
《新概念英语青少版》1A教学计划新概念英语青少版1A教学计划1. 教学目标本教学计划旨在帮助学生掌握新概念英语青少版1A教材中的基本语言知识和交际能力。
具体目标如下:- 培养学生对英语的兴趣和研究动力;- 提高学生的听、说、读、写能力;- 培养学生良好的研究惯和研究方法;- 培养学生合作研究和互动交流的能力;2. 教学内容本教学计划涵盖了新概念英语青少版1A教材的主要内容,包括以下几个方面:- 单词和词组:通过研究常用的英语单词和词组,提升学生的词汇量和词汇应用能力;- 语法知识:介绍基本的英语语法知识,如动词时态、代词、名词等,让学生掌握基本的语法规则;- 句型和对话:通过研究常用的句型和对话,训练学生的听、说、读能力,培养他们进行实际交流的能力;- 阅读理解:通过阅读文本,帮助学生培养阅读理解能力,提高他们的阅读技巧和速度;- 写作能力:通过写作练,激发学生的写作兴趣,提高他们的写作能力。
3. 教学方法为了达到上述教学目标,我们将采用以下教学方法:- 情境教学法:通过创设实际情境,激发学生的兴趣和研究动力,提高他们的研究效果;- 任务型教学法:设计各种任务,让学生在实际交际中运用所学知识,培养他们的交际能力;- 合作研究法:鼓励学生通过小组合作研究,促进他们的互动交流,培养他们的合作精神;- 多媒体教学法:运用多媒体教学手段,增加教学的趣味性和视听效果;- 微教材教学法:利用多样化的教材,如图片、音频、视频等,丰富教学内容,提高学生的研究兴趣。
4. 教学流程本教学计划将按照以下流程进行:第一课时1. 导入新课:通过观看一段有趣的视频,引发学生对英语研究的兴趣。
2. 研究单词和词组:介绍并研究本课时的单词和词组,通过图片、示范等方式帮助学生记忆和理解。
3. 练语音和发音:通过模仿、朗读等活动,帮助学生正确发音并提高语音准确性。
4. 研究语法知识:讲解本课时的语法知识,如“be动词的用法”等。
5. 执行任务:设计任务,让学生运用所学知识进行口语练和互动交流。

• A: Is this my mobile? • B: No, it isn’t your mobile. It’s my mobile.
Written Exercises
• 1, This is my pen. • It’s not your pen. It’s my pen. • 2,This is my hat. • It’s not your hat. It’s my hat. • 3,THis is my book. • It’s not your book. It’s my book. • 4,This is my ruler. • It’s not your ruler. It’s my ruler. • 5,This is my bag. • It’s not your bag. It's my bag. • 6,This is my coat. • It’s not your coat. It’s my coat.
• 1,my pencil • This is my pencil. • Yes, it's your pencil. It isn’t my pencil. • 2,my hat • This is my hat. • Yes, it's your hat. It isn’t my hat. • 3,my coat • This is my coat. • Yes, it's your coat. It isn’t my coat. • 4,my bag • This is my bag. • Yes, it's your bag. It isn’t my bag. • 5,my ruler • This is my ruler. • Yes, it's your ruler. It isn’t my ruler. • 6,my book • This is my book. • Yes, it's your book. It isn’t my book.

Building a solid foundation for further English studies: By mastering the core English language structures and vocabulary, students will be well-prepared for more advanced courses in English.
Teaching resources
New Concept English Youth Edition 1a的课本内容涵盖了英语的基本语法、词汇和日常会话,适合青少年学习。
Teaching evaluation and feedback

Who is that young woman?
Whose is this book?
Which apple ?
The boy on the silver bicycle.
That's Robert Jenkins.
boy / silver bicycle / Robert Jenkins Who is that boy? Which boy? The boy on the silver bicycle. That is Robert Jenkins. girl / grey horse / Lucy Jenkins
人 in the 东西
the fish in the water
the boy in the train
So Paul is Robert's cousin,too.
That's right.
Is Paul Lucy's cousin?
The young man in that old car.
Oh,that's Paul.
Paul is Lucy's cousin.
Is Paul's car old?
课 文 解 析
The young man in that old car.
1. Is Robert’s bicycle silver? 2. Is Mr. Jenkins’ umbrella black? 3. Is Mrs. Jenkins Robert’s mother? 4. Is Mrs. Jenkins’ umbrella black? 5. Is her umbrella white? 6. Is Lucy’s bicycle silver? 7. Is her bicycle red? 8. Is Paul’s car old? 9. Is Paul Lucy’s cousin? 10. Is Paul a student?

