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1. 目的Objective

促进公司内各职能和层次间的信息交流,从而增进理解和提高质量管理体系的有效性。 Promote the information communication among departments and levels to understand and improve the quality system effectiveness.

2. 适用范围Applicable Scopes


Be applied to the internal communication among departments, leader and employees, and colleagues.

3. 职责 Responsibilities

3.1. 最高管理者负责督促各部门﹑各层次以及同事间积极进行内部沟通,并实施必要的鼓


The top management will promote the internal communication among departments, colleagues, and different levels, and give necessary encouragement.

3.2. 各部门负责人必须督促所属人员积极进行内部沟通,并协调工作中的纠纷;

The department chief will promote the internal communication among the

departments, and assort with the related troubles.

3.3. 管理者代表或人事行政部负责受理与内部沟通有关的纠纷,及对当事双方进行调解。

The management representative and administration department shall assort with the related troubles among the departments and two sides.

4. 程序内容Procedure Contents


In order to keep the quality management system operation effectively, all the employees in the company shall communicate each other with reasonable and effective ways to solve the troubles, and cannot use any reasons. The internal communication shall be implemented as the followed ways,

4.1. 开会 meeting
