专业英语Unit1第一题1.设计/施工过程Design and construction process2。
房地产开发商Real estate developer3。
投机性住宅市场Speculative housing market4。
项目管理Project management5。
项目全寿命期Project life cycle6。
项目范围Scope of a project/project scope7.专业化服务Professional services8.重大基础项目建设Construction of major infrastructure projects9。
住宅类房屋建设Residential housing construction10.办公和商业用房建设office and commercial building construction11.专业化工业项目建设Specialized industrial projects construction12。
专业咨询师Professional consultants13.总承包商Original contractor14.价值工程value engineering15。
竞争性招标Competitive bidding16.建筑和工程设计公司Architectural and engineering design company17.运营与维护管理operation and maintenance18.设计/施工公司design and construction company19.分包商subcontractor20.设施管理facility management第一章1、从项目管理的角度看,“业主”和“发起方”是同义的,因为两者的基本权力是制定所有重大决策。
Local Effects Induced by Longitudinal Forces in CompositeGirdersLuigino Dezi1 and Graziano Leoni2Abstract: Local effects on the shear connection of composite girders induced by longitudinal actions such as the anchorages of prestressing cables, concrete shrinkage, or a uniform thermal action on the slab are analyzed. Closed-form solutions are obtained by using the simple model of a composite beam with a linearly elastic shear connection. Successively, by considering the limit scheme of an infinitely long beam, very simple formulas are derived permitting evaluation of the peak value and extension of the interface shear force distribution induced by the longitudinal actions. Numerical applications are carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed formulas for a wide range of the shear connection stiffness and for longitudinal forces applied both along the beam axis and at the beam end.Key words: Girders; Composite materials; Beams; Slabs; Connections.IntroductionIn composite bridge girders, when concentrated longitudinal forces (or those distributed on a beam section of limited length)are applied to the concrete slab or steel beam, local effects on the shear connection at the beam-slab interface arise. The most common cases of concentrated longitudinal forces are constituted by the anchorages of prestressing cables in the slab (internal prestressing) or in the steel beam (external prestressing), which induce peaks of the shear force distribution at the loaded beam section. A similar problem is also encountered by analyzing the effects of uniform thermal action on the slab and the long-term effects of concrete shrinkage; in both these cases, the shear force distribution at the beam-slab interface shows a peak at the end of the beam similar to that produced by a longitudinal concentrated force (Dezi et al. 1998).Evaluation of the intensity and extension of the shear force peak compose a problem of practical interest that is usually solved by means of the simplified methods suggest by technical codes (European 1997; Johnson et al. 1998).In this paper, by describing the beam-slab interaction with a simple composite beam model with a linearly elastic shear connection(Newmark et al. 1951), closed-form solutions are presented permitting evaluation of the interface shear force distribution produced by a longitudinal force applied at a generic point of the beam axis. Simplified formulas for practical applications, involving all the main parameters influencing the interface shear force distribution, are then derived by considering a beam model with infinite length and by assuming a trapezoidal shape for the shear force distribution. Some applications are carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed formulas in predicting the shear force distribution (peak value and extension) for a wide range of the shear connection stiffness and for different positions of the longitudinal force along the beam axis. Closed-Form SolutionsThe beam-slab interaction that arises as a consequence of ongitudinal forces applied to the concrete slab or the steel beam is described by means of the simple composite beam model with flexible shear connection proposed by Newmark et al.(1951). By considering a simply supported beam subjected to two longitudinal forces symmetrically applied to the slab, the restraint reactions are null and the interface shear forces arising on the connection are due only to the diffusion of the longitudinal force from the concrete slab to the steel beam. Two load conditions are analyzed: (1) two symmetric concentrated longitudinal forces {Fig.1(a)}; and (2) two uniformly distributed forces on two slab sections{Fig.1(b)}. In both cases, the longitudinal forces are applied at an intermediate cross section and at the end of the beam.In the case of concentrated longitudinal forces applied at an intermediate cross section and at the beam end, the peak values ofthe shear force distribution are, respectivelywhereρ=shear connection stiffness per unit length; Ic , Is , Ac , andAs=moments of inertia and the cross-section areas of the concretea bFig. 1. Shear force distribution on connection: (a) concentrated force;(b) distributed force (A s=0.0428 m2; A c=0.6 m2; Is=0.015949 m4; Ic=0.002 m4; Es=210,000 MPa; Ec=33,613 Mpa)slab and the steel beam; Es and Ec=Young’s moduli of the steel beam and the concrete slab, respectively; h=distance between the slab and beam centroids; and e=eccentricity of the applied force with respect to the slab centroid (positive if the force is applied under the slab centroid).In the case of distributed longitudinal forces symmetrically applied on two internal beam sections of length 2d and two sections of length at the beam ends, the maximum values of the shear force distributions assume the following expressions:Figs. (a and b) show the shear force distributions obtained by considering five different application points of the concentrated and distributed forces (δ=1.0 m), respectively. Two values of the shear connection stiffness are considered (p=1 and 10 kN/mm2).As is well-known, the peak value and the extension of the shear force distributions are strongly influenced by the connection stiffness. Conversely, it can be observed that, in the case of both the concentrated and distributed forces, the intensity and the extension of the peak are not significantly modified by changing the force position, except for the case in which the force is applied at the end of the beam. In this case, in fact, the peak value is about twice that obtained for an intermediate application point.Simplified RulesThe conclusion drawn at the end of the previous section suggests evaluating the peak values by considering the limit case of a beam with infinite length. In this case, the q max expressions can be easily derived from those previously obtained.For concentrated and distributed forces applied at intermediate beam sections, the peak values are given by the following formulas, respectively:When the forces are applied at the free beam ends, the peak values can be obtained by considering a beam with a semiinfinite length; in this case, the following equations can be derived for concentrated and distributed forces, respectively:These values are exactly twice those given by Eq. (6)for longitudinal forces applied at intermediate beam sections.Once the peak value has been determined, the beam section length affected by the interface shear force can be estimated by introducing a priori the shape of distribution. By introducing the trapezoidal shapes of Fig. 2, the beam section lengths D and 2D can be obtained by equalizing the resultant of the longitudinal force on the shear connection with the maximum asymptotic value of the axial force Ns , given byThe following values of D are obtained for distributed and concentrated forces, respectively:To validate the proposed formulas, results obtained by applying the simplified rules are compared with those provided by the rigorous formulation. In Fig. 3, the comparison is carried out by varying the main parameters involved: length of the loaded beam section {Fig.3(a)}, position of the application point of the force {Fig. 3(b)}, and stiffness of the shear connection {Fig. 3(c)}. In all the cases examined, the proposed simplified formulas provide excellent approximations.Fig. 2. Simplified longitudinal shear force distribution at beam-slab interface: (a) force applied at intermediate section; (b)force appliedat slab endFig. 