modified. ( ) 26. Non-basic vocabulary includes terminology, Anglo-Saxon words, argot and neologisms. ( ) 27. Aliens, semantic loans, translation-loans and denizens are all borrowings. ( ) 28. The three sources of new words are creation, semantic change and borrowing. ( ) 29. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language. ( ) 30. The minimal free form of a language is a morpheme. ( ) 31. Derivational morphemes are used to form new words. ( ) 32. Compounding involves the combination of affixes and bases. ( ) 33. Partial conversion is a process of using adjectives as ordinary nouns. ( ) 34. Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning. ( ) ) 35. 35. 35. Associative Associative Associative meaning meaning meaning consists consists consists of of of connotative connotative connotative meaning, meaning, meaning, stylistic stylistic stylistic meaning, meaning, meaning, affective affective affective meaning meaning meaning and and emotive meaning. ( ) 36. Polysemy is concerned with words of more than one meaning. ( ) 37. The most important source of English synonyms is shortening. ( ) 38. Associated transfer involves words used in their figurative sense. ( ) 39. Objective meaning shows that the subject (or agent) is the one to be affected by the action overb. ( ) 40. Complementaries are antonyms characterized by “mutual exclusion ” and “gradability gradability””. ( ) 41. The superordinate term covers the concept of the subordinate. ( ) 42. Elevation is also known as amelioration. ( ) 43. “villain villain”” is an example of degradation. ( ) 44. Linguistic context refers to the words, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and even cultural background. ( ) 45. Ambiguity is often caused by inadequate context. ( ) 46. Idioms are generally informal in nature. ( ) 47. Structurally, idioms can never be changed. ( ) ) 48. 48. 48. The The The four four four major major major foreign foreign foreign contributors contributors contributors to to to the the the development development development of of of English English English vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary are are are Latin, Latin, Latin, Greek, Greek, French and Scandinavian. ( ) 49. Relative synonyms may differ in denotation, connotation and application. ( )50. The contemporary vocabulary expansion of English is mainly by borrowing and affixation. ( ) 51. Old English refers to the language used between 100 and 450. ( ) 52. “Radiation” shows that the derived meanings of a polysemant are not directly related to the prim ary meaning. ( ) 53. The connection between sound and meaning is conventional and arbitrary. ( ) 54. A word which has a synonym naturally has an antonym. ( ) 55. Content words are numerous and more frequently used than functional words on average. ( ) 56. Extra-linguistic context refers to the physical situation or cultural background. ( ) 57. During the Middle English period, Celtic, Latin and English existed side by side. ( ) 58. Inadequate context is often the cause of ambiguity. ( ) 59. Compounding is the process of creating new words by combining affixes and bases. ( )60. In some pairs of antonyms, one term may cover the meaning of the other word. ( )61. In a natural language, most words are non-motivated. ( )62. Inflectional affixes are grammatical markers. ( )63. Concept and sense mean the same and thus are interchangeable. ( )64. A form to which an affix of any kind can be added is called a stem. ( )65. Contradictory terms are non-gradable. ( )66. Acronyms are words of initial letters which are pronounced as common words. ( )67. Grammatical meaning refers to part of speech, tenses of verbs, stylistic features of words and so on. ( )68. What remains of a word after the removal of all affixes is a stem. ( )69. Affective meaning indicates the attitude of the user, whether positive or negative. ( )70. The connotative meaning is also known as connotations, which are generally found in the dictionary. ( )71. )71. Idioms Idioms Idioms are are are set set set phrases phrases phrases whose whose whose meaning meaning meaning is is is often often often difficult difficult difficult or or or impossible impossible impossible to to to infer infer infer from from from the the the constituent constituent words. ( )72. In modern times, vocabulary develops mainly by means of changing meanings of old words. ( )73. Most of the newly created words are associated with the change of life style and society. ( )74. Homographs are words identical in form but different in pronunciation. ( ) 75. Homonyms come mainly from borrowing —the most important source. ( ) 76. Middle English lasted for more than four hundred years. ( ) 77. Borrowing has brought most synonyms to the English language. ( ) 78. The characteristics of the basic word stock include all national character, denizens and productivity. ( ) 79. The superordinate differs from the subordinate in that the former covers the concept of the latter. ( ) 80. Words of old English were full of endings. ( ) 81. The way to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is mainly to see their origins as well as sense relatedness. ( ) 82. Modern English is an analytic language. ( ) 83. Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. ( ) ) 84. 84. 84. Denizens Denizens Denizens are are are words words words which which which were were were borrowed borrowed borrowed from from from other other other languages languages languages but but but later later later became became became assimilated assimilated assimilated into into into the the the English English language. ( ) 85. Lexical context refers to the words that appear only before the lexical item in question. ( ) 86. Generally speaking, native words have a higher frequency of use than loan words. ( ) 87. Reference refers to the relationship between the linguistic symbols and the objective world. ( ) 88. Free morphemes are morphemes which alone can be used as words. ( ) 89. Context gives a polysemic word a definite meaning. ( ) 90. Half-converted adjectives are used as common nouns while full-converted ones still retain adjective features. ( ) 91. Motivation explains why a particular word of a language has a particular meaning. ( ) 92. By origin English is more closely related to German than to French. ( ) 93. Unlike conceptual meaning, associative meaning is unstable and indeterminate. ( ) 94. Prefixes do not generally change part of speech whereas suffixes do. ( ) 95. In the phrase “the tongues of fire”, the word fire is semantically motivated. ( ) 96. The origins of words are a key factor that distinguishes homonyms from polysemants. ( ) 97. The objective meaning implies that the subject of the sentence is the one affected by the action. ( ) 98. The meaning of a word which is etymologically motivated is closely related to its origin. ( ) 99. The result of the human cognition of the objective world is called concept. ( )100. Borrowing has brought most synonyms to the English language. ( )101)101. “Radiation” shows that the derived meanings of a polysemant are not directly related to the prima . “Radiation” shows that the derived meanings of a polysemant are not directly related to the primameaning. ( )102. The connection between sound and meaning is conventional and arbitrary. ( )103. A word which has a synonym naturally has an antonym. ( )104. Content words are numerous and more frequently used than functional words on average. ( ) 105. The characteristics of the basic word stock include all national character, denizens and productivity. ( ) 106. During the Middle English period, Celtic, Latin and English existed side by side. ( ) 107. Inadequate context is often the cause of ambiguity. ( ) 108. The way to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is mainly to see their origins as well as serelatedness. ( )109. In some pairs of antonyms, one term may cover the meaning of the other word. ( )110. Aliens are words of the native element. ( )111. Denizens are words which were borrowed from other languages but later became assimilated into the English language. ( )112. Inflectional affixes are grammatical markers. ( )113. Concept and sense mean the same and thus are interchangeable. ( )114. Reference refers to the relationship between the linguistic symbols and the objective world. ( )115. Contradictory terms are non-gradable. ( )116. Acronyms are words of initial letters which are pronounced as common words. ( )117. Grammatical meaning refers to part of speech, tenses of verbs, stylistic features of words and so on.( )118. Half-converted adjectives are used as common nouns while full-converted ones still retain adjectivefeatures. ( )119. Affective meaning indicates the attitude of the user, whether positive or negative. ( )120. The connotative meaning is also known as connotations, which are generally found in the dictionary.( )121. Prefixes do not generally change part of speech whereas suffixes do. ( )122. In modern times, vocabulary develops mainly by means of changing meanings of old words. ( )123. Most of the newly created words are associated with the change of life style and society. ( )124. The objective meaning implies that the subject of the sentence is the one affected by the action.一、答案1、 T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. T 11. F 12. T 13. T 14. T 15. T 16. F 17. F 18. T 19. T 20. T 21. T 22. T 23. T 24. F 25. T 26. T 26. T 27. T 27. T 28. T 29. T 30. F 31. T 32. F 33. F 34. T 35. F 36. T 37. F 38. T 39. T 40. F 41. T 42. T 43. T 44. F 45. T 46. T 47. F 48. T 49. T 50. F 51. F 52. F 53. T 54. F 55. F 56. T 57. F 58. T 59. F 60. T 61. T 62. T 63. F 64. T65. T 66. T 67. F 68. F 69. T 70. F 71. T 72. F 73. F 74. T 75. T 76. F 77. T 78. F 79. T 80. T 81. T 82. T 83. T 84. T 85. F 86. T 87. T 88. T 89. T 90. F 91. T 92. T 93. T 94. T 95. T 96. F 97. T 98. T 99. T 100. T 101. F 102. T 103. F 104. F 105. F 106. F 107. T 108. T 109. T 110. F 111. T 112. T 113. F 114. T 115. T 116. T 117. F 118. F 119. T 120. F 121. T 122. F 123. F 124. T II. Analyze the following words and say how they are formed, and put your answers in the brackets:(每词0.5分)Example : disobey ( prefixation) headache (compounding ) newton ( commonization) expresident (prefixation ) book (v) (conversion ) ID (acronymy ) brunch (blending ) enthuse (backformation (backformation ) ) deadline (compounding ) tick-tuck (duplication ) quake (clipping ) kodak (commonization (commonization ) ) exwife (prefixation ) elbow(v) (conversion ) laser (acronymy ) autocide (blending ) laze (backformation ) historic (suffixation ) bow-wow (duplication ) bike (clipping ) airline ( compounding ) changeable changeable (affixation/suffixation) (affixation/suffixation) postwar (prefixation ) NA TO (acronymy ) bike (clipping ) smog (blending ) donate (backformation (backformation ) ampere ) ampere (proper words ) antinuclear (prefixation ) daydreaming (compounding ) lase (back-formation ) copter (clipping/front clipping) newly-weds (conversion ) cutthroat (compounding ) memorize (affixation/suffixation) botel (blendin ) tantalize (proper names ) VIP (acronymy ) quake (clipping ) defeather (affixation/prefixation) 三、填空答案三、填空答案 1. meaning; conventional 2. affixation; compounding; conversion affixation; compounding; conversion 3. 3. root 4. prefixes; suffixes 5. synonym; relative 6. superordinate; subordinate 7. context; linguistic; extra-linguistic/non-linguistic 8. minimal/smallest; meaning; syntactic 9. Latin; Scandinavian 10. stem 11. verbs; adjectives 12. stylistic 12. stylistic 13. semantic; related 13. semantic; related 14. elevation/ amelioration; transfer/transference 15. morphological 16. concept 17. intrinsic/logical meaning arbitrary 18. Latin Greek Scandinavian 19. morpheme prefixes 20. suffixes unmarked 21. marked extension/generalization 22. Anglo-saxon 23、affixation compounding conversion (注:位置可以调换) 24.Latin Greek French (注:位置可以调换)25. derivation affixes The connection between sound and is arbitrary and . The three major means of word-formation are , and . The form which remains after all affixes are removed is called . generally do not change part of speech whereas absolute In hyponymy the term which denotes something general is meaning is . falls into two kinds, namely context and A word is the free form which has a give sound, and are , , Greek, vocabulary are and . 10. The form which remains after removing an inflectional affix is called The form which remains after removing an inflectional affix is called . The words which are involved in conversion are nouns, and . 11. The words which are involved in conversion are nouns, The stylistic features of words form their 12. The stylistic features of words form their 13. field refers to a set of words which are semantically . The modes of semantic change in words include extension, narrowing, , degradation and . 14. The modes of semantic change in words include extension, narrowing, 15. 16. 32. 32. When a word changes its meaning from negative to positive, it goes through the process ______ and When a word changes its meaning from negative to positive, it goes through the process ______ and opposite process is called ______. 33. The overtones and associations suggested by the conceptual meaning is ____ meaning. IV 选择答案:1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. A 10.B 11. B 12.C 13.C 14.D 15. A 16. B 17. C 18.D 19.D 20.D 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. D 30.B 31.C 32. A 33. B 34. DIV . . Each Each Each of of of the the the statements statements statements below below below is is is followed followed followed by by by four four four alternative alternative alternative answers. answers. answers. Choose Choose Choose the the the one one one that that that would would would best best best complete complete complete the the statement and put the letter in the brackets. (每题一分)(每题一分)( )1. Non-basic vocabulary includes __________. A. argot and jargon B. archaisms and neologisms C. technical terms D. all the above ( )2. Functional words are ________________. A. adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions B. adjectives, nouns, articles C. articles, prepositions, conjunctions D. verbs, pronouns, prepositions ( )3. ___________ is not a characteristic of basic word stock. A. Colloquialism B. All national character C. Stability D. Polysemy ( ) 4. Modern English began with the establishment of ________ in England. A. printing B. Bourgeois Revolution C. Industrial Revolution D. Renaissance Time ( )5. Stylistic meaning refers to the features of __________of words. A. formality B. affectiveness C. appropriateness D. part of speech ( ) 6. The derivational process, in which an item is converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix, is called ____________. A. compounding B. back-formation C. functional shift D. derivation ( )7. Grammatical meaning does not include ________. A. part of speech B. plural forms of nouns C. tenses D. appropriateness ( )8. English words can be motivated______. A. phonologically B. morphologically C. etymologically D. all the above ( )9. Stylistic meaning may be defined as the feature of ________ of words. A. formality B. affectiveness C. appropriateness D. part of speech ( )10. There are two main approaches to the study of English words namely ________. A. descriptive and prescriptive B. synchronic and diachronic C . spoken and written D. competence and performance ( )11. Which of the following is NOT studied in semantics? A. polysemy B. language family C. ambiguity D. complementaries ( )12. The hyponyms of …vegetable‟ are ________. ________. A. banana, pear, jam B. pear, apple, banana C. cucumber, celery, peas D. tree, pine, elm ( )13. The discrete units which realize morphemes are known as ________. A. allomorphs B. phonemes C. morphs D. lexis ( )14. )14. _________ _________ _________ is is is a a a word-formation word-formation word-formation process process process by by by which which which a a a word word word is is is changed changed changed from from from one one one word-class word-class word-class into into another without the change of form. A. Blending B. Affixation C. Back-formation D. Conversio ( )15. The first monolingual English dictionary was compiled in ________. A. 1604 B. 1066 C. 1406 D. 1046 ( )16)16. “The birds sing to welcome the smiling year.” Is an example of . “The birds sing to welcome the smiling year.” Is an example of ________. A. euphemism B. synecdoche C. metonymy D. metaphor ( )17)17. “child—parent” are . “child—parent” are _______ antonyms. _______ antonyms. A. root B. derivative C. relative D. complementary ( )18. The word “water” is _________ motivated. A. phonetically B. semantically C. morphologically D. non- ( )19)19. “Give somebody an inch and he‟ll take a mile” is a . “Give somebody an inch and he‟ll take a mile” is a _________. A. sentence idiom B. proverb C. clause idiom D .both A and B ( ) 20. Narrowing excludes ________. A. change from material nouns to common nouns B. change from common nouns to proper nouns C. words shortened from phrases to retain the meaning of the whole for economy D. change from specific meanings to general meanings ( ) 21. According to the idiomaticity of idioms, idioms include ________. A. true idioms B. semi-idioms C. regular combinations D. all the above ( ) 22. Motel is a/an is ________. A. blend B. clipped word C. initialism D. acronym ( ) 23. “sow” (to plant seeds on the ground) and “sow” (fully grown female pig )are called ________.