Employing Entities
Requirements for Approval
Requirements for Applicants
外国专家 来华工作许可
foreign experts work permit
Alien employment certificate
Foreign experts certificate
外国人 来华工作许可通知
Notification Letter of Foreigner’s Work Permit
Notification Letter of Foreigner’s Work Permit E-version
直接在线打印 无需寄送至境外 相关信息数据 交换外交部门
工作签证 (Z签)
Invitation letter
持外国人工作许可通知 和签证邀请函(取消)
iii personnel
外国专业人才 (B类)
Foreign Professional Talents
(Category B)
其他外国人员 (C类)
Other Foreigners (Category ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้)
大力引进外国高端人才,突破年 龄、学历、工作经历等限制,精 简材料,缩短审批时限,更强调 对人才的服务、人才来华本地化 融入,真正实现用得好、留得住
身体全面检查项目(Full physical examination items)[comprehensive examination] which items are included?Best answer1. internal medicine examination: blood pressure, pulse, auscultation of heart and lung, chest, abdomen, touch, percussion and so on.2. surgical examination: lymph skin, limbs, spine, thyroid, anus and anus fingers, breasts, genitalia and so on.3. chest X ray: chest X ray can show the heart, lungs, large vessels and diaphragm position. Usually have a persistent cough, hemoptysis, chest pain or chest trauma, suspected pulmonary tuberculosis, lung lesions or other lung diseases, but the use of chest X ray.4. electrocardiogram: static ECG examination can test cardiac function, including cardiac electrical pulse activity, heart rate, rhythm of heart, atrial and ventricular activity analysis, etc..5. exercise electrocardiogram: record the ability of the heart to move in the body and the amount of oxygen needed. It can identify the causes of irregular heartbeat or chest pain and determine the amount of exercise that can be gained after heart attack or heart surgery.6. B ultrasonic examination: liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidney, stomach, thyroid gland, mammary gland. Pelviccavity: male (including bladder, ureter, prostate), female (including uterus, appendix, bladder).7. eye examination: conjunctiva, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, color vision, retina (fundus) and so onThe 8. Department of ENT examination: auricle and external auditory canal, tympanic, mastoid, nasal, nasal (nasal septum and inferior nasal meatus and inferior turbinate), paranasal sinuses, pharynx, tonsil, pharyngeal, epiglottis, laryngeal etc.9. Department of Stomatology examination: oral mucosa, tongue, palate, teeth, periodontal, glands, jawTenPAT'S cervical smears: women should undergo Pap smears every year after 20 years of age to determine if the uterus cells are normal or have no signs of cancer, with an accuracy ofninety-five percent.Breast examination: 11. women over the age of 35, in addition to the monthly self check, shall accept a professional examination and diagnosis, early detection of abnormal lumps.12. test items1) general examination: blood, blood, urine, fecal occult blood, ESR2) biochemical examination: blood urea creatinine uric acid co2cp total protein albumin globulin combined with bilirubin total bilirubin alanine aminotransferase (GPT) aspartate aminotransferase (GOT) and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) gamma glutamyl transpeptidase CPK amylase fructosamine3) blood lipid analysis: total cholesterol, glycerin, three fat, high-density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, apolipoprotein AI, apolipoprotein B4) electrolytes: blood potassium, sodium, chlorine, calcium, phosphorus, blood magnesium, serum iron, total iron, resultant force5) protein electrophoresis6) immunity: RF, IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C4, anti O, C reactive protein7) blood viscosity8) HAV is resistant to HAV-IgM9) hepatitis B two, half a HBsAg, HBsAb, HBcAb, HbeAg, HbeAb10) HCV resistant to -HCV11) AIDS against -HIV12) syphilis RPR13) radioimmunoassay: AFP (alpha fetoprotein), CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), CA19 - 9, PSA (prostate-specific antigen), insulin, thyroid complete set: T3, T4, FT3, FT4, TSH, rT3Estrogen complete: prolactin, estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormoneLaboratory item1. glucose / glucose (Glucose)Blood sugar is one of the important components of the body and also a major source of energy for the body. The liver is the major organ responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, such as liver damage, which affects blood sugar levels.Reference values: 3.9 to 6.1 mmol/LHigher than the reference may be: diabetes, severe dehydration, pancreatic tumors, hyperthyroidism, diuretics, etc..2. creatinine (Creatinine)Creatinine is a metabolic product of muscle breakdown that reflects whether kidney function is sound or not.Reference values: 44 to 103 umol/LHigher than the reference value may be: ureteral obstruction, deterioration of renal function, acute or chronic glomerulonephritis, strong muscle damage after exercise, water shortage, diabetes mellitus, blood pressure changes, etc..3. ureaA nitrogenous waste created by protein metabolism in the blood; helps to assess renal function.Reference values: 2.8 to 8.2 mmol/LMay be higher than the reference value: high protein diet, congestive heart failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, severe dehydration, burn, myocardial infarction, acute glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, end-stage renal disease, tight renal failure and toxic nephritis, prostate, urinary calculus, urethral stricture, bladder tumor by urinary tract compression.4. uric acidUric acid is the ultimate product of purine decomposition in the body. Most of them pass through the kidneys. When renal function is impaired, uric acid accumulates and leads to elevated blood levels.This marker is useful in the diagnosis of early nephropathy.Reference values: 0.15 to 0.42 mmol/LHigher than the reference value may be: gout, kidney disease, leukemia, multiple myeloma, polycythemia, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and lead poisoning5. bilirubin - direct (Bilirubin, direct)Direct bilirubin.Reference values: 1.7 to 6.1 umol/LHigher than the reference may be: cirrhosis, bile duct obstruction, hepatitis, toxic liver disorders and so on.6. total bilirubin (Bilirubin, total)Total bilirubin is a general term for various types of bilirubin in the serum.Reference values: 5.1 to 19 umol/LHigher than the reference value: jaundice caused by various causes.7. alanine aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT)Glutamic pyruvic transaminase mainly exists in the liver cells, followed by myocardial cells, only a small amount of release of blood, only the liver, myocardial lesions, cell necrosis, blood content will increase. Elevated values reflect the extent of liver cell damage and necrosis.Reference values: 0 to 55 U/LMay be higher than the reference value: acute viral hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis, type of activity of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma and biliary diseases such as cholelithiasis caused by obstruction, myocardial infarction, cardiac dysfunction leads to liver congestion, polymyositis, muscle dystrophy, certain drugs or toxic reactions, such as carbon tetrachloride.8. aspartate aminotransferase (AST/SGOT)Ast mainly exists in myocardial cells, followed by liver, the blood content rarely, tissues, blood content increased.Reference values: 0 to 55 U/LHigher than the reference value may be: myocardial infarction, heart dysfunction, all kinds of liver diseases, such as acute and chronic hepatitis, toxic hepatitis, pleurisy, nephritis, taking certain drugs, surgery, deep burns and so on.9. alkaline phosphatase (AKP)Alkaline phosphatase in the bile duct, liver and bone cells content is very high, measuring the blood alkaline phosphatase concentration, you can estimate the degree of destruction of the organ. Children are in the growth stage, alkaline phosphatase is normal on the high side.Reference values: 40 to 150 IU/LMay be higher than the reference value: orthopaedics, osteomalacia, rickets, anemia, leukemia, liver disease, hepatitis, parathyroid overactivity etc..10. lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)Lactate dehydrogenase is found in the heart, liver, kidney, muscle, brain, lung, and this organ cell injury can raise serum LDH. May indicate myocardial infarction, shock, hypoxia, pulmonary infarction, leukemia and other possibilities.Reference values: 114 to 240 U/LMay be higher than the reference value: stroke, heart disease, hemolytic anemia, monocyte excess, intestinal ischemia or necrosis, hepatitis or other liver diseases, muscle damage, muscle atrophy, pancreatitis, pulmonary infarction.11. amylase (Amylase)Amylase is responsible for the digestion of glycogen and starch. When the pancreas is inflamed, amylase is secreted into the