3(d)shows the interface shear force distributions obtained with the ENV 1994-2 (European 1997) rules, which do not take into account the shear connection stiffness; comparison with the closed-form solution shows the low level of accuracy of these formulas.The proposed formulas involve all parameters influencing the interface shear force distribution, including the shear connection stiffness. Even if derived by a linear elastic analysis, they provide a useful tool for practical applications and can be used for verification of both serviceability and ultimate limit states. A morerealistic nonlinear analysis would lead to smoother distributions with lower peak values, so the method presented provides conservative solutions. ConclusionsLocal effects on the shear connection of composite beams, induced by longitudinal actions applied on the slab or on the steel beam have been analyzed. Closed-form solutions, obtained with the classical model of the composite beam with a flexible connection, have been examined, showing that:1. The peak value of the longitudinal shear force is approximatelyconstant when varying the position of the loaded sectionalong the beam axis; and 2. For longitudinal forces applied at the ends of the beam, the peak value of the interface shear force distribution is nearly double and the extension is nearly half of that produced by forces applied at intermediate cross sections.The first point suggested calculating the peak values of the interface shear force in the limit scheme of an infinitely long beam by obtaining simplified solutions of practical interest. In this case, the peak values are independent from the position of the forces along the beam axis and they double when the forces are applied at the ends of the beam. Successively, by assuming a trapezoidal shape for the shear force distribution, very simple formulas to evaluate the extension of the sections affected by the shear force distribution were derived. The proposed formulas, which involve all the parameters influencing the interface shear force distribution ~including the connection stiffness!, were used in numerical tests, obtaining an excellent estimation of both the maximum value and the extension of the shear force distribution.Fig. 3. Comparison between exact method and simplified method: (a)forces applied to beam sections with different length; (b) forces with different application points; (c) forces applied to beams with differentshear connections; (d) influence of shear connection stiffness on EC4-2 rules precisionReferencesDezi, L., Leoni, G., and Tarantino, A. M. (1998). ‘‘Creep and shrinkage analysis of composite beams.’’ Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, 1(2), 170–177.European Committee for Standardization. ENV 1994-2, (1997). ‘‘Euro code 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures. Part 2: Bridges—third draft: January 1997.’’Johnson, R. P., Hanswille, G., and Tschemmernegg, F. (1998). ‘‘The Euro code for composite bridges, ENV 1994-2:1997.’’ J. Constr. Steel Res., 46(1–3), Paper 95.Newmark, N. M., Siess, C. P., and Viest, I. M. (1951). ‘‘Tests and analysis of composite beams with incomplete interaction.’’ Proc., Soc. Exp.Stress Anal., 9(1), 75–92.。
专业英语Unit1第一题1.设计/施工过程Design and construction process2.房地产开发商Real estate developer3.投机性住宅市场Speculative housing market4.项目管理Project management5.项目全寿命期Project life cycle6.项目范围Scope of a project/project scope7.专业化服务Professional services8.重大基础项目建设Construction of major infrastructure projects9.住宅类房屋建设Residential housing construction10.办公和商业用房建设office and commercial building construction11.专业化工业项目建设Specialized industrial projects construction12.专业咨询师Professional consultants13.总承包商Original contractor14.价值工程value engineering15.竞争性招标Competitive bidding16.建筑和工程设计公司Architectural and engineering design company17.运营与维护管理operation and maintenance18.设计/施工公司design and construction company19.分包商subcontractor20.设施管理facility management第一章1、从项目管理的角度看,“业主”和“发起方”是同义的,因为两者的基本权力是制定所有重大决策。
专业英语Unit1第一题1.设计/施工过程Design and construction process2.房地产开发商Real estate developer3.投机性住宅市场Speculative housing market4.项目管理Project management5.项目全寿命期Project life cycle6.项目范围Scope of a project/project scope7.专业化服务Professional services8.重大基础项目建设Construction of major infrastructure projects9.住宅类房屋建设Residential housing construction10.办公和商业用房建设office and commercial building construction11.专业化工业项目建设Specialized industrial projects construction12.专业咨询师Professional consultants13.总承包商Original contractor14.价值工程value engineering15.竞争性招标Competitive bidding16.建筑和工程设计公司Architectural and engineering design company17.运营与维护管理operation and maintenance18.设计/施工公司design and construction company19.分包商subcontractor20.设施管理facility management第一章1、从项目管理的角度看,“业主”和“发起方”是同义的,因为两者的基本权力是制定所有重大决策。
Unit 1 the owner’s perspective 第1单元业主的观点1.2 Major Types of Construction 1.2大建筑类型Since most owners are generally interested in acquiring only a specific type of constructed facility, they should be aware of the common industrial practices for the type of construction pertinent to them [1]. Likewise, the construction industry is a conglomeration of quite diverse segments and products. Some owners may procure a constructed facility only once in a long while and tend to look for short term advantages. However ,many owners require periodic acquisition of new facilities and/or rehabilitation of existing facilities. It is to their advantage to keep the construction industry healthy and productive. Collectively, the owners have more power to influence the construction industry than they realize because, by their individual actions, they can provide incentives for innovation, efficiency and quality in construction [2]. It is to the interest of all parties that the owners take an active interest in the construction and exercise beneficial influence on the performance of the industry.由于大多数业主通常只对获得特定类型的建筑设施感兴趣,所以他们应该了解与他们有关的建筑类型的常见工业实践[1]。
1. A decision whether to pump or to transport concrete in buckets will directly affect the cost and duration of tasks involved in building construction.用泵送混凝土还是用吊斗浇筑混凝土的决定将直接影响建筑物施工中各项任务的成本和时间2.In selecting among alternative methods and technologies, it may be necessary to formulate a number of construction plans based on alternative methods or assumptions. 在选择施工方法和技术时,有必要根据各种备选的施工方法和假设制订若干套施工计划。
3.This examination of several alternatives is often made explicit in bidding competitions in which several alternative designs may be proposed or value engineering for alternative construction methods may be permitted这种对几个备选方案之间的评比在公开招标中表现的十分明显:在设计招标中会要求提交数个设计方案;在施工招标中会用到价值工程的方法4. In this case, potential constructors may wish to prepare plans for each alternative design using the suggested construction method as well as to prepare plans for alternative construction methods which would be proposed as part of the value engineering process.在这个案例中,潜在的承包商需要针对每个备选设计方案根据被建议的施工方法来制定具体的计划;也需要针对每个备选施工方法制定具体计划,而这些施工方法选择会被推荐应用价值工程方法5.In forming a construction plan, a useful approach is to simulate the construction process either in the imagination of the planner or with a formal computer based simulation technique.根据施工计划人员的想象或者利用以计算机为工具的仿真技术队施工过程进行模拟。
工程管理专业英语翻译Chapter 1-5
Chapter 11.1 introduction"To form by assembling parts" is the dictionary definition for construct, but the phrase also is a metaphor for the construction itself. 由各组成部分所构成是对建筑在字典中的定义,它也是对建筑本身的比喻。
Just as divergent materials come together to form a structure, so, too, does a diverse group of people come together to make the project possible.正如将各种不同材料组成构筑物,将不同人群聚集到一起也一样,使实现一个项目成为可能。
To bring together numerous independent businesses and corporate personalities into one goal-oriented process is the particular challenge of the construction industry. 把多个互不相关的行业和独立人群聚集到一起来实现一个共同目标对建筑业而言是独特的挑战。
The organizational cultures of architects, engineers, owners, builders, manufacturers, and suppliers may seem to work against the real need to forge a partnership that will ensure the success of a project. 建筑师,工程师,业主,建造者,制造商和供应商的组织文化看似违背了一个真实需求,这个需求是形成一个合作体(关系)以确保项目成功。
Unit 1 The Owner’s Perspective
1.2 Major Types of Construction
Since most owners are generally interested in acquiring only a specific type of constructed facility, they should be aware of the common industrial practices for the type of construction pertinent to them.
Unit 1 The Owner’s Perspective
1.3 Selection of Professional Services
When an owner decides to seek professional services for the design and construction of a facility, he is confronted with a broad variety of choices. The type of services selected depends to a large degree on the type of construction and the experience of the owner in dealing with various professionals in the previous projects undertaken by the firm. Generally, several common types of professional services may be engaged either separately or in some combination by the owners.
Professional English for Construction Management
Contents (continued)
Chapter 8 Construction Planning Chapter 9 Time Control for Construction Projects Chapter 10 Cost Control for Construction Projects
Unit 1 The Owner’s Perspective
1.1 The Project Life Cycle
Since an owner is essentially acquiring a facility on a promise in some form of agreement, it will be wise for any owner to have a clear understanding of the acquisition process in order to maintain firm control of the quality, timeliness and cost of the completed facility.
Owners must recognize that there is no single best approach in organizing project management throughout a project's life cycle. All organizational approaches have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the knowledge of the owner in construction management as well as the type, size and location of the project.
Construction project management is concerned with planning, scheduling, and controlling nonroutine activities within certain time and resource constrains. If a construction project is to be constructed within its established budget and time schedule, close management control of field operations is a necessity. Construction project conditions include technical complexity, importance of timely completion, resource limitations, and control of construction operations. Unfortunately, the construction process once it is set into motion is not a self-regulating mechanism and requires expert guidance if events are to conform to plans.
