Agilent 矢量信号分析仪介绍
安捷伦的的网络分析仪安捷伦(Agilent)是一家知名的电子测试与测量仪器制造商,旗下的网络分析仪(Network Analyzer)是其产品线中的重要组成部分。
Agilent 8720ES矢量网络分析仪Agilent 8720ES矢量网络分析仪可进行全面的射频和微波元件评测。
Agilent 8720ES包括集成的合成源、测试装置和调谐接收机。
内部矢量精度增强技术包括全二端口、适配器移除和可选的T RL校准。
Agilent 8720E系列包括3种T/R和3种S-参数网络分析仪,覆盖范围为13.5GHz、20GHz和4 0GHz。
您可用Intuilink的PC应用工具条,容易地把测量数据和图像送入熟悉的PC应用程序,如Microsoft Office Excel 和 Wo rd,而只需很少的程序,甚至无需编程。
特性50MHz至20GHz100 dB 的动态范围优异的测量精度2个测量通道4个显示通道频率和功率扫描快扫描和数据传输速度通过/失败测试,强大的标记功能电校准(ECal)内部使用测试序列的自动化可选时域、高功率测试装置、四个采样器和TRL校准、直接采样器访问、频率偏置模式本公司从事二手仪器回收已有多年。
并在苏州,深圳,上海,杭州,无锡二手仪器行业中享有美评,我们提供现金上门回收二手仪器,回收仪器主要有:网络分析仪、无线综合测试仪、频谱分析仪、视频音频分析仪、蓝牙测试仪、视频图象信号源、LCR测试仪、高低频信号源、示波器、万用表、手机程控电源、直流电源、电子负载、频率计、GPIB卡,PCI-GPIB,GPIB-USB-B等,主要经营的品牌有美国泰克、安捷伦、福禄克、德国惠美、R&S(罗德斯瓦次)、日本日立、岩崎、松下、安利、台湾固纬等知名厂商的仪器仪表二Agilent 8720ES|HP8720ES|HP-8720ES 20G微波矢量网络分析仪50MHz-20GHz厂商:美国安捷伦Agilent*频率范围:50MHz到13.5,20或40GHz*提供传输/反射或S参数测试装置备选品*快的测量速度和数据传送速率*同时显示多达4个参数*达105db动态范围*可选用时域,频率偏移和高功率测量技术指标摘要8719ET 8720ET 8722ET型号8719ES 8720ES 8722ES最低频率50MHz 50MHz 50MHz最高频率13.5GHz 20GHz 40GHz频率分辨率1Hz 1Hz 1Hz频率精度10ppm 10ppm 10ppm最大信号源功率0dBm,<20GHz;-5dBm,20~40GH ET型+10dBm +10dBmz-5dBm,<20GHz;-10dBm,20~40G ES型+5dBm +5dBmHz带选件007的ES型+10dBm +10dBm 0dB,<20GHz;-5dBm,20~40GHz 最小信号源功能率:ET型(标准)-10dBm -10dBm -15dBm带选件004的ET型-65dBm -65dBm -70dBmES型(标准)-70dBm -70dBm -75dBm带选件007的ES型-65dBm -65dBm -70dBm功率分辨率0.01dB 0.01dB 0.01dB功率平坦度±2dB ±2dB ±3dB15dB,20GHz以功率扫描范围20dB 20dB下;10dB,20~40GHz系统动态范围(>2GHz)84~97dB(ET)ET型104dB 104dB 80~93dB(ES)ES型100dB 100dB 85~98dB带选件007的ES型105dB 105dB 2.4mm(阳)测试端口连接器 3.5mm(阳) 3.5mm(阳)表中数据适用于23℃±3℃,有关更全面的技术指标和误差修正后的总测量不确定度,请参见产品技术资料8720E系列网络分析仪8720E系列的特点是拥有能满足您的测量需要的6种矢量网络分析仪.8719ET.8720ET和8722ET型提供经济的传输/反射测试装置,而8719ES,8720ES和8722ES型则提供S参数测试装置和适于您的应用的广泛配置选择.ET型以适中的价格提供正向传输和反射测量.ES型能提供正向和反响测量以及使测量有最高精度的全二端口校准.ET型和ES型将快速合成源与成化测试想结合,频率覆盖范围从50MHz到13.5,20或40 GHz.8720E系列小型,经济且便于使用,能对微波线性和非线性器件进行精确.快速测试.这些仪器是改善您在研发过程的设计或在生产过程中实现最高测量效率的优良工具.ET型8719ET .8720ET .和8722ET的特点是有一个内置传输/反射测量装置,用于在正向上进行各种各样的幅度和相位测量.内置矢量精度提高技术包括单端口响应和增强响应校准.增强响应校准通过对不能进行常规响应校准的源匹配效应的修正来改善传输测量的精度.可选用的55dB步进衰减器为测试有源器件提供各种不同的输出功率电平.ES型8719ES .8720ES .和8722ES的特点是有带二端口误差修正的固态开关S参数测试装置.ES型包含一个作为标准件的55 dB步进衰减器,以提供大的输出功率范围.增强响应校准通过对源匹配进行修正来改善传输测量的精度,但没有全二端口校准的速度损失.适配器去除校准对测量非插入式器件,如两个端口上同为阴性或同为阳性连接器的器件或在端口1和2上有不同连接器类型的器件提供更高的精度.电子校准(Ecal)利用85097A ECal VNA接口配件和适当的N4690微波ECal模块,由一次接连提供快速.简单的校准,这需要85097B-100电缆.一些Agiletn公司认可的联锁供应商可以提供能与Agilent公司的网络分析仪产品配用的测量硬件和软件,从而能为您的测试需要提供完整的解决方案.适合于各种应用的灵活配置选件004增加55dB步进衰减器以扩大输出功率范围(只用于ET<span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:Tahoma;mso-hansi-font-family: Tahoma;mso-bidi-font-family:Taho点击放大图。
在移动 电话行业 ,手机 和基站 的情况都 可以印证 这一点 。多
频手机 (可工作于多个频段 ,并具有如 GPS或 Wi-Fi等非 电
话功能)通常将前端模 块 (包括一个或两个天 线输 入和多个
开关 、双工器、过滤器和 放大 器)集成到 一个普通基 片上 。在
基站端 ,通 常将双
口的设备 ,拥 有 8个或更 多端 口的设备 也越来越普及 。设 备 20 GHz 解 决 方 案 ,该 解 决 方 案 采 用 带 有 选 件 225 的
端 口数量增 多的原因有两个 。一 是由于平衡元器件 的广泛 N5230A PNA-L网络分析仪和 U3022AE10测试仪 。
使用 ,二是子系统 的集成 水平 更高 ,例如 目前手机上使 用的 前端模块 。
对 高频 率元器 件 的线 性和 非 线性性能进行精确表征 。以及 获得 更高 的 子 系统 集成能 力 的需求 。正在逐渐 改变着射频 和微波设备 的测试方 式。本文 将详细阐述这个 问题 。并介绍 如何 通过 在 测试 系统 中添加 备用的内置信 号发 生器 。以及 通过 增加 扩展 测试 端 口的数 量 。更有效地使用矢量网络分 析仪 (VNA o此外 。本文还介 绍了为使校准精度保持双端 口 S参数测量的水平。VNA校准 方法的演进过程。
平衡 电路 具有许多优 点,例 如对 电磁干扰 的敏感 性降
使用两个集成 的射频源能够简化放 大 器和混频器 的 量
低 以及 电磁干扰 的减少 。平 衡元器件可能是拥有 3个射频
VNA只需一个射 频源就可 以测量 S参数 、增益压缩和元
端 口的平衡到单端设备 ,也 可能是拥 有 4个射频端 口的平 器件谐波 ,使用备用的内部源不仅可以执行更加复杂的非线
Agilent MXA X-Series Signal Analyzer 数据手册说明书
N9020A MXAX-Series Signal Analyzer10 Hz to 3.6, 8.4, 13.6, or 26.5 GHz Data SheetThis data sheet is a summary of the specifications and conditions for MXA signal analyzers. For the complete specifications guide, visit: /find/mxa_specificationsTable of ContentsAccelerate to marketEvery device demands decisionsthat require tradeoffs in your goals—customer specs, through-put, yield. With a highly flexible signal analyzer, you can manage and minimize those tradeoffs. Agilent’s mid-performance MXA is the ultimate accelerator as your products move from design to the marketplace. It has the flexibility to quickly adapt to your evolving test requirements—today and tomorrow. Maximize your flexibil-ity, and accelerate to market, with the Agilent MXA signal analyzer.Definitions and Conditions ...................................................3Frequency and Time Specifications ............................................4Amplitude Accuracy and Range Specifications ...................................6Dynamic Range Specifications ................................................8PowerSuite Measurement Specifications ......................................12General Specifications ......................................................13Inputs and Outputs ........................................................14IQ Analyzer ...............................................................16IQ Analyzer - Option B40 ....................................................17IQ Analyzer - Option B85/B1A/B1X ...........................................18Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Related Literature (20)Definitions and ConditionsSpecifications describe the performance of parameters covered by the product warranty and apply to the full temperature range of 0 to 55 °C 1, unless otherwise noted.95th percentile values indicate the breadth of the population (approx. 2 σ) of performance tolerances expected to be met in 95 percent of the cases with a 95 percent confidence, for any ambient temperature in the range of 20 to 30 °C. In addition to the statistical observations of a sample of instruments, these values include the effects of the uncertainties of external calibration references. These values are not warranted. These values are updated occasionally if a significant change in the statistically observed behavior of production instruments is observed.Typical describes additional product performance information that is not covered by the product warranty. It is performance beyond specifications that 80 percent of the units exhibit with a 95 percent confidence level over the temperature range 20 to 30 °C. Typical performance does not include measurement uncer-tainty.Nominal values indicate expected performance, or describe product performance that is useful in the application of the product, but are not covered by the prod-uct warranty.The analyzer will meet its specifications when:• It is within its calibration cycle• Under auto couple control, except when Auto Sweep Time Rules = Accy • Signal frequencies < 10 MHz, with DC coupling applied• The analyzer has been stored at an ambient temperature within the allowed operating range for at least two hours before being turned on; if it had previ-ously been stored at a temperature range inside the allowed storage range, but outside the allowed operating range• The analyzer has been turned on at least 30 minutes with Auto Align set to normal, or, if Auto Align is set to off or partial, alignments must have been run recently enough to prevent an Alert message; if the Alert condition is changed from Time and Temperature to one of the disabled duration choices, the analyzer may fail to meet specifications without informing the userFor the complete specifications guide, visit:/find/mxa_specifications1. For earlier instruments (Serial number prefix < MY/SG/US5051), the full temperature ranges from5 to 50 °C.Frequency and Time Specifications1. Horizontal resolution is span/(sweep points – 1).1. Analysis bandwidth is the instantaneous bandwidth available around a center frequency over which the input signal can be digitized for further analysis orprocessing in the time, frequency, or modulation domain.2. Sweep points = 101. Apply for instruments with S/N prefix ≥ MY/SG/US4910 or earlier instruments with Option PC2 or PC4. Otherwise, refer to theMXA specification guide.Amplitude Accuracy and Range Specifications1. DC coupling required to meet specifications below 50 MHz. With AC coupling, specifications apply at frequencies of 50 MHz and higher. Statistical observa-tions at 10 MHz with AC coupling show that most instruments meet the DC-coupled specifications, however, a small percentage of instruments are expected to have errors exceeding 0.5 dB at 10 MHz at the temperature extreme. The effect at 20 to 50 MHz is negligible but not warranted.2. Apply for instruments with S/N prefix ≥ MY/SG/US5051. For older instruments, refer to the MXA Specification Guide.Dynamic Range Specifications1. N is the LO multiplication factor.Figure 1. Nominal dynamic range – Band 0, for second and third order distortion, 20 Hz to 3.6 GHzFigure 2. Nominal dynamic range – Bands 1 to 4, for second and third order distortion, 3.6 GHz to 26.5 GHz1. Applies for instruments with serial number prefix ≥ MY/SG/US5233. Those instruments ship standard with N9020A-EP2 as the identifier. For nominal valuesat other center frequencies, refer to Figure 3. For earlier instruments, refer to the MXA specifications guide.Figure 3. Nominal phase noise at different center frequencies (Applies for instruments with SN prefix ≥ MY/SG/US5233; ships standard with N9020A-EP2)PowerSuite Measurement SpecificationsGeneral SpecificationsInputs and Outputs1. For additional specifications, please refer to the MXA Signal Analyzer Option BBA: Analog Baseband IQ Inputs Technical Overview,literature number 5989-6538EN.2. For more details, please refer to the Agilent Probe Configuration Guides, literature numbers 5968-7141EN and 5989-6162EN; probe heads are necessary toattach to your device properly and probe connectivity kits such as E2668B, E2669A. or E2675A are required.1. Option MPB installed and enabled.I/Q Analyzer1. Option MPB is installed and enabled.I/Q Analyzer (continued)Option B40 (40 MHz analysis bandwidth, Option B40 is automatically included in Option B85, B1A or B1X)1. Option MPB is installed and enabled.I/Q Analyzer (continued)Option B85/B1A/B1X (85/125/160 MHz analysis bandwidth)1. Option MPB is installed and enabled.1. For additional RTSA specifications, please refer to Option RT1/RT2 Chapter in the MXA Signal Analyzer specification guide (part number: N9020-90113)2. StM = “Signal-to-Mask”Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA) 1Option RT1 or RT2Related LiteratureAgilent MXA signal analyzers Brochure5989-5047ENConfiguration Guide 5989-4943EN For more information or literature resources please visit the web:/find/mxacdma2000® is a registered certification mark of the Telecommunications Industry Association. Used under license./quality/find/AdvantageServices Accurate measurements throughout the life of your instruments.Agilent Advantage ServicesThree-Year Warranty/find/ThreeYearWarranty Agilent’s combination of product reliability and three-year warranty coverage is another way we help you achieve your business goals: increased confidence in uptime, reduced cost of ownership and greater convenience.For more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444 Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100 Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries: /find/contactusRevised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2013Published in USA, July 31, 20135989-4942EN/find/mxaLAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience./find/myagilentA personalized view into the information most relevant to you.myAgilentmy Agilent。
0 TOI SHI +30
混频器工作电平 = 输入信号电平 - 衰减器设值
(average error magnitude) x 100%
(maximum symbol magnitude)
标准参考信号 001110
ESA-E Series Spectrum Analyzer
频谱分析仪性能指标 ------内部失真
< -50 dBc
< -40 dBc
< -50 dBc
Power in dB
Apparent Signal
Actual S/N
S/N 频谱仪显示信号=输入信号+内部噪声
设置扫宽:双击Span旁边的数字,一般都将其设置为8Mhz设置range 单击range旁边的数字按向下键将波形图调至中心位置。
(-20dbm左右)选择菜单中的MeasSetup——Demodulator——Digital Demod。
选择图形个数查看星座图(双击左侧绿色方框,在弹出的对话框中选择constellation)查看I眼图(双击左侧绿色方框,在弹出的对话框中选择I-Eye)查看Q眼图(双击左侧绿色方框,在弹出的对话框中选择Q-Eye)进入扫频仪后界面如下设置起始频率,选择功能键Stop Freq设置终止频率,选择Center Freq设置中心频率。
按控制面板上的SPAN x Scale键出现如下界面,选择功能键Span设置扫宽按控制面板上的AMPTD y Scale键出现如下界面,选择功能键More 1of2选择Y Axis Unit 设置电平的单位。
按控制面板上的Trace Delecter键,选择功能键盘Trace Average后出现平滑的曲线。
按控制面板上的Input/Output键,选择功能键RF Input [AC,50欧],选择75欧。
按控制面板上的Maker 键后输入频率与单位,设置游标。
按控制面板上的Maker Function后可以选择有一定带宽范围的游标,出现如下界面。
选择功能键Band/Interval Density。
选择功能键Band Adjust调整宽度,如需关闭选择Maker Function Off。
Agilent E4406A 矢量信号分析仪商品说明书
1981Agilent E4406AVector Signal AnalyzerAccuracyS p e e d2Fast and accurate measurements To stay competitive, wireless equipment manufacturers need flexible test equipment capable of testing different formats with little change in set-up. The Agilent E4406A vector signal analyzer (VSA) is the perfect fit, offering the best combination of speed and accuracy for making one-button,standards-based measurements.2.5G and 3G formatsFor engineers developing next-generation wireless components and systems, the E4406A provides W-CDMA, cdma2000,1xEV-DO and EDGE/GSM formats. Using one-button measurements, engineers can quickly verify conformance to these new formats. As the standards have evolved, we have continued to enhance existing measurement personalities, and add new ones. The modular architecture of the E4406A makes it simple for you to upgrade and be ready for the latest standards.You develop the wireless future…Easy to useMulti-format3…we provide the signal analysis.An investment for your future The number of wireless technologies deployed around the world is growing and the demand for any particular format can change quickly. The E4406A offers format and frequency flexibility.Comprehensive signal analysis Speeding up production means being ready to manufacture anything and lose no time doing it. The E4406A easily adapts to virtually any popular format:•W-CDMA •cdma2000•1xEV-DO •cdmaOne •EDGE •GSM •NADC •PDC •iDEN •Spectrum •Waveform“We have decreased the (transmitter power calibration)test time by 25%.”–T est Systems Designer4Built for speed…Fast standards-based measurements As a wireless system or componentmanufacturer, you are under pressure to increase throughput while minimizing capital investments. Long test times can severely limit your manufacturing throughput, so we designed the E4406A.Since its introduction, progressive enhancements to the E4406A ensure its performance keeps pace with the ever-increasing need for speed.Today's E4406A is faster than ever. For example, the W-CDMA adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) measurement is now nearly eight times faster than it used to be.Output radio frequency spectrum (ORFS) is two times faster, W-CDMA code domain power (CDP) is five times faster, and other measurements have improved as well.The E4406A transmitter power calibration uses time record data and built-in algorithms to provide complete transmitter level calibration with incredible speed – with all the accuracy you expect from the affordably-priced E4406A.In addition to high-speed throughput and accuracy in the manufacturing environment,the E4406A is designed to allow research and development engineers to quickly obtain results with minimal keystrokes.The E4406A delivers a logical user interface and a wealth of quick “one button” measurments, enabling designers to quickly try multiple test without getting bogged down in crypitic menus. The E4406A interface provides the edge needed to expediently evaluate new designs and successfully meet the demands of today's competitive environment.Base station transceiver suite of testsTypical spectrum analyzerNow even faster…without giving up accuracy.Fast spectrum measurementsThe E4406A features pre-configured, one-button measurements for many cellular standards and can also be used for narrowband spectrum measurements. Manufacturers can expect to make inter-modulation distortion and other amplitude measurements up to three times faster using the E4406A. AccuracyYou don’t need to reduce measurementspeed to get accurate results. Superiorabsolute level accuracy of ±0.6 dB(±0.4 dB typical) provides unmatchedperformance and minimizes test uncertainty.Combined with a linearity of ±0.25 dBover a 76 dB range, the E4406A is astate-of-the-art measurement tool.Absolute level accuracyNarrow span spectrum measurement over GPIB E4406A VSA spectrum analyzer25 updates/second Typicalspectrumanalyzer56The E4406A VSA…Focused applications including EDGE, GSM,W-CDMA, cdma2000, 1xEV-DO, cdmaOne,and NADC as well as narrow-span spectrum and waveform analysisBaseband measurements with balanced/unbalanced multiple impedance inputsLarge,high-resolution, color display makes viewing multiple traces easyZoomfeature allows users to display selected measurement windowsAutomatic alignment ensures accurate measurement