
Oracle数据库管理系统简介Oracle数据库管理系统(Oracle Database Management System)是由美国甲骨文公司(Oracle Corporation)开发和推出的一款关系数据库管理系统。
通过使用Oracle Real Application Clusters(RAC)技术,可以实现数据的共享和并行处理,从而提高系统的吞吐量和响应时间。
通过使用Oracle Advanced Security插件,还可以加强数据的加密和网络安全性。


Oracle的数据库管理系统Oracle是一家全球领先的企业级数据库管理系统(Database Management System,简称DBMS)供应商,其数据库管理系统被广泛应用于各个行业。
1.1 特点Oracle数据库管理系统具备以下特点:1.1.1 高性能:Oracle利用先进的优化器和自动执行计划生成器来提升数据库查询和事务处理的性能。
1.1.2 高可用性:Oracle提供了多种高可用性解决方案,包括数据冗余、备份与恢复、故障转移和实时数据复制等。
1.1.3 可扩展性:Oracle支持在分布式环境下的数据存储和处理,可实现水平和垂直扩展。
1.1.4 安全性:Oracle提供了丰富的安全功能,包括访问控制、身份验证和数据加密等,确保数据的保密性和完整性。
1.1.5 数据一致性:Oracle使用ACID(原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性)事务模型,保证数据在并发和故障情况下的一致性。
1.2 应用领域由于Oracle数据库管理系统的强大功能和可靠性,它在各个行业得到了广泛应用:1.2.1 金融行业:Oracle数据库用于处理金融交易数据、客户信息和风险管理等。
1.2.2 零售业:Oracle数据库用于存储和管理销售数据、库存信息和供应链数据。
1.2.3 制造业:Oracle数据库用于生产计划、质量控制和供应商管理等。
1.2.4 电信业:Oracle数据库用于处理大规模的用户数据、通信记录和网络管理等。
1.2.5 政府和公共事业:Oracle数据库用于管理人口统计数据、税务信息和公共服务等。

Oracle系统具有高度的可靠性、可扩 展性和易用性,支持多种操作系统平 台,提供全面的数据管理、事务处理 和数据安全保障功能。
Oracle公司成立,推出第一款产 品Oracle 1。
Oracle发布了一系列具有影响力 的产品,如Oracle 3、Oracle 4和 Oracle 5,逐渐成为关系数据库市
02 04
1siness Suite)和数据库服务器等产品, 进一步巩固了市场地位。
Oracle不断推出新产品和技术, 如Oracle Exadata、Oracle Database Appliance等,持续 引领数据库技术的发展。
Oracle提供了一整套安全审计机制,包括审计策 略、审计跟踪和审计报告等。通过配置审计策略 ,可以指定需要监控的对象和操作,以便及时发 现异常行为和潜在的安全风险。
审计报告是审计跟踪的摘要,它提供了有关数据 库活动的概览和关键信息。通过定期生成审计报 告,可以及时了解数据库的安全状况,并采取相 应的措施来加强安全防护。
列级加密是一种针对特定列进行加密的加密方式。它允许 对数据库中的特定列进行加密,以保护敏感数据,同时不 影响其他列的查询性能。
数据备份是Oracle系统管理的重要组成 部分,它有助于在数据丢失或损坏的情 况下恢复数据。
Oracle提供了多种备份策略,包括全量备份、 增量备份和差异备份。根据业务需求和数据 量大小,可以选择适合的备份策略以确保数 据的完整性和可用性。

风险管理:对银行的 各类风险进行评估、 监控和管理,保障银 行资产的安全和稳定 。
数据存储: Oracle银行管 理系统采用关系 型数据库,能够 高效地存储大量 的客户信息、账 户交易数据等。
数据处理:该系 统具备强大的数 据处理能力,支 持实时交易处理、 批量处理等多种 业务场景,确保 银行业务的顺利 进行。
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Oracle银行管理系统的数据库设 计
Oracle银行管理系统的数据库实 现
Oracle银行管理系统的数据库应 用
Oracle银行管理系统的数据库发 展趋势与展望
2000年代至今:Oracle数据库 不断推出新版本,功能越来越强 大,广泛应用于各行各业
逻辑存储结构:表空间、段、区、块等 物理存储结构:数据文件、控制文件、重做日志文件等 内存结构:SGA(系统全局区)和PGA(进程全局区) 进程结构:后台进程和前台进程
Oracle数据库提供了多种备份方式,如全量备份、增量备份和差异 备份,可根据需求选择合适的备份方式。
在进行数据库恢复时,Oracle提供了点恢复和时间恢复两种方式, 可根据实际情况选择合适的恢复方式。
为了保证数据的安全性,Oracle数据库还提供了数据压缩和加密等 高级功能,可有效减少备份数据的大小并保证数据的安全性。
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统 ,相对 于其他 D MS而言 O al B r e主要有 以下突出的特点 : c ()支持 大数据库 、多用户 的高性能的事务处理 。 1
()Oal 遵守数据存取语言 、操作 系统 、用户接 口和网 2 rce 络通信协议 的工业标准 。
() 实施 安 全 性 控 制 和 完 整 性 控 制 。 3
S iI W A HIB n , NG , XU n l Ho si 2
( . a’nFr t h e t T ia 70 0 2 Ifr t nIs tt S a d n r u ua U iesy, a’n 2 1 1 ) 1T ia i De c m n , a’ 2 10 ; .nomai t e, hn o gAgi l rl nvr t T ia 7 0 8 e a n o ni u ct i
目前 ,工程 中常用数据 库管理系统 主要集 中 O al、S L rc e Q Sre、M S L等 ,其 中 O al 大型关 系 型数 据库管 理 系 evr y Q rc e是
需要注意的是 :
() 一 个 数 据 文 件 只 能属 于一 个 表 空 间 。 1 () 数 据 文 件 创 建后 可 改 变大 小 。 2
()创建新的表空间需创建新 的数据文件。 3
() 数 据 文 件 一 旦 加 入 到 表 空 间 ,就 不 能从 表 空 间 移 走 , 4
也不能和其他表空间发生联 系。
O al 据 库 、表 空 间 和 数 据 文 件 之 间 的关 系 如 图 1 rc e数 所
()支持分布式数据库和分布处理。 4
( s n e)dsusdOal ac icuei tetocr e met tep yia s r es c r a dlg a s rg t c i t cs i se rce rht tr oe l ns h h s l t a t t e n i l t aes — na . c e nh w e : c o g r u u oc o u r

Oracle解决方案支持灵活的业务 流程定制和调整,有助于银行优 化管理会计相关流程,提升整体 运营效率。
通过实施Oracle解决方案,银行可降低在硬 件、软件及人力等方面的成本支出,实现资 源的优化配置和高效利用。
该解决方案提供全面、准确的管理会计信息,有助 于银行管理层做出更科学、合理的决策,推动银行 业务发展。
加强网络安全管理,采用防火墙、入侵检测等 安全措施,对数据进行加密存储和传输,确保 数据安全。
数据输入错误或处理不当可能导致数据不准 确,影响银行决策和业绩评估。
建立完善的数据校验和审核机制,对数据进行 定期核查和清理,确保数据准确性。
银行管理会计系统 Oracle解决方案
• 引言 • OБайду номын сангаасacle解决方案概述 • 银行管理会计系统现状分析 • Oracle解决方案在银行管理会计
• Oracle解决方案的实施效果与收 益分析
• Oracle解决方案的风险与应对措 施
• 总结与展望
缺乏专业的Oracle数据库管理人员可能导致系统运维困难 。
加强人员培训和技能提升,引进具有Oracle数据库管理经 验的专业人才,确保系统运维水平。
建立完善的人员交接和培训制度,确保关键岗位人员流动 不会对系统造成严重影响。同时,积极培养后备人才,降 低人员流动带来的风险。

1. 数据库设计银行管理系统中的数据库需要包含以下几个重要的因素:客户信息、账户信息、交易记录和银行员工信息。
1.1 客户信息表客户信息表是银行系统中最重要的一个表格,它保存有关个人或企业客户的详细信息。
它需要包括以下列:列名数据类型描述客户ID int 客户在系统中唯一的标识姓名varchar 客户姓名性别varchar 客户性别手机号varchar 客户手机号码邮箱varchar 客户电子邮件地址地址varchar 客户住址1.2 账户信息表账户信息表是银行系统中另一个重要的表格,它保存有关每个账户的详细信息。
它需要包括以下列:列名数据类型描述账户ID int 账户在系统中唯一的标识开户日期date 账户开户日期账户类型varchar 账户类型,如存款账户、基金账户等账户余额decimal 账户当前的余额客户ID int 客户在系统中的唯一标识1.3 交易记录表交易记录表跟踪每个账户的所有交易细节。
它需要包括以下列:列名数据类型描述交易ID int 交易在系统中唯一的标识账户ID int 进行交易的账户交易日期date 交易发生的日期交易类型varchar 交易类型,如转账、存款、取款交易金额decimal 交易的金额1.4 银行员工信息表银行员工信息表保存银行的员工详细信息。
它需要包括以下列:列名数据类型描述员工ID int 员工在系统中唯一的标识姓名varchar 员工姓名性别varchar 员工性别联系方式varchar 员工联系方式入职时间date 员工入职日期2. 数据库实现为了实现银行管理系统,需要使用一个流行的关系型数据库管理系统,如Oracle,MySQL 或 Microsoft SQL Server。

数据库o r a c l e银行管理系统-标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII目录摘要 (1)一、设计银行管理系统结构图1.1系统结构图 (2)二、银行管理系统E-R图和表结构2.1E-R图 (3)2.2表结构 (5)三、创建系统数据表3.1创建表空间和用户 (7)3.2创建用户信息表并添加约束 (7)3.3创建银行卡信息表 (9)3.4创建交易信息表 (10)四、模拟常规业务操作4.1建立更新账号触发器 (12)4.2存取款交易操作 (12)4.3用户开户 (14)4.4更改密码 (16)4.5账号挂失 (17)4.6余额查询 (18)4.7转账业务设置 (18)4.8银行盈利结算 (19)4.9撤户操作 (20)五、总结 (21)参考文献 (22)附录 (23)摘要随着计算机的飞速发展及应用领域的扩大,特别是计算机网络和电子商务的发展,极大的改变了商业银行传统的经营模式。
Oracle FLEXCUBE 通用银行管理系统一般会计 ledger 用户手册说明书

Oracle FLEXCUBE General Ledger Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal BankingRelease[May] [2020]Oracle FLEXCUBE General LedgerTable of ContentsERROR! CANNOT OPEN FILE REFERENCED ON PAGE 1ERROR! CANNOT OPEN FILE REFERENCED ON PAGE 1ORACLE FLEXCUBE GENERAL LEDGER (1)ORACLE FLEXCUBE UNIVERSAL BANKING (1)ORACLE FLEXCUBE GENERAL LEDGER ..................................................................................................... 1-1TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 1-11.ABOUT THIS MANUAL ................................................................................................................................ 1-31.1I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 1-3 1.2A UDIENCE .................................................................................................................................................. 1-3 1.3O RGANIZATION .......................................................................................................................................... 1-3 1.4C ONVENTIONS U SED IN THIS M ANUAL....................................................................................................... 1-4 1.5G LOSSARY OF I CONS .................................................................................................................................. 1-4 1.6R ELATED D OCUMENTS............................................................................................................................... 1-42.ORACLE FLEXCUBE GENERAL LEDGER - AN OVERVIEW ............................................................. 2-1 2.1I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 2-12.2F EATURES OF O RACLE FLEXCUBE G ENERAL L EDGER ............................................................................ 2-13.MAINTAINING GENERAL LEDGER PARAMETERS ........................................................................... 