
We have every intention to translate these initiatives of opening-up intoreality, sooner rather than later. We want the outcomes of our opening-upefforts to deliver benefits as soon as possible to all enterprises and people inChina and around the world.11日,中国人民银行行长易纲在货币政策的正常化分论坛上宣布了12项金融业对外开放的重大举措。
Foreign equity restrictions on banks and financial asset management firmswill be canceled, with equal treatment for domestic and foreign-fundedinstitutions. Foreign banks will be allowed to set up branches and subsidiariesat the same time in the country.二、将证券公司、基金管理公司、期货公司、人身保险公司的外资持股比例的上限放宽至51%。
山东社会经济发展统计数据:6-12 按行业分外商直接投资(2018年)

Financial Intermediation
Real Estate
Leasing and Business Services
Services to Households and Other Services
Scientific Research, Technical Service and
Secondary Industry
电力、热力、燃气及水的生产和供应业 Production and Supply of Electric, Heat, Gas and Water
Tertiary Industry
2018 (100 million USD)
3408 99 99
2154 13
1993 102 46
1155 104 59
2051636 45493 45493
1019698 4488
916682 64027 34501
986445 34160 33517
14.9 54.3 54.3 -4.4 -34.6 -3.6 -21.9 29.2 43.0 -57.4 -54.7
Total Amount of Foreign
Capital Actually Utilized
本年 (万美元) This Year (10000 USD)
比上年 增长
(%) Growth Rate

济宁市专业技术人员继续教育《加快新旧动能转换推进产业转型升级》试题加快新旧动能转换推进产业转型升级试卷九试卷总分:100分, 考试时长:60 分钟正确答案以红色字体标注一、单项选择题(每题2分, 共30题)1.关于统筹城乡一体发展,以下表述中,正确的是(以上均对)。