二、研究目标本课程的研究目标如下:1. 培养学生的英语听力技能,使其能够听懂简单的日常用语和对话;2. 培养学生的英语口语表达能力,使其能够用简单的语言进行日常交流;3. 培养学生的阅读能力,使其能够阅读简单的英语文章,理解其中的基本意思;4. 培养学生的写作能力,使其能够用简单的句子进行书面表达。
三、教学内容及安排本课程包括以下主要内容:1. 研究英语字母表及发音规则;2. 研究日常用语和简单对话;3. 研究基本的语法知识和句型;4. 阅读简单的短文并进行理解;5. 进行简单的写作练。
教学安排如下:1. 每周授课2次,每次课程时间为1小时;2. 每次课程将包含听力训练、口语练、阅读理解以及写作练;3. 每节课结束后布置家庭作业,并在下节课进行讲解和检查。
四、评估方式为了评估学生的研究情况,将采用以下方式进行评估:1. 课堂表现:评估学生在听、说、读、写方面的表现,包括参与课堂活动、发言质量等;2. 作业评分:评估学生的书面作业完成情况和语言表达能力;3. 小测验:定期进行简单的课堂测验,测试学生对所学内容的掌握情况;4. 期末考试:对学生进行综合性的考核,包括听力、口语、阅读和写作。
五、教学资源本课程将使用以下教学资源:1. 新概念英语青少版1A教材;2. 音频材料;3. 多媒体设备;4. 教学软件。
六、师生互动为了提高教学效果,将积极促进师生互动,包括:1. 学生提问和解答;2. 学生间的小组活动和合作;3. 学生与教师的互动讨论。
七、其他注意事项1. 学生需按时参加课程,完成作业和准时参加考试;2. 学生应保持积极的研究态度,尊重教师和其他同学。

Lesson 1: Meet the family1. Who is she?She is my sister.2. Who is he?He is my father.3. Who are they?They are my grandparents.Lesson 2: What's this in English?1. What's this in English?It's a pen.2. What's that in English?That is a book.3. What are these in English?These are apples.Lesson 3: What colour is it?1. What colour is your bag? My bag is blue.2. What colour is his car?His car is red.3. What colour are her shoes? Her shoes are green.Lesson 4: Is this your...?1. Is this your pencil?Yes, it is.2. Is that your cat?No, it isn't.3. Are these your shoes?Yes, they are.Lesson 5: A bouncing baby1. What's the baby doing?The baby is bouncing.2. What's the cat doing?The cat is sleeping.3. What's the dog doing?The dog is running.Lesson 6: Look at the cat1. What can you see?I can see a cat.2. What is the cat doing?The cat is looking at a bird.3. What is the bird doing?The bird is flying away.Lesson 7: What's the time?1. What's the time?It's eight o'clock.2. What time is it?It's half past seven.3. What time do you get up?I get up at six o'clock.Lesson 8: It's time for lunch1. What's for lunch?We're having sandwiches for lunch.2. What would you like to eat?I'd like some soup, please.3. What's your favourite food?My favourite food is pizza. Lesson 9: At the shop1. What do you want to buy?I want to buy some milk.2. How much is it?It's fifty pence.3. Do you have any money?Yes, I have some money.Lesson 10: A busy day1. What are you doing today?I'm going to the park.2. What are you doing tomorrow?I'm going to the cinema.3. What are you doing this weekend? I'm visiting my grandparents.请注意,以上答案仅为示例,具体习题答案应根据实际课本内容进行匹配。

以下是一些练习题,供学生复习和巩固所学内容:1. 词汇练习:- 根据上下文,选择正确的单词填空。
- I can ______ (play/plays) the guitar.- She ______ (like/likes) to read books.2. 语法练习:- 改写下列句子,使其变为一般疑问句,并给出肯定和否定回答。
- She is a student.- He has a big dog.3. 听力练习:- 听录音,根据所听内容回答问题。
- What is the boy's name?- Where does the girl live?4. 阅读理解:- 阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
- Tom is a new student at school. He has a cat and a dog. He likes playing football.- What pets does Tom have?- What does Tom like to do?5. 口语练习:- 与同伴进行角色扮演,练习日常对话。
- Role-play a conversation between two friends meeting at school.6. 写作练习:- 写一篇短文,描述你的一天。
- Include what time you wake up, what you do in the morning, and what you have for breakfast.7. 翻译练习:- 将下列句子从英文翻译成中文。
- My family and I went to the park yesterday.- I am looking forward to the weekend.8. 完形填空:- 阅读下面的短文,从括号内选择适当的词填空。

