电子与通信工程硕士专业英语part 5

AA/D abbr. Analog-to-Digital 模数转换16, 17AC abbr. alternating current 交流电5AC analysis 交流分析5 accumulator [ə'kjuːmjʊleɪtə] n.累加器17 accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsi] n.精度6 acquisition time 采集时间16 activate [ˈæktɪveɪt] vt. 激活3active [ˈæktɪv] adj.有源的4, 18 actuator [ˈæktjʊeɪtə] n.激励器4ADC abbr. analog-to-digital converter 模数转换器6, 18 addition [əˈdɪʃən] n. 加法3 address generator 地址产生器17 address latch 地址锁存器3 address pointer 地址指针2 addressing mode 寻址模式26 ADSL abbr. Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop 非对称数字用户线21AFG abbr. Arbitrary Function Generator 任意函数发生器28 algorithm ['ælgərɪðəm] n. 算法27 aliasing ['eɪlɪəsiŋ] n.混叠16ALU abbr. Arithmetic Logic Unit 算术逻辑单元3 amplifier [ˈæmplɪˌfaɪə] n. 放大器4 analog interfacing模拟接口(技术)6 angular [ˈæŋɡjələ] adj.角度的5 angular frequency 角频率5 annotation [ænə'teɪʃən] n.标注15 antenna [ænˈtenə] n.天线10anti-aliasing filter 抗混叠滤波器6, 16 array [ə'reɪ] n.数组26ASIC abbr. Application-Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路13, 14, 15, 16, 25专用集成电路assembler [əˈsemblə] n. 汇编器3 assembly language 汇编语言3 ASSP abbr. Application-Specific Standard Part 专用标准部件14, 25 asynchronous [ə'sɪŋkrənəs] adj.异步的13 attenuator [ə'tenjʊeɪtə] n. 衰减器29 audio [ˈɔːdiəʊ] adj.音频的6 automatic variable 自动变量26AWG abbr. Arbitrary Waveform Generator 任意波形发生器28axis [ˈæksɪs] n. 坐标轴5Bbackplane [ˈbækˌpleɪn] n. 背板;底板9 backward compatible 向下兼容21 bandwidth ['bændˌwɪdθ] n.带宽6第 1 页共15 页bar graph 柱图22base band 基带6base station 基站10, 21battery [ˈbætəri] n. 电池7, 12baud [bɔːd] n.波特21Bessel filter 贝塞耳滤波器19biased [ˈbaɪəst] adj.加偏压的7bill of materials 材料单25binary number 二进制数3BIOS [ˈbaɪɒs] abbr. Basic Input Output System 基本输入输出系统3bipolar [baɪˈpəʊlə] adj.双极性的2bit pattern 位模式3bit vector 位向量26block diagram 方框图6block diagram 框图19BNC abbr. bayonet Neill–Concelman BNC连接器9Bode plot 伯德图5bond [bɒnd] n.接头9boot sector 引导扇区3branch instruction 分支指令26缓存器;;缓存区3, 10 buffer [ˈbʌfə] n. 缓存器bunching ['bʌntʃiŋ] n.聚束19bus interface 总线接口16Ccable ['keɪbl] n.电缆12cache [kæʃ] n.高速缓存2CAD abbr. Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计13, 18calculation-intensive algorithm 运算密集型算法17CAM [kæm] abbr. Content Addressable Memory 内容寻址存储器2capacitance [kəˈpæsɪtəns] n. 电容(值)5capacitive [kəˈpæsɪtɪv] adj. 容性的9capacitor [kəˈpæsɪtə] n.电容器2, 5capacity [kə'pæsɪtɪ ] n.容量10capture ['kæptʃə] vt. 输入,记录13carrier wave 载波24carry bit 进位位3cascade [kæsˈkeɪd] n.级联5cathode ['kæθəʊd] n. 阴极29CB abbr. Citizen's Band 民用波段10CCD abbr. Charge Coupled Device 电荷耦合器件18, 23CD abbr. Compact Disc 光盘12, 13cellular [ˈseljʊlə] n.使用蜂窝技术的6channel [ˈtʃænəl] n.信道6第 2 页共15 页characteristic frequency 特征频率5 charge pump 电荷泵8 Chebyshev Type 1 filter 契比雪夫I型滤波器18 chip [tʃɪp] n. 芯片1 chip rate 码片速率21 chrominance [ˈkrəʊmɪnəns] n.色度24 circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 电路1 circuit board 电路板1 circuitry [ˈsɜːkɪtri] n. 电路2, 4, 6 circular [ˈsɜːkjʊlə] adj. 圆形的5 circular buffer 循环缓冲区17 class [klɑːs] n.类26 clock cycle 时钟周期3 clock generator 时钟发生器8 clock rate 时钟速率9 CMOS abbr. complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体2, 9, 12, 23 coding theory 编码理论11 comparator [kəmˈpærətə] n.比较器2, 6 compatibility [kəmˌpætɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] n. 兼容性16 compiler [kəmˈpaɪlə] n.编译器3, 26 complex plane 复平面5 component [kəmˈpəʊnənt] n. 元器件;组件;部件1 concurrent [kən'kʌrənt] adj.并发的15 concurrent process 并发进程26 conductivity [kɒndʌkˈtɪvɪti] n.导电性7 conjugate [ˈkɒndʒʊɡeɪt] adj.共轭的5 converter [kənˈvɜːtə] n. 整流器7 converter resolution 转换器分辨率6 coordinate [kəʊˈɔːdɪnət] n. 坐标5 cordless phone 无绳电话10 counter [ˈkaʊntə] n. 计数器3 coupling [ˈkʌplɪŋ] n.耦合9 CPU abbr. central processing unit中央处理器1, 12程序))25, 27交叉编译器((程序cross-compiler 交叉编译器crosstalk [ˈkrɒsˌtɔːk] n.串扰9 crowbar [ˈkrəʊˌbɑː] n. 短路器7 CRT abbr. Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管29 cryptography [krɪp'tɒgrəfɪ] n. 密码学14 crystal [ˈkrɪstəl] n.晶体8, 18 CT abbr. Computed Tomography 计算机层析成像22 current source 电流源4 cutoff [ˈkʌtɒf] n.截止7 cutoff frequency 截止频率18第 3 页共15 页DD/A abbr. Digital-to-Analog 数模转换16, 17 DAC abbr. Digital-to-Analog Converter 数模转换器18 damping [ˈdæmpɪŋ] n.幅度衰减5 data acquisition 数据采集30 data compression 数据压缩18 data converter 数据转换器6 data processing 数据处理14 data rate 数据率19 data sheet 数据手册4, 6 dB abbr. decibel [ˈdesɪˌbel] 分贝5 DC abbr. direct current 直流电5 DCT abbr. Discrete Cosine Transform 离散余弦变换22 debug [diː'bʌg] vt.调试28 debugger [diː'bʌgə] n. 调试程序27 decimation [desɪ'meɪʃən] n.抽取6 declaration [deklə'reɪʃən] n.声明15 decoder [diːˈkəʊdə] n. 译码器3 delta modulation 增量调制(∆调制)11 denominator [dɪˈnɒmɪˌneɪtə] n.分母5 density [ˈdensəti] n. 密度2 design flow 设计流程13 design specification 设计规格28 desired signal 期望信号28 detector [dɪˈtektə] n.检波器8 deviation [ˌdiːviˈeɪʃən] n. 偏差8 device driver 设备驱动程序27 DG abbr. Data Generator 数据发生器28 dial tone 拨号音10 differentiation [ˌdɪfərenʃiˈeɪʃən] n. 微分4 digital [ˈdɪdʒɪtəl] adj.数字的1 digital cellular phone 数字蜂窝电话6 digital circuit 数字电路2 digital filtering 数字滤波6 digitization [ˌdɪdʒɪtɪ'zeʃən] n. 数字化16 diode [ˈdaɪəʊd] n. 二极管7 discrete [dɪ'skriːt] adj.离散的,分立的1, 13 discrete component 分立元件3 disk drive head 磁盘驱动器磁头18 dissipate [ˈdɪsɪˌpeɪt] vi.耗散7 distortion [dɪ'stɔːʃən] n.畸变28 division [dɪˈvɪʒən] n. 除法3 DMM abbr. digital multimeter 数字多用表28第 4 页共15 页Dolby Stereo 杜比立体声19 don't care 无关项15 downstream ['daʊn'striːm] n.下行比特流11 DRAM abbr. Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存取存储器2 drive [draɪv] n.驱动器2, 12 DSP abbr. Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理14, 18 DSP abbr. Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器16, 17 DSSS abbr. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 直序扩频21 duty cycle 占空比7, 8 DVD abbr. Digital Video Disk 数字视盘12 DVI abbr. Digital Video Interactive 交互式数字视频系统12 dynamic range 动态范围16 E合逻辑2, 9 ECL abbr. emitter coupled logic 射极耦射极耦合逻辑EDA abbr. Electronic Design Automation 电子设计自动化13, 15 edge detection 边缘检测22 EEPROM [ˈi:prɒm] abbr. Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM 电可擦除可编程只读存储器2 electrical power 电能7 electricity [ˌilekˈtrɪsəti] n. 电1 electron beam 电子束29 electronics [ˌilekˈtrɒnɪks] n. 电子学, 电子电路1, 7 embedded system 嵌入式系统13 emulation [ˌemjʊ'leɪʃən] n. 仿真16 encoding [ɪn'kəʊdɪŋ] n.编码19 end office 端局10 end product 最终产品16 erasable [ɪˈreɪzəbl] adj.可擦除的2 ethernet[ˈiːθənet] n. 以太网9, 12 even field 偶数场24 execute [ˈeksɪˌkjuːt] vt. 执行3 execution time 执行时间27 exponent [ɪk'spəʊnənt] n.指数17 exponential [ˌekspəˈnenʃəl] adj. 指数的5 expression [ɪk'spreʃən] n. 表达式26 external compensation 外部补偿4 FFCC abbr. Federal Communications Commission 联邦通信委员会10 FDM abbr. Frequency-division multiplexing 频分复用11 feature size 特征尺寸19 feedback [ˈfiːdbæk] n.反馈4 feedback component 反馈元件4 ferroelectric [ˌferəʊɪˈlektrɪk] adj.铁电的2 FFT abbr. Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅里叶变换6, 18第 5 页共15 页field [fiːld] n. 字段26 field operation 现场运行4 filter ['fɪltə] n.滤波器6 filtering [ˈfɪltərɪŋ] n.滤波9, 18 flash memory 闪存23 flip flop 触发器2 floating point processor 浮点处理器3 flux [flʌks] n.通量7 flyback [ˈflaɪbæk] n.回扫7 foundry ['faʊndri] n. 晶圆代工厂16 FPGA abbr. Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列13, 15, 16 frame grabber 帧采集器24 frequency conflict 频率冲突11 frequency masking 频率掩蔽20 frequency response 频率响应9 frequency reuse 频率复用10 frequency synthesizer 频率合成器8full range 满量程28 full scale 满幅度;满量程6full scale range 满量程范围16 functional accelerator 性能加速器16 fundamental frequency 基频29Ggain drift 增益漂移4 GBW abbr. Gain × Bandwidth 增益带宽积4 global data 全局数据26 GPP abbr. General Purpose Processor 通用处理器16 gray scale level 灰度级22 GSM abbr. Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统6 guided missile 导弹28 gyro ['dʒaɪrəʊ] n.陀螺仪28 handoff [hændɒf] n. 越区切换21 handset ['hænset] n. 手持设备10 Harvard architecture 哈佛结构17 HDL abbr. Hardware Description Language 硬件描述语言13, 15 HDMI abbr. High-Definition Multimedia Interface 高清晰度多媒体接口12 headroom [ˈhedˌruːm] n.净空,活动空间7 heatsink [ˈhiːt ˈsɪŋk] n.散热片7, 12 high impedance 高阻15 high-powered [ˌhaɪ ˈpaʊəd] adj. 大功率的10 histogram ['hɪstəgræm] n.直方图22 histogram equalization 直方图均衡22 Huffman encoding 哈夫曼编码22第 6 页共15 页IIC abbr. integrated circuit 集成电路1, 4 IDE [aɪd] abbr. Integrated Drive Electronics 集成驱动器电路12 IEEE abbr. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师学会15 image contrast 图像对比度22 image sensor 图像传感器23 imaginary part 虚部5 impedance [ɪmˈpiːdəns] n. 阻抗5, 15, 30 inbound ['ɪnbaʊnd] adj.输入的10 inductance [ɪnˈdʌktəns] n. 电感(值)5 inductive [ɪnˈdʌktɪv] adj.感性的9 inductor [ɪnˈdʌktə] n. 电感器5, 7 infinity [ɪnˈfɪnəti] n.无穷大5in-phase 同相28 input offset voltage 输入偏置电压4 instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃən] n. 指令3 instruction decoder 地址译码器3 instrumentation [ˌɪnstrʊmen'teɪʃən] n.仪器28 insulate [ˈɪnsjuleɪt] vt.绝缘1 integrated development tool 集成开发工具27集成;;积分4, 7 integration [ˌɪntəˈɡreɪʃən] n. 集成integrator [ˈɪntɪgreɪtə] n. 积分器5 interconnect [ˌɪntəkəˈnekt] n. 互连9 interface [ˈɪntəˌfeɪs] n. 接口电路2, 4 interference [ɪntə'fɪərəns] n. 干扰10 interpolation [ɪntɜːpəʊ'leɪʃən] n.插值6 interrupt latency 中断等待时间27 interval [ˈɪntəvəl] n. 间歇2IP abbr. Intellectual Property 知识产权25 IP abbr. Internet Protocol 互联网协议21 IP packet IP分组21 ISO abbr. International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织26 ISP abbr. in-system programmable 在系统可编程14 ISR abbr. Interrupt Service Routine 中断服务程序27Jjack [dʒæk] n.音频插口12 jitter ['dʒɪtə] n.抖动28 jitters [ˈdʒɪtəz] n. 时钟抖动8 JPEG abbr. Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合图象专家组23 JTAG abbr. Joint Test Action Group 联合测试行动组25Kkernel ['kɜːnəl] n.内核程序27 lagging [ˈlæɡɪŋ] adj.滞后的8第7 页共15 页laptop ['læptɒp] n.膝上型轻便电脑12 laser ['leɪzə] abbr. light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光19 latency ['leɪtənsɪ] n. 反应时间27 LLCD abbr. Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器23 lead [liːd] n.引线9 leading [ˈliːdɪŋ] adj.超前的8 leakage [ˈli:kɪdʒ] n.泄露2 learning curve 学习曲线15 licensing agreement 专利使用权转让协定17 linear ramp 线性斜坡5 linear regulator 线性稳压器7 linearity [ˌlɪnɪˈærɪtɪ] n. 线性28 lithographic [ˌlɪθəˈɡræfɪk] adj. 