哈佛幸福课 13 英文字幕 精华要点 (英文版)
幸福课_ 哈佛公开课_中英文对照 第一课 校对版
第一课Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here.各位,早上好。
Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。
I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。
This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。
But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。
I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。
And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.大二期间,突然顿悟了。
I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。
新年要幸福!杜克大学的13堂幸福课(英汉对照)What does it take to lead a fulfilling life?如何才能过有意义的一生?Duke Today asked faculty, staff and alumni to share advice with this years graduating class. Here are 13 of their responses.杜克大学网站请该校的师资,教工和校友都提提建议,好送给这一年的毕业生。
1.Give back回报他人Give backserve from a sense of gratitude.回报他人出于一颗感恩之心。
2.Be true to yourself and willing to learn做自己但也要善于学习Be true to yourself. Be willing to learn and to be coachable.对自己真实。
3Inspirations come from reading.灵感来自于阅读3.Read outside of your chosen field, read broadly, read enthusiastically. Creativity is a necessary life skill and some inspirations will come from unexpected sources.阅读专业领域之外的书,博览涉略,带着热情阅读。
4.Be generous to other people.对他人慷慨。
5.Embrace ambiguity拥抱不确定性Don’t be afraid to diverge from your ‘plan’. Embrace ambiguity. The uncertain and what may appear high risk in relationships, jobs and life is usually very cool and worthwhile.别害怕自己的生活轨迹偏离你的计划。
幸福课 The happy secret to better work 中文 英文
”01:54很明显这是骗她的,因为我妹妹现在最不想做的就是那个受伤的五岁小妹妹艾米,想做的是超级独角兽艾米当然,以前她是完全没有做独角兽这个想法的于是就看到我那可怜的、被我控制了的妹妹如何纠结她的小脑袋正在决定究竟是继续回味刚才经历的那些疼痛、折磨和惊讶还是仔细考虑她作为独角兽的新身份后者胜出了于是她没哭,也没有停止游戏更没有吵醒我们的父母这些负面的影响都没有产生她脸上划过一丝微笑重新爬回到双层床的上铺,带着作为一只小独角兽的荣耀(笑声)还有一条受伤的腿02:32我们在五岁或七岁无意间发现的道理其实是当然当时我们并不知情后来一个科学革命的先锋观点发生在二十年后,主要研究人脑的问题我们当时的发现叫做积极心理学这也是我今天站在这里的原因同时也是我每天早晨醒来的原因02:51当我刚开始在学术圈外谈论这个研究时在公司以及学校他们强调的第一件事就是永远不要以图表开始你的谈话我在这里想做的第一件事恰恰就是用图表开始我的演讲这个图表看起来很枯燥但是它恰恰就是我每天保持兴奋并醒来的原因而且这个表什么也不是,它是一个假数据我们从这些数据中发现——03:13如果我用这些数据来研究在座的各位,估计我会很兴奋因为很明显这里有一个趋势这意味着我可以将这个出版了这才是最关键的事实是这个曲线上方有一个奇怪的红点就是说在座有一个古怪的人我知道是哪位,刚才我看到你了这个不是问题你们都知道,这并不是问题因为我完全可以删除这个点我能删掉它是因为这明显是一个测量错误我们都知道它是一个测量错误因为它把我的数据弄乱了03:42所以通常经济学、统计学、商务学以及心理学课程都会教大家的一件事是为保持数据的有效性,我们如何删除奇怪的数据我们如何通过删除异常值来找出最合适的曲线呢?令人惊讶的是,当我试图研究每个人应该服用的雅维(解热镇痛药)数量时,我发现应该是两粒但是如果我对可能性感兴趣,如果我对你的潜力或者快乐、生产力或者精力、创造力感兴趣,我们现在所做的就是对科学里的平均概念的迷信04:07如果我问一个问题,比如说“一个孩子在教室里学习阅读能有多快?” 科学家们会把问题变成“孩子在教室学习阅读的平均速度是多少?” 然后我们会把教室里的孩子都设想成平均水平如果你低于这个平均线心理学家就会感到很惊讶因为这意味着你要么有抑郁症要么有身心障碍或者很可能二者兼具我们希望你二者兼具,因为我们的商业模式是如果你因为一个毛病来进行治疗我们希望你离开的时候知道自己其实是有10个毛病的这样你就会一遍又一遍地来进行治疗如果必要的话我们会追溯到你的童年但是最后我们想做的是使你变得正常但是正常这个概念只是指的平均水平04:40我以及积极心理学家们假设的是如果我们只研究平均水平我们就会一直停留在平均水平上因此我们不会删除那些积极的异常值我想做的是研究这些异常值的人群然后探究其中的原因为什么你们中有些人远远高于这个平均曲线?包括你的智商、运动能力、音乐才能创造力、精力面对挑战的弹性以及幽默感?