德语口译试题及答案解析1. 请将下列德语句子翻译成中文。
- "Wie war Ihr Tag?"- "Ich habe gestern Abend einen Film gesehen."- "Kann ich Ihnen helfen?"2. 请将下列中文句子翻译成德语。
- "今天天气真好。
"- "我昨天去了图书馆。
"- "您需要帮助吗?"3. 请听以下德语对话,并进行口译。
- A: "Guten Morgen, wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?"- B: "Ich suche ein Geschenk für meine Freundin. Was haben Sie zu empfehlen?"- A: "Wir haben viele schöne Dinge im Angebot. Was mag sie denn besonders?"4. 请将下列德语段落翻译成中文。
- "Die Stadt Berlin ist die Hauptstadt von Deutschland und hat viele berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten wie den Brandenburger Tor und das Fernsehturm. Es gibt auch viele Museen und Restaurants, die man besuchen sollte."5. 请将下列中文段落翻译成德语。
- "上海是中国的一个大城市,拥有许多著名的旅游景点,如东方明珠塔和外滩。
据说两年内将启动的Sub-Orbital Flights子轨道飞行,每人只需5万美金就可以预定座位了。
《不远行者没有未来》译文:In fact, it is quite easy to understand the wish of human being “to be the highest” when we see the fierce competition for the “highest one” among the high buildings in Pudong, the Twin Tower in Kuala Lumpur, and the ruins of the World Trade Center, or when we are shocked by the sharp increase in price for the same houses at different stories in a building. To travel in the outer space is not longersomething absolutely impossible--- it only after 20 years later since Gagarin’s first navigation in the outer space and Armstrong’s “little step” there that Ditto, an American rich man, took his expensive but real travel in space. It is said the Sub-Orbital Flights Subtrack Flight to be launched within 2 years will only charge 50 thousand dollars for the reservation from each passenger. If Zhang Yusheng, a famous singer in China, was still alive, he could realize his dream of visiting the moon.2.有观点就必然有差异,即使是不同的声音在媒体中也都拥有了发表的空间(凤凰卫视的《时事辩论会》节目中,拥战派和反战派的嘉宾就吵得不亦乐乎)。
英语口译考试题型及答案一、听力理解题1. 根据所听材料,选择正确的答案。
A. 材料一:[听力材料内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四B. 材料二:[听力材料内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四2. 根据所听对话,回答问题。
A. 材料一:[听力对话内容]问题1:[问题内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四问题2:[问题内容]A) 选项一B) 选项二C) 选项三D) 选项四二、口译实践题1. 将下列句子从英语翻译成中文。
- 句子一:[英语句子]- 句子二:[英语句子]- 句子三:[英语句子]2. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英语。
- 句子一:[中文句子]- 句子二:[中文句子]- 句子三:[中文句子]三、综合应用题1. 根据所给材料,进行口译。
- 材料:[口译材料内容]- 要求:[口译要求说明]2. 根据所给情景,进行模拟口译。
- 情景描述:[情景描述内容] - 口译任务:[口译任务说明]四、评分标准- 听力理解题:每题[分数]分。
- 口译实践题:每句[分数]分。
- 综合应用题:每题[分数]分。
- 总分为[总分]分。
答案:一、听力理解题1. A. [正确答案]B. [正确答案]2. A. 问题1:[正确答案]问题2:[正确答案]二、口译实践题1. 句子一:[中文翻译]句子二:[中文翻译]句子三:[中文翻译]2. 句子一:[英语翻译]句子二:[英语翻译]句子三:[英语翻译]三、综合应用题1. [口译答案示例]2. [模拟口译答案示例]注:以上内容仅为题型及答案的排版及格式示例,具体内容需根据实际考试材料进行填充。
英语口译面试题目及答案一、词汇翻译题1. 请将下列中文词汇翻译成英文:- 一带一路:Belt and Road Initiative- 人工智能:Artificial Intelligence- 可持续发展:Sustainable Development2. 请将下列英文词汇翻译成中文:- Globalization: 全球化- E-commerce: 电子商务- Renewable Energy: 可再生能源二、句子翻译题1. 中译英:- 我们的目标是实现共同繁荣。
- Our goal is to achieve common prosperity.2. 英译中:- The company is committed to reducing its carbonfootprint.- 该公司致力于减少其碳足迹。
三、段落翻译题1. 请将以下中文段落翻译成英文:- 中国在国际舞台上发挥着越来越重要的作用,积极参与全球治理,推动构建人类命运共同体。
- China is playing an increasingly important role on the international stage, actively participating in globalgovernance and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.2. 请将以下英文段落翻译成中文:- The advancement of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives, from the way we communicate to the way we work and learn.- 技术的进步给我们的日常生活带来了显著的变化,从我们交流的方式到我们工作和学习的方式。
英语翻译中级口译模拟测试与答案SECTION1:LISTENINGTESTA:SpotDictationYoumightenjoyacupofcoffeeatyourlocalcoffeehop.Butcoffeeipart of1.Reearchhowthatamanyaone-thirdofthepeopleintheworlddrinkcoffee.Somepeopledrinkcoffeeforit 2.Otherliketheawakeningeffectofcaffeine,a3incoffee.Butnoteveryon emayknowthetoryofcoffeeandhowitiproduced.Onepopulartoryabout4coffeelongagoiaboutKaldi,akeeperofgoat.K aldiwatakingcareofhigoatinthehighlandofEthiopiawherecoffeetree5. Henoticedthathigoatbecameverye某citedandactive6mallfruitfromatree.Kaldireportedthidicoverytoagro upof7.Whentheymadeadrinkoutofthefruit,thereligiouworkerrealizedt heycould8forlonghourofprayer.Thiknowledgeaboutcoffee9alloverthew orld.Coffeetreeare10eaternAfricaandareaoftheArabianPeninula.Coff eewafirtgrownandtraded11.MotcoffeecamefromwhatinowYemen.Soon,cof feewa12allovertheMiddleEat.Bytheeventeenthcenturycoffeehadbeen13 toEurope.Europeantradertartedbringingcoffeeplanttootherpartofthe world.TheDutchbroughtcoffeetothe14.Andbythetwentiethcentury,moto ftheworld'productioncamefromCentralandSouthAmerica.Today,Brazili the15ofcoffeeintheworld.Motpeopleknowwhatacoffeebeanlooklike,butwhatabouttheplantCof feetreecangrowupto16,buttheyarecuthortforproduction.Theetreehavehinydarkgreenleavethatgrowon17ofeachotheronatem.Theplantproducea fruitthaticalled18.Whenthecoffeecherrieareripeandreadytopick,the yare19.Inidethefruitarethegreencoffeebean.Aftertheebeanareroated 20theyarereadytobemadeintoadrink.Statement21、A.Wetillhave40minuteleftbeforedeparture.B.Wetillhave20minuteleft beforedeparture.C.Wetillhave50minuteleftbeforedeparture.D.Wetill have45minuteleftbefore-departure.22、A.AuntPollythoughtthatTomwatheonewhoatethepie.B.AuntPollybelieve dthatTomdidn'teatthepie.C.AuntPollyatethepieherelfandTomwainnocent.D.AuntPollyupectedthatTom'piewaeatenbyomeone.23、A.Wehavetouetrongerdrugbecauethipilldoenotwork.B.Thipillalleviatethepain,owedon'tneedtouetrongerdrug.C.Wepr eferthipilltotrongerdrugtoalleviatethepain.D.Thipillibetterthananyothertrongerdrugtoalleviatethepain.24、A.Yukican'tpeakEnglih,oheneedtogotoAmerica.B.YukipeakEnglihbette rthanmotJapaneedo.C.YukiwillimproveherEnglihinAmerica.D.YukiwilllearnEnglihinAmericainteadofJapan.25、A.Wehouldbuildmorechooltoenureourucce.27、A.Mr.PaulWhitehajutbeenfired.B.Mr.PaulWhitehaforgottenthewoman'name.C.Mr.PaulWhiteilookin gforajob.D.Mr.PaulWhitehathewomanPromoted.28、A.Ihallgiveyouadicount.TalkandConveration31、A.Hepickedupomeappleinhiyard.B.Hecutomebrancheofftheappletree.C.Hequarreledwithhineighboroverthefence.D.Hecleanedupallthegarbageinthewoman'yard.32、A.Trimtheappletreeinheryard.B.Pickuptheapplethatfellinheryard.C.Takethegarbagetothecurbforher.D.Removethebranchefromheryar d.36、A.Familyproblem.B.E某cellenceinport.C.Self-eteem.D.Acceptancebyparent.37、A.Thoethatuedtobemeantforadultonly.B.Thoethatdividechildhoodanda dulthood.C.Thoethatareonlyrelatedtoinformationtechnology.D.Thoethatca nhelpreducetheleveloftre.38、A.Children'game.B.Livingtandard.nguageleon.D.Sportperformanc e.39、A.Jutifytheclaimtheymake.B.Appearincourt.C.Getawaywiththeirproduct.D.Alwaybehonetinthead.40、A.Becauehealouetheoapforbetterkin.B.Becaueheadmirethemovietar.C.Becaueheconideritagoode某ampleofcertainad.D.Becauehethinkthatitiagoodideatohaveamovietarendoreaproduct.41、A.Developingnewadvertiementforoldproduct.catingpeopleaboutn ewproduct.C.Deigninguefulproductforpeopleinneed.D.Makingaprofitinthema rketplace.42、A.Price.B.Quality.C.Advertiement.D.Promotion.43、A.In1800.B.In1851.C.In1939.D.In1950.44、A.Toattractpeopleallovertheworld.D.Tooutweighthebenefitandpotentialrevenue.45、A.Topromotecientifice某change.D.Todiplaytheirtechnologicaladvancement.46、A.thepreentationofnewinvention.B.thepromotionofculturale某change.C.theambitionofnationbranding.D.thecreationofauniverallanguage.47、A.Hewaattendingaweddingceremony.B.HewaonhiwaytoEdinburgh.C.Hewai nthefootballtadium.D.Hewainthecinema,withthewoman.48、A.Hehadonetherightthing.B.Hehahadomebadmie.C.Hewaoveractive.D.Hewamartandclever.B.Ne某tSundayauualintheman'home.C.Beforethefootballtadiumopenne某tSaturday.D.Duringthefootballmatchne某tSaturday.C:LiteningTranlationSectenceTranlationDirection:Inthipartofthetet,youwillhear5entenceinEnglih.Youw illheartheentenceONLYONCE.Afteryouhaveheardeachentence,tranlatei