Country Subject Descriptor Units Afghanistan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Albania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Algeria Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Angola Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Antigua and Barbuda Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Argentina Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Armenia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Aruba Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Australia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Austria Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Azerbaijan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars The Bahamas Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Bahrain Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Bangladesh Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Barbados Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Belarus Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Belgium Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Belize Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Benin Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Bhutan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Bolivia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Bosnia and Herzegovina Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Botswana Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Brazil Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Brunei Darussalam Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Bulgaria Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Burkina Faso Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Burundi Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Cabo Verde Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Cambodia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Cameroon Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Canada Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollarsGross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Central African RepublicChad Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Chile Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars China Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Colombia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Comoros Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollarsGross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Democratic Republic of tRepublic of Congo Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Costa Rica Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars C魌e d'Ivoire Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Croatia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Cyprus Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Czech Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Denmark Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Djibouti Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Dominica Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Dominican Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Ecuador Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Egypt Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollarsEthiopia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Fiji Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Finland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars France Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Gabon Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars The Gambia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Georgia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Germany Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Ghana Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Greece Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Grenada Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Guatemala Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Guinea Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Guinea-Bissau Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Guyana Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Haiti Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Honduras Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Hong Kong SAR Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Hungary Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Iceland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars India Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Indonesia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollarsGross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Islamic Republic of IranIraq Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Ireland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Israel Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Italy Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Jamaica Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Japan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Jordan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Kazakhstan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Kenya Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Kiribati Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Korea Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Kosovo Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Kuwait Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Kyrgyz Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Lao P.D.R.Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Latvia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Lebanon Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Lesotho Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Liberia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Libya Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Lithuania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Luxembourg Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Macao SAR Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars FYR Macedonia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Madagascar Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Malawi Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollarsMauritania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Mauritius Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Mexico Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Micronesia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Moldova Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Mongolia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Montenegro Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Morocco Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Mozambique Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Myanmar Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Namibia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Nauru Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Nepal Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Netherlands Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars New Zealand Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Nicaragua Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Niger Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Nigeria Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Norway Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Oman Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Pakistan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Palau Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Panama Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Papua New Guinea Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Paraguay Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Peru Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Philippines Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Poland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Portugal Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Puerto Rico Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Qatar Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Romania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Russia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Rwanda Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Samoa Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars San Marino Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars S鉶 Tom?and Pr韓cipe Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Saudi Arabia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Senegal Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Serbia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Seychelles Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Sierra Leone Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Singapore Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Slovak Republic Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Slovenia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Solomon Islands Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Somalia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars South Africa Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars South Sudan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollarsSt. Vincent and the GrenGross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Sudan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Suriname Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Sweden Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Switzerland Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Syria Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollarsGross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Taiwan Province of ChinaTajikistan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Tanzania Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Thailand Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Timor-Leste Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Togo Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Tonga Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Trinidad and Tobago Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Tunisia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Turkey Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Turkmenistan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Tuvalu Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Uganda Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Ukraine Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars United Arab Emirates Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars United Kingdom Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars United States Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Uruguay Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Uzbekistan Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Vanuatu Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Venezuela Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Vietnam Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Yemen Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Zambia Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars Zimbabwe Gross domestic product, current prices U.S. dollars International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2018Scale Country/Series-specific NotesBillions See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency). 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Billions See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency).198019811982198319841985198619871988 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a1.9462.229 2.296 2.319 2.29 2.339 2.587 2.566 2.5342.34644.37244.7847.52951.51361.13261.53563.351.6647.258 6.793 6.7937.0797.5049.2458.6569.89410.7330.1310.1480.1640.1820.2080.2410.290.3370.399 226.569184.01491.376112.721126.56395.593114.949117.854138.044 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/an/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 162.639188.081186.722179.164196.791174.079181.16212.727270.61480.92470.12270.11171.03367.00768.62497.375121.771133.592 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a2.598 2.6923.031 3.373 3.603 3.9234.241 4.669 4.8553.5934.056 4.264 4.368 4.534 4.278 3.347 3.626 4.48122.63222.05720.19721.16524.06424.75625.95428.63330.9041.018 1.12 1.171 1.243 1.355 1.418 1.557 1.714 1.823 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 124.139102.79290.4485.49281.67284.92117.689146.189158.9430.1720.1790.1790.1890.2110.2090.2280.2670.3151.685 1.14 1.1280.999 1.065 1.156 1.49 1.778 1.8670.1270.1370.1440.1560.1610.1670.1890.2290.2623.589 3.44 3.813 3.609 3.7524.059 3.97 4.323 4.598 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a1.175 1.038 1.095 1.21 1.201 1.118 1.5162.3763.084 145.767167.523179.102143.601142.906226.858263.163286.438319.991 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a4.434 2.704 3.105 2.95524.97426.93728.09428.8730.66826.25823.23926.93844.0222.121 1.846 1.719 1.571 1.404 1.553 2.036 2.37 2.6160.9510.989 1.045 1.106 1.005 1.17 1.233 1.161 1.0880.1570.1540.1550.1520.1450.1520.210.260.292 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a0.2050.1410.2768.1939.2818.9018.9729.4829.90312.90914.95215.184 275.035306.213313.498340.543355.382364.761377.438431.319507.3510.7140.7430.7190.690.670.883 1.158 1.275 1.3720.7380.8730.8440.8440.9070.983 1.211 1.372 1.60428.82934.13325.4520.67320.10417.23818.53121.85625.765 305.348290.827286.719307.677316.628312.616303.34330.303411.92346.34250.48854.06753.73653.07548.41548.48150.46754.4060.1520.1330.1260.1220.1180.120.1620.1960.20768.60659.72664.93952.37834.95131.94335.8433.93239.3142.083 1.708 1.489 1.354 1.245 1.276 1.746 2.121 2.2574.836 2.626 2.609 3.15 3.664 3.926 4.408 4.537 4.61810.048.3217.466 6.737 6.717 6.8519.1710.08810.195 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a2.314 2.242 2.319 2.321 2.447 2.6113.317 3.9794.589 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a71.12761.87860.41360.64559.10562.65888.079109.414115.552 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a0.0730.0820.090.0990.1090.1190.1350.1520.1718.6729.6989.1419.46114.87 6.4967.8918.3057.60516.8417.24317.21415.12916.10118.8313.81612.9112.27723.52325.7630.47937.25441.88848.84154.07677.35992.53。