不管是哪方面,我不会删除你,而是去研究你因为或许我们可以收集信息不仅仅是把平均值下面的人提高到平均曲线上去而是如何将整个平均曲线提高无论是在全世界范围内的公司还是学校都是如此05:12这个图表对我很重要因为每当我打开新闻频道时,似乎大部分的信息都不是积极的,事实上是消极的大部分都是关于谋杀、腐败、疾病、自然灾害我立即想到这才是世界上真正的消极和积极所占的比例这其实造成了一种叫做医学院综合症的东西如果你认识读过医学院的人你就会知道在医学院一年级的时候当你读完一份关于所有可能发生的疾病和相关症状的列表你马上就会感觉好像所有这些症状和疾病自己都有05:37我有一个妹夫叫波波,这是另一件事了波波和我那个“独角兽艾米”妹妹结婚了有一天他从耶鲁医学院给我打来电话他说,“肖恩,我得麻风病了” (笑声)这个病,在耶鲁都是其极罕见的但是我不知道怎么来安慰可怜的波波因为过去的整整一礼拜他一直在克服自己的更年期问题06:02所以我们发现并不一定是现实世界造就我们而是我们大脑用来看世界的那个镜片造就了我们的现实世界如果我们换一副镜片,我们不仅可以改变自己的快乐程度同时还能改变每一个教育或者商业结果06:14当年申请哈佛的时候,我完全是放手一试的我并没有期望能被录取,家里也没有钱供我去读大学两周后我拿到了军事奖学金,哈佛录取我了突然,一个连“可能”都谈不上的事情变成现实了当我到了哈佛,我以为其他人也都跟我一样把来这里读书当做一个荣耀他们到这里来肯定都特别兴奋即使你坐在一个满是比你聪明的人的教室里你也会很高兴,只是仅仅坐在那个教室就很快乐,这是我当时的感觉但是我发现同时其他人也有类似体会四年之后我从哈佛毕业然后在学生宿舍和他们住了八年这可是哈佛邀请我去的,我可不是那种八年毕不了业的人(笑声)我作为哈佛的咨询师帮助学生们在四年大学时光进行心理咨询在我的研究和教学中我发现,无论这些学生入学之前取得的成功让他们多么快乐两周之后他们的注意力就不在作为一名哈佛学子的荣耀感了也不在哲学或者物理学上面他们的注意力集中在竞争、作业、各种烦恼、压力和抱怨上面07:07当我第一次开始工作的时候,我走进了新生食堂我的来自德克萨斯州瓦克市的朋友在那里等我,我就是在瓦克市长大的我知道你们可能有人听说过这个地方他们来看望我,并在食堂里四处参观他们说,“这个新生食堂看起来有点像电影哈利·波特里面霍格瓦茨魔法学校的食堂。
Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。
I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。
Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today.渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。
And we’ll be exploring this new, relatively new and fascinating field.我们将一起探索这一全新相对新兴令人倾倒的领域。
And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.希望同时还能探索我们自己。
But you know I expected you to be different. 不过你跟我想象的不太一样的话。
And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course. 我漫不经心的问。
哈佛幸福课第十三课《面对压力》完整字屏幸福课的同学们你们好,我们是Fallen Angerls. 这周六,3月15号,是我们在中心剧场的首次公演,我们将和哈佛Opportunes乐团共同演出,希望能在那时见到你们快乐的脸庞,周六晚八点。
我在讲到实践唯心主义以及冲突的解决时简单讲过,面对冲突的办法,面对并解决冲突的最好办法,就是制定一个协调的目标,使得冲突的双方都参与其中,并内在地相互依赖,这样就能够解决人际间或组织间的冲突,这是Muzafer Sherif或Elliot Aronson所做的研究,同理,制定目标有助于解决内在冲突,人内在的心理冲突,因为它能让我们暂时忘却那些关于存在的很重要但通常很难的问题,尤其是不断出现时,它能使我们远离焦虑远离沮丧,我们能集中精力于我们十分想做的事,同时,它还增加了成功的可能性,制订了自我和谐目标的人会更有动力,他们会更努力地工作,他们会全身心地投入到他们所做的事中去,从长远来看,那些追求自己热爱事业的人都更容易取得成功,这事乎非常直白,显而易见,简直是常识,但我们常说常识也并不是那么显而易见的,很大程度上说,这种在我们追求自己热爱的事业时,成功的可能性的增加重新定义了“不劳无获”的公理,它将其重新定义为如下定理,“愉悦劳作则多获”,如果你要引用,我会否认我说过,如果你给别人看我说这句话的录像,我会说这是我的双胞胎兄弟,但确实是这样。
• Peak experience as ‘positive trauma’
Post Peak Experience Order (PPEO)
“Peak experiences often have consequences... They can do the same there as psychotherapy, if one keeps his goals right, and if one knows just what he is about, and if one is conscious of what he is going toward. We can certainly talk, on the one hand, of the breaking up of symptoms, like the breaking up of cliches, of anxieties, or the like; or on the other hand, we can talk about the development of spontaneity, and of courage, and of Olympian or Godlike humor and suchness, sensory awareness, body awareness, and the like.”
