Tell Me More之安装必读




目录1.安装前必读 (1)2.安装 (2)3.验证 (2)4.卸载DB2BLU (3)4.1.删除所有数据库 (4)4.2.停止DB2所有服务及实例 (4)4.3.删除DB2管理服务器 (4)4.4.删除DB2实例 (5)4.5.卸载DB2产品 (5)4.DB2安装使用常见问题 (6)4.1.FTP方式上传安装包到Linux系统 (6)4.2.The host name "db2server.domainname" is invalid. Specify a valid host name (6)4.3.bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' (6)4.4.无法删除数据库实例,出现错误SQLSTATE=57019 (6)4.5.无法删除实例,显示“DB2 instances ...are still active. (7)DB2BLU静默安装说明-Linux版本By 段丽霞1.安装前必读1.所有创建的用户(db2inst1,db2fenc1和dasusr1)的密码均为yonyouae*1232.默认创建了数据库aedw。





其中,默认的配置如下:➢默认安装路径为:FILE=/opt/ibm/db2/V10.5➢实例名称:* ----------------------------------------------* 实例相关属性配置* ----------------------------------------------** 名称INSTANCE = inst1** 类型inst1.TYPE = ese** 实例对应的用户的名称 = db2inst1** 用户所属的组inst1.GROUP_NAME = db2iadm1** 用户的家目录inst1.HOME_DIRECTORY = /home/db2inst1➢端口号,默认50000➢默认密码(加密)为:yonyouae*1232.安装1.切换到root用户(su - root),进入到安装路径(也就是db2setup所在的目录,如:/opt/soft/server_t/db2/linuxamd64/install)。



《金吉润tellme》是金吉润(Kim Ji-rin)的一首歌曲。















完美英语视听学习软件正式版安装说明书必读12020年4月19日目录1.注意事项........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.正式版安装和注册步骤 ................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.注意事项(1) 软件请不要安装在系统盘(比如C盘),以免系统重装的时候资料丢失(2) 在用软件学习时,如果要把学习资料复制到你的电脑硬盘时,请把资料所在的文件夹复制到你的电脑硬盘,不要只复制某个文件,每个学习资料都带有一个后缀名为eiy或ery的同名字幕文件,视频文件的话还带有一个同名的Mp3文件,比如电影国家宝藏就有国家宝藏.mp4(或国家宝藏.avi),国家宝藏.eiy(或国家宝藏.ery),国家宝藏.mp3等这些配套文件,这些都是在软件里面导入学习资料时要用到的(3) 正式版软件所在的dvd光盘里面的附带工具文件夹有4个工具:1. .Net框架.exe,如果软件安装后不能正常打开,请安装这个文件32020年4月19日2.如视频不能播放请先安装这个软件.exe,如果视频文件在软件里面不能播放,或者播放时充满整个屏幕,请安装这2个解码器3. NeroSpeech发音引擎,发音效果跟真人差不多,能够精确发音,请安装软件后再安装这里面的2个文件,然后在完美英语软件的工具界面设置默认发音引擎为这两个中的一个,发音引擎不是必须安装的,能够安装完软件再来安装发音引擎42020年4月19日最后:因为每份完美英语软件都带有购买者的信息,因此请却勿在网络上传播你购买的正版软件及其相关文件,如果出现这种情况,,不但你购买的软件不能使用,而且还将承担相关法律责任!2.正式版软件安装和注册步骤(1) 如果原来安装过试用版,请在控制面板删除原来安装的试用版,如果原来没有安装过试用版,这一步能够省略52020年4月19日(2) 然后双击安装软件光盘里面的完美英语软件正式版安装文件62020年4月19日(3) 如果你的电脑之前没有安装过.Net Framework2.0,安装过程中会提示你安装,如下图72020年4月19日。