resultsOne-button,standards-based measurements7…comprehensive signal analysis.High-speed LAN, parallel, and GPIB ports provide speed and flexibility whenIntuitive key strokesBuilt-in floppy disk drive provides PC compatibility and data archivingManufacturing8Standards complianceIn manufacturing, you need straightforward pass/fail verification of critical specifications.With built-in test limits you don ’t have to keep track of every standard. The E4406A performs tests to the requirements of current industry standards with free, easy-to-install, firmware updates.Speed and throughputIn the world of high-speed manufacturing every millisecond counts. Identify your throughput restrictions and if measurement speed is creating a bottleneck, consider the significant speed advantage of the E4406A.Transmitter and receiver testingIn combination with the Agilent E4438C ESG vector signal generator, the E4406A offers base station receiver and transmitter testing for major 2G, 2.5G, and 3G wireless formats.The E4406A combined with an E4438C is a test solution that provides the required flexibility, without compromising accuracy, for maximum throughput in base station production with the ability to migrate to new formats.Designed for manufacturing…Development9Verify next-generation designs For R&D engineers developing next-generation wireless components and systems, the E4406A is a low-cost tool that quickly verifies conformance. Your investment is secure because the E4406A has a modular architecture – making it easy to upgrade to the latest standards.Characterize using leading test methodsDigital modulation presents new challenges to amplifier manufacturers.Designers need effective methods to quickly characterize digital signals. The E4406A ’s complementary cumulative-distribution function (CCDF) is useful for determining a signal ’s power statistics,revealing the power peaks relative to the average power for assessing linearity requirements.Flexible power measurements Multicarrier power amplifier (MCPA)designers are faced with new measurement challenges. Designers must characterize intermodulation distortion at many frequency offsets and evaluate the effects of different modulation formats over a wide dynamic range. The E4406A features a fully-configurable ACP measurement that can test up to five frequency offsets and be optimized for dynamic range or speed.…and product development.10GSM with EDGE (Option 202)The EDGE measurement personality performs the latest standards-based measurements, including:•Error vector magnitude (EVM)•Multi-slot power versus time (PvT)•ORFS •IQ offset•Channel plans for 400, 800, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz•GSM measurements from Option BAH The EVM measurement features a unique algorithm to simultaneously display the EVM numerical results and the EDGE constellation diagram using the industry-specified measurement filter.GSM (Option BAH)The GSM measurement personality lets you quickly perform measurements to the latest ETSI standards:•Mean transmitter carrier power •Multi-slot PvT •ORFS•Phase and frequency error (PFER)•IQ offset•Transmitter band spurious•Channel plans for 400, 700, 800, 900, 1800, 1900 MHzThe personality features easy channel and timeslot selections, configurable PvT masks,and a typical ORFS dynamic range of 90 dB.NADC and PDC (Option BAE)Both the North American Digital Cellular (NADC) and Personal Digital Cellular (PDC)measurement personalities are included in this option. The NADC measurements are structured according to the IS-136 TDMA standard. Measurements included in this option are:•ACP •EVM•Occupied bandwidth (for PDC)The personalities feature base station and mobile radio mode set-ups, as well as sync word search capability.iDEN (Option HN1)The iDEN measurement personality performs measurements to the Motorola iDEN specialized mobile radio format. •Occupied bandwidth (OBW)•ACPR•Transmitter bit error rate (BER)TDMA measurement personalities…11W-CDMA (Option BAF)The complexity of W-CDMA demands the flexibility and depth of demodulation capability provided by this personality.Perform the following measurements on the HPSK uplink or downlink QPSK signals:•Code domain •QPSK EVM•Modulation accuracy (composite rho and EVM)•Channel power•Adjacent channel power leakage ratio (ACLR)•Power control •PvT•Intermodulation distortion •Multicarrier power•Spectrum emission mask •OBW •CCDFThis personality has the ability toautomatically determine active channels,to synchronize with any W-CDMA channel,to display code domain power in a multi-rate view, and to demodulate down to the symbol level. Variable capture intervals and pre-defined test models enable the user to perform fast, accurate measurements for manufacturing or in-depth analysis for R&D.cdma2000 (Option B78)The cdma2000 measurement personality offers the logical upgrade path from IS-95 to IS-2000 testing. Measurements support the forward and reverse links.•Code domain •QPSK EVM•Modulation accuracy (composite rho and EVM)•Channel power •ACPR•Intermodulation distortion •Spectrum emission mask •OBW •CCDFAdvanced code domain analysis algorithms display Walch codes for either Hadamard or OVSF coding schemes in a multi-rate view. Other capability includes code domain power error, symbol EVM,symbol power versus time, active channel identification, variable PN offset, quasi-orthogonal functions and demodulated symbol bit displays after de-spreading.… and CDMA measurement personalities.12Expanding measurement potential…cdmaOne (Option BAC)Built on Agilent ’s pioneering efforts in CDMA measurement techniques,this personality provides quick and easy measurement set-ups for the TIA/EIA-95, J-STD-008,IS-97D, and IS-98D band classes:•Modulation accuracy (rho)•Code domain •Channel power •ACPR•Close-in spuriousAlong with the world ’s fastest ACPR measurements, this personality features PN (pseudo-noise sequence) search, time offset, and carrier feed-through analysis.1xEV-DO (Option 204)With digital demodulation analysis, the 1xEV-DO measurement personality provides the most comprehensive, easy-to-use,1xEV-DO measurement solution available in an analyzer. This personality, which performs measurements for both forward link and reverse link signals, provides key transmitter measurements for analyzing systems based on the 3GPP2 and TIA/EIA/IS-856 standards.Forward link•Channel power•Power versus time mask •Spurious emissions and ACP •Intermodulation distortion •OBW•Code domain•Modulation accuracy (composite rho)•QPSK EVM•Power statistics (CCDF)Reverse link •Code domain•Modulation accuracy (composite rho)For forward link, the PvT mask and spurious emissions/ACP measurements support both the idle slot (burst signal) and active slot (full power signal). With the auto-burst search function, you can see the standard-based time mask for the 1xEV-DO idle slot in PvT. Code domain, modulation accuracy (composite rho), and QPSK EVM can also measure for each channel ’s Pilot, MAC, and Data in QPSK/8PSK/16QAM. Designed with flexibility in mind, this personality supports the unique 1xEV-DO forward link signals ’feature of time divisions multiplex (TDM). For reverse link, code domain, and modulation accuracy provide powerful modulation analysis functions for transmitter tests.13IQ inputs (Option B7C)Capitalize on the E4406A ’s demodulation capabilities by extending the measurement range to baseband. The baseband IQ input option enables engineers to measure the complete signal path of a receiver or transmitter and directly compare signals both before and after frequency conversion and IQ (de)modulation.Ideally suited for R&D engineers and manufacturing environments, this option allows measurement of baseband I and Q signals in either balanced or unbalanced systems. Input configurations include 50-ohm unbalanced, 600-ohm balanced, and 1-Mohm balanced or unbalanced –enabling a variety of systems to be directly tested without cumbersome and error-inducing conversion networks.Applicable in-band 3GPP W-CDMA,cdma2000, EDGE/GSM, and Basic mode measurements are supported via RF and IQ inputs, enabling engineers to track down signal degradation both before and after RF/IF conversion.Additional features include auto calibration of input