内容概述Unit 1: Nice to Meet You本单元通过描述人物介绍的方式,帮助学生学习如何自我介绍并问候他人。
Lesson 1: My Name is Tom本课程以主人公Tom为例,通过简单的句子帮助学生学会问候、自我介绍并了解如何提问他人姓名。
Lesson 2: Hello, Miss Li本课程通过角色Miss Li,教授学生如何问候以及介绍自己和他人的职业。
Unit 2: My Family本单元以家庭为主题,通过介绍家庭成员,帮助学生描述自己的家庭,掌握家庭相关的词汇和表达方式。
Lesson 1: My Family本课程让学生学会用简短的句子介绍家庭成员,并练习用被动语态形式描述自己的家庭。
Lesson 2: My Father本课程以介绍主人公的父亲为主题,让学生学会用形容词来描述人物。
Unit 3: At School本单元以学校为背景,帮助学生学会描述学校生活和学习环境。
Lesson 1: My Classroom本课程通过描述教室的方式,让学生学会描述教室以及教室内的物品和家具。
Lesson 2: Our School本课程通过描述学校的方式,让学生学会介绍学校并描绘学校的周围环境。
Unit 4: Daily Routines本单元通过描述日常生活中的常规活动,帮助学生学会用英语描述自己的日常活动。
Lesson 1: My Day本课程帮助学生学会描述一个典型的一天,包括起床、吃饭、上学、放学、睡觉等日常活动。
Lesson 2: After School本课程帮助学生学会描述放学后的活动,包括玩耍、做作业、看电视等。
新概念英语青少版1A(unit 1)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
每期72个课时48次课,约6个月 15个单元*4课时=60课时 每3个单元*考试复习试卷评讲2课时=10课时 单期学费:500 教材费:课本39.90元,练习册9.90元,朗文英汉汉英双解字 典65元
Hello, Jane.
Hello, Peter.
This is Lucy
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
This is my sister .
This is my pen.Leabharlann This is my pen.
Is this your pen? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
新增700个生词和60个短语 相当于国家英语课程标准2级要求 新增750个生词和60个短语 相当于国家英语课程标准5级要求
其中小学毕业应达到2级水平。能用简单的英 语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简 单信息。能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣。 能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故 事。能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。
William Jenkins.
_________ Karen. ___________ wife. ?
___________ Lucy. __________ daughter.
_________ son, Robert.
And ________ Paul. _________ nephew.
1.Preparition: 朗文英汉汉英双解字典 2.Parents’ cooperation 每天帮助孩子养成一个学习的好习惯,遗弃一个坏习惯。 每天读、听课文10分钟,贵在坚持 课前预习、课后复习

目录1.Unit 1: The Village School2.Unit 2: A New House3.Unit 3: School is FunUnit 1: The Village School这个单元主要介绍了一个村庄里的学校。
Unit 2: A New House本单元讲述了一个家庭搬到新房子的故事。
Unit 3: School is Fun本单元主要介绍了学校生活的乐趣。

青少版新概念英语1A知识点归纳1A UNIT 1 Meet the family!认识单词:常用表达:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音一、学习音标/i: / 和/ɪ/二、学习语调的热情与冷淡学习课文1A UNIT 2 What is it?认识单词:常用表达和句子:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习音标[e]和[æ]学习课文1A UNIT 3 Who’s that?认识单词:常用表达和句子:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习音标[ɒ]和[ɔ: ]学习课文1A UNIT 4 Robert isn’t well.认识单词:常用表达和句子:语法或知识小结学习发音学习音标[ɒ]和[ɔ: ]学习课文1A UNIT 5 Meet the neighbours!认识单词:常用表达和句子:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/ʌ/ 和/ɑː/学习课文1A UNIT 6 Gossip!认识单词:常用表达:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/p/ 和/b/ 的发音学习课文1A UNIT 7 Where’s my pen?认识单词:常用表达:语法或知识小结学习/t/ 和/d/ 的发音学习课文1A UNIT 8 A bump in the night!认识单词:常用表达:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/k/ 和/g/ 的发音学习课文1A UNIT 9 Red, white and…pink!认识单词:常用表达:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/s/ 和/z/ 的发音学习课文1A UNIT 10 Jump in!认识单词:常用表达:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/θ/和/ð/ 的发音学习课文1A UNIT 11 Very smart!认识单词:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/eɪ/的发音学习课文1A UNIT 12 Just like you!认识单词:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/aɪ/的发音学习课文1A UNIT 13 Late or early 认识单词:常用表达:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/ɔɪ/的发音1A UNIT 14 One, two, three, catch!认识单词:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/əʊ/的发音学习课文1A UNIT 15 That’s not fair!认识单词:句型:语法或知识小结学习发音学习/aʊ/的发音学习课文。