很多关于这方面的资料,而有些人则表示这是不行的。 我认为,将源程序 source 编译为程序 binary,不能直接解压缩然后再压
缩,这样是错误的,在第四章中,有关于创建 R 程序包(包括.tar.gz 或.zip 格 式)这方面的详细介绍。
如何将.tar.gz 转换为.zip 格式的包,可以通过 R 语言作为中介,但是该方 法不具有通用性,只对一些安装包起作用。
三、 运行 R 程序
运行 R 程序,或者说 R 脚本,可以打开 Rgui.exe 程序窗口->文件->运行 r 脚本文件,或者输入命令 source(“ filepath\script.R ”)同样执行 R 程序。
注意,如果程序中引用了部分程序包 packages,要获取这些程序包的支 持,首先要加载该程序包,使用命令 library(packagename),如果缺省路径 则表示系统 lib 的路径,否则需要自定义路径,例如 library('pls',lib.loc='D:/ lib')
REMOVE,check,build 等,可输入 Rcmd 查看提示的功能。
Linux 系统上 build 的文件,其格式应该为.tar.gz(源程序,source),或者为.ZIP
格式(程序,binary)。 可以在命令后加入-L 自定义安装包路径,不用全部安装到系统路径中,
window 下的 tar.gz 格式的安装方法,请联系本人 marybr66@。
3、 使用 R 程序的命令方式安装(Rcmd INSTALL)(zip 或者 tar.gz 格式均可):
首先,需要将 R 程序的路径添加到系统的环境变量 PATH,如本人就将



4、安装完成后把“pc版梦2修正补丁”文件夹ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的文件覆盖到游戏目录下,这一步很重要,可以解决找不到CD2、过第一关自动跳出和无音乐这三个问题。