signals, variable dc offsets and a dc to 5-MHz input frequency range (10 MHz in I + jQ mode)....tailored to user requirements.14E4406A VSA/89601Asoftware combinationThe standards-based, one-button test capabilities of the E4406A can be expanded with the flexible digital demodulation and analysis capabilities of the Agilent 89601A PC software. This teaming provides fast and accurate data acquisition with powerful,flexible modulation analysis tools for, both common and evolving communications standards.The 89601A vector signal analysis software is the heart of the Agilent 89600 series of vector signal analyzers. This software provides flexible tools for demodulating and analyzing even the most advanced digital modulations, whether or not they are contained in an established standard. Features include variable block size signal acquisition with user-selectable pulse search and synch words, and a user-con-trollable adaptive equalizer. Filter types include cosine (raised and square-root raised), Gaussian, and low-pass – all with configurable alpha/BT. Supported modula-tion formats for both continuous and burst carriers include FSK (2, 4, 8, and 16 level),BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, DQPSK, p/4DQPSK,8PSK, QAM (16 to 256 level), VSB (8 and 16 level), EDGE, and MSK.The software also provides signal capture and analysis features, such as the capability to download signal capture files for playback through signal generators,and display high-speed spectrograms.The 89601A software runs on a PC connected to the E4406A, via LAN or GPIB,and provides hardware control and results displays along with modulation analysis.Coupling speed and power…15/find/vsa…with Agilent’s tradition of excellence.Service and supportThe speed and accuracy of the E4406A VSA is only a small part of what you get from Agilent. We strive to provide complete solutions that go beyond our customers ’expectations. Only Agilent offers the depth and breadth of enhancements, software, services, connectivity, accessibility, and support to help you reach your measurement objectives. For more information on the E4406A VSA, including product and application literature, visit our Web site at /find/vsaPre-sales service• rentals, leasing, and financing • application engineering services Post-sales service• standard 3-year global warranty • Worldwide Call Center and Service Center support network • one-year calibration intervals • firmware upgrades downloadable from the Web PC connectivity • 10 baseT LAN port • floppy disk drive • GPIB interface• VXI Plug and Play driversPeripheral and product interfaces • parallel printer port • printer support • VGA monitor output• Agilent E4438C ESG vector signal generator•Agilent 89601A vector signal analysis softwareTraining and access to information • on-site user training • factory service training• Web-based support of frequently asked questions• manuals on CD-ROM and on the Web Software• programming examples on CD-ROM • SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)• PC-based performance verification and adjustment softwareOrdering Array informationE4406A vector signal analyzerModel DescriptionE4406A7 MHz to 4 GHzOption DescriptionDigital Demodulation MeasurementsE4406A-202EDGE with GSM measurementpersonalityE4406A-2041xEV-DO measurementpersonalityE4406A-B78cdma2000 measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAC cdmaOne measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAE NADC, PDC measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAF W-CDMA measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAH GSM measurement personality E4406A-HN1IDEN measurementpersonalityInputs and outputsE4406A-300321.4 MHz IF outputBBIQE4406A-B7C I/Q inputsCalibration documentationE4406A-UK6Commercial calibrationcertificate with test data AccessoriesE4406A-1CM Rack mount kitE4406A-1CN Handle kitE4406A-1CP Rack mount and handle kitE4406A-1CR Rack slide kit* Includes English manual set.。
Agilent 频谱分析仪基本原理
根据测试信号的要求设置RBW VBW设置处于自动状态
视频滤波前测试显示结果 视频滤波后测试显示结果
• 视频带宽可自动和手动设置,自动状态下,VBW由RBW决定 • VBW设置影响信号显示频谱的平滑和测试速度 • 减小VBW提高噪声背景下点频信号测试的灵敏度
• Peak检波方式: 取值每个区间最大幅值。适合CW 信号及信号搜索测试
• Sample检波方式;取值每个区间的固定时间点。适合于噪声信号测试
• Neg Peak检波方式:取值每个区间的最小幅值。适合于小信号测试
• Auto检波方式:按最大和最小交替取值,适合包含正弦和噪声成分的信号分析
• Avg检波方式:功率测量取值由多个包络电平值的平均得到,适合噪声和
•当滤波器带宽小时,其响应时间会变长。仪表扫描速度相应变慢 •扫频测试中,将扫描时间设置为自动方式
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
Apparent Signal
Actual S/N
频谱仪内部混频器及各级放大器会产生噪声, 通过检波器会反映为显示白噪声电平 (DANL)
测试速度 扫描速度,接口数据传输速度
分析功能 提供通道功率,信号带宽,谐波失真等参数
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
规格书测试条件合理选择,大于 1A
VF 测试-方法二
则需要选择 HC 通道) VfStart:开始电压
3.2 3.2 参数设置
VfStop:结束电压 VfStep:每个测试点电压间隔值
均有“Force”和“Sence”双孔,实 际内部相当于短路,即通过双线并 绕以降低测试误差; 应用 HC 模块时,下方 low 双孔默认 接地即可; 可看成将 HP/HC/HV 作为电源正极, GNDU1 作为电源负极
Agilent 安捷伦功率器件分析仪-操作指导说明
测试台说明: 2.2
2.2 接线模块
2.3 数据读取
▷ 点击“ ”启动测试;
完成测试后点击自动刻度; List Display 下拉数据,可以查看每个
Vr 下的反向漏电流 Ir,一般 Ir=250μA 时对应的最小 Vr 作为击穿电压
Agilent 安捷伦功率器件分析仪-操作指导说明
VF 测试 3.1
3.1 连线
Agilent 安捷伦功率器件分析仪-操作指导说明
▷ 点击“ ”启动测试;
VF 测试-方法一 List Display 下拉数据,可以查看每个
If 下的正向压降 Vf
3.3 数据读取
Agilent 安捷伦功率器件分析仪-操作指导说明
依 次 从 Application Test 选 择 PowerDiode,再选择 Ir-Vr 测试模块:
VR/IR 测试 2.2
安捷伦89600矢量信号分析软件功能概述及测量指南2009年4月© Copyright 2009Agilent Technologies, Inc.通告本文档所含内容如有修改,恕不另行通知。
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009在安捷伦没有预先同意之前。
同时给出89600 矢量信号分析软件的多种数字解调分析工具和故障诊断方法。
通过对QPSK和W-CDMA信号的测量举例,详细描述了使用89600 矢量信号分析软件进行解调分析的测量过程和操作步骤。
其它信息欲获得更多信息,包括最新的产品信息、软件升级和应用信息,请访问下列网址:/find/89600目录Agilent 89600 VSA软件描述 (5)配置 (5)包含两个应用模式 (5)可接收多个测量前端的数据 (5)设计流程中应用Agilent 89600 VSA软件 (6)软件编程 (6)Agilent 89600 VSA软件功能举例 (7)宽频带测量 (7)窄扫宽超高分辨率测量 (7)捕获完整信号 (7)使用Bandpower Markers简化信道功率测量 (8)录制信号以延展分析能力 (9)使用模拟解调分析信号的建立过程 (9)使用模拟解调定位残余调制 (9)使用数字解调隔离符号时钟错误 (10)使用数字解调更容易地发现滤波问题 (10)使用窗口灵活配置用户化工具栏和显示 (11)结合Agilent ADS的分析 (12)数字解调分析 (13)数字解调器工作原理 (13)数字解调器设置十步骤 (13)QPSK解调分析步骤 (13)分析工具 (16)矢量图 (17)星座图 (17)眼图 (18)I/Q vs时间 (18)解调频谱 (19)误差矢量幅度 (19)幅度和相位误差 (20)误差矢量频谱 (21)符号表/错误摘要 (21)自适应均衡结果:脉冲响应和信道响应 (22)故障诊断 (22)诊断测试流程 (22)诊断:I/Q增益不平衡 (23)诊断:正交误差 (23)诊断:I/Q偏移 (24)诊断:符号速率错误 (25)诊断:滤波错误 (25)诊断:杂散和干扰信号 (30)诊断:压缩 (32)无线测量举例 – W-CDMA(3GPP)/HSPA (34)W-CDMA (3GPP)/HSPA 概览 (34)进行W-CDMA测量 (34)解调下行信号 (35)解调上行信号 (37)分析W-CDMA信号 (40)选择所分析的时隙 (43)测量诊断 (45)Agilent 89600 VSA软件描述Agilent 89600 VSA(Vector Signal Analysis)矢量信号分析软件提供基于Windows用户界面的矢量信号分析。
Agilent N9010A EXA 信号分析仪 说明书
设置为 normal(正常),则分析 仪必须开机至少 30 分钟;如果 “Auto Align”设置为 off(关闭) 或partia(l 部分),则必须在足够 近的时间内进行过校正,以避免 出现告警信息。如果“告警”条 件从“时间和温度”变成禁用的 时间长度选择之一,则分析仪可 能达不到技术指标,并且不会向 用户发出通知。
Agilent N9010A EXA
可用的频率范围 N9010A-503 N9010A-507 N9010A-513 N9010A-526
9 kHz~3.6 GHz 9 kHz~7.0 GHz 9 kHz~13.6 GHz 9 kHz~26.5 GHz
LXI C 类标准认证
定义与条件 .............................. 3
9 kHz~3.6 GHz 3.5~7.0 GHz 6.9~13.6 GHz 13.5~17.1 GHz 17~26.5 GHz
频率基准 精度 老化率
温度稳定性 20~30℃ 5~50℃
最后一次调整后 1 年内的频率 基准精度示例(包括选件 PFR) 剩余 FM(调频)
选件 PFR 标准
一般技术指标 ......................... 11
温度范围 ................................... 11 EMC .......................................... 11 安全 ........................................... 11 音频噪声 ................................... 11 环境强化测试 ........................... 11 电源要求 ................................... 12 数据存储 ................................... 12 重量 ........................................... 12 尺寸 ........................................... 12 保修 ........................................... 12 校准周期 ................................... 12
安捷伦频谱和信号分析仪选型指南引言安捷伦科技公司拥有全面的频谱分析仪和信号分析仪产品线,频率范围覆盖直流至 325G Hz,可对失真、杂散、相位噪声和无线通信信号的频率、幅度和调制进行精确测量。
这些仪器和 89600B 矢量信号分析(VSA)软件(一种灵活的调制分析软件或测量应用软件)结合使用后,可进一步扩展仪器功能,对广泛的标准数字信号和通用数字信号和格式进行解调。
当今分析仪具有调谐扫描功能和 FFT 体系结构。
测量应用软件和测量软件安捷伦提供了基于 PC 和基于仪器的应用软件,以满足从研发、故障诊断到一键完成制造测量的测试需求,这些软件适用于广泛的通信标准和调制类型。
EMI 和 EMC 解决方案电磁干扰(EMI)是由设备的辐射或传导发射造成的。
EMI 分析仪和接收机能够准确定位干扰源的频率和位置,从而减少或消除干扰信号。
安捷伦GCMS1、Agilent 5975C GCMSAgilent 5975C系列GC/MSD构建在行业领先、高可靠性和高性能的色谱分析技术坚实的基础之上,配置三轴HED-EM检测器,大大增强了产品性能,因此显著地提高了分析性能,将您的实验室的GC分析效率推向新的高度。
高温(350 °C)有助于高沸点组分的峰形改善,最大程度地降低了由于高沸点组分导致的离子源的污染。
延伸至四极杆内的新颖设计的透镜,将优化的传输离子聚焦到RF/DC 场中,得到业内最佳的信噪比。
对于复杂样品分析中常见的共流出问题,NIST AMDIS的解卷积计算是气质分析复杂样品中痕量组分的终极工具。
安捷伦矢量网络分析仪 电子校准件 (ECal)
8753 和 8720 系 列 7.68 或 更 高 的 固化软件版本允许这些矢量网络分 析 仪 对 电 子 校 准 件 的 控 制,85097B 接口模块与分析仪的内部固化软件 对一个或者两个电子校准件提供数 字控制信息和电源供电 ; 而对校准过 程本身的控制则是通过前面板的按 键或者用户程序进行的。N4690 系列 电子校准件需要使用 7.74 固化软件版 本和适配器电缆 (8121-1047)。