3-13.1I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 3-14.SETTING UP THE CHART OF ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................. 4-1 4.1I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2M AINTAINING C HART OF A CCOUNTS ......................................................................................................... 4-1 4.3S PECIFYING G ENERAL L EDGER D ETAILS.................................................................................................... 4-34.3.2Linking a GL to the GAAP Codes ...................................................................................................... 4-64.3.3Specifying Position Details ................................................................................................................ 4-84.3.4Viewing Hierarchy Details ................................................................................................................ 4-8 4.4M AINTAINING I NTER-BRANCH P ARAMETERS.............................................................................................. 4-9 4.5M AINTAINING C URRENCY P OSITIONS....................................................................................................... 4-10 4.6M AINTAINING MIS C LASS D ETAILS ......................................................................................................... 4-11 4.7M AINTAINING A CCOUNTING P ERIODS...................................................................................................... 4-114.7.2Maintaining Transaction Codes ...................................................................................................... 4-12 4.8I DENTIFYING E XTERNAL S YSTEMS........................................................................................................... 4-13 4.9M AINTAINING GAAP ............................................................................................................................... 4-144.9.1Linking a Branch to GAAP Codes ................................................................................................... 4-154.9.2Linking a GL to the GAAP Codes .................................................................................................... 4-165.SYSTEM ACCOUNTS ................................................................................................................................... 5-15.1I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 5-15.1.1System Defined Elements ................................................................................................................... 5-15.1.2Defining SDE Classes ........................................................................................................................ 5-35.1.3Defining Number and Date Range Classes ........................................................................................ 5-55.1.4Generating System Accounts Manually ............................................................................................. 5-65.1.5Processing System Account Generation ............................................................................................ 5-75.1.6Processing General Ledgers for Customers ...................................................................................... 5-85.1.7Tracking Balances of System Accounts .............................................................................................. 5-81-15.1.8Tracking General Ledger Balances ................................................................................................. 5-145.1.9Tracking MIS Balances .................................................................................................................... 5-145.1.10Adjusting Balances .......................................................................................................................... 5-14 5.2Q UERYING B ALANCES.............................................................................................................................. 5-155.2.1Viewing General Ledger Balances .................................................................................................. 5-155.2.2Viewing General Ledger Book Dated Balances............................................................................... 5-165.2.3Viewing General Ledger Value Dated Balances ............................................................................. 5-185.2.4Viewing Transaction Details............................................................................................................ 5-195.2.5Viewing Customer MIS Details ........................................................................................................ 5-19 5.3P ROCESSING E ND OF D AY O PERATIONS ................................................................................................... 5-205.3.1Tracking MIS Balances for Revaluation Entries ............................................................................. 5-225.3.2Automatic Financial Closure ........................................................................................................... 5-245.4W EB S ERVICES A VAILABLE FOR FGL S .................................................................................................... 5-246.PROCESSING FGL ENTRIES .................................................................................................................... 6-24 6.1I NTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................... 6-24 6.2M AINTAINING T RANSACTION D ETAILS .................................................................................................... 6-256.2.1Maintaining Customer MIS Details ................................................................................................. 6-27 6.3U PLOADING E NTRIES................................................................................................................................ 6-296.3.1Upload Details ................................................................................................................................. 6-306.3.2Posting Journal Entries ................................................................................................................... 6-317.FGL INTEGRATION ..................................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 7-17.1.1Propagating Static Data .................................................................................................................... 7-17.1.2GL Handoff from FCC and FCR ....................................................................................................... 