



EU GMP ANNEX 1 MANUFACTURE OF STERILE MEDICINAL PRODUCTS (中英文对照)(a) These are average values. (一)这些都是平均值。

(b) Individual settle plates may be exposed for less than 4 hours. (二)单个沉降皿放置的时间可以少于4小时。

20. Appropriate alert and action limits should be set for the results of particulate and microbiological monitoring. If these limits are exceeded operating procedures should prescribe corrective action。



Isolator technology 隔离技术21. The utilisation of isolator technology to minimize human interventions in processing areas may result in a significant decrease in the risk of microbiological contamination of aseptically manufactured products from the environment. There are many possible designs of isolators and transfer devices. The isolator and the background environment should be designed so that the required air quality for the respective zones can be realised. Isolators are constructed of various materials more or less prone to puncture and leakage. Transfer devices may vary from a single door to double door designs to fully sealed systems incorporating sterilization mechanisms. 在生产区采用人员方面的隔离技术,在无菌产品的生产中,会显著降低周围环境微生物污染的风险。

清洁验证可接受限度(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选3)

清洁验证可接受限度(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选3)

清洁验证可接受限度(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选3)4.0 Acceptance Limits Cleaningvalidation is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and consistency of a cleaningprocedure. The rationale for selecting limits for product residues, cleaning agents and microbialcontamination, as well as any other process components, should be logically based on the materials thatimpact the manufacturing process and the safety and purity of the product. The acceptable limits forcleaning manufacturing systems and component s should be “practical, achievable and verifiable.” (8)Limits for cleaning validation generally contain some measure related to the active protein (or othermajor component of interest), some measure related to the cleaning agent, some measure related tobioburden levels, some measure related to endotoxin levels, and a requirement that the equipment bevisually clean. In addition, if there are any specific toxicity concerns related to the active protein or otherprocess components (for example, cytotoxicity, al lergenicity, or reproductive hazards), the manufacturer’stoxicology or pharmacology groups may determine if a modification of limits is required, or whether theuse of dedicated equipment is needed.In the discussion that follows, issues for limits are considered based on the nature of the residue and onthe stage of manufacturing (e.g., bulk active vs. formulation/fill). Manufacturing stages include bulk activemanufacturing (all steps resulting in the bulk active drug substance) and formulation/ fill (formulation ofthe bulk active into a finished drug product and primary packaging of that drug product). Bulkmanufacturing is further divided into upstream process steps (all process steps through harvesting) anddownstream process steps (purification and following steps).4.0 可接受限度清洁验证的目的是为了证明清洁程序的高效性与一致性。

PDA TR 80 《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》中英文对照版

PDA TR 80 《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》中英文对照版

The consequences of failing to uncover data integrity problems through self­discovery or internal internal audit programs before they are found by regulatory agency inspectors can impact the outcome of the business. Similarly, the business impact on contract manufacturers, contract laboratories, and suppliers can be very serious if they fail to uncover and disclose data integrity problems before regulators or their customers’ auditors do. One of the responsibilities of regulatory agency investigators is to verify the accuracy, reliability, and integrity of data submitted in written form or other media prior to, during, or after an inspection, or as part of a drug submission for market authorization, annual report, mandatory quality defect report (e.g., Field Alert), or Adverse



1. Introduction介绍1.1 Background背景In recent years, cleaning has achieved a position of increasing importance in the pharmaceutical industry. The current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) regulations recognize that cleaning is a critical issue to ensure product quality. Virtually every aspect of manufacturing involves cleaning, from the initial stages of bulk production to the final dosage form.近年来清洁作业逐渐在制药界占有重要的地位。



The CGMPs in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world have provided the pharmaceutical industry with general guidance for cleaning requirements. For example, in the U.S., section 211.67 of part 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) states that "Equipment and utensils shall be cleaned, maintained, and sanitized at appropriate intervals to prevent malfunctions or contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the drug product beyond the official or other established requirements." Section 211.182 of part 21 of the CFR identifies that cleaning procedures must be documented appropriately, and that a cleaning and use log should be established. In addition to CGMPs, various inspectional guideline documents published by the FDA contain expectations regarding cleaning in the pharmaceutical industry. Cleaning is also addressed in the PIC recommendations on cleaning validation and in the SFSTP Commission report "Validation desprocédés de nettoyage."美国、欧洲及全球其他地区均有制药界清洁作业的通则性指南。