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Siemens S7-1200 PLC 安装指南说明书

Siemens S7-1200 PLC 安装指南说明书

T ABLE OF CONTENTS How To Use This User Guide (iv)Assumptions (iv)Contents of This Manual (iv)Installation Process Overview (v)Installation Preparation (v)Chapter 1—Introduction (1)Chapter Objective (1)Product Description (1)Features (1)Following Option (SXF) (2)Chapter 2—Getting Started (3)Chapter Objectives (3)What You Should Have (3)High and Low Power Drives (3)Chapter 3—Installation (9)Chapter Objectives (9)Installation Precautions (9)Environmental Considerations (9)Wiring Considerations (9)Preventing Electrical Noise Problems (10)Installation Overview (10)Series vs. Parallel Motor Wiring (11)Motor Configurations (12)Configuration of the Drive (19)Fan Connection (20)I/O Connections (20)OPTO1 (24)CW and CCW Limits (25)OPTO2 (25)O1—O4 Outputs (27)Encoder Connections (28)Incremental Encoder Connection (29)Absolute Encoder Connection (29)AC Power Connection (30)Transformers (30)Transformer Specifications (30)Power Ratings (31)Installation Verification (33)Input Conventions (33)Output Conventions (33)Fault Output Convention (34)Motor Test (34)Incremental Encoder Test (34)Absolute Encoder Test (35)Drive Mounting (35)Minimum Width (35)Minimum Depth (35)Attaching the Load (37)Contents iCouplings (37)Tuning (38)Resonance (38)Mid-Range Instability (38)Tuning Procedures (38)Motor Waveforms (40)Anti-Resonance (40)Chapter 4—Application Design (41)Chapter Objectives (41)Motion Profile Application Considerations (41)Preset Mode Moves (42)Incremental Mode Preset Moves (42)Absolute Mode Preset Moves (42)Continuous Mode Moves (43)Closed Loop Operation (44)Setting Encoder Resolution (45)Encoder Step Mode (45)Motion Programs and Sequences (56)Sequence Commands (56)Creating and Executing Sequences (58)Subroutines (59)Sequence Debugging Tools (63)High-Level Programming Tools (67)Complex Branching and Looping (70)Conditionals (71)Error Flag (75)Branching Using Variables and Boolean Logic (76)Motion Profiling Mode—On-the-Fly Changes (77)Interfacing to the SX (81)Programmable Inputs and Outputs (81)PLC Operation (94)Rotary vs. Linear Indexers (97)Chapter 5—SXF Follower (99)Chapter Objectives (99)What is Following? (99)Types of Following (100)Velocity Following (100)Position and Velocity Following (103)Recede and Advance While Following (115)Synchronization (132)Other Following Features (135)Following Equation and Command Summary (137)Chapter 6—Hardware Reference (143)Chapter Objectives (143)Environmental Specifications (143)Drive Electrical Specifications (143)I/O Electrical Specifications (144)Motor Electrical Specifications (147)Operational Specifications (147)Motor Current & Torque (148)Drive Dimensions (149)Motor Dimensions (150)DIP Switch Summary (152)Non-Compumotor—Drive/Motor Connection (155)Wiring Configurations.............................................................................................................................155, 156 Terminal Connections. (157)Non-Compumotor Motors—Setting Motor Current (158)Motor Performance Specifications (158)ii SX/SXF Indexer/Driver User GuideChapter 7—Maintenance & Troubleshooting (161)Chapter Objectives (161)Maintenance (161)Battery Maintenance (161)Drive Maintenance (161)Motor Maintenance (162)Common Problems and Solutions (163)Software Debugging Tips (165)Returning the System (167)Appendices (169)Command Listing (169)SX Example Programs (171)Appendix C—LVD Installation Instructions (175)Complying with the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) (175)Additional Installation Procedures for LVD Compliance (175)Table of Graphic Symbols and Warnings (177)Index (179)Contents iiiHow To Use This User GuideThis user guide is designed to help you install, develop, and maintain your system. Each chapterbegins with a list of specific objectives that should be met after you have read the chapter. Thissection is intended to help you find and use the information in this user guide. AssumptionsThis user guide assumes that you have the skills or fundamental understanding of the followinginformation.t Basic electronics concepts (voltage, switches, current, etc.)t Basic motion control concepts (torque, velocity, distance, force, etc.)Contents of This ManualThis user guide contains the following information.Chapter 1:IntroductionThis chapter provides a description of the product and a brief account of its specific features.Chapter 2:Getting StartedThis chapter contains a detailed list of items you should have received with your SX shipment. Itwill help you to become familiar with the system and ensure that each component functions properly.Chapter 3:InstallationThis chapter provides instructions for you to properly mount the system and make all electricalconnections. Upon completion of this chapter, your system should be completely installed and readyto perform basic operations. Tuning considerations and procedures are also provided.Chapter 4:Application DesignThis chapter will help you customize the system to meet your application’s needs. Importantapplication considerations are discussed. Sample applications are provided.Chapter 5:SXF FollowerThis chapter explains the SXF Following function and the SXF’s capability to support absolute andincremental encoders.Chapter 6:Hardware ReferenceThis chapter contains information on system specifications (electrical, dimensions, and perfor-mance). It may be used as a quick-reference tool for proper switch settings and connections.Chapter 7:TroubleshootingThis chapter contains information on identifying and resolving system problems.iv SX/SXF Indexer/Driver User GuideInstallation Process OverviewTo ensure trouble-free operation, pay special attention to the environment in which the SX equip-ment will operate, the layout and mounting, and the wiring and grounding practices used. Theserecommendations are intended to help you easily and safely integrate SX equipment into yourmanufacturing facility. Industrial environments often contain conditions that may adversely affectsolid-state equipment. Electrical noise or atmospheric contamination, may also affect the SXSystem.Developing Your ApplicationBefore you attempt to develop and implement your application, there are several issues that youshould consider and address.Recognize and clarify the requirements of your application. Clearly define what you expect the system todo.Assess your resources and limitations. This will help you find the most efficient and effective means ofdeveloping and implementing your application (hardware and software).Follow the guidelines and instructions outlined in this user guide. Do not skip any steps or procedures.Proper installation and implementation can only be ensured if all procedures are completed in the propersequence.Installation PreparationBefore you attempt to install this product, you should complete the following steps:Review this entire user guide. Become familiar with the user guide’s contents so that you can quickly findthe information you need.Develop a basic understanding of all system components, their functions, and interrelationships.Complete the basic system configuration and wiring instructions (in a simulated environment, not apermanent installation) provided in Chapter 2, Getting Started.Perform as many basic functions as you can with the preliminary configuration. You can only perform thistask if you have reviewed the entire user guide. You should try to simulate the task(s) that you expect toperform when you permanently install your application (however, do not attach a load at this time). Thiswill give you a realistic preview of what to expect from the complete configuration.After you have tested all of the system’s functions and used or become familiar with tll of the system’sfeatures, carefully read Chapter 3, Installation.After you have read Chapter 3 and clearly understand what must be done to properly install the system,you should begin the installation process. Do not deviate from the sequence or installation methodsprovided.Before you begin to customize your system, check all of the systems functions and features to ensure thatyou have completed the installation process correctly.The successful completion of these steps will prevent subsequent performance problems and allowyou to isolate and resolve any potential system difficulties before they affect your system’soperation.ConventionsTo help you understand and use this user guide effectively, the conventions used throughout this userguide are explained in this section.CommandsAll commands that you are instructed to enter are shown in capital letters. The symbol >, is the SXcommand prompt. The command is displayed in boldface. A delimiter (space or carriage return) isrequired after each command. A description is provided next to each command example.Command Description>MR Sets motor resolution to 25,000 steps/revThe system ignores command syntax that is not within the valid range for a specific command. A ?prompt will be returned by the drive when the last command entered was not understood, or aparameter limit was exceeded.Contents vMotorsS Series and SX Series motors are one in the same (interchangeable terms).Warnings & CautionsWarning and caution notes alert you to possible dangers that may occur if you do not follow instruc-tions correctly. Situations that may cause bodily injury are present as warnings. Situations that maycause system damage are presented as cautions. These notes will appear in bold face and the wordwarning or caution will be centered and in all capital letters. Refer to the examples shown below:WARNINGDo not touch the motor immediately after it has been in use for an extended period of time. The motormay be hot.CAUTIONSystem damage will occur if you power up the system improperly.Related Publicationst Current Parker Compumotor Motion Control Catalogt SX Indexer/Drive Software Reference Guidevi SX/SXF Indexer/Driver User Guide。