and reply to everything with a dismal voice, and your
melancholy lingers... Smooth the brow, brighten the eye,
contract the dorsal rather than the ventral aspect of the
哈佛公开课 幸福 第一课 中英文对照字幕整理
Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here.各位,早上好。
Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。
I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。
This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。
But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。
I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。
And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.大二期间,突然顿悟了。
I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。
Positive Psychology – Lecture 1Tal Ben-ShaharHi Good morning. It's wonderful to be back here. Wonderful to see you here. I'm teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergrad here. This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught, nor does it mean that it is the right class for you. But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you. I came here in 1992 And then I had a mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year. I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers. I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially. Everything was going well.Except for the fact. That I was unhappy. And I didn't understand why. It was then in a matter of moments, that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology with a single question: how can I become happier? Over time I did become happier. What contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology. Positive psychology, studying it, applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier. It continues to make me happier. And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others. That's when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and teach in this field. So this is positive psychology, psychology 1504. And we'll be exploring this new, relatively new and fascinating field. And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.When I first taught this class that was back in 2002, I taught it at a seminar and had eight students. Two dropped out. That left me with six. The year after, the class became slightly larger. I had over three hundred students. And then third year when I taught it which was the last time, I had 850 students in the class, making it at that point the largest course at Harvard. And that's when the media became interested. Because they wanted to understand why. They wanted to understand this phenomenon that "here you have a class, that's larger than Introduction to Economics". How could that be? So I was invited by the media for interviews, whether it was newspapers, radio, television. And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews. So I would walk into the interview. We would have the interview. And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out and say something to the effects of "well thank you Tal for the interview. But you know I expected you to be different".And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course. I didn't really care but had to ask anyway, "how different?" And they would say, "Well you know, we expected you to be more outgoing."Next interview, the end of the interview, same thing. "Thank you for doing the interview. But you know Tal, I expected you to bedifferent." And once again, nonchalant of course. "Well you know, we expected you to be less, less introversit." Next interview, same thing. "How different?" "Well, you know, more extroverted. More outgoing." Next interview. "Well, you know, less shy." Coz I get very nervous in interviews.Interview after interview, literally dozens. More outgoing, more cheerful. Less introverted, more extroverted. And on and on. But here is the best one. So this is one of the local channels here around Boston. I was going to the interview. We had a quite long interview, which I thought was actually pretty good. And at the end of the interview, the interviewer is a very jolly guy. He walks me out and puts his hands on my shoulder, and says, "thank you very much for doing the interview." And then the usual comes. "But you know Tal, I expected you to be different." And I said, "How different?" Just so you understand, by this time, my self-esteem is short. But still with some resemblance of nonchalance I asked, "how different?" And he looks at me and says, "Well I don't know Tal. I expected you to be taller." Taller? What? Five seven, well ok five six and a half is not enough to teach happiness? And I thought about it. I thought about it a lot. The whole pattern from the beginning.And I think I understand why they expected someone different. You see they had to explain to themselves as well as the audience, "how come this lecture is larger than the Introduction to Economics?" And the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing, extremely charismatic, very cheerful and extrovert and of course, tall. Well, there is one