平版印刷的2 load [ləʊd] n. 负载7 load current 负载电流7 loading ['ləʊdɪŋ] n.负载30 log [lɒɡ] abbr. logarithm [ˈlɒɡərɪðəm] 对数4 logic [ˈlɒdʒɪk] n. 逻辑1 logic analyzer 逻辑分析仪28 logical channel 逻辑通道21 look-up table 查找表2, 19 loop filter 环路滤波器8 looping scheme 循环机制17 loss [lɒs] n. 损耗7 LP abbr. Long Playing 密纹唱片13 LSI abbr. large-scale integration 大规模集成1 luminance ['luːmɪnəns] n.亮度24 MMAC abbr. Multiplication and Accumulation 乘法累加运算18 machine instruction 机器指令3 magnetic [mæɡˈnetɪk] adj.有磁性的2, 7 magnitude spectrum 幅度谱22 mantissa [mæn'tɪsə ] n.尾数17 m-commerce 移动商务21 memory [ˈmeməri] n.存储器2 memory location 存储器位置3 metallization [ˌmetəlaɪ'zeɪʃən] n.金属化13 microcell [ˈmaɪkrəʊˌsel] n.微蜂窝10 microcontroller [maɪkrəkən'trəʊlə] n.微控器2 micron [ˈmaɪkrɒn] n. 微米;10-6米3 microphone ['maɪkrəfəʊn] n.扩音器18 microprocessor [maɪkrəʊ'prəʊsesə] n. 微处理器1, 3第8 页共15 页miniaturization [ˈmɪnɪətʃəˌraɪˈzeɪʃən] n. 缩微化1 MIPS [mɪps] abbr. Million Instructions Per Second 每秒百万条指令数3, 18 MMX abbr. Multi-Media Extension多媒体增强指令集17 mnemonics [nɪ'mɒnɪks] n. 助记符30 modem ['məʊdem] n.调制解调器12 monotonicity [mɒnətəˈnɪsɪtɪ] n. 单调性28µP abbr. microprocessor 微处理器14 MPEG abbr. Motion Picture Experts Group 运动图象专家组20 MRI abbr. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 核磁共振成像22 MSC abbr. Mobile Switching Center 移动电话交换中心10 MSPS abbr. million samples per second 每秒百万样本数6 MTSO abbr. Mobile Telephone Switching Office 移动电话交换局10 multiframe n.复帧11 multiplexer ['mʌltɪˌpleksə] n.多路复用器28 multiplication [ˌmʌltəplɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 乘法3 multiplier [ˈmʌltɪˌplaɪə] n.乘法器3, 17 Nnetwork operator 网络运营商21 network router 网络路由器2 next state 次态13 noise shaping 噪声整形6 nominal [ˈnɒmɪnəl] adj.标称的8 NRE abbr. nonrecurring engineering 一次性工程14 NTSC abbr. National Television Systems Committee 国家电视系统委员会24 Nyquist theorem 奈奎斯特定理16 Oobject recognition 目标识别22 odd field 奇数场24 one's complement 二进制反码11 op amp abbr. operational amplifier 运算放大器4, 18 opcode [ˈɒpkəʊd] abbr. operation code 操作码3 open loop gain 开环增益4 operand ['ɒpərænd] n.操作数26 operating system 操作系统3 optical [ˈɒptɪkəl] adj.光学的2 order of magnitude 数量级10 OS abbr. Operating System 操作系统12 oscillation [ˌɒsɪˈleɪʃən] n. 振荡4 oscillator [ˈɒsɪˌleɪtə] n.振荡器8 oscilloscope [əˈsɪləˌskəʊp] n.示波器20, 28 OTP abbr. one-time programmable 一次性编程14 outbound ['aʊtbaʊnd] adj.输出的10 outlet ['aʊtlet] n.电源插座12第9 页共15 页overload [ˌəʊvəˈləʊd] n.过载10 overvoltage [ˈəʊvəˈvəʊltɪdʒ] n.过压7Ppackage ['pækɪdʒ] n.封装形式; 程序包4, 15 packet ['pækɪt] n.信息分组21 packet switching 分组交换10 pad [pæd] n.焊盘9 PAL [pæl] abbr. Phase Alternation by Line 逐行倒相24 parallel [ˈpærəlel] adj.并联的8 parallel architecture 并行结构17 parallel resonant 并联谐振8 parallelism ['pærəlelɪzəm] n. 并行度14 passband ['pæsbænd] n.通带5, 18 passive [ˈpæsɪv] adj.无源的4, 7, 18 payload [ˈpeɪˌləʊd] n.有效载荷11 PCB abbr. printed circuit board 印制电路板9, 18 PCM abbr. Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制11 PCS abbr. Personal Communication Service 个人通信业务11 perceptual coding 知觉编码20 performance specification 性能指标6 peripheral [pə'rɪfərəl] n.外设12 PGA abbr. Programmable Gain Amplifier 可编程增益放大器18 phase spectrum 相位谱22 phone service 电话业务4 piezoelectric [ɪˈlektrɪk] adj.压电的piezoelectric [paɪzəʊɪˈlektrɪk] adj.压电的8, 18 piezoelectric crystal 压电晶体18 pipelining [ˈpaɪpˌlaɪnɪŋ] n. 流水线技术3 pixel ['pɪksəl] n.像素22 PLA abbr. Programmable Logic Array 可编程逻辑阵列13 playback ['pleɪbæk] n.重放19 PLCC abbr. plastic leadless chip carrier 塑料无引线芯片承载封装9 PLD abbr. Programmable Logic Device 可编程逻辑器件13, 14, 15 PLL abbr. phase locked loop 锁相环8 pointer ['pɒɪntə] n.指针26 pole [pəʊl] n. 极点5 pole [pəʊl] n.极点18 POST [pəʊst] abbr. power-on self-test 开机自检12 power [ˈpaʊə] n. 功率1 power consumption 功耗1, 6 power dissipation 功耗16 power loss 功率损耗9 power supply voltage 电源电压4第10 页共15 页power supply 电源12 ppm abbr. parts per million 百万分之一8 predictive encoding 预测编码11 present state 现态13 price/performance ratio 性价比16 probe [prəʊb] n.探头30 processing gain 处理增益6 program call 程序调用26 program counter 程序计数器3, 26 programmable [ˈprəʊɡræməbl] adj.可编程的2 propagate [ˈprɒpəɡeɪt] vi.传播8 propagation delay 传输延迟8, 30 prototype ['prəʊtətaɪp] n. 样机14 PSTN abbr. Public Switched Telephone Network 公共交换电话网10 psychoacoustics [ˌsaɪkəʊə'kuːstɪks] n.心理声学20 PTT abbr. Post Telephone and Telegraph Administration 邮政电话电报管理局10 pulse [pʌls] n.脉冲3 pulse width 脉冲宽度30 QoS abbr. quality-of-service 服务质量21 quality factor 品质因数5 quantization error (noise) 量化误差(噪声)6 quantization level 量化电平16 quartz [kwɒts] n. 石英8 RRAM [ræm] abbr. random-access memory 随机存取存储器3, 12 random noise 随机噪声11 raster ['ræstə] n.光栅29 RC abbr. Reconfigurable Computing 可重配计算14 RC abbr. resistor capacitor 电阻电容5 RCA abbr. Radio Corporation of America 美国无线电公司12 real part 实部5 real time 实时16 rectifier [ˈrektɪfaɪə]n.整流器7 redundancy [rɪ'dʌndənsɪ] n.冗余20 Reed-Solomon coding 里德-索罗蒙编码(RS编码)19 reference voltage 参考电压6 refresh [rɪˈfreʃ] vt.刷新2 register [ˈredʒɪstə] n.寄存器2 regulator [ˈreɡjʊˌleɪtə] n.稳压器7 resistor [rɪˈzɪstə] n. 电阻器6 resolution [rezə'luːʃən] n.分辨率6, 23 resolution function 判决函数26 resonant [ˈrezənənt] adj. 谐振的8第11 页共15 页resonating frequency 谐振频率8 ribbon cable 带状电缆;扁平柔性电缆9 ringing [ˈrɪŋɪŋ] n. 振铃振荡5 ripple ['rɪpl] n.波纹18 RISC abbr. Reduced Instruction-Set Computer 精简指令集计算机25 roll off 滚降18 ROM [rɒm] abbr. read-only memory 只读存储器3 router [ˈruːtə] n. 路由器2 rpm abbr. revolutions per minute 每分钟转数19 RTL abbr. Register Transfer Level 寄存器传输级13 RTOS abbr. Real-Time Operating System 实时操作系统26, 27 run-length encoding 行程编码22Ssample and hold circuit 采样保持电路16 sampling interval 采样间隔16 sampling rate 采样率6 SATA abbr.. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 串行高级技术附件12 scanning velocity 扫描速度19 scheduler ['ʃedjuːələ] n. 调度程序27 schematic [skiːˈmætɪk] n.原理图7, 13 scientific notation 科学记数法17 SCR abbr. silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器7 SDR abbr. Software-defined Radio 软件无线电14 SECAM ['siːkæm] abbr. SEquential Couleur Avec Memoire 顺序与存储彩色电视系统24 selective [sɪˈlektɪv] adj. 选择性的5 semiconductor [ˌsemɪkənˈdʌktə] n. 半导体1, 7 sequence[ˈsiːkwəns] n. 序列3 sequential [sɪ'kwenʃəl] adj.时序的13 series [ˈsɪəriːz] n. 串联7, 8 series resonant 串联谐振8 shade [ʃeɪd] n.明暗度22 shielding [ˈʃiːldɪŋ] n.屏蔽9 shifter ['ʃɪftə] n. 移位器17 signal conditioning 信号调理4 signal conditioning circuit 信号调理电路18 signal integrity 信号完整性9 signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比16, 20 silicon [ˈsɪlɪkən] n.硅1 simplex ['sɪmpleks] n.单工,单向通信11 simulation [ˌsɪmjʊˈleɪʃən] n.模拟9, 13, 16 sinc correction 抽样函数校正19 sine wave 正弦波6 single-shot 单脉冲29第12 页共15 页skew[skjuː] n.相位偏移8 slew [sluː] n. 摆率8 slope [sləʊp] n. 斜率5 smallest resolvable difference 最小可分辨值17 smoothing ['smu:ðiŋ] n. 平滑(滤波)16 SMS abbr. Short Message Service 短信业务21 SNR abbr. signal to noise ratio 信噪比6 SoC abbr. System-on-Chip 片上系统14 socket [ˈsɒkɪt] n.插座9 soldering [ˈsɒldərɪŋ] n.焊接9 solid state 固态1 sound card 声卡20 source [sɔːs] n. 信号源2 source and load impedances 源阻抗和负载阻抗9 source code 源代码27 spec [spek] abbr. specification 性能指标; 规格8, 12 specification [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 性能指标; 规格4 spectral inversion 频谱反转16 spectral resolution 频率分辨率20 spectrum ['spektrəm] n.频谱6, 16 spread spectrum communication 扩频通信11 SPS abbr. Sample Per Second 每秒样本数18 SRAM abbr. Static Random Access Memory 静态随机存取存储器2 stability [stə'bɪlɪti] n. 稳定性4 stack [stæk] n.堆栈26 startup cost 启动成本27 state machine 状态机14 statement ['steɪtmənt] n.语句15 steady state 稳态8 step function 阶跃函数5 stimuli ['stɪmjʊlaɪ] n.激励源15 stimulus signal 激励信号28 stopband ['stɒpbænd] n.阻带18 strain gage 应力计18 string [strɪŋ] n. 字符串26 structure ['strʌktʃə] n. 结构体26 subassembly [ˌsʌbəˈsembli] n.部件9 subsystem ['sʌbsɪstəm] n.子系统28 subtraction [səbˈtrækʃən] n. 减法3 SUT abbr. System Under Test 被测系统30 switch [swɪtʃ] n. 开关1 switched-capacitor filter 开关电容滤波器5 switching [ˈswɪtʃɪŋ] n.交换,切换7第13 页共15 页synchronization [ˌsɪŋkrənaɪ'zeɪʃən] n.同步11, 21 synchronous ['sɪŋkrənəs] adj.同步的13 synthesis ['sɪnθɪsɪs] n. 综合13 synthesizer [ˈsɪnθəsaɪzə] n.合成器8 system call 系统调用27 TTCXO abbr. temperature compensated crystal oscillator 温度补偿晶体振荡器8 TDM abbr. Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用11 telepresence [ˈtelɪˌprezəns] n. 远程在位21 template ['templeɪt] n. 模板26 temporal masking 暂时掩蔽20 termination [ˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən] n.端接9 termination characteristics 端接特性9 test bench 测试台15 test register 测试寄存器3 thermocouple [θɜːməʊˈkʌpəl] n.热电偶18 third party developer 第三方开发商17 thread [θred] n.线程26 TIFF abbr. Tagged Image File Format 标签图像文件格式23 time base 时基30 time constant 时间常数5 time slot 时隙21 time to market 上市时间16 timing [ˈtaɪmɪŋ] n.时序9, 15 timing diagram 时序图30 top-down approach “自顶而下”设计法15 transducer [trænzˈdjuːsə] n. 传感器4, 29 transfer function 传递函数4, 5 transient ['trænzɪənt] n.暂态过程28 transient response 暂态响应5 transistor [trænˈsɪstə] n. 晶体管1 transmission bandwidth 传输带宽20 transmission power 发射功率11 trench capacitor 沟道式电容器2 trigger ['trɪgə] vt.触发13 truth table 真值表26 TTL abbr. transisitor-transisitor logic晶体管晶体管逻辑9 tuning ['tjuːnɪŋ] n.调谐8 type conversion 类型转换15 Uupstream ['ʌpstriːm] n.上行比特流11 USB abbr. Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线12 UUT abbr. Unit Under Test 被测单元28第14 页共15 页UV abbr. ultraviolet 紫外线2 Vvacuum tube 真空管4 VCO abbr. voltage controlled oscillator 压控振荡器8 vector [ˈvektə] n. 向量5 vertical resolution 垂直分辨率28 VGA abbr. Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列12 VHS abbr. Video Home System 家用录像系统21 video conference 视频会议21 viewfinder ['vjuːfaɪndə] n. 取景器23 virtual memory 虚拟内存3 VLSI abbr. very large-scale integration 超大规模集成1 vocoder ['vəʊˌkəʊdə ] n.声码器11 volt[vəʊlt] n. 伏特8 voltage [ˈvəʊltɪdʒ] n. 电压;伏特数7 voltage reference 参考电压18 voltage swing 电压摆幅8 volume [ˈvɒljuːm] n. 音量4 Von Neumann architecture 冯·诺依曼结构17 VSWR abbr. voltage standing wave ratio 电压驻波比9 Wwatt [wɒt] n.瓦特10 waveform [ˈweɪvˌfɔːm] n.信号波形7 waveform coding 波形编码20 webcam ['webkæm] n.网络摄像头12 wideband ['waɪd'bænd] adj.宽频带的21 wild card 通配符15 wireless infrastructure 无线基础设施16 XYZzero order hold 零阶保持器16第15 页共15 页。

