Bloomberg cheat-sheet - Insead

GENERALG: Chart(customized,可以把20个证券画同一表中,图片(任何标注)可以保存) END Menu:后退WEIS: 各国index排名BI: bbg industry (包括macro drivers)WB: world bond marketBTMMHelp*2对话OTCZQ(中国国债)LEAGBond SearchNI CHCREDIT(相关新闻)IDOC RV(RV相关的培训文件)CTM: Contract Table MenuREAD:Most readFIRS:First readSGIP:Spread GraphHC:Hard CalculationGPC:CandleFUND/INDEXFL: fund lookupSPX IndexÆGRR(sub index)ÆMMAP(mkt heat map)FSRC(fund screening)HSIÆMEMBDES—〉GRPS industry groupsEQUITYAAPLÆSPLC(supply chain)ÆLITI(legal matters)ÆFA(financial analysis)ÆSegment AnalysisÆFA PROD或FA GEOÆQR(trade recap,只包括成交价)ÆQRM(trade recap,包括买、卖、成交价)ÆBRC(研报)ÆANR(分析师建议)ÆEEO(看全部estimate)ÆEEB(看某一个estimate)OVSNÆEquity Structured ProductsBONDAAPLÆCPRP(rating)ÆCAST(capital structure)ÆWACCSHANPU CorpÆ选择某个bondÆYAS(yield & spread analysis)BTMMÆ选择某个UST拖到上面ÆGPÆHS(historical spread)CG(curve graph)MMAPRELS(related securities)COMMODITYCTM: Contract Table MenuGCA: Gold 主力合约GC1: 合成ÆHS: Sell Silver Active; Buy GC1MMST: Metal StatÆGFMS:S&DÆUSMEGLCO:Global Commo Price and RateÆWITÆCLA <Cmdty> CTÆChart on CCRVÆ第二条年份改成2010年Æ第三条年份改成2008/06/13MTL: Precious Metal Price and RateCTMÆIMAT industrial meterialCLA <Cmdty> CT: Crude Oil Contract TableCmdtyÆCOSY cmdty studiesÆCopper vs InventoryLMEIÆ库存CPFCÆcmdty forecastingCTOPÆcmdty top newsBMAP:EXCEL下载数据的4种方式1) 600000 CH Equity ÆRV(竞争对手)ÆOutput2) 600000 CH Equity ÆGPÆ右击ÆCopy Data to Clipboard3) 直接把数拉过来,但需要设置:“option”—〉enable drag & drop打勾连接蓬勃终端的数据:1)BBG的Ribbon介绍Æwhat’s newÆexcel add-inÆretrivingÆfunction reference2)如何放入BBG add-inofficeÆexcel optionÆAdd-InÆBLPÆAPIÆoffice toolÆBLPUI.xla3)Real time/historical(注意如果要search中文的话必须把excel语言全改才可以1)不带时间概念2)历史数据(DPDF(dividend-adjusted))3)日内数据 bars 我选时间间隔4)日内数据 ticks 所有数据都导出4)Scenario builder—e.g. VWAP5)Template Library也可以用XLTP在BBG里看到也可以用DAPIÆsample spreadsheet在BBG里看到6)公式(写公式时注意,美金用USD,用USd的话就表示美分了)(所有optional argument写在最后,有两种方式:“DIR=H”或“DIR”, “H”) a.BDP--Point 点数据(包括描述,但不可以是块数据)=BDP(“600000 CH Equity”,……) 记得用双引号b.BDH--Historical可以一串,也可以下载成点数据要rolling的数据的话,end date用“”代替=BDH(…………“dats=h”) hide datesc.BDS—Set=BDS(………………..“cols=1;rows=3”)Ticker Shsz300 indexField Indx_mweight_px7)如何找代码AAPLÆFLDS(find fields,记得在“选项”里把field description勾上)点击某个代码后,如果有ovrd勾选框,就表明可以直接在里面改性质白色Æreal time如果value里面显示“show bulk data”,就说明是块数据,需要用BDS公式。

“sz000002.txt” 文件内容截图另外值得一提的是,这部分代码都是可以分享给大家的。
使用任务计划程序完成自动化在Windows 10 系统中都有一个自带的应用程序叫做“任务计划程序” (Task Scheduler)。
任务计划程序截图1 如何打开任务计划程序首先我们来看看如何打开任务计划程序。
Excel formulas cheat sheet说明书

/article/2877236/software-productivity/excel-formulas-cheat-sheet-15-essential-tips-for-calculations-and-2. Click the Insert Function buttonUse the Insert Function button under the Formulas tab to select a function from Excel’s menu list:=COUNT(B4:B13) Counts the numbers in a range (ignores blank/empty cells).=COUNTA(B3:B13) Counts all characters in a range (also ignores blank/empty cells).3. Select a function from a group (Formulas tab)Narrow your search a bit and choose a formula subset for Financial, Logical, or Date/Time, for example.=TODAY() Inserts today’s date.4. The Recently Used buttonClick the Recently Used button to show functions you've used recently. It's a welcome timesaver, especially when wrestling with an extra-hairy spreadsheet.=AVERAGE(B4:B13) adds the list, divides by the number of values, then provides the average.5. Auto functions under the AutoSum buttonAuto functions are my editor's personal favorite, because they're so fast. Select a cell range and a function, and your result appears with no muss or fuss. Here are a few examples:=MAX(B4:B13) returns the highest value in the list.=MIN(B4:B13) returns the lowest value in the list.JD SartainUse the AutoSum button to calculate basic formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, etc.Note: If your cursor is positioned in the empty cell just below your range of numbers, Excel determines that this is the range you want to calculate and automatically highlights the range, or enters the range cell addresses in the corresponding dialog boxes.Bonus tip: With basic formulas, the AutoSum button is the top choice. It’s faster to click AutoSum>SUM (notice that Excel highlights the range for you) and press Enter.Another bonus tip: The quickest way to add/total a list of numbers is to position your cursor at the bottom of the list and press Alt+ = (press the Alt key and hold, press the equal sign, release both keys), then press Enter. Excel highlights the range and totals the column.Five handy formulas for common tasksThe five formulas below may have somewhat inscrutable names, but their functions save time and data entry on a daily basis.Note: Some formulas require you to input the single cell or range address of the values or text you want calculated. When Excel displays the various cell/range dialog boxes, you can either manually enter the cell/range address, or cursor and point to it. Pointing means you click the field box first, then click the corresponding cell over in the worksheet. Repeat this process for formulas that calculate a range of cells (e.g., beginning date, ending date, etc.)1. =DAYSThis is a handy formula to calculate the number of days between two dates (so there’s no worries about how many days are in each month of the range).Example: End Date October 12, 2015 minus Start Date March 31, 2015 = 195 daysFormula: =DAYS(A30,A29)2. =NETWORKDAYSThis similar formula calculates the number of workdays (i.e., a five-day workweek) within a specified timeframe. It also includes an option to subtract the holidays from the total, but this must be entered as a range of dates.Example: Start Date March 31, 2015 minus End Date October 12, 2015 = 140 daysFormula: =NETWORKDAYS(A33,A34)3. =TRIMTRIM is a lifesaver if you’re always importing or pasting text into Excel (such as from a database, website, word processing software, or other text-based program). So often, the imported text is filled with extra spaces scattered throughout the list. TRIM removes the extra spaces in seconds. In this case, just enter the formula once, then copy it down to the end of the list.Example: =TRIM plus the cell address inside parenthesis.Formula: =TRIM(A39)4. =CONCATENATEThis is another keeper if you import a lot of data into Excel. This formula joins (or merges) the contents of two or more fields/cells into one. For example: In databases; dates, times, phone numbers, and other multiple data records are often entered in separate fields, which is a real inconvenience. T o add spaces between words or punctuation between fields, just surround this data with quotation marks.Example: =CONCATENATE plus (month,”space”,day,”comma space”,year) where month, day, and year are cell addresses and the info inside the quotation marks is actually a space and a comma.Formula: For dates enter: =CONCATENATE(E33,” “,F33,”, “,G33)Formula: For phone numbers enter: =CONCATENATE(E37,”-“,F37,”-“,G37)5. =DATEVALUEDATEVALUE converts the above formula into an Excel date, which is necessary if you plan to use this date for calculations. This one is easy: Select DATEVALUE from the formula list. Click the Date_T ext field in the dialog box, click the corresponding cell on the spreadsheet, then click OK, and copy down. The results are Excel serial numbers, so you must choose Format>Format Cells>Number>Date, and then select a format from the list.Formula: =DATEVALUE(H33)Three more formula tipsAs you work with formulas more, keep these bonus tips in mind to avoid confusion:Tip 1: You don’t need another formula to convert formulas to text or numbers. Just copy the range of formulas and then paste as Special>Values. Why bother to convert the formulas to values? Because you can’t move or manipulate the data until it’s converted. Those cells may look like phone numbers, but they’re actually formulas, which cannot be edited as numbers or text.Tip 2: If you use Copy and Paste>Special>Values for dates, the result will be text and cannot be converted to a real date. Dates require the DATEVALUE formula to function as actual dates.Tip 3: Formulas are always displayed in uppercase; however, if you type them in lowercase, Excel converts them to uppercase. Also notice there are no spaces in formulas. If your formula fails, check for spaces and remove them.。

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To access Bloomberg you will first need to check out the Bloomberg binder at the Jackson Access Services Desk. To log on: Press the red <CONN DFLT> key Enter Username and Password provided in the binder in the corresponding fields Press the green <GO> key
The Green keys are action keys and allow you to move throughout the system. GO NEWS HELP to activate a function to access Bloomberg’s 24-hr global online news service PRINT to define terminology, formulas, and applications for every screen to print any screen MENU to back up through the system to the pervious screen
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HP PageWide Pro MFP 477系列用户指南说明书

User GuideCopyright and License© 2016 Copyright HP Development Company, L.P.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this material is prohibited without prior written permission of HP, except as allowed under copyright laws.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Edition 1, 2/2016Trademark CreditsAdobe®, Acrobat®, and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Intel® Core™ is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.Java™ is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows® XP, and Windows Vista® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.Table of contents1 Product basics (1)Product features (2)Environmental features (3)Accessibility features (3)Product views (4)Front left view (4)Front right view (5)Back view (5)Cartridge door view (6)Power on and off (7)Turn the product on (7)Manage power (7)Turn the product off (8)Use the control panel (9)Control panel buttons (9)Control panel home screen (10)Control panel dashboard (11)Control panel application folders (11)Control panel shortcuts (12)Help features (12)Printer information (13)Help animations (13)Quiet Mode (14)To turn Quiet Mode on or off from the control panel (14)To turn Quiet Mode on or off from the EWS (14)2 Connect the product (15)Connect the product to a computer or a network (16)To connect the product using a USB cable (16)To connect the product to a network (17)Supported network protocols (17)Connect the product using a wired network (17)ENWW iiiConnect the product using a wireless network (wireless models only) (17)To connect the product to a wireless network using the Wireless SetupWizard (18)To connect the product to a wireless network using WPS (18)To connect the product to a wireless network manually (19)Use Wi-Fi Direct to connect a computer or device to the product (20)To turn on Wi-Fi Direct (20)To print from a wireless-capable mobile device (20)To print from a wireless-capable computer (Windows) (20)To print from a wireless-capable computer (OS X) (20)Install HP printer software for a wireless product already on the network (22)Open the printer software (Windows) (22)Manage network settings (22)View or change network settings (22)Set or change the product password (23)Manually configure TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (23)Link speed and duplex settings (23)3 Printer management and services (25)HP Embedded Web Server (26)About the EWS (26)About cookies (26)Open the EWS (27)Features (27)Home tab (27)Scan tab (28)Fax tab (29)Web Services tab (29)Network tab (29)Tools tab (29)Settings tab (30)Web Services (31)What are Web Services? (31)HP ePrint (31)Print apps (31)Set Up Web Services (31)Use Web Services (32)HP ePrint (32)Print apps (33)Remove Web Services (34)HP Web Jetadmin software (34)iv ENWWProduct security features (34)Security statements (35)Firewall (35)Security settings (36)Firmware updates (36)HP Printer Assistant in the printer software (Windows) (36)Open the HP Printer Assistant (36)Features (36)Connected tab (37)Print, Scan & Fax tab (37)Shop tab (37)Help tab (38)Tools tab (38)Estimated Levels tab (38)HP Utility (OS X) (38)AirPrint™ (OS X) (38)4 Paper and print media (39)Understand paper use (40)Supported media sizes (41)Supported paper and print media sizes (41)Supported envelope sizes (42)Supported card and label sizes (42)Supported photo media sizes (42)Supported paper types and tray capacity (43)Tray 1 (multipurpose) on left side of the product (43)Tray 2 (default tray) and Tray 3 (accessory