翻译综合练习I. 语篇翻译练习:1. I take heart [鼓起勇气(或信心),振作起来] from the fact that, the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic point (战略要地) in a couple of hours, has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions(边沿地区,外围地区), because of the stiff(强烈的,猛烈地)resistance that gets in the way (阻挡).2. The people were there, and the land—the first dazed (使茫然) and bleeding and hungry, and when, winter came, shivering in their rags in the hovels(陋屋)which the bombings had made of their homes; the second a vast wasteland(废墟)of rubble(碎石,碎砖,破瓦).II. 文学文体翻译练习:1.(散文) The Special Joys of Super-slow ReadingI took home a briefcase full of troubles. As I sat down on that hot and humid(湿的,湿气重的)evening, there seemed to be no solutions to the problems thrashing(翻来覆去)around in my brain. So I picked up a book, settled(停息,停留)into a comfortable chair and applied my own special therapy—super-slow reading.I spent three or four hours on two short chapters of Personal History by Vincent Sheean(维森特·谢安)—savoring(品尝,欣赏)each paragraph, lingering(逗留,徘徊)over a sentence, a phrase or even a single word, building a detailed mental picture of the scene. No longer was I in Sydney, Australia on a sticky(湿热的)heat wave night. Relishing(欣赏,玩味)every word, I joined foreign correspondent(记者)Sheean on a mission [使命,任务,(此处)专程访问] to China, and another to Russia. I lost myself in the author’s world. And when I put it down, my mind was totally refreshed (使精力恢复,使精神振作).Next morning, four words from the book—“take the long view”—were still in my mind. At my desk, I had a long-view look at my problems. Once more, super-slow reading had given me not only pleasure but perspective (正确观察事物相互关系的能力,眼力), and helped me in my everyday affairs.2.(小诗) Slowly(Mary Coleridge)Heavy is any my heart,Dark are thine eyes.Thou and I must part,Ere the sun rise.Ere the sun rise,Thou and I must part.Dark are thine eyes,Heavy is any my heart.III. 应用文体翻译:1.商业信函翻译:(1)Dear Sirs,We are keen to expand our export to Africa of top-class office furniture, and are looking for suitable agents to represent us. If you are interested in having the Kenya agent for a twelve-month trial period, we should be pleased to send you the draft agreement stating the terms and conditions of the agency.We enclose for your information a copy of our latest catalogue and price list.We are looking forward to your reply at an early date.Yours faithfully(2)Dear Sirs,We have learned from Market Information Paper that you are a well-known supplier of electric heaters in China. It is our desire to deal with you. We are now in the market for 600 sets of electric heaters. We wonder whether you are in a position to meet our requirements. If your answer is in the affirmative,please quote us your best price CIF London, stating the earliest date of shipment, specifications, packing, payment terms, etc. Besides, kindly let us know the commission and discount you will allow. Besides, it is appreciated if you could send us your catalogue.Your early reply will be appreciated.Yours faithfully2. 广告翻译练习(1) Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.(2) Flowers by Inter-flora speak from the heart.(3) Once tasted,always loved.(4) Big thrills. Small bills.(5) Good to the last drop!(NESCAFE)(6)A diamond is forever.(7) We’re not in the computer business. We’re in the results business.(8) A Modern Car for a Modern Driver(9)Apple thinks different(10)Tasting is believing.IV. 新闻文体翻译练习:(标题)1. World Eyes Mid-East Peace Talks2. Australia Makes Bid (企图;努力;争取) to Lure (吸引) More Asian Tourists(正文)Leaders of demonstrators accused the government of trying to hinder the teach-in by hastily organizing pop concerts and commandeering the city’s mobile toilets.(teach-in [美](大学师生对政府政策,尤其是外交政策,进行讨论或辩论的)宣讲会/ commandeer [美口] 强占/ accuse somebody of something 指责,谴责(某人)某事)V. 科技文体翻译练习:(专业科技文章)1. Steel is usually made where the iron ore is melted, so that the modern steelworks forms a complete unity, taking in raw materials and producing all types of cast iron and steel, both for sending to other works for further treatment, and as finished products such as joists and other consumers。
英译汉1.On an average of six time a day, a doctor in Holland practices “active” euthanasia: intentionally administering a lethal drug to a terminally ill patient who has asked to be relieved of suffering.st fall 19 distinguished British doctors wrote an open letter calling for the legalization of euthanasia for AIDS patients in the advanced stages of their illness.3.Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasists have supplied ammunition to those who contend that legalizing active voluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge fora variety of abuses.4.Even in the Netherlands, the proposals now before Parliament would restrict euthanasia to a small number of cases and would surround even those with elaborate safe guards.5. To many of us, gambling is, in many cases, a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy, and may well help preserve good temper, patience and optimism, which will do usa world of good.6. If a man makes gambling an obsession---almost a form of insanity---he will not lose his property gained through years of toil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience.7.We can accomplish this by encouraging an interest in so many other activities that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a colorless and dreary existence8.The search for an answer brings you face to face with problems that are at once both the bane and lifeblood of virtually all research into human emotions.9.Provine is one of the few researchers trying to go beyond anecdote and speculation by looking at laughter as an animal behaviorist might study birdsong or a wolf’s howl.10.Politicians and other public speakers understand the power of laughter to break down barriers and forge a connection with their audience. A large part of President John Kennedy’s charm came from his ability to make jokes at his own expense, says Morreall. By inviting the audience to join him in laughter, Kennedy bridged much of the social gap between his wealthy, noble status and ordinary voters. Almost every after-dinner speaker opens with a joke for a similar reason.11. But laughter can exclude as well as include, as another American president learnt to his cost.12. That cultural imperialism is said to impose American values as well as products, promote the commercial at the expense of the authentic, and substitute shallow gratification for deeper satisfaction.13. Globalization not only increases individual freedom, but also revitalizes cultures and cultural artifacts through foreign influences, technologies, and markets. Thriving cultures are not set in stone. They are forever changing from within and without.14. But although many languages are becoming extinct, English is rarely to blame.15. Where local languages are dying, it is typically national rivals that are stamping them out. French has all but eliminated Provençal, and German Swabian.16. Germans once objected to soccer because it was deemed English; now their soccer team is emblematic of national pride.17. English may be all-conquering outside America, but in some parts of the United States, it is now second to Spanish.18. People may lament the passing of old ways. Indeed, many of worries about globalization echo age-old fears about decline, a