L missing there. But... Yeah. If only. So the problem though is that they were looking in the wrong place for the explanation. In other words, they were looking at the messenger. What they needed to look at was the message. Now how do I know that? You see because I see other positive psychology classes on other campuses around the country and around the world.There are over 200 hundred campuses here in United States that teach positivepsychology. On almost every campus where this class is taught, it's either one of the or the largest class. It's about the message. I see more and more organizations taking up positive psychology in their, as consultant companies, some of them the leading big consultant companies are taking it on. More and more high schools are introducing positive psychology class. ***** Elementary schools are introducing it. The governments around the world are expressing interest in this new emerging field. Why? Because it works. Because it really works. You see this whole realm on life flourishing, on happiness, on well-being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movement. What do we have in the self-health movement? We have books that are very interesting, that are very accessible. We have speakers who are very outgoing, very charismatic and tall, attracting the masses into these workshops, seminars and lectures. But, there is a very big "but" here. Many of these books, many of these workshops and seminarslack substance. Very often, overpromising and under-delivering.So these are five things you need to know to be happy. The three things to be the great leader. The one secret of success, happiness and a perfect love life. Overpromising. Under-delivering. On the other hand, we have academia. What do we have in academia? We have a lot of rigor, a lot of substance. We have datas analyzed, reanalyzed and meta-analyzed. Things that actually work, good stuff. But, and there is also a very big "but" here. Very few people read refereed academic journals. I mean Think about it: how many people outside this room of course have read the last twelve issues of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology? Most people don't even know what that means. The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal article is read by seven people. You know... And that includes the author's mother. So you know I say half in jest but it's actually really sad. Because...certainly sad for me, as an academic. Because these things are good. TheyBut not accessible to most people. And this is where positive psychology comes in. And this is also where this class comes in. The explicit mandate of positive psychology as well as of this class is to create a bridge between Ivory tower and mainstreet. In other words, it is to bring the rigor, the substance, the empirical foundation, the science from academia and merge it with accessibility of the self-help or New Age movement.In a way the best of both worlds. And this explains the popularity of the field of positive psychology: science that works. This class will be taught on two levels. The first level it will be taught as any other class in psychology or any of the classes you've taken here. You'll be introduced here to studies, to research, to rigorous academic work. You'll be writing paper, academic paper. You'll be taking exams. Just like every other class. But then it will also be taught at the second level, which is for every paper that you'll read, every paper that you'll write, you'll always be thinking, "Ok, how can I take these ideas and apply them to my life? How can I apply them to my relationship? How can I apply them to my community?" Two levels. The academic. Applied. I did not just introduce whether it's in the readings or in the lectures ideas just because they are interesting for the sake of the idea. It is always an idea that is both rigorous and can be applied. Just a few words about housekeeping.。
哈佛公开课 幸福 第一课 中英文对照字幕整理
Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here.各位,早上好。
Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。
I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。
This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。
But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。
I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。
And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.大二期间,突然顿悟了。
I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。
哈佛幸福课文字版是哈佛大学教授彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)主讲的一门实用课程,该课程在哈佛大学本科生中颇受欢迎。
It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life
It is about identifying the right questions
Education is the quest for information and transformation, and therefore must begin with a question.
CS Lewis
It is not English 10a or Math 55 It is about rigorous fun
“I would not give a fig for the simplicity on this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.”
• Why a presentation?
– Teaching as learning – Spread goodness…
Why Positive Psychology?
