



整车开发过程中的英文缩写-汽车行业的你一定要知道的小编整理的一份超级全面的整车开发过程中用到的英语,供大家参考整车开发通用英文缩写(按首字母排序)英文缩写英文全称中文含义(按首字母排序)100% Cal 100% Calibration 100%标定100% IVER 100% Integration Vehicle EngineeringRelease100%集成车工程发布100% PPAP All parts at full PPAP for Vehicleprogram为了整车项目,所有零件PPAP100% SVER 100% Structure Vehicle EngineeringRelease100%结构车工程发布65% Cal 65% Calibration 65%的动力总成标定80% Cal 80% Calibration 80%的动力总成标定8D 8 Disciplines 问题解决8步法A Alpha Alpha阶段(动力总成产品阶段)A MRD Alpha Material Required Date Alpha样件需求日期A/T Automatic Transmission 自动变速器A/T Automatic Transmission 自动变速器AA Architecture Approval 架构批准AAM Alliance of Automobile Manufactures 汽车制造商联盟ABS Anti-lock Brake System or Anti-BlockSteering防抱死制动系统AC Architecture Confirmation 架构确认ACE Assistant Chief Engineer 总工助理ACT Activity 工艺路线ACT BOM Assembly Component Tree BOM 总成件树形BOMAD Alternatives Development 主题开发ADV Analysis / Development / Validation 分析/开发/验证ADV Analysis, Development and Validation 分析,开发和认证AE Application Engineer 应用工程师AE Application Engineer 应用工程师AEM Assimilability evaluation method 可装配性评估方法AFI Architecture Framing Initiation 架构框架启动AIAC Automotive Industry Action Group 美国汽车工业行动集团ALY Alloy 铝合金AMT Automatic Machincal Transmission 机械式自动变速器ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准协会AP Advanced Purchasing 提前采购AP Assembly Plant 总装厂APB Automotive Product Board 汽车产品委员会APD Approved Product Description 批准的产品描述APE Annual Program Execution 年度项目执行APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济联盟APQP/CP Advanced Product Quality Planning andControl Plan先期产品质量规划和控制计APSB Asia Pacific Strategy Board 亚太战略委员会(通用汽理组织)AR Appropriation Request 项目预算ARC Architecture Refinement Complete 架构优化完成ASB Automotive Strategy Board 汽车战略委员会(通用汽理组织)ASC 经销商售后管理系统ASE Automotive Safety Engineering 汽车安全工程ASE Aftersales Engineering 售后工程ASN Advanced shipping notice 发货通知单ASSI Architecture Statement of StrategicIntent战略意向的架构陈述Assy Check-in Assembly Line Check-in 装配线进场启动现场安调Assy PPAP Assembly Line PPAP 装配线通过PPAPAssy PPAP Assembly Line PPAP 装配线通过PPAPAssy PPV Assembly Line Products and ProcessValidation装配线交付后的产品工艺验Assy PPV Assembly Line Production and ProcessValidation装配线交付后产品工艺验证Assy Run-Off Assembly Line Run-Off 装配线试装交样日期Assy Run-off Assembly Line RUN-Off 装配线整线打通,启动试工装配Assy Run-off MRD Assembly Line RUN-Off Material RequiedDate装配线ATC Auto Temperature Controller 自动空调控制器ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油ATT Attachment 附件ATT Actual takt time 实际单件工时AVD Advanced Vehicle Development 先期车辆开发AVDC Advance Vehicle Development Center 先期车辆开发中心AVD-LT Advanced Vehicle Development-LeadershipTeam前期整车开发-领导小组AVDP Advanced Vehicle Development Process(Time between DSI and VPI)先期车辆开发流程(在DS间)AVPM Advanced Vehicle Planning Manager 先期车辆计划经理B Beta Beta阶段(动力总成产品阶段)B Build 制造B MRD Beta Material Required Date Beta样件需求日期B+U Building and Utility 土建公用BAD Build Authorization Document 试制授权文档BC Business Case 业务计划BCM Body Control Module 车身控制器BDC Body Distributon Central 车辆调配中心BESC Base Engine Steering Committee 发动机总成战略转向委员会BIQ Building in Quality 制造质量BIR Prototype Build Issue Report 试制问题报告BIR Build Issues Resolution 试制问题BIR Build Incident Report 装车问题报告BIR Bulding issue report 造车问题报告BIW Body-In-White 白车身BIW Body in White 白车身BOD Bill of Design 设计清单BOE Bill of Equipment 设备清单BOM Bill of Material 物料清单BOM Bill of Material 物料清单BOM Bill of Material 物料清单BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单BOM Bill of Material 物料清单BOP Bill of Process 工艺清单BOP Bill Of Process 工艺清单BP Break Point 断点BPD Business Plant Deployment 业务计划实施BPP Best people practices 最佳人员准则BPR Business plan recompose 业务流程重组BS Body Shop 车身车间BSD Build Site Direction 试制现场指导书BUFFER Buffer 线边缓存区C/CAP Construction/Conversionand Acceleration Plan土建/改造和生产提速计划CAB Change Approval Board 更改审批会CAC 服务热线专员CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy 公司平均油耗Cal Calibration 动力总成标定CARE Customer acceptance review evaluation 整车报交检查CARE Customer Acceptance & Review Evaluation 用户接受度和审查评估CC Concept Confirmation 验证概念CC Consolidation Center 集散中心CC Confirmation Clinic 确认临床Cert LSO Certification Lift Stop Order 通过排放认证通知CET Cold Environment Test 寒区试验CH Chassis Department 底盘部CI Concept Initiation 提出项目概念CIM Customer Interface Manager 客户服务经理CIP Continue Improve Process 持续改进CIP Continue Improve Process 持续改进CIT Continuous Improvement Team 不断改进小组CIT Compartment Integration Team 车厢集成小组CMC Container Management Center 空箱管理中心CME Change Management Engineer 更改管理工程师Cmk N/A 临界机器能力指数Cmk Capability Machine Index 机器设备能力CMM 三坐标测量C-NCAP China New CAR Assessment Process 中国标准新车评估体系COC Centre of Competence 能力中心COE Center of Expertise 经验总结中心CP Control Plan 控制计划CPIT Current Product Improvement Team 现有产品改进小组Cpk Complex Process Capability 过程能力指数Cpk Process Capability Index 稳定过程的能力指数CPQE Current Product Quality Engineer 现有产品质量工程师CPV Cost per Vehicle 单车成本CR/DN Change Request / Decision Notice 更改决议CR/DN Change Request/Decision Notice 变更申请/决议通知CRB Change Review Board 更改评审小组CS Contract Signing 动力总成签署项目合同CS Contract Signing 合同签订CS1 Controled Shipping 1 一级受控发运CS2 Controled Shipping 2 二级受控发运CSC Controls Steering Committee 控制模块战略转向委员会CSI Customer Satisfaction Index 用户满意度指标CSI Customer Satisfaction Index 售后满意度CSN Current Sequence Number 流水号CSO Contract Sign-Off 合同签署CSO Contract Sign-Off (VDP) 整车签署项目合同(VDP术CSO HC Contract Sign-Off Health Check 合同签署健康检查CSO HC Contract Sign-Off Health Check 合同签署健康检查CT Cycle Time 制程周期CT Cycle time 周期时间CT Creativity Teams 创造性工作小组CT Critical Test 关键试验CTS Component Technical Specification 零部件技术标准CTT Common Timing Template 标准2级进度模板CVER Concept Vehicle Engineering Release 概念车工程发布CVER LL Concept Vehicle Engineering ReleaseLong Lead概念车工程发布--长周期CVIS Completed Vehicle Inspection Standards 整车检验标准CVQC Completed vehicle quality ceter 整车质量中心CVQCB Completed vehicle quality ceter board 整车质量目视板CVT Continuously Variable Transmission 无级变速器D.Q.R 合格率概况DAS Design & Analysis Section 设计分析科DC Deliver Charter 递交项目章程DCN Design Change Notice 设计更改通知DCN Design Change Notice 设计更改通知DCP Dimension Control Plan 尺寸控制计划DCS Design Concept Sheet 概念设计表DCT Double Clutch Transmission 双离合器变速箱DD Direct Delivery 直接投线DDSP Driver Door Switch Pack 驾驶席门控开关DEI Die Engineering Integration 模具工程集成DFA Design for Assembly 装配工艺性设计DFM Design for Manufacturability 制造工艺性设计DFMEA Design failure mode and effects analysis 设计失效模式和效果分析DFMEA Design FMEA 设计失效模式分析DIFF Differential 差速器DL 3b Design Level 3b 设计阶段3bDMS Dealer Manage System 经销商管理系统DOL Dealer On Line 经销商在线系统DP Demand Plan 需求计划DPV Defects per vehicle 单车缺陷数DPV Defect per Vehicle 单车缺陷数DQ&V Design Quality & Validation 设计质量和验证DR Direct run 直接通过率DRC Design Review Committee 设计评审委员会DRE Design Responsible Engineer 设计和发布工程师DRE Design Release Engineer 设计发布工程师DRE Design release engineer 设计发布工程师DRL Direct run loss 直接通过损失率Drop Off Drop Off 停产DS44 HIGH SPEED DURABILITY TEST 高速耐久试验(MGRES 标准DSG Direct shift gearbox 双离合器变速箱DSI Document of Strategic Intent 战略意向书DSM Driver Seat Module 驾驶席座椅控制模块DSO Design Sign Off 设计签署DTA Design Theme Alternatives 设计主题选项DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code 诊断故障码DV Design Validation 设计验证DV Design Validation 产品设计验证DVP Design Validation Plan 设计验证计划DVT Dynamic vehicle test 整车综合动态测试E/T/C Engine/Transmission/Controller 发动机/变速器/控制模块EBA Emergency Brake Assistant 紧急制动辅助系统EBD Electronical Brake Distribute 电子制动力分配系统EBOM Engineering BOM 工程BOMEC Embedded Controller 控制模块ECC ERP Central Component ERP核心组建ECR Engineering Change Request 工程更改请求ECR Engineering Change Request 工程更改请求ECR Engineering Change Request 工程更改申请ECR Engineering Change Request 工程项目变更申请ECS Engineering Change Summary 工程变更摘要ECT Emission Control System 电子控制自动变速器EDS Electronic Data Systems 电子数据系统EEVC European Enhanced Vehicle-Safety Committee欧洲提高车辆安全性委员会EFEO Emissions & Fuel Economy 排放和燃料经济EGM Engineering Group Manager 产品工程小组经理EI&S Electronics Integration & Software 电器零件集成和软件ELV End of life vehicle 整车寿命结束EMlS Emission 排放EMS Engine Management System 发动机管理系统ENB Build-Test Section 试制试验科E-NCAP Euro New Car Assessment Process 欧洲标准新车评估体系ENG Engineer 工程师EOA End of Acceleration 生产提速的完成EOLT End of Line Test 生产线试验结束EP Engineering Prototype 工程样车(件)EPA Environmental Protection Agency 环境保护厅EPC Engineering Program Committee 工程项目委员会EPN Engineering Project Number 工程项目数目ERD Early Requirement Document 早期的要求文件ESB European Strategy Board 欧洲战略委员会(通用汽理组织)ESO Engineering Sign Off 发动机整机工程签署ESO Engineering Sign Off 工程签署ESO Engineering Sign-off 工程签署ET Engineering Technology 工程技术EV Engineering Vehicle 工程样车EWO Engineering Work Order 工程工作指令EWO Engineering Work Order 工程更改号EWO Engineering workorder 工程更改流程Exp Cal Experimental Calibration 尝试性标定FA Final Approval 批准正式生产FAC 集团销售经理FATG Final Approval to Grain 生产最终批准FBIW First Body in White Complete 第一轮白车身完成FE Functional Evaluation 功能评估FE LSO Fuel Economy Label Lift Stop Order 通过油耗认证的通知FIVC First Integration Vehicle Complete 第1辆集成车制造完毕FIVC First Integration Vehicle Complete 第一轮集成车完成FLO Factory Layout 工厂布局FM 功能尺寸FM Finance Manager 财务经理FMC First Mule Complete 第一轮骡子车完成FMC 区域售后支持FMEA Failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FMEA Failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 潜在失效模式及后果分析FMEA Failure mode and effects analysis 失效模式和后果分析FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 失效模式和影响分析FMS Flexible manufacturing systems 柔性制造系统FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 联邦汽车安全标准FPPV BIW First Product/Process Body in WhiteComplete第一轮产品/工艺白车身完FPPVC First Product/ProcessValidation Vehicle Complete第一轮产品/工艺验证车辆FPS Fixed Point Stop 固定停止位置FTC First Time Capability 首次能力FTP/FTQ First time pass/quality 一次通过合格率FTQ First time quality 下线合格率FWD Four Wheel Drive 四轮驱动G Gamma Gamma阶段(动力总成产品阶段)G MRD Gamma Material Required Date Gamma样件需求日期G/L Group leader 工段长GA General Assembly 总装GA General Assembly 总装GADT Global Architecture Development Team 全球架构开发小组GBOM Global Bill of Material 全球物料清单GMNA General Motors North America 通用汽车北美分部GMPT General Motors Powertrain 通用汽车动力总成分部GPDC Global Product Development Council 全球产品开发理事会GPDP Global Powertrain Development Process 全球动力总成开发流程GPDS Global Product Description System 全球产品管理系统GSD Global Segment Director 全球细分主管GSS Global Sales and Service 全球销售和服务GVDP Global Vehicle Development Process 全球整车开发流程GVDP Global Vehicle Development Process 整车开发流程GVDP Global Vehicle Development Process 整车开发流程GVDP Global Vehicle Development Process 全球汽车开发流程GVDP Global Vehicle Development Process 全球整车开发流程GVDP Global Vehicle Development Process 整车开发流程GVLE Global Vehicle Line Executive 整车平台执行GVW Gross Vehicle Weight 车辆总重GW Gateway 网关HET Hot Environment Test 热带试验HRC Hardware Release Center 硬件发布中心ICD Interface Control Document 接口控制文件IDR Initial Data Release 初始数据发布IDSR Integration DrivenSubsystem Requirement集成驱动子系统要求ILP Inbound Logistic Planning 入厂物流规划IMES Integration Manufacturing ExecutiveSystem生产执行系统Initial Cal Initial Calibration 初始标定IOM Inspection operator method 检验操作方法IOS Inspection operator summary 检验操作概要IPPE integrated Product andProcess Engineering集成产品与工艺工程IPTV Incident per Thousand Vehicles 每千辆车的故障率IPTV Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles 每一千台车事故率IPTV Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles 每千辆车的故障率IPTV Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles 千辆车故障率IR Incident Report 事故报告IRP Issue Resolution Process 问题解决流程IRR Internal Rate of Return 内含报酬率ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织IV Integration Vehicle 集成车IV MRD Integration Vehicle Material RequiredDate集成车的物料需求日期IVBR Integration Vehicle Build ReadinessReview集成车制造准备评审IVER Integration Vehicle Engineering Release 集成车工程发布JIS Just In Sequence 排序供货JIS Just In Sort 供应商排序供货方式JIS Job Instruction Sheet 岗位指导书JIT Just In Time 及时供货JIT Just In Time 供应商及时供货方式JPH Job per Hour 生产节拍JRS Joint Ride Session 联合评审JSC 生产采购委员会JSC-GP Joint Sourcing Committee - Generalpurchase联合采购委员会-一般采购Kcc Key Control Characteristic 关键过程控制特性KCC Key Control Character 关键控制特性KCDS Key Characteristic Designation System 产品关键特性定义系统KO Kick-Off 启动Kpc Key Product Characteristic 关键产品特性KPC Key Product Characteristic 关键产品特性KPC Key product characteristic 主要产品特性KPC Key product characteristic 主要产品特性KPC Key process control 关键过程控制KPC Key process control 关键过程控制LAAMSB Latin America, Africa, Middle EastStrategy Board通用的拉美,非洲,中东战LCL Lower Control Limit 管制下限LCS Logistic Confirmation Sheet 物流确认单LL Learning Loop 学习周期LL Long Lead 长周期LLPR Long Lead Production Release 长周期的产品发布LM Launch Manager 启动经理LOU Line of Usage BOM 整车BOM行LSL Lower Specification Limit 规格下限LSP Lean sales and marketing prograne 精宜营销LTR Launch Team Release 启动小组释放LWO Logistic Work Order 物流属性更改号M+E Machine & Equipment 机器设备MAC 区域经理MBOM Manufacturing BOM 制造BOMMDS Materiel Data Sheet 物料数据单ME Manufacture Engineer 样车试制工程师或生产线制ME Machine and Electronic 电器设备ME Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程ME Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程MEC 区域市场支持MEIS Manufacturing Engineering Info System 制造工程信息系统MES Manufacturing Execution System 制造执行系统MES Manufacturing Execution System 制造执行系统MFG Site Dec Manufacturing Site Decision 确定生产厂址MIC Marketing Information Center 市场信息中心MILKRUN Milkrun 循环取货MKT Marketing 营销MMR Manufacturable Math Release 制造数模发布MO Manufacturing Operations 生产管理部门MP OTS 100% 100% Made Parts in OTS 100%自制件达到OTS状态MP OTS 100%100% Made Parts in OTS 100%自制件达到OTS状态MP PPAP Made Parts PPAP 自制件通过PPAPMP PPAP Made Parts PPAP 自制件通过PPAPMP PPV Made Parts Production and ProcessValidation自制件生产线交付后的产品MP PPV Made Parts Production and ProcessValidation自制件生产线交付后的产品MPS Master Planning System 主计划系统MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle 多用途轿车MR Manufacturing Requirements 制造要求MRD Material Required Date 交样日期MRD Material Requirement Date 物料需求日期MRD Material Required Date (for physicalbuilds)物料需求日期(用于制造样MRD Math Required Date (for virtual builds) 数模需求日期(用于虚拟制MRE Manufacturing Responsible Engineer 制造工程师MS Manufacturing Studies 制造车间MSA Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析手册MSA Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析MSA Measure System Analyse 测量系统分析MSA Measurement system analysis 测量系统分析MSS Market Segment Specification 市场细分规范MSS 区域销售支持MSS Market Segment Specification 市场分割规范MT Manual Transmission 手动变速箱MT&E Machines, Tools and Equipment 机床,工装和设备MTS Manufacturing Technical Specification 制造技术标准MVB Manufacturing Validation Build 用于认证制造工艺的整车制MVB Manufacturing Validation Build 制造验证造车MVB (ns) Manufacturing Validation Build (nonsaleable)用于认证制造工艺的整车销售的)MVB (s) Manufacturing ValidationBuild (saleable)用于认证制造工艺的整车售的)MVBns Manufacturing Validation Build Non-Salable非销售制造验证造车MVBs Manufacturing Validation Build Salable 销售制造验证造车MVSS Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 汽车安全标准MWO Manufacture Work Order 制造属性更改号MY Model Year年度款 MYM Model Year Manager车型年经理 NAO North American Operations 通用的北美分部 NEO New Employee Orientation 新员工培训 NOA Notice of Authorization 授权书 NOD Notice of Decision 决议 NOD Notice of Decision 决议通知 NPV Net Present Value 净现值 NRD Normal Road一般公路NSB North American Strategy Board通用的北美传略委员会(管理组织)OBD On Board Diagnostics 车载诊断系统 OEMOriginal Equipment manufacturers 原始设备制造商(主机厂)OEM Run-Off Original Equipment Manufacturer Run-Off零件供应商工装设备具备试生产条件OEM Run-off Original Equipment Manufacturer Run-off 零件供应商工装设备具备试OJT On Job Training 在岗培训 OPO Office of Product Operations 产品高层管理组织 ORS Occupant Restraint System 乘员约束系统 OT Overtime 加班 OTD Order to Delivery 订单到货时间 OTP On Time Performance 及时性能 OTS 装车评审 OTS Off-tool Sample 工装样件 OTS Off-tool Sample 工装样件 OTS Off-tool Sample 工装样件 OTS OFF-TOOL-SAMPLE 工装样件OTS QV OTS Quality ValveOTS 质量阀OTS 交付状态满足质保的开OTS QV OTS Quality ValveOTS 质量阀,OTS 交付状态开阀要求OTS TG2 Off Tooling Samples Tooling Go Level 2OTS 设计达到TG2阶段,发供应商启动工装和设备投入OTS TGL2 Off Tooling Samples Tooling Go Level 2 OTS 设计达到TG2阶段 P Pilot 批量试生产 P Pilot 小批量生产 PA Production Approval 批准正式生产 PA Program Administrator 项目管理专员 PaC Physical Alpha for Customer 提交客户的Alpha 样机 PACK Packaging 包装规划 PAD Product Assembly Documentation 产品装配文件 PAM Product Assemble Manual 样车装配指南 PAM Product Assemble Manual 产品装配手册PAPIRProduct and Process Integration Review 产品和工艺集成会议PAS Packaging Approval Sheet 包装确认单PAS Parking Aid System 泊车辅助系统PAS Parking Aid System 泊车辅助系统PbC Physical Beta for Customer 提交客户的Beta样机PBS Painted Body Store 油漆车身存储区PC Deliver Pilot to Customer 向客户提交Pilot产品PC Pullcord 拉环PC Problem Communication 问题信息PC&L Production Control and Logistics PC&L部门(GM的一个部门PCL Production Control Manager 生产控制与支持PCM Powertrain Control Module 动力总成控制模块PCM Process Control Manager 工艺控制负责人PCN Project Cost Change Notice 项目更改通知单PCN Project Costbook Change Notice 项目Costbook更改通知单PCR Problem communication report 问题交流报告PCR Problem communication report 问题交流报告PCR Problem Communication Report 问题交流报告PCR Problem Communication Report 问题交流报告PDC Parking Distance Control 泊车距离控制PDC Parking Distance Control 泊车距离控制PDCA Plan、Do、Check、Action 计划、实施、检查、行动PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Action 计划,实施,检查,行动PDI Product delivery inspection 产品交付检查PDI Preliminary Data Indicator 初步数据指示器PDI Pre-delivery Inspection 车辆行运“零公里”检查报PDS Product Data Structure 产品数据结构,在SCM中用象,集成了BOM、工艺和工PDT Product Development Team 产品开发组PDT Product Development Team 产品开发小组PDT Product Development Team 产品开发小组PDT Product Development Team 产品开发小组PDT Product Development Team 产品开发小组PE Product Engineering 产品工程PET Program Executive Team 项目执行小组PET Program Execution Team 项目组PET Program Execution Team 项目执行小组PFI Program Framing Initiated 项目框架启动PFMEA Process failure modeand effectsanalysis过程失效模式和后果分析PFMEA Process FMEA 工艺失效模式分析PFMEA Process failure mode & effects analysis 过程失效模式分析PFSE Product Focus Systems Engineer 产品系统工程师PG3 Powertrain Gateway 关键里程碑节点PgC Physical Gamma for Customer 向客户发运Gamma样机PGM Program Management / Project Management 项目管理PGM Program Management 项目管理PGM Program Management 项目管理Pilot Pilot 试生产Pilot Pilot 试生产Pilot QV Pilot Quality Valve 试生产质量阀满足启动试要球Pilot MRD Pilot Material Requied Date Pilot交样日期Pilot MRD Pilot Material Required Date Pilot的物料需求日期Pilot QV Pilot Quality Valve 试生产质量阀满足启动试生产的开阀要求PIM Powertrain Interface Manager 动力总成接口经理PLM Production Launch Manager 生产启动经理PLP 单车利润表PM Programme Manager 项目工程经理PM Program Manager 项目经理PM Program Manager 项目经理PM Plan maintain 计划维护PM Prevention Maintenance 预防性维护PM Program Manager 项目经理PMO Program Management Office 项目管理办公室(通用的一PMP 常规尺寸PMT Product Management Team 产品管理小组PN Part NO. 零件号PP Pre-pilot 前期试生产PP Pre-Pilot 预试生产PP Pre-pilot 试生产P-P Pre-Pilot 试生产PP PPAP Purchased Parts ProductionParts Approval Process外购件完成生产件批准程序PP Appr. Purchased Parts Approved 外购件批准SQE开具入库许可单PP ESO Purchased Parts Engineering Sign Off 外购件工程签署,完成OT 认可PP OTS 100%100% Purchased Parts in OTS 外购件的OTS交样率达到PP OTS 80% 80% Purchased Parts in OTS 外购件的OTS交样率达到PP OTS 80%80% Purchased Parts in OTS 外购件的OTS交样率达到PP PPAP Purchased Parts PPAP 外购件完成PPAPPPA Product Planning Approval 产品规划批准PPAP Production Parts Approval Process 生产件批准程序PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产零部件批准程序PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序PPAP Production Parts Approval Process 生产件批准程序PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准流程PPAP PPAP Production Part Approval Process 产品零部件批准流程PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产零部件批准程序PPC Deliver Pre-Pilot to Customer 向客户发运Pre-pilot动力PPC Product Program Content 项目任务书。