…such as a computer, control, or digital-communication system, there are only a few basic operations, which must be performed.
……例如计算机系统、控制系统、或数字通信 系统中,需要进行的基本运算也只有几种。
刻度, 衡量, 比例,
flip-flop ['flipflɔp] n.
Phrases and Expressions
integrated circuits 集成电路
Chinese Translation of Texts
Lesson 5 Digital Circuit
刘 骋 蔡 静 刘小芹 主编
Unit Ⅰ
Unit Ⅰ
Basic Knowledge of Electronics
Lesson 5
Digital Circuit
New Words
Primarily [‘praimərəli]
Binary Switch Achieve
[‘bainəri] [switʃ] [ə'tʃi:v]
非门的重要功能是产生反向信号,即产生与 输入信号性质相反的输出信号。
不定式to produce signal inversion or an output signal 充当表语 ,其后是定语从句 that is opposite in nature to the input signal, 用以修饰该表语。

电子与通信技术专业英语总结范文Summary of Electronic and Communication Technology MajorElectronic and communication technology is a rapidly growing field that encompasses a wide range of applications and technologies. With the advancement of technology, the demand for professionals in this field is increasing rapidly. As a student majoring in electronic and communication technology, I have gained a deep understanding of the key concepts and principles in this field, as well as practical skills to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios.One of the key concepts I have learned is the fundamentals of electronics, which include understanding the behavior of electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, and diodes. By understanding how these components interact with each other, I have been able to design and analyze electronic circuits that are used in a variety of applications, from consumer electronics to industrial control systems. In addition, I have also learned about signal processing techniques, which are essential for communication systems to process and transmit information efficiently.Furthermore, I have gained hands-on experience with various tools and software used in the field of electronic and communication technology. For example, I have learned how to use simulation software such as MATLAB and SPICE to model and analyze electronic circuits. I have also gained experience in programming languages such as C and Python, which are used to develop embedded systems and communication protocols. These practical skills have been instrumental in my ability to design and implement electronic systems that meet the requirements of modern technology.In addition to technical knowledge, I have also developed important soft skills that are essential for success in the field of electronic and communication technology. Communication skills are crucial for working effectively in a team environment, as well as for presenting technical information to non-technical audiences. Problem-solving skills are also essential for troubleshooting complex electronic systems and finding innovative solutions to technical challenges.Overall, my experience as a student majoring in electronic and communication technology has equipped me with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a dynamic and fast-paced industry. I look forward to applying my expertise inelectronic and communication technology to address the challenges of the future and contribute to the development of innovative technologies.。

Chinese Translation of Texts
第17课 无线传感器网络(WSN)
无线传感器网络(WSN)由空间上分布的自主式传感器组成,用以监控物理或 环境条件,如温度,声音,压力等,并通过网络将数据合成到一个主位置。更现代 的网络是双向的,也能够控制传感器的活动。无线传感器网络的发展是出于军事上 的应用,如战场监视.今天这样的网络被用于许多工业和消费类应用,如工业过程 监测和控制,机器状况监测等。
Chinese Translation of Texts
A sensor node might vary in size from that of a shoebox down to the size of a grain of dust. The cost of sensor nodes is similarly variable, ranging from a few to hundreds of dollars, depending on the complexity of the individual sensor nodes. Size and cost constraints on sensor nodes result in corresponding constraints on resources such as energy, memory, computational speed and communications bandwidth. The topology of the WSNs can vary from a simple star network to an advanced multi-hop wireless mesh network.

The control bus is a collection of signals that controls how the processor communicates with the rest of the system [3]. [3].控制总线是控制处理器与系统其他部分通信 控制总线是控制处理器与系统其他部分通信 的信号枢纽。 的信号枢纽。 that controls how the processor communicates with the rest of the system是 是 定语从句,修饰主语the control bus,在这个 定语从句,修饰主语 , 从句中,又包含了how引导的从句作为 引导的从句作为controls 从句中,又包含了 引导的从句作为 的宾语。 的宾语。
How a system designs these parts impacts the system performance. In VNA machines, like the 80x86 family, the CPU is where all the actions take place [1].
The system bus connects various components of a VNA machine. The 80x86 family has three major busses: the address bus, the data bus, and the control bus. A bus is a connection of wires on which electrical signals pass through components in the system. For example, the data bus may have a different implementation between the 80386 and the 8086,
电子与通信工程专业英语DX 电子教案Unit 5

