第四章 缓冲包装设计五步法
五步法与六步法缓冲设计 的异同点
• (1)、设计思想基本相同。这 2 种设 计方法都是按照设计、验证、修改这种 思想指导包装防护设计 ,即对于给定的 产品的物流货运条件(或目的) ,选用合 适的缓冲包装材料及其结构 ,根据具体 的物流货运条件对原型包装进行实验验 证 ,检测产品包装系统的可靠性。
• (4)、设计程序相同。这 2 种设计方法都具 有顺序性 ,检查程序都具有循环性。若产品 包装系统通过试验验证 ,则包装防护方案设 计合格。否则 ,依次对原型包装、包装防护 设计、产品改进设计、确定产品脆值、定义物 流环境条件等各个设计程序进行检查分析 , 查找不合理设计环节 ,进行修改完善 ,再对 修改后的产品包装系统进行实验验证 ,直至 产品包装系统满足防护要求。
2)、“六步法”还考虑了产品脆值分析与产品 改进设计的关系。如果产品脆值太小(如小于 10g) ,则该产品属于极易破损产品 ,采用缓 冲包装设计不能较好地实现对产品包装防护 , 需要对产品的结构、工艺、材质、强度进行改 进设计 ,提高产品自身抵抗冲击 /振动破损的 能力 ,降低产品对缓冲包装技术的要求和包 装成本。
• 一、五步法包装缓冲设计 • 二、七步法包装缓冲设计 • 三、十步法包装缓冲设计
• 1、五步法缓冲设计基本步骤 • 2、五步法与六步法缓冲设计的异同点
• • • • • (1)、定义物流环境条件 (2)、确定产品脆值 (3)、包装防护设计 (4)、制造原型包装 (5)、原型包装试验
• (5)、“六步法”和“五步法”在设计思想、 设计方法方面还有一些关键区别。 1)、“六步法”将产品改进设计融入包装防 护设计 ,实现了产品与包装的联合设计思想 , 基于可接受脆值水平( A FL : Accepted Fragility Level) 概念有效地解决了产品改进 设计与包装成本、包装动力可靠性之间的相互 制约关系和技术要求 ,可以实现最大限度地 降低包装成本。
为了防止损伤,就需采用缓冲材料,使 外力先作用于缓冲材料上,起到“缓和冲击” 的作用。实践中设计一个合理的缓冲包装所 考虑的因素范围很大,大致包括产品特性、 流通环境、缓冲材料的性能与选择、缓冲包 装结构和方法。
产品的尺寸、体积、重量、重心位置,分析产品形 状,找出最薄弱的结构或部位。 确定产品的脆值,分析产品的易损件,优化产品结 构。 第一步通过流通环境分析得到等效跌落高度H、道 路运输振动频率f和激振加速度Gj等参数。 第二步通过产品特性分析得到产品许用脆值[G]及 产品的尺寸、重量、体积等参数。
B、浮动包装法 用块状缓冲材料把产品和内包装固定在其中。 这种材料在包装箱内可以位移和流动,并利 用材料流动来分散内装物所受的冲击力。
C、裹包包装法 它是用各种类型的片材将单件产品裹包起来, 再放入外包装箱盒内。多适用于小件物品的 缓冲包装。
D、模盒包装法 它是把泡沫塑料 塑成与产品形状相类 似的模盒来包装产品, 一般用于小型、轻质 产品的包装,如小型 仪器、仪表等。
对于包装件来说,其缓冲材料应包括容器材料、固 定材料、连接材料、封接材料等,主要是指容器和 产品之间的固定材料,但也不能忽视其他材料的缓 冲作用。在包装件中,不同部位的缓冲材料所引起 的作用也不尽相同,但其基本作用都是吸收外部的 冲击能量,然后在较长时间内缓慢释放,从而达到 缓冲的目的。 缓冲材料的基本特性包括:冲击能量吸收性、回弹 性、温湿度稳定性、吸湿性、酸碱度(PH值)、密 度、加工性、经济性等。
堆积:静压力,靠包装容器,包装材料 运输:振动力,靠缓冲防震措施 装卸:冲击力,靠缓冲防震措施
1. 应用缓冲系统――最大应力(c~σm)曲线设计衬垫尺寸c~σm曲线是表示材料缓冲能力的一种基本曲线,通过静态压缩试验求得。
① 不同品质的材料,具有不同的缓冲能力; ② 同样品种的材料,密度不同,缓冲特性也不同。
例6-1:重为10kg 的产品,脆值为80g ,要保证从60 cm 的高处跌落而不破损,若用密度为0.031g/cm 3的聚氯乙烯塑料泡沫,(见P99图5-12图线10作衬垫,试计算衬垫所需尺寸。
第二节 流通环境中的冲击与振动 (5)
沿岸航线的振动加速度见表4,通常是由2Hz以下的摇动 和3~6Hz、 2~10Hz的发动机的转数以及螺旋桨产生的振 动叠加在一起产生的加速度。 在沿岸航线上横摆的最大摆角约为12°~13°,而风力 超过5级时可超过20°。另外,纵摇的摆角在10°以 下。 远洋航线的振动加速度见表5。 远洋航线上即使是1万吨级的船,受横方向来的波浪时 也会产生超过40°的摆角。 集装箱船的振动加速度见表6。 海洋运输中的基准见表7。 集装箱船的实测值见表8。
第一节 脆值(3)
此外,G值还用以表示物品对外力的承受能 力,即致使物品损坏前的临界加速度,或称物品 的允许加速度,亦称物品的脆值。 各种产品的脆值见表1。 例:求以加速度49m/s2作用在5kg物体上的力。 若用式(3)计算: F = ( W/g) a = (5/9.8) × 49=25(kgf) 若用加速度表示: a/g = 49/9.8 = 5 则力F就可直接计算: F = WG = 5×5 = 25(kgf) 另外,根据产品的脆值,考虑到产品的价值、 强度偏差和重要程度等而规定的产品的许用最大 加速度则称为许用脆值。
第四节 缓冲材料的特性与缓冲设计 (7)
2 .缓冲包装方法分类 ① 全面缓冲包装 ② 局部缓冲包装 ③ 悬吊缓冲包装 ④ 双重缓冲包装
第四节 缓冲材料的特性与缓冲设计 (8)
3.缓冲材料使用量的计算 冲击防护的缓冲设计的基本是:重量为W的物体 从高度h跌落时,使用可以吸收其跌落能量的缓冲 材料,求出缓冲材料的缓冲效率在最佳状态下变形 所需要的量(厚度和面积)。 计算缓冲材料的厚度和面积所用的资料有: ①缓冲系数-最大应力曲线— — c- σ曲线 ②最大加速度-静应力曲线— — G-P曲线