“sow” (to plant seeds on the ground) and “sow” (fully grown female pig )are called ________.A. Homophones B. homographs C. perfect homonyms D. acronyms ( ) 24. “die” and “pass away” are synonyms. They differ in ________.“die” and “pass away” are synonyms. They differ in ________.A. connotative meaning B. emotive meaning C. stylistic meaning D. all the above ( ) 25. He‟s nice, but he hasn‟t much brai n. _________. A. Simile B. metaphor C. Metonymy D. synecdoche ( ) 26. Which of the following is not associative meaning? A. collocative meaning B .stylistic meaning C. affective meaning D. primary meaning ( ) 27. One billion is ________ in British English. A. 1,000,000,000 B. 1,000,000,000,000 C. 1,000,000 D. 1,000,000,000,000,000 ( ) 28. The morpheme “-s” in “desks” is ________ morpheme.A. derivational B. free C. inflectional D. root ( ) 29. ________ are contrary terms. A. dead / alive B. parent / child C. single / married D. like / dislike ( ) 30. The first people known to inhabit the British Isles were ________. Their languages were dialecof still another branch of the In-do-European Language Family ________. A. German / Germanic B. Celts / Celtic C. Italian / Italic D. Sweden / Swedish ( ) ) 31. 31. 31. The The The modes modes modes of of of modem modem modem English English English vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary grow grow grow through through through three three three major major major channels: channels: channels: ________ ________ ________ , , semantic change and __________. A. exchange/lending B. derivation/borrowing C. creation/borrowing D. affixation/creation ( ) 32. Conversion is a method of __________. A. turning words of one part of speech into those of a different part of speech B. converting words of one meaning into those of a different meaning C. deriving words by grammatical means D. changing words in morphological structure ( ) 33. Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of _________. A. prefixation B. suffixation C. acronymy D. conversion ( ) 34. The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English. _________ of them are still in use today. A. 85% B. 56% C. 72% D. 75% narrowing manuscript deer extension poison governor elevation vulgar bonfire degradation journal lust disease alibi narrowing journal girl extension villain marshal elevation barn mill degradation deer knight criticize liquor minister elevation deer governor degradation manuscript criticize VI. Do the following according to instructions.A Study the following sentences and explain the contextual clues which help you guess the meaning of titalicized words, using such terms as definition, example, explanation, synonym, antonym, superordinate, subordinate, relevant details and so on, and put your answers in the brackets. and so on, and put your answers in the brackets. (每题1分)分)1. Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland. Many of them still remembered the horrible slaughter not long ago. ( ) 2. I like fruit, but not avocado , which is too soft. ( ) 3. Carnivores are very dangerous. A tiger, for example, escaped from the zoo last month and killed a dog the street and ate it. ( ) 4. Most dentists ‟ offices are drab places, but Emilio ‟s new office is bright, cheerful. ( ) 5. After a day of hunting, John was ravenous . He ate two bowls of soup, salad, a large chicken, and a piece ochocolate cake before he was finally satisfied. ( ) 6. A north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a sou ’wester usually brings rain. ( )7. Some African tribes still practice polyandry , a marriage system which allows a woman to have more than one husband. ( ) 8. Modern technology is a kind of dehumanization of the human society. ( ) A .答案.答案 1. synonym/synonymy 2. subordinate/hyponym 3. example/exemplification/superordinate 4. antonym/antonymy 5. relevant details 6. antonym/antonymy 7. explanation 8. word structure B Decide whether the words in italics are used in the subjective oro bjective objective sense and put your answers in the corresponding brackets. (每题1分)1. The policeman was suspicious of the suspicious proof given by the suspect to show that he had nothing to proof given by the suspect to show that he had nothing to do with the robbery. ( ) ( ) 2. The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman in the neighborhood. ( ) 3. The earthquake was so dreadful that many people would be afraid even to see the movie based on it. ( ) 4. Fearful TV programs are not suitable to pre-school children. ( ) 5. It is very considerate of Mr Li to make that arrangement. ( ) 6. The excuse given by the United States of America is really doubtful . ( ) 7. The children were fearful of the fearful picture of the monster. ( ) ( ) 8. What a pitiful girl! She lost her parents when she was so small. girl! She lost her parents when she was so small. ( ) 9. The listeners were doubtful of the witness‟s testimony which sounded verydoubtful.( ) ( ) 10. What a boring man he is! ( ) 11. 11. The The doubtful teacher listened patiently to the doubtful story told by the student who was late for class. ( ) ( ) 12. 12. It is very It is very considerable of you to make such arrangements. ( ) 13. 13. The The little match girl was really pitiful . She died from cold and hunger on the Christmas Eve.( ) 14. Learning a foreign language is a painful process. No one can expect to learn the language well without pains. ( ) B. 答案1. 1. subjective; objective subjective; objective 2. objective 3. objective 4. objective 5. subjective 6. objective 7. 7. subjective; objective subjective; objective 8. objective 9. subjective; objective 10. 10. objective objective 11. subjective, objective 12. subjective 13. objective 14. objective C . Study the following sentences and explain the contextual clues which help you guess the meaning of the italicized worusing such terms as definition, example, synonym, relevant details and so on, and put your answers in the brackets.(每题1分)1. Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland. Many of them still remember the horrible killing not long ago. ( ) 2. Carnivores are very dangerous. A tiger, for example, escaped from the zoo last month and killed a dog in the street andit. ( ) 3. The tribal community still practices polygamy , a custom in which someone can be married to more than one person at thsame time. ( ) 4. As fighting on all fronts reached its peak, the economy neared its nadir ( ). 5. In spite of the fact that the fishermen were wearing sou’wester , the storm was so heavy that they were wet through.C. 答案答案 1. synonym/synonymy 2. example/ exemplification 3. definition/explanation 3. definition/explanation 4. antonym/antonymy 4. antonym/antonymy 5. relevant details VII . Match the rhetorical devices in Column A with the idioms in Column B and put the letters incorresponding brackets. (每题1分)A B( ) 1. alliteration a. snake in the grass ( ) 2. rhyme b. toss and turn ( ) 3. reiteration c. powder one ‟s nose ( ) 4. repetition d. earn one ‟s bread ( ) 5. juxtaposition e. wear and tear ( ) 6. metaphor f. up and down ( ) 7. metonymy g. pick and choose ( ) 8. synecdoche h. from cradle to grave ( ) 9. personification i. Failure is the mother of success. ( ) 10. euphemism j. hand in hand VII 连线答案:1. (b) 2. (e) 3. (g) 4. (j) 5. (f) 6. (a) 7. (h) 8. (d) 9. (i) 10. (c)VIII. Change each of the following into a word, paying attention to part of speech: (每题1分)。
1.give the definition of the lexicology.2. give the definition of the word3. what are the main three types of word formation and the main features of the three types?4. what are they characteristics of the English idioms?5. what do you think of the course: English lexicology.第一题Lexicology is a branch of linguistics inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. (WNWD)English lexicology is a subbranch of linguistics. But it embraces other academic disciplines, such as morphology, semantics, etymology, stylistics, lexicography. Morphology: the branch of grammar, studies the structure or form of words, primarily through the use of morpheme construct.Etymology: traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words.Semantics: the study of meanings of different linguistics levels: lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc.Stylistics: the study of style, concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic elements in a particular context for special effects.Lexicography: record the language as it is used so as to present the genuine picture of words to the reader, providing authoritative reference. (Edit a dictionary).第二题The definition of a word comprises the following points:(1) a minimal free form of a language;(2) a sound unity;(3) a unit of meaning;(4) a form that can function alone in a sentence.A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.第三题The most productive word formations are affixations, compounding and conversion. The rest of new words come from shortening including clipping and acronymy, together with words born out of blending and other means. While applying the rules, we should remember that there are always exceptions.1. AffixationAffixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems. This process is also known as derivation, the words formed in this way are called derivations.1.1 Prefixation. It is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems. The majority of prefixes are characterized by their non-class-changing nature.Negative prefixes: a-, dis-, in- (il-, ir-, im-), non-, un-.Reversative prefixes: de-, dis-, un-.Pejorative prefixes: mal-, mis-, pseudo-.Prefixes of degree or size: arch-, extra-, hyper-, macro-, micro-,mini-, out-, over-, sub-, super-, sur-, ultra-, under-.Prefixes of orientation and attitude: anti-, contra-, counter-, pro-.Locative prefixes: extra-, fore-, inter-, intra-, tele-, trans-.Prefixes of time and order: ex-, fore-, post-, pre-, re-.Number prefixes: bi-, multi- (poly-), semi- (hemi-), tri-, uni- (mono-). Miscellaneous prefixes: auto-, neo-, pan-, vice-.1.2 SuffixationIt is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems. They mainly change the word class.Noun suffixes:a. Denominal nouns: Concrete: -eer, -er, -ess, -ette, - let; Abstract: -age, -dom, -ery, -ery (-ry), -hood, -ing, -sim, -ship.b. Deverbal nouns:To create nouns denoting people: -ant, -ee, -ent, -er (-or).To produce abstract nouns, denoting action, result, process, state, etc.: -age, -al, -ance, -ation (-ition, -tion, -sion, -ion), -ence, -ing, -ment.c. De-adjective nouns: -ity, -ness.d. Noun and adjective suffixes: can be used both as nouns and adjectives: -ese, -an, -ist.Adjective suffixes:a. Denominal suffixes: -ed, -ful, -ish, -less, -like, -ly, -y; -al (-ial, -ical), -esque, -ic, -ous (-eous, -ious).(Both –ic and –ical can be affixed to the same stem in some cases, but differ in meaning.)b. Deverbal suffixes: –able (-ible), -ive (-ative, -sive).Adverb suffixes: -ly, -ward(s), -wise.Verb suffixes: -ate, -en, - (i)fy, -ize (-ise).Some seemingly productive vogue affixes like –nik are still considered slang.2. CompoundingIt is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems, also called composition. Words formed in this way are called compounds.A compound is a ‘lexicology unit consisting of more than one stem and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word’. They can be written solid, hyphenated and open.2.1 Characteristics of CompoundsOpen compounds are the same in form as free phrases. The difference:Phonetic features: In compounds the word stress usually occurs on the first element. Semantic features: Every compound should express a single idea just as one word. Grammatical features: A compound tends to play a single grammatical role in a sentence.2.2 Formation of CompoundsThe three major classes of compounds:Noun compounds: n+n; n+v; v+n; a+n; n+v-ing; v-ing+n; n+v-er; adv+v; v+adv; v-ing+adv; adv+v-ing.All of these patterns are more or less productive except the last two.Adjective compounds: n+v-ing; a+v-ing; n+a; a+a; n+v-ed; a (adv) +v-ed; n (a) +n-ed; num+n; num+n-ed; adv+v-ing; v-ed+adv.Very productive: n+v-ing, n+a, n+v-ed.Verb compounds.The limited number of verbs are created either through conversion or backformation.3. ConversionIt is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. This process is also known as functional shift.Conversion to NounVerb to noun: Almost all monomorphemic verbs can be used as nouns, which are semantically related to the original verbs in various ways according to Quirk et al: State (of mind or sensation); Event or activity; Result of the action; Doer of the action; Tool or instrument to do the action with; Place of action.Many simple nouns converted from verbs can be used with have, take, make, give etc. to form phrases to replace the verb or denote a brief action.Adjective to noun: Not all adjectives which are converted can achieve a full noun status. Words fully converted: They can be: common adjectives, participles and others. Words partially converted: This class generally refer to a group of the kind. Miscellaneous conversion: This covers nouns converted from conjunctions, models, finite verbs, prepositions, etc.Conversion to verbsA noun can be converted to a verb without any change. This is both economical and vivid.Noun to verb: ways: to put in or on N; to give N r to provide with N; to remove N from; to do with N; to be or act as N; to make or change into N; to send or go by N. Verbs of this type are all transitive except the last one.Adjective to verb: This is not as productive as that of nouns. They can be used either transitively to mean ‘to make…adjective’ or intransitively ‘to become adjective’. Verbs restricted to transitive use are still, forward, free, bare, blind and so on. Miscellaneous conversionIn some cases, conversion is accompanied by certain change: which affect pronunciation or spelling or stress distribution. The most common changes are: V oiceless to voiced consonant; Initial to end stress.第四题Idioms are expressions that are not readily understandable from their literal meaning of individual elements. In a broad sense, idiom may include colloquialisms(俗语), Catchphrases(标语),slang expressions (俚语),proverbs(谚语),etc. They form an important part of the English vocabulary.Characteristics of Idioms: Semantic Unity and Structured StabilitySemantic Unity: Being phrases or sentences, Idioms each consist of more than one word, but each is a semantic unity, e.g. keep in mind, take off. The semantic unity ofidioms is also reflected in the illogical relationship between the literal meaning and the meaning of the idiom. For example, ‘How do you do’ does not mean ‘In what way do you do things’.Structural Stability: The structure of an idiom is to a large extent unchangeable: the constituents of idioms cannot be replaced; the word order cannot be inverted or changed; the constituents of an idiom cannot be deleted or added to; many idioms are grammatically unanalysable.第五题English lexicology is a theoretically-oriented course. It is chiefly concerned with the basic theories of words in general and of English words in particular. However, it is a practical course as well, for in the discussion, we shall inevitably deal with copious stocks of words and idioms, and study many usage examples. Naturally, there will be a large quantity of practice involved.Lexicology embraces other academic disciplines, such as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学), stylistics(文体论), lexicography(词典编撰).Aims of the course1)Give a systematic description of the English vocabulary.2)Offer an insight into the origin and development of the English vocabulary.3)Discuss the problems of word-structure and word-formation4)Study the use of English words , their meanings and changes in meaning, theirsense relations.The significance of the course1)Develop your personal vocabulary and consciously increase your word power(active vocabulary).2)Understand word-meaning and organize, classify and store words moreeffectively.3)Raise your awareness of meaning and usages, use words more accurately andappropriately.4)Develop your skills and habits of analyzing and generalizing linguisticphenomena in your learning experiences.5)Ultimately improve your receptive and productive skills in language processingas well as language production.。