Building engineering biddingYang Cao a,*, Shuhua Wang b, Heng Li aaDepartment of Building and Real Estate, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HongKong, ChinabState Key Laboratory of Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing210093, ChinaAbstractNowadays in the engineering construction industry, the market which is characteristic for project bidding, has formed. The construction companies,which want to create good benefits, have to control their cost and improve management to enhance the capacity of adapting and competing in this market. This article focuses on how to decrease cost and increase income so as to control the construction cost effectively. bidding documents should be well formulated ,which is the improtment to a successful bidding and direct influence the success or failure of the biddingwork.Becasue the success or failure of the bidding for the survival and development of enterprise has a direct impact, so we have a high quality, improve the bid documents of the unit, prevent invalid and successful pass mark appear, become a research topic.[key] : bidding drawbacks of unfair competition countermeasuresBidding is a form of project transactions, project bidding process is to determine the successful bidder and the cost of the process and the price of the project, project bidding work of a very important link, do a good job bidding to determine the price, we can effectively control construction costs, and create a fair and equitable market environment, create orderly competition mechanism. Bidding in construction activities, construction enterprises in order to tender invincible works to be successful, And from the contracted projects profitable, it needs to integrate various subjective and objective conditions, the tender research strategy determine tender. Tender bidding strategy, including pricing strategies and skills. All of the strategies and skills from the numerous contractors bidding on the accumulated experience and objective understanding of the law and of the actual situation understanding, but also with the contractor's decision-making ability and courage are closely related.Bidding documents is the general programme and play book of the bidding activity through the process of bidding. The bidding documents will specify that How to conduct each bidding work, how to dispatch bidding documents, the requirements for tenderer,how to rate and decide bidding and the procedures of bidding. Therefore, the personnel who is responsible for prepare bidding documents should first have a general view of the bidding work, include all the requirements and arrangements intothe bidding documents. If meet problems that have not been considered previously, then resolve them one by one during the preparation. The course of bidding documents preparation is also the course of making bidding scheme .In another respect, bidding documents is also the legal instuments. Besides relevant law and rules, the bidding documents are the common game rules that bidder,bidding agent and tenderer should subject to through the bidding. Bidding documents are the legal instuments that all the three bidding related parties should subject to, have legal force, therefore, the bidding documents -making personnel required to have the awareness and quality of leagal in order to reflect the fair, just and legal requirement in the bidding documents.In building engineering bidding law enforcement and the practice of project construction supervision system on standardizing China's construction market, improve the construction quality and played an active role. But in the process of implementing exist some disadvantages, needs to perfect, enrich and improve. This project bidding documents in accordance with the bidding law of the People's Republic of China for bidders, bidding regulation, enterprise strictly, put forward to bidders professional requirements of project profile was illustrated.Nowadays in the engineering construction industry, the market which is characteristic for project bidding, has formed. The construction companies,which want to create good benefits, have to control their cost and improve management to enhance the capacity of adapting and competing in this market. This article focuses on how to decrease cost and increase income so as to control the construction cost effectively.In building engineering bidding law enforcement and the practice of project construction supervision system on standardizing China's construction market, improve the construction quality and played an active role. But in the process of implementing exist some disadvantages, needs to perfect, enrich and improve. This project bidding documents in accordance with the bidding law of the People's Republic of China for bidders, bidding regulation, enterprise strictly, put forward to bidders professional requirements of project profile was illustrated.The practice of project bidding purpose is to market competition of openness, fairness and justice. However, due to the construction market development is not standard, management system and the experience of inadequate, architectural engineering bidding in concrete operation exist in ACTS of unfair competition, and some drawbacks. This obviously violate the bidding, the bidding process, and will lose its significance for other bidder fails to bid is unjust, disturbed the bidding (project contracting market economic order, for activities), this kind of behavior must be prohibited, only in this way can we make construction engineering competitive trading activity lawfully healthy. This subject will I learned and social practice, present situation and construction project bidding system is expounded, and the disadvantages of bidding for construction project with ACTS of unfair competitionphenomenon and analysis of causes, and finally make corresponding preventive countermeasures.Construction cost management system, both theoretical discussion, but also need to practice innovation. Under the conditions of market economy, project cost management, competitive and orderly market for construction management services platform structures. In such a premise, the original scale and method of valuation is inappropriate, and this needs to be reformed and improved. The spirit of "the government's macro regulation and control, enterprise autonomy offer, the market will price" principle, to implement the implementation specification bill of quantity. Inventory Valuation bidding activities are based on market economy mechanism, based on legal, scientific, fair, open and reasonable way to determine the winning bidder of an economic activity. Bidding is bidding activities constitute two basic aspects. The bidding activity is merely that by bidding to choose the one with the workConstruction process capability, moderate cost, quality is excellent, short duration of construction enterprises, and this is the ultimate goal tender. I have participated in internships over the course of the project bidding, and completed over part of the calculation of quantities, combined with graduate experience in the design process, a brief analysis of the mode Quantities Call for TenderThe meaning of risk and risk characteristics of the general construction, the lowest price sealed bidding construction method produces several risks and incentives, according to their characteristics discussed the feasibility of risk control and prevention. Comparison of engineering and engineering security risk management, insurance, similarities and differences between the two projects and benefits; construction project bidding and tendering process characteristics of human behavior is analyzed to reveal the bidder's risk appetite and behavioral characteristics with changes in the external environment change, when the default punishment is light, the bidder preference appetite for risk and default penalties, with the increase exceeds a certain value, the risk of bidders to show preference for behavior change to avoid the risk of penalties, the greater the bidder biased in favor of a more risk-averse behavior, the results of the control and prevention of risk behavior of bidders has an important and practical significanceConstruction Cost Management from the "quantity-one price" plan model to "price of separation volume" model of the market, and gradually establish a market price-based price formation mechanism, the price of the decision in the hands of the parties involved in the market, and ultimately the allocation of resources through the market in order to realize through the market mechanism to decide on project cost. This will standardize the construction market-competitive behavior and the promotion of project bidding mechanisms play an important role in innovation. It can be said that the implementation of the project bill of quantities is a project