胶)有最小缓冲系数,且C = 3.7 HC 60 故 h 3.7 7.4(cm)
[G ] 30
静态C—σm曲线中作水平切线,可求出各种缓冲材料的最小 的C值和相应的σm值; HC G W h A 用 分别求出缓冲面积A和缓冲材料厚度h; G 和
• 防振设计步骤: ①测试产品衬垫系统的幅频曲线; ②从该曲线图中找出其峰值的放大系数β和共振频率 f ; ③由流通环境振动加速度—频率曲线图确定包装件在共振频 率 f 时的最大激扰加速度 ym ;
xm ④根据 y 计算出 xm m xm ⑤根据 Gm G 如上式不成立,则需重新进行缓冲包装 g
6.7 产品质量m = 25kg,产 品脆值G = 55,包装件跌落 高度H = 90cm,采用局部缓 冲如图6-6,试求缓冲衬垫尺 寸。 6.8 产品质量m = 25kg,产 品脆值G = 65,包装件跌落 高度H = 90cm,采用局部缓 冲如图6-6,试求缓冲衬垫尺 寸。 6.9 产品质量m = 25kg,产 品脆值G = 85,包装件跌落 高度H = 90cm,采用局部缓 冲如图6-6,试求缓冲衬垫尺 寸。
xm ym
解:根据缓冲材料的厚度h = 5cm,在图中查出曲线峰值 的频率为 f = 46Hz,放大系数β= 6 因此包装件的共振频率为46Hz 由右图可知,f = 46Hz时的加速度值为G = 1.7g 则产品的最大响应加速度为
xm ym 6 1.7 10.2 g
= η* as
——产品的最大响应加速度。 ——包装件在共振频率时受到的最大加速度。
η ——缓冲材料在共振频率时的振动传递率。
H C* [G]
W σ = [ G ]*- * 10 4 m A
1、 确定缓冲系数值、最大应力曲线值,如果选择同种材料缓冲系数最小的,则所需要的材料厚度为最 小。
2、如果要求缓冲材料之厚度为最小, 则必须确定最小缓冲系数值的最大应力值。 由此, 值得注意的是,
W σ = - * 10 4 st A
W σ = [ G ]* - * 10 4 m A
还应考虑到下列情况,即对计算结果予以修正。 1、在缓冲设计计算时,应校核产品在载荷方向上与缓冲材料的接触部分的强度,如果该
W σ = [ G ]* - * 10 4 式中的最大应力,则应重新计算尺寸。 m A
式中:Te ——修正厚度,cm.。 Cr ——蠕变系数,%。
* (1+C r )
总之,由于不同的温湿度条件下缓冲材料的缓冲性能存在着差异,应根据流通过程中可能出现的 环境条件修正计算缓冲材料的尺寸。
一、利用最大加速度——静应力曲线设计缓冲包装时的计算程序如下: 首先计算缓冲材料所受到的静应力:
σs t =
针对纸浆模塑工业包装制品设计的现 状,本文初步提出了基于纸浆模塑制 品单元结构的设计规范。该设计规范 有助于纸浆模塑制品设计的规范化、 标准化,并提高纸浆模塑制品设计的 效率。
:纸浆模塑制品侧壁和支撑面的平均厚度。 纸浆模塑制品的结构单元侧壁与其脱模方向之间的夹角。 承受载荷的结构单元两个承载面之间的最小距离。
纸浆模塑制品结构单元壁与壁相交处及角隅处的圆角。 被包装产品正常放置时,采用上、下底面衬垫进行包
装的方式。 被包装产品正常放置时,采用前、后底面衬垫进行包
装的方式。 采用角衬垫进行包装的方式。 采用两个或以上的纸浆模塑缓冲衬垫重叠为一体进行
包装的方式。 缓冲衬垫定位模块尺寸。 缓冲衬垫中起承载和缓冲作用部分的表面积
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
Ø 缓冲衬垫结构设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
Ø 缓冲衬垫结构设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
Ø 缓冲衬垫结构设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
Ø 缓冲衬垫结构设计
包装流通环境 选择包装材料 包装结构设计 包装产品脆值
包装 实验
4.1 冲击与振动环境
确定环境特性,对冲击环境而言,就是确定包装件的 设计跌落高度;就振动环境而言,就是确定环境的加 速度峰值频率曲线或加速度均方值谱密度曲线。
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
度值 ( 冲击脆值 所以要采用这种梯 很多研 究 者已经 说明 .包 装件 跌 形波, 是因为可以在产品上形成谐波激
种 方法 提 出 以后 很r 包 装企业 界 所 落高度糟产 品重量 的增加而减少 , 陕被 而且 励 而产生 最大响 应, 所以 可以在较 低的 采纳 . 而且也 迅速地被欧 、日等很多工 至今 仍 尚未确 定较 精确 的两 者 关 系的 输 八加速 度时也 可能发生 产品破损。 这 业发 达 田家所 接受。 除在 美国包装界 以 表达 式, 现在 发表 的一些表 达式都 是在 是 从 冲击响 应 谱 瞌线 上 可以 j楚看 出 膏
加重 了消费者 的经济负 担。 其三是 由于 料 的浪费
过分 包装 和 过弱 包 装的确 定 可采 过分包装。 包装萋号产品档疑鞭符, 售 言, 高于 全田同 类产品 的平均 值为过 分 应当聚取措施, 有效鼬囊决 曩域奉与
包 装体积增大 . 填充物 增多 , 造成 了材 用 比较 标准和定 量标 准 比较标准而 价相符. 就 避免1挡产品离毯I曹. 匠 II田家
三步骤之闻增加一步岬 品改进设计一 .