7-17.1.3GL Data Upload to FGL .................................................................................................................... 7-17.1.4Nostro Upload FGL and FCC ........................................................................................................... 7-27.1.5BOD Transactions of FCR ................................................................................................................. 7-28.REPORTS ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-1 8.1I NTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 8-18.1.1Generating Trial Balance Report ...................................................................................................... 8-18.1.2Generating GL Report ....................................................................................................................... 8-38.1.3Generating Profit and Loss Currency Wise Report ........................................................................... 8-61-21. About this Manual 1.1 IntroductionThis Manual is designed to help you quickly get acquainted with the Oracle FLEXCUBE General Ledger (FGL) system of Oracle FLEXCUBE.It provides an overview to the module and takes you through various steps involved in setting up FGL structure, Maintenance of system accounts and processing of FGL entries.Besides this User Manual, you can find answers to specific features and procedures in the on-line help given under Help Contents in the Help Menu of the software. You can obtain further information specific to a particular field by placing the cursor on the relevant field and striking <F1> on the keyboard.1.2 AudienceThis manual is intended for the following User/User Roles:1.3 OrganizationThis Manual is organized into the following chapters:1-31.4 Conventions Used in this Manual Important information is preceded with the symbol.1.5 Glossary of IconsThis User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons.1.6 Related Documents∙The Oracle FLEXCUBE Operations User Manual∙The Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Services User Manual1-42. Oracle FLEXCUBE General Ledger - An Overview 2.1 IntroductionOracle FLEXCUBE General Ledger (FGL) system is the pillar on which various functional components of Oracle FLEXCUBE rest. Through this single entity you can consolidate and maintain balances and turnovers of all types of accounts your bank holds. In addition, this module helps you retrieve the information on the FGLs maintained for your bank.FGL is a standalone general ledger system with the ability to define chart of accounts. You may also use this module to keep a complete track of the ledger balances of your organization.You need to create FGL structure at the bank level and maintain the same at different branches. This structure helps you consolidate the GL balances and turnovers across modules and products. You may further retrieve relevant information on the same online.2.2 Features of Oracle FLEXCUBE General LedgerFlexible GL structureBased on various types of accounts that you maintain at your bank, GLs have been classified into the following categories:∙Asset∙Liability∙Contingent Asset∙Contingent Liability∙Income∙Expense∙Position∙Position EquivalentA Head GL can be assigned any of the above categories. Two Head GLs can have the same category. All GLs that fall under a Head GL will essentially belong to the category defined for the Head. Each category can have any number of GLs under it, but the category allocated to a GL should be assigned at the head of any GL stream. All nodes and leaves by default take the category of the Head GL to which they report. At no other level, you can assign a category.Leaf GLs are merely points of contact through which all entries are passed to the nodes. It is at the nodes that consolidation of all accounting takes place. Therefore, any specification like the Currency type or GL type though specified at the leaf GL will be applicable only for the respective node of that leaf. Peripheral activities like linking a customer account to a GL or posting to a GL can be done only at the leaf.All your profit and loss entries can be passed in LCY only, however, for reporting purposes you can also maintain a record of these in any FCY or even in all currencies. This makes it possible to have multi-currency GLs. Along with this, revaluation of currencies has also been provided.2-13. Maintaining General Ledger Parameters 3.1 IntroductionIn Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can maintain GL parameters using ‘General Ledger Parameters Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the General Ledger Parameters Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘EGDGLPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.Here, you need to specify the following details:GL Period CheckYou can set GL period check to ‘All’ or ‘Current’. Based on your selection, the system checks for debit-credit mismatch in the balances of the financial periods. If you select ‘All’, the system runs the check for all period. Similarly, if you select ‘Current’, the system runs the check for the current period alone.Year End PNL GLSpecify the code that identifies the Year End PNL GL. The system uses the said GL for PNL transfer at the end of the year. All balances in Income and Expense GLs will be moved to the selected GL in financial period FIN of every financial cycle.Year End PNL TRN CodeSpecify the transaction code to be used while passing PNL entries at the end of the year.Auto Gen Position EntryYou may opt for position accounting in general ledger by checking this option. If you check this, the system will proceed with position accounting and generate the accounting entries.GL Update OnlineIf you check this option, the system will update the GL balances regularly by default. However, you may push this activity to the end of the day by unchecking this option.MIS Update OnlineIf you check this option, the system will update the MIS balance online. However, you may push this activity to the end of the day by unchecking this option.3-1System Account Update OnlineThe system updates the system accounts by default. However, you may push this activity to the end of the day by unchecking this option.Value Date Balancing CheckIf you check this option, the system will check for date wise currency debit / credit balance mismatches during EOD processes. In case of mismatch, the system will display an error.Move Balances on SDE ChangeThere can be cases wherein, a change in the transaction attributes or MIS cause a change in the system accounts associated with an entry. Under such circumstances, if you have checked this option, the system will adjusts the accounting