
























七年级上学期阶段性测试题 试题

七年级上学期阶段性测试题  试题


(4分)cháng yáng于中学?语文?教材,我欣赏到名家优美诗文,感受到文学作品中生动的形象,体会到丰富的情感和深入的寓意;沉醉于中学语文课堂,听教师讲解诗词歌赋,我开阔了眼界,陶冶了情操,增添了智慧。

这些美妙的经历一直juān kè在我的心上。

2.以下标点符号使用有错误...的一项是哪一项(2分)( )A.家里有一部?评注图像水浒传?,一翻开,就被一幅幅插图吸引住了。



3.以下加点的成语使用有错误...的一项是哪一项(2分)( )A.诵读经典对提升学生素养、陶冶学生性情的作用是不容置疑....的。




4.以下句子中没有语病....的一项是哪一项(2分)( )A.父母过于溺爱自己的孩子,这对孩子的成长极为不利。






(2) ,病树前头万木春。


(4) ,何似在人间。



七年级上册语文阶段性测试卷附参考答案(满分120分考试时间120分钟)一(30分)1.下列加点字的注音全都正确的一项是(3分)A.滑稽.(jì)称.职(chèng)擎.天撼地(qíng)B.澄.澈(dèng)丫杈.(chà) 波光粼粼.(lín)C.嬉.戏(xī)踉.跄(niàng)随声附和.(hé)D.嫌恶.(wù) 枯涸.(hé)忍俊不禁.(jīn)2.下列词语没有错别字的一项是(3分)A.风韵仙露琼浆浓荫瘦骨磷峋B.寥阔贻然自得竭石花枝招展C.纳罕险象迭生宛转各得其所D.嬉戏多姿多采蹂躏绝处逢生3.依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是(3分)①EP-3型飞机不但可以克服特高频通信系统的抗__________性,而且能够使用测向设备对有关的通信所在地实施定位。








①云雾渐渐稀散②云雾渐渐浓厚③清风把月桂的芳香吹送④清风吹送着月桂的芳香⑤阳光从薄云后面透射出来⑥阳光从浓云后面透射出来A.②③⑥ B.①④⑤ C.②③⑤ D.①③⑥6.下列句子中的标点符号使用正确的一项是(3分)A.到底哪里是安徒生写作的地方?哪里是他父亲的皮鞋作坊?如今已经没法弄清楚了。










2024年河北省保定市语文初一上学期模拟试题(答案在后面)一、积累与运用(本大题有7小题,每小题3分,共21分)1、题干:下列词语中,字形、字音完全正确的一项是:A. 沉默不语(yù)B. 窃窃私语(sī yǔ)C. 欣欣向荣(xīn xīng xiàng róng)D. 畸形发展(jīxíng fā zhǎn)2、题干:下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 随着科技的不断进步,我们的生活变得越来越美好。

B. 由于他的勤奋努力,他的成绩在班级中名列前茅。

C. 为了保护环境,我们应该尽量减少使用一次性塑料制品。

D. 这个问题非常复杂,需要我们认真思考,并且迅速解决。

3、下列词语中,字形完全正确的一组是:A. 奋发图强精疲力尽倾盆大雨B. 眼疾手快毕恭毕敬负荆请罪C. 风和日丽欣欣向荣稳如泰山D. 妙笔生花鸡飞蛋打破釜沉舟4、请用正楷书写下列词语,并注意书写规范、工整:(1)春华秋实(2)悬梁刺股(3)知足常乐(1)春华秋实(2)悬梁刺股(3)知足常乐解析:本题要求学生用正楷书写指定的词语。