但这 一 步只 是在 产品 脆值 过小 而 无 法
虑 的。
确 定运输 环境
国 学者纽 登 所提 出的冲 击 睢健 破损 边 对于 有缓冲 垫 的产品来 说 .由上
这是缓 冲包 装设 计 “ 步法 一的 界理 论及 其试验 程序 。 五 的运输环境 条件。对于 冲击激励 而言, 述试验程枣所得到的最重受羽参数就
外, 很多田家已经把这种方法编人工业 某些特 定场台 下 的经验公 式, 具有 的 。 都不 标准,我田在 18 年制定的一项国家 普遍遵用性 。 97 不少运 输包 装设计工 程师
关键词:笔记本电脑;缓冲包装设计;防震包装设计AbstractAs China's rapid economic growth, the acceleration of the frequency of life, the role of the computer more and more important. As the laptop has a small size, light weight and easy to carry, etc., and its portability and standby power mobile office makes it possible, so more and more respected by the users, the rapid growth of market demand. But notebook computers are electronic products and sales in the transport chain may be subject to external shocks or shocks to their quality and appearance of a certain degree of damage caused. To avoid this from happening, the notebook computer system to deal with the buffer (earthquake) packaging design,Include: the design of cushioning packaging, shock-proof design, package design size. Do a good job in the design of cushioning packaging products should first determine the size of such data, the estimated value to product crisp, and then choose a suitable buffer material. To calculate the size of the buffer pad, and finally to determine the reasonableness of the design. Shockproof taken into account should be packaging design packaging system (packaging - liner - containing products) of the natural frequency, acceleration values allowable in the product range of crisp values. Package size should be designed to select the appropriate packaging materials, design of its thickness, and then in accordance with Packaged size, to calculate its size, creating dimensions, outside dimensions. So choose a buffer with the structure of packaging materials, calculate the exact size of the buffer pad and outer box design is very important. This article is designed to identify objects in the size, weight and flow of a series of conditions of the environment on the basis of 12.1 inches notebook computer for a systematic design of cushioning packaging.Key words: Notebook computers; cushioning packaging design; packaging design earthquake笔记本电脑的缓冲(防震)包装设计概述缓冲包装又称防震包装,在各种包装方法中占有重要的地位。
第四章 缓冲包装
(二)Gm≤ [G]= Gc/n(n>1)其中: Gm:产品受到任何冲击时,都可能存在一个比Gc还大的加速度, 它取决于产品重量、冲击速度、缓材特性等。Gm=am/g; Gc:产品脆值(易损度),即产品受到冲击和振动时不发生物 理性或功能性损坏(如失效、失灵、商业性破损),所能承 受的最大加速度,Gc=ac/g(ac叫临界加速度); [G]:许用脆值,根据产品的脆值,考虑产品的价值、强度偏差、 重要程度等而规定的产品许用最大加速度值,[G]= Gc/n(n >1)。 右式含义:Gc取决产品,产品一旦确定 ,Gc就确定了, 为常数,为了保护产品要限制其临界加速度(ac);出于安 全考虑,产品价值的考虑,[G]= Gc/n(n>1)。 左式含义:缓冲包装要避免产品承受最大加速度,在 跌落高度、冲击力方面加以控制,所以,Gm应小于或等于[G]。 在一些图表、曲线上,Gm、 Gc、[G]都有可能出现,都代表产 品的脆值。
2、确定临界加速度边界线(Gc,与跌落高度 无关,与脉冲波形有关) 试验:h=1.6临界高度(即,上述由△Vc确定的 高度),保持高度不变,改变压力,不断加压, 直至跌落破损。
3、冲击脉冲波形:三种脉冲曲线的垂直边界线(△Vc) 都是相同的,但不同脉冲的加速度峰值是变化的(如锯 齿脉冲或半正弦脉冲),损坏边界难以确定。只有矩形 脉冲的边界(水平线Gc)是确定的,且考虑的范围(或 安全程度)较上述二种脉冲的大,故利用矩形脉冲产生 的损坏边界范围来确定其它波形的损坏范围是合理的。 阴影区域|△V|≥|△Vc| Gm≥Gc为破损区 <△Vc或<Gc 为非损坏区 所以,DBC曲线是由三个参数:△Vc、Gc和脉冲波形来 确定的,在|△V|≥|△Vc| Gm≥Gc区域需要缓冲包装, DBC曲线的意义就在于确定产品的易损性,确定是否需 要进行缓冲包装设计。除此之外,出于安全考虑,缓冲 包装还要求:
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
冲击能量的吸收性 振动能量的吸收性 回弹性 蠕变性 温度稳定性 湿度稳定性 耐破损性
名称 聚乙烯或聚苯乙烯泡沫 聚氨酯泡沫 橡胶 硅橡胶 钢质螺旋弹簧
4.1.1 冲击环境
人工装卸的跌落冲击加速度通常在10g-100g,而机械装卸的跌落冲 击加速度在10g以下。
4.1.1 冲击环境
4.1.1 冲击环境
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
例1:一重力为100N的产品,脆值为80g,要保证从60cm的高处跌落而 不破损,规定用密度为0.031g/cm3的聚氯乙烯做衬垫,试计算衬垫所需 尺寸。
例2:用纸箱做内包装,把一重力为100N,脆值为30g的产品装入箱内, 用衬垫将它与外包装箱隔开,内装箱每面面积为2000cm2,设定等效跌 落高度为60cm,试选择适当地缓冲材料,并计算其尺寸。
4.1.1 冲击环境
4.1.2 振动环境
FIVE STEPS FOR PACKAGE CUSHION DESIGN缓冲包装设计5步法IntroductionBetter Package and Product Design Saves Money and Improves Customer Satisfaction. Packaging can be unnecessarily expensive in a couple of ways:1. Inadequate design results in shipment damage2. Over-design or poor design (more protection than is required or materials being incorrectly used ) results in excessive material cost.High cost of damage in shipment should be unacceptable to those who are aware of the claims costs and the lost customers. Conversely, the cost of waste resulting from over-packaging (poor and unneeded material utilization) is less visible and more difficult to aggressively pursue. This total waste, estimated at billions of dollars, could be significantly reduced if packages were properly designed for shock and vibration protection.This text describes a basic procedure for logically designing and testing cushioned packages. The techniques outlined here are not new. Nevertheless, the logical, step-by-step procedures are not yet universally used by all package designers .Increasingly the theories and techniques presented here are also being used by product designers to evaluate and improve the ruggedness of products. Indeed, often it is more economical to permanently improve products than to provide temporary cushioning which will later be discarded.The procedure can be broken down into five basic steps. This 5 Step Method was developed in conjunction with the Michigan State University School of Packaging.1.Define The EnvironmentShock: choose the most severe drop height you wish to protect against.Vibration: Determine a representative acceleration vs. frequency profile.2.Define Product FragilityShock: Determine the product’s shock damage boundaries.Vibration: Determine the product’s critical resonant frequencies.3.Choose The Proper CushioningSelect the most economical cushioning to provide adequate protection for both shock andvibration.4.Design