entries posted for that particular transaction.3-24. Setting up the Chart of Accounts 4.1 IntroductionOracle FLEXCUBE supports a multilevel structure for your bank’s Chart of Accounts. You can c reate broad groups of accounts in the categories of assets, liabilities, income, expenses, etc., and further divide these groups into several levels. The groups at each of these levels are referred to as GLs. However, there is no limit to the number of levels that can be maintained in the hierarchical structure of GLs. In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you may create a GL structure as follows:4.2 Maintaining Chart of AccountsYou can maintain a multilevel GL structure using the ‘Chart of Accounts Maintenance’ screen.To define the details of a new GL, select New from the Actions Menu or click new icon on the toolbar.4-14-2 GL CodeIn Oracle FLEXCUBE, a GL is identified by a code. Enter a unique code to identify the GL that you are creating. The length and composition of the c ode depends upon the GL Mask defined in the ‘Bank -wide Parameters’ Screen. The code that you enter can have a maximum of nine alphanumeric characters.DescriptionYou can enter a brief description of the GL in this field. You can use this description for the internal reference of your bank.LevelOracle FLEXCUBE GL can be created in two levels:∙Node GL ∙ Leaf GLA Node GL is one that reports to another GL and has other GLs reporting to it. In the reportingrelationship, if a GL reports to another GL, but no GLs report to it, then it is a Leaf GL. A Head GL is a Node that does not report to another GL.The ‘Chart of Accounts Maintenance’ screen is designed with four tabs .∙General Ledger Details — Under this tab, you can set up a GL, indicate its type, set the restrictions and define the debit and credit reporting lines. ∙GAAP Linkages — Using this tab, you can link the GL to various GAAP codes. ∙ Position Details —Under this tab, you can define the position GL to be used forcurrencies.∙Hierarchy Details – You can view the GL hierarchy connected to the GL that you are creating.4.3 Specifying General Ledger DetailsTo define details for a GL, click the tab ‘General Ledger Details’ button on the ‘Chart of Accounts Maintenance’ screen. The details that you can specify f or a GL depend on the type of GL that you create. If a particular field is disabled, it means that the field is not relevant to the type of GL that you are creating.You can capture the following details pertaining to the GL:CategoryGL category can be specified only for a GL head. A Head GL can be assigned any of the following categories:∙Asset∙Liability∙Contingent Asset∙Contingent Liability∙Income∙Expense∙Position∙Position EquivalentTwo Head GLs can have the same category. All GLs that fall under a Head GL will essentially belong to the category defined for the Head. Each category can have any number of GLs under it. But, the category allocated to a GL should be assigned at the head of any GL stream; all nodes and leaves by default take the category of the Head GL to which they report.General Ledger TypeBased on the way they are used in accounting, FGLs are classified into different types. Choose one of the following from the option list:∙Miscellaneous Credit∙Miscellaneous Debit∙Inter Branch∙Cash∙Normal∙RevaluationParent GL and DescriptionSpecify the parent GL to which the current GL is associated. Select the appropriate one from the option list. Based on the parent GL selected, the system displays the description. Specifying Position Accounting DetailsPositioning RequiredIf you check this option, the system will pass position entries for the specific general ledger. If you uncheck it, system will not pass any position entries.Display on Report WithYou may opt to report the currency position under any of the following heads:∙Asset∙Liability∙SeparateHere, ‘Separate’ an independent head, other than Asset or Liability, for reporting currency positions. Specifying the Restriction DetailsYou may impose certain restrictions on the usage of the general ledger. Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to set the restrictions in the following fields:CurrenciesYou may create a GL that takes entries in terms of:∙ A single currency∙All foreign currencies∙All currenciesSelect the appropriate option from the dropdown menu. If you choose to impose restriction on a single currency, you have to specify the restricted currency.Restricted CurrencyIf you have chosen to impose restriction on a single currency, specify that currency here. The option list displays all valid currencies maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.Branch RestrictionYou can restrict access to the GL for:∙Branches only∙Head office only∙Both branches and head officeChoose the appropriate option as applicable.BlockedYou may opt to restrict the entries from being posted to a GL by checking this option. You can aptly use this option to stop entries to a GL temporarily. No entries can be posted into a GL while it is blocked. You can open a GL marked with blocked status by unchecking the blocked status box.This feature is useful as you need not close the GL. Blocking is temporary whereas closure is permanent.Back Period Entry AllowedUsing this option, you can regulate the posting of entries into past periods. Check this box to allow the system to post entries into back periods. Specifying Revaluation DetailsYou need to set your preferences as to revaluation for all leaf GLs.RevaluationCheck this option to enable revaluation of foreign currency balances. You can revalue the balances of asset, liability, contingent asset, and contingent liability GLs. You can also revalue the balances in Income / Expense GLs. If you indicate that revaluation is applicable, Oracle FLEXCUBE will revalue the GL during End of Day (EOD) processes.Reval Split RequiredCheck this option to indicate that you require trading split for the leaf GL. Specifying Year End Profit and Loss AccountsIn case of income and expense GLs, the system will move the balances in the GLs to year end profit and loss accounts at the end of every financial cycle. You need to specify the accounts in the following fields: Profit Account and DescriptionSpecify the profit account to which you wish to move the GL balances at the end of the year. The option list displays all valid profit accounts maintained. Select the appropriate one. Based on the account selected, the system displays the description.Loss Account and DescriptionSpecify the loss account to which you wish to move the GL balances at the end of the year. The option list displays all valid loss accounts maintained. Select the appropriate one. Based on the account selected, the system