Psychological Abstracts (1967-2000)
• Anger: 5,584 • Anxiety: 41,416 • Depression: 54,040
• 20-30 minute Presentation
– Any topic within positive psychology – Written text (10-15 pages double spaced) – Slides (word or powerpoints)
第一讲什么是积极心理学哈佛1504号心理学课程:积极心理学(positive psychology)在象牙塔及大众间构建桥梁。
视频演示:喜剧演员宋飞的栋笃笑(stand-up comedy)孩子们总是在说wait up,stay up,而成年人总是在说calm down,put it down,sit down1:10 帅哥助教sean出镜,他将教你们如何变身幽默达人。
举例:Marva Collins(推荐书目:Marva Collins' way)培养健康的长期关系:种子说种子是有潜力的,它会发芽开花结果,但必须有阳光的照耀,有水的灌溉,除去杂草和虫害,悉心照料。
哈佛大学公开课 幸福课笔记 Lecture 13 set self-concordant goals
Lecture 13 set self-concordant goalsSome benefits of self-concordance:1.increasing well being2.resolving internal conflicts, helping us with anxiety, with uncertainty, withexistential questions3.increasing the likelihood of successNo pain, no gain. Do it better with pleasure.Self-concordance has a trickle effect. Potentially identifying self-concordant goals can also help you improve your grades even though they are not related at all, because overall, you are more motivated; you are more excited; you are more interested; and you enjoy life as a whole more in positive emotions.4.health benefits, self-concordance leads to longer lifeValues in action (VIA) and character strengthsPsychologists identified 24 character strengths. The key aspect of these characteristics is that they have moral value.When VIA go together with self-concordance, we are more likely to experience a complete experience of happiness of fulfillment.How to identify our values in action and how to use them? What are your personal character strengths?It’s not we cannot or should not cultivate the other strength but what we need to do is focus mostly on those strengths that are most natural to us, because that is when we get the most bank for the buck.Two practices will help us to identify and apply the character strengths:1.take the questionnaire, take the test:a)Take the top 8 to 12 strengths.b)Read their descriptions—what they mean, what they are about, what theysay about you.c)Then ask yourself which five are the real me? Or which ones when I’mengaging them I feel more energized and motivated. Or which ones do I growand develop most from.d)Then chose any one of the character strengths and apply it, meaning everyday for the following 7 days, apply this character strength (for example, youchose love of learning. You need to learn something new every day). Everyday for the 7 days after that apply the next character strength or the samestrength in a different way. Apply whatever it is, whatever your top strengthsare consciously until it becomes a habit.e)Each night describe how you use your strength on that day, and then committo the next day.2.Apply your character strength to solve your problems as they have a trickle effect.a)Identify your top strengthsb)Apply them to your weakness.What may be a helpful framework for identifying a self-concordant journey as well asoutcome? 将工作作为一种使命而不仅仅是工作或者职业。
Correcting the False Schema: News
Correcting the False Schema: Art
Jan Vermeer
Correcting the False Schema: Art
Ludwig van Beethoven
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Correcting the False Schema: Art
A Matter of Interpretation
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Anne Harbison
“Things don‟t necessarily happen for the best, but some people are able to make the best of things that happen.”
Each is given a list of rules; a shapeless mass; a bag of tools. And each must fashion, ere life is flown, A stumbling block, or a Stepping-Stone.
R. L. Sharp
A Matter of Interpretation
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston Churchill
Correcting the False Schema: Art
David Knowles
哈佛大学幸福课讲义目录前言Tentative ScheduleFebruary 2:IntroductionFebruary 7:Why do we need a Positive Psychology?February 9:Basic Premises I (what�s this class about, anyway?)February 14Basic Premises II (oh, I see)February 16:Beliefs as self-fulfilling prophecies I (psychology of success) February 21:Beliefs as self-fulfilling prophecies II (and more success)February 23: Question of focus I (hey, look here)February 28:Question of focus II (so much to look at...)March 2:Can we change?March 7:Y es, we can changeMarch 9: Physical health (sleep is good i.e. why this class starts at 11:30)March 14:Setting goals I (from lofty todo lists...)March 16:Setting goals II (... to earthly visions)March 21:MidtermMarch 23:Review and questions (everything you wanted to know, and... have awonderful break)SPRING BREAKApril 4: �Perfectionism I (at Harvard)April 6:Perfectionism IIApril 11: Mindfulness (Ohmmmmmm)April 13: Humor (finally, some fun in this class)April 18: Relationships I (love, friendship, and other good stuff)April 20: Relationships IIApril 25:Self-esteem IApril 27:Self-esteem IIMay 2:The good life (wait, what was the course about until now?)May 4:What Now? (the next step, the one after, and farewell�:(前言幸福是一门科学2002年,我第一次在哈佛大学教授积极心理学,当时有八个学生报名,其中还有两人中途退课。
