1. 教授 (Professor):教授是教授职称中最高级的一种。
2. 讲座教授 (Lecturer):讲座教授通常是一些资深的学者或杰出人才,他们虽然不具备教授职称,但可以在大学里担任讲座教授职务,传授知识和指导研究生。
3. 讲席教授 (Visiting Professor):讲席教授是一种短期或长期的聘雇形式,通常是为了吸引和激励卓越的学者和研究人员来学校或研究机构进行访问、授课和研究。
4. 终身教授 (Tenured Professor):终身教授是指在一所大学
美国教授的学术等级排名- 英文版)特别说明:一般情况下,Assistant Professor 等级以上的都是被授予终身职位的,但其他职位不是。
Professor Emeritus (男) or Professor Emerita (女) 名誉退休教授(职称说明:一位对大学或在其学术领域做出突出贡献的教授会在退休时被授予“名誉退休教授”的称号。
)University Professor or Institute Professor or Regents Professor (a special title not used by all universities) 学院或协会教授(职称说明:这个一般不常见,有些大学会给对它们做出突出贡献的教授授予这种称号,但不一定非要等到教授退休。
)Distinguished Professor (usually a "Named Chair"; not used by all universities) 特聘或杰出教授(职称说明:这个也不常见,只有对大学或在其学术领域做出很多贡献的教授才会获得这种称号,有时一年评一次。
)Professor ("Full Professor", a tenured rank; this title is used by all institutions) 正教授(职称说明:一位教授要在其学术领域权威性的期刊上发表很多文章,并经过学校一系列的考核才能成为正教授。
)Professor of Practice (also Associate Professor of Practice, and Assistant Professor of Practice; non-tenure positions for professionals without traditional academic credentials and/or career paths, but instead recruited for their practical experience and expertise) (没听说过)Associate Professor (generally a tenured rank; some institutions award tenure only to Full Professors但这种学术机构不常见.)副教授(职称说明:和正教授差不多,可能经验还不到,权威文章发的没有正教授多,才是副教授。
美国教授的学术等级排名- 英文版)特别说明:一般情况下,Assistant Professor 等级以上的都是被授予终身职位的,但其他职位不是。
Professor Emeritus (男) or Professor Emerita (女) 名誉退休教授(职称说明:一位对大学或在其学术领域做出突出贡献的教授会在退休时被授予“名誉退休教授”的称号。
)University Professor or Institute Professor or Regents Professor (a special title not used by all universities) 学院或协会教授(职称说明:这个一般不常见,有些大学会给对它们做出突出贡献的教授授予这种称号,但不一定非要等到教授退休。
)Distinguished Professor (usually a "Named Chair"; not used by all universities) 特聘或杰出教授(职称说明:这个也不常见,只有对大学或在其学术领域做出很多贡献的教授才会获得这种称号,有时一年评一次。
)Professor ("Full Professor", a tenured rank; this title is used by all institutions) 正教授(职称说明:一位教授要在其学术领域权威性的期刊上发表很多文章,并经过学校一系列的考核才能成为正教授。
)Professor of Practice (also Associate Professor of Practice, and Assistant Professor of Practice; non-tenure positions for professionals without traditional academic credentials and/or career paths, but instead recruited for their practical experience and expertise) (没听说过)Associate Professor (generally a tenured rank; some institutions award tenure only to Full Professors但这种学术机构不常见.)副教授(职称说明:和正教授差不多,可能经验还不到,权威文章发的没有正教授多,才是副教授。
当一个博士找到正式教职后,第一个头衔便是助理教授(assistant professor),这在中国没有相对应的职称。
通过评定就成为终身教授(tenured professor),有了这个资格,只要不触犯学校有关纪律和国家法规,这位教授就可以在该校任教直至他自愿退休,因为美国目前没有退休的年龄规定。
教职工大致又分成两类:有终身制教授(Tenure-track faculty members)与无终身制教工(Non-tenure-track faculty members)美国终身教职制度(Tenure-Track)被人形象称为“非升即走”(up-or-out)。
美国大学里真正的教师,即从事教学又从事科研的,只有三种,即助理教授Assistant Professor、副教授Associate Professor和正教授Professor 或Full Professor,与终生制挂钩。
(MU大学的教授除了进行教学和科研工作外,还必须承担有行政任务,这是每年考评的必要条件,例如我的导师还身兼数职,是学校退休委员会、专利委员会的委员)还有就是只从事研究的教师,不从事教学的教师,前面加上Research, 即Research Assistant Professor, Research Associate Professor, Research Professor。
还有一种叫Adjunct Professor,即兼职教授,讲师(Lecturer)、这些都不与终生制挂钩,而是合同制,即off the Tenure-Track。
****注意:助理教授Assistant Professor不是终身教职,所以,任何人在这个职位上3-8年内如果不能升级成为终身教职的副教授(tenure),在一般情况下就必须离开这个职位另谋高就。
- 讲师 / 助理教授 / 副研究员 / 副教授
- 副教授一级 / 研究员
- 教授 / 正高级研究员
- 助教授 / 讲师
- 副教授
- 教授
- 助理讲师
- 高级讲师 / 副教授
- 教授
- Juniorprofessor(助理教授)
- Professor(教授)
- Maître de conférences(讲师)
- Professeur des universités(大学教授)
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. 语 言 知 识 十 | .