A.发行条件比较严格B.发行程序比较简单C.登记核准的时间较长D.发行费用较高【答案】 B2、财政部和中国人民银行一般每()确定一次凭证式国债的承销团资格。
A.—年B.半年C.季度D.两年【答案】 A3、(2019年真题)新加坡交易所(简称SGX)于()年9月5日推出以新华富时50指数为基础变量的全球首个中国A股指数期货。
A.1996B.2010C.2006D.2000【答案】 C4、()属于基金资产承担的费用。
A.①②③B.①③④C.①②④D.②③④【答案】 C5、以下关于债券远期交易的说法中,错误的是()。
A.债券远期交易数额最小为债券面额10万元B.交易单位为债券面额1万元C.债券远期交易共有8个期限品种D.期限最短为7天,最长为365天【答案】 D6、下列关于证券公司主要业务的说法,错误的是()。
A.证券自营业务的资金来源为证券公司自有资金或者依法筹集的资金B.证券投资咨询业务的两种基本形式包括证券投资顾问业务和发布证券研究报告C.证券保荐业务是指证券公司代理证券发行人发行证券的行为D.证券经纪业务是指证券公司接受客户委托代客户买卖有价证券的业务【答案】 C7、中国证券业协会2016年颁布的《证券公司压力测试指引》指出,证券公司在遇到()情形时,应当开展专项或综合压力测试。
B.①③④C.①②④D.①②③④【答案】 D8、下列自然人和法人中,有()可以在转融通交易中借入证券。
A.资深股民王某B.国有石油企业甲公司C.证券金融公司财务鸹监张某D.小型证券公司丙公司【答案】 D9、期货价格的特点有()。
A.①②③B.①③④C.③④D.①②③④【答案】 B10、关于我国基金发展的说法,正确的有().A.II、IIIB.I、III、IVC.I、II、IV【答案】 B11、2018年3月30日,国务院批准了中国证监会《关于开展创新企业境内发行股票或存托凭证试点的若干意见》。

Issue8 2018商务部外贸司负责人谈
上半年,对外投资主要流向租赁和商务服务业、制造业、采矿业以及批发和零售业,占比分别为32.6%、15.8% 、11.5%和9.5%。

中央的做法①是我国国家性质的体现,彰显了人民民主是最真实的民主②坚持依法治港,有效维护了国家最高利益和国家安全核心③赋予香港高度自治权,完善人民当家作主的最高实现形式④以政治安全为基础,确保实现香港特别行政区的长治久安A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④4.2022年7月13日,金砖国家首次反腐败部长级会议以视频形式举行。

IIS|International Investment Studies中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所Working Paper No.201801January23,2018中国海外投资国家风险评级(2018)Country-risk Rating of Overseas Investment from China(CROIC-IWEP)国际投资研究室世界经济与政治研究所中国社会科学院2018年1月目录2018年中国海外投资国家风险评级主报告 (4)一、评级背景 (4)二、各评级机构评级方法综述 (5)(一)发布国家信用评级的机构简介 (5)(二)评级对象 (6)(三)评级指标体系 (6)(四)评级方法特点 (7)三、CROIC-IWEP国家风险评级方法 (9)(一)指标选取 (9)(二)标准化、加权与分级 (13)(三)评级样本 (14)(四)本评级方法的特点 (16)(五)未来规划 (19)四、CROIC-IWEP国家风险评级结果总体分析 (19)(一)总体结果分析 (20)(二)分项指标分析 (22)五、CROIC-IWEP国家风险评级主要排名变动国家分析 (30)(一)泰国(↑12) (30)(二)塔吉克斯坦(↑12) (31)(三)乌兹别克斯坦(↑12) (32)(四)乌克兰(↑6) (32)(五)保加利亚(↑5) (33)(六)柬埔寨(↓13) (34)(七)蒙古(↓10) (34)(八)伊朗(↓8) (35)(九)南非(↓7) (36)(十)希腊(↓6) (36)“一带一路”国家风险评级子报告 (38)CROIC–IWEP国家风险评级原始指标 (48)表1GDP总量 (48)表2人均GDP (50)表3GDP增速 (52)表4GDP5年波动系数 (54)表5贸易开放度 (56)表6投资开放度 (58)表7Chinn-Ito指数 (60)表8居民消费价格指数 (62)表9失业率 (64)表10基尼系数 (66)表11公共债务/GDP (68)表12外债/GDP (70)表13短期外债/总外债 (72)表14财政余额/GDP (74)表15外债/外汇储备 (76)表16经常账户余额/GDP (79)表17贸易条件 (81)表18银行不良贷款/贷款总额 (83)表19扮演国际储备货币的重要程度 (85)表20内部冲突 (87)表21环境政策 (89)表22资本和人员流动的限制 (91)表23劳动力市场管制 (93)表24商业管制 (95)表25平均受教育年限 (97)表26社会安全(每十万人谋杀死亡人数) (99)表27其他投资风险 (101)表28执政时间(任期还剩几年) (103)表29政府稳定性 (105)表30军事干预政治 (107)表31腐败 (109)表32民主问责 (111)表33政府有效性 (114)表34法治 (116)表35外部冲突 (118)表36贸易依存度 (120)表37投资依存度 (122)表38是否签订BIT (124)表39签证情况 (126)表40投资受阻程度 (128)表41双边政治关系 (130)2018年中国海外投资国家风险评级主报告CROIC-IWEP中国社科院世经政所国家风险评级课题组一、评级背景2016年中国对外直接投资再创新高,达到1961.5亿美元,蝉联全球第二,投资流量较上年增长了34.7%,占全球对外直接投资比例的13.5%,首次超过10%。