tray) (44)Configure trays (44)Load media (45)Load Tray 1 (45)Load Tray 2 (46)Load optional Tray 3 (48)Load envelopes (49)Load letterhead or preprinted forms (51)Load the automatic document feeder (52)Load the scanner (53)Tips for selecting and using paper (55)5 Cartridges (56)HP PageWide cartridges (57)HP policy on non-HP cartridges (57)ENWW vManage cartridges (57)Store cartridges (58)Print with General Office mode (58)Print when a cartridge is at estimated end of life (58)Check the estimated cartridge levels (58)Order cartridges (59)Recycle cartridges (60)Replace cartridges (60)Tips for working with cartridges (62)6 Print (63)Print from a computer (64)To print from a computer (Windows) (64)To print from a computer (OS X) (65)To set up printing shortcuts (Windows) (66)To set up printing presets (OS X) (66)To adjust or manage colors (67)Choose a preset color theme for a print job (67)Adjust the color options for a print job manually (67)Match colors to your computer screen (68)Control access to color printing (69)Print from the control panel (69)Print using job storage (69)To enable job storage (69)Disable or enable job storage (Windows) (69)Disable or enable job storage (OS X) (69)To apply job storage to one or all print jobs (70)Apply job storage to one or all print jobs (Windows) (70)Apply job storage to one or all print jobs (OS X) (71)To print a job stored on the printer (71)To delete a job stored on the printer (71)Print from a USB device (72)Print with NFC (72)Print with HP ePrint (72)Print off site by sending an email with the HP ePrint app (32)Print from an on-site computer or mobile device (73)Print with AirPrint (OS X) (73)Tips for print success (74)Cartridge tips (74)Paper loading tips (74)vi ENWW7 Copy and scan (76)Copy (77)Copy settings (77)Adjust lightness or darkness for copies (77)Select a paper tray and paper size for copies (77)Reduce or enlarge a copy (77)Load and copy identification cards (78)Copy photos (79)Load and copy mixed-size originals (80)Copy on both sides automatically (80)Cancel a copy job (80)Scan (81)Scan to a USB drive (81)Scan to a computer (81)To set up scan to computer (81)Set up scanning to a computer (Windows) (82)Set up scanning to a computer (OS X) (82)To scan to a computer from the control panel (82)Scan to email (82)To set up scan to email (82)To scan a document or photo to email (83)Scan a document or photo to email from the control panel (83)Scan a document or photo to email from the printer software (83)To change account settings (83)Scan to a network folder (83)To set up scan to a network folder (84)Set up scan to a network folder in the EWS (84)Set up scan to a network folder in the HP Printer Assistant (84)To scan to a network folder (84)Scan to a network folder from the control panel (84)Scan to a network folder from the printer software (84)Scan to SharePoint (85)To set up scan to SharePoint (85)To scan to SharePoint (85)Scan using HP scanning software (85)Scan using other software (86)To scan from a TWAIN-compliant program (86)To scan from a WIA-compliant program (86)ENWW viiGuidelines for scanning documents as editable text (87)To scan a document to editable text (Windows) (88)To scan documents as editable text (OS X) (89)Tips for copy and scan success (90)8 Fax (91)Set up fax (92)Connect fax to a telephone line (92)Configure fax settings (92)To configure fax settings from the control panel (92)To configure fax settings using the HP Digital Fax Setup Wizard (Windows) (93)Set up HP Digital Fax (93)HP Digital Fax requirements (93)To set up HP Digital Fax (94)Set up HP Digital Fax (Windows) (94)Set up HP Digital Fax (OS X) (94)Set up HP Digital Fax in the EWS (94)To modify HP Digital Fax settings (94)Modify HP Digital Fax settings (Windows) (94)Modify HP Digital Fax settings (OS X) (94)Modify HP Digital Fax settings in the EWS (94)To turn off HP Digital Fax (95)Fax programs, systems, and software (95)Supported fax programs (95)Supported phone services - analog (95)Alternate phone services - digital (95)DSL (95)PBX (95)ISDN (96)VoIP (96)Set fax settings (96)Send-fax settings (96)Set pauses or flash hooks (96)Set a dialing prefix (97)Set tone-dialing or pulse-dialing (97)Set autoredial and the time between redials (97)Set the light/dark setting (98)Set the default resolution (98)Use cover-page templates (99)viii ENWWSet fax forwarding (99)Block or unblock fax numbers (100)Set the number of rings-to-answer (100)Set distinctive ring (101)Use autoreduction for incoming faxes (102)Set the fax sounds volume (102)Set stamp-received faxes (102)Send a fax (102)Send a fax from the control panel (103)Use speed dials and group-dial entries (103)Send a standard fax from the computer (103)Send a fax from the software (104)Send a fax using monitor dialing (105)Send a fax using printer memory (105)Receive a fax (106)Receive a fax manually (106)Fax memory (107)Reprint a fax (107)Delete faxes from memory (107)Use the phone book (107)Create and edit individual speed-dial entries (108)Create and edit group-dial entries (108)Delete speed-dial entries (108)Use reports (108)Print fax confirmation reports (109)Print fax error reports (110)Print and view the fax log (110)Clear the fax log (110)Print the details of the last fax transaction (111)Print a Caller ID Report (111)View the Call History (111)9 Solve problems (112)Problem-solving checklist (113)Check that the product power is on (113)Check the control panel for error messages (113)Test print functionality (113)Test copy functionality (114)Test the fax-sending functionality (114)Test the fax-receiving functionality (114)ENWW ixTry sending a print job from a computer (114)Test the plug-and-print USB functionality (114)Factors that affect product performance (114)Information pages (115)Factory-set defaults (116)Cleaning routines (116)Clean the printhead (117)Clean the scanner glass strip and platen (117)Clean the document feeder pick rollers and separation pad (118)Clean the touch screen (118)Jams and paper-feed issues (119)The product does not pick up paper (119)The product picks up multiple sheets of paper (119)Prevent paper jams (119)Clear jams (120)Jam locations (120)Clear jams from the document feeder (121)Clear jams in Tray 1 (multipurpose tray) (122)Clear jams in Tray 2 (122)Clear jams in optional Tray 3 (123)Clear jams in the left door (124)Clear jams in the output bin (125)Clear jams in the duplexer (126)Cartridge issues (127)Refilled or remanufactured cartridges (127)Interpret control panel messages for cartridges (127)Cartridge Depleted (127)Cartridge Low (128)Cartridge Very Low (128)Counterfeit or used [color] cartridge installed (128)Do not use SETUP cartridges (128)Genuine HP cartridge installed (128)Incompatible [color] (129)Incompatible cartridges (129)Install [color] cartridge (129)Non-HP cartridges installed (129)Printer Failure (130)Problem with Print System (130)Problem with Printer Preparation (130)Problem with SETUP cartridges (130)Use SETUP cartridges (130)x ENWWUsed [color] installed (131)Printing issues (131)The product does not print (131)The product prints slowly (132)Plug-and-print USB issues (132)The Memory Device Options menu does not open when you insert the USBaccessory (132)The file does not print from the USB storage device (132)The file that you want to print is not listed in the Memory Device Options menu (133)Improve print quality (133)Check for genuine HP cartridges (133)Use paper that meets HP specifications (133)Use the correct paper type setting in the printer driver (134)Change the paper type and size setting (Windows) (134)Change the paper type and size setting (OS X) (134)Use the printer driver that best meets your printing needs (134)Align the printhead (135)Print a print-quality report (135)Scan issues (135)Fax issues (136)Fax troubleshooting checklist (136)Change error correction and fax speed (137)Set the fax-error-correction mode (137)Change the fax speed (137)Fax logs and reports (137)Print individual fax reports (137)Set the fax error report (138)Fax error messages (138)Communication error. (138)Document feeder door is open. Canceled fax. (139)Fax is busy. Canceled send. (139)Fax is busy. Redial pending. (139)Fax receive error. (140)Fax Send error. (140)Fax storage is full. Canceling the fax receive. (141)Fax storage is full. Canceling the fax send. (141)No dial tone. (141)No fax answer. Canceled send. (142)No fax answer. Redial pending. (142)No fax detected. (142)Solve problems sending faxes (143)ENWW xiAn error message displays on the control panel (143)Document feeder paper jam (143)Scanner error (143)The control panel displays a Ready message with no attempt to send the fax. (143)The control panel displays the message "Receiving Page 1" and does not progressbeyond that message (144)Faxes can be received, but not sent (144)Unable to use fax functions from the control panel (144)Unable to use speed dials (144)Unable to use group dials (144)Receive a recorded error message from the phone company when trying to senda fax (145)Unable to send a fax when a phone is connected to the product (145)Solve problems receiving faxes (145)An error message displays on the control panel (145)The fax does not respond (145)Voice mail is available on the fax line (145)The product is connected to a DSL phone service (146)The product uses a fax over IP or VoIP phone service (146)Sender receives a busy signal (146)A handset is connected to the product (146)A phone line splitter is being used (146)Cannot send or receive a fax on a PBX line (146)Solve general fax problems (146)Faxes are sending slowly (146)Fax quality is poor (147)Fax cuts off or prints on two pages (147)Connectivity issues (147)Solve USB direct-connect problems (147)Solve network problems (148)Poor physical connection (148)The computer is using the incorrect IP address for the product (148)The computer is unable to communicate with the product (148)The product is using incorrect link and duplex settings for the network (149)New software programs might be causing compatibility problems (149)The computer or workstation might be set up incorrectly (149)The product is disabled, or other network settings are incorrect (149)Wireless network issues (149)Wireless connectivity checklist (149)The product does not print, and the computer has a third-party firewall installed (150)The wireless connection does not work after moving the wireless router or product (150)xii ENWWCannot connect more computers to the wireless product (150)The wireless product loses communication when connected to a VPN (151)The network does not appear in the wireless networks list (151)The wireless network is not functioning (151)Product software issues (Windows) (151)Product software issues (OS X) (153)The printer driver is not listed in the Print & Scan list (153)The product name does not appear in the product list in the Print & Scan list (153)The printer driver does not automatically set up the selected product in the Print & Scan list (153)A print job was not sent to the product that you wanted (153)When connected with a USB cable, the product does not appear in the Print & Scan list afterthe driver is selected. (153)You are using a generic printer driver when using a USB connection (154)10 Service and support (155)Customer support (156)HP limited warranty statement (157)UK, Ireland, and Malta (158)Austria, Belgium, Germany, and Luxemburg (158)Belgium, France, and Luxemburg (159)Italy (160)Spain (160)Denmark (161)Norway (161)Sweden (161)Portugal (162)Greece and Cyprus (162)Hungary (162)Czech Republic (163)Slovakia (163)Poland (163)Bulgaria (164)Romania (164)Belgium and the Netherlands (164)Finland (165)Slovenia (165)Croatia (165)Latvia (165)Lithuania (166)Estonia (166)Russia (166)ENWW xiiiAppendix A Technical information (167)Product specifications (168)Print specifications (168)Physical specifications (168)Power consumption and electrical specifications (168)Acoustic emission specifications (168)Environmental specifications (168)Environmental product stewardship program (170)Protecting the environment (171)Ozone production (171)Power consumption (171)European Union Commission Regulation 1275/2008 (171)Paper (171)HP PageWide printing supplies (171)Plastics (171)Electronic hardware recycling (172)Material restrictions (172)General battery information (172)Battery disposal in Taiwan (172)California Perchlorate Material Notice (172)EU Battery Directive (172)Battery notice for Brazil (173)Chemical substances (173)EPEAT (173)Disposal of waste equipment by users (173)Toxic and hazardous substance table (China) (174)Restriction on hazardous substances statement (Turkey) (174)Restriction on hazardous substances statement (Ukraine) (174)Restriction of hazardous substance statement (India) (174)China energy label for printer, fax, and copier (175)China SEPA Eco Label user information (175)Regulatory information (176)Regulatory notices (176)Regulatory model identification number (176)FCC statement (176)VCCI statement (Japan) (177)Power cord instructions (177)Power cord statement (Japan) (177)EMC statement (Korea) (177)Visual display workplaces statement for Germany (177)European Union Regulatory Notice (178)xiv ENWWEuropean Union Regulatory Notice (178)Wireless models only (178)Models with fax capability only (178)Additional statements for telecom (fax) products (179)New Zealand telecom statements (179)Additional FCC statement for telecom products (US) (179)Industry Canada CS-03 requirements (180)Notice to users of the Canadian telephone network (181)Australia wired fax statement (181)Notice to users of the German telephone network (181)Additional statements for wireless products (182)Exposure to radio frequency radiation (182)Notice to users in Brazil (182)Canadian statements (182)Japan statement (183)Notice to users in Korea (183)Taiwan statement (183)Mexico statement (183)Index (184)ENWW xvxvi ENWW1Product basics●Product features●Product views●Power on and off●Use the control panel●Quiet ModeENWW1Product featuresPageWide Pro MFP 477dnD3Q19A, D3Q19B, D3Q19C,D3Q19D Tray capacity (75 GSM or 20–lb Bond paper)●Tray 1: 50 sheets ●Tray 2: 500 sheets ●Optional Tray 3: 500 sheets ●Automatic Document Feeder(ADF): 50 sheets●Standard output bin: 300sheetsPrint ●Simplex speeds up to 40 pagesper minute (ppm) for both color and black with Professional quality●Duplex speeds up to 21 ppmfor both color and black with Professional quality●Up to 55 ppm in General Officemode●Walkup Plug-and-Print USBDevice port●Walkup printing of MS Officedocuments Copy ●Simplex speeds up to 40 ppm in black and color ●Single-pass, two-sided copying for speeds up to 26 ppm in black and color ●50-sheet ADF supports page sizes up to 356 mm (14.0 in) in length and 216 mm (8.5 in) in width Scan●Duplex speeds up to 26 ppm for both color and black ●Scan to walkup USB device, email address, network folder, or SharePoint site ●Glass supports page sizes up to 356 mm (14.0 in) in length and up to 216 mm (8.5 in) in width ●HP software enables scanning a document to a file that can be edited ●Compatible with TWAIN, WIA, and WS-Scan programs Fax●Fax to email address ornetwork folder●Fax from walkup control panelor from program on connected computer●Fax archive, fax log, junk-faxblocking, non-volatile fax memory, fax redirect featureConnectivity ●802.3 LAN (10/100) Ethernet port ●Host USB Type A and Type B ports (back)●USB 2.0 Device port (front)PageWide Pro MFP 477dw D3Q20A, D3Q20B, D3Q20C, D3Q20D Has the same features as the PageWide Pro MFP 477dn, and includes the following:●Embedded wireless capability ●802.11n 5GHz dual bandsupport●HP ePrint—send documents tothe product email address for printing●HP Wireless Direct support ●NFC-enabled (Near FieldCommunications); walkup printing from smart phones and tablets●Scan to smart phone 2Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWEnvironmental featuresFeature Environmental benefitDuplex printing Automatic duplex printing is available on all models of HP PageWide Pro MFP477dn/dw series. Duplex printing saves the environment and saves you money.Print multiple pages per sheet Save paper by printing two or more pages of a document side-by-side on onesheet of paper. Access this feature through the printer driver.Copies multiple pages per sheet Save paper by copying two pages of an original document side-by-side on onesheet of paper.Recycling Reduce waste by using recycled paper.Recycle cartridges by using the HP Planet Partners return process.Energy savings Sleep modes and timer options enable this product to quickly go into reducedpower states when not printing, thus saving energy. Accessibility featuresThe product includes several features that aid users with limited vision, hearing, dexterity or strength.●Online user guide that is compatible with text screen-readers.●Cartridges can be installed and removed using one hand.●All doors and covers can be opened using one hand.ENWW Product features3Product views●Front left view●Front right view●Back view●Cartridge door viewFront left viewLabel Description1USB device connection port2Cartridge door3Tray 1 extension4Tray 15Power button6Tray 2–main paper tray7Control panel8Scanner glass4Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWFront right viewLabel Description1Automatic document feeder (ADF) cover2Main output door3ADF paper guides4ADF loading area5ADF output bin6ADF output bin stop7Main output bin stop8Main output binBack viewLabel Description1Ethernet connection port2Fax connection ports3USB Type A and USB Type B ports4Power cord connectionENWW Product views5Label Description5Left door6DuplexerCartridge door viewLabel Description1Cartridge slots2Product serial number and product number3Cartridge part numbers6Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWPower on and offNOTICE:To prevent damage to the product, use only the power cord that is provided with the product.●Turn the product on●Manage power●Turn the product offTurn the product on1.Connect the power cord that is provided with the product to the connection port on the back of theproduct.2.Connect the power cord to a wall outlet with an adequate voltage rating.NOTE:Make sure that your power source is adequate for the product voltage rating. The product useseither 100-240 Vac or 200-240 Vac and 50/60 Hz.3.Press and release the power button on the front of the product.Manage powerHP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw series printers include power-management features that can help reducepower consumption and save energy.●Sleep Mode puts the product in a reduced power-consumption state if it has been idle for a specificlength of time. You can set the length of time before the product enters Sleep Mode from the controlpanel.