displays the description. Specifying Central Bank Reporting LinesFor Central Bank reporting purposes, you should associate a GL with a debit and credit reporting line.Debit Line and DescriptionThe Central Bank debit line indicates the line to which an account under a GL should report, if in debit.Credit Line and DescriptionYou can indicate the line to which an account under a GL should report, if in credit.You can select the reporting lines from the option list. The option list displays all lines maintained in the ‘Reporting Line Maintenance’ screen. Based on the selection, the system displays a description of each reporting line. The debit and credit reporting lines you define for a leaf can be the same. Specifying Head Office Reporting LinesIn order to include a GL under a Head Office reporting line, you should associate it with debit and credit reporting line.Debit LineThe Head Office debit line indicates the line to which an account under a GL should report, if in debit.Credit LineYou can indicate the line to which an account under a GL should report, if in credit.You can select the reporting lines from the option list. The option list displays all lines maintained in the ‘Reporting Line Maintenance’ screen. The system displays the description of each reporting line based on the selection. The debit and credit reporting lines you define for a leaf can be the same.Once you have made the required entries save the maintenance.4.3.2 Linking a GL to the GAAP CodesYou may link a general ledger to one or more GAAP codes using ‘GAAP Linkage’ tab of ‘Chart of Accounts Maintenance’ screen.You need to specify the following details under this tab:GAAP CodeSpecify the GAAP code that you wish to link to the selected GL. The option list displays all valid GAAP codes maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.GAAP DescriptionBased on the GAAP code selected, the system displays the description.SDE ClassSelect the SDE class to be linked to the GL for generating system accounts.Class DescriptionThe system displays the description of the selected SDE class.You may add more rows to the list and link any number of GAAP codes to the GL. Once you have specified the above details, save the linkage maintenance. As a result, the system posts all entries to the GL in the books of linked GAAPs.4.3.3 Specifying Position DetailsYou can enter the details on position accounting under the Position Details tab. If you have checked the option ‘Position Accounting Required’ under the ‘General Ledger Details’ tab, you have to specify the details pertaining to the position accounting.Here, you can capture the following details:Currency CodeYou may define the position GL and position equivalent GL for each currency. Select the code that identifies the currency for which you wish to specify the details.Position GLSpecify the position GL to be used for the selected currency. The option list displays all valid GLs maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.Position Equivalent GLSpecify the position equivalent GL to be used for the selected currency. The option list displays all valid GLs maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.In case you do not provide the above details, the system takes the position GL and position equivalent GL information maintained at the Currency Definition level.4.3.4 Viewing Hierarchy DetailsYou can view the hierarchy of the general ledgers connected to the current GL under the ‘Hierarchy Details’ tab.This tab displays all child GLs connected to the current GL. It also displays a list of GLs that are linked to the parent GL of the current GL.4.4 Maintaining Inter-branch ParametersYou can maintain inter-branch parameters for passing inter-branch entries. You need to set the inter-branch (IB) currency for each branch in the ‘Interbranch Parameters Maintenance’ screen.Here, you need to capture the following details:Branch 1 and Branch NameSpecify the code that identifies the first branch for passing interbranch entries. Based on the branch code specified, the system displays the branch name.Branch 2 and Branch NameSpecify the code that identifies the second branch for passing interbranch entries. Based on the branch code specified, the system displays the branch name.Due to Branch 1This is the general ledger in Branch 2, into which the system passes the credit accounting entries.Due from Branch 1This is the general ledger in Branch 2, into which the system passes the debit accounting entries.IB Currency for Branch 1Specify the interbranch currency to be used for branch 1. The dropdown menu displays the following options:。

ORACLE数据库管理系统介绍Oracle数据库管理系统(Oracle Database Management System)是由美国 Oracle 公司开发的一种面向企业级应用的关系型数据库管理系统。

大数据开发Oracle数据库银行财务工作职责1. 职责概述大数据开发Oracle数据库银行财务工作是指利用大数据技术和Oracle数据库管理系统,对银行的财务数据进行处理、分析和存储的工作。
2. 工作职责2.1 数据采集与清洗•使用ETL(Extract, Transform, Load)工具从各个源系统中提取财务数据,并对数据进行清洗、转换和整合,确保数据的准确性和一致性。
2.2 数据仓库设计与建模•根据业务需求,设计银行财务数据仓库的物理模型和逻辑模型。
2.3 数据分析与报告•利用SQL和PL/SQL语言编写复杂的查询和存储过程,分析银行财务数据,提供决策支持。
•使用数据可视化工具,如Tableau或Power BI,将分析结果可视化。
2.4 数据安全与合规性•确保银行财务数据的安全性和合规性,制定访问控制策略,并进行权限管理。
•遵守相关法律法规和行业标准,如GDPR、PCI DSS等。
2.5 性能优化与故障排除•监测数据库的性能指标,并根据需要进行调优。
2.6 技术研究与创新•持续关注大数据技术和Oracle数据库的最新发展趋势,评估其在银行财务领域的应用价值。
3. 任职要求•熟练掌握大数据技术,如Hadoop、Spark等,具备良好的编程能力(如Java、Python等)。

Oracle Banking Security Management System User Guide Oracle Banking Supply Chain Finance Release Number F58734-01May 2022Oracle Banking Security Management System User GuideOracle Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax: +91 22 6718 3001https:///industries/financial-services/Copyright © 2018, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are “commercial computer software” pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.Contents 1 Welcome to Security Management 11.1 Role (2)1.1.1 View Role (2)1.1.2 Create Role (3)1.2 User (4)1.2.1 View User (4)1.2.2 Create User (5)1.2.3 Clear User (8)1.3 Functional Activity (9)2 Error Codes and Messages (11)3 Glossary (14)4 Index (15)5 Reference and Feedback (16)5.1 References (16)5.2 Documentation Accessibility (16)5.3 Feedback and Support (16)1Copyright @ 2021, 20221. Welcome to Security ManagementThis user guide provides an overview to the module and takes you through the various steps involved setting up and using the security features that Oracle offers.This document is intended for Oracle Implementers, SMS Administrator for the Bank, SMS Adminis -trator for the Branch, and an Oracle user.This section includes following topics:• 1.1 Role• 1.2 User• 1.3 Functional Activity2Copyright @ 2021, 20221.1 RoleIt is likely that users working in the same department at the same level of hierarchy need to have similar user profiles. In such cases, you