tintoChineeandwriteyourverioninthecorrepondingpaceinyourANSWERBO OKLET.PaageTranlationSECTION2:STUDASKILLSLikemanypeople,I'vealwayeentheOlympicathe"main"portingeventh eldeveryfouryear—theheadlineact—andtheParalyrnpicaomethingofan"add-on"—theupportingact.Ityouarenotdiabledyourelfitihardtoundertandomeof thegameandtheathletemobilityproblem.ButbeinginthehotcityfortheeParalympicchangedmyperpective.Ica metorealizetheeathletewerenothinghortofuperheroe.Deprivedofphyic alabilitiethatable-bodiedpeopletakeforgranted,theymadeupforthemandthenome.Theyteted theireneandtheboundarieofphyicalabilitytoe某tremethattheBoltandPhelpeofthiworldwouldneverhaveto.IfomeOlympic runnerhadtoundergoadouble-amputation,Iwonderiftheywouldtraptwocarbonfiberbladetotheirkneel ikeOcarPitoriu,aloknownaBladeRunner,ofSouthAfrica,andrelearnever ythingthatoncecamenaturally.IfomeOlympicwimmingheroeuddenlywentblind,wouldtheyhavethecou ragetotillurgethroughthewaterlikeDonovanTildeley,notknowingwhent heywouldreachtheendofthepoolWouldanyofuhavetheguttoturnaroundali fe-changinge某periencelikeacarcrahorbadrugbycrum.Andnotonlygetourlivebackontra ckbutthentrivetobethebetataportSuperheroeindeed,eachandeveryone.TheParalympichouldberenamed the"Superlympic".It'nothingtodowiththeequalitydenotedbytheGreek" para",it'about"uper"ability,courageandtrengththatmotofu,thetopab le-bodiedathleteoftheworldincluded,willneverhavetomuter.It'worthrememberingthatmanyParalympianufferedhorrificinjurie whilelivinglifetothefull.Youdon'tgetparalyzedittingathomeplaying videogame.Andhavinglivedlifetothefulltheyarenotpreparedtotop.Tha t'theleertalkedabout"Paralympicpirit".Ionlyhopethatiflifedealtmeormylovedoneimilarblowwewouldtackl ethemintheamewayatheeouttandingmenandwomen.58、WhatdoetheauthorthinkofParalympicathleteA.Theyaremorethanheroe.B .Theyareunungheroe.C.Theyareecondonlytouperheroe.D.Theyareable-bodieduperheroe.59、Byaying"...andthenome"(para.2),theauthormeanthat______.A.Paralympicathletemadeupforomephyicalabilitieatport.Corporatereponeappeartohavebeenubtantial.(Accordingtofigurec ollectedin1977,thetotalofcorporatecontractwithminoritybuineeroef rom$77millionin1972to$1.1billionin1977.)Theprojectedtotalofcorpo ratecontractwithminoritybuineefortheearly1980ietimatedtobeover$3 billionperyearwithnoletupanticipatedinthene某tdecade.A.Whyfederalagenciehaveetpercentagegoalfortheueofminority-ownedbuineeinpublicworkcontractB.Towhichgovernmentagenciemutbuineeawardedfederalcontractrep orttheirefforttofindminorityubcontractorC.Howwidepreaditheueofmi nority-ownedconcerna"front"byWhitebackereekingtoobtainubcontractD.Whationeetofconditionunderwhichamallbuinemightfinditelffin anciallyovere某tended65、Accordingtothepaage,civilrightactivitmaintainthatonediadvantageunderwhichminority-ownedbuineehavetraditionallyhadtolaborithattheyhave______.A.nothadufficientopportunitytoecurebuinecreatedbylargecorpor ationD.notbeenabletoadvertieinthoemediathatreachlargenumberofpote ntialcutomerD.ueitinfluencewiththecorporationtopromoteubcontractingwitho therminorityconcern67、Theauthorwouldmotlikelyagreewithwhichofthefollowingtatementabout corporatereponetoworkingwithminorityubcontractor______A.Annoyedb ytheproliferationof"front"organization,corporationarelikelytoreducetheirefforttoworkwithminority-ownedubcontractorinthenearfuture.B.Althoughcorporationhowedconiderableinteretinworkingwithmin oritybuineeinthe1970',theiraveriontogovernmentpaperworkmadethemr eluctanttopuruemanygovernmentcontract.C.Theignificantreponeofcorporationinthet970'ilikelytobeutain edandconceivablybeincreaedthroughoutthe1980'.D.Althoughcorporationareeagertocooperatewithminority-ownedbuinee,ahortageofcapitalinthe1970'madeubtantialreponeimpoibl e.Itlookunlikelythatmedicalciencewillabolihtheproceofageing.Bu titnolongerlookimpoible.Tothinkaboutthequetion,itiimportanttoundertandwhyorganim—peopleincluded—ageinthefirtplace.Peoplearelikemachine,theywearout.Thatmuchiobvi ou.However,amachinecanalwayberepaired.Agoodmechanicwithatockofpa repartcankeepitgoingindefinitely.Eventually,nopartoftheoriginalm ayremain,butittillcarrieon,likeLincoln'famoua某ethathadthreenewhandleandtwonewblade.Thequetion,ofcoure,iwhetherthemachineiworthrepairing.Itihere thatpeopleandnaturediagree.Or,toputitlightlydifferently,twobitof naturediagreewitheachother.Fromtheindividual'pointofview,urvival ianimperative.Afearofdeathiaenibleevolvedreponeand,inceageingiau rewayofdying,itinourpriethatpeoplewanttotopitinittrack.Moreover, eventheappearanceofageingcanbeharmful.Itreducetherangeofpotentia le某ualpartnerwhofindyouattractiveandthu,again,curbyourreproduction.Theparado某ithattheindividual'evolveddeirenottoageioppoedbyanotherevolution aryforce,thedipoableoma.Theomaiallofabody'69、WhydoetheauthormentionLincoln'a某eA.Totellpeoplethataimpletoolcanberepairedthoroughly.B.Tomake peoplerealizethatimmortalityinotpoible.C.Toillutratethefactthatthepropectofgrowingoldiintolerable.D .Touggetananti-ageingapproachthatwillreproduceitelf.70、WhatdoweknowfromthepaageaboutpeopleandnatureA.Peopleandnaturee 某itinharmonyandhardlydiagree.B.Theevolutionaryforceinnaturehelpdelaytheageingproce.C.Peop leeemnowinapoitiontoharnenature.72、Itiimpliedinthepaagethat______.A.peopleputapremiumonyouthandphyicalappearanceB.deathitreate daamatterofcoureC.evolutionaryforcemakeimmortalitypoibleD.reproductioniauefulalternativetolongerlifeAndthereinoendtotheprobleminight.Aevereindutry-widelackofinvetmentintrainingmeanthelong-termkillbaeibothageingandhrinking.Employerarechainge某periencedtaffinever-decreaingcircle,andaccordingtoarecentgovernmentreport,250,000new ITjobwillbecreatedoverthene某tdecade.WithITprofeionalincreainglyattractedtothefinancialrewardandf le某ibilityofconultancywork,averagetaffturnoverrateareetimatedA.theirucceinretainingtheirkilledtaffB.thee某tenttowhichtheyinvetinnewtechnologyC.theirattempttorecruittaffwiththenecearykillD.theabilityofemployertokeepupwiththelatetdevelopment74、Aproblemreferredtointheecondparagraphithat______.A.thegovernment needtocreatethouandofnewITpot75、Whatpoibleolutiontothelong-termproblemintheITindutryireferredtointhethirdparagraphC.Conductingmorereearchintothecaueoftaffleaving.D.morefle某ibleconditionofworkfortheirtaff77、Accordingtothefinalparagraph,theUKkillbaewillbeweakenedby______.A.changetomanager'trategicthinkingB.inufficientreponibilitybeinggiventoITtaffC.theemploymentof ITtaffwithtoolittlee某perienceD.thehiringofITperonnelfromabroad "Nintendo,TV,Playtationandthelike,"arewhatPhyicalEducationte acher,SueArotegui,attributetheinactiveneto.Schoolcafeteriaarealogettingblamedforthetudent'eatinghabit." Healthyeatinghouldtartathome,"aidL.O.H.S.cafeteriacoolBrendaMyer ."Toomanykidarebeingraiedonfatfood.Aftereatingomuchfatfoodtheydo n'thaveanytateforrealhomecookedfood.Ialwayhavehealthyfoodfortude nt,buttheyarelelikelytoeatthem."OtherchooldonotevenhavethetypeofprogramLiveOakofferandareuff eringevenworeconequence.Sportkeeptudentfitandhealthy.Thereneedto bemorereadilyavailableportprogramforanyonewhowouldliketojoin.Manytudentwhentheyfeeltheydonotmeetthetandardforateamwilladmitdefea tanddropofftheteam:Thereneedtobeaprogramthatalltudentwillbeinter etedinandcontinuethroughfortheentireeaon.78、Whichofthefollowingiimilarinmeaningtotheword"obeity"A.E某tremelyheavy.B.Quiteplump.C.Unhealthilyfat.D.Rathertout.79、WhatithetrendineducationthathaledtoanincreaeinobeityA.Banningall typeofodadrinkinchool,B.Addingmoreacademicclaeatthee某peneofphyicaleducation.C.Noreadilyavailableportprogramforeveryone.D.Thetendencytoneglectcoureonhealthyeating.80、WhatithechiefreaonfortheincreaeinobeetudentA.Thegeneofthetudent.81、Whathouldbedonetoimprovetudent'awareneoftheimportanceofahealthyd ietrmthetudentofthecaloriecontentofthefoodtheyeat.B.Helpt