PDA-数据完整性行为守则要素(中/英对照版)Parenteral Drug Association Points to Consider注射剂协会考虑要点Elements of a Code of Conduct for Data Integrity数据完整性行为守则要素Introduction简介Data Integrity has been and currently is a major global concern of Health Authorities and the pharmaceutical industry.Although not a new issue, numerous recent Health Authority enforcement actions such as Warning Letters, Import Alerts, Product Detentions, and suspension or revocation of Marketing Authorizations has focused attention on Data Integrity.Data Integrity can result from lack of awareness of regulatory requirements, employee errors, failure to check accuracy of data, software or system malfunction, or configuration problems with electronic data handling, or malfeasance by employees.To holistically address Data Integrity, the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is developing a set of tools in the form of PDA Technical Reports, PDA Training Program, Data Integrity Workshops, and Points to Consider documents that can be used by industry to address this serious issue.This document presents the views of the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) on the benefits for companies to voluntarily adopt a Code of Conduct for assuring data integrity.数据完整性目前已经成为全球卫生机构与制药行业所关注的重点。



PDA TR 80 《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》(中英文对照版)PDA TR 80 《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》现已全文翻译完毕,大家可以点击文末“阅读原文”链接下载中英文对照版全文。

由于微信篇幅关系,这里只放出微生物实验室数据完整性的内容:5.0 Data Integrity in the Pharmaceutical Microbiology Laboratory5.0 微生物实验室的数据完整性5.1 General Considerations and Risks一般原则及风险The approaches used to investigate the occurrence of suspected data integrity issues that h recently occurred in a pharmaceutical microbiology laboratory can be challenging and, in some cases, may be very different than those used to evaluate similar occurrences in an analytical chemistry laboratory, Many microbiological methods are performed manually;subsequently, the recorded results are often based on the visual observations by an individual scientist performing the tests.制药企业微生物实验室对可疑数据完整性问题的调查方法,越来越成为一个挑战,并且在一些情况下,与同样发生可疑数据的化学分析实验室的调查方法完全不同。


清洁验证之取样方法(PDA TR 49内容节选5 中英文版)

清洁验证之取样方法(PDA TR 49内容节选5 中英文版)

清洁验证之取样方法(PDA TR 49内容节选5 中英文版)5.0 Sampling Methods 取样方法It is essential to a cleaning validation program that the appropriate sampling techniques are utilized.Sampling must be conducted with techniques appropriate for the equipment surfaces and for the natureof the study, including the analytical methods used. This section discusses types of sampling methods,sampling recovery validation studies, and the training and qualification of samplers.在清洁消毒验证中采用适当的取样技术是必要的。



5.1 Sampling Method Selection取样方法选择Selection of a sampling method depends on the nature of the equipment and the nature of the residue being measured. Sampling methods discussed here are direct surface sampling, swabbing, rinse watersampling and placebo sampling. It should be noted that while regulatory documents refer to swabbing as“direct” sampling and to rinse water sampling as “indirect” sampling, it is preferable and more descriptiveto refer to those sampling methods as “swab sampling” and “rinse sampling,” and reserve the term“direct sampling” for techniques such as the use of visual inspection.取样方法的选择取决于设备性质以及检测残留物的性质。

PDA TR29(1998)中英文对照版[1]

PDA TR29(1998)中英文对照版[1]
This Technical Report was disseminated in draft for public review and comment prior to publication. Many of the submitted comments have been included in the final document. We
清洁剂 4.3 Microbiological Contaminants
微生物污染 4.4 Other Contaminants to be Removed
蒲公英论坛首发。Eleven 制作,未经许可请勿在其他网站和论坛发布。
次要设备——主要设备 Materials of Construction 构造材质 2.4 Product Attributes 产品属性 Low Risk——High Risk Drugs 低风险——高风险药物 Highly Characterized——Poorly Characterized 高度特性化——缺乏特性化 Non-Sterile——Sterile 非无菌——无菌 2.5 Formulation Attributes 配方属性 Solids——Liquids 固体——液体 Soluble (Active or Excipient)——Insoluble (Active or Excipient) 可溶活性成分或赋形剂——难溶活性成分或赋形剂 2.6 Operational Issues 操作上的问题 Single Product Facility——Multiple Product Facility 单品种设施——多品种设施 Campaign Production——Batch Production 连续生产——批次生产 Simple Equipment Train——Complex Equipment Train 简单设备组合——复杂设备组合



PDA TR 80 《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》(中英文对照版)PDA TR 80 《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》现已全文翻译完毕,大家可以点击文末“阅读原文”链接下载中英文对照版全文。