●Schedule On/Off enables you to turn the product on or off automatically at days and time that you setfrom the control panel. For example, you can set the product to turn off at 6 p.m. on Monday throughFriday.Set the Sleep Mode time1.Open the control panel dashboard (swipe the dashboard tab at the top of any screen downward, ortouch the dashboard area on the home screen).2.On the control panel dashboard, touch .ENWW Power on and off73.Touch Power Management, and then touch Sleep Mode.4.Select one of the time-interval options.The product switches into a reduced power-consumption state when it has been idle for the amount of timethat you select.Schedule the product to turn on or off1.Open the control panel dashboard (swipe the dashboard tab at the top of any screen downward, ortouch the dashboard area on the home screen).2.On the control panel dashboard, touch .3.Touch Power Management, and then touch Schedule Printer On/Off.4.Turn the Schedule On or Schedule Off option on.5.Select the Schedule On or Schedule Off options at the bottom of the screen, and then select the day andtime that you want to schedule.The product switches on or off at the time you select on the day you select.NOTE:The product cannot receive faxes when it is turned off. Faxes sent during a scheduled off interval willprint when the product is turned on.Turn the product offNOTICE:Do not turn off the product if a cartridge is missing. Damage to the product can result.▲Press and release the power button on the front of the product to turn off your HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw series printer.A warning message appears on the control panel if you attempt to turn the product off when one ormore cartridges are missing.NOTICE:To prevent print-quality problems, turn off the product by using the power button on the frontonly. Do not unplug the product, turn off the powerstrip, or use any other method.8Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWUse the control panel●Control panel buttons●Control panel home screen●Control panel dashboard●Control panel application folders●Control panel shortcuts●Help featuresNOTE:The small text on the control panel is not designed for prolonged viewing.Control panel buttonsButtons and indicator lights on the control panel of HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw series printers appear litwhen their function is available, and are darkened if their function is not available.1Home button.Touch to view the control panel home screen.2Wireless network indicator.Solid blue when the product is connected to a wireless network. Blinks when the product is searching for awireless connection. Off when the product is connected to a wired network or by a USB cable.3NFC (Near Field Communications) indicator.The product can be enabled for walkup printing from tablets and smart phones.4Back or Cancel button.Touch to return to the previous screen, or to cancel the current process.5Help button.Touch to view the Help menu options.ENWW Use the control panel9。

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利驰报价ExWinner软件 V2.0使用说明书

在“分类sheet”的“屏柜汇总”下方,如图所示:安装1.系统要求(1)硬件:1) CPU:500MHz或更快的处理器;2) 内存:256MB及以上;3) 硬盘空间:1GB及以上(Office安装及程序使用产生数据等需占用,本程序≤120MB);4) 显示器:1024x768 或更高分辨率的显示器;5) 百兆网卡。
(2)操作系统:1) Windows All/(XP,Win7/8,…;Server2003/2008,…);2) Office 2007及以上 + .NET Framework 。
2.安装步骤1.在windows系统电脑中安装.NET 、Office2007(或以上版本);2.执行,根据提示按步骤执行,完成安装。
1. 启动双击桌面快捷或直接打开 excel界面,选择“ExWinner成套报价软件”模块。
如图所示:2. 登录点击,弹出界面:1)“快速体验”登录:一键进入浏览、试用,适用于无利驰账号用户;2)“注册账户”登录(推荐):注册账户拥有自己的私有物料库,私有云。

注意:<1> 输入交易密码时,为防止恶意软件盗取密码,请使用右侧的随机数字按钮;<2> 如果您点击了“登录”按钮,表明您已了解并接受“免责条款”。
Real Python Python 3 Cheat Sheet说明书

Real Python:Python3Cheat SheetContents1Introduction22Primitives3 Numbers (3)Strings (5)Booleans (7)3Collections9 Lists (9)Dictionaries (11)4Control Statements12 IF Statements (12)Loops (14)5Functions151Chapter1IntroductionPython is a beautiful language.It’s easy to learn and fun,and its syntax is simple yet ele-gant.Python is a popular choice for beginners,yet still powerful enough to back some of the world’s most popular products and applications from companies like NASA,Google,Mozilla, Cisco,Microsoft,and Instagram,among others.Whatever the goal,Python’s design makes the programming experience feel almost as natural as writing in English.Check out Real Python to learn more about Python and web development.Email your ques-tions or feedback to*******************.2Chapter2PrimitivesNumbersPython has integers and floats.Integers are simply whole numbers,like314,500,and716. Floats,meanwhile,are fractional numbers like3.14,2.867,76.88887.You can use the type method to check the value of an object.1>>>type(3)2<class'int'>3>>>type(3.14)4<class'float'>5>>>pi=3.146>>>type(pi)7<class'float'>In the last example,pi is the variable name,while3.14is the value.You can use the basic mathematical operators:1>>>3+3263>>>3-3405>>>3/361.07>>>3/2381.59>>>3*310911>>>3**3122713>>>num=314>>>num=num-115>>>print(num)16217>>>num=num+1018>>>print(num)191220>>>num+=1021>>>print(num)222223>>>num-=1224>>>print(num)251026>>>num*=1027>>>num28100There’s also a special operator called modulus,%,that returns the remainder after integer division.1>>>10%321One common use of modulus is determining if a number is divisible by another number.For example,we know that a number is even if it’s divided by2and the remainder is0.1>>>10%2203>>>12%240Finally,make sure to use parentheses to enforce precedence.1>>>(2+3)*52253>>>2+3*54174StringsStrings are used quite often in Python.Strings,are just that,a string of characters-which s anything you can type on the keyboard in one keystroke,like a letter,a number,or a back-slash.Python recognizes single and double quotes as the same thing,the beginning and end of the strings.1>>>"string list"2'string list'3>>>'string list'4'string list'What if you have a quote in the middle of the string?Python needs help to recognize quotes as part of the English language and not as part of the Python language.1>>>"I’cant do that"2'I’cant do that'3>>>"He said\"no\"to me"4'He said"no"to me'Now you can also join(concatenate)strings with use of variables as