
The Northern HillsI climb the northern hillsPicking the boxthorn.Zealous officialsMust labor day and night;The king's business is endless,Causing our parents worry for their sons.Everywhere under the skyIs the king's dominion;To the uttermost ends of the earthAll men are his servants;But the tasks are unequalAnd I have more work than the rest.A team of four gallops on and on,The king's business is unending;I am congratulated on my youth,Complimented on my vigor;While my muscles are strongI have business on every hand.Some men rest idle at home,Others wear themselves out in the service of the state;Some lie quiet in bed,Others are always on the move;Some have never heard weeping or wailing,Others toil without rest;Some loll at ease,Others are harassed working for the king;Some take pleasure in wine,Others have no respite from care;Some just go round airing their views,Others are left with all the work.经典的中国古诗用英语翻译《千字文》(三)笃初诚美,慎终宜令。

Pomegranate FlowersZhu XiPomegranates in the fifth moon dazzle the sight;Among the branches you perceive their seeds pearl-bright.But this is a place where no cabs nor horses cross;You see only reds fallen pell-mell on green moss.中国古诗词英文翻译篇二辛弃疾《千年调》左手把青霓,右手挟明月。
Song of a Thousand YearsThe Green RockXin QijiIn my left hand I hold the rainbow brightAnd I bring down the moon with my right.I order the Thunder God to go beforeTo open for me the celestial door.I go up and down, far and nigh,Become one with the only and lonely sky.I see the hanging mountainAnd the inexhaustible fountain,And the green rock of a thousand feet high.Hearing heavenly music played,I’m feasted by the Pool of ja de.Our Lord invites me to wineAnd gives me a mini-cliff divine.Rugged and steep,It epitomizes mountain high and valley deep.My horse won’t leave,My servant seems to grieve.Awake, I don’t believe.中国古诗词英文翻译篇三陶渊明《归去来兮辞》余家贫,耕植不足以自给。

向外国人介绍中国古诗的英语作文Introduction to Chinese Ancient PoetryChina has a rich tradition of poetry that spans centuries and has had a profound impact on its culture and history. Chinese ancient poetry, with its unique style and profound meanings, has captivated readers both in China and around the world. In this essay, we will introduce some of the most famous Chinese ancient poems and explore their themes, forms, and cultural significance.One of the most famous poets in Chinese history is Li Bai, also known as Li Po. He was a prolific poet during the Tang dynasty and is revered for his romantic and often mystical poems. One of his most famous works is "Quiet Night Thoughts", which reflects on the beauty of the moon and the solitude of the night. Another well-known poet from the Tang dynasty is Du Fu, whose poems often explore the themes of war, loss, and poverty. His poem "Spring View" depicts the hardships of the common people during the An Lushan Rebellion.Apart from the Tang dynasty, the Song dynasty was also known for its poets, such as Su Shi, also known as Su Dongpo. Su Shi's poems are characterized by their lyrical quality andemotional depth. One of his most famous works is "Red Cliff", which recounts a historical battle and reflects on themes of friendship, loyalty, and the transience of life. Another prominent poet from the Song dynasty is Li Qingzhao, a female poet known for her elegant and melancholic poems. Her poem "Water Lily" evokes images of love and longing.Chinese ancient poetry is characterized by its use of vivid imagery, conciseness, and symbolism. Many poems are written in traditional forms such as the quatrain or the eight-line regulated verse. The language is often rich in metaphors and allusions, inviting readers to explore deeper meanings. Themes such as nature, love, and the passage of time are common in Chinese ancient poetry, reflecting the poets' observations of the world around them.In addition to their literary value, Chinese ancient poems also carry cultural significance. They often draw from Chinese philosophy, history, and folklore, providing insights into the beliefs and values of the Chinese people. Many poems celebrate the beauty of nature and the harmony between humans and the natural world. Others reflect on the struggles and joys of human life, offering wisdom and solace to readers.In conclusion, Chinese ancient poetry is a treasure trove of literary and cultural heritage that continues to inspire readers around the world. Through their exquisite language and profound themes, these poems offer insights into the beauty and complexity of Chinese civilization. By introducing foreign readers to Chinese ancient poetry, we hope to foster a greater appreciation for this rich literary tradition and promote cultural exchange between nations.。

无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来 。 ——晏殊《浣溪沙》
Turning my head , i see the dreary beaten track. Let me go back! Impervious to rain or shine, I’ll have my own will.
回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨也无晴。 ——苏轼《定风波》
The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending.
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 ——屈原《离骚》
I look for what I miss; I know not what it is.
I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer.
寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。 ——李清照e us talents; we're not made in vain; A thousand gold coins spent, more will turn up again.
十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟无处话凄凉。 ——苏轼《江城子》
If love between both sides can last for aye, Why need they stay together night and day?