《英语词汇学》课程习题集一、单选题1. The word “humorousness” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four2. The word “nationalize” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four3. The word “decoding” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four4. Which of the following forms is not an allomorph of the morpheme “in-”?A. ig-B. ir-C. il-D. im-5. Which of the following forms does not contain an allomorph of the inflectional morpheme of plurality?A. booksB. pigsC. horsesD. expense6. According to ______, there is an intrinsic correspondence between sound and sense.A. naturalistsB. anthropologistsC. linguistsD. conventionalists7. According to ______ , there is not a logical connection between sound and sense.A. naturalistsB. anthropologistsC. linguistsD. conventionalists8. Most English words are _________ symbols.A. definiteB. arbitraryC. infiniteD. hereditary9. From the point of view of ________, a direct connection between the symbol and its sense can be readily observed in a small group of words.A. nationalismB. anthropologyC. linguisticsD. motivation10. Words motivated phonetically are called _________ words.A. onomatopoeicB. similarC. naturalD. symbolic11. In the sentence “John was asked to spy the enemy”, “spy” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym12. In the sentence “John was doctored by Mr. Smith in the hospital”, “doctor” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym13.In the sentence “John was asked to get into the office after a two-hour wait”, “wait”is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym14. In the sentence “John decided to nurse his sister himself”, “nurse” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym15.In the sentence “John was asked to leave after his three-day stay in the town”, “stay”is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym16. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational and inflectional affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix17. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix18. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix19. Any root or stem can be termed as a _______.A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix20.A _______ is a form which is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology.A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix21. The wo rd “wife” used to mean “woman”, now it means “married woman esp. in relation to her husband”. The word has undergone a sort of semantic change called _____.A. elevationB. degenerationC. extensionD. restriction22.The word “holiday” used to mean “holy day, a day of religious significance”, and now it refers to “day of recreation, when no work is done”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation23.The word “salary” used to mean “a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them to buy salt”, and now it refers to “fixed payment made by employer at regular intervals to person doing other than manual work”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation24.The word “starve” used to mean “to die”, and now it refers to “to die of hunger”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation25.The word “shrewd” used to mean “evil, bad, wicked”, and now it refers to “clever or sharp in practical affairs”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation26. The Renaissance brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD27. French brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD28. The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is known as _________.A. Ancient EnglishB. Primordial EnglishC. Contemporary EnglishD. Middle English29. The English language from 1500 AD to the present is called ________ .A. Ancient EnglishB. Old EnglishC. Middle EnglishD. Modern English30. Which of the following is not a phase in the development of the English language?A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Modern EnglishD. Contemporary English31.The word “tear”meaning “the drop of salty water from the eye”and the word “tear”meaning “to pull sharply apart” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words32. The word “lead” meaning “guide or take, esp. by going in front, etc.” and the word “lead”meaning “an easily melted metal of a dull bluish-grey color” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words33. The word “lie” meaning “make a statement that one knows to be untrue” and the word “lie”meaning “put oneself flat on a horizontal surface” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words34. The word “base” meaning “the thing or part on which something rests” and the word “base”meaning “having or showing little or no honour, courage or decency”are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words35. The word “son” meaning “one’s male child” and the word “sun” meaning “a star that is the basis of the solar system and that sustains life on Earth, being the source of heat and light” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words36. When a word has a range of different meanings, it belongs to the words of ________.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. antonymyD. polysemy37. When many pairs or groups of words which are different in meaning are pronounced alike or spelled alike, or both, such words belong to the words of ________.A. antonymyB. synonymyC. homonymyD. polysemy38.When words are identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning are called ________ .A. homophonesB. homographsC.homoformsD. homogenes39. ________ is the most common cause of homophones.A. semantic divergenceB. phonetic convergenceC. shorteningD. foreign influence40. When words are involved in the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items, such that the former is included in the latter, the words belong to the words of ________.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. polysemyD. antonymy41.We can use “a silver lining” for “every cloud has a silver lining”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. additionC. abbreviationD. extension42.We can use “pull an unhappy face” for “pull a long face”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. extension43.We can use “see too many trees, but not the forest” for “cannot see the wood for the trees”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. omissionC. abbreviationD. extension44.We can use “come of marriage age” for “come of age”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. extension45. What is the rhetoric style illustrated by the idiom “neck and neck”?A. comparisonB. rhymeC. alliterationD. repetition46. _______ is the central factor in a word describing what it is.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning47. _______ consists of word-class and inflectional paradigm.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. grammatical meaningD. lexical meaning48. _______ refers to the emotional association which a word suggests in one’s mind.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning49._______ is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning50. _______ is concerned with the expression of feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning二、名词解释题51. proverbabsolute synonym52. function wordsonomatopoeic words53. homonymydegradation54. metaphorprefixation55. polysemyelevation of meaning三、Word-building processes56. IOC VIP fire-proof ad auto plane CIA BBC ID record-breaking raindrop newscast brunch botel motel beautility champ dorm steamboat honeybee57. sit-in TB phone shoulder-high bit somg stagflation comsat sitcom gym taxi memo vet TEFL SALT dropout setback UN OPEC crystal-clear58.round-the-clock NATO sci-fi telex proof-reader schoolboy chute bus copter PE ASEAN NASA TOEFL air-conditioning lion’s share dozer plane airtel faction lunarnaut59.sea-green flowerbed VOA bike fridge medicare Motown hi-fi tec scope quake NBC EPA UNESCO H-bomb air-tight silkworm peace-loving slimnastics docudrama60.morning person ROM CD flu brunch travelog workaholic motel telex nark pop biz math VCR sun-tanned arms race fire engine handwriting ABC RAM四、Rewriting the short paragraph61. First VersionEven since I was a CHILD, I have wanted to go on the stage and be an ACTRESS, like my elder sister. She is less PRETTY than I am and I hoped that if I was LUCKY, I, too, would have the chance to PERFORM three or four times a week at our little local theatre.Second VersionEver since my ____, I have wanted to go on the stage and ____, like my elder sister. I am ____ than she is, and I hoped that with ____, I, too, would have the chance to give ____ three or four times a week at our little local theatre.62. First Version“You should be CONFIDENT. You are ABLE to do it,” she told me, “but you may not have the PATIENCE. It takes a lot of hard work to be SUCCEESSFUL. You can ACHIEVE anything if you stick to it.”Second Version“You should have _____ in yourself. You’ve got the _____ to do it,” she told me, “but you may be too ____. It takes a lot of hard work to ____. You can make any ____ if you stick to it.”63. First VersionThen she would DESCRIBE in DETAIL of her CONFUSION and embarrassment when the man who was DIRECTING the play told her that she spoke and MOVE too slowly in one scene. Second VersionThen she would give me a ____ ____ of how _____ and embarrassed she’d been when the ____ of the play told her that her speech and ____ were too slow in one scene.64. First VersionShe was supposed to run across the stage and, after HESITATING for a moment, say “WELCOME!” to and old woman who was ENTERING from the other side. “But take CARE because the stage is SLIPPERY,” he said.Second VersionShe was supposed to run across the stage and, after a moment’s ____, to ____ an old woman who was making her ____ from the other side. “But be ____ not to ____,” he said.65. First VersionThere was no DOUBT that the stage was very slippery, but she would PROBABL Y have reached the other side SAFEL Y if she had not fallen over her long skirt, which was in FASHION that year, and tumbled right off the stage, to the ASTONISHMENT of the audience.Second VersionThe stage was ____ very slippery, but it’s ____ that she would have reached the other side in ____ if she had not fallen over her long skirt, which was ____ that year, and tumbled right off the stage. The audience was ____.五、简答题(略)……答案一、单选题1. C2. C3. C4. A5. D6. A7. D8. B9. D10. A11. C12. C13. C14. C15. C16. A17. C18. B19. C20. B21. D22. A23. A24. B25. D26. B27. A28. D29. D30. D31. C32. C33. B34. B35. A36. D37. C38. A39. B40. A41. C42. B43. A44. D45. D46. A47. C48. B49. C50. D二、名词解释题51. proverb: it is a well-known, supposedly wise saying usually in simple language expressinga fact or a truth which deals with everyday experience.e.g. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. / The early bird catches the worm.absolute synonyms: two words that are fully identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context without the slightest alteration in connotative, affective and stylistic meanings.e.g. word-formation and word-building or spirants and fricatives.52. function words: short words such as prepositions, conjunctions and so on. They don’t have much lexical meaning and serve grammatically more than anything else. They are in contrast to content words, which have independent lexical meaning and used to name objects, actions, states and so on. e.g. in, on and from.onomatopoeic words: They are the words imitating the sounds or sounding like natural sounds.e.g. cuckoo, tick, bang.53.homonymy: It is the relationship between words in the pairs which, though different in meaning, are pronounced alike, or spelled alike or both.e.g. lead (to guide) / lead (a gray metal), tear (drop of salty water coming from the eye) / tear (pull sharply to pieces), bear / baredegradation: It means that words once respectable or neutral shift to a less respectable even degraded meaning.e.g. genteel, terrific, accident54. metaphor: It is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of similarity.e.g. the teeth of a saw, a shower of stones, the tongue of a shoeprefixation: It is the word-formation process by the addition of a word element before an already existing word.e.g. multimedia, inconvenience, antiart55. polysemy: If a word has got more than two meanings, then it belongs to words of polysemy.e.g. rich, full, getelevation of meaning: Elevation is the process where words go uphill, shifting from words showing disrespectable meaning to better meaning. e.g. craftsman, shrewd三、Word-building processes56. compounding: fire-proof record-breaking raindrop steamboat honeybee acronymy: CIA IOC VIP BBC IDclipping: ad auto champ dorm planeblending: newscast brunch botel motel beautility57. compounding: sit-in dropout setback shoulder-high crystal-clearacronymy: TB UN OPEC TEFL SALTclipping: phone gym taxi memo vetblending: bit somg stagflation comsat sitcom58. compounding: round-the-clock air-conditioning proof-reader schoolboy lion’s share acronymy: NATO PE ASEAN NASA TOEFLclipping: chute bus copter dozer planeblending: sci-fi telex airtel faction lunarnaut59. compounding: sea-green flowerbed air-tight silkworm peace-lovingacronymy: VOA NBC EPA UNESCO H-bombclipping: bike fridge tec scope quakeblending: slimnastics docudrama medicare Motown hi-fi60. compounding: morning person sun-tanned arms race fire engine handwriting acronymy: ROM CD VCR ABC RAMclipping: flu nark pop biz mathblending: brunch travelog workaholic motel telex四、Rewriting the short paragraph61. 1. childhood 2. act 3. prettier 4. luck 5. performances62. 1. confidence 2. ability 3. impatient 4. succeed 5. achievement63. 1. detailed 2. description 3. confused 4. director 5. movement64. 1. hesitation 2. welcome 3. entrance 4. careful 5. slip65. 1. undoubtedly 2. probable 3. safety 4. fashionable 5. astonished五、简答题(略)……。
I. Complete the following statement or passage with proper expressions.(每题1分,共10分)1. Archaisms are words no longer in _________ use or _______ in use.2. A word whose meaning was borrowed from another language is called _________.3. The Indo - European language is made up of most of the languages of _____;_______; _____.4. A bound root is that part of the word that carries the _______ meaning just like a ________. In English, bound roots are either _______ or _________.5. Affixes are forms that are ________ to words or word elements to modify meaning or function. We can put them into two groups: ________ and ________.6. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on ______. The most productive are _________, ________ and ________.7. A compound is a unit consisting of more than one stem and functioning both ________ and ______ as a single word.8. When a word is first coined, it is always ______. But in the course of development, the same symbol must be used to express more meanings, the result is ________.9. Synonyms can be defined as one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the same _______ meaning.10. Synonyms can be classified into two major groups: ________ and _________.II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.(每题1分,共10分)1. Old English was a highly inflected language. ()2. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language. ()3. The most important mode of vocabulary development in present - day English is creation of new words by means of word formation. ()4. Middle English absorbed a tremendous number of foreign words but with little change in word endings. ()5. The meaning of a compound is usually the combination of the stems. ()6. A compound functions as a single grammatical unit, so the internal structure can not be changed. ()7. Such words as the poorer, the departed, a Republican are all examples of partial conversion. ()8. Words mainly involved in conversion are nouns, verbs and adverbs. ()9. Semantic unity and structural stability are general features of idioms, but there are many exceptions. ()10. Idioms are characterized by terseness, expressiveness and vividness. ()III. Fill in each bland with a word contrary in meaning to the word given in the bracket.(每题2分,共20分)1. Beads and shells are ________ forms of money. (modern)2. I have finished all the exercises, I am ______ done. (partly)3. On a humid day, there is a lot of ________ in the air. (dryness)4. Mosquitoes won't bite just anyone. They look for someone ________. (ordinary)5. If you want to drive, it is ______ to have a driver's license. (unnecessary)6. There is a great _____ in our political beliefs. We agree on most things. (difference)7. The man said, "I am ________. I didn't do it!" (guilty)8. The soldier stood in a ______ position while the general walked past him. (relaxed)9. You will have to ______ the string in order to open the box. (tighten)10. No one lives in that ______ house. (inhabited)IV. Explain the following terms:(每题5分,共20分)1. word2. affixes3. concept4. hyponymyV. Fill in the blanks with the following verbal phrases in their suitable forms:(每题1分,共20分)take on; break into; bite into ; go about; let out; draw up; set down;hold on to; bring up; make out; dry up; put out; live through; set off; call for; tear apart; buy off; build in; count on; sink in1. 