udentfoteratateforhomecookedfood.C.Stopthecafeteriafromellingfat food.D.ProvideprogramlikethoeofferedatLiveOakHighSchool82、Accordingtothepaage,theobeityrateoftudentwillcontinuetogrowunle_ _____.C.choolincreaethenumberofportprogramandactivitieD.tudentaret aughttochangetheireatinghabitTheearlyretirementofe某periencedworkerierioulyharmingtheU.S.economy,accordingtoanewrepo rtfromtheHudonIntitute,apublicpolicyreearchorganization.Currentl y,manyoldere某periencedworkerretireatanearlyage.Accordingtotherecentlyiuedtati tic,79percentofqualifiedworkerbegincollectingretirementbenefitat age62;ifthattrendcontinue,therewillbealaborhortagethatwillhinder theeconomicgrowthinthetwenty-firtcentury.HudonIntitutereearcherbelievethatfederalta某andbenefitpolicieareatfaultandreformareurgentlyneeded,buttheydia greewiththepopularpropoalthatmucholderAmericanwillhavetoworkbeca ueSocialSecuritywillnotupportthemandthatbabyboomerarenotavingeno ughforretirement.Accordingtotheincreaein401(k)andKeoghretirement plan,theongoingtockmarketonWallStreet,andthelikelihoodoflargeinh eritance,themievidencethatbabyboomerwillreachage65withgreaterfin ancialaetthanpreviougeneration.83、AccordingtoHudonIntitutereearcher,theeffectoftheearlyretirementofqualifiedworkerintheU.S.economyi______.A.contructiveB.ignifican tC.inconcluiveD.detrimental84、Theoldere某periencedworkerinAmericatendtoretireearlybecauetheirprolongederv icemay______.A.doharmtoyoungergenerationB.endupwithfewornobenefi tC.giveplaytotheirpotentialD.hedlightonocialtrend85、Theecondparagraphiwrittenchieflytohowthat______.A.therewillbeana ernmentpolicieconc erningolderpeopleareout-datedD.olderworkerareenthuiaticaboutcollectingocialbenefit44、A[解析]Accordingtothetalk,whydoparticipatingcountriebuildtheirnatio nalpavilionattheE某po45、C[解析]AtE某po2000,whatwatheprimarygoalforthemajorityofparticipatingcountrie 46、D[解析]WhichofthefollowingiNOTanelementrepreentedintheE某po47、B[解析]W:DidyougotothefootballmatchonSaturdayW:Well,ifhemadethatfootballmatchounde某citing,hecertainlydidoverdoit.M:HowdiditgothenIhouldhavethoughtthatLeedUniteddidwelltowinw iththeYorkCityintheirpreentform.W:Ye,Iuppoetheydid,but2:1didn'tdothemjutice.Theyhouldhavehad atleat3inthefirthalf,andanother2intheecond.M:Ye,hementionedthatt herewereomebadmie.M:Anyway,itwaareliefmyteamwonthegame.Let'notlookontheblackid e.Perhaptheylearnedtheirleon.ButIhallhavetobeoff.WhenhallIeeyouW:Oh,onSaturday,Ie某pect.IwillbethereinthetadiumonSaturday,allbeingwellthati.M:WherewillyoubeUualplaceW:Ye,uualplace,ontheterrace.M:Ok,I' lleeyouthen.W:Bye.27.WherewathemanwhenthefootballmatchtookplaceonSaturday48、C[解析]Whatwathecoreofthefootballmatch50、D[解析]Accordingtotheconveration,whenwillthemaneethewomanagainC:Lit eningTranlationSectenceTranlation51、一百多年以来,香港从一个自给自足的农业地区发展成为一个现代化的国际大都会。
首先,让我们来看一个常见的口译题目:Question: 请将以下句子翻译成英文:我昨天去了一家很不错的餐厅,点了一份牛排和一杯红酒。
参考答案: Yesterday, I went to a very nice restaurant and ordered a steak and a glass of red wine.解析: 这道题目是一个简单的口译题目,要求将一句中文句子翻译成英文。
接下来,我们来看一个稍微复杂一些的题目:Question: 请将以下对话翻译成中文:A: How long have you been studying English? B: I have been studying English for five years.参考答案: A: 你学英语学了多久了?B: 我学英语学了五年了。
解析: 这道题目要求将一个英文对话翻译成中文。
例如:Question: 请将以下段落翻译成中文:The Industrial Revolution, which tookplace from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period of major industrializationand innovation. It marked a shift from an agrarian economy to one dominatedby industry and manufacturing. This period saw the development of new technologies, such as the steam engine and the spinning jenny, which revolutionized production processes.参考答案: 工业革命发生在18世纪到19世纪,是一个重要的工业化和创新时期。
数字口译练习(学生讲义)练习1 T op ten most populous countries提示1:你将听到一段关于世界十大人口国人口统计数字的讲话,长度约两分钟,中间没有停顿。
(文字略课堂听译)练习2 单句口译提示:你将听到一些带有数字的句子,请把它们记录下来,并将其译成目的语。
vocabularyannual added value of industryannual total volume of import and exportannual volume of contracted foreign capital,actually utilized foreign capitalinbound tourists,domestic touristsincome from foreign policyvolume of freight handled by ports1)全年工业增加值为62815亿元,比上年增长11.5%。
6)Last year the unemployment rate in the US was nearly 5%.7)European unemployment fell by roughly two percent in the 1st quarter of 2005.8)The volume of freight handled by ports throughout the country totaled 4 billion tons, up 21.3 percent over the previous year.9)The total number of privately-owned vehicles was 13.65 million, up 12.0 percent.10)The year 2004 saw 1.1billion domestic tourists, up 26.6 percent. Revenue from domestic tourism totaled 471.1 billion yuan, up 36.9 percent.练习3段落翻译段落翻译一Vocabularyfixed asset investment国家信息中心预计,今年全年中国的国内生产总值将增长9.3%,总计13.4万亿元(1.6万亿美元)。
口译英语考试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听录音,选择正确的答案。
A. 正确B. 错误C. 不确定录音内容:[录音材料]问题1:录音中提到的主要活动是什么?答案:A. 正确问题2:参与者需要提前多久到达?答案:B. 错误问题3:活动是否对所有人开放?答案:C. 不确定2. 听录音,回答问题。
二、口语表达(共30分)1. 根据所给情景,进行口译。
口译答案:We attach great importance to this opportunity for cooperation and hope to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with your company.2. 根据所给材料,进行口译。
English paragraph: The company has been dedicated to providing high-quality products and services to its customers for many years.口译答案:该公司多年来一直致力于向其客户提供高质量的产品和服务。
三、口译实务(共50分)1. 将以下对话从中文翻译成英文,并进行口译。
口译答案:A: Hello, nice to meet you.B: Hello, me too. The weather is really nice today. 2. 将以下对话从英文翻译成中文,并进行口译。
英语翻译中级口译模拟测试SECTION 1: LISTENING TESTA: Spot DictationYou might enjoy a cup of coffee at your local coffee shop. But coffeeis part of 1 . Research shows that as many as one-third of the people in the world drink coffee. Some people drink coffee for its 2 . Others like the awakening effect of caffeine, a 3 in coffee. But not everyone may know the story of coffee and how it is produced.One popular story about 4 coffee long ago is about Kaldi, a keeper of goats. Kaldi was taking care of his goats in the highlands of Ethiopia where coffee trees 5 . He noticed that his goats became very excited and active 6 small fruits from a tree. Kaldi reported this discovery to a group of 7 . When they made a drink out of the fruit, the religious workers realized they could 8 for long hours of prayer. This knowledge about coffee 9 all over the world.Coffee trees are 10 eastern Africa and areas of the Arabian Peninsula. Coffee was first grown and traded 11 . Most coffee came from what is now Yemen. Soon, coffee was 12 all over the Middle East. By the seventeenth century coffee had been 13 to Europe. European traders started bringing coffee plants to other parts of the world. The Dutch brought coffee to the 14 . And by the twentieth century, most of the world's production came from Central and South America. Today, Brazil is the 15 of coffee in the world.Most people know what a coffee bean looks like, but what about the plant? Coffee trees can grow up to 16 , but they are cut short for production. These trees have shiny dark green leaves that grow on 17 of each other on a stem. The plant produces a fruit that is called 18 . When the coffee cherries are ripe and ready to pick, they are 19 . Inside the fruits are the green coffee beans. After these beans are roasted 20 they are ready to be made into a drink.B: Listening ComprehensionStatements21、A. We still have 40 minutes left before departure. B. We still have20 minutes left before departure.C. We still have 50 minutes left before departure.D. We still have 45 minutes left before-departure.22、A. Aunt Polly thought that Tom was the one who ate the pie.B. Aunt Polly believed that Tom didn't eat the pie.C. Aunt Polly ate the pie herself and Tom was innocent.D. Aunt Polly suspected that Tom's pie was eaten by someone.23、A. We have to use stronger drugs because this pill does