Folk-song-styled-verseDu FuA SONG OF A PRINCE DEPOSEDAlong the wall of the Capital a white-headed crowFlies to the Gate where Autumn Enters and screams there in the night,Then turns again and pecks among the roofs of a tall mansionWhose lord, a mighty mandarin, has fled before the Tartars, With his golden whip now broken, his nine war-horses dead And his own flesh and bone scattered to the winds....There\'s a rare ring of green coral underneath the vestOf a Prince at a street-corner, bitterly sobbing,Who has to give a false name to anyone who asks him-Just a poor fellow, hoping for employment.A hundred days\' hiding in grasses and thornsShow on his body from head to foot.But, since their first Emperor, all with hooknoses,These Dragons look different from ordinary men.Wolves are in the palace now and Dragons are lost in the desert --O Prince, be very careful of your most sacred person!I dare not address you long, here by the open road,Nor even to stand beside you for more than these few moments.Last night with the spring-wind there came a smell of blood;The old Capital is full of camels from the east.Our northern warriors are sound enough of body and of hand --Oh, why so brave in olden times and so craven now?Our Emperor, we hear, has given his son the throneAnd the southern border-chieftains are loyally inclinedAnd the Huamen and Limian tribes are gathering to avenge us.But still be careful-keep yourself well hidden from the dagger.Unhappy Prince, I beg you, be constantly on guard --Till power blow to your aid from the Five Imperial Tombs.中国传统诗歌的英语翻译篇二唐玄宗经邹鲁祭孔子而叹之夫子何为者,栖栖一代中。

赋得古原草送别 白居易
离离原上草 一岁一枯荣 野火烧不尽 春风吹又生 远芳侵古道 晴翠接荒城 又送王孙去 萋萋满别情
A Poem For Farewell On The Prairie Old by Bai, Ju-yi
The green atop the prairie old Each year repeats its loss and gain.
海上生明月 天涯共此时 情人怨遥夜 竟夕起相思 灭烛怜光满 披衣觉露滋 不堪盈手赠 还寝梦佳期
May The Moon Take Me To You by Zhang, Jiu-ling
The moon ascends above the sea; My heart desires beyond this sight. Like lovers grieve their nights apart, My spirit seeks your love tonight. For moon I snuff my candles red; In dew I wear my mantle light.
September's water still and calm Extends beyond the heavens tall: Its steam to boil the Cloud and Dream, Its waves to lip the Yue-yang wall.
To aid I miss a ferryboat; To rest I face the Emp'ror's call. To fish are crowds along the shore; To catch are none in spite of all.

3.Herbert A. Giles(1845-1935),曾 人英国驻华领事,编译了《中国文学撷 英》(Gems of Chinese Liberature),翻 译介绍了中国历代诗文作品。1901年, 著有《中国文学史》(A History of Chinese Literature),对中国文学的历 史发展作了比较客观而全面的考察和评 述。
用的表述手段是抗叙述、描写和说明的 语言,是艺术性、修辞性的语言,诸如 比喻、象征、通感、夸张、反讽、拟人、 象声等,给读者带来审美快感。翻译的 时候,要尽量保留原诗的修辞手法,这 样,才能留住原有的审美感。
形态的文本好比移民,由此产生了翻译 移民论(Translation Emigration Theory),这生动地描绘可翻译的诠释过 程,说明了诗歌语际翻译在被诠释过程 中所经历的美学愉悦与衍变。
美国女诗人Amy Lowell(1874-1925) 和Florence Wheelock Ayscough合译了 160首,大部分是李白诗,在英语世界掀 起了一股欣赏中国古诗的热潮。
最早翻译中国古诗的中国翻译家蔡廷 干编译了《唐诗英韵》(Chinese Poems in English Rhyme,1923),由芝加哥大 学出版社出版。
具体地说,汉语言文字本身具有综合性、 立体性和形象简洁性特点,具有高度的 理论概括特征,往往一语中的,量化陈 述流于模糊和抽象,在具体论证上显得 草率。而西方的译论则多半与此相反。
不可译的呢?实际上不是。西方现代主 义的诗很难读,但是经过历代译者的努 力,从西方象征主义、意象派到达达主 义、超现实主义等各种流派的诗歌作品 都有了较好的译本。汉诗英译也是这样, 不存在不可以的现象。