5、下列句子中,加点成语使用恰当的一项是()A. 他平时学习刻苦认真,这次取得好成绩是理所当然的。

B. 这篇文章构思新颖,见解独到,的确不同凡响。

C. 假日里,老师和同学们一起去郊游,共享天伦之乐。

D. 犯罪分子虽然费尽心机,但还是被公安机关按图索骥,最终落入法网。




(1)这个节目 ________(富有、富饶)的表演让人印象深刻,赢得了观众的阵阵掌声。



2020-2021学年保定市十七中学高三英语期中考试试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThese wonderful NYC attractions offer pay — what — you — wish days, free entry hours/days and other great stuff for local families.Staten IslandZooThere are plenty of creatures who call NYC home—the Staten Island Zoo is one of them. Once you’ve finished learning about the wildlife in the animal nursery, reptile (爬行动物) side rooms, horse barn and other areas of the attraction, make sure to mark your schedule for fun seasonal happenings, such as the Easter Egg Games and the scary, crazy Halloween Shows.Entry on Wednesdays is by suggested donation; children aged two and under free.Children’s Museum of the ArtsThe Children’s Museum of the Arts welcomes 135,000 little visitors each year through its doors. Once inside, the whole family can enjoy interactive programs, exhibitions (展览) and events that celebrate the changed power of the arts on youngsters and grown-ups alike.Pay-as-you-wish Thursdays, 3-6 p. m.Wave HillEveryone needs a few hours of calm now and then-kids included-and you’d be hard- pressed to find a more peaceful spot within city limits than Wave Hill the broad grounds located above the river, covering 28 acres of public gardens, plus woodlands and grasses to wander. Jump in on nature walks, story times and family art projects often led by local artists and free with general admission.Pay — as — you — wish Tuesdays and Saturdays,9 a. m — noon.New York Hall of ScienceNaturally, kids love it when the New York Hall of Science pleases them with neat exhibits and fun hands-on activities. The museum’s playground is themost attractivetochildren A tube slide (管道滑梯) will give little ones the knowledge on science topics, while the climbing area mirrors a giant spider web. There are also wind pipes, metal drums, sand- boxes and much more. What better way to make the mostout of science?Free entry Sep-Jun on Fridays, 2 — 5 p. m,and Sundays, 10 —11 a. m.1. What can children do in Staten Island Zoo?A. Feed injured animals.B. Join in seasonal activities.C. Build a home for creatures.D. Deal with the donations to the zoo.2. What do Children’s Museum of the Arts and Wave Hill have in common?A. They both have peaceful spots.B. They both are located by a river.C. They both have public gardens.D. They both have activities about arts.3. Which place can be free of charge for all?A. Wave Hill.B.Staten IslandZoo.C. New York Hall of Science.D. Children’s Museum of the Arts.BA team of researchers from several institutions in the UK and one in Estonia has created a type of buoy(浮标)that has proven to be effective at frightening seabirds, thus preventing them from getting caught in gillnets—a type of vertical fishing net that is made of a material that makes it nearly invisible underwater.Every year, hundreds of thousands of seabirds die when they get caught in gillnets. Some estimates suggest that up to a half-million birds are caught in them each year. Over the years, researchers have created devices(装置)to prevent the birds from trying to catch fish near or in gillnets, but those didn't work well.To find a way that would work for all seabirds, the researchers first studied seabirds in a general sense, looking to find things that they would avoid. They noted that seabirds avoided eye contact with other creatures. Then the researchers came up with a simple idea—they put a small pole to a regular buoy and then attached a pair of googly eyes(金鱼眼)to the top of it. They made the eyes big enough so that even birds with poor eyesight, such as geese, would see them. Adding to the effectiveness of the device, waves made the eyes move back and forth. And the wind made the buoy spin very slowly, making sure that birds from every direction would get a good look at the eyes.To test their idea, the researchers selected several sites near gillnets and counted how many birdsapproached and how many attempted to catch fish near the nets. They then set up their googly-eyed buoys and once again counted birds. Over the course of 62 days, they found the number of birds that tried to catch fish near the gillnets dropped by approximately 25% for a distance of up to 50 meters. They also found that the birds were less likely to fish near where the buoys had been for up to three weeks after they had been removed.4. What is the function of paragraph 2?A. Introducing a new topic to discuss.B. Providing background information.C. Summarizing the previous paragraph.D. Pointing out the main idea of the text.5. Why did the researchers make the googly eyes big?A. To ensure all the seabirds can see them.B. To clearly observe seabirds' eye contact.C. To allow them to survive the strong wind.D. To effectively identify the right direction.6. What does the researchers' test result mainly suggest?A. The new device still needs improvingB. Gillnets are a death valley for seabirds.C. Seabirds hardly catch fish near the nets.D. The googly-eyed buoy proves effective.7. What is the text mainly about?A. A group of researchers