Chapter I Basic Knowledge of ElectronicsUnit 5 The Electronic InstrumentsI.Lead-inInformation related to the textDo you know what can be measured with a multimeter? How many types of multimeters are there? Do you know the differences between a digital multimeter and an analog meter? Can you describe them? And what is the function of an oscilloscope? Maybe you are much interested in multimeters and oscilloscopes, of course also interested in these questions. In this unit, you’ll learn how these instrum ents are widely used in electronic industry. Now, let’s study key words and phrases together.II. Word study1. accelerate [ək'seləreit] vt. 使……加快vi. 加速;促进n. 加速器1) related phrases:accelerate key快捷键accelerate delivery 快递accelerate agent 催化剂2) They will accelerate innovation in teaching.它们将加速教学革新。
3) Our present task is to accelerate economic growth.加速经济发展是我们当前的任务。

electronic component 电子元件capacitor电容器variable capacito r可变电容器Mica trimmer capacitor云母微调电容器Ohm’s law欧姆定律ideal inductor理想电感器resonant circuit谐振电路magnetic field磁场equivalent inductance等效电感mutual inductance互感self-inductance自感resistor电阻Transistor晶体管semiconductor device半导体器件control current受控电流Diode二极管Triode三极管preamplifier前置放大器Transformer变压器ideal transformer理想变压器Relay继电器electron quantity 电量series circuit串联电路equivalent resistance等效电阻parallel circuit并联电路series-parallel circuit串并联电路open-circuit开路short-circuit短路analog circuit 模拟电路discrete level分离电平linear circuit线性电路digital circuit数字电路Flip-Flop触发器Schmitt trigger施密特触发器Tuning circuit调谐电路passive component无源器件electronic equipment电子设备operational amplifier运算放大器positive feedback 正反馈differential amplifier差动放大器instrumentation amplifier 仪表放大器isolation amplifier隔离放大器discrete component分立元件Logic circuit 逻辑电路Boolean expression布尔表达式Logic-circuit diagram逻辑电路图NAND Gate 与非门NOR Gate或非门Logic Gate逻辑门falling edge下降沿SR Flip-flop SR触发器T Flip-flop T触发器characteristic equation特征方程JK Flip-flop JK触发器D Flip-flop D触发器Master-slave D Flip-flop主从D触发器signal amplitude信号幅值signal energy信号能量signal power信号功率Periodic and aperiodic signal周期和非周期信号Deterministic and random signal确定性和随机信号Continuous-time and discrete-time signal连续时间和离散时间信号ramp signal斜坡信号mathematical equation数学方程式mathematical model数学模型Linear and nonlinear system线性和非线性系统Instantaneous and dynamic system瞬时和动态系统Causal and noncausal system因果和非因果系统Lumped-parameter and distributed-parameter system集总参数系统和分布参数系统Zero-input response零输入响应Zero-state response零状态响应Time-Invariant and Time-varying Parameter System时不变和时变参数系统ordinary differential equation常微分方程Partial differential equation偏微分方程Internal and External Descriptions of a System内部描述和外部描述系统unit impulse单位脉冲unit step单位阶跃subsystem子系统Z-Transform z变换Fourier transform 傅里叶变换Laplace transform拉普拉斯变换power series幂级数rational function有理函数The Inverse z-Transform逆Z变换Partial Fraction Expansion部分分式展开法Power Series Expansion幂级数展开法orginal sequence原序列Exponential Sequence 指数序列periodic sequence周期序列aperiodic sequence非周期序列periodic function 周期函数Symmetry Properties对称性Communication Technology通信技术Communication System通信系统communication channel通信增益computer data计算机数据库baseband signal基带信号sinusoidal wava正弦波carrier signal载波信号bandpass channel带通信号Bandpass filtering 带通滤波digital baseband modulation 数字基带调制Multimedia Communication Technology多媒体通信技术date compression 数据压缩Network Configuration网络配置client/server network客户机/服务器网络peer-to-peer network对等网络Bus Topology总线型拓扑Ring Topology环形拓扑token-passing scheme令牌传递机制Star Topology星型拓扑Tree Topology树型拓扑Mesh Topology网状拓扑coaxial cable同轴电缆copper wire铜线Optical fibre cable 光缆hub集线器switch交换机router路由器gateway网关switch table交换表route table路由表Wireless Network无线网Printed circuit board(PCB)印刷电路板Application-Specific Integrated Circuit(ASIC)专用集成电路Digital Signal Processor(DSP)数字信号处理器Field-Programmable Gate Array(FPGA)现场可编程门阵列Integrated Circuit(IC)集成电路Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law(KVL)基尔霍夫电压定律Kirchhoff’s Current L aw(KCL)基尔霍夫电流定律Region Of Convergence(ROC)收敛域Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT))离散傅里叶变换Local Area Network(LAN)局域网Wide Area Network(WAN)广域网World Wide Web(WWW)万维网Metropolitan Area Network(WAN)城域网Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN)无线局域网Amplitude Modulation(AM)调幅Frequency modulation(FM)调频Phase Modulation(PM)调相Digital-to-analog conversion(DAC)数模转换Analog-to-digital conversion(ADC)模数转换Pulse-Amplitude modulation(PAM)脉冲幅调制Pulse-Width Modulation(PWM)脉宽调制Pulse-Position Modulation(PPM) 脉位调制Pulse-Code Modulation(PCM) 脉冲码调制Multimedia PC(MPC)多媒体计算机Office Automation(OA)办公自动化Computer-Aided Instruction(CAI)计算机辅助教学Network Interface Card(NIC)网卡Shielded Twisted-Pair(STP)屏蔽双绞线Unshielded Twisted-Pair(UTP) 非屏蔽双绞线Radio Frequency(RF)射频。

电子信息工程专业英语课后答案电子信息工程专业英语-教师用书Part 1第一课关于电子技术一、课文习题参考答案Ⅰ. (1) alternating current circuits (2) semiconductor diodes(3) passive component(4) the combinatory logic electric circuit(5) rectification(6) Laplace transform(7) inductor(8) Fourier series and Fourier transformⅡ.(1)控制理论(2)场效应管三极管(3)布尔代数(4)稳压(5)相关性和功率谱密度(6)滤波器类型(7)模/数转换器(8)时序逻辑电路的分析与综合Ⅲ.(1)Electronics is a part of the larger field of electricity. The basic principles of electricity are also common to electronics. Modern advances in the field of computer, control system, communications have a close relationship with electronics. The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuit and so on.(2) Direct current circuits & Alternating current circuits,Analog electronics,Digital electronics,signal and systems,Circuit theory and design, Control theory, Microcontrollersystems,Computer programming for engineering applications.(3) This curriculum mainly introduces the characteristics of semiconductor devices in linear application scope.The content involved in semiconductor diodes (PN junction diodes, special purpose diodes), transistors (field effects and bipolar transistors), signal amplifiers, practical amplifiers, biasing circuits, operationalamplifiers circuit and other circuits (rectification, regulation and DC power supplies).(4) This partial studies take the basicelectric circuit theory and the operational amplifier knowledge as the foundation. The main study goal is to enhance understanding of the electric circuit theory. Its main content includes the elementary theory in circuit theory (network functions, characteristic frequencies), types offilter (lowpass,bandpass), review of operational amplifiers (design of first and second order using operational amplifiers, cascade design), filter characteristics(Butterworth, Chebyshev, frequency transformations in design, sensitivity design of passive LC ladder filters and a brief introduction to switched capacitor filters).(5) Perfect.二、参考译文电子学的发展电子学是电学的一部分。
通信英语 课文UNIT 5

UNIT 5Internet互联网The Internet is a giant network of computers located all over the world that communicate with each other. Internet是由位于世界各地相互通信的计算机连接而成的巨大的计算机网络。
The Internet is a international collection of computer networks that all understand a standard system of addresses and commands, connected together through backbone systems.Internet在一起。
It was started in 1969, when the U.S. Department of Defense established a nationwide network to connect a handful of universities and contractors.Internet始建于1969The original idea was to increase computing capacity that could be shared by users in many locations and to find out what it would take for computer networks to survive a nuclear war or other disaster by providing multiple path between users.哪一种计算机网络能够在核战或其他灾难中幸存。
People on the ARPNET (as this nationwide network was originally called)quickly discovered that the could exchange messages and conduct electronic “conferences”with distant colleagues for purposes that had nothing to duo with the military industrial complex.ARP-NET(这种全国网络最初的名称)If somebody else had something interesting stored on his or her computer, it was a simple matter to obtain a copy. (assuming the owner did not protect it)如果另外一些人在其计算机中存有有趣的东西,得到其拷贝是很容易的事(假定拥有者没有进行保护). Over the years, additional networks joined which added access to more and more computers.几年间,新的网络接入使越来越多的计算机加入近来。