can define a Role Profile that includes access rights to the functional activities that are common to a group of users. A user can be linked to a Role Profile by which you give the user access rights to all the functional activities in the Role Profile. The roles defined is effective only after the dual authorization.PrerequisiteSpecify User Id and Password , and login to Home screen .This section includes following subsections:• 1.1.1 View Role• 1.1.2 Create Role1.1.1 View RoleThe summary screen provides a list of configured roles. You can configure a role using the 1.1.2Create Role . To process this screen, perform the following steps:1) From Home screen, click Security Management . Under Security Management, click Role .2) Under Role, click View Role .S TEP R ESULT :The View Role screen is displayed.Figure 1.1: Role SummaryFor more information on menus, refer to Table 1.1: Role Summary - Field Description .Table 1.1: Role Summary - Field DescriptionField Description Role CodeDisplays the code of the role.Description Displays additional details about the role.Status Displays the status of the role.3Copyright @ 2021, 20221.1.2 Create RoleThe maintenance screen allows you to create roles and assign their activities. To process this screen, perform the following steps:1) From Home screen, click Security Management . Under Security Management, click Role .2) Under Role, click Create Role .S TEP R ESULT :The Create Role screen is displayed.Figure 1.2: Create Role3) Provide the details in the relevant data fields. Mandatory data fields are indicated accordingly. For more information on menus, refer to Table 1.2: Create Role - FieldDescription .Table 1.2: Create Role - Field Description4) Click + to add a functional activity code and select the required functional activities to which the role profile must have access. For more information on functional activity, see 1.3 Functional Activity .5) Click Save . You can view the configured roles in the 1.1.1 View Role .FieldDescription Role CodeSpecify the code of the role.Role Description Specify the additional details about the role.Role Activity Specify the role activity details.4Copyright @ 2021, 20221.2 UserControlled access to the system is a basic parameter that determines the robustness of the security in banking software. Only authorized users can access the system with the help of a unique User Login ID and password. The user profile of a user contains the details of the user in four sections -User details, Status, Other details and User role branches.PrerequisitesSpecify User Id and Password , and login to Home screen .This section includes following subsections:• 1.2.1 View User• 1.2.2 Create User• 1.2.3 Clear User1.2.1 View UserThe summary screen provides a list of configured roles. You can configure a role using the 1.2.2Create User . To process this screen, perform the following steps:1) From Home screen, click Security Management . Under Security Management, click User .2) Under User, click View User .S TEP R ESULT :The View User screen is displayed.Figure 1.3: View UserFor more information on menus, refer toTable 1.3: View User - Field Description.5Copyright @ 2021, 2022Table 1.3: View User - Field Description1.2.2 Create UserThe maintenance screen allows you to create users and assign their activities. To process this screen, perform the following steps:1) From Home screen, click Security Management . Under Security Management, click User .2) Under User, click Create User .S TEP R ESULT :The Create User screen is displayed.Figure 1.4: Create User FieldDescription User Login IDDisplays the user login ID er Name Displays the user who has created the record.Home BranchDisplays the details of the home branch associated with the user.Status Displays the status of the record.6Copyright @ 2021, 20223) Provide the details in the relevant data fields. Mandatory data fields are indicated accordingly. For more information on fields, refer to Table 1.4: Create User - Field Description .Table 1.4: Create User - Field Description FieldDescription User DetailsSpecify the user ernameSpecify the user name.Login ID Specify login ID with which a user logs into the system. Thislogin ID is unique across all branches. The minimum length oflogin ID must be six and the maximum number can be 12characters.Home BranchSearch and select required home branch.StatusSpecify the er StatusSelect the user status from the drop-down list.Status Changed OnSelect a status change date from the calendar.Is Supervisor By default, this option is disabled. If selected, indicates theuser is a supervisor.Manager IDSearch and select the required manager ID.Start Date Select the start date from which the user is valid from thecalendar.End DateSelect the end date for the user from the calendar.System User By default, this option is disabled. If enabled, indicates thesystem user. This system user will never be disabled orclosed.Example: Mainly enabled for users to provide service APIaccess.Other DetailsSpecify the other details.Access to PII By default, this option is disabled. If enabled, it provides theuser access to personally identifiable information of the entitythat they are accessing.Staff CustomerRestriction Required By default, this option is disabled. If enabled, it provides the staff customer restriction.7Copyright @ 2021, 20224) Click + to add a row and provide the required details in the columns.5) Click Save . You can view the configured users in the 1.2.1 View User.Note:User modification will not be allowed while the user is logged in. However, the administrator can clear off the user and perform modifications. For more information, refer to section 1.2.3 Clear User.Customer IDSearch and select required customer ID.Email ID Specify the user Email ID at the time of the creation. Allsystem generated password is communicated to the userthrough this mail ID.Telephone NumberSpecify the user contact number.Home Phone NumberSpecify the user's home contact number.Mobile NumberSpecify the user's mobile number.FaxSpecify the fax details of the nguage CodeSearch and select the required language er Role BranchesSpecify the user role branches details.Branch CodeSearch and select the required branch code.Role CodeSearch and select the required role code.Role Description Displays additional information about the role, based on theselected role code.User ApplicationsSpecify the user application details.Application NameSearch and select the required application.ApplicationDescriptionDisplays additional information about the application based on the selected application.Customer AccessGroupsSpecify the customer access group details.Customer AccessGroupSearch and select the required customer access group from the list.Customer AccessDescription Displays the additional information about the customer access based on the selected group.FieldDescription8Copyright @ 2021, 20221.2.3 Clear UserThe Clear User screen allows you to clear off the current users. To process this screen, perform the following steps:1) From Home screen, click Security Management . Under Security Management, click User .2) Under User, click Clear User .S TEP R ESULT :The Clear User screen is displayed.Figure 1.5: Clear User3) You can search for the user based on the User Login ID and Branch Code parameters. Provide the details in the relevant data fields. Mandatory data fields are indicated accordingly. For more information on fields, refer to Table 1.5: Clear User .Table 1.5: Clear User4) Click Query , once you have specified the parameters. System displays the following details of the users who have logged into the system.