新概念英语青少版1aLesson 1 Meet the family认识一下我们全家吧!J:J Hello, my name 's William Jenkins.This is my family.This is Karen. Karen is my wife.K: How do you do?J; This is Lucy.Lucy ' s my daughter.L: Hello!J:This is my son, Robert.R; Hi!J:And this is Paul.Paul ' s my nephew.P:Hello! Nice to meet you!Lesson 3 What is it?它是什么?Hey! this is good. Look, Lucy!What is this?It ' s a wheel.No, it isn ' t. Look, it !' sItgr'eesna hat!OK, it 's a green hat.Now look. What ' s this?It 's laowf er. I t's a redlofwer.No, it isn t. it s a red umbrella. OK, what 's that?It ' segyr.Is it a bird?Yes! it ' s a grey bird.No, it ' s a k!eyRight! I t ' s a silver key.那个人是谁?Who is that boy, Polly?Which boy, Annie?The boy on the silver bicycle.2Lesson 5 Who' s that ?That ' s Robert Jenkins.Who' s that man?Which man?The man with the black umbrella.That ' s Mr. Jenkins.He' s Robert ' s father.Who' s that woman with the white umbrella? That ' s Mrs. Jenkins.She' s Robert ' s mother.And who's that girl on the r ed bicycle? That ' s Lucy Jenkins.She' s Robert ' s sister.Look at that young man.Who is he?Which young man?The young man in that old car.Oh, that ' s Paul.Paul is Lucy ' s cousin.3So, Paul is Robert ' s cousin, too. That ' s right.Robert is Lucy ' s brot.herAnd Paul is their cousin.He' s a student.4Lesson 7 Robert isn ' t we罗伯特感觉不舒服Hello, Karen. How are you?I ' m fine.But Robert isn ' t very well.Oh, I ' m sorry!What' s the matter with him?I ' m not sure. He ' s very hot.He isn ' t well.Is he hungry?No, he isn ' t hungry.Is he thirsty?Yes, he ' s very thirsty.Poor Robert. I am sorry.What about the doctor?The doctor ' s very busy.Yes, but Robert is ill.Perhaps not very ill.But you are right.Better safe than sorry.Lesson 9 Meet the neighbors.认识一下邻居们!Hello! My name ' s Paul.Hello Paul. My name ' s Claire. I ' m your new neighbor.Claire, that s a nice name.What do you do, Claire?I ' m a student. What about you?I ' m a student too.I ' m at the sports academy.What about you?I ' m an art student. I'm at the art college.Come and meet Karen.She's my aunt. She ' s a writer.Karen, this is Claire.Claire ' s our new neighbor.Hello, Claire. Nice to meet you.Come and meet the family.This is William, my husband. This is Lucy and this Robert. How do you do, Claire.Hi, everybody.Thank you for the welcome.Lesson 11 Gossip 闲谈!Who' s that girl, Polly?Which girl, Annie?The girl over there. The tall girl with the Jenkins family. Oh, that ' s Claire, our new neighbor.She' s an art student.She' s a very pretty girl.Yes, she ' s cleaver too.She' s a nice girl.Where' s she from?Is she English?No, she isn ' t. She ' s American. She 's from Washington.Is her family here, too?Yes. Her father ' s an accountant. And her mother a famo'uss photographer.Look! That ' s her mother over there.That woman in the expensive car?That ' s right. She ' s very pretty.Pretty? She ' s beautiful.What about her husband?Is he handsome? Wait and see!7Lesson 13 Where' s my pen? 我的铅笔在哪儿?Where' s my pen, Lucy?Which pen, Mum?The blue one.This one?Yes,that one.It ' s my favorite pen, Lucy!Sorry, Mum.And where ' s my new ruler?The long one?The long silver one.It ' s in my school bag, Mum.Oh, Lucy!Give me my ruler, please.Here you are. I ' m sorry, mum. It ' s a very nice ruler. Yes, it is. Mum! Yes?Is this your pencil-case, too?No, it isn t.It ' s your father s old-cpaesnec. ilThat ' s his favorite thing.Sorry, Mum!It ' s mfayvorite thing, too.Oh, well. Put it on his desk.89No harm done.Thanks, Mum.Lesson 15 A bump in the night William, wake up!Mm . What ' s the matter?Listen, there ' s a noise in the living room. ItA burglar! Nonsense!You are right!There ' s a noise in the kitchen, now.It is a burglar.Shh! There ' s a torch here.Give methe torch, please.Here it is.Oh, William. Please be careful!Shh!There is someone downstairs. Who ' s ther ?e Who is it? It ' s me, Dad. I ' m-a w iadkee, and I 'm hungry.We ' reall wide-awake now!Oh well, no harm done!夜深人不静!' s a burglar!Lesson 17 Red, white and pink 红的、白的和粉红的! 10Here are Paul 'sjapma as.Look at them.They are bright red!But they are a bit dirty.Here are Dad ' s shirts.They are pure white.But they are a bit dirty, too.Put them in the washing machine.What about your shirts?Yes, my shirts are dirty too,Put them in the washing machine.Karen! Where are my new shirts?They ' re in the washing machine, with Paul and Robert ' s shirts.Here you are.Two lovely clean shirts.Those shirts aren ' t white.They are pink.Yes, they are, and they are very pretty!' s pajamasLesson 19 Jump in 上车吧Hurry up, Lucy. Here ' s the bus.Wait a minute! My bag ' s heavy.My bag ' s heavy, too.Come on!Oh, no! the bus is full!Oh, dear!Our school buses are all full.What' s in your bag?Books, of course.My bag ' s full of books, too.Look, there 'Clsaire. Hello, Claire!Hello, Robot! Hello Lucy!What' s the matter Lucy?The buses are all full.And our bags are very heavy.Gee, they are heavy.What' s in them?They are full of books and the buses are full of people. Never mind. Here ' s my mom with thecar.And the car ' s empty. Jump i,n and put your bags in , too.Lesson 21 Very smart 真神气Look! These are our outfits for the school play. Oh, very smart! Look, William!Yes, you ' re both very elegant.Thank you, Dad.That ' s an interesting tie, Robert.Um, yes, thanks, Dad.It ' s very colorful. Very unusual.Yes, um, it ' s my favorite tie.Those are funny shoes, Robert.Are they a bit big for you?These shoes? No, Mum.They' re all right.They are right for the part.Where are my new shoes?They aren 't imny bedroom.Oh ,Robert!Hey, Robert! That 's my! tieThose are my new shoes!And those are my socks, too!12Lesson 23 Just like you就像你一样Clair?Yes, Daddy?Show me your new drawings, honey.Ok. These drawings are new.They are all people at the sport academy.Hmm.They are very good , Claire.Who is this tall man with the big muscles ?Oh, that ' s Mrs. Ford.He' s a teacher. He ' s very strong. And who are these little men?That ' s Gary, and that s Tom.They are students.They are both small.But they are strong , too.They are gymnasts.And who is this boy here?That 's Paul. He ' s a student at the sport academy.He' s a handsome young man.Yes, he ' s very nice.Your drawings are good, Claire.Thank you, Daddy.Maybe they aren ' t bad.No, honey. They are great.Just like you!Lesson 25 Late or early晚了还是早了Come on, Lucy. We ' re late.OK,OK! What time is it?It ' s eight o ' clock.Hurry up!Hi, there, kids!Are you in a hurry?Yes, we are.We' re both late for school.Never mind. Jump in.Gee. Thanks, Mrs. Austen.You' re welcome.Call me Daisy, please.OK, kids. Let 's go!Wow, what a speed!What a car!Here you are. The school gates. You aren t late now.What' s the matter, Lucy?Look! The gates are shut!We' re both early now.三,接住!Lesson 27 one, two, three catch!Give me that jar, please, Robert.Which jar, Mum? This one?No, not that one.The one on the table.The empty one.Here you are, Mum.Ready ? one, two, three ,catch!No, Robert! Stop!What' s the matter ,Mum?I can ' t catch it.Bring it here, please!Here you are, Mum.Thank you Robert.Lesson 29 That ' s not fair那不公平!Where are Paul and Gary?They are over there,on the football field.They ' re with Tom and Mr. Ford.Great, we can play football with them.Hey, Paul!Can we play football with you?That ' s a good idea, Robert.Right.You ' re the captain of one side,Robert. And Sam, you 're the captain of the other side. I Now how many player are there? ,13so there are seven on my side, and six on Sam ' s side.That ' s no fair!Yes, it is.Mr. Ford ' s on your side.He ' s very big and very strong.He can play very well.He ' s like two players.' m the referee. 1,2,3,4,5,6,。

