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Rivers are one of our most important natural resources. Many of the world’s great cities are l______ on rivers, and almost each country has at _______ one river flowing through it that _______ an important part in the lives of its people. Since the beginning of history, people has used rivers for ______(运输). Besides, rivers give water to d______, water for crops, and chances for fun and recreation for the people who live along their banks. ______, large cities and industries that are located on _____ often make problems. As the cities grow ______size and the industries increase in number, the water in the rivers becomes______(污染) with chemicals. People are learning the importance to keep their rivers clean if they want to enjoy this ______(自然的) resource. 1. __________ 2. __________

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10.__________ Most Americans don't like to get advice from members of their families. When they n______ advice, they don ’t usually ask people they know. Instead many Americans write l______ to newspapers and magazines. They can get advice on many d_____ subject, such as family problems, the use of language, health, cooking, childcare, clothes, and _____ to buy a house or a car. Most ______(报纸) print letters from readers with problems. There are answers _____(写) by doctors, lawyers or educators, but some of the most famous writers of advice are women ______ special ______(训练) for this kind of work. One of them is called “Dear Abby ” by readers and the o______ is called “Dear Ann Landers ”. Experience is their _______(准备) for giving advice.

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Most people, young or old, don't know to plan a healthy diet. Some people eat too ____, and some eat too little. Many people don ’t eat breakfast at all in the morning except f______ a cup of

coffee, and most people eat a very greasy dinner. One _______ (主要的) factor in a healthy diet is balance. A _______(平衡)diet contains enough amounts of food for the three m_____ of a day

and a variety of foods such ______ vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, and meat. For breakfast, w______ starts you off on a long day ’s work, you need enough food to ______ (提供) you with enough energy. Lunch is equally important. _______you don ’t store enough energy at

lunchtime for a long afternoon of work, you will easily f____ tired.

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Half a year ago I went abroad for further study. I received

a lot of _______(礼物). All were wrapped in color papers. Among them were two presents which r_______ interested me. My sister b_______ me a book with color pictures about body language and with words about ______ (习俗) of different

countries in it. My brother gave me a note, ______ read, “My present has been put in your b_____. ” When I _______(匆忙) into my bedroom, I found a box in it. Opening the

box, I got a _______(小型的,袖珍的) computer. I was very glad. I ______(明白) these two presents would help me use body language

to c______ with people and improve my English.
