贝聿铭的金字塔:现代建筑与传统元素的完美融合In the vast landscape of architecture, Ieoh Ming Pei's Pyramid stands as a beacon of modernity and tradition merged into a singular masterpiece. The pyramid, a symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization, is transformed by Pei's ingenious hands into a contemporary icon, embodying the essence of both the past and the future.Born in China and educated in the West, Pei's architectural philosophy is a harmonious blend of Eastern and Western aesthetics. His pyramid, a striking feature of the Louvre Museum in Paris, is a testament to this philosophy. The structure, while seemingly simple, is actually a complex interplay of lines, angles, and spaces that create a dynamic and arresting visual experience.The pyramid's exterior is composed of glass and steel, materials that are both modern and durable. The transparent glass allows natural light to flood the interior, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The steel framework, on the other hand, provides the necessary structural support while also adding a touch of industrial elegance.Inside, the pyramid houses the museum's main entrance and elevators, connecting the underground lobby with the upper floors. The design is both functional and aesthetic, with every detail carefully considered to enhance the visitor's experience. The pyramid's interior is as impressive as its exterior, with sleek lines and open spaces that encourage exploration and discovery.Pei's pyramid is not just a building; it is a work of art that challenges the conventions of architecture. It stands as a reminder of the power of creativity and innovation, even in the face of historical and cultural constraints. The pyramid's ability to blend the ancient with the modern, the traditional with the contemporary, is a testament to Pei's exceptional talent and vision.Moreover, the pyramid serves as a bridge between the Louvre's rich historical collections and the modern world. It welcomes visitors from all over the world, inviting them to embark on a journey through time and culture. In this way, Pei's pyramid not only enhances the Louvre's identity but also contributes to its global significance.In conclusion, Ieoh Ming Pei's pyramid is a masterpiece of modern architecture that successfully incorporates traditional elements. It is a symbol of Pei's unique vision and his ability to create structures that are both visually stunning and functionally efficient. The pyramid stands asa testament to the power of architecture to connect thepast with the future, the traditional with the modern, andto inspire us all to see the world in a new and exciting way.**贝聿铭的金字塔:现代建筑与传统元素的完美融合** 在建筑学的广阔天地中,贝聿铭的金字塔作为现代与传统完美融合的杰出作品,熠熠生辉。
1940年,麻省理工学院「阿尔法罗池奖章」(MIT Alpha Rho Chi Medal)1940年,麻省理工学院游学奖学金(MIT Traveling Fellowship)贝聿铭
1940年,麻省理工学院「建筑师学会奖章」(MIT AIA Medal)1951年,惠尔赖特游学奖学金(Wheelwright Traveling Fellowship)1975年,获选为美国艺术文学院(The American Academy of Arts and Letters)终生院士1978至80年,当选为美国艺术文学院首位建筑师背景的院长1979年,罗德岛设计学院(Rhode Island School of Design)校长院士1984年,成为法兰西艺术院(L'Académie des Beaux-Arts de France)外籍院士1993年,获选为英国皇家艺术学院(the Royal Academy of Arts)名誉院士1997年,获选为法国建筑学院(L'Académie d'Architecture de France)海外院士
1974年- 1978年国家美术馆东馆,华盛顿
中国著名建筑师贝聿铭全英文介绍Ieoh Ming Pei
•During World War Ⅱ, he served on the National defense Research Commission at Princeton, and from 1945 to 1948, taught at Harvard. In 1948 he accepted the newly created post of director of Architecture at Webb & Knapp, Inc., the real estate development firm, and this association resulted in major architectural and planning projects in Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh and other cities. In 1958, he formed the partnership of I. M. Pei & Associates, which became I. M. Pei & Parteners in 1966.
2003 National Design Award: Lifetime Achievement Award)
2003 Henry C. Turner Prize(for Innovation in Construction Technology)
2006 Orient und Okzident Preis 2009 英国RIBA皇家金质奖章
Study & Work
• He came to the United States in 1935 to study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (B. Arch. 1940) and the Harvard Graduate School of Design (M. Arch. 1946).