牛盾:中国为全球消除贫困与饥饿做出重要贡献㊀㊀2018年6月6日, 减贫和粮食权的保障 展览在罗马联合国粮农组织(F A O)总部开幕.中国常驻联合国粮农机构代表牛盾大使致辞.牛盾大使指出,中国在关注自身发展的同时,始终积极参与全球发展合作,是南南和三方合作坚定的支持者和倡导者,是发展中国家中对联合国粮农组织南南合作出资最大㊁派出专家最多㊁成效最显著的国家. 我的讲话将以两个单词作为起点:2个 H ,它们都与F A O的使命密不可分,与大家合作共赢密不可分.第一个单词是H e a l t h 健康.说到健康,中国有句俗语,只有吃饱,才能吃好.解决吃饱问题,就是解决我们的粮食安全问题;解决吃好问题,就是加强和改善营养问题.第二个单词是H a p p iGn e s s 幸福.脱贫是人们迈向幸福生活的必经之路,这条路虽然崎岖坎坷,但随着脱贫目标的一步步实现,伴随贫困的社会问题也会逐渐得到解决,幸福就会掌握在人们手中. 牛盾大使说.2015年,联合国通过«2030年可持续发展议程»,将消除贫困和饥饿作为首要的两个可持续发展目标.牛盾大使指出,该议程的实施已过去3年,纵观全球,贫富悬殊和南北差距扩大问题依然严重存在,贫困㊁饥饿㊁社会冲突等一系列难题依然困扰着许多发展中国家.牛盾大使表示,中国是世界上人口最多的发展中国家,稳定解决13亿多人口吃饭问题始终是治国理政的头等大事,让13亿多人过上好日子,是中国发展的根本目标.农村地区是脱贫攻坚战的主要阵地,为此,中国政府始终高度重视 三农 工作,提高农民生计和幸福指数,相继出台了一系列强农㊁惠农㊁富农政策,促进农业和农村经济稳定发展.在做好自身发展工作的同时,中国始终积极参与全球发展合作,并做出力所能及的贡献.中国常驻联合国粮农机构代表处联合国发布«世界投资报告2018»㊀㊀2018年6月6日,联合国在日内瓦发布«世界投资报告2018»,报告显示2017年全球外商直接投资(F D I)低迷,为1 43万亿美元,比2016年下降23%,这与全球G D P及贸易增长加快形成鲜明对比.F D I的下降主要是跨境并购大幅下降22%所造成的.报告称,流入发达国家的F D I为7120亿美元,同比下降37%,流入发展中经济体的F D I为6710亿美元,保持平稳.流向转型经济体的F D I为470亿美元,同比下降27%.报告显示,中国仍是发展中国家中最大的吸收外资国和对外投资国.2017年中国吸收的外资在全球排名中仅次于美国,位居第二,达到1360亿美元;中国对外投资为1250亿美元,位居第三,同比下降36%.中国常驻联合国粮农机构代表处意大利开启 生态认证食堂 申请㊀㊀据意大利农业㊁食品与林业政策部(以下简称意农业部)消息,意农业部官网已开放申请 生态认证食堂 的信息平台.这是意大利首次采用 生态食堂 这一概念并根据生态标准对校园食堂进行管理.2017年年初,意政府拨款4400万欧元用于启动该项计划,意农业部部长马尔蒂纳表示, 我们的重要目标是将学校生态食堂列入农业可持续发展战略中,大力推进并普及生态产品在校园餐饮中的使用,保证我们的子孙后代在校园中也可获得健康饮食. 2017年12月,意农业部与意教育部,各大区政府㊁市镇政府及品牌餐饮公司共同制定了学校生态食堂的有关标112WorldAgriculture2018郾07(总471)。