Chinese poetry has a long and rich history, spanning over thousands of years. It has been an integral part of Chinese culture, and many famous poets have emerged over the centuries. This essay will explore the beauty and significance of Chinese poetry, as well as the challenges of translating it into English.The Beauty of Chinese Poetry。
Chinese poetry is known for its elegant language, vivid imagery, and profound philosophy. It often uses natural scenery and objects as metaphors to express human emotions and experiences. For example, the famous Tang dynasty poet Li Bai wrote:青山隐隐水迢迢,秋尽江南草未凋。
The green hills are vague, the water is far away,。
The grass in the south of the Yangtze River has not withered in autumn.On the night of the bright moon over the twenty-four bridges,。

中国古代诗词英语翻译送杜少府之任蜀州城阙辅三秦风烟望五津与君离别意同是宦游人海内存知己天涯若比邻无为在歧路儿女共沾巾Farewell To Prefect DuYou'll leave the town walled far and wideFor mist-veiled land by riverside.I feel on parting sad and drear,For both of us are strangers here.If you've a friend who knows your heart,Distance can't keep you two apart.At crossroads where we bid adieu,Do not shed tears as women do!从军行杨炯烽火照西京心中自不平牙璋辞凤阙铁骑绕龙城雪暗凋旗画风多杂鼓声宁为百夫长胜作一书生I Would Rather FightThe beacon fire shines o'er the capital,My agitated mind can't be calmed down.By royal roder we leave palace hall;Our armoured steeds besiege the Dragon Town.snow darkens pictures sewn on banners red;In howling winds are mingled our drumbeats.I'd rather fight at a hundred men's headThan pore o'er books without performing feats.在狱咏蝉骆宾王西路蝉声唱南冠客思侵那堪玄鬓影来对白头吟露重飞难进风多响易沉无人信高洁谁为表予心The Cicada Heard In PrisonIn autumn the cicada sings;A prisoner, I'm lost in thought.I cannot bear to see its dark wings,Which to my head white hair have brought.Heavy with dew, it cannot fly;Drowned in the wind, its song's not heard.No one believes tis spirit high.Who could express my grief in word?韦承庆南行别弟淡淡长江水悠悠远客情落花相与恨到地一无声Southbound, I Part From My Younger BrotherOn and on flows the River Long;Deep and deep grows our grief to part.The flowers fall mute all alongAs if they too were sad at heart.渡汉江宋之问岭外音书绝经冬复历春近乡情更怯不敢问来人Crossing The River HanExhiled, I longed for news none bring,From the long winter to late spring.Now nearing home, timid I grow,I dare not ask what I would know.蝉虞世南垂穗饮清露流响出疏桐居高声自远非是藉秋风The CicadaDrunk with fresh dew, your trill will flowFrom 'mid the sparse parasol trees.Rising high, far your voice will go,Not on the wings of autumn breeze.咏萤虞世南的历流光少飘摇弱翅轻恐畏无人识独自暗中明The FireflyYou shed a flickering light;Your wings are weak in flight.Afraid to be unknown,At night you gleam alone.落叶孔绍安早秋惊落叶飘零似客心翻飞未肯下犹言惜故林Falling LeavesIn early autumn I'm sad to see falling leaves;They're dreary like a roamer's heart that their fall grieve s.They twist and twirl as if struggling against the breeze;I seem to hear them cry, "We will not leave our trees."过酒家王绩此日长昏饮非关养性灵眼看人尽醉何忍独为醒The WineshopDrinking wine all day long,I won't keep my mind sane.Seeing the drunken throng,Should I sober remain?野望东皋薄暮望徙倚欲何依树树皆秋色山山唯落晖牧人驱犊返猎马带禽归相顾无相识长歌怀采薇A field ViewAt dusk with eastern shore in viewI loiter, but where can I go?Tree on tree tinted with autumn hue;Hill on hill steeped in sunset glow.The shepherd drives the herd homebound;The hunter's steed comes back with game.There's no acquaintance all around;I sing of hermits and feel shame.寒山杳杳寒山道杳杳寒山道落落冷涧滨啾啾常有鸟寂寂更无人淅淅风吹面纷纷雪积身朝朝不见日岁岁不知春Long, Long The Pathway To Cold HillLong, long the pathway to Cold Hill;Drear, drear the waterside so chill.Chirp, chirp, I often hear the bird;Mute, mute, nobody says a word.Gust by gust winds caress my face;Flake on flake snow covers all trace.From day to day the sun won't shine;From year to year no spring is mine.滕王阁诗王勃滕王高阁临江渚佩玉鸣鸾罢歌舞画栋朝飞南浦云朱帘暮卷西山雨闲云潭影日悠悠物换星移几度秋阁中帝子今何在槛外长江空自流Prince Teng's PavilionBy riverside towers Prince Teng's Pavilion proud,But gone are cabs with ringing bells and stirring strains. At dawn its painted beams bar the south-flying cloud;At dusk its curtains furled face western mountains' rains. Free clouds cast shadows in the pool from day to day;The world and seasons change beneath the changing sky.Where is the prince who in this pavilion did stay? Beyond the balustrade the silent river rolls by.将进酒 ----李白君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回?君不见,高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪?人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月,天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。