asc t poesr poesr 有资格 指导博 士论 文并 担任博 士论文 委员会 主席 。 s i e rfs 和 rfs 都 oa o o
二、 科研, 教学 教授
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教 职 相 当于 美 国 高 校 中的
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所 以 有人 就 把 它 译成
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低 也 有 人 将 它译 成 准 教授
在 美 国却 是 指 帮助 教授
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依 学 校 和 学 科 不 同 部分 人 可 获 得 终 身 教 职
如 果 拿 到 了终 身 衔 获 得 者 就 会 相 应 成 为
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(终 身衔 助 理 教 授
书语 言知 识 . |.
我 国大 学 里 教授 传统 上 分 为正 教 授 和 副教 授
⽐如,英国⼤学⾥的"reader"也是教授吗?对应的是美国⼤学⾥的什么职称?接下来,学姐就来给⼤家好好捋⼀捋,英美⼤学的教授职称体系到底是怎么回事!▋美国教授职称体系在美国⼤学的教师体系中,最有特⾊的就是教师终⾝制(tenured professor)。
⼀般来说,每个终⾝教授都需要先从最基础的助理教授(Assistant Professor)开始,然后副教授(AssociateProfessor),正教授(Professor)。
1.助理教授(Assistant Professor)助理教授⼀般是三到六年的试⽤期。
2.副教授(Associate Professor)晋升到副教授的评判标准⼀般是在助理教授期间是否有⼤量的学术成就,⽐如是否发表了影响⼒较⼤的专著或学术论⽂,是否拿到了研究项⽬,以及对所在部门是否有突出的教学或服务。
Version A】Adjunct professor usually refers to someone has cross-discipline academic appointments. For example, one can have a primary appointment in the Department of Immunology, and, at the same time, have an adjunct appointment in Dept. of Pathology.Assistant Professor – in related to the Adjunct, this one is just a singleprimary academic appointment in a specific field.If you have further interest, read the following chunk of text for details:North AmericanMain positions:【Assistant professor】the entry-level position, for which one usually needs a Ph.D., sometimes only a masters degree (at some schools/colleges and exceptions* such as Clinical Professorship). The position is generally not tenured, although in most institutions, the term is used for "tenure-track" positions; that is, the candidate can become tenured after a probationary period. However, strictly speaking the position is related to a pay graderather than to tenure status, so in unusual circumstances it is possible to receive tenure but to remain in the assistant professor pay grade.【Associate professor】the mid-level position, usually awarded (in the humanities and social sciences) after the "second book" — although the requirements vary considerably between institutions and departments. Can be tenured or not. In most institutions, the position is tenured, howeverstrictly speaking the position is related to a pay differential and can be awarded to non-tenured persons. If awarded to a non-tenured person, the position is generally tenure-track.【(Full) professor】the senior position. In a traditional school this isalways tenured. However, this may not be the case in a for-profit private institution.【distinguished professor】, 【distinguished teaching professor】, 【distinguished research professor】, 【University Professor】, 【Institute Professor】: these titles, often specific to one institution, generally are granted to the top few percent of the tenured faculty (and sometimes to under one percent).【EXCEPTIONS】: In real life, to balance academic and practical knowledge, full Professorship (say,Accounting scholarship Professor in Accounting or Entreprenurship/Directorship) by invitation are top MBAs from senior ranking professionals from Big 4 accounting firms/CFO of public corporations and institutions etc. Refer to professional and executive-oriented professional schools/colleges with international admission for such certified expert-level professorship. Their post-MBA uprading/lifelong learning as practitioner are professionally accredited and on-the-job exposure as professional rather than by pure academic research towards a PhD.Other positions:【Professor emeritus】after full professors retire from active duties, theymay continue to teach and to be listed; they also draw a very large percentage of their last salary as pension (as tenure is technically for life). NB: The concept has in some places been watered down to include also associate tenured professors; in some systems and institutions, it needs a special act or vote.【Visiting professor】someone visiting another college or university to teach for a limited time; this may be someone who is a professor elsewhere or a distinguished scholar or practitioner who is not.【Adjunct professor】someone who does not have a permanent position at the academic institution; this may be someone with a job outside the academic institution teaching courses in a specialized field; or it may refer topersons hired to teach courses on contractual basis (frequently renewable contracts); it is generally a part-time position, although the number of courses taught can vary from a single course to a full-time load (or even an overload); these positions are generally not obligated to participate in administrative responsibilities at the institution often expected of otherfull-time professors. The pay for these positions is generally very poor,especially considering that most adjuncts have a PhD. In other cases, an adjunct may hold one of the standard ranks in another department, and be recognized with adjunct rank for making significant contributions to the department in question.【Named chair】a particularly senior full professor who is awarded a specific, endowed chair that has been sponsored by a fund, a person, etc. Named chairs are usually similar to the Continental European model in that they are a position rather than a career rank.