



年江苏省启东中学高一提前招生考试英语试卷(分值分考试时间分钟). 单项填空(共题,每题分,共分))情景交际. — , ?—! ’ .. . ’. .. —’ .—.. ’ . ’. , ’ ? . , ’. — !— , ?—.. . . .. —?— .. , ’ . ,. , . ’ . ’. —’ , ?—, .. , ’. , ’. , . ,)语言知识. Suzhou ’ .. ; . ; . ; . ;. —’ ?— . . .. . . .. —?—, ’ . .. . . .. ?. . . .. , .. . . .. —.—.. ; . ;. ; . ;. Oxford, , .. . . .. China... . . .. —’ ?—. ? . ’ ?. ? . ’ ?. .. .. .. ... . . .. —?—!. . . .. , .. . . .. —?—, .. . . .. , , .. . . .. 完形填空(共题,每题分,共分). ’ , . , , . . . , ..“, ,” . “ ? , . . , . ’ .”, . . , , , (存在).. . . . . (熟悉的). . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. 阅读理解(共题,每题分,共分)()? , ’ . . ? ’ ! , .(好处). , (有效率). . , . . . , (灵活). ., . , , . , . , . , . , . , . , . ’ ’ ., , ’ . , , .. ?. . . .. . .. , ?. .. .. ?. . . .. . . .. , “” “”.. .. .()(预报)? . , . ’ (行为). , , . , , . . , (证据). , , .. . , (调查), . . . . , (冒犯的;侵略的), , (猛增)!. , , . , , . .. ?.. Japan. (影响)’.. ?. . . .. . . .. ?. . . .. ?. .. .()(表演)., . , ., . , , “ !” .? ?, (聚光灯) . , .. , . (隆起部分). , . , (象牙色的)., . . ., (自动地).().. , ., : ’ !, . , “” (技艺), ., . . .. .. ’. ’.. “ ” .. .. .. .. ’... (注意力). ?. .. .. .. .(), ’ . , . , —. ., . ? , (联合国教科文组织)(文化遗产). , ., (情况). “ China,” , . (申请), , .“ ’ , ’ ,” , . “ (祖先).”(-), . (爱国者). Miluo River, ’ . ’ , . . . ’ ., . Japan Vietnam, , , ., (争论). “ China,” , Hunan Province. “ , .”. ?. . . Korea .. , ’ (态度)..... ’. .. ’... (推断)?. .. .. .. China.(), . . . “’ .” . . “ ,Chicago. , . , ’ (下结论).”, ’ : “’ , !” . , “ ’ —’ . ’ !”. . , (习惯). , , (物品)., . ’ , ’ ’ . . , (不负责任).’ ’ , ’ (阁楼). : , , . , ? ’ , (纸板箱).. (分歧).. ’ (脾气). (争吵). ’. . . ’ ’. .. .. .. ’ ... (重要的)... ?. ’ .. . . .. .. . . .. 词汇运用(共题,每题分,共分)根据句意或首字母提示,在下列各句横线上填上所缺的单词。



江苏省启东中学2019年创新人才培养实验班自主招生考试数学试卷一、选择题(本大题共 6 小题,每小题 5 分,共 30 分.在每小题所给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项的字母代号填涂在答题卡相应位置.......上) 1. 把2232x y xy y -+分解因式正确的是 A .()222y x xy y -+B .()2y x y -C .()22y x y -D .()2y x y +2. 已知a ,b 为一元二次方程2290x x +-=的两个根,那么2a a b +-的值为A .﹣7B .0C .7D .113. 如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,AC =4,BC =3,O 是△ABC 的内心,以O 为圆心,r 为半径的圆与线段AB 有交点,则r 的取值范围是 A .r ≥1B .1≤r ≤ 5C .1≤r ≤10D .1≤r ≤44. 如图,等边△ABC 中,AC =4,点D ,E ,F 分别在三边AB ,BC ,AC 上,且AF =1,FD ⊥DE ,且∠DFE =60°,则AD 的长为 A .0.5B .1C .1.5D .25. 如图,△ABC 中,AB =BC =4cm ,∠ABC =120°,点P 是射线AB 上的一个动点,∠MPN =∠ACP ,点Q 是射线PM 上的一个动点.则CQ 长的最小值为 AB .2C.D .4(第3题)B C(第4题)(第5题)NMQPCAB6. 二次函数228y x x m =-+满足以下条件:当21x -<<-时,它的图象位于x 轴的下方;当67x << 时,它的图象位于x 轴的上方,则m 的值为 A .8 B .10-C .42-D .24-二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答题卡相应位置.......上) 7. 计算-82015×(-0.125)2016= ▲ .8. 市政府为了解决老百姓看病贵的问题,决定下调药品的价格.某种药品经过两次降价,由每盒72元调至56元.若每次平均降价的百分率为x ,由题意,可列方程为 ▲ .9. 在平面直角坐标系中,点A ,B 的坐标分别A (3,0),B (8,0),若点P 在y 轴上,且△P AB 是等腰三角形,则点P 的坐标为 ▲ . 10.关于x 的方程2101x ax +-=-的解是正数,则a 的取值范围是 ▲ . 11.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,四边形OABC 是边长为8的正方形,M (8,s ),N (t ,8)分别是边AB ,BC 上的两个动点,且OM ⊥12.如图,△ABC 在第一象限,其面积为5.点P 从点A 出发,沿△ABC 的边从A —B —C —A运动一周,作点P 关于原点O 的对称点Q ,再以PQ 为边作等边三角形PQM ,点M 在第二象限,点M 随点P 的运动而运动,则点M 随点P 运动所形成的图形的面积为 ▲ .三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共90分.请在答题卡指定区域.......内作答,解答时应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)图113.(本小题满分15分)阅读下面材料,并解决问题.材料:如图1,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,直线1y ax b =+与双曲线2ky x=交于 A (1,3)和B (-3,-1①当3x =-或1时,12y y =;②当30x -<<或x 即通过观察函数的图象,可以得到不等式ax b +>问题:求不等式32440x x x +-->的解集.下面是他的探究过程,请将(2),(3),(4(1)将不等式按条件进行转化当x =0时,原不等式不成立;当x >0时,原不等式可以转化为2441x x x +->; 当x <0时,原不等式可以转化为2441x x x+-<. (2)构造函数,画出图象设2341y x x =+-,44y x=,在同一坐标系中分别画出这两个函数的图象. 双曲线44y x=如图2画出抛物线.....2341y x x =+-.(3)确定两个函数图象公共点的横坐标代入函数解析式验证可知满足34y y =所有x 的值为 ▲ ; (4)借助图象,写出解集结合(1可知不等式32440x x x +-->如图,“元旦”期间,学校在综合楼上从点A 到点B 悬挂了一条宣传条幅,小明和小芳所在的教学楼正好在综合楼的对面.小明在四楼D 点测得条幅端点A 的仰角为30 o ,测得条幅端点B 的俯角为45o ;小芳在三楼C 点测得条幅端点A 的仰角为45o ,测得条幅端点B 的俯角为30 o .若楼层高度CD 为3米,请你根据小明和小芳测得的数据求出条幅AB 的长.(结果保留根号)15.(本小题满分14分)如图1,A ,B ,C ,D 四点都在⊙O 上,AC 平分∠BAD ,过点C 的切线与AB 的延长线交于点E .(1)求证:CE ∥BD ;(2)如图2,若AB 为⊙O 的直径,AC =2BC ,BE =5,求⊙O 的半径.(第14题)(第15题)图1图2惠民超市试销一种进价为每件60元的服装,规定试销期间销售单价不低于进价,且获利不得高于40%.经试销发现,销售量y (件)与销售单价x (元)满足一次函数y =kx +b ,且当x =70时,y =50;当x =80时,y =40. (1)求一次函数y =kx +b 的解析式;(2)设该超市获得的利润为W 元,试写出利润W 与销售单价x 之间的关系式;销售单价定为多少元时,超市可获得最大利润,最大利润是多少元? (3)若该超市预期的利润不低于500元,试确定销售单价x 的取值范围.17.(本小题满分16分)如图,已知抛物线223y x x =-++的图象与x 轴交于A ,B 两点,与y 轴交于点C ,抛物线的顶点为D . (1)求直线B C 的解析式;(2)点M 在抛物线上,且△BMC 的面积与△BCD 的面积相等,求点M 的坐标; (3)若点P 在抛物线上,点Q 在y 轴上,以P ,Q ,B ,D 四个点为顶点的四边形是平行四边形,请直接写出点P 的坐标.(第如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,已知矩形OACB的边OA,OB分别在x轴和y轴上,OA=8,OB=6.点P从点O开始沿OA边匀速移动,点M从点B开始沿BO边匀速移动,点P,点M同时出发,它们移动的速度均为每秒一个单位长度,设两个点运动的时间为t秒(0≤t≤6).(1)连接矩形的对角线AB,当t为何值时,以P,O,M为顶点的三角形与△AOB 相似;(2)在点P,点M运动过程中,线段PM的中点Q也随着运动,请求出CQ的最小值;(3)将△POM沿PM所在直线翻折后得到△PDM,试判断D点能否在对角线AB上,如果能,求出此时t的值,如果不能,请说明理由.数学答案一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分) 1. B2. D3. C4. C5. A6. D二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分) 7.-0.1258. ()272156x -= 9.(0,4),(0,-4) 10. a <-1且a ≠-211. 1012. 15三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共90分) 13.(本小题满分15分)(2)抛物线如图所示; ……………………5分(3)x =4-,1-或1;……………………11分 (4)41x -<<-或1x >.…………………15分14.(本小题满分12分)过D 作DM ⊥AE 于M ,过C 作CN ⊥AE 于N ,则DM =CN ,MN =CD =3米, 设AM =x ,则AN =x +3,由题意:∠ADM =30o, ∴∠MAD =60o. 在Rt △ADM 中,DM =AM ·tan60o.在Rt △ANC 中,CN =AN =x +3, ………6分=x +3,解之得,)312x =,…………10分∵MB =MD ,∴AB =AM +MB =x=6+.……12分EF15.(1)连接OC ,∵CE 为⊙O 的切线,∴OC ⊥CE .……………………………………2分 ∵AC 平分∠BAD ,∴点C 平分弧BD .∴OC ⊥BD ……………………………4分 ∵BD ∥CE . ………………………6分 (2)∵BD ∥CE ,∴∠CBD =∠BCE .∵∠CBD =∠CAD ,∠CAD =∠CAE , ∴∠CAE =∠BCE . ∵∠E =∠E ,∴△ACE ∽△CBE . ………………10分 ∴AC AE CE CBCEBE==.∴25AE CE CE==.∴CE =10,AE =20, ………………………12分 ∴AB =15,⊙O 的半径为7.5. ………………………14分16.(1)根据题意得7050,8040.k b k b ì+=ïí+=ïî解得k =-1,b =120.所求一次函数的表达式为y =-x +120. ………………………4分 (2)()()60120W x x =--+21807200x x =-+-()290900x =--+.…………………8分抛物线的开口向下,∴当x <90时,W 随x 的增大而增大, 而60≤x ≤84,∴当x =84时,()28490900864W =--+=.∴当销售单价定为84元时,商场可获得最大利润,最大利润是864元.……10分(3)由W =500,得500=-x 2+180x -7200,整理得,x 2-180x +7700=0,解得,x 1=70,x 2=110. ……………………13分 由图象可知,要使该商场获得利润不低于500元,销售单价应在70元到110元之 间.而60≤x ≤84,所以,销售单价x 的取值范围是70≤x ≤84.…………………15分17.(1)易得A (-1,0),B (3,0),C (0,3) ,D (1,4),所以直线BC 的解析式为 y =-x +3 …………………4分 (2)过点D 作直线BC 的平行线交y 轴于点E ,直线DE 与抛物线的交点即为所求的点M .易得直线DE 的解析式为y =-x +5,所以点E 的坐标为(0,5).解25,23y x y x x ì=-+ïí=-++ïî 得点M 的坐标为(2,3). …………………6分 在y 轴上取F (0,1),则CE =CF ,所以过F 且平行于BC 的直线与抛物线的交点也是所要求的M 点. 解21,23y x y x x ì=-+ïí=-++ïî得点M 的坐标为:. …………………………10分 综合得点M 的坐标为: (2,3),.(3)符合要求的点P 有三个:(4,-5),(-2,-5),(2,3). ……………16分(第17题)18.(1)由题意得OM =6-t ,OP =t .若△POM ∽△AOB ,则624,867t tt -==解得; ……………3分若△POM ∽△BOA ,则618,687t tt -==解得. ……………6分 (2)过点Q 作QH ⊥OP ,垂足为易得1122OH OP t ==,QH ∴点Q (6,22t t-).过点Q 作QG ⊥AC ,垂足为则182QG t =-,662t CG -=-∴CQ ∴当t =5时,CQ 有最小值2. ……… ……12分 (3)不能.理由如下:设OD 与PM 相交于点E ,则OE ⊥PM ,OD =2OE .在Rt △POM 中, PM 则OE =2OP OM PM ?当t =3时,2(3)9t --+有最大值9, 所以,当t =3时,OE 所以OD 有最大值O 到AB 的最短距离为684.810´=. 因为 4.8,所以,点D 不可能在AB 上. ……………18分。