blood and used to diagnose and monitor pancreatic disease.Reference values: 80 to 180 U/L;Higher than the reference may be: acute pancreatitis, mumps, gastric ulcer, pulmonary infarction, large amounts of alcohol intake.12. lactulose (Fructosamine)Used as a marker of diabetes, which is less susceptible to diet, is therefore more stable than glucose.Reference values: 2 to 2.8 mmol/L13. total cholesterol (Cholesterol, Toltal)Cholesterol is the body's blood fat, helps the synthesis of cell membranes, is also the main component of all steroid hormones. High cholesterol is directly related to coronary heart disease. Cholesterol levels are influenced by a variety of factors, such as diet, season, lifestyle, age and sex.Reference values: 3.1 to 5.7 mmol/LMay be higher than the reference value: atherosclerosis, pregnancy, familial hypercholesterolemia, fatty liver, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, life stress, diabetes, liver cell jaundice, obstructive jaundice.14. high density lipoprotein cholesterol (Cholesterol, HDL)HDL delivers cholesterol from extrahepatic tissues to the liver, preventing free cholesterol from depositing on extrahepatic tissue cells.High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) is a reference marker for clinical diagnosis of coronary heart disease, alsoknown as good cholesterol.Reference values: 0.8 to 2.2 mmol/LBelow reference values possible: coronary aura.15. low density lipoprotein cholesterol (Cholesterol, LDL)Low density lipoprotein contains large amounts of cholesterol, the main function is to transport phospholipids, atherosclerosis, but also the main test mark. Bad cholesterol, too.Reference values: 2.6 to 3.1 mmol/LHigher than the reference may be: risk factors for atherosclerosis, such as hyperlipidemia.16. carrier protein AI (Apolipoprotein, AI)Deliver high density lipoprotein (HDL, good cholesterol), run with the blood, absorb or release into various tissues of the body, or deliver to the liver for metabolism.17. carrier protein B (Apolipoprotein, B)Delivering low density lipoprotein (LDL, bad cholesterol) and phospholipids can harden the arteries and test whether there is any risk factor for coronary heart disease.18. carrier protein AI/B (Apolipoprotein, A1/B)Carrier protein B is high and carrier protein AI is low, which is the precursor of coronary heart disease.19. protein electrophoresis analysisProtein electrophoresis analysis was used to confirm the various protein types, such as albumin and various globulins. Electrophoresis analyses the proteins by separating the positive and negative poles of the current and then observing how much each content is.Reference value: total protein 60 to 80 g/L, albumin 35 to 55 g/L, a 1 (alpha 1) globulin 2 to 6%, a 2 (alpha 2) globulin 6 to 13%, B (beta) globulin 8 to 15%, and C (gamma) globulin 10 to 20%.Acute hepatitis: there is no change in protein electrophoresis at the early stage of the disease. After two weeks, albumin, alpha 2 and beta globulin are decreased, and gamma globulin is increased.Chronic hepatitis: increased gamma globulin, decreased albumin, acute hepatitis significantly.Liver cirrhosis: albumin, alpha 1, alpha 2 globulin were significantly decreased, gamma globulin increased extremely.Hepatocellular carcinoma: protein changes in addition to alpha1 and alpha2 increase, other changes are the same as cirrhosis.A band of alpha fetoprotein could be present between alpha 1and white egg.Other hepatobiliary diseases and extrahepatic diseases, such as congestion, liver, multiple myeloma and nephrotic syndrome, can cause changes in the content of various proteins.TwentyCalcium (Calcium)The main component of the bones and teeth also helps regulate heartbeats and muscle contractions and maintains normal nerve induction. Calcium can run away with age, and osteoporosis, fractures, and bone damage can speed up the loss of calcium.Reference values: 2.08 to 2.6 mmol/LMay be higher than the reference value: hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, large doses of vitamin D treatment, pernicious anemia, sarcoma.May be less than the reference value: inflammation of the pancreas, kidney failure, parathyroid insufficiency, malabsorption, osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency, inflammation of the pancreas.21. KUsed to diagnose kidney or adrenal disorders, and also to assess the balance of water in the body. The mechanisms responsible for the homeostasis of potassium include insulin, aldosterone,acid-base balance, hypoxia, and other factors.Normal values ranged from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol/LMay be higher than the reference value: the adrenal cortex function in acute or chronic renal failure, reduce, hypoaldosteronemia, application, determination of high potassium diet, oral liquid or injection of potassium excessive, hemolysis, crushing, tissue hypoxia, insulin deficiency, digitalis poisoning.Below reference values: possible vomiting, diarrhea, aldosteronism, diuretics, alkalosis, low potassium diet, cardiac insufficiency, and no potassium fluids.22. chlorine ion (Chloride)The major negative ion outside the body's cells, which maintains electrical ion neutralization, is opposed to sodium in the body. Serum chlorine and sodium can increase and decrease at the same time.Reference values: 96 to 108 mmol/LHigher than the reference may be: alkalosis caused by hyperventilation, Cushing's syndrome, massive dehydration, and renal dysfunction.Lower than the reference value may be: burns, congestive heart failure, excessive sweating, adrenaline secretion disorders, respiratory failure and so on.23. ironIron is the major component of hemoglobin and essential trace minerals for human body. Iron is involved in the transportation of oxygen and the production of red blood cells in the human body.Reference values: 11 to 30 umol/LHigher than the reference value may be: cirrhosis, iron poisoning, iron deposition, hemolytic anemia, etc..Lower than the reference value: iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, etc..24. sodiumNormally, sodium intake and discharge should be balanced. Sodium is excreted mainly through the kidneys through urine. Clinically occurring electrolyte abnormalities usually involve sodium dysregulation. Plasma sodium concentration only reflects the balance of extracellular fluid, sodium ion and water, so it should be measured at any time with the change of condition.Reference values: 136 to 145 mmol/LHigher than the reference may be: adrenal cortex hyperfunction, aldosteronism, hemodialysis and so on.Lower than the reference value may be: vomiting, diarrhea, severe pyelonephritis, severe renal tubular damage, renal cortical dysfunction, diabetes, profuse sweating, extensive burns, excessive antidiuretic hormone, and so on.25. total iron binding capacityCheck the blood iron binding capacity, and anemia related.Reference values: 50 to 77 umol/L;Higher than the reference may be: iron deficiency anemia, polycythemia vera, late pregnancy and so on.Lower than the reference value may be: cirrhosis, hemolytic anemia, hypoproteinemia, pernicious anemia, sickle cell anemia, etc..26. triglycerideTriglyceride is one of the components of blood lipids, and is in dynamic balance in human body. Blood lipid content varies greatly with dietary changes. In addition, its content increases with age, especially in middle-aged and older people who are overweight.Reference values: 0.56 to 1.7 mmol/LHigher than the reference value may be: primary, secondary hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, diabetes, kidney disease, fatty liver and so on.27. alpha fetoproteinA special protein of liver cells, adults lose the ability to synthesize, so the serum content is minimal. However, in hepatocellular dysfunction, especially in primary hepatocellular carcinoma, there is a repeat of alpha fetoprotein (AFP) in the serum, so the diagnosis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma is often assisted by afp. Primary liver cancer, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, congenital total bile duct atresia, bone fractures, genital embryonal tumors, and 3 to 5 months of pregnancy are higher than usual. Normal value < 20Ug/ml;28. cancer antigen 125 - ovaryWomen over 40 years of age, ovarian cancer, and most cancers are high in the early stages.29. cancer antigen 15.3 - breastDiagnostic reference index for breast cancer.30. cancer antigen 19.9 - pancreasIt can be used for the diagnosis of clinical pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer and rectal cancer. It is also used in the observation of drug treatment and operation.31. carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)CEA is a globular protein found first in the serum of patients with colon cancer,It is detectable in the serum of fetuses between 3 and 6 months, so it is called carcinoembryonic antigen. Primary colon cancer, adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, bile duct cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, adenocarcinoma, lung cancer, breast cancer, and urinary system tumors are positive. The dynamic observation of serum CEA is helpful for the observation of curative effect and the diagnosis of recurrence. Normal value < 20Ug/ml;32. prostate specific antigen (PSA)Mainly found in male prostate wall cells and prostate secretions. PSA is usually elevated in prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, and inflammation of the reproductive system.33. urine volumeNormal urine should be less than 2 red cells per cubic millimeter. Higher than normal, may be nephritis, tumor, cystitis, prostatitis and so on.34. routine urine testVisual inspection, biochemical tests, and urine sediment microscopy. The use of urine paper contains chemicals to detect specific substances in the urine, including urine sediment test, that is, the use of microscopic observation of urine white bloodcells, red blood cells, epithelial cells and so on. Answer: asb4 - assistant, level 5-10, three 02:07。
