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3 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Objectives of This Session 课程目标
Review Delphi Run @ Rate Requirements 了解Delphi节拍生产的要求 Review What Should Be Done Before, During, and After the Run @ Rate 了解在节拍生产之前、之中、之后需要做什么 Discuss How To Determine the Run @ Rate Duration and Focus 讨论节拍生产中如何做决定及关注什么
To ensure that the supplier is capable of meeting Delphi’s Maximum Schedule Volume(MSV) on a daily and yearly basis.
8 25/Jan//01
During the Run @ Rate, production tooling is to be in place and running at full capacity, utilizing regular production personnel and support systems, both indirect and direct (stress the manufacturing systems). 节拍生产测试其间,生产模具应满负荷进行,利用正常的人员的支持系
12 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Determining Duration /决定期限
The default length is one day of the Delphi’s daily
production at MSV. 默认期限是Delphi一天的最大计划产量
Run @ Rate Training
Scope / 范围
All new parts, sourcing changes, and engineering changes are to be reviewed for the applicability for a Run @ Rate.
– Availability of Raw Material /原材料的可得性 – Capacity allocation for shared tooling (Planned Machine Loading) 共用模具的能力分配 (计划加工载荷) – Inventory Storage of the Run @ Rate parts /节拍生产的库存 – Conversion/acceleration plan /转化/加速计划 – Sub Contractor/ Sub Tier components availability /二级供应商/二级零件的可得性
13 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Delphi Monitored Run @ Rate
14 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Preparation for the Run @ Rate 节拍生产准备
The Supplier is to: /供应商应该 » Review the Run @ Rate Plan (SPDP appendix_14). 审核节拍生产计划(SPDP 附录14) » Conduct a trial Run @ Rate and/or production simulation as well as complete as much of the Run @ Rate worksheets as possible (SPDP Appendix 15). 执行一次试节拍生产测试,以及尽可能完成节拍生产的表格(SPDP 附录15) » Provide planned downtime for each process step (including breaks, lunch, set-up & maintenance). 提供每个过程的计划停机时间(包括早餐,午饭,调试及保养时间) » Provide buffer levels prior to each process step if appropriate. 如果适用,提供每个过程之前的缓冲量
To prevent future capacity and quality problems 预防将来的产能和质量问题
5 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
| Run @ Rate Purpose >
6 25/Jan//01
9 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Maximum Schedule Volume (MSV) - maximum schedule volume based on PC&L’s or other functional area’s documented customer requirements.
Run @ Rate Training
Purpose of Run @ Rate
To verify that the actual manufacturing process is capable of producing Delphi’s components at the quoted tooling capacity for a specified period. 验证在一定时期内,供应商的模具在实际生产Delphi的零件是没有问 题的。 To ensure the manufacturing process conforms to the manufacturing and quality plan as documented in the PPAP. 确认供应商的制造过程与PPAP文件中制造计划和质量计划是一致的
7 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Purpose of Run @ Rate
To verify that the manufacturing process is capable of producing parts to the required quality and quantity. 验证生产过程按要求的质量和数量是完全可行的。
最大计划产量 - 建立在产品控制及物流或其他功能基础上文件化的客户要求 Planned Machine Loading - The planned run schedules identifying each customer utilization of the machine/tool. 计划加工载荷- 确认每个客户的加工/模具利用情况 Quoted Tool Capacity (QTC) - The tool capacity available to Delphi as outlined in the purchasing agreement. 报价模具产能 – 按采购协议规定的满足Delphi的模具产能 New Part - Part requiring an Initial Production Part Approval/Certification (e.g. PPAP) 新零件 – 新开发零件/新认证零件
供应商的操作计划需满足每周的客户要求,而且这种运作每周不超过 100小时。我们期望供应商的产能超过客户要求的15%。所有期望都须 与采购和供应商质量管理人员确认并被文件化。
11 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Run @ Rate Plan/节拍生产计划
The supplier submits a Run @ Rate Plan to Delphi as documented in their APQP Plan:
Logistics & Safety/课程的后勤及安全 Introductions/介绍 Class Objectives/课程的目标 Why are we doing this training? 为什么我们要培训? Run at Rate- Focused Sections 节拍生产-关注部分 Questions/问题
Run @ Rate Training
Company A,B,C
1 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Hitting Delphi’s Targets For:/达到Delphi的目标是:
2 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
15 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Preparation for the Run @ Rate 节拍生产准备
The Supplier is to: /供应商应该 » Eliminate all known scrap and/or rejects in each buffer and at each process step prior to beginning the Run @ Rate. 开始节拍生产前,消除每一过程及缓冲区所有已知的报废和/或不合格品 » Develop a data log to record the actual downtime( planned and unplanned).
4 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Why Are We Doing This Training? 为什么我们要培训?
To understand Delphi Run @ Rate procedure 理解Delphi的节拍生产流程 To understand the critical issues associated with the execution of the Run @ Rate process
– SPDP Appendix 14 /SPDP 见附录14 – Early in the APQP cycle /早期在APQP过程中反映 – During supplier program reviews /在供应商项目审核其间反映
Details of the plan include: /计划中的细节
10 25/Jan//01
Run @ Rate Training
Supplier Capacity Policy 供应商产能政策
The supplier's operating plan to meet the weekly Customer Requirements (operating plan) and current model service must be 100 hours per week or less. Suppliers are always expected to be able to support flex requirements of 15% over the weekly customer requirements. Any exception must be documented and reviewed with appropriate Purchasing and Supplier Quality Management.