8719, 8720, 8722 和 8753
对这几个系列的网络分析仪产 品,电子校准件可以通过 85097B 接 口套件进行手动或自动控制,85097B 包括一个接口单元和一个供电电源。
这个接口模块是矢量网络分析 仪的并行端口和电子校准件的并行 端 口 之 间 的 连 接 接 口, 由 外 部 的 电 源供电。
通 常, 当 您 使 用 电 子 校 准 件 进 行 校 准 时, 对 校 准 结 果 的 各 个 误 差 项的计算是使用存储在电子校准件 中出厂时的特征 ( 数据 ) 进行的。
● 改变连接器的结构 : 允许您在电子 校准件的测试端口上增加一个适配 器或测试夹具,并把由此而产生的 影响嵌入到电子校准件的特征数据 之中,新的特征数据的结果把校准 的参考面从电子校准件的一个或多 个测试端口扩展到适配器 ( 或夹具 ) 的端口上。
+7.0 dBm
-7.0 dBm
±3 V
±3 V
+20.0 dBm
+20.0 dBm
电子校准件的温度必须符合以下温度范围,以满足工作时技术指标。 ● 8509x 系列 : +20 ~ +30 °C ● N443xA/B 系列 : +20 ~ +30 °C ● N469xA/B 系列 : +20 ~ +26 °C
[ Max Mixer Lvl: -10dBm 频谱仪混频器工作电平,Ref Lvl- AttenuationMixer Lvl
[ Res BW] Auto/Man
频谱仪分辨带宽, 1Hz~8MHz/步进变化。
[ Delta Pair] Ref/ 移动Delta Marker位置的方式(改变Ref 或Marker)
[ Span Pair] Span/center 设置Delta Marker测量的频率差值或中心值
[ Off ]
[ Select Marker] 1,2,3,4 选择激活测量的Marker
[ Function off]
[ Marker Count]
[ Mkr CF] [ MKr CF step] [ MKr Start] [ MKr stop] [ MKr Ref Lvl ]
{(In-channel) 频道外 (out of channel)
信号频率 信号功率/时间,平均/峰值功率 调制精度
谐波 远端杂波
Aglent E5062中文使用说明
A g i l e n t E5062A使用说明我们公司租用的网络分析仪使用的型号是AgilentE5062A,我们主要用来测设一些射频器件的阻抗、电压驻波比和插入损耗等一些方面的参数,其外观图片如下示:一、仪器的保护1目的规范矢量网络分析仪的操作,避免操作不当引起的仪器损坏;做为培训文件使公司技术人员了解本仪器的使用。
二、仪器的使用(红色的为我们需要使用的)2.1、面板介绍激励区标记/分析区选择读取位置 state01即可,并不需要重新设置。
三、对产品的测量(以二端口器件为例)选择state01步骤如下一端口接上标准的50欧的负载,再像如图的史密斯圆图一样位于标准的中心位置,说明校准完好,可以直接使用,否则就需要重新校准,步骤如前面所示;在对二端口进行测试时,将器件连好线,其中,S 参数的S11代表的是一端口的反射;S21代表的是从1端口发射信号、2端口接收信号。
S11可以测试的是阻抗和电压驻波比(VSWR ),S21可以测试的是1、2端口的插损\回损(Logmag )。
Agilent 89601A Vector Signal Analysis Software Technical Overview• Reach deeper into signals • Gather more data on signal problems • Gain greater insightTable of ContentsOverview (3)Basic Vector Signal Analysis, Option 200 (5)Flexible Modulation Analysis, Option AYA (20)W-CDMA/HSPA (Enhanced HSPA) Modulation Analysis, Option B7U (21)cdma2000/1xEV-DV, Option B7T (22)TD-SCDMA Modulation Analysis, Option B7X (23)1xEV-DO Modulation Analysis, Option B7W (24)3G-Modulation Analysis Bundle, Option B7N (24)LTE FDD Modulation Analysis, Option BHD (25)LTE TDD Modulation Analysis, Option BHE (25)WLAN (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/) Analysis, Option B7R (27)WLAN-HT (IEEE 802.11n) Analysis, Option B7Z (30)Fixed WiMAX (IEEE-802.16-2004 OFDM) Modulation Analysis, Option B7S (33)Mobile WiMAX (IEEE-802.16 OFDMA) Modulation Analysis, Option B7Y (36)TETRA Enhanced Data Service (TEDS) Modulation and Test, Option BHA (39)MB-OFDM Ultra-Wideband Modulation Analysis, Option BHB (40)RFID Modulation Analysis, Option BHC (41)Hardware Connectivity, Option 300 (43)Dynamic Link to EEsof ADS/SystemVue, Option 105 (47)Dynamic Link to The MathWorks Simulink, Option 106 (49)Flexible Licensing (50)Ordering Information (53)User-Supplied PC Requirements (57)Related Literature and Web Resources (58)23More than spectrum analysisThe 89600 VSA software provides traditional spectrum displays andmeasurements, but today, spectrum analysis isn’t enough. New digital formatsrequire new measurements.Familiar tools such as spectrum analyzers with demodulation may indicate that aproblem exists, but they can’t help you understand the cause of the problem. Forinstance, incorrect filtering, spurious interference, incorrect interpolation, DACoverflow, symbol mis-timing and other errors may all increase adjacent channelpower and distort the constellation. So how do you determine what the realproblem is?The 89600 VSA software provides you the tools to identify the root cause of theproblem and to analyze continually changing phase, magnitude, and frequency.Some tools, like the constellation and vector diagrams, are familiar to radiodesigners. Others, like the spectrogram display are tools for qualitatively under-standing system behavior. And still others, like error vector time and spectrum, areentirely new measurements bringing new capabilities and requiring new displays.PC-based for ease-of-useThe 89600 software relies on a PC for its processing. Improvements in PC capabilitiesautomatically improve the VSA software’s performance. New capabilities forintegrating test instrumentation and design automation software are also madepossible because the VSA software can accept measurement data from a widerange of supported hardware platforms, or time series data from computationaltools—and all with a familiar, easy-to-use Windows® GUI.4Figure 2. This FM demodulation of a transmitter at turn-on shows the frequency settling characteristics. Use AM or PM demodulation to show amplitude and phase settling performance as well.Characterize amplitude-modulated, frequency-modulated, and phase-modulated signals in both the frequency and time domains with the built-in analog demodulation capabilities of the 89600 VSA software.6Figure 4. Both CCDF and CDF functions are available. The CCDF marker readout at the bottom of the display indicates that the signal exceeds 9.56 dB above the average signal level only .003% of the time, useful information when calculating design headroom.Display format and scalingFigure 5. Example trace formats available.Scale your display the way you want it, with the units you need using the flexible display formatting and scaling tools provided standard in the 89600 VSA software. Select from a complete list of formats including log and linear displays of the signal magnitude, displays of only the real (I) or imaginary (Q) part of the signal, vector and constellation displays, eye displays, trellis displays and group delay. Scaling is automatic with manual override provided for all parameters, including reference level and units per division for both the X and Y-axes.Figure 6. Display one, two, three, four, or six displays, simultaneously. You can choose to have themappear stacked, or in a symmetrical grid. You also control the information displayed for each display,which varies depending on the analysis option invoked.Spectrogram display format8Figure 8. The signal recording user interface is familiar and simple to use.The 89600 VSA software lets you capture your digitized signal in your measure-ment hardware and transfer it directly to your PC’s disk drive. You can play the signal back at a later time, import it into other applications, and create and play your own recording through an Agilent signal generator.Why record signals?•No gaps – offers continuous time record at full bandwidth of your hardware.•Provides powerful post processing with more control over the analysis.•Allows slow playbacks with overlap processing. Overlap processing allows you to vary the amount of new information included in each display update. The end result is to provide a “slow motion” view of your signal—extremely useful in understanding transients and transitions.•Offers porting of simulations back to design software.•Allows you to archive – saving signal records for future analysis.You have full control of the playback including:•Start and pause•Drag the bar to any position in the record to begin playback•Back up and rewind1011Figure 11. ACPR measurement with summary table enables you to specify up to five adjacent channels.The OBW marker allows you to easily perform occupied bandwidth measurements.The OBW measurement determines the band of frequencies that contain a specifiedpercentage of the total power within the measurement span.Figure 12. The OBW measurement with summary table can determine the centroid frequency, or you canmanually set the centroid frequency to the center frequency.12Figure 13. Set the pass and fail color indication for either the limit, or the margin, or both. You define your own limits using the built-in limit line editor.These more sophisticated marker measurements allow more sophisticated setup. For example, you define a table of values, as for ACPR or simple limit tests. For more complex limit tests, you can either define a set of limit points segment by segment, or import a measurement and add a margin limit around it. For all of these and other markers, the results are displayed at the bottom of the display.14Figure 14. Everything, from reference information, to tutorials using recorded signals, to programming examples, is included in the incredibly comprehensive help text.Over 5000 equivalent paper pages of help text, application information and tutorials are provided with the 89600 