住院病历(一)(Medical Records for Admission)入院记录(General Information for Hospital Record)姓名(Name):邮编(Post Code):性别(Sex):MALE 单位或现住址(Address):年龄(Age):56 years old 身份证号码(Identification No.):婚姻(Marital Status):Married 户口地址(Registered Residence Address):民族(Race):汉族联系电话(Contact Number):出生地(Place of Birth): FUDING 入院日期(Date of Admission):2013-08-05 13:04:22职业(Occupation): 病史陈述者(Complainer of History):主诉(Chief Complaint): headache and fever for 10 days.现病史(History of the Present Illness):10 days ago, the patient had headache for no obvious reasons. There was persistent pain on the external parietal part of the head. The pain was not related to postural changes. The trigger was unclear but was accompanied by fever with body temperature fluctuations between 38.5°C to 38.8°C. Moreover, the patient was also experiencing dizziness, nausea, occasional vomiting of stomach contents. There is no blurred vision, tinnitus, earache, syncope, numbness, limbs twitch, or incontinence. He first went to the local Fuding hospital where they performed a lumbar puncture on him. The CSF WBC was 356X10^6/L, monocytes 85%; cerebrospinal fluid biochemistry: chlorine 119 mmol/L, glucose 1.74 mmol/L, protein 1.79 mmol/L. the MRI showed “bilateral centrum ovale multiple lacunar lesions, atherosclerotic changes in white matter, chronic sinusitis”. The patient was then diagnosed as “viral meningitis”and was prescribed “acyclovir”. He was also given “mannitol, glycerol & fructose injection” to decrease the intracranial pressure. Furthermore, PPI was given to decrease the stomach pain and rehydration treatment was done but, there was no significantimprovement in the symptoms. The patient then came to the emergency room of our hospitalwhere he was diagnosed as having “intracranial infection”and was admitted to the hospital. Upon admission, the patient’s mind was clear, the spirit was good, he had a poor appetite, his sleep was good, he had soft yellow stool and there was no significant change in weight. 29 years ago, the patient had a renal history of tuberculosis.住院病历(二)(Medical Records for Admission)既往史(Past Medical history):General health status: normalCo-morbid conditions:Hypertension: Absent Cardiac disease: AbsentDiabetes mellitus: Absent Kidney disease: AbsentHistory of infectious diseases:Tuberculosis: Absent Hepatitis: AbsentOthers: 29 years ago, he had a renal history of tuberculosis.History of preventive inoculation: Inoculation plan completed.Allergic History: History of blood transfusion: Negative1.Drug: Negative History of scars/wounds: Negative2.Food: Negative History of surgical operations: Negative3.Others: NegativeHistory of long-term drug use: NegativeHistory of drug abuse: Negative系统回顾(Review of Systems):?HEENT:No hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, tooth ache, gingival bleeding, throat ache, hoarseness.?Respiratory :no chronic cough, sputum, expectorant, chest pain, asthma, dyspnea.?Cardiovascular:No increase in blood pressure, palpitation, shortness of breath, cyanosis, precardial pain, orthopnea, dizziness, lower limb edema.?GI: No hematemesis, swallowing difficulty, abdominal pain or distention, diarrhea, occult blood, constipation, jaundice, rash or itching.?Genitourinary system: No urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, hematuria, pyuria, nocturia or frothy urine.?Hemapoietic: No ecchymose, purpura, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, epistaxis or gingival bleeding?Endocrine:no polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria,change in sexual function or personality or visual field defect.?Musculoskeletal: No dysarthria, joint abnormality, spine abnormality, muscle atrophy or weakness in limbs.?Neurology: no headache, loss of memory, aphasia, paralysis, tic.?Mental state: no hallucination, delusional, disorientation, mood disorder个人史(Personal history):Place of birth: Residence: Epidemic area: None Travel history: Negative Drinking history: Yes 500ml/day for 30years and stopped 2 years agoSmoking history: Yes 20cigarettes/day for 30 years and stopped for 2 months Toxin, dust, radioactive or industrial exposure: Negative婚姻、月经及生育史(Marital、Menstrual and Childbearing history):Marital status: Married Age of wedding: 25 years old spouse heath: normal children: 2 sons and 1 daughter ; all healthy家族史(Family History):Father- deceased Condition: unknownmother- deceased Condition: unknownSiblings: HealthyHereditary disease(s): NegativeCongenital disease(s): Negative in grandparents, parents or siblings.住院病历(三)(Medical Records for Admission)体格检查(Physical Examination)一般情况(General Appearance)Consciousness:Refer to speciality Pulse rate: 78 bpm Respiratory rate: 20 times/min Blood pressure: 128/70 mmHg Temperature: 38.8°CWeight: not measured kg Height: not measured cm Posture: Can answer correctly and collaborates.皮肤、黏膜(Skin、Mucosa):Color: Refer to speciality Rash: Absent Hemorrhage: Absent Edema: refer to specialitySuperficial lymph nodes: No enlargement of superficial lymph nodes in the whole body头部及其器官(Head and HEENT):Shape of head: Normal Conjunctiva: No hyperemia or edema Sclera: Refer to speciality Pupil: Symmetrically round Nasal cavity: Clear Sinus tenderness: Absent Teeth: Normal Oral mucosa: Normal Mastoid tenderness: Absent Hearing: No abnormality Tonsils: No enlargement Others: Negative颈部(Neck):Flex: Soft position of trachea: Midline thyroid gland: No enlargement Jugular vein: No distension Others: None胸部(Chest):Shape: Normal, symmetric intercostals space: Normal Breasts: Symmetric, no abnormality肺脏(Lungs):Breathing: Symmetric percussion sound: Clear breath sounds: Clear Crackles: Absent Others: Absent心脏(Heart):Heart rate: 78 bpm Heart sounds: Normal Murmurs: Absent Others: Absent血管(Blood Vessel):Peripheral vessel sign: Negative腹部(Abdomen):Refer to speciality外生殖器(Genitourinary system):not examined直肠、肛门(Rectum、Anus): Not examined四肢、脊柱(Extremities、Spine):No abnormality神经系统(Neural System):Muscle strength: Grade 5 Muscle tension: Normal; left:negative, right: negativeKnee-jerk reflex: Normal Babinski’s signOthers: kernig (+)其他体征(Other Physical Signs):Normal住院病历(四)(Medical Records for Admission)专科情况(Specific Appearance) :General condition: Dulled consciousness, NO left supraclavicular lymph node enlargement, no icterus, no lower limb edema, no palmar erythema, no spider telangiectasia, no skin pigmentation, no flapping tremor,no capillary distension,no fetor hepaticus.Abdomen:1.Inspection: External appearance: Smooth Abdominal vein distension: Absent Breathing type: hyperventilated Breathing movement: NormalSurgical scar: Absent Discoloration: Absent2.Palpation: No pain Pain with pressure or rebound tenderness: Absent Swelling: Absent Liver: Palpable Gall bladder: Absent, no pain with pressure, negative Murphy sign Spleen: Not palpable Kidney: Not palpable Bladder: Full(distended)3.Percussion: Dullness of border of liver: On right, mid-clavicular line on the 5th ICS(Upper border) of a length of about 9 cm , no percussion pain on the region of the liver or gall bladder Dullness of border of spleen: Left mid-axillary line 9-11th ICS, about 9 cm No shifting dullness, no percussion pain of the costophrenic region.4.Auscultation: Borborygmus: Normal No metallic sound5. Others: None特殊检查(Special Examination):MRI: Intracranial CT scan shows no change, renal atrophy with multiple stones mainly in bladder, left ureter. There is gall bladder bile duct stone. There is pneumonia with bilateral pleural effusion. Bilateral centrum ovale multiple lacunar white matter changes in atherosclerotic lesions of chronic sinusitisLabs Data:2013/07/28 Csf culture:protein+, wbc 356*10^6/L,Monocyte 85%,cl 119mmol/l,Glucose 1.74mmol/L, protein 1.79 g/lCSF culture2013/07/31 CSF: RBC18*10^6/L , WBC 220 *10^6/L , Monocyte: 90%,CSF biochemistry : CL 115mmol/L , Glucose 1.91 mmol/L, Protein 1.68g/L , ADA : 6U/L初步诊断(Primary Diagnosis):Intracranial infectionTuberculous meningitis。