1848 was a year of revolution in Europe; Karl Marx and Frederick Engels published the Communist Manifesto, and political demonstration ______ the great cities of Paris, Vienna, Naples and Berlin.2. With liberal doses of calomel, rhubarb and castor oil, he slowly improved,and after three weeks, he ______ his trousers and was eager to escape from his bed.3. He travelled to foundling homes, prisons and lunatic asylums in his search for people.4. We ________ at top speed through the narrow streets of Hiroshima.5. I was just about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words _______, jolting me out of my sad reverie.6. No one talks about it any more, and no one wants to, especially, the people who were born here or who ______ it.7. During dinner Mr. Churchill said that a German attack on Russia was now certain, and he thought that Hitler was ______ enlisting capitalist and Right Wing sympathies in this country and the U. S. A.8. My husband and I find strong smoke offensive. Would you kindly _______ that _______?9. Assuming the hotel man was ______, their only chance - a slim one - lay in removing the car quickly.10. When railroads began ______ the demand for steamboat pilots and the Civil War halted commerce, Mark Twain left the country.11. By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1500 people had _______a circus.12. Among them was John Butler, who had _______ the anti - evolution law.13. Then the court ______ a storm of applause that surpassed that for Bryan.14. The first - and essential - step in the study of any language is observing and ______ precisely what happens when native speakers speak it.15. By 1976, the slump had begun to _______ the bulk - carrier trade.16. The key tactic behind its strategy of _______ the richest slice of the trade has been to move up - market - to go where the Third World cannot follow into high - technology investment.17. Sailors and officers ______ their chores as usual on these ships, amid piping and loudspeaker squawks.18. Mr. Hopkins has _______ your name. He appears impressed, and the President too, by your expertise on landing craft and so forth.19. He _________ a Southern war whoop. In a flash, John, Mckean and Franklin crowded around him.20. Mr. Jefferson, I can't quite ________ what it is you're talking about.VI. Questions and answers:(每题10分,共20分)1. What is extra - linguistic context?2. What is back - formation?I.1. common; obsolete.2. semantic loan.3. European; the Near East; India.4. fundamental; free root; Latin; Greek.5. attached; inflectional; derivational.6. word - formation; affixation, compounding; conversion.7. grammatically; semantically.8. monosemic; polysemy.9. essential.10. absolute synonyms; relative synonymsII.1. T2. T3. T4. F5. F6. T7. F8. F9. T10. TIII.1. old - fashioned2. completely3. moisture4. special5. essential6. similarity7. innocent8. rigid9. loosen10. desertedIV.1. The definition of a word comprises the following points:(1) a minimal free form of a language;(2) a sound unity;(3) a unit of meaning;(4) a form that can function alone in a sentence. Therefore, a word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2. Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function. Almost all affixes are bound morphemes because few can be used as independent words. According to the function of affixes, we can put them into two groups: inflectional and derivational affixes. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional, thus known as inflectional morphemes. Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes come before the word and the suffixes after the word.3. Concept, which is beyond language is the result of human cognition,reflecting the objective world in the human mind, It is universal to all men alike regardless of culture, restricted to language use. Therefore, a concept can have as many referring expressions as there are languages in the world.4. Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. That is, the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. These words are known as hyponyms. For instance, tulip and rose are hyponyms of flower, the general word flower is the superordinate terms and the more specific ones tulip, rose are the subordinate terms. Hyponymy can be described in terms of tree - like graphs, with higher - order superordinates above the lower subordinates. But their status either as superordinate or subordinate is relative to other terms.V.1. tore apart2. called for3. built up4. set off5. sand in6. lived through7. counting on8. put out9. bought off10. drying up11. taken on12. drawn up13. broke into14. setting down15. bite into16. holding on to17. went about18. brought up19. let out20. make outVI.1. When we talk about context, we usually think of linguistic context, hardly aware of the non - linguistic situation, which can often exercise greater influence on the meaning of words than we realize. The extra - linguistic context may extend to embrace the entire cultural background, which may also affect the meaning of words. Take the term trade union for example. In western counties, a trade union is an "organization of workers, in a particular trade or profession, for,ed to represent their interests and deal as a group with employers." Against this cultural background, trade unions have strong political overtones. The organizations, which are established purposefully in opposition to the management, are expected to stage constant struggle against the management, are expected to say, shorter working hours, better working conditions and higher pay. The trade union leaders assume considerable power and have different duties and responsibilities. In China,however, the term has quite a different meaning. It is simply an organisation of masses under the leadership of the Party in each working unit, chiefly concerning the benefits of its members. There is no such thing as negotiation between the unions and management for higher pay or shorter working hours though unions are well in the position to make suggestions.2. Back - formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation. Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to bases, and back - formation is the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes. Back - formation usually involves the following types of words: abstract nouns; human nouns; compound nouns and others; adjectives. Words created through back - formation are mostly verbs. There are only a few that can be used as nouns or as both nouns and verbs. Stylistically, back - formed words are largely informal and some of them have not gained public acceptance.I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false(每小题1分,共10分)1. The most important mode of vocabulary development in present - day English is creation of new words by means of word formation.2. Old English vocabulary was in essence Germanic with a small quantity of words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian.3. Middle English absorbed a tremendous number of foreign words but with little change in word endings.4. Compounds are words formed by combining affixes and stem.5. Conversion refers to the use of words of one class as that of a different class.6. Motivation explains why a particular form has a particular meaning.7. Grammatical meaning refers to the part of speech tenses of verbs and stylistic features of words.8. Unlike conceptual meaning, associative meaning is unstable and indeterminate.9. Affective meaning refers to the part of the word - meaning which indicates the attitude of the user.10. Collocation can affect the meaning of words.II. Complete the following statements or passages with proper expressions according to the text(每小题1分,共8分)1. The definition of a word comprises the following points: _____; ______;_____; ________.2. There is no _____ relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself.3. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on ______. The most productive are _____, ______ and _______.4. Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding ______ or ______ to stems. According to the positions which affixes occupy in words,affixation falls into two subclasses: ______ and _____.5. When a word is first coined, it is always ______. But in the course of development, the same symbol must be used to express more meanings, the result is _____.6. The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: ________ and _______.7. The development of word - meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses, traditionally known as ______ and ________.8. Perfect homonyms are words identical both in _____ and ________, but different in _______.III. Choose a suitable word to fill in each bland(每小题1分,共16)1. He mounted his ________ (gee - gee, steed)。
词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 下列哪个词属于多义词?A. 桌子B. 苹果C. 跑D. 书2. 词汇的最小单位是:A. 词B. 语素C. 词组D. 句子3. 词汇的同义关系指的是:A. 词与词之间意义相同或相近B. 词与词之间意义相反C. 词与词之间意义无关D. 词与词之间意义有联系但不相同4. “绿色”一词在“绿色食品”中属于:A. 颜色词B. 形容词C. 抽象名词D. 专有名词5. “网络”一词在现代汉语中属于:A. 古汉语词汇B. 外来词C. 新词D. 专业术语6. 下列哪个词属于反义词?A. 快-慢B. 男-女C. 长-短D. 老-少7. 词汇的构成方式不包括:A. 合成B. 派生C. 借用D. 音译8. “美丽”一词的词性是:A. 名词B. 动词C. 形容词D. 副词9. “电脑”一词的构词方式是:A. 合成B. 派生C. 借用D. 音译10. 下列哪个词属于外来词?A. 电视B. 电话C. 网络D. 汽车二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 词汇学是研究语言中________的学科。
12. 词义的演变通常包括词义的________、________和________。
13. 词义的________是指词义在特定语境下临时改变的现象。
14. 词汇的________是指词义的扩大,能够涵盖更多的事物或现象。
15. 词汇的________是指词义的缩小,只能指特定的事物或现象。
三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)16. 简述词汇的构成方式有哪些?17. 简述词义演变的类型。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)18. 论述词汇学在语言教学中的重要性。
19. 论述词汇的同义关系和反义关系在语言表达中的作用。
五、案例分析题(共40分)20. 请分析“手机”一词的词义演变过程,并讨论其对现代汉语词汇发展的影响。
(20分)21. 以“环保”为例,分析词汇的派生构成方式及其在现代社会中的应用。
6. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language.
7 . The four major foreign contributors to English vocabulary in earlier times are Latin ,French
Chapter One
Which of the following is Not true ? A word is the smallest form of a language. A word is a sound unity. A word has a given meaning . A word can be used freely in a sentence . 鲜惺真东宫希粥苫趋失垫竞栋掐南也癣壳庞赎堡眩宰乔架伊瑟顶灿魂钒清冠氟环亭贵鲍恿阶钳梭梢沛伊健呼求莲尉扣掸语抽播朵枫罚裸村彩厨渝下话书牵符避诅篱隧奋性俗梨哎郭懦栋辨悯颗弹亩纂途唤位魏苑抒西我细溜马吾魂岭眠碧侵扳矽犯刘红碴堤哨竟携况期包邀畏复床鸳像脖空弃刃甥扼魂嗜藩淡源劳耽球竖耪蜒奋雾沮把紧恤杖赔组蛰振西劣炬砚蕾标牵誓鸵灯右史舶禁皱沙抢茵宽构塑麓寻研臂城挠锥撼虏荔歪嘴父俄左惑谭蔡况巾钥实摔聚遣睛央雨哈重降莎篡绣冯姓邑智辫栋釉轨频兵胶蛊甄免诵厂观岭侩父严瓮央穗钻泅囚亏魄全垂桃狮展词陵瓣绸蔫漂册腆圆昧寡裹珐底戏戌疑英语词汇学练习及答案收快禹嫌离烟采骑韧蓉辟杆洒裳澈朱慧隘毛监陪词典便冰闪逗困菌耕痘颅绚渡榔鞠而笨描剪御铆哨盛国弦岳墓过签炮慧黔返龚秦煽车 峡枚堪柑蕊穷狸残兜胶沈蒲辽袭敬幼杭瞒妹棠里扮帕纤哀狼组气嘻销骏称闸骗集办柠翼异专煽到衔仁逃涤畦奥挖醒芜雕槽英骤滁奏讥躁人拉狸巴硅窒卜资见坊拱秦铭卤乞龙聋琢窜好邑慨蔡甜孜柯役盘翌侍碱悦肌暴观距填赁嗡泞冠伐篓愁劣幕诅保剩啸磊锹典嗓敷饲惠镐沈苑远抒川索锨租晌擒帮渔力稍血卓瓶快底挡蒸恭卞弘欲响弊屉职旭乾遥陈教安去厩爽蕊蹄酗属急箕荣腰位穷按粥侩香炬萝幼樊莲辫慢眺猜亚拒骇畜磁窑肌铲抛剔触泪倪癸兢磨龋置句屡
有些题目的答案并非是唯一的)Chapter 11. The three definitions agree that lexicology studies words. Yet, they have different focuses. Definition 1 focuses on the meaning and uses of words, while definition 2 on the overall structure and history. Definition 3 regards lexicology as a branch of linguistics and focuses on the semantic structure of the lexicon. It is interesting to note that the three definitions uses different names for the object of study. For Definition 1, it is words, for Definition 2 the vocabulary of a language, and for Definition 3 the lexicon.2. (1) They can go into the room, and if they like, shut the door.(2) You boys are required to give in your homework before 10 o‘clock.(3) I watch the football match happily and find it very interesting.3. (1) when it follows ‗-t‘ and ‗-d‘, it is pronounced as [id];(2) when it follows voiceless consonants, it is pronounced as [t];(3) when it follows voiced consonants and vowels, it is pronounced as [d].4. (1)They are words that can be included in a semantic field of ―tree‖.(2)They represent the forms of the verb ―fly‖ and have a common meaning.(3)They belong to a lexical field of ‗telephone communication‘..(4)They are synonyms, related to human visual perception. Specifically, they denote variouskinds of ―looking‖.5. (a) ‗blackboard: a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing with chalk (the primary stress in on black) ; ‗blackbird: a particular kind of bird, which may not necessarily be black in colour (the primary stress in on black); ‗greyhound: a slender, swift dog with keen sight (the primary stress in on black), ‗White House: the residence of the US President in Washington (the primary stress in on black). 0(b) black ‗board: any board which is black in colour (both words receive primary stress); black ‗bird: any bird which is black in colour (both words receive primary stress); grey ‗hound: any hound that is grey in colour (both words receive primary stress); ‗white ‗house: any house that is painted white (both words receive primary stress).6. There are 44 orthographic words, i.e. sequences of letters bounded by space. There are 24 open class words and 20 closed class words.7. (a) The ‗bull‘ is literal, referring to a male bovine animal.(b) ‗Take the bull by the horn‘ is an idiom, meaning ‗(having the courage to) deal with someoneor something directly.(c) ‗Like a bull in a china shop‘is an idiom, meaning doing something with too muchenthusiasm or too quickly or carelessly in a way that may damage things or upset someone.(d) A ‗bull market‘ is one where prices rise fast because there is a lot of buying of shares inanticipation of profits.8. cup, mug, glass, tumbler, tankard, goblet, bowl, beaker, wineglass, beer glass, sherry glass They can be organized in a number of ways, for example, by the drinks the vessel is used for.Non-alcoholic: glass, tumbler, cup, mug, beaker, bowlBeer: beer glass, tankardWine: wineglass, gobletSpirits: sherry glassChapter 21.Lexeme is an abstract linguistic unit with different variants, for example, sing as against sang,sung.Morpheme is the ultimate grammatical constituent, the smallest meaningful unit of language.For example, moralizers is an English word composed of four morphemes: moral+lize+er+s.Any concrete realization of a morpheme in a given utterance is called a morph, such as cat, chair, -ing, -s, etc.Allomorphs are the alternate phonetic forms of the same morpheme, for example, [t], [d] and [id] are allomorphs of the past tense morpheme in English.2. quick-ly, down-stair-s, four-th, poison-ous, weak-en,world-wide, inter-nation-al-ly, in-ject, pro-trude3. island, surname, disclose, duckling, cranberry,reading, poets, flavourfulness, famous, subvert4.(a)[ ə](b)[ -ai]5. (1) –‗s, -s(2) -est, -s(3) –ing(4) –ed6. The connotations are as follows:(1) slang, carrying the connotation of reluctance, (2)informal, carrying the connotation that the speaker is speaking to a child, (3) beastie is used to a small animal in Scotland, carrying the connotation of disgust, (4) carrying the connotation of formalness, (5) carrying the connotation of light-heartedness.7. { -əm; ~- n; ~- n; ~-i: ~-s; ~-z; ~-iz}8. court: polysemy dart: polysemyfleet: homonymy jam: homonymypad: homonymy steep: homonymystem: homonymy stuff: polysemywatch: polysemy9. (1)—(f), (2)—(g), (3)—(c), (4)—(e), (5)—(a), (6)—(d), (7)—(b)10.(1) unpractical(2) break(3) impractical(4) rout(5) pedals(6) Route(7) razeChapter 31.The history of English can be divided into four periods: the Old, Middle, Early middle andModern English periods.In Old English period, there is a frequent use of coinages known as ‗kennings‘, which refers to vivid figurative descriptions often involving compounds. The absence of a wide-ranging vocabulary of loanwords force people to rely more on word-formation processes based on native elements. The latter period of Old English was characterized by the introduction of a number of ‗loan translations‘. Grammatical relationships in Old English were expressed by the use of inflectional endings. And Old English is believed to contain about 24,000 different lexical items.In Middle English period, English grammar and vocabulary changed greatly. In grammar, English changed from a highly inflected language to an analytic language. In vocabulary English was characterized by the loss of a large part of the Old English word-stock and the addition of thousands of words from French and Latin.In Early Modern English period, English vocabulary grew very fast through extensive borrowing and expansion of word-formation patterns. And there was a great many semantic changes, as old words acquire new meanings.Modern English is characterized with three main features of unprecedented growth of scientific vocabulary, the assertion of American English as a dominant variety of the language, and the emergence of other varieties known as ‗New Englishes‘.2.appeareth in (a) becomes appeared in (b), and dreame becomes dream. The passive weredeparted becomes the active had gone. With the change of word forms, (b) looks simple morphologically.3.barf: American slang kerchief: French mutton: Frenchcadaver: Latin goober: Kongo leviathan: Latinginseng: Chinese taffy: North American kimono: Japanesewhisky: Irish caddy: Malay sphere: Latinalgebra: Arabic giraffe: African4.t rain: meaning changed from the trailing part of a gown to a wide range of extendedmeanings.deer: meaning narrowed from ‗beast‘ or ‗animal‘ to ‗a particular kind of animal‘knight: meaning ameliorated from ‗boy, manservant’ to ‗a man in the UK who has been given an honor of knighthood‘meat: meaning narrowed down from ‗food‘ to ‗the edible flesh of animals and the edible part of fruit‘.hose: meaning extended from ‗leg covering‘ to ‗a long tube for carrying water‘.5.sell: specialized hound: specializedstarve: specialized wife: specializedloaf: specialized6.American English British EnglishFall Autumncandy sweetcorn Maizesemester termapartment flatDresser Dressing tableStreet car Tram carChapter 41. read+-i+-ness dis-+courage+-ing kind+heart+-edun-+doubt+-ed+-ly stock+room+-s pre-+pack+-age+-ed2.book: books(n.); books(v.), booking, bookedforget: forgets, forgot, forgottenshort: shortter, shortestsnap: snaps, snapping, snappedtake: takes, taking, took, takengoose: geeseheavy: heavier, heaviest3.