• Branch Code• User Login ID• User NameClick Reset , if you need to reset the query parameters.FieldDescription User Login IDEnter the user login ID.Branch Code Enter the branch code.9Copyright @ 2021, 20225) To force log out of a user, check the box against the relevant user record and click Save .10Copyright @ 2021, 20221.3 Functional ActivitySMS manages the user access by associating various functional activities to a role. Based on the business use cases, the granular level activities / operations are defined at Functional activity. SMS related functional activities which must be mapped to a Role for Menu, Dashboard, User main -tenance, and Role maintenance related access are as follows:Table 1.6: Functional Activity Functional ActivityDescription SMS_FA_LOAN_DASHBOARD_PREFERENCEFunctional activity for reading User Dashboard preference.SMS_FA_LOAN_DASHBOARD_PREFERENCE_PUTFunctional activity for updating User Dashboard preference.SMS_FA_LOAN_DASHBOARD_VIEWFunctional activity for reading User Dashboard tiles.SMS_FA_MENU_DASHBOARD_VIEWFunctional activity for constructing menu.SMS_FA_ROLE_AMENDFunctional activity for modifying a role record.SMS_FA_ROLE_AUTHORIZEFunctional activity for authorizing a role record including Authority query and View changes.SMS_FA_ROLE_CLOSEFunctional activity for closing a role record.SMS_FA_ROLE_REOPENFunctional activity for reopening a role record.SMS_FA_ROLE_VIEW Functional activity for viewing a role record including role LOVvalidation.SMS_FA_ROLE_DELETEFunctional activity for deleting a role record.SMS_FA_ROLE_NEWFunctional activity for creating a role record.SMS_FA_USER_AMENDFunctional activity for modifying a user record.SMS_FA_USER_AUTHORIZEFunctional activity for authorizing a user record including Authority query and View changes.SMS_FA_USER_CLOSEFunctional activity for closing a user record.SMS_FA_USER_DELETEFunctional activity for deleting a user record.SMS_FA_USER_NEW Functional activity for creating a user record.11Copyright @ 2021, 2022SMS_FA_USER_REOPENFunctional activity for reopening a user record.SMS_FA_USER_VIEW Functional activity for viewing a user record including user LOVvalidation.Functional ActivityDescription11Copyright @ 2018, 20222. Error Codes and MessagesThis section contains error codes and messages.Table 2.1: Error Codes and Messages Error CodeMessages GCS-AUTH-01Record Successfully Authorized GCS-AUTH-02Valid modifications for approval were not sent. Failed to match GCS-AUTH-03Maker cannot authorize GCS-AUTH-04No Valid unauthroized modifications found for approval.GCS-CLOS-002Record Successfully Closed GCS-CLOS-01Record Already Closed GCS-CLOS-02Record Successfully Closed GCS-CLOS-03Unauthorized record cannot be closed, it can be deleted before firstauthorizationGCS-COM-001Record does not exist GCS-COM-002Invalid version sent, operation can be performed only on latest version GCS-COM-003Please Send Proper ModNo GCS-COM-004Please send makerId in the request GCS-COM-005Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper Values GCS-COM-006Unable to parse JSON GCS-COM-007Request Successfully Processed GCS-COM-008Modifications should be consecutive. GCS-COM-009Resource ID cannot be blank or "null".GCS-COM-010Successfully cancelled $1.GCS-COM-011$1 failed to update. GCS-DEL-001Record deleted successfully GCS-DEL-002Record(s) deleted successfully GCS-DEL-003Modifications didnt match valid unauthorized modifications that can bedeleted for this record12Copyright @ 2018, 2022GCS-DEL-004Send all unauthorized modifications to be deleted for record that is notauthorized even once.GCS-DEL-005Only Maker of first version of record can delete modifications of recordthat is not once authorized.GCS-DEL-006No valid unauthroized modifications found for deleting GCS-DEL-007Failed to delete. Only maker of the modification(s) can delete.GCS-MOD-001Closed Record cannot be modified GCS-MOD-002Record Successfully Modified GCS-MOD-003Record marked for close, cannot modify.GCS-MOD-004Only maker of the record can modify before once auth GCS-MOD-005Not amendable field, cannot modify GCS-MOD-006Natural Key cannot be modified GCS-MOD-007Only the maker can modify the pending records.GCS-REOP-003Successfully Reopened GCS-REOP-01Unauthorized Record cannot be Reopened GCS-REOP-02Failed to Reopen the Record, cannot reopen Open records GCS-REOP-03Successfully Reopened GCS-REOP-04Unauthorized record cannot be reopened, record should be closed andauthorizedGCS-SAV-001Record already exists GCS-SAV-002Record Saved Successfully.GCS-SAV-003The record is saved and validated successfully.GCS-VAL-001The record is successfully validated.SMS-COM-001End Date cannot be less than Start Date SMS-COM-002Start Date Cannot be less than Application Date and Application dateis $1SMS-COM-003Cannot create/modify own User record SMS-COM-004Cannot authorize own User record SMS-COM-005Start date cannot be modified13Copyright @ 2018, 2022SMS-LOV-001Invalid Home Branch SMS-LOV-003User Login ID should not contain Special Characters or Spaces SMS-LOV-004Invalid Manager Id SMS-URB-001Duplicate records present under User Role Branches for Branch code$1 and Role code $2ST-SAVE-027Request Successfully Processed14Copyright @ 2018, 20223. GlossaryThis section provides a glossary of all terms and abbreviations used in the user manual.AccountsContinuing financial relationship between a bank and a customer, in which deposits and debts are held and processed within a framework of established rules and procedures.ReportsA page containing information organized in a narrative, graphic, or tabular format, prepared on ad-hoc, periodic, recurring, regular, or as required basis. Reports may refer to specific periods, events,occurrences, or subjects.Pareto ChartIt is a type of chart that consists of both bars and a line