cost management system in our country a big step forward, but also in China's accession to the WTO, the global construction industry a powerful tool for peer competition.With the construction of in-depth development of the market, the traditional fixed pricing model no longer suited to market-oriented economic development needs. In order to adapt to the current project bidding by the market needs of a project cost, we must work on the existing valuation methods and pricing model for reform, the implementation of projects bill pricing. Engineering is a list of pricing model and adapt to the market economy, allowing independent contractor pricing through market competition determine prices, with the international practice of pricing model. With the bill pricing model projects to promote, in accordance with international bidding practices is imperative. Therefore, "the lowest reasonable price of the successful bidder" My future is the most important evaluation methods. At this stage due to the implementation of projects bill pricing model and the problems mainly against China at this stage " in the minimum reasonable price of the principles of the successful bidder, most contractors have not yet set up their own enterprises of scale, companies unable to determine the reasonable Cost. This article is a scientific and fast set "reasonable cost" to study the key. First, from the project cost of the basic concept, of the engineering bill pricing model under the cost structure, to accurately predict costs of the project provided the basis, considering the average cost of the social cost to individual enterprises and the tender stage of the cost estimates. Followed through on fuzzy math and technology for smooth in-depth analysis, through "close-degree," the concept of reasonable fuzzy math and exponential smoothing technologies, construction of the project cost vague prediction model, and in accordance with the relevant information and statistics Information and experience to establish a "framework structure," the comparison works Construction Cost Management from the "quantity-one price" plan model to "price of separation volume" model of the market, and gradually establish a market price-based price formation mechanism, the price of the decision in the hands of the parties involved in the market, and ultimately the allocation of resources through the market in order to realize through the market mechanism to decide on project cost. This will standardize the construction market-competitive behavior and the promotion of project bidding mechanisms play an important role in innovation. It can be said that the implementation of the project bill of quantities is a project cost management system in our country a big step forward, but also in China's accession to the WTO, the global construction industry a powerful tool for peer competition.A healthy bidding system should be in accordance with the "open, fair and justice" and the principle of good faith, and establish a unified, open, competitive and orderly construction market. In view of the current problems existing in the bidding process, adopt regulations, and formulate and perfect the institution, strengthening process supervision measures, they can better regulate construction market order, prevent corruption from its source, purify construction market, promote the construction market order progressively toward standardization, institutionalized, and constantly improve the quality and level of the bidding work.References[1] R.G. Casey, D.R. 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工程项目管理常用词汇英汉对照“戴明环”“戴明环”Plan - Do - Check - Action, PDCA “交钥匙”承包“交钥匙”承包Turn - key Contract “三时”估计法“三时”估计法Three - Time - Estimate S 曲线曲线S - Curve 按费用设计按费用设计Design - to - Cost 保留金保留金 Retention Money 保险保险Insurance 保证金保证金 Retainage 报表报表Statement 报告关系报告关系Reporting Relationship 报价邀请报价邀请Requestfor Quotation, RFQ 变更指令变更指令Variation Order, Change Order 标前会议标前会议Pre - Bid Meeting 补充资料表补充资料表Schedule of Supplementary lnformation 不可接受风险不可接受风险Unacceptable Risk 不可抗力不可抗力Force Majeure 不可预见不可预见Unforeseeable 不平等条款不平等条款Unequal Term 平衡报价法平衡报价法Unbalanced Bids 材料材料Materials 材料费材料费 Material Cost 财产风险财产风险Probable Risk 留风险留风险 Residual Risk 层次分析法层次分析法Analytic Hierarchy Process 产品产品Product 超前超前Lead 成本预算成本预算Cost Budgeting 承包方承包方 Contractor 承包商代表承包商代表Contractor's Representative 承包商人员承包商人员Contractor's Personnel 承包商设备承包商设备Contracto Contracto’’s Equipment 承包商文件承包商文件Contractor's Documents 承发包方式承发包方式Contract Approach 承诺 Acceptance 承诺诚实信用原则 In Good Faith 诚实信用原则触发器 Triggers 触发器纯粹风险 Pare Risk 纯粹风险次关键路线 Near - Critical Path 次关键路线大型项目 Program 大型项目代理型CM, 非代理型CM CM/Agency, CM/Non Agency 单代号搭接网络图 Multi - Dependency Network 单代号搭接网络图单代号网络图 Activity - on - Network, AON 单代号网络图单价合同 Unit Price Contract 单价合同单时估计法 Single - Time - Estimate 单时估计法担保 Guarantee 担保当地货币 Local Currency 当地货币当事方(一方) Party 到岸价格 Cost lnsurance and Freight, CIF 到岸价格道义索赔 Ex - Gratia Claims 道义索赔德尔裴法 Delphi 德尔裴法调整 Updating, Adjustment 调整定额 Quota 定额动员预付款 Pre - Payment 动员预付款二次风险 Secondary Risk 二次风险法律 Laws 法律反义居先原则 Contra Preferential 反义居先原则返工 Rework 返工方差 V ariance 方差非工作时间 Idle Time 非工作时间费用计划 Cost Planning 费用计划费用索赔 Claims for Lossand Expense 费用索赔分包商 Sub - Contractor 分包商分项工程 Section 分项工程分支网络 Fragnet 分支网络风险 Risk 风险风险定量分析 Quantitative Risk Analysis 风险定量分析风险定性分析 Qualitative Risk Analysis 风险定性分析风险规避 Risk Avoidance 风险规避风险监控 Risk Monitoring and Control 风险监控风险减轻 Risk Mitigation 风险减轻风险接受 Risk Acceptance 风险接受风险类别 Risk Category 风险类别风险评审技术 Venture Evaluation and Review Technique, VERT 风险评审技术风险识别 Risk Identification 风险识别风险应对 Risk期Response 风险应对风险转移 Risk Transference 风险转移付款证书 Payment Certificate 付款证书概率与影响矩阵 Probability and Impact Matrix 概率与影响矩阵赶工 Crashing 赶工个人间的联系 Interpersonal Interfaces 个人间的联系工程变更 Variation, Change 工程变更工程量表 Bill of Quantities 工程量表工程师 The Engineer, Consultant 工程师工程现场勘测 Site Visit 工程现场勘测工程项目采购 Proiect Procurement 工程项目采购工程项目分解 Project Decomposition 工程项目分解工程项目沟通管理 Project Communication Management 工程项目沟通管理工程项目简介 Project Brief 工程项目简介工程项目建设模式 Proiect Construction Approach 工程项目建设模式工程项目决策 Decision to Project 工程项目决策工程项目人力资源管理 Project Human Resource Management 工程项目人力资源管理工程项目审计 Project Audit 工程项目审计工程项目收尾阶段 Project Closure 工程项目收尾阶段工程项目投产准备 Preparation for Proiect Operation 工程项目投产准备工程项目团队 Project Team 工程项目团队工程项目质量 Projectoualitv 工程项目质量工程项目质量控制 Proiect Quality Control 工程项目质量控制工程项目组织方式 Project Organization Approach 工程项目组织方式工期 Proiect Duration 工期工期压缩 Duration Compression 工期压缩工艺关系 Process Relation 工艺关系工作规范 Specification of Work 工作规范工作说明 Statement of Work, SOW 工作说明公开招标 Open Tenderine/Public Invitation 公开招标沟通 Communications 沟通购买—建设—经营经营 Buy - Build - Operate, BBO 顾客 Customer顾客雇主 Employer 雇主雇主人员 Employer's Personnel 雇主人员雇主设备 Employer's Equipment 雇主设备关键活动 Critical Activity 关键活动关键路线 Critical Path 关键路线关键线路法 Critical Path Method, CPM 关键线路法国际标准化组织 International Standard Organization, ISO 国际标准化组织国际项目管理协会 International Project Management Association, IPMA 国际项目管理协会国际咨询工程师联合会 Federation Internationate Des Ingenieurs-Conseils, FIDIC 国际咨询工程师联合会国家私人合作模式 Public - Private Partnership, PPP 国家私人合作模式合同 Contract 合同合同工期 Duration of Contract 合同工期合同管理 Contract Administration 合同管理合同价格 Contract Price 合同价格合同内索赔 Contractual Claims 合同内索赔合同条件 Conditions of Contract 合同条件合同外索赔 Non - Contractual Claims 合同外索赔合同协议书 Contract Agreement 合同协议书合资公司 Joint Enterprise 合资公司横道图 Gantt Charts 横道图环境管理体系 Environmental Management System, EMS 环境管理体系环境绩效 Environmental Performance 环境绩效环境指标 Environmental Target 环境指标回路 Logical Loop 回路混合型合同 Mixed Contract 混合型合同活动持续时间估计 Activity Duration Estimation 活动持续时间估计活动范围 Scope 活动范围活动逻辑关系 Activity Logical Relations 活动逻辑关系活动描述 Activity Description, AD 活动描述活动排序 Activity Sequencing 活动排序活动清单 Activity List 活动清单伙伴模式 Partnering 伙伴模式货物采购 Goods Procurement 货物采购基准计划 Baseline 基准计划基准日期 Base Date 基准日期绩效评估与激励 Performance Appraisaland Reward 绩效评估与激励计划工期 Planned Project Duration 计划工期计划评审技术 Program Evaluation Review Technique, PERT 计划评审技术计日工作计划 Daywork Schedule 计日工作计划计算工期 Calculated Project Duration 计算工期技术规范 Technical Specifications 技术规范技术联系 Technical Interfaces 技术联系价值工程 Value Engineering, VE 价值工程间接费 Indirect Cost 间接费监理工程师 The Engineer, Supervision Engineer 监理工程师监视 Monitoring 监视检查表 Checklist 检查表建设工期 Durationof Project Construction 建设工期建设—经营—拥有—转让 Build - Operate - Own - Transfer, BOOT 建设—经营—拥有—转让建设—经营—转让 Build - Operate - Transfer, BOT 建设—经营—转让建设实施 Construction 建设实施建设—拥有—经营 Build - Own - Operate, BOO 建设—拥有—经营建设—转让—运营 Build - Transfer - Operate, BTO 建设—转让—运营建设准备 Construction Preparation 建设准备建议书邀请 Request for Proposal, RFP 建议书邀请建筑师 Architect 建筑师接收证书 Taking - Over Certificate 接收证书节点 Node 节点节点编号 Node Number 节点编号结束到结束 Finishto Finish, FTF 结束到结束结束到开始 Finishto Start, FTS 结束到开始截止日期 As - of Date 截止日期紧后活动 Back Closely Activity 紧后活动紧前活动 Front Closely Activity 紧前活动进度报告 Progress Reports 进度报告进度偏差 Schedule Variance, SV 进度偏差纠正措施 Corrective Action 纠正措施矩阵型组织结构 Matrix Organization 矩阵型组织结构决策树分析 Decision Tree Analysis 决策树分析决策网络计划法 Decision Network, DN 决策网络计划法竣工时间 