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Unit 1 Recreation and Sports

1.Games and Sports

2. Films and Television

3. An English Evening

Unit 2 Traffic and Traffic Rules

1.Asking the way

2.Means of Transport

3.Obeying the Traffic Rules

Unit 3. After-school Activities

1.Phoning About the Science Activity Week

2.Talking about Hobbies

Unit4. Subjects in English

1.PE in English

2.Maths in English

3.Geography in English

Unit 1 Recreation and Sports

1.Games and Sports


--Did you......?

--Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.

We had a wonderful time.

I was / We are.....



2. Films and Television


Where did you go yesterday?

What did you do during the weekend? How did you like it?

What did you think of it?



3. An English Evening


Which....did you......?

When did you.......?

How long did you......?

Who did you......?

What a shame!



Unit 2 Traffic and Traffic Rules

1.Asking the way


Excuse me. Does this bus go to...?

Can you tell me the way to.....?

Take the second turn on your left.

--How far....?

--It's within walking distance.

Go straight ahead....





Does this bus...


2.Means of Transport

(1) Comparatives of adjectives and adverbs 形容词和副词的比较级

3.Obeying the Traffic Rules

(1) Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs

Unit 3. After-school Activities

1.Phoning About the Science Activity Week


--Can I speak to Linda, Please?

--Hold on. I'll get her. / Speaking.

--May I ask who's calling?

--This is......

--May I take a message?

--Yes, please. Could you ask her to.....?

--May I have a message?

--Sure. Please go ahead.

--Shall we meet at.......?


2.Talking about Hobbies

(1) Adverbs of Frequency


1.always usually often sometimes seldom never

2.everyday, three times a week, twice a week, once a week, every two weeks (2)Ordinal numbers(1)


first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth

eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth

seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth


What's your hobby?

When did you take up your hobby? How often do you / does she......?

Unit4. Subjects in English

1.PE in English

(1) Ordinal numbers(2)


21: twenty-first 22: twenty-second ...... 30: thirtieth

40: fortieth

50: fiftieth


100: (one) hundred

101: (one) hundred and first


Attention! Eyes right!

Eyes front! At ease!

2.Maths in English


Twelve plus fifteen equals......

Twenty-five minus seven equals.... Thirty-three times three equals....

Eight-one divided by nine equals....

3.Geography in English

(1) Numbers: 101--1,000,000,000


It's the third biggest country in the world.
