【To 11级临床&基础】病理期末英文题库简要解析------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Diseases of Cardiovascular SystemD. 根据病史,患者幼年感染风湿热,并在20岁出现心脏杂音,最可能就是风湿性心脏病引起的二尖瓣狭窄,现在此患者出现了细菌性心内膜炎的症状,那么在已有病变的心瓣膜上基础上发生的细菌性心内膜炎,为亚急性细菌性心内膜炎,最常见的病原体为草绿链。
细菌性心内膜炎典型的临床表现首字母连起来就是FROM JANE:Fever (发热), Roth’s spot (视网膜卵圆形出血斑,本题中出现), Osler’s nodes (手指或脚趾指垫处痛性结节), Murmur (心脏杂音), Janeway lesions (手掌、足底无痛性红斑) , Anemia (贫血), Nail-bed hemorrhage (甲床出血), Emboli (栓子)A. 发热,心脏收缩期杂音,抗链O (antistreptolysin O, ASO)滴度升高,提示是链球菌感染引起的风湿热,组织学变化即A选项;B选项为急性细菌性心内膜炎;C为心肌梗死;D为肥厚性心肌病;E多见于慢性房颤患者E. 舒张期(diastolic)隆隆样(rumbling)杂音提示二尖瓣狭窄。
我觉得在这讲清楚心脏的各种杂音貌似不太现实……就只简单介绍其余几个选项的杂音类型,更具体的机制有兴趣可以自己查阅相关资料,A、D选项肺动脉狭窄和主动脉狭窄,均为收缩期(systolic)喷射样(ejection)递增递减型(crescendo-decrescendo)杂音,但听诊区不同,分别在肺动脉瓣和主动脉瓣听诊区;B项主动脉返流,主动脉第二听诊区舒张期递减型吹风样杂音(High-piched “blowing”early decrescendo diastolic murmur),C项二尖瓣返流,二尖瓣听诊区二尖瓣全收缩期吹风样杂音(holosystolic murmur, blowing sound). 突然发现….肯定不能这样备考….还是暂时就记二尖瓣狭窄的杂音吧….╮(╯_╰)╭_ . 先把答案空出来,其实不选A. 上一题的心脏杂音中提到了,ejection murmur,并且此人收缩期心室压力远大于主动脉,所以是主动脉瓣狭窄,引起老年人主动脉瓣狭窄最常见的因素为主动脉瓣钙化(age-related calcific aortic stenosis),所以病理书上关于主动脉瓣狭窄原因写的是错误的,这题应该是老师自己按病理书改编的,姑且记答案吧。
病理学英文试题Quiz one
Quiz oneEach question below contains five suggested choices. Choose the ONE BEST choice to each question. Ten points for each, 100 points in total.1. A 50-year old man has blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg(normalblood pressure is 120/90 mm Hg). If this person remains untreated for years, which of the following cellular alterations will be seen in the myocardium(心肌)?A. atrophyB. metaplasiaC. hypertrophyD. dysplasiaE. necrosis2. which of the following is the hallmark of wound healing:A. granulation tissue growthB. hypertrophyC. inflammationD. hyperemiaE. edema3.Which of the following implies preservation of the basic outline of the involved cell for a span of at least some days?A. Coagulative necrosisB.Liquefactive necrosisC. Caseous necrosisD. Fat necrosisE. Gangrenous necrosis4.Which of the following has a cheesy, yellow-white appearance at the area of necrosis and is encountered most often in foci of tuberculous infection?A.Coagulative necrosisB.Liquefactive necrosisC. Caseous necrosisD. Fat necrosisE. Gangrenous necrosis5.Which of the following is NOT capable of regeneration?A. Epithelial tissueB. MyocardiumC. SkinD.LiverE. Kidney6.A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) causes edema by what mechanism?A.InflammationB. Lymphatic obstructionC.Reduced plasma colloid osmotic pressureD. Sodium retentionE.Increased hydrostatic pressure7.Systemic (arterial) emboli commonly arise from ____ and most commonly lodge in the lower limbs and sometimes the brain.A.Cardiac mural(心壁) thrombiB.Cardiac valvular(心瓣膜)thrombiC.Deep vein thrombiD. Renal thrombiE. Hepatic thrombi8.A 23-year old medical student develops a “red” face after being asked a question during a lecture. Which of the following statements best describes the vascular reaction?A. active hyperemiaB. petechial hemorrhageC. allergic reactionD. passive congestionE. edema9.A 70 year old male after spending a month in the hospital confined to a wheel chair due to arthritis , suddenly experiences difficulty of breathing after walking on his own. What is the most likely diagnosis?A. Pulmonary embolismB. Old ageC. Sepsis(脓毒血症)D. Brochopneumonia (支气管肺炎)E. Heart failure10.An arterial thromboemboli is most likely to cause a hemorrhagic infarct in which of the following organ ?A. KidneyB. SpleenC. LungD. BoneE. HeartA 45-year-old man died from encephalopathy. At autopsy, his liver is found to be enlarged, and the microscopic appearance is shown here. Which of the following etiologic factors most likely led to these findings?A. nerosisB.alcoholismC.traumaD.thrombosisE.congestion。
sporulation 孢子形成,产孢子 severity 严格,苛刻 proportional 成比例的 drained soil 可排灌地 motile zoospore 运动的游动孢子 tuber initiation 薯块发芽 prone 易于的,可能的 common scab on potatoes 马铃薯疮痂病 Streptomyces scabies疮痂链霉菌 powdery scab 马铃薯粉痂病 Spongospora subterranean irrigate 灌溉 disperse 散开,传播
Plant Pathology
Li Hongmei Department of Plant Pathology Nanjing Agricultural University
1. General introduction (4 h) 2. Introduction to Plant Pathology(6h ) 3. Plant diseases caused by fungi(4h) 4. Plant diseases caused by prokaryotes(2h) 5. Plant diseases caused by nematodes(2h)
General introduction
1. Disease and plant disease 2. Modes of nutrition of micro-organisms 3. Symptoms of disease 4. Koch’s postulates 5. Factors affecting disease development
) 小麦基腐病菌 brown foot rot 褐色根腐病 Rhizoctonia cerealis 禾谷丝核菌 sharp eyespot 纹枯病、立枯病、尖眼点病 synergistically互相作用的,促进的 Septoria tritici 小麦叶枯病病菌 S. nodorum小麦颖枯病病菌
Examination Paper of PathophysiologyFor English Class1. Single-choice questions ( There are four answers in each question, pick out the best one and mark “√”)(1) Hypertonic dehydration is defined asA. [Na+] >150 mmol/L, osmotic pressure> 310 mOsm/LB. [Na+] <130 mmol/L,osmotic pressure< 280 mOsm/LC. [[Na+] =150 mmol/L,osmotic pressure = 310 mOsm/LD. [Na+] >150 mmol/L,osmotic pressure < 310mOsm/L(2) The characteristic cause of hypertonic dehydration isA. increased loss of body fluid and decreased intake of waterB. water loss is excess of Na+ loss.C. no water during navigation .D. increased loss of water via gastrointestinal tract(3) Which is not the reason of hypertonic dehydration?A. no sense of thirst due to brain injury.B. severe vomitingC. difficulty in swallowing because of esophageal diseases.D. hypoventilation.(4) Increased loss of pure water via skin will causeA. hypotonic dehydration.B. isotonic dehydration.C. hypertonic dehydration.D. water intoxication.(5) Intracellular dehydration can be seen inA. hypotonic dehydration.B. isotonic dehydration.C. hypertonic dehydration.D. water intoxication.(6) Loss of body weight can not be seen inA. hypotonic dehydration.B. isotonic dehydration.C. hypertonic dehydration.D. water intoxication.(7) There is severe thirst inA. hypertonic dehydration.B. isotonic dehydration.C. hypotonic dehydration.D. water intoxication.(8) The change of electrocardiogram in hyperkalemia isA. low P-waveB. peaked T-waveC. widen T-waveD. narrow QRS complex(9) The reason of increased interstitial fluid isA. increased capillary hydrostatic pressure.B. increased plasma colloidal osmotic pressure.C. decreased permeability of the capillary wall.D. increased lymphatic return.