英文个人简历中常见的表达(中英文对照)个人素质和个性A Useful Glossary for Personal Qualitiesable 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办理仔细的candid 正直的charitable 宽厚的competent能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dashing 有一股子冲动劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的discreet (在行动、说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressivity 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的forceful (性格)坚强的frank直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的generous 宽宏大量genteel有教养的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative 首创精神have an inquiring mind爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的inventive有发明才能,有创造力的just 正直的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal 忠心耿耿的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的original 有独创性的painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的smart 精明的spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的steady 踏实的straightforward 老实的strict 严格的systematic 有系统的strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的A Useful Glossary for Personal Data name 姓名alias 别名pen name 笔名date of birth 出生日期birth date 出生日期born 生于birthplace 出生地点birthday 生日age 年龄native place 籍贯province 省city 市autonomous region 自治区prefecture专区country县nationality 民族;国籍citizenship 国籍duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址current address 目前住址present address 目前住址permanent address 永久住址postal code 邮政编码home phone 住宅电话office phone 办公电话Tel.电话Mobile 手机E-mail 邮箱ext.分机gender/sex 性别male 男female 女Mr.先生Miss 小姐Mrs.太太Ms (小姐或太太)height 身高cm. 厘米ft. 英尺in 英寸weight 体重kg 公斤lbs 磅marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚single 未婚unmarried 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数none 无street 街lane 胡同,巷road 路district 区Floor 楼层tower A A 座Mansion 大厦house number 门牌health 健康状况blood type 血型A A型B B型O O型excellent(身体)极佳very good 很好good 好strong 强壮short-sighted 近视far-sighted 远视color-blind 色盲ID card 身份证No. 号码date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员、资格president 会长director 理事standing director 常务理事secretary-general 秘书长society 学会association 协会research society 研究会January (Jan.) 一月February (Feb.) 二月March (Mar.)三月April(Apr.) 四月May 五月June 六月July 七月August (Aug.)八月September (Sept.) 九月October (Oct.)十月November (Nov.) 十一月December (De工作经历相关中英文词汇A Useful Glossary for Work Experience work experience 工作经历work history 工作经历occupational history 工作经历professional 职业经历employment 工作employment history 工作经历experience 经历business experience 工作经历specific experience 具体经历employment record 工作经历business history 工作经历employment experience工作经历business background 工作经历position 职位job title职位responsibilities 职责duties 职责second job 第二职业achievements 工作成就,业绩administer 管理assist 辅助adapted to 适应于accomplish 完成(任务等)appointed 被任命的adept in 善于analyze 分析authorized 委任的;核准的behave 表现break the record 打破记录control 控制breakthrough 惊人的进展,关键问题的解决conduct 经营,处理cost 成本;费用create 创造demonstrate 证明,示范decrease 减少design 设计develop 开发,发挥devise 设计,发明direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番earn 获得,赚取effect 效果,作用eliminate 消除enlarge 扩大enrich 使丰富exploit开发(资源,产品)enliven 搞活establish 设立(公司等);使开业;确立evaluation 估价,评价执行实行,实施expand 推广;扩大expedite 加快;促进export 出口found 创立generate 产生good at 擅长于guide 指导;操纵implement 完成,实施import 进口improve 改进,提高increase 增加influence 影响initiate 创始,开创introduce 采用,引进innovate 改革,革新inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的install 安装invest 投资integrate 使结合;使一体化invent 发明justified 经证明的;合法化的launch 开办(新企业)lead 领导lengthen 延长lessen 减少(生产成本)level 水平localize 使地方化manage 管理,经营make 制造maintain 保持;维修manufacture 制造modernize 使现代化mastered 精通的motivate 促进,激发negotiate 谈判nominated 被提名的;被任命的operate 操作,开动(机器等),经营(厂矿)originate 创始,发明organize 组织overcome 克服(困难等)participate in 参加perfect 使完善;改善perform 执行,履行plan 计划promote 生产,制造profit 利润promote 推销(商品);创立(企业等)be promoted to 被提升为be proposed as 被提名为;被推荐为provide 提供,供应raise 提高reach 达到realize 实现(目标等);获得(利润)receive 收到,得到,接受reckon 计算(成本等)recognize 认清(职责等)recommended 被推荐的;被介绍的reconsolidate 重新巩固;重新整顿reconstruct 重建recorded 记载的recover 恢复;弥补rectify 整顿,调整redouble 加倍,倍增reduce 减少,降低(成本等)refine 精练,精制reform 改革registered 已注册的regenerate 更新,使更生regularize 使系统化regulate 控制(费用等)re-handle 重铸;重新处理rehash 以新形式处理(旧材料)reinforce 加强renew 重建,换新renovate 革新;修理repair 修复,修补replace 接替,替换representative 代表,代理人research 调查,研究resolve 解决set 创造(纪录等)settle 解决(问题等)shorten 减低......效能show 显示,表明significant 重要的,有效的simplify 简化,精简sort out 清理speed up 加速sponsor 主办spread 传播,扩大solve 解决standard 标准,规格streamline 把......设计流线型strengthen 加强,巩固study 研究succeed 成功supervise 监督,管理supply 供给,满足(需要) systematize 使系统化target 目标,指标test 试验,检验top 头等的,最高的total 总数,总额translate 翻译,转化travel 旅行well-trained 训练有素的type 打字unify 使成一体,统一use 使用,运用utilize 利用valuable 有价值的useful 有用的verify 证实,证明vivify 使活跃work 工作,起作用worth 使......钱的,有......价值的advanced worker先进工作者working model 劳动模范excellent Party member 优秀党员excellent League member 优秀团员教育程度中英文词汇对照A Useful Glossary for Educational Backgroundeducation 学历educational background 教育程度educational history 学历curriculum 课程major 主修minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程courses completed 所学课程special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作vacation jobs 假期工作刷新er course 进修课程extracurricular activies 体育活动recreational activities娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金"Three Goods" student "三好"学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会off-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制academic year 学年semester 学期(美)term 学期(英)president 校长vice-president 副校长academic dean 教务员department chairman 系主任professor 教授associate professor 副教授guest professor 客座教授lecturer 讲师teaching assistant 助教research fellow 研究员research assistant 助理研究员supervisor 论文导师principal 中学校长(美)headmaster 中小学校长(英)master 小学校长(美)dean of students 教务长dean of students 教导主任 teacher 教师probation teacher 代课教师tutor 家庭教师governess 女家庭教师intelligence quotient 智商pass 及格fail 不及格marks 分数grades 分数scores 分数examination 考试grade 年级class 班级monitor 班长vice-monitor 副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization组织委员commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员degree 学位post doctorate 博士后doctor (Ph.D.) 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士student 学生graduate student 研究生abroad student 留学生returned student 回国留学生foreign student 外国留学生undergraduate 大学肄业生;(尚未取得学位的)大学生senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生Junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生freshman大学一年级学生guest student 旁听生(英)auditor 旁听生(美)government-supported student 公费生commoner 自费生extern 走读生day-student 走读生intern 实习生prize fellow 奖学金生boarder 寄宿生classmate 同班同学schoolmate 同校同学graduate 毕业生各系英文名称对照Listed in the Order of the English Alphabet会计系 Dept. of Accounting农业系 Dept.of Agriculture农业经济系 Dept.of Agricultural Economics农业化学系 Dept.of Agricultural Chemistry农业工程系 Dept.of Agricultural Engineering 畜牧系 Dept.of Animal Husbandry人类学系 Dept.of Anthropology应用数学系 Dept.of Applied Mathematics建筑系 Dept. of Architecture考古学系 Dept.of Archaeology天文系 Dept.of Astronomy原子能系 Dept.of Atomic Energy解剖系 Dept. of Anatomy金融系 Dept.of Banking工商管理系 Dept.of Business Administration 生物学系 Dept.of Biology生物化学系 Dept.of Biochemistry植物学系 Dept.of Botany细菌学系 Dept.of Bacteriology中文系 Dept.of Chinese化学系 Dept.of Chemistry化学工程系 Dept.of Chemical Engineering控制工程系 Dept. of Control Engineering电信工程系 Dept. of Communication Engineering 计算机科学系 Dept.of Computer Science电脑资讯系 Dept.of Computer Information土木工程系 Dept.of Civil Engineering舞蹈系 Dept. of Dance牙科学系 Dept.of Dentistry营养学系 Dept.of Dietetics外交学系 Dept.of Diplomacy经济系 Dept.of Economics教育系 Dept.of Education工业设计系 Dept. of Industrial Design工程系 Dept.of Engineering环境工程系 Dept.of Environmental Engineering 英语系 Dept. of English昆虫系 Dept.of Entomology电子物理系 Dept.of Electrophysics电子工程系 Dept.of Electronic Engineering电机工程系 Dept.of Electrical Engineering眼耳鼻喉系 Dept. of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 渔业学系 Dept.of Fishery水产学系 Dept.of Fishery Technology食品科学系 Dept.of Food Science外语系 Dept. of Foreign Languages森林系 Dept.of Forestry遗传系 Dept.of Genetics地理系 Dept.of Geography地质系 Dept. of Geology地球物理系 Dept.of Geophysics历史系 Dept.of History园艺系 Dept.of Horticulture国际关系学系Dept.of International Relations 国际贸易系 Dept. of International Trade工业管理系 Dept.of Industrial Management新闻学系 Dept. of Journalism法律系 Dept.of Law图书管理系 Dept.of Library Management文学系 Dept.of Literature机械工程系 Dept.of Mechanical Engineering治金系 