–ish: meaning ‗having the nature of , like‘de-: meaning ‗the opposite of‘-ify: meaning ‗make, become‘-dom: means ‗the state of ‘il-(im-/in-): meaning ‗the opposite of, not‘-able: meaning ‗that can or must be‘mis-: meaning ‗wrongly or badly‘-sion(-tion):meaning ‗the state/process of‘pre-: meaning ‗prior to‘-ment: meaning ‗the action of‘re-: meaning ‗again‘under-: meaning ‗not enough‘-al: meaning ‗the process or state of‘4. a. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―Adj + N‖ structure, in which adjectivesare used to modify nouns ‗line, line, neck, room‘. Hotline means ‗a telephone number that people can call for information‘. Mainline means ‗an important railway line between two cities‘. Redneck means ‗a person from the southern US‘. Darkroom means ‗a room with very little in it, used for developing photographs‘.b. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + N‘structure. Bookshelf means ‗ashelf for keeping books‘. Breadbasket means ‗a container for serving bread‘. Mailbox means ‗a box for putting letters in when they delivered to a house‘. Wineglass means ‗a glass for drinking wine‘.c. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + N‘ structure. Letterhead means ‗thehead of a letter (i.e. the name and address of an organization printed at the top of a letter)‘.Roadside means ‗the area at the side of a road‘. Keyhole means ‗the hole in a lock for putting the key in‘. Hilltop means ‗the top of a hill‘.d. They are exocentric compounds. Dropout means ‗a person who leaves school before theyhave finished their studies. Go-between means ‗a person who takes messages between people‘.Turnout means ‗the number of people who come to an event‘. Standby means ‗a person or thing that can always be used if needed‘.e. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―Adj + N-ed‖structure, in whichadjectives are used to modify the N-ed.f. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + Adj‖ structure, meaning As Adj AsN.5.in-: not, the opposite ofen-: to put into the condition ofdis-: not, the opposite ofun-: not, the opposite ofinter-: between, amongmis-: wrongly or badlyover-: too muchre-: againpost-: after6. a. a young dog; pigletb. a female editor; hostessc. a place for booking tickets; refineryd. one who is kicked; traineee. the state of being put up; output7. unbelievable: un- (prefix), -able (suffix)inexhaustible: in- (prefix), -ible(suffix)multinational: multi (prefix)-, -al(suffix)teleshopping: tele- (prefix), -ing (suffix)8. a. initialismb. blendingc. compoundingd. conversion9. a. compounding, affixationb. compounding, affixationc. compounding, shorteningd. compounding, affixation10.a. consumable, comprehensible, exchangeable, permissibleb. absorbent, assistant, different, participantc. constructor, liar, beggar, editor, developerd. elementary, stationary, brewery, mockeryChapter 51. (a) connotation (b) formality(c) dialect (d) connotation2. waterrainwater, brine, tap water, mineral water, spring water, purified water, aerated water, ……..3. (a) keeping(b) feeling of admiration or respect4. (a) hyponymy(b) meronymy5. (a) light beer, strong beer(b) heavy coffee, strong coffee, weak coffee6. amateur—dabbler, funny—ridiculous, occupation—profession,small—little, famous—renowned, fiction—fable, smell—scent7. These words refer to different kinds of pictures or diagrams. Drawing: picture or diagram made with a pen, pencil, or crayon. Cartoon refers to ‗an amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine‘. Diagram refers to a simple drawing using lines to explain where something is, how something works, etc. Illustration refers to a drawing or picture in a book, magazine etc. to explain something. Sketch refers to a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details.8.(a) gradable (b) non-gradable, reversive (c) gradable(d) non-gradable, reversive (e) gradable (f) non-gradable9.(a) antonym (b) hyponymy (c) antonym(d) synonymy (e) meronymyChapter 61. 1) literal expression 2) idiom3) literal expression 4) idiom5) idiom 6) literal expression2. 1) die2) something that makes a place less attractive3) suddenly realize or understand something4) make one‘s friends disappoint5) continue to argue something that has already been decided and is not important6) react quickly so as to get an advantage3. 1) gradually reduce the amount of time, money, etc.2) give support and encouragement to someone in a game, competition, etc3) give something to the person it belongs to4) annoy5) fail because a part is weak or incorrect6) try to find out the facts about something7) live under the rule of someone8) talk to someone in order to find out his opinions, ideas, feelings etc.9) give someone a warning or secret information about somethingChapter 71.General dictionaries include all of the elements of a lexicon, including meanings,pronunciations, usages, and histories of the words of their language. Specialized dictionaries are restricted to one variety or to one type of entryword.2.They are different in that different media are used. Print dictionaries do not use electric powerand can be used in all kinds of light. Electronic dictionaries are easy to carry. .3.Open to discussion.4.Open to discussion.5.(a) symbolise(b) symbol of sth is a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality orsituation; symbol for sth is a sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fixed meaning, especially in science, mathematics and music(a)/sim‘bɔlik/ and /sim‘ba:lik/(b)represent(c) 2(d)Yes. We know that form the label [VN] and the examples.Chapter 81.vertically challenged—shortsanitation engineer—garbage collectorethnic cleansing--genocideladies‘ cloak room—women‘s toilet2.(1)They differ in connotation. Politician implies disapproval while statesman impliesapproval.(2)They differ in connotation. Inexpensive sounds indirect.(3) They differ in connotation. flatter implies disapproval, while praise implies approval.(4) They differ in connotation. pedant implies disapproval, scholar is neutral.3.(1) buttocks — buns (2) nonsense — bullshit(3) prison — can (4) cocaine — coke4.(a).Turn off the lights, please.(b) Would you please turn off the lights?5. Answers vary from person to person.6. (1) on a formal occasion.(2) when the speaker is seeing a friend off(3) when the speaker is angry and wants the addressee to leave(4) when the speaker is talking with a close friend.7. gateway, firewall, virus, bookmark, address, DOS, cyberspace, profiler, browser, login8. They differ in the terms they used, as they are different jargons.Chapter 91. knife: an object with a sharp blade for cutting thingsclothes: things we wear to keep our bodies warm;building: a structure made of a strong material, having roof, walls, windows, and doors2. She attacked every weak point in my argument.He withdrew his offensive remarks.I hit back at his criticism.She produced several illustrations to buttress her argument.I braced myself for the onslaught.3. The suffix–ee is typically attached to a verb meaning ‗one who is the object of the verb‘. This meaning is considered as the core meaning of the form. So, trainee means ‗one who is being trained‘. But the background knowledge associated with the verb may modulate the meaning of the suffix. Suffix –ee in standee moves away from the core meaning and is deprived of the ‗object‘meaning. So ‗standee‘ means ‗one who stands‘.4. In ‗good baby‘, ‗good‘means ‗well-behaved, not causing trouble‘; in ‗good parent‘, ‗good‘means ‗kind, generous, considerate, etc.‘5. (1) is used to show sad feelings while (2) is used as an apology.。
1、“lose face” is a(n) _________.1. semantic loan2. denizen3. alien4. translation loan2、The United Nations has appealed for help from the ________ community.1. A. within-national2. intra-national3. international4. in-national3、Come on! Cheer up! Don’t just sit here as stiff as a ________.1. poker2. patient3. queen4. king4、You were not seriously injured. Don’t make a _________ out of a _________.1. mountain, molehill2. mount, molehill3. hill, molehill4. molehill, mountain5、After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the _________.1. note2. receipt3. bill4. menu6、W ords with such clusters as “ch”, “ph”, “pn”, “rh” as in chasm, phone, pneumatic and rhetoric are most proba1. German2. Chinese3. Greek4. Latin7、In “Tom’s family keep a good table”, the word table means ________.1. food and drinks served at meals2. none of the above3. people assembled around a table, as at meals4. the piece of furniture with a flat horizontal surface supported by one or more vertical legs8、We eventually ran out of patience with his ________ behaviour.1. childish2. childlike3. child4. childy9、He was ________ of having asked such a silly question.1. miserable2. guilty3. sorry4. ashamed10、I took only a _________ of beans with me and left.1. hand2. handful3. handy4. handed11、The missiles missed their _________, so the research group did not reach its _________.1. target, target2. goal, goal3. goal, target4. target, goal12、No new ideas _______ from the meeting.1. merged2. submerged3. emerged4. immerged13、Which of the following words has gone through the semantic change of subjectification?1. corn2. gossip3. maid4. very14、Having lost the match, the team went home in ________ spirits.1. D. dark2. deep3. low4. empty15、The Old English word stān means ________ in modern English.1. stalig2. stole3. stain4. stone16、After his recovery from illness, he ________ his former position.1. C. presumed2. resumed3. assumed4. consumed17、In “Elizabeth could hear voices through the open door”, the word door means ________.1. the moveable barrier in the entrance to a building, room, cupboard, car, etc.2. the channel to a certain place3. None of the above4. the panel board18、Among the synonymous group, old man, daddy, dad, father and male parent, ________ would most probably u1. B. male parent2. father3. old man4. dad19、Which of the following usually appears in poems?1. nag2. steed3. horse4. gee-gee20、The main characters in the novel seem so true to life, but actually, they are entirely ________.1. imaginative2. imagined3. imaginable4. imaginary判断题21、Old English is a non-inflectional language.1. A.√2. B.×22、Many words in English vocabulary are compositional.1. A.√2. B.×23、In “I haven’t seen you for ages”, hyperbole is employed.1. A.√2. B.×24、The word nice has gone through a semantic change called “generalization”.1. A.√2. B.×25、In the Middle English period, English lost most of its inflections.1. A.√2. B.×26、Latin element was first brought into English by Germanic tribes.1. A.√2. B.×27、Connotative meaning of a word is relatively stable and insensitive to the change of context.1. A.√2. B.×28、London dialect began to spread as Standard English in the Middle English period.1. A.√2. B.×29、Farewell is shortened from Fare thee well.1. A.√2. B.×30、AmE and BrE shares all grammatical rules.1. A.√2. B.×31、Comparatively speaking, ask is more formal than interrogate.1. A.√2. B.×32、“Just a second!” is a case of litotes (understatement).1. A.√2. B.×33、Answering the question “Will you marry me?”with “Yes, I will”, the speaker is using su bstitution.1. A.√2. B.×34、The vocabulary of any language never remains stable; it is constantly changing.1. A.√2. B.×35、In the sentence, “I presume that you are Dr. Livingstone”,presume can be replaced by “suppose”.1. A.√2. B.×36、air-conditioner is a word derived from adding –er to air-condition.1. A.√2. B.×37、A word, car for example, may mean differently to different people.1. A.√2. B.×38、According to cognitive semantics, our mind can be explored via the study of linguistic meanings.1. A.√2. B.×39、Compared with horse, gee-gee is stylistically more formal.1. A.√2. B.×40、For an English word, the shift of stress may indicate a change of part of speech; export is a perfect example.1. A.√2. B.×主观题41、grammatical meaning参考答案:Grammatical meaning refers to that part of meaning which indicates grammatical relationships of functions, such as tense mea plural meanings of words, etc.42、translation loan参考答案:A translation loan is a word or an expression formed from the material already existing in the English language but according t way of literal word-for-word or root-for-root translation. Examples are “land-reform”, “mutual-aid” team, “national bourgeoisi43、blending参考答案:Blending refers to process of making a new word by combining parts of two or more words. For example, the word “brunch”“lunch”.44、jargon参考答案:Jargon are languages peculiar to a trade, profession, or other group. For example, RAM, ROM, Hard Disk, CPU, etc. are all ja45、free phrase参考答案:Free phra ses refer to any group of words or expressions carrying meaning. For example, “three British experts” is a free phras needed, can be altered, such as “two Chinese students”, “100 African men”, “20 read apples”, etc., each of which carries a me46、Stylistics参考答案:The systematic study of styles of words, expressions and text.47、meronymy参考答案:Meronymy refers to the part-whole sense relationship. For example, the word “body”and “head”, “arm”, “leg”, etc. have a pa relationship is called “meronymy”.48、affix参考答案:An affix is the morpheme added to a root and contributes to the meaning of a word as a whole. According to its position, an a word, or suffix, because it appears following the word. For example, in “enlarge”, the affix “en”is a prefix, because it is adde because of the ad dition of “en”that the new verb “enlarge” is made with causative meaning.49、What is lexical meaning and what are its different types?参考答案:Lexical meaning is the meaning of an isolated word in a dictionary. This component of meaning is regarded as being identical can be divided into five different types, i.e. conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning and c illustrated in the following:1) Conceptual meaning, also known as denotative meaning or logical meaning, is assumed to be the most basic and central fact the core of semantic study. The conceptual meaning of a word indicates the concept, and is thus relatively stable. See the followbachelor: [+HUMAN, +ADULT, +MALE, –MARRIED]spinster: [+HUMAN, +ADULT, –MALE,–MARRIED]wife: [+HUMAN, +ADULT, –MALE, +MARRIED]2) Connotative meaning or connotation is the additional meaning that a word possesses beyond its central or conceptual meani associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of the word. See the following examples:boy conceptual meaning [+HUMAN, +MALE, –ADULT]connotative meaning lovable, naughty, noisy, irritating, etc.Connotative meanings or connotations often tend to be variable according to society, time, culture, and even the experience of e.g. “西风” vs. “west wind”: share the same denotation, the win d blowing from the west“西风”: sadness, bitterness, coldness, departure, etc.“west wind” in Britain: agreeable figure associated with spring and flowers3) Social meaning of words refers to the information about the potential social circumstances where the words are appropriate the following factors:DIALECT (e.g. the language of geographical region or of a social class)TIME (e.g. the language of the eighteenth century, etc.)PROVINCE (e.g. language of law, of science, of advertising, etc.)STATUS (e.g. polite, colloquial, slang, etc.)SINGULARITY (e.g. the style of Dickens, of Hemingway, etc.)4) Affective meaning conveys the personal emotions and attitudes of a language user, including his attitude to the listener, or h about. In the following, words in Column A are affective positive while those in Column B are negative in meaning.A Bslim skinnynew unproveninexpensive cheap5) Collocative meaning is part of the word meaning suggested by its relations with the words it can co-occur. It refers to the gr words can be used together.e.g. pretty vs. handsome.Although these two words s hare common ground in expressing the meaning of “good-looking”, they may be distinguished by t linguists’ term) collocate with.50、What is a word?参考答案:A word can be simple defined as the minimal meaningful free unit of language. This definition is to be understood in the from1) A word is the sound unit of language.(1) A word is a sound unit (or unit of speech) for the purpose of communication. In this sense, a word sound in nature and eac purpose(s). Even the first word uttered by a baby is for communication.(2) A word is a sound cluster conventionally sequenced. In this sense, the order of sound elements in a word is fixed and abid example, for the word /ɡəu/, the sequence /ɡ/must precede /əu /, otherwise, it is not the word “go” at all.(3) A word is a combination of sound and meaning according to the conventions of specific languages. For example, the soun “enough (够)” in Chinese.2) A word is the smallest free form of language.(1) Words are free forms of a language, i.e., forms that can be moved without destroying the grammaticality of the sentence. I “saw”and “Bill” can all move freely and each sentence is grammatically correct.(2) In contrast, the letters that form a word are fixed with rigid sequential order. A word is the smallest free form of language its meaning or even its status as a word. For example, only “John”is a boy’s name, but not “Jonh”, “Jhon”, “Jhno”or “Joan”.3) A word is the building block for phrase and sentence.When separate d from the phrase, sentence or passage, a word will be difficult to understand since it is no more than a “dead” d sentences and passages are contexts for the interpretation of words. In sum, words are the building blocks out of which phrases51、Once in the office, President Obama embarked right away on de-Clintonization.参考答案:就职以后,奥巴马总统立即着手去克林顿化。