第一单元重点和难点 Meet the family!句型和结构词:What is your name 你叫什么名字My name is …我的名字叫…Is this your sweater 这是你的毛线衣吗Yes, it is my sweater 是的,它是我的毛线衣。
Is this my T-shirt 这是我的T恤吗No, it isn’t. it is not your T-shirt.不,它不是的。
它不是你的T 恤。
Whose is this anorak 这是谁的滑雪衫It’s my anorak. 它是我的滑雪衫。
固定短语:Meet the family. 认识一下我们全家吧。
How do you do 你好(最正式/礼貌的问候语,用于初次见面的人。
回答也是用同样的句子 How do you do!)Nice to meet you! (用于非正式的介绍,用于回答别人的问候词和、Hi !)很高兴认识你。
语音:/?/ 短音参见书本six ill this fish pig big hill sing river little insect dish pizza rabbit biscuit六,生病,这是,鱼,猪,大的,唱歌,河流,小的,,昆虫,兔子,饼干,/i:/ 长音参见书本tree meet bee jeep three green queen sheep Frisbee eat peach teacher jeans read clean he she me we key these field树,认识,蜜蜂,三, 绿色的,皇后,绵羊,飞盘,吃,桃子,老师,牛仔裤,朗读,干净,他,她,我(宾格)我们,钥匙,这些,田野语言教学:陈述句: My name is Steven. This is my family. Karen is my wife.一般疑问句:Is it your coat 回答Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.否定句: It isn’t my coat. It is not.特殊疑问句: Whose is this shirt 回答It’s my shirt.第二单元重点和难点 What is it 它是什么句型和结构词:What is this 这是什么This is a parrot. 这是一只鹦鹉。