汽车行业以及机械行业部分专业词汇中英文对照表汽车automobile 拖拉机tractor 铁路机车locomotive有轨电车tram无轨电车trolley 军用车辆military vehicle 蒸汽机steam engine煤气机gas engine 汽油机gasoline engine 国民经济national economy 全拆散(CKD) Completely Knock Down 半拆散(SKD) Semi-Knock Down改革开放reform and opening 技术引进technical import 国产化localization支柱产业pillar estate 轿车car 客车bus, coach 货车truck, lorry公路用车road vehicle 非公路用车off-road vehicle 发动机engine机体engine body 曲柄连杆机构crank-connecting rod mechanism配气机构valve timing mechanism 供给系fuel supply system冷却系cooling system 润滑系lubricating system点火系ignition system 起动系starting system 底盘chassis传动系power train 离合器clutch变速器gear box 传动轴propeller shaft 驱动桥drive axle行驶系running gear 车架frame 悬架suspension前轴front axle 桥壳axle housing 车轮wheel转向系steering system 转向盘steering wheel 转向器steering gear转向传动装置steering linkage 助力装置power assisting device制动系braking system 控制装置control device供能装置power supply device 传动装置transfer device制动器brake 车身body 车前板制件front end panels车身壳体body shell 车门door车窗window附属装置auxiliary device 货箱carrying platform发动机前置后轮驱动(FR) front engine rear drive发动机前置前轮驱动(FF) front engine front drive发动机后置后轮驱动(RR) rear engine rear drive发动机中置后轮驱动(MR) midship engine rear drive全轮驱动(nWD) all wheel drive 驱动力tractive force阻力resistance 滚动阻力rolling resistance空气阻力air resistance, drag 上坡阻力gradient resistance附着作用adhesion 附着力adhesive force附着系数coefficient of adhesion 二冲程发动机two stroke engine四冲程发动机four stroke engine 水冷发动机water cooled engine风冷发动机air cooled engine 上止点(UDP) upper dead point下止点(LDP) lower dead point 活塞行程stroke汽缸直径bore 工作容积working volume排量swept volume, displacement 进气行程intake stroke压缩行程compression stroke 压缩比compression ratio做功行程working stroke 爆燃,敲缸detonation, knock排气行程exhaust stroke 示功图indicating diagram汽缸体cylinder block 汽缸盖cylinder head油底壳oil sump 活塞piston 连杆connecting rod曲轴crankshaft 飞轮flywheel 进气门intake valve排气门exhaust valve 挺柱tappet 推杆push rod摇臂rocker 凸轮轴camshaft 正时齿轮timing gear燃油箱fuel tank 燃油泵fuel pump 汽油滤清器gasoline filter化油器carburetor 空气滤清器air cleaner 进气管intake manifold排气管exhaust manifold 火花塞spark plug 点火线圈ignition coil断电器breaker 蓄电池storage battery 发电机generator水泵water pump 散热器radiator 风扇fan放水阀drain valve 水套water jacket 分水管distributive pipe机油泵oil pump 集滤器suction filter 限压阀relief valve润滑油道oil passage 机油滤清器oil filter 机油冷却器oil cooler起动机starting motor 有效功率effective power 有效转矩effective torque燃油消耗率specific fuel consumption 发动机转速特性engine speed characteristic 节气门开度throttle percentage 部分特性partial characteristic外特性outer characteristic 汽缸套cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner发动机支承engine mounting 活塞顶piston top活塞头部piston head 活塞裙piston skirt开槽slot 活塞环piston ring气环compression ring 油环oil ring环槽groove 活塞销piston pin主轴承main bearing 主轴承盖main bearing cap主轴瓦main shell 连杆轴承big end bearing连杆盖big end cap 起动爪cranking claw带轮pulley 平衡重counter weight发火顺序firing order 扭振减振器torsional vibration damper顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft多气门发动机multi-valve engine气门间隙valve clearance 配气相位timing phase气门杆valve stem 气门座valve seat气门导管valve guide 气门弹簧valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气combustion mixture消声器silencer, muffler 汽油gasoline, petrol分馏distil 蒸发性evaporating property热值heat value 抗爆性anti-knock property辛烷值(RON) Research Octane Number过量空气系数coefficient of excessive air理论混合气theoretical mixture 稀混合气thin mixture浓混合气thick mixture主供油系统main supply system 怠速系统idle system加浓系统thickening system 加速系统accelerating system浮子float 浮子室float chamber 针阀needle valve量孔metering jet 阻风门choke 滤芯filter cartridge沉淀杯sediment cup 泵膜pump diaphragm 油浴式oil bath type 石棉垫a**estos pad 预热pre-heating汽油直接喷射gasoline direct injection 电控electronic control 多点喷射muti-point injection 单点喷射single point injection电路控制circuit control 分电器信号distributor signal空气流量信号airflow signal 冷却水温信号water temperature signal输油泵transfer pump 喷油泵fuel injection pump高压油管high pressure fuel pipe 发火性ignition property黏度viscosity 凝点condensing point备燃期pri-combustion period 速燃期rapid combustion period缓燃期slow combustion period 燃烧室combustion chamber统一燃烧室united chamber 球形燃烧室ball shape chamber涡流室turbulence chamber 预燃室pri-combustion chamber喷油器injector 精密偶件precise couple柱塞plunger 出油阀delivery valve调速器governor 两速调速器two speed governor全速调速器full speed governor 定速调速器fixed speed governor综合调速器combined governor 气动调速器pneumatic governor机械离心式调速器mechanical centrifugal governor复合式调速器complex governor喷油提前角调节装置advancer 飞块flyweight联轴节coupling 粗滤清器primary filter细滤清器secondary filter 涡轮增压器turbocharger中间冷却器intermediate cooler 节温器thermostat防冻液anti-freezing liquid 补偿水桶compensation reservoirV-带V belt 百叶窗shutter大循环big circulation 小循环small circulation散热翅片fins 润滑剂lubricant压力润滑pressure lubrication 飞溅润滑splash lubrication润滑脂grease 机油压力传感器oil pressure sensor油封oil seal 旁通阀bypass valve机油散热器oil cooler 机油尺dip stick加机油口oil filler 曲轴箱通风crankcase ventilation一次绕组primary winding 二次绕组secondary winding热敏电阻heat sensitive resistance 点火提前ignition advance分电器distributor 活动触点moving contact固定触点fixed contact 分火头distributor rotor arm电容器condenser 点火提前装置ignition advancer离心式点火提前装置centrifugal ignition advancer真空式点火提前装置vacuum ignition advancer辛烷值校正器octane number rectifier 中心电极central electrode侧电极side electrode 绝缘体ceramic insulator跳火间隙spark gap 半导体点火系semi-conductor ignition system 晶体管transistor 二极管diode三极管triode 无触点点火系non-contact ignition system霍尔效应Hall effect 正极板anode负极板cathode 隔板separator电解液electrolyte 蓄电池格battery cell接线柱terminal 电缆cable硅整流交流发电机silicon rectified A.C. motor转子rotor 定子stator电刷brush 风扇叶轮fan blade电压调节器voltage regulator 手摇起动cranking电热塞electric heater plug 串激直流发电机serial wound D.C. motor起动齿圈starter ring 电磁操纵机构electro-magnetic control三角活塞triangular piston 转子发动机rotary engine自转rotary motion, rotation 公转orbit motion轨迹trajectory 齿轮gear齿圈ring gear 往复零件reciprocal parts动平衡dynamic balance 燃气涡轮发动机gas turbine机械式传动系mechanical transmission液力机械式传动系hydro-mechanical transmission静液式传动系static-hydraulic transmission电力式传动系electrical transmission自动式传动系automatic transmission减速reduction 可变速比variable ratios有级变速definite ratios 无级变速indefinite ratios无级变速器(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission一般布置general layout 发动机横置lateral engine positioning分动器transfer case, transfer box 接合柔和smooth engagement分离彻底thorough separation 过载overload摩擦表面friction surface 摩擦衬片friction liner毂hub 主动部分driving part从动部分driven part 花键spline压盘pressure plate 离合器盖cover plate分离杠杆release lever 分离套筒release sleeve分离轴承release bearing 主缸master cylinder工作缸working cylinder 分离叉release fork间隙调整clearance adjustment 打滑slip踏板pedal 踏板自由行程pedal free stroke踏板工作行程pedal working stroke 铆钉,铆接rivet双片离合器dual disc clutch 中央弹簧离合器central spring clutch膜片弹簧离合器diaphragm spring clutch 非线性non-linear输入轴(第一轴)input shaft, drive shaft 输出轴(第二轴)output shaft, main shaft 中间轴counter shaft倒挡轴reverse gear shaft 常啮合constant mesh低速挡low gear 高速挡high gear最高速挡top gear 空挡neutral gear一挡the first gear 二挡the second gear三挡the third gear 倒挡reverse gear直接挡direct gear 超速挡overdrive动力输出power take-off 换挡shift啮合套sliding sleeve 同步器synchronizer同步锥面synchro cone 变速杆shifting lever手柄handle 球铰链ball joint换挡拨叉shifting fork 自锁self-lock互锁inter-lock 变速驱动桥transaxle加力挡low gear 液力偶合器hydraulic coupling泵轮impeller 涡轮turbine叶片blade 液力变矩器torque converter导轮stator 行星齿轮系planetary gear system太阳轮sun gear 行星轮planet pinion行星架planet carrier 齿圈ring gear万向节universal joint, U-joint 十字轴式万向节Cardan type U-joint叉子yoke, fork 十字轴spider, center cross滚针轴承needle bearing 滑脂嘴(油嘴)lubricating fitting, nipple 等角速constant angular velocity 双联式万向节dual Cardan type U-joint 球叉式万向节Weiss type U-joint 球笼式万向节Rzeppa type U-joint星形套inner race housing 球形壳outer race shell保持架,球笼retainer, ball cage 挠性万向节flexible U-joint无缝钢管seamless steel tube 主减速器final drive主动(小)齿轮drive pinion 从动(大)齿轮ring gear伞齿轮bevel gear 双曲面齿轮hypoid gear单级减速single reduction 双级减速double reduction贯通式主减速器penetrable final drive双速主减速器double gear (speed) final drive轮边减速器wheel reduction 差速器differential半轴齿轮differential side gear 差速锁differential lock轴间差速器inter-axle differential lock托森差速器torque sensitive differential。



汽车开发流程英语The process of automobile development is a complex and intricate one, involving a number of different stages and disciplines. From the initial concept to the final production, the development of a car involves a wide range of activities, including design, engineering, testing, and manufacturing.The first stage in the development of a new car is the concept phase, in which the basic idea for the vehicle is developed. This phase involves brainstorming, market research, and design concept creation. The next stage is the design phase, in which the vehicle's exterior and interior are designed and modeled using computer-aided design (CAD) software.After the design phase, the engineering phase begins, in which the vehicle's systems and components are engineered and tested. This phase involves a wide range of activities, including structural analysis, aerodynamic testing, and crash testing.Once the engineering phase is complete, the vehicle moves into the prototype phase, in which a small number of prototype vehicles are built and tested. This phase allows engineers to identify and resolve any issues with the vehicle's design and engineering before full-scale production begins.After the prototype phase, the vehicle moves into the pre-production phase, in which the production process is tested and refined. This phase involves building a small number of pre-production vehicles and testing the manufacturing process to ensure that it is efficient and reliable.Finally, the vehicle moves into the production phase, in which it is manufactured on a large scale and prepared for sale to the public. This phase involves setting up the production line, training the workforce, and ensuring that the vehicles meet quality and safety standards.汽车开发的流程是一个复杂而复杂的过程,涉及许多不同的阶段和学科。



volvo项目开发时间节点英语Volvo Project Development Timeline.Volvo, the renowned Swedish automaker, has a rich history of innovation and engineering excellence. Over the decades, the company has consistently pushed the boundaries of automotive technology, resulting in a series of groundbreaking vehicles that have left an indelible mark on the industry.In recent years, Volvo has embarked on an ambitious transformation journey, aiming to become a leader in sustainable mobility. The company has made significant investments in electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and connectivity, and has set ambitious goals for reducing its environmental impact.As part of this transformation, Volvo has adopted a new project development process that is designed to accelerate innovation and bring new products to market more quickly.This process is based on the principles of agile development, which emphasizes collaboration, iteration, and continuous improvement.The Volvo project development process typically involves the following stages:1. Ideation.The project development process begins with the generation of new ideas. This can come from a variety of sources, including customer feedback, market research, and technological advancements.2. Concept development.Once a promising idea has been identified, it isfurther developed into a concept. This involves creating a detailed specification for the product, as well as developing prototypes and conducting user testing.3. Product development.Once the concept has been finalized, the product development team begins to develop the product. This involves designing and engineering the vehicle, as well as sourcing components and materials.4. Testing and validation.Throughout the product development process, the vehicle is subjected to rigorous testing and validation. This includes crash testing, emissions testing, and real-world driving tests.5. Production launch.Once the vehicle has been fully tested and validated,it is ready for production launch. This involves setting up production lines and training assembly workers.6. Sales and marketing.The final stage of the project development process issales and marketing. This involves launching the vehicle to the public and generating demand for the product.The Volvo project development process is a complex and iterative one. It typically takes several years to bring a new vehicle to market. However, by adopting agile development principles, Volvo is able to accelerate the process and bring new products to market more quickly.Here are some examples of recent Volvo projects that have been developed using this process:The Volvo XC40 Recharge.The Volvo XC40 Recharge is the company's first fully electric vehicle. It was developed in just two years, from concept to production. The XC40 Recharge is a compact SUV that offers a range of over 200 miles on a single charge.The Volvo S90。



汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1 Car 轿车1。

2 Bus 客车1.3 Motor truck 货车1。

4 special purpose vehicle 专用汽车二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2。

1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成2。

2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能2.3 engine position 发动机布置三、Vehicle dimensions汽车尺寸四、Wheel alignment前轮定位五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径第二类ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造二、Essential term 基本术语发动机工作原理3.1 Four—stroke gasoline engine operationprinciple3.2 Four—stroke diesel engine operationalprinciple3.3 Two—stroke gasoline engine operationprinciple3。

4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle二冲程柴油机工作原理四、Engine performance 发动机性能曲柄连杆机构5。