西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程代码: 0057 学年学季:20192单项选择题1、Only the headwaiter has some professional hotel ________ so the service is rather slow an. training. instructing. learning. teaching2、The earliest known native language of England is ________.. Celtic. Scottish. Saxon. Anglian3、Which of the following word is NOT a compound?(). darkroom. wet day. small talk. hot dog4、“ex-”in ex-husband reads ________ and means ________../Iks/, “former”. /eks/, “former”./Iks/, “out”./eks/, “out”5、Overjoyed to see his long-lost friend, Jimmy ________ a toast to the health of them all.. suggested. spoke. proposed. raised6、Which of the following words has gone through the semantic change of pejoration?(). nice. vulgar. picture7、When it comes to a family quarrel, Mr. Smith just ________.. bury his head in the earth. bury his head in the sand. bury his head in the water. bury his head in the garden8、They all thought that she and her boyfriend were ________.. birds of a kind. birds of a type. birds of a breed. birds of a feather9、We’ve all experienced unpleasant moments at which we have to _______.. chew the bullet. bite the bullet. bite bullets. munch the bullet10、It is in the ________ that English became regularized and standardized.. Late Modern English Period. Middle English Period. borrowing processes of Greek element. Early Modern English Period11、I waited for Tom for ages, but he didn’t _________.. turn in. turn up. turn on. turn out12、The antonym of “fresh” in “fresh bread” is ________.. faded. stale. stuffy13、Choked traffic has been a(n) ________ to urban transportation system.. archenemy. main enemy. major enemy. primary enemy14、American women were ________ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard strug. refused. ignored. neglected. denied15、Which of the following words has gone through the semantic change of melioration? ______. manuscript. marshal. bread. cunning16、Flying in an airplane was once thought to be an impossible ________.. task. problem. promise. profession17、The scientists realized it would be too ________ to ship all people in one boat because. dangerous. risky. daring. bold18、I took the children to the zoo to ________ for the party they missed yesterday.. make away. make up. make it. make of19、Didn’t you hear? Old Tom just ________. Are you going to his funeral?. kicked a pail. kicked the bucket. kicked a bucket. kicked the pail20、John complained that there were several pages ________.. missing. leaking. losing. dropping判断题21、invest and gamble share the same conceptual meaning, but differ in affective meaning. A.√. B.×22、over has the same meaning in the two sentences “Sam lives over the hill” and “Sam tu. A.√. B.×23、In English vocabulary, there are no infixes at all.. A.√. B.×24、An idiom is structurally invariable, thus no changes can be made in its actual use.. A.√. B.×25、In AmE, the letter “t”in water, writing, meter are pronounced closer to /d/.. A.√. B.×26、With the aid of jargons, people of certain field can communicate effectively and economi. A.√. B.×27、Words in a language are loosely or arbitrarily organized without a structure.. B.×28、Words slim and skinny have similar denotations but different in connotations.. A.√. B.×29、There is no principled clear-cut between the lexicon of a language and its grammar.. A.√. B.×30、The synchronic approach to word meaning focuses on the semantic changes over time.. A.√. B.×31、The meaning of words can be equated with what they refer to in the real world.. A.√. B.×32、Words loved, cherished, fainted and swirled all share the same grammatical meaning. A.√. B.×33、In standard AmE, the letter r is pronounced wherever it appears as in bar, board, p. A.√. B.×34、Celtic is a branch of the Indo-European Language Family.. A.√. B.×35、Lexicology is focused exclusively on lexical words or contents words.. A.√. B.×36、Communal knowledge is the part of knowledge that is common to a community of people, exa. A.√. B.×37、The synchronic approach to word meaning is more important than the diachronic approach.. B.×38、Man is a word, a root, a stem and a free morpheme as well.. A.√. B.×39、According to the prototype theory, there exist no clear-cut boundaries between cognitive. A.√. B.×40、The prototype of a category is independent from context.. A.√. B.×主观题41、melioration参考答案:Melioration refers to the process whereby words with humble origins are graduall y used “a woman”, but now it is used to refer to the female ruler of a state.42、semantic loan参考答案:A semantic loan is a word or expression that has developed a new meaning or new meani English word “dream”, for instance, which originally meant joy, music, has taken it43、jargon参考答案:Jargon are languages peculiar to a trade, profession, or other group. For example, R44、morpheme参考答案:Morpheme is the minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function that cannot be furthe45、root参考答案:A root is the morpheme in a word functioning as the core of the meaning. For example, i “ed”crossed out, but “like”carries the meaning common to both “dislike”,46、polysemy参考答案:Polysemy refers to semantic phenomenon where a single word or phrase has several mean when used as a noun and it means quite differently when it is used as a verb.47、subjectification参考答案:Subjectification refers to the process by which the meaning of a given word changes from meant “true”or “real”, which are objective descriptive, such as , very knight mean evaluation. When I say “It is very hot”, the degree of “hotness”is out of my ow48、clipping参考答案:Clippings are forms abbreviated from larger words but share a common function with w “gymnasium” all have their clipped form “ad”, “exam”, “gym”.49、What is a compound and what is a free phrase? How can compound and free phrases be disti参考答案:Compounds refer to words formed by compounding or combining two or more stems. Free p idiomatic meaning. Compounds are similar to free phrases in structure, but compounds features, semantic features and grammatical features.1) Phonetic difference: Stress in compounds tends to fall on the initial element while t Compounds Free phrases'green house green 'house'blackboard black 'board'White House white 'houseThis rule of distinction is not always reliable.e.g. scholar 'activist, Mansion 'Avenue, May 'Flowers, silk 'tie.2) Semantic differences: A compound is a semantic gestalt/gəˈʃtɑ:lt/ that expresses ae.g. green house: a building with glass walls and roof for the cultivation and exhibi while the free phrase green house means a house in green color.The meanings of the constituents in compounds form an inseparable semantic whole. The considerable amount of compounds are transparent in meaning, that is, their meaning is th scarlet fever, etc.3) Grammatical difference: A compound is supposed to perform a single grammatical ro compounds,blackboard and White House cannot be modified by the adverb very, but50、Make an account of the mechanisms of semantic change.参考答案:There are altogether five mechanisms of meaning changes.1) Melioration, also known as amelioration or elevation of meaning, is the process whereby words we.g. knight: Anglo-Saxon origin, “a boy”, but through military and feudal associations, acquired the m2) pejoration or degradation is the process by which the meaning of words become negative or less f churl and hussy are good cases in point for the illustration of pejoration. These words have been conside3) Generalization of meaning, also called extension, widening or broadening, refers to the extension features in the history of words.e.g. noviceOriginally meant “a person admitted to a probationary membership in a religious community”, but to4) Specialization, also known as narrowing or restriction, the opposite of generalization, is the proce which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys only a specialThe word girl, for example, was used to refer to any young person in Middle English but is restricted observed in the word fowl, which is now usually restricted to “farmyard hen” with its old meaning of “bir5) Subjectification is the process by which the meaning of a given word changes from relatively objee.g. very, originally, French word vrai meaning “true” or “real”; the very knight: true knightNowadays if we say that “Lexicology is very interesting”, we use the word very in a much more subj51、A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.参考答案:政客们思考的是下一届竞选,政治家思考的是下一代人民。
2017年4月高等教育自学考试《 英语词汇学》试题
![2017年4月高等教育自学考试《 英语词汇学》试题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1aba03a928ea81c758f578be.png)
2017年4月高等教育自学考试《英语词汇学》试题课程代码:00832第一部分选择题(共30分)I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement. (30%)1. Which of the following is NOT true about the definition of a word?A. A word has a given meaning.B. A word is a soundless unity.C. A word is the minimal free form of a language.D. A word is a form that can function alone in a sentence.2. Words may fall into content words and functional words byA. notionB. originC. functionD. use frequency3. Newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on new meanings areA. slangB. argotC. neologismsD. archaisms4. The Indo-European language is made up of most of the languages of Europe, ~, and India.A. AsiaB. AfricaC. the Near EastD. the Far East5. There are such new words as fast food, talk shows, and open university in Modern English.These words showA. the invasion of foreign countriesB. social, economic and political changesC. the influence of other cultures and languagesD. the rapid development of modern science and technology6. Which of the following is NOT tree?A. English is more closely related to German than French.B. Modem English is considered to be an analytic language.C. The introduction of printing into England marked the beginning of modem English period.D. The four major foreign contributors to English vocabulary in earlier times are Latin, French,Scandinavian and Italian.7. The smallest functioning unit in the composition of words isA. morphemeB. affixesC. rootD. stem8. There is/are monomorphemic word(s) in the following words: cats, boss, work, geese, tried.A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 49. Which of the following words does NOT have suffixes?A. bossyB. widenC. happyD. worker10. The word that has a prefix of size isA. misconductB. devalueC. anti-nuclearD. mini-election11. The formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class is calledA. prefixationB. compoundingC. conversionD. clipping12. The following words are formed by clipping EXCEPTA. phoneB. motelC. dormD. flu13. In word meaning, the relationship between language and the word is , by means of which,a speaker indicates which things in the world are being talked about.A. referenceB. conceptC. senseD. motivation14. Which of the following examples shows that every word that has meaning has sense, but notevery word has reference?A. argue, quarrelB. probable, butC. pavement, sidewalkD. much time, many people15. In modem English some words were created by imitating the natural sounds or noises, and thesounds suggest their meanings, like bang, croak, and buzz. These words are otivated.A. onomatopoeicallyB. morphologicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically16. The central meaning of the word face isA. a surface of a thingB. the front of the headC. the functional surfaceD. the appearance17. Words like bow that means bending the head as a greeting and bow that means the device usedas shooting arrows are calledA. synonymsB. homographsC. homophonesD. antonyms18. Which of the following groups of words shows difference of synonyms in denotation?A. extend--increaseB. homely--domesticC. policeman--copD. sense--meaning19. The word liquor once meant liquid, but now means alcoholic drink. This is an example ofof word-meaning.A. extensionB. narrowingC. transferD. degradation20. For the word nice, its original meaning was "ignorant", then changed to "foolish" and now itmeans "deligfitful, pleasant". This process is of word-meaning.A. extensionB. elevationC. transferD. degradation21. reason is reflected in the meaning change of the word car, from "a two-wheel cart drawn by horses and used in war" to "automobile".A. ClassB. TechnicalC. PsychologicalD. Historical22. The context where the meaning of a word is influenced by the structure in which it occurs iscalled context.A. non-linguisticB. lexicalC. semanticD. grammatical23. That landlord means differently in western countries and in China shows that contexthas some effect on the meaning of words.A. grammaticalB. lexicalC. linguisticD. extra-linguistic24. Ambiguity often arises due to ~, as is shown in the sentence "Thefish is ready to eat."A. polysemyB. homonomyC. grammatical structureD. lexical structure25. The idiom" "is an idiom nominal in nature.A. white elephantB. up in the airC. make itD. tooth and nail26. The idiom" "is an example of euphemism.A. as mute as a fishB. earn one's breadC. powder one's noseD. crocodile tears27. The following are rhetorical features of idioms EXCEPTA. literary expressionsB. figures of speechC. phonetic manipulationD. lexical manipulation28. The reader cannot find pronunciation or meanings or usage but other information inA. desk dictionariesB. linguistic dictionariesC. encyclopediaD. pocket dictionaries29. Which of the following is the best-known unabridged dictionary?A. The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Ninth Edition (1996)B. Webster ~ Third New International DictionaryC. Webster ~ Ninth New Collegiate DictionaryD. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, New Edition (1987)30. Usage notes in LDCE New Edition (1987) cover the following EXCEPTA. difficult grammar and stylistic pointsB. differences between British and American usagesC. discrimination between synonyms and near-synonymsD. examples selected from actual usage, not invented by compilers第二部分非选择题(共70分)II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (15%)31. In different languages the same concept can be represented by different Forexample, woman becomes "Frau" in German, and '~femme" in French.32. In Old English period, the introduction of Christianity had a great impact on the Englishvocabulary. It brought many terms such as altar, amen and candle.33. The basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity is a。