英语任务a贝聿铭的百年建筑人生答案英Architect’s work will live on 贝聿铭的百年建筑人生Most architects hope to add to the character of a city, but Ieoh Ming Pei, one of the world’s best-known architects, changed many cities around the world with his iconic designs. The JFK Presidential Library in Boston, US (1979), the Louvre Pyramid in Paris (1989), the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong (1990) and the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar (2008), are just a few of his many creations.大多数建筑师都希望为一座城市的特性锦上添花,但全球闻名的建筑大师贝聿铭却用其标志性的设计改变了世界各地的众多城市。
The man behind these landmark buildings died on May 16, at age 102. US author and critic Paul Goldberger called Pei’s death “the end of an architectural era” on the Instagram social network. “... A sad moment, but a career – and a life –worthy of celebration,” he wrote.作为这些地标性建筑背后的建筑师,贝聿铭于5月16日逝世,享年102岁。
世界著名的建筑设计师----贝聿铭贝聿铭,美籍华人,祖籍苏州,世界著名的建筑设计师,Pei,Cobb,Freed &Partners,Architects总建筑师麻省理工学院建筑学士,哈佛大学建筑硕士,香港中文大学荣誉法学博士,宾州大学荣誉博士,Renssselaler Polytechnic Institute荣誉艺术博士,上海同济大学荣誉教授,香港大学荣誉博士;曾任:全美人文委员会委员,美国艺术与科学学院院士,美国学院院士,美国艺术与文学学院院长,罗德岛设计学院士,美国艺术委员会会员,法国学院海外院士,英国皇家艺术学院荣誉院士。
• 在贝聿铭设计的那么多的建筑物中, • 1 华盛顿国家艺术馆东大厅1974年 - 1978年国家美术馆东馆,华盛顿 • 2 香山饭店1982,
• 3 贝聿铭还应法国总统密特朗的邀请,完成了法国巴黎拿破仑广场的
卢浮宫的扩建设计。使这个拥有埃菲尔铁塔等世界建筑奇迹的国度也 为之倾倒。这项工程完工后,卢浮宫成为世界上最大的博物馆。人们
• 美术馆的开掘经过了精心的安排。为了最大限度地保护自 然坡面和树木生长,人们修了专门的隧道,并搭建了一系 列平台,用以减少对周围水土和植物的影响。在美术馆的 填土过程中,精心设计了一道防震墙,墙高20多米,将地 下二层的建筑与山体岩石隔开,经过覆盖,几年后山上的 原始风貌已经恢复,自然景观完好如初。
三五年他远渡重洋,到美国留学。父亲原来希望他留学英国学习金融,但他 没有遵从父命,而是依自己的爱好进入美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学攻读建筑系
1974年 - 1978
• • • • • •
其实,在约翰•肯尼迪图书馆建成的前一年--一九七八年,华盛顿 国家艺术馆东馆的设计建造成功,便已奠定贝聿铭作为世界级建筑大 师的地位了。当时的美国总统卡特在「东馆」的开幕仪式上称,“它 不但是华盛顿市和谐而周全的一部份,而且是公众生活与艺术情趣之 间日益增强联系的象征。”称贝聿铭是“不可多得的杰出建筑师”。 「东馆」的地理位置十分显要。它东望国会大厦,西望白宫。而它所占有的 地形却是使建筑师们颇难处理的不规则四边形。为了使这座建筑物能够同周 围环境构成高度谐调的景色,贝聿铭精心构思,创造性地把不同高度,不同 形状的平台、楼梯、斜坡和廊柱交错相连,给人以变幻莫测的感觉。阳光透 过蜘蛛网似的天窗,从不同的角度射入,自成一幅美丽的图画。这座费时十 年,耗资近亿美元建成的「东馆」,被誉为“现代艺术与建筑充满创意的结 合”。
参考资料 1 苑文凯老师作《华裔建筑大师贝聿铭的设计之路》专业讲座 .江苏建筑职业技术学院建筑装饰 学院[引用日期2022-12-12] 2 贝聿铭 .中国工程院[引用日期2022-12-12] 3 贝聿铭:寿终百年,而他的作品将 屹立不朽 .新民晚报[引用日期2022-12-12] 4 贝聿铭、贝礼中父子的“香港情结” .新华社百家号[引用日期 2022-12-12] 5 谷建芬、林书豪等获“2019全球华侨华人年度人物” .新京报[引用日期2022-12-12] 6 2019全 球华侨华人年度人物——贝聿铭 .中国侨网[引用日期2022-12-12] 7 5位建筑师眼中的贝聿铭 .新京报[引用日 期2022-12-12] 8 贝聿铭:现代与传统、东方与西方的跨越者 .新京报[引用日期2022-12-12] 9 Ieoh Ming Pei .American Academy of Arts and Sciences[引用日期2022-12-12] 10 华裔建筑大师贝聿铭去世,留下了 传奇故事和作品 .新京报百家号[引用日期2022-12-12] 11 华裔建筑大师贝聿铭去世,享年102岁!他用一生为 世界留下传奇设计 .厦门日报百家号[引用日期2022-12-12] 12 《贝聿铭与一座古城(精编版)》 .中央广播电 视总台[引用日期2022-12-12] 13 贝聿铭的中国情结 .新京报[引用日期2022-12-12] 14 贝聿铭自述:建筑是艺 术和历史的融合 .新京报[引用日期2022-12-12] 15 102岁,富十五代,一图揭秘贝聿铭传奇一生 .新京报[引 用日期2022-12-12] 16 About | I.M. Pei Foundation .I.M. Pei Foundation[引用日期2022-12-12] 17 学院简 介 .同济大学建筑与城市规划学院[引用日期2022-12-12] 18 Profiling Ieoh Ming Pei | China's Best-Known Architect .Theculture Trip[引用日期2022-12-12] 19 关于提名中国工程院外籍院士候选人的通知 .中国工程 院......