(10) Increased permeability of the capillary wall will lead toA. increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure.B. increased capillary hydrostatic pressure.C. increased plasma colloidal osmotic pressure.D. increased interstitial colloidal osmotic pressure.(11) Metabolic alkalosis will lead toA. decreased intracellular [K+].B. increased intracellular [K+].C. increased extracellular [K+].D. normal intracellular [K+].(12). The effect of respiratory acidosis on the body isA. increase of myocardial contraction.B. depression of mental activity.C. arteriole contraction.D.hypokalemia.(13) The main reason of pulmonary hypertension caused by acute hypoxia is:A. increase of right cardiac outputB. left heart failureC. increase of pulmonary blood flowD. spasm of pulmonary arterioles(14). The most important factor deciding blood oxygen saturation is:A. blood pHB. blood temperatureC. blood oxygen pressureD. blood carbon dioxide pressure(15). Hypoxemia isA. blood oxygen pressure is lower than normal levelB. blood oxygen content is less than normal levelC. blood oxygen capacity is less than normal levelD. arterial blood oxygen content is less than normal level(16) Which parameter doesn’t decrease in hypotonic hypoxia?A. oxygen capacityB. PvO2C. blood oxygen content in veinD. arterial blood oxygen content2. Explain the following concepts(1) brain death(2) hypertonic dehydration(3) hypokalemia(4) edema(5) cyanosis3. Answer the following questions:(1) Explain the causes of hypokalemia.(2)Please tell the alteration of PaO2, Cao2, O2 capacity, Sao2 and the difference between Cao2 and Cvo2 in various kinds of hypoxia.4. Case discussionA 52-year-old man with chronic obstructive lung disease was admitted to the hospital with worsening dyspnea. He appeared cyanotic and in respiratory distress. The pH=7.34, PaCO2=60 mmHg, [HCO3-] =37mmol/L.Please answer the following questions:(a) What type of acid-base imbalance did the patient have?(b) Why did the acid-base imbalance occur?【参考答案】(1) A (2) B (3) D (4) C (5) C (6) D (7) A (8) B (9) A (10) D (11) B (12) B (13 D (14)C (15)D (16) A。
1、缺血再灌注损伤(IR I)是一种重要的病理生理现象。
Ischemia-reperfusion injury ( IRI) is an important phenomenon of pathophysiology.
In this paper, we briefly review the recent understanding of miRNAs and their role in cardiovascular pathophysiology.
This in vitro model may be useful for studying the pathophysiological effect of AGEs in diabetes.
VEGF receptor inhibitors may be effective in reducing allergic airway inflammation and airway remodeling.
Tip SOD and MDA may be involved in the pathophysiology of acute cerebral infarction. 2.。
病理学 名解 英文 大题
9.Gangrene 坏疽:继发有腐败菌感染的大块组织坏死,分为干性、湿性、气性坏疽,前两者多继发于血液循环障碍而引发的坏死。坏疽常发生于肢体或与外界相通的内脏。
14.Granulation tissue肉芽组织:由新生薄壁的毛细血管以及增生的纤维母细胞构成,并伴有炎性细胞浸润,肉眼表现为鲜红色颗粒状,柔软湿润,形似鲜嫩的肉芽故而得名。
28.Borderline tumor交界性肿瘤:良性肿瘤与恶性肿瘤间有时并无绝对界限,有些肿瘤的组织形态介于二者之间,称为交界性瘤. 42.Bridging necrosis桥接坏死:导致相邻肝小叶的干细胞坏死,形成汇管区和汇管区、汇管区和小叶中心之间的坏死。
8.Coagulative necrosis凝固性坏死:指坏死组织尚保留原组织的细胞轮廓,呈灰白干燥凝固状
38.Chemotaxis 趋化:白细胞沿浓度梯度向化学刺激物做定向移动的现象,化学刺激物称趋化因子。44.Cirrhosis 肝硬化:①各种原因引起的肝细胞变性坏死及炎细胞浸润;②纤维组织增生;③肝细胞结节状再生,并形成假小叶,主要表现为肝功能损伤和门静脉高压。 11.Degeneration变性:各种细胞损伤的早期改变为ATP减少、细胞膜完整性缺失、蛋白合成下降、细胞骨架损伤和DNA损伤。在一定限度内损伤的改变为可逆的,传统形态学上称变性
15.Granulom 肉芽肿:是由巨噬细胞及其衍生细胞局部增生构成的境界清楚的结节状病灶。
病理英语复习题病理学高级教程复习提纲Pathological test (7、8)I. A type questionDirections: Each question below contains five suggested answers. Choose the one best response to each question.1. Which one of the listed statements is the best histologic definition of an abscess?a. A circumscribed collection of neutrophils with necrotic cellular debrisb. A localizes defect that results from the sloughing of necrotic inflammatory tissue from thesurface of an organc. A localized proliferation of fibroblasts and small blood vesselsd. An aggregate of two or more activated macrophagee.The excessive secretion of mucus from a mucosal surface2. Which one of the listed statements best describes the process called chemotaxis?a.Abnormal fusion of phagosomes to primary lysosomesb.Attachment of chemicals to extracellular material to increase phagocytosisc.Dilation of blood vessels by chemotherapeutic drugsd.Movement of cells toward a certain site or sourcee.Transmigration of cells from blood vessels into tissue3. The cardinal sign of inflammation called rubor is mainly the result ofa.Decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressureb.Decreased vascular permeability of capillariesc.Increased vascular permeability of venulesd.Vasoconstriction of muscular arteriese.Vasodilation of arterioles4. During the early stages of the inflammatory response, histamine-induced increased vascularpermeability is most likely to occur ina.Arteriesb.Precapillary arteriolesc.Capillariesd.Postcapillary venulese.Veins (answer: d)5. During acute inflammation, histamine-induced increased vascular permeability causes the formationof exudates (inflammatory edema). Which one of the listed cell types is the most likely source of the histamine ?a.Endothelial cellsb.Fibroblastsc.Lymphocytesd.Mast cellse.Neutrophils6. Histologic sections of lung tissue from a 68-year-old female with congestive heart failure andprogressive breathing problems reveal numerous hemosiderin-laden cells within the alveoli. Theses “heart failure cells” originate from alveolara.Endothelial cellsb.Eosinophilsc.Lymphocytesd.Macrophagese.Pneumocytes7. By definition, granulomas are composed ofa.Chronic abscessb.Collagenc.Endothelial cells and fibroblastsd.Macrophages or epithelioid cellse.Hemosiderin-laden macrophages8. Which one of the listed changes correctly describes the pathophysiology involved in the productionof pulmonary edema in patients with congestive heart failure?a.Decreased plasma oncotic pressureb.Endothelial damagec.Increased hydrostatic pressured.Increased vascular permeabilitye.Lymphatic obstruction (answer: c)9. A postmortem clot is most likely toa.Grossly display features of recanalizationb.Grossly have lines of Zahnc.Grossly have the appearance of “chicken fat” overlying ‘currant jelly”d.Microscopically appear attached to the wall of the blood vessele.Microscopically have alternating layers of cells and platelets10. What is the most common site of origin of thrombotic pulmonary emboli?a.Deep leg veinsb.Lumen of left ventriclec.Lumen of right ventricled.Mesenteric veinse.Superficial leg veins11. The most serious common complication of