年江苏省启东中学高一提前招生考试英语试卷〔分值100分考试时间90分钟〕I. 单项填空〔共20题,每题1分,共20分〕A〕情景交际1. — Now, where is my purse?—_________! We’ll be late for the picnic.2. —You couldn’t have chosen any gift better for me.—_______.A. I’m glad you like it so muchB. That’s all right3. — Micky!— ________, Mum?A. WhatB. RightC. YesD. Pardon4. — Do you mind if I turned the TV down?— ________.A. Yes, I don’t mindB. No, go right aheadC. Yes, please turn it downD. Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it soon—__________, though she was not feeling very well.A. No, she didn’tB. Yes, she didn’tC. No, she didD. Yes, she didB〕语言知识A. the; aB. a; aC. the; theD. a; the7. —Have you heard today’s weather forecast?— Yes. Better weather is ______. We can expect an outing.A. in the wayB. by the wayC. on the wayD. in this way8. — Can I tell my best friend about it?—No, I don’t want anyone else to know it. You _______ keep it to yourself.A. mustB. needC. canD. may9. Is this school __________ you visited last month?A. whereB. the one whereC. thatD. the one10. When I handed the report to Peter, he said that David was the right person ________.A. to send it toB. to sendC. to be sentD. for sending11. —I wonder if she _____ to the ball.12. Oxford, as we know, ________ is one of the best universities in the world.A. thatB. /C. itD. this13. Studying abroad is quite different from life in China. It took me nearly half a year to ____the language problem and culture shock.A. turn overB. look overC. get overD. go over14. —What’s the best way of losing weight?— _________A. Why not playing games?B. Why don’t you play games?C. I advise you to playing games?D. You’d better to play games?15. Yesterday we had a lecture given by a _________ teacher.A. well-mannered young schoolB. young well-mannered schoolC. well-mannered school youngD. school well-mannered young16. They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I _______a good drink.A. had enjoyedB. was enjoyingC. have enjoyedD. have been enjoying17. —Thank you for the great trouble you have taken _____ me with my English?—Think nothing of it!A. with helpingB. to helpC. in helpingD. helping18. Unluckily, he was soon told ______ he discovered was unimportant to them.A. what whyB. that whyC. what thatD. why what19. —How can I wake up so early?—Set the alarm clock, _________ you will make it.A. ButB. orC. andD. soA. just leftB. was just leavingC. has just leftD. had just leftII. 完形填空〔共15题,每题1分,共15分〕The Smiths invited her in after apologizing for the state of the house.“Oh, 25 ,〞she answered. “Do you know in some parts of this 26 neighbours are not all 27 ? There are some streets where people do not 28 their neighbours, 29 their next-door ones. But in this street everybody is friends with 30 else. We are one big, happy family. I’m 31 that you will be 32 here.〞21. A. free B. busy C. pleased D. familiar〔熟悉的〕22. A. sound B. ring C. friend D. message23. A. answer B. serve C. see D. guess25. A. excuse me B. here you are C. never mind D. thank you27. A. busy B. lonely C. safe D. friendly29. A. only B. even C. mostly D. neither30. A. anybody B. nobody C. somebody D. none31. A. uncertain B. glad C. sure D. afraid32. A. happy B. lonely C. popular D. friendly33. A. surprise B. fright C. pleasure D. worry34. A. first B. exact C. next D. same35. A. famous B. different C. young D. oldIII. 阅读理解〔共20题,每题2分,共40分〕〔A〕Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well, that’s normal. Your body naturally slows down then. What should you do about it? Don’t reach for a coffee! Instead, take a nap.There are many benefits〔好处〕of a daily nap. First of all, you are more efficient〔有效率〕after napping. You remember things better and make fewer mistakes. Also, you can learn things more easily after taking a nap. A 20-minute nap can reduce information overload. It can also reduce stress. Finally, a nap may increase your self-confidence and make you more alert〔灵活〕. It may even cheer you up.But, there are some simple rules you should follow about taking a nap. First, take a nap in the middle of the day, about eight hours after you wake up. Otherwise, you may disturb your sleep-wake pattern. Next, a 20-minute nap is best. If you sleep longer, you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking from a deep sleep, you will feel worse. Also, you should set an alarm clock. That way, you can fully relax during your nap. You won’t have to keep looking at the clock so that you don’t oversleep.36. What is a good rule for taking a nap?A. Use an alarm clock.B. Nap eight hours after waking up.C. Sleep for about half an hour.D. All of the above37. According to the passage, what is NOT a benefit of napping?A. It makes you strongerB. It makes you feel happierC. It gives you more self-confidenceD. It improves your memory38. Which may happen if an alarm clock is not used?A. You may relax more.B. You may feel too nervous to relax.39. In the last paragraph, “have forty winks〞can be replaced by “________〞.〔B〕People noticed other changes in animal behavior before the earthquake as well. For example, fish began swimming together in large groups, only in the middle of the water and not near the edges. Also, birds flew away from their nests for many days, leaving their eggs unprotected. The animal behavior suggests that animals may be able to predict natural events better than people.40. What is the main idea of the passage?A. What animals do during earthquakesB. Many earthquakes of JapanC. Effect〔影响〕of natural events on animals’ actionsD. Folklore and other stories about animals41. How do dogs begin to behave just before an earthquake?A. They lie down in grass.B. They stay together in large groups.C. They leave their homes.D. They hurt people.42. What other animals behave strangely before an earthquake?A. PigsB. BirdsC. CowsD. All of the above43. What did Kiyoshi Shimamura look at during his investigation?A. Animal clinics treating dogsB. The number of patients with bitesC. The number of earthquakes a yearD. Places dogs go during earthquakes〔C〕I tried as hard as I could to remain calm, but my heart was racing. I stared down at my sweat-covered, shaking hands.I looked up again at the audience, realizing that these were real people. They were not just my mum and dad, who would say, “Good job!〞even if I messed up the entire piece.What if I had the wrong music? What if I played the wrong notes?As it turned out, I was never able to answer these questions because the spotlight〔聚光灯〕was waiting for me. I grasped my hands tightly together, drying off the sweat.Slowly I walked to the mud-brown piano in the center of the room. It contained 88 demanding keys, which were waiting impatiently to be played. I swallowed the golf-ball-sized lump〔隆起局部〕in my throat and sat down. Slowly, I opened the music. Next, I rested my still shaking hands on the ivory〔象牙色的〕keys.Although at one point I accidentally played two keys instead of the intended one, I continued to move my fingers automatically〔自动地〕.My eyes burned holes into〔were fixed on〕the pages in front of me.There was no way that I was going to lose my concentration. To keep this to myself, I leaned forward and focused carefully on the music.When I came to the end of the page, a warning went off inside my head: DON’T MAKE A MISTAKE WHEN YOU TURN THE PAGE!Needless to say, I obeyed myself with all my heart and mind. And, proud of my “page-turning〞feat〔技艺〕, I finished the rest of the piece without making a single mistake.After the final note died away, a celebration went into action inside my head. I had finished. I had mastered the impossible.44. The author was nervous before the performance because _______.A. her mother and father weren’t presentB. the strong spotlight was shining onto the stageC. she hadn’t mastered the entire pieceD. she had never performed in public before45. The underlined phrase “mess up〞in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.A. put into disorderB. forget aboutC. stop halfwayD. do well in46. The author _________.A. didn’t make any mistake in the performanceB. felt better at the beginning of the performanceC. paid all attention to nothing but her performance47. What did the author feel about her performance?B. She thought it was very difficult but successful.C. She thought she had never made a mistake during the performance.D. She thought she played through the piece carefully but light-heartedly.〔D〕One festival, two cultures. Does one nation have the right to call it its own? It has been reported that South Korea will ask the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization〔UNESCO联合国教科文组织〕to make the celebration its cultural heritage〔文化遗产〕. If successful, people from other countries may see the Dragon Boat Festival as a Korean creation.As the birthplace of the yearly event more than 2,000 years ago, China is not happy with the situation 〔情况〕. “It would be a shame if another country successfully made a traditional Chinese festival part of its own cultural heritage before China,〞said Zhou Heping, deputy cultural minister. The Ministry of Culture is even thinking of making its own application〔申请〕to UNESCO, covering all traditional Chinese festivals, including the Dragon Boat event.“I don’t like some of the food eaten at the festival, but I am shocked by South Korea’s move,〞said Jin Yutong, a Senior One student. “We should protect the cultural heritage left by our ancestors〔祖先〕.〞With this in mind, some experts say that it is meaningless to argue〔争论〕about which country the festival belongs. “Everyone can say that it came from China,〞said Long Haiqing, an expert from Hunan Province. “But if the whole nation can protect the culture heritage togethe r, they will all benefit.〞48. Which of the following country is NOT mentioned about the Dragon Boat Festival spreading?A. JapanB. VietnamC. South KoreaD. the United States49. From the passage, we ca n see Chinese people’s attitude〔态度〕toward the Dragon BoatFestival is that ______________.A. they do not like itB. they want to protect it because it is their cultural heritageC. it is a shame to protect itD. they won’t agree South Korea takes it as its own festivalA. people searched for Qu Yuan’s body by boatB. people searched for Qu Yuan’s boatC. Qu Yuan enjoyed boatingD. Qu Yuan liked building boats51. What can we infer〔推断〕from the last two paragraphs?A. The festival is celebrated in the same way all over the world.B. It matters a lot whose cultural heritage the festival is.C. It is good for the Chinese people to protect the cultural heritage.D. South Korea does not recognize that the festival is from China.〔E〕One evening after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. William called a family meeting. “We’ve had to make a difficult decision.〞Mr. William announced. “You see, your mother has been offered a post as co-director of a television in Chicago. Unluckily, the station is not here. After thinking long and hard about it, we’ve concluded〔下结论〕that the right decision is to move to Chicago.〞Peter looked shocked, while his sister Amy breathlessly started asking when they’d be moving: “It’s surprising, but exciting!〞she sai d. Peter simply said, “We can’t go —I can’t leave all my friends. I’d rather stay here and live with Tommy!〞When the morning of the move arrived, Peter was nowhere to be found. His parents called Tommy’s house, but Tommy’s mother said she hadn’t se en Peter. Mrs. William became increasingly worried, while her husband felt angry with their son for behaving so irresponsibly〔不负责任〕.52. The conflict〔分歧〕in this story was caused by ________.A. Pe ter and Amy’s different tempers〔脾气〕B. a quarrel〔争吵〕between Tommy and PeterC. Peter’s disagreement with his parents about their moveD. Mr. and Mrs. William’s words of Peter’s irresponsibility53. Peter and Amy were both _________ after hearing the move.A. surprisedB. angry and worriedC. anxious for more detailsD. worried about packing54. The reason for Peter’s going home was that _______.A. he did not want to be left behindB. he realized his family was essential〔重要的〕with himC. he hoped to reach an agreement with his parentsD. He wished to be a more responsible person55. What would more probably happen next?A. Peter would bring his records over to the Tommy’s house.B. Mr. and Mrs. William would call the police.C. Peter would join his family for house moving.D. Mr. and Mrs. William would start searching for Peter.IV. 词汇运用〔共10题,每题0.5分,共5分〕根据句意或首字母提示,在以下各句横线上填上所缺的单词。