通信工程专业英语汉英对照(A-D)2008年11月14日 星期五 21:08A安全地线=safe ground wire安全特性 security feature安装线=hook-up wire按半周进行的多周期控制=multicycle controlled by half-cycle 按键电话机=push-button telephone set按需分配多地址=demand assignment multiple access(DAMA)按要求的电信业务=demand telecommunication service按组编码=encode by groupB八木天线=Yagi antenna白噪声=white Gaussian noise白噪声发生器=white noise generator半波偶极子=halfwave dipole半导体存储器=semiconductor memory半导体集成电路=semiconductor integrated circuit半双工操作=semi-duplex operation半字节=Nib包络负反馈=peak envelop negative feed-back包络延时失真=envelop delay distortion薄膜=thin film薄膜混合集成电路=thin film hybrid integrated circuit保护比(射频)=protection ratio (RF)保护时段=guard period保密通信=secure communication报头=header报文分组 packet报文优先等级=message priority报讯=alarm备用工作方式 spare mode背景躁声 background noise倍频 frequency multiplication倍频程 actave倍频程滤波器 octave filter被呼地址修改通知 called address modified notification 被呼用户优先 priority for called subscriber本地PLMN local PLMN本地交换机 local exchange本地移动用户身份 local mobile station identity ( LMSI)本地震荡器 local oscillator比功率(功率密度) specific power比特 bit比特并行 bit parallel比特号码 bit number (BN)比特流 bit stream比特率 bit rate比特误码率 bit error rate比特序列独立性 bit sequence independence必要带宽 necessary bandwidth闭环电压增益 closed loop voltage gain闭环控制 closed loop control闭路电压 closed circuit voltage边瓣抑制 side lobe suppression边带 sideband边带非线性串扰 sideband non-linear crosstalk边带线性串扰 sideband linear crosstalk边带抑制度 sideband suppression边角辐射 boundary radiation编号制度 numbering plan编解码器 codec编码 encode编码律 encoding law编码器 encoder编码器输出 encoder output编码器总工作时间 encoder overall operate time编码效率 coding efficiency编码信号 coded signal编码约束长度 encoding constraint length编码增益 coding gain编译程序 compiler鞭状天线 whip antenna变频器 converter变频损耗 converter conversion loss变容二极管 variable capacitance diode变形交替传号反转 modified alternate mark inversion便携电台 portable station便携设备 portable equipment便携式载体设备 portable vehicle equipment标称调整率(标称塞入率) nominal justification rate (nominal stuffing rate)标称值 nominal value标称呼通概率 nominal calling probability标准码实验信号 standard code test signal (SCTS)标准模拟天线 standard artificial antenna标准频率 standard frequency标准时间信号发射 standard-time-signal emission标准实验调制 standard test modulation标准输出功率 standard power output标准输入信号 standard input signal标准输入信号电平 standard input-signal level标准输入信号频率 standard input-signal frequency标准信躁比 standard signal to noise表面安装 surface mounting表示层 presentation layer并串变换器 parallel-serial converter (serializer)并馈垂直天线 shunt-fed vertical antenna并行传输 parallel transmission并行终端 parallel terminal拨号错误概率 dialing mistake probability拨号后延迟 post-dialing delay拨号交换机 dial exchange拨号线路 dial-up line拨号音 dialing tone拨号终端 dial-up terminal波动强度(在给定方向上的) cymomotive force (c. m. f)波段覆盖 wave coverage波峰焊 wave soldering波特 baud泊送过程 Poisson process补充业务 supplementary service (of GSM)补充业务登记 supplementary service registration补充业务询问 supplementary service interrogation补充业务互连 supplementary service interworking捕捉区(一个地面接收台) capture area (of a terrestrial receiving station)捕捉带 pull-in range捕捉带宽 pull-in banwidth捕捉时间 pull-in time不连续发送 discontinuous transmission (DTX)不连续干扰 discontinuous interference不连续接收 discontinuous reception (DRX)不确定度 uncertainty步谈机 portable mobile stationC采样定理 sampling theorem采样频率 sampling frequency采样周期 sampling period参考边带功率 reference side band power参考差错率 reference error ratio参考当量 reference equivalent参考点 reference point参考结构 reference configuration参考可用场强 reference usable fiend-strength参考灵敏度 reference sensibility参考频率 reference frequency参考时钟 reference clock参考输出功率 reference output power残余边带调制 vestigial sideband modulation残余边带发射 vestigial-sideband emission操作维护中心 operation maintenance center (OMC)操作系统 operation system (OS)侧音消耗 sidetone loss层2转发 layer 2 relay (L2R)插入组装 through hole pachnology插入损耗 insertion loss查号台 information desk差错控制编码 error control coding差错漏检率 residual error rate差分脉冲编码调制(差分脉码调制) differential pulse code modulation (DPCM)差分四相相移键控 differential quadrature phase keying (DQPSK)差分相移键控 differential phase keying (DPSK)差模电压,平衡电压 differential mode voltage, symmetrical voltage差拍干扰 beat jamming差频失真 difference frequency distortion长期抖动指示器 long-term flicker indicator长期频率稳定度 long-term frequency stability场强灵敏度 field intensity sensibility场效应晶体管 field effect transistor (FET)超长波通信 myriametric wave communication超地平对流层传播 transhorizon tropospheric超地平无线接力系统 transhorizon radio-relay system超高帧 hyperframe超帧 superframe超大规模集成电路 very-large scale integrated circuit (VLSI)超再生接收机 super-regenerator receiver车载电台 vehicle station撤消 withdrawal成对不等性码(交替码、交变码)paired-disparity code (alternative code, alternating code)承载业务 bearer service城市交通管制系统 urban traffic control system程序设计技术 programming technique程序设计环境 programming environment程序优化 program optimization程序指令 program command充电 charge充电率 charge rate充电效率 charge efficiency充电终止电压 end-of charge voltage抽样 sampling抽样率 sample rate初级分布线路 primary distribution link初始化 initialization处理增益 processing gain传播时延 propagation delay传播系数 propagation coefficient传导干扰 conducted interference传导杂散发射 conducted spurious emission传递函数 transfer function传递时间 transfer time传声器 microphone传输保密 transmission security传输层协议 transport layer protocol传输集群 transmission trunking传输结束字符 end of transmission character传输媒体 transmission medium传输损耗 transmission loss传输损耗 (无线线路的) transmission loss (of a radio link)传输通道 transmission path传输信道 transmission channel传真 facsimile, FAX船舶地球站 ship earth station船舶电台 ship station船舶移动业务 ship movement service船上通信电台 on-board communication station ,ship communication station船用收音机 ship radio串并变换机 serial to parallel (deserializer)串并行变换 serial-parallel conversion串话 crosstalk垂直方向性图 vertical directivity pattern唇式传声器 lip microphone磁屏蔽 magnetic shielding次级分布线路 secondary distribution link猝发差错 burst error猝发点火控制 burst firing control存储程序控制交换机 stored program controlled switching system D大规模集成电路 large scale integrated circuit (LSI)大信号信躁比 signal-to-noise ratio of strong signal带成功结果的常规操作 normal operation with successful outcome 带宽 bandwidth带内导频单边带 pilot tone-in-band single sideband带内谐波 in-band harmonic带内信令 in-band signalling带内躁声 in-band noise带通滤波器 band-pass filter带外发射 out-of-band emission带外功率 out-of-band power带外衰减 attenuation outside a channel带外信令 out-band signalling带状线 stripline单边带发射 single sideband (SSB) emission单边带发射机 single side-band (SSB) transmitter单边带调制 single side band modulation单边带解调 single side band demodulation单边带信号发生器 single side band signal generaltor单端同步 single-ended synchronization单工、双半工 simplex, halfduplex单工操作 simplex operation单工无线电话机 simplex radio telephone单呼 single call单频双工 single frequency duplex单频信令 single frequency signalling单相对称控制 symmetrical control (single phase)单相非对称控制 asymmetrical control (single phase)单向 one-way单向的 unidirectional单向控制 unidirectional control单信道地面和机载无线电分系统 SINCGARS单信道无绳电话机 single channel cordless telephone单信号方法 single-signal method单音 tone单音脉冲 tone pulse单音脉冲持续时间 tone pulse duration单音脉冲的单音频率 tone frequency of tone pulse单音脉冲上升时间 tone pulse rise time单音脉冲下降时间 tone pulse decay time单音制 individual tone system单元电缆段(中继段) elementary cable section (repeater section)单元再生段 elementary regenerator section (regenerator section)单元增音段,单元中继段 elementary repeater section当被呼移动用户不回答时的呼叫转移 call forwarding on no reply (CFNRy)当被呼移动用户忙时的呼叫转 calling forwarding on mobile subscriber busy (CFB)当漫游到原籍PLMN国家以外时禁止所有入呼 barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country (BIC-Roam)当前服务的基站 current serving BS当无线信道拥挤时的呼叫转移calling forward on mobile subscriber not reachable (CENRc)刀型天线 blade antenna导频 pilot frequency导频跌落pilot fall down倒L型天线 inverted-L antenna等步的 isochronous等幅电报 continuous wave telegraph等权网(互同步网) democratic network (mutually synchronized network)等效比特率 equivalent bit rate等效地球半径 equivalent earth radius等效二进制数 equivalent binary content等效全向辐射功率 equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i. r. p.)等效卫星线路躁声温度 equivalent satellite link noise temperature低轨道卫星系统 LEO satellite mobile communication system低气压实验 low atmospheric pressure test低时延码激励线性预测编码 low delay CELP (LD-CELP)低通滤波器 low pass filter低温实验 low temperature test低躁声放大器 low noise amplifier地-空路径传播 earth-space path propagation地-空通信设备 ground/air communication equipment地波 ground wave地面连线用户 land line subscriber地面无线电通信 terrestrial radio communication地面站(电台) terrestrial station第N次谐波比 nth harmonic ratio第二代无绳电话系统 cordless telephone system second generation (CT-2)第三代移动通信系统 third generation mobile systems点波束天线 spot beam antenna点对地区通信 point-area communication点对点通信 point-point communication点至点的GSM PLMN连接 point to point GSM PLMN电报 telegraphy电报电码 telegraph code电波衰落 radio wave fading电池功率 power of battery电池能量 energy capacity of battery电池容量 battery capacity电池组 battery电磁波 electromagnetic wave电磁波反射 reflection of electromagnetic wave电磁波饶射 diffraction of electromagnetic wave电磁波散射 scattering of electromagnetic wave电磁波色射 dispersion of electromagnetic wave电磁波吸收 absorption of electromagnetic wave电磁波折射 refraction of electromagnetic wave电磁场 electromagnetic field电磁发射 electromagnetic field电磁辐射 electromagnetic emission电磁干扰 electromagnetic interference (EMI)电磁感应 electromagnetic induction电磁环境 electromagnetic environment电磁兼容性 electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)电磁兼容性电平 electromagnetic compatibility level 电磁兼容性余量 electromagnetic compatibility margin 电磁脉冲 electromagnetic pulse (EMP)电磁脉冲干扰 electromagnetic pulse jamming电磁敏感度 electromagnetic susceptibility电磁能 electromagnetic energy电磁耦合 electromagnetic coupling电磁屏蔽 electromagnetic shielding电磁屏蔽装置 electromagnetic screen电磁骚扰 electromagnetic disturbance电磁噪声 electromagnetic noise电磁污染 electromagnetic pollution电动势 electromotive force (e. m. f.)电话机 telephone set电话局容量 capacity of telephone exchange电话型电路 telephone-type circuit电话型信道 telephone-type channel电离层 ionosphere电离层波 ionosphere wave电离层传播 ionosphere propagation电离层反射 ionosphere reflection电离层反射传播 ionosphere reflection propagation电离层散射传播 ionosphere scatter propagation电离层折射 ionosphere refraction电离层吸收 ionosphere absorption电离层骚扰 ionosphere disturbance电流探头 current probe电路交换 circuit switching电屏蔽 electric shielding电视电话 video-telephone, viewphone, visual telephone 电台磁方位 magnetic bearing of station电台方位 bearing of station电台航向 heading of station电文编号 message numbering电文队列 message queue电文格式 message format电文交换 message switching电文交换网络 message switching network电文结束代码 end-of-message code电文路由选择 message routing电小天线 electronically small antenna电信管理网络 telecommunication management network (TMN)电信会议 teleconferencing电压变化 voltage change电压变化持续时间 duration of a voltage change电压变化的发生率 rate of occurrence of voltage changes电压变化时间间隔 voltage change interval电压波动 voltage fluctuation电压波动波形 voltage fluctuation waveform电压波动量 magnitude of a voltage fluctuation电压不平衡 voltage imbalance, voltage unbalance电压浪涌 voltage surge电压骤降 voltage dip电源 power supply电源电压调整率 line regulation电源抗扰性 mains immunity电源持续工作能力 continuous operation ability of the power supply电源去耦系数 mains decoupling factor电源骚扰 mains disturbance电子干扰 electronic jamming电子工业协会 Electronic Industries Association (EIA)电子系统工程 electronic system engineering电子自动调谐 electronic automatic tuning电子组装 electronic packaging电阻温度计 resistance thermometer跌落试验 fall down test顶部加载垂直天线 top-loaded vertical antenna定长编码 block code定期频率预报 periodical frequency forecast定时 clocking定时超前 timing advance定时电路 timing circuit定时恢复(定时抽取) timing recovery (timing extration)定时截尾试验 fixed time test定时信号 timing signal定数截尾试验 fixed failure number test定向天线 directional antenna定型试验 type test动态频率分配 dynamic frequency allocation动态信道分配 dynamic channel allocation动态重组 dynamic regrouping动态自动增益控制特性 dynamic AGC characteristic抖动 jitter独立边带 independent sideband独立故障 independent fault端到端业务 teleservice短波传播 short wave propagation短波通信 short wave communication短路保护 short-circuit protection短期抖动指示器 short-term flicker indicator短期频率稳定度 short-term frequency stability短时间中断(供电电压) short interruption (of supply voltage)段终端 section termination对称二元码 symmetrical binary code对地静止卫星 geostationary satellite对地静止卫星轨道 geostationary satellite orbit对地同步卫星 geosynchronous satellite对讲电话机 intercommunicating telephone set对空台 aeronautical station对流层 troposphere对流层波道 troposphere duct对流层传播 troposphere propagation对流层散射传播 troposphere scatter propagation多次调制 multiple modulation多点接入 multipoint access多电平正交调幅 multi-level quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)多分转站网 multidrop network多服务器队列 multiserver queue多工 multiplexing多工器 nultiplexer多功能系统 MRS多级处理 multilevel processing多级互连网络 multistage interconnecting network多级卫星线路 multi-satellite link多径 multipath多径传播 multipath propagation多径传播函数 nultipath propagation function多径分集 multipath diversity多径时延 multipath delay多径衰落 multipath fading多径效应 multipath effect多路复接 multiplexing多路接入 multiple access多路信道 multiplexor channel多脉冲线性预测编码 multi-pulse LPC (MPLC)多频信令 multifrequency signalling多普勒频移 Doppler shift多跳路径 multihop path多信道选取 multichannel access (MCA)多信道自动拨号移动通信系统multiple-channel mobile communication