2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组5。

3 Crankshaft,flywheel 曲轴飞轮组六、Valve mechanism 配气机构6。

1 Side valve 侧置气门6。

2 Overhead valve 顶置气门6.3 Overhead valve 顶置气门6。

4 Valve-timing diagram 配气相位图七、Gasoline engine—fuel system汽油机供油泵7.1 Fuel system 供油泵7.2 Air cleaner 空气滤清器7。



汽车零部件开发流程5个阶段英文缩写全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Super Cool Car Part Journey: A Tale of 5 Awesome Adventures!Hey there, kids! Are you ready for an exciting adventure into the world of car parts? Get ready to discover the amazing journey these incredible components take before they can zoom into your favorite vehicles! We'll be using some cool acronyms to make it even more fun. Buckle up and let's go!Stage 1: CP (Concept Phase)It all starts with a brilliant idea! Imagine a team of super smart engineers and designers sitting around a table, dreaming up the coolest, most awesome car parts ever. They think about what kinds of problems they need to solve and how they can make driving safer, faster, or just way more fun. This is the CP, where the magical concept for a new car part is born!Stage 2: PD (Product Design)Once the idea is all sparkly and ready to go, it's time for the PD phase. This is where the engineers and designers get to work, using their mad skills and fancy computers to turn that concept into a detailed plan. They figure out every tiny detail, from the materials to use to the exact shape and size of the part. It's like they're creating a blueprint for an incredible invention!Stage 3: PP (Prototype Production)Now things start to get really exciting! In the PP stage, the engineers take their designs and actually build the very first version of the car part. This is called a prototype, and it's like a practice run before the real thing. They might make a few different prototypes to test out different ideas and make sure everything works perfectly.Stage 4: TV (Testing and Validation)Once the prototypes are ready, it's time for the TV stage. This is where the car part gets put through its paces to make sure it's as awesome as the engineers hoped. They might test it in super hot or super cold temperatures, or even try to break it (don't worry, that's on purpose!) to see how tough it is. If the part passes all the tests, it's ready for the final stage!Stage 5: LP (Launch Production)In the LP stage, the car part is finally ready to be made for real and sent out to all the amazing car factories around the world. The engineers and workers have to make sure they can produce lots and lots of the part quickly and efficiently. And then, before you know it, that brilliant idea from the CP stage has become a real, live car part that helps make vehicles safer, faster, or just way cooler!There you have it, kids – the 5 awesome adventures that every car part goes on before it can zoom into your favorite rides. From CP to LP, it's an incredible journey filled with creativity, hard work, and a whole lot of fun. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one dreaming up the next great car part idea!篇2The 5 Stages of Developing Car PartsHi there, my little friends! Today, I want to tell you all about the super cool process of developing car parts. Cars are made up of many different parts, and each part has to be carefully designed and created before it can be used in a car. Let's learn about the five stages of developing car parts together!Stage 1: Research and Planning (RP)Before anything else, the engineers and designers need to do a lot of research and planning. They ask questions like "What kind of part do we need?" and "How can we make it better than before?" They also look at what other companies are doing and try to come up with new and awesome ideas. This is called the Research and Planning stage, or RP for short.Stage 2: Design and Development (DD)Once the engineers and designers have a good idea of what they want to create, it's time to start designing and developing the car part. They use special computer programs to draw the part and make sure it will fit perfectly in the car. They also create prototypes, which are like test versions of the part. This stage is called Design and Development, or DD for short.Stage 3: Testing and Evaluation (TE)After the car part is designed and a prototype is made, it's time for testing and evaluation. This is when the engineers and designers check to see if the part works well and if it's safe to use. They test the part in all kinds of conditions, like extreme heat or cold, to make sure it won't break or cause any problems. They also evaluate how the part performs and if any improvements need to be made. Testing and Evaluation is the name of this stage, or TE for short.Stage 4: Production and Manufacturing (PM)Once the car part has been tested and approved, it's time to start making lots of them! This is called the Production and Manufacturing stage, or PM for short. The engineers and designers work with factories and machines to produce the parts on a large scale. They make sure the parts are made correctly and that they meet all the quality standards. It's a very important stage because without it, we wouldn't have enough parts to build cars!Stage 5: Assembly and Integration (AI)Finally, we come to the last stage of developing car parts, which is Assembly and Integration, or AI for short. In this stage, all the different parts of the car are put together to make the final product – the car itself! The car parts are carefully assembled by skilled workers who follow specific instructions. They make sure everything fits together perfectly and that the car is ready to hit the road.And there you have it, my little friends – the five stages of developing car parts: RP, DD, TE, PM, and AI! It's a fascinating process that involves a lot of hard work, creativity, and teamwork. Next time you see a car, remember all the effort that went into making each and every part. Who knows, maybe one day you'llbecome a car designer or engineer and help create amazing car parts yourself!篇3The Exciting Journey of Making Car Parts: A 5-Step Adventure!Have you ever wondered how the cool parts that make up your family's car are created? It's an amazing process that involves lots of hard work and creativity. Let me take you on a fun journey to explore the 5 stages of developing car parts, and we'll use some cool abbreviations along the way!Stage 1: CP (Concept Phase)This is where the adventure begins! Imagine a team of engineers and designers sitting together, dreaming up ideas for a brand-new car part. Maybe it's a sleek new headlight design or a fancy dashboard display. They sketch out their ideas on paper and discuss how the part should look, what materials to use, and how it will work.During the CP, the team also considers things like cost, safety, and environmental impact. They want to make sure the part is affordable, keeps people safe, and doesn't harm theplanet. It's like planning an exciting trip, but instead of deciding where to go, they're figuring out what amazing part to create!Stage 2: DP (Design Phase)Now that the team has a cool concept, it's time to turn those ideas into detailed plans. This is the DP, where engineers and designers get to work on their computers, creating 3D models and technical drawings of the part.Imagine them as architects, carefully planning out every nook and cranny of the part. They use special software to make sure everything fits together perfectly, just like putting together a complex puzzle. During this stage, they also run simulations to test how the part will perform in different situations, like extreme temperatures or crashes.Stage 3: PP (Prototype Phase)With the designs all set, it's time to bring the part to life! In the PP, the team builds a real-life version of the part called a prototype. This is like a practice run before making the final product.Using special machines and tools, they carefully craft the prototype from the same materials they plan to use for the actualpart. It's like sculpting a work of art, but instead of clay, they're working with metals, plastics, and other high-tech materials.Once the prototype is ready, the team puts it through rigorous testing to see how well it performs. They might simulate crashes, expose it to extreme temperatures, or put it through other tough challenges. If the prototype passes all the tests, it's time to move on to the next stage!Stage 4: VP (Validation Phase)In the VP, the team makes sure the part is ready for prime time. They build a small batch of the parts, just like they would in a real factory, and put them through even more intense testing.Imagine a team of engineers and technicians running the parts through all sorts of crazy tests, like simulating decades of wear and tear or driving them across rough terrain. They want to be absolutely certain that the part can handle anything the real world throws at it.If the parts pass all the tests with flying colors, it's time for the final stage!Stage 5: LP (Launch Phase)This is the moment everyone has been waiting for – the LP! After months or even years of hard work, the new car part is finally ready to be produced and installed in vehicles.The team works closely with the factory to set up the production line and make sure everything runs smoothly. Imagine massive machines stamping out parts, robots assembling them with precision, and workers carefully inspecting each one for quality.Finally, the new parts are shipped off to dealerships and repair shops, where they can be installed in cars and trucks all over the world. It's like the grand finale of a spectacular show, with the amazing new part taking center stage!And there you have it – the 5-stage adventure of developing a new car part, complete with cool abbreviations like CP, DP, PP, VP, and LP. Who knew making something as simple as a headlight or a dashboard display could be such an exciting journey? Next time you're in the car, take a look around and appreciate all the hard work and creativity that went into making those incredible parts a reality!篇4"The Awesome Journey of Making Car Parts!"Hi there, friends! Today, we're going to explore the exciting world of making car parts. Imagine all the different pieces that come together to create a magnificent vehicle – the wheels, the engine, the seats, and so much more! It's like a giant puzzle, and we're going to learn about the steps involved in putting it all together.First up, we have the CP stage, which stands for "Concept Phase." This is where the magic begins! Engineers and designers put their brilliant minds together to come up with ideas for new car parts. They think about what the part needs to do, how it should look, and what materials it should be made of. It's like when you're planning to build a super cool LEGO set – you have to figure out what pieces you'll need and how they'll fit together.Next, we move on to the DP stage, or "Design Phase." This is where the ideas from the CP stage come to life! Engineers use fancy computer programs to create 3D models of the car parts. They can spin the models around, zoom in and out, and make sure everything looks just right. It's like creating your own virtual LEGO model before building the real thing!Once the design is ready, it's time for the PP stage –"Prototype Phase." This is where the engineers build the first real-life version of the car part. They might use special machinesor 3D printers to create a prototype made of plastic or metal. It's like taking your virtual LEGO model and turning it into an actual physical model!After the prototype is made, the engineers test it to make sure it works properly. This is called the VP stage, or "Validation Phase." They might put the car part through different challenges, like extreme temperatures or bumpy roads, to see how it holds up. It's like putting your LEGO model through some tough challenges to make sure it's sturdy and won't fall apart.Finally, we have the MP stage, which stands for "Mass Production Phase." This is where the car part gets made in huge numbers, ready to be installed in all the new vehicles. Factories use big machines and assembly lines to create thousands or even millions of the same part. It's like having a massive LEGO factory that can build tons of your awesome model!And there you have it, friends! The five stages of making car parts: CP, DP, PP, VP, and MP. It's a long journey from an idea to a finished product, but with hard work and teamwork, engineers can create amazing things that help us get from place to place. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one designing and building the coolest car parts ever!篇5The Five Stages of Automotive Parts Development ProcessHey there, young automobile enthusiasts! Are you curious about how car parts are developed? Well, today we're going to learn about the five stages of the Automotive Parts Development Process. It's going to be super cool! Let's dive right in!Stage 1: Conceptualization (CON)The first stage is all about coming up with awesome ideas for new car parts. Engineers, designers, and dreamers gather together to brainstorm and think of innovative concepts. They imagine how these parts can improve the performance, safety, and design of future cars. It's like dreaming big!Stage 2: Design and Development (D&D)Once the ideas are finalized, it's time to bring them to life! In this stage, engineers and designers create detailed drawings, blueprints, and computer models of the parts. They analyze every tiny detail to ensure they work perfectly and fit into the overall car design. It's like solving a big puzzle!Stage 3: Prototyping and Testing (P&T)Now, it's time for some hands-on action! Engineers build prototypes, which are real-life samples of the parts. These prototypes are then tested rigorously to see how they perform under different conditions.篇6The 5 Stages of Developing Car PartsHi there, my young friends! Today, I want to tell you all about the process of developing car parts. Do you know that a car is made up of many different parts? Well, these parts go through a special process before they can be put together to make a car. Let's explore the 5 stages of developing car parts!Stage 1: Research and Planning (R&P)The first stage is all about doing research and making plans. Just like when you have a project at school, you need to gather information and come up with a plan. Car companies do the same thing! They study what kind of parts they need and what materials to use. They also think about safety, cost, and how the parts will work together. This stage is called R&P for short.Stage 2: Designing and Testing (D&T)Once the plans are ready, it's time to design the car parts. Engineers use computers to create detailed drawings of how the parts will look. They also make small models or prototypes to test them out. These prototypes are like mini versions of the real parts. Engineers check if they fit together correctly and if they work well. They might have to make changes and test again. This stage is called D&T for short.Stage 3: Manufacturing (M)After the designs have been approved, it's time to make the actual car parts. This is the manufacturing stage. Big machines and skilled workers make the parts using special tools and materials. They follow the designs very carefully to make sure the parts are just right. It's like when you follow a recipe to bake cookies – you need to measure everything correctly and follow the steps. The manufacturing stage is called M for short.Stage 4: Quality Control (QC)Once the parts are made, they go through a process called quality control. This stage is all about checking if the parts are good enough to be used in cars. Inspectors carefully examine each part to make sure it meets the high standards set by the car company. They look for any defects or problems and fix them if needed. This stage is called QC for short.Stage 5: Assembly (A)Finally, it's time to put all the car parts together! This is the assembly stage. Skilled workers in car factories use special tools and machines to assemble the parts and build the cars. They follow a specific order and make sure everything fits perfectly. It's like putting together a puzzle – each part has its special place. This stage is called A for short.And there you have it, my friends! The 5 stages of developing car parts: R&P, D&T, M, QC, and A. Remember, it takes a lot of hard work, planning, and testing to make the car parts we use every day. Next time you see a car, you'll know that each part went through this amazing process. Keep exploring and learning about the world around you!I hope you enjoyed learning about car parts with me. Have a great day!。



FORD开发节点中英文对照第一篇:FORD 开发节点中英文对照FORD/MAZDA APQP开发节点中英对照1.PA(PIA)-------项目批准2.PR-----------产品准备就绪时间(第一轮设计数据冻结)3.PS1-------------------SI前里程碑14.SI----------------------策略意向5.SP---------------------样车结构6.DCV(CP)------样车建造(装样车)7.Body DC------车身设计冻结8.DC----------(整车)设计冻结9.TTO----------工装设备试运行10.TB----------总装线培训11.HTFB--------成型机功能建造12.1PP(2PP)--第一次(二)试生产13.FEU---------区域评估组14.CB----------总装线确认15.Job1--------整车投产16.MP----------量产第二篇:ford公司简介中英文1899年亨利福特离开爱迪生照明公司加入底特律汽车公司,但此公司1900年即倒闭。

1901年亨利福特与Childe H.Wills合资成立亨利福特公司,但与其他投资人不合没多久即离开,该公司在亨利‧李兰入股后改名为凯迪拉克(Cadillac)汽车公司。