lost golden age, and so on.19. Few understand the magnitude of the potential tragedy; fewer still have a good idea of what to do about it.20. The Titanic’s passengers were mainly innocent victims, but the dilemma now facing society is largely of our own making. And for us, there is still hope.21. These fundamental assaults on the atmosphere are caused almost entirely by rich nations that use most of the fossil fuels and ozone-depleting chemicals. Yet, the long-term costs will be borne by humanity as a whole.22. In many nations, environmental degradation is now recognized as a key barrier to governments’ ability to meet basic needs and sustain living standards.23. Stabilizing the climate, for example, depends on restructuring national energy policies. Getting the brakes on population growth requires fundamental changes in social values and services. So far, only a handful of countries have undertaken such initiatives.24. Once the self-reinforcing trends of environmental degradation and deepening poverty are too deeply established, only a superhuman effort could break the cycle and reverse the trend.中文对照1.荷兰的医生平均每天6次实施“主动”安乐死:即有意提供给要求从痛苦中得以解脱的晚期病人致命药物.2.19位杰出的英国医生写了一封公开信,要求对已进入晚期的艾滋病患者,进行安乐死的合法化。
英译汉翻译材料:爱尔兰为了帮助大家练习英语翻译小编整理了一份英语笔译练习材料后面附有参考翻译希望能帮到大家IrelandisasovereignstateinwesternEurope,occupyingaboutfives ixthsoftheislandofIreland.ThecapitalandlargestcityisDublin, whosemetropolitanareaishometoaroundaquarterofthecountry’s4.6millioninhabitants.ThestatesharesitsonlylandborderwithN orthernIreland.Itisaunitary,parliamentaryrepublicwithanelec tedpresidentservingasheadofstate.Theheadofgovernmentisnomin atedbythelowerhouseofparliament.爱尔兰是西欧主权国家面积占爱尔兰岛的5/6仅与北爱尔兰接壤首都都柏林是最大的城市人口约为全国460万人口的1/4爱尔兰是单一制议会制共和国总统由选举产生并担任国家元首政府首脑则由众议院提名产生【注释1】Unitary:有参考译文翻译为“中央集权制”这里个人感觉“单一制”更贴切一些百度能搜到不少爱尔兰是中央集权的表述但可靠度有待考证以维基百科对unitarystate的解释来看其相对词汇为federations而且unitarystate也包括意大利意大利则是非中央集权国家所以“中央集权”这个词义可能不太合适“地方分权型国家也称非中央集权型国家主要代表是实行地方自治的意大利、英国、瑞典、挪威等”【注释2】Sovereignstate主权国家指拥有独立主权的国家主权国家是国际社会的最基本成员世界上共有195个主权国家包括193个联合国会员国和2个联合国观察员国(巴勒斯坦和梵蒂冈)FollowingtheIrishWarofIndependenceandthesubsequentAngloIris hTreaty,IrelandgainedindependencefromtheUnitedKingdomin1922 .Initiallyadominion,IrelandreceivedofficialBritishrecogniti onoffulllegislativeindependenceintheStatuteofWestminsterof1 931.Anewconstitutionwasadoptedin1937,bywhichthenameofthesta tebecame“Ireland.”In1949,IrelandwasdeclaredarepublicundertheRepublicofIreland act1948.爱尔兰独立战争以及随后的《英爱条约》签署之后爱尔兰于1922年脱离联合王国获得独立独立之初爱尔兰只是一个自治领1931年英国议会通过《威斯敏斯特条例》其完整的独立立法权才得到英国正式承认1937年爱尔兰制定新宪法定国名为爱尔兰1949年爱尔兰通过《1948年爱尔兰共和国法案》宣布成为共和国IrelandranksamongthewealthiestcountriesintheworldintermsofGDPpercapita.In1973,Irelandenactedaseriesofliberaleconomicpo liciesthatresultedinrapideconomicgrowth,coupledwithadramati criseininequality.Thecountryachievedconsiderableprosperityf rom1995toXX.ThiswashaltedbyanuNPRecedentedfinancialcrisisth atbeganinxx,inconjunctionwiththeconcurrentglobaleconomiccra sh.按人均GDP来看爱尔兰位居全世界最富有国家之列1973年爱尔兰颁布了一系列自由经济政策推动了经济快速增长也导致社会不平等问题加剧1995年至XX年爱尔兰经济蓬勃发展然而随着xx年空前的金融危机与世界经济崩溃这一良好经济展势头戛然而止InxxandXXIrelandwasrankedastheseventhmostdevelopedcountryin theworldbytheUnitedNationsHumanDevelopmentIndex.Italsoperfo rmswellinseveralmetricsofnationalperformance,includingfreed omofthepress,economicfreedomandcivilliberties.Itpursuesapol icyofneutralitythroughnonalignment.xx年和XX年根据《联合国人类发展指数报告》爱尔兰成为世界第七大最发达国家在其他多个国家评价指标中排名也非常出色包括新闻出版自由、经济自由、公民自由该国遵循不结盟的中立外交政策ThepopulationofIrelandstoodat4,588,252inxx,anincreaseof8.2%sinceXX.Asofxx,IrelandhadthehighestbirthrateintheEuropeanUn ion(16birthsper1,000ofpopulation).InXX,35.1%ofbirthsweretou nmarriedwomen.Annualpopulationgrowthratesexceeded2%duringth exxXXperiod,whichwasattributedtohighratesofnaturalincreasea ndimmigration.ThisratedeclinedsomewhatduringthesubsequentXX xxperiod,withanaveragegrowthrateof1.6%.xx年爱尔兰总人口达到4,588,252相比XX年增长了8.2%截止xx爱尔兰拥有欧盟最高的出生率:16‰XX年未婚先孕而出生的新生儿占35.1%xx年至XX年期间年人口增长率超过2%原因是较高的自然增长率以及移民涌入XX年至xx年期间增长率略微下降平均增长率为1.6%【注释3】数字的书写规范:如果一个数值很大数值中的“万”“亿”单位可以采用汉字数字其余部分采用阿拉伯数字示例1:我国1982年人口普查人数为10亿零817万5288人(国家标准GBT15835xx 代替GBT158351995)Irelandranksfifthintheworldintermsofgenderequality.Inxx,Ire landwasrankedthemostcharitablecountryinEurope,andsecondmost charitableintheworld.ContraceptionwascontrolledinIrelandunt il1979,however,therecedinginfluenceoftheCatholicChurchhasle dtoanincreasinglysecularizedsociety.In1983,theEighthAmendme ntrecognized“therighttolifeoftheunborn”,subjecttoqualificationsconcer ningthe“equalrighttolife”ofthemother.ThepassageoftheThirteenthandFourteenthAmendment s,guaranteeingtherighttohaveanabortionperformedabroad,andth erighttolearnabout“services”thatareillegalinIrelandbutlegalabroad.Theprohibitionondivor ceinthe1937Constitutionwasrepealedin1995undertheFifteenthAm endment.DivorceratesinIrelandareverylowparedtoEuropeanUnion averageswhilethemarriagerateinIrelandisslightlyabovetheEuro peanUnionaverage在性别平等方面爱尔兰排名世界第五xx年爱尔兰获评欧洲最慈善国家世界第二大最慈善国家1979之前爱尔兰控制避孕药使用但由于天主教教会影响日渐衰微爱尔兰社会越来越世俗化1983年爱尔兰第八宪法修正案确立“未出生的胎儿享有生命权”胎儿同母亲具有“同等生命权利”第十三以及第十四修正案通过后公民开始享有在国外堕胎的权利并享有了解、获取相关“服务”信息的权利这种服务在国外合法但在爱尔兰是非法的1937年宪法禁止公民离婚1995年第十五修正案废除了这一条目与欧盟平均水平相比爱尔兰离婚率非常低同时结婚率略高于欧盟平均水平【注释4】“therighttolifeoftheunborn”的意思参考资料:爱尔兰议会通过历史性法案允许有限合法堕胎:爱尔兰国内强大的反堕胎力量源于其深厚的天主教背景1861年《爱尔兰人身伤害法》禁止在爱实施堕胎提出以及执行堕胎均将面临刑事处罚1983年爱尔兰第8宪法修正案确立未出生婴儿享受与自然人一样的法律地位【注释5】learnabout如何翻译?结合文章背景搜索爱尔兰宪法+修正案基本没有对应结果只能搜英文版正好可以查到维基百科的介绍从介绍中则可以了解这句话的意思FourteenthAmendmentoftheConstitutionofIreland:TheFourteenthAmendmentoftheConstitutionofIrelandspecifiedth attheprohibitionofabortionwouldnotlimittherighttodistribute informationaboutabortionservicesinforeigncountries.Itwaseff ectedbytheFourteenthAmendmentoftheConstitutionAct,1992,whic hwasapprovedbyreferendumon25November1992andsignedintolawont he23Decemberofthesameyear.CapitalpunishmentisconstitutionallybannedinIreland,whiledis criminationbasedonage,gender,sexualorientation,maritalorfam ilialstatus,religion,raceisillegal.爱尔兰宪法禁止死刑此外年龄、性别、性取向、婚姻、家庭状况、宗教等方面的歧视都是非法的【注释6】Basedon可以略去Irelandbecamethefirstcountryintheworldtointroduceanenvironm entallevyforplasticshoppingbagsinxxandapublicsmokingbaninxx .RecyclinginIrelandiscarriedoutextensivelyandIrelandhasthes econdhighestrateofpackagingrecyclingintheEuropeanUnion.爱尔兰在xx年率先对塑料购物袋使用征收环境税xx年又成为第一个推行公众场所禁烟令的国家爱尔兰广泛实施废物循环利用并已成为欧盟包装循环利用率第二高的国家【全篇解析】:文章语法结构方面难度不算太大难点主要在于历史、政治背景知识语言表达也是很重要的方面不少考友译文版本意思没错但行文不够流畅一些数字等方面的表述也不太规范实际考试时没有办法去查阅背景资料能做到的只能是尽可能保证理解无误、表达清晰地道这也是平时更应注意和提高的地方以上译文及解析仅供参考如有批评建议欢迎指正。
英汉翻译复习材料A New Coursebook On English-Chinese TranslationChapter One: Introduction of Translation1.1Definition1.1.1What is translation?1.1.2Translatability (可译性)1.1.3Translatability has limitations1.1.4Classification①intralingual translation & interlingual translation②interpretation & translation③Translation of literary works, of scientific materials ,of practical writing, of journalese(newspapers and magazines)④full text; extr acted; adapted translation1.2 Criterion of translation1.2.1 Criterion at home and abroad(1)严复的“信、达、雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance)(2) 钱钟书的“化境”(sublimation)(3) 傅雷的“神似”(similarity in spirit)(4) Alexander F. Tytler’s three principles of translation1.2.2 Basic criterion : faithfulness & smoothnessFaithfulness①Faithful to the original meaninge.g. 1. Jane does not work hard because she wants to earn money.误译:因为简想赚钱,所以才不下力干。