由于微信篇幅关系,这里只放出微生物实验室数据完整性的内容:5.0 Data Integrity in the Pharmaceutical Microbiology Laboratory5.0 微生物实验室的数据完整性5.1 General Considerations and Risks一般原则及风险The approaches used to investigate the occurrence of suspected data integrity issues that h recently occurred in a pharmaceutical microbiology laboratory can be challenging and, in some cases, may be very different than those used to evaluate similar occurrences in an analytical chemistry laboratory, Many microbiological methods are performed manually;subsequently, the recorded results are often based on the visual observations by an individual scientist performing the tests.制药企业微生物实验室对可疑数据完整性问题的调查方法,越来越成为一个挑战,并且在一些情况下,与同样发生可疑数据的化学分析实验室的调查方法完全不同。




PDA-数据完整性行为守则要素PDA-数据完整性行为守则要素(中/英对照版)Parenteral Drug Association Points to Consider注射剂协会考虑要点Elements of a Code of Conduct for Data Integrity数据完整性行为守则要素Introduction简介Data Integrity has been and currently is a major global concern of Health Authorities and the pharmaceutical industry.Although not a new issue, numerous recent Health Authority enforcement actions such as Warning Letters, Import Alerts, Product Detentions, and suspension or revocation of Marketing Authorizations has focused attention on Data Integrity.Data Integrity can result from lack of awareness of regulatory requirements, employee errors, failure to check accuracy of data, software or system malfunction, or configuration problems with electronic data handling, or malfeasance by employees.To holistically address Data Integrity, the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is developing a set of tools in the form of PDA Technical Reports, PDA Training Program, Data Integrity Workshops, and Points to Consider documents that can be used by industry to address this serious issue.This document presents the views of the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) on the benefits for companies to voluntarily adopt a Code of Conduct for assuring data integrity.数据完整性目前已经成为全球卫生机构与制药行业所关注的重点。



PDA-数据完整性行为守则要素(中/英对照版)Parenteral Drug Association Points to Consider注射剂协会考虑要点Elements of a Code of Conduct for Data Integrity数据完整性行为守则要素Introduction简介Data Integrity has been and currently is a major global concern of Health Authorities and the pharmaceutical not a new issue, numerous recent Health Authority enforcement actions such as Warning Letters, Import Alerts, Product Detentions, and suspension or revocation of Marketing Authorizations has focused attention on Data Integrity can result from lack of awareness of regulatory requirements, employee errors, failure to check accuracy of data, software or system malfunction, or configuration problems with electronic data handling, or malfeasance by holistically address Data Integrity, the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is developing a set of tools in the form of PDA Technical Reports, PDA Training Program, Data Integrity Workshops, and Points to Consider documents that can be used by industry to address this serious document presents the views of the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) on the benefits for companies to voluntarily adopt a Code of Conduct for assuring data integrity.数据完整性目前已经成为全球卫生机构与制药行业所关注的重点。



PDA在其2018年5月/ 6月PDA 制药科学与技术期刊上发表了题为《PDA 讨论要点:文档/数据管理与控制以及数据可靠性为准备检查的最佳实践(PDA Points to Consider: Best Practices for Document/Data Management and Control and Preparing for Data Integrity Inspections)》的文章,该文章包括对11个数据完整性相关的问题的解答,如下:Question 1: Copies of GMP Records疑问1:GMP记录的拷贝背景:在日常的工作中,公司有很多正当理由解释为什么他们需要拷贝GMP记录。









Question 2: Documents not traditionally considered GMP records疑问2:传统上不认为是GMP文件的文件背景:在最近的483缺陷信中,我们发现传统上不认为是GMP文件的文件(例如电子邮件和其他通讯件)正成为检查对象并被列为缺陷项。

清洁验证之分析方法-下(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选7 )

清洁验证之分析方法-下(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选7 )

清洁验证之分析方法-下(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选7)6.5 Analytical Method Validation6.5 分析方法验证This section focuses on analytical method validation for “chemical” residues.这部分关注化学残留的分析方法验证Typically, endotoxin methods are compendia methods and do not require formal validation but require a confirmation for their application of use or suitability.内毒素方法是药典方法,不需要正式的验证,但需要使用或者适用性确认。

Microbiological methods that are approved microbiology laboratory methods do not require additional method validation.被微生物学实验室方法批准的微生物方法不需要额外的方法验证。

6.5.1 General Principles6.5.1 基本原则Since one key part of cleaning validation is setting residue limits and then measuring (using an analytical method) the actual residues left on surfaces after cleaning, it is critical that the analytical method be appropriately validated.因为清洁验证主要的一部分是设定残留限度,然后测量(使用分析方法)清洁后表面的实际残留。

清洁验证之分析方法-上(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选6 )