lower extremity thrombophlebitis isa.Cerebral infarctionb.Kidney infarctionc.Myocardial infarctiond.Pulmonary infarctione.Intestinal infarction12. What is the most common cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?a.Pneumoconiosisb.Pneumoniac.Intestitial lung diseasesd.Chronic bronchitise.Pulmonary tuberculosis13. Of the tumors of the liver listed below, which is the most common?a.Hepatocellular carcinomab.Angiosarcomac.Cholangiocarcinomad.Hamartomae.Hemangioma14. Which of the following is the most common type of breast carcinoma?a.Intraductalb.Medullaryc.Papillaryd.Mucinouse.Infiltrating ductal15. Fluid that collects during acute inflammation and that has a protein content in excess of 3.0g/dland a specific gravity over 1.015 is termeda.Exudateb.Transudatec.Coagulationd.Lymphokinee. Hemorrhage16. The most important prognostic factor for human cancer is thea.Gradeb.Stagec.Lymphocytic infiltrationd.Vascular invasione.Mitotic index17. The classic lesion of rheumatic heart disease isa.Mallory’s bodyb.Aschoff bodyc.Psammoma bodyd.Negri bodye.Anitschkow’s myocyte18. Which of the following infections is often the cause of interstitial pneumonia?a.Gram-positive bacterialb.Gram-negative bacterialc.Virald.Fungale.Parasitic19. Gastric carcinoma is most common in which one of the listed site locationsa.pyloric antrumb.pyloric antrum and lesser curvaturec.lesser curvatured.greater curvaturee.fundue20. Which of the flowing sites is the most common of chronic gastric ulcer?a. pyloric antrumb.pyloric antrum and lesser curvaturec.lesser curvatured.greater curvaturee. fundue21. Which one of the listed is the most common complication of chronic peptic ulcer?a.hemorrhageb.perforationc.pyloric stenosisd.malignant transformatione.hypertrophic gastritis22. The most serious complication of chronic peptic ulcer isa. hemorrhageb.perforationc.pyloric stenosisd.malignant transformatione.hypertrophic gastritis23. Which one of the listed is the most common pathological typr of early gastric carcinoma?a.protruded type, I typeb.supperficial elevated type, IIa typec.superficial flat type, IIb typed.superficial depressed type, IIc typee.excavated type, III type24. A factor that stimulates the proliferation of smooth-muscle cells and also relates to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis isa.Platelet-derived growth factorb.Transforming growth factor βc.Interleukin 1d.Interferon αe.Tumor necrosis factor ( The answer is a )25. The most characteristic and frequent feature of chronic rheumatic heart disease is the developmentofa.Vegetations on the endocardiumb.Ashoff bodies within the myocardiumc.Fibrin deposits within the pericardiumd.Stenosis of the mitral valvee.Incompetence of the pulmonic valve26. Histological sections (routine H&E stain) of lung reveal the alveoli to be filled with pale,nongranular pink fluid. Neither leukocytes nor erythrocytes are present within this fluid. What is the most likely (i.e., most common) cause of this abnormality?a.Bacterial pneumoniab.Congestive heart failurec.Lymphatic obstruction by tumord.Pulmonary emboluse.Viral pneumonia27. The Astler-Coller modification of the Duckes classification is used to classify cancers of thea.Colonb.Liverc.Lungd.Pancrease.Stomach28. Familial polyposis coli is characterized bya.Autosomal recessive pattern of inheritanceb.Mutiple hamartomatous polyps throughout the colonc.100% risk of carcinomad.An association with fibromatosis and mutiple osteomase.An association with tumors of the central nervous system ( The answer is c )29. Which of the listed types of cells found within the liver is the major source of the excess collagendeposited in cirrhosis?a.Hepatocytesb.Kupffer cellsc.Ito cells (hepatic stellate cells )d.Endothelial cellse.Bile duct epithelial cells ( The answer is c )30. What is the most likely cause of the combination of generalized edema, hypoalbuminemiahypercholesterolemia, marked proteinuria, and fatty casts and fat bodies in the urine?a.Nephritic syndromeb.Nephrotic syndromec.Acute renal failured.Renal tubular defecte.Urinary tract infection31. Which one of the listed hepatic diseases has the greatest risk of developing into hepatocellularcarcinoma ?a. hepatic steatosis (fatty liver)b.portal cirrhosisc.postnecrotic cirrhosisd.biliary cirrhosise.congestive liver cirrhosis32. Of the lung tumors listed below, which type belongs to the APUD group of tumors?a.Hamartomab.Mucoepidermoid carcinomac.Adenoid cystic carcinomad.Bronchial carcinoide.Squamons cell carcinoma33. What is the name that is given to the hyaline masses that are often seen in the cytoplasm ofhepatocytes in patients with alcoholic hepatitis?a.Councilman bodies ( acidophilic bodies )b.Negri bodiesc.Mallory’s bodiesd.Russel’s bodiese.Residual bodies34. Lipoid nephrosis of the kidneys characteristically produces changes that may be observed byelectron microscope (EM) in which of the following renal glomerular elements?a.Endothelial cellsb.Epithelial cellsc.Mesangiumd.Blood vesselse.Basement membrane ( The answer is b )35. Which of the following tumor markers has been associated with the hepatocellular carcinoma?a.CEAb.AFPc.Prostae-specific antigend.Tyrosine enzymee.Thyroglibulin antigen36. Of the tumors listed below, which is benign tumor?a.Leukemiab.Melanomac.Teratomad.Embryonic tumor of kidneye.True aneurysm37. The most common cause of liver cirrhosis in China isa.Drug-induced hepatitisb.Toxin-induced hepatitisc.Alcoholic hepatitisd.Viral hepatitise.Autoimmune hepatitis38. Complications of lobar pneumonia include each of the following conditions EXCEPTa.Pulmonary carnificationb.Purulent pleurisyc.Pulmonary abscessd.Septic shock ( infective shock )e.Bronchiectasis39.Which one of the following definitions is correct?a.Dysplasia is achange from one type ofdifferentiated tissue to anotherb.Anaplasia is an almost complete lack of differentiationc.Carcinoma is a tumour of epithelial derivationd.Metaplasia is the disordered development of cells with loss of organizatione.Carcionma in situ is a carcinoma with stromal invasion40. Which one of the following statements is correct:?a. Adenoma is a malignant tumour of glandular epitheliumb.Sarcoma is a benigh tumour of connective tissuec.Liposarcoma is a malignant tumour of adipose tissued.Aneurysm is a benign tumour of arterye.Lymphoma is a benign tumour of lymphoid cells41.Which