160t Converter of JSPL Steel and Iron Company in India1. Gas cleaning, ventilating and air-conditioning1.1 OutlineThe main process equipments of steel-making system are two converter of 160t, two ladle of 160t, two rail tank desulphurization stations, one furnace of 160tVD, and corresponding auxiliary facilities of public.The design set the corresponding gas cleaning and ventilation, air-conditioning facilities, according to the process requirement. In order to meet the technological requirements of production and human health, prevent environment pollution. Gas cleaning and ventilation, air-conditioning facilities mainly comprise:(1) Initial gas purifies and gas recovery system of converter(2) Second state gas purify of converter(3) Flue Gas Cleaning System of hot metal folding tank;(4) Gas cleaning system in desulphurization stations(5) Gas cleaning system in refining furnace (incl. flux and ferroalloy loading dust cleaning system)(6) Ventilating and air-conditioning in public facilities.1.2 First de-dusting and gas recovery system of converterIn first de-dusting and gas recovery system of converter, we design two programs, girth wet dust cleaning system and LT dry electricity dust cleaning system. V olume gas recovery >90m3(standard condition)1) The technical data of the converter(1) Nominal capacity 160t(2) The average refining cycle converter 45 min once(3) Maximum rate of carbon reduction 0.48%/min(4) Carbon content in molten iron 4.0-4.2%(5) Carbon content in molten steel 0.04-0.1%(6) Temperature of furnace gas ~1500℃(7) The original volume of furnace gas 97440m3/h(standard condition)(8) Concentration of dust ~120g/ m3(standard condition)2) Process of dust cleaning system (wet dust cleaning program)The temperature of initial waste gas will go down to 900℃after passing through cooling flue. Gas goes into the spray scrubber through the swirling water seal, After going through the spray scrubber, dust over 5 microns in the gas will attach to the basic water spray, Under the action of gravity, integrated washing dust water settles at lowest place in the bottom of the tower and reaches circulating water treatment station through a water seal device, the pipeline and turbid water tankThrough the spray scrubber, the temperature of gas will decrease from 900℃to saturation temperature 75℃, efficiency of dust collection reach 97%. The saturate gas will enter annular gap scrubber through connecting pipe.The annual tap scrubber provides adjustable girth throat, the micro-pressure difference inside and outside the mouth can translate in the electric signal by the differential pressure transmitter. Led by adjusting the hydraulic actuator unitaction, drive within the venturi tube up and down movement within the cone, the temperature of waste gas in annual tap decrease 7℃, and the outlet temperature is 68℃.The annual tap scrubber is dual throat, and work flow rate stabilized at 80-100m / s. the minimum design velocity is 60m/s, while the maximum design flow rate is 120m/s, diameter of droplets is between twenty-five and seventy microns, dust removal efficiency can reach 98 ~ 99.9%.After treatment, concentration of flue gas emission will be <50mg/m3 (standard conditions).After air with water droplets enters the 90o bend evaporator, due to the subject of inertia and centrifugal effect, Water droplets left behind to the vane of evaporator and wall of the device and shed along the wall, at the lowest point through the pipeline, water seal device and drainage trap ,the droplets reach the circulating water tank station.In order to achieve better dewatering effect, behind the 90o bend evaporator the re-establishment of a cyclone evaporator is installed to further separated droplets from the flue gas. Water droplets under the action of centrifugal force is separated and collected in the inner wall of the container. After collecting the water at the bottom of the lowest point in the cone, it will reach circulating water tank station through pipeline, water seal and drainage trap.Fan of waste gas cleaning system is double support, double inlet, single outlet turbine gas blowers with automatic spray cleaning impeller wash system.The air flow of the fan is 210000 m3/h, the pressure is between 23000Pa and 26000Pa.The equipped motor adopt frequency control to achieve energy saving. After the fan, we equipped a coal gas converter station, a emergency relief valve, a water seal check valve and a V-shaped water seal.In the system Micro-elements oxygen and CO continuous automatic analyzers are provided and chain with switching station, in order that coal gas recovery and elution convert automatically. When the gas recovery condition meets, convert the valve to recovery state, at that time the converter gas transports to gas tank through the water seal check valve; when the condition is not satisfied, convert the valve to elution state, the converter gas exhausts by the sixty meters high chimney, while the ignition of the coke oven gas electromagnetic valve opens, the ignition device ignite oven gas burner automatically, so the coal gas drain from the chimney get burned. Two minutes later, the ignition of the coke oven gas electromagnetic valve closes automatically. When the switching station convert to recovery state again, the steam automatic purge device in the bottom of bleeding chimney startup, and shut down automatically after a purge of about two minutes.Upstream of gas switching station, a bypass valve is installed. If the switching station failures, the bypass valve opens, converter gas will diffuse through bleeding chimney.The system equipped with online temperature, pressure, vibration testing and control systems, controlled by PLC, which has man-machine interface.The main equipments(each converter set up a gas purification system, each setof system shows as follows):(1) Spray scrubber one set(2) Annual tap scrubber one set(3) 90o bend evaporator one set(4) Cyclone evaporator one set(5) Coal gas evaporator one set(6) Water seal check valve one set(7)V-shape water valve one set(8) Gas blower one set(9) Riot Frequency conversion motor one set(10) Overflow water sealing holder three sets(11) Maintenance crane of 20t one set 3).Process of de-dusting system (dry de-dusting program)For first gas purification and recovery system, each converter sets up one set (the following description is written for one set). Converter gas purification and gas recovery system uses the LT dry program for cleaning and recycling. The furnace gas mix with a small amount of air at hood mouth, burning coefficient α = 10%, after cooled by the cooling flue, it comes into the purification and recovery system. The LT dry program device mainly comprises gas cooling system, gas purifying and ash conveying system, Safety control system and other ancillary equipment. The purification equipment mainly consists of four electric field round ESP, flue gas dust content after purification was less than 15mg/m3(standard conditions).The main function for equipments of first gas purification and recovery system is showed as follows (each converter sets up a gas purification and recovery system, the following description is written for one set):(1) Evaporative coolerEvaporative cooler is direct cooling gas equipment, which a double nozzle medium spray is set at the top of the cooler for fine spray of water; the amount of water is adjusted according to the hot air exhaust enthalpy. After the procedure, temperature