汽车行业工‎程及项目缩‎写对照(CP) Confi‎r mati‎o n Proto‎t ype 确认样车Final‎Statu‎s最终状态(J1) Job 1 整车投产(PT) P/T Desig‎n Compl‎e te 动力传动系‎统设计结束‎PT(P/T) Power‎Train‎动力传动系‎统(ST) Surfa‎c e Trans‎f er 表面参数传‎递Chang‎e Cut-Off 更改完成Launc‎h Readi‎n ess 投产准备就‎绪Launc‎h Sign-Off 投产验收Progr‎a m Appro‎v al 项目批准Propo‎r tion‎s & Hardp‎o ints‎比例与固定‎点Produ‎c t Readi‎n ess 产品准备就‎绪Pre Miles‎t one 1 SI前里程‎碑1Pre Miles‎t one 2 SI前里程‎碑2Strat‎e gic Confi‎r mati‎o n 策略确认Strat‎e gic Inten‎t策略意向Strat‎e gic Plann‎i ng 策略计划(SP) Struc‎t ural‎Proto‎t ype 样车结构(TTO) Tool Try-Out 工装设备试‎运行Globa‎l 8D Eight‎disci‎p lina‎r y Actio‎n s G8D (福特公司解‎决问题的标‎准方法) 14D More Detai‎l ed than Globa‎l 8D (used to conta‎i n and resol‎v estop-shipm‎e nt/recal‎l probl‎e ms) 更详细的细‎节(包括并解决‎停止运货/召回问题) 1MIS One Month‎in Servi‎c e 投入使用1‎个月1PP First‎Produ‎c tion‎Prove‎o ut 第一次试生‎产2PP Secon‎d Produ‎c tion‎Prove‎o ut 第二次试生‎产3MIS Three‎Month‎s in Servi‎c e 投入使用3‎个月4P Produ‎c tion‎Proce‎s s Prove‎o ut Progr‎a m 生产程序验‎证项目AAA Ameri‎c an Autom‎o bile‎Assoc‎i atio‎n美国汽车工‎业联合会ABS Affor‎d able‎Busin‎e ss Struc‎t ure 可承受商业‎结构‎syste‎m防抱死制动‎系统ABS Anti skid brakeAIAG Autom‎o tive‎Indus‎t ry Actio‎n Group‎机动车工业‎行动小组AIC Accel‎e rate‎d Imple‎m enta‎t ion Centr‎e快速实施中‎心AIM Autom‎a ted Issue‎s Matri‎x问题结构图‎AIMS Autom‎a ted Issue‎s Matri‎x Syste‎m问题结构图‎系统AME Advan‎c ed Manuf‎a ctur‎i ng Engin‎e erin‎g先进制造工‎艺AMPPE‎Advan‎c ed Manuf‎a ctur‎i ng Pre-Progr‎a m Engin‎e erin‎g先进项目前‎制造工艺ANOVA‎Analy‎s is of Varia‎n ce 多样性分析‎AP Attri‎b ute Proto‎t ype 设计样车APEAL‎Autom‎o tive‎Perfo‎r manc‎e Execu‎t ion and Layou‎t机动车性能‎实施与规划‎APQP Advan‎c ed Produ‎c t Quali‎t y Plann‎i ng 先进产品质‎量计划ASQ Ameri‎c an Socie‎t y for Quali‎t y 美国质量协‎会AV Appra‎i ser Varia‎t ion 评估者的多‎样性AVT Advan‎c e Vehic‎l e Techn‎o logy‎先进车辆技‎术AWS Analy‎t ical‎Warra‎n ty Syste‎m分析性的保‎修系统AXOD Autom‎a tic Trans‎a xle Overd‎r ive Trans‎m issi‎o n 自动变速驱‎动桥超速档‎传动系B&A Body &Assem‎b ly Opera‎t ions‎(New Term:Vehic‎l e Opera‎t ions‎)车身与组装‎操作(新术语:车辆操作)BCG Busin‎e ss Consu‎m er Group‎消费者工作‎组‎等级中的最‎佳BIC Best in Class‎m atio‎n Syste‎m车身工作间‎信息系统BIS Body Shop InforBLI Busin‎e ss Leade‎r ship‎Initi‎a tive‎领导层初始‎意向BOM Bill Of Mater‎i als 零件清单BTB Bumpe‎r-to-Bumpe‎r保险杠到保‎险杠BTS Build‎-To-Sched‎u le 按日程建造‎BUR Busin‎e ss Unit Revie‎w业务小组讨‎论CAS Capac‎i ty Analy‎s is Sheet‎能力分析表‎C/E Cause‎& Effec‎t成因及影响‎CA Custo‎m er Attri‎b ute 消费者特性‎CAD Compu‎t er Aided‎Desig‎n计算机辅助‎设计CAE Compu‎t er Aided‎Engin‎e erin‎g计算机辅助‎工程CAP Corre‎c tive‎Actio‎n Plan 纠正行动计‎划CBG Consu‎m er Busin‎e ss Group‎消费者业务‎小组CC Criti‎c al Chara‎c teri‎s tic 评价特性CC Court‎e sy Copy 抄送CC Carbo‎n Copy 副本CCC Custo‎m er Conce‎r n Class‎i fica‎t ion 客户问题分‎类CDS Compo‎n ent Desig‎n Speci‎f icat‎i on 零件设计参‎数CET Campa‎i gnab‎l e Event‎s Team 召回情况小‎组CETs Commo‎n Exter‎n al Tarif‎f普通关税CETP Corpo‎r ate Engin‎e erin‎g Test Proce‎d ures‎公司工程测‎试程序CFR Const‎a nt Failu‎r e Rate 连续故障率‎CIM Compu‎t er Integ‎r ated‎Manuf‎a ctur‎i ng 计算机综合‎制造CIWG Conti‎n uous‎Impro‎v emen‎t Work Group‎持续改进工‎作组CL Cente‎r line‎中心线CMM Coord‎i nate‎Measu‎r ing Machi‎n e 协调测量设‎备CMMS Commo‎n Mater‎i al Manag‎e ment‎Syste‎m通用材料管‎理系统CMMS3‎Commo‎n Manuf‎a ctur‎i ng Manag‎e ment‎Syste‎m-3 通用制造管‎理系统-3Code X Pre-build‎focus‎i ng on exter‎i or compo‎n ents‎制造前关注‎的外部零件‎Code Y Pre-build‎focus‎i ng on inter‎i or compo‎n ents‎制造前关注‎的内部零件‎CP Commo‎n Posit‎i on 通用位置‎r e of Cp Relat‎e s the allow‎a ble sprea‎d of the speci‎f icat‎i on limit‎s to the measu‎s s.the actua‎l varia‎t ion of the proce将参数限制‎允许限度下‎的展开与程‎序实际多样‎性联系起来‎CPE Chief‎Progr‎a m Engin‎e er 首席项目工‎程师‎a ble speci‎f icat‎i on,‎c t to the allowCpk Measu‎r es the proce‎s s varia‎t ion with respe‎s s avera‎g e and takes‎into accou‎n t the locat‎i on of the proce测量程序的‎多样性并将‎其考虑到程‎序平均性的‎位置中CPU Cost Per Unit 单位成本CQDC Corpo‎r ate Quali‎t y Devel‎o pmen‎t Cente‎r公司质量开‎发中心CQIS Commo‎n Quali‎t y Indic‎a tor Syste‎m一般质量指‎标系统CR Conce‎r n Respo‎n ses 问题回复CRT Compo‎n ent Revie‎w Team 零件讨论组‎CSA Corpo‎r ate Secur‎i ty Admin‎i stra‎t or 公司安全管‎理员CSI Custo‎m er Servi‎c e Index‎客户服务指‎数DCO Duty Cycle‎Outpu‎t责任循环结‎果DCP Dynam‎i c Contr‎o l Plann‎i ng 动态控制计‎划DDL Direc‎t Data Link 直接数据连‎接Df Degre‎e s of Freed‎o m 自由度DFA Desig‎n for Assem‎b ly 总成设计DFM Desig‎n for Manuf‎a ctur‎a bili‎t y 制造能力设‎计DFMEA‎Desig‎n Failu‎r e Mode Effec‎t s Analy‎s is 故障模式影‎响分析设计‎DFR Decre‎a sing‎Failu‎r e Rate 故障下降率‎DMA Datab‎a se Maint‎e nanc‎e Admin‎i stra‎t or 数据库维护‎管理人员DOE Desig‎n of Exper‎i ment‎试验设计DOM Deale‎r Opera‎t ions‎Manag‎e r 经销商业务‎经理DP Desig‎n Param‎e ters‎参数设计DQR Durab‎i lity‎Quali‎t y and Relia‎b ilit‎y耐久性质量‎与可靠性DTD Dock to Dock 码头至码头‎DTD Desig‎n to Deliv‎e ry 设计到交付‎DV Desig‎n Verif‎i cati‎o n 设计验证DVM Desig‎n Verif‎i cati‎o n Metho‎d设计验证方‎式DVP Desig‎n Verif‎i cati‎o n Plan 设计验证计‎划DVP&PV Desig‎n Verif‎i cati‎o n Proce‎s s and Produ‎c tion‎Valid‎a tion‎设计验证程‎序和产品验‎证DVP&R Desig‎n Verif‎i cati‎o n Plan & Repor‎t设计验证计‎划和结果DVPR Desig‎n Verif‎i cati‎o n & Produ‎c t Relia‎b ilit‎y设计验证和‎产品可靠性‎DVPV Desig‎n Verif‎i cati‎o n and Proce‎s s Verif‎i cati‎o n 设计验证和‎程序验证EAO Europ‎e an Autom‎o tive‎Opera‎t ions‎欧洲机动车‎协会EASI Engin‎e erin‎g And Suppl‎y Infor‎m atio‎n工程和供应‎信息ECAR Elect‎r onic‎Conne‎c tor Accep‎t abil‎i ty Ratin‎g电子连接接‎受比率EDI Elect‎r onic‎Data Inter‎c hang‎e电子数据交‎换EESE Elect‎r ical‎and Elect‎r onic‎Syste‎m s Engin‎e erin‎g电力及电子‎系统工程EMM Expan‎d ed Memor‎y Manag‎e r 扩展内存管‎理器EMS Envir‎o nmen‎t al Manag‎e ment‎Syste‎m环境管理系‎统EOL End of Line 线的端点EQI Extra‎o rdin‎a ry Quali‎t y Initi‎a tive‎特别初始质‎量ES Engin‎e erin‎g Speci‎f icat‎i ons 工程参数ESI Early‎Suppl‎i er Invol‎v emen‎t早期供应商‎参与ESP Exten‎d ed Servi‎c e Plan 延期服务计‎划ESTA Early‎Sourc‎i ng Targe‎t Agree‎m ent 早期选点目‎标协议ESWP Early‎Sourc‎i ng Work Plan 早期选点工‎作计划EV Equip‎m ent Varia‎t ion 设备变更F&T Facil‎i ty & Tooli‎n g 工装设备FACT Facil‎i tati‎o n and Certi‎f icat‎i on Train‎i ng 简易化及认‎证培训FASS Field‎Actio‎n/Stop Shipm‎e nt 区域行动/停止运货FA/SS Field‎Actio‎n/Stop Shipm‎e nt (Prefe‎r red Acron‎y m) 区域行动/停止运货(优先使用缩‎写)FAO Ford Autom‎o tive‎Opera‎t ions‎福特机动车‎协会FAP Ford Autom‎o tive‎Proce‎d ure 福特机动车‎程序FAQ Frequ‎e ntly‎Asked‎Quest‎i ons 常见问答FCPA Ford Consu‎m er Produ‎c t Audit‎福特客户产‎品审核‎m er Servi‎c e Divis‎i on 福特客户售‎后服务分枝‎机构FCSD Ford Custo‎n Verif‎i cati‎o n Syste‎m福特设计验‎证系统FDVS Ford DesigFER Fresh‎Eyes Revie‎w其它行业人‎员论证FER Final‎Engin‎e erin‎g Revie‎w最终工程论‎证FEU Field‎Evalu‎a tion‎Unit 区域评估组‎FIFO First‎in First‎Out 先进先出FMEA Failu‎r e Mode Effec‎t s Analy‎s is 故障模式影‎响分析FMVSS‎Feder‎a l Motor‎Vehic‎l e Safet‎y Stand‎a rds 美国联邦机‎动车安全标‎准‎c t Devel‎o pmen‎t Syste‎m福特产品开‎发系统FPDS Ford ProduFPS Ford Produ‎c tion‎Syste‎m福特生产系‎统‎c tion‎Syste‎m Insti‎t ute 福特产品系‎统学院FPSI Ford Produ‎c tion‎Syste‎m Infor‎m atio‎n Techn‎o logy‎福特产品系‎统信息技术‎FPS IT Ford ProduFOB Ford of Brita‎i n 福特英国FQRs Frequ‎e nt Quali‎t y Rejec‎t s 经常性质量‎不合格品FR Funct‎i onal‎Requi‎r emen‎t s 功能要求FRG FAO Relia‎b ilit‎y Guide‎FAO (福特机动车‎运作) 可靠性指导‎FS Final‎Sign-off 最终验收‎m Integ‎r atio‎n Counc‎i l 福特系统综‎合委员会FSIC Ford SysteFSN Ford Suppl‎i er Netwo‎r k 福特供应商‎网络FSS Full Servi‎c e Suppl‎i ers 全方位服务‎供应商FTDC Fairl‎a ne Train‎i ng and Devel‎o pmen‎t Cente‎r培训和发展‎中心FTEP Ford Techn‎i cal Educa‎t iona‎l Progr‎a m 福特技术培‎训项目FTT First‎Time Throu‎g h 首次通过FUNC-APPRV‎Funct‎i onal‎Appro‎v als 功能批准FVEP Finis‎h ed Vehic‎l e Evalu‎a tion‎Progr‎a m 下线车辆评‎估项目GAP Globa‎l Archi‎t ectu‎r e Proce‎s s 全球建筑设‎计程序GC Globa‎l Craft‎s mans‎h ip 全球技术工‎艺GCARS‎Globa‎l Craft‎s mans‎h ip Attri‎b ute Ratin‎g Syste‎m全球技术特‎性评分系统‎GCEQ Globa‎l Core Engin‎e erin‎g Quali‎t y 全球核心工‎程质量GEM Gener‎i c Elect‎r onic‎Modul‎e通用电子模‎块GIS1 Globa‎l Infor‎m atio‎n Stand‎a rds 全球信息标‎准GPIRS‎Globa‎l Proto‎t ype Inven‎t ory Requi‎s itio‎n and Sched‎u ling‎全球样车库‎存及控制安‎排GPP Globa‎l Parts‎Prici‎n g 全球零件定‎价GQRS Globa‎l Quali‎t y Resea‎r ch Syste‎m全球质量调‎查系统GRC UN-ECE Group‎des Rapor‎t eurs‎de Ceint‎u res 欧盟 ECE 安全带规划‎小组GRC Gover‎n ment‎Regul‎a tion‎s Coord‎i nato‎r政府法规协‎调员GR&R Gage Repea‎t abil‎i ty and Repro‎d ucib‎i lity‎量具重复性‎和再现性GRVW Gross‎Vehic‎l e Weigh‎t车辆质量GSDB Globa‎l Suppl‎i er Datab‎a se 全球供应商‎数据库GSSM Globa‎l Sourc‎i ng Stake‎h olde‎r s Meeti‎n g 全球选点股‎东大会GYR Green‎-Yello‎w-Red 绿-黄-红HI High-Impac‎t重大影响HIC High-Impac‎t Chara‎c teri‎s tics‎重大影响特‎性HR Human‎Resou‎r ces 人力资源‎d Funct‎i onal‎Build‎成形机功能‎建造HTFB Hard Toole‎t ioni‎n g 加热通风和‎空调HVAC Heati‎n g Venti‎l atin‎g and Air CondiICA Inter‎i m Conta‎i nmen‎t Actio‎n过渡性补救‎措施ICCD Inten‎s ifie‎d Custo‎m er Conce‎r n Datab‎a se 强化的客户‎问题数据库‎ICCD CRS Inten‎s ifie‎d Custo‎m er Conce‎r n Datab‎a se Conce‎r n Resol‎u tion‎Speci‎a list‎强化的客户‎问题数据库‎解决问题专‎员IE Indus‎t rial‎Engin‎e er 产业工程师‎IFR Incre‎a sing‎Failu‎r e Rate 故障率增长‎ILVS In-Line Vehic‎l e Seque‎n cing‎车辆顺序IM Indus‎t rial‎Mater‎i als 工业材料IP Instr‎u ment‎Panel‎仪表板IPD In Plant‎Date 进厂日IQ Incom‎i ng Quali‎t y 进货质量IQS2 Initi‎a l Quali‎t y Study‎初始质量研‎究IR Inter‎n al Rejec‎t内部不合格‎品ISO Inter‎n atio‎n al Organ‎i zati‎o n for Stand‎a rdiz‎a tion‎国际标准化‎组织ISPC In-Stati‎o n Proce‎s s Contr‎o ls 过程质量控‎制JIT Just in Time 及时JPH Jobs Per Hour 每小时工作‎量JSA Job Safet‎y Analy‎s is 工作安全分‎析KKK PSW not ready‎for inspe‎c tion‎PSW (零件质量合‎格验收) 未做好检测‎准备KLT Key Life Test 关键使用寿‎命测试KO Kicko‎f f 起动LCL Lower‎Contr‎o l Limit‎低控制限值‎‎n Evalu‎a tion‎Matri‎x设计评估表‎LDEM Lean DesigLOA Lette‎r of Agree‎m ent 协议书LP&T Launc‎h Plann‎i ng & Train‎i ng 投产计划和‎培训LR Launc‎h Readi‎n ess 投产准备就‎绪LRR Launc‎h Readi‎n ess Revie‎w投产准备就‎绪论证LS Launc‎h Sign-Off 投产验收LSL Lower‎Speci‎f icat‎i on Limit‎低参数限制‎LTDB Light‎Truck‎Data Base 轻型卡车数‎据库MBJ1 Month‎s Befor‎e Job One Job1(投产)前1个月MBO Manuf‎a ctur‎i ng Busin‎e ss Offic‎e制造办公室‎ME Manuf‎a ctur‎i ng Engin‎e erin‎g制造工程MIS Month‎s in Servi‎c e 使用中的月‎份MMSA Mater‎i al Manag‎e ment‎Syste‎m Asses‎s ment‎物料管理系‎统评定MP&L Mater‎i als, Plann‎i ng and Logis‎t ics 材料,计划与物流‎MPPS Manuf‎a ctur‎i ng Proce‎s s Plann‎i ng Syste‎m制造程序计‎划系统MOD Modul‎e模块MRB Mater‎i al Revie‎w Board‎物料论证板‎MRD Mater‎i al Requi‎r ed Date 物料要求到‎厂日MS Mater‎i al Speci‎f icat‎i ons 物料参数MS3(MSIII‎) Mater‎i al Suppl‎y Versi‎o n III 物料供应(第三版)MTC Manag‎e the Chang‎e管理变更MY Model‎Year 年度车型NAAO North‎Ameri‎c an Autom‎o tive‎Opera‎t ions‎北美汽车工‎业协会NFM Noise‎Facto‎r Manag‎e ment‎噪声管理NIST Natio‎n al Insti‎t ute of Stand‎a rds and Testi‎n g 全国标准和‎测试协会NMPDC‎New Model‎Progr‎a m Devel‎o pmen‎t Cente‎r新车型项目‎开发中心‎l l Vehic‎l e Audit‎新车总评审‎Nova C New OveraNTEI New Toole‎d End Items‎新工具加工‎成品NVH Noise‎, Vibra‎t ion, Harsh‎n ess 噪声,振动,操纵平顺性‎OCM Opera‎t ing Commi‎t tee Meeti‎n g 工作委员会‎会议OEE Overa‎l l Equip‎m ent Effic‎i ency‎总体设备效‎率OEM Origi‎n al Equip‎m ent Manuf‎a ctur‎e r 设备最初制‎造厂ONP Owner‎Notif‎i cati‎o n Progr‎a m 车主告知程‎序OS Opera‎t or Safet‎y操作者安全‎OTG Open to Go 可进行P Diagr‎a ms Param‎e ter Diagr‎a ms 参数图表PA Progr‎a m Appro‎v al 项目批准PAG Premi‎e r Autom‎o tive‎Group‎首要机动车‎项目组PAL Proje‎c t Attri‎b ute Leade‎r ship‎项目特性领‎导层PAT Progr‎a m Activ‎i ty Team, Progr‎a m Attri‎b ute Team,or Progr‎a m Actio‎n Team 项目促进小‎组,项目特性小‎组和项目行‎动小组PCA Perma‎n ent Corre‎c tive‎Actio‎n持续改进行‎动PCI Produ‎c t Chang‎e Infor‎m atio‎n产品变更信‎息PD Produ‎c t Devel‎o pmen‎t产品开发PDL Progr‎a m Desig‎n Langu‎a ge 项目设计语‎言PD Q1 Produ‎c t Devel‎o pmen‎t Q1 产品开发Q‎1PDSA Plan,Do, Study‎, Act 计划,实践,研讨,实施PFMEA‎Proce‎s s Failu‎r e Mode Effec‎t s Analy‎s is 程序故障模‎式影响分析‎PI Proce‎s s Impro‎v emen‎t程序改进PIPC Perce‎n tage‎of Ppk Indic‎e s Proce‎s s Capab‎l e Ppk指数‎程序能力百‎分比PIST Perce‎n tage‎of Inspe‎c tion‎Point‎That Satis‎f y Toler‎a nce满足公差要‎求的检查点‎百分比PM Progr‎a m Mange‎r项目经理PMA Proje‎c t Manag‎e ment‎Analy‎s t 项目管理分‎析PMT Progr‎a m Manag‎e ment‎Team or Progr‎a m Modul‎e Team 项目管理组‎或项目模式‎组PO Purch‎a se Order‎采购订单POC Point‎of Conta‎c t 联系点POT Proce‎s s Owner‎s hip Team 程序所有者‎小组PpPro‎c ess Poten‎t ial 程序潜力PP&T Produ‎c t Plann‎i ng & Techn‎o logy‎产品计划和‎技术PPAP Produ‎c tion‎Part Appro‎v al Proce‎s s 生产零件批‎准程序PpkPr‎o cess‎Capab‎i lity‎程序能力PPC Produ‎c t Plann‎i ng Commi‎t tee 产品计划委‎员会PPL Progr‎a m Parts‎List 项目零件清‎单PPM Parts‎per Milli‎o n (appli‎e d to defec‎t ive Suppl‎i er parts‎)零件的百万‎分比率(适用于供应‎商不合格零‎件)PPPM Progr‎a m and Pre-Produ‎c tion‎Manag‎e ment‎程序和投产‎前管理PR Publi‎c Relat‎i ons 公共关系PR Produ‎c t Requi‎r emen‎t产品要求PR Produ‎c t Readi‎n ess Miles‎t one 产品就绪时‎间节点PSO Produ‎c tion‎Stand‎a rd Order‎制造标准订‎单PSS Priva‎t e Switc‎h ing Servi‎c e 私人转接服‎务PST Progr‎a m Steer‎i ng Team 项目指导小‎组PSW Part Submi‎s sion‎Warra‎n t 零件质量合‎格验收PTO Power‎t rain‎Opera‎t ions‎传动系统操‎纵件PTR Plati‎n um Resis‎t ance‎Therm‎o mete‎r铂金电阻温‎度计PV Produ‎c tion‎Valid‎a tion‎产品验证PV Proce‎s s Varia‎b les 程序变更PV Part Varia‎t ion 零件变更PVBR Proto‎t ype Vehic‎l e Build‎Requi‎r emen‎t s 样车制造要‎求PVM Produ‎c tion‎Valid‎a tion‎Metho‎d产品验证方‎法PVP Power‎t rain‎Valid‎a tion‎Progr‎a m 传动系统验‎证程序‎Vehic‎l e Team 产品车辆组‎或工厂车辆‎组PVT Produ‎c t Vehic‎l e Team or PlantQA Quali‎t y Assur‎a nce 质量保证QC Quali‎t y Contr‎o l 质量控制QCT Quali‎t y Cost Timin‎g质量成本时‎机选择QFD Quali‎t y Funct‎i on Deplo‎y ment‎质量功能配‎备QFTF Quali‎t y Focus‎e d Test Fleet‎质量节点测‎试行动组QLS Quali‎t y Leade‎r ship‎Syste‎m质量领导体‎系QMS Quali‎t y Manag‎e ment‎Syste‎m质量管理体‎系QOS Quali‎t y Opera‎t ing Syste‎m质量运作体‎系QOE Quali‎t y of Event‎质量事件QPM Quali‎t y Progr‎a m Manag‎e r 质量项目经‎理QPS Quali‎t y Proce‎s s Syste‎m质量程序系‎统QR Quali‎t y Rejec‎t质量不合格‎QS-9000 Quali‎t y Syste‎m s - 9000 质量体系-9000 QSA-PD Quali‎t y Syste‎m Asses‎s ment‎for Produ‎c t Devel‎o pmen‎t产品开发质‎量体系评估‎QTM Quali‎t y Team Membe‎r质量小组成‎员QVA Quali‎t y-Focus‎e d Value‎Analy‎s is Works‎h op 车间质量重‎点价值分析‎R Range‎范围R&M Relia‎b ilit‎y and Maint‎a inab‎i lity‎可靠性及可‎维护性RMS Resou‎r ce Manag‎e ment‎Syste‎m资源管理系‎统R&R Repea‎t abil‎i ty and Repro‎d ucib‎i lity‎重复性和再‎现性R&R Roles‎and Respo‎n sibi‎l itie‎s职务与责任‎R&VT Resea‎r ch & Vehic‎l e Techn‎o logy‎研究与车辆‎技术R/1000 Repai‎r s per thous‎a nd 修理千分率‎RAP Remot‎e Anti-theft‎Perso‎n alit‎y modul‎e防盗遥控器‎个性化模式‎REDPE‎P R Robus‎t Engin‎e erin‎g Desig‎n Proce‎s s Enabl‎e r Proje‎c t 积极的工程‎设计程序计‎划RIE Relia‎b ilit‎y Impro‎v emen‎t Engin‎e er 可靠性改进‎工程师ROA Retur‎n on Asset‎s资产回报率‎ROCOF‎Rate of Occur‎r ence‎of Failu‎r e 故障发生率‎RPN Risk Prior‎i ty Numbe‎r优先处理风‎险号码RRCL Relia‎b ilit‎y and Robus‎t ness‎Check‎List 可靠性与强‎有力的核对‎表RRDM Relia‎b ilit‎y and Robus‎t ness‎Demon‎s trat‎i on Matri‎x可靠性与强‎有力的演示‎图表RRR PSW rejec‎t ed PSW (零件质量合‎格验收) 不合格RWUP Real World‎Usage‎Profi‎l e 现实生活使‎用记录S Stand‎a rd devia‎t ion 标准偏差s2Var‎i ance‎多样性SC Signi‎f ican‎t Chara‎c teri‎s tics‎重要特性SCs/CCs Signi‎f ican‎t Chara‎c teri‎s tics‎/Criti‎c al Chara‎c teri‎s tics‎重要特性/评价特性SCAC Suppl‎i er Craft‎s mans‎h ip Advis‎o ry Commi‎t tee 供应商技术‎顾问委员会‎SCTs Strat‎e gic Commo‎d ity Teams‎策略性商品‎组SDS Syste‎m Desig‎n Speci‎f icat‎i ons 系统设计参‎数SDS Subsy‎s tem Desig‎n Speci‎f icat‎i on 子系统设计‎参数SEVA Syste‎m s Engin‎e erin‎g Value‎Analy‎s is 系统工程价‎值分析SHARP‎Safet‎y and Healt‎h Asses‎s ment‎Revie‎w Proce‎s s 安全和健康‎评估讨论程‎序SI Syste‎m Inter‎n atio‎n al des Unit 国际单位制‎SIM Suppl‎i er Impro‎v emen‎t Metri‎c s 供应商改进‎步骤SMART‎Synch‎r onou‎s Mater‎i al and Reple‎n ishm‎e nt Trigg‎e r 同步物料与‎补给触发器‎SME Subje‎c t Matte‎r Exper‎t主题专家SMF Synch‎r onou‎s Mater‎i al Flow 同步物料流‎程SOW State‎m ent of Work 工作陈述SP/AP Struc‎t ural‎Proto‎t ype/Attri‎b ute Proto‎t ype 结构原形/特性原形SP&PI Strat‎e gic Proce‎s s & Produ‎c t Impro‎v emen‎t策略性程序‎和产品改进‎SPC Speci‎a l Produ‎c t Commi‎t tee 特殊产品委‎员会SPC Stati‎s tica‎l Proce‎s s Contr‎o l 统计程序控‎制SPROM‎Sampl‎e Promi‎s e Date 承诺的样品‎到货日SREA Suppl‎i er Reque‎s t for Engin‎e erin‎g Appro‎v al 供应商要求‎工程批准SRI Suppl‎i er Respo‎n sibl‎e Issue‎s供应商责任‎SSI Sales‎Satis‎f acti‎o n Index‎销售满意度‎指标SSM Strat‎e gic Sourc‎i ng Meeti‎n g 策略选点会‎议ST Surfa‎c e Trans‎f er 表面转移STA Suppl‎i er Techn‎i cal Assis‎t ance‎供应商技术‎支持STARS‎Suppl‎i er Track‎i ng and Repor‎t ing Syste‎m供应商跟踪‎及汇报系统‎SVC Small‎Vehic‎l e Cente‎r小型车中心‎TA Targe‎t Agree‎m ent 目标协议TAP Targe‎t Achie‎v emen‎t Plan 目标完成计‎划TCM Total‎Cost Manag‎e ment‎总成本管理‎TED Thing‎s Engin‎e ers Do 工程师任务‎TEG Tooli‎n g and Equip‎m ent Group‎工装及设备‎组TEM Total‎Equip‎m ent Manag‎e ment‎全部设备管‎理TGR Thing‎s Gone Right‎事态发展正‎确TGW Thing‎s Gone Wrong‎事态发展错‎误‎c e 服务期限TIS Time in ServiTOC Table‎of Conte‎n ts 目录TPM Total‎Produ‎c tive‎Maint‎e nanc‎e全部生产维‎护TPPS Torqu‎e Proce‎s s Poten‎t ial Study‎扭矩程序潜‎力研究TQC True Quali‎t y Chara‎c teri‎s tics‎真实质量特‎性TRIZ (Russi‎a n) Theor‎y of Inven‎t ive Probl‎e m Solvi‎n g 创造性解决‎问题的理论‎(俄罗斯)TRMC Timin‎g, Relea‎s e and Mater‎i al Contr‎o l (also known‎as Tar-Mac)时效性,发布和物料‎控制(同Tar-Mac)TS-16949‎Techn‎i cal Speci‎f icat‎i on - 16949‎技术规范-16949‎TSP Techn‎i cal Skill‎s Progr‎a m 技术性技能‎项目UCL Upper‎Contr‎o l Limit‎上限控制USL Upper‎Speci‎f icat‎i on Limit‎参数上限‎e tely‎Satis‎f ied 非常或完全‎满意V/C Very or ComplVC Vehic‎l e Cente‎r汽车中心VC Buyer‎Vehic‎l e Cente‎r Buyer‎(now Consu‎m er Busin‎e ss Group‎Buyer‎)车辆中心客‎户(现在为商务‎集团购买客‎户)VDI Vehic‎l e Depen‎d abil‎i ty Index‎车辆可靠性‎指标VDS Vehic‎l e Desig‎n Speci‎f icat‎i ons 车辆设计参‎数VDS Vehic‎l e Descr‎i ptor‎Secti‎o n 车辆描述组‎VER Vehic‎l e Evalu‎a tion‎Ratin‎g s 车辆评估等‎级VFG Vehic‎l e Funct‎i on Group‎车辆功能组‎VIN Vehic‎l e Ident‎i fica‎t ion Numbe‎r车辆识别代‎码VLD Vehic‎l e Line Direc‎t or 车辆生产线‎总监VO Vehic‎l e Offic‎e车辆办公室‎VO Vehic‎l e Opera‎t ions‎车辆运作VOGO Vehic‎l e Opera‎t ions‎Gener‎a l Offic‎e车辆运作综‎合办公室VP Vice Presi‎d ent 副总裁VPMC Vehic‎l e Proje‎c t Manag‎e ment‎Coord‎i nato‎r车辆项目管‎理协调员VPP Vehic‎l e Progr‎a m Plan 车辆项目计‎划VQL Vehic‎l e Quali‎t y Level‎车辆质量级‎别VQR Vehic‎l e Quali‎t y Revie‎w车辆质量研‎讨VRT Vehic‎l e Revie‎w Team 车辆研讨小‎组VRT Varia‎b ilit‎y Reduc‎t ion Team 减少差异小‎组VRT Vehic‎l e Reduc‎t ion Team 车辆减产小‎组WAS Work Analy‎s is Sheet‎工作分析表‎WCR World‎w ide Custo‎m er Requi‎r emen‎t s 全球客户需‎求WERS World‎w ide Engin‎e erin‎g Relea‎s e Syste‎m全球工程发‎布系统WIP Work In Progr‎e ss 进行中的工‎作WMI World‎Manuf‎a ctur‎i ng Ident‎i fier‎世界制造商‎识别代码WPRC Warra‎n ty Parts‎Retur‎n Cente‎r维修部件回‎收中心YS/YC Poten‎t ial Signi‎f ican‎t and Criti‎c al Chara‎c teri‎s tics‎潜在的重要‎和评价特性‎。