system with automatic dialing多优先级 multiple priority levels多帧 multiframe多址呼叫 multiaddress call多址联接 multiple access多重时帧 multiple timeframe多用户信道 multi-user channel通信工程专业英语汉英对照(E-H)2008年11月14日 星期五 21:09E额定带宽 rated bandwidth额定射频输出功率 rated radio frequency output power额定使用范围 rated operating range额定音频输出功率 rated audio-frequency output power额定值 rated value爱尔兰 erlang恶意呼叫识别 malicious call identification (MCI)耳机(受话器) earphone耳机额定阻抗 rated impedance of earphone二十进制码 binary-coded decimal (BCD) code二十进制转换 binary-to-decimal conversion二十六进制转换 binary-to-hexadecimal conversion二进制码 binary code二进制频移键控 binary frequency shift keying (BFSK)二进制数 binary figure二频制位 binary digit(bit)二频制 two-frequency system二维奇偶验码 horizontal and vertical parity check code二线制 two-wire system二相差分相移键控 binary different phase shift keying (BDPSK)二相相移键控 binary phase shift keying (BPSK)F发报机 telegraph transmitter发射 emisssion发射(或信号)带宽 bandwidth of an emission (or a signal)发射机 transmitter发射机边带频谱 transmitter sideband spectrum发射机额定输出功率 rated output power of transmitter发射机合路器 transmitter combiner发射机冷却系统 cooling system of transmitter发射机启动时间 transmitter attack time发射机效率 transmitter frequency发射机杂散躁声 spurious transmitter noise发射机之间的互调 iner-transmitter intermodulation发射机对答允许频(相)偏transmitter maximum permissible frequency(phase) deviation 发射类别 class of emission发射频段 transmit frequency band发射余量 emission margin发送 sending发送响度评定值 send loudness rating (SLR)繁忙排队/自动回叫 busy queuing/ callback反馈控制系统 feedback control system反射功率 reflection power反射卫星 reflection satellite反向话音通道 reverse voice channel (RVC)反向控制信道 reverse control channel (RECC)泛欧数字无绳电话系统 digital European cordless telephone 方舱 shelter方向性系数 directivity of an antenna防爆电话机 explosion-proof telephone set防潮 moisture protection防腐蚀 corrosion protection防霉 mould proof仿真头 artificial head仿真耳 artificial ear仿真嘴 artificial mouth仿真天线 dummy antenna放大器 amplifier放大器线性动态范围 linear dynamic range of amplifier放电 discharge放电电压 discharge voltage放电深度 depth of discharge放电率 discharge rate放电特性曲线 discharge character curve非等步的 anisochronous非归零码 nonreturn to zero code (NRZ)非均匀编码 nonuniform encoding非均匀量化 nonuniform quantizing非连续干扰 discontinuous disturbance“非”门 NOT gate非强占优先规则 non-preemptive priority queuing discipline 非受控滑动 uncontrolled slip非线性电路 nonlinear circuit非线性失真 nonliear distortion非线性数字调制 nonlinear digital modulation非占空呼叫建立 off-air-call-set-up (OACSU)非专用控制信道 non-dedicated control channel非阻塞互连网络 non-blocking interconnection network分贝 decibel (dB)分辨力 resolution分布参数网络 distributed parameter network分布式功能 distributed function分布式数据库 distributed database分别于是微波通信系统 distributed microwave communication system分布式移动通信系统 distributed mobile communication system 分布路线 distribution link分段加载天线 sectional loaded antenna分机 extension分集 diversity分集改善系数 diversity improvement factor分集间隔 diversity separation分集增益 diversity gain分集接收 diversity reception分接器 demultiplexer分频 frequency division分散定位 distributed channel assignment分散控制方式 decentralized control分散式帧定位信号 distributed frame alignment signal分同步(超同步)卫星 sub-synchronous (super-synchronous) satellite分谐波 subharmonic分组交换 packet switching分组码 block code分组无线网 packet radio network分组循环分散定位 block cyclic distributed channel assigment 分组组装与拆卸 packet assembly and disassembly封闭用户群 closed user group (CUG)峰包功率 peak envelop power峰值 peak value峰值-波纹系数 peak-ripple factor峰值包络检波 peak envelop detection峰值功率 peak power峰值功率等级(移动台的) peak power class (of MS)峰值检波器 peak detector峰值限制 peak limiting蜂窝手持机 cellular handset蜂窝系统 cellular system缝隙天线 slot antenna服务基站 serving BS服务访问点 service access point (SAP)服务弧 service arc服务可保持性 service retainability服务可得到性 service accessibility服务提供部门 service provider服务完善性 service integrity服务小区 serving cell服务易行性 service operability服务支持性 service supportability服务质量 quality of service服务准备时间 service provisioning time符号率 symbol rate幅度检波 amplitude detection幅度量化控制 amplitude quantized cntrol幅度失真 amplitude distortion幅度调制 amplitude modulation (AM)幅频响应 amplitude-frequency response幅相键控 amplitude phase keying (APK)辐射 radiation辐射单元 radiating element辐射方向图 radiation pattern辐射干扰 radiated interference辐射近场区 radiating near-field region辐射能 radiant energy辐射强度 radiation intensity辐射区 radiated area辐射实验场地 radiation test site辐射效率 radiation efficiency辐射源(电磁干扰) emitter (of electromagnetic disturbance)辐射杂散发射 radiated spurious emission辐射阻抗 radiation impedance俯仰角 pitch angle负极 negative electrode负离子 negative ion负荷容量(过荷点) load capacity (overload point)负逻辑 negative logic负码速调整(负脉冲塞入) negative justification (negative pulse stuffing)负载调整率 load regulation负阻放大器 negative resistance amplifier负阻效应 negative resistance effect负阻振荡 negative resistance oscillation附加符号 additional character附加位 overhead bit复合音 complex sound复接器 multiplexer复节-分接器 muldex复接制 multiple connection system复位 reset复用转接器 transmultiplexer复帧 multiframe副瓣 minor lobe副瓣电平 minor level覆盖区(一个地面发射台的) coverage area (of a terrestrial transmitting station)G概率 probability概率分布 probability distribution概率信息 probabilistic information概率译码 probabilistic decoding干扰 interference干扰参数 interference parameter干扰限值 limit of interference干扰信号 interfering signal干扰抑制 interfering suppression干扰源 interfering resource干线 trunk line感应近场区 reactive near-field region港口操作业务 port operation service港口电台 port station港口管理系统 harbor management system港口交通管理系统 harbor traffic control system高[低]电平输出电流 high (low)-level output current高[低]电平输出电压 high (low)-level output voltage高波 high-angle ray高层功能 high layer function高层协议 high layer protocol高级数据链路控制规程 high level data link control (HDLC) procedure高级通信业务 advanced communication service高级研究计划署 Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)高级移动电话系统 Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS)高频放大器 high frequency amplifier高频提升 high frequency boost高频增益控制 high frequency gain control高斯信道 Gauss channel (AWG)高斯最小频移键控 Guassian minimum shift keying (GMSK)高频制频率时的发射频偏 transmitting frequency deviation of high frequency高通滤波器 highpass filter高温高湿偏置试验 high temperature high humidity biased testing (HHBT)高温功率老化 burning高温试验 high temperature test告警接收机 warning receiver告警指示信号 alarm indication signal (AIS)戈莱码 Golay code戈帕码 Goppa codes格码调制 trellis codes modulation schemes (TCM)隔离放大器 isolation amplifier个人数字助理 personal digital assistant (PDA)个人电台 personal station (PS)个人电台系统 personal radio system个人识别号码 personal identification number (PIN)个人通信 personal communications个人通信网 personal communication networks (PCN)个人携带电话 personal handy phone (PHP)个人移动性 personal mobility个体接收(在卫星广播业务中) individual reception 跟踪保持电路 track and hold circuit跟踪带宽 tracking bandwidth更改地址插入 changed address interception工科医用(的) ISM工科医用频段 ISM frequency band工业干扰 industrial interference工作最高可用频率 operational MUF工作比 duty cycle工作范围 working range工作频率范围 operating frequency range工作站 work station (WS)工作周期 cycle of operation公共分组交换网 public packet switched network公共耦合点 point of common coupling (PCC)公开密匙体制 public key system公路交通管制系统 highway traffic control system公用数据网 public data network公众陆地移动电话网 public land mobile network (PLMN)功能键 function key功能群,功能群令 function group, function grouping 功率合成 power synthesis功能控制报文 power control message功率控制电平 power control level功率谱密度 power spectrum density功率损耗 power loss功率因子 power factor供电系统阻抗 supply system impedance共道抑制 co-channel suppression共道信令 co-channel signalling共模电压,不平衡电压 common mode voltage, asymmetrical voltage 共模电流 common mode current共模转换 common code conversion共模干扰 common code interference共模抑制比 common code rejection ratio (CMRR)共模增益 common mode gain共模阻抗 common code impedance共信道再用距离 co-channel re-use distance贡献路线 contribution link固定电台 fixed station固定基地电台 fixed base station固定信道指配 fixed channel assignment固态发射机 solidstate transmitter固有可靠性 inherent reliability固有频差 inherent frequency error故障 fault故障安全 fault safe故障保护 fault protection故障弱化 failsoft故障修复 fault correcting故障原因 fault cause故障准则 fault criteria挂机信号 hang-up signal管理中心 administration center (ADC)广播控制信道(BCCH)划分 BCCH allocation (BA)广播寻呼系统 broadcast paging system广域网 wide area network (WAN)归零码 return to zero code (RZ)归一化的偏置 normalized offset规程 protocol规范 specification规则脉冲激励编码 regular-pulse excitation (RPE)规则脉冲激励长时预测编码 regular-pulse excitation LPC (RPE-LPC)轨道 orbit国际标准 international standard国际单位制 international system of units国际电报电话咨询委员会 CCITT国际电工委员会 IEC国际电信联盟 ITU国际互连网 Internet国际民航组织 ICAO , international civil aviation organization 国际通信卫星组织 INTERAT国际海事卫星组织 INMAR-SAT国际无线电干扰特别委员会 CISPR国际无线电干扰委员会 CCIR国际移动识别码 international mobile station equipment identity (IMEI)国际移动用户识别码 international mobile subscriber identity(IMSI)国际原子时间 international automatic time (TAI)国家标准 national standard国家信息基础结构 national information infrastructure (NII)过充电 overcharge过滤带 transition band过放电 overdischarge过荷保护电路 overload protecting circuit过荷分级控制 overload control category过荷控制 overload control过调制 overmodulation过流保护 overcurrent protection过压保护 overvoltage protectionH海岸地球站 coast earth station海岸电台 coast station海事卫星通信 maritime satellite communications汉明距离 Hamming distance汉明码 Hamming code汉明重量 Hamming weight航空地球站 aeronautical earth station航空电台 aeronautical station航空器地球站 aircraft earth station航空器电台 aircraft station航空移动业务 aeronautical mobile service航天器(宇宙飞船) spacecraft毫米波 millimeter wave黑格巴哥码 Hagelbarger code恒比码 constant ratio code恒步的 homochronous恒流电源 constant current power supply恒温恒湿试验 constant temperature and humid test恒压充电 constant voltage charge恒压电源 constant voltage power supply恒电磁波小室 transverse electromagnetic wave cell (TEM cell)喉式传声器 throat microphone后瓣 back hole厚模电路 thick-film circuit呼叫 call呼叫支持 call hold (HOLD)呼叫存储 call store呼叫等待 call waiting (CW)呼叫改发 call redirection呼叫建立 call establishment呼叫建立时间 call set-up time呼叫接通率 percept of call completed呼叫控制信号 call control signal呼叫清除延时 call clearing delay呼叫释放 call release呼叫序列 calling sequence呼叫转移 call transfer (CT)呼救 distress call呼救系统 distress system呼损率 percept of call lost呼通概率 calling probability互补金属氧化物半导体集成电路complementary MOS integrated circuit (COMOS-IC)互连 interworking互连的考虑 interworking consideration互连功能 interworking function (IWF)互调 intermodulation互调产物(一个发射台的) intermodulation products (of a transmitting stastion)互调抗扰性 intermodulation immunity互调失真 intermodulation distortion互通性 interoperability互同步网 mutually synchronized network话路输入电平 voice circuit input level话路输入电平差异 voice circuit input level difference话务量 telephone traffic话音活动检测 voice activity detection (VAD)话音激活 voice exciting话音激活率 speech activity话音数字信令 speech digit signalling话音突发 speech spurt环境试验 environment test环境系数 environment factor环境应力筛选 environment stress screening (ESS)环境躁声 ambient noise环路传输 loop transmission环路高频总增益 loop RF overall gain环路可锁定最底(最高)界限角频率loop lockable minimum (maximum) margin angular frequency 环路滤波器比例系数 loop filter proportion coefficient环路躁声带宽 loop noise bandwidth环路增益 loop gain环路直流总增益 loop DC overall gain环路自然谐振角频率 loop natural resonant angular frequency 环形波 ring wave环形混频器 ring mixer环行器 circulator环行延迟 rounding relay恢复 recovery恢复规程 restoration procedure汇接交换 tandem switching汇接局 tandem office会话(在电信中) conversation (in telecommunication)会话层 session layer会议电话 conference telephone混合ARQ hybrid ARQ混合差错控制 hybrid error control (HEC)混合分集 hybrid diversity混合集成电路 hybrid integrated circuit混合扩频 hybrid spread spectrum混合路径传播 mixed-path propagation混合信道指配 hybrid channel assignment混频器 mixer混频器的寄生响应 mixer spurious response活动模式 active mode“或”门 OR gate“或非”门 NOR gate通信工程专业英语汉英对照(I-L)2008年11月14日 星期五 21:11J机壳辐射 cabinet radiation机载电台 aircraft station基本传输损耗(无线线路的) basic transmission loss (of a radio link)基本接入 basic access基本业务(GSM的) basic service (of GSM)基本越区切换规程 basic handover procedure基本最高可用频率 basic maximun usable frequency基波(分量) fundamental (component)基波系数 fundamental factor基带 baseband基地(海岸)(航空)设备 base (coast)(aeronautical) equipment 基地电台 base station (BS)基站控制器 base station controller (BSC)基站识别码 base station identity code (BSIC)基站收发信台 base transceiver station (BTS)基站系统 base station system (BSS)基站区 base station area基准条件 reference condition基准阻抗 reference impedance奇偶校验码 parity check code奇偶校验位 parity bit激活 activation吉尔伯特码 Gilbert code级联码 concatenated code即时业务 demand service急充电 boost charge急剧衰落 flutter fading集成电路 integrated circuit集成电路卡 integrated circuit card集群电话互连 trunked telephone connect集群电话互连器 trunked telephone connector集群基站 trunked base station集群效率 trunking efficiency集群移动电话系统 trunked mobile communication system集体呼叫 group call集体接收(在卫星广播业务中) community reception集中控制方式 centralized control集中式帧定位信号 bunched frame alignment signal计费信息 advice of charge计算机病毒 computer virus计算机辅助测试 computer-aided test (CAT)计算机辅助工程 computer-aided engineering (CAE)计算机辅助管理 computer-aided management (CAM)计算机辅助教学 computer-aided instruction (CAU)计算机辅助设计 computer-sided design (CAD)寄生反馈 parasitic feedback寄生调制 parasitic modulation寄生振荡 parasitic oscillation加密 encipherment加密保护 encipherment protection加密方案 encipherment scheme加权(互同步)网 hierarchic (mutually synchrohous) network。
电信专业英语Unit 5