interested in seabirds.B. A way to help seabirds catch fish effectively.C. A device keeping seabirds safe from gillnets.D. A googly-eyed buoy guiding seabirds to hunt.CAvi Loeb, a scientist, believes that we are not alone in the universe. The belief fits withLoeb's alien spaceship theory that at least one alien spaceship might be flying over the orbit of Jupiter, which won the international attention last year.Astronomers inHawaiifound the first known interstellar object in late 2017. It was a bit of light moving so fast past the sun that it could only have come from another star. Almost every astronomer on the planet was trying to figure out how the object, called “Oumuamua” got to our far-away part of the Milky way galaxy. “One possibility is that ‘Oumuamua’ is debris from an advanced technological equipment,” Loeb said. “Technology comes from another solar system just showed up at our door. ”“‘Oumuamua’ is not an alien spaceship,” Paul Sutter, another scientist wrote. He suggested Loeb was seeking publicity. Most scientists think “Oumuamua” is some sort of rock. They think it could be an icy wandering comet.Loeb says that “Oumuamua's” behavior means it can't be a block of rock shaped like a long photo. He thinks it's more likely an object that's very long and thin, perhaps like a long pancake or a ship's sail. Loeb says that if someone shows him evidence thatcontradictshis beliefs, he will immediately give in.Loeb believes himself a truth-teller and risk-taker in an age of very safe, too-quiet scientists. “The worst thing that can happen to me is that I would be relieved of my management duties, and that would give me even more time to focus on science,” Loeb says. He said he wouldn't mind giving up all the titles he had and returning to the Israeli farming village where he grew up.8. What does Loeb say about “Oumuamua”?A. It is an icy comet.B. It looks like a long photo.C. It is actually some sort of rock.D. It may come from another alien civilization.9. What does the underlined word “contradicts” in paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Goes against.B. Relies on.C. Turns to.D. Searches for.10. What do you think of Loeb?A. He is foolish.B. He is unsatisfied with his titles.C. He is a firm believer in scientific truth.D. He is uncertain about his career future.11. What's the best title for the text?A. Have Aliens Paid a Visit in Spaceships?B. Do We Really Know about Space Theory?C. Scientists Are Working on High TechnologyD. Astronomers Are Encouraging Space TravelDThis is Scientific America's 60-Second Science. I am Christopher Intagliata.The Apollo missions brought back 842 pounds of rock and soil from the moon, that's nearly 2200 different samples. But the most interesting one, according to a scientist Meenakshi Wadhwa, is a sample named "Apollo 1-0-0-8-5collected by Neil Armstrong on Apollo 11.“He was about to step back into the lunar module(登月舱) when he turned around and saw there were little spaces in the rock box. He knew that geologists on earth would be just so excited to study these materials, so he just scooped up nine scoops(勺) of soil and put it into the box." Wadhwa explained.It was one of the most well studied samples of the Apollo missions. And a geologist named John Wood noticed white flecks(微粒) of rock in the soil, which inspired him to dig deeper into the moon's ancient past.“This was quite a leap of imagination — he proposed that the whole of the moon had been almost covered with a magma(岩浆) ocean nearly 4.5 billion years ago. This was a revolutionary idea at the time, because people had thought the moon had formed cold, so it completely changed our idea how the moon formed.”But Wadhwa has a more personal reason to appreciate this sample. She met her husband Scott Parazynski also because of this rock sample. Scott, a mountaineer at that time, wanted to climbMount Everestwith a moonrock while Wadhwa was the chairman of the NASA committee that gives access to the samples for scientific purposes.Neil Armstrong's last-minute scoop of moon dust brought two people together here on Earth and upturned our understanding of how the moon — and the Earth itself-got here.Thank you for listening for Scientific American's 60-Second Science.12. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that ________ .A. Neil Armstrong was excited to find the soilB. the spaceship was about to land on the moonC. Sample "Apollo1-008-5" was collected at the last minuteD. scientists were not satisfied with the samples brought back by Neil13. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Scott made a new proposal about the moon's origin.B. The Apollo missions brought back 842 rock samples.C. "Apollo 1-0-0-8-5" brought new evidence to the moon's formation.D. Wadhwa and her husband climbedMount Everestwith a moon rock.14. What is this text?A. A short interview.B. An introduction to a scientist.C. An inspiring speech.D. A broadcast story of a program.15. What is the text mainly about?A. A romantic story of a moon rock.B. A big leap made by Neil Armstrong.C. An unusual task for Apollo missions.D. An unexpected discovery in moon exploration.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。