练习题1:词汇匹配1. cat - a small domesticated mammal with fur, four legs, anda tail.2. dog - a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically hasa long snout, an acute sense of smell, and a barking, howling, or whining voice.3. book - a written or printed work consisting of pages bound together.4. chair - a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, typically with four legs and a backrest.5. table - a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working.练习题2:填空1. The ___ (cat) is sleeping on the sofa.- The cat is sleeping on the sofa.2. I have a new ___ (dog). It's very friendly.- I have a new dog. It's very friendly.3. She is reading a ___ (book) about history.- She is reading a book about history.4. Please put the ___ (book) on the ___ (table).- Please put the book on the table.5. The ___ (chair) is broken. We need to fix it.- The chair is broken. We need to fix it.练习题3:选择正确的答案1. What is this animal?A) A catB) A dogC) A bird- Correct Answer: A) A cat (assuming the animal in question is a cat)2. Where do you usually keep your books?A) In a boxB) On a shelfC) In the fridge- Correct Answer: B) On a shelf3. What piece of furniture do you sit on?A) A tableB) A chairC) A bed- Correct Answer: B) A chair练习题4:改写句子1. The cat is on the table. (改写为一般疑问句)- Is the cat on the table?2. She has a red book. (改为否定句)- She doesn't have a red book.3. They are playing with a dog. (对“a dog”进行提问)- What are they playing with?4. He is reading a book. (用“yesterday”替换“is”)- He was reading a book yesterday.5. The chairs are under the table. (对“under the table”进行提问)- Where are the chairs?练习题5:完形填空In the morning, I usually have breakfast at the ___ (1).After breakfast, I go to school with my ___ (2). At school, I read from my ___ (3) and sit on my ___ (4). After school, I play with my ___ (5).1. table2. friends3. book4. chair5. dog请注意,上述答案仅为示例,具体答案需要根据实际的练习题内容来确定。

新概念英语1a青少版参考答案Unit 1: Meet the familyExercise 1: Choose the correct picture.1. a) Father2. b) Mother3. c) Sister4. d) BrotherExercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1. This is my father.2. That is my mother.3. She is my sister.4. He is my brother.Unit 2: What's this in English?Exercise 1: Match the words to the pictures.1. a) Pen2. b) Pencil3. c) Book4. d) CupExercise 2: Write the words.1. A: What's this? B: It's a pen.2. A: What's that? B: It's a pencil.3. A: What's this? B: It's a book.4. A: What's that? B: It's a cup.Unit 3: Cakes and fishExercise 1: Choose the correct answer.1. a) There is a cake.2. b) There are some cakes.3. a) There is a fish.4. b) There are some fish.Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences.1. There is a cake on the table.2. There are some cakes on the table.3. There is a fish in the river.4. There are some fish in the river.Unit 4: In the gardenExercise 1: Fill in the blanks.1. There is a tree in the garden.2. There are some flowers in the garden.3. There is a bird on the tree.4. There are some leaves on the tree.Exercise 2: Answer the questions.1. Q: Is there a tree in the garden? A: Yes, there is.2. Q: Are there any flowers in the garden? A: Yes, there are.3. Q: Is there a bird on the tree? A: Yes, there is.4. Q: Are there any leaves on the tree? A: Yes, there are. Unit 5: A drink and a mealExercise 1: Choose the correct answer.1. a) I'd like a drink.2. b) I'd like a meal.Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1. I'd like a drink of water.2. I'd like a meal of rice and fish.Unit 6: The weatherExercise 1: Match the weather to the pictures.1. a) Sunny2. b) Rainy3. c) Cloudy4. d) WindyExercise 2: Write sentences about the weather.1. It is sunny today.2. It is rainy today.3. It is cloudy today.4. It is windy today.Unit 7: ReviewExercise 1: Choose the correct picture.1. a) A boy2. b) A girl3. a) A cat4. b) A dogExercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1. This is a boy.2. That is a girl.3. This is a cat.4. That is a dog.Exercise 3: Answer the questions.1. Q: What is this? A: It's a boy.2. Q: What is that? A: It's a girl.3. Q: What is this? A: It's a cat.4. Q: What is that? A: It's a dog.请注意,以上内容仅为示例参考答案,实际的新概念英语1a青少版参考答案可能会有所不同。

新概念英语青少版1a- 在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上, 《新概念英语青少版》拥有更多不同的特质Unit 1Lesson 1 Meet the family! (认识下我的家人William: Hello. My name is William Jenkins.This is my family.This is Karen. Karen is my wife.(你好,我的名字叫威廉. 詹金斯,这是我的家人,这是凯伦,是我的妻子。
Karen: How do you do?(你好William:This is Lucy. Lucy ' s my daughter.(这是露西,露西是我的女儿。
Lucy :Hello!(你好William: This is my son, Robert.(这是我的儿子,罗伯特。
Robert: Hi!(嗨。
s my nephew.William:And this is Paul. Paul(这是保罗,保罗是我的侄子。
Paul: Hello! Nice to meet you! (你好,很高兴见到你。
Rhyme 英语童谣:One, two, this is my shoe One, two, this is my shoe Three, four, that is the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, open the gate. Nine, ten, say this again.Unit 2 What is it? (那是什么?Robert: Hey, this is good! Look, Lucy! What is this? (嘿,这个真不错,看,露西,这是什么?Lucy: It's a wheel.(是车轮。
Robert : No, it isn't! Look! It's green! It's a hat! (不是,看,它是绿色的额,是个帽子。