not work.B. This pill alleviates the pain, so we don't need to use stronger drugs.C. We prefer this pill to stronger drugs to alleviate the pain.D. This pill is better than any other stronger drugs to alleviate the pain.24、A. Yuki can't speak English, so she need to go to America.B. Yuki speaks English better than most Japanese do.C. Yuki will improve her English in America.D. Yuki will learn English in America instead of Japan.25、A. We should build more schools to ensure our success.B. Education is the very cause we should continue devoting ourselves to.C. To remain competitive in the global economy, we must be ambitious.D. We must commit to our national agenda to remain competitive.26、A. Effective self-management skills are key to academic and career success.B. If you spend a lot of time on your school work, you will become a good manager later.C. School work can be time-consuming and is likely to make you feel exhausted after class.D. Good management calls for more time and energy on the part of the academic staff.27、A. Mr. Paul White has just been fired.B. Mr. Paul White has forgotten the woman's name.C. Mr. Paul White is looking for a job.D. Mr. Paul White has the woman Promoted.28、A. I shall give you a discount.B. The crisis is affecting the whole world.C. I shall come in my Sunday best.D. The price is still too high.29、A. He finished the negotiation in three days.B. He was on a business trip ten days ago.C. His toughness cost him three more days.D. His business trip lasted thirteen days.30、A. We are sure that our children will become positive members of the changing society.B. Children with self-esteem can make positive adjustment and achieve career success.C. Personal goals can be reached with the help of parents who are competent members of the society.D. Parents with confidence will adapt themselves to the changes and accomplish personal goals.Talks and Conversations31、A. He picked up some apples in his yard.B. He cut some branches off the apple tree.C. He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence.D. He cleaned up all the garbage in the woman's yard.32、A. Trim the apple trees in her yard. B. Pick up the apples that fell in her yard.C. Take the garbage to the curb for her.D. Remove the branches from her yard.33、A. File a lawsuit against the man. B. Ask the man for compensation.C. Have the man's apple tree cut down.D. Throw garbage into the man's yard.34、A. He was ready to make a concession. B. He was not intimidated.C. He was not prepared to go to court.D. He was a bit concerned.35、A. It is a necessary part of life. B. It is a time of pressure and stress.C. It is a carefree period of life.D. It is much shorter than it used to be.36、A. Family problems. B. Excellence in sports.C. Self-esteem.D. Acceptance by parents.37、A. Those that used to be meant for adults only.B. Those that divides childhood and adulthood.C. Those that are only related to information technology.D. Those that can help reduce the level of stress.38、A. Children's games. B. Living standard.C. Language lessons.D. Sports performance.39、A. Justify the claims they make. B. Appear in court.C. Get away with their products.D. Always be honest in the ads.40、A. Because she also uses the soap for better skin.B. Because she admires the movie star.C. Because she considers it a good example of certain ads.D. Because she thinks that it is a good idea to have a movie star endorse a product.41、A. Developing new advertisements for old products.B. Educating people about new products.C. Designing useful products for people in need.D. Making a profit in the marketplace.42、A. Price. B. Quality.C. Advertisement.D. Promotion.43、A. In 1800. B. In 1851.C. In 1939.D. In 1950.44、A. To attract people all over the world.B. To save millions of dollars in hotel accommodation.C. To offset the imbalance in foreign trade.D. To outweigh the benefits and potential revenues.45、A. To promote scientific exchanges.B. To define cross-cultural communications.C. To improve their national imagesD. To display their technological advancements.46、A. the presentation of new inventions.B. the promotion of cultural exchanges.C. the ambition of nation branding.D. the creation of a universal language.47、A. He was attending a wedding ceremony.B. He was on his way to Edinburgh.C. He was in the football stadium.D. He was in the cinema, with the woman.48、A. He has done the right thing.B. He has had some bad misses.C. He was overactive.D. He was smart and clever.49、A. Leeds United 2; York City 1.B. Leeds United 3; York City 2.C. Leeds United 1; York City 3.D. Leeds United 2; York City 3.50、A. Sometime later next Sunday.B. Next Sunday as usual in the man's home.C. Before the football stadium opens next Saturday.D. During the football match next Saturday.C: Listening TranslationSectence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Passage Translation56、Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our Success depends hard workand honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism--these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demandedthen is a return to these truths.57、Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown outyour own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to followyour heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly wantto become. Everything else is secondary.SECTION 2: STUDA SKILLSLike many people, I've always seen the Olympics as the "main" sporting event held every four years—the headline act—and theParalyrnpics as something of an "add-on"—the supporting act.It you are not disabled yourself it is hard to understand some of the games and the athletes mobility problems.But being in the host city for these Paralympics changed my perspective.I came to realize these athletes were nothing short of superheroes. Deprived of physical abilities that able-bodied people take for granted, they made up for them and then some. They tested their senses and the boundaries of physical ability to extremes that the Bolts and Phelpsesof this world would never have to.If some Olympic runners had to undergo a double-amputation, I wonder if they would strap two carbon fiber blades to their knees like Oscar Pistorius, also known as Blade Runner, of South Africa, and relearn everything that once came naturally.If some Olympic swimming heroes suddenly went blind, would they havethe courage to still surge through the water like Donovan Tildesley, not knowing when they would reach the end of the pool? Would any of us have the guts to turn around a life-changing experience like a car crash or bad rugby scrum. And not only get our lives back on track but thenstrive to be the best at a sport?"What Paralympic sport would you do if you were disabled?"was a water-cooler question I posed today. It's not something you would normally think about. You don't watch TV as a kid aspiring to be a Paralympian. But it takes more than early mornings, training programsand special diets to get to the Paralympics. It takes a tragedy or loss that will have been grieved over, worked through and overcome.Skiing is terrifying enough if you have all your faculties. Standing at the top of a ski slope, it's a battle of wills for most people to launch themselves, but Canada's Donovan Tildesley, who has been blind frombirth, revealed to a China Daily reporter that not only did he already ski, but he also wanted to take it up competitively.Superheroes indeed, each and every one. The Paralympics should be renamed the "Superlympics". It's nothing to do with the equality denoted by the Greek "para", it's about"super" ability, courage