3.为下面文段中加点字注音,根据拼音写出汉字不必说碧绿的菜畦,光滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑葚;也不必说呜蝉在树叶里长吟.,肥胖的黄蜂伏在菜花上,轻捷.的叫天子(云雀)忽然从草间直窜向yún xiāo里去了。


















2020-2021学年保定市第十七中学高三英语上学期期中考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFour Best Cities to Visit in WinterCold rains, icy sidewalks and gray skies can make winter travel a trial. But here are four cities around the world that make for a great cold-weather destination:Prague,Czech RepublicWith its snow-capped spires and winding streets,Pragueis a fairytale city that remains ly tourist-free in winter.The amazing architecture looks even prettier under a sheet of snow, with one of the most beautiful areas being the old town, with its Romanesque vaults. Gas street lamps have been placed throughout the city center, adding a romantic color1 to evenings. Cafes here are ideal for escaping the bitter cold.Salzburg,AustriaWith its Christmas songs and traditional markets, this is a perfect city for a winter break. “Silent Night” was performed for the first time in thechurchofOberndorfon the border ofSalzburgon Christmas Eve in 1818.The city's main market is held in the shadow ofSalzburg'sHohensalzburgCastle, but the one held inMirabell Squareis especially popular with food lovers who come to taste local food such as halusky—pieces of dumpling mixed with fried bacon.Tromso,NorwayTromso is widely regarded asNorway's most beautiful city and is a base for spoiling the northern lights. There are several attractive museums, including thePolarMuseum, which offers an insight into the history of Arctic expeditions, and theTromsoMuseum, which is famous for its Sami exhibitions.Amsterdam,NetherlandsIn winter,Amsterdam' s museums are much less crowded, making it the time to visit attractions such as Rijksmuseum or the Anne Frank House. Built originally to house a circus, the Royal Carre Theater is more than 130 years old. Children will love the spectacular performances.1. What can you do inPrague?A. Enjoy the fascinating architecture.B. Taste local food halusky.C. Appreciate Sami exhibitions.D. Watch a circus performance.2. Where was “Silent Night” first performed?A. In thechurchofOberndorf.B. InHohensalzburgCastle.C. InMirabell Square.D. In the Polar Museum.3. Which city will you choose if you want to see the northern lights?A. Prague.B. Salzburg.C. Tromso.D.Amsterdam.BOne day about eight years ago in the departure lounge (休息室) of a flight from New York's LaGuardia airport to O'Hare in Chicago, I found a young boy in tears and his mother at his side also appeared upset, I walked to them and invited them to our VIP lounge.As it turned out, the boy, Miles and his mom were returning to their home in Kansas City. Miles has had some health problems. Though he had received more than thirty operations in a Jewish Hospital in New York, he would be back for more.Miles enjoyed spending his time in our VIP lounge looking at the entire wall filled with the pictures of many celebrities (名人) who often came to our office. We soon added Miles' picture to the wall among those celebrities.Among the celebrities, Miles like the country singer Garth Brooks best. Miles would just sit and stare at Garth's picture,Oneday, Mr. Brooks was waiting in the lounge for his flight. As he looked at the collection of photographs, Garth asked about the youngster with the big smile. We told him about Miles. We also told him how much Miles loved and respected (尊重) him. He nodded and left.About six months later, Garth was going to be performing in Kansas City and he asked our workers to help him get in touch with the family. He wanted Miles to be his guest. That evening, not only did Miles sit in the front row, but he and Garth also had a private meeting after the performance.Although Miles would receive many more treatments after that special evening, his smile greeted us with every following visit. The face of a sick boy was changed by the joy of a stranger.4. What does the author probably do?A. A worker at an airport.B. A killed photographer.C. A country music singer.D. A doctor in a Jewish hospital.5. What did Miles enjoy doing in the VIP lounge?A. Interviewing celebrities he saw there.B. Seeing pictures of celebrities on the wall.C. Drawing pictures of the celebrities there.D. Singing together with his favorite singer.6. Which words can best describe Garth Brooks?A. Determined and generous.B. Proud and selfish.C. Kind and helpful.D. Powerful and rich.7. What can be the best title for the text?A. Importance of Good ServiceB. Kindness from StrangersC. A Serious Health ProblemD. A Helpless MotherCWhen 36-year-old J Andy Duran decided to return to his favorite high school hobby—skateboarding, the only trouble he expected to have was his own ability to get back on the skateboard after such a long time. However, the 340-pound skateboarder soon realizedthatwas the least of his problems.Duran's problems began before he even stepped on a skateboard. He