well.1>>>a="first"2>>>b="last"3>>>a+b4'firstlast'If you want a space in between,you can change a to the word with a space after.1>>>a="first"2>>>a+b3'first last'There are different string methods for you to choose from as well-like upper(),lower(), replace(),and count().upper()does just what it sounds like-changes your string to all uppercase letters.1>>>str='woah!'2>>>str.upper()3'WOAH!'Can you guess what lower()does?51>>>str='WOAH!'2>>>str.lower()3'woah!'replace()allows you to replace any character with another character.1>>>str='rule'2>>>str.replace('r','m')3'mule'Finally,count()lets you know how many times a certain character appears in the string.1>>>number_list=['one','two','one','two','two']2>>>number_list.count('two')33You can also format/create strings with the format()method.1>>>"{0}is a lot of{1}".format("Python","fun!")2'Python is a lot of fun!'6BooleansBoolean values are simply True or False.Check to see if a value is equal to another value with two equal signs.1>>>10==102True3>>>10==114False5>>>"jack"=="jack"6True7>>>"jack"=="jake"8FalseTo check for inequality use!=.1>>>10!=102False3>>>10!=114True5>>>"jack"!="jack"6False7>>>"jack"!="jake"8TrueYou can also test for>,<,>=,and<=.1>>>10>102False3>>>10<114True5>>>10>=106True7>>>10<=118True9>>>10<=10<010False11>>>10<=10<1112True13>>>"jack">"jack"14False715>>>"jack">="jack"16True8Chapter3CollectionsListsLists are containers for holding values.1>>>fruits=['apple','lemon','orange','grape']2>>>fruits3['apple','lemon','orange','grape']To access the elements in the list you can use their associated index value.Just remember that the list starts with0,not1.1>>>fruits[2]‘’2orangeIf the list is long and you need to count from the end you can do that as well.1>>>fruits[-2]‘’2orangeNow,sometimes lists can get long and you want to keep track of how many elements you have in your list.To find this,use the len()function.1>>>len(fruits)24Use append()to add a new element to the end of the list and pop()to remove an element from the end.91>>>fruits.append('blueberry')2>>>fruits3['apple','lemon','orange','grape','blueberry']4>>>fruits.append('tomato')5>>>fruits6['apple','lemon','orange','grape','blueberry','tomato']7>>>fruits.pop()8'tomato'9>>>fruits10['apple','lemon','orange','grape','blueberry']Check to see if a value exists using in the list.1>>>'apple'in fruits2True3>>>'tomato'in fruits4False10DictionariesA dictionary optimizes element lookups.It uses key/value pairs,instead of numbers as place-holders.Each key must have a value,and you can use a key to look up a value.1>>>words={'apple':'red','lemon':'yellow'}2>>>words3{'apple':'red','lemon':'yellow'}4>>>words['apple']5'red'6>>>words['lemon']7'yellow'This will also work with numbers.1>>>dict={'one':1,'two':2}2>>>dict3{'one':1,'two':2}Output all the keys with keys()and all the values with values().1>>>words.keys()2dict_keys(['apple','lemon'])3>>>words.values()4dict_values(['red','yellow'])11Chapter4Control StatementsIF StatementsThe IF statement is used to check if a condition is true.Essentially,if the condition is true,the Python interpreter runs a block of statements called the if-block.If the statement is false,the interpreter skips the if block and processes another block of statements called the else-block.The else clause is optional.Let’s look at two quick examples.1>>>num=202>>>if num==20:3...print('the number is20')4...else:5...print('the number is not20')6...7the number is208>>>num=219>>>if num==20:10...print('the number is20')11...else:12...print('the number is not20')13...14the number is not20You can also add an elif clause to add another condition to check for.1>>>num=21122>>>if num==20:3...print('the number is20')4...elif num>20:5...print('the number is greater than20')6...else:7...print('the number is less than20')8...9the number is greater than2013LoopsThere are2kinds of loops used in Python-the for loop and the while loop.for loops are traditionally used when you have a piece of code which you want to repeat n number of times. They are also commonly used to loop or iterate over lists.1>>>colors=['red','green','blue']2>>>colors3['red','green','blue']4>>>for color in colors:5...print('I love'+color)6...7I love red8I love green9I love bluewhile loops,like the for Loop,are used for repeating sections of code-but unlike a for loop,the while loop continues until a defined condition is met.1>>>num=12>>>num314>>>while num<=5:5...print(num)6...num+=17...819210311412514Chapter5FunctionsFunctions are blocks of reusable code that perform a single task.You use def to define(or create)a new function then you call a function by adding parameters to the function name.1>>def multiply(num1,num2):2...return num1*num23...4>>>multiply(2,2)54You can also set default values for parameters.1>>>def multiply(num1,num2=10):2...return num1*num23...4>>>multiply(2)520Ready to learn more?Visit Real Python to learn Python and web development.Cheers!15。
BloomBerg 初学指南

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MONSU SARAH Cheat Sheet - 中文版说明书

MONSU SARAH Cheat SheetThe following is a guide to assist with the completion of Event Risk Management Plans through the Monash SARAH Portal. Event Risk Management Plans are designed to help you minimise the risks associated with your events and create a safe environment for all of your members.A SARAH submission is required for every event that you plan to hold. SARAH’s should be submitted at least t wo weeks prior to your event in order to be reviewed and amended if necessary. SARAH’s m ust be approved for an event to run.Accessing SARAHYou can access SARAH by clicking h ere. You must sign in with your student email. If you do not have access, contact the Clubs Coordinator for assistance. Once in SARAH, click on the right most backpack icon titled “Request an Event Risk Management Plan”.This will open the Event Risk Management Plan Register. In this page you can see all of your submitted plans, their reference number, and their status. To create an Event Risk Management Plan, click the New icon at the top of the page.Request an Event Risk Management PlanEvent Risk Management Plan NameThe name of your event. Ensure that you include your club acronym.Event Risk Management Plan DescriptionA detailed