则这三种金属可能是:A.Mg、Na、Al B.Zn、Na、FeC.Zn、Na、Al D.Cu、Na、Al2.下列图像能正确反映其对应关系的是A.向氢氧化钠溶液中加水稀释B.浓硫酸敞口放置一段时间C.向饱和石灰水中加入少量生石灰D.催化剂对过氧化氢分解的影响3.下列图象能正确反映对应变化关系的是A.氧气的溶解度随压强变化的关系B.将等质量的镁片和铁片投入到足量稀硫酸中C.MnO2对过氧化氢溶液分解的影响D.向氢氧化钠溶液中加水稀释A.A B.B C.C D.D4.除去下列各物质中少量杂质,所选用的试剂和操作方法均正确的是()选项物质(括号内为杂质)试剂操作方法A Fe 粉(CuSO4)加水溶解、过滤、洗涤、干燥B MnO2固体(KC1)加水溶解、过滤、洗涤、干燥C CO2 (H2)足量氧气点燃D KNO3溶液(K2SO4)过量Ba(NO3)2溶液过滤A.A B.B C.C D.D5.下列除杂(括号内为杂质)选用的试剂或方法正确的是 ( ) A.CuO(C):隔绝空气高温加热B.N a2SO4溶液(N a OH):加适量稀盐酸C.CO2(HCl):将气体通入足量的氢氧化钠溶液D.CaCl2溶液(HCl):加入过量碳酸钙,充分反应后过滤6.下列四个图像中,能正确反映对应关系的是A.一定温度下,向一定量水中加入KNO3固体B.加热一定量的高锰酸钾固体C.向一定量的硫酸铜溶液中加入铁粉D.向一定量的MnO2中加入H2O2溶液7.下列除杂方案中(括号中物质是杂质),正确的是( ) A .N 2(O 2):通过红热的木炭 B .烧碱(纯碱):加适量稀盐酸、蒸发 C .Cu (CuO ):加过量的盐酸溶液并过滤 D .NaHCO 3(Na 2CO 3):高温煅烧 8.甲、乙两种物质的溶解度曲线如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A .2t ℃时,甲物质的饱和溶液溶质质量分数为50%B .乙物质的溶解度小于甲物质的溶解度C .2t ℃时,乙的饱和溶液降温至1t ℃,乙溶液变为不饱和溶液D .当甲中含有少量乙时,可以用降温结晶提纯甲9.中和一定质量的稀硫酸,需用m 克氢氧化钠,若改用m 克氢氧化钾,反应后溶液的PH 应当是( )A .<7B .>7C .=7D .无法确定 10.下列说法正确的是A .将草木灰(含K 2CO 3)与氯化铵混合施用能增加肥效B .用Ba (NO 3)2除去ZnCl 2溶液中的ZnSO 4杂质C .只用一种试剂即可鉴别NaCl 、NH 4NO 3、(NH 4)2SO 4、Na 2SO 4四种无色溶液D .不用其它试剂无法鉴别Na 2CO 3、K 2SO 4、BaCl 2、HCl 四种无色溶液11.下列从左到右依次代表ABCD 四个图像中,能正确表示对应变化关系的是 ( )A .向氢氧化钠和碳酸钠的混合溶液中滴加盐酸B .向一定量稀硫酸中加水稀释C .加热等质量的氯酸钾制取氧气D .向饱和氢氧化钙溶液中加入CaO12.除去下列各物质中混有的少量杂质(括号内为杂质),所用试剂及方法不正确...的是 A .N 2(O 2)—— 将气体通过灼热且足量的Cu 粉 B .铜粉(CuO )—— 通入足量的CO 气体并加热C .烧碱溶液(Na 2CO 3)——加入过量的Ca(OH)2溶液,过滤D .CaCl 2溶液(盐酸)—— 加入过量的CaCO 3固体,过滤13.有一包固体粉末,可能由CaCO 3、Na 2SO 4、KNO 3、FeSO 4、BaCl 2中的一种或几种组成,做实验得以下结果:⑴ 将此固体粉末加到水中,得到白色沉淀,且上层清液为无色;⑵ 该白色沉淀部分溶于稀硝酸,并有无色气体产生。









2018-2019年最新江苏省启东中学自主招生语文模拟精品试卷(第一套)(满分:100分考试时间:90分钟)一、语文基础知识(18分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是()A.连累(lěi) 角(juã)色河间相(xiàng) 冠冕(miǎn)堂皇B专横(hâng) 忖(cǔn)度涮(shuàn) 羊肉妄加揣(chuāi)测C.笑靥(yâ) 顷(qīng)刻汗涔(cãn)涔休戚(qì)相关D慨叹(kǎi) 俨(yǎn)然刽子手(kuàì) 刎(wěn)颈之交2、下列各项中字形全对的是()A、橘子州偌大急躁光阴荏苒B、蒙敝犄角慰籍书生意气C、敷衍磕绊笔竿艰难跋涉D、翱翔斑斓屏蔽自怨自艾3、依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当..的一项是()⑴虽然他尽了最大的努力,还是没能住对方凌厉的攻势,痛失奖杯。







5、下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()A 大学毕业选择工作那年,我瞒着父母和姑姑毅然去了西藏支援边疆教育。