of waste gas will go down to 180℃, and dust concentration of waste gas decreases about 40%(2) Dry electrostatic precipitatorAfter cooled by evaporator cooler, the converter waste gas enters dry electrostatic precipitator. In order that the dry electrostatic precipitator has better explosion-proof ability and aerodynamic characteristics, its shell is designed to cylindrical, in the case of converter gas explosion, in order to ensure safety of equipment, there are four scalable explosion venting and automatic reset of the safety valve in the electrostatic precipitator inlet and outlet of the cone parts. Four dry electrostatic precipitators ensure that gas dust concentration can be less than 20mg/m3 (standard condition) after treating by dry electrostatic precipitator with four fields.Process Design of the Electric Dust Catcher of Converter Gas SystemThe dust content in the converter gas coming out of gas holder will be as highas ~l00mg/m3, which can not used in the steel making and rolling system. In order to meet the requirement of consumers, purification will be designed for converter gas to reduce the dust content to l0mg/m3 or below.The maximum delivery flow of the converter gas recovery system is ~43000m3/h, so two 60000 m3/h plate-type electric dust catchers will be designed.The electric dust catchers will be located between gas holder outlet and booster,i.e. the converter gas coming out of gas holder will be sent to electric dust catchersthroughΦ1620x8. Before entering electric dust catchers, the converter gas should pass DN1600 butterfly valve and goggle valve. Converter gas purified in the electric dust catchers will go through goggle valve and electric butterfly valve before entering boosting system.Control of the electric dust catchers will be realized through computers installed in control room. In order to clean electric dust catchers, continuous and intermittent water spray system will be designed for the electric dust catchers.In order to achieve automatic control of the electric dust catchers, automatic process detection system will be provided to provide such control functions as spark frequency tracking, peak valve tracking, intermittent discharge and etc., so as to adjust production process intermittently, hence to optimize the working condition of equipment.In order to assure safe operation of electric dust catchers, micro-oxygen analyzer will be mounted on the gas pipeline before electric dust catchers to give alarm in case of too high oxygen content in converter gas, in which case the high-voltage power supply of electric dust catchers will be cut off automatically.Meanwhile, the valves on the inlet piping of electric dust catchers will be closed and valves of by-pass will open, so that converter gas can enter boosting system through the by-pass. Self-enclosed relief valve will be mounted on the proper of electric dust catcher to assure safe operation.(3).Fans and motorBecause the resistance of electrostatic precipitator is small, purification system using axial flow fan, whose motor apply frequency conversion control, and it will greatly reduce power consumption, lower production costs.(4)Boosting Station of Converter GasThe converter gas coming out of gas holder has a pressure of ~3.0kPa, which does not meet the requirement of consumers, so a boosting station will be designed.The main building of the boosting station will be a two-layer structure with two bays. The main production bay will have a span of 9.8m and the auxiliary bay will have a span of 6.0m. Three centrifugal blowers (two work, one standby) will be provided in the boosting station. Besides, one electric mono-rail bridge crane will be designed in the boosting station. The auxiliary bay is mainly for control room, power distribution room and living welfare facilities. Necessary movable firefighting facilities will be provided in power supply and distribution room.Main technical parameters of converter gas boosters:- Type: centrifugal blowers- Inlet flow: 600m3/min- Pressure rise: 19~21kPa- Motor power: 400kWNitrogen is mainly used for the purging of gas holder, boosters, electric dust catchers and pipelines. The maximum consumption of nitrogen will be 20OOm3/h and the pressure of it will be approximately 0.4MPa. Nitrogen will be used intermittently.(5) Gas saturatorIn order to reduce the gas tank capacity, improve the quality of converter gas, the gas saturator is set up between the switching devices and gas tank, so that the converter gas temperature drops to 70℃.The main equipments data of first waste gas cleaning system and gas recovery system :( the following data is for one converter)(1) Evaporator cooler (domestic manufacturing and technology abroad) one set(2) Electrostatic precipitators (critical spare parts are made abroad) one setDealing air flow: L=97440m3/h(standard conditions, dry air)(3) Coal gas blower (made abroad) one setAir flow: L=97440m3/h(standard conditions, dry air)Pressure: 8.5kPaCorresponding Frequency conversion motor: one setPower 850kW(4) Switching device :( introduced from abroad) one set(5) Pressure balance valve: (introduced from abroad) one set(6) Coal gas saturator: (domestic manufacturing and technology abroad) one set(7) Ignition device: (introduced from abroad) one set 4).safety and energy saving measure(1) Explosion-proof measuresIn order to ensure production safety, the relationship of the treatment between the explosion and the vent, we should first focus on the explosion, and eliminate all the conditions that may cause an explosion before the explosion.The low-temperature area downstream of evaporative cooling flue should avoid dead areas, and speed up gas flow rate as far as possible, to prevent the gas retention. Explosion-proof films are set up in all dead corners; explosion-proof seal are set up on related department of the system, so it can vent explosion in the event of an accident. For the locations that gas may leak, all ventilation equipment should be asked to consider in accordance with explosion-proof.(2) Speed control of gas blowerGas blower’s speed is controlled by frequency conversion motor, in order to achieve energy conservation. Motor speed is chain with the tilting converter. When the converter tilting to the tapping position, fan shift from high-speed to low speed; when the converter swing to charge hot metal, plus scrap, the furnace goes back to "zero" position, the fan operates at high-speed.(3) Continuous automatic analysis of gas composition and automatic control of gas switching stationsContinuous automatic analysis of gas composition at the outlet of the fan, when the gas recovery condition meets, open recovery of the gas switching station side automatically, and elution side closed. Otherwise, the gas ignition bleeds.The converter gas recovery condition:(a)CO≥35%,O2≤2%;(b) Oxygen blowing under oxygen lance(c) Blower operates at high speed(d) Coal gas tank is not at high position(e) Temperature of blower is below 80℃(f) When the activities hoods down, differential pressure devices operate naturally.