Time for Completion 竣工时间竣工试验 Tests on Completion 竣工试验竣工验收 Project Acceptance 竣工验收开工日期 Commencement Date 开工日期开始到结束 Start to Finish, STF 开始到结束开始到开始 Start to Start, STS 开始到开始可交付成果 Deliverable 可交付成果可接受风险 Acceptable Risk 可接受风险可原谅的延误 Excusable Delay 可原谅的延误控制 Control 控制控制图 Control Charts 控制图快速路径法 Fast Track 快速路径法类比估计 Analogous Estimating 类比估计离岸价格 Free on Board, FOB 离岸价格里程碑 Milestone 里程碑历史数据 Historical Results 历史数据利润 Profit 利润例外计划报告 Exception Report 例外计划报告联合集团 Consortium 联合集团联营体 Joint V enture 联营体临时工程 Temporm. Works 临时工程流程图 Flow Diagram 流程图路径会聚 Path Convergence 路径会聚履约保函 Performance Guarantee 履约保函履约保证 Performance Security 履约保证履约证书 Performance Certificate 履约证书卖方 Seller 卖方蒙特卡罗分析 Monte Carlo Analysis 蒙特卡罗分析敏感性分析 Sensitive Analysis 敏感性分析模糊数学法 Fuzzy Set 模糊数学法拟完工程计划费用 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled, BCWS 拟完工程计划费用逆推法 Backward Pass 逆推法欧洲发展基金会 European Development Fund, EDF 欧洲发展基金会巴雷托图 Pareto Diagrams 排列图, 巴雷托图偏差变量 Cost V ariance, CV 偏差变量评标 Bid Evaluation 评标期望值 Expectation 期望值期中付款证书 Interim Payment Certificate 期中付款证书启动 Initiation 启动起始节点 Start Node 起始节点潜在的损失值 Risk Event V alue 潜在的损失值赢得值法 Earned V alue 曲线法, 赢得值法全面质量控制 Total Quality Control, TQC 全面质量控制权变措施 Workoround 权变措施缺陷通知期限 Defects Notification Period 缺陷通知期限确凿证据优先 Prima Facie 确凿证据优先人工费 Labor Cost 人工费人工量 Effort 人工量人力资源 Human Resource 人力资源人身风险 Life Risk 人身风险人为风险 Personal Risk 人为风险人员配备要求 Staffing Requirements 人员配备要求任务 Task 任务上控制线 Upper Control Limit, UCL 上控制线设计方 Designer 设计方设计一建造方式 Design - Build, DB 设计一建造方式设计图纸 Drawings 设计图纸生产设备 Plant 生产设备生命周期成本计算 Life - circle Costing 生命周期成本计算剩余工期 Remaining Duration 剩余工期施工合同 Construction Contract 施工合同施工合同分包 Subcontract 施工合同分包施工合同转让 Assignment 施工合同转让施工机械使用费 Expensesof Using Construction Machinery 施工机械使用费施工进度计划 Construction Schedule 施工进度计划施工组织设计 Construction Planning 施工组织设计时距 Time Difference 时距实际成本 Actual Cost 实际成本实际成本加百分比合同 Cost Plus Percentage - of - Cost Contract 实际成本加百分比合同实际成本加固定费用合同 Cost Plus Fixed - Fee (CPFF) Contract 实际成本加固定费用合同实际成本加奖金合同 Cost Plus Incentive - Fee (CPIF) Contract 实际成本加奖金合同实际开始日期 Actual Start Date, AS 实际开始日期实际完成日期 Actual Finish Date, AF 实际完成日期世界银行 The World Bank 世界银行事件 Event 事件受资源约束的进度计划 Resource - Limited Schedule 受资源约束的进度计划授予合同 Award of Contract 授予合同书面文字优先原则 Written Word Prevail 书面文字优先原则数据日期 Data Date 数据日期双代号时标网络法 Time - Coordinate Network, Time Scale Network 双代号时标网络法双代号网络图 Activity - on - Arrow Network, AOA 双代号网络图税金 Tax 税金私人主动融资 Project Finance Initiative, PFI 私人主动融资松弛时间 Slack 松弛时间索赔 Claims 索赔条形图 Bar Chart 条形图通货膨胀 Currency Inflation 通货膨胀统计和概率法 Statistics 统计和概率法投标 Bidding 投标投标保证 Bid Security 投标保证投标报价 Bid Price 投标报价投标函 Letter of Tender 投标函投标决策 Decision to Bid 投标决策投标人 Bidder 投标人投标人须知 Instruction to Bidders 投标人须知投标书 Tender 投标书投标书附录 Appendix to Tender 投标书附录投标文件的递送 Submission of Bids 投标文件的递送投标邀请书 Initiation to Bids 投标邀请书投标有效期 Bid V alidity 投标有效期投机风险 Speculative Risk 投机风险投资方 Investor 投资方投资估算 Cost Estimating 投资估算投资回报期 Investment Recovery Period 投资回报期图示评审技术 Graphical Evaluation Review Technique, GERT 图示评审技术团队成员 Team Member 团队成员退却计划 Fallback Plan 退却计划外币 Foreign Currency 外币完成百分比 Percent Complete (PC) 完成百分比完工估算 Estimate at Completion, EAC 完工估算完工尚需估算 Estimate to Complete, ETC 完工尚需估算完工预算 Budget at Completion, BAC 完工预算五条件 Unconditional, no Demand 五条件无限竞争性招标 Unlimited Competitive Tendering 无限竞争性招标下控制线 Lower Control Limit, LCL 下控制线现场 Site 现场线路 Path 线路限定性估算 Definitive Estimate 限定性估算项目 Project 项目项目报告 Project Report, PR 项目报告项目档案 Project Files 项目档案项目的执行与监督 Project Executionand Supervision 项目的执行与监督项目定义 Project Defining 项目定义项目风险 Project Risk 项目风险项目干系人 Stakeholder 项目干系人项目管理班子 Project Management Team 项目管理班子项目管理班子的偏好 Preferences of the Project Management Team 项目管理班子的偏好项目管理承包型 Project Management Contract, PMC 项目管理承包型项目管理模式 Project Management Approach 项目管理模式项目管理软件 Project Management Software 项目管理软件项目管理协会 Project Management Institute, PMI 项目管理协会项目管理知识体系 Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMBOK 项目管理知识体系项目管理咨询型 Project Management, PM 项目管理咨询型项目后评价 Project Post - evaluation 项目后评价项目计划 Project Planning 项目计划项目结构分解 Project Breakdown Structure 项目结构分解项目结束 project Closing 项目结束项目内在联系 Project Interfaces 项目界面, 项目内在联系项目进度计划 Project Schedule 项目进度计划项目负责人 Project Manager 项目经理, 项目负责人项目可行性研究 Project Feasibility Study 项目可行性研究项目控制 Project Controlling 项目控制项目评估 Project Appraisal 项目评估项目设计 Project Design 项目设计项目谈判 project Negotiation 项目谈判项目型组织 Projectized Organization 项目型组织项目选定 Project Identification 项目选定项目业主 Owner 项目业主项目预评估 Project Pre - Appraisal 项目预评估项目章程 Project Charter 项目章程项目执行 Project Executing 项目执行项目周期 Project Cycle 项目周期项目准备 Project Preparation 项目准备项目综合管 Project Integration Management 项目综合管信息技术 Information Technology, IT 信息技术虚活动 Dummy Activity 虚活动询价 Solicitation 询价亚洲开发银行 Asian Development Bank, ADB 亚洲开发银行延长工期索赔 Claims for Extensionof Time, Claims for EOT 延长工期索赔邀请招标 SelectiveTenderin6/InvitedBidding 邀请招标要约 Offer 要约已完工程计划费用 Budgeted Costof Work Performed, BCWP 已完工程计划费用已完工程实际费用 Actual Cost of Work Performed, ACWP 已完工程实际费用因果分析图 Cause - and - Effect Diagram 因果分析图银行保函 Bank Guarantee 银行保函应急储备 Contingency Reserve 应急储备应急费 Contingency Allowance 应急费英国土木工程师学会 Institute of Civil Engineer, ICE 英国土木工程师学会营运 Operation 营运影响图 Influence Diagram 影响图永久工程 Permanent works 永久工程优化 Optimization 优化有条件 Conditional 有条件有限竞争性招标 Limited Competitive Tendering 有限竞争性招标预可行性研究 Pre - Feasibility Study 预可行性研究运费在内价 Cost and Freight, CFR 运费在内价暂定金 Provisional Sum 暂定金责任风险 Liability Risk 责任风险招标 Bid Invitation/Tendering 招标招标人拒绝投标书的权利 Right to Reiiect Any or All Bids 招标人拒绝投标书的权利招标准备 Tendering Preparation 招标准备争端裁决委员会 Dispute Adiudication Board, DAB 争端裁决委员会正推法 Forward Pass 正推法直方图 Histogram 直方图直线型组织结构 Line Organization 直线型组织结构直线一职能型组织结构 Line - Functional Organization 直线一职能型组织结构职能型组织 Functional Organization 职能型组织职业健康安全 Occupational Healthand Safety, OHS 职业健康安全制约和限制 Constraintsand Limitations 制约和限制质量 Ouality 质量质量保证 Quality Assurance 质量保证质量成本 Cost of Quality 质量成本质量环 Quality Loop 质量环滞后 Lag 滞后中标函 Letter of Acceptance 中标函中标合同金额 Accepted Contract Amount 中标合同金额中介人 Intermediary 中介人中心线 Center Limit, CL 中心线终止节点 End Node 终止节点重叠 Overlap 重叠主导语言 Ruling Language 主导语言专家谈判估计 Expert Judgement 专家谈判估计咨询方 Consulter 咨询方资料表 Schedules 资料表资源计划 Resource Planning 资源计划资源配置 Resource Requirements 资源配置资源平衡 Resource Leveling 资源平衡资源效果 Resource Capabilities 资源效果子网络 Subnetwork 子网络子项目 Subproject 子项目自然风险 Natural Risk 自然风险自由时差 Free Float, FF 自由时差总承包商 General Contractor 总承包商总价合同 Lump Sum Contract 总价合同总时差 Total Float, TF 总时差租赁一建设一经营 Lease - Build - Operate, LBO 租赁一建设一经营组织关系 Organizational Relation 组织关系组织规划设计 Organizational Planning 组织规划设计组织机构 Organization Structure 组织机构组织结构分解 Organizational Breakdown Structure, OBS 组织结构分解组织联系 Organizational Interfaces 组织联系最悲观时间 Most Pessimistic Time 最悲观时间最迟结束时间 Latest Finish Date, LP 最迟结束时间最迟开始时间 Latest Start Date, I5 最迟开始时间最可能时间 Most Probable Time 最可能时间最乐观时间 Most Optimistic Time 最乐观时间最早结束时间 Earliest Finish Date, EF 最早结束时间最早开始时间 Earliest Start Date, ES 最早开始时间最终报表 Final Statement 最终报表最终付款证书 Pinsl Payment Certificate 最终付款证书。
Concrete Construction matterT. Pauly, M. J. N. PriestleyAbstractViewed in terms of accepted practices, concrete construction operations leave much to be desired with respect to the quality, serviceability, and safety of completed structures. The shortcomings of these operations became abundantly clear when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck northern Paki-stan on October 8, 2005, destroying thousands of buildings, damaging bridges, and killing an esti-mated 79,000 people. The unusually low quality of construction operations prevalent was a major cause of the immense devastation.Keywords: Concrete Placing Curing Construction TechnologyPlacing ConcreteIf concrete is placed in the surface, the sur-face should be filled with water sufficiently to prevent it from absorbing the concrete of its water. If fresh concrete is to be placed on or nearby to concrete that has solidified, the surface of the placed concrete should be cleaned absolutely, preferably with a high-pressure air or water jet or steel-wire brushes. The surface should be wet, but there should be no much water. A little quantity of cement grout should be brushed over the whole area, and then followed immediately with the application of a 1/2-in Layer of mortar. The fresh concrete should be placed on or against the mortar.In order to decrease the disintegration re-sulting from carriage after it is placed. The con-crete should be placed as nearly as probably in itsfinal point. It should be placed in layers to permit uniform compaction. The time interval between the placing of layers should be limited to assure perfect bond between the fresh and previously placed concrete.In placing concrete in deeper patters, a ves-sel should be used to limit the free fall to not over 3 or 4 ft, in order to prevent concrete disintegra-tion. The vessel is a pipe made of lightweight metal, having adjustable lengths and attached to the bottom of a hopper into which the concrete is deposited. As the patters are filled, sections of the