【professor by courtesy】a professor who is primarily and originally associated with one academic department, but has become officially associated with a second department, institute, or program within the university and has assumed a professor's duty in that second department as well. Example: "Henry T. Greely is Professor of Law and Professor, by courtesy, of Genetics at Stanford University". Usually the second courtesy appointment carries with it fewer responsibilities and fewer benefits than a single full appointment.【Professor - research】a professor who does not take on all four of the classic duties (see overview) but instead focuses on research. Typically, sucha professor may be invaluable to his university department in procuring research funding and/or in publishing scholarly works, and therefore the department would prefer that he not distract himself with teaching duties that are not directly linked to his research activities.By analogy with the above, one often sees 【assistant】or 【associate research professors】, and 【assistant or associate — but seldom if ever full —teaching professors】 who focus on teaching and supervising Teaching Assistants.【Honorary professor】normally granted to those who with significant contribution to the school and community. Say, by donation for furtherance of research and academic development.【Gypsy scholar】is an informal term given to some academics who might be eligible for a tenure-track assistant professorship but cannot afford to liveby their college and so move between institutions, or perhaps simultaneouslyteach at more than one. Due to the high cost of housing this appears to have become a fairly common situation in California.【Version B】【adjunct professor】(兼职教授): someone who does not have a permanent position at the academic institution; this may be someone with a job outsidethe academic institution teaching courses in a specialized field; or it mayrefer to persons hired to teach courses on contractual basis (frequently renewable contracts); it is generally a part-time position, although thenumber of courses taught can vary from a single course to a full-time load (oreven an overload); these positions are generally not obligated to participatein administrative responsibilities at the institution often expected of otherfull-time professors.【assistant Professor】(助理教授):a member of a college or university faculty who ranks above an instructor and below an associate professor.【associate professor】(副教授):a member of a college or university faculty who ranks above an assistant professor and below a professor.【tenure-track professor】(终身教授):relating to or being a professor that may lead to a grant of tenure, who holds this position all his or her life.【Version C】【Affiliate Faculty】Qualified individuals who have a limited time commitment to the Department or School (for example, teaching a single course) may be given the title affiliate professor, affiliate associate professor, affiliate assistant professor, or lecturer. Affiliate faculty are not on the tenuretrack and normally would not teach more than two courses per semester.Affiliate faculty are defined as those individuals that do not have direct teaching responsibilities for students on or off campus and who do not receivemonetary compensation by the University through the payroll system forservices rendered, but who provide instruction in off-campus settings such as medical centers, public schools, and outside government agencies for students registered in programs with classroom or laboratory experiences such as health science, social work, and biology.【Adjunct Faculty】Typically, non-tenure track faculty serving in a temporary or auxiliary capacity to teach specific courses on a course-by-course basis.唉,好像不同专业间差别确实蛮大的。
Version A】Adjunct professor usually refers to someone has cross-discipline academic appointments. For example, one can have a primary appointment in the Department of Immunology, and, at the same time, have an adjunct appointment in Dept. of Pathology.Assistant Professor – in related to the Adjunct, this one is just a singleprimary academic appointment in a specific field.If you have further interest, read the following chunk of text for details:North AmericanMain positions:【Assistant professor】the entry-level position, for which one usually needs a Ph.D., sometimes only a masters degree (at some schools/colleges and exceptions* such as Clinical Professorship). The position is generally not tenured, although in most institutions, the term is used for "tenure-track" positions; that is, the candidate can become tenured after a probationary period. However, strictly speaking the position is related to a pay graderather than to tenure status, so in unusual circumstances it is possible to receive tenure but to remain in the assistant professor pay grade.【Associate professor】the mid-level position, usually awarded (in the humanities and social sciences) after the "second book" — although the requirements vary considerably between institutions and departments. Can be tenured or not. In most institutions, the position is tenured, howeverstrictly speaking the position is related to a pay differential and can be awarded to non-tenured persons. If awarded to a non-tenured person, the position is generally tenure-track.【(Full) professor】the senior position. In a traditional school this isalways tenured. However, this may not be the case in a for-profit private institution.