couldn't find anything for fat skaters. What Duran did find was a belief that plus-size people should not be skating. Determined to do something to change the image(形象) of plus-size people in sports, Duran set up Chub Rollz—a skating and skateboarding community for overweight skaters. He knew that not only did he need to get back into it to prove people wrong, but he needed to create a safe space where others can haverepresentation as well.To encourage plus-size people to take part in the fun sport, Duran created a list of recommended products for fat skaters. He also hosted roller skating and skateboarding classes to teach beginners.After an article about his thoughts in the San Francisco Chronicle, Duran received lots of messages from strangers thanking him for giving them the courage to take up skateboarding. He has also been contacted by some skateboarding brands offering to create larger clothing sizes and beenoffered free equipment by skating organizations like "Skate Like a Giri ".Though encouraged, Duran believes a lot more needs to be done to remove body image stereotypes(刻板印象).“I want to see more changes in communities. Maybe skate shops create a more welcoming environment for all types of skaters. Or boards are made in a variety of strengths and sizes—everyone is making thinner, lighter products, but sometimes we need those heavy-duty choices to stay available," he explains.For those hesitant of taking up their desired activity due to their body size, Duran has this to say:“Be kind to yourself. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean you can't be it.”8. What does the underlined word "that" in paragraph 1 refer to?A. The skateboard.B. His hobby.C. His ability.D. The time.9. Why did Duran found Chub Rollz?A. To realize his childhood dream.B. To help plus-size people lose weight.C. To fight for the equal right for fat people.D. To change people's impression of the fat in sports.10. Which word can best describe Duran?A. Generous.B. Inspiring.C. Adaptable.D. Talented.11. Which is most likely Duran's belief?A. Everyone has a gift for sports.B.No one is too fat to enjoy sports.C. Fat people do deserve social concern.D. Skateboarding is most suitable for fat people.DIn Colombia a group, named WebConserva, is carrying out a project in the San Lucas Mountains with the help of coffee growers.The San Lucas area is one of the most unexplored places in Colombia, which is home to many thousands of species of animals and plants. Yet gold mining and coca farming have dealt a blow to its ecosystem. To limit additional development in the San Lucas area, the group helps coffee growers by linking them with processors from around the country.Colombia has more different kinds of living things than any other country except neighboring Brazil. In 2016, the Colombian government signed a peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ending years of civil war. As a result, more land became accessible for use, with deforestation(毁林) coming along. Government information shows that in 2017, almost 220,000 hectares of forest were destroyed compared to around 124,000 hectares in 2015.To date, the project includes 10 families who farm 400 hectares of coffee plants, which costs about $77,000 dollars a year. WebConserva hopes that, in time, 200 families will be included. At that level, 20,000 hectares ofuntouched forest could be protected. In San Lucas, the families promise not to cut down trees to expand their crops or to hunt wild animals from the forests. In return, they receive $ 250 to $ 300 per 125 kilograms of coffee, an enviable amount there. Arcadio Barajas is among those taking part. His new coffee plantation(种植园) makes a barrier between cattle farms and forests where wild animals like the jaguar live and hunt. In this way, he doesn't have to kill wild animals to protect his cattle.Barajas said that pulling down the forest to plant coca and killing wildlife were against his will. Now he feels that growing coffee lets him be astewardof the land. "I'm taking care of the environment, the forest and the animals," he said.12. Why does WebConserva set up the project?A. To help local farmers make money.B. To expand areas of coffee growing.C. To link processors with coffee growers.D. To conserve biodiversity in the Mountains.13. What happened after Colombia’s civil war was over?A. Colombia helped many needy families.B. Colombia lost lots of areas of forests.C. Colombia started to save damaged forests.D. Colombia became more peaceful than Brazil.14. Which is probably a function of Barajas's coffee plantation?A. A method of protecting cattle and wildlife.B. A substitute for hunting of wild animals.C. A barrier between man and wild animals.D. A shelter for cattle against human hunters.15. What does the underlined word "steward" mean in the last paragraph?A. Farmer.B. Master.C. Guardian.D. Explorer.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