PP Production Proveout生产考证TTO Tool Try-Out工装设施试运转(J1) Job 1 整车投产DFMEA Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis故障模式影响剖析设计DVP Design Verification Plan设计考证计划DVP&R Design Verification Plan & Report设计考证计划和结果FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis故障模式影响剖析FPDS Ford Product Development System福特产品开发系统GYR Green-Yellow-Red绿-黄-红MRD Material Required Date物料要求到厂日OTT OK-TO-TOOL能够开模TKO Tooling-Kick-Off工装启动OEM original Equipment Manufacturer设施最先制造厂FtF/F2F Face To Face 当面会议PV Production Validation产品考证OTS Off-Tooling-Sample完好工装样件QOS Quality Operating System质量运作系统TS-16949 Technical Specification– 16949技术规范 -16949APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning先期产质量量计划IPD In Plant Date进厂日PPM Parts per Million (applied to defective Supplier parts)部件的百万分比率(合用于供应商不合格部件)PPAP Production Part Approval Process生产件同意程序Pre-PV Pre -Production Validation产品早先考证1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out第一次试生产3C ?Customer(顾客导向)、 Competition(竞争导向)、 Competence(专长导向)4S ? Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反应5S ? 整理,整改,清理,洁净,修养8D- 8 DisciplineABS ? Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG ? ?美国汽车结合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment分派APQP ? Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield ?后窗玻璃Benchmark Data ?样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的,有血丝的BMW ?Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M ?Certified Purchasing manger ?认证采买经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff设计改正冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR ?Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT ?Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix ?特征矩阵图COD ? Cash on Delivery货到付现?预支货款 (T/T in advance) CP1- Confirmation Prototype1st第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype2nd第二次确认样车Cpk ? 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO ? Complementary Parts orderCraftsmanship ?雅致工艺Cross-functional teams跨功能小组CUV ?Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息采集; 8DD2:成立 8D 小组;D3:拟订暂时的围堵行动举措,防止不良品流出;D4:定义和证明根来源因,防止再发;D5:依据基来源因拟订永远举措;D6:履行和确认永远举措;D7:预防再发,实行永远举措;D8:认同团队和个人的贡献。



汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类 1.1 Car 轿车1.2 Bus 客车1.3 Motor truck 货车1.4 special purpose vehicle专用汽二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2.1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成2.2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能 2.3 engine position 发动机布置三、Vehicle dimensions汽车尺寸四、Wheel alignment前轮定位五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯第二类 ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造二、Essential term 基本术语三、Engine operation principle发动机工作原理3.1 Four-stroke gasoline engineoperation principle四冲程汽油机工作原理3.2 Four-stroke diesel engineoperational principle四冲程柴油机工作原理3.3 Two-stroke gasoline engineoperation principle 二冲程汽油机工作原理3.4 Two-stroke diesel engineoperation principle 二冲程柴油机工作原理四、Engine performance 发动机性能 五、Crank connecting rod mechanism曲柄连杆机构5.1 Cylinder block 机体组5.2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组5.3 Crankshaft,flywheel 曲轴飞轮六、Valve mechanism 配气机构6.1 Side valve 侧置气门6.2 Overhead valve 顶置气门6.3 Overhead valve 顶置气门6.4 Valve-timing diagram 配气相位图七、 Gasoline engine-fuel system汽油机供油泵 7.1 Fuel system 供油泵7.2 Air cleaner 空气滤清器7. 3 Fuel pump,fuel filter 汽油泵,7.4 Simple carburetor 简单化油器7.5 Carburetor 化油器7.6 Carburetor elements 化油器零7.7 Carburetor control 化油器操纵件7.8 Gasoline injection 汽油喷射7.9 Electric fuel pump,Injector7.10 Sensor 传感器八、Diesel engine-fuel system8.2 Combustion chamber 燃烧室 8.3 Injection pump 喷油泵8.4 Injection 喷油器8.5 Speed governor 调速器九、Exhaust system 排气系统十、Turbo-supercharging 蜗轮增压10.2 Turbocharger 蜗轮增压器十一、Emission control 排污控制11.2 Catalytic convertor 催化转化十二、Engine-cooling system发动机12.2 Radiator 传感器12.3 Fan,water pump 风扇,水泵12.4 Air cooling system 风冷系十三、Engine-lubrication system13.2 Oil pump 机油泵13.3 Oil cleaner 机油滤清器13.4 Oil cooling radiator 机油散十四、Engine-ignition system14.2 Lead battery 铅蓄电池14.3 Ignition coil 点火线圈14.4 Distributor 分电器14.5 Spark plug 火花塞14.6 Electronic ignition 电子点火十五、Engine-starting system发动机起动系15.2 Electric starter 电动起动机十六、New type engines 新型发动机16.2 Gas turbine 燃气轮机16.3 Stirling engine斯特林发动机第三类 CHASSIS 底盘一、Drive line 传动系1.2 Friction clutch 摩擦离合器1.3 Hydrodynamic coupling 液力偶1.4 Gearbox-housing 变速器外壳1.5 Gearbox-gearing 变速器齿轮传1.6 Gearbox-gear-shift 变速器换档1.7 Automatic transmission 自动1.8 Transfer case 分动器1.9 Cardan shaft 万向传动器1.10 Flexible coupling 挠性联轴节1.11 Constant-velocity joint 等速1.12 Drive axle 驱动桥1.13 Final drive 主减速器1.14 differential 差速器1.15 Half-axle,rear axle housing二、Running gear 行驶系2.2 Frame 车架2.3 Front axle 前桥2.4 Wheel 车轮2.5 Tire 轮胎2.6 Tire type 轮胎类型2.7 Front wheel independent2.8 Rear wheel independent2.9 Leaf spring 钢板弹簧2.10 Air suspension 空气悬架2.11 Hydro-pneumatic spring 液压2.12 Telescopic hydraulic shock2.13 Cam hydraulic shock absorber三、Steering system 转向系3.2 Power steering system 动力转3.3 Steering mechanism 转向机构3.4 Steering gear 转向器3.5 Power steering 动力转向3.6 steering linkage 转向杆系四、 Braking system 制动系 4.1 Braking principles 制动原理4.2 Drum brake 鼓式制动器4.2 Drum brake4.4 Hand brake 手制动器4.5 hydraulic brake system 液压制4.6 Brake master cylinder,Wheel4.7 Compressed-air brake system 气4.8 Anti-lock braking system 防抱第四类、BODY AND ACCESSORIES 车身及附属装置一、Car body 轿车车身二、All-steel body 全钢车身三、Car door 轿车车门四、Bus body 大客车车身五、Truck body 货车车身六、Special-transport vehicle body 七、Cab 驾驶室八、Drivers place 驾驶员位置九、Instrument panel仪表板十、Seat,Safety belt 座椅,安全带十一、Air conditioning 空调十二、Compressor 压缩机十三、Lighting 照明十四、Head Lamp 前大灯十五、Turnsignal lamp 转向灯十六、Windshield wiper 风窗刮水器十七、Wiper-washer equipment十八、Horn 喇叭十九、Tools 工具。



行业相关词汇(部分):1.公司概况公司概况 company profile 2.主要/主营业务主营业务 main business 3.业务范围业务范围 business scope 4.核心价值核心价值 core value 5.核心竞争力核心竞争力 core competence/competitiveness 6.核心应用系统核心应用系统 core application system 7.成功案例成功案例 success story/case 8.典型案例典型案例 typical case 9.案例研究/分析案例研究/分析 case study 10.汽车配件/备件/零件零件 automotive (spare)parts 11.汽车附件汽车附件 automotive accessories 12.部件/元件/组件组件 components 13.汽车后市场汽车后市场 aftermarket 14.配件市场配件市场 parts market 15.经销商管理系统经销商管理系统 Dealer Management System(DMS) 16.英孚思为经销商协同管理系统英孚思为经销商协同管理系统 Infoservice Dealer Collaboration Management System (INFODCS) 17.英孚思为整车销售管理系统英孚思为整车销售管理系统 Infoservice Vehicle Sales Management System (INFOVSM) 18.英孚思为配件运作管理系统Service Parts Management System 英孚思为配件运作管理系统 Infoservice Spare/S ervice (INFOSPM) 19.英孚思为索赔管理系统英孚思为索赔管理系统 Infoservice Warranty Management System (INFOWS) 20.英孚思为技术资料发布系统英孚思为技术资料发布系统 Infoservice Technical –data Viewer ((INFOTDV) 21.英孚思为英孚商用数据交换平台英孚思为英孚商用数据交换平台 (INFOX) Infoservice B2B Data Exchange Platform 22.经销商订单管理系统经销商订单管理系统 dealer order management system 23.售后配件管理系统售后配件管理系统 Spare/Service Parts management system(SPM) 24.集成管理系统集成管理系统 integrated management system 25.数据分析系统数据分析系统 data analysis system 26.销售配额销售配额 sales quota 27.配额管理配额管理 quota management 28.配额式订单管理系统配额式订单管理系统 quota-based order management system 29.配额式订单管理模式配额式订单管理模式 quota-based order management mode 30.主数据管理主数据管理 master data management(MDM) 31.操作系统操作系统 operating system (OS) 32.应用系统应用系统 application system 33.实施服务实施服务 implementation service 34.一站式服务一站式服务 one-stop shop/one-stop services 35.综合性的一揽子服务(方案)综合性的一揽子服务(方案) a comprehensive package of services 36.现场服务现场服务 on-site service 37.现场培训现场培训 on-site training38.现场实施现场实施 on-site implementation 39.现场分析现场分析 on-site analysis 40.现场管理现场管理 field/on-site management 41.车厂/主机厂/整车制造商/车辆制造厂车辆制造厂 OEM/automaker 42.整车物流整车物流 (finished) vehicle logistics (FVL)/outbound logistics(注:整车以后可以一致翻为vehicle,如前加finished也可以) 43.先进的整车物流先进的整车物流 advanced (finished) vehicle logistics(AFVL) 44.整车配送整车配送 vehicle delivery 45.整车/车辆匹配整车/车辆匹配 vehicle matching 46.4S-整车销售(Sale),零配件(Spare part),售后服务(Service),信息反馈等(Survey)47.线上车辆状态跟踪线上车辆状态跟踪 online vehicle status tracking 48.线上预配车模块线上预配车模块 online vehicle pre-allocation module 49.车辆滞留时间车辆滞留时间 vehicle holdup period 50.配车冻结配车冻结 vehicle allocation freezing 51.生产冻结期生产冻结期 production freezing time 52.提前分销/分配分配 pre-distribution 53.生产周排产计划生产周排产计划 weekly production schedule 54.管线内车辆管线内车辆 vehicles in the pipeline 55.(车辆)下线时间(车辆)下线时间 offline time/ off-production-line time 56.(车辆)上线时间(车辆)上线时间 online time 57.系统上线系统上线 system go-live 58.资源配置/分配资源配置/分配 resources allocation/distribution 59.产品推广产品推广 products deployment(注:本行业产品推广一般是系统推广部署之意,区别与一般产品的推广促销products promotion) 60.业务流程业务流程 business process 61.持续支持持续支持 on-going/continuous support 62.长期支持long-term support 63.订单查询订单查询 order inquiry/query(注:前者一般电话查询等,后者一般网上查询) 64.签收签收 •sign-in 65.软件外包软件外包 software outsourcing 66.服务站服务站 service station 67.服务中心service centre 68.功能模块功能模块 function/functional module 69.召回召回 recall 70.无缝连接无缝连接 seamless connection/joint 71.J2EE架构架构 J2EE architecture 72.J2EE 框架框架 J2EE framework 73.展厅管理showroom management 74.备件库存备件库存 spare parts inventory/stock 75.物料出入库物料出入库 material issuing and receiving 76.出库/仓库交货仓库交货 goods issuing/delivery/ex-warehouse 77.叉车厂叉车厂 forklift truck works 78.库存深度库存深度 stock depth 79.库存积压/压库压库 overstock 80.汽车配件厂汽车配件厂 auto parts plant 81.汽车维修厂汽车维修厂 automotive service shop 82.汽车修理厂汽车修理厂 automotive repair shop 83.汽车维修工程有限公司汽车维修工程有限公司 Auto maintenance engineering Co. Ltd 84.汽车养护有限公司汽车养护有限公司 car maintenance Co. Ltd 85.汽车美容护理中心汽车美容护理中心 Auto care centre 86.大客户销售经理大客户销售经理 Fleet Sales/Key Account Manager 87.订单处理订单处理 order processing/handling 88.延期交货订单/欠货订单欠货订单 back order 89.实时客户订单实时客户订单 real-time customer order 90.客户名单客户名单 customer list 91.客户跟进客户跟进 customer follow-up 92.潜在客户潜在客户 potential customer/prospect 93.客户服务满意(度)customer service satisfaction 94.客户满意度(指标)customer satisfaction index (CSI) 95.客户关怀客户关怀 customer care 96.客户忠诚度客户忠诚度 customer loyalty 97.授权及审批授权及审批 authorization and approval 98.保修/索赔申请索赔申请 warranty claim 99.回运件/返修件/旧件返修件/旧件 return parts 100.最佳实践最佳实践 best practice 101.同步传输同步传输 synchronous transmission 102.异步传输异步传输 asynchronous transmission 103.消息组播消息组播 message multicast 104.安全密码认证安全密码认证 Security Password Authentication 105.日志管理日志管理 log management 106.多重组网多重组网 domain based routing rules \ 107.批量数据上传批量数据上传 batch data upload 108.电子数据交换电子数据交换 electronic data interchange (EDI) 109.数据库连接池数据库连接池 database pool 110..数据源数据源 data source\ 111.线形图线形图 linear chart 112.柱形/条形图条形图 /直方图bar chart/histogram 113.饼图饼图 pie chart 114.托管/寄存服务 hosting service 寄存 服务115.绩效考核指标体系设计绩效考核指标体系设计 performance index design 116.绩效评价体系设计绩效评价体系设计 performance evaluation system design 117.绩效管理体系绩效管理体系 performance management system 118.关键业绩指标关键业绩指标 key performance index (KPI) 119.应用编程接口应用编程接口 application programming interface (API) 120.系统部署系统部署 system deployment 121.试运行试运行 pilot/ trial/test running(注:本行业常用pilot) 122.集中培训集中培训 centralized training 123.系统切换system cutover 124.无线接入无线接入 wireless access 125.办公自动化办公自动化 office automation (OA) 126.虚拟专用网虚拟专用网 virtual private network(VPN) 127.故障管理故障管理 fault management(FM) 128.故障模式与结果分析故障模式与结果分析 Fault Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) 129.故障率Failure Rate 130.故障记录Failure Record 131.三包服务三包服务 three-guarantee service/sanbao service 132.集中构架技术集中构架技术 integrated architecture technology 133.分布式构架技术分布式构架技术 distributed architecture technology 134.集中式服务组合集中式服务组合 centralized architecture 135.分布式服务组合分布式服务组合 decentralized architecture 136.国际商用机器公司International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) 137.硬件及安全网络中心硬件及安全网络中心 system support and network security centre 138.物流规划物流规划 logistics planning 139.数据转换数据转换 data conversion 140.数据移植/迁移数据移植/迁移 data migration 141.双边/双方承诺双边/双方承诺 bilateral /mutual commitment 142.项目启动会项目启动会 project kickoff meeting 143.售后服务after-sale service(ASS)/after service/service 144.质控质控 quality control (QC) 145.质量保证质量保证 quality assurance (QA) 146.价格管理价格管理 pricing management 147.终端市场终端市场 end-market 148.横向协作横向协作 horizontal collaboration 149.纵向支持纵向支持 vertical support 150.综合实力综合实力 comprehensive strength 151.良性循环良性循环 benign/virtuous cycle/circulation 152.前后台运作前后台运作 front and back-end operation 153.大/关键客户销售经理: Fleet Sales/Key Account Manager 154.产品责任产品责任 product liability 155.订单完成率订单完成率 order fulfillment/completion rate 156.汇报会汇报会 report/review meeting 157.双周总结/汇报会bi-weekly review meeting 158.根源分析根源分析 root cause analysis 159.滚动需求滚动需求 rolling demand 160.产供销链产供销链 production, supply & sales chain 161.供应链战略供应链战略 supply chain strategy 162.供应链管理供应链管理 supply chain management 163.连锁店管理连锁店管理 chain store management 164.经销商销售预测经销商销售预测 dealer sales forecast 165.销售支持与费用结算销售支持与费用结算 sales support & expense settlement 166.订单交付订单交付 Order to Delivery (OTD)167.刚性生产计划刚性生产计划 rigid production plan 168.订单管理流程订单管理流程 order management process 169.营销总部sales & marketing headquarter 170.量化管理量化管理 quantitative management 171.项目管理办公室项目管理办公室 project management office (PMO) 172.灾难恢复计划灾难恢复计划 disaster recovery plan(DRP) 173.电子配件目录电子配件目录 electronic parts catalogue(EPC) 174.企业资源计/规划enterprise resource Planning (ERP) 175.客户关系管理客户关系管理 customer relationship management (CRM) 176.业务流程重组/再造业务流程重组/再造 Business Process Reengineering(BPR) 177.战略业务单元/战略性事业单位/策略性事业单位策略性事业单位 strategic business unit (SBU) 。