【distinguished professor】, 【distinguished teaching professor】, 【distinguished research professor】, 【University Professor】, 【InstituteProfessor】: these titles, often specific to one institution, generally are granted to the top few percent of the tenured faculty (and sometimes to under one percent).【EXCEPTIONS】: In real life, to balance academic and practical knowledge, full Professorship (say,Accounting scholarship Professor in Accounting or Entreprenurship/Directorship) by invitation are top MBAs from senior ranking professionals from Big 4 accounting firms/CFO of public corporations and institutions etc. Refer to professional and executive-oriented professional schools/colleges with international admission for such certified expert-level professorship. Their post-MBA uprading/lifelong learning as practitioner are professionally accredited and on-the-job exposure as professional rather than by pure academic research towards a PhD.Other positions:【Professor emeritus】after full professors retire from active duties, theymay continue to teach and to be listed; they also draw a very large percentage of their last salary as pension (as tenure is technically for life). NB: The concept has in some places been watered down to include also associate tenured professors; in some systems and institutions, it needs a special act or vote.【Visiting professor】someone visiting another college or university to teach for a limited time; this may be someone who is a professor elsewhere or a distinguished scholar or practitioner who is not.【Adjunct professor】someone who does not have a permanent position at the academic institution; this may be someone with a job outside the academic institution teaching courses in a specialized field; or it may refer topersons hired to teach courses on contractual basis (frequently renewable contracts); it is generally a part-time position, although the number of courses taught can vary from a single course to a full-time load (or even an overload); these positions are generally not obligated to participate in administrative responsibilities at the institution often expected of otherfull-time professors. The pay for these positions is generally very poor, especially considering that most adjuncts have a PhD. In other cases, an adjunct may hold one of the standard ranks in another department, and berecognized with adjunct rank for making significant contributions to the department in question.【Named chair】a particularly senior full professor who is awarded a specific, endowed chair that has been sponsored by a fund, a person, etc. Named chairs are usually similar to the Continental European model in that they are a position rather than a career rank.【professor by courtesy】a professor who is primarily and originally associated with one academic department, but has become officially associated with a second department, institute, or program within the university and has assumed a professor's duty in that second department as well. Example: "Henry T. Greely is Professor of Law and Professor, by courtesy, of Genetics at Stanford University". Usually the second courtesy appointment carries with it fewer responsibilities and fewer benefits than a single full appointment.【Professor - research】a professor who does not take on all four of the classic duties (see overview) but instead focuses on research. Typically, sucha professor may be invaluable to his university department in procuring research funding and/or in publishing scholarly works, and therefore the department would prefer that he not distract himself with teaching duties that are not directly linked to his research activities.By analogy with the above, one often sees 【assistant】or 【associate research professors】, and 【assistant or associate — but seldom if ever full —teaching professors】 who focus on teaching and supervising Teaching Assistants.【Honorary professor】normally granted to those who with significant contribution to the school and community. Say, by donation for furtherance of research and academic development.【Gypsy scholar】is an informal term given to some academics who might be eligible for a tenure-track assistant professorship but cannot afford to liveby their college and so move between institutions, or perhaps simultaneously teach at more than one. Due to the high cost of housing this appears to have become a fairly common situation in California.【Version B】【adjunct professor】(兼职教授): someone who does not have a permanent position at the academic institution; this may be someone with a job outsidethe academic institution teaching courses in a specialized field; or it mayrefer to persons hired to teach courses on contractual basis (frequently renewable contracts); it is generally a part-time position, although thenumber of courses taught can vary from a single course to a full-time load (oreven an overload); these positions are generally not obligated to participatein administrative responsibilities at the institution often expected of otherfull-time professors.【assistant Professor】(助理教授):a member of a college or university faculty who ranks above an instructor and below an associate professor.【associate professor】(副教授):a member of a college or university faculty who ranks above an assistant professor and below a professor.【tenure-track professor】(终身教授):relating to or being a professor that may lead to a grant of tenure, who holds this position all his or her life.