清洁验证之分析方法-上(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选6 )

清洁验证之分析方法-上(中英文版)(PDA TR 49内容节选6)6.0 Analytical Methods分析方法It is essential to a cleaning validation program that the appropriate analytical methods are utilized.一个清洁验证程序使用适当的分析方法是非常必要的。

Analytical methods must be appropriate in that they can adequately detect the residue(s) of concern.分析方法必须适当,能充分检测到相关残留物。

It is also important to understand what can be concluded from the analytical result (e.g., was the productnot removed or was the cleaning agent not removed?).对能从分析结果中推断出什么的理解也是非常重要的(比如:产品没有被去除或清洗剂没有被去除?)。

The results of testing will determine if the cleaning validation cycle is acceptable or if it needs to beredeveloped.检测结果将决定清洁验证周期是否接受或者是否需要重新开发。

Thus, it is important to have confidence in the results.因此,对结果的信任是非常重要的。

This section discusses how to select the appropriate assay methods, detailed information on theapplicability and use of nonspecific assays and microbial test methods,and assay method validation.本部分讨论怎样选择合适的分析方法及其适用性的详细信息,非特定分析和微生物测试方法的使用,和分析方法验证。

中英文-PDA TR70 无菌生产设施的清洁消毒程序原理

中英文-PDA TR70 无菌生产设施的清洁消毒程序原理
翻译 julia 道路漫长黑暗 kool510 lumang llb1978 milly
TR70 无菌清洁消毒原理
1 / 119
TR70 Fundamentals of Cleaning and Disinfection Programs for Aseptic Manufacturing Facilities
Table of Contents 目录
1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 2.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 3.0 SANITIZER, DISINFECTANT, AND SPORICIDE CLAIMS AND CLASSIFICATIONS 4.0 REGULATORY EXPECTATIONS 4.1 Regulations and Guidance 4.2 Regulatory Inspections 5.0 QUALIFICATION OF NEW SUPPLIERS AND AGENTS 5.1 Qualification Testing 5.2 Efficacy Testing 5.2.1 In-Suspension Studies 5.2.2 Carrier Surface Studies 6.0 IN-USE EXPIRATION DATING 7.0 CONTROL OF THE ENVIRONMENT 7.1 Introduction of Clean Room Manufacturing Supplies 7.1.1 Types of Clean Room Disinfecting Agents 7.1.2 Introduction of Tanks, Vessels, Carts, and Equipment into the APA 7.1.3 Introduction of Cleaning Supplies and Equipment into the APA 7.1.4 Introduction of Components into the APA 7.2 Environmental Monitoring Data Analysis 7.3 Attaining and Selecting Environmental Isolates 8.0 IN-SITU FIELD STUDIES 8.1 Environmental Monitoring Before and After the Start-up of a Facility or Area



PDA TR 80《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》(中英文对照版)PDA TR 80《制药实验室数据完整性管理体系》现已全文翻译完毕,大家可以点击文末“阅读原文”链接下载中英文对照版全文。

由于微信篇幅关系,这里只放出微生物实验室数据完整性的内容:5.0 Data Integrity in the Pharmaceutical Microbiology Laboratory5.0 微生物实验室的数据完整性5.1 General Considerations and Risks一般原则及风险The approaches used to investigate the occurrence of suspected data integrity issues that h recently occurred in a pharmaceutical microbiology laboratory can be challenging and, in some cases, may be very different than those used to evaluate similar occurrences in an analytical chemistry laboratory, Many microbiological methods are performed manually;subsequently, the recorded results are often based on the visual observations by an individual scientist performing the tests.制药企业微生物实验室对可疑数据完整性问题的调查方法,越来越成为一个挑战,并且在一些情况下,与同样发生可疑数据的化学分析实验室的调查方法完全不同。


清洁验证状态维护(PDA TR 49内容节选 中英文版)

清洁验证状态维护(PDA TR 49内容节选 中英文版)

清洁验证状态维护(PDA TR 49内容节选中英文版)8.0 maintenance of Validated state8.0 验证状态维护A key part of the validation life cycle for any system is maintenance of the validated state. This section deals with activities after the cleaning process has been designed and developed and after the formal validation protocols have been successfully executed. This is critical for cleaning validation, because a lapse in the validated state has the potential to adversely impact the quality, safety and purity of subsequent batches of the same or different products. The main tools for ensuring the continued maintenance of the validated state are change control, risk-based periodic monitoring and data trending review. Additionally, training and retraining are important areas of control for manual cleaning processes, as they are the primary mechanisms for controlling the cleaning cycle. In each of these three areas, knowledge of the design space (see Section 3.8) should be applied.验证状态维护是任何系统的验证生命周期的一个关键组成部分。