We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。
A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day.大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。
The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years.二人同心,其利断金。
If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。
It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
A bosom friend afar brings distance near.合抱之木,生于毫末,九层之台,起于累土;千里之行始于足下。
A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows from a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand li journey starts with the first step.祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。

Waging WarSun WuIn operations of war — when one thousand fast four-horse chariots, one thousand heavychariots, and one thousand mail-clad soldiers are required; when provisions are transported forathousand li; when there are expenditures at home and at the front, and stipends forentertainment of envoys and advisers —the cost of materials such as glue and lacquer, andof chariots and armor, will amount to one thousand pieces of gold a day. One hundredthousand troops may be dispatched only when this money is in hand.A speedy victory is the main object in war. If this is long in coming, weapons are blunted andmorale depressed. If troops are attacking cities, their strength will be exhausted. When thearmy engages in protracted campaigns, the resources of the state will fall short. When yourweapons are dulled and ardor dampened, your strength exhausted and treasure spent, thechieftains of the neighboring states will take advantage of your crisis to act. In that case, noman, however wise, will be able to avert the disastrous consequences that ensue. Thus, whilewe have heard of stupid haste in war, we have not yet seen a clever operation that wasprolonged. For there has never been a protracted war which benefited a country. Therefore,those unable to understand the evils inherent in employing troops are equally unable tounderstand the advantageous ways of doing so.Those adept in waging war do not require a second levy of conscripts or more that twoprovisionings. They carry military equipment from the homeland, but rely on the enemy forprovisions. Thus, the army is plentifully provided with food.When a country is impoverished by military operations, it is due to distant transportation;carrying supplies for great distances renders the people destitute. Where troops are gathered,prices go up. When prices rise, the wealth of the people is drained away. When wealth isdrained away, the people will be afflicted with urgent and heavy exactions. With this loss ofwealthand exhaustion of strength the households in the country will be extremely poor andseven-tenths of their wealth dissipated. As to government expenditures, those due to broken-down chariots, worn-out horses, armor and helmets, bows and arrows, spears and shields,protective mantlets, draft oxen, and wagons will amount to 60 percent of the total.Hence, a wise general sees to it that his troops feed on the enemy, for one zhong of theenemy's provisions is equivalent to twenty of one's own and one shi of the enemy's fodder totwenty shi of one's own.In order to make the soldiers courageous in overcoming the enemy, they must be roused toanger. In order to capture more booty from the enemy, soldiers must have their rewards.Therefore, in chariot fighting when more than ten chariots are captured, reward those who takethe first. Replace the enemy's flags and banners with you own, mix the captured chariots withyours, and mount them. Treat the prisoners of war well, and care for them. This is called'winning a battle and becoming stronger.'Hence, what is valued in war is victory, not prolonged operations. And the general whounderstands how to employ troops is the minister of the people's fate and arbiter of thenation's destiny.经典的中国古诗词的英文翻译《孙子兵法---谋攻篇》孙子曰:凡用兵之法,全国为上,破国次之;全军为上,破军次之;全旅为上,破旅次之;全卒为上,破卒次之;全伍为上,破伍次之。
古诗词英文翻译 古诗词英文翻译版本

古诗英文怎么翻译?古诗英文怎么翻译?1、古诗英文翻译是ancient poetry。
2、是ancient poetry。
ancient poetry 读音:英 [ennt ptri] 美 [ennt potri]。
3、“古诗”的英文翻译是:(古体诗) a form of pre-Tang poetry;(古代诗歌) ancient poetry;例句:唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。
4、文中的classical Chinese poems就是古诗的意思,其中poem是一个名词,解释为诗。
作诗可以译成compose a poem或write a poem。
关于古诗词名句英语翻译?关于古诗词名句英语翻译?I grieved to see his royal purpose vain.古诗词名句英文翻译赏析屈原《楚辞·离骚》长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。