and Fabricate The Prototype Package5. Test The Prototype PackageShock: Use the “Step Velocity” test method.Vibration: Verify adequate protection at the critical frequencies.This chapter discusses only shock and vibration. Other environmental factors such as compression, humidity, temperature, and other potentially destructive forces should also be considered in designing and testing a package. A similar, logical treatment of the product’s needs for protection from these hazards should also be incorporated. In some cases, only minor modifications may be3233required to account for these other factors after a sound, basic design for shock and vibration has been completed and tested.Step 1 Define the EnvironmentShockIt is generally agreed that, regardless of the transportation mode, the most severe shocks likely to be encountered in shipping result from handling operations. These result from dropping the package onto a floor, dock or platform. Of course, many kinds of drops are possible (flat, corner, edge, etc.), but we know that the most severe transmitted shock occurs when a cushioned package lands flat on a nonresilient horizontal surface. It is reasonable, then, to design cushioned packages for this flat drop.In designing for shock protection, the first consideration is selecting the design drop height. Charts similar to the one shown in Figure 1 will be helpful. The chart takes into consideration both the package weight and the probability of drops occurring from specified heights. When selecting the probability level, factors such as the relative costs of products and package, shipping costs, and the percentage of loss which can be tolerated must be considered.VibrationThe transportation vibration environment is complex and random in nature. The basic method of testing for package design is not to simulate the vibration environment, but rather to simulate its damage-producing capabilities. Thus, a procedure which identifies the product and component resonant frequencies, and which leads to protection at those frequencies, can be expected to produce effective result .Figure 1 Probability Curves for Handling ShocksYou may select acceleration levels and frequency ranges from environmental data and34acceleration-frequency profiles such as shown in Figure 2, from a vibration acceleration envelope like that in Figure 3, or, from a power spectral density summary plot as shown in Figure 4. Acceleration levels and frequency ranges you select must be consistent with the available additional data, experience, judgement, and knowledge about the product.Figure 2 Frequency Spectra for Various Probabilities-Railroad(vertical direction, composite of various conditions)Figure 3 Vibration Acceleration Envelope-RailcarThe actual shape of the acceleration-frequency profile is not as important as being able to sufficiently excite the critical components over the range of frequencies occurring in thetransportation environment (Generally 1-200 Hz or greater).Figure 4 Railcar Frequency Spectra-Summary of PSD dataIn summary, the first step in the package design is to select a design drop height and an acceleration-frequency profile.Step 2 Define Product FragilityShockShock damage to products results from excessive internal stress induced by inertia forces. Since inertia forces are directly proportional to acceleration (F=ma), shock fragility is characterized by the maximum tolerable acceleration level, i. e, how many g’s the item can withstand.When a dropped package strikes the floor, local accelerations at the container surface can reach several hundred g’s. The packaging material changes the shock pulse delivered to the product so that the maximum acceleration is greatly reduced (and the pulse duration is many times longer). It is the package designer’s goal to be sure that the g-level transmitted to the item by the cushion is less that the g-level which will cause the item to fail.Shock Spectrum and Damage Boundary Theory are techniques for characterizing the resistance of products to handling shocks. They permit construction of a “damage boundary” curve like that shown in Figure 5.Figure 5 Typical Damage Boundary CurveThe horizontal line of the boundary is at the peak acceleration value of the minimum damaging shock pulse. The vertical line of the boundary is at the minimum velocity change (drop height), necessary to cause damage. A plot like this can be determined for any product. A shock pulse which falls within the shaded area (sufficient acceleration and velocity change), will produce damage. No damage will occur for pulse with less velocity change or lower peak acceleration. The low-velocity portion of the plot (at the left) is that area where damage does not occur even with very high accelerations. Here the velocity change (drop height) is so low that the item acts as its own shock isolator. Below the acceleration boundary portion of the plot (under the curve), damage does not occur, even for large velocity changes (drop heights). That’s because the forces generated (F =ma) are within the strength limits of the products.Figure 6 shows that the velocity change boundary (vertical boundary line), is independent ofthe pulse wave shape. However, the acceleration value (to the right of the vertical line) of the35damage boundary curve for half sine and sawtooth pulses depends upon velocity change. Use of this damage boundary would require accurate prediction of drop