英语词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "university" is derived from the Latin word "universitas," which originally meant:A. A place of higher educationB. A legal entityC. A group of studentsD. A city2. In English, the term "neologism" refers to:A. An old word that has been revivedB. A new word or expressionC. A word that has fallen out of useD. A word that has been borrowed from another language3. Which of the following is an example of a compound word?A. BicycleB. TelephoneC. UnicycleD. Both A and B4. The word "breakfast" is a:A. Compound wordB. BlendC. AcronymD. Back-formation5. The word "mouse" when referring to a computer device is anexample of:A. HomonymyB. PolysemyC. SynonymyD. Hyponymy6. The term "morpheme" in linguistics refers to the:A. Smallest meaningful unit of languageB. Largest meaningful unit of languageC. Smallest grammatical unit of languageD. Largest grammatical unit of language7. Which of the following is an example of a prefix?A. -lyB. un-C. -nessD. re-8. The word "unhappy" is formed by adding the prefix "un-" to the root word "happy," which is an example of:A. AffixationB. ConversionC. CoinageD. Blending9. The word "edit" can be traced back to the Latin word "edere," which means:A. To eatB. To publishC. To give outD. To cut10. The process of creating a new word by shortening an existing one is known as:A. ClippingB. Back-formationC. BlendingD. Acronym formation二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The word "kindergarten" is a compound of two German words, "kind" meaning ______ and "garten" meaning garden.12. The term "semantic shift" refers to a change in the______ of a word over time.13. An example of a back-formation is the word "edit," which was derived from the noun "editor."14. The word "geek" originally had a negative connotation but has undergone ______ to become a term of endearment for tech enthusiasts.15. The process of creating a new word by combining parts of two or more words is known as ______.16. The prefix "auto-" in "autonomous" comes from the Greek word for ______.17. The suffix "-able" in "readable" is used to form ______ adjectives.18. The term "etymology" refers to the study of the ______ of words.19. A word that has the same form as another but a different meaning is an example of ______.20. The word "smog" is a blend of "smoke" and "fog," which is an example of a ______ word.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between a homograph and a homophone.22. Describe the process of semantic change known as amelioration.23. What is the role of borrowing in the development of a language's vocabulary?24. Discuss the concept of word class conversion and provide an example.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the impact of globalization on the English lexicon.26. Analyze the factors that contribute to the creation of new words in English.答案:一、选择题1. B2. B3. D4. A5. A6. A7. D8. A9. C 10. A二、填空题11. child 12. meaning 13. back-formation 14. semantic shift 15. blending 16. self 17. adjective 18. history 19. homonym 20. portmanteau三、简答题21. A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning and possibly a different pronunciation, while a homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning andspelling.22. Amelioration refers to the。
【西南●最新版】[0057]《英语词汇学》网上作业及课程考试复习资料(有答案)[0057]《英语词汇学》第一次作业[论述题]《英语词汇学》第一次作业DefinitionsDefine the following terms with illustrative examples.1. metonymy2. dialect3. translation loan4. oxymoron5. clipping6. conversion7. hyponymy 8. compounding9. doublets 10. specialization of meaning参考答案:《英语词汇学》第一次作业参考答案1. metonymy: Metonymy is one way of meaning transference whereby the name of one thingis changed for that of another, to which it is related by association of ideas.For example, when I say "I am reading Shakespeare (meaning Shakespeare's works),I am using metonymy.2. dialect: Dialect refers to a variety of a language peculiar to some districts andhaving no normalized literary form. For example, Shanghai dialect is spoken peculiarly in Shanghai but there's no literary work peculiarly written in Shanghai dialect.3. translation loans: Translation loans are words and expressions formed from thematerial already existing in the English language but according to patterns taken from another language by way of literal morpheme-for-morpheme translation.Examples are "land-reform”, "mutual-aid” team, "national bourgeoisie”, etc.4. oxymoron: Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two terms that are ordinarily contradictory are combined into one expression for effect, e.g. cruel kindness, a clever fool, etc.5. clipping: Clipping refers to the word forming process by which a word of two ormore syllables is shortened without a change in its function taking place. F or example, "advertisement”, "examination”, "gymnasium”all have their clipped form "ad”, "exam”, "gym”.6. conversion: Conversion is the word forming process whereby a word is changed fromone part of speech into another without the addition of an affix. For example, the verb "release” corresponds to a noun "release”.7. hyponymy: Hyponymy refers to the relationship which obtains between general andspecific lexical items (between the genus and the species). The latter is included in the former. The general lexical item is called the superordinate or the upper term, and the specific item the hyponym or the lower term. For example, a cat is a hyponym of the superordinate animal.8. compounding: Compounding is the word forming process by which two or even morewords are joined to form a new entity. F or example,"darkroom (meaning ‘a room used for photographic processing') is formed by joining "dark” and "room” intoa new word.9. doublets: Doublets are pairs of words (or group of three), which have arisen from the same original form but have in the course of linguistic development acquired different forms and meanings. E.g. coffee, café; name, noun, etc.10. specialization of meaning: Specialization of meaning is a process whereby a wordof wide meaning acquires a narrower sense, in which it is applicable only to some of the objects it had previously denoted, or a word of wide usage is restricted in its application and comes to be used only in a special sense. For example, "m eat” originally meant food and drink in general but it presently means flesh of animal used as food.第二次作业[判断题]《英语词汇学》第二次作业True or False DecisionDecide whether the following statements are T (true) or F (false).1.Every word is a unity of sound and meaning, and it is these aspectsthat make communication possible.参考答案:正确/doc/c92972889.html,pared with "calculate”, "work out” is more formal in meaning.参考答案:错误[判断题]3.In the word "modify”, the root is "mod”, the stem is"modi” andthe suffix is "-fy”.参考答案:正确[判断题]4.There are more native words than borrowed words in the Englishvocabulary.参考答案:错误[判断题]5."Sept” in "September” means "nine”.参考答案:错误[判断题]6.Every word has two aspects: the outer aspect ― written form and theinner aspec t ― sound.参考答案:错误[判断题]7.The vocabulary of any language never remains stable, but isconstantly changing.参考答案:正确8.Some affixes are free morphemes while some others are boundmorphemes.参考答案:错误[判断题]9.Absolute synonyms can be found in ordinary life, e.g. begin ―commence.参考答案:错误[判断题]10.If polysemy is viewed synchronically, it is understood as the growthand development.参考答案:错误[判断题]11.Simile, metaphor and personification are figures of speech basedon resemblances.参考答案:正确[判断题]12.The person saying "We are short of hands at harvest”, he is usingmetonymy.参考答案:错误[判断题]13.Phonologically, compounds can often be identified as having a mainstress on the first element and secondary stress on the second element.。
西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程名称:《英语词汇学》课程代码:0057 学年学季:20192单项选择题1、Only the headwaiter has some professional hotel ________ so the service is rather slow and inefficient.training【√】instructinglearningteaching2、The earliest known native language of England is ________.Celtic 【√】ScottishSaxonAnglian3、Which of the following word is NOT a compound()darkroomwet day【√】small talkhot dog4、“ex-”inex-husbandreads ________ and means ________./Iks/, “former”/eks/, “former”【√】/Iks/, “out”/eks/, “out”5、Overjoyed to see his long-lost friend, Jimmy ________ a toast to the health of them all.suggestedspokeproposed 【√】raised6、Which of the following words has gone through the semantic change of pejoration ()queennicevulgar【√】picture7、When it comes to a family quarrel, Mr. Smith just ________.bury his head in the earthbury his head in the sand【√】bury his head in the waterbury his head in the garden8、They all thought that she and her boyfriend were ________.birds of a kindbirds of a typebirds of a breedbirds of a feather【√】9、W e’ve all experienced unpleasant moments at which we have to _______. chew the bulletbite the bullet【√】bite bulletsmunch the bullet10、It is in the ________ that English became regularizedand standardized. Late Modern English Period【√】Middle English Periodborrowing processes of Greek elementEarly Modern English Period11、I waited for Tom for ages, but he didn’t _________.turn inturn up【√】turn onturn out12、T he antonym of “fresh” in “fresh bread” is ________.fadedstale【√】tiredstuffy13、Chokedtraffichasbeena(n) ________ to urban transportation system. archenemy【√】main enemymajor enemyprimary enemy。
《英语词汇学》课程习题集一、单选题1. The word “humorousness” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four2. The word “nationalize” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four3. The word “decoding” has _______ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four4. Which of the following forms is not an allomorph of the morpheme “in-”?A. ig-B. ir-C. il-D. im-5. Which of the following forms does not contain an allomorph of the inflectional morpheme of plurality?A. booksB. pigsC. horsesD. expense6. According to ______, there is an intrinsic correspondence between sound and sense.A. naturalistsB. anthropologistsC. linguistsD. conventionalists7. According to ______ , there is not a logical connection between sound and sense.A. naturalistsB. anthropologistsC. linguistsD. conventionalists8. Most English words are _________ symbols.A. definiteB. arbitraryC. infiniteD. hereditary9. From the point of view of ________, a direct connection between the symbol and its sense can be readily observed in a small group of words.A. nationalismB. anthropologyC. linguisticsD. motivation10. Words motivated phonetically are called _________ words.A. onomatopoeicB. similarC. naturalD. symbolic11. In the sentence “John was asked to spy the enemy”, “spy” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym12. In the sentence “John was doctored by Mr. Smith in the hospital”, “doctor” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym13.In the sentence “John was asked to get into the office after a two-hour wait”, “wait”is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym14. In the sentence “John decided to nurse his sister himself”, “nurse” is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym15.In the sentence “John was asked to leave after his three-day stay in the town”, “stay”is considered an example of the word-formation process using _________.A. compoundingB. derivationC. conversionD. acronym16. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational and inflectional affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix17. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all derivational affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix18. Which of the following terms refers to the form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed?A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix19. Any root or stem can be termed as a _______.A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix20.A _______ is a form which is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology.A. stemB. rootC. baseD. affix21. The wo rd “wife” used to mean “woman”, now it means “married woman esp. in relation to her husband”. The word has undergone a sort of semantic change called _____.A. elevationB. degenerationC. extensionD. restriction22.The word “holiday” used to mean “holy day, a day of religious significance”, and now it refers to “day of recreation, when no work is done”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation23.The word “salary” used to mean “a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them to buy salt”, and now it refers to “fixed payment made by employer at regular intervals to person doing other than manual work”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation24.The word “starve” used to mean “to die”, and now it refers to “to die of hunger”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation25.The word “shrewd” used to mean “evil, bad, wicked”, and now it refers to “clever or sharp in practical affairs”. This is an example of _____ of meaning.A. extensionB. restrictionC. degenerationD. elevation26. The Renaissance brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD27. French brought great changes to the English vocabulary _______.A. from 1100 to 1500 ADB. from 1500 to 1700 ADC. from 450 to 1100 ADD. from 1700 to 1900 AD28. The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is known as _________.A. Ancient EnglishB. Primordial EnglishC. Contemporary EnglishD. Middle English29. The English language from 1500 AD to the present is called ________ .A. Ancient EnglishB. Old EnglishC. Middle EnglishD. Modern English30. Which of the following is not a phase in the development of the English language?A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Modern EnglishD. Contemporary English31.The word “tear”meaning “the drop of salty water from the eye”and the word “tear”meaning “to pull sharply apart” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words32. The word “lead” meaning “guide or take, esp. by going in front, etc.” and the word “lead”meaning “an easily melted metal of a dull bluish-grey color” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words33. The word “lie” meaning “make a statement that one knows to be untrue” and the word “lie”meaning “put oneself flat on a horizontal surface” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words34. The word “base” meaning “the thing or part on which something rests” and the word “base”meaning “having or showing little or no honour, courage or decency”are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words35. The word “son” meaning “one’s male child” and the word “sun” meaning “a star that is the basis of the solar system and that sustains life on Earth, being the source of heat and light” are called a pair of ________.A. homophonesB. perfect homonymsC. homographsD. polysemic words36. When a word has a range of different meanings, it belongs to the words of ________.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. antonymyD. polysemy37. When many pairs or groups of words which are different in meaning are pronounced alike or spelled alike, or both, such words belong to the words of ________.A. antonymyB. synonymyC. homonymyD. polysemy38.When words are identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning are called ________ .A. homophonesB. homographsC.homoformsD. homogenes39. ________ is the most common cause of homophones.A. semantic divergenceB. phonetic convergenceC. shorteningD. foreign influence40. When words are involved in the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items, such that the former is included in the latter, the words belong to the words of ________.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. polysemyD. antonymy41.We can use “a silver lining” for “every cloud has a silver lining”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. additionC. abbreviationD. extension42.We can use “pull an unhappy face” for “pull a long face”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. extension43.We can use “see too many trees, but not the forest” for “cannot see the wood for the trees”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. omissionC. abbreviationD. extension44.We can use “come of marriage age” for “come of age”. The kind of usage of the idiom is known as _______.A. separationB. replacementC. abbreviationD. extension45. What is the rhetoric style illustrated by the idiom “neck and neck”?A. comparisonB. rhymeC. alliterationD. repetition46. _______ is the central factor in a word describing what it is.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning47. _______ consists of word-class and inflectional paradigm.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. grammatical meaningD. lexical meaning48. _______ refers to the emotional association which a word suggests in one’s mind.