(g) Pressure of condensed air is normal in coal switching station(5)Coal gas switching station chain with fume exhausting stack and ignition device When converter gas shift from exhausting state to recovery state, recovery side of switching station opens, at that time, steam purge valve opens, to sweep on the elution chimney and the ignition flame.2) Secondary de-dusting System of ConvertersSecondary de-dusting system of converters mainly collect the dust gas generated by the hot metal in the converter, plus scrap steel, the steel tapping, spray lining up and the process of flue gas and dust gas escaping from converter smelting process.Two converters are combined to set a secondary flue gas de-dusting system, which is designed as variable air volume systems, the total air volume system is 1000000m3/h.A dust extraction facility formed by dust extraction hood and enclosure hood at charging side of the converer, dust extraction duct at the tapping side of converter is provided. At the dust extraction duct, motorized valve is installed and chain with the process operation. When the converter is feeding, smelting, the motorized valve before the converter at the dust duct opens, and the motorized valve after the converter at the dust duct closes. When the converter is tapping, the motorized valve before the converter at the dust duct closes, and the motorized valve after the converter at the dust duct opens. When the converter is feeding, tapping, the hot gas carrying large amounts of dust will rise, and it will be arrested into the dust collection system immediately; when the converter is smelting, the secondary dust gas escape from the mouth will be tapped by blast furnace flue dust cover.The equipment of de-dusting system is centrally controlled by the control system installed in the operation room near the bag filter. The control of bag filter itself, dust transferring system, de-dusting fan and motor, butterfly valve at the de-dusting duct are all integrated into PLC. The running status of the butterfly valves is centrally monitored in the electrical room and the fault signal will be transmitted to the operation room of the de-dusting system in an optic way or by telephone. The bag filter, dust transferring equipment and de-dusting fan are arranged in open air. The collect dust will be transferred by the Client to the raw material stockyard by trucks, and utilized integrated. There is a silencer at exit of the fan.The main equipments of de-dusting system include:(1) De-duster: low pressure long bag pulse de-dusterQuantity: 1Filter area: 13500 m2Capacity: 800000m3/hDust content at outlet: <30mg/m3(normal condition)(2) ID fan:Quantity: 1Capacity: 800000m3/hPressure: 5100Pa(3) Motor (2000kW) 1 set 11kW(4) Speed regulation hydro-coupling: 1 set(5) Dust transferring system: 1 setDust silo: 1setDust wetting device: 1 set(6) Silencer: 1 set1.3 De-dusting System of hot metal folding tankHot metal will produce huge of dust gas when the gas tank off, in order to improve the steel work environment, especially the work of the regional workshop, ensure human health requirements, a pot of hot metal Flue Gas Cleaning System is provided. Total system design air volume is 1000000m3 / h.Equipments of this de-dusting system’s choose is the same as secondary gas cleaning system.1.4 Gas cleaning system of desulphurization stationA gas cleaning system is set for two desulphurization stations, and total system design air volume is 1000000m3 / h.Equipments of this de-dusting system’s choose is the same as secondary gas cleaning system.1.5 LF ladle refining furnace and flue gas de-dusting system of feeding ferroalloysA de-dusting system is provided for two ladles refining furnaces and feeding system. At the water-cooled furnace cover of ladle refining furnace an extraction duct is set, and movable air draft devices are put to use for feeding discharge car. Sealed covers are set at the discharge and feeding conveyor points, motorized valve at the branch de-dusting duct is installed and chain with the process operation, total design air volume of the system is 800000m3/h.All the equipments of gas cleaning system use central control. The control system installs in the operation room near the de-duster. The control of the de-duster itself, dust transferring system, butterfly valve at the de-dusting duct is all integrated into PLC. The running status of the butterfly valves is centrally monitored in the electrical room and the fault signal will be transmitted to the operation room of the de-dusting system in an optic way or by telephone.De-duster, dust transferring devices and fans are open layout; there is a silencer at exit of the fan.(1) De-duster: low pressure long bag pulse de-dusterQuantity: 1Filter area: 11000 m2Capacity: 800000m3/hDust content at outlet: <30mg/m3(normal condition)(2) ID fan:Quantity: 1Capacity: 800000m3/hPressure: 5100Pa(3) Motor (2000kW) 1 set 11kW(4) Speed regulation hydro-coupling: 1 set(5) Dust transferring system: 1 setDust silo: 1setDust wetting device: 1 set(6) Silencer: 1 set1.6 Ventilation and air conditioning systemThe auxiliaries include main control building of steel making, main control building of continuous casting, hydraulic stations, control rooms, operation rooms and electric rooms of shops and water treatment systems as well as other auxiliaries. According to process requirement, axial fans will be selected for ventilation and air conditioning will be designed wherever necessary, so as to meet the humidity and temperature requirement of different rooms.1) Ventilation facilities(1) At the operating point where high-temperature operation of the plant and oxygen gun platform maintenance work, because of the molten steel radiation heat or heat dissipation, the condition is bad, in order to improve the working condition of high-temperature working area, movable ventilation facilities will be designed.(2) For continuous casting posts, the temperature is high in summer. Cold air produced by air conditioners will be provided in summer to improve the working condition.(3) Ventilation of auxiliariesCommon or explosion-proof axial fans will be designed for water treatment facilities, water pump stations, dosing rooms, lab facilities, de-dusting fan rooms, electric room and hydraulic stations, etc.For oil lubrication station, low-voltage distribution room, transformer room and etc, T35-11 axial fans will be designed according to the practical requirement of different room, so as to meet the indoor temperature requirement of different rooms.2) Air conditioning devicesAccording to process requirement, water-cooled or air-cooled air conditioning facilities will be provided in the main control buildings of converters and continuous casting, operation rooms, instrument room, computer room, MCC control rooms and duty rooms, etc., so as to meet the temperature and humidity requirement of different rooms.2.Waste Gas Cooling System2.1 Water cooled flue of converterTwo 160 t converters will be built in this project, each converter will be equipped with one set of water cooled flue to cool down high temperature flume and recover gas.2.2 Composition and characteristics of water cooled flue system of converterThe converter flue is cooled by closed loop circulation soft water. Soft water of ~68℃ passes through the air cooler flows to water inlet pipe by hot water circulation pump and then enter the flue. After heated in the water cooled flue, the hot water is collected to the expansion water tank through the riser at ~88℃ from where it flows through the down comer to the air cooler while being cooled for recycling.Water in the system will expanded while heated, so