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1-5CDAAB 6-10CBDBA 11 last m o uth 12 reliable 13 too mouth 14 friendly 15 Within one week 16-20DBACB 21-25ADACD 26 Lucky 27 introduction 28 infomed 29 should make 30 rebuilt 31 had lived 32 winning 33 more 34 heavily 35 left 36-40 D A A C B 41-45 D C B A B 46 tuition 47return 48pocket money 49 educational career 50 February 1,2009 51DQ 52LJ 53AE 54NP 55GI 56Fourteen weeks 57sales support activities 58 business communication skills 59an online catalog 60 an interview 61DCBA 62ACBD 63BDCA 64DCBA



1-5ABBCB 6-10CBCBA 11Two 12same area 13check 14heart 15insurance 16-20BACCD 21-25CBDAC 26quickly 27less 28interesting 29lost 30performance 31is equipped 32writing 33have become 34wonderful 35were 36-40CBBDA 41-45BBCBB 46college 47various activities 48communication 49full-time 50Student Advising Office 51OF 52IL 53GB 54DC 55EA 56account 57free 58.12 59clcse 60log in /start using 61BACD 62CABD 63ABCD 64ABCD



1-5ABCCD 6-10DCAAB 11morning 12third floor 13elderly people 14.1718 15cigarette 16-20CBDBA 21-25BADCA 26solution 27written 28believe 29be included 30boring 31selling 32has enjoyed 33effectively 34would have bought 35lost 36-40ABDBC 41-45CBBAD 46Stephen Smith 47pubic relations 48flexibility 49broader responsibility 50an interview 51JG 52HO 53CK 54DI 55PM 56interested parties 57Beijing Organizing Committee 58related services 59positive 60commercial activities 61CBAD 62BACD 63ABCD 64DACB


1-5ADBAC 6-10CBBBD 11the Internet 12boss 13pollution 14human 15face to face 16-20BACDA 21-25BCCDB 26application 27cheerful 28has seen 29introduced 30be allowed 31seeing 32to discuss 33will last 34deeply 35should use 36-40BCABC 41-45CBCBA 46information security specialist 47information system security 48bachelo’s 49US Permanent Resident 50e-mail 51BG 52KM 53JN 54PF 55QE 56visitors 57accepted 58website 59questions or comments 60the General Manager 61BADC 62DCAB 63BADC 64CADB

云南科技信息职业学院第 1 页共3 页08数控(2)班




1-5CBADC 6-10CACDB 11stay in bed 12easy to do 13job 14little good 15his mind 16-20CABBD 21-25CDACD 26working 27investment 28higher 29have made 30suggesting 31was/were sent 32national 33directly 34paid 35asked 36-40DABDC 41-45BACBD 46effective relief 47the tongue 48.12 49every 4 hours 50shortness of breath 51ND 52OG 53AH 54KQ 55JI

56reasonable cost 57financial plan 58An agent 59family members 60other debts 61DCBA 62CBDA 63BACD 64CBDA



1-5DCBAA 6-10DACAD 11Australian National Gardens 12an hour 13in advance 14the coffee shop 15summer 16-20CABDD 21-25CBDAA 26entirely 27will have found 28not to speak 29difference 30would have saved 31Impressed 32employee 33launching 34interested 35completed 36-40BDCDB 41-45ADCCB 46Macmillan Publishers recipiend 47original intended recipient 48statements 49viruses 50e-mail communication 51MC 52QE 53OG 54LB 55HN 56Waikiki Beach 57.545 58Prompt and reasonable 59Half price 60discounts 61DCBA 62CABD 63ABDC 64DBCA 26:纽约大学生住房中心我们深知大学生在校外住房方面的需求。来看看我们的房子吧——安全,便宜而且居住方便。所需设施应有尽有,如有线电视,网线和全套的家具,即搬即住。房租可以按周、月或年结算。如果感兴趣就拨打800-298-3579联系我们吧。


1-5DBACD 6-10BBACA 11Thirty 12too much 13harder 14active 15body fat 16-20BCADC 21-25ADCBA 26performance 27knew 28happier 29extremely 30playing 31fasten 32were hold 33appointment 34was questioned 35would have been 36-40CBDAC 41-45CBCAD 46.1642 47leisure 48locations 49spending limit 50travel plans 51CB 52IE 53KJ 54LN 55RP 56speedy and easy 57a souvenir 58need it again 59expire 60eat and drink 61BACD 62CDBA 63ADBC 64DACB 65我们的大使馆获悉贵公司欲进口一批中国丝织品。我们公司在中国从事丝织品出口业务,并在国内外一直享有盛誉。我们的产品畅销全世界,其优良的品质和精湛的工艺深受顾客好评。随函寄我们所有产品的目录和报价。期盼尽快回复。


1-5CADBA 6-10CACBD 11.20th century 12large cities 13greatly 14well 15Cars 16-20BDACB 21-25CDADA 26settlement 27will have produced 28more humorous 29widen 30was elected 31to put 32economic 33had taken 34additional 35Watched 36-40DABAD 41-45BCABD 46Practical Everyday English 47Two 48intermediate and advanced 49vocabulary 50words and expressions 51GV 52TN 53OE 54KH 55DA 56Drilling machines 57The Buyer 58irrevocable L/C 59Two years 60authorized representatives 61ACBD 62BDAC 63CADB 64DBCA 65:我们在网站是提

云南科技信息职业学院第 2 页共3 页08数控(2)班