2006年江苏省启东中学高一物理提前招生考试试卷(分值80分 考试时间60分钟)一.选择题(每小题3分,共30分。


将正确答案填入下列表格内)A .α粒子是带正电的氦原子核B .β粒子是来自核外的电子流C .γ射线穿透力很强,因为它带的电荷数比α、β粒子带电荷数多D .放射性现象提示了原子的结构是复杂的2.冷水的质量为m ,温度为t 1,吸收 一定热量后,温度升高到t ,另有质量为2m 的热水,如果它放出同样的热量后温度降到t A .(3t 1-t)/2 B .(2t-t 1)/3 C .(3t-t 1)/2 D .3(3t-2t 1)3.如图MNP 是一全反射棱镜,眼睛从这个全反射棱镜中看到物体AB 的 像的情况是A .像与边MN 垂直B .像是倒立的虚像C .像与边MN 平行D .像是倒立的实像4.如图所示,在一个金属圆环中有一个可以绕轴OO /匀速转动的条形磁铁,当磁铁旋转时,下列说法正确的是 A .金属环中有感应电流B .因金属环不动,故环中无感应电流C .金属环中有感应电流,且是交流电D .金属环中有感应电流,且是直流电5.原来做匀速运动的升降机内,有一被伸长弹簧拉住的、具有一定质量的 物体A ,静止在地板上,如图所示,现发现A 突然被弹簧拉向右方,由 此可判断,此升降机的运动可能是A .加速上升B .减速上升C .加速下降D .减速下降 6.如图所示,A 是一质量为M 的盒子,B 的质量为1/2M ,用细绳相连,跨 过光滑的定滑轮,A 置于倾角为θ的斜面上,B 悬于斜面之外,处于静止 状态,现在向A 中缓慢地加入沙子,整个系统始终保持静止,则在加入 沙子的过程中A .绳子中拉力逐渐减小B .A 对斜面的压力逐渐增大C .A 所受的摩擦力逐渐增大D .A 所受的摩擦力先增大后减小 7.关于牛顿第一定律的下列说法中正确的是A .牛顿第一定律是实验定律B .牛顿第一定律说明力是改变物体运动状态的原因C .惯性定律与惯性的实质是相同的D .物体的运动不需要力来维持8.一根电阻丝在通过2 C 的电量时,消耗的电能是8 J ,若在相同的时间内通过4 C 的电量,则该电阻丝两端所加电压U 和该电阻丝在这段时间内消耗的电能W 分别为 A .U=4V B .U=8V C .W=16 J D .W=32 J9.金属铂的电阻对温度的高低比较“敏感”,如图所示的U -I 图中可能表示金属铂电阻的U -I 图线的是A B10.将阻值相等的电阻R1、R2串联起来接在电压恒定的电路中,保持R1的温度不变,对R2加热或冷却,R2消耗的电功率的变化情况是A.加热时变大,冷却时变小B.加热时变小,冷却时变大C.加热、冷却时均变小D.加热、冷却时均变大二.填空、实验题(共16分)11.如图所示,在被支起的水平木板上放一条形磁铁,在磁铁中央正上方不远处,垂直于纸面放置一根直导线,此时条形磁铁对木板的压力为N,当直导线中通以较强的垂直于纸面向里的电流时,条形磁铁对木板的压力为N’,则N’_______N。



重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(1) (2)重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(2) (49)重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(3) (88)重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(4) (126)重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(5) (167)重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(6) (204)绝密★启用前重点高中提前招生模拟考试物理试卷(1)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第Ⅰ卷(选择题)一.选择题(共10小题,满分20分,每小题2分)1.(2分)如图所示,一个小物体沿光滑斜面由A点上方从静止开始下滑,在它通过的路径AE分成相等的四段,v1、v2分别表示通过AB段、BC段的平均速度,v表示BE段的平均速度,则v1、v2与v的关系是()A.v1<v2<v B.v1=v2<v C.v1=v2>v D.v1<v<v2 2.(2分)养鱼的水族箱里在安装“循环、过滤、加氧三合一”水泵,水泵,如图所示。



关于这一生活中的现象,下列说法正确的是()A.管乙内水的流速大,压强大B.大气压强大于管乙内液体压强,空气被压入水流C.气泡在水中上升的过程中,气泡内部压强不变D.气泡在水中上升的过程中,气泡所受浮力不变3.(2分)小明同学家住5楼一天,他提着装有30个鸡蛋的塑料袋从1楼走到家里,在此过程中,下列估算不合理的是()A.他提鸡蛋的力做的功约为200 JB.他提鸡蛋的力做功的功率约为3WC.他爬楼做的功约为6×102 JD.他爬楼做功的功率约为1×102 W4.(2分)我国的民谚、俗语和诗词中往往蕴含着丰富的物理知识。



2018-2019年最新江苏省启东中学初升高自主招生物理模拟精品试卷(第一套)一.单项选择题(共15小题,每题3分,共45分)1.“大黄鸭”来到中国,下列能正确表示“大黄鸭”在水中所成倒影的是()A B C D2.关于四季常见的自然现象,下面说法正确的是()A.春雨是汽化现象 B.夏露是液化现象C.秋霜是凝固现象 D.冬雪是升华现象3.自行车是非常方便的交通工具,它运用了许多科学知识.下列说法中错误的是()A.车轮上刻有凹凸不平的花纹是为了增大摩擦力B.用力蹬脚踏板,自行车前进是因为受到地面的摩擦力C.在水平地面上运动的自行车不用踩也会前进是因为自行车的惯性D.上坡前用力猛踩几下是为了增大自行车的惯性4.关于电磁波的以下说法正确的是()A.在电磁波普中频率最高的电磁波是γ射线B.手机信号所使用的电磁波频率为900Hz,其波长大约为3.3mC.电视信号利用了电磁波的能量特征D. X射线断层扫描照像(CT)是利用了电磁波的能量特征5.关于光现象,下面说法正确的是()A.开凿大山隧道时,用激光引导掘进方向是运用光的直线传播道理B.当物体表面发生漫反射时,光线射向四面八方,不遵守光的反射定律C.渔民叉鱼时,将鱼叉对准看到的“鱼”叉去可以叉到鱼D.太阳光是由红、黄、蓝三种色光组成的6.下列有关热现象的解释正确的是()A.炒菜时满屋子的香味说明分子间存在斥力B.给自行车打气时,打气筒内活塞向下压缩气体,气体分子间引力做正功C.物体从外界吸收热量,温度一定升高D.内燃机压缩冲程,汽缸内燃气温度上升,将内能转化为机械能7.丹麦物理学家奥斯特首先通过实验发现电流周围存在磁场.如图所示,实验时要在通电直导线下方放一个小磁针,通过小磁针的偏转来判断电流是否在其周围空间激发磁场及激发的磁场的方向.为使实验效果尽量明显,下列有关直导线AB放置方向的有关叙述正确的是()A.直导线AB应该东西方向水平放置B.直导线AB应该南北方向水平放置C.直导线AB应该东南方向水平放置D.直导线AB应该东北方向水平放置8.某学习小组对一辆在平直公路上做直线运动的小车进行观测研究.他们记录了小车在某段时间内通过的路程和所用的时间,并根据记录的数据绘制了路程与时间关系图象,如图所示,根据图象可以判断()A.2s~5s内,小车的平均速度是0.4 m/sB.0~7s内,小车的平均速度是1.5m/sC.2s~5s内,小车受到的合力不为零D.5s~7s内,小车受到的合力为零9.某测量仪器及其控制电路如图所示.仪器的等效内阻为90 Ω,正常工作电流范围为100~300 mA之间,控制电路电源电压恒为30V.控制电路由两个滑动变阻器R1和R2串联组成,为了在不同环境下快速而准确地调节仪器以达到正常工作电流,应选用哪一组变阻器?()A.R1=100 Ω,R2=10 Ω B.R1=200 Ω,R2=20 ΩC.R1=100 Ω,R2=100 Ω D.R1=200 Ω,R2=200 Ω10.以下关于飞机正常飞行及失速下降的科学分析中正确的是()A.飞机正常飞行时机翼上方的空气流速大于下方空气流速导致飞机上下表面受压力差向上克服飞机重力B. 飞机正常飞行时机翼下方的空气流速大于下方空气流速导致飞机上下表面受压力差向上克服飞机重力C.飞机失速状态下机翼上、下方的空气流速不同导致的压力差大于飞机重力D. 飞机失速状态下机翼上、下方的空气流速不同导致的压力差等于飞机重力11.将一m = 50 kg的长方体木箱放置于电梯水平地面上的可以显示压力大小的压力传感器上随电梯一起由1楼道32楼,下面关于电梯上升过程中的相关分析正确的是()A.电梯匀速上升阶段木箱受到的重力和木箱对传感器的压力是一对平衡力,传感器示数为500 NB. 电梯匀速上升阶段木箱对传感器的压力和传感器对木箱的支持力是一对平衡力,传感器示数为500 NC..电梯加速上升阶段木箱对传感器的压力和传感器对木箱的支持力是一对相互作用力,传感器示数大于500 ND. 电梯减速上升阶段木箱受到的重力和传感器对木箱的支持力是一对平衡力,传感器示数为500 N12.凸透镜是一种基本光学元件,在生活中有广泛的应用.下列说法正确的是()A.用放大镜观察报纸上的小字时,应将报纸放在凸透镜的一倍焦距与二倍焦距之间,这时报纸上的字成正立、放大的虚像B.某人去医院检查发现是远视眼,医生建议他佩戴装有凸透镜的眼镜加以矫正C.照相机照全身照时,应该让照相机与人的距离大于照相机镜头的二倍焦距,人在相机中所成像是正立、缩小的实像D.小孔成像、海市蜃楼、彩虹的形成以及凸透镜成像都是由光的折射形成的13.如图所示,三个相同的容器内水面高度相同,甲容器内只有水,乙容器内有木块漂浮在水面上,丙容器中悬浮着一个小球,则下列四种说法正确的是()A.三个容器对水平桌面的压力相等B.三个容器中,丙容器对水平桌面的压力最大C.如果向乙容器中加入盐水,木块将下沉D.如果向丙容器中加入酒精,小球受到的浮力不变14.芷晴走到电动扶梯(电梯)前,发现电梯上没有站人时运行较慢,当她站到电梯上时又快了很多.她了解到电梯是由电动机带动运转的,电梯的控制电路中安装了力敏电阻(力敏电阻受到压力时,阻值会发生变化),控制电梯运动快慢的模拟电路如图所示.以下分析合理的是()A.电梯没有站人时,电磁铁的衔铁与触点1接触,电阻R连入电路中,电路消耗的总功率更大B.电梯上站人后,压敏电阻的阻值减小,电磁铁的磁性变强,使衔铁接触触点2,电动机消耗的低昂率增大C.调整弹簧的长度、软硬等不能有效防止因儿童单独上扶梯导致扶梯突然加速引发的潜在危险D.调整R的大小不能有效改变人站上扶梯后电梯速度的该变量15.如图所示的电路,电源电压恒为U,闭合开关S,将滑动变阻器的滑片P 由a端逐渐向右移动至b端,测得当滑片位于某两个不同位置时电流表A示数分别为I1、I2,电压表V1示数分别为U1、U3,电压表V2示数分别为U2、U4.则下列说法正确的是()A.U1-U3=U4-U2B.U1-U3<U4-U2C.U4-U2I2-I1=R2-R3 C.U1-U3I2-I1=R2+R3二、作图题(共4小题,每小题3分,共12分)16.如图所示,轻杆AC一端用光滑铰链固定于墙壁上的A点,另一端用细线系一电灯,从杆上点B拉一细绳系于墙壁上的D点使轻杆处于水平,请做出此杆模型的支点O、作用于B、C两点的细绳和电线的作用力的力臂l B、l C.17.如图所示,空间中有一通电螺线管,在其过轴线的竖直面上放置4个可以360°旋转的小磁针a、b、c、d,其中小磁针c位于螺线管内部,其余小磁针在螺线管外部。