Tell me more v9.0及v10安装方法

Tell me more v9.0及v10安装方法

Tell me more v9.0及v10安装方法淘宝小店:/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w798473582.21.cL1YiA&id=22776124928制作:QQ:903853270










Good luck!!!

windows moble软件安装方法

windows moble软件安装方法

[使用心得] 新手必看-PPC上各类软件安装详细方法(图解)一、RAR格式rar文件是一种压缩格式,与zip是一样的,需要进行解压,然后看里面是什么格式再进行相应安装(安装方法见下文)。

rar可以有两种安装方法,1.下载rar文件在电脑上,然后进行解压(电脑需要安装rar 解压缩软件),解压以后再看看里面的文件是什么格式的再进行安装(具体安装参照下面的教程),2.在手机上安装rar解压缩软件,这适合直接下载软件软件到手机上的用户,这样就可以直接在手机上解压rar格式的文件,不过PPC解压文件可没有PC快哦!二、CAB格式“.cab”是PPC上使用的一种安装程序格式,类似PC上的.exe 格式是一种安装包,在PPC上用于安装软件使用,在PC上是不可以使用的。





安装过程中会出现安装确认与否提示和安装位置的选择,一般都装到SD卡里安装完成后,如果CAB软件针对WM5以前版本会有相关提示,如果CAB 软件在WM5下使用没有问题,只出现安装成功提示。




M365 Manager Plus安装安全指南说明书

M365 Manager Plus安装安全指南说明书

Guide to secure your M365 Manager PlusinstallationIf a user belongs to the Authenticated Users group, it's possible for them to tamper with the M365 Manager Plus installation directory. To circumvent this and improve the security of your M365 Manager Plus deployment, follow the steps in this document.DescriptionThe M365 Manager Plus installation directory contains important files required for it to function properly, including files that are used to start and stop the product and the license file. By default, M365 Manager Plus will be installed in the C:\ManageEngine folder. This will grant even non-admin users belonging to the Authenticated Users group Full Control permission over the files and folders in the product's installation directory, meaning any domain user can access the folder and modify its contents, potentially making the product unusable.Simply removing Authenticated Users from the Access Control List (ACL) won't help, as this will render them unable to even start M365 Manager Plus as a service or application.SolutionTo overcome this issue, follow the steps outlined below based on where M365 Manager Plus is installed.1.If M365 Manager Plus is installed in C:\ManageEngine folder2.If M365 Manager Plus is installed in C:\Program Files folder1.Steps to perform if M365 Manager Plus is installed in the C:\ManageEngine folder.By default, the C: directory in a Windows Client OS has Authenticated Users with the Modify permission for subfolders. However, the C: directory in a Windows Server OS does not have Authenticated Users in its ACL. So, based on the OS in which M365 Manager Plus is installed, the steps may vary.a)If M365 Manager Plus is installed in a client OSb)If M365 Manager Plus is installed in a server OSa.If M365 Manager Plus is installed in a client OS:1.Disable Inheritance for the C:\ManageEngine\M365 Manager Plus folder. Refer to theAppendix below for step-by-step instructions.2.Remove Authenticated Users from the folder's ACL. Refer to the Appendix forstep-by-step instructions.3.Remove the Authenticated Users permission for the folders listed below from theproduct's installation directory.i.bin\licenseii.tempiii.webapps\m365\temp4.Assign the Modify permission for the C:\ManageEngine\M365 Manager Plus folder to users whocan start the product. Refer to the Appendix for step-by-step instructions.5.If the product is installed as a service, make sure that the account configured under the Log Ontab of the service’s properties has been assigned the Modify permission for the folder.b.If M365 Manager Plus is installed in a server OS:1.Remove the Authenticated Users permission for the folders listed below from the product'sinstallation directory. Refer to the Appendix for step-by-step instructions.i.bin\licenseii.tempiii.webapps\m365\temp2.Assign the Modify permission for the C:\ManageEngine\M365 Manager Plus folder to users whocan start the product. Refer to the Appendix for step-by-step instructions.3.If the product is installed as a service, make sure that the account configured under the Log Ontab of the service’s properties has been assigned the Modify permission for the folder.2.Steps to perform if M365 Manager Plus is installed in C:\Program Files folder.1.Remove the Authenticated Users permission for the folders listed below from the product'sinstallation directory. Refer to the Appendix for step-by-step instructions.i.bin\licenseii.tempiii.webapps\m365\temp2.Assign the Modify permission for the C:\Program Files\M365 Manager Plus folder to users whohave can start the product. Refer to the Appendix for step-by-step instructions.3.If the product is installed as a service, make sure that the account configured under the Log Ontab of the service’s properties has been assigned the Modify permission for the folder.Notes:Microsoft recommends that software be installed in the Program Files directory. Based on your specific needs or organizational policies, you can choose a different location.The steps mentioned in this guide are applicable to all ManageEngine products installed inthe C:\ManageEngine folder by default.AppendixSteps to disable inheritance1.Right-click the folder and select Properties.2.Go to the Security tab and click Advanced.3.Click Disable inheritance.4.Click Apply and then OK.Steps to remove Authenticated Users from ACL1.Right-click the folder and select Properties.2.Go to the Security tab and click Edit.3.Select the Authenticated Users group and click Remove.4.Click Apply and then OK.To assign modify permissions to users1.Right-click the folder and select Properties.2.Go to the Security tab and click Edit.3.Click Add.4.Enter the name of the user or group, and click OK.5.Under the Permission for Users section, check the box under the Allow column for theModify permission.6.Click Apply and then OK.M365 Manager Plus is an extensive Microsoft 365 tool used for reporting, managing, monitoring, auditing, and creating alerts for critical incidents. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily manage Exchange Online, Azure Active Directory, Skype for Business, OneDrive for Business, Microsoft Teams, and other Microsoft 365 services from a single console.。