software. A complete set of search tools and hot links provide ready access to all of this information.16Table 1. Choose from the many available modulation analysis options to meet your measurement needs. The modulation formats supported by each option are listed below.Supported modulation formatsAvailable with Option AYAAPCO 25, Phase 2 HCPM, DECT DVB64 HIPERLAN/1 (HBR) PHP (PHS)Phase 2-HDQPSKBluetooth™ DTV8 DVB128 HIPERLAN/1 (LBR) TETRACDMA base DTV16 DVB256 MIL-STD 188-181C CPM (Opt 21) VDL mode 3CDMA mobile DVB16 EDGE, EDGE NADC WLAN (802.11b)Evolution (EDGE2)CDPD DVB32 GSM PDC ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4-2003) General modulation formats, available with Option AYA(With variable center frequency, symbol rate, filtering type and alpha/BT)BPSK, 8PSK VSB 8-, 16- Offset QPSKQPSK FSK 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-level EDGEPi/4 DQPSK DQPSK DVBQAM 16, 32, 64, 128, 256MSK type 1, type 2; CPM (FM) D8PSK APSK 16/32 (12/4QAM)QAM 16-, 32-, 64-, 128-, 256-, 512-, 1024-; Star-16, 32 π/8 D8PSK3G Wireless communications formats3GPP LTE FDD Option BHD3GPP LTE TDD Option BHEThe following formats are included in Option B7N:cdma2000®/1xEV-DV Opt B7TW-CDMA/HSPA Opt B7U1xEV-DO Opt B7WTD-SCDMA Opt B7XBroadband wireless access formatsIEEE 802.16-2004 OFDM Opt B7SIEEE 802.16 OFDMA Opt B7YWireless networking formatsWLAN (IEEE 802.11a,b,g,p,j); WLAN (HiperLAN/2) Opt B7RIEEE 802.11n MIMO (WLAN-HT) Opt B7ZPublic safety radio formatsTETRA Enhanced data service Opt BHAUltra-wideband formatsMB-OFDM Opt BHBRFID formats Option BHCEPCGlobal Class-1 Generation-2 UHF (ISO 18000-6 Type-C)ISO 18000-4 Mode-11ISO 18000-6 Type A1ISO 18000-6 Type B1ISO 18092ISO 14443 Type AISO 14443 Type BISO 15693General RFID modulation formats and coding with Option BHCForward: DSB-ASK, SSB-ASK, PR-ASK, FSK-2, OOK; None (NRZ); Manchester, FM0, PIE (ISO 18000-6 Type-A), PIE (EPC C1Gen2), Modified Miller; ISO 15693 1 out of 4, ISO 15693 1 out of 256Return: DSB-ASK, FSK-2, OOK; None (NRZ); Manchester, FM0, Miller, Miller-2, Miller-4, Miller-8, Modified Miller, SubcarrierFigure 15. The “v” shape in the EVM versus time display indicates a symbol clock timing error.Trace math can help determine the approximate clock rate.Figure 16. This signal shows higher EVM in between the symbols (shown in green) than atthe symbol clock times (shown in red), a clear indication of filtering errors. You can try anddetermine the correction needed by using the adaptive equalization filter.Agilent 89600 VSAs offer sophisticated error analysis that lets you see both RFand DSP problems. The key is the EVM measurement. The error vector time plotsan error signal versus time diagram. With it, you can identify problems such asclock timing errors, DAC overflow, compensation errors and more —all with onescreen. Other tools include error vector spectrum and adaptive equalization.18Figure 17. This signal’s spectrum, constellation, and EVM error look reasonable. But the error vector spectrum display (top right) clearly shows the presence of an interferer. Further investigation shows that this frequency is related to a subsystem in another part of the DUT. It is obviously leaking through to the point where this measurement was made.EVM is a powerful analysis tool that helps you pinpoint marginal conditions before they become system performance problems. EVM compares the phase and magnitude of the input signal with an ideal reference signal stream. The average error over time is displayed as a single percent, or the error can be viewed on a symbol-by-symbol basis.Use the FFT of the error vector time signal to identify systematic impairments you couldn’t otherwise see. Identify spurs coupling from other parts of the system by looking at the error vector spectrum for peaks.Adaptive equalizationAdaptive equalization identifies and removes linear errors from I-Q modulated signals by dynamically creating and applying a compensating filter. These errors include group delay distortion, frequency response errors, and reflections or multi-path distortion. You can also uncover DSP errors such as miscoded bits, or incorrect filter coefficients.Equalization is a tool designers can use to identify and correct linear errors.Pre-distorting a signal to correct for linear errors can be simpler, faster, and cheaper than modifying hardware to make the corrections. Further, some wide-band signals are almost impossible to measure without adaptive equalization.19Figure 18: The VSA software auto-detects many important EDGE Evolution signal parameters, and reportsthe results in a summary table. You can choose to see the de-rotated IQ constellation.Figure 19. 16QAM signal with spectrum and error vector magnitude versus time display.20Figure 20. Option B7U provides enhanced HSPA uplink, downlink, and MIMO analysis. View data at the single channel, composite channel, code domain, and MIMO antenna 1 or antenna 2 for detailed troubleshooting.Measure, evaluate and troubleshoot your W-CDMA and Enhanced HSPA (HSPA+) signals with the tools in Option B7U. Use these tools to descramble, despread, and demodulate W-CDMA uplink and downlink signals. The analyzer automatically identifies all active channels regardless of the symbol rate or spread code-length. Measure 2x2 DL MIMO for HS-PDSCH with supported 2-channel hardware. Take advantage of new MIMO measurement traces to get an overall view of the signal quality, or to dive down into the individual antenna CDE or CDP performance. Speed measurement set-up with standard pre-sets for uplink (mobile station or user equipment) and downlink (base station). Use the single layer and composite code-domain power and code-domain error displays (the composite display shows all codeFigure 21. Use the extensive 89600 Option B7T toolset to evaluate the performance of your cdma2000/ 1xEV-DV signals. Notice the code domain power and error displays, vector constellation display and error summary table. These traces are for the composite (entire) signal. Similar tools are available for layer and channel analysis.The robust and flexible features provided in Option B7T give you the tools you need to test your cdma2000/1xEV-DV signals to their standards and identify the cause if the signal fails to meet its standard. Descramble, despread, and demodulate both the forward and reverse link signals. The software automatically identifies all active channels regardless of symbol rate or Walsh code.Signal analysis capabilities are identical to the advanced tools provided for W-Figure 22. Composite TD-SCDMA modulation analysis.Troubleshoot and analyze your time division synchronous code domain multiple access (TD-SCDMA) modulation and RF performance with Option B7X for Agilent’s 89600 VSA software.This analysis package handles the 3GPP N-TDD 1.28 Mcps version of TD-SCDMA, including HSDPA (16QAM, 64QAM, and 8PSK). Demodulate HSDPA 16QAM and 8PSK modulated code channels, with automatic detection of code channel modu-lation type with manual override and automatic detection of multiple midamble shifts. Single code domain layer or composite power and code domain displays are provided. Normalize code-domain power to display code domain power relative toFigure 23. Multiple views of a composite 1xEV-DO signal.Measure and analyze 1xEV-DO modulated signals with the capabilities offered as part of Option B7W. Descramble, despread, and demodulate 1xEV-DO modulated signals. You can also analyze the reverse link (mobile station or access terminal) and forward link (base station or access network) channels. The analyzer auto-matically identifies all active channels regardless of the symbol rate or Walsh code length.The advanced technology demodulator used in this option does not require coherent carrier signals, or symbol-clock timing signals, and comes with an internal IS-2000 filter. All you have to do is enter carrier frequency, chip rate, reverse/forward link direction, and set the long code mask. The analyzer will do the rest.LTE FDD Modulation Analysis (Option BHD)LTE TDD Modulation Analysis (Option BHE)Agilent LTE modulation analysis options enable comprehensive 3GPP LTE trouble-shooting. Option BHD provides LTE FDD modulation analysis, while Option BHE provides LTE TDD