expansion water tank is used to compensate such volume expansion. To prevent high temperature water from becoming steam which will affect system operation, nitrogen is used for boosting at the water surface of the expansion tank and the nitrogen pressure is kept between 0.15 and 0.4MPa, which is higher than the saturated pressure of the water in order to make the whole system always kept at saturated status.The quality of closed loop circulation water is reliable since it does not contact with atmosphere air. However such kind of system has complicated design, high equipment cost, large occupied area and heat recovery is difficult.2.3 Data of the system design(1) Operation condition of converterNominal capacity of converter x number: 160t×2Ave. tapping amount of converter: 160t/heatHot metal charging amount: ave. 146t/heat; max. 170t/heatCarbon content in HM: ~4.2%Carbon content in liquid steel: ~0.1%Number of converters always blowing: 2Blowing time: 15min/heatTap to tap time: common carbon steel: 36min/heatOxygen supply intensity: 3.85m3 (standard condition)/min.tMax. carbon dropping speed: 0.48%/min(2) Characteristics of converter waste gasGas output (recovery stage): ~120000m3 (standard condition)/hGas temperature: ~1500℃Gas analysis: CO 86%; CO2 10%;O2 0.5%; N2 2.8%Dust content in converter gas: ~120g/m3 (standard condition)(3) Condition of waste gasCombustion ratio inside hood: 10%Output: ~150000m3 (nominal condition)/hExhausting temperature: 900℃2.4 Circulation systemWater cooled flue of converter consists of skirt, fixed hood, main flue and tail flue which are cooled by LP forced circulation water system.Running data of the systemWorking pressure: 0.2~0.4MPaWorking temperature: 68~88℃Main process flow of closed loop water cooling system:68℃soft water→ hot water circulation pump→ water cooled flue of converter →88℃ soft water→ expansion tank→ air cooler →68℃ soft water.2.5 Specification and characteristics of main water cooled flue equipmentThe proper of water cooled flue includes five parts: movable skirt, horizontally shift hood, main flue section I, main flue section II and tail flue.(1) Movable skirtMovable skirt is formed by φ51×5 seamless steel tubes coiled into a taper. Round bar is packed between each layer of coiled pipes on the inner surface of the movable skirt to constitute a welded air sealed structure for forming a smooth inner surface and preventing slagging.The upper part of movable skirt is φ4200mm and the lower part φ5391mm preliminarily. The skirt is about 1090mm high, the heating surface is ~15m2, and the metal is 4.5t. It can be lifted up and down freely by means of lifting device which is hydraulically driven and moves at 800mm stroke.(2) Horizontal shift hoodHorizontal shift hood is above the skirt. During maintenance of converter, the Horizontal shift hood must shift out to provide the space required. The horizontal shift hood is of cylindrical tube and plate design with heating tube bundle arranged longitudinally. Pipe and plate are air-tight welded to form a diaphragm water cooling stave. The heating surface consists of 216 pieces of φ38×5 seamless tube. The fixed hood is about 23 t and φ3200mm, of which the heating area about 105m2.In the horizontal shift hood, oxygen lance hole and charging hole are opened which are equipped with corresponding lance dome and charging chute dome cooled by LV forced circulation evaporation cooling system.(3) Lifting system of movable hoodDrive type: Hydraulic driveQuantity of hydraulic cylinder: 4Stroke of movable hood: ~800mmThe lifting mechanism of movable hood is driven by four water cooled hydraulic cylinders.(4) Traversing bogie of movable hoodSpan: ~5500mmQuantity of lifting hydraulic cylinder: 4Operating mode: Manual controlLifting stroke: 700mmTraveling motor power: 37kWTraveling speed: ~5m/minWhen skirt is separated from movable hood, the weight of skirt and movable hood is taken by bogie. The skirt is lifted or lowered by four separate hydraulic cylinders. The manual plunger pump and oil tank of hydraulic system are both arranged on bogie. Platform is arranged around skirt. Steel plate is provided on platform. Allweight of bogie is taken by the two rail beams. The four traveling devices are provided with anti-friction bearings. The bogie is driven by motor.(5) Main flue section IThe main flue section I is also of cylindrical tube and plate design with heating tube bundle arranged longitudinally to form a diaphragm water cooling stave. The heating surface consists of 216 pieces of φ38×5 seamless tube. This section of flue is about 25t and φ3200mm, of which the heating area about 155m2.The included angle of the lower inclined part of the main flue with horizontal plane is 55︒.(6) Main flue section IIThe cross section structure of main flue section II is the same as that of section I, the flue is about 20 t and φ3200mm arranged with 196 tubes all around, its heat transmission area is about 130m2.(7) Tail flueThe structure and diameter of the tail flue are the same as the main flue. The waste gas flows horizontally from the top of the main flue to the tail flue and turns 90︒before entering vertically downward to the gas cleaning device. The heat transmission area is about 75m2. and the tail flue is about 12 t totally.(8) Expansion tankInner diameter: φ2800mm, length of cylindrical section: 10.5m, total volume: 71 m3.(9) Expansion tank (blowing down periodically)2 sets with volume of 7.5m3 and P=0.15MPa.(10) Dosing deviceOne combined type dosing device is provided, at its base, two 1m3 chemical tanks and three plunger type dosing pumps (two working and one standby) with flow of Q=50L/h and lift of H=6.3MPa are installed.。
英汉翻译课外实践材料 (带译文)
![英汉翻译课外实践材料 (带译文)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3abad6cc7f1922791688e8b2.png)
请大家准备一个练习本,在课外自己进行翻译练习. 一共有26条练习内容,大家至少应完成13条练习.虽然课堂上不会对这些材料进行讲解,但期末考试会有50分出自这些练习材料哦!英汉翻译:1. Translation Practice: 从理解的角度改进下列英语句子的汉语译文:(1) I will teach him to deceive others. 我要教训他一顿,看他还敢不敢欺骗他人。
(2) This thesis leaves much to be desired. 这篇论文有很多地方可以改进。
(3) A measure of calm gave signs of returning after the flood subsided. 洪水退去后,稍有恢复平静的迹象。
(4) We cannot ignore our neighbors; only at our peril can we ignore their distress.我们不能不顾及我们的邻邦:不顾及它们的安危,我们就只能陷入自身难保的境地。
(5) “It’s a gloomy thing, however, to talk about one’s own past, with the day breaking. Turn me in some other direction before I go.”不过,在天亮前谈个人的往事,真扫兴。
(6) The German invaders slaughtered the innocent civilians of the city to a man. Such atrocities were blamed throughout the world.德国侵略者屠杀了该城的无辜平民,无一幸免.这样的残暴行为遭到了全世界人民的谴责。
2. Translation Practice: 从表达的角度改进下面句子的汉语译文:(1) In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours. :门口放着一堆雨伞,少说有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一.(2) The study had three windows, set with little, old-fashioned panes of glass, each with a crack across it.书房里有三扇窗,每扇镶嵌的都是旧式的小块玻璃,玻璃上都已有裂痕。