青少版新概念1a课件青少版新概念1A课件第一课Unit 1 My name's SarahPart 1: Introduction本课主要介绍的是学习新概念1A课程的第一课——《My name's Sarah》。
Part 2: Vocabulary本部分主要介绍与本课相关的词汇,包括姓名相关的词汇、问候相关的词汇等。
1. Vocabulary about names• name 名字• first name 名• last name 姓• full name 全名• nickname 绰号• family name 姓氏• given name 名字• middle name 中间名2. Vocabulary about greetings• hello 你好• hi 嗨• good morning 早上好• good afternoon 下午好• good evening 晚上好• goodnight 晚安• goodbye 再见Part 3: Conversation本部分是一个对话,通过这个对话,学生将了解如何用英语介绍自己的名字,并向他人问候。
A: Hello, what is your name?B: Hi, my name is Sarah. What about you?A: My name is John. Nice to meet you, Sarah.B: Nice to meet you too, John.Part 4: Grammar本部分主要介绍本课的语法——第一人称代词 \。

完整版)新概念英语青少版1a测试题参考答案A.What color is your schoolbag。
B.What color is yourfriend's schoolbag。
C.What color is your classmate's schoolbag。
(A)3.你想告诉别人你的年龄是10岁,你应该这样说:______A.I am ten years old。
B.I am ten。
C.I am ten years。
(B)4.你想知道某个人的名字,你应该这样问:______A.What's your name。
B.What's his name。
C.What's her name。
(A)5.你想告诉别人你的爸爸是医生,你应该这样说:______A.___(C)6.你想知道某个人的国籍,你应该这样问:______A.Where is he from。
B.Where is she from。
C.What is his nality。
(B)7.你想告诉别人你的眼睛是蓝色的,你应该这样说:______A.My eye is blue。
B.My eyes are blue。
C.My eyes is blue。
(A)8.你想知道某个人的年龄,你应该这样问:______A.How old are you。
B.How old is he。
C.How old is she。
(B)9.你想告诉别人你有两个姐姐,你应该这样说:______A.I have two sister。
B.I have two ___(C)10.你想知道某个人的职业,你应该这样问:______A.What is his job。
B.What is her job。
C.What is your job。
四、句型转换(共10分)1.I am a student.(改为一般疑问句)______ you ______ student。