哈佛大学幸福课中英文讲义哈佛大学幸福课第一课中英文讲义各位早上好Hi Good morning.很高兴能回到这里It's wonderful to be back here.很高兴见到你们Wonderful to see you here.我教授这门课是因为I'm teaching this class在我读本科阶段时because I wish a class like this had been taught非常希望能学习这样一门课程when I was sitting in your seat as an undergrad here.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught,也可能并不适合你nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.但希望几堂课后你能有个大概印象But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about让你决定这门课是否适合你so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.我1992年来到哈佛求学I came here in大二期间突然顿悟了And then I had a mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园I realized that I was in a wonderful place周围都是出色的同学优秀的导师with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我成绩优异I was doing well academically.擅长体育运动I was doing well in athletics.70:01:19,830 --> 00:01:22,670我当时在校队打壁球i was playing varsity squash at the time.社交也游刃有余I was doing well socially.一切都很顺利Everything was going well.除了一点Except for the fact.我不快乐That I was unhappy.而且我不明白为什么And I didn't understand why.也就是在那时It was then in a matter of moments,我决定要找出原因变得快乐that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier. 于是我将研究方向And that was when I switched my concentration从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理系from computer science to philosophy and psychology目标只有一个with a single question:如何变得更快乐?how can I become happier?渐渐地我的确变得更快乐了Over time I did become happier.主要因为我接触了一个新的领域What contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field那时并未正式命名that at that time didn't have the name that it has today.但本质上属于积极心理学范畴But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology.研究积极心理学Positive psychology, studying it,把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier.而且这种快乐继续着It continues to make me happier.于是我决定将其与更多的人分享And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others.选择教授这门学科That's when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and teach in this field.这就是积极心理学So this is positive psychology,9504号心理学课程psychology 1504.我们将一起探索这一全新And we'll be exploring this new,相对新兴令人倾倒的领域relatively new and fascinating field.希望同时还能探索我们自己And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.我第一次开设这门课程是在2002年When I first taught this class that was back in 2002,是以讨论会的形式只有8名学生I taught it at a seminar and had eight students.两名退出了Two dropped out.只剩我和其他六个人That left me with six.一年后The year after,学生稍微多了一点the class became slightly larger.有300多人参加I had over three hundred students.到了第三年也就是上一次开课And then third year when I taught it which was the last time, 有850人参加I had 850 students in the class,是当时哈佛人数最多的课程making it at that point the largest course at Harvard.这引起了媒体的关注And that's when the media became interested.因为他们想知道为什么Because they wanted to understand why.他们对这一奇特现象非常好奇They wanted to understand this phenomenon that "here you have a class,"竟然有比经济学导论更热门的课程that's larger than Introduction to Economics".怎么可能呢?"How could that be?于是我被请去参加各类媒体采访So I was invited by the media for interviews,报纸广播电视whether it was newspapers, radio, television.从这些采访中我发现了一种有趣的模式And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews.我前去参加采访进行采访We would have the interview.结束后制片人或主持人会送我出来And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out说些诸如"Tal 多谢你抽空参加采访and say something to the effects of "well thank you T al for the interview."不过你跟我想象的不太一样"的话But you know I expected you to be different".我漫不经心地问And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course.我无所谓不过总得回应I didn't really care but had to ask anyway,"有何不同?" 他们会说"how different?" And they would say,"这个嘛我们以为你很外向""Well you know, we expected you to be more outgoing."下一次采访结束时仍是如此Next interview, the end of the interview, same thing."多谢接受采访"不过Tal 你跟我想象得不太一样"But you know Tal, I expected you to be different."又一次我漫不经心地问And once again, nonchalant of course."有何不同?"would ask"how different?"她说And she would say,"这个嘛我们没想到你会这么内向""Well you know, we expected you to be less, less itrovert." 下一次采访仍是如此Next interview, same thing."有何不同?""How different?""这个嘛更开朗更外向""Well, you know, more extroverted. More outgoing."下一次采访"这个嘛太害羞了"Next interview. "Well, you know, less shy."因为采访中我容易紧张Coz I get very nervous in interviews.差不多有几十次采访Interview after interview, literally dozens.每次都是"好交际更开朗"More outgoing, more cheerful."不含蓄更外向"Less introverted, more extroverted.诸如此类And on and on.最绝的一次But here is the best one.是波士顿一家地方台So this is one of the local channels here around Boston. 我去参加采访I was going to the interview.聊了很多We had a quite long interview,我觉得进行得不错which I thought was actually pretty good.采访结束And at the end of the interview,主持人是个热情开朗的男生the interviewer is a very jolly guy.他送我出门拍着我的肩说He walks me out and puts his hands on my shoulder, "多谢接受我们采访"and says, "thank you very much for doing the interview." 然后又是那句And then the usual comes."不过Tal 你跟我想象得不太一样""But you know Tal, I expected you to be different."我问And I said,"有何不同" 你要知道"How different?" Just so you understand,那时候我已经完全被打击了by this time, my self-esteem is short.不过我还是漫不经心地问But still with some resemblance of nonchalance I asked, "有何不同?""how different?"