The Genius of I. M. Pei: Architecture's EternalLegacyIn the annals of architecture, few names resonate with such grandeur and influence as I. M. Pei. Born in China in 1917, Pei's journey to becoming one of the most renowned architects of the 20th century was anything but conventional. His story is a tapestry of hard work, perseverance, and an unwavering dedication to his craft.Pei's early life was marked by a profound interest in art and design. His parents, both accomplished scholars, encouraged him to pursue his passions, and he soon found himself immersed in the world of architecture. After graduating from Shanghai's Jiao Tong University with a degree in engineering, Pei immigrated to the United States, where he further honed his skills at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Design.It was during this time that Pei's unique architectural philosophy began to take shape. He was deeply influenced by the principles of modernism, which emphasized simplicity, functionality, and harmony with the natural world. Pei believed that architecture should not just be about formand function, but also about creating spaces that were both beautiful and meaningful.Pei's career was marked by a series of groundbreaking projects that showcased his exceptional talent and vision. One of his earliest and most famous works is the Louvre Pyramid in Paris. Commissioned by the French government in 1983, the project was a controversial one, as Pei's design departed significantly from the Louvre's classical facade. However, the Pyramid's successful integration into the Parisian landscape and its ability to draw in millions of visitors every year have since vindicated Pei's vision.Another notable project is the John F. Kennedy Libraryin Boston. Completed in 1979, the library's design is a testament to Pei's mastery of both form and function. The building's bold geometry and use of reflective glass notonly complement its surrounding landscape but also create a serene and contemplative space that honors Kennedy's legacy. Pei's legacy is not just about his individual projects, however. His influence extends to the next generation of architects and designers, who have been inspired by his dedication to his craft and his belief in thetransformative power of architecture. His work has also been recognized with numerous awards and accolades, including the Pritzker Architecture Prize, which is considered the