pipe may be removed.Immediately after the concrete is placed, it should be compacted by hand pudding or a me-chanical vibrator to eliminate voids. The vibrator should be left in one position only long enough to reduce the concrete around it to a plastic mass; then the vibrator should be moved, or disintegra-tion of the aggregate will occur. In general, the vibrator should not be permitted to penetrate concrete in the prior lift.The mainly advantage of vibrating is that it permits the use of a drier concrete, which has a higher strength because of the reduced water content. Among the advantages of vibrating con-crete are the following:1.The decreased water permits a reduction in the cement and fine aggregate because less cement paste is needed.2.The lower water content decreases shrinkage and voids.3.The drier concrete decreases the cost of finishing the surface.4.Mechanical vibration may replace three to eight hand puddles.5.The lower water content increases the strength of the concrete.6.The drier mixture permits theremoval of some patters more quickly, which may reduce the cost of patters.Curing ConcreteIf concrete is to gain its maximum strength and other desirable properties, it should be cured with adequate moisture and at a favorable tem-perature. Failure to provide these conditions may result in an inferior concrete.The initial moisture in concrete is adequate to hydrate all the cement, provided it is not should replace the moisture that does evaporate. This may be accomplished by many methods, such as leaving the patters in place, keeping the surface wet, or covering the surface with a liquid curing compound, which comes being to a water-tight membrane that prevents the escape of the initial water. Curing compounds may be applied by brushes or pressure sprayers. A gallon will cover 200 to 300 sq ft.Concrete should be placed at a temperature not less than 40 or more than 80°F.A lower tem-perature will decrease the rate of setting, while ahigher temperature will decrease the ultimate strength.Placing Concrete in Cold WeatherWhen the concrete is placed during cold weather, it is usually necessary to preheat the water, the aggregate, or both in order that the ini-tial temperature will assure an initial set and gain in strength .Preheating the water is the most ef-fective method of providing the necessary tem-perature. For this purpose a water reservoir should be equipped with pipe coils through which steam can be passed, or steam may bedischarged directly into the water, several outlets being used to given better distribution of the heat.When the temperatures of the mixtures are known, some specific charts may be used to cal-culate the temperature of concrete. A straight line pass all three scales, passing through every two known temperatures, will assure the determina-tion of the third temperature. If the surface of sand isdry, the fact lines of the scales giving the temperature of concrete should be used. However, if the sand contains about 3 percent moisture, the dotted lines should be used.Specifications usually demand that freshly placed concrete shall be kept at a temperature of not less than 70°F for 3 days or 50°F for 5 days after it is placed. Some proper method must be provided to keep the demanded temperature when the cold weather is estimated.Reinforcing steels for concreteCompared with concrete, steel is a high strength material. The useful strength of ordinary reinforcing steels in tension as well as compres-sion, i.e., the yield strength, is about 15 times the compressive strength of common structural con-crete, and well over 100 times its tensile strength. On the other hand, steel is a high-cost material compared with concrete. It follow that the two materials are the best used in combination if theconcrete is made to resist the compressive stresses and the compressive force, longitudinal steel reinforcing bars are located close to the ten-sion face to resist the tension force., and usually additional steel bars are so disposed that they re-sist the inclined tension stresses that are caused by the shear force in the beams. However, rein-forcement is also used for resisting compressive forces primarily where it is desired to reduce the cross-sectional dimensions of compression members, as in the lower-floor columns of multi-story buildings. Even if no such necessity exits , a minimum amount of reinforce- ment is placed in all compression members to safeguard them against the effects of small accidental bending moments that might crack and even fail an unre-inforced member.For most effective reinforcing action, it is essential that steel and concrete deform together, i. e., that there be a sufficiently strong bond be-tween the two materials to ensure that no relative movements of the steel bars and the surrounding concrete occur. This bond is provided by the rela-tively large chemical adhesion which develops at the steel-concrete interface, by the natural roughness of the mill scale of hot-rolled rein-forcing bars , and by the closely spaced rib-shap-ed surface deformations with which reinforcing bars are furnished in order to provide a high de-gree of interlocking of the two materials.Steel is used in two different ways in con-crete structures: as reinforcing steel and as prestressing steel .reinforcing steel is placed in the forms prior to casting of the concrete. Stresses in the steel, as in the hardened concrete, are caused only by the loads on the structure, except for possible parasitic stresses from shrinkage or similar causes. In contrast, in priestesses concrete structures large tension forces are applied to the reinforcement prior to letting it act jointly with the concrete in resistingexternal.The most common type of reinforcing steel is in the form of round bars, sometimes called rebars, available in a large range of diameters,from 10 to 35 mm for ordinary applications and in two heavy bar sizes off 44 and 57 mm these bars are furnished with surface deformations for the purpose of increasing resistance to slip be-tween steel and concrete minimum requirements for these deformations have been developed in experimental research. Different bar producers use different patterns, all of which satisfy these requirements.Welding of rebars in making splices, or for convenience in fabricating reinforcing cages for placement in the forms, may result in metal-lurgical changes that reduce both strength and ductility, and special restrictions must be placed both strength and ductility, and special restric-tions must be placed both on the type of steel used and the welding procedures the provisions of ASTM A706 relatespecifically to welding.In reinforced concrete a long-time trend is evident toward the use of higher strength materi-als, both steel and concrete.Reinforcing bars with 40ksi yield stress , almost standard 20 years ago , have largely been replaced by bars with 60ksi yield stress , both because they are more economical and because their use tends to reduce congestion of steel in the forms .The ACI Code permits reinforcing steels up to Fy=80ksi. Such high strength steels usually yield gradually but have no yield plateau in this situation the ACI Code requires that at the speci-fied minimum yield strength the total strain shall not exceed 0.0035 this is necessary to make cur-rent design methods, which were developed for sharp-yielding steels with a yield plateau, appli-cable to such higher strength steels. there is no ASTM specification for deformed bars may be used , according to the ACI Code , providing they meet the requirements stated under special circumstances steel in this higher strength range has its place, e.g., in lower-story columns of high-rise buildings.In order to minimize corrosion of rein-forcement and consequent spelling of concrete under sever exposure conditions such as in bridge decks subjected to deicing chemicals , galvanized or epoxy-coated rebars may be specified.Repair of Concrete StructuresReinforced concrete is generally a very du-rable structural material and very little repair work is usually needed. However, its durability can be affected by a variety of causes, including those of design and construction faults, use of inferior materials and exposure to aggressive en-vironment. The need for a repair is primarily dic-tated by the severity of the deterioration as de-termined from the diagnosis. Good workmanship is essential if any thing more than just a cosmetic treatment to the creation is required.1. performance requirements of repair systemHaving established the causes of the defect by carefully diagnosing the distress, the next step should be to consider the requirements of the re-pair method that will offer an effective solution to the problem (see fig.).①DurabilityIt is important to select repair materials that provide adequate durability. Materials used for the repair job should be at least as durable as the substrate concrete to which it is applied.