教学目标- 通过本教材的研究,学生将能够掌握基本的英语发音规则和语音知识。
- 学生能够能够用简单的英语进行日常生活交流,并理解简单的对话和文章。
- 学生能够用简单的句子描述人、物、地点和时间,并能够进行简单的询问和回答。
- 学生能够熟练运用所学知识进行口头和书面表达,并积极参与课堂活动。
教学内容本教学手册包括以下单元内容:1. Unit 1: Greetings and Introductions2. Unit 2: Numbers and Colors3. Unit 3: Family and Friends4. Unit 4: Food and Drinks5. Unit 5: Daily Routines6. Unit 6: At the Park7. Unit 7: At the Zoo8. Unit 8: In the City9. Unit 9: Weather and Seasons10. Unit 10: Holidays and Celebrations每个单元包含词汇、语法、听力、口语和阅读练,以及相关的课堂活动和课后题。
教学方法在教学过程中,建议采用以下教学方法:1. 培养学生的英语听力技能:通过听录音、听对话和听老师的讲解,帮助学生熟悉英语的语音和语调,并提高他们的听力理解能力。
2. 促进学生的口语表达能力:通过角色扮演、对话练和小组讨论等活动,鼓励学生自由表达,提高他们的口语交际能力。
3. 培养学生的阅读和写作能力:通过阅读练和写作任务,帮助学生提高阅读理解和写作表达能力,并培养他们的思维和创造力。
4. 创设多样化的教学环境:通过多媒体教学、游戏和互动活动,调动学生的研究兴趣,激发他们的研究动力。
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新概念英语青少版1a视频链接新概念英语青少版1a Unit 1 Lesson 1 Meet the family! 认识下我的家人William: Hello. My name is William Jenkins. This is my family. This is Karen. Karen is my wife.你好,我的名字叫威廉.詹金斯,这是我的家人,这是凯伦,是我的妻子。
Karen: How do you do?你好。
William;This is Lucy. Lucy’s my daughter.这是露西,露西是我的女儿。
Lucy: Hello!你好。
William: This is my son, Robert.这是我的儿子,罗伯特。
Robert: Hi!嗨。
William: And this is Paul. Paul’s my nephew.这是保罗,保罗是我的侄子。
Paul: Hello! Nice to meet you!你好,很高兴见到你。
Rhyme 英语童谣:One, two, this is my shoeOne, two, this is my shoeThree, four, that is the doorFive, six, pick up sticksSeven, eight, open the gate.Nine, ten, say this again.新概念英语青少版1a Unit 2 Lesson 3 What is it?那是什么?Robert: Hey, this is good! Look, Lucy! What is this?嘿,这个真不错,看,露西,这是什么?Lucy: It's a wheel.是车轮。
Robert: No, it isn't! Look! It's green! It's a hat!不是,看,它是绿色的额,是个帽子。
Lucy: OK. It's a green hat.嗯,诗歌绿色的帽子。
Robert: Now look! What's this?再看,这是什么?Lucy: It's a flower. It's a red flower.是花,红色的花。
Robert: No, it isn't. It's a red umbrella.不对,是把红色的伞。
Lucy: OK. What's that?嗯,那是什么?Robert: It's grey. Is it a bird? Yes! It's a grey bird.是灰色的,是只鸟吗?是的,是只灰色的鸟。
Lucy: No! It's a key!不对,是把钥匙。
Robert: Right! It's a silver key.是的,诗歌银色的钥匙。
新概念英语青少版1a Unit 3 Lesson 5 Who's that? 那是谁?Annie: Who is that boy, Polly?那个男孩是谁,波莉?Polly: Which boy, Annie?安妮,哪个男孩?Annie: The boy on the silver bicycle.那个骑银色自行车的那个。
Polly: That's Robert Jenkins.那是罗伯特.詹金斯。
Annie: Who's that man?那个男的是谁?Polly: Which man?哪个男的?Annie: The man with the black umbrella.打黑伞的那个。
Polly: That's Mr. Jenkins. He's Robert's father.那是詹金斯先生,罗伯特的爸爸。
Annie: Who's that woman with the white umbrella?那打白色伞的女人是谁呢?Polly: That's Mrs. Jenkins. She's Robert's mother.那是詹金斯夫人,是罗伯特的妈妈。
Annie: And who's that girl on the red bicycle?那骑红色自行车的那个是谁呢?Polly: That's Lucy Jenkins. She's Robert's sister.那是露西.詹金斯,是罗伯特的妹妹。
Annie: Look at that young man. Who is he?看那个年轻的男人,他是谁?Polly: Which young man?哪个年轻人?Annie: The young man in that old car.那个开旧车的年轻人。
Polly: Oh, that's Paul. Paul is Lucy's cousin.哦,那是保罗,保罗是露西的堂哥。
Annie: So Paul is Robert's cousin, too.那炮烙也是罗伯特的堂哥咯。
Polly: That's right. Robert is Lucy's brother. And Paul is their cousin. He's a student.是的,罗伯特是露西的哥哥,保罗是他们的堂哥,他是个学生。
Rhyme英语童谣:One, two, three, four, fiveOne, two, three, four, five,Once I caught a fish alive.Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,Then I let him go again.Why did you let him go?Because he bit my finger soWhich finger did he bite?The little finger on the right新概念英语青少版1a Unit4 Lesson 7 Robert isn't well. 罗伯特生病了Linda: Hello, Karen. How are you?嘿,凯伦,你好吗?Karen: I'm fine. But Robert isn't very well.我很好,但是罗伯特不太好。
Linda: Oh, I'm sorry!What's the matter with him?哦,真难过,他怎么了?Karen: I'm not sure. He's very hot. He isn't well.我也不太确定,他在发烧,不太好。
Linda: Is he hungry?他饿吗?Karen: No, he isn't hungry.不,他不饿。
Linda: Is he thirsty?口渴吗?Karen: Yes, he's very thirsty.嗯,他很渴。
Linda: Poor Robert! I am sorry! What about the doctor?可怜的罗伯特,真替他难过,没看医生吗?Karen: The doctor's very busy.医生很忙。
Linda: Yes, but Robert is ill.嗯,罗伯特生病了。
Karen: Perhaps not very ill. But you are right. Better safe than sorry! ( 宁愿要安全稳妥 而不是遗憾。
新概念英语青少版1a Unit 5 Lesson 9 Meet the neighbours(英式英语)=neighbors(美式英语)!Paul: Hello! My name's Paul.你好,我的名字叫保罗。
Claire: Hello, Paul. My name's Claire. I'm your new neighbour.你好,保罗,我叫克莱尔,我是你的新邻居。
Paul: Claire! That's a nice name. What do you do, Claire?克莱尔,真是个好名字,克莱尔,你是做什么的?Claire: I'm a student. What about you?我是个学生,你呢?Paul: I'm a student,too. I'm at the sports academy. (体育院校)What about you?我也是个学生,我在体育学院,你呢?Claire: I'm an art student. I'm at the art college. (艺术院校)我是一名艺术系的学生,我念的是艺术院校。
Paul: Come and meet Karen. She's my aunt. She's a writer. Karen, this is Claire. Claire's our new neighbour.给你介绍一下凯伦,她是我姑姑,叶明作家。
Karen: Hello, Claire. Nice to meet you. Come and meet the family. This is William, my husband. This is Lucy. And this is Robert.你好,克莱尔,很高兴见到你,给你介绍一下我的家人,这是威廉,我的丈夫。
William: How do you do, Claire?你好,克莱尔。
Claire: Hi, everybody! Thank you for the welcome!大家好,谢谢你们的欢迎。
新概念英语青少版1A Unit Unit 6 Lesson 11 Gossip! 八卦Annie: Who's that girl, Polly?波莉,那个女孩儿是谁?Polly: Which girl, Annie?安妮,哪个女孩儿?Annie: The girl over there. That tall girl with the Jenkins family.那边的那个,跟詹金斯一家在一起的那个高个女孩儿。
Polly: Oh, that's Claire, our new neighbour. She's an art student.哦,那是克莱尔,我们的新邻居,是艺术系的学生。