description of what will be occurring at your event. Please include:●Number of attendees●Food or drink being served●On or off campus event○If on-campus, list the room number or name●External party involvementEvent Risk Management Plan TypeThis section assists in identifying the scale of your event and therefore the risk that is associated with it. The categories are self-explanatory and no club should ever submit a SARAH with “Research Project” ticked.Revent Risk Management Plan DatesThe dates of your event. If the event will only run on a single day, select the same date for both sections.Event Risk Management Plan ApproverWho will be approving your SARAH submission. Currently this is:Lynette Nye - 0421730732Communications PersonWho will be assisting you with your SARAH submission. Currently this is:Sanjiv Gopal - 0434290129Please RespondYou must tick the box in this section to proceed. By ticking the box, you are agreeing to communicate with both the communications person and your LIRT leader should anything occur and you need assistance.Activity IdentificationIn this section, you will identify the activities taking place at your events and be provided with the minimum requirements for the provision of these activities. In other words, you will indicate what you wish to occur at your event and Monash will provide you with a broad set of controls to minimise the risks associated with this activity.As you select activities that are relevant to your event, you will see them added to the Risk Assessment section. Two activities you m ust add are:●Emergency Preparedness●First aid at urban locationsThese are two activities that you should be aware of no matter what type of event you are organising. To access the risk assessment, click the magnifying glass next to the relevant assessment. P lease note- you will need to have pop ups enabled for this section.Another window will open with a general admin page. If you click Next, you will proceed to the risk assessment. In the first column on the left hand side are the risks associated with the activity. In the second column are the suggested controls to minimise risk.As club leaders, you are required to read and understand all the risks and controls provided in the assessment. Not every control will be possible for you to enact at your event, however it is vital you have the knowledge provided by the risk assessments to help you make decisions during your events.Once you have read the risk assessments, exit out of the window and return to the Identification page. Tick the box next to each risk assessment as you read them. Once you have read and ticked them all, scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Please Respond” section.In order to continue, you must agree to the following: “The Event Risk Management Plan Leader has read and understood each Risk Assessment and will ensure control measures are in place and all participants are aware of the risk.” By ticking this box, you are accepting the responsibility to minimise risk at your event using the information provided by Monash.Person’s Undertaking Event Risk Management PlanEvent Risk Management Plan LeaderThese are your details. Some are auto-populated from your Monash login, however you need to input your Phone Number and Emergency Contact details.First AiderPlease list anyone who will be assisting you in running the event who has a valid First Aid qualification. This is not compulsory, however is beneficial for larger high risk events.ParticipantsHere you must include the details of all the people who will assist you in running the event. This can be other executive committee members or external contacts such as caterers or venue contacts. It is important that you list anyone assisting in the running of the event because you will be able to designate activities that you identified in the previous section to specific participants. This shows that you have thought about the activities occurring at your event and designated someone to be in charge of that area.Event Risk Management Plan Itinerary/Comms PlanEvent Risk Management Plan DetailsThe date and time of your event. If your event is on campus, list the building that your event is being held in.Reporting DetailsThis is if you wish to report to the communications person during your event. You may wish to do this during a camp or excursion, however it is not necessary and most events will not require a Reporting Method.ItineraryOnce you have filled in the details you must click Add to add the stop. If you have an event with multiple destinations, it is important to include all locations in the SARAH as multiple stops throughout the night. This will generate an itinerary for your event that you can follow or pass on to relevant parties.Furthermore, if you have a recurring event you can include the date and time of each recurrence. This way, you only need to submit a single SARAH for multiple events of a similar nature (eg. BBQs, art jams, dance classes, etc).Vehicles & AttachmentsVehiclesAdd the details of any vehicles you may need to utilise during your events (eg. a bus to a campsite).AttachmentsUpload any documentation you feel is necessary and relevant to your event. For example:●Food handling certificate●Responsible service of alcohol●First aid certificate●External venue agreementNotesIn every SARAH, you must include a note that specifies controls that you will be following for each of the activities that you have identified earlier in the SARAH. You should write specifics and include the names of members that will be assisting you in minimising these risks during the event. You should have at least one control for each activity that you have identified.This is the section that provides the most information to the Approver as to how you will be minimising the risk associated with your event. If you do not include enough detail, your event will n ot be approved.Before you submit, make sure you have:●Included your club acronym in the Event Risk Management Plan Name●Listed all activities for your event●Added all stops in your itinerary●Uploaded all relevant documentation●Added a note with relevant controls。

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