•在编辑区按住右键可拖动代码,省去拉(尤其是横向)滚动条之麻烦;相关设置:Mouse Drag Scrolling。

• Ctrl+D可复制当前行或选中块。

• Ctrl+Shift+C注释掉当前行或选中块,Ctrl+Shift+X则解除注释。

• Tab缩进当前行或选中块,Shift+Tab减少缩进。



•需要更大编辑空间时,F2和Shift+F2分别可以显隐下方Logs & others栏和左方的Management栏。

==自动完成与缩写==1)优化代码自动完成功能:在Code-completion and symbol browser中,•将Automatically launch when typed # letter中的4改成2,这样打两个字母就会有提示了。

•将Keyword sets to additionally include中1到9都勾上(可在Syntax highlighting 的keywords...中设置,其中1是C++关键字,3是Doxygen关键字;我曾将wxWidgets的类名都加入7并设置相应的字体(粗黑体),看代码时特别爽)•将Delay for auto-kick-in when typing [.::->]拉到 200ms,这样快点出来提示•选中Case-sensitive match,防止一些无关的东西干扰,如果你想它帮你纠正大小写,那就去掉勾•在Keyboard short-cuts中将Edit->Code complete的快捷键由Ctrl+Space改为Alt+/,因为前者与中文输入法切换冲突,该快捷键为已经输入的(不是正在输入的)词提供自动完成。

Windows 下 R 软件及程序包 packages 安装使用必读

Windows 下 R 软件及程序包 packages 安装使用必读

Windows 下R 软件及程序包packages 安装使用必读—R.2.13.1 版(2011.7.8)前言:高效、开源的统计计算及图形软件—R 软件,在多门学科中有着重要的、广泛的应用,但由于其使用平台过多于Linux 系统,虽然目前的版本(2.13.1 版upto2011.7.8)已经兼容了Windows 和苹果机,但是使用起来还是不太方便,特别是中文的使用,存在一些小问题,本人经过自己摸索和上网查找资料,获取了一下的使用心得,分享给大家。

From marybr66@一、下载和安装R 客户端1、下载:从R 官网:/ 下载最新的R 版本(2.13.1 版until 2011.7.8)。



如果是自定义安装,注意选择使用Internet2,否则安装后的客户端不能使用网络下载和更新安装包,注意看安装后的桌面图标,右键属性,后面会有--internet2 的命令选项,而选择Standard 安装后,生产的桌面图标没有--internet2 的命令选项。

