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Research on the influence of "two-child" policy on female


[Abstract] As the main body of population reproduction and the participant of social and economic development, the opening of the two-child policy has changed the employment environment for women. Based on the social survey data and development status of the policy's impact on women's employment, this paper looks at the influencing factors of women's employment under the two-child policy from the macro and micro perspectives, and analyzes the influence of traditional concepts, support, welfare level, employment discrimination, family division of labor and personal quality on women's employment. It is found that the "two-child" policy has different effects on the employment of women of different ages, different educational backgrounds and different enterprises. The "two-child" policy has a negative impact on the employment process of women, which is reflected in the different impacts of job interview, salary, career promotion, life development and other stages. In order to smoothly achieve the expected goal of implementing the "two-child" policy and help women to find a balance between fertility and employment, effective policy Suggestions and safeguard measures should be given from all sides of the society considering the various impacts of the "two-child" policy on women's employment.

[Keywords] "Two-child" policy Women in employment Influencing factors


1前言 (1)

2“二孩”政策对女性就业影响的调查 (3)

2.1 “二孩”政策对女性就业的影响 (4)

2.1.1 “二孩”政策对女性就业影响的年龄差异 (4)

2.1.2 “二孩”政策对女性就业影响的学历差异 (5)

2.1.3“二孩”政策对女性就业影响的工作单位差异 (5)

2.2 “二孩”政策对女性就业过程的不利影响 (6)

2.2.1 “二孩”政策对求职面试的影响 (6)

2.2.2 “二孩”政策对薪酬待遇的影响 (7)

2.2.3 “二孩”政策对职业晋升的影响 (7)

2.2.4 “二孩”政策对人生发展的影响 (8)

3“二孩”政策下影响女性就业的因素 (10)

3.1 宏观视角下影响女性就业的因素 (10)

3.1.1国家角度下影响女性就业的因素 (10)

3.1.2社会角度下影响女性就业的因素 (10)

3.2 微观视角下影响女性就业的因素 (11)

3.2.1 企业角度下影响女性就业的因素 (11)

3.2.2 家庭角度下影响女性就业的因素 (12)

3.2.3 自身角度下影响女性就业的因素 (12)

4提高女性就业率和就业质量的政策建议 (13)

4.1 保障女性就业权益 (13)

4.1.1 公平对待就业 (13)

4.1.2 提供职业培训 (13)

4.1.3 实行生育保障 (14)

4.2 平衡工作和家庭之间的关系 (14)

4.2.1 实现经济保障 (14)

4.2.2 完善托幼服务 (15)

4.3 转变思想行为 (15)

4.3.1 社会思想行为的转变 (15)

4.3.2 个人思想行为的转变 (16)

5结语 (17)

参考文献 (18)

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