noe of the listed statements of common features of benign tumours is correct?a.Invasion of surrounding stromal tissueb.Cells of uniform size and appearancec.Many mitotic figuresd.Ill-defined borderse.Close resemblance to the original tissue42.Which one of the following inflammatory processes often contain granulomas EXCEPTa.Tuberculosisb.Typhoid feverc.Ulcerative colitisd.Syphilise.Rheumatic myocarditis43.Which one of the following statements about acute inflammation is correcy?a.The predominant cell type is the neutrophil polymorphb.The inflammation is usually initiated by cell-mediated immunityc.The duration may be for monthsd.Plasma cells are frequently presente.Lymphocytes are present at the start of the process44. Benign hypertension is characterized by:a.Fibrinoid necrosis of arteriolesb.Atrophy of the muscular media of the arteriesc.Fibroelastic thickening of whole arteriole wallsd.Hyaline deposition in arteriole wallse.Sudden and severe increase in blood pressure45.Mitral valve incompetence may be caused by:a.Right ventricular dilatationb.Infective endocarditisc.Bacterial myocarditisd.Chronic cor pulmonalee.Senile calcification46.Rheumatic fever:a.is due to staphylococcal infectionb.is due to a type IV hypersensitivity reactionc.is characterized by Aschoff nodules in the myocardiumd.is becoming more common in Europee.may produce concentric hypertrophy47.Which one of the following statements about pulmonary tuberculosis is correct: EXCEPT a.Is most commonly due to Mycobacterium tuberculosisb.Is caused by direct cytopathic effects of the infecting organismc.Has a positive association with silicosisd.Is a common cause of death in AIDSe.Is characterized histologically by granulomas48.Which one of the following statements about lung carcinoma is correct: EXCEPTa.Is most commonly of adenomatous differentiationb.Has a positive association with cigarette smokingc.Has a positive association with asbestos exposured.Has rarely hematogeneous metastasized to livere.Is the most common cause of death from neoplasia in the China49.Pulmonary embolism:a.may be caused by pale thromboembolismb.is rarely caused by thromboembolism from the leg veinsc.usually causes pulmonary infarctiond.rarely causes pulmonary hypertensione.may be caused by mixted thromboembolism50.Gastric carcinoma:a.is usually of squamous cell typeb.is commoner in females than malesc.occurs most commonly in the body of the stomachd.is commoner in Europe than Chinae.has a positive association with dysplasia of gastric mucosa51.Which one of the following statements about portal hypertension is correct: EXCEPT:a.may be caused by hepatic cirrhosisb.may be caused by portal vein thrombosisc.may be caused by hepatic vein thrombosisd.is not associated with ascitese.is associated with oesophageal varices52.Hepatocellular carcinoma:a.has a negative association with non-virus cirrhosisb.has a positive association with hepatitis Ac.is commoner in males than femalesd.has a median survival of 3 years following diagnosise.usually arises from bile duct epithelium53.Colorectal carcinoma:a.has a high incidence in Chinab.has a positive association with familial adenomatous polyposisc.is usually of squamous differentiationd.is graded by Dukes’systeme.is incurable if it has metastasized to the liver54.Which one of the following statements about carcinoma of the uterine cervix is correct: EXCEPT a.is usually of adenomatous differentiationb.is often preceded by cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)c.has a positive association with some serotypes of HPVd.has a positive association with cigarette smokinge.has a positive association with HIV infection55.Which one of the following statements about the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)-1 is correct: EXCEPTa.is a DNA virusb.requires reverse transcriptase from the host cell to replicatec.binds to CD4 lymphocytesd.is associated with Pneumocytis carinii infection of lunge.is associated with toxoplasma infection of brain56. Which one of the listed lesion is tumour?a.Granulomab.Hematomac.Atheromad.Papillomae.Tuberculoma57. Of the lesions listed below, which one is in accord with the feature of malignant tumor?a.Anaplasiab.Aplasiac.Hyperplasiad.Hypoplasiae.MetaplasiaII. Term StatementAbscessAcute nephritic syndromeApoptotic bodiesAschoff bodyAtrophyAtypiaBecteremiaCarcinoma in situCarcinoma simplexCervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN Chronic nephritic syndromeConcentric hypertrophyCor villosumDegenerationDirect spreadDisplasia, atypical hyperplasia Dystrophic calcificationEmbolismEosinophilic abscessFatty liverFatty infiltrationFistulaGangreneGranulation tissueGranulomatous inflammationGummaHealing by first intentionHeart failure cellsHeterogeneityHyperplasia and hypertrophy Krukenberg’s tumorLeukoplakiaLipofuscinMetaplasiaMetastasisNecrosisNephritic syndromeneruonophagiaNutmeg liverOrganizationPiecemeal necrosisPipe stem cirrhosisPrecancerous lesionsPrimary complexProgressionPseudomembranous inflammation PseudolobulePulmonary brown indurationPyemiasatellitosisSepticemiaSinusSubendocardial myocardial infarction ThrombosisTransmural myocardial infarction TubercleTyphoid cell。
病理学英文试题Quiz one
Quiz oneEach question below contains five suggested choices. Choose the ONE BEST choice to each question. Ten points for each, 100 points in total.1. A 50-year old man has blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg(normal blood pressure is 120/90 mm Hg). If this person remains untreated for years, which of the following cellular alterations will be seen in the myocardium(心肌)A. atrophyB. metaplasiaC. hypertrophyD. dysplasiaE. necrosis2. which of the following is the hallmark of wound healing:A. granulation tissue growthB. hypertrophyC. inflammationD. hyperemiaE. edemaof the following implies preservation of the basic outline of the involved cell for a span of at least some daysA. Coagulative necrosisnecrosisC. Caseous necrosisD. Fat necrosisE. Gangrenous necrosisof the following has a cheesy, yellow-white appearance at the area of necrosis and is encountered most often in foci of tuberculous infectionnecrosisnecrosisC. Caseous necrosisD. Fat necrosisE. Gangrenous necrosisof the following is NOT capable of regenerationA. Epithelial tissueB. MyocardiumC. SkinE. Kidneydeep vein thrombosis (DVT) causes edema by what