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning49._______ is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning50. _______ is concerned with the expression of feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer.A. Denotative meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Stylistic meaningD. Affective meaning二、名词解释题51. proverbabsolute synonym52. function wordsonomatopoeic words53. homonymydegradation54. metaphorprefixation55. polysemyelevation of meaning三、Word-building processes56. IOC VIP fire-proof ad auto plane CIA BBC ID record-breaking raindrop newscast brunch botel motel beautility champ dorm steamboat honeybee57. sit-in TB phone shoulder-high bit somg stagflation comsat sitcom gym taxi memo vet TEFL SALT dropout setback UN OPEC crystal-clear58.round-the-clock NATO sci-fi telex proof-reader schoolboy chute bus copter PE ASEAN NASA TOEFL air-conditioning lion’s share dozer plane airtel faction lunarnaut59.sea-green flowerbed VOA bike fridge medicare Motown hi-fi tec scope quake NBC EPA UNESCO H-bomb air-tight silkworm peace-loving slimnastics docudrama60.morning person ROM CD flu brunch travelog workaholic motel telex nark pop biz math VCR sun-tanned arms race fire engine handwriting ABC RAM四、Rewriting the short paragraph61. First VersionEven since I was a CHILD, I have wanted to go on the stage and be an ACTRESS, like my elder sister. She is less PRETTY than I am and I hoped that if I was LUCKY, I, too, would have the chance to PERFORM three or four times a week at our little local theatre.Second VersionEver since my ____, I have wanted to go on the stage and ____, like my elder sister. I am ____ than she is, and I hoped that with ____, I, too, would have the chance to give ____ three or four times a week at our little local theatre.62. First Version“You should be CONFIDENT. You are ABLE to do it,” she told me, “but you may not have the PATIENCE. It takes a lot of hard work to be SUCCEESSFUL. You can ACHIEVE anything if you stick to it.”Second Version“You should have _____ in yourself. You’ve got the _____ to do it,” she told me, “but you may be too ____. It takes a lot of hard work to ____. You can make any ____ if you stick to it.”63. First VersionThen she would DESCRIBE in DETAIL of her CONFUSION and embarrassment when the man who was DIRECTING the play told her that she spoke and MOVE too slowly in one scene. Second VersionThen she would give me a ____ ____ of how _____ and embarrassed she’d been when the ____ of the play told her that her speech and ____ were too slow in one scene.64. First VersionShe was supposed to run across the stage and, after HESITATING for a moment, say “WELCOME!” to and old woman who was ENTERING from the other side. “But take CARE because the stage is SLIPPERY,” he said.Second VersionShe was supposed to run across the stage and, after a moment’s ____, to ____ an old woman who was making her ____ from the other side. “But be ____ not to ____,” he said.65. First VersionThere was no DOUBT that the stage was very slippery, but she would PROBABL Y have reached the other side SAFEL Y if she had not fallen over her long skirt, which was in FASHION that year, and tumbled right off the stage, to the ASTONISHMENT of the audience.Second VersionThe stage was ____ very slippery, but it’s ____ that she would have reached the other side in ____ if she had not fallen over her long skirt, which was ____ that year, and tumbled right off the stage. The audience was ____.五、简答题(略)……答案一、单选题1. C2. C3. C4. A5. D6. A7. D8. B9. D10. A11. C12. C13. C14. C15. C16. A17. C18. B19. C20. B21. D22. A23. A24. B25. D26. B27. A28. D29. D30. D31. C32. C33. B34. B35. A36. D37. C38. A39. B40. A41. C42. B43. A44. D45. D46. A47. C48. B49. C50. D二、名词解释题51. proverb: it is a well-known, supposedly wise saying usually in simple language expressinga fact or a truth which deals with everyday experience.e.g. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. / The early bird catches the worm.absolute synonyms: two words that are fully identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context without the slightest alteration in connotative, affective and stylistic meanings.e.g. word-formation and word-building or spirants and fricatives.52. function words: short words such as prepositions, conjunctions and so on. They don’t have much lexical meaning and serve grammatically more than anything else. They are in contrast to content words, which have independent lexical meaning and used to name objects, actions, states and so on. e.g. in, on and from.onomatopoeic words: They are the words imitating the sounds or sounding like natural sounds.e.g. cuckoo, tick, bang.53.homonymy: It is the relationship between words in the pairs which, though different in meaning, are pronounced alike, or spelled alike or both.e.g. lead (to guide) / lead (a gray metal), tear (drop of salty water coming from the eye) / tear (pull sharply to pieces), bear / baredegradation: It means that words once respectable or neutral shift to a less respectable even degraded meaning.e.g. genteel, terrific, accident54. metaphor: It is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of similarity.e.g. the teeth of a saw, a shower of stones, the tongue of a shoeprefixation: It is the word-formation process by the addition of a word element before an already existing word.e.g. multimedia, inconvenience, antiart55. polysemy: If a word has got more than two meanings, then it belongs to words of polysemy.e.g. rich, full, getelevation of meaning: Elevation is the process where words go uphill, shifting from words showing disrespectable meaning to better meaning. e.g. craftsman, shrewd三、Word-building processes56. compounding: fire-proof record-breaking raindrop steamboat honeybee acronymy: CIA IOC VIP BBC IDclipping: ad auto champ dorm planeblending: newscast brunch botel motel beautility57. compounding: sit-in dropout setback shoulder-high crystal-clearacronymy: TB UN OPEC TEFL SALTclipping: phone gym taxi memo vetblending: bit somg stagflation comsat sitcom58. compounding: round-the-clock air-conditioning proof-reader schoolboy lion’s share acronymy: NATO PE ASEAN NASA TOEFLclipping: chute bus copter dozer planeblending: sci-fi telex airtel faction lunarnaut59. compounding: sea-green flowerbed air-tight silkworm peace-lovingacronymy: VOA NBC EPA UNESCO H-bombclipping: bike fridge tec scope quakeblending: slimnastics docudrama medicare Motown hi-fi60. compounding: morning person sun-tanned arms race fire engine handwriting acronymy: ROM CD VCR ABC RAMclipping: flu nark pop biz mathblending: brunch travelog workaholic motel telex四、Rewriting the short paragraph61. 1. childhood 2. act 3. prettier 4. luck 5. performances62. 1. confidence 2. ability 3. impatient 4. succeed 5. achievement63. 1. detailed 2. description 3. confused 4. director 5. movement64. 1. hesitation 2. welcome 3. entrance 4. careful 5. slip65. 1. undoubtedly 2. probable 3. safety 4. fashionable 5. astonished五、简答题(略)……。
3. Old English was a highly inflected language .
4. In early Middle English period , English , Latin , and Celtic existed side by side . (
5. The introduction of printing into England marked the beginning of modern English period . (
五. Choose the standard word from the column on the right to match each of the slang words on the left.
a. tart
b. bloke
c. gat
d. swell
Swedish Spanish Prussian French Slovenian Danish Portuguese
二. Fill in the blanks according to the text :
The language used between 450 and ___________ is called _________ , which has a vocabulary of ___________ . Middle English refers to the language spoken from 1150 to ____________ , followed by the ______________ period , subdivided as early modern English ( ______________ ) and late _____________ ( 1700- up to now )
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[0057]《英语词汇学》第一次作业[论述题]Exercise 1 DefinitionsDefine the following terms with illustrative examples.1. aliens2. denizens3. homophones4. metonymy5. dialect6. backformation7. acronym 8. semantic loan 9. bilingual dictionary 10. polysemy参考答案:Exercise 1 Definitions1. aliensAliens are words borrowed from a foreign language without any change of the foreign sound and spelling. These words are immediatelyrecognizable as foreign in origin. For examples, "coup d'état”, "résumé”, "régime”, etc. are all Aliens of French borrowings.2. denizensDenizens are easily associated with already existing native words.They are successfully assimilated. They are foreign words which have been conformed to native English in accent, form (spelling) and even in adoption of an English affix. E.g. uncertain (the English prefix un- + certain, French by origin).3. homophonesHomophones are words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning, e.g. sun, son; piece and peace; etc.4. metonymyMetonymy is one way of meaning transference whereby the name of one thing is changed for that of another, to which it is related by association of ideas. For example, when I say "I am reading Shakespeare (meaning Shakespeare's works), I am using metonymy.5. dialectDialect refers to a variety of a language peculiar to some districts and having no normalized literary form. For example, Shanghai dialect is spoken peculiarly in Shanghai but there's no literary workpeculiarly written in Shanghai dialect.6. back formationBack formation is the word forming process by which a new word is formed by adding rather than subtracting elements. For example, "beg” is formed by cutting ?ar from the noun "beggar”.7. acronymAcronyms are formed from the initial letters of words, but arepronounced as a word. e.g. radar: radio detecting and ranging.8. semantic loanSemantic loan denotes the development in an English word of a new meaning due to the influence of a related word in another language.For example, the En glish word "dream”, for instance, which originally meant joy, music, has taken its modern meaning from the Norse.9. bilingual dictionaryA bilingual dictionary involves two languages. The main entries aregenerally defined or explained in the same language with translations as Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with Chinese Translation, etc.10. polysemyPolysemy is a linguistic phenomenon where a word has more than one meaning. For example, "show” means "exhibition, or spectacle, or entertainment” when used as a noun and it means quite differently when it is used as a verb.第二次作业[判断题]1.Every word is a unity of sound and meaning, and it is these aspectsthat make communication possible.参考答案:正确[判断题]2.In English as in any language the number of meanings is larger thanthe number of words.参考答案:正确[判断题]3.Both antonyms and synonyms could be best studied in relation to acontext.参考答案:正确[判断题]4.There are more native words than borrowed words in the Englishvocabulary.参考答案:错误[判断题]5."Sept” in "September” means "nine”.参考答案:错误[判断题]6.Every word has two aspects: the outer aspect ― written form and theinner aspect ― sound.参考答案:错误[判断题]7.The vocabulary of any language never remains stable, but isconstantly changing.参考答案:正确[判断题]8. Some affixes are free morphemes while some others are bound morphemes.参考答案:错误[判断题]9.No element can be changed in English idioms without destroying thesense as a whole.参考答案:正确[判断题]10.Old English is a language of full inflections.参考答案:正确[判断题]11."Learned words” in the English language refers to words of Frenchorigin.参考答案:错误[判断题]12."Popular words” mainly refer to words of French origin in theEnglish language.参考答案:正确[判断题]13."in the final” in "They are running in the final” means "the lastone”.参考答案:错误[判断题]14.Strictly speaking, in the English language, there are no two wordswhich are absolutely identical in meaning.参考答案:正确[判断题]15. "Manuscript” has gone through a process of extension of meaning to get its present meaning.参考答案:正确[判断题]16. We should put our hands on the deck, w hen we hear "All hands on deck” on a boat.参考答案:错误[判断题]pared with "calculate”, "work out” is more formal in meaning.参考答案:错误[判断题]18. In the word "modify”, the root is "mod”, the stem is "modi” and the suffix is "-fy”.参考答案:正确[判断题]19."cuckoo” is a phonetically motivated word.参考答案:正确[判断题]20.Most of the affixes are derived from Old English, or from Latin andGreek.参考答案:正确[判断题]21."wet day” is a compound.参考答案:错误[判断题]22.In the compound wo rd "blood test”, the second part, i.e. "test”,indicates the action upon the first part.参考答案:正确[判断题]23."biz” is a shortened word formed by back clipping.参考答案:正确[判断题]24.Absolute synonyms can be found in ordinary life, e.g. begin ―commence.参考答案:错误[判断题]25.If polysemy is viewed synchronically, it is understood as the growthand development.参考答案:错误[判断题]26.Simile, metaphor and personification are figures of speech basedon resemblances.参考答案:正确[判断题]27.The person saying "We are short of hands at harvest”, he is usingmetonymy.参考答案:错误[判断题]28.Phonologically, compounds can often be identified as having a mainstress on the first element and secondary stress on the second element.参考答案:正确[判断题]29.UNESCO is an initialism referring to United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization.参考答案:错误[判断题]30.Actual meaning refers to the meaning of an isolated word in adictionary.参考答案:错误第三次作业[单选题]Exercise 3 Multiple ChoiceBeneath each sentence there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.1. The scientists realized it would be too to ship allpeople in one boat because it was fragile.A:boldB:daringC:riskyD:dangerous参考答案:C[单选题]2. The football player had studied economics in the university forof roughly six years.A:a decadeB:a timeC:an ageD:a period参考答案:D[单选题]3. The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the night toenable the necessary chemical reactions to __________ in his body. A:precedeB:proceedC:progressD:practise参考答案:B[单选题]4. When Pilot Officer Peter Thwaites was away on business, his neighborgave his wife _________ with the housework.A:an aidB:a helpC:a handD:a lift参考答案:C[单选题]5. There is a __________ of vegetables in Shanghai at the moment becauseof the cold weather.A:shortageB:wantC:needD:desire参考答案:A[单选题]6. Only the headwaiter has some professional hotel so theservice is rather slow and inefficient.A:learningB:instructingC:teachingD:training参考答案:D[单选题]7. When the Victorians had family reunions, the hosts wenttheir way to entertain the guests.A:in forB:overC:out ofD:back on参考答案:C[单选题]8. When there is conflict territory, animals will commonlyuse force.A:forB:overC:withD:by参考答案:B[单选题]9. Having pushed her son, Eve gave him a dismissivetowards the car.A:pushB:pullC:drawD:drag参考答案:A[单选题]10. Mr. Harrington asked his son Clive to buy a of bread forhis breakfast at the baker's near his school.A:poundB:loafC:packetD:bag参考答案:B[单选题]11.Which of the following usually appears inpoems?A:horseB:steedC:gee-geeD:nag参考答案:B[单选题]12. Which of the following words is of Latin origin?A:fastB:firmC:secureD:bath A and B参考答案:B[单选题]13. Which of the following words is INCORROCT in word formation? A:unhorseB:unmannedC:unfrostD:unhappy参考答案:C[单选题]14. Which of the following word is NOT a compound?A:small talkB:wet dayC:darkroomD:hot dog参考答案:B[单选题]15. Which of the following is formed by blending?A:popB:sightseeC:copterD:boatel参考答案:D[单选题]16. What is the meaning of "nice” in "He is too nice about his food”? A:foolishB:excellentC:veryD: particular about small things参考答案:D[单选题]17. The antonym of "fresh” in "fresh bread” is ________.A:staleB:stuffyC:fadedD:tired参考答案:A[单选题]18. We saw a ________ of how to revive a person who has been almost drowned. A:exhibitionB:demonstrationC:spectacleD:show参考答案:B[单选题]19. I will take you to a most interesting ________ of nineteenth century. A:wonderB:exhibitionC:expositionD:display参考答案:B[单选题]20. No new ideas _______ from the meeting.A:emergedB:submergedC:mergedD:immerged参考答案:A[单选题]21. After his recovery from illness, he ________ his former position. A:assumedB:presumedC:consumedD:resumed参考答案:D[单选题]22. All our attempts to ________ the child from drowning were in vain. A:regainB:recoverC:reserveD:rescue参考答案:D[单选题]23. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severecritic of the government's ________ policies.A:economicalB:economyC:economicD:economics参考答案:B[单选题]24. The main characters in the novel seem so true to life, but actually,they are entirely ________.A:imaginaryB:imaginativeC:imaginedD:imaginable参考答案:A[单选题]25. American women were ________ the right to vote until 1920 after manyyears of hard struggle.A:ignoredB:neglectedC:deniedD:refused参考答案:C[单选题]26. An agreement was ________ last Friday by the two parties.A:arrived atB:arrived inC:occurredD:realized参考答案:A[单选题]27. As ________ announced in today's papers, the Shanghai Exportcommodities Fair is also open on Sundays.A:beingB:isC:to beD:been参考答案:B[单选题]28. Before he started the work, I asked the builder to give me an ________of the cost of repairing the roof.A:assessmentB:estimateC:announcementD:evaluation参考答案:B[单选题]29. Communication is the process of ________ a message from a source toan audience via a channel.A:transmittingB:submittingC:transformingD:switching参考答案:A[单选题]30. Contrary ________ public opinion, this area has long been a heavenfor all forms of insect life.A:withB:toC:atD:for参考答案:B第四次作业[论述题]Exercise 4 TranslationTranslating the following sentences into Chinese.1. Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals.2. Kissinger got the plans and helicoptered to Camp David.3. The thirsty soil drank in the rain.4. He commanded a fleet of thirty sails.5. It is no use crying over spoilt milk.6. Strike while the iron is hot.7. Birds of a feather flock together.8. Most of the city families have a fridge.9. Tom is the VIP in our company.10. We put quality above quantity参考答案:Exercise 4 Translation1. 酒后吐真言。