二、下载和安装R 程序包(packages)1、使用R 图形界面的菜单栏安装(zip 格式的安装包):1.1 选择镜像安装安装好R 之后,打开Rgui.exe 程序窗口->程序包->安装程序包,注意需要使用网络(默认的安装使用了Internet2,可以查看桌面的R 图标,命令中带--internet2)在弹出的镜像中选择一个,镜像的连接与官网一致,然后下一个窗口会弹出packages 的选择框,选中你所需的包,最后就会连接下载安装,信息会在Rgui 窗口中显示。

1.2 选择本地安装需要从网上下载安装包,注意类型必须是.zip 格式,关于格式会在后面说明。

还是从官网上/mirrors/CRAN/下载packages,然后打开Rgui.exe 程序窗口->程序包->从本地zip 文件安装程序包,就ok 了,信息会在Rgui 窗口中显示。





二、具体步骤Step1. 在服务器上,安装“歌库管理器”网络版点歌系统的歌库,都是安装在服务器上的。





Step2. 设置服务器A.设置局域网熟悉局域网设置的读者,可以直接略过该部分。








Tell Me More之使用入门

Tell Me More之使用入门

Tell Me More之使用入门(本文转载自舍得的新浪博客)这篇文章是用来帮助刚着手用Tell Me More的朋友尽快地进入学习状态,而不用将时间浪费在摸索Tell Me More 的功能上。


在这篇文章之后,舍得会重点介绍Tell Me More的语音训练方面的功能,因为那才是Tell Me More的核心。


使用Tell Me More的第一步,当然是建立一个Tell Me More的帐号啦,非常简单,点下图的“创建一个新帐户”,然后按照提示操作就可以:接下来是选择级别了吧,Performance版共10个级别,你可以根据自己的水平选择相应的级别,若想基础打扎实点,从1级开始学也未尝不可:然后要选择的就是模式,舍得推荐大家使用向导模式,在这种模式下,你可以让软件来监督你的学习,这也是用软件的一大好处,如果是纯粹拿书本自学的话,往往会找不到北,学着学着心就散了。






Tell Me More之使用入门这篇文章是用来帮助刚着手用Tell Me More的朋友尽快地进入学习状态,而不用将时间浪费在摸索Tell Me More的功能上。


在这篇文章之后,舍得会重点介绍Tell Me More的语音训练方面的功能,因为那才是Tell Me More的核心。


使用Tell Me More的第一步,当然是建立一个Tell Me More的帐号啦,非常简单,点下图的“创建一个新帐户”,然后按照提示操作就可以:接下来是选择级别了吧,Performance版共10个级别,你可以根据自己的水平选择相应的级别,若想基础打扎实点,从1级开始学也未尝不可:然后要选择的就是模式,舍得推荐大家使用向导模式,在这种模式下,你可以让软件来监督你的学习,这也是用软件的一大好处,如果是纯粹拿书本自学的话,往往会找不到北,学着学着心就散了。





Tell Me More精讲之音素练习篇

Tell Me More精讲之音素练习篇

Tell Me More精讲之音素练习篇(本文转载自舍得的新浪博客)为什么内地高考尖子生被香港大学拒绝,而英语优秀者被破格录取?为什么70%的应届大学生一毕业就失业,而跨国公司却一才难求?为什么获得了英语专业八级的出国留学生,却只靠刷碗、端盘子赚钱?为什么学了10多年的英语,却总是听不懂、开不了口,更别说用英语去工作?高投入,低产出。

"哑巴英语"、"聋子英语"困惑了无数中国人,也让无数的中国人在反思:为什么我们学不好英语?怎样让英语不再成为下一代永远的痛?让我们拿起Tell Me More这一强力武器,一举攻克哑巴英语这个难题。

前面舍得已经陆陆续续写了几篇Tell Me More的学习文章,其中《晾图篇》是大概地介绍了Tell Me More的功能和界面,《安装必读》帮助大家解决了安装中会碰到问题,《使用入门》是教那些还不会用Tell Me More的朋友如何去操作Tell Me More,而《口语训练初识》则是向大家介绍Tell Me More在口语训练中使用到的武器。