介绍中国古诗的英语作文格式及范文Introduction to Chinese Ancient PoetryChinese ancient poetry, also known as classical Chinese poetry, is a unique and profound literary form that dates back thousands of years. It is characterized by its concise and elegant language, rich cultural allusions, and profound philosophical insights. Chinese ancient poetry has played a significant role in Chinese literature and culture, influencing generations of poets and scholars.Format of Chinese Ancient PoetryChinese ancient poetry is typically composed in a fixed form with specific rules governing rhyme, meter, and structure. The most common form of Chinese ancient poetry is thefive-character regulated verse (五言律诗), which consists of lines with five characters each and follows a strict tonal pattern. Another popular form is the seven-character regulated verse (七言律诗), which has lines with seven characters each.In addition to regulated verse, Chinese ancient poetry also includes other forms such as free verse (律诗), folk songs (民歌), and ci poetry (词诗). Ci poetry is a type of lyric poetry that ischaracterized by its musical quality and flexibility in rhyme and meter.Themes of Chinese Ancient PoetryChinese ancient poetry covers a wide range of themes, including nature, love, friendship, politics, and philosophy. Many poems praise the beauty of nature and express the poet's emotional response to natural phenomena. Love poems often depict the poet's longing for a distant lover or the joy of being reunited with a loved one. Political poems can be satirical or patriotic, reflecting the poet's concerns about social injustice or national unity.Famous Chinese Ancient PoetsChinese ancient poetry has produced many famous poets whose works are still widely read and appreciated today. Some of the most renowned poets include Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, and Su Shi. Li Bai, also known as Li Bo, is often regarded as the "immortal poet" for his romantic and passionate verse. Du Fu, on the other hand, is known for his realistic and deeply emotional poems that capture the hardships of life. Wang Wei is celebrated for his tranquil and meditative nature poetry, while Su Shi excels in both ci poetry and regulated verse.ConclusionChinese ancient poetry is a treasure trove of literary and cultural heritage that continues to inspire readers and poets around the world. Its diverse forms, themes, and masterful craftsmanship make it a unique and enduring art form. By studying Chinese ancient poetry, we can gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture, history, and philosophy. So let us appreciate the beauty and wisdom of Chinese ancient poetry and keep its legacy alive for future generations to enjoy.。

向外国人介绍中国古诗的英语作文Chinese classical poetry is a rich and vibrant literary tradition that has captivated readers for centuries. Rooted in the ancient civilizations of China, this poetic art form has evolved over the millennia, reflecting the cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese people. As an integral part of the Chinese cultural heritage, classical poetry offers a unique window into the heart and soul of this ancient land.One of the most distinctive features of Chinese classical poetry is its concise and evocative language. Unlike the verbose and ornate styles common in Western poetry, Chinese poems often convey profound emotions and profound insights through a few carefully chosen words. This minimalist approach allows the reader to engage actively with the text, filling in the gaps with their own imagination and interpretation.Another defining characteristic of Chinese classical poetry is its strong connection to the natural world. Many poems celebrate the beauty and wonder of the natural landscape, from the majesticmountains and flowing rivers to the delicate blossoms of spring and the rustling leaves of autumn. This deep reverence for nature reflects the Taoist and Confucian philosophies that have shaped Chinese thought and culture for millennia.The themes and subject matter of Chinese classical poetry are equally diverse and compelling. While some poems explore the joys and sorrows of love, others delve into the complexities of human existence, grappling with themes of mortality, the nature of the self, and the search for meaning in life. Still, others offer insights into the political and social realities of their time, providing a unique historical perspective on the ebb and flow of Chinese civilization.One of the most renowned and influential forms of Chinese classical poetry is the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) lyric. During this golden age of Chinese poetry, a constellation of brilliant poets, including Li Bai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei, produced some of the most enduring and iconic works in the Chinese literary canon. These poets were masters of the regulated verse (lüshi) form, which adhered to strict rules of rhyme, tone, and structure, yet still managed to convey a profound emotional depth and philosophical complexity.Another iconic form of Chinese classical poetry is the ci, which emerged during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE). Ci poems were typically set to pre-existing musical melodies, allowing the poet toexplore a wider range of themes and emotions. The ci form was particularly well-suited to the expression of romantic love, with poets such as Su Shi and Li Qingzhao crafting lyrical masterpieces that have captivated readers for centuries.Beyond the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese classical poetry continued to evolve and diversify, with later periods producing their own distinctive styles and themes. The Song ci was followed by the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368 CE) qu, which incorporated elements of folk music and drama, and the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 CE) saw the rise of the ci-influenced qu and the development of the ci-fu, a hybrid form that combined the lyricism of ci with the narrative structure of fu.One of the most enduring legacies of Chinese classical poetry is its profound influence on the literary and cultural traditions of East Asia. The poetic forms, themes, and aesthetics of Chinese poetry have been widely adopted and adapted by writers and poets in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, creating a rich and interconnected literary landscape.In recent decades, Chinese classical poetry has also gained increasing recognition and appreciation on the global stage. Translations of these timeless works have introduced a wider international audience to the beauty and complexity of this literary tradition, sparking arenewed interest in the study and appreciation of Chinese culture and civilization.As we delve deeper into the world of Chinese classical poetry, we are struck by the timeless universality of its themes and the profound insights it offers into the human condition. Whether we are captivated by the ethereal beauty of a Tang Dynasty lyric or the passionate intensity of a Song Dynasty ci, we are reminded of the enduring power of poetry to transcend the boundaries of time and culture, and to connect us to the shared experiences and emotions that make us human.。