mechanismB. Lymphatic obstructionplasma colloid osmotic pressureD. Sodium retentionhydrostatic pressure(arterial) emboli commonly arise from ____ and most commonly lodge in the lower limbs and sometimes the brain.mural(心壁) thrombivalvular(心瓣膜)thrombivein thrombiD. Renal thrombiE. Hepatic thrombi23-year old medical student develops a “red” face a fter being asked a question during a lecture. Which of the following statements best describes the vascular reactionA. active hyperemiaB. petechial hemorrhageC. allergic reactionD. passive congestionE. edema70 year old male after spending a month in the hospital confined to a wheel chair due to arthritis , suddenly experiences difficulty of breathing after walking on his own. What is the most likely diagnosisA. Pulmonary embolismB. Old ageC. Sepsis(脓毒血症)D. Brochopneumonia (支气管肺炎)E. Heart failurearterial thromboemboli is most likely to cause a hemorrhagic infarct in which of the following organA. KidneyB. SpleenC. LungD. BoneE. HeartA 45-year-old man died from encephalopathy. At autopsy, his liver is found to be enlarged, and the microscopic appearance is shown here. Which of the following etiologic factors most likely led to these findingsA. nerosis。
Quiz oneEach question below contains five suggested choices. Choose the ONE BEST choice to each question. Ten points for each, 100 points in total. 1. A 50-year old man has blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg(normal blood pressure is 120/90 mm Hg). If this person remains untreated for years, which of the following cellular alterations will be seen in the myocardium(心肌)?A. atrophyB. metaplasiaC. hypertrophyD. dysplasiaE. necrosis2. which of the following is the hallmark of wound healing:A. granulation tissue growthB. hypertrophyC. inflammationD. hyperemiaE. edema3.Which of the following implies preservation of the basic outline of the involved cell for a span of at least some days?A. Coagulative necrosisB.Liquefactive necrosisC. Caseous necrosisD. Fat necrosisE. Gangrenous necrosis4.Which of the following has a cheesy, yellow-white appearance at the area of necrosis and is encountered most often in foci of tuberculous infection?A.Coagulative necrosisB.Liquefactive necrosisC. Caseous necrosisD. Fat necrosisE. Gangrenous necrosis5.Which of the following is NOT capable of regeneration?A. Epithelial tissueB. MyocardiumC. SkinD.LiverE. Kidney6.A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) causes edema by what mechanism?A.InflammationB. Lymphatic obstructionC.Reduced plasma colloid osmotic pressureD. Sodium retentionE.Increased hydrostatic pressure7.Systemic (arterial) emboli commonly arise from ____ and most commonly lodge in the lower limbs and sometimes the brain.A.Cardiac mural(心壁) thrombiB.Cardiac valvular(心瓣膜) thrombiC.Deep vein thrombiD. Renal thrombiE. Hepatic thrombi8.A 23-year old medical student develops a “red” face after being asked a question during a lecture. Which of the following statements best describes the vascular reaction?A. active hyperemiaB. petechial hemorrhageC. allergic reactionD. passive congestionE. edema9.A 70 year old male after spending a month in the hospital confined toa wheel chair due to arthritis , suddenly experiences difficulty of breathing after walking on his own. What is the most likely diagnosis?A. Pulmonary embolismB. Old ageC. Sepsis(脓毒血症)D. Brochopneumonia (支气管肺炎)E. Heart failure10.An arterial thromboemboli is most likely to cause a hemorrhagic infarct in which of the following organ ?A. KidneyB. SpleenC. LungD. BoneE. HeartA 45-year-old man died from encephalopathy. At autopsy, his liver is found to be enlarged, and the microscopic appearance is shown here. Which of the following etiologic factors most likely led to these findings?A. nerosisB.alcoholismC.traumaD.thrombosisE.congestion(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。
检体诊断英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is a common symptom of respiratory diseases?A. CoughB. DiarrheaC. HeadacheD. Fatigue2. The term "auscultation" refers to:A. Listening to the heart and lungsB. Feeling the pulseC. Observing the skinD. Checking the blood pressure3. What is the purpose of percussion in physical examination?A. To assess the size of organsB. To determine the presence of fluidC. To evaluate the function of jointsD. To examine the nervous system4. Which of the following is not a vital sign?A. TemperatureB. PulseC. RespirationD. Blood type5. In the context of physical examination, what does BP standfor?A. Blood PressureB. Blood PlateletsC. Blood ProteinD. Blood Purification6. What is the normal range for adult respiratory rate?A. 12-20 breaths per minuteB. 60-100 beats per minuteC. 15-25 breaths per minuteD. 80-120 beats per minute7. The abdomen is examined for:A. Heart soundsB. Liver sizeC. Lung capacityD. Kidney function8. Which of the following is a method to assess the integrity of the nervous system?A. PalpationB. PercussionC. AuscultationD. Neurological examination9. What does the acronym ROM stand for?A. Range of MotionB. Rate of MetabolismC. Resting Oxygen MeasureD. Rapid Oxygen Monitoring10. Which of the following is not a method of physical examination?A. InspectionB. PalpationC. PercussionD. Electrocardiogram二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The normal body temperature is approximately ______ degrees Celsius.12. The ______ is a procedure used to assess the function of the heart and lungs.13. The ______ is the examination of the abdomen to detect abnormalities.14. A ______ is a common method to check the size and consistency of the liver.15. The ______ is the measurement of the blood pressure.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. Explain the difference between inspection and palpation in physical examination.17. Describe the significance of a normal blood pressure reading.18. What are the common findings during a neurological examination?19. Discuss the importance of a thorough physical examination in diagnosing diseases.四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)20. A patient presents with a persistent cough, shortness of breath, and a fever. What steps would you take in thephysical examination to determine the cause?21. A patient complains of abdominal pain. How would you approach the abdominal examination to identify the source of the pain?