【Version C】【Affiliate Faculty】Qualified individuals who have a limited time commitment to the Department or School (for example, teaching a single course) may be given the title affiliate professor, affiliate associate professor, affiliate assistant professor, or lecturer. Affiliate faculty are not on the tenuretrack and normally would not teach more than two courses per semester.Affiliate faculty are defined as those individuals that do not have direct teaching responsibilities for students on or off campus and who do not receivemonetary compensation by the University through the payroll system for services rendered, but who provide instruction in off-campus settings such as medical centers, public schools, and outside government agencies for students registered in programs with classroom or laboratory experiences such as health science, social work, and biology.【Adjunct Faculty】Typically, non-tenure track faculty serving in a temporary or auxiliary capacity to teach specific courses on a course-by-course basis.唉,好像不同专业间差别确实蛮大的。
各种职称英文名称[推荐5篇]第一篇:各种职称英文名称文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译(大学)校长President/Chancellor(大学)副校长 Vice President(大学)代理校长 Acting President(中学)校长 Principal(小学)校长 Head /Master学院院长 Dean of College/Head of College教务长 Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs总务长 Director in Charge of General Affairs系主任 Department Chairman /Department Head教研室主任 Head of the Teaching and Research Section实验室主任 Laboratory Chief教导主任 Director of Teaching and班主任 Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher教授 Professor副教授 Associate Professor客座教授 Visiting Professor/Guest Professor兼职教授 Part-time Professor名誉教授 Honorary Professor终身教授 Lifetime Professor外籍教授 Foreign Professor研究生指导教师 Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor讲师 Lecturer/Instructor助教 Teaching Assistant(T.A.)实验员 Laboratory Technician图书馆员 Librarian研究所所长 Institute Director研究员 Research Fellow/Researcher副研究员 Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研 Research Assistant资料员 Data Processor总工程师 Chief Engineer副总工程师 Assistant Chief Engineer高级工程师 Senior Engineer工程师 Engineer助工 Assistant Engineer技术员 Technician技师 Skilled Technician董事长 Chairman of the Board /Chairman董事/理事 Director副董事 Associate Director高级会计师 Senior Accountant注册会计师(美国)Chartered Accountant注册会计师(美国)Certified Public Accountant(CPA)助理会计师 Assistant Accountant主任会计 Chief Accountant高级经济师 Senior Economic Manger / Senior Economist 经济师 Economic Manager /Economist建筑师 Architect规划师 Planner设计师 Designer农艺师 Agronomist律师 Lawyer/ Attorney主任记者 Chief Reporter记者 Reporter总编辑 Editor in Chief编辑 Editor助理编辑 Assistant Editor内科主任 Head of the Medical Department外科主任 Head of the Surgical Department主治大夫 Attending Doctor/Physician-in-Charge护士长 Head Nurse药剂师 Pharmacist麻醉师 Anaesthetist——————————————————————————————————办公室职务职称中英文对照计算机/互联网/通讯Technology/Internet首席技术执行官CTO/VP Engineering 技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager 信息技术经理IT Manager 信息技术主管IT Supervisor 信息技术专员IT Specialist 项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor 项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator 系统分析员System Analyst 高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer 软件工程师Software Engineer 系统工程师System Engineer 高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师Hardware Engineer 通信技术工程师Communications Engineer ERP技术/应用顾问ERP Technical/Application Consultant 数据库工程师Database Engineer 技术支持经理Technical Support Manager 技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer 品质经理QA Manager 信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer 软件测试工程师Software QA Engineer 硬件测试工程师Hardware QA Engineer 测试员Test Engineer 网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师Network Engineer 系统管理员/网管System Manager/Webmaster 网页设计/制作Web Designer/Production 技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant销售Sales销售总监Sales Director 销售经理Sales Manager 区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager 客户经理Sales Account Manager 渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager 渠道主管Channel Supervisor 销售主管Sales Supervisor 销售代表Sales Representative / Executive 销售工程师Sales Engineer 医药代表Pharmaceutical Sales Representative 保险代理Insurance Agent 销售助理Sales Assistant / Trainee 商务经理Business Manager 商务专员/助理Business Executive/Assistant 销售行政经理Sales Admin.Manager 销售行政主管Sales Admin.Supervisor 售前/售后技术服务经理Technical Service Manager 售前/售后技术服务主管Technical Service Supervisor 售前/售后技术服务工程师Technical Service Engineer 售后/客户服务(非技术)经理Customer Service Manager 售后/客户服务(非技术)主管Customer Service Supervisor 售后/客户服务(非技术)专员Customer Service Executive 经销商Distributor——————————————————————————————————职称中英文对照^最新职能分类计算机硬件 Computer, Hardware高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师Hardware Engineer 其他 Others计算机软件 Computer, Software高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer 软件工程师Software EngineerERP技术/开发应用 ERP Application R&D/Implementation 系统集成工程师System Integration Engineer 系统分析员System Analyst 系统工程师 System Engineer数据库工程师/管理员 Database Engineer/Administrator 计算机辅助设计工程师 Computer Aided Design Engineer 其他 Others 互联网开发及应用 Internet互联网软件开发工程师Internet/E-Commerce Software Engineer 多媒体/游戏开发工程师 Multimedia/Game Development Engineer 网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师 Network Engineer系统管理员/网络管理员 System Manager/Webmaster 网站策划Web Producer 网站编辑 Web Editor网页设计/制作/美工Web Designer/Production/Creative 网络信息安全工程师 Information Security Engineer智能大厦/综合布线 Intelligent Building/Structure Cabling 其他OthersIT-管理IT-Management 首席技术执行官CTO/首席信息官CIO Chief Technology Officer CTO/Chief Information Officer CIO 技术总监/经理 Technical Director/Manager 信息技术经理/主管IT Manager/Supervisor 信息技术专员 IT Specialist 项目总监 Project Director 项目经理 Project Manager 项目主管 Project Supervisor 项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator 其他OthersIT-品管、技术支持及其它IT-QA, Technical Support...