modulation analysis.Both options provide:• Analysis of UL and DL signals, supporting up to 50 users x 250 allocations • Analysis of all LTE bandwidths • Up to 4x4 DL MIMO analysis, including multi-layer results analysis and display • DL and UL auto-detection • Simultaneous analysis of multiple UL channels • DL test models for verification per the E-UTRA standard • Up to 6 simultaneous displays, color-coded by channel/signal type • Channel-selective measurements to troubleshoot by resource block, sub-carrier, slot, or symbolPowerful Visualization ToolsFigure 24. The 89600 VSA LTE analysis options provide graphical tools to help you quickly visualize your signal and begin to identify and examine errors.LTE analysis is a complicated task. The 89600 VSA software helps make it easier by providing up to six simultaneous, user-selectable displays. Color-coding by user channels and signals lets you quickly see if errors are due to any specific channel or signal. You can select which channels and signals you want to include in mea-surements, for easier display of potential problems.Complete Measurement Setup ControlSignal measurements use auto-detection of both UL and DL channels, as well as auto-detection of CP length, Cell ID, and RS-PRS. But you can adjust many shared channel and control channel/signal parameters.Consistent color-coding by channel type throughout data and error displays Detected allocations provide high level view of signal for overall structure verificationColor-coded error traces with average line help to visually indicate potential error sourcesFigure 25. Use Preset to Standard and UL/DL Auto Detection for fast LTE measurement setup. Manual control of a wide range of parameters allows for measurement adjustment during early design stages. You can adjust the measurement offset and interval to gate the measurement and select only specific intervals for analysis. Or you can choose to display only certain channels/signals. This flexibility lets you focus the analysis on potential errors and adjust your setup to measure even early LTE designs which might not yet be fully realized or compliant. 4x4 MIMO Analysis The 89600 VSA software supports analysis of 2- or 4-antenna MIMO signals using a combination of Tx Diversity or Spatial Multiplexing pre-coding. Per-layer error analysis measurements including Error Vector Spectrum and Error Vector Time, plus decoded symbols, IQ constellation displays, and more are available. Powerful MIMO-specific measurement tools such as equalizer condition number and equalizer channel frequency response help quantify the quality of MIMO systems and identify problems by carrier or MIMO path.Figure 26. Trace D displays the equalizer frequency response for all detected ports of a 4x2 MIMO system. The marker readout indicates problems with the Tx0/Rx1 path. The MIMO info table shows that this path has highRS EVM. Note the matching color-coding between the two traces.Up to 2x2 MIMO analysis can be done using dual MXA/EXA signal analyzers, 2-channel 89600S VXI-based VSA analyzer, or 2-channel supported Agilent Infiniium and Infiniivision Series oscilloscopes. For 4x4 MIMO analysis, the 89600 VSA software supports the oscilloscopes.Use built-in preset to standard function, or manually adjust measurement parameters Graphical tool added to show MIMO signal path for easier results interpretation Use auto-detection, or manually create channel maps.Manually edit control parameters Select which signals to display in measurement tracesFigure 27. Demodulate the optional PBCC modes of IEEE 802.11g.Figure 28. Time gating is a powerful tool for selective analysis of time waveforms. The time gate (two vertical lines in the lower trace) allows FFT analysis on only the payload portion of the waveform.Agilent is an industry leader in base band, RF, and modulation quality measurements of WLAN signals. The 89600 VSA software WLAN analysis option offers:•IEEE 802.11a OFDM modulation analysis•IEEE 802.11b DSSS/CCK/PBCC modulation analysis•IEEE 802.11g modulation analysis•IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards-based testing•IEEE 802.11p DSRC modulation analysis•IEEE 802.11j 10 MHz modulation analysisTwo modes, DSSS/CCK/PBCC and OFDM, are offered with Option B7R. Use these modes together to analyze the IEEE 802.11g signals and use them separately to analyze IEEE 802.11b or IEEE 802.11a signals. For IEEE 802.n MIMO analysis, see Option B7Z.Figure 29. View the EVM spectrum or EVM time of an IEEE 802.11a OFDM burst. The EVM spectrum error shows a ‘V’-shaped pattern, indicating a timing error of some sort. The most likely causes are an I-Q time offset, or symbol clock error.Demodulate and analyze IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11g, and HiperLAN2 compatible signals with the OFDM modulation analysis mode provided in Option B7R. This high performance capability supports demodulating OFDM bursts down to the bit level. Use the compound constellation display to automatically determine and dis-play all modulation formats (BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM) present in the burst.Figure 31. The 89600 software with Option B7Z provides 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4-MIMO analysis and allows you to see important parameters associated with each channel or data stream, individually or simultaneously.Figure 32. Use the wealth of information available for 4x4 MIMO analysis to improve your designs. Note the constellations with and without IQ compensation. The IQ mismatch removed is reported in the Error Summary table. Note the "IQ COMP" indicator in each trace where the IQ mismatch was compensated out.Figure 33. Up to 16 equalizer channel frequency response traces are available, one for each streampresent on each channel. Use the x-axis expand capability to see detailed behavior of all equalizerfrequency response data.32Figure 34. Familiar and new tools combine to provide invaluable troubleshooting information.Here the six displays simultaneously show (l to r) I-Q constellation, time, CCDF, spectrum, modulation error summary, and error vector vs. time.Agilent is the industry leader in base band, RF, and modulation quality measurements for IEEE 802.16-2004 OFDM signals. Whether your measurements are on base band, IF or RF signals, or even simulated signals from ADS design simulations, the 89600 VSA software with Option B7S has the tools you need to troubleshoot your designs today.Analyzing OFDM signals requires developers like you to think in the time and frequency domains simultaneously. You need OFDM-specific signal analysis tools to help you manipulate and break down the signal in order to effectively trouble-shoot the situation. The 89600 vector signal analysis software helps you do this quickly and efficiently.First, Option B7S provides comprehensive coverage of the IEEE 802.16-2004 standard:•All IEEE 802.16-2004 modulation formats, including BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM•TDD, FDD, and H-FDD•Uplink and downlink34IEEE 802.16 OFDMA Modulation Analysis(Option B7Y)The IEEE 802.16 OFDMA PHY layer structure is the most complex structure for wire-less networking. Option B7Y provides an advanced and comprehensive tool set toevaluate and troubleshoot signaling format. These tools work together to simplifyanalysis complexity for even the challenging Mobile WiMAX™ Wave 2 features.Comprehensive tool kitOption B7Y provides analysis of:•PUSC, OPUSC, FUSC, OFUSC, AMC zones, including dedicated pilot option forPUSC and AMC beamforming•Uplink and downlink•All bandwidths from 1.25 MHz through 28 MHz•All FFT sizes from 128 to 2048•DL-PUSC signals using 2-antenna matrix A or B transmission schemes forSTC/MIMO•UL-PUSC signals containing data bursts with collaborative spatialmultiplexing (SM) enabled•CDMA ranging regions to aid with troubleshooting network entry•IQ impairment compensation allows RCE measurements to be made even inearly design phases or prior to calibration•Downlink signals employing Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD)Figure 36. Detailed MIMO information is available for each T x/Rx path in both tabular and graphical formats. 