五、论述题(共20分)22. Discuss the role of a physical examination in the overall assessment of a patient's health. Include the limitations and benefits of this method.答案:一、选择题1-5: A A B D A6-10: C B B A D二、填空题11. 36.512. Auscultation13. Abdominal palpation14. Percussion15. Sphygmomanometer三、简答题16. Inspection involves visually examining the patient, while palpation involves physically feeling the body for abnormalities.17. A normal blood pressure reading indicates that the heart is functioning properly and that the arteries are not under excessive pressure.18. Common findings during a neurological examination include assessing reflexes, muscle strength, and sensory responses.19. A thorough physical examination is crucial foridentifying signs and symptoms of diseases, guiding further diagnostic tests, and monitoring the progression of a disease.四、案例分析题20. The steps would include auscultation to listen for abnormal lung sounds, percussion to assess lung expansion,and palpation to feel for any tenderness or consolidation. 21. The approach would involve inspecting for any visiblesigns of distress, palpation to assess for tenderness or organomegaly, and auscultation to listen for bowel sounds.五、论述题22. [Answer will vary based on the examinee's understanding and ability to discuss the topic comprehensively.]。
square wheel, roller
(L) quadr(L) rota(G) troch-
quadrate muscle rotavirus trochlear-
scale spiral (L) squam(G) spir(G) helicosquamous cells spirochete Helicobacter pylori (Hp) spongiform cuneiform
Grey poli(o) poliomyelitis Red erythr(o) erythrocyte Black melan(o) melanin
White Blue leuc(o),leuk(o) cyan(o) leukomyelitis cyanopsia
1. hypertrophy E 2. subcutaneous D 3. macrophage C 4. neoplasm B 5. leukopenia A A. 白细胞减少 B. 肿瘤 C. 巨噬细胞 D. 皮下的 E. 肥大
1. tachycardia E 2. bradykinin D 3. extradural C 4. osteomalacia B 5. osteoporosis A A. 骨质疏松 B. 骨质软化 C. 硬膜外 D. 缓激肽 E. 心动过速
sponge wedge
(G) spongi(L) cune-
1. rotavirus 2. trochlear 3. globulin 4. cuneiform 5. squamous A. 鳞状的 B. 楔形的 C. 球蛋白 D. 滑车的 E. 轮状病毒
Quiz oneEach question below contains five suggested choices. Choose the ONE BEST choice to each question. Ten points for each, 100 points in total.1. A 50-year old man has blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg(normal blood pressure is 120/90 mm Hg). If this person remains untreated for years, which of the following cellular alterations will be seen in the myocardium(心肌)A. atrophyB. metaplasiaC. hypertrophyD. dysplasiaE. necrosis2. which of the following is the hallmark of wound healing:A. granulation tissue growthB. hypertrophyC. inflammationD. hyperemiaE. edemaof the following implies preservation of the basic outline of the involved cell for a span of at least some daysA. Coagulative necrosisnecrosisC. Caseous necrosisD. Fat necrosisE. Gangrenous necrosisof the following has a cheesy, yellow-white appearance at the area of necrosis and is encountered most often in foci of tuberculous infectionnecrosisnecrosisC. Caseous necrosisD. Fat necrosisE. Gangrenous necrosisof the following is NOT capable of regenerationA. Epithelial tissueB. MyocardiumC. SkinE. Kidneydeep vein thrombosis (DVT) causes edema by what mechanismB. Lymphatic obstructionplasma colloid osmotic pressureD. Sodium retentionhydrostatic pressure(arterial) emboli commonly arise from ____ and most commonly lodge in the lower limbs and sometimes the brain.mural(心壁) thrombivalvular(心瓣膜) thrombivein thrombiD. Renal thrombiE. Hepatic thrombi23-year old medical student develops a “red” face a fter being asked a question during a lecture. Which of the following statements best describes the vascular reactionA. active hyperemiaB. petechial hemorrhageC. allergic reactionD. passive congestionE. edema70 year old male after spending a month in the hospital confined to a wheel chair due to arthritis , suddenly experiences difficulty of breathing after walking on his own. What is the most likely diagnosisA. Pulmonary embolismB. Old ageC. Sepsis(脓毒血症)D. Brochopneumonia (支气管肺炎)E. Heart failurearterial thromboemboli is most likely to cause a hemorrhagic infarct in which of the following organA. KidneyB. SpleenC. LungD. BoneE. HeartA 45-year-old man died from encephalopathy. At autopsy, his liver is found to be enlarged, and the microscopic appearance is shown here. Which of the following etiologic factors most likely led to these findingsA. nerosis。
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病理英语复习题病理学高级教程复习提纲Pathological test (7、8)I. A type questionDirections: Each question below contains five suggested answers. Choose the one best response to each question.1. Which one of the listed statements is the best histologic definition of an abscess?a. A circumscribed collection of neutrophils with necrotic cellular debrisb. A localizes defect that results from the sloughing of necrotic inflammatory tissue from thesurface of an organc. A localized proliferation of fibroblasts and small blood vesselsd. An aggregate of two or more activated macrophagee.The excessive secretion of mucus from a mucosal surface2. Which one of the listed statements best describes the process called chemotaxis?a.Abnormal fusion of phagosomes to primary lysosomesb.Attachment of chemicals to extracellular material to increase phagocytosisc.Dilation of blood vessels by chemotherapeutic drugsd.Movement of cells toward a certain site or sourcee.Transmigration of cells from blood vessels into tissue3. The cardinal sign of inflammation called rubor is mainly the result ofa.Decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressureb.Decreased vascular permeability of capillariesc.Increased vascular permeability of venulesd.Vasoconstriction of muscular arteriese.Vasodilation of arterioles4. During the early stages of the inflammatory response, histamine-induced increased vascularpermeability is most likely to occur ina.Arteriesb.Precapillary arteriolesc.Capillariesd.Postcapillary venulese.Veins (answer: d)5. During acute inflammation, histamine-induced increased vascular permeability causes the formationof exudates (inflammatory edema). Which one of the listed cell types is the most likely source of the histamine ?a.Endothelial cellsb.Fibroblastsc.Lymphocytesd.Mast cellse.Neutrophils6. Histologic sections of lung tissue from a 68-year-old female with congestive heart failure andprogressive breathing problems reveal numerous hemosiderin-laden cells within