向外国人介绍中国古诗的英语作文The ancient poetry of China, a treasure trove of the country's literary heritage, offers a window into the rich tapestry of its past. These poems, crafted with meticulous precision and profound depth, are not mere collections of words but are imbued with the emotions, philosophies, and the very essence of the Chinese spirit.To understand Chinese ancient poetry is to delve into a realm where nature and emotion intertwine seamlessly. Poets like Li Bai and Du Fu, among others, have left an indelible mark on the world with their works. Their poems are not just read; they are experienced. The imagery they evoke—of mountains shrouded in mist, of the gentle flow of rivers, of the moon's reflection on a tranquil lake—transports the reader to another time and place.These poets mastered the art of brevity, often encapsulating complex emotions and profound truths within just a few lines. The structure of their poems, whether in the form of quatrains or couplets, adheres to strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, a testament to their linguistic prowess.The themes explored in ancient Chinese poetry are as diverse as they are timeless. From the sorrow of parting to the joys of nature, from the ravages of war to the pleasures of wine, these themes resonate with readers across centuries. The poets' use of allusion, metaphor, and symbolism allows for multiple layers of interpretation, making each reading a new discovery.One cannot discuss Chinese ancient poetry without mentioning the influence of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. These philosophies shaped the poets' worldviews and, consequently, their writings. The Confucian ideals of morality and social harmony, the Taoist principles of natural order and simplicity, and the Buddhist concepts of impermanence and enlightenment are all reflected in the poetry.The legacy of Chinese ancient poetry extends beyond its borders, influencing literary traditions around the world. Its emphasis on harmony with nature, balance in life, and thepursuit of spiritual tranquility speaks to a universal audience, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers.In sharing these poems with foreigners, one imparts more than just words; one shares the soul of China. The poems act as ambassadors of Chinese culture, inviting readers to explore the depths of its history and the heights of its philosophical thought. They are a testament to the human experience, capturing the joys and sorrows that bind us all.In conclusion, Chinese ancient poetry is not just a relic of the past but a living, breathing art form that continues to inspire and move people across the world. It is a celebration of the human spirit, a journey through the landscapes of the heart, and a dialogue between the individual and the cosmos. As we introduce these poems to new audiences, we ensure that the wisdom and beauty they contain are preserved for generations to come. 。

介绍中国古诗英语作文Chinese ancient poetry is a treasure of Chinese culture, which embodies the wisdom and feelings of ancient Chinese people. It has a long history of development and has been passed down from generation to generation. In this essay, I will introduce Chinese ancient poetry and its significance.Chinese ancient poetry, also known as classical poetry, refers to the poetry created during the Tang, Song, and Yuan dynasties. It is characterized by its concise language, elegant style, and profound meaning. Chinese ancient poetry has a wide range of themes, including love, nature, friendship, and patriotism. It reflects the social reality, historical events, and the inner world of the poets.One of the most famous poets in Chinese history is Li Bai, who lived during the Tang dynasty. He is known for his romantic and adventurous personality and his poems are full of imagination and passion. One of his most famous poems is "Drinking Alone by Moonlight", which expresses hisloneliness and his love for nature. Another famous poet is Du Fu, who lived during the Tang dynasty as well. He is known for his social commentary and his poems reflect the suffering of the people during the war and the chaos of the time.Chinese ancient poetry has a great significance in Chinese culture. It is not only a form of literature but also a reflection of the Chinese way of life and values. It has influenced Chinese people's way of thinking and their understanding of the world. It has also been a source of inspiration for Chinese artists and writers throughout history.In addition, Chinese ancient poetry has been widely translated and appreciated by people all over the world.Its beauty and wisdom have touched the hearts of people from different cultures and backgrounds. It has become a bridge between China and the world, promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding.In conclusion, Chinese ancient poetry is a preciouscultural heritage of China. It embodies the wisdom and feelings of ancient Chinese people and has influenced Chinese culture and people's way of thinking. It has also become a cultural bridge between China and the world. We should cherish and promote it, and let it continue to shine in the world.。