heights and container/ cushion coefficients of restitution. Since they normally cannot be predicted, a trapezoidal pulse shape is typically used.Figure 6 Damage Boundary for Pulses of Same Peak Acceleration andSame Velocity ChangeThe damage boundary generated with use of a trapezoidal pulse encloses the damage boundaries of all the other waveforms. This is a great advantage, since the wave shape which will be transmitted by the cushion is usually unknown. By using the trapezoidal pulse to establish the acceleration damage boundary rating, the package designer can be sure that actual shocks transmitted by the cushion will be equal to or less damaging than the test pulse.Fragility testing is the process used to establish damage boundaries of products. It is usually conducted on a shock testing machine. The procedure has been standardized and incorporated into several standards such as ASTM1 D3322-85. Use of a shock machine provides a convenient means of generating variable velocity changes and consistent, controllable acceleration levels and waveforms.Typically, the item to be tested is fastened to the top of a shock machine table and the table is subjected to controlled velocity changes and shock pulses. The shock table is raised to a preset drop height. It is then released, free falls and impacts against the base of the machine; it rebounds from the base and is arrested by a braking system so that only one impact occurs. A shock programmer between the table and the base controls the type of shock pulse created on the table (and the test item mounted on it) during impact.For trapezoidal pulses used in fragility testing, the programmer is a constant force pneumatic cylinder. The g-level of the trapezoidal pulse is controlled simply by adjusting the compressed gas pressure in the cylinder. The velocity change is controlled by adjusting drop height . Conducting a fragility testTo conduct a fragility test, shock machine drop height is set at a very low level to produce a low velocity change, and the product is secured to the table surface. Either a half sine or a rectangular pulse may be used to perform this test, since the critical velocity portion is the same.A half-sine shock pulse waveform programmer is normally used for convenience. The first dropis made and the item examined to be sure damage has not occurred. Drop height is then increasedto provide a higher velocity change. The second drop is made and again the specimen is36examined. Additional drops are made with drop height gradually increasing until failure occurs. The velocity change and peak acceleration are recorded for each impact. Once damage occurs, the velocity boundary testing is stopped, since the minimum velocity necessary to create damage has been established as well as the velocity change portion of the damage boundary curve (See Figure 7). The damage boundary line falls between the last drop without damage and the first drop causing damage.Figure 7 Velocity Damage Boundary DevelopmentIn some cases, it is sufficient to determine only this vertical line of the damage boundary. If the velocity change required to damage the product will not be encountered from normal drops expected in the environment, no cushioning will be needed. However, if the product is damaged at levels which will be encountered in the environment, product improvements or cushioning for shock protection will be required. This indicates a need to establish the horizontal line of the damage boundary.Determining the acceleration boundary line requires that a new test specimen be attached to the shock table. The drop height is set at a level which will produce a velocity change at least 1.6 times the critical velocity. The programmer compressed gas pressure is adjusted to produce a low g-level shock which is lower than the level which you anticipate will cause damage to the product. Again, a first drop is made and the item is examined for damage. If none has occurred, the programmer pressure is increased to provide a higher g-level impact from the same drop height. Another drop is made and again the specimen is examined. The procedure is repeated with gradually increasing g-levels until damage occurs. This level establishes the level of the horizontal line of the damage boundary curve. The damage boundary line falls between the last drop without damage and the first drop causing damage.You can plot the damage boundary curve by connecting the vertical velocity boundary line and the horizontal acceleration boundary line. The corner where the two lines intersect is actually rounded, not square. In most cases, this rounded corner will not be in the range of interest and asquare corner can be used. If, however the corner is in the range of interest, the shape of thecorner can be determined by calculation or by running an additional test in the area. Figure 7B37shows a typical damage boundary plotted by this method.Figure 7B Damage Boundary Line DevelopmentTwo things may be learned from the damage boundary plot.1.If the velocity change which the packaged item will experience is below the critical velocity, no cushioning for shock protection is needed.2.If the velocity change which the packaged item will experience is above the critical velocity,a cushion should be designed so that it transmits less acceleration than the critical acceleration level.In most cases, where a product might be dropped on any of its sides, tests