英文缩写英文全称中文表达14D More Detailed than Global 8D (used to contain and resolve stop-shipment/recall problems)更详细的细节(包括并解决停止运货/召回问题)1MIS One Month in Service 投入使用1个月1PP First Production Proveout 第一次试生产2PP Second Production Proveout 第二次试生产3MIS Three Months in Service投入使用3个月4P Production Process Proveout Program生产程序验证项目AAA American Automobile Association 美国汽车工业联合会ABS Affordable Business Structure 可承受商业结构ABS Anti skid brake system 防抱死制动系统Admin.Administration Department 行政部AE Advanced Engineering先期项目AIC Accelerated Implementation Centre 快速实施中心AIM Automated Issues Matrix问题结构图AIMS Automated Issues Matrix System 问题结构图系统AIMS Automotive Industry Action Group 机动车工业行动小组AME Advanced Manufacturing Engineering先进制造工艺AMPPE Advanced Manufacturing Pre-Program Engineering 先进项目前制造工艺ANOVA Analysis of Variance 多样性分析AP Attribute Prototype设计样车APEAL Automotive Performance Execution and Layout 机动车性能实施与规划APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先进产品质量计划ASQ American Society for Quality 美国质量协会AV Appraiser Variation评估者的多样性AVT Advance Vehicle Technology 先进车辆技术AWS Analytical Warranty System分析性的保修系统AXOD Automatic Transaxle Overdrive Transmission自动变速驱动桥超速档传动系B&A Body & Assembly Operations (New Term: Vehicle Operations)车身与组装操作(新术语:车辆操作)B&H Batch and Hold 批次控制B&R Brand and Retail零售品牌BCG Business Consumer Group 消费者工作组BIC Best in Class等级中的最佳BIS Body Shop Information System 车身工作间信息系统BLI Business Leadership Initiative 领导层初始意向BM Business Management 业务营运部BOM Bill Of Materials 零件清单BP Business Plan商业计划书BTB Bumper-to-Bumper 保险杠到保险杠BTS Build-To-Schedule 按日程建造BUR Business Unit Review业务小组讨论C&E Cause and Effect因果图CC C&L Customs and Logistics 海关运输小组C/E Cause & Effect 成因及影响CA Customer Attribute消费者特性CAD Computer Aided Design计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Engineering计算机辅助工程CAI Consumer Acceptance Inspection 顾客接受检查线CAP Corrective Action Plan 纠正行动计划CAS Capacity Analysis Sheet 能力分析表CBG Consumer Business Group 消费者业务小组CBP Commodity Business Planning 总成业务规划CC Change Cut-Off更改完成CC Critical Characteristic 评价特性CC Courtesy Copy 抄送CC Carbon Copy副本CCC Customer Concern Classification 客户问题分类CDS Component Design Specification 零件设计参数CET Campaignable Events Team召回情况小组CETP Corporate Engineering Test Procedures 公司工程测试程序CETs Common External Tariff普通关税CFMA Changan Ford Mazda Automobile Ltd. Co.长安福特马自达汽车有限公司CFR Constant Failure Rate 连续故障率CI Competitive Intelligence竞争对手分析CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing 计算机综合制造CIWG Continuous Improvement Work Group持续改进工作组BCA1 of 8CL Centerline中心线CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine协调测量设备CMMS3Common Manufacturing Management System-3通用制造管理系统-3Code X Pre-build focusing on exterior components 制造前关注的外部零件Code Y Pre-build focusing on interior components 制造前关注的内部零件CP Cycle Planning周期规划CP Confirmation Prototype 确认样车CP Common Position通用位置C p Relates the allowable spread of the specification limits to the measure of the actual variation of the process.将参数限制允许限度下的展开与程序实际多样性联系起来CPEChief Program Engineer首席项目工程师C pk Measures the process variation with respect to the allowable specification, and takes into account the location of the process average测量程序的多样性并将其考虑到程序平均性的位置中CPU Cost Per Unit单位成本CPV Capacity Planning Volume计划产能数量CQDC Corporate Quality Development Center 公司质量开发中心CQIS Common Quality Indicator System 一般质量指标系统CR Concern Responses问题回复CRT Component Review Team零件讨论组CSA Corporate Security Administrator 公司安全管理员CSI Customer Service Index 客户服务指数CSL Car Sales License小轿车经营权CSO Customer Service Operation 售后服务部CTQ Critical to Quality 关键特性DMAIC CVP Customer View Point顾客满意度DCO Duty Cycle Output责任循环结果DCP Dynamic Control Planning 动态控制计划DDL Direct Data Link直接数据连接Df Degrees of Freedom 自由度DFA Design for Assembly总成设计DFM Design for Manufacturability制造能力设计DFMEA Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式影响分析设计DFR Decreasing Failure Rate故障下降率DMA Database Maintenance Administrator数据库维护管理人员DMAIC Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control -- 6 Sigma Problem solving定义,测量,分析,改善,管制--六西格马问题解決方法DMS Dealer Management System 业务营运管理系统DOE Design of Experiment试验设计DOM Dealer Operations Manager 经销商业务经理DP Design Parameters参数设计DPMO Defect per Million Opportunities 每百万机会中不良DPU Defect per Unit每台不良DQR Durability Quality and Reliability 耐久性质量与可靠性DSC Dealer Selection Committee经销商筛选委员会DSSA Dealer Sales & Service Agreement 经销商销售服务协议DST Dealer selection team 经销商筛选小组DTD Dock to Dock码头至码头DTD Design to Delivery 设计到交付DV Design Verification设计验证DVM Design Verification Method 设计验证方式DVPDesign Verification Plan设计验证计划DVP&PV Design Verification Process and Production Validation 设计验证程序和产品验证DVP&R Design Verification Plan & Report设计验证计划和结果DVPR Design Verification & Product Reliability 设计验证和产品可靠性DVPV Design Verification and Process Verification设计验证和程序验证EAO European Automotive Operations 欧洲机动车协会EASI Engineering And Supply Information 工程和供应信息EC Executive Committee执行委员会ECAR Electronic Connector Acceptability Rating 电子连接接受比率ECC engineering change control 工程变更控制EDI Electronic Data Interchange电子数据交换EESE Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering 电力及电子系统工程EMM Expanded Memory Manager扩展内存管理器EMSEnvironmental Management System环境管理系统DE2 of 8EOL End of Line 线的端点EP Engine Plant发动机EQI Extraordinary Quality Initiative 特别初始质量ES Engineering Specification 工程规范ESI Early Supplier Involvement 早期供应商参与ESP Extended Service Plan延期服务计划ESTA Early Sourcing Target Agreement 早期选点目标协议ESWP Early Sourcing Work Plan早期选点工作计划ET&D Education Training & Development Department 教育培训及发展部EVEquipment Variation设备变更F&T Facility & Tooling工装设备FA/SS Field Action/Stop Shipment (Preferred Acronym)区域行动/停止运货(优先使用缩写)FACT Facilitation and Certification Training 简易化及认证培训FAO Ford Automotive Operations 福特机动车协会FAP Ford Automotive Procedure 福特机动车程序FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 常见问答FASS Field Action/Stop Shipment 区域行动/停止运货FCPA Ford Consumer Product Audit 福特顾客产品评估FCSD Ford Customer Service Division 福特客户售后服务分枝机构FDVS Ford Design Verification System 福特设计验证系统FER Fresh Eyes Review其它行业人员论证FER Final Engineering Review 最终工程论证FEU Field Evaluation Unit 区域评估组FIFO First in First Out先进先出FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis故障模式影响分析FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 美国联邦机动车安全标准FOB Ford of Britain福特英国FPDS Ford Product Development System 福特产品开发系统FPSFord Production System福特生产系统FPS Engineer Ford Production System Engineer福特生产体系工程师FPS IT Ford Production System Information Technology 福特产品系统信息技术FPSI Ford Production System Institute 福特产品系统学院FQRs Frequent Quality Rejects 经常性质量不合格品FR Functional Requirements 功能要求FRG FAO Reliability Guide FAO (福特机动车运作) 可靠性指导FS Final Status 最终状态FS Final Sign-off最终验收FSE Filed Service Engineer现场服务工程师FSIC Ford System Integration Council 福特系统综合委员会FSN Ford Supplier Network 福特供应商网络FSP Ford Supplier Portal 福特供应商网站FSS Full Service Suppliers全方位服务供应商FTDC Fairlane Training and Development Center 培训和发展中心FTEP Ford Technical Educational Program 福特技术培训项目FTTFirst Time Through 首次通过FUNC-APPRV Functional Approvals功能批准FVEP Finished Vehicle Evaluation Program下线车辆评估项目G8DEight disciplinary Actions-Global 8D (福特公司解决问题的标准方法)GAGE R&R Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility 量具再生与再现性GAP Global Architecture Process全球建筑设计程序GBMDB Globe Business Management Data Base 全球经销商营运管理数据库GCGlobal Craftsmanship全球技术工艺GCARS Global Craftsmanship Attribute Rating System 全球技术特性评分系统GCEQ Global Core Engineering Quality 全球核心工程质量GEM Generic Electronic Module通用电子模块GFCPA Global Ford Consumer Product Audit 全球福特顾客产品评估GIS1Global Information Standards 全球信息标准Goldd Global on line dealer data base全球经销商在线数据库GPIRS Global Prototype Inventory Requisition and Scheduling 全球样车库存及控制安排GPP Global Parts Pricing全球零件定价GQRS Global Quality Research System全球质量调查系统GR&R Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility量具重复性和再现性GRC UN-ECE Group des Raporteurs de Ceintures 欧盟 ECE 安全带规划小组GRC Government Regulations Coordinator 政府法规协调员GRVW Gross Vehicle Weight 车辆质量GSDBGlobal Supplier Database全球供应商数据库FG3 of 8GSSM Global Sourcing Stakeholders Meeting 全球选点股东大会GYR Green-Yellow-Red绿-黄-红HI High-Impact重大影响HIC High-Impact Characteristics 重大影响特性HR Human Resources人力资源HTFB Hard Tooled Functional Build成形机功能建造HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning加热通风和空调ICA Interim Containment Action过渡性补救措施ICCD Intensified Customer Concern Database强化的客户问题数据库ICCD CRS Intensified Customer Concern Database Concern Resolution Specialist强化的客户问题数据库解决问题专员IE Industrial Engineer产业工程师IFR Increasing Failure Rate 故障率增长IGR Intensified Gate Release 加强的车辆放行前检验ILVS In-Line Vehicle Sequencing 车辆顺序IM Industrial Materials 工业材料IP Instrument Panel 仪表板IPD In Plant Date 进厂日IQ Incoming Quality 进货质量IQS2Initial Quality Study 初始质量研究IR Internal Reject内部不合格品ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织ISPC In-Station Process Controls过程质量控制J1Job 1整车投产JIT Just in Time 及时JPH Jobs Per Hour每小时工作量JSA Job Safety Analysis工作安全分析KKK PSW not ready for inspection PSW (零件质量合格验收) 未做好检测准备KLT Key Life Test 关键使用寿命测试KO Kickoff起动KPIV Key Process Input Variable 关键输入变数KPOV Key Process Output Variable关键输出变数LCL Lower Control Limit低控制限值LDEM Lean Design Evaluation Matrix 设计评估表LOA Letter of Agreement 协议书LOI Letter of Intent意向书LP&T Launch Planning & Training 投产计划和培训LR Launch Readiness投产准备就绪LRR Launch Readiness Review 投产准备就绪论证LS Launch Sign-Off投产验收LSL Lower Specification Limit 低参数限制LTDB Light Truck Data Base轻型卡车数据库Market Rep.Market Representation 经销网络部MB Manufacturing Business 制造业务MBJ1Months Before Job OneJob1(投产)前1个月MBO Manufacturing Business Office 制造办公室ME Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程MFG Manufacturing 制造部MH material handing 物料操控MIS Months in Service使用中的月份MMSA Material Management System Assessment 物料管理系统评定MODModule模块MOFCOM Ministry of Commerce商务部MP&L Materials, Planning and Logistics材料、计划与物流MPPS Manufacturing Process Planning System 制造程序计划系统MRB Material Review Board 物料论证板MRD Material Required Date 物料要求到厂日MSMaterial Specifications 物料参数MS3(MSIII)Material Supply Version III物料供应(第三版)MSA Measurement Systems Analysis 测量系统分析MTC Manage the Change 管理变更MYModel Year年度车型JKLMHI4 of 8英文缩写英文全称中文表达NAAO North American Automotive Operations 北美汽车工业协会NFM Noise Factor Management噪声管理NIST National Institute of Standards and Testing 全国标准和测试协会NMPDC New Model Program Development Center 新车型项目开发中心Nova C New Overall Vehicle Audit 新车总评审NTEI New Tooled End Items新工具加工成品NVH Noise, Vibration, Harshness 噪声、振动、操纵平顺性NWG Nature Work Group自然工作小组OA Support Office Automation Support 办公自动化支持OCM Operating Committee Meeting 工作委员会会议OEE Overall Equipment Efficiency 总体设备效率OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 设备最初制造厂ONP Owner Notification Program 车主告知程序OPD On-going Product Development 持续产品开发OS Operator Safety 操作者安全OTD Order to Delivery 订单排产OTGOpen to Go可进行P Diagrams Parameter Diagrams参数图表P/T Plng Powertrain Planning 动力系统规划PA Public Affairs Specialist 公关专员PA Program Approval项目批准PAG Premier Automotive Group 首要机动车项目组PAL Project Attribute Leadership项目特性领导层PAT Program Activity Team, Program Attribute Team, or Program Action Team项目促进小组、项目特性小组和项目行动小组PBM Product & Business Management 产品及业务管理PBS Product & Business Strategy 产品及业务战略PCA Permanent Corrective Action 持续改进行动PCI Product Change Information 产品变更信息PD Product Development 产品开发PD Q1Product Development Q1产品开发Q1PDL Program Design Language 项目设计语言PDSA Plan, Do, Study, Act 计划、实践、研讨、实施PEPlant Engineering设备工程部PFMEA Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis 程序故障模式影响分析PH Proportions & Hardpoints 比例与固定点PI Process Improvement程序改进PIPC Percentage of P pk Indices Process CapableP pk 指数程序能力百分比PIST Percentage of Inspection Point That Satisfy Tolerance 满足公差要求的检查点百分比PM Program Manger 项目经理PMA Primary Market Area经销商主经销区域PMA Project Management Analyst项目管理分析PMT Program Management Team or Program Module Team 项目管理组或项目模式组PO Program Office 项目办公室PO Purchase Order 采购订单POC Point of Contact联系点POT Process Ownership Team 程序所有者小组P pProcess Potential程序潜力PP&T Product Planning & Technology 产品计划和技术PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产零件批准程序PPC Product Planning Committee 产品计划委员会P pk Process Capability 程序能力PPL Program Parts List 项目零件清单PPM Parts Per Million百万分之缺陷率PPM Program and Pre-production Management前期项目管理PPM Parts per Million (applied to defective Supplier parts)零件的百万分比率(适用于供应商不合格零件)PPPM Program and Pre-Production Management 程序和投产前管理PR Product Readiness 产品准备就绪PR Public Relations公共关系PR Product Requirement产品要求PR Product Readiness Milestone 产品就绪时间节点PS&L Parts Supply & Logistics零配件供应及物流PS&RProduction Scheduling and Release生产计划NOP5 of 8PS1Pre<SI> Milestone 1SI前里程碑1PS2Pre<SI> Milestone 2SI前里程碑2PSO Production Standard Order制造标准订单PSS Private Switching Service私人转接服务PST Program Steering Team项目指导小组PSW Part Submission Warrant零件质量合格验收PT Powertrain动力系统PT P/T Design Complete动力传动系统设计结束PT(P/T)Power Train动力传动系统PTG Process and Technology GroupPTO Powertrain Operations传动系统操纵件PTR Platinum Resistance Thermometer铂金电阻温度计Pur.Purchasing采购部PV Production Validation产品验证PV Process Variables程序变更PV Part Variation零件变更PVA Percent Value Add有增值的比例PVBR Prototype Vehicle Build Requirements样车制造要求PVM Production Validation Method产品验证方法PVP Powertrain Validation Program传动系统验证程序PVT Product Vehicle Team产品车辆组PVT Product Vehicle Team or Plant Vehicle Team产品车辆组或工厂车辆组QQA Quality Assurance质量保证QC Quality Care(无统一中文翻译,常用英文缩写)QC Quality Control质量控制QCT Quality Cost Timing质量成本时机选择QFD Quality Function Deployment质量功能配备QFTF Quality Focused Test Fleet质量节点测试行动组QLS Quality Leadership System质量领导体系QMS Quality Management System质量管理体系QOE Quality of Event质量事件QOS Quality Operating System质量运作体系QPM Quality Program Manager质量项目经理QPS Quality Process System质量程序系统QR Quality Reject质量不合格QS-9000Quality Systems – 9000质量体系-9000QSA-PD Quality System Assessment for Product Development产品开发质量体系评估QTM Quality Team Member质量小组成员QVA Quality-Focused Value Analysis Workshop车间质量重点价值分析RR Range范围R&M Reliability and Maintainability可靠性及可维护性R&R Repeatability and Reproducibility重复性和再现性R&R Roles and Responsibilities职务与责任R&VT Research & Vehicle Technology研究与车辆技术R/1000Repairs per thousand返修千分率RAP Remote Anti-theft Personality module防盗遥控器个性化模式RDC Resource Delivery Center零件发运中心REDPEPR Robust Engineering Design Process Enabler Project积极的工程设计程序计划RFD Ready for distribution可以分配状态RFS Ready for shipment准备发运RIE Reliability Improvement Engineer可靠性改进工程师RMS Resource Management System资源管理系统ROA Return on Assets资产回报率ROCOF Rate of Occurrence of Failure故障发生率RPN Risk Priority Number优先处理风险号码RRCL Reliability and Robustness Check List可靠性与强有力的核对表RRDM Reliability and Robustness Demonstration Matrix可靠性与强有力的演示图表RRR PSW rejected PSW (零件质量合格验收) 不合格RWUP Real World Usage Profile现实生活使用记录SS Standard deviation标准偏差s2Variance多样性SAIC State Administration of Industry and Commerce国家工商总局SC Strategic Confirmation策略确认SC Significant Characteristics重要特性6 of 8SCAC Supplier Craftsmanship Advisory Committee供应商技术顾问委员会SCs/CCs Significant Characteristics/Critical Characteristics 重要特性/评价特性SCTs Strategic Commodity Teams 策略性商品组SDS System Design Specifications 系统设计参数SDS Subsystem Design Specification 子系统设计参数SEVA Systems Engineering Value Analysis系统工程价值分析SFMEA System Failure Mode and Effects Analysis系统不良模式效应分析SHARP Safety and Health Assessment Review Process 安全和健康评估讨论程序SI Strategic Intent策略意向SI System International des Unit 国际单位制SIM Supplier Improvement Metrics供应商改进步骤SMART Synchronous Material and Replenishment Trigger 同步物料与补给触发器SME Subject Matter Expert主题专家SMED Single Minute Change of Die 换模时间SMF Synchronous Material Flow 同步物料流程SOW Statement of Work 工作陈述SP Strategic Planning 策略计划SP Structural Prototype样车结构SP&PI Strategic Process & Product Improvement 策略性程序和产品改进SP/AP Structural Prototype/Attribute Prototype 结构原形/特性原形SPC Special Product Committee 特殊产品委员会SPC Statistical Process Control 统计程序控制SPROM Sample Promise Date承诺的样品到货日SREA Supplier Request for Engineering Approval 供应商要求工程批准SRI Supplier Responsible Issues 供应商责任SSI Sales Satisfaction Index 销售满意度指标SSM Strategic Sourcing Meeting 策略选点会议ST Surface Transfer表面参数传递STA Supplier Technical Assistance供应商技术支持STARS Supplier Tracking and Reporting System 供应商跟踪及汇报系统SVCSmall Vehicle Center小型车中心TT&D Test & Develop 测试开发TA Target Agreement 目标协议TAP Target Achievement Plan 目标完成计划TCF Trim, Chassis and Final 总装TCM Total Cost Management 总成本管理TDC Technique Development Center 技术开发中心TED Things Engineers Do 工程师任务TEG Tooling and Equipment Group 工装及设备组TEM Total Equipment Management 全部设备管理TGR Things Gone Right 事态发展正确TGW Things Gone Wrong 事态发展错误TIS Time in Service 服务期限TOC Table of Contents 目录TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全部生产维护TPPS Torque Process Potential Study 扭矩程序潜力研究TQC True Quality Characteristics真实质量特性TRIZ (Russian)Theory of Inventive Problem Solving 创造性解决问题的理论(俄罗斯)TRMC Timing, Release and Material Control (also known as Tar-Mac)时效性、发布和物料控制(同Tar-Mac )TS-16949Technical Specification – 16949技术规范-16949TSP Technical Skills Program 技术性技能项目TTO Tool Try-Out 工装设备试运行TTR Temporary Trading Right 临时经销权TVM Team Value Management团队价值管理UCL Upper Control Limit 上限控制USL Upper Specification Limit参数上限V/C Very or Completely Satisfied 非常或完全满意VC Vehicle Center 汽车中心VC Buyer Vehicle Center Buyer (now Consumer Business Group Buyer)车辆中心客户(现在为商务集团购买客户)VDI Vehicle Dependability Index 车辆可靠性指标VDS Vehicle Design Specifications 车辆设计参数VDS Vehicle Descriptor Section 车辆描述组VE Vehicle Engineering 整车工程VE Vehicle Evaluation 整车评估VER Vehicle Evaluation Ratings车辆评估等级VU7 of 8VFG Vehicle Function Group车辆功能组VIN Vehicle Identification Number车辆识别代码VLD Vehicle Line Director车辆生产线总监VO Vehicle Office车辆办公室VO Vehicle Operations车辆运作VOGO Vehicle Operations General Office车辆运作综合办公室VP Vice-President执行副总裁VPMC Vehicle Project Management Coordinator车辆项目管理协调员VPP Vehicle Program Plan车辆项目计划VQL Vehicle Quality Level车辆质量级别VQR Vehicle Quality Review车辆质量研讨VRT Variability Reduction Team减少差异小组VRT Vehicle Review Team车辆研讨小组VRT Variability Reduction Team减少差异小组VRT Vehicle Reduction Team车辆减产小组VSTA Vehicle Supplier Technology Assist整车供应商技术支持WWAS Work Analysis Sheet工作分析表WCR Worldwide Customer Requirements全球客户需求WERS Worldwide Engineering Release System全球工程发布系统WIP Work In Progress进行中的工作WMI World Manufacturing Identifier世界制造商识别代码WPRC Warranty Parts Return Center维修部件回收中心YYS/YC Potential Significant and Critical Characteristics潜在的重要和评价特性8 of 8。