他看着我说And he looks at me and says,"我也说不上Tal 我以为你会更高些""Well I don't know Tal. I expected you to be taller."更高些?什么?Taller? What?05米70...是1米69不够格传授快乐吗Five seven, well ok five six and a half is not enough to teach happiness?我考虑了很久仔细思量了And I thought about it. I thought about it a lot.整件事从头到尾The whole pattern from the beginning.我似乎明白为什么他们期望不同了And I think I understand why they expected someone different.因为他们要说服自己说服观众You see they had to explain to themselves as well as the audience,"这门课怎么会比经济学导论更热门?""how come this lecture is larger than the Introduction to Economics?"唯一的解释就是And the way to explain it must be that导师非常外向the teacher is very outgoing,充满领袖气质extremely charismatic,乐观开朗当然了还很高very cheerful and extrovert and of course, tall.可惜我的名字少了一个LWell, there is one L missing there.但是But...是啊Yeah.真可惜If only.所以问题是So the problem though is他们找答案找错了地方that they were looking in the wrong place for the explanation. 也就是说他们不该关注信息传达者In other words, they were looking at the messenger.而应该关注信息本身What they needed to look at was the message.我怎么知道的呢Now how do I know that?因为我参与过其他大学积极心理学课You see because I see other positive psychology classes on other campuses遍及全国乃至全球around the country and around the world.美国有超过200所大学开设了本课程There are over 200 hundred campuses here in United Statesthat teach positive psychology.而且几乎其中所有院校这门课On almost every campus where this class is taught,都是参与人数最多的或者最多的之一it's either one of the or the largest class.信息是关键It's about the message.越来越多的机构组织开设这门课I see more and more organizations taking up positive psychology in their,还有咨询公司as consultant companies,其中一些甚至是全球知名咨询公司some of them the leading big consultant companies are taking it on.越来越多的中学开始引入积极心理学More and more high schools are introducing positive psychology class.小学也是Elementary schools are introducing it.各国政府都对这一新领域表现出兴趣The governments around the world are expressing interest in this new emerging field.为什么?因为它有效Why? Because it works.它的的确确有效Because it really works.殷盛人生快乐幸福感这一整个领域You see this whole realm on life flourishing,在此之前一直被心理自助运动统治on happiness, on well-being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movement.心理自助运动带来了什么What do we have in the self-health movement?生动有趣We have books that are very interesting,通俗易懂的书籍that are very accessible.热情外向的宣讲者We have speakers who are very outgoing,颇具领袖气质且身材高大very charismatic and tall,吸引大众参与他们的专题讨论讲座attracting the masses into these workshops, seminars and lectures.但是有一个大大的转折But, there is a very big "but" here.其中许多书籍讨论都缺少实质内容Many of these books, many of these workshops and seminars lack substance.通常都言过其实无法兑现Very often, overpromising and under-delivering.比如快乐的五个关键So these are five things you need to know to be happy.成功领袖的三个要素The three things to be the great leader.51成功快乐完美爱情的唯一秘诀The one secret of success, happiness and a perfect love life. 夸大其词效果甚微Overpromising. Under-delivering.再来说说学术界On the other hand, we have academia.学术界给我们带来了什么What do we have in academia?大量精确的实质内容We have a lot of rigor, a lot of substance.数据被一而再再而三地反复分析We have datas analyzed, reanalyzed and meta-analyzed.行之有效的好东西Things that actually work, good stuff.但是又有一个大大的转折But, and there is also a very big "but" here.很少有人会阅读专业学术期刊Very few people read refereed academic journals.想想看这间教室之外有多少人I mean Think about it: how many people outside this room of course读过最近12期《个性与社会心理学》杂志?have read the last twelve issues of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology?大多数人甚至不知道那是什么东西Most people don't even know what that means.我博士班的主任估算过The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal article学术期刊上的一篇论文平均只有7人阅读is read by seven people.这话...You know...其中还包括作者的母亲And that includes the author's mother.这话虽然是半开玩笑但其实很可悲So you know I say half in jest but it's actually really sad.因为...作为学者我觉得很可悲Because...certainly sad for me, as an academic.因为这些论文都非常精彩Because these things are good.非常重要They are important.能大有作为These things make a difference,甚至不仅仅是作为can even make more of a difference.但是对大众来说晦涩难懂But not accessible to most people.所以我们需要积极心理学And this is where positive psychology comes in.需要这门课程And this is also where this class comes in.积极心理学及本课程的宗旨非常明确The explicit mandate of positive psychology as well as of this class就是要在象牙塔及大众间构建桥梁is to create a bridge between Ivory tower and mainstreet.换句话说就是要把严谨In other words, it is to bring the rigor,实质经验基础the substance, the empirical foundation,学术科学the science from academia与自助或新纪元运动的通俗易懂相结合and merge it with accessibility of the self-help or New Age movement.充分发挥两者所长In a way the best of both worlds.这也是积极心理学大受欢迎的原因:And this explains the popularity of the field of positive psychology:有用的科学science that works.本课程将分为两个部分This class will be taught on two levels.第一部分会和其他心理学The first level it will be taught as any other class in psychology 或者其他任何课程一样or any of the classes you've taken here.我将向你们介绍相关知识You'll be introduced here to studies,调查研究严谨的学术作品to research, to rigorous academic work.需要你们撰写报告学术论文You'll be writing paper, academic paper.参加考试You'll be taking exams.跟其他课程一样Just like every other class.而教学内容的另一部分。