36STC/MIMO measurementsAnalyze DL-PUSC single-channel matrix A and B antenna 1 signal format transmissions, or use 2-channel analysis hardware to analyze 2-antenna matrix A and 2-antenna matrix B signals providing WiMAX STC/MIMO features. See the channel frequency response, equalizer impulse response, and common pilot error for each antenna. Other per-antenna path metrics, like power and pilot RCE, are displayed on a separate MIMO Info summary trace. Option B7Y decodes the MIMO DL Enhanced IE so that the software can auto-configure the measurement setup.The software is designed to make WiMAX RCT testing easier. For instance, make DL-PUSC MIMO measurements even on single input channels where no preamble or non-MIMO zones exist. This can reduce the cost of making certain MIMO BTS transmission RCTs called out by the WiMAX forum. And the software's ability to make measurements even when slots are allocated but unused make it useful for analyzing and comparing signal profiles often used at WiMAX plugfests. Finally, the software can display the total power in a data burst as specified in several WiMAX RCTs.Option B7Y supports the sophisticated transmission modes for BTS transmitters. For instance, you can use the DL-PUSC dedicated pilots mode to make RCE mea-surements for beamforming BTS transmitters. And a new cyclic delay diversity metric is provided on the selected input channel for BTS transmissions using CDD.Advanced WiMAX features include collaborative spatial multiplexing (SM). Collaborative SM is a method where two independent mobile stations simultane-ously transmit on the same subchannels at the same time. The base station extracts the data from each mobile station using MIMO channel separation techniques. The 89600 VSA software can analyze UL-PUSC signals from a single transmitter containing data bursts with collaborative SM enabled. See information on the transmission mode detected such as power, RCE, and data RCE.37Complex signals, easy-to-use analysis tools with auto-configuration The 89600 VSA's OFDMA tools work together to simplify the complex analysis challenge presented by Mobile WiMAX.Option B7Y can automatically decode the DL-MAP to provide dynamic auto-con-figuration of complex downlink signals, including those using MIMO/STC support. Even uplink signals for most Mobile WiMAX default profiles can be decoded to provide auto-configuration. Configurations decoded from downlink signals can be copied to user MAP Files in order to more easily analyze the signal, or to share signal configuration information with colleagues. Measurement results are color coded by data burst, where appropriate. You can look at the compound constellation of a multi-burst data zone and tell at a glance if your data bursts are using the modulations you programmed. You are able to go to the error vector time display and easily determine which data burst an EVM spike belongs to.The same works with the error vector spectrum display. Other analyzers make you move back and forth between measurements looking at symbol times and logical sub-carrier numbers to get the information you need, while Agilent uses color to simplify and streamline your analysis task. You can also couple markers across multiple displays to ‘walk’ through your signal and simultaneously look at its behavior in the time, frequency, modulation, and error domains.Figure 37. Use auto-detection or manually adjust a wide range of set-up parameters for troubleshooting. Color-coding throughout eases data interpretation, and 6 simultaneous user-selected displays let you choose the information that is important to you.38Detailed error summary with bitsAuto-detection and configuration EVM per symbol or carrierDouble-click on a burst to show constellation and error traces for that burst onlyConsistent color coding by burst throughout all measurement tracesDetected allocations trace shows user occupation of subcarriers across all symbols for easy overviewFigure 38. Define your TEDS test parameters with an easy-to-use menu setup. A test properties menu lets you set test parameters, select the test, preset test definitions, and even modify the test definitions if desired. Step-by-step configuration procedures are provided for each of the five TEDS tests. In addition, the test presets are defined for each of these tests.39。
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图 5. 对低通滤波后的基带信号进行 VSA 分析 5
附录 A: 1680,1690 和 16900 系列逻辑分析仪的功能和配置信息
Agilent 逻辑分析仪可帮助您解 决复杂的调试问题,把您的项目风 险减到最小,使您的领先产品更快 地进入市场。这些系统提供了精确 和可靠的性能。所有 Agilent 逻辑分 析仪都采用 Windows® XP Pro,为 用户提供直观的图形用户界面,以 及简便易用的触发设置 — 因此您 能把更多时间用于设计和调试,而 在掌握和使用仪器上花更少时间。
数字输入控制允许您以各种不同 格式在 VSA 软件中分析基带信 号,包括: 标量基带,标量IF,合 成I和Q (独在或交织),幅度和相 位,仅相位。
灵活解调使您能测量QPSK,QAM 和其它制式信号的星座图、载波 偏移和频率误差。
显示格式包括相位相对于时间, 频率相对于时间,以及能对复杂 信号特点提供快速分析的频谱图。
图2是逻辑分析仪捕获并显示的 几个 QAM16 IQ 符号。注意 I_Symbol 总线如何由两种方式显示 — 第一 种是“总线”型显示(传统逻辑分析 仪的数字总线波形),第二种是“图 表”型显示。从图表显示可看到数字 信号实际是一种波形表示法,它有 些像您捕获模拟波形时在示波器上 所看到的波形。
图 2. 逻辑分析仪探测到的 I 和 Q 数字总线信号
观察滤波后信号的VSA分析结 果,我们在频谱显示(左下)中看到 已滤除邻道功率。右下象限中的EVM 现在是 0.6%。因此数字滤波器在滤 除不需要的频率上做的很好,并且 没有影响调制信号的质量。
图 4. 低通滤波后的 I 和 Q 总线
矢量信号分析对数字信号处理 工程师和射频电路设计师都同样是 非常重要的。Agilent 逻辑分析仪与 89600 VSA 软件的组合,方便地实 现了数字矢量信号分析,使您的设 计更快地完成测试进入市场,并降 低项目进度风险。它还为基带和射 频研制组提供统一的软件界面,使 他们更容易地协同工作和解决跨领 域的问题。
2M 512 K 2M
512 K
表 3. 以 PC 为主机的逻辑分析仪
通道数 136 136 102 102 68 68 34 34
通道数 136 136 102 102 68 68 34 34
附录 A: 1680,1690 和 16900 系列逻辑分析仪的功能和配置信息 (续)
数字 RF 处理芯片中,数字 MUX(多 路转换器)可把基带和 IF 信号引出 到专用于调试的芯片引脚,它然后 接到逻辑分析仪的探头。下一步是 把逻辑分析仪设置为同步(或“状态 模式”)采样捕获信号。在完成设置 后,VSA 软件控制逻辑分析仪,像 一台专用仪器那样进行测量。VSA 软件能在逻辑分析仪自身上运行(使 用内置的 Windows® XP系统),或在 远端 PC 上运行,通过 LAN 控制逻 辑分析仪。
Agilent 型号 存储器深度
512 K
512 K
512 K
512 K
表 2. 独立型逻辑分析仪
Agilent 型号 存储器深度
512 K
512 K
1691AD 1692A 1692AD
1680 系列独立型逻辑分析仪 是具有内置Windows计算机的低价 系统。它提供达 200 MHz 的同步捕 获能力,通道数为34 至136。存储器 深度为 512 K 和 2 M,见表 2 所示。
1690系列以PC为主机的逻辑分 析仪很像1680系列,它具有200 MHz 的状态速度,以及可变的通道数和 存储器深度。主要差别在与它更低 的价格,您要从运行 Windows 2000 和装有 FireWire 连接口的主 PC 控制 该逻辑分析仪,而不像1680或16900 系列那样使用内置的 PC。表 3 列出 1690 系列的各种型号和配置。
型号 16910A 16911A 16950A 16760A
状态速度 250/500 250/500 300/600 800M /1.5 G
1. 16900A,6 槽主机,无内置显 示器和前面板
表 1. 逻辑分析仪的采集模块
2. 16902A,6 槽主机,有内置触 摸屏显示器和控制旋钮面板
3. 16903A,3 槽主机,有内置显 示器和控制面板
案例研究: 平方根升余弦 FIR 滤波器 (续)
图3显示对未滤波IQ符号的VSA 分析,这里是把逻辑分析仪作为前 端,用 89601A VSA 软件,对来自器 件的未滤波 IQ 符号作实时分析。我 们在IQ图中看到该未滤波符号流的 16 点 QAM 星座(左上象限)。测量结 果(右下象限)显示出EVM (误差矢量 幅度)为1.7%。左下象限的信号频谱
通过选择沿或码型,直接从波形 和列表显示窗中设置触发。 围绕您在波形中看到的特定信号 区画一个框,即可把该码型设为 触发。 通过从宏指令选取板上拖放可编 程宏指令,在先进触发菜单中建 立一个深触发序列。
对于数字信号处理应用,您也 能用总线,或模拟型图表显示方式 显示数字数据。
通过同时测量所有总线通道上的 数据有效眼图,自动配置精确的 同步采样点。
误差矢量幅度(EVM)测量 (89601A 选件 AYA)。
光标记可方便进行频率、幅度、偏 移、功率、相位和其它参数测量。
时间选通允许您选择特定信号部 分进行分析。
频率分辨率可变取决于选通信号 的长度。
使用软触无连接器探头可探测达 1.5 GHz 的数字信号。
用 Agilent FPGA 动态探头快速和 方便地探测多个FPGA内部信号。
从简单(如2 plcs,一了上升沿)到 复杂(如 2 plcs,16 步的 if/then 事 件序列)的众多触发方式。
使用板上的硬件加速,以高达64 M 采样深度,快速捕获并呈现波形。
用同样加速硬件对捕获数据作快 速的数据码型搜索。
探测不到的被测点是不能测量 的,为此我们开发出创新的探测技 术,使您能接出设计中的关键信号。 您能用Agilent无连接器探头方便地 从印制电路板接出信号 ,该探头支 持对单端和差分信号的探测,并且 只有不到 0.7 pF 的容性负载。在原 电路板设计中未预留逻辑分析仪的 探测点时,您也可在调试系统时使 用 Agilent 高性能飞线探头。
有两大类的探头,与40 芯或 90 芯电缆相适配。每大类中又有许多 可选的连接器类型:
1. Mictor 连接器 — 虽然在电路 连接能力和机械可靠性上有所不 足,但它在历史上是标准的逻辑 分析仪连接器。
2. Samtec 连接器 — 这种连接器 为纯表面安装,它有更多的地 连接,因此有较低的负载和更好 的通道间隔离。
Agilent逻辑分析仪也便于与团 队共享您的仪器。当您在远端PC上 安装了基于Windows的逻辑分析仪 应用软件,就能离线观看被捕获的 数据。或用 PC 远端控制逻辑分析 仪,然后再与离线工作的同事共享 仪器。
附录 A: 1680,1690 和 16900 系列逻辑分析仪的功能和配置信息 (续)
2. 采集模块(仅对于模块式系统)
3. 探头
需要把探头选件(下面将讨论)与模 块的电缆类型相适配。表1列出当前 各种采集模块的状态速度、通道数 和电缆类型。
16740,16750 和 16753/4/5/6 模 块现在虽已停产,但我们仍对它们 提供支持。
模块式系统最灵活,它有众多 可选的测量模块,并能在未来升级。 它同时支持码形发生器模块。但其 价格高于另外两种形式。现有三种 型号的逻辑分析仪主机供选择:
通道数 102 68 68 34/17
深度 达 32 M 达 32 M 达 64 M 64 M
40 芯 40 芯 90 芯 90 芯
16903A是模块式系统的低价入 门级产品。两种6槽主机提供最大的 配置能力。
附录 A: 1680,1690 和 16900 系列逻辑分析仪的功能和配置信息 (续)
显示出相邻频道的功率。由于 IQ 信 号未经滤波,其陡峻沿会产生高次 谐波(超出一定频率范围的功率), 它在频谱中作为邻道功率出现。平 方根升余弦低通滤波器将滤除信号 的高频成分,把信号限制到所要的 带宽。
I/Q 星座图 幅度谱 图 3. Agilent 89601-A VSA 对来自逻辑分析仪的数字输入信号进行分析
Agilent 1680,1690 和 16900 系 列逻辑分析仪可以:
通过同步方式,用高达 1.5 Gb/s 的时钟速率可靠捕获总线数据, 或以异步方式对总线进行定时 分析。
Agilent 逻辑分析仪把配置测量 所需的时间减到最少,使您能把更多 时间用于调试您的系统。例如,您能 用许多方便的方法简单地设置触发:
误差矢量相对于时间 综合测量
案例研究: 平方根升余弦 FIR 滤波器 (续)
图 4 是逻辑分析仪显示的经过 平方根升,余弦滤波器后的 QAM16 IQ信号。这些信号仍是数字信号,并 仍由逻辑分析仪捕获。我们通过 FPGA的 JTAG控制端口发送控制信 号,不需要重新编译 FPGA 设计,多 路转换器切换出滤波后信号到测试 引脚,然后到逻辑分析仪。这个过 程; 不需要重新综合,也不需要放置 和选通引脚,改变FPGA内部探测点 只需要点击三次鼠标。注意现在图 中显示的 I 和 Q 有多么平滑。滤波器 已经减缓了原符号流中陡峻的沿。
图 1. QPSK 发射机器框图,它通过多路选通开关把内部数字信号输出到引脚。 2
案例研究: 平方根升余弦 FIR 滤波器