graph, where individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line.Sunburst ChartIt is a type of chart that is ideal for displaying hierarchical data. Each level of the hierarchy is repre -sented by one ring or circle with the innermost circle as the top of the hierarchy. A sunburst chart without any hierarchical data (one level of categories), looks similar to a doughnut chart.Virtual AccountVirtual accounts are provided to a corporate by its banking partner. Each account is a subsidiary or sub-account of the client’s own physical account with the bank; they cannot exist outside of the imme -diate relationship, hence they are virtual.Virtual IdentifierVirtual identifier serves to segregate any funds from any other funds in the same main account and yet is inextricably linked to the virtual account.4. IndexCClear User (8)Create Role (3)Create User (5)FFunctional Activity (9)RRole (2)UUser (4)VView Role (2)View User (4)5. Reference and FeedbackThis chapter includes following sections:• 5.1 References• 5.2 Documentation Accessibility• 5.3 Feedback and Support5.1 ReferencesFor more information on any related features, you can refer to the following documents:• Oracle Banking Getting Started User Guide• Oracle Banking Common Core User Guide5.2 Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at /us/corporate/accessibility/index.html.5.3 Feedback and SupportOracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of the docu-ment. Your feedback is important to us. If you have a query that is not covered in this user guide or if you still need assistance, please contact documentation team.。

1. 可靠性:Oracle数据库采用了多种技术和机制来确保数据的可靠性,如事务管理、日志记录、冗余备份等。
2. 安全性:Oracle数据库提供了强大的安全机制,包括用户权限管理、数据加密、访问控制等,保护数据免受非法访问和恶意攻击。
3. 扩展性:Oracle数据库支持在线扩展,可以随着企业的发展而扩展存储容量和处理能力。
4. 性能优化:Oracle数据库通过查询优化、索引优化、缓存技术等手段提高了数据的处理效率,减少了查询时间和资源消耗。
5. 数据备份和恢复:Oracle数据库提供了丰富的备份和恢复功能,可以定期备份数据,并能够恢复到特定时间点的数据状态。
6. 数据库监控和管理:Oracle数据库提供了图形化的管理工具,用于监控数据库的运行状态、性能指标和资源消耗,进行数据库的维护和管理。

10、一个人应该:活泼而守纪律,天 真而不 幼稚, 勇敢而 鲁莽, 倔强而 有原则 ,热情 而不冲 动,乐 观而不 盲目。 ——马 克思
56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
银行管理会计系统 ORACLE解决方案
6、纪律是自由的第一条件。——黑格 尔 7、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音, 集体的 动作, 集体的 表情, 集体的 信念。 ——马 卡连柯
8、我们现在必须完全保持党的纪律, 否则一 切都会 陷入污 泥中。 ——马 克思 9、学校没有纪律便如磨坊没有水。— —夸美 纽斯

o r a c l e银行数据库设计-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN中国农业银行系统数据中心建设方案设计学生姓名:学号:系部:专业:指导教师:提交日期:中国农业银行系统数据中心建设方案设计一、绪论随着中国农业银行数据的集中,面对海量的数据,银行要花费大量的人力和财力来进行存储和维护,业务具有数据海量化的特点。
4、电子银行业务(E-Banking):包括网上银行、电话银行、手机银行、自助银行:(1)网上银行(Online Banking):账户信息查询、转账交易、漫游汇款、贷记卡还款、网上缴费、理财服务、信息管理、网上外汇宝、电子工资单查询、账户管理(3)电话银行(Telephone Banking):转账结算、信息查询、投资理财、其他功能(4)手机银行(Mobile Banking):信息查询、转账汇款、缴费支付、信用卡、漫游汇款、农户贷款、定活互转、第三方存管、消息定制、账户管理、基金买卖、双利丰(5)自助银行(Self-Service Banking):现金存款、现金取款、转账、查询余额、修改密码三、数据库部署模式数据大集中为银行带来集约化经营管理优势的同时,也带来了信息系统风险的相对集中,这使得银行经营发展对信息系统连续运行的要求也越来越高。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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目录摘要 (1)一、设计银行管理系统结构图1.1系统结构图 (2)二、银行管理系统E-R图和表结构2.1E-R图 (3)2.2表结构 (5)三、创建系统数据表3.1创建表空间和用户 (6)3.2创建用户信息表并添加约束 (6)3.3创建银行卡信息表 (8)3.4创建交易信息表 (9)四、模拟常规业务操作4.1建立更新账号触发器 (11)4.2存取款交易操作 (11)4.3用户开户 (12)4.4更改密码 (15)4.5账号挂失 (16)4.6余额查询 (16)4.7转账业务设置 (17)4.8银行盈利结算 (18)4.9撤户操作 (18)五、总结 (20)参考文献 (21)附录 (22)摘要随着计算机的飞速发展及应用领域的扩大,特别是计算机网络和电子商务的发展,极大的改变了商业银行传统的经营模式。
一、设计银行管理系统结构图1.1系统结构图图1.1系统结构图银行系统账户管理财务管理信息查询开户修改密码 账户挂失销户存款取款转账余额查询二、银行管理系统E-R图和表结构2.1E-R图图2.12.2表结构通过对银行管理系统的需求分析,应该为该系统设计3个表,分别为用户信息表、银行卡信息表和交易信息表。
表2.3交易信息表三、创建系统数据表3.1创建表空间和用户使用system用户连接数据库后,创建表空间space_zqp,指定数据文件为D:\Bank.dbf,代码如下图:图3.1表空间和用户3.2创建用户信息表并添加约束用户信息表保存了用户的基本信息,该表的创建语句如下,CREATE TABLE userInfo(customerID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,customerName V ARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,PID V ARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL,telephone V ARCHAR2(13) NOT NULL,address V ARCHAR2(50))PARTITION BY HASH(PID)(PARTITION pid1,PARTITION pid2,PARTITION pid3,);ALTER TABLE userInfoADD CONSTRAINT PK_customerID PRIMARY KEY(customerID)ADD CONSTRAINT UK_PID UNIQUE(PID)ADD CONSTRAINT CK_PID CHECK(LENGTH(PID)=18 OR LENGTH(PID)=15) ADD CONSTRAINT CK_telephone CHECK(telephone LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'OR LENGTH(telephone)=13);------------------创建可以自动生成自增主列的序列customerid_seqCREATE SEQUENCE customerid_seqSTART WITH 1INCREMENT BY 1NOCACHE如上述语句所示,在userInfo表中包含用户编号(customerid)、开户名(customername)、身份证号(PID)、联系电话(telephone)、家庭住址(address)。
其中,cardID为主键,必须为1010 3756 xxxx xxxx的格式;CURTYPE默认为RMB,openmoney必须不能低于一元;balance也必须不能低于一元;pass默认为88888888;ISREPORTLOSS的值必须是“是/否”中之一,默认为否;customerID 为外键,引用userInfo表中的customerID列。
其中,transdate 默认为系统当前日期;cardid位外键,引用cardinfo表中的cardid列,可重复;transtype只能是“存入/取出”之一;transmoney必须大于0.图3.4交易信息表四、模拟常规业务操作4.1建立更新账号触发器结果如下:图4.1创建before update触发器4.2存取款交易操作当用户办理取款或存款业务时,不仅需要向交易信息表中添加一条交易记录,还需要修改当前账户中的余额,如果办理取款业务,如果将当前账户总的余额减去支取余额,如果办理托管业务,多叫当前账户中的金额加上存款金额。
在交易信息表中包含一个名为transtype的字段,该字段用于表示交易类型,取值范围必须是存入或者自取,因此可以为transINFO表创建BEFORE INSERTR 触发器。
代码如下:reate or replace trigger trig_transbefore insert or updateon transinfofor each rowdeclaremy_balance number;rate_exception exception;beginselect balance into my_balance from cardinfo where cardid=:new.cardid;if :new.transtype='支取' thenif my_balance<:new.transmoney-1 thendbms_output.put_line('对不起,您的余额不足!');return;elsif my_balance>:new.transmoney-1 thenupdate cardinfo set balance=balance-:new.transmoney where cardId=:new.cardId; end if;elsif :new.transtype='存入' thenupdate cardinfo set balance=balance+:new.transmoney where cardid=:new.cardId; end if;dbms_output.put_line('交易成功!');exceptionwhen rate_exception thenraise_application_error(-20001,'交易失败');end;select * from cardInfo_vw;insert into transInfo (transdate,cardID,transType,transMoney)values(sysdate,'1010 3576 8888 6666','存入',1000);commit;4.3用户开户根据身份证号查询是否在该行开过户,为万无一失,还需要查询生成的卡号是否已经被使用,如果这两个条件都符合要求(此人从未在该行开过户,生成的卡号也无人使用),则向userinfo表中插入开户人的基本信息记录,并根据开户人的身份证号获取开户人的编号,从而向cardinfo表中插入开户人的基本信息记录,同时还需要将生成的卡号显示给开户人。
结果如下图:图4.24.4更改密码一个银行账号对应一个密码,因此当用户输入的卡号密码相对应时,可以为该银行卡设置新的密码,代码:create or replace procedure proc_updateUserPass(temp_cardid varchar2, --卡号oldpass varchar2, --旧密码newpass varchar2 --新密码)asi number;pass_i V ARCHAR2(6);beginselect count(*) into i from cardInfo where cardID=temp_cardid;select pass into pass_i from cardInfo where cardID=temp_cardid;if i=0 thendbms_output.put_line('此卡号不存在!');elsif i>0 thenif pass_i=oldpass thenUPDATE cardInfo set pass=newpass where cardid=temp_cardid;dbms_output.put_line('密码更改成功!');elsedbms_output.put_line('旧密码不正确!');end if;end if;commit;exceptionwhen others thendbms_output.put_line('密码更改失败!');end4.5账号挂失当用户的银行卡丢失后,可以对该卡进行挂失,银行管理系统需要验证用户的真实性,当用户输入银行卡号和密码相对应,才可以对该卡进行挂失操作,即修改cardinfo表中的IsreportLOSS列为“是”,否则提示“无权挂失”。