and strength that most of us, the top able-bodied athletes of the world included, will never have to muster.It's worth remembering that many Paralympians suffered horrificinjuries while living life to the full. You don't get paralyzed sitting at home playing video games. And having lived life to the full they are not prepared to stop. That's the lesser talked about "Paralympic spirit".I only hope that if life dealt me or my loved ones similar blows we would tackle them in the same way as these outstanding men and women.58、 What does the author think of Paralympic athletes?A. They are more than heroes.B. They are unsung heroes.C. They are second only to superheroes.D. They are able-bodied superheroes.59、 By saying "... and then some" (para. 2), the author means that ______.A. Paralympic athletes made up for some physical abilitiesB. not all Paralympic athletes were able to make up for physicalabilitiesC. there are some abilities that disabled athletes cannot make up forD. there are some other abilities besides what has been made up for60、 What does the author imply in Paragraphs 3 and 4?A. Some Olympic stars will turn into Paralympic competitors whendisable&B. Olympic stars' career will come to a natural end when they are disabled.C. It takes more guts to be Paralympic athletes than Olympic athletes.D. It is anybody's guess whether Olympic stars will strive to be the best at sports.61、 The word "faculties" (para. 6) is closest in meaning toA. facilitiesB. abilitiesC. handicapsD. adversities62、 According to the author, what should be learned from Paralympic athletes?A. Rising above their physical disabilities.B. Coming to terms with what they suffer.C. Playing video games to live life to the full.D. Working their way through sporting competitions.Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the UnitedStates unprecedented opportunities as well as new and significant risks. Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lack access to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated by large companies. Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than $ 500, 000 do their best to find minority subcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with the government. Indeed, (some federal and local agencies) have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning part of public works contracts to minority enterprises.Corporate response appears to have been substantial. (According to figures collected in 1977, the total of corporate contracts withminority businesses rose from $ 77 million in 1972 to $1.1 billion in1977. ) The projected total of corporate contracts with minority businesses for the early 1980s is estimated to be over $ 3 billion per year with no letup anticipated in the next decade.Promising as it is for minority businesses, this increased patronage poses dangers for them, too. First, minority firms risk expanding too fast and overextending themselves financially, since most are small concerns and, unlike large businesses, they often need to make substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to them. If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can facepotentially crippling fixed expenses. The world of corporate purchasing can be frustrating for small entrepreneurs who get requests forelaborate formal estimates and bids. Both consume valuable time and resources, and a small company's efforts must soon result in orders, or both the morale and the financial health of the business will suffer.A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns. Of course, in many instances there are legitimate reasons for joint ventures; clearly, White and minority enterprises can team up to acquire business that neither could acquire alone. But civil rights groups and minority business owners have complained to Congress about minorities being set up as"fronts" with White backing, rather than being accepted asfull partners in legitimate joint ventures.Third, a minority enterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often run the danger of becoming and remaining dependent. Even in the best of circumstances, fierce competition from larger, more established companies makes it difficult for small concerns to broaden their customer bases: when such firms have nearly guaranteed orders from a single corporate benefactor, they may truly have to struggle against complacency arising from their current success.63、 The primary purpose of the passage is to ______.A. present a commonplace idea and its inaccuraciesB. describe a situation and its potential drawbacksC. propose a temporary solution to a problemD. analyze a frequent source of disagreement64、 The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions? ______A. Why federal agencies have set percentage goals for the use of minority-owned businesses in public works contracts?B. To which government agencies must businesses awarded federal contracts report their efforts to find minority subcontractors?C. How widespread is the use of minority-owned concerns as"fronts" by White backers seeking to obtain subcontracts?D. What is one set of conditions under which a small business mightfind itself financially overextended?65、 According to the passage, civil rights activist maintain that one disadvantage under which minority-owned businesses have traditionally had to labor is that they have ______.A. not had sufficient opportunity to secure business created by large corporationsB. been especially vulnerable to government mismanagement of the economyC. been denied bank loans at rates comparable to those afforded larger competitorsD. not been able to advertise in those media that reach large numbersof potential customers66、 The author implies that a minority-owned concern that does the greater part of its business with one large corporate customer should______.A. avoid competition with larger, more established concerns by not expandingB. concentrate on securing even more business from that corporationC. try to expand its customer base to avoid becoming dependent on the corporationD. use its influence with the corporation to promote subcontractingwith other minority concerns67、 The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about corporate response to working with minority subcontractors? ______A. Annoyed by the proliferation of "front" organizations, corporations are likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near future.B. Although corporations showed considerable interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970's, their aversion to government paperwork made them reluctant to pursue many government contracts.C. The significant response of corporations in the t970's is likely to be sustained and conceivably be increased throughout the 1980's.D. Although corporations are eager to cooperate with minority-owned businesses, a shortage of capital in the 1970's made substantial response impossible.It looks unlikely that medical science will abolish the process of ageing. But it no longer looks impossible."In the long run," as John Maynard Keynes observed, "we are all dead." True. But can the short run be elongated in a way that makes the long run longer? And if so, how, and at what cost? People have dreamt of immorality since ancient times. Now, with the growth of biological knowledge that has marked the past few decades, a few researchers believe it might be within reach.To think about the question, it is important to understand why organisms — people included —age in the first place. People are like machines, they wear out. That much is obvious. However, a