the alveoli. Theses “heart failure cells” originate from alveolara.Endothelial cellsb.Eosinophilsc.Lymphocytesd.Macrophagese.Pneumocytes7. By definition, granulomas are composed ofa.Chronic abscessb.Collagenc.Endothelial cells and fibroblastsd.Macrophages or epithelioid cellse.Hemosiderin-laden macrophages8. Which one of the listed changes correctly describes the pathophysiology involved in the productionof pulmonary edema in patients with congestive heart failure?a.Decreased plasma oncotic pressureb.Endothelial damagec.Increased hydrostatic pressured.Increased vascular permeabilitye.Lymphatic obstruction (answer: c)9. A postmortem clot is most likely toa.Grossly display features of recanalizationb.Grossly have lines of Zahnc.Grossly have the appearance of “chicken fat” overlying ‘currant jelly”d.Microscopically appear attached to the wall of the blood vessele.Microscopically have alternating layers of cells and platelets10. What is the most common site of origin of thrombotic pulmonary emboli?a.Deep leg veinsb.Lumen of left ventriclec.Lumen of right ventricled.Mesenteric veinse.Superficial leg veins11. The most serious common complication of lower extremity thrombophlebitis isa.Cerebral infarctionb.Kidney infarctionc.Myocardial infarctiond.Pulmonary infarctione.Intestinal infarction12. What is the most common cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?a.Pneumoconiosisb.Pneumoniac.Intestitial lung diseasesd.Chronic bronchitise.Pulmonary tuberculosis13. Of the tumors of the liver listed below, which is the most common?a.Hepatocellular carcinomab.Angiosarcomac.Cholangiocarcinomad.Hamartomae.Hemangioma14. Which of the following is the most common type of breast carcinoma?a.Intraductalb.Medullaryc.Papillaryd.Mucinouse.Infiltrating ductal15. Fluid that collects during acute inflammation and that has a protein content in excess of 3.0g/dland a specific gravity over 1.015 is termeda.Exudateb.Transudatec.Coagulationd.Lymphokinee. Hemorrhage16. The most important prognostic factor for human cancer is thea.Gradeb.Stagec.Lymphocytic infiltrationd.Vascular invasione.Mitotic index17. The classic lesion of rheumatic heart disease isa.Mallory’s bodyb.Aschoff bodyc.Psammoma bodyd.Negri bodye.Anitschkow’s myocyte18. Which of the following infections is often the cause of interstitial pneumonia?a.Gram-positive bacterialb.Gram-negative bacterialc.Virald.Fungale.Parasitic19. Gastric carcinoma is most common in which one of the listed site locationsa.pyloric antrumb.pyloric antrum and lesser curvaturec.lesser curvatured.greater curvaturee.fundue20. Which of the flowing sites is the most common of chronic gastric ulcer?a. pyloric antrumb.pyloric antrum and lesser curvaturec.lesser curvatured.greater curvaturee. fundue21. Which one of the listed is the most common complication of chronic peptic ulcer?a.hemorrhageb.perforationc.pyloric stenosisd.malignant transformatione.hypertrophic gastritis22. The most serious complication of chronic peptic ulcer isa. hemorrhageb.perforationc.pyloric stenosisd.malignant transformatione.hypertrophic gastritis23. Which one of the listed is the most common pathological typr of early gastric carcinoma?a.protruded type, I typeb.supperficial elevated type, IIa typec.superficial flat type, IIb typed.superficial depressed type, IIc typee.excavated type, III type24. A factor that stimulates the proliferation of smooth-muscle cells and also relates to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis isa.Platelet-derived growth factorb.Transforming growth factor βc.Interleukin 1d.Interferon αe.Tumor necrosis factor ( The answer is a )25. The most characteristic and frequent feature of chronic rheumatic heart disease is the developmentofa.Vegetations on the endocardiumb.Ashoff bodies within the myocardiumc.Fibrin deposits within the pericardiumd.Stenosis of the mitral valvee.Incompetence of the pulmonic valve26. Histological sections (routine H&E stain) of lung reveal the alveoli to be filled with pale,nongranular pink fluid. Neither leukocytes nor erythrocytes are present within this fluid. What is the most likely (i.e., most common) cause of this abnormality?a.Bacterial pneumoniab.Congestive heart failurec.Lymphatic obstruction by tumord.Pulmonary emboluse.Viral pneumonia27. The Astler-Coller modification of the Duckes classification is used to classify cancers of thea.Colonb.Liverc.Lungd.Pancrease.Stomach28. Familial polyposis coli is characterized bya.Autosomal recessive pattern of inheritanceb.Mutiple hamartomatous polyps throughout the colonc.100% risk of carcinomad.An association with fibromatosis and mutiple osteomase.An association with tumors of the central nervous system ( The answer is c )29. Which of the listed types of cells found within the liver is the major source of the excess collagendeposited in cirrhosis?a.Hepatocytesb.Kupffer cellsc.Ito cells (hepatic stellate cells )d.Endothelial cellse.Bile duct epithelial cells ( The answer is c )30. What is the most likely cause of the combination of generalized edema, hypoalbuminemiahypercholesterolemia, marked proteinuria, and fatty casts and fat bodies in the urine?a.Nephritic syndromeb.Nephrotic syndromec.Acute renal failured.Renal tubular defecte.Urinary tract infection31. Which one of the listed hepatic diseases has the greatest risk of developing into hepatocellularcarcinoma ?a. hepatic steatosis (fatty liver)b.portal cirrhosisc.postnecrotic cirrhosisd.biliary cirrhosise.congestive liver cirrhosis32. Of the lung tumors listed below, which type belongs to the APUD group of tumors?a.Hamartomab.Mucoepidermoid carcinomac.Adenoid cystic carcinomad.Bronchial carcinoide.Squamons cell carcinoma33. What is the name that is given to the hyaline masses that are often seen in the cytoplasm ofhepatocytes in patients with alcoholic hepatitis?a.Councilman bodies ( acidophilic bodies )b.Negri bodiesc.Mallory’s bodiesd.Russel’s bodiese.Residual bodies34. Lipoid nephrosis of the kidneys characteristically produces changes that may be observed byelectron microscope (EM) in which of the following renal glomerular elements?a.Endothelial cellsb.Epithelial cellsc.Mesangiumd.Blood vesselse.Basement membrane ( The answer is b )35. Which of the following tumor markers has been associated with the hepatocellular carcinoma?a.CEAb.AFPc.Prostae-specific antigend.Tyrosine enzymee.Thyroglibulin