Avoid the pitfall of variations in the index across countries that are due to the variations in the weights used, rather than to the severity of restrictions in place
9. Manufacturing - Transport Equipment 21. Business Services (accounting, legal,
10. Electricity (generation, distribution)
architecture, engineering)
and Other Minerals
19. Financial services - Insurance
8. Manufacturing - Electric, Electronics 20. Financial services - Other financial
and Other Instruments
OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index
A tool for benchmarking countries, measuring reform and assessing its impact
FDI Index: What does it measure?
USD100mn or if corresponding to > 50% of total Notification (pre or post)

当时,MSCI 最早考虑将中国A股纳入MSCI新兴市场指数,但是由于中国资本市场的开放程度和投资限制等问题,最终未能实现。
三、中国A股纳入MSCI条件的影响1. 提升中国资本市场的国际化水平中国资本市场的国际化程度一直是中国金融市场改革的重要目标之一。
2. 推动中国资本市场的改革和开放中国资本市场的改革和开放是中国金融市场改革的重要方向之一。
3. 增强投资者对于中国市场的信心中国A股纳入MSCI指数体系,可以增强全球投资者对于中国市场的信心,提高中国市场的知名度和声誉。

FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN CHINA中国外资Issue3 2018商务部外贸司负责人谈2018年1月我国对外贸易情况提高0.7个百分点,继续保持出口第一大经营主体地位。
国际统计年鉴2018全球世界各国社会经济发展指标:9-1 国内生产总值缩减指数

中国澳门 Macao, China
孟加拉国 Bangladesh
Brunei Darussalam
印度尼西亚 Indonesia
哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan
Korea, Rep.
马来西亚 Malaysia
99.0 145.7 104.1 127.3 109.3 143.6 123.6 145.8 111.7 100.9
116.5 116.8 140.6 139.2
95.6 110.5 128.3 128.4 240.6 111.9 101.0 148.4 106.6 130.3 108.9 146.0 128.8 152.8 111.0 103.5
(2010=100) 2017
116.6 118.7 141.8 147.4
86.8 114.4 133.0 131.5 244.5 112.9 101.3 164.2 108.6 133.8 111.0 149.3 135.4 155.1 112.8 102.0
122.2 145.0
9-1 国内生产总值缩减指数 Gross Domestic Product Deflator
资料来源: 国际货币基 金组织IFS数 据库。 Source: IMF IFS Database.
国家或地区 Country or Area

OECD:2018年全球外资限制指数世界经济合作与发展组织(OECD)日前发布的2018年全球外资限制指数( FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index)显示,中国去年对外资限制大幅放松,对外资开放程度进一步提升。

“一五”计划期间,苏联对新中国援建 156 个工业项目,专业领域涵盖电力、钢铁、煤炭、机械等产业,为中国重工业发展打下了坚实的基础,使中国开始从落后的农业国迈入工业国行列。
1972 年美国总统尼克松访华,并与中国发表《中美联合公报》,意味着中美关系逐渐打破坚冰,同时也加强了中国与世界主要发达国家的联系,为日后中国的对外开放营造良好的外部环境。
图1 1979—2018年中国实际利用外商投资额注: 由于1979—1982年外资数据缺失,作者经搜集整理将这期间的外资数据进行汇总。
二、探索开放阶段:1978—1991年1978 年党的十一届三中全会制定改革开放的伟大决策,抓住了迎合全球化浪潮的契机,同时也启动了加快利用外资的进程。