machine can always be repaired. A good mechanic with a stock of spare parts can keep it going indefinitely. Eventually, no part of the original may remain, but it still carries on, like Lincoln's famous axe that had three new handles and two new blades.The question, of course, is whether the machine is worth repairing. It is here that people and nature disagree. Or, to put it slightly differently, two bits of nature disagree with each other. From the individual's point of view, survival is an imperative. A fear of deathis a sensible evolved response and, since ageing is a sure way of dying, it is no surprise that people want to stop it in its tracks. Moreover, even the appearance of ageing can be harmful. It reduces the range of potential sexual partners who find you attractive and thus, again, curbs your reproduction.The paradox is that the individual's evolved desire not to age is opposed by another evolutionary force, the disposable soma. The soma is all of a body's cells apart from the sex cells. The soma's role is to get those sex cells, and thus the organism's genes, into the next generation. If the soma is a chicken, then it really is just an egg'sway of making another egg. And if evolutionary logic requires the somato age and die in order for this to happen, so be it. Which is a pity,for evolutionary logic does, indeed, seem to require that.The argument is this. All organisms are going to die of something eventually. That something may be an accident, a fight, a disease or an encounter with a hungry predator. There is thus a premium on reproducing early rather than conserving resources for a future that may never come. The reason why repairs are not perfect is that they are costly and resources invested in them might be used for reproduction instead. Often, therefore, the body's mechanics prefer lash-ups to complete rebuilds —or simply do not bother with the job at all. And if that is so, theplace to start looking for longer life is in the repair shop.68、 The word "elongated"(Para. 2) is closest in meaning to______ .A. perpetuatedB. promotedC. stretchedD. enhanced69、 Why does the author mention Lincoln's axe?A. To tell people that a simple tool can be repaired thoroughly.B. To make people realize that immortality is not possible.C. To illustrate the fact that the prospect of growing old is intolerable.D. To suggest an anti-ageing approach that will reproduce itself.70、 What do we know from the passage about people and nature?A. People and nature exist in harmony and hardly disagree.B. The evolutionary force in nature helps delay the ageing process.C. People seem now in a position to harness nature.D. Death is the reality in nature people should come to terms with.71、 For whom does the author probably write this passage?A. General readers.B. Health service workers.C. Medical scientists.D. Elderly people.72、 It is implied in the passage that ______ .A. people put a premium on youth and physical appearanceB. death is treated as a matter of courseC. evolutionary force makes immortality possibleD. reproduction is a useful alternative to longer lifeIn the information technology industry, it is widely acknowledged that how well IT departments of the future can fulfil their business goalswill depend not on the regular updating of technology, which isessential for them to do, but on how well they can hold on to the people skilled at manipulating the newest technology. This is becoming more difficult. Best estimates of the current shortfall in IT staff in the UK are between 30,000 and 50,000, and growing.And there is no end to the problem in sight. A severe industry-widelack of investment in training means the long-term skills base is both ageing and shrinking. Employers are chasing experienced staff in ever-decreasing circles, and according to a recent government report, 250,000 new IT jobs will be created over the next decade.Most employers are confining themselves to dealing with the immediate problems. There is little evidence, for example, that they are stepping up their intake of raw recruits for in-house training, or re-training existing staff from other functions. This is the course of action recommended by the Computer Software Services Association, but research shows its members are adopting the short-term measure of bringing inmore and more consultants on a contract basis. However, this approach is becoming less and less acceptable as the general shortage of skills,coupled with high demand, sends contractor rates soaring. An experienced contract programmer, for example, can now earn at least double the current permanent salary.With IT professionals increasingly attracted to the financial rewards and flexibility of consultancy work, average staff turnover rates are estimated to be around 15%. While many companies in the financial services sector are managing to contain their losses by offering skilled IT staff 'golden handcuffs'—deferred loyalty bonuses that tie them in until a certain date—other organisations, like local governments, are unable to match the competitive salaries and perks on offer in theprivate sector and contractor market, and are suffering turnover ratesof up to 60% a year.Many industry experts advise employers to link bonuses to performance wherever possible. However, employers are realising that bonuses will only succeed if they are accompanied by other incentives such as attractive career prospects, training, and challenging work that meets the individual' s long-term ambition.This means managers need to allocate assignments more strategically and think about advancing their staff as well as their business. Some employers advocate giving key employees projects that would normally be handled by people with slightly more experience or capability. For many employers, however, the urgency of the problem demands a more immediate solution, such as recruiting skilled workers from overseas. But eventhis is not easy, with strict quotas on the number of work permits issued. In addition, opposition to the recruitment of IT people from other countries is growing, as many professionals believe it will leadto even less investment in training and thus a long-term weakening ofthe UK skills base.73、 According to the first paragraph, the success of IT departments will depend on ______.A. their success in retaining their skilled staffB. the extent to which they invest in new technologyC. their attempts to recruit staff with the necessary skillsD. the ability of employers to keep up with the latest developments74、 A problem referred to in the second paragraph is that ______.A. the government needs to create thousands of new IT postsB. the pool of skilled IT people will get even smaller in the futureC. company budgets for IT training have been decreasing steadilyD. older IT professionals have not had adequate training75、 What possible solution to the long-term problems in the IT industry is referred to in the third paragraph?A. Ensuring that permanent staff earn the same as contract staff.B. Expanding company training programmes for employees.C. Conducting more research into the causes of staff leaving.D. Offering top rates to attract the best specialist consultants.76、 In the financial services sector, the IT staffing problem has led to ______.A. cash or other benefits for skilled staff after a specified period of timeB. more employees seeking alternative employment in the public sectorC. the loss of customers to rival organisationsD. more flexible conditions of work for their staff77、 According to the final paragraph, the UK skill base will be weakened by ______.A. changes to