技术支持经理Technical Support Manager 技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer 计量工程师 Measure Engineer标准化工程师Standardization Engineer 品质经理Quality Assurance QA Manager 系统测试Systems Testing QA 软件测试Software Testing QA 硬件测试 Hardware Testing QA 测试员 Test Engineer /Tester技术文员/助理 Technical Clerk/Assistant 其他 Others通信技术Communication Technology 通信技术工程师Communication Engineer 有线传输工程师Wired Transmission Engineer无线通信工程师 Wireless Communication Engineer 电信交换工程师 Telecommunication Exchange Engineer 数据通信工程师 Data Communication Engineer 移动通信工程师 Mobile Communication Engineer电信网络工程师 T elecommunication Network Engineer 通信电源工程师 Communication Power Supply Engineer 其他 Others 电子/电器/半导体/仪器仪表Electronics/Wiring/Semiconductor/Instrument/Industry 集成电路IC设计/应用工程师 IC Design/Application Engineer IC验证工程师IC Verification Engineer 电子工程师/技术员 Electronics Engineer 电气工程师/技术员 Electrical Engineer电路工程师/技术员 Electronic Circuit Engineer 电声/音响工程师/技术员Electroacoustics Engineer 半导体技术Semiconductor Technology自动控制工程师/技术员 Autocontrol Engineer/Technician 电子软件开发(ARM/MCU...)Electronics Software(ARM/MCU…)嵌入式软件开发(Linux/单片机/DLC/DSP…)Embedded Software Engineer(Linux/SCM/DLC/DSP…)电池/电源开发 Battery/Power EngineerFAE 现场应用工程师 Field Application Engineer(FAE)家用电器/数码产品研发Household Electronics/Digital Products Development 仪器/仪表/计量 Instrument/Measurement 测试工程师 Quality Testing Engineer 其他 Others销售管理 Sales Management 销售总监 Sales Director 销售经理Sales Manager 销售主管 Sales Supervisor渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager 渠道/分销主管Channel/Distribution Supervisor 客户经理Sales Account Manager区域销售总监Regional Sales Director 区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 其他 Others销售人员 Salespersons销售代表 Sales Representative / Executive渠道/分销专员Channel/Distribution Representative 客户代表Sales Account Representative 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 电话销售Telesales 经销商 Distributor 其他 Others销售行政及商务 Sales Administration销售行政经理/主管 Sales Admin.Manager/Supervisor 销售行政专员/助理Sales Admin.Executive/Assistant 商务经理Business Manager商务主管/专员Business Supervisor/Executive 商务助理Business Assistant销售助理 Sales Assistant / Trainee 其他 Others客服及技术支持 Customer Service and Technical Support 客服总监(非技术)Customer Service Director 客服经理(非技术)Customer Service Manager 客服主管(非技术)Customer Service Supervisor客服专员/助理(非技术)Customer Service Executive/Assistant 售前/售后技术支持经理Technical Support Manager 售前/售后技术支持主管 Technical Support Supervisor 售前/售后技术支持工程师 Technical Support Engineer咨询热线/呼叫中心服务人员Customer Hot Line/Call Center Staff 其他 Others财务/审计/税务Finance/Accounting/Audit/Tax 首席财务官CFO Chief Financial Officer CFO 财务总监 Finance Director 财务经理 Finance Manager 财务顾问 Finance Consultant财务主管/总帐主管 Finance Supervisor会计经理/会计主管Accounting Manager/Supervisor 会计Accountant / Accounting Trainee 出纳员 Cashier财务/会计助理 Finance/Accounting Assistant财务分析经理/主管 Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor 财务分析员 Financial Analyst成本经理/成本主管 Cost Accounting Manager/Supervisor 成本管理员Cost Accounting Specialist 审计经理/主管Audit Manager/Supervisor 审计专员/助理Audit Executive/Assistant 税务经理/税务主管Tax Manager/Supervisor 税务专员/助理Tax Executive/Assistant 统计员 Statistician 其他 Others证券/金融/投资 Securities/Finance/Investment 证券/期货/外汇经纪人 Securities Broker 证券分析师 Securities Analyst 股票/期货操盘手Stocks/Futures Operator 金融/经济研究员Financial Analyst/Economist投资/基金项目经理 Investment Manager/Fund Manager 投资/理财顾问Investment/Financial Management Advisor 投资银行业务Investment Banking Specialist 融资经理/融资主管Treasury Manager/Supervisor 融资专员 Treasury Specialist 拍卖师 Auction 其他 Others银行 Banks行长/副行长President/Vice-President/Branch Manager 资产评估/分析 Assets Valuation/Analyst 风险控制 Risk Management 信贷管理/信用调查/分析人员Loan/Credit Officer 进出口/信用证结算Trading / LC Officer 外汇交易Foreign Exchange 清算人员Settlement Officer高级客户经理/客户经理 Senior Relationship Manager 客户主管/专员 Relationship Supervisor/Executive 银行柜员 Bank T eller 银行卡、电子银行业务推广Credit Card/E-banking business Develop 其他 Others保险 Insurance保险精算师 Actuary保险产品开发/项目策划 Product Development/Planner 保险业务经理/主管 Business Manager/Supervisor保险代理/经纪人/客户经理 Agent/Broker/Account Manager 理财顾问/财务规划师 Financial Advisor/Financial Planner 储备经理人Agency Management Associate 保险核保 Underwriting 保险理赔 Claim Management保险客户服务/续期管理Customer Service 保险培训师Trainer 保险内勤 Staff 其他 Others生产/营运Manufacturing/Operation 工厂经理/厂长Plant/Factory Manager 总工程师/副总工程师 Chief Engineer 项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor 项目工程师Project Engineer 营运经理Operations Manager 营运主管Operations Supervisor生产经理/车间主任Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor 生产计划协调员 Production Planning Executive/Officer生产主管/督导/领班Production Supervisor/Team Leader 化验员Laboratory Technician 其他 Others质量/安全管理 Quality/Safety Management质量管理/测试经理(QA/QC经理)QA/QC Manager 质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管)QA/QC Supervisor 质量管理/测试工程师(QA/QC工程师)QA/QC Engineer 质量检验员/测试员Quality Inspector/Tester 可靠度工程师 Reliability Engineer故障分析工程师Failure Analysis Engineer 认证工程师/审核员Certification Engineer/Auditor 体系工程师/审核员Systems Engineer/Auditor安全/健康/环境经理/主管Safety/Health/Environmental Manager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境工程师Safety/Health/Environmental Engineer 供应商管理Supplier/Vendor Management采购材料、设备质量管理Supplies & Equipment Quality Management 其他 Others工程/机械/能源 Engineering/Mechanical/Energy 技术研发经理/主管 Technical Design Mgr./Spvr.