Dept.of Metallurgy管理科学系 Dept.of Management Science大众传播系 Dept.of Mass Communication医学系 Dept.of Medical Science海洋运输学系Dept.of Marine Transportation 航海技术系 Dept.of Maritime Technology数学系 Dept.of Mathematics气象系 Dept.of Meteorology矿业系 Dept.of Mining核子工程系 Dept.of Nuclear Engineering护理系 Dept.of Nursing航海学系 Dept.of Navigation海洋科学系 Dept.of Nautical Science造船学系 Dept.of Naval Architecture东方语言系 Dept.of Oriental languages海洋学系 Dept.of Oceanography海洋气象学系Dept. of Ocean Meteorology石油系 Dept.of Oil药学系 Dept.of Pharmacology病理学系 Dept.of Pathology政治系 Dept.of Political Science物理系 Dept.of Physics体育系 Dept.of Physical Culture生理学系 Dept.of Physiology植物病虫学系Dept.of Plant Pathology植物生理系 Dept.of Plant Physiology哲学系 Dept. of Philosophy电力物理系 Dept.of Power Physics印刷系 Dept.of Printing公共卫生学系Dept.of Public Health卫生工程学系Dept.of Sanitary Engineering土壤系 Dept. of Soil纺织系 Dept.of Spinning社会学系 Dept.of Sociology测量系 Dept.of Survey纺织工程系 Dept.of Textile Engineering戏剧系 Dept.of Theatricals运输管理系 Dept.of Transportation Management兽医学系 Dept. of Veterinary Medicine水利系 Dept. of Water Conservancy水土保持系 Dept. of Water & Soil Maintenance Engineering西方语言系 Dept. of Western Languages动物学系 Dept.of Zoology英文简历中不该出现的话致命的大错"Finished 8th in my high school graduating class of 10." "Qualifications: No education or experience.""I am relatively intelligent, obedient and loyal as a puppy.""My compensation should be at least equal to my age.""Reason for Leaving: It had to do with the IRS, FBI and SEC.""Fired because I fought for lower pay.""Size of employer: Very tall, probably over 6'5" ." "Please disregard the enclosed resume-it is terribly out of date." "Reason for Leaving: My boss said the end of the world is near.""Reason for Leaving: The owner gave new meaning to the word 'paranoia.' I prefer to elaborate privately."打字错误与语法错误"Here are my qualifications for you to overlook.""Strengths: Ability to meet deadlines while maintaining composer.""I am a rabid typist.""Work History: Performed brain wave tests,1879-1981.""After receiving advice from several different angels, I have decided to pursue a new line of work.""Accounting cleric.""As indicted, I have over five years of experience analyzing investments.""Suspected to graduate early next year.""Disposed of $2.5 billion in assets.""Proven ability to track down and correct erors.""Accomplishments: Oversight of entire department.""Am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details.""Accomplishments: Completed 11 years of high school."不应有的幽默"Note: Keep this resume on top of the stack. Use all others to heat your house.""Assisted in daily preparation of large quantities of consumable items in a fast-paced setting." (Translation: Short-order cook.)"But wait...there's more. You get all this business knowledge plus a grasp of marketing that is second nature.""I have an excellent track record, although I am not a horse.""My fortune 小甜饼 said, 'Your next interview will result in a job'-and I like your company in particular.""Title: Another resume from the 'Profiles in Excellence' series.""Also Known As: Mr. Productivity, Mr. Clever, Mr.Fix-it.""Trustworthy references available upon request-if I give them a few bucks.""Let's meet so you can 'ooh' and 'ahh' over my experience."。
简历英文单词:个人资料name 姓名alias 别名pen name 笔名date of birth 出生日期birth date 出生日期born 出生于birth place 出生地点age 年龄native place 籍贯province 省city 市autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区county 县nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码home phone 住宅电话office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话sex 性别male 男female 女height 身高weight 体重marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数none 无street 街lane 胡同,巷road 路district 区house number 门牌health 健康状况health condition 健康状况blood type 血型short-sighted 近视far-sighted 远视color-blind 色盲ID card No.身份证号码date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长vice-president 副会长director 理事standing director 常务理事secretary general 秘书长society 学会association 协会research society 研究会教育程度education 学历educational background 教育程度educational history 学历curriculum 课程major 主修minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程courses completed 所学课程special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作vacation jobs 假期工作refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金“Three Goods” student 三好学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会off-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制academic year 学年semester 学期(美)term 学期 (英)president 校长vice-president 副校长dean 院长assistant dean 副院长academic dean 教务长department chairman 系主任professor 教授associate professor 副教授guest professor 客座教授lecturer 讲师teaching assistant助教research fellow 研究员research assistant 助理研究员supervisor 论文导师principal 中学校长(美) headmaster 中学校长(英)master 小学校长 (美)dean of studies 教务长dean of students 教导主任dean of students 教导主任teacher 教师probation teacher 代课教师tutor 家庭教师governess 女家庭教师intelligence quotient 智商pass 及格fail 不及格marks 分数grades 分数scores 分数examination 考试grade 年级class 班级monitor 班长vice-monitor副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization 组织委员commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员degree 学位post doctorate 博士后doctor (Ph.D) 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士student 学生graduate student研究生abroad student 留学生returned student 回国留学生foreign student 外国学生undergraduate 大学肄业生senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生Junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生freshman 大学一年级学生guest student 旁听生(英)auditor 旁听生(美)government-supported student 公费生commoner 自费生extern 走读生day-student 走读生intern 实习生prize fellow 奖学金生boarder 寄宿生classmate 同班同学schoolmate 同校同学graduate 毕业生工作经历accomplish 完成(任务等) achievements 工作成就,业绩adapted to 适应于adept in 善于administer 管理advanced worker 先进工作者analyze 分析appointed 被任命的assist 辅助authorized 委任的;核准的be promoted to 被提升为be proposed as 被提名为;被推荐为behave 表现breakthrough 惊人的进展,关键问题的解决break the record 打破记录business background 工作经历business experience 工作经历business history 工作经历conduct 经营,处理control 控制cost 成本;费用create 创造decrease 减少demonstrate 证明,示范design 设计develop 开发,发挥devise 设计,发明direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番duties 职责earn 获得,赚取effect 效果,作用eliminate 消除employment experience工作经历employment record 工作经历employment 工作enlarge 扩大enliven 搞活enrich 使丰富establish 设立(公司等);使开业;确立evaluation 估价,评价excellent League member 优秀团员excellent Party member 优秀党员execute 实行,实施expand 推广;扩大expedite 加快;促进experience 经历exploit开发(资源,产品)export 出口found 创立generate 产生good at 擅长于guide 指导;操纵implement 完成,实施import 进口improve 改进,提高increase 增加influence 影响initiate 创始,开创innovate 改革,革新inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的install 安装integrate 使结合;使一体化introduce 采用,引进invent 发明invest 投资job title 职位justified 经证明的;合法化的launch 开办(新企业)lead 领导lengthen 延长lessen 减少(生产成本)level 水平localize 使地方化maintain 保持;维修make 制造manage 管理,经营manufacture 制造mastered 精通的modernize 使现代化motivate 促进,激发negotiate 谈判nominated 被提名的;被任命的occupational history 工作经历operate 操作,开动(机器等),经营(厂矿) organize 组织originate 创始,发明overcome 克服(困难等)participate in 参加perfect 使完善;改善perform 执行,履行plan 计划position 职位professional history 职业经历professional 职业经历profit 利润promote 生产,制造promote 推销(商品);创立(企业)等provide 提供,供应raise 提高reach 达到realize 实现(目标等);获得(利润) receive 收到,得到,接受recognize 认清(职责等) recommended 被推荐的;被介绍的reconsolidate 重新巩固;重新整顿reconstruct 重建recorded 记载的recover恢复;弥补rectify 整顿,调整redouble 加倍,倍增reduce 减少,降低(成本等) refine 精练,精制reform 改革regenerate 更新,使更生registered 已注册的regularize 使系统化regulate 控制(费用等) rehandle 重铸;重新处理rehash以新形式处理(旧材料) reinforce 加强reckon 计算(成本等)renew 重建,换新renovate 革新;修理repair 修复,修补replace 接替,替换representative 代表,代理人research 调查,研究resolve 解决responsibilities 职责second job 第二职业set 创造(纪录等)settle 解决(问题等) shorten 减低……效能show 显示,表明significant 重要的,有效的simplify 简化,精简solve 解决sort out 清理specific experience 具体经历speed up 加速sponsor 主办spread 传播,扩大standard 标准,规格streamline 把……设计流线型strengthen 加强,巩固study研究succeed 成功supervise 监督,管理supply 供给,满足(需要) systematize 使系统化target 目标,指标test 试验,检验top 头等的,最高的total 总数,总额translate 翻译,转化travel 旅行unify 使成一体,统一use 使用,运用useful 有用的utilize 利用valuable 有价值的vivify 使活跃well-trained 训练有素的work experience 工作经历work history 工作经历work 工作,起作用working model 劳动模范worth 使……钱的,有……价值的个人品质able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的candid 正直的charitable 宽厚的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达faithful守信的,忠诚的forceful (性格)坚强的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的generous 宽宏大量的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative 首创精神have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal 忠心耿耿的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的smart 精明的spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的steady 塌实的straightforward 老实的strict 严格的systematic 有系统的strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的其它内容objective 目标career objective 职业目标employment objective 工作目标position wanted 希望职位job objective 工作目标position applied for 申请职位position sought 谋求职位position desired 希望职位for more specialized work 为更专门的工作for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任for wider experience 为扩大工作经验due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会sought a better job 找到了更好的工作to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作。