managers' strategic thinkingB. insufficient responsibility being given to IT staffC. the employment of IT staff with too little experienceD. the hiring of IT personnel from abroadThe world seems to be going diet crazy, and yet our nation's obesity rate has shot up year after year. And, it's not only the over 20 population that has to worry about their weight anymore. Children from kindergarten to twelfth grade are also experiencing the problems of an overweight lifestyle.According to the website , 11% of adolescents are categorized as being over-weight, and another 16% are in danger of becoming overweight. This is a 60% jump from the 1980's.Some of the blame is being put on schools wanting to fit more academic classes into the children's schedule rather than waste time on physical education. This new take on education has left us with physical activity at an all-time national low, resulting in obesity and poor physical conditioning at an all-time national high. The schools have tried a few solutions; the most recent in the news has been taking soda out of schools and increasing the required time children must be active during school.Will those methods help at all? Education is important at school, but starts at home. I believe students are getting their bad habits from watching their parents and how they eat and exercise. The school system only helps to hinder the child's dietary eating. I know there arestudies showing genes that determine how a child will be built. That does not explain however, why the rate continues to increase at such a rapid rate each year. It seems more likely that more and more families have both parents working, leaving their children to their own means for a meal."Nintendo, TV, Playstation and the like," are what Physical Education teacher, Sue Arostegui, attributes the inactiveness to."Parents are either gone or too scared with today's society to let them out and play."Classes on health need to become more regular and sports need to be encouraged. At Live Oak High School the staff does a good job of teaching how to eat and exercise to stay healthy. The freshmen study health every Wednesday in RE., and Para James teaches healthy eating and food preparation in Home Economics for the first few weeks of every school year."Kids have no idea how many calories they are eating," said James of the overweight problems facing students. "Fast food is becoming more popular, it's easier and parents are busy. They are only setting their kids up to gain weight with that diet however."School cafeterias are also getting blamed for the students' eating habits. "Healthy eating should start at home," said L.O.H.S. cafeteria cool Brenda Myers. "Too many kids are being raised onfast food. After eating so much fast food they don't have any tastes for real home cooked food. I always have healthy foods for students, but they are less likely to eat them."Other schools do not even have the type of programs Live Oak offers and are suffering even worse consequences. Sports keep students fit and healthy. There need to be more readily available sports programs for anyone who would like to join. Many students when they feel they do not meet the standards for a team will admit defeat and drop off the team: There needs to be a program that all students will be interested in and continue through for the entire season.。
题目一:英译汉原文:"In the pursuit of knowledge, every individual is an explorer, and the more we learn, the more we realize how much we do not know."参考答案:在追求知识的过程中,每个人都是探险者,我们学得越多,就越意识到我们不知道的有多少。
”参考答案:China has a long history and a rich culture, among which calligraphy is an important component of Chinese culture.题目三:英译汉(科技领域)原文:"The advent of quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize the field of cryptography, offering new ways to secure data against the ever-growing threats of cyber-attacks."参考答案:量子计算的出现有可能彻底改变密码学领域,为数据安全提供新的方法,以抵御日益增长的网络攻击威胁。
”参考答案:Once a contract is signed, both parties should abide by the terms of the contract. Any breach of contract by either party should bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.题目五:口译练习(商务谈判场景)情景描述:一位中国企业家与外国投资者进行商务谈判,讨论合作事宜。
1. 题目:请根据录音内容回答问题。
2. 题目:请在录音结束后,根据所听到的内容完成句子。
3. 题目:请根据录音内容回答问题。
1. 题目:根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。
2. 题目:根据短文内容,回答问题。
3. 题目:根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。
1. 题目:请将下面的句子翻译成英文。
2. 题目:请将下面的英文译成汉语。
3. 题目:请根据所给的材料,将下面的句子翻译成英语。
1. 答案:回答问题的答案。
2. 答案:完成句子的答案。
3. 答案:回答问题的答案。
1. 答案:选项的答案。
2. 答案:回答问题的答案。
3. 答案:选项的答案。
1. 答案:英文翻译的答案。
2. 答案:汉语翻译的答案。
3. 答案:英文翻译的答案。
(对应kind words,指的是中方官员介绍,切尼或者有关访问的情况时非常礼貌,非常友好)今天我们很高兴来到这里。
我和我夫人为有这次机会再次到中国访问感到荣幸!(请不要将travel 翻译成旅行,事实上,切尼肩负的是严肃的外教任务,他不是专程来旅行的,travel的意思要根据实际情况翻译)感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。
我听说贵校有极为严格的标准(对应extremely demanding),得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。
我钦佩各位老师为发扬复旦大学99年的优良传统付出的不懈努力(后面四个字是属于增译,根据原文的上下文做了补充性的延伸,又不影响原文且读之通顺完整)1.4 王光亚大使在普林斯顿大学的讲话开场白ladies and gentlemen:good evening!i am more pleased to learn (获知)that all of you have a keen(浓厚的,这里也是属于不影响原文意思的扩展,表现出作者听到在座听众对中国及中国事务和感兴趣后的喜悦之情)interest in china. though our two countries are geographically far apart (这里的万里之遥只是形容远,没必要译成数字,实质上精确地距离是不需要知道的,如果翻译成10thousand 后面的里是miles 还是km 或者是中文的“里”呢?还要涉及到公制单位和汉语度量衡的换算太罗嗦,所以far apart 就可以了,听众也都明白),we have agreat deal in common. while many chinese enjoy hollywood movies (美语里面的电影就是movie,听众都是美国的,演讲也是在美国当然要符合美国人的说话习惯,films是英式表达) mcdonald?s fast food, many americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in china.( while 表示两相对比对应原文中的而) i hope that today?s seminar will help you gain abetter understanding of china and its foreign policy,(外交政策的习惯表达,如同外交部长翻译为foreign minister一样,这里要注意词意的细微差别,foreign的意思是外国的,与外国有关的,涉外的,凡是指本国以外的可用,我们一般说的外交就是指的本国以外的和他国的交往,所以外交政策,外事,和外交部长皆可用foreign指的就是处理与国外关系的政策,事物和官员;而diplomatic强调的是一种抽象的概念指外交艺术、外交技巧,是种抽象的理论术语。
上海高级口译试题及答案一、听力理解1. 请根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 会议将在下午三点开始。
B. 会议将在下午四点开始。
C. 会议将在下午五点开始。
D. 会议将在下午六点开始。
答案:B2. 根据对话内容,下列哪项是正确的?A. 他们计划去看电影。
B. 他们计划去购物。
C. 他们计划去公园。
D. 他们计划去餐厅。
答案:A二、口语表达1. 请用英语描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
答案:My favorite season is autumn. The weather is cool and crisp, and the leaves change into beautiful colors.2. 请用英语讲述一次你在国外旅行的经历。
答案:During my trip to Paris, I visited the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed the stunning view of the city from the top.三、阅读理解1. 阅读以下段落,并回答问题:What is the main idea of the passage?答案:The main idea of the passage is the importance of environmental conservation.2. 根据文章内容,下列哪项是作者的观点?A. 人们应该减少使用塑料。
B. 人们应该增加使用塑料。
C. 塑料对环境没有影响。
D. 塑料是不可替代的。
答案:A四、翻译1. 将下列句子从英语翻译成中文:"In order to achieve success, one must be willing to work hard and persevere."答案:为了取得成功,一个人必须愿意努力工作并坚持不懈。
2. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英语:“随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
英语翻译中级口译-32(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}TRANSLATION TEST{{/B}}(总题数:4,分数:100.00)1.上海大剧院上海大剧院位于市中心人民广场,占地面积约为2.1公顷,建筑风格独特,造型优美。