antigen36. Of the tumors listed below, which is benign tumor?a.Leukemiab.Melanomac.Teratomad.Embryonic tumor of kidneye.True aneurysm37. The most common cause of liver cirrhosis in China isa.Drug-induced hepatitisb.Toxin-induced hepatitisc.Alcoholic hepatitisd.Viral hepatitise.Autoimmune hepatitis38. Complications of lobar pneumonia include each of the following conditions EXCEPTa.Pulmonary carnificationb.Purulent pleurisyc.Pulmonary abscessd.Septic shock ( infective shock )e.Bronchiectasis39.Which one of the following definitions is correct?a.Dysplasia is achange from one type ofdifferentiated tissue to anotherb.Anaplasia is an almost complete lack of differentiationc.Carcinoma is a tumour of epithelial derivationd.Metaplasia is the disordered development of cells with loss of organizatione.Carcionma in situ is a carcinoma with stromal invasion40. Which one of the following statements is correct:?a. Adenoma is a malignant tumour of glandular epitheliumb.Sarcoma is a benigh tumour of connective tissuec.Liposarcoma is a malignant tumour of adipose tissued.Aneurysm is a benign tumour of arterye.Lymphoma is a benign tumour of lymphoid cells41.Which noe of the listed statements of common features of benign tumours is correct?a.Invasion of surrounding stromal tissueb.Cells of uniform size and appearancec.Many mitotic figuresd.Ill-defined borderse.Close resemblance to the original tissue42.Which one of the following inflammatory processes often contain granulomas EXCEPTa.Tuberculosisb.Typhoid feverc.Ulcerative colitisd.Syphilise.Rheumatic myocarditis43.Which one of the following statements about acute inflammation is correcy?a.The predominant cell type is the neutrophil polymorphb.The inflammation is usually initiated by cell-mediated immunityc.The duration may be for monthsd.Plasma cells are frequently presente.Lymphocytes are present at the start of the process44. Benign hypertension is characterized by:a.Fibrinoid necrosis of arteriolesb.Atrophy of the muscular media of the arteriesc.Fibroelastic thickening of whole arteriole wallsd.Hyaline deposition in arteriole wallse.Sudden and severe increase in blood pressure45.Mitral valve incompetence may be caused by:a.Right ventricular dilatationb.Infective endocarditisc.Bacterial myocarditisd.Chronic cor pulmonalee.Senile calcification46.Rheumatic fever:a.is due to staphylococcal infectionb.is due to a type IV hypersensitivity reactionc.is characterized by Aschoff nodules in the myocardiumd.is becoming more common in Europee.may produce concentric hypertrophy47.Which one of the following statements about pulmonary tuberculosis is correct: EXCEPT a.Is most commonly due to Mycobacterium tuberculosisb.Is caused by direct cytopathic effects of the infecting organismc.Has a positive association with silicosisd.Is a common cause of death in AIDSe.Is characterized histologically by granulomas48.Which one of the following statements about lung carcinoma is correct: EXCEPTa.Is most commonly of adenomatous differentiationb.Has a positive association with cigarette smokingc.Has a positive association with asbestos exposured.Has rarely hematogeneous metastasized to livere.Is the most common cause of death from neoplasia in the China49.Pulmonary embolism:a.may be caused by pale thromboembolismb.is rarely caused by thromboembolism from the leg veinsc.usually causes pulmonary infarctiond.rarely causes pulmonary hypertensione.may be caused by mixted thromboembolism50.Gastric carcinoma:a.is usually of squamous cell typeb.is commoner in females than malesc.occurs most commonly in the body of the stomachd.is commoner in Europe than Chinae.has a positive association with dysplasia of gastric mucosa51.Which one of the following statements about portal hypertension is correct: EXCEPT:a.may be caused by hepatic cirrhosisb.may be caused by portal vein thrombosisc.may be caused by hepatic vein thrombosisd.is not associated with ascitese.is associated with oesophageal varices52.Hepatocellular carcinoma:a.has a negative association with non-virus cirrhosisb.has a positive association with hepatitis Ac.is commoner in males than femalesd.has a median survival of 3 years following diagnosise.usually arises from bile duct epithelium53.Colorectal carcinoma:a.has a high incidence in Chinab.has a positive association with familial adenomatous polyposisc.is usually of squamous differentiationd.is graded by Dukes’systeme.is incurable if it has metastasized to the liver54.Which one of the following statements about carcinoma of the uterine cervix is correct: EXCEPT a.is usually of adenomatous differentiationb.is often preceded by cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)c.has a positive association with some serotypes of HPVd.has a positive association with cigarette smokinge.has a positive association with HIV infection55.Which one of the following statements about the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)-1 is correct: EXCEPTa.is a DNA virusb.requires reverse transcriptase from the host cell to replicatec.binds to CD4 lymphocytesd.is associated with Pneumocytis carinii infection of lunge.is associated with toxoplasma infection of brain56. Which one of the listed lesion is tumour?a.Granulomab.Hematomac.Atheromad.Papillomae.Tuberculoma57. Of the lesions listed below, which one is in accord with the feature of malignant tumor?a.Anaplasiab.Aplasiac.Hyperplasiad.Hypoplasiae.MetaplasiaII. Term StatementAbscessAcute nephritic syndromeApoptotic bodiesAschoff bodyAtrophyAtypiaBecteremiaCarcinoma in situCarcinoma simplexCervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN Chronic nephritic syndromeConcentric hypertrophyCor villosumDegenerationDirect spreadDisplasia, atypical hyperplasia Dystrophic calcificationEmbolismEosinophilic abscessFatty liverFatty infiltrationFistulaGangreneGranulation tissueGranulomatous inflammationGummaHealing by first intentionHeart failure cellsHeterogeneityHyperplasia and hypertrophy Krukenberg’s tumorLeukoplakiaLipofuscinMetaplasiaMetastasisNecrosisNephritic syndromeneruonophagiaNutmeg liverOrganizationPiecemeal necrosisPipe stem cirrhosisPrecancerous lesionsPrimary complexProgressionPseudomembranous inflammation PseudolobulePulmonary brown indurationPyemiasatellitosisSepticemiaSinusSubendocardial myocardial infarction ThrombosisTransmural myocardial infarction TubercleTyphoid cell。