1.设集合M ={x|0<x <4},N ={x|13≤x ≤5},则M ∩N =( )A. {x|0<x ≤13}B. {x|13≤x <4}C. {x|4≤x <5}D. {x|0<x ≤5}2.命题“∀m ∈R ,都有m 2−2m +3>0”的否定是 ( )A. ∀m ∈R ,都有m 2−2m +3≤0B. ∃m ∈R ,使得m 2−2m +3≤0C. ∃m ∈R ,使得m 2−2m +3<0D. ∃m ∈R ,使得m 2−2m +3>03.如图,U 是全集,M ,N ,P 是U 的子集,则阴影部分表示的集合是( )A. M ∩(N ∩P )B. M ∪(N ∩P )C. (∁U M )∩(N ∩P )D. (∁U M )∪(N ∩P )4.给出下列关系:①12∈R ;②2∈Z ;③|−3|∉N ∗;④|− 3|∈Q ,其中正确的个数为( )A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 45. 若a,b 是正数,则“ac >bc ”是“a >b ”的( )A. 充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C. 充分必要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件6.已知a <0,−1<b <0,则有( )A. ab >ab 2>aB. ab 2>ab >aC. ab >a >ab 2D. a >ab >ab 27.已知集合U ={x ∈N ∗|x ≤6},若A ⊆U ,且同时满足:若x ∈A ,则2x ∉A ;②若x ∈∁U A ,则2x ∉∁UA .则集合A 的个数为( )A. 4B. 8C. 16D. 208.定义:若一个n 位正整数的所有数位上数字的n 次方和等于这个数本身,则称这个数是自恋数.已知集合A ={8,23,81,153,254,370},B ={x ∈A|x 是自恋数},则B 的真子集个数为( )A. 7B. 15C. 31D. 63二、多选题:本题共3小题,共18分。

















2006年江苏省启东中学高一提前招生考试试卷英语命题人:龚辉(分值100分考试时间90分钟)(注意: 1~75题的答案必须写在第10页的答案纸上)I. 单项填空(共20题,每题1分,共20分)A)情景交际1. —Now, where is my purse?—_________! We’ll be late for the picnic.A. Take your timeB. Don’t worryC. Take it easyD. Come on2.—You couldn’t have chosen any gift better for me.—_______.A. I’m glad you like it so muchB. That’s all rightC. Oh, don’t you like it?D. Sorry, I’ll choose a better one next time3.—Micky!—________, Mum?—Come and help me move the table out.A. WhatB. RightC. YesD. Pardon4.—Do you mind if I turned the TV down?—________.A. Yes, I don’t mindB. No, go right aheadC. Yes, please turn it downD. Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it soon5. —She didn’t come to school yesterday, did she?—__________, though she was not feeling very well.A. No, she didn’tB. Yes, she didn’tC. No, she didD. Yes, she didB)语言知识6. Suzhou is ______ most beautiful tourist city and I believe I’ll come for _____ second time.A. the; aB. a; aC. the; theD. a; the7. —Have you heard today’s weather forecast?—Yes. Better weather is ______. We can expect an outing.A. in the wayB. by the wayC. on the wayD. in this way8. —Can I tell my best friend about it?—No, I don’t want anyone else to know it. You _______ keep it to yourself.A. mustB. needC. canD. may9. Is this school __________ you visited last month?A. whereB. the one whereC. thatD. the one10. When I handed the report to Peter, he said that David was the right person ________.A. to send it toB. to sendC. to be sentD. for sending11.—I wonder if she _____ to the ball.—She is sure to come if she ____ time tonight.A. comes; hasB. will come; will haveC. comes; will haveD. will come; has12. Oxford, as we know, ________ is one of the best universities in the world.A. thatB. /C. itD. this13. Studying abroad is quite different from life in China. It took me nearly half a year to ____the language problem and culture shock.A. turn overB. look overC. get overD. go over14. —What’s the best way of losing weight?—_________A. Why not playing games?B. Why don’t you play games?C. I advise you to playing games?D. You’d better to play games?15. Yesterday we had a lecture given by a _________ teacher.A. well-mannered young schoolB. young well-mannered schoolC. well-mannered school youngD. school well-mannered young16. They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I _______a good drink.A. had enjoyedB. was enjoyingC. have enjoyedD. have been enjoying17.—Thank you for the great trouble you have taken _____ me with my English?—Think nothing of it!A. with helpingB. to helpC. in helpingD. helping18. Unluckily, he was soon told ______ he discovered was unimportant to them.A. what whyB. that whyC. what thatD. why what19.—How can I wake up so early?—Set the alarm clock, _________ you will make it.A. ButB. orC. andD. so20. When I dropped in, Dr Smith _____, so we only had time for a few words.A. just leftB. was just leavingC. has just leftD. had just leftII. 完形填空(共15题,每题1分,共15分)Mr. and Mrs Smith’s house was full of suitcases, packages and packed-up boxes. The two of them were 21 with pencils and paper, checking their luggage, when there was a 22 at the door. Mr. Smith went to 23 it and saw a well-dressed middle-aged lady outside. The lady said that she lived in the house beside theirs, and that she had come to 24 them to their new home.The Smiths invited her in after apologizing for the state of the house.“Oh, 25 ,” she answered. “Do you know in some parts of this 26 neighbours are not all 27 ? There are some streets where people do not 28 their neighbours, 29 their next-door ones. But in this street everybody is friends with 30 else. We are one big, happy family. I’m 31 that you will be 32 here.”The well-dressed lady got a 33 when she came to visit the house the 34 time, because she found a quite 35 man and woman in it. Mr. and Mrs Smith had not had thecourage to tell her that they were not the new owners of the house, who were to move in the next day, but the old ones, who have lived beside her for two years without ever having visited her or even noticing her existence (存在).21. A. free B. busy C. pleased D. familiar (熟悉的)22. A. sound B. ring C. friend D. message23. A. answer B. serve C. see D. guess24. A. invite B. lead C. take D. welcome25. A. excuse me B. here you are C. never mind D. thank you26. A. house B. street C. town D. time27. A. busy B. lonely C. safe D. friendly28. A. know B. understand C. welcome D. respect29. A. only B. even C. mostly D. neither30. A. anybody B. nobody C. somebody D. none31. A. uncertain B. glad C. sure D. afraid32. A. happy B. lonely C. popular D. friendly33. A. surprise B. fright C. pleasure D. worry34. A. first B. exact C. next D. same35. A. famous B. different C. young D. oldIII. 阅读理解(共20题,每题2分,共40分)(A)Do you feel a littl e sleepy after lunch? Well, that’s normal. Your body naturally slows down then. What should you do about it? Don’t reach for a coffee! Instead, take a nap.There are many benefits (好处) of a daily nap. First of all, you are more efficient (有效率) after napping. You remember things better and make fewer mistakes. Also, you can learn things more easily after taking a nap. A 20-minute nap can reduce information overload. It can also reduce stress. Finally, a nap may increase your self-confidence and make you more alert (灵活). It may even cheer you up.But, there are some simple rules you should follow about taking a nap. First, take a nap in the middle of the day, about eight hours after you wake up. Otherwise, you may disturb your sleep-wake pattern. Next, a 20-minute nap is best. If you sleep longer, you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking from a deep sleep, you will feel worse. Also, you should set an alarm clock. That way, you can fully relax during your nap. You won’t have to keep looking at the clock so that you don’t oversleep.Now, the next time you feel sleepy after lunch, don’t get stressed. Put your head down, close your eyes, and have forty winks.36. What is a good rule for taking a nap?A. Use an alarm clock.B. Nap eight hours after waking up.C. Sleep for about half an hour.D. All of the above37. According to the passage, what is NOT a benefit of napping?A. It makes you strongerB. It makes you feel happierC. It gives you more self-confidenceD. It improves your memory38. Which may happen if an alarm clock is not used?A. You may relax more.B. You may feel too nervous to relax.C. You may forget an important meeting.D. You may not reduce your napping time.39. In the last paragraph, “have forty winks” can be replaced by “________”.A. do eye-protection exercisesB. close your eyes for forty timesC. have a short sleep during the daytimeD. pretend to have a quick nap after lunch(B)Do you think animals can predict (预报) the weather or other natural events? Farmers living in the countryside think so. For hundreds of years, they have observed animals. They think animals’ behavior (行为) can be connected to future weather conditions or events. For example, if swans fly into the wind, a hurricane is coming. Or, if cows lie down, a rainstorm is coming. There are many traditional stories connecting animals and natural events. Many people think that these stories are just folklore, traditional stories and beliefs without scientific evidence (证据). Scientists, however, are beginning to take another look at some of these ideas.Kiyoshi Shimamura is a Japanese earthquake researcher. He noticed an increase in dog bites a short time before earthquakes hit. Then, he did an investigation (调查) of twelve public health centers in Kobe, Japan. These health centers treated people after the 1995 earthquake. He noticed some interesting information about the month before the big earthquake. Treatment for animal bites had increased. In fact, aggressive (冒犯的;侵略的) behavior in dogs, such as biting and barking loudly, jumped (猛增) 60 percent!People noticed other changes in animal behavior before the earthquake as well. For example, fish began swimming together in large groups, only in the middle of the water and not near the edges. Also, birds flew away from their nests for many days, leaving their eggs unprotected. The animal behavior suggests that animals may be able to predict natural events better than people.40. What is the main idea of the passage?A. What animals do during earthquakesB. Many earthquakes of JapanC. Effect (影响) of natural events on animals’ actionsD. Folklore and other stories about animals41. How do dogs begin to behave just before an earthquake?A. They lie down in grass.B. They stay together in large groups.C. They leave their homes.D. They hurt people.42. What other animals behave strangely before an earthquake?A. PigsB. BirdsC. CowsD. All of the above43. What did Kiyoshi Shimamura look at during his investigation?A. Animal clinics treating dogsB. The number of patients with bitesC. The number of earthquakes a yearD. Places dogs go during earthquakes(C)My first performance (表演) in front of an audience was coming up soon.I tried as hard as I could to remain calm, but my heart was racing. I stared down at my sweat-covered, shaking hands.I looked up again at the audience, realizing that these were real people. They were not just my mum and dad, who would say, “Good job!” even if I messed up the entire piece.What if I had the wrong music? What if I played the wrong notes?As it turned out, I was never able to answer these questions because the spotlight (聚光灯) was waiting for me. I grasped my hands tightly together, drying off the sweat.Slowly I walked to the mud-brown piano in the center of the room. It contained 88 demanding keys, which were waiting impatiently to be played. I swallowed the golf-ball-sized lump (隆起部分) in my throat and sat down. Slowly, I opened the music. Next, I rested my still shaking hands on the ivory (象牙色的) keys.As my fingers played across the keys, I was becoming more unsure of my preparation for this moment. But the memory of my years of training came flooding back. I knew that I had practised this piece so many times that I could play it backwards if requested.Although at one point I accidentally played two keys instead of the intended one, I continued to move my fingers automatically (自动地).My eyes burned holes into (were fixed on) the pages in front of me.There was no way that I was going to lose my concentration. To keep this to myself, I leaned forward and focused carefully on the music.When I came to the end of the page, a warning went off inside my head: DON’T MAKE A MISTAKE WHEN YOU TURN THE PAGE!Needless to say, I obeyed myself with all my heart and mind. And, proud of my “page-turning” feat (技艺), I finished the rest of the piece without making a single mistake.After the final note died away, a celebration went into action inside my head. I had finished.I had mastered the impossible.44. The author was nervous before the performance because _______.A. her mother and father weren’t presentB. the strong spotlight was shining onto the stageC. she hadn’t mastered the entire pieceD. she had never performed in public before45. The underlined phrase “mess up” in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.A. put into disorderB. forget aboutC. stop halfwayD. do well in46. The author _________.A. didn’t make any mistake in the performanceB. felt better at the beginning of the performanceC. paid all attention to nothing but her performanceD. lost her concentration (注意力) sometimes during the performance47. What did the author feel about her performance?A. She thought it was comfortable and successful.B. She thought it was very difficult but successful.C. She thought she had never made a mistake during the performance.D. She thought she played through the piece carefully but light-heartedly.(D)For Chinese, it’s time for dragon boat racing and Zongzi. But in South Korea, wrestling and swing play are the highlights. However, both events go by the same name — the Dragon Boat Festival. It falls on May 5th of the lunar calendar.One festival, two cultures. Does one nation have the right to call it its own? It has beenreported that South Korea will ask the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO联合国教科文组织) to make the celebration its cultural heritage (文化遗产). If successful, people from other countries may see the Dragon Boat Festival as a Korean creation.As the birthplace of the yearly event more than 2,000 years ago, China is not happy with the situation (情况). “It would be a shame if another country successfully made a traditional Chinese festival part of its own cultural heritage before China,”said Zhou Heping, deputy cultural minister. The Ministry of Culture is even thinking of making its own application (申请) to UNESCO, covering all traditional Chinese festivals, including the Dragon Boat event.“I don’t like some of the food eaten at the festival, but I am shocked by South Korea’s move,” said Jin Yutong, a Senior One student. “We should protect the cultural heritage left by our ancestors (祖先).”It is thought that the festival is held in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan (340-278BC), who lived in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period. Qu was known to be a patriot (爱国者) and admired by ordinary people. He is said to have jumped into Miluo River, because he had lost hope in his country’s future. When people heard about Qu’s death, they sailed up and down the river searching for his body. They also beat the drums to fright away fish and threw Zongzi into water. These were supposed to stop the fish from touching Qu. Dragon boat racing is said to have come from the search for the poet’s body.Over the years, the Dragon Boat Festival has spread throughout the world. In Japan and Vietnam, as well as South Korea, the festival has mixed together with, and become part of the local culture.With this in mind, some experts say that it is meaningless to argue (争论) about which country the festival belongs. “Everyone can say that it came from China,” said Long Haiqing, an expert from Hunan Province. “But if the whole nation can protect the culture heritage together, they will all benefit.”48. Which of the following country is NOT mentioned about the Dragon Boat Festivalspreading?A. JapanB. VietnamC. South KoreaD. the United States49. From the passage, we can see Chinese people’s attitude (态度) toward the Dragon BoatFestival is that ______________.A. they do not like itB. they want to protect it because it is their cultural heritageC. it is a shame to protect itD. they won’t agree South Korea takes it as its own festival50. Racing boats to celebrate the festival comes from the story that ___________.A. people searched for Qu Y uan’s body by boatB. people searched for Qu Yuan’s boatC. Qu Yuan enjoyed boatingD. Qu Yuan liked building boats51. What can we infer (推断) from the last two paragraphs?A. The festival is celebrated in the same way all over the world.B. It matters a lot whose cultural heritage the festival is.C. It is good for the Chinese people to protect the cultural heritage.D. South Korea does not recognize that the festival is from China.(E)One evening after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. William called a family meeting. “We’ve had to make a difficult decision.” Mr. William announced. “You see, your mother has bee n offered a post as co-director of a television in Chicago. Unluckily, the station is not here. After thinking long and hard about it, we’ve concluded (下结论) that the right decision is to move to Chicago.”Peter looked shocked, while his sister Amy breathlessly started asking when they’d be moving: “It’s surprising, but exciting!”she said. Peter simply said, “We can’t go —I can’t leave all my friends. I’d rather stay here and live with Tommy!”Mr. and Mrs. William hoped that by the time they moved in August, Peter would grow more accustomed (习惯) to the idea of leaving. However, he showed no signs of accepting the news, refusing to pack his belongings (物品).When the morning of the move arrived, Peter was nowhere to be found. His parents called Tommy’s house, but Tommy’s mother said she hadn’t seen Peter. Mrs. William became increasingly worried, while her husband felt angry with their son for behaving so irresponsibly (不负责任).What they didn’t know was that Peter had started walking over to Tommy’s house, with a faint idea of hiding in Tommy’s attic (阁楼) for a few days. But something happened on the way as Peter walked past all the familiar landscape of the neighborhood: the fence that he and his mother painted, the tree that he and his sister used to climb, the park where he and his father often took evening walks together. How much would these mean without his family, who make them special in the first place? Peter didn’t take the time to answer that question but instead hurried back to his house, wondering if there were any moving cartons (纸板箱) the right size to hold his record collection.52. The conflict (分歧) in this story was caused by ________.A. Peter and Amy’s different tempers (脾气)B. a quarrel (争吵) between Tommy and PeterC. Peter’s disagreement with his parents about their moveD. Mr. and Mrs. William’s words of Peter’s irresponsibility53. Peter and Amy were both _________ after hearing the move.A. surprisedB. angry and worriedC. anxious for more detailsD. worried about packing54. The reason for Peter’s going home was that _______.A. he did not want to be left behindB. he realized his family was essential (重要的) with himC. he hoped to reach an agreement with his parentsD. He wished to be a more responsible person55. What would more probably happen next?A. Peter would bring his records over to the Tommy’s house.B. Mr. and Mrs. William would call the police.C. Peter would join his family for house moving.D. Mr. and Mrs. William would start searching for Peter.IV. 词汇运用(共10题,每题0.5分,共5分)根据句意或首字母提示,在下列各句横线上填上所缺的单词。