河北省保定市2020-2021学年上学期七年级英语期中试卷分类汇编单项选择河北省保定市定州市2020-2021学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷I. 单项选择(每小题1分, 计20分)1. He is_____ good student.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. I______ in Class One.A. amB. isC. areD. be3. She will wear her favourite _____________.A. clothesB. bookC. appleD. pen4. How old ______you?A. amB. isC. areD. be5. -________tall is Bob?—1.85 metres.A. HowB. WhenC. WhatD. Where6. I smell with my ________________.A. headB. eyesC. noseD. fingers7. Thanks______________ your nice food.A. inB. forC. ofD. at8. —What does Jim__________?—He is very cool.A. lookB. look likeC. likeD. looks like9. 一____________ blouses are those?—I think they are Mr. Jones'.A. WhoseB. WhoC. WhereD. How10. Red and yellow can make ______________.A. orangeB. whiteC. blackD. green11. Can you say it_________ English?A. toB. onC. inD. for12. Here ____________two nice photos of my dog.A. beB. areC. isD. am13. — What ___do you like? — Basketball.A. colorB. SportC. foodD. number14. — How____ are you? — Thirteen.A. youngB. oldC. happyD. sad15. 找出与player 画线部分读音相同的选项。









2020-2021学年保定市十七中学高三英语期中试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AOlder adults who sleep six hours or fewer a night may have elevated risk for dementia(痴呆症) and other cognitive (认知的) issues, a new study finds.Researchers at Stanford University measured seniors' (ages 65 to 85) dementia risk and cognitive abilities, finding higher risk in those patients who regularly slept six or fewer hours compared to those who slept seven or eight hours. Those seniors who slept nine or more hours also had lower cognitive functions and other health issues, but the researchers didn't find the same high dementia risk in this group.The findings demonstrate how important it is for adults to maintain a healthy sleep cycle, especially as they get older.As adults age, it's common for their sleep patterns to change or becomedisrupted— leading to longer, shorter, or more irregular sleep. This disruption may be linked to Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, impacting seniors' ability to remember information, problem-solve, and go through everyday behaviors. Sleep disruption can also be caused by or heighten depression, cardiovascular disease(冠心病), and other conditions.A recommended sleep time for seniors is seven to eight hours, the researchers said. Six or fewer hours corresponded to short sleep, while nine or more hours corresponded to long sleep.The Stanford researchers measured levels of beta amyloid, a protein in the brain that is typically found in high levels when a patient develops Alzheimer's. In addition, the researchers used several tests for memory, attention, spatial skills, and executive function to identify patients' cognitive abilities. Those patients sleeping for six hours or fewer a night were more likely to develop dementia, the researchers found. The low-sleep patients had higher levels of beta amyloid.The Stanford researchers found that patients with lower sleep also performed worse on memory tests, while those with higher sleep (more hours) performed worse on executive function tests,which measure the brain's ability to switch between different tasks.―The main takeaway is that it is important to maintain healthy sleep late in life, Winer told CNN.1. What does the underlined word “disrupted” in paragraph 4 mean?A. difficultB. disorderedC. dissolvedD. different2. According to the findings, which of the following is NOT related to the disrupted sleep?A. It is more likely to cause old people to have bad memories over issues.B. It may contribute to dementia, cardiovascular disease and other illnesses.C. Some daily behaviors perhaps differ from those whose sleeping is normal.D It tends to bring all the old people to undergo brain scans and cognitive tests.3. What can we infer from the study?A. A proper sleep time for seniors is seven to eight hours.B. Low and high sleep patients were both poor at memory tests.C. Executive function test is applied to measure the capacity of brain.D. Keeping a healthy sleep for older adults late in life is crucial.BDistinguished Baltimore artist John D. Ferguson died Sept 16. The Catonsville resident was 81.