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Outline of 13th lessonCarp Diem. Seize the day.→self-concordanceEnglish version:Conclusion: to pursuit things we care about and feel enjoyable; set up the overall goal to resolve internal conflicts; motivated and devote more, so enhance the possibility of success.Benefits of self-concordance:1、Setting self-concordant goals can potentially make us happier. Because we arepursuing something we care about, it is more likely to reinforce our enjoyment of the journey.2、Having self-concordance goals-having goals in general, but in particularself-concordant goals, resolve internal conflicts.3、It increases the likelihood of success. Individuals who set-concordant goals aremore motivated-they are more likely to work hard, to put their all in whatever it is-that they are doing.In practice, there is a lot of research on it. There is a lot of researches shows when we are engaged in a self-concordant goal, we are much more likely to then continue to pursue self-concordant goals.The goals of self-concordant have a trickle effect.Choosing to do things doing what we want to do has also health benefits. When we choose, when we want to, it has implications to our well being, to our success, and to our physical health to the point of leading to longer life. Too easy is not necessarily good. Finally we see this also in oppressive regimes versus democracies. One of the main reasons why people are happier under democracies and remember that is one of few external circumstances that can predict happiness-one of the reasons is because under democracies, people have choice. When you have a choice, which is a goodpredictor of happiness.VIA (the values in action)VIA are the most ambitious and one of the most important projects within positive psychology.Positive psychology is alternative to the DSM which is a very important document to classify the mental disorders. What values in action are in many ways-they are about self-concordant journey, this is what happiness is. That’s why it goes hand in hand with a self-concordant goal.When VIA and a self-concordant goal go together, we are more likely to experience a complete experience of happiness, of fulfillment. A lot of research has shown how identify our values in action and more important applying them, using them, exercising them leads to higher levels of happiness and success. This is not just correlation, but a causal relationship.Other criteria to identify what are your personal character strengths. Is this the real me? When is the most me? Here is the list.Two exercises that build on the VIA, build on the questionnaire and build on your identifying your personal character strengths.The first exercise is based on research. Remarkable effects, remarkable consequences in terms of well being as well as in terms of success. And what it is about is building capacity. It’s about identifying the character strengths and then pursing them.Step1: identifying your character strengths.Sub-step 1: taking the questionnaire and the test,(on the ppt,240 questions, no right or wrong answers) identify from there your ten top ones-they recommend top five. I recommend anywhere between 8 and 12. and take this 8-12 strengths.Read their descriptions what they mean, what they are about, what they say about you. And then ask yourself: which ones, which five…fulfill the criteria that we discussed earlier? And from this 8 to 12 strengths, identify 4 to 6 that most fulfillthis strengths criteria. Choose any one of the character strengths from your final list and apply it. Each night describe how you use your strength on that day and then commit to the next day: what are you going to do tomorrow? Why?What is your fate? What is your calling? What is your destiny? Just listen to the voice that suggests your vocation. Just listen to the call that guides you to your calling. The most noble thing is to listen to that inner voice.Goals:Tips about setting goals. (to motivate us, to liberate us, to contribute as a means toward the end being the journey.)1、Write them down (it is making a commitment).2、Set lifelines.3、Stretch goalsHave a long goal and then break it down to short term or medium term goal. And then make plans and then create rituals based on these plans.Stress:The most important thing when dealing with stress: procrastination.The NO.1 cause for loss of days at work globally is something related to our psychology, whether it is stress, or related emotions, feelings, experiences. When we are stressed, we are more likely to narrow and constrict, as opposed to think outside the box.What do we do with this stress? Let’s use positive psychology.1、set rituals to yourself2、In addition to having rituals, they particularly set rituals for both work and forrecovery.Individuals who are both successful, happy, thriving flourishing are ones who do experience stress. However, they also pay very close attention to recovery第13课面对压力:(自我和谐的目标,应对压力)1、总结:追求自己在意的事;整体性的目标,解决内心冲突;更有动力,全身心地投入,增加成功的可能性不劳无获(no pains no gains)——改为:愉悦劳作则更多收获自我强化,滴捐效应,对生活的其他方面也有影响。