已知:氢氧化镁受热易分解,Δ反应的化学方程式为:Mg(OH)2= MgO ÷ H2O:碳酸钙髙温下分解。


关于加热一段时间后剩余固体的判断,下列说法错误的是()A •图中a点剩余固体是由一种盐和一种碱组成B.若剩余固体中钙元素的质量分数为36.0%,则剩余固体的成分为CaCO3和MgOC.图中ab间任一点(不包括a、b两点)的剩余固体成分为CaCO3、MgO和Mg(OH)2D.若向C点的剩余固体中加入足量稀盐酸,充分反应生成CO2的质量为(12.0-×)g2.某固体混合物由Mg和MgO组成,取该混合物与19. 6%的稀硫酸恰好完全反应(反应后溶液中无晶体析出),所得溶液蒸发82. 2g水后得到固体的质量为24g,则原混合物中氧元素的质量分数为()A.16%B.20%C.25%D.40%3.现有一包由5∙6g铁、7.2g镁、1.0g碳混合而成的粉末,把它加入一泄量的CUCl2溶液中。


则剩余固体的质量不可能是A.26. 2gB.26.6gC.26. OgD.25.8g4.现有一包由3.2g铜、13g锌和2g碳组成的粉末,放到一泄量的AgNO3溶液中,完全反应后得到的固体为m种,溶液中溶质为n种.下列说法中不正确的是()A.若m=2,则n=2或3B.若固体中金属的质量为48g,则m=4C.当m=3时,溶液可能呈蓝色D.反应后固体的质量不可能超过56g5.金属钠非常活泼,常温下在空气中易被氧化,也易与水反应。

现将5.4g部分氧化的金属钠样品放入150g 16%的硫酸铜溶液中,充分反应后过滤,得到9∙8g蓝色滤渣。

(已知样品成分仅为Na和Na2O,相关反应①2Na + 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2↑@Na2O +H2O = 2NaOH),下列计算错误的是()A.最终所得溶液中存在两种溶质B.最终所得溶液的质量为145.5gC.原混合物中钠元素质量为4.6gD.原混合物中钠和氧化钠的质星比为46:316.为了除去粗盐中的Ca2+. Mg2÷. SO?■及泥砂,可将粗盐溶于水,然后进行下列五项操作①过滤:②加过量NaOH溶液;③加适量盐酸:④加过MNa2COs溶液:⑤加过量BaCH 溶液.下列操作顺序中最合适的是()A.②④⑤①③B.⑤④②③①C.⑤②④③①D.②⑤④①③7.童童同学将一左量的氧化铜粉末加入到IOOg溶质的质量分数为14%的稀硫酸中,充分反应后固体全部消失,为了避免该废液排放造成污染,他又向废液中加入20g铁粉,充分反应后过滤,滤渣的质量为20g,加稀硫酸时所消耗的氧化铜质量是()A.8gB. IO gC. 12gD. 14g8.许多物质在溶液中都以离子形式存在。