should be performed in each direction in each of the 3 axes, and a total of 6 damage boundaries established. VibrationIt is generally accepted that the steady-state vibration environment is of such low acceleration amplitude that failure does not occur due to nonresonant inertial loading. Damage is most likely to occur when some element or component of a product has a natural frequency which is excited by the environment. If this tuned excitation is of sufficient duration, component accelerations and displacements can be amplified to the failure level.Response of a product or component to input vibration may be represented by a curve similar to that shown in Figure 8.You can see that for very low frequencies, response acceleration is the same as the input; for very high frequencies, the response is much less than the input. But in between, the response acceleration can be many times the input level. This is the frequency range where damage is most likely to occur.To actually determine a product’s vibration fragility would involve complexities which are probably not justified in terms of greatly improved results. The product test method, then, involves identifying the product and component resonant frequencies. A test method often used to accomplish this is ASTM Standard Method D3580, Vibration (Vertical Sinusoidal Motion)Test of Products.38Figure 8 Typical Resonant Frequency Transmissibility CurveThe resonance search is run on a vibration test machine (shaker). The item to be tested is fastened to the shaker table and subjected to vertical sinusoidal motion according to the acceleration-frequency profile selected in Step 1. As the frequency is slowly varied between lower and upper limits, the test item is observed for resonances. Sometimes, if non-critical product panels, etc. , or other shielding external components are removed, resonant effects can be seen or heard directly. At other times, use of a stroboscope and/or various sensors may be necessary. The critical frequencies and components should be recorded.In general, tests should be performed in each of the three axes, and three sets of critical frequencies recorded. If the product is mounted on a definite skid base, only the vertical axes need to be analyzed.To summarize Step 2, damage boundaries are determined and plotted, and critical frequencies are identified.Step 3 Choose the Proper CushioningUntil now, shock and vibration procedures have been separated. In Step 3, however, their effects must be considered simultaneously: the designer must specify cushioning which provides adequate protection for both shock and vibration.The key to selecting the most economical cushion protection is the use of “cushion curves”. Two types of data are needed and must be used simultaneously: Shock Cushioning Curves and Vibration Transmissibility Data.ShockA.Shock Cushioning Curves; maximum transmitted shock acceleration vs. Static stress.A typical example of this type of curve is shown in Figure 9. The cushion curve shows the peak acceleration that will be transmitted by various thicknesses of the cushion for different values of static stress (static stress is the weight of the packaged item in pounds divided by the cushion area in square inches).To select the most economical cushion to use, you should review cushion curves for the same drop height as you selected in Step 1 as the design drop height. From these curves, select thecushion type and thickness to limit the peak transmitted acceleration to a level which is the sameas, or lower than, the damage g-level determined during fragility testing in Step 2. You must also39consider the most economical cushion configuration, i.e., full item area coverage, only partial area coverage, using corner pads, etc.Figure 9 Polyethylene, 2 pcf, 36" Drop Height Shock Cushion CurvesA large number of cushion curves have been generated and reported in the literatures concerned. In many cases, you can use existing curves. At times, particularly where newer materials are involved, it may be necessary to generate new data by conducting dynamic cushion tests to develop cushion curves.Cushion tests are typically run in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1596-78 , ASTM Test Method D4168-82 or MIL-C-26861. Standard 8 inch x 8 inch cushion samples are normally used either as flat sheets or encapsulating designs. Both vertical drop and shock tests machines have been employed for these tests. A dummy load or platen with an adjustable weight is used. The drop height is adjusted and the drop weight is instrumented with an accelerometer so the acceleration pulse during impact on the cushion can be recorded.Each test results in one data point. Peak acceleration is read directly from the oscilloscope trace or from the wave form analyzer. Static stress is calculated by dividing the weight of the platen in pounds by the cushion area in square inches. The peak transmitted acceleration level data points for the static stress loadings are recorded for each cushion thickness and drop height and provide the basis of establishing the cushioning curves.VibrationB.Vibration Transmissibility Data: Vibration natural frequency vs. static stress.A typical example of this type curve is shown in Figure 10.It shows the natural frequency of the product/cushion combination for a specific cushion/static loading combination. In selecting the most economical cushion to use, the package designer