外国人体格检查记录PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER姓名 Name性别□男Male Sex □女 Female 岀生日期 年 月 日Date of Birth y. m. d. 现在通迅地址 Prese nt maili ng adderss 血型 Blood Type国籍 Nation ality出生地 Birth Place (Put ospital seal across the photo )照片 Photo 过去是否患有下列疾病:每项后面请回答“否”或“是 Have you ever had any of the followi ng diseases?(Each ietm must be an swered Yes"or No"No Yes No | — Yes 斑疹伤寒 Typhus fever —N O — Yes 细菌性痢疾 Bacillary dysentery 小儿麻痹症 Poliomyelitis '— N O | Yes 布氏杆菌病 Brucellosis 匚 No 二 Yes 病毒性肝炎 Viral hepatitis | | No Yes猩红热 Scarlet fever | | No | Yes 产褥期链球菌 Puerperal streptococcus — N O [_ Yes 回归热Relapsing fever | NO Yes 感 染『fection _J No — Yes Diphtheri a 伤寒和副伤寒 Typhoid and paratyphoid fever_ No | Yes No | Yes 是否患有下列危及公共秩序和安全的病症: (每项后面请回答:“否”或“是”) Do you have any of the follow ing diseases or disorders endan geri ng the public order and secure? (Each item most be answered Yes" or No ”)毒物瘾 Toxicomani a …精神错乱 Me ntal co nfusi on 精神病Psychosis :躁狂型 妄想型幻觉型 流行性脑脊髓膜炎 Epidemic cerebrosp inal menin gitisManic psychosis …• Paranoid psychosis • Halluc in atorypsychosis □ No □Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No□Yes身 高/Height (厘米/cm )体 重/Weight (公斤/kg ) 血压 /Pressure Blood (毫米汞柱 /mmHg )发育情况 Developme nt营养情况 Nourishme nt 颈部Neck视力 Visio n 辨色力 /Color sense 矫正视力 Corrected visio n 皮肤/Skin耳 /Ears 鼻 /Nose 心 /Heart肺/Lungs 眼 Eyes淋巴结 /Lymph nodes扁桃体/Tonsils腹部 /Abdomen(注:表格素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。
缩略语顺序版汇总ADSLAsymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line的缩写,非对称数字用户线路,又名网络快车。
APECAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation的缩写,即亚太经济合作组织。
AQAdversity Quotient的缩写,逆境商数,指一个人处理逆境的能力。
ATMAutomatic Teller Machine的缩写,即自动柜员机,又称自动取款机。
BBSBulletin Board System的缩写,公告牌系统或电子公告板。
BSSBase Station System的缩写,即基站系统,指移动通信中的空中接口部分。
CARMChinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine的缩写,即中国康复医学会。
CATVCommunity Antenna Television的缩写,即有线电视。
CBDCentral Business District的缩写,又称中央商务区。
CCELChina Certification Committee for Environment Labeling Production的缩写,即中国环境标志产品认证委员会。
CD-ROMCompact Disk- Read Only Memory的缩写,即光盘只读存储器,也就是人们常说的光驱。
CEOChief Executive Officer的缩写,即首席执行官。
CETCollege English Test的缩写,即大学英语(论坛)测试。
CFOChief Finance Officer的缩写,即首席财务主管。
CGFNSCommission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools的缩写,即外国护士毕业生委员会。
CGOChief Government Officer的缩写,即首席沟通主管,主要负责与政府机构之间的交流与沟通。
physical exam
![physical exam](
1 reviews the blood:Color, volume, can be divided into plasma and the formed elements Two functions of blood, transportation and maintenanceThree types of blood cells: erythrocytes, leucocytes, thrombocytes RBCs function, produced in membranous bones,Exhausted erythrocytes break down and consumed by reticuloendothelial cells.WBCs can be divided into granulocytes and agranulocytes Granulocytes can be further divided into neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.Lymphocytes and monocytes are the examples of agranulocytes.The primary function of engulf and destroy foreign substances. Platelets are fragments of megakaryocytic. The platelets seal holes in small blood vessels.Plasma is about 90% water and 10% protein. Plasma provides a suspension medium for the formed elements of the blood.Several substances are contained in plasma.Albumin, fibrinogen and prothrombin, globulin, body nutrients, electrolyte, wastes, hormones, enzymes, antibodiesProcess of coagulationHow to stop bleedingBlood types2. Introduce the new text: general principles of physical examinations DefinitionDuring a physical examination, a health care provider studies a patient's body to determine the presence or absence of physical problems.A typical physical examination includes:∙Inspection (looking at the body)∙Palpation (feeling the body with hands)∙Auscultation (listening to sounds)Whilst the format of examination as listed below is largely as taught and expected of medical students, a specialist will focus on their particular field and the nature of the problem described by the patient. Hence a cardiologist will not in routine practice undertake neurological parts of the examination other than noting that the patient is able to use all four limbs on entering the consultation room and during the consultation become aware of their hearing, eyesight and speech. Likewise an Orthopaedic surgeon will examine the affected joint, but may only briefly check the heart sounds and chest to ensure that there is not likely to be any contraindication to surgery raised by the anaesthetist.A complete physical examination includes evaluation of general patient appearance and specific organ systems. It is recorded in the medical record in a standard layout which facilitates others later reading the notes. In practice the Vital signs of Temperature examination, Pulse and Blood pressure are usually measured first.Contents[hide]∙1V ital Signso 1.1Temperatureo 1.2Blood pressureo 1.3Pulseo 1.4Respiratory rate∙2Basic biometricso 2.1Heighto 2.2Weighto 2.3Pain∙3Structure of the written examination recordo 3.1General appearanceo 3.2Organ systems∙4See also∙3. read the new wordsText explanation4. review the main idea of the text5 Homework;DictationPreview the terminology6. Watch the film。
血常规Blood Routine
尿常规Urine Routine
Neuropsychiatric System
Genitournary System
Corrected vision L R
Color sense
Hearing Left Right
Abdomen Ultrasound(Liver,Gallbladder,Spleen,Kidney)
Chest X-ray
梅毒血清学检测Syphilis Serology
Birth DaymonthYear
体检后随访制度及流程Medical Examination Follow-up System and Process.Purpose:To ensure timely and comprehensive follow-up of abnormal findings on physical examinations.To track the resolution or management of identified health issues.To enhance patient safety and continuity of care.Process:1. Physical Examination:Abnormal findings or potential health concerns are identified during the physical examination.2. Notification of Patient:The patient is informed of the abnormal findings andthe need for further evaluation or treatment.A written summary of the findings is provided to the patient.3. Follow-up Appointment Scheduling:The patient is scheduled for a follow-up appointment based on the severity and urgency of the findings.The appointment time is coordinated with the patient's availability and preferences.4. Follow-up Evaluation:At the follow-up appointment, the patient undergoes additional diagnostic tests or evaluations as necessary.The results of the tests and examinations are reviewed.5. Management or Treatment Plan:Based on the follow-up evaluation, a management or treatment plan is developed in consultation with the patient.Medications, procedures, or lifestyle modifications may be prescribed.6. Monitoring and Surveillance:The patient's condition is monitored regularly through follow-up appointments or remote monitoring systems.The frequency and duration of monitoring depend on the nature of the health issue.7. Documentation and Communication:All follow-up activities and findings are documentedin the patient's medical record.The patient's primary care physician and any other relevant healthcare providers are kept informed of the follow-up process and outcomes.8. Closure of Follow-up:The follow-up is closed when the abnormal findings have been resolved or managed effectively.The closure date and outcome are documented in the medical record.中文回答:体检后随访制度及流程。
The foreigners, who intend to study or work in China for 6 months or more, should go through a physical examination before they come to China according to the requirements of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners.2.外籍人员入境前的健康体检应由所在国公立医院或我使馆认定医院检查,检查结果、健康证明书由当地公证机关及我国使(领)馆认证。
The physical examination should be done in a public hospital or a hospital recognized by Chinese Embassy. Result of the examination should be notarized by local notarizing authority and certified by Chinese Embassy. The hospital seal is supposed to be put across the photo on the Examination Record. Seal of hospital, signature of physician, and date of examination are required. Otherwise, the record will be viewed as invalid.3.体检项目应包括国际检疫传染病、爱滋病、性病、开放性肺结核病、精神病、麻风病等,血清学检验报告单应包括Anti-HIV, RPR, TPPA, HbsAg, AntiHCV, ALT/GPT等项目,X光检查报告及胸片。
办理外国人就业证流程 Alien Employment Permit Process
![办理外国人就业证流程 Alien Employment Permit Process](