②Protection of steelThe mechanism of protection provided to the reinforcing depends on the type of repair ma-terials used. For example, cementations materials can protect the steel from further corrosion by their inhibitive effect of increasing the alkalinity of the concrete, whereas epoxy resin mortars can give protection against the ingress of oxygen,moisture and other harmful agents.③Bond with substrateThe bond with the substrate must produce an integral repair to prevent entry of moisture and atmospheric gases at the interface. With most re-pair materials, the bond is greatly enhanced with the use of a suitable bonding aid such as an un-filled epoxy resin systems and slurry of Portland cement, plus any latex additives for a Portland cement-based repair system. Precautions should also be takento remove all loose and friable ma-terials from the surfaces to be bonded.④Dimensional StabilityShrinkage of materials during curing should be kept to a minimum. Subsequent dimensional change should be very close in the substrate in order to prevent failure⑤Initial Resistance to Environmentally In-duced DamageSome initial exposure conditions may lead to premature damage lo repairs. For example, partially cured Portland cement repairs can dete-riorate from hot weather preventing full hydration of the cement. To prevent this from happening extra protection during curing time may be nec-essary.⑥Ease of ApplicationMaterials should be easily mixed and ap-plied so that they can be worked readily into small crevices and voids. Ideally, the material should not stick to tools, and should not shear while being trowel led nor slump after placement.⑦AppearanceThe degree to which the repair material should match the existing concrete will depend on the use of the structure and the client' s re-quirements. A surface coating may be required when appearance is important or when cover to reinforcement is small.2. Selection of Repair MethodsA suitable repair counteracts all the defi-ciencies which are relevant to the use of the structure.The selection of tile correct method and material for a particular, application requires careful consideration, whether to meet special requirements for placing strength, durability or other short-or long-term properties. These con-siderations include:1. Nature of the DistressIf alive crack is filled with a rigid material, then either the repair material will eventually fail or some new cracking will occur adjacent to the original crack. Repairs to live cracks must either use flexible materials to accommodate move-ments or else steps must be taken prior to the re-pair to eliminate the movement.2. Position of the CrackTechniques which rely on gravity to intro-duce the material into the crack are more suc-cessfully carried out on horizontal surfaces but are rarely effective on vertical ones.3. EnvironmentIf moisture, water or contaminants are found in the crack, then it is necessary to rectify the leaks Repair to slop leaks may be further com-plicated by the need to make the repairs while the structure is in service and the environment is damp.4. WorkmanshipThe skill the operatives available to carry put the repairs is another relevant factors. Some-times this can mean the difference between a permanent repair and premature failure of the re-pair material.5. CostThe cost of repair materials is usually small compared with the costs of providing access, preparation and actual labor.6. AppearanceThe repair surface may be unsightly, par-ticularly when it appears on a prominent part of the building. In this case, the repair system will include some form of treatment over the entire surface.Reference[1]Philip Jodidio, Contemporary European Architecture, Taschen, Koln, pp.148-153[2]Ann Breen & Dick Rigby, Waterfronts, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, 1994, pp.297-300[3]Ann Breen & Dick Rigby, The New Waterfront, Thames and Hudson, London, 1996, pp.118-120[4]Ann Breen & Dick Rigby, The New Waterfront, Thames and Hudson, London, 1996, pp.52-55[5]Robert Holden, International Landscape Design, Laurence King Publishing, London, 1996, pp.10-27[6] A new concept in refrigerant control for heat pumps ,J.R.Harnish,IIR Conference Pa-per,Cleveland,Ohio.May,1996[7]Carrier Corporation-Catalog 523 848,1997[8]Waste Heat Management Handbook, Na-tional Bureau of Standardc Handbook 121, Pub-lica-tion PB 264959, February,1997Ten design principles for air to air heat pumps,Allen Trask,ASHRAE Journal,July,1997重庆科技学院学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文学院建建筑工程学院专业班级工管103学生姓名李学号201044241附件1:外文资料翻译译文混凝土施工事项T.Pauly, M.J.N.Priestley摘要:根据一般承认的惯例看,巴基斯坦的混凝土结构建筑物在结构上的质量,效用和安全需要上都留下了很多值得关注的问题。
Construction Project Management——Value Engineering By:Fredrick E.Gould.Nancy.E.JoyceABSTRACTValue engineering is a kind of in the world proved very fruitful way of project management. In our country, with the improvement of socialist market economy, value engineering, whether in theoretical research or practical application aspects, obtained greater progress, and is gradually applied to engineering project management. Due to the construction of the project design stage investment is less, the owners often ignored this phase of the application of value engineering, but the practice proof, design phase is the possibility of managing investment the biggest stage. Therefore, this paper based on the design stage of a construction project, study the application of value engineering.Key Words:construction project; value engineering; design stageV alue engineering and cost reduction are often confused, so that the value engineering in the designer had a bad reputation, however, it is important that value engineering is a process, is to consider the cost of other factors, such as: life cycle cost, quality, durability and maintainability. On the other hand, reduce cost, think only reduced. At the same time they are in rely on a given standard role, we consider in the larger context of the standard, while the other reaction activity is only for budget problem. The project team should be very clear in their processes are involved in. Despite the tight budget reduces life cost, the owners need to know exactly what he or she buys. Value engineering in the process, should the owner to another system reference to buy items or equivalent value system to reduce the cost. In reducing cost in order to save money, he or she is of little value or range less.Value engineering is all designed products in the active part. Value engineering isnot done enough time, reduce cost becomes necessary. Value engineering provides a" better reduction mode", and reduce the cost can be reduced by engineering quality or quantity, save money.Value engineering is not limited to the construction industry, but in the business world to help analysis is to minimize the cost of the optimal value of object technology and products. The best value is not an intrinsic property of. For each project, it takes on a different meaning, often in other similar product comparison. In the construction which is comparable to many products, it is a complicated job. Therefore, value engineering is as one of the best team in good operation. Value engineering is one of the reasons for negative take designers sometimes feel, architecture is a measure of their work and suggestions, damage the item aesthetic quality. In the process if the designer is an equal partner, this feeling will be reduced. At the same time, the owners need to fully understand the design ideas to make the choice, when the time came, to a specific recommendations for proper balance, to accept or reject.Owners of professional designers and construction with the help of setting standards. In general, these standards are divided into several categories: best cost, the best optimal function and aesthetic value. Determining the optimal cost for life cycle cost analysis to the building, using the most effective play a role definition. The best aesthetic value, can be difficult to determine, but as with other important criteria. As an important emergency generator case, the team focused on cost and function, but they do not concern for aesthetic values, because the generator will be hidden from view. It takes the first consider the cost, durability, and reliability. Its role will be in accordance with safety requirements and the buildings within the residents needs to decide. In a curtain wall system, the owners pay attention to the cost, function and aesthetic value. Because the system will be the main architectural image, aesthetic value may cost more than the weight, exceeding even function. These are only the owner can decide to make the final.Including value engineering, all items are redundant. After all, is not a design team to put together the best solution, it finds