综合英语教程第四册4单元4-04-Part 1

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not capable of grasping, e.g. It's beyond me how a person
too much for (me)
could murder his mother.
Book 4-Unit 4
Giving Reasons
due to because (of) in (the) light of the fact that thanks to
no problem
a piece of cake make it have what it takes to
not capable of understanding or comprehending, e.g. Physics was always over my head.
over my head beyond me
Book 4-Unit 4
2. What is your attitude towards those who do not agree with your views?
Individual difference is a natural phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary not to follow the trend or let yourselves become overwhelmed by peer pressure.
be hungry for, to want something badly. e.g. He thirsted after fame and riches.
Book 4-Unit 4
much to my disappointment I don't know why rude awakening it saddens me to what a let-down how could you ... ? dashed hopes fall short of not up to expectation
Book 4-Unit 4
Pre-listening Discussion
Discuss the following questions in pairs.
1. Which of the following is your favorite?
pop music, dance party, computer games, part-time jobs, movie going, tea house, supermarket, stock market, buying house, buying cars, etc.
Book 4-Unit 4
Listen to the recording and finish the following tasks.
Task 1: Take notes and fill in the blanks. Task 2: Answer the questions on page 55.
Book 4-Unit 4
Ha, but it is hard to experience beauty and spirit in the midst of this _m__at_e_ri_a_lis_t_ic_ life we lead, this superficial age of _s_p_ir_itu_a_l_b_li_n_d_n_es_s_. People today are crazy for business, material enjoyment, money, or fame. How could I fail not becoming a hermit and _w_it_h_dr_a_w_in_g__fr_o_m_ all this nonsense, as I do not share the same pleasures that most people do today? I cannot remain __fo_r_l_o_n_g__ in either the theatre or the movie-house. I can scarcely read a newspaper, seldom a fashionable book. I cannot understand __w_h_a_t_p_le_a_s_u_re_s__an_d__jo_y_s_t_he_r_e_a_re__ that drive people to the overcrowded railways and hotels, into the packed cafes; I cannot understand how people can listen to loud screeching _m__od_e_r_n_p_o_p_s_o_n_g_s_a_n_d_m__us_i_c_, sit for hours in noisy smoky bars, watching childish variety shows on TV. I cannot understand or share these joys.
Book 4-Unit 4
Wanting and Hoping
hope to expect desire to look forward to dream of wait up for long for thirst after aspire to/for watch for have in prospect
When Albert Einstein was a child, he was very shy and timid, and he did not learn to speak until he was 3 years old. Isaac Newton was a posthumous child because his father died before he was born. His mother then married another man and Isaac had to live with his grandmother. His academic performance was very poor when he went to primary school. Because his father died, Mark Twain was forced to earn his own living when he was only 12 years old. His jobs ranged from being an apprentice in a publishing house to a sailor on a boat on the Mississippi.
Part I Listening and Speaking
Book 4-Unit 4
Listening and Speaking
Brainstorming Listening Speaking
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Book 4-Unit 4
Work with your group to think out as many words/phrases/expressions as possible about dilemmas of life.
Book 4-Unit 4
Task 1: Take notes and fill in the blanks.
The Misfit and His Fate
This is a story of a misfit, the sad story of someone who doesn't __f_i_t _in___. That is, he can't find himself a suitable position in society. That someone is me. Oh, I wasn't always a misfit. I was young once. Young like you, _f_u_ll_o_f__h_o_p_e_, _fu_l_l_o_f_d_r_e_a_m__s_. All I wanted was to wander around in nature, to have fun with friends, to wear nice clothes, to have a good job and be successful. Sound familiar to you, doesn't it? But you know, with me, things changed. I got older and _b_e_c_a_m__e_a__m_i_s_fi_t finally. Watch it, guys, it could happen to you!
as a result of
owing to
because of or due to some
for the sake of to that end
condition or reality, e.g. On account of his height, he will never be a professional basketball
abrupt, sudden, startling awareness of something disappointing and unpleasant. e.g. His failure in passing the exam was a rude awakening.
Book 4-Unit 4
able to do
very easy
unable to do
fail to do can do
possess the necessary skills, talent, aptitude to succeed, e.g. Do you have what it takes to
become a doctor?
Book 4-Unit 4
Are you thinking that I regret my past years? No. I do not regret the past. What I do regret is the present and all the hours wasted by my laziness and my content for the age of living which brings me nothing. But thank God, t_h_e_re__a_r_e_e_x_c_e_p_t_io_n_s_. There are now and then, though rarely, those moments when I experience the beauty and ____s_p_ir_it__o_f _li_fe____. I am in heaven then, and I see God in daily life, I see God everywhere. During these moments __I_a_m__a_f_ra_i_d_o_f__n_o_th_i_n_g___. I accept all things and to all things ____I_g_i_v_e_u_p__m_y__h_e_a_r_t__.
because of or due to some condition or reality, e.g. In light of the fact that she is so ill, we will not make her attend to the
on account of
by reasons of
Frustration/Being Caught in a Difficult Situation
can't make up one's mind be caught in a trap be baffled be cornered be checkmated back to the wall in a hole in deep water at wit's end be fed up
one that is too difficult to control or handle easily
Enough is enough! It's a handful! What a pain! What a load to carry! Will this ever end! I can’t stand it anymore!
Book 4-Uniห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 4
3. Use the following stories to point out that people need to experience ups and downs or vicissitudes in life in order to achieve success.
Ability or inability to do something Giving reasons Wanting and hoping Disappointment Frustration/being caught in a difficult situation
Book 4-Unit 4
Ability or Inability to Do Something
be confused or perplexed
receive a final defeat or deadlock such as in chessplaying
in a desperate situation
(colloquial) in a difficult situation
Book 4-Unit 4