外国人就业证流程Alien Employment Permit Process第一步办理外国人就业许可证书(用人单位至人力资源和社会保障部门办理)Step 1. Applying for Alien Employment License (The company submits related documents to Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security).1. 外国人就业申请表(三份,固定表格)Application form for foreigner’s employment in China ( three copies, standard form) 2. 拟聘用外国人的报告Report of employing foreigner3. 聘用意向书Offer of employment4. 外国人的履历证明(中文)Resume of foreigner (In Chinese)5. 外国人从事所聘工作的资格证明,如学历证明,技能资格证明(以上证明均需原件及正规翻译社翻译件)Qualification certificate of foreigner for engaging in job, for example, diploma of university, Skills qualification (The above certificate must be original and translation by formal translation agency).6. 外国人的健康证明原件及复印件The original and the copy of physical examination record of foreigner7. 无犯罪记录证明(需原件及正规翻译社翻译件)Certification of non-criminal records (It must be original and translation by formal translation agency).8. 外国人的护照复印件The copy of passport of foreigner9. 企业营业执照复印件及外商投资企业批准证书复印件The copies of Enterprise Business License and Certificate of Approval资料齐全可以立即领取外国人就业许可证书。
医学常用疾病诊断方法中英文翻译Medical Common Disease Diagnostic Methods Translation (医学常用疾病诊断方法中英文翻译)With the advancement of medical technology, diagnostic methods for various diseases continue to evolve and improve. Accurate and efficient communication is essential when discussing medical conditions or diagnostic procedures internationally. Therefore, it becomes crucial to have accurate translations of medical terms and diagnostic methods in both Chinese and English. In this article, we will provide translations for commonly used diagnostic methods in the field of medicine.1. Physical Examination (体格检查)Physical examination is a fundamental diagnostic method used by medical professionals to evaluate a patient's overall health condition. It involves a comprehensive assessment of the patient's physical appearance, vital signs, and organ systems. The translation for "Physical Examination" in Chinese is "体格检查."2. Laboratory Tests (化验检查)Laboratory tests play a vital role in diagnosing diseases by analyzing samples of blood, urine, tissue, or other body fluids. These tests help detect abnormalities in the patient's body and provide valuable information for diagnosis. The translation for "Laboratory Tests" in Chinese is "化验检查."3. Radiography (放射学检查)Radiography is a diagnostic method that utilizes X-rays or other forms of radiation to produce images of the internal structures of the body. It is commonly used to detect fractures, tumors, infections, and other abnormalities. The translation for "Radiography" in Chinese is "放射学检查."4. Computed Tomography (CT) Scan (计算机断层扫描)A CT scan uses a series of X-ray images taken from different angles to create cross-sectional images of the body. It provides detailed information about the patient's organs, tissues, and bones. The translation for "Computed Tomography (CT) Scan" in Chinese is "计算机断层扫描."5. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (磁共振成像)MRI is a non-invasive diagnostic method that uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the body's internal structures. It is particularly useful for examining soft tissues, such as the brain, muscles, and joints. The translation for "Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)" in Chinese is "磁共振成像."6. Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) (心电图)An electrocardiogram is a diagnostic method used to monitor and record the electrical activity of the heart. It helps assess the heart's rhythm, detect any abnormalities, and diagnose cardiac conditions. The translation for "Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)" in Chinese is "心电图."7. Ultrasound (超声波检查)Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create real-time images of internal organs, tissues, and blood flow. It is commonly used in obstetrics and gynecology to monitor pregnancies and diagnose conditions. The translation for "Ultrasound" in Chinese is "超声波检查."8. Endoscopy (内窥镜检查)Endoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic method that involves inserting a flexible tube with a light and camera into the body to visualize internal organs or tissues. It is used to examine the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and other organs for abnormalities or diseases. The translation for "Endoscopy" in Chinese is "内窥镜检查."9. Biopsy (活检)A biopsy is a diagnostic procedure that involves removing a small sample of tissue or cells from the body for examination under a microscope. It helps determine the presence of diseases, such as cancer, and provides essential information for treatment planning. The translation for "Biopsy" in Chinese is "活检."10. Genetic Testing (基因检测)Genetic testing analyzes an individual's DNA to identify changes or mutations that may be associated with an inherited disorder or an increased risk of developing certain conditions. It can be used for prenatal testing, to diagnose genetic diseases, and assess the likelihood of passing on genetic conditions. The translation for "Genetic Testing" in Chinese is "基因检测."In conclusion, accurate translations of medical terms and diagnostic methods are crucial for effective international communication in the field of medicine. By providing the translations for commonly used diagnostic methods in both Chinese and English, this article aims to facilitate better understanding and collaboration among medical professionals worldwide.。
MEMORANDUMTO: Joe KimmellJi-Qing liu.FROM: Rosa LiDate: August 12, 2003RE: Work and Resident Permit Application for Edward Williams in Qingdao_____________________________________________________________________Foreigners working in China on a long term (usually over 6 months) are required to obtain Z-Visa (working visa), alien employment permit and resident permit to legally work and reside in China. The family members of such foreign employees (spouse and children under 18) who intend to move to China together and stay in China on a long term may apply for Z-visa and resident permit together with the foreign employee. The work permit for Edward Williams and resident permits for his family will need to be applied in Qingdao since currently Qingdao is the only official office of the firm in China. The following are procedures for the application.I.Alien Employment LicenseThe first step is to apply for an Alien Employment License (“License”) from the labor and social security authority, which is a temporary employment permit and the formal employment permit will be obtained after he arrives in China. Documents required for application of the License are as follows:1.Application letter from QD office, stating reason for employment;2.Photocopy of the Approval of QD office;3.Resume of Edward (including education and complete working experience);4.Employment certificate issued by QD office;5. A copy of the Physical Examination Record For Foreigner (attached) issuedby a government owned hospital in the US;6. A copy of the passport of Edward.It usually takes 5 working days to get the License.W e need item 3, 5, 6 from Edward to start the process.II.Z-Visa Application NoticeAfter obtaining the License, we will apply for the Z-Visa Application Notice for Edward and his family, which is required for application for Z-visa at the Chinese embassy or consulate in the US. Documents required are:1.Alien Employment License;2.Application letter by QD office.3.Marriage certificate with spouse;4.Birth certificates of children (under 18).W e need item 3 and 4 from Edward to obtain the Notice.We will mail the License and the Notice to Edward for him and his family to apply for Z-visas once we obtain them.III. Z-Visa ApplicationEdward and his family need to apply for the Z-visa at the Chinese embassy or consulate in the US. The following documents are required:1.Application Form (attached)2.Alien Employment License3.Z-Visa Application Notice4.Physical Examination Record For Foreigner (for each family member)(This record needs to be notarized and authenticated in the US before it isused in China.)5.Passport of each family member6.Passport photos of each family member.After the immigration officer examines the original of the Alien Employment License, only a photocopy of the License (front and back) needs to be submitted and the original shall be take back after obtaining the Z-Visa because it is needed for application of the Alien Employment Permit after his entry into China.Some of the embassy or consulate does not return it to the applicant unless requested.IV Alien Employment PermitThe Physical Examination Record, if notarized and authenticated, can be taken to the Entry and Exit Inspection and Quarantine Center for recognition and a certificate will be issued if it is recognized. If it is not recognized, another physical examinationshall be conducted at the center and a certificate will be issued. Edward shall apply for the Alien Employment Permit within 15 days after his entry into China. Document required for the Alien Employment Permit are as follows:1. Application letter by QD office;2.Alien Employment License (original);3.Passport;4.Heath certificate;5.Passport photo (3 copies);It takes 5 working days to get the Alien Employment Permit.V.Foreigner Residence PermitWithin 30 days after their entry into China, Edward and his family shall apply for the Foreigner Residence Permit. Documents required are:1.Passports with Z-visa;2.Application letter by QD office;3.Photocopy of the marriage certificate and birth certificate of Children;4.Approval of QD office;5.Alien Employment Permit;6.Health certificates;7.Passport photo (3 copies for each family member).It takes 5 working days to get the Foreigner Resident Permit.After obtaining the Foreigner Resident Permits, Edward can legally work in China and he and his family can legally reside in China. The term of the Z-Visa, Alien Employment Permit and the Foreign Resident Permit is one year and need to be renewed within 30 days prior to expiration.。