技术研发工程师 T echnical Design Engineer 产品工艺/制程工程师Process Engineer 产品规划工程师Product Planing Engineer 实验室负责人/工程师Lab Manager/Engineer 工程/设备经理Engineering/Facility Manager 工程/设备主管Engineering/Facility Supervisor 工程/设备工程师Engineering/Facility Engineer工程/机械绘图员Project Drafting Specialist/Mechanical Drawing 工业工程师Industrial Engineer 机械工程师Mechanical Engineer 结构工程师Structrual Engineer 模具工程师T ooling Engineer机电工程师Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 维修工程师Maintenance Engineer铸造/锻造工程师Casting/Forging Engineer 注塑工程师Injection Engineer 焊接工程师Welding Engineer 夹具工程师Clamp Engineer CNC工程师CNC Engineer 冲压工程师Punch Engineer 锅炉工程师 Boiler Engineer电力工程师/技术员Electric Power Engineer 光源与照明工程Lighting Engineer汽车/摩托车工程师 Automotive Engineer 船舶工程师 Shipping Engineer飞行器设计与制造 Aircraft Design & Manufacture 其他 Others 技工 Technician / Engineer Trainee 技工 Technician / Engineer Trainee钳工/机修工/钣金工Locksmith/Mechanic/Repairer 电焊工/铆焊工 Electric Welding Worker车工/磨工/铣工/冲压工/锣工Latheman/Grinder/Miller/Puncher/Turner 模具工Mould Worker 电工 Electrician叉车工 Forklift Worker空调工/电梯工/锅炉工Air-Condition Worker/Lift Worker/Steam Worker 水工/木工/油漆工Plumber/Carpenter/Painter 普工General Worker 裁剪车缝熨烫Tailor汽车修理工 Auto Repairing 其他 Others服装/纺织/皮革 Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods 服装/纺织设计 Fashion/Textiles Designer面料辅料开发Fabric/Accessories Development 面料辅料采购Fabric/Accessories Purchasing服装/纺织/皮革跟单Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods Merchandiser 质量管理/验货员(QA/QC)Quality Management QA/QC 板房/楦头/底格出格师Shoe Tree Design 服装打样/制版Apparels Sample Production 纸样师/车板工Paper Sample 裁床Cut Bed 其他 Others采购 Purchasing采购总监Purchasing Director 采购经理Purchasing Manager 采购主管Purchasing Supervisor 采购员Purchasing Specialist/Staff 采购助理 Purchasing Assistant 选址拓展 Location Development 其他 Others第二篇:英文名称英文名称:SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION小说原著:斯帝芬金(Stephen King),收录于该作者的小说集《四季》(Different Seasons)的第一部:《春》(Hope Springs Eternal—Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption)**Rita是50年代的电影舞蹈明星,嫁给《公民凯恩》的导演奥逊维尔森。
⼀般有两种Titles: Prof. or Dr.⽤Dr.教师的教职是Research Fellow, Research Associate, Researcher, Lecturer等等甚⾄是 Associate Professor都偏向于⽤Dr.作为title。
⽤Prof.教师的教职是Professor, Full Professor, Dean of XXX department, Head of XXX department等,都⽤Prof.。
这时候就没什么⼈⽤Dr.了,但是也不会⽤院长(Dean, Head)、院⼠,⽽是都⽤了Prof.作为⾃⼰简历的title。
另外,给别⼈发邮件,title后⼀般不加全称、只加姓⽒,否则显得不礼貌,例如Dear Prof. LeCun.。
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Version A】Adjunct professor usually refers to someone has cross-discipline academic appointments. For example, one can have a primary appointment in the Department of Immunology, and, at the same time, have an adjunct appointment in Dept. of Pathology.Assistant Professor – in related to the Adjunct, this one is just a singleprimary academic appointment in a specific field.If you have further interest, read the following chunk of text for details:North AmericanMain positions:【Assistant professor】the entry-level position, for which one usually needs a Ph.D., sometimes only a masters degree (at some schools/colleges and exceptions* such as Clinical Professorship). The position is generally not tenured, although in most institutions, the term is used for "tenure-track" positions; that is, the candidate can become tenured after a probationary period. However, strictly speaking the position is related to a pay graderather than to tenure status, so in unusual circumstances it is possible to receive tenure but to remain in the assistant professor pay grade.【Associate professor】the mid-level position, usually awarded (in the humanities and social sciences) after the "second book" — although the requirements vary considerably between institutions and departments. Can be tenured or not. In most institutions, the position is tenured, howeverstrictly speaking the position is related to a pay differential and can be awarded to non-tenured persons. If awarded to a non-tenured person, the position is generally tenure-track.【(Full) professor】the senior position. In a traditional school this isalways tenured. However, this may not be the case in a for-profit private institution.【distinguished professor】, 【distinguished teaching professor】, 【distinguished research professor】, 【University Professor】, 【InstituteProfessor】: these titles, often specific to one institution, generally are granted to the top few percent of the tenured faculty (and sometimes to under one percent).【EXCEPTIONS】: In real life, to balance academic and practical knowledge, full Professorship (say,Accounting scholarship Professor in Accounting or Entreprenurship/Directorship) by invitation are top MBAs from senior ranking professionals from Big 4 accounting firms/CFO of public corporations and institutions etc. Refer to professional and executive-oriented professional schools/colleges with international admission for such certified expert-level professorship. Their post-MBA uprading/lifelong learning as practitioner are professionally accredited and on-the-job exposure as professional rather than by pure academic research towards a PhD.Other positions:【Professor emeritus】after full professors retire from active duties, theymay continue to teach and to be listed; they also draw a very large percentage of their last salary as pension (as tenure is technically for life). NB: The concept has in some places been watered down to include also associate tenured professors; in some systems and institutions, it needs a special act or vote.