“His artist eye was in everything he did. His life was art and his family,” said Jennifer C. Jackson, who was Mr. Ferguson's friend for nearly three decades.” He was a lovable man who was always willing to talk about any topic he was interested in. At shows, people would go crazy for his work,” Ms. Jackson said. “He was also an enthusiastic sailor who loved nothing more than being on the water.” “His sculptures were just memorable,” said Mr. Lund, a Washingtonian. “I used to say, ‘Ferguson, I don't think you know how to do anything that is less than monumental.’”Mr. Ferguson earned a bachelor's degree in 1961 at Holy Cross University, where he developed an interest in painting. He served in the Army for two years until being discharged in 1963, and after studying briefly at the Boston Museum School, registered at the Chicago Art Institute, where he studied until 1966, when he entered the University of Illinois Chicago, where he obtained a bachelor's degree in 1966 in fine arts. Mr. Ferguson developed his interest and skills as a sculptor after moving to Baltimore to do further studies at the Maryland Institute College of Art's Rinehart School of Sculpture, from which he graduated in 1971 with a master's degree in fine arts.“Over the years my work has moved gradually in the direction of elegance and simplicity,” Mr. Ferguson wrote in his artist statement. “Heavy, bulbous forms have been replaced by dancing, winglike forms. The welding process and respect for the qualities of the materials are interrelated and affect the final piece. “Most of the sculptures that are pictured in my works are made from steel, silicon bronze, and to Cor-Ten steel; shaped to create these beautiful and unique pieces of art. As you can see, my sculptures range in size anywhere from 12 inches to 30 feetor larger.”Through the years, his work found its way into such major public and private collections. “They encourage optimism, for they show strength and affirmation; there's nothing negative, depressing or anxiety-ridden about them”, wrote the late art critic John Dorsey in a 1997 exhibition review.4. What did Mr. Lund think of Ferguson?A. Likeable.B. Ordinary.C. Unwelcome.D. Interesting.5. What did Mr. Ferguson do first after serving in the army?A. He studied at the Boston Museum School.B. He got a bachelor's degree in fine arts.C. He entered the University of Illinois Chicago.D. He continued his studies at the Maryland Institute College.6. What influences the final sculptures?A. An even larger scale than before.B. The material comprised of metalsC. The shape of elegance and simplicity.D. Welding process as well as material quality.7. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A. A stylish, stubborn old manB. Sculptures towering into the cloudsC. JohnD. Ferguson—a famous sculpturer D. The evolution of the sculptural styleCTeenagers from low-income families in particular are more likely than their middle-class peers(同龄人)to do less well in schoolwork and to drop out of school. Studies have shown, however, that a positive attitude towards schoolwork and the support and encouragement from their parents can help at-risk youngsters to overcome the economic barriersand lack of resources they face. Most of the evidence about the effects of parental involvement (参与)comes from research on mothers. Little is known, however, about how teenagers experience their fathers’ warmth and the beliefs and behavior that are most affected by it.This new study is part of a large one focusing on low-income families conducted in four