外语系毕业生必读来源:徐媛媛的日志个人资料name 姓名alias 别名pen name 笔名date of birth 出生日期birth date 出生日期born 出生于birth place 出生地点age 年龄native place 籍贯province 省city 市autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区county 县nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码home phone 住宅电话office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话sex 性别male 男female 女height 身高weight 体重marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数none 无street 街lane 胡同,巷road 路district 区house number 门牌health 健康状况health condition 健康状况blood type 血型short-sighted 近视far-sighted 远视color-blind 色盲ID card No.身份证号码date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长vice-president 副会长director 理事standing director 常务理事secretary general 秘书长society 学会association 协会research society 研究会教育程度education 学历educational background 教育程度educational history 学历curriculum 课程major 主修minor 副修educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程courses completed 所学课程special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作vacation jobs 假期工作refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动rewards 奖励scholarship 奖学金"Three Goods" student 三好学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会off-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制academic year 学年semester 学期(美)term 学期(英)president 校长vice-president 副校长dean 院长assistant dean 副院长academic dean 教务长department chairman 系主任professor 教授associate professor 副教授guest professor 客座教授lecturer 讲师teaching assistant助教research fellow 研究员research assistant 助理研究员supervisor 论文导师principal 中学校长(美)headmaster 中学校长(英)master 小学校长(美)dean of studies 教务长dean of students 教导主任dean of students 教导主任teacher 教师probation teacher 代课教师tutor 家庭教师governess 女家庭教师intelligence quotient 智商pass 及格fail 不及格marks 分数grades 分数scores 分数examination 考试grade 年级class 班级monitor 班长vice-monitor副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization 组织委员commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员degree 学位post doctorate 博士后doctor (Ph.D) 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士student 学生graduate student研究生abroad student 留学生returned student 回国留学生foreign student 外国学生undergraduate 大学肄业生senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生Junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生freshman 大学一年级学生guest student 旁听生(英)auditor 旁听生(美)government-supported student 公费生commoner 自费生extern 走读生day-student 走读生intern 实习生prize fellow 奖学金生boarder 寄宿生classmate 同班同学schoolmate 同校同学graduate 毕业生工作经历accomplish 完成(任务等)achievements 工作成就,业绩adapted to 适应于adept in 善于administer 管理advanced worker 先进工作者analyze 分析appointed 被任命的assist 辅助authorized 委任的;核准的be promoted to 被提升为be proposed as 被提名为;被推荐为behave 表现breakthrough 惊人的进展,关键问题的解决break the record 打破记录business background 工作经历business experience 工作经历business history 工作经历conduct 经营,处理control 控制cost 成本;费用create 创造decrease 减少demonstrate 证明,示范design 设计develop 开发,发挥devise 设计,发明direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番duties职责earn 获得,赚取effect 效果,作用eliminate 消除employment experience工作经历employment record 工作经历employment 工作enlarge 扩大enliven 搞活enrich 使丰富establish 设立(公司等);使开业;确立evaluation 估价,评价excellent League member 优秀团员excellent Party member 优秀党员execute 实行,实施expand 推广;扩大expedite 加快;促进experience 经历exploit开发(资源,产品)export 出口found 创立generate 产生good at 擅长于guide 指导;操纵implement 完成,实施import 进口improve 改进,提高increase 增加influence 影响initiate 创始,开创innovate 改革,革新inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的install 安装integrate 使结合;使一体化introduce 采用,引进invent 发明invest 投资job title 职位justified 经证明的;合法化的launch 开办(新企业)lead 领导lengthen 延长lessen 减少(生产成本)level 水平localize 使地方化maintain 保持;维修make 制造manage 管理,经营manufacture 制造mastered 精通的modernize 使现代化motivate 促进,激发negotiate 谈判nominated 被提名的;被任命的occupational history 工作经历operate 操作,开动(机器等),经营(厂矿)organize 组织originate 创始,发明overcome 克服(困难等)participate in 参加perfect 使完善;改善perform 执行,履行plan 计划position 职位professional history 职业经历professional 职业经历profit 利润promote 生产,制造promote 推销(商品);创立(企业)等provide 提供,供应raise 提高reach 达到realize 实现(目标等);获得(利润)receive 收到,得到,接受recognize 认清(职责等)recommended 被推荐的;被介绍的reconsolidate 重新巩固;重新整顿reconstruct 重建recorded 记载的recover恢复;弥补rectify 整顿,调整redouble 加倍,倍增reduce 减少,降低(成本等)refine 精练,精制reform 改革regenerate 更新,使更生registered 已注册的regularize 使系统化regulate 控制(费用等)rehandle 重铸;重新处理rehash以新形式处理(旧材料)reinforce 加强reckon计算(成本等)renew 重建,换新renovate 革新;修理repair 修复,修补replace 接替,替换representative 代表,代理人research 调查,研究resolve 解决responsibilities 职责second job 第二职业set 创造(纪录等)settle 解决(问题等)shorten 减低......效能show 显示,表明significant 重要的,有效的simplify 简化,精简solve 解决sort out 清理specific experience 具体经历speed up 加速sponsor 主办spread 传播,扩大standard 标准,规格streamline 把......设计流线型strengthen 加强,巩固study研究succeed 成功supervise 监督,管理supply 供给,满足(需要) systematize 使系统化target 目标,指标test 试验,检验top 头等的,最高的total 总数,总额translate 翻译,转化travel 旅行unify 使成一体,统一use 使用,运用useful 有用的utilize 利用valuable 有价值的vivify 使活跃well-trained 训练有素的work experience 工作经历work history 工作经历work 工作,起作用working model 劳动模范worth 使......钱的,有......价值的个人品质able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的candid 正直的charitable 宽厚的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达faithful守信的,忠诚的forceful (性格)坚强的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative 首创精神have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal 忠心耿耿的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的original 有独创性的painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的smart 精明的spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的steady 塌实的straightforward 老实的strict 严格的systematic 有系统的strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的其它内容objective 目标career objective 职业目标employment objective 工作目标position wanted 希望职位job objective 工作目标position applied for 申请职位position sought 谋求职位position desired 希望职位for more specialized work 为更专门的工作for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任for wider experience 为扩大工作经验due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会sought a better job 找到了更好的工作to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
None of the following diseases or disorders found during the present examination:
霍 乱 Cholera
病 Venereal disease
黄热病 Yellow fever
Yes 产褥期链球菌感染 Yes Puerperal streptococcus infection
Typhoid or paratyphoid fever No Yes Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis
照片 Photo
No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
姓名 Name
现在通讯地址 Present mailing address 国籍
男 Male
女 Female
出生日期 Birth Day-Month-Year
血型 Blood Type
厘米 cm
左L 右R
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斑疹伤寒Typhus fever□No□Yes菌痢Bacillary dysentery□No□Yes
白喉Diphtheria□No□Yes病毒性肝炎Viral hepatitis□No□Yes
Do you have any of the following disease or disorders endangering the public order and security?
(Each item must be answered“Yes”or“No”)
Nervous system
Other abnormal findings
Chest X—ray exam
精神错乱Mental confusion---------------------------------------------□No□Yes
精神病Psychosis:狂躁型Manic psychosis------------------------------□No□Yes
妄想型Paranoid psychosis----------------------------□No□Yes
幻觉型Hallucinatory psychosis-----------------------□No□Yes
Height cm
Blood pressure
Date of birth
Present mailing address
Blood type
Birth Place
Have you ever had any of the following disease?
Appendix : The Physical Examination Record for Foreigner (Liver function, chest X-ray and AIDS are required items)
Corrected vision右R
Color sense
Lymph nods
Suggestion Official Stamp
Signature of physician Date
None of the following diseases or disorders found during the present examination
黄热病Yellow fever开放性肺结核Opening lung tuberculosis
猩红热Scarlet fever□No□Yes产褥期链球菌Puerperal streptococcus infection
回归热Relapsing fever□No□Yes□No□Yes
伤寒和副伤寒Typhoid and paratyphoid fever□No□Yes
流行性脑脊髓膜炎Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis□No□Yes