【Visiting professor】someone visiting another college or university to teach for a limited time; this may be someone who is a professor elsewhere or a distinguished scholar or practitioner who is not.【Adjunct professor】someone who does not have a permanent position at the academic institution; this may be someone with a job outside the academic institution teaching courses in a specialized field; or it may refer topersons hired to teach courses on contractual basis (frequently renewable contracts); it is generally a part-time position, although the number of courses taught can vary from a single course to a full-time load (or even an overload); these positions are generally not obligated to participate in administrative responsibilities at the institution often expected of otherfull-time professors. The pay for these positions is generally very poor, especially considering that most adjuncts have a PhD. In other cases, an adjunct may hold one of the standard ranks in another department, and berecognized with adjunct rank for making significant contributions to the department in question.【Named chair】a particularly senior full professor who is awarded a specific, endowed chair that has been sponsored by a fund, a person, etc. Named chairs are usually similar to the Continental European model in that they are a position rather than a career rank.【professor by courtesy】a professor who is primarily and originally associated with one academic department, but has become officially associated with a second department, institute, or program within the university and has assumed a professor's duty in that second department as well. Example: "Henry T. Greely is Professor of Law and Professor, by courtesy, of Genetics at Stanford University". Usually the second courtesy appointment carries with it fewer responsibilities and fewer benefits than a single full appointment.【Professor - research】a professor who does not take on all four of the classic duties (see overview) but instead focuses on research. Typically, sucha professor may be invaluable to his university department in procuring research funding and/or in publishing scholarly works, and therefore the department would prefer that he not distract himself with teaching duties that are not directly linked to his research activities.By analogy with the above, one often sees 【assistant】or 【associate research professors】, and 【assistant or associate — but seldom if ever full —teaching professors】 who focus on teaching and supervising Teaching Assistants.【Honorary professor】normally granted to those who with significant contribution to the school and community. Say, by donation for furtherance of research and academic development.【Gypsy scholar】is an informal term given to some academics who might be eligible for a tenure-track assistant professorship but cannot afford to liveby their college and so move between institutions, or perhaps simultaneously teach at more than one. Due to the high cost of housing this appears to have become a fairly common situation in California.【Version B】【adjunct professor】(兼职教授): someone who does not have a permanent position at the academic institution; this may be someone with a job outsidethe academic institution teaching courses in a specialized field; or it mayrefer to persons hired to teach courses on contractual basis (frequently renewable contracts); it is generally a part-time position, although thenumber of courses taught can vary from a single course to a full-time load (oreven an overload); these positions are generally not obligated to participatein administrative responsibilities at the institution often expected of otherfull-time professors.【assistant Professor】(助理教授):a member of a college or university faculty who ranks above an instructor and below an associate professor.【associate professor】(副教授):a member of a college or university faculty who ranks above an assistant professor and below a professor.【tenure-track professor】(终身教授):relating to or being a professor that may lead to a grant of tenure, who holds this position all his or her life.【Version C】【Affiliate Faculty】Qualified individuals who have a limited time commitment to the Department or School (for example, teaching a single course) may be given the title affiliate professor, affiliate associate professor, affiliate assistant professor, or lecturer. Affiliate faculty are not on the tenuretrack and normally would not teach more than two courses per semester.Affiliate faculty are defined as those individuals that do not have direct teaching responsibilities for students on or off campus and who do not receivemonetary compensation by the University through the payroll system for services rendered, but who provide instruction in off-campus settings such as medical centers, public schools, and outside government agencies for students registered in programs with classroom or laboratory experiences such as health science, social work, and biology.【Adjunct Faculty】Typically, non-tenure track faculty serving in a temporary or auxiliary capacity to teach specific courses on a course-by-course basis.唉,好像不同专业间差别确实蛮大的。