the optimal solution will satisfy theowner's cost, functional, aesthetic standards. Of course, a good design team is doing. However, every design company established culture also needs to be questioned standard practice. In the value engineering in the process, he could do it. In addition, some teams may be dealt with as soon as possible in the design of the case. For example, the owner should accelerate the job to get the project started construction. Its purpose is to return to the previous fact and is not easy to make a decision before the state. Value engineering to ensure that such errors do not occur. Another possibility is that, the owners have vision, but does not fully explain to the designer. Designer response more complexity, to meet the needs of the owners. Value engineering process, this complexity will be questioned and clarification.Building professionals in their occupation career into contact with many design company. Specific design company may not know they brought other products and processes form information. In value engineering, these ideas will be checked, and where appropriate, set down. Building professionals can easily acquire about certain product availability information. If a product needs a very long distance transport, which can increase the cost of. Maybe there are local products, can also achieve the same standard.Although the value engineering in the project construction and even in the construction industry as a whole is pale, the maximum value is obtained in the earlier process: from one system to another, in the schedule have hardly any effect, and the amount of redesign and redraw is minimized. However, in the early stages of design, to produce any saving document is one of the most difficult, because there are usually no formal drawings or plan. The most recognizable effects occur in the schematic diagram of the final and the design and development stage of early. There is enough information on the idea of rational judgment system. Of course, most of these savings can be achieved. In construction drawing, macroscopical idea is already in place, and most of the ideas embodied in the file details.During the construction process, value engineering efforts continue. Because making changes to the project, design development should follow in the design phase to assess changes in the procedure. Contractors can also in the field of application ofvalue engineering principle, save money method, equipment or sequence of operations. Who achieve these fields generated by saving depends on the form of contract.Some value engineering operation is informal, though the team members in favor of the arrangements and procedures, the others follow a more formal by another person established standards, the following is a good value engineering project is the main component of:(1) Review the field identification. He could be performed separately, as each team member critically reviews the design drawings and specifications.The idea was conceived, concern in the design field in this period of time, can use the new product or process, material the use of different strengths, simplify the system, or to processing details.(2) Brain storm team members sitting together with idea list and tossing ideas let others to accept, the idea is to get as many ideas as possible on the desktop. As discussed in the context of members should be thought from the others and many have special ideas inspired.(3) Each of the proposed analysis. The Group determines the standards to evaluate each idea. Discussion of alternatives in the brainstorming sessions with standard test. Here the brainstorming session, costs are usually not considered first. Once a proposal in the functional requirements based on the merits, and then calculate the cost, involves a considerable amount of time and energy. It is a keeping brainstorming focus on functional outcome and reduce costs.(4) Report to management. The team will be all the idea of putting it all together. When presented with more and more information is available, some may be in other phases of the project carried out a detailed analysis. Some have been team provides a rationale for rejected, some instant recommendation. All the topics for discussion, whether to reject or approve, should keep some for later reference.When the cost of computing work begins, the team can have a look simple first cost, but also can view the life cycle cost proposal. If the proposal in first cost on the basis of sound words, life cycle cost, may not be complete, but the danger is, first costmay not be incorporated into the overall savings work during the life of structures. Therefore, it is best to consider the life cycle cost, figure 6.5 shows the first cost and life cycle cost differences between.Life cycle cost in building or construction system in the initial study life, operation and maintenance costs, and future interests. Prior to this analysis can be applied, assumptions are made about the under construction quality expectations, limitations of the procedure, as well as prospective predictors of cost of capital. Life cycle cost can help the design team decided to set system design, site, materials used in construction, and the investment of money. It can be used to build or rebuild project. In the project, the first problem is, whether the buildings were removed or retained. If you have decided to keep the building, the next question is how to scale renovation to meet expectations. These analyses can go through a life cycle cost analysis.The goal is to find, give some to meet the needs of customers alternatives, which cost at least over the life of the building. For example, a specific non traditional heating system can have a higher cost base. Basic cost includes direct related design, procurement costs, as well as system installation. However, such a system might be a longer life expectancy than traditional systems, can burn the fuel more efficiently, and may not require so much of the repair, and can use the cheap fuel source.建设项目管理——价值工程Fredrick E.Gould.Nancy.E.Joyce摘要价值工程是一种在世界各国被证明卓有成效的工程管理方法。
Unit 1 the owner’s perspective 第1单元业主的观点1.2 Major Types of Construction 1.2大建筑类型Since most owners are generally interested in acquiring only a specific type of constructed facility, they should be aware of the common industrial practices for the type of construction pertinent to them [1]. Likewise, the construction industry is a conglomeration of quite diverse segments and products. Some owners may procure a constructed facility only once in a long while and tend to look for short term advantages. However ,many owners require periodic acquisition of new facilities and/or rehabilitation of existing facilities. It is to their advantage to keep the construction industry healthy and productive. Collectively, the owners have more power to influence the construction industry than they realize because, by their individual actions, they can provide incentives for innovation, efficiency and quality in construction [2]. It is to the interest of all parties that the owners take an active interest in the construction and exercise beneficial influence on the performance of the industry.由于大多数业主通常只对获得特定类型的建筑设施感兴趣,所以他们应该了解与他们有关的建筑类型的常见工业实践[1]。
gnilliw ssel dna ,gninrecsid erom ,gnidnamed erom gnim oceb era stneilc taht tniop eht ezisahpme ot devres rehtruf tI .stcejorp noitcurtsnoc erutuf rof ygetarts tnemeganam
retfa sraey 01 noitapucco fo etacifi trec eht deussi ,y tilapicinum tnemnrevog
. foor eht fo espall oc laitrap retfa dna ,noitapucco
a eriuqer ot dias si tnemeganam ksir evitceffE .tcejorp eht fo trap s‟tnapicitrap
fo noi taicossA dradnatS fo QH eht gnisuoh gnidli ub eht fo foor eht fo espalloc laitrap eht gnidnuorrus seussi eht esylana ot saw si sylana lacitirc siht f o mia ehT . laitnedifnoc tpek tnemelttes eht fo smret eht htiw ,noi tseggus
ksir evi tceffe na fo noi tacifi tnedi eht ,melborp noitcurtsnoc a fo noi tanimaxe laci tirc
eht dna rotcartnoc eht htob tsniaga mialc ecnegilgen a thguorb evah ot ffi tnialp eht rof
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因此,图2- 1反映了项目管理框架演变的唯一来源。
另外,施工项目管理的功能通常包括以下:1. 项目目标和计划说明书中包括规模、预算安排、进度安排、设置性能需求和项目参与者的界定。
2. 根据规定的进度和规划,通过对劳动力、材料和设备的采购使资源的有效利用最大化。
3. 在项目全过程中,通过对计划、设计、估算、合同和施工的适当协调控制来实施项目各项运作。
4. 设立有效的沟通机制来解决不同参与方之间的冲突。
项目管理学会聚焦九个不同独特领域,这些领域需要项目经理所具有的知识和关注度:1. 项目宏观管理,确保项目要素有效协调。
2. 项目范围管理,确保所需的所有工作(并且只有所需的工作)。
3. 项目时间管理,提供有效的项目进度。
4. 项目成本管理,确定所需资源和维持预算控制。
5. 项目质量管理,确保满足功能需求。
6 . 项目人力资源管理,有效地开发和聘用项目人员。
7 . 项目沟通管理,确保有效的内部和外部通信。
8. 项目风险管理,分析和规避潜在风险。
9. 项目采购管理,从外部获得必要资源。
什么引发索赔和纠纷?导致纠纷和索赔误解的主要原因如下:1. 计划及其说明书包含错误、遗漏、歧义或者缺少适当的协调。
2. 合同一方提交给合同另一方的问题和议案无响应或者不完全不准确响应。
3. 业主、工程师、承包商、分包商或者供应商管理不尽责。
4. 不愿意或无能力遵守合同的意图或工作执行过程中的应恪守的行业标准。
5. 现场情况与合同文件中描述的有极大差异。
6. 不可预见的地质条件。
7. 在整修和复原工作中,发现现有建筑情况和图纸中反映的而严重不符。
8. 附加工作和变更指令。
9. 合同任何一方的违约。
10. 干扰、延误和赶工引起与初始进度计划偏差11. 业主、承包商、分包商任何一方财务状况的恶化。