should attempt to find a type, configuration, and thickness which will produce a natural frequency of no more than one-half the lowest critical resonant frequency determined in Step 2.This insures a reasonable amount of vibration attenuation at the critical frequencies. For example,if the product/cushion combination has the response curve of Figure 10, and the lowest critical40product frequency is 30 Hz, it can be seen that the input to the product at the critical frequency is reduced by a factor of 2.5. Of course, the input will be even further reduced for the higher critical frequencies.Figure 10 Example of How a Cushion Reduces Vibration at Product Critical FrequencyUnfortunately, cushion curves like Figure 10 are neither commonly available nor always reliable. In most cases, you must conduct your own tests and develop your own cushion vibration data.By mounting cushion material on a shaker, weighing it to various static stress levels, and monitoring both table and weight accelerations, a curve similar to Figure 10 may be generated during the frequency sweep. The natural frequency may then be recorded as a function of static stress.Remember that the cushion design must simultaneously satisfy both the shock and vibration criteria. For any given cushion and static stress level, you must examine both data sets to insure that both the transmitted g-level and the natural frequency are correct.Sometimes selection of a cushion and design of a package using the above criteria become very difficult because the fragility g-level and/or the critical frequency is too low. In cases where this is unavoidable, the package designer must either compromise the design protection level to a certain extent or incorporate more extensive packaging. In many cases, however, the package designer can work with the product designer to increase the ruggedness of the product for an overall cost saving.In summary, the most economical cushion is selected using shock cushion curves and vibration cushion data and the information of Steps 1 and 2.Step 4 Design And Fabricate the Prototype Packag eNext, the information gathered in Steps 1, 2, and 3 is assembled and the prototype package constructed. The designer must consider other related issues when designing the prototype: The cost of packaging materials; other types of protection required; special shipping requirements; closures; and other unique issue.The prototype should closely approximate the intended final package. Materials, closures, dimensions, weight, etc., should be the same as those of the final package. This is to ensure thatthe tested prototype is a representative sample of the final package. The desired goal is that theprototype displays the same characteristics under testing, as you’d expect from the final package.41A sufficient number of prototypes are then made for the tests.Step 5 Test the Prototype PackageYour final step is to test the completed prototype package, with the product, to verify that it performs as expected. This step is necessary because the procedure used in package design does not, for the sake of simplicity, take into account some variables such as the effects of cushion shape, friction of the side pads, confinement of bottom pads which could affect air flow from the cushion, etc. In many situations, these effects will be small and the cushioned package will perform as designed. In cases where the package does not perform as designed, it must be modified and retested.ShockYou’ll remember in Step 1, it was discussed that the flat drop is the most severe in terms of transmitted peak acceleration levels. It is therefore the flat drop that you should use to test the prototype package.It is difficult to repeatably drop a package flat without guiding it. The most accurate, and repeatable, way to generate a truly flat drop is to test the package on a shock testing machine. The package is placed on the table on the shock machine, and the table (and the package) are dropped and undergo a very fast change in velocity when the table impacts the programmer. This fast velocity change test is called a step velocity test.The shock machine can be the same as used for fragility testing, except that a different shock programmer is used. This programmer produces very short duration (2 milliseconds or less) shock pulses. The package response to these short pulses will be similar to the nearly instantaneous velocity change which a container experiences during a free fall flat drop on a hard surface.During the tests, the shock table should be instrumented to verify that the input velocity change is correct. The packaged item should also be instrumented with an accelerometer to determine if the peak g-level transmitted by the cushion remains within the fragility limit. If the packaged item is expensive and you’re unsure of the prototype package, a dummy structure having the same weight, dimensions and center of gravity as the actual item can be substituted for the first tests.In most cases, where the package may be dropped on any of its sides, the tests should be conducted in each direction in each of the three axes-a total of six tests.In conducting step velocity tests, drop height on the machine is set at the desired level, and the shock table is raised and dropped. It impacts, rebounds and is arrested by the rebound brakes. The acceleration pulse delivered to the packaged item is recorded and the table velocity change