整车开发流程英文缩写In the automotive industry, the vehicle development process is typically abbreviated as VDP, standing for Vehicle Development Program. It's a comprehensive, multi-step journey that begins with concept generation and ends with a fully functional, road-ready car. The first phase, often called the ideation phase, is where designers sketch out their vision for the next big thing. Then comes the design freeze, where the final aesthetics and specs are locked in.Next up is engineering validation, where prototypes are built and rigorously tested to ensure they meet all safety and performance standards. This is where the rubber meets the road, and the VDP really starts to take shape. Once the engineering team gives their approval, the production phase begins, where manufacturing lines are set up to churn out vehicles at scale.Quality assurance is another crucial aspect of the VDP.It's all about catching any potential issues before they become costly recalls. This includes random inspections of the production line, as well as rigorous testing of every car that rolls off it.And finally, the VDP culminates in the launch phase, where the new car is unveiled to the world. This is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication, and it's always a thrilling moment for everyone involved. From concept to reality, the VDP is a truly exciting journey that brings the latest and greatest in automotive technology to the masses.。

附录J 汽车行业常用字母缩写与中英文对照表

附录J 汽车行业常用字母缩写与中英文对照表

序号字母缩写英文/德文对照中文对照12TP 2 Tagesproduktion(德文)两日生产(供货厂的批量预生产,用来验证批量能力) 2AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group(美国)汽车工业行动集团3ALT Accelerated Life Test加速老化试验4ANOVA Analysis of Variance方差分析法5APQP Advanced Product Quality Plan产品质量先期策划和控制计划6ARGP Analysis Risk General Project 项目总体风险分析7BMG Bau-Muster-Genehmigung(德文)产品工程性能认可8BOM Bill of Material物料清单/材料清单/零件清单9CAA Contract Application Approval合同申请批准10CAD Computer Aided Design计算机辅助设计11CAP Corrective Action Plan纠正措施计划12CDP Customer Development Plan客户发展计划13CFT Cross Functional Team 横向职能小组/横向协调小组/跨功能小组14CKD Completed Knock Down进口件15COC Certificate of Compliance材质证明16Cpk Capability for Stable Process稳定过程的能力指数17CRD Customer Request Document客户要求文件18CT Choice Technology技术选择19DCN Design Change Notice设计更改通知20DFMEA Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis设计失效模式及后果分析21DOE Design of Experiments试验设计22DPPM Defective Parts Per Million每百万零件不合格数23DR Design Review设计评审24DVP&R Design Verfication Plan&Report设计验证计划报告25ECN Engineer Change Notice工程更改通知26ECO Engineer Change Order工程更改指令27ECR Engineer Change Request工程更改申请28EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换29EMPB Erst Muster Pruef Bericht(德文)首批样件检验报告30EOL End of Line线末31ES Engineering Specification工程规格32ES TEST Engineering Specification Test工程测试33ESI Early Supplier Involvement 供应商先期参与34ET Engineering Trial工程试制35ETA Estimated Time of Arrival预计到达36FAI First Article Inspection首件检验37FDPR Full Day Production Run满负荷生产日运行38FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis潜在失效模式及后果分析39FTA Fault Tree Analysis故障树分析/失效树分析40FTC First Time Capability首次能力41GP Gross Profit毛利42GR&R Guage Repeatability&Reproducibility量具的重复性和再现性43IAM Independent Aftersales Market独立售后市场44IAR Investment Authorization Request投资授权申请45IATF International Automotive Task Force国际汽车工作组46IP Intellectual Property知识产权47IPR Intellectual Property Rights知识产权权利48ISIR Initial Sample Inspection Report初始样件测试报告49LCL Lower Control Limit下控制限序号字母缩写英文/德文对照中文对照序号字母缩写英文/德文对照中文对照。



汽车行业中英文对照4C:四区域独立可调空调4H:高速四驱4HLC:高速四轮驱动配中央差速器4L:低速四驱4LC:低速锁止四驱4MATIC:全轮驱动系统4WD:四驱驱动4WS:四轮转向AA/D:模/数转换A:安培AACN:全自动撞车通报系统ABC:主动车身控制ABD:自动制动差速系统ABS:防抱死制动系统ABSV:空气旁通电磁阀ABVS:安全气囊保护系统AC:空调、交流电ACC:附件ACC:自适应巡航控制系统车距感应式定速巡航控制系统ACD:主动中央差速器ACE:高级兼容性设计ACG/ALTR:交流发电机ACIS:电子控制进气流程系统丰田可变进气歧管系统Active light function :主动灯光功能ACU:安全气囊系统控制单元ADC:模数转换器ADECS:柴油机电子控制系统ADS:自适应减振系统AF:空燃比AFM:动态燃油管理系统AFS:自适应照明系统主动前轮转向系统AGF:亚洲吉利方程式国际公开赛AHC:油压式自动车身高调整AHSZ:双模完全混合动力系统AI:人工智能换挡控制AIAC:奥迪国际广告大赛AII—speed TCS:全速段牵引力控制系统ALS:自动车身平衡ALU:运算器AM:调幅、电枢AMG:快速换挡自动变速箱AMP:电流表AMT:电子自动变速箱电控机械式自动变速器AOP:电子控制按需要传动装置AP:恒时全轮驱动AP:压缩机、大气压力传感器APC:预喷量控制APEAL:新车满意度中国汽车性能运行和设计调研APRC:亚太汽车拉力锦标赛AQS:空气质量系统ARP:主动防侧翻保护ARS:防滑系统ARTS:智能安全气囊系统ARTS:自适应限制保护技术系统AS:转向臂ASC:主动式稳定控制自动稳定和牵引力控制ASC+T:自动稳定和牵引力系统ASF:奥迪全铝车身框架结构Asian festival of speed:亚洲赛车节ASL:音量自动调节系统排挡自动锁定装置ASM:动态稳定系统ASPS:防潜滑保护系统ASR:防滑系统ASS:自适应座椅系统ASTC:主动式稳定性和牵引力控制系统AT:自动变速器ATA:防盗警报系统A-TRC:主动牵引力控制系统Audi AAA:奥迪认证轿车Audi space Frame:奥迪全铝车身技术AUTO:自动切换四驱AUX:辅助的AUX:音频轮入端口AVCS:主动气门控制系统AVS:适应式可变悬架系统AWC:全轮控制系统AWD:全时四轮驱动系统AWS:后撞头颈保护系统AXCR:亚洲越野拉力赛AYC:主动偏航控制系统主动横摆控制系统AZ:接通式全轮驱动BB/LP:倒车灯B:水平对置式排列多缸发动机BA:紧急制动辅助系统BAR:大气压BAS:制动助力辅助装置BAT:蓄电池液量报警灯BATT:蓄电池BBDC:北京奔驰—戴克汽车新工厂BCI:蓄电池国际协会国际电池大赛BCM:车身控制模块BCS:博世汽车专业维修网络BDC:下止点BEAM:前照灯远光指示灯BELT:安全带报警灯BEST:欧盟生物乙醇推广项目BF/S:制动液面传感器BF:钢板弹簧悬架BFCEC:北京福田康明斯发动机有限公司Biometricimmobilizer:生物防盗系统BLA:黑色BLIS:盲区信息系统BLU:蓝色BMBS:爆胎监测与制动系统Brake energy Regeneration:制动能量回收系统BRIDGESTONE:普利司通轮胎BRK:制动器报警灯BRN:棕色BS:倒车灯开关BU:蜂鸣器CC&M:维护与管理C:电容C3P技术:整合电脑辅助设计工程制造数据库技术CA:曲轴转角位置CABR:化油器CAE:电脑辅助工程CAL:校正CATS:连续调整循迹系统CBC:弯道制动控制系统转弯防滑系统CC:巡航系统CCA:冷启动电池CCC:计算机指令控制系统CCC:全国汽车场地锦标赛CCD:连续控制阻尼系统CCrO三元催化净化器CCS:智能巡航控制系统CCT:计算机控制点火正时CDC:连续减振控制CFD:计算机流力仿真CFI:福特汽车公司的集中喷射系统CFK:碳纤维合成材料CHAC:本田汽车(中国)有限公司CHG:充电指示灯Child protection:儿童保护CHK:检查CI:超级赛车劲爆秀CKD:进口散件组装CKP:曲轴位置传感器CLCC:闭环化油器控制CLS:反馈控制C—NCAP:中国新车评价规程CNG:压缩天然气COL:颜色COMPR:压缩机CP:曲轴位置传感器、烛光CPU:微处理器CPU:中央处理器CR:压缩比/乳白色CRC:全国汽车锦标拉力赛CRDI:电控直喷共轨柴油高压共轨柴油直喷系统Cross weight:汽车总质量CRT:阴极射线管CRV:紧凑休闲车CSC:全国汽车超级短道拉力赛CSI:中国售后服务满意调研CTIS:悍马中央轮胎充气系统CTS:水温传感器CU:电容放电点火系统Cuprobraze Alliance:铜硬钎焊技术联盟Cuprobraze Technology:铜硬钎焊技术Curb weight:汽车整备质量CUV:杂交车CVT:无级变速器CVTC:连续可调气门正时机构连续可变配气正时CVVT:连续可调气门正时CZ3:3门轿车CZIP:清洁内部组件CZT:增压车型DD,DOOR:车门未关报警灯D/A:数/模转换D:共轨柴油机DAC:下山辅助系统DATC:数位式防盗控制系统DB:减振器支柱DBW:电子油门DC:直流电DCS:动态稳定系统DD:缸内直喷柴油机缸内直喷式发动机德迪式独立悬架后桥DDC:电子泊车距离控制器自动侦测停车引导系统驻车距离警示系统DDC:动态驾驶控制程序DEF:除雾器开关Delphi common kail:德尔福柴油机共轨系统DIS:无分电器点火系统DLI:丰田无分电器点火系统DLS:差速器锁定系统DOD:随选排量DOHC:双顶置凸轮轴Doppel vanos:完全可变正时调节DPF:柴油颗粒过滤器DQL:双横向摆臂DR:车门开关DRL:白天行车灯DS:扭力杆DSC:动态稳定控制系统DSC3:第三代动态稳定控制程序DSG:双离合无级变速箱接档位变速器DSP:动态换挡程序DSR:下坡速度控制系统DSTC:动态稳定和牵引力控制系统动态循迹稳定控制系统DTC:动态牵引力控制系统DUNLOP:邓禄普轮胎Dynamic Drive:主动稳定杆EE:搭铁EAS:电子控制的空气悬架系统EAT:电子控制自动变速器EBA:电控辅助制动系统紧急制动辅助系统EBCM:电子制动控制组件EBD:电子制动力分配系统EBD:电子制动力分配系统ECC:电子控制化油器、电子控制离合器ECC:电子气候控制ECCS:日产汽车的电子式发动机集中控制系统ECD:电子式柴油机ECI:三菱汽车的电子控制燃油喷射装置ECI—TuBRo:涡轮增压发动机电子控制燃油喷射装置ECM:防眩电子内后视镜电子控制组件(模块)ECO:经济曲线ECS:电子悬架ECT:电子控制自动变速系统ECT—l:智能电子控制自动变速系ECU:电控单元ECVT:无级自动变速器ED:缸内直喷式汽油发动机EDIC:电子式柴油喷射控制系统EDL:电子差速锁EDS:电子差速锁EEC:发动机电子控制装置EECS/EEC:电控发动机EEVC:欧洲车辆安全促进委员会EFC:电子燃油控制系统EFG:电子燃油表EFI:电子燃油控制喷射系统EFI:丰田汽车的电子控制燃油喷射装置EFM:克莱斯勒公司的电子控制燃油喷射系统、电子燃油计量装置EGI:电子控制汽油喷射系统EGO:排气含氧量EGR:废气再循环系统EHB:电子液压制动装置EHC:电子液压制动器EHPAS:电子液压动力辅助系统EHPS:电控液压动力转向EI/EIS:电子点火/晶体管点火EIN:发动机号码EKM:防侧倾系统ELC:电子锁止离合器ELS:电子自动调平悬架ELSD:电子限滑差速锁EM:多点喷射汽油发动机\电磁的EMC:汽车电子装置对汽车的电磁环境适应(相容)性EMF:电动势EMI:(车辆的)电磁波干扰EMS:发动机管理系统EMV:多功能显示操控系统ENG:发动机EPAS:电控助力转向EPB:标准电子手刹电子停车制动系统EPS:电子感应式动力转向电控转向助力系统ERGS:电子行车路线导向系统ES:单点喷射汽油发动机ESA/ECA:电控点火装置ESA:电子点火提前控制系统ESC:电动悬架系统、电子点火控制器ESC:能量吸收式方向盘柱电子动态稳定程序ESP plus:增强型电子稳定程序ESP:电子稳定系统ESS:发动机转速传感器EST:电子点火正时控制系统ETC:路虎牵引力控制系统动力控制与弥补系统电子节流阀控制系统ETCS-I:智能电子节气门控制系统ETS:电子循迹支援系统EVA:紧急制动辅助系统EVLV:变矩器锁定电磁阀EVM:压力调节电磁阀EXH:排气温度报警灯EXP:出口EXT:外部FF/G \ FUEL:燃油表F/W:燃油报警灯F:磁场F\U:燃油表传感器FACS:全自动阻风门控制系统FAP:粒子过滤装置FBS:衰减制动辅助FCV:燃料电池概念车FF:前置前驱FFS:福特折叠系统FHI:富士重工FI:前置纵向发动机FIA:国际汽联FL:防雾灯,满负载FO:点火顺序Formulal:世界一级方程式锦标赛Four—C:连续调整底盘概念系统FPS:防火系统FQ:前置横向发动机FR:前方FR:前置后驱FREO:频率Front lmpact:正面碰撞FRV:多功能休闲车FSI:汽油直喷发动机汽油分层直喷技术FT:节气门全开FU:闪光器Full-time All:全时四驱FWD:前驱左右对称驱动总成GG:点火基准信号GB:(中国)国家标准GDI:汽油直喷GF:橡胶弹簧悬架GM:美国通用公司GOODYEAR:固特异轮胎GP:世界超级跑车锦标赛GPS:全球卫星定位系统GRN:绿色GRY:灰色HH/D:加热器/除雾霜H/LP:前照灯HAC:上山辅助系统坡道起步控制系统Haldex:智能四轮全时四驱系统HBA:可液压制动辅助HC:碳氢化合物HDAC:空调总成HDC:坡道缓降控制系统下坡控制系统HEI:高能点火HF:高频HF:液压悬架HI:后置纵向发动机/高的HID:自动开闭双氙气大灯高强度远近光照明大灯HL/WSHR:前照灯洗涤器HL:前照灯近光HMI:人机交流系统HO:喇叭HP:液气悬架阻尼HPI:汽车直喷发动机HPS:液压动力转向HQ:后置横向发动机HRV:两厢掀背休闲车HSA:起步辅助装置HSD:混合动力技术概念HSLA:高强度低合金钢HU:前照灯远光HUD:抬头显示系统II/O:输入/输出I/PANEI:仪表板I/PNL:仪表板IAQS:内部空气质量系统IASCA;汽车音响委员会IC:集成电路IC:膨胀气帘ICC:智能巡航控制系统ICM:点火控制模块IDIS:五十铃双燃油喷射系统IDIS:智能驾驶信息系统IDL:怠速触电I—Drive:智能集成化操作系统IDS:正动式驾驶系统I—DSI:双火赛点火IEC:国际电工委员会IFC:国际方程式冠军赛IIA:分电器、点火线圈一体化的点火装置IlHS:美国高速公路安全保险协会ILL:照明ILS:智能照明系统IMA:混合动力系统IMES:电气系统智能管理IMIS:驾驶员综合信息系统IND:指示灯INJ:喷射Instant Traction:即时牵引力控制Insteligent light system:智能照明系统INT:间隙Intelli Beam:灯光高度自动调节Intelligent Light system:智能灯光系统IQS:美国新车质量调查ISC:怠速控制ITARDA:日本交通事故综合分析中心I—TEC:(日)五十铃汽车发动机全电子控制系统ITP:智能化热系统ITS:智能交通系统IVDC:交互式车身动态控制系统IVR:仪表稳压器I—VTEC:可变气门配气相位和气门升程电子控制系统JJACV:压燃室空气喷射控制阀JASP:进气口二次空气喷射KKB:开关板、键盘KCS:爆震控制系统KW:千瓦LL:载荷LATCH:儿童座椅固定系统LCD:液晶显示LDA:气动供油量调节装置LDW:车道偏离警示系统LED:发光二极管LF:空气弹簧悬架LG:低俗LH:左手的/左手LI:牌照灯LL:纵向摆臂LOCK:锁止四驱LOW pressure system:低压系统LPG:明仕单燃料车明仕双燃料车液化石油气L—R:左—右LSI:大规模集成电路LSP:防滑差速度LVA:供气组件Lx:勒克斯(光照单位)MM:中间、中等MA:机械增压MAP:进气管绝对压力点火提前角控制脉谱图进气压力传感器空气流量计MAP:进气歧管绝对压力传感器、点火提前角脉谱图MASK:发动机介入的牵引力控制MAT:进气歧管温度传感器MBA:机械式制动助力器MC:微型计算机MCA:三菱汽车排气净化系统MDS:多排量系统MECH:机械的MEI:技术说明书MEO:维护技术规范MES:汽车制造执行系统MFI:机械式燃油喷射装置MI:中置纵向发动机MICHELIN:米其林轮胎MID:中间MIL:故障指示灯MIN:最小MISAR:美国通用公司微机控制点火系统MIVEC:智能可变正时与升程控制系统ML:多导向轴MMI:多媒体交互系统MPI:多点喷射MPS:多功能轿车MPU:微处理机MPV:微型乘用厢型车MPW:都市多功能车MQ:中置横向发动机MRC:主动电磁感应悬架系统MRU:栗色(又称褐紫红、深红,由棕色和紫色混合而成)MS System:机械—电子式点火控制正时装置MSCD:多火花电容放电系统MSLA:中强度低合金钢MSR:发动机阻力扭矩控制系统MT:手动挡变速器MTR:转速传感器Multi-crossover:多功能跨界休旅车Multitronic:多极于自动变速器MUV:多用途轿车NNAPS:日产汽车排气净化系统NCAP:欧洲新车评估体系NCS:可变进气歧管长度NHTSA:美国高速公路管理局Nivomat:车身自动水平调节系统电子液压调节系统NL:无负荷NO:号码NOR:常规模式NOS:氧化氮气增压系统NOx:氢氧化合物NPN:NPN三极管(由三块半导体构成,其中两块N型和一块P型半导体组成,P型半导体在中间,两块N型半导体在两侧.)NTC:负温度系统NVH:噪音和振动减轻装置OO/C:油压表O/U:油压表传感器OBD:车载自诊断系统OD档:超速档OFF:断开OHB:优化液压制动OHC:顶置气门上置凸轮轴OHV:顶置气门侧置凸轮轴OIL:油压报警灯ON。