那接下来,舍得准备开始对Tell Me More的每一个练习进行深入地剖析,相信大家在看完舍得写的文章之后,对舍得介绍到的这些练习能够熟练地去操作,用不着去看它的帮助文件。









w e e n g i n e e r y o u r p r o g r e s sTable of Contents1 Product Details .....................................................................................................................................................................................2 1.1 Application ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 Recommended Installation .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2 Function ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Features ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Technical Data ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Ordering Information ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Type Code ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 4.2Versions currently available (3)5 Description of Characterisics in Accordance with Type Code ........................................................................................................ 4 5.1 Characteristic 1: Variant DSU ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 5.2 Characteristic 2: Port / Case: Variant CA - Cartridge ............................................................................................................................. 4 5.3 Characteristic 3: input flow rate .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 5.4 Characteristic 4: Max.permissible pressure ........................................................................................................................................... 4 5.5 Characteristic 5: Activation / Setting ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 5.6 Characteristic 6: Stepped cavity 8.00239 (corresponds to Bucher UVP- 4) ......................................................................................... 4 Das vorgesteuerte Druckbegrenzungsventil ist ein Cartridgebauteil und wird in eine Stufenbohrung entsprechend nebenstehender Zeichnung eingeschraubt. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 5.7 Characteristic 7: Seal ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 6 Installation ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 6.1 General information ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 6.2 Connection Recommendations .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 6.3 Installation - installation space ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 7 Notes, Standards and Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................................................... 5 7.1 General Instructions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 7.2 Standards ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Zubehör .................................................................................................................................................................................................5w e e n g i n e e r y o u r p r o g r e s s1The pressure valve is designed as cartridge valve. It is a direct operated valve for flow rates up to 10 l / min, which can be adjusted manually. The adjustment can be protected by a cap. The components are designed robust. The valve can be charged up to 500 bar and is delivered at a certain pressure.1.1 ApplicationThe pressure valve is used to protect high volume lift cylinders in truck cranes. It should avoid excessive pressure increase in unmoving cylin-ders due to warming (“sushine valve”).1.2 Recommended Installation2 FunctionThe pressure valve operates as a direct acting seat valve. The pressure can be set using an adjusting screw. The screw is locked after adjustment with a backup sealing nut and can be protected by a cap.2.1 Features▪ Cartridge type▪ Small installation space ▪ Robust construction▪Stepped cavity (corresponds to Bucher UVP-4) ▪Seat valve, leakage freeP – protected port T - tankw e e n g i n e e r y o u r p r o g r e s s3 Technical Data4 4.1 Type CodeXXX – fest vorgegebene Merkmale XXX – vom Kunden wählbare Merkmale4.2 Versions currently availableThe versions listed below are available as standard. Further versions as part of the options given on the type code can be configured upon request.designationtype codepart nr.PRV –DSU –CA -10LPM -500BAR –MAN230BAR –239 -NBR PRV –DSU –CA -10 -500 –MAN230 –239 -N 412.072.451.9 PRV –DSU –CA -10LPM -500BAR –MAN235BAR –239 -NBR PRV –DSU –CA -10 -500 –MAN235 –239 -N 412.072.430.9 PRV –DSU –CA -10LPM -500BAR –MAN290BAR –239 -NBR PRV –DSU –CA -10 -500 –MAN290 –239 -N 412.072.433.9 PRV –DSU –CA -10LPM -500BAR –MAN340BAR –239 -NBR PRV –DSU –CA -10 -500 –MAN340 –239 -N 412.072.431.9 PRV –DSU –CA -10LPM -500BAR –MAN420BAR –239 -NBR PRV –DSU –CA -10 -500 –MAN420 –239 -N 412.072.432.9CriteriaUnit Value Installation position any Weightkg 0,1Surface protectiveZinc coated Maximum input pressure (P) bar 550Adjustable pressurebar 100 - 500 Maximum Tankpressure (T) bar 8 Maximum input flow rate (P) l/min 10Hydraulic fluidMineral oil (HL, HLP) conforming with DIN 51524, other fluids upon re-Hydraulic fluid pressure range °C -25 bis +80 Ambient temperature °C < +50 Viscosity rangemm2/s 2,8 - 500Contamination gradeFiltering conforming with NAS 1638, class 9, with minimum retentionPRVDSUCA10500239N000102030405060700 Product group Pressure relief valves PRV 01 Variant manual adjustable DSU 02 Port / Case Cartridgeventil CA 03 Input flow rate Qmax.10 l/min 1004 Max.permissible pressure Pmax.. 500bar50005 Activation Man ually adjustable 100-500barMAN100 06 Stepped cavity WESSEL-Patrone 8.00239 (stepped cavity) 239 07 Seal NBR, temperatur range -25°C bis +80°CNw e e n g i n e e r y o u r p r o g r e s s5 5.1 Characteristic 1: Variant DSUAdjustable pressure relief valve5.2 Characteristic 2: Port / Case: Variant CA - CartridgeAs variant CA, the valve is delivered as a cartridge valve. The Cavity has to be designed according to characteristic 6 (stepped cavity)5.3 Characteristic 3: input flow rateRecommended maximum flow rate of 10 l/min.5.4 Characteristic 4: Max.permissible pressureMaximum permissible pressure is 500bar (adjustable range100 - 500bar)5.5 Characteristic 5: Activation / SettingThe valve can be adjusted with a set screw. For this purpose, the protective cap must be removed and the counter nut undone.5.6 Characteristic 6: Stepped cavity 8.00239 (corresponds to Bucher UVP- 4)Das vorgesteuerte Druckbegrenzungsventil ist ein Cartridgebauteilund wird in eine Stufenbohrung entsprechend nebenstehender Zeichnung eingeschraubt.5.7 Characteristic 7: SealNBR, temperature range -25°C bis +80°Cw e e n g i n e e r y o u r p r o g r e s s6 Installation6.1 General information▪ Observe all installation and safety information of the construction machine / attachment tools manufacturer. ▪ Only technically permitted changes are to be made on the construction machine. ▪ The user has to ensure that the device is suitable for the respective application. ▪ Application exclusively for the range of application specified by the manufacturer. ▪ Before installation or de-installation, the hydraulic system is to be depressurized. ▪ Settings are to be made by qualified personnel only.▪ Opening is only to be performed with the approval of the manufacturer, otherwise the warranty is invalidated.6.2 Connection RecommendationsNOTE : Enclosed proposed resolution is not always guaranteed. The functionality and the technical details of the construction ma-chine must be checked.5.3 Montage – BauraumObserve connection names.Do not damage seals and flange surface. Its hydraulic system must be ventedEnsure sufficient free space for setting and installation work6.3 Installation - installation space▪ Observe connection names.▪ Do not damage seals and flange surface. ▪ Its hydraulic system must be vented▪ Ensure sufficient free space for setting and installation workCAUTION: Hydraulic hoses must not touch the pressure relief valve, otherwise they are subject to thermal damaging. Tightening torques must be observed. Torque wrench needed.77.1 General Instructions▪The views in drawings are shown in accordance with the European normal projection variant▪ A comma ( , ) is used as a decimal point in drawings ▪All dimensions are given in mm7.2 StandardsThe following standards must be observed when installing and operating the valve:▪ DIN EN ISO 13732-1:2008-12, Temperatures on accessible surfaces8 ZubehörSafety cap:。