江苏省南通市启东中学自主招生模拟试题物理试卷一、选择题1.如图所示,在探究“凸透镜成像的实验”中,烛焰在光屏上成了清晰的像,下列说法不正确的是()A.此时,光屏上成的是倒立、放大的实像B.该凸透镜的焦距可能是10cmC.如果在凸透镜左前方放一近视眼镜,向右移动光屏才能再次成清晰的像D.凸透镜位置不动,向右移动蜡烛并适当调节光屏位置可得到等大倒立的实像2.如图所示,用甲、乙滑轮组在相同时间分别将A、B物体匀速提升相同高度,已知物体受到的重力G A>G B,滑轮组的机械效率η甲<η乙(忽略绳重和摩擦).下列判断正确的是()A.两滑轮组绳端移动的距离相等B.甲滑轮组的有用功比乙的少C.甲滑轮组的总功率比乙的小D.甲滑轮组的动滑轮比乙的重3.今年抗击“肺炎”战役中,无接触式体温计被广泛使用,它是依靠感知人体发出下列哪项进行测量温度的()A.红外线B.超声波C.次声波D.紫外线4.以下是对电与磁部分四幅图的分析,其中错误的是A.如图装置闭合电路后磁针会偏转,说明电流能产生磁场B.如图装置说明通电导线在磁场中受到力的作用C.如图装置所揭示的原理可制造发电机D.图中动圈式话筒应用了磁场对电流的作用5.在实验中经常遇到现象或效果不明显的问题,我们需要对实验进行优化改进,下列采取的措施合理的是()A.在测量纸锥下落的速度时,为了方便时间的测量,选用锥角较小的纸锥B.在探究平面镜成像时,为了使棋子的像清晰一些,用手电筒对着玻璃板照C.估测大气压数值时,为能用实验室常用的弹簧测力计测力,应选用较细的注射器D.在观察水的沸腾活动中,为了使水更快的沸腾,应使用酒精灯的内焰加热6.下列措施中属于在传播途中控制噪声的是A.在摩托车发动机上安装消声器B.在高速公路两侧安装隔音幕墙C.在学校附近安装喇叭禁鸣标志D.机场的地勤佩戴有耳罩的头盔7.如图所示,对下列电磁现象相应的说明正确的是()A.如图表明通电导线周围有磁场,这个现象是法拉第首先发现的B.如图可以判断电磁铁的左端为N极C.如图是研究电磁感应现象的实验装置,只要导体棒AB运动就一定能产生感应电流D.按如图中的方法把线圈两端导线上的漆刮去,通电后线圈可以持续转动8.溧阳平桥石坝,没有使用钢筋混凝土,靠浆砌石建成,近年来成为远近闻名的旅游景点,如图所示为溧阳平桥石坝的切面示意图、水坝左侧水面高,右侧水面低,A和B两点处于同一高度,A和C两点到各自液面的距离相等,水在A、B和C三点产生的压强分别为p A、p B和p C.则()A.p A=p B>p C B.p A=p B<p C C.p A=p C>p B D.p A=p C<p B9.用下列器材,在月球和地球上分别对同一物体进行测量,测量值不发生变化的有()A.①②B.②④C.①③④D.①②③④10.下列交通提示用语与惯性无关的是()A.遵守交规,请靠右行驶B.车辆起步,请抓好扶手C.注意安全,请保持车距D.车辆转弯,请坐稳扶好11.关于声现象,下列说法正确的是()A.敲鼓时,鼓面振幅越大,音调越高B.敲鼓时,鼓面振动越快,响度越大C.敲鼓时,听到的声音由鼓槌的振动产生的D.敲鼓时,远处的人听到鼓声是由空气传播的12.如图甲是某一模拟调光灯的实验电路。



江苏省启东中学九年级物理普通高中提前招生试题一、选择题1.五千年的华夏文明,创造了无数的诗歌辞赋,我们在欣赏这些诗歌辞赋时,不仅要挖掘其思想内涵,还可以探究其中所描述的自然现象与物理规律,下面是某位同学对部分诗句中蕴涵的物理知识的理解,其中正确的是A.“露似珍珠月似弓”﹣露实际是小水珠,是由冰熔化形成B.“孤帆一片日边来”﹣孤帆的运动,是以江岸为参照物的C.“不敢高声语,恐惊天上人”﹣“高”是指声音的特性“音调”高D.“人面桃花相映红”﹣桃花是光源,发出的红光映红了人的脸2.如图所示,铅球从a处向右上方推出,在空中画出一道弧线后落到地面b处,铅球在飞行过程中,空气阻力不可忽略,下列说法正确的是A.铅球的惯性不断变大B.铅球的运动方向保持不变C.铅球运动到最高点时其动能为零D.铅球的机械能不断变小3.汽车装有安全带未系提示系统,当乘客坐在副驾驶座椅上时,座椅下的开关S1闭合,若未系安全带,则开关S2断开,仪表盘上的指示灯亮起,蜂鸣器工作;若系上安全带,则开关S2闭合,指示灯熄灭,蜂鸣器不工作.图设计的电路图正确的是A.B.C.D.4.下列说法中,正确的是A.内能较大的物体所含有的热量较多B.温度高的物体具有的内能一定比温度低的物体多C.热量总是由内能大的物体传递给内能小的物体D.物体的内能增大时,可能是从外界吸收了热量,也可能是外界对物体做了功5.如图所示,是一种“伏安法”测电阻的电路图,下列关于电阻R x的测量误差及其产生原因的说法中正确的是()A.测量值偏大,由于电流表有内阻B.测量值偏小,由于电压表有内阻C.测量值偏大,由于电压表有内阻D.测量值偏小,由于电流表有内阻6.下列说法中正确的是()A.运动速度越大的物体,其惯性越大B.一个物体的内能增大,其温度不一定会升高C.做功可以改变物体的内能,但一定要消耗机械能D.物体受到外力的作用,其运动状态一定会发生改变7.将一根带正电的玻璃棒靠近一个用绝缘线悬挂的不带电金属小球。





















但生为现代人既不能 ,沦为物质的奴仆,也不能为了理想不顾生计,如何选择一个精神与物质都不贫乏的局面,不,能有栖身之所,维持生计,进一步追求精神的富足,这样的社会才能达到的尺度。