1.1.certificate of origin 产地证书2.2.Logistics 物流3.3.private carrier 自由承运人4.4.idle funds 游资5.5.Barter 易货物物交换6.6.balance of payment 国际收支7.7.grace period 宽限期8.8.Patent 专利9.9.Maturity 到期10.10.portfolio investment 证券投资11.1.counter trade 对销贸易12.2.Hyperinflation 极度通货膨胀13.3.European Payment Union 欧洲支付联盟14.4.Consignment 寄售15.5.Debit 借方16.6.Drawee 受票人17.7.partial shipment 分配装运18.8.confirmed credit 保兑信用证19.9.Entrepreneur 企业家20.10.Client 顾客21.1. contract manufacturing 承保生产22.2. tariff schedule 税率表23.3. voluntary offer 主动发盘24.4. credit worthiness 资产可靠25.5. the greenfield strategy 绿地战略26.1. intellectual property 知识产权27.2. economic globalization 经济全球化28.3. trade credit account 贸易信贷往来账户29.4. common carrier 公共承运人30.5. grace period 宽限期31.p urchasing power parity 购买力平价32.d ocuments against acceptance 承兑交单33.i nsurance policy 保险单34.j ust in time inventory 零库存35.t ax holiday 免税期36.1. customs area37.2. roll on-roll off traffic38.3. amendment39.4. gold standard40.5. gilt-edged stocks41.6. compound duties42.7. discount rate43.8. certificate of quality44.9. national treatment45.10. cost economies46.1. income distribution of a market 市场的收入分布情况47.2. set forth 陈述阐明48.3. clean credit 光票信用证49.4. equity investment 股权投资50.5. akin to 类似51.6. endowment of nature 自然的赋予52.7. all risks 一切险53.8. non-trade settlement 非贸易结算54.9. standing committee 常务委员会55.10. comparative advantage 比较利益56.1. in a detour 以迂回的方式57.2. competitive devaluation 竞争性贬值58.3. Consignor 发货人托运人59.4. customer mobility 客户流动60.5. escape clauses 豁免条款61.6. share holders 股东62.7. potential loss 潜在损失63.8. carrying vessel 货运船只64.9. Negligent 疏忽的65.10. specific duty 从量税66.1. favorable balance of trade67.2. gross domestic product68.3. fixed exchange rate system69.4. commercial intercourse70.5. bonds71.6. patent72.7. royalty73.8. copyright74.9. terms of payment75.10. ASEAN1.76.consumer durables 耐用消费品77.2. normal trading status 正常贸易地位78.3.business negotiation 商业谈判79.4. transferable credit 可转让信用证80.5. finished product 制成品81.6 multi-modal transport 多式运输82.7. capital market 资本市场83.8. non-discrimination principle 无差别原则84.9. idle funds 游资85.10. clearing system 清算系统86.1. economic integration 经济一体化87.2. policy objectives88.3. deregulation89.4. preferential policies90.5. differential treatment91.6. optimized allocation92.7. credit worthiness93.8. consignment contract94.9. release of funds95.10. EDI96.1. contracting parties97.2. board of directors98.3. most–favored-nation treatment99.4. sales contract100. 5. usance draft101. 6. non-transferable credit 102.7. contract carrier103.8. port of origin104.9. assets and liabilities105.10. preferential customs tariffs 106. 1. territory economies107. 2. absolute advantage108. 3. double assurance of payment 109. 4. counter trade110. 5. contract carrier111. 6. transferable credit112.7. anti-dumping measures113.8. certificate of quality114.9. value chain115.10. clean draft116. 1. economic globalization 经济全球化117. 2. political entity 政治实体118. 3. free trade area 自由贸易区119. 4. Banknotes 钞票120. 5. legal obligations 法律责任121. 6. BOT 建设经营转交122.7. Trademark 商标123.8. staple goods 大路货124.9. council of ministers 部长理事会125.10. parent company 母公司ance credit 远期信用证127. 2. certificate of origin 原产地证书128. 3. intermediate products 中间产品129. 4. compensation trade 补偿贸易130. 5. securities 有价证券。
英译汉 汉译英材料含译文
![英译汉 汉译英材料含译文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bb7e3def770bf78a6529546b.png)
英译汉1. We wanted to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons, and only finding out ten, twenty, or thirty years later that they were incompatible, that they hardly took the time to know each other, that they overlooked serious personality conflicts in the expectation that marriage was anautomatic way to make everything work out right.许多夫妻因为错误的理由结了婚,结果在10年、20年或者30年后才发觉他们原来是合不来的。
2.Now people have a choice about where they work and what kind of work they’ll do. They are faced with the challenge of deciding where to go. They need to know what standard to use in making their decisions. This book provides them with practical advice for making their choices. Meanwhile, they will know whatquestions to ask, what jobs to look for, and how to make their final decisions.对于去哪里工作,将要从事什么类型的工作,现在人们面临着选择。
Try to render the following into English:1.科学发展观是坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展观。
2. 早在三千多年前,中国人就有对天的崇拜。
3. 随着时代的变化,北京老百姓的休闲生活和休闲习惯也在发生变化。
翻译资格考试三级英译汉What if I told you there was something thatyou can do right now that would have an immediate,positive benefit for yourbrain including your mood and your focus?And what if I told you that samething could actually last a long time and protect your brain from differentconditions like depression,Alzheimer's disease or dementia.Would you do it?Yes!如果我告诉各位,有件你们现在就可以做的事,对你的大脑会立即产生正面的好处,包括你的心情和专注都会受惠,你会如何呢?如果我告诉各位,这事能持续很久的时间,并保护你的大脑免于不同的病症,比如忧郁、阿兹海默症,或失智症的侵扰,你会如何?你们愿意做这件事吗?愿意!活动身体的强大效应I am talking about the powerful effects ofphysical activity.Simply moving your body,has immediate,long-lasting andprotective benefits for your brain.And that can last for the rest of yourlife.So what I want to do today is tell you a story about how I used my deepunderstanding of neuroscience,as a professor of neuroscience,to essentiallydo an experiment on myself in which I discovered the science underlying whyexercise is the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today.我谈的是活动身体的强大效应。
1. Lexicography1)Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language词典编纂的绝妙之处是给人一种与语言打交道的快乐感。
2) One is immersed in the details of language as in no other field.不像其他领域,编词典的人整天都钻在语言材料中。
3) Sometimes the details are so overwhelming and endless they sap the spirit and depress the mind有时碰到的语言材料浩如烟海,令人耗神。
4) Often at the end of a hard day’s work one realizes with dismay that the meager stack of finished work one has accomplished has an immeasurably slight impact on the work as a whole往往一天辛苦工作下来,发觉所完成的薄薄几页草稿只是全部工作的九牛一毛,好不沮丧。
5) As I hope the readers of this work will come to understand dictionaries do not sprint into being正如我希望这部著作的读者会逐渐明白的那样,词典并非是一蹴而就的。
6)People must plan them collect information and write them. 必须先制定计划,收集材料,然后方能编写。
7 )Writing takes time and it is often frustrating and even infuriating.编写词典不仅耗费时间,而且常让人受挫,甚至恼怒。
Passage 12000年,中国建成北斗导航试验系统,这使中国成为继美、俄之后世界上第三个拥有自主卫星导航系统的国家。
In 2000, China produced the Beidou Navigation Testing System, which made China the third country possessing the autonomous navigation system after the United States and Russia.虽然目前它的定位精度与GPS还有一定的差距,但它具备了GPS 所没有的短报通信和位置报告的功能。
Although the system is inferior to GPS in terms of its positioning precision, it has functions GPS does not possess, including text message communication and reporting of position. Every at places without access to cellphone signals, cellphone users can still send text message via this system.2008年四川汶川大地震后,灾区电话无法接通,手机信号中断。
In the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008, the telephone communication in the area was cut off due to failure of the cellphone signals. Bringing Beidou Navigation system terminals into the earthquake stricken area, the rescue teams managed to maintain the area’s contact with the outside world.该系统的'位置报吿功能可以帮助交通管理部门掌握行驶车辆的位置,及时疏导交通,缓解交通拥堵状况。
(102字)难点注释:1)城市化urbanization2)加速阶段an accelerating phase3)错综复杂的问题some complicated problems4)远非?一所能及surpass5)重大的经济活动a major economic pursuit世界各地有3,600万人染上了艾滋病—这比整个澳大利亚的人口还多。
(119字)难点注释:1)染上艾滋病suffer from AIDS2)头号罪魁the chief culprit3)使……丧失deprive of 4)艾滋病病毒感染者people infected with HIV当今中国,对传真机的使用已十分普及,并成为现代重要的通讯终端设备。
(89字)难点注释:1)传真机fax machines2)通讯终端设备telecommunications terminal equipment3)占主导地位dominate2000年,美国数码相机的销量达到惊人的510万台,而1999年只有310万台。