Computer Generations
• Second-Generation Computers: 1959~1963 • In the second generation of computers, transistors replaced vacuum tubes. Although invented in 1948, the first all-transistor computer did not become available until 1959. Transistors are smaller and less expensive than vacuum tubes, and they operate faster and produce less heat. Hence, with second-generation computers, the size and cost of computers decreased, their speed increased, and their airconditioning needs were reduced. • 在第二代计算机中,晶体管取代了真空管。虽然发明于1948年, 但第一台全晶体管计算机直到1959年才成为现实。晶体管比真 空管体积小、价格低,而且运行快而发热少。因此,随着第二 代计算机的出现,计算机的体积和成本降低、速度提高,且它 们对散热设备的需要减少。
Chip in dictionary
• a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; • 碎片 • electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit • 芯片
电子信息工程专业英语 课文翻译 Unit 05 译文

Unit 5 多址技术Unit 5-1第一部分:多址技术:频分多址、时分多址、码分多址多址方案用于使许多用户同时使用同一个固定带宽的无线电频谱。
移动电话系统的典型总带宽是50MHz ,它被分成两半用以提供系统的前向和反向连接。
频分多址(FDMA )、时分多址(TDMA )、码分多址(CDMA )是无线系统中由众多用户共享可用带宽的三种主要方法。
这些方法又有许多扩展和混合技术,例如正交频分复用(OFDM ),以及混合时分和频分多址系统。
频分多址在FDMA 中,可用带宽被分为许多个较窄的频带。
FDMA 信道的带宽一般较小(30kHz ),每个信道只支持一个用户。
FDMA 作为大多数多信道系统的一部分用于初步分割分配到的宽频带。
时分多址TDMA 将可用频谱分成多个时隙,通过分配给每一个用户一个时隙以便在其中发送或接收。
TDMA 以缓冲和爆发方式发送数据。
TDMA 不能直接传送模拟信号因为它需要使用缓冲,因而只能用于传输数字形式的数据。
由于通常发送速率很高,TDMA 会受到多径效应的影响。
TDMA 一般与FDMA 结合使用,将可用的全部带宽划分为若干信道。

11 digitize
vt. ……
12 proportional
proportional to与……成比例,成正比
13 disperse
14 vestigial
adj. 残留的,
vestigial sideband残留边带
15 integral
16 collectively
16 ASK(amplitude shift keying)
17 FSK(frequency shift keying)
18 PSK(phase shift keying)
19 DPSK(Differential PSK)
20 suit to
Coded or Digital Modulation Method Coded modulation involves changing a characteristic of a pulse train but is
a markedly different method from pulse modulation. The method involves first sampling the information signal, quantizing the sample by rounding off to the closest of a number of discrete levels, and finally generating a prescribed number of pulses according to a code related to the nearest discrete level. In the simplest system the code may determine the presence or absence of pulses in the prescribed number, or, alternatively, it may determine pulse sign. Both cases correspond to pulses having only two possible levels. More complicated systems are also feasible with pulses having a larger number of discrete levels.
电子与通信工程专业英语Unit 5

句中which引导定语从句,修饰前面的high gain amplifiers, 因定语从句并未直接跟在所修饰的先行词后,语法上叫作分隔 定语。而定语从句中的to perform certain mathematical operations为动词不定式短语,作目的状语。perform 表示“执 行;完成;演奏”,又如:
The early operational amplifiers employed discrete components, but it is now much more convenient to employ aicTaolninmiunhrtteeceippnrsur早 使 通 关 示 看 出luee.tiieftstf,i端o心tg期用常的出aeerrnrdeab以.作d,的集对符,tuiIenttct及dh为运运成集号ocotechnan正一算算电成用insenlryyecib、个mcn放放路电来uietntibi负et整so大大就路表.ortenhnTl电e体sea器器更的示hinnltep源o的tc有采加内运eFhcotra端iih单mfgrt两用方部算oec.tp子5ru元hpmo个分便元放-ieo1tn。ar性sdee输立了件大niisentca能isteuv。入元不器rsiegseo。oen电。端件感tfafdwen所tarhto,由,路d兴snoe以ianidn但一图设趣urneepen图tgneui,现个可计antogt2tosatri只在输以者所,evtasotegteahnesdeewnuephrpoalllyely.
电子信息工程专业英语教程_第5版 题库