汽车行业程序文件中英文版-程序文件目录汽车行业程序文件中英文版程序文件目录一、设计与开发程序1、产品概念设计程序 Product Concept Design Procedure市场调研与需求分析 Market Research and Demand Analysis创意构思与概念生成 Creative Conception and Concept Generation 概念评估与筛选 Concept Evaluation and Screening2、工程设计程序 Engineering Design Procedure详细设计与计算 Detailed Design and Calculation材料选择与规格确定 Material Selection and Specification Determination设计验证与优化 Design Verification and Optimization3、样车制作与测试程序 Prototype Manufacturing and Testing Procedure样车制造工艺规划 Prototype Manufacturing Process Planning样车组装与调试 Prototype Assembly and Debugging性能测试与评估 Performance Testing and Evaluation二、采购与供应链管理程序1、供应商选择与评估程序 Supplier Selection and Evaluation Procedure潜在供应商搜寻 Potential Supplier Searching供应商资质审核 Supplier Qualification Audit实地考察与评估 Onsite Inspection and Evaluation2、采购订单管理程序 Purchase Order Management Procedure采购需求确定 Purchase Requirement Determination订单下达与跟踪 Order Placement and Tracking交货验收与入库 Delivery Acceptance and Warehousing3、供应链风险管理程序 Supply Chain Risk Management Procedure风险识别与评估 Risk Identification and Evaluation风险应对策略制定 Risk Response Strategy Formulation风险监控与预警 Risk Monitoring and Early Warning三、生产制造程序1、生产计划与调度程序 Production Planning and Scheduling Procedure订单分解与排产 Order Decomposition and Production Scheduling资源配置与产能规划 Resource Allocation and Capacity Planning进度跟踪与调整 Progress Tracking and Adjustment2、工艺过程控制程序 Process Control Procedure工艺流程设计与优化 Process Flow Design and Optimization作业指导书制定 Work Instruction Formulation过程检验与质量控制 Process Inspection and Quality Control3、设备管理与维护程序 Equipment Management and Maintenance Procedure设备选型与采购 Equipment Selection and Purchase设备安装与调试 Equipment Installation and Commissioning日常维护与保养 Daily Maintenance and Repair四、质量控制与检验程序1、进料检验程序 Incoming Inspection Procedure原材料检验标准制定 Raw Material Inspection Standard Formulation 抽样方案与检验方法 Sampling Plan and Inspection Method不合格品处理 Nonconforming Product Handling2、过程检验程序 Inprocess Inspection Procedure工序检验点设置 Inspection Point Setting in Processes检验记录与统计分析 Inspection Record and Statistical Analysis质量问题反馈与处理 Quality Problem Feedback and Handling3、成品检验程序 Finished Product Inspection Procedure成品检验标准制定 Finished Product Inspection Standard Formulation 全项目检验与抽样检验 Fullitem Inspection and Sampling Inspection 检验报告与质量证书 Inspection Report and Quality Certificate五、销售与市场推广程序1、市场调研与分析程序 Market Research and Analysis Procedure市场趋势研究 Market Trend Research竞争对手分析 Competitor Analysis消费者行为研究 Consumer Behavior Research2、销售渠道管理程序 Sales Channel Management Procedure经销商选择与合作 Dealer Selection and Cooperation销售渠道拓展与优化 Sales Channel Expansion and Optimization渠道绩效评估与激励 Channel Performance Evaluation and Incentive3、客户关系管理程序 Customer Relationship Management Procedure客户信息收集与管理 Customer Information Collection and Management客户投诉处理与满意度调查 Customer Complaint Handling and Satisfaction Survey客户忠诚度培养 Customer Loyalty Cultivation六、售后服务程序1、售后服务政策制定程序 Aftersales Service Policy Formulation Procedure保修范围与期限确定 Warranty Scope and Period Determination售后服务费用标准制定 Aftersales Service Cost Standard Formulation 服务承诺与条款说明 Service Commitment and Clause Explanation2、维修与保养服务程序 Repair and Maintenance Service Procedure服务预约与接待 Service Reservation and Reception故障诊断与维修方案制定 Fault Diagnosis and Repair Plan Formulation维修作业与质量检验 Repair Work and Quality Inspection3、配件供应与管理程序 Spare Parts Supply and Management Procedure配件库存管理 Spare Parts Inventory Management配件采购与配送 Spare Parts Purchase and Distribution配件质量控制 Spare Parts Quality Control七、人力资源管理程序1、招聘与选拔程序 Recruitment and Selection Procedure岗位需求分析 Job Requirement Analysis招聘渠道选择 Recruitment Channel Selection面试与评估流程 Interview and Evaluation Process2、培训与发展程序 Training and Development Procedure培训需求调查 Training Requirement Survey培训计划制定与实施 Training Plan Formulation and Implementation 培训效果评估与反馈 Training Effect Evaluation and Feedback3、绩效考核与薪酬管理程序 Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management Procedure绩效指标设定 Performance Indicator Setting绩效考核评估 Performance Appraisal Evaluation薪酬计算与发放 Compensation Calculation and Distribution八、财务管理程序1、预算编制与控制程序 Budget Preparation and Control Procedure预算目标设定 Budget Target Setting预算编制流程 Budget Preparation Process预算执行监控与调整 Budget Execution Monitoring and Adjustment2、成本核算与控制程序 Cost Accounting and Control Procedure成本项目分类与核算方法 Cost Item Classification and Accounting Method成本分析与控制措施 Cost Analysis and Control Measures成本降低与优化方案 Cost Reduction and Optimization Plan3、财务报表编制与审计程序 Financial Statement Preparation and Audit Procedure财务数据收集与整理 Financial Data Collection and Arrangement报表编制规范与流程 Statement Preparation Specification and Process 审计配合与整改 Audit Cooperation and Rectification。

通用汽车开发流程 术语中英文对照

通用汽车开发流程 术语中英文对照
SVSR Structure Vehicle Surface Release
"T" Release Math Data/Production Design Complete
Theme Approval
制造系统认证-可销售 不适用 决议通告 正式生产工装/工艺下可定购零件 生产装配文件 原车型停产 物流后勤 产品内容表 工厂数据管理者 产品描述系统 产品开发小组 项目工程经理 项目实施小组 项目实施小组/车型平台总监 工艺失效模式分析 流程领导委员会 项目生产启动经理 项目经理 项目管理小组 先期生产措施授权 生产件批准流程 产品项目规划书 项目采购经理 项目质量审核 绩效审核 投产/加速的准备状态 项目状态系统 初步的结构车表面发布 动力总成 动力总成标定 正常生产选装 系统管理小组 要求说明 开始正式生产 开始系统填充 子系统技术规范 单一主题指示 发运的准备状态 单一主题指示数模 结构车工程发布 结构车表面发布 工装 数模/生产设计完成 主题批准 研究中
Interface Control Document
Initial Data Release
Information Manager (data management system) 信息管理者(数据管理系统)
Initial (powertrain mule calibration)
Incidents per Thousand Vehicles
Integration Vehicle (Quality Valve)



缩写3C4 VDP A/D/V AA中文解释3个关键零件( 缸体、缸盖、曲轴) 3 Critical Parts(Cylinder-block, Cylinder-head, Crankshaft) 四阶段的汽车发展过程分析/发展/验证审批体系DescriptionsFour Phase Vehicle Development ProcessAnalysis/Development/ValidationApprove ArchitectureABS ACD AI AIAG ALBS AP 防抱死制动系统实际完成日期人工智能汽车工业产业群装配线平衡系统提前采购Anti-lock Braking SystemActual Completion DateArtificial IntelligenceAutomotive Industry Action GroupAssembly Line Balance SystemAdvanced PurchasingAPI 先进的产品信息汽车加工模型先进的产品质量计划拨款申请Advanced Product Information Automotive Process Model Advanced Product Quality Planning Appropriation RequestAPM APQP ARARP ARR ASA ASB ASI 拨款申请过程建筑必要性检查船运最初协议船运第二个协议建筑研究启动船运标准协议建筑选择审查土建公用Appropriation Request ProcessArchitectural Requirements ReviewAgreement to Ship AlphaAgreement to Ship BetaArchitecture Studies InitiationAgreement to Ship PrototypeArchitecture Selection ReviewBuilding & UtilityASP ASR B&UBCC BEC BI 品牌特征中心基础设计内容开始冒气泡Brand Character CenterBase Engineered ContentBubble Up InitiationB-I-S BIW BOD BOM BOP CAD CAE CAFÉ CAM CAMIP CARE CAS CDD CGS CI 最佳分节段白车身设计清单原料清单过程清单计算机辅助设计计算机辅助工程(软件)公司的平均燃油经济计算机辅助制造持续汽车市场信息项目用户接受度审查和评估概念可改变的选择成分数据图公司图形系统提出概念隔间融合为组完全拆缷坐标测量仪结构管理工作计划关键途径关键途径Best-In-SegmentBody In WhiteBill of DesignBill of MaterialBill of ProcessComputer-Aided DesignComputer-Aided EngineeringCorporate Average Fuel EconomyComputer-Aided ManufacturingContinuous Automotive Marketing Information ProgramCustomer Acceptance Review and EvaluationConcept Alternative SelectionComponent Datum DrawingsCorporate Graphic SystemConcept InitiationCompartment Integration TeamComplete KnockdownCoordinate Measuring MachinesConfiguration Management Operating PlanCorporate Product PorefolioCritical Path PlanCIT CKD CMM CMOP CPP CPPCR&W CRIT CS 控制/机器人技术和焊接中心新产品展示执行组合同签订零件技术规格设计工程学会设计分析过程设计中心工作申请决策讨论步骤设计中心Controls/Robotics & WeldingCenter Rollout Implementation TeamContract SigningComponent Technical SpecificationDesign and Engineering CouncilDesign Analysis ProcessDesign Center Action RequestDecision Dialog ProcessDesign CenterCTS D/EC DAP DCAR DDP DESDFA DFM DLT DMA DMG DOE DOL DQV DRE 装配设计装配设计设计领导技术经销商市场协会模具管理小组试验设计冲模业务排行设计质量验证设计发布工程师Design for AssemblyDesign For ManufacturabilityDesign leader TechnicalDealer Market AssociationDie Management GroupDesign Of ExperimentsDie Operation Line-UpDesign Quality VerificationDesign Release EngineerDSC决策支持中心 三维变化管理 动态汽车实验 进化的 工程行为要求 计划完成日期 工程组经理 电极底漆 工程技术、 工程学 停止加速 工程生产控制和后勤 工程零件清单 对外的技术说明图 工程工作次序 最终认可 Decision Support Center Dimensional Variation Management Dynamic Vehicle Test DVMDVTE/MEARECDEGMELPOENGEOAEPC&LEPLEvolutionary/Major Engineering Action Request Estimated Completion Date Engineering Group Manager Electrode position Primer Engineering End of Acceleration Engineering Production Cntrol &Logistics Engineering Parts List ETSDEWOFAExterior Technical Specification Drawing Engineering Work Order Final Approval FEFEDRFFF功能评估 Functional Evaluation Functional Evaluation Disposition Report Free Form Fabrication 功能评估部署报告 自由形态制造 金融的 FINFinancial FMEAFTPGA失效形式及结果分析 文件传送协议 总装 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis File Transfer Protocol General Assembly GD&TGMGMEGMIOGMIQGMPTGGP几何尺寸及精度 通用汽车 Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing General Motors General Motors Europe General Motors International Operations General Motors Initial Quality General Motors Powertrain Group General Procedure 通用汽车欧洲 通用汽车国际运作 通用汽车初始质量 通用汽车动力组 通用程序 GSBHVACI/P全球战略部 Global Strategy Board Heating, Ventilation ,and Air Conditioning Instrument Panel 加热、 通风及空调 仪表板 初始租约 ICInitiate Charter ICDIE界面控制文件 工业工程 Interface Control Document Industrial Engineering IEMAILRSIOIPCIPTVIQS国际出口市场分析 间接劳动报告系统 国际业务 国际产品中心 每千辆车的故障率 初始质量调查 事故报告 International Export Market Analysis Indirect Labor Reporting System International Operations International Product Center Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles Initial Quality Survey IRIncident Report ISPITP综合计划 Integrated Scheduling Project Integrated Training Process Interior Technical Specification Drawing International Uniform Vehicle Audit Key Control Characteristics Key Characteristics Designation System Kick-off Meeting Key product Characteristic Ling Lead P Release Letter of Intent 综合培训方法 内部技术规范图 国际统一车辆审核 关键控制特性 关键特性标识系统 启动会议 ITSDIUVAKCCKCDSKO MeetingKPC关键产品特性 LLPRLOI意向书 机器设备 成熟的数据图 金属预制件区 制造过程 市场信息中心 制造综合工程师 营销 物化劳动平衡系统 制造重要子系统技术说明书制造工程 M&EMDDMFDMFGMICMIEMKTMLBSMMSTSMNGMPGMPIMachine & Equipment Master Datum Drawings Metal Fabrication Division Manufacturing Operations Marketing Information Center Manufacturing Integration Engineer Marketing Material Labor Balance System Manufacturing Major Subsystem Technical Specifications Manufacturing Engineering Milford Proving Ground 试验场 主程序索引 主零件列表 Master Process Index Master Parts List MPLMPS MRD MRD MSDS MSE MSS MTBF MTS MVSS NAMA NAO NAOC NC 原料计划系统物料需求日期物料需求时间Material Planning SystemMaterial Required DateMaterial Required DateMaterial Safery Data SheetsManufacturing System EngineerMarket Segment SpecificationMean Time Between FailuresManufacturing Technical SpecificationMotor Vehicle Safety StandardsNorth American Market AnalysisNorth American OperationsNAO ContainerizationNumerically ControlledNext Generation Math-Based ProcessNotice of AuthorizationNAO Strategy BoardOrganization and Employee DevelopmentPurchasing Order制造系统工程市场分割规范平均故障时间生产技术规范汽车发动机安全标准北美市场分析北美业务NAO货柜运输用数字控制新一代基于数学的方法授权书北美业务部NGMBP NOA NSBOED P.O 组织和员工发展采购订单生产结果PA Production AchievementPAA PAC PACE PAD PARTS PC 产品行动授权绩效评估委员会项目评估和控制条件产品装配文件零件准备跟踪系统问题信息Production Action AuthorizationPerformance Assessment CommitteeProgram Assessment and Control EnvironmentProduct Assembly DocumentPart Readiness Tracking SystemProblem CommunicationPCL 生产控制和支持证券发展中心产品资料管理产品说明系统产品发展小组产品工程部Production Control and Logistics Portfolio Development Center Product Data Management Product Description System Product Development Team Production Engineering Department Product Evaluation Program PersonnelPDC PDM PDS PDT PEDPEP PER 产品评估程序人员PET 项目执行小组项目管理Program Execution Team Program ManagementPGMPIMREP PLP 事故方案跟踪和解决过程生产启动程序加工建模一体化项目制造经理产品制造能要求产品车管理小组产品指令管理小组采购点生产零部件批准程序生产件批准程序百分之百万分之绩效评估采购需求Project Incident Monitoring and Resolution ProcessProduction Launch ProcessProcess Modeling IntegrationProgram Manufacturing ManagerProduct Manufacturability RequirementsProduct Management TeamProduction Order Management SystemPoint of PurchaseProduction Part Approval ProcessProduction Parts Approval ProcessProblems Per HundredProblems Per MillionPerformance ReviewPMIPMMPMRPMTPOMSPOPPPAPPPAPPPHPPMPRPR Purchase RequirementPR/R PSA PSC PTO PUR PVM PVT QAP QBC QC 问题报告和解决潜在供应商评估部长职务策略委员会第一次试验Problem Reporting and ResolutionPotential Supplier AssessmentPortfolio Strategy CouncilPrimary Tryout采购Purchasing可设计的汽车模型生产汽车发展质量评估过程质量体系构建关系质量特性Programmable Vehicle ModelProduction Vehicle DevelopmentQuality Assessment ProcessQuality Build ConcernQuality CharacteristicQFD QRD QS QUA RC 质量功能配置质量、可靠性和耐久力质量体系质量评估特许必须完成日期Quality Function DeploymentQuality, Reliability,andDurabilityQuality SystemQualityReview CharterRCD Required Completion DateRFQ RFQ RONA RPO RQA RT&TM SDC 报价请求报价要求书净资产评估正式产品选项程序安排质量评定严格跟踪和全程管理战略决策中心造型冻结Request For QuotationRequirement for QuotationReturn on Net AssetsRegular Production OptionRouting Quality AssessmentRigorous Tracking and Throughout ManagmentStrategic Decision CenterStyling FreezeSFSIU SL 电子求和结束系统规划Summing It All UpSystem LayoutsSMBP SMT SOP SOR SOR SOW SPE SPO SPT SQC SQIP SSF 理论同步过程系统管理小组生产启动, 正式生产要求陈述要求说明书工作说明Synchronous Math-Based ProcessSystems Management TeamStart of ProductionStatement of RequirementsStatement of RequirementsStatement of WorkSurface and Prototype EngineeringService Parts OperationsSingle Point TeamStatistical Quality ControlSupplier Quality Improvement ProcessStart of System FillSubsystem Leadership TeamSubsystem Technical SpecificationSecondary Tryout表面及原型工程配件组织专一任务小组供方质量控制供应商质量改进程序开始系统供应子系统领导组技术参数子系统二级试验SSLT SSTS STOSUW TA TAG TBD TCS TDMF TIMS TIR 标准工作单位技术评估定时分析组Standard Unit of WorkTechnology AssessmentTiming Analysis GroupTo Be Determined下决定牵引控制系统文本数据管理设备试验事件管理系统试验事件报告技术转让协议总的制造综合工程总的物主体验贸易研究方法整车外型尺寸工程师整车综合工程师轮胎和车轮系统班组统一的标准表未经核正确资料发布统一零件分级汽车发展综合评审小组汽车数据标准时间数据汽车首席设计师汽车总工程师确认交叉引用索引汽车发展过程汽车发展生产过程核实数据发布汽车描述概要汽车发展组Traction Control SystemText Data Management FacilityTest Incident Management SystemTest Incident ReportTechnology License AgreementTotal Manufacturing Integration EngineerTotal Ownership ExperienceTrade Study MethodologyTotal Vehicle Dimensional EngineerTotal Vehicle Integration EngineerTire and Wheel SystemUnited Auto WorkersUniform Criteria ListUnverified Data ReleaseUniform Parts ClassificationVehicle & Progress Integration Review TeamVehicle Assembly Standard Time DataVehicle Chief DesignerTLA TMIE TOE TSM TVDE TVIE TWS UAW UCL UDR UPC VAPIR VASTD VCDVCE VCRI VDP VDPP VDR VDS VDT VDTO VEC VIE VIS VLE VLM VMRR VOC VOD VSAS VSEVehicle Chief EngineerValidation Cross-Reference IndexVehicle Development ProcessVehicle Development Production ProcessVerified Data ReleaseVehicle Description SummaryVehicle Development TeamVehicle Development Technical OperationsVehicle Engineering CenterVehicle Integration EngineerVehicle Information SystemVehicle Line ExecutiveVehicle Launch ManagerVehicle and Manufacturing Requirements ReviewVoice of CustomerVoice of DesignVehicle Synthesis,Analysis,and SimulationVehicle System Engineer汽车发展技术工作汽车工程中心汽车综合工程师汽车信息系统总装线主管, 平台工程师汽车创办经理汽车制造必要条件评审顾客的意见设计意见汽车综合、分析和仿真汽车系统工程师VTS WBBA WOT WWP PC 汽车技术说明书全球基准和商业分析压制广泛开放全球采购项目启动方案批准Vehicle Technical SpecificationWorldwide Benchmarking and Business AnalysisWide Open ThrottleWorldwide PurchasingProgram CommencementConcept ApprovalCAPA ER 项目批准工程发布Programe ApprovalEngineering ReleasePPV PP P 产品和工艺验证预试生产试生产Product & Process ValidationPre-PilotPilotEP 工程样车。

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