recorded. The item is inspected to determine if the package is effectively protecting the product. The test may be repeated a number of times to generate multiple impact results.VibrationVibration testing of the packaged item is normally conducted following the procedures outlined in the ASTM Test Procedure D-999, Method B. It consists of subjecting the packaged42product to a series of frequency sweeps at predetermined acceleration levels, then dwelling at the observed resonance frequencies. Since failure is most likely to occur at the resonant frequencies, the test is conducted primarily at those frequencies.The package is fastened to the table of the same vibration system used in Step 2. First the system is operated according to the acceleration-frequency profile of Step 1 to verify the proper product/cushion natural frequency and to verify that no unsuspected problems have been introduced. In general, this task should be conducted in each of the three axes of the package. Then the machine is adjusted to “dwell” at each resonant point (the combination product/cushion natural frequency and all product resonances) for a specified period of time.Determination of the sinusoidal amplitude and the dwell time is, of necessity, rather arbitrary. However, the experience of many testing laboratories has demonstrated that the levels incorporated in the ASTM Test Standards have been effective in screening package designs for potential damage problems.If the package performs as designed for shock and vibration, it is now ready for other tests (compression, temperature, humidity, etc.). If not, it must be modified and retested.SummaryBy following the sequence of the 5-Step Development method, more cost effective packaging and product development will be achieved. And, you will have the confidence that your goods will be able to withstand the hazards of distribution.New Words and Expressionsruggedness n. 强度,坚固性in conjunction with 和…一起to与… 成比例proportionalcushion n,v. 缓冲,软垫 besawtooth a. 锯齿形的 restitution n. 恢复,回复trapezoidal a. 梯形的pneumatic a. 气动的in terms of 根据,按照 sinusoidal a. 正弦的stroboscope n. 频闪仪 inaccordance with 根据,按照encapsulate v. 密封,封装platen n. 模板,冲头accelerometer n. 加速度计oscilloscope n. 示波器attenuation n. 衰减(量)for the sake of 为… 起见,以便Note1.ASTM-----American Society for Testing and Materials美国材料试验协会43。
手机的缓冲包装设计一.设计题目:分析现有手机的包装形式,并为手机设计缓冲包装(建议采用瓦楞纸板)二.设计要求:1.衬垫结构简单,易于制作,手机及附件要固定于缓冲材料上2.安装操作简便3.具有完整的保护作用4.包装盒手工制作成成品三.设计步骤:1.调查、分析2.缓冲衬垫结构设计,包装盒设计3.手工制作(一) 市场调查及分析缓冲包装是为了保护商品在流通中不因受到冲击和振动而破损所施行的包装,也称为缓冲防振包装。
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4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
减小传递到产品上的冲击、振动等外力 分散作用到产品上的应力
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
1. 收集流通环境可能导致产品损坏的数据; 2. 收集产品的资料; 3. 确定产品脆值后,先判断是否与同类产品相近,如果偏低,建议 修改产品设计,提高关键件的脆值; 4. 选择缓冲材料及其结构形式,获得其缓冲性能曲线,根据跌落高 度和缓冲材料所受应力计算缓冲厚度; 5. 校核缓冲结构的振动传递率与振动脆值等问题; 6. 校核压缩或弯曲强度,不得超过缓冲材料的许用应力; 7. 校核温湿度对缓冲性能的影响; 8. 估算包装成本,与预定指标比较; 9. 制作试验用包装原型; 10. 按预先确定的试验标准进行试验; 11. 如果不满足要求,重新设计;满足要求,则批准设计,并形成完 整的设计文件。
损零件的极限加速度,而且要测试易损零件的幅频特 性曲线。
4.2.1 产品的冲击试验
4.2.1 产品的冲击试验
4.2.1 产品的冲击试验
4.2.1 产品的冲击试验
4.2.1 产品的冲击试验
4.2.1 产品的冲击试验
4.1.2 振动环境
4.1.2 振动环境
4.1.2 振动环境
4.2 确定产品特性
确定产品在冲击环境下的易损性就是测试矩形脉冲下 的产品破损边界曲线,确定产品脆值与临界速度改变
用衬垫将它与外包装箱隔开,内装箱每面面积为2000cm2,设定等效跌 落高度为60cm,试选择适当地缓冲材料,并计算其尺寸。 例3:一重力为90N,脆值为50g的产品,欲装入一底面积为750cm2的容 器箱内,设定的跌落高度为60cm,如果采用密度为0.075g/cm3的黏胶
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
悬浮式缓冲 局部缓冲
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
第四章 缓冲包装设计五步法
包装流通环境 选择包装材料 包装结构设计 包装 实验 流通
4.1 冲击与振动环境
确定环境特性,对冲击环境而言,就是确定包装件的 设计跌落高度;就振动环境而言,就是确定环境的加
了全面缓冲方法,选用的缓冲衬垫厚度为5cm。产品在运输中受到的振动输入如图 所示。求包装件的共振频率和产品的最大响应加速度。
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
例8:产品重力为300N, 底面尺寸为30×30cm2,产品上的脆弱部件具有25Hz的固有
频率,0.02的阻尼比,可承受的最大冲击加速度为45g。产品的冲击防护设计采用了 全面缓冲方法,选用的缓冲材料厚度为10cm,产品在运输过程中,受到的振动输入 如图所示,忽略疲劳作用,确定这样的衬垫是否提供足够的振动防护。
4.2.1 产品的冲击试验
4.2.1 产品的振动试验
4.2.1 产品的振动试验
收录机幅频特性曲线:1-收录机机芯; 2-收录机机体
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
质量轻 易于加工成型 绝热性能好 缓冲性能好
聚氯乙烯 聚苯乙烯 聚氨酯
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
例7:已知一产品W=200N, G=85g, 产品为正立方体,规定的跌落高度不超过90cm,
并指定采用下图所示特性的材料作局部缓冲,试设计面跌落和角跌落时衬垫所需尺 寸(设蠕变系数为10%)。
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
防振包装设计原则:先按缓冲要求进行设计,然后校核其防振能 力。目的在于调节包装件的固有频率,并且通过选择恰当的阻尼 材料,把包装系统对振动的传递率控制在预定范围内。
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
例8:产品重力为36N, 底面尺寸为25×25cm2,许用脆值为30g,冲击防护设计采用
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
a. 角跌落与面跌落
b. 棱跌落于面跌落
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
找到角跌落冲击时等效于面跌落式的等效面积,进行校核设计 全面缓冲:
基于面冲击设计的缓冲衬垫只要通过率角冲击校核,就一定能满足棱 冲击的要求,所以一般没有必要进行棱冲击校核
方体,底面尺寸为40×40cm2,采用EPS作缓冲保护,预计 的跌落高度为60cm,试确定缓冲包装形式及所需材料的尺 寸。(设蠕变系数为10%)
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
A: 衬垫面积
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
例5:某产品W=150N, G=55g, 允许的跌落高度H=60cm, 产品为边长为
例6:一产品,W=200N, G=60g, 产品底面面积为50cm×40cm,预计的跌
4.1.1 冲击环境
人工装卸的跌落冲击加速度通常在10g-100g,而机械装卸的跌落冲 击加速度在10g以下。
4.1.1 冲击环境
4.1.1 冲击环境
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
冲击能量的吸收性 振动能量的吸收性 回弹性 蠕变性 温度稳定性 湿度稳定性 耐破损性 湿度稳定性 化学稳定性 物理相容性 名称 聚乙烯或聚苯乙烯泡沫 聚氨酯泡沫 橡胶 硅橡胶 钢质螺旋弹簧 阻尼比 0.08-0.20 0.10-0.50 0.02-0.16 0.11-0.23 0.008-0.016
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
4.3 缓冲材料及衬垫面积与厚度的设计
流通环境的等效跌落高度 经验公式法、标准量值法 产品脆值 试验法、脆值量值标准法、理论估算法 缓冲材料的缓冲特性 选用原则:G<20g,选用弹簧(或多级缓冲);30g<G<250g,选用泡沫 塑料、海绵;400g<G<600g, 选用橡胶、木材;G>1000g,不用缓冲材料。 缓冲材料的特性曲线有两种:缓冲系数-最大应力曲线和最大加速度-静应力曲线 缓冲设计的公式