介绍中国古诗英语作文Chinese ancient poetry is a treasure trove of cultural heritage that has been cherished and passed down through generations. It is a form of literature that dates back to the earliest recorded dynasties and continues to inspire and educate people today. This essay aims to introduce the reader to the world of Chinese ancient poetry, its significance, and its impact on both Chinese culture and the global literary scene.Historical ContextChinese poetry has a rich history that spans over three thousand years. It began with the "Shi Jing" or "Book of Songs," which is one of the earliest known collections of Chinese poetry, dating back to the 11th to 7th centuries BCE. Over time, various dynasties contributed to the evolution of poetic forms such as the "Tang" and "Song" dynasties, which are often considered the golden ages of Chinese poetry.Poetic FormsChinese poetry is known for its structured forms, with the most famous being the "Shi," "Ci," and "Fu." The "Shi" includes both the "Gushi" (old verse) and "Jintishi" (modern verse), with the latter being characterized by its strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes. "Ci" is a form of lyric poetry set to music, often expressing personal emotions andexperiences. "Fu" is a narrative form that describes scenes, objects, or events in a detailed and vivid manner.Themes and SymbolismChinese ancient poetry often explores themes such as nature, love, war, and the human condition. Poets use a rich tapestry of symbols and imagery to convey their messages, with nature being a prevalent motif that symbolizes various aspects oflife and human emotion. The moon, for instance, is a common symbol for longing and solitude.Famous PoetsSome of the most renowned poets in Chinese history include Li Bai, Du Fu, and Bai Juyi from the Tang Dynasty. Their worksare still widely read and studied for their profound insights, linguistic artistry, and cultural significance. These poets often held various roles in society, from court officials to hermits, which influenced their perspectives and the contentof their poetry.Influence and TranslationThe influence of Chinese ancient poetry extends beyondChina's borders. It has inspired poets and scholars worldwide and has been translated into numerous languages. Thechallenge of translation lies in capturing the essence of the original text, including its rhythm, tonality, and cultural nuances, which often require a deep understanding of both the source and target languages.ConclusionChinese ancient poetry is a window into the soul of a civilization that has long valued the art of verse. It offers a glimpse into the historical, philosophical, and emotional landscapes of its people. As a form of cultural expression, it continues to be a source of inspiration and a bridge for cross-cultural understanding.In conclusion, the study of Chinese ancient poetry is notjust an exploration of beautiful language and form; it is a journey through time that connects us with the past, enriches our present, and invites us to ponder the future.。