(分数:25.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Shanghai Grand TheaterThe Shanghai Grand Theater, located at the People's Square in the center of the city, occupies an area of 2.1 hectares. Unique in architectural style and graceful in shape, the Grand Theater has become another landmark in Shanghai, making the People's Square the veritable political and cultural center of the city.Designed by a well-known French architectural designing company, the Grand Theater is 62,803 square meters in floor space and 40 meters in height. It has ten stories, two under the ground, six on the ground, and another two on top. This original and unique architecture is an integration of the cultural appeal of the East and the West. The Grand Theater is just like a crystal palace when the lights set off a harmonious entity of the white arc. shaped roof and the photosensitive glass curtain walls.The lobby of the Grand Theater is nearly 2,000 square meters, with the white as its main tone which symbolizes elegance and purity. A large chandelier, consisting of six panpipe-shaped lamps, hangs over the lobby. The floor is paved with a rare white marble known as the "Greek Crystal". The design is of the shape of piano keys. and the giant white marble pillars and the stairs on both sides are imbued with a strong sense of rhythm, making people feel as if they were in a world of music the moment they step into the lobby.In the Grand Theater, operas, ballets, symphonies and variety shows can be staged. It has three theaters respectively named the Lyric Theater, Drama Theater and Studio Theater in order of size. The Lyric Theater has 1,800 seats, with the auditorium divided into the stalls, the circle, thebalcony and six boxes. The Drama Theater has 750 seats, and the Studio Theater, 300 seats. The Lyric Theater, equipped with world-class stage facilities, is made up of the main stage, the rear stage, the left wing and the right wing. All the stages can be moved, raised, tilted and revolved. The acoustic and lighting equipment are of a more unique nature. Totally controlled by computers, the stage equipment can satisfy the requirements of the world's top--notch performing troupes,Since its opening on August 27, 1998, the Shanghai Grand Theater has successfully staged operas, musicals, ballets, symphonies, chamber music concerts, modern dramas, Chinese local operas and variety shows. It enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad. Many state leaders, foreign VIPs and international celebrities who have been to the Grand Theater have spoken highly)解析:2.豫园位于上海老城厢的豫园是著名的古典园林,距今已有400多年历史。
CATTI三级口译复习题及答案【第一题】Beijing will begin a trial of discounted subway fares in nonrush hours at the end of this year, according to Beijing Subway on Tuesday.其实低峰时段,就是指高峰时段以外的时间。
北京地铁公司称,将在八通线(Batong Line)土桥至高碑店11座车站,以及昌平线(Changping Line)南邵至朱辛庄5座车站,试行工作日7:00前持一卡通刷卡进站票价7折优惠措施。
此外,贾鹏还表示,从本月29日开始,新的CBTC 信号系统正式投用,1号线、6号线、9号线、10号线的高峰最小行车间隔将缩短到2分钟,列车间隔真正进入“2分钟时代”。
请结合文意翻译以下词组及句子:1、高峰时段2、低峰时段3、低峰优惠票价4、工作日7:00前5、一卡通6、鼓励乘客错峰出行7、缓解北京轨道交通拥挤状况8、自动售检票系统9、CBTC信号系统10、行车间隔11、Beijing will begin a trial of discounted subway fares in nonrush hours at the end of this year, according to Beijing Subway on Tuesday.参考答案1、高峰时段 rush hours2、低峰时段 nonrush hours3、低峰优惠票价 discounted fares in nonrush hours4、工作日7:00前 before 7 am on workdays5、一卡通 integration of transportation card6、鼓励乘客错峰出行 encouraging commuters to travel during nonrush hours7、缓解北京轨道交通拥挤状况 reducing crowds in Beijing's rail transport system8、自动售检票系统 automatic Fare Collection system9、CBTC信号系统 CBTC signal system10、行车间隔 train intervals11、Beijing will begin a trial of discounted subway fares in nonrush hours at the end of this year, according to Beijing Subway on Tuesday. 北京市地铁运营公司22日发布消息称,地铁低峰优惠票价将于今年年底在本市开展试点。
翻译三级口译综合能力-41(总分:34.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、A(总题数:1,分数:9.00)(分数:9.00)(1).Emma is my grandmother.(分数:0.90)A.正确B.错误√解析:[听力原文]My mother stayed in California for ten years. Her grandfather left her to his wife, Emma, a severe woman who wore black dresses and resented and ignored my mother. Emma discouraged visitors and rarely allowed my mother to attend parties or other functions. One Halloween, when she caught my mother trick-or-treating with school friends, Emma decided to confine her to her room for an entire year, except for the hours she was in school. She forbade my mother to eat at the kitchen table or linger in the front yard. This cruel punishment went on for months until Emma"s sister came for a visit and put a stop to it. By the time my mother turned fourteen, she could no longer bear life in her grandmother"s house. She found work as a mother"s helper, caring for two young children in return for room, board and three dollars a week. She had little time for the extracurricular athletics and drama that she loved and no money for clothes. She washed the same blouse everyday to wear with her only skirt and, in colder weather, her only sweater. But for the first time, she lived in household where the father and mother gave their children the love, attention and guidance she had never received. My mother often told me that without that sojourn with a strong family, she would not have known how to care for her own home and children. Emma is my grandmother.[分析] 理解推断。
商务英语口译教程答案unit1(Business English interpretationtutorial answers unit1)Unit1短语口译一1。
上海外教社口译翻译 答案
Keeping Core Value of Lunar New YearTo all the Chinese people in the world,Lunar New Year(also called Spring Festival) is undoubtly the most important festival in the whole year. This Chinese tradition dates back about 3000 years ago. It represents that people pass the old year peacefully and prepare for big celebration to welcome the new yearThe reunion dinner in the New Year’ eve is the most significant dinner in a year. All the family members will get together, even those who are far from home will come back as soon as possible. The reunion dinner shows the important position of family in Chinese culture. It can enhance the sence of togetherness.The ways of people celebrating New year shows two important core values. First, members of multi-generation family get together to enjoy the splendid reunion dinner happily. And it is the custom that complied with everyone. Preparing a splendid dinner surely falls on female members’ shoulders. And in some wealth families ,there are some helping hands. Second, relatives and friends will pay visits to each other. Those ways of celebration can strengthen the kinship and friendship.But, economic developm ent brings the change of people’s living styles. After a year’s hard working, people unwilling to prepare the reunion dinner in New Year’s eve. They would rather choose to eat in smart restaurants. And instead of paying visits, relatives and friends are sending greetings via phones or text messages. Some families tend to take a trip, some even check into hotels to seek contemporary refuge ,so that they can avoid relatives and friends’ visits and seek quiet live.Some tradition-minded people think that witho ut reunion dinner, relatives and friends’ visits and their core values, New Year will lose its meaning and become a commercial festival just as Christmas.Spring festival is an important part of Chinese cultural legacy. And the activities during Spring Festival will keep going over the time. Though the ways of celebration willbe different form old ones, the core values of respecting kinship and friendship which they represent will be retained.中英教育交流Q:My question is about educational exchanges. You mentioned in you speech that there are large numbers of Chinese students in British. As we know ,it is extremely difficult to get a scholarship at a British university .But the tuition fees for intentional students far exceed these for home students .So we can not help wondering about the motivation of British universities in enrolling Chinese students .Is it to promote educational exchanges with China and to liven up campus life in Britain, or just for a commercial purpose ? Thank you.A:这实际傻瓜式出于多种考虑。
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3 日本列岛有着温带特有的适度的阳光和雨水。
5 一般来说,人越是亲密对对方的要求就越多。
16 访华期间,虽然气温很低,但由于吴宏先生和周坚先生始终陪伴着我们,我们心里感到
17 两位给我们热情的指导。