《电子信息工程专业英语教程(第5版)》题库Section A 术语互译 (1)Section B 段落翻译 (5)Section C阅读理解素材 (12)C.1 History of Tablets (12)C.2 A Brief History of satellite communication (13)C.3 Smartphones (14)C.4 Analog, Digital and HDTV (14)C.5 SoC (15)Section A 术语互译Section B 段落翻译Section C阅读理解素材C.1 History of TabletsThe idea of the tablet computer isn't new. Back in 1968, a computer scientist named Alan Kay proposed that with advances in flat-panel display technology, user interfaces, miniaturization of computer components and some experimental work in WiFi technology, you could develop an all-in-one computing device. He developed the idea further, suggesting that such a device would be perfect as an educational tool for schoolchildren. In 1972, he published a paper about the device and called it the Dynabook.The sketches of the Dynabook show a device very similar to the tablet computers we have today, with a couple of exceptions. The Dynabook had both a screen and a keyboard all on the same plane. But Key's vision went even further. He predicted that with the right touch-screen technology, you could do away with the physical keyboard and display a virtual keyboard in any configuration on the screen itself.Key was ahead of his time. It would take nearly four decades before a tablet similar to the one he imagined took the public by storm. But that doesn't mean there were no tablet computers on the market between the Dynabook concept and Apple's famed iPad.One early tablet was the GRiDPad. First produced in 1989, the GRiDPad included a monochromatic capacitance touch screen and a wired stylus. It weighed just under 5 pounds (2.26 kilograms). Compared to today's tablets, the GRiDPad was bulky and heavy, with a short battery life of only three hours. The man behind the GRiDPad was Jeff Hawkins, who later founded Palm.Other pen-based tablet computers followed but none received much support from the public. Apple first entered the tablet battlefield with the Newton, a device that's received equal amounts of love and ridicule over the years. Much of the criticism for the Newton focuses on its handwriting-recognition software.It really wasn't until Steve Jobs revealed the first iPad to an eager crowd that tablet computers became a viable consumer product. Today, companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and HP are trying to predict consumer needs while designing the next generation of tablet devices.C.2 A Brief History of satellite communicationIn an article in Wireless World in 1945, Arthur C. Clarke proposed the idea of placing satellites in geostationary orbit around Earth such that three equally spaced satellites could provide worldwide coverage. However, it was not until 1957 that the Soviet Union launched the first satellite Sputnik 1, which was followed in early 1958 by the U.S. Army’s Explorer 1. Both Sputnik and Explorer transmitted telemetry information.The first communications satellite, the Signal Communicating Orbit Repeater Experiment (SCORE), was launched in 1958 by the U.S. Air Force. SCORE was a delayed-repeater satellite, which received signals from Earth at 150 MHz and stored them on tape for later retransmission. A further experimental communication satellite, Echo 1, was launched on August 12, 1960 and placed into inclined orbit at about 1500 km above Earth. Echo 1 was an aluminized plastic balloon with a diameter of 30 m and a weight of 75.3 kg. Echo 1 successfully demonstrated the first two-way voice communications by satellite.On October 4, 1960, the U.S. Department of Defense launched Courier into an elliptical orbit between 956 and 1240 km, with a period of 107 min. Although Courier lasted only 17 days, it was used for real-time voice, data, and facsimile transmission. The satellite also had five tape recorders onboard; four were used for delayed repetition of digital information, and the other for delayed repetition of analog messages.Direct-repeated satellite transmission began with the launch of Telstar I on July 10, 1962. Telstar I was an 87-cm, 80-kg sphere placed in low-Earth orbit between 960 and 6140 km, with an orbital period of 158 min. Telstar I was the first satellite to be able to transmit and receive simultaneously and was used for experimental telephone, image, and television transmission. However, on February 21, 1963, Telstar I suffered damage caused by the newly discovered Van Allen belts.Telstar II was made more radiation resistant and was launched on May 7, 1963. Telstar II was a straight repeater with a 6.5-GHz uplink and a 4.1-GHz downlink. The satellite power amplifier used a specially developed 2-W traveling wave tube. Along with its other capabilities, the broadband amplifier was able to relay color TV transmissions. The first successful trans-Atlantic transmission of video was accomplished with Telstar II , which also incorporated radiation measurements and experiments that exposed semiconductor components to space radiation.The first satellites placed in geostationary orbit were the synchronous communication (SYNCOM ) satellites launched by NASA in 1963. SYNCOM I failed on injection into orbit. However, SYNCOM II was successfully launched on July 26, 1964 and provided telephone, teletype, and facsimile transmission. SYNCOM III was launched on August 19, 1964 and transmitted TV pictures from the Tokyo Olympics. The International Telecommunications by Satellite (INTELSAT) consortium was founded in July 1964 with the charter to design, construct, establish, and maintain the operation of a global commercial communications system on a nondiscriminatory basis. The INTELSAT network started with the launch on April 6, 1965, of INTELSAT I, also called Early Bird. On June 28, 1965, INTELSAT I began providing 240 commercial international telephone channels as well as TV transmission between the United States and Europe.In 1979, INMARSAT established a third global system. In 1995, the INMARSAT name was changed to the International Mobile Satellite Organization to reflect the fact that the organization had evolved to become the only provider of global mobile satellite communications at sea, in the air, and on the land.Early telecommunication satellites were mainly used for long-distance continental and intercontinental broadband, narrowband, and TV transmission. With the advent of broadband optical fiber transmission, satellite services shifted focus to TV distribution, and to point-to-multipoint and very small aperture terminal (VSAT) applications. Satellite transmission is currently undergoing further significant growth with the introduction of mobile satellite systems for personal communications and fixed satellite systems for broadband data transmission.C.3 SmartphonesThink of a daily task, any daily task, and it's likely there's a specialized, pocket-sized device designed to help you accomplish it. You can get a separate, tiny and powerful machine to make phone calls, keep your calendar and address book, entertain you, play your music, give directions, take pictures, check your e-mail, and do countless other things. But how many pockets do you have? Handheld devices become as clunky as a room-sized supercomputer when you have to carry four of them around with you every day.A smartphone is one device that can take care of all of your handheld computing and communication needs in a single, small package. It's not so much a distinct class of products as it is a different set of standards for cell phones to live up to.Unlike many traditional cell phones, smartphones allow individual users to install, configure and run applications of their choosing. A smartphone offers the ability to conform the device to your particular way of doing things. Most standard cell-phone software offers only limited choices for re-configuration, forcing you to adapt to the way it's set up. On a standard phone, whether or not you like the built-in calendar application, you are stuck with it except for a few minor tweaks. If that phone were a smartphone, you could install any compatible calendar application you like.Here's a list of some of the things smartphones can do:•Send and receive mobile phone calls•Personal Information Management (PIM) including notes, calendar and to-do list•Communication with laptop or desktop computers•Data synchronization with applications like Microsoft Outlook•E-mail•Instant messaging•Applications such as word processing programs or video games•Play audio and video files in some standard formatsC.4 Analog, Digital and HDTVFor years, watching TV has involved analog signals and cathode ray tube (CRT) sets. The signal is made of continually varying radio waves that the TV translates into a picture and sound. An analog signal can reach a person's TV over the air, through a cable or via satellite. Digital signals, like the ones from DVD players, are converted to analog when played on traditional TVs.This system has worked pretty well for a long time, but it has some limitations:•Conventional CRT sets display around 480 visible lines of pixels. Broadcasters have been sending signals that work well with this resolution for years, and they can't fit enough resolution to fill a huge television into the analog signal.•Analog pictures are interlaced - a CRT's electron gun paints only half the lines for each pass down the screen. On some TVs, interlacing makes the picture flicker.•Converting video to analog format lowers its quality.United States broadcasting is currently changing to digital television (DTV). A digital signal transmits the information for video and sound as ones and zeros instead of as a wave. For over-the-air broadcasting, DTV will generally use the UHF portion of the radio spectrum with a 6 MHz bandwidth, just like analog TV signals do.DTV has several advantages:•The picture, even when displayed on a small TV, is better quality.• A digital signal can support a higher resolution, so the picture will still look good when shown on a larger TV screen.•The video can be progressive rather than interlaced - the screen shows the entire picture for every frame instead of every other line of pixels.•TV stations can broadcast several signals using the same bandwidth. This is called multicasting.•If broadcasters choose to, they can include interactive content or additional information with the DTV signal.•It can support high-definition (HDTV) broadcasts.DTV also has one really big disadvantage: Analog TVs can't decode and display digital signals. When analog broadcasting ends, you'll only be able to watch TV on your trusty old set if you have cable or satellite service transmitting analog signals or if you have a set-top digital converter.C.5 SoCThe semiconductor industry has continued to make impressive improvements in the achievable density of very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. In order to keep pace with the levels of integration available, design engineers have developed new methodologies and techniques to manage the increased complexity inherent in these large chips. One such emerging methodology is system-on-chip (SoC) design, wherein predesigned and pre-verified blocks often called intellectual property (IP) blocks, IP cores, or virtual components are obtained from internal sources, or third parties, and combined on a single chip.These reusable IP cores may include embedded processors, memory blocks, interface blocks, analog blocks, and components that handle application specific processing functions. Corresponding software components are also provided in a reusable form and may include real-time operating systems and kernels, library functions, and device drivers.Large productivity gains can be achieved using this SoC/IP approach. In fact, rather than implementing each of these components separately, the role of the SoC designer is to integrate them onto a chip to implement complex functions in a relatively short amount of time.The integration process involves connecting the IP blocks to the communication network, implementing design-for-test (DFT) techniques and using methodologies to verify and validate the overall system-level design. Even larger productivity gains are possible if the system is architected as a platform in such as way that derivative designs can be generated quickly.In the past, the concept of SoC simply implied higher and higher levels of integration. That is, it was viewed as migrating a multichip system-on-board (SoB) to a single chip containing digital logic, memory, analog/mixed signal, and RF blocks. The primary drivers for this direction were the reduction of power, smaller form factor, and lower overall cost. It is important to recognize that integrating more and more functionality on a chip has always existed as a trend by virtue of Moore’s Law, which predicts that the number of transistors on a chip will double every 18-24 months. The challenge is to increase designer productivity to keep pace with Moore’s Law. Therefore, today’s notion of SoC is defined in terms of overall productivity gains through reusable design and integration of components.。
电子与通信技术专业英语Unit I-5

Phrases and Expressions • in the order of • in the range of • to consist of 约为,大约 are two possible arrangements: N-type in the middle with P-type on each side (PNP) and P-type in the middle with N-type on each side (NPN).
6.…and the power gain is usually lower than that obtained in a common-base or a common-emitter circuit.
⑴that指代the power gain; ⑵obtained in a common-base or a common-emitter circuit是过去分词短 语,后置定语,修饰that。
Translation of Texts
Lesson 5 The Transistor and Its Basic Circuit Transistors are the most important device in electronics today. Not only are they made as discrete (separate) components but integrated circuits (ICs) may contain several thousand on a tiny slice of silicon.
3.It takes only a small change of base current to control a relatively large collector current. 基极电流只需很小的变化,就会引起集电 极电流很大的变化。 重要句型It takes … to do sth.:指花费多少 时间(金钱等)来做某事。

第14课 万用表的使用 第15课 示波器 第16课 信号发生器
第14课 万用表的使用
怎么检测键盘中的“w”和“e”是否串键?如图14-1所示。 仔细思考发现,检测键盘串键问题等效为用万用表测量PCB
这是一块双模式的万用表,但是仍然很容易使用。把表面转到该 标示。当两探针没有接触时,显示屏显示代表开环的“OL”; 而当两探针接触时,对应的声波图标显示在显示器的右上方,同 时还显示一个具体的数字,这个数字不是阻抗,而是电压,如图 14-4所示。
例:这是一个关于PCB板的导通性的测试例子。第一幅图表示 PCB板上没有连通,而第二幅图表示两点导通,如图14-5所示。
在屏幕上显示信号之前需要一个预热时间。 在第一次使用示波器的时候进行适当的校准是有必要的。
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第15课 示波器
果开关在“AC”位置,信号是RC耦合的,它的直流分量被过滤 掉。同理,在“DC”位置,信号的直流分量不被过滤掉。根据 任务我们选择AC模式,如图15-3所示。
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如图16-12所示。 按下“AM”;设置AM类型(线性或者指数),把想要的类型变
设置AM模式(自然或者深度);默认是深度,要选择自然模式 需要将“More”变为高亮;设置调制深度(默认值为0.01%, 范围为0.01%~100%);设置调制信号的速率,如图16-13 所示。
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Modulation Methods (carrier modulation)
调制方式 线性 载 调制 波 调 制 非 ( 线性 连 续 调制 波 调 制 数字 ) 调制 用途举例
常规双边带调制AM 单边带调制SSB 双边带调制DSB 残留边带调制VSB 频率调制FM
相位调制PM 振幅键控ASK 频移键控FSK 其他高效数字调制 QAM、MSK等
其他编码方式 ADPCM等
Lesntensive reading:
1. Introduction Modern communication systems use digital modulation techniques. Advancements in very large integration (VLSI) and digital signal processing (DSP) technology have made digital modulation less cost than analog transmission systems. Digital modulation offers many advantages over analog modulation.
make a tradeoff between A and B
make a tradeoff among these parameters
Lesson 2 数字调制 Digital Modulation
精读详解 Intensive reading:
The performance of a modulation schemes is often measured in terms of its power efficiency and bandwidth efficiency. Power efficiency describes the ability of a modulation technique to preserve the fidelity of the digital message at low power levels. … … and is often expressed as the ratio of the signal energy per bit to noise power b spectral density (Eb/No) required at the receiver input for a certain probability of error (say p 10-5). o
Lesson 2 数字调制 Digital Modulation
精读详解 Intensive reading:
In digital communication systems, the modulating signal (e. g., message) may be represented as a time sequence of symbols or pulses, where each symbol has m finite states. Each symbol represents n bits of information, where n=log2mbits/symbol. Many digital modulation schemes are used in modern communication systems, and more and more are sure to be introduced. Some of these techniques have subtle differences between one another, and each technique belongs to a family of related modulation methods.
Lesson 2 数字调制 Digital Modulation
精读详解 Intensive reading:
While power and bandwidth efficiency considerations are very important, other factors also affect the choice of a digital modulation schemes. For example, for all personal communication systems which serve a large user community, the cost and complexity of the subscriber receiver must be minimized, and a modulation which is simple to detect is most power efficiency attractive. The performance of the modulation scheme under various types of channel bandwidth efficiency impairments such as Rayleigh and Ricean fading and multipath time dispersion, given a particular demodulator implementation, is another key factor in selecting a modulation. the cost and complexity
Lesson 2 数字调制 Digital Modulation
精读详解 Intensive reading:
Some modulation schemes are better in terms of the bit error rate performance, while others are better in terms of bandwidth efficiency. Depending on the demands of the particular application, tradeoffs are made when selection a digital modulation.
Lesson 2 数字调制 Digital Modulation
精读详解 Intensive reading: Advantages:
New multipurpose programmable digital signal processors have made it possible greater noise immunity to implement digital modulators and demodulators completely in software. Instead of having a particular modern design permanently frozen as hardware, embedded software easier multiplexing implementations now allow alterations and improvements without having to redesign or greater modem. replace the security digital error-control codes complex signal conditioning and processing techniques software implementations and easier alterations and improvements
Lesson 2 数字调制 Digital Modulation
精读详解 Intensive reading:
Some advantages include greater noise immunity and robustness to channel impairments, easier multiplexing of various forms of information (e. g., voice, data, and video), and greater security. Furthermore, digital transmissions accommodate digital errorcontrol codes that detect and/or correct transmission errors, and support complex signal conditioning and processing techniques such as source coding, encryption, and equalization to improve the performance of the overall communication link.
Lesson 2
数字调制 Digital Modulation
(UNIT 7 Passage A ) Intensive reading:1. 2.
Lesson 2 数字调制 Digital Modulation
• 技术背景 Background:
Modulation—— the process of impressing low-frequency information signals onto a high-frequency carrier signal 载波调制—— carrier(continuous wave) modulation 脉冲调制—— pulse modulation Demodulation—— the reverse process
广播 载波通信、短波无线电话通信 立体声广播 电视广播、传真 微波中继、卫星通信、广播
中间调制方式 数据传输 数据传输