介绍古诗的英语作文带翻译Title: Introduction to Classical Chinese Poetry。
Classical Chinese poetry, with its rich history and profound cultural significance, holds a special place in the literary world. Dating back thousands of years, Chinese poetry encompasses various forms, styles, and themes, reflecting the diversity and complexity of Chinese civilization. In this essay, we will explore the essence of classical Chinese poetry, its major characteristics, and delve into some of its most renowned poets and their timeless works.Classical Chinese poetry is distinguished by its concise yet evocative language, adherence to strict structural rules, and profound philosophical underpinnings. One of the most distinctive features is its reliance on tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, which lend musicality and rhythm to the verses. This meticulous attention to form enhances the aesthetic appeal of the poetry, making it adelight to both read and recite.The themes explored in classical Chinese poetry are as diverse as they are timeless. Nature, love, friendship, longing, and philosophical contemplation are among the recurring motifs found in these ancient verses. Through vivid imagery and subtle symbolism, poets capture the essence of human emotions and the beauty of the natural world, transcending temporal and cultural boundaries.Among the most celebrated poets of classical Chinese literature is Li Bai, often referred to as Li Po in the Western world. Born during the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai is renowned for his romanticism, adventurous spirit, and mastery of lyrical expression. His poems, infused with a sense of wanderlust and a deep appreciation for thefleeting moments of life, continue to resonate with readers around the globe. One of his most famous works, "Quiet Night Thoughts" (靜夜思), reflects his contemplation of the moonlit night and the nostalgia it evokes.Another luminary of classical Chinese poetry is Du Fu,often hailed as the "poet historian" for his keen observations of society and human nature. Living during the same era as Li Bai, Du Fu's poetry offers a more introspective and socially conscious perspective. His magnum opus, "Spring View" (春望), poignantly depicts the ravages of war and the longing for peace and prosperity.In addition to Li Bai and Du Fu, classical Chinese poetry boasts a multitude of other accomplished poets, each contributing their unique voice and vision to the literary canon. From the serene verses of Wang Wei to the mystical imagery of Li Qingzhao, the breadth and depth of Chinese poetic tradition are truly remarkable.To appreciate classical Chinese poetry fully, one must also understand its cultural and historical context. Influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, these poems often contain allusions to classical texts,historical events, and philosophical concepts. Moreover, they reflect the social norms, values, and aesthetics of their respective eras, providing valuable insights into the evolution of Chinese society and thought.In conclusion, classical Chinese poetry stands as a testament to the enduring beauty and power of the written word. Through its exquisite craftsmanship and profound insights, it continues to inspire and enchant readers across generations and continents. As we immerse ourselves in the world of classical Chinese poetry, we not only gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture but also discover the universal truths that unite humanity across time and space.【翻译】。
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by Xu Yuanchong
Pods burned to cook peas,
Peas weep in the pot:
“Grown from same root, please, Why boil us so hot?”
一. 许渊冲及其作品欣赏 二. 诗歌翻译的过程
三. 诗歌翻译的技巧 四. 诗歌翻译的关键
五. 诗歌的韵律
许渊冲,生于江西南昌。从事文学翻译长达六十 余年,译作涵盖中、英、法等语种,翻译集中在中国 古诗英译,形成韵体译诗的方法与理论,被誉为“诗 译英法唯一人”,北京大学教授,翻译家。 在国内外出版中、英、法文著译六十本,包括 《诗经》、《楚辞》、《李白诗选》、《西厢记》、 《红与黑》、《包法利夫人》、《追忆似水年华》。 1938年考入西南联合大学,1941年应征在美国志愿 空军任英文翻译,1944年考入清华大学研究院外国文 学研究所,1948年赴法国巴黎大学学习,1950年获研 究生文凭,1958年开始把毛泽东诗词译成英法文,是 将中国诗词译成英法韵文的唯一专家,1983年起在北 京大学任教。 2014年8月2日许渊冲荣获国际翻译界最高奖项之一 的“北极光”杰出文学翻译奖 ,系首位获此殊荣亚洲 翻译家。
求之不得,妩媚思服. 优哉游哉,辗转反侧.
His yearning grows so strong, He can not fall asleep, But tosses all night long, So deep in love, so deep! Now gather left and right Cress long or short and tender! O lute, play music bright For the bride sweet and slender! Feast friends at left and right
masculine rhyme e.g.雪里瑶华岛, The fairy isle in the snow 云端白玉京。 Molds into a white jade capital
feminine rhyme e.g. 瓶花千百样,要好是,在人为。 The art of flower arrangement in thousands of postures Lies in the delicate eyes for
关关雎鸠,在河之洲. 窈窕淑女,君子好逑. 参差荇菜,左右流之. 窈窕淑女,妩媚求之.
By riverside are cooing A pair of turtledoves; A good young man is wooing A fair maiden he loves.
Water flows left and right Of cress long here, short there; The youth yearns day and night For the good maiden fair.
发音 机理
e.g.绣陌回环绕, Upwards winds the finely path paved, 红楼宛转迎。 So enraptured are the red storeys engraved.
consonance e.g.三月清池结绿萍, The third month sees waterweed in clear lakes, 杨花飞过杏花汀。 And willow catkins fly past the islet
Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care. What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair!
诗歌 精炼 复杂 具有代表性
参差荇菜,左右采之. 窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之. 参差荇菜,左右毛之. 窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之.
I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might, But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won’t 驹不逝兮可奈何,虞兮虞兮奈若何! fight.
Lead in
A Poem within Seven Steps
Cao Zhi
Cooking the beans by burning the beanstalks,
And the peas crying in the boiling hot pot. We owned our blood from the same mother, But why you are trying to kill me now, my brother?
神 spirit
韵 tone 再生 transmigration
1.英文术语:rhyme scheme 2.含义:诗行末尾的音韵 也就是通常所说的 诗节韵律pattern of rhyme 常见的aabbccdd式
头韵 alliteration
行中韵 internal rhyme
押韵 位置
尾韵 end rhyme 诗歌最常用的押韵方式 双行押韵
六四行诗常见的押韵方式有:ababcc, aabbcc, aabccb, ababab, abcbab, ababba等