Tell Me英文儿歌视频歌词在线看
Tell Me歌词:
Tell me tell me what it is 告诉我这是什么Tell me tell me what it is告诉我这是什么It’s a book, it’s a book 是本书It’s a book, yes it’s a book 对,是本书Tell me tell me what it is告诉我这是什么Tell me tell me what it is告诉我这是什么It’s a pen, it’s a pen 是支钢笔It’s a pen, yes it’s a pen 对,是支钢笔Tell me tell me what it is告诉我这是什么Tell me tell me what it is告诉我这是什It’s a ball it’s a ball 是个球It’s a ball, yes it’s a ball对,是个球。

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Tell Me More之安装必读
Tell Me More的安装还是很简单的。

安装之前,先装个虚拟光驱软件,建议使用Daemon Tools下载
Daemon Tools安装时要重启一次,然后继续完整个安装过程。

装好Daemon Tool s后,左键点击系统托盘中的Daemon Tools图标,选择“设备0:XXXX”,然后再选择你的Tell Me More镜像文件。

找到Daemon Tool s虚拟出来的那个光盘,运行AurLaunch下的LaunchScreen.exe即可开始安装。

接下来只要按照提示一步步完成安装过程即可,镜像文件是你一直要保留的,使用时加载即可(建议在Daemon Tools的选项中勾选“自动装载”)。



安装完Tell Me More之后,一些软件的部分窗口会出现乱码,这个问题在之前的版本中就有了(至于是从7.0版还是8.0版开始的,舍得已经记不大清了),下面舍得讲一讲解决这个问题的两种方法:
打开控制面板,运行“区域与语言选项”,切换到“高级”选项卡,然后将“中文”改成其它语言——建议使用中文(台湾)——此时要求提供一个adpp950.fon文件,定位到c:\windows\fonts 即可找到,重启系统,再次打开“区域与语言选项”,将“中文(台湾)”换回“中文”,再重启一次系统即可恢复正常。

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FontAssoc\Associated Charset]

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FontAssoc\Associated Charset 检查ANSI(00)的值是否正确。