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2006年江苏省启东中学高一提前招生考试试卷英语命题人:龚辉(分值100分考试时间90分钟)(注意: 1~75题的答案必须写在第10页的答案纸上)I. 单项填空(共20题,每题1分,共20分)A)情景交际1. —Now, where is my purse?—_________! We’ll be late for the picnic.A. Take your timeB. Don’t worryC. Take it easyD. Come on2.—You couldn’t have chosen any gift better for me.—_______.A. I’m glad you like it so muchB. That’s all rightC. Oh, don’t you like it?D. Sorry, I’ll choose a better one next time3.—Micky!—________, Mum?—Come and help me move the table out.A. WhatB. RightC. YesD. Pardon4.—Do you mind if I turned the TV down?—________.A. Yes, I don’t mindB. No, go right aheadC. Yes, please turn it downD. Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it soon5. —She didn’t come to school yesterday, did she?—__________, though she was not feeling very well.A. No, she didn’tB. Yes, she didn’tC. No, she didD. Yes, she didB)语言知识6. Suzhou is ______ most beautiful tourist city and I believe I’ll come for _____ second time.A. the; aB. a; aC. the; theD. a; the7. —Have you heard today’s weather forecast?—Yes. Better weather is ______. We can expect an outing.A. in the wayB. by the wayC. on the wayD. in this way8. —Can I tell my best friend about it?—No, I don’t want anyone else to know it. You _______ keep it to yourself.A. mustB. needC. canD. may9. Is this school __________ you visited last month?A. whereB. the one whereC. thatD. the one10. When I handed the report to Peter, he said that David was the right person ________.A. to send it toB. to sendC. to be sentD. for sending11.—I wonder if she _____ to the ball.—She is sure to come if she ____ time tonight.A. comes; hasB. will come; will haveC. comes; will haveD. will come; has12. Oxford, as we know, ________ is one of the best universities in the world.A. thatB. /C. itD. this13. Studying abroad is quite different from life in China. It took me nearly half a year to ____the language problem and culture shock.A. turn overB. look overC. get overD. go over14. —What’s the best way of losing weight?—_________A. Why not playing games?B. Why don’t you play games?C. I advise you to playing games?D. You’d better to play games?15. Yesterday we had a lecture given by a _________ teacher.A. well-mannered young schoolB. young well-mannered schoolC. well-mannered school youngD. school well-mannered young16. They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I _______a good drink.A. had enjoyedB. was enjoyingC. have enjoyedD. have been enjoying17.—Thank you for the great trouble you have taken _____ me with my English?—Think nothing of it!A. with helpingB. to helpC. in helpingD. helping18. Unluckily, he was soon told ______ he discovered was unimportant to them.A. what whyB. that whyC. what thatD. why what19.—How can I wake up so early?—Set the alarm clock, _________ you will make it.A. ButB. orC. andD. so20. When I dropped in, Dr Smith _____, so we only had time for a few words.A. just leftB. was just leavingC. has just leftD. had just leftII. 完形填空(共15题,每题1分,共15分)Mr. and Mrs Smit h’s house was full of suitcases, packages and packed-up boxes. The two of them were 21 with pencils and paper, checking their luggage, when there was a 22 at the door. Mr. Smith went to 23 it and saw a well-dressed middle-aged lady outside. The lady said that she lived in the house beside theirs, and that she had come to 24 them to their new home.The Smiths invited her in after apologizing for the state of the house.“Oh, 25 ,” she answered. “Do you know in some parts of this 26 neighbours are not all 27 ? There are some streets where people do not 28 their neighbours, 29 their next-door ones. But in this street everybody is friends with 30 else. We are one big, happy family. I’m 31 that you will be 32 here.”The well-dressed lady got a 33 when she came to visit the house the 34 time, because she found a quite 35 man and woman in it. Mr. and Mrs Smith had not had the courage to tell her that they were not the new owners of the house, who were to move in the nextday, but the old ones, who have lived beside her for two years without ever having visited her or even noticing her existence (存在).21. A. free B. busy C. pleased D. familiar (熟悉的)22. A. sound B. ring C. friend D. message23. A. answer B. serve C. see D. guess24. A. invite B. lead C. take D. welcome25. A. excuse me B. here you are C. never mind D. thank you26. A. house B. street C. town D. time27. A. busy B. lonely C. safe D. friendly28. A. know B. understand C. welcome D. respect29. A. only B. even C. mostly D. neither30. A. anybody B. nobody C. somebody D. none31. A. uncertain B. glad C. sure D. afraid32. A. happy B. lonely C. popular D. friendly33. A. surprise B. fright C. pleasure D. worry34. A. first B. exact C. next D. same35. A. famous B. different C. young D. oldIII. 阅读理解(共20题,每题2分,共40分)(A)Do you feel a littl e sleepy after lunch? Well, that’s normal. Your body naturally slows down then. What should you do about it? Don’t reach for a coffee! Instead, take a nap.There are many benefits (好处) of a daily nap. First of all, you are more efficient (有效率) after napping. You remember things better and make fewer mistakes. Also, you can learn things more easily after taking a nap. A 20-minute nap can reduce information overload. It can also reduce stress. Finally, a nap may increase your self-confidence and make you more alert (灵活). It may even cheer you up.But, there are some simple rules you should follow about taking a nap. First, take a nap in the middle of the day, about eight hours after you wake up. Otherwise, you may disturb your sleep-wake pattern. Next, a 20-minute nap is best. If you sleep longer, you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking from a deep sleep, you will feel worse. Also, you should set an alarm clock. That way, you can fully relax during your nap. You won’t have to keep looking at the clock so that you don’t oversleep.Now, the next time you feel sleepy after lunch, don’t get stressed. Put your head down, close your eyes, and have forty winks.36. What is a good rule for taking a nap?A. Use an alarm clock.B. Nap eight hours after waking up.C. Sleep for about half an hour.D. All of the above37. According to the passage, what is NOT a benefit of napping?A. It makes you strongerB. It makes you feel happierC. It gives you more self-confidenceD. It improves your memory38. Which may happen if an alarm clock is not used?A. You may relax more.B. You may feel too nervous to relax.C. You may forget an important meeting.D. You may not reduce your napping time.39. In the last paragraph, “have forty winks” can be replaced by “________”.A. do eye-protection exercisesB. close your eyes for forty timesC. have a short sleep during the daytimeD. pretend to have a quick nap after lunch(B)Do you think animals can predict (预报) the weather or other natural events? Farmers living in the countryside think so. For hundreds of years, they have observed animals. They think animals’ behavior (行为) can be connected to future weather conditions or events. For example, if swans fly into the wind, a hurricane is coming. Or, if cows lie down, a rainstorm is coming. There are many traditional stories connecting animals and natural events. Many people think that these stories are just folklore, traditional stories and beliefs without scientific evidence (证据). Scientists, however, are beginning to take another look at some of these ideas.Kiyoshi Shimamura is a Japanese earthquake researcher. He noticed an increase in dog bites a short time before earthquakes hit. Then, he did an investigation (调查) of twelve public health centers in Kobe, Japan. These health centers treated people after the 1995 earthquake. He noticed some interesting information about the month before the big earthquake. Treatment for animal bites had increased. In fact, aggressive (冒犯的;侵略的) behavior in dogs, such as biting and barking loudly, jumped (猛增) 60 percent!People noticed other changes in animal behavior before the earthquake as well. For example, fish began swimming together in large groups, only in the middle of the water and not near the edges. Also, birds flew away from their nests for many days, leaving their eggs unprotected. The animal behavior suggests that animals may be able to predict natural events better than people.40. What is the main idea of the passage?A. What animals do during earthquakesB. Many earthquakes of JapanC. Effect (影响) of natural events on animals’ actionsD. Folklore and other stories about animals41. How do dogs begin to behave just before an earthquake?A. They lie down in grass.B. They stay together in large groups.C. They leave their homes.D. They hurt people.42. What other animals behave strangely before an earthquake?A. PigsB. BirdsC. CowsD. All of the above43. What did Kiyoshi Shimamura look at during his investigation?A. Animal clinics treating dogsB. The number of patients with bitesC. The number of earthquakes a yearD. Places dogs go during earthquakes(C)My first performance (表演) in front of an audience was coming up soon.I tried as hard as I could to remain calm, but my heart was racing. I stared down at my sweat-covered, shaking hands.I looked up again at the audience, realizing that these were real people. They were not just my mum and dad, who would say, “Good job!” even if I messed up the entire piece.What if I had the wrong music? What if I played the wrong notes?As it turned out, I was never able to answer these questions because the spotlight (聚光灯) was waiting for me. I grasped my hands tightly together, drying off the sweat.Slowly I walked to the mud-brown piano in the center of the room. It contained 88demanding keys, which were waiting impatiently to be played. I swallowed the golf-ball-sized lump (隆起部分) in my throat and sat down. Slowly, I opened the music. Next, I rested my still shaking hands on the ivory (象牙色的) keys.As my fingers played across the keys, I was becoming more unsure of my preparation for this moment. But the memory of my years of training came flooding back. I knew that I had practised this piece so many times that I could play it backwards if requested.Although at one point I accidentally played two keys instead of the intended one, I continued to move my fingers automatically (自动地).My eyes burned holes into (were fixed on) the pages in front of me.There was no way that I was going to lose my concentration. To keep this to myself, I leaned forward and focused carefully on the music.When I came to the end of the page, a warning went off inside my head: DON’T MAKE A MISTAKE WHEN YOU TURN THE PAGE!Needless to say, I obeyed myself with all my heart and mind. And, proud of my “page-turning” feat (技艺), I finished the rest of the piece without making a single mistake.After the final note died away, a celebration went into action inside my head. I had finished.I had mastered the impossible.44. The author was nervous before the performance because _______.A. her mother and father weren’t presen tB. the strong spotlight was shining onto the stageC. she hadn’t mastered the entire pieceD. she had never performed in public before45. The underlined phrase “mess up” in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.A. put into disorderB. forget aboutC. stop halfwayD. do well in46. The author _________.A. didn’t make any mistake in the performanceB. felt better at the beginning of the performanceC. paid all attention to nothing but her performanceD. lost her concentration (注意力) sometimes during the performance47. What did the author feel about her performance?A. She thought it was comfortable and successful.B. She thought it was very difficult but successful.C. She thought she had never made a mistake during the performance.D. She thought she played through the piece carefully but light-heartedly.(D)For Chinese, it’s time for dragon boat racing and Zongzi. But in South Korea, wrestling and swing play are the highlights. However, both events go by the same name — the Dragon Boat Festival. It falls on May 5th of the lunar calendar.One festival, two cultures. Does one nation have the right to call it its own? It has been reported that South Korea will ask the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO联合国教科文组织) to make the celebration its cultural heritage (文化遗产). If successful, people from other countries may see the Dragon Boat Festival as a Korean creation.As the birthplace of the yearly event more than 2,000 years ago, China is not happy with the situation (情况). “It would be a shame if another country successfully made a traditional Chinese festival part of its own cultural heritage before China,”said Zhou Heping, deputy cultural minister. The Ministry of Culture is even thinking of making its own application (申请) to UNESCO, covering all traditional Chinese festivals, including the Dragon Boat event.“I don’t like some of the food eaten at the festival, but I am shocked by South Korea’s move,” said Jin Yutong, a Senior One student. “We should protect the cultural heritage left by our ancestors (祖先).”It is thought that the festival is held in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan (340-278BC), who lived in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period. Qu was known to be a patriot (爱国者) and admired by ordinary people. He is said to have jumped into Miluo River, because he had lost hope in his country’s future. When people heard about Qu’s death, they sailed up and down the river searching for his body. They also beat the drums to fright away fish and threw Zongzi into water. These were supposed to stop the fish from touching Qu. Dragon boat racing is said to have come from the search for the poet’s body.Over the years, the Dragon Boat Festival has spread throughout the world. In Japan and Vietnam, as well as South Korea, the festival has mixed together with, and become part of the local culture.With this in mind, some experts say that it is meaningless to argue (争论) about which country the festival belongs. “Everyone can say that it came from China,” said Long Haiqing, an expert from Hunan Province. “But if the whole nation can protect the culture heritage together, they will all benefit.”48. Which of the following country is NOT mentioned about the Dragon Boat Festivalspreading?A. JapanB. VietnamC. South KoreaD. the United States49. From the passage, we can see Chinese people’s attitude (态度) toward the Dragon BoatFestival is that ______________.A. they do not like itB. they want to protect it because it is their cultural heritageC. it is a shame to protect itD. they won’t agree South Korea takes it as its own festival50. Racing boats to celebrate the festival comes from the story that ___________.A. p eople searched for Qu Yuan’s body by boatB. people searched for Qu Yuan’s boatC. Qu Yuan enjoyed boatingD. Qu Yuan liked building boats51. What can we infer (推断) from the last two paragraphs?A. The festival is celebrated in the same way all over the world.B. It matters a lot whose cultural heritage the festival is.C. It is good for the Chinese people to protect the cultural heritage.D. South Korea does not recognize that the festival is from China.(E)One evening after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. William called a family meeting. “We’ve had to make a difficult decision.” Mr. William announced. “You see, your mother has been offered apost as co-director of a television in Chicago. Unluckily, the station is not here. After thinking long and hard about it, we’ve concluded (下结论) that the right decision is to move to Chicago.”Peter looked shocked, while his sister Amy breathlessly started asking when they’d be moving: “It’s surprising, but exciting!”she said. Peter simply said, “We can’t go—I can’t leave all my friends. I’d rather stay here and live with Tommy!”Mr. and Mrs. William hoped that by the time they moved in August, Peter would grow more accustomed (习惯) to the idea of leaving. However, he showed no signs of accepting the news, refusing to pack his belongings (物品).When the morning of the move arrived, Peter was nowhere to be found. His parents called Tomm y’s house, but Tommy’s mother said she hadn’t seen Peter. Mrs. William became increasingly worried, while her husband felt angry with their son for behaving so irresponsibly (不负责任).What they didn’t know was that Peter had started walking over to Tommy’s house, with a faint idea of hiding in Tommy’s attic (阁楼) for a few days. But something happened on the way as Peter walked past all the familiar landscape of the neighborhood: the fence that he and his mother painted, the tree that he and his sister used to climb, the park where he and his father often took evening walks together. How much would these mean without his family, who make them special in the first place? Peter didn’t take the time to answer that question but instead hurried back to his house, wondering if there were any moving cartons (纸板箱) the right size to hold his record collection.52. The conflict (分歧) in this story was caused by ________.A. Peter and Amy’s different tempers (脾气)B. a quarrel (争吵) between Tommy and PeterC. Peter’s disagreement with his parents about their moveD. Mr. and Mrs. William’s words of Peter’s irresponsibility53. Peter and Amy were both _________ after hearing the move.A. surprisedB. angry and worriedC. anxious for more detailsD. worried about packing54. The reason for Peter’s going home w as that _______.A. he did not want to be left behindB. he realized his family was essential (重要的) with himC. he hoped to reach an agreement with his parentsD. He wished to be a more responsible person55. What would more probably happen next?A. Peter would bring his records over to the Tommy’s house.B. Mr. and Mrs. William would call the police.C. Peter would join his family for house moving.D. Mr. and Mrs. William would start searching for Peter.IV. 词汇运用(共10题,每题0.5分,共5分)根据句意或首字母提示,在下列各句横线上填上所缺的单词。