Evaluation of clean room中文版

Evaluation of clean room中文版



















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洁净室的数据完整性问题----本文摘自PDA电子期刊,适用于在线粒子系统和便携式粒子计数器:When carrying out reviews of particlecounters five general and important data integrity questions are:在进行粒子计数器的审查时,有5个常见且重要的数据完整性问题:∙Is electronic data available?∙是否有电子数据?∙Is electronic data reviewed?∙是否对电子数据进行审核?∙Is meta data (audit trails) reviewedregularly?∙元数据(审计追踪)是否定期审核?∙Are there clear segregation ofduties?∙是否有明确的职责分工?∙Has the system been validated for itsintended use?∙系统的预期用途是否经过验证?To add to theabove, ensuring that the counter has been calibrated bya competent person andits optical sensors are free fromcontamination, enable the data collected tobe reliable andrepresentative of the cleanroom environment.此外,亦须确保计数器已由合适的人员校正,其光学传感器亦没有受到污染,以确保所采集的数据可靠并能代表洁净室环境。

In addition tothese broader questions, individual particle counters should be assessedagainst regulatory data integrity expectations. The types of data integrityissues which can impact upon a particle counter, and thus which need anassessment, include:除了这些广泛的问题,粒子计数器应根据监管数据完整性的期望进行评估。

数据完整性问题的类型可能影响粒子计数器,因此需要进行评估,包括:1. Lack of definitions of data, leadingto incorrect record storage. This can arise if personnel are unaware of whatthe raw data and the original record are (such as a print-out or a pdf ofparticle data), what comprises a complete record. The definition of data shouldbe captured in a procedure.缺乏数据的界定,导致不正确的记录存储。



2. System access. Particle countersshould require password access, with each user having a unique password. Thisensures that each particle counting event is tied to a specific user, with dateand time information additionally captured.系统访问。



3. Hierarchy of control. The particlecounter should come equipped with different levels of access. This wouldinclude, as a minimum, a basic user, who can turn the counter on and off; asupervisor level, who can change location settings and review audit trails; andan administrator who can change limits or delete data or clear buffers. Theadministrator is typically someone independent of the users, as required indata integrity guidance, and ideally independent of the departments who use theparticle counter.控制等级。




With control oflocation settings, technology is available for remote particle counters wherethe location identification is embedded in a location mounting bracket ratherthan the particle counter, which is more reliable for trending a given locationof the level of airborne particles at a specified position in the cleanroom.对于采样点设置的控制,可以利用技术将位置标识嵌入位置安装支架而不是远端的粒子计数器中,这种技术对于在洁净室指定位置确定空气中粒子水平的给定位置更为可靠。

4. In relation to passwords and accesslevels, each instrument is expected to have an approved list of users alongwith their job titles. As people leave an organization, their user name andpassword need to be removed from the counter and the user list updated by theadministrator.关于密码和访问级别,每台仪器都应有一份经核准的用户清单及其职务名称。


5. Data capture, where data is capturedin temporary files. Unless particle counters are connected to a facilitiesmanagement system, the long-term storage of the raw data is not possible sincea typical portable particle counter will only hold a buffer ofa set number of data points and once the buffer is full the data isoverwritten. This means data must be printed-out or transferred at regularintervals in order to prevent data loss.数据采集,如数据被采集到临时文件中。



6. Data retrieval, which follows on fromdata capture. This concerns the ability to retrospectively retrieve data aftera particle counting session and this is again linked to the ability to retrievestored data, which will be limited by the buffer overwriting and the inabilityto store data in an electronic format for long periods of time without removingthat data to a secondary source or turning that data into a record (print-outor pdf).数据检索。


Where data canbe produced as a portable document file rather than as a print-out, this addsgreater security. The pdf cannot be adjusted, and the paper is less likely tofade. With the print-out, this is often on thermal paper, which is prone tofading. Where a facilities monitoring system is used this will bring with itsimilar data integrity concerns as with a particle counter. However, the data iscaptured electronically leading to fewer ‘touch points’compared with thestandalone counter where data typically has to be transcribed or entered into adatabase. Each data entry is a step where error can occur. Toovercome this, some particle counters have the functionality for datatransmission where data is transmitted via wired or wirelessethernet to asecure server where the user keeps the final records. This form of datatransfer can prove to be robust provided the process of data transfer has beenqualified.如数据可以生成PDF文件而不是打印文件,将增加更大的安全性。