英译汉材料So far we still have got so much work to do , we still have got so much work to implement health care,we still have got so much work to create good job.We've got too many teachers that we've got to hire. We've got too many schools that we've got to rebuild. We've got too many students who still need affordable higher education.we still need to generate more homegrown energy.we still need to open more door of opportunities to those who are willing to work hard.In the coming future, I am looking forward to discuss with leaders of both parties about how to meet the challenges we can only solve together – reducing our deficit, reforming our tax code, fixing our student aid system, freeing ourselves from foreign oil. We've got more work to do.I still need more time to finish my job,so please be patient, let wo finish what we started ,we will remind the world why America is the greatest nation on earth.译文:即便到目前为止,我们也还有很多事情要做,要落实医疗改革,要创造就业机会,有很多老师等着我们去征集,有很多学校需要我们去重建,有很多学生需要让他们负担得起的大学。
英译汉英语中级口译练习材料庆祝和展望段落一A little bit earlier this evening, I received an gracious call from Sen. McCain. Sen. McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he’s fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured s for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. I congratulate him; I congratulate Gov. Palin for all that they’ve achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this n ation’s promise in the months ahead.参考译文我刚刚收到麦凯恩参议员打来的电话,他非常诚挚。
段落二And I know you didn’t do this jus t to win an . And I know you didn’t do it for me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime —two wars, a planet in peril, the worst crisis in a century. Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us. There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they’ll make the or pay their doctors’bills or save enough for their child’s college education. There’s new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair.参考译文我知道你们这样做不仅仅是为了这次竞选,不仅仅是为了我。
I. 语篇翻译译文1.敌人声称自己能在两三个小时之内占领战略要地,却受到了顽强的抵抗,现在连外围地区都没有占领,这让我深受鼓舞。
.II.文学文体翻译译文1. (散文)超慢速阅读的特殊乐趣我带着满满一皮包伤脑筋的问题回到家里。
2.(小诗) (译文1)缓步我的心情悲戚,你的眼神忧郁。
(译文3) 意迟迟我心伤悲佼人惨兮卿我仳离东方未晞东方未晞卿我仳离佼人惨兮我心伤悲III.应用文文体译文.1.商业信函译文(1)敬启者:为扩大对非洲优质办公家具的出口业务,我司欲寻找一合适代理人。
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翻译综合练习I. 语篇翻译练习:1. I take heart [鼓起勇气(或信心),振作起来] from the fact that, the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic point (战略要地) in a couple of hours, has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions(边沿地区,外围地区), because of the stiff(强烈的,猛烈地)resistance that gets in the way (阻挡).2. The people were there, and the land—the first dazed (使茫然) and bleeding and hungry, and when, winter came, shivering in their rags in the hovels(陋屋)which the bombings had made of their homes; the second a vast wasteland(废墟)of rubble(碎石,碎砖,破瓦).II. 文学文体翻译练习:1.(散文) The Special Joys of Super-slow ReadingI took home a briefcase full of troubles. As I sat down on that hot and humid(湿的,湿气重的)evening, there seemed to be no solutions to the problems thrashing(翻来覆去)around in my brain. So I picked up a book, settled(停息,停留)into a comfortable chair and applied my own special therapy—super-slow reading.I spent three or four hours on two short chapters of Personal History by Vincent Sheean(维森特·谢安)—savoring(品尝,欣赏)each paragraph, lingering(逗留,徘徊)over a sentence, a phrase or even a single word, building a detailed mental picture of the scene. No longer was I in Sydney, Australia on a sticky(湿热的)heat wave night. Relishing(欣赏,玩味)every word, I joined foreign correspondent(记者)Sheean on a mission [使命,任务,(此处)专程访问] to China, and another to Russia. I lost myself in the author’s world. And when I put it down, my mind was totally refreshed (使精力恢复,使精神振作).Next morning, four words from the book—“take the long view”—were still in my mind. At my desk, I had a long-view look at my problems. Once more, super-slow reading had given me not only pleasure but perspective (正确观察事物相互关系的能力,眼力), and helped me in my everyday affairs.2.(小诗) Slowly(Mary Coleridge)Heavy is any my heart,Dark are thine eyes.Thou and I must part,Ere the sun rise.Ere the sun rise,Thou and I must part.Dark are thine eyes,Heavy is any my heart.III. 应用文体翻译:1.商业信函翻译:(1)Dear Sirs,We are keen to expand our export to Africa of top-class office furniture, and are looking for suitable agents to represent us. If you are interested in having the Kenya agent for a twelve-month trial period, we should be pleased to send you the draft agreement stating the terms and conditions of the agency.We enclose for your information a copy of our latest catalogue and price list.We are looking forward to your reply at an early date.Yours faithfully(2)Dear Sirs,We have learned from Market Information Paper that you are a well-known supplier of electric heaters in China. It is our desire to deal with you. We are now in the market for 600 sets of electric heaters. We wonder whether you are in a position to meet our requirements. If your answer is in the affirmative,please quote us your best price CIF London, stating the earliest date of shipment, specifications, packing, payment terms, etc. Besides, kindly let us know the commission and discount you will allow. Besides, it is appreciated if you could send us your catalogue.Your early reply will be appreciated.Yours faithfully2. 广告翻译练习(1) Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.(2) Flowers by Inter-flora speak from the heart.(3) Once tasted,always loved.(4) Big thrills. Small bills.(5) Good to the last drop!(NESCAFE)(6)A diamond is forever.(7) We’re not in the computer business. We’re in the results business.(8) A Modern Car for a Modern Driver(9)Apple thinks different(10)Tasting is believing.IV. 新闻文体翻译练习:(标题)1. World Eyes Mid-East Peace Talks2. Australia Makes Bid (企图;努力;争取) to Lure (吸引) More Asian Tourists(正文)Leaders of demonstrators accused the government of trying to hinder the teach-in by hastily organizing pop concerts and commandeering the city’s mobile toilets.(teach-in [美](大学师生对政府政策,尤其是外交政策,进行讨论或辩论的)宣讲会/ commandeer [美口] 强占/ accuse somebody of something 指责,谴责(某人)某事)V. 科技文体翻译练习:(专业科技文章)1. Steel is usually made where the iron ore is melted, so that the modern steelworks forms a complete unity, taking in raw materials and producing all types of cast iron and steel, both for sending to other works for further treatment, and as finished products such as joists and other consumers。
(Take in 包含,包括/ joists 工字钢)2. The reason that a neutral body is attracted by a charged body is that, although the neutral body is neutral within itself, it is not neutral with respect to the charged body, and the two bodies act asif oppositely charged when brought near each other.(with respect to 关于,就…而言/ charge 带电)3. The foundation of the machine should not be constructed at a place of conspicuous (明显的)temperature change, due to direct sunshine, excessive heat or vibration, or at a place contaminated with soil and dust particles (微粒)(译文1)(科普文章)There are three theories about the birth of the moon. In the first, the moon is thought to have formed somewhere in space, after which it wandered until captured by the earth’s gravitational field. The second theory is that the moon was once part of earth, then split off and went into orbit. In the third theory, the moon is believed to have developed as a separate body at the same time as earth, perhaps from materials left over from the formation of earth. But, whatever the birth of the moon was like, most scientists agree that the moon became a satellite of the earth soon after the two bodies were formed. That would make the moon about 4.5 billion years old.。