middle schools in the southwestern United States. Researchers asked 183 sixth-graders about how optimistic and motivated they were about their school work, and how they experienced their fathers' warmth. The students' maths and language artsgrades were also gained. The research team took into account the influence that mothers have on their children’s well-being in their analyses.Their findings show how fathers can support their teenagers in ways that result in greater optimism and higher achievement at school. “Low-income fathers affect their teenagers’ beliefs about themselves and their future, and these beliefs influence their achievement by increasing their determination to complete school tasks, “says Dr, Marie-Anne.These positive effects extend to both sons and daughters, although in different ways. Experiencing their fathers’ warmth first influences daughters’sense of optimism, and thenspills overinto their feeling more determined and certain about their academic abilities. This in turn leads to better maths grades. There is a more direct link between their fathers, love and boys' belief in their ability to succeed in academy.8. What is more likely to happen to teenagers from low-income families?A. They will be more determined to struggle.B. They will have fewer happy things to share.C. They will fail in their studies and quit school.D. They will receive less love from their parents.9. How is the new research different from the previous ones?A. It only researches families in the north of America.B. It only studies low-education families in the world.C. It combines questionnaire data and students, grades.D. It mainly focuses on the effects of fathers' involvement.10. What can we know about fathers' warmth?A. It is less effective than that of mothers.B. It affects girls and boys in different ways.C. It mainly applies to girls rather than boys.D. It has a more direct effect on girls thanon boys.11. Which of the following best explains "spills over" underlined in the last paragraph?A. Spreads.B. Changes.C. Bursts.D. Checks.DA 10-year-old swimmer with sky-high dreams and a name to match them has broken a record previously held by Olympian Michael Phelps.Clark Kent Apuada, whose friends call him“Superman", swam the 100-meter butterfly in 1:09.38 at the Far Western Long Course Championships in his home state of California this Sunday. That's a second faster than the record Phelps set at the same event in 1995 with a time of 1: 10. 48 in the same category of boys under 10.Clark, a rising fifth-grader who is Filipino-American, told HuffPost he's been dreaming about breaking Phelps' record ever since he started swimming competitively at age 7."I was so motivated,"Clarksaid about his win."I was so happy that I was able to beat that record.”Phelps competed in his first Olympics at age 15. He went on to become the mostdecoratedOlympian in history, with 28 medals overall. “Everyone in the crowd was excited when they realized what a special swim they had just seen when we announced the long-standing record had been broken,"Cindy Rowland,Pacific Swimming's director, wrote in an email.Clarkwon first place for all the swimming events he competed in at this year's Far Western Championships. Pacific Swimming or PacSwim, a regional association that is part of USA Swimming, organizes the Far Western Long Course Championships. Cynthia Apuada,Clark' s mother,said that her child seems to be “living by his name at this point”。


2.2021年河北省特别关注孝心少年梁雪,她是个非常孝顺的女孩,她坚强、阳光,用柔弱的肩膀扛起了照顾家庭的重任,用刻苦努力支撑着自己的梦想,在逆境中顽强前行,实现自己的人生梦想。梦想对梁雪的作用是( )
14.“最美孝心少年”姜宏正是山东烟台市的一名小学生,爸爸在2021年患肝癌去世,妈妈是一名普通工人,还有一个唐氏综合症的姐姐。虽然成长在一个残缺的家庭,可他主动帮妈妈减轻负担,让这个家充满爱和欢笑。这启发我们在生活中要( )
16.美国的莱特兄弟自幼对飞行怀有深厚的兴趣,曾仿制过“竹蜻蜓”。后来,经过他们的不懈努力,莱特兄弟飞行的梦想终于实现了。莱特兄弟的故事说明( )
9.小峰在学校里和同学、老师关系不错,在家里和父母却“话不投机半句多”,他对父母的言行不满,听不进父母的管教,经常顶撞父母。产生这种现象的主要原因是( )
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