Jan. 2019 Foreign Investment in China9FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN CHINA中国外资Issue1 2019商务部:医疗教育等领域将放宽外资股比限制2018年12月27日,在商务部例行新闻发布会上,商务部发言人高峰指出,改革开放40年来,中国取得成绩是在开放的体制下取得的。

Mac. 2019 Foreign Investment in China9FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN CHINA中国外资Issue3 201902证监会再放大招外资流入国内制度重大改革来了证监会1月31日发布了《合格境外机构投资者及人民币合格境外机构投资者境内证券期货投资管理办法(征求意见稿)》,目的在于实施资本市场高水平对外开放,引进更多境外长期资金。
本次修订六大亮点:一、将QFII、RQFII 两项制度合二为一,无门槛要求。
五、加强持续监管 加大惩处力度。

Sep. 2018 Foreign Investment in China9FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN CHINA中国外资Issue9 2018国家发改委回应中美贸易摩擦影响国家发改委副主任、国家统计局局长宁吉近日就当前经济发展情况和中美贸易05农业农村部:中国全方位扩大农业对外开放中新社北京8月12日电,中国农业农村部副部长韩俊近日表示,农业继续扩大开放、主动增加进口,是中国既定的政策,中国将积极、稳妥、有序扩大农业对外开放。

13. Distribution - Retail
2. Forestry
14. Transport (surface, water, air)
3. Fishery
15. Hotels & restaurants
4. Mining & Quarrying (incl. oil extract.) 16. Media (broadcasting and other media)
reciprocity, discriminatory minimum capital requirements etc.
What is not covered?
Degree of implementation/circumvention State monopoly or participation in a sector Special treatment accorded to a group of investors, whether by
I. Foreign equity limits
Start-ups and acquisitions
No foreign equity allowed
Foreign equity < 50% of total equity
Foreign equity > 50% but < 100% of total equity
R² = 0.1 911
0.0 0
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
No foreign equity allowed
Foreign equity < 50% of total equity
Foreign equity > 50% but < 100% of total equity
II. Screening and approval* Approval required for new FDI/acquisitions of < USD 100mn or if corresponding to < 50% of total equity***
13. Distribution - Retail
2. Forestry
14. Transport (surface, water, air)
3. Fishery
15. Hotels & restaurants
4. Mining & Quarrying (incl. oil extract.) 16. Media (broadcasting and other media)
Equal weights advantage: simple, flexible and easy to use
Avoid the pitfall of variations in the index across countries that are due to the variations in the weights used, rather than to the severity of restrictions in place
11. Construction
22. Real estate
12. Distribution – Wholesale
Scoring methodology
Scores built on experts’ assessment of their importance
Simple average of 22 sectors
Statutory restrictions: All discriminatory measures affecting foreign investors, covering both market access and national treatment:
Equity restrictions by sector or overall, for acquisitions or greenfield projects Screening above a threshold or foreign equity share Restrictions on key personnel: managers, directors, experts Operational restrictions: land ownership, profit/capital repatriation, branching,
USD100mn or if corresponding to > 50% of total Notification (pre or post)
OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index
A tool for benchmarking countries, measuring reform and assessing its impact
FDI Index: What does it measure?
an Financial services - Insurance
8. Manufacturing - Electric, Electronics 20. Financial services - Other financial
and Other Instruments
I. Foreign equity limits
Start-ups and acquisitions
No foreign equity allowed
Foreign equity < 50% of total equity
Foreign equity > 50% but < 100% of total equity
activity (e.g. exporting) or country of origin Restrictions based purely on national security or prudential measures
22 sectors covered
1. Agriculture
5. Manufacturing - Food & Other
17. Communication (fixed & mobile
6. Manufacturing - Oil Ref. & Chemicals
7. Manufacturing - Metals, Machinery 18. Financial services - Banking
reciprocity, discriminatory minimum capital requirements etc.
What is not covered?
Degree of implementation/circumvention State monopoly or participation in a sector Special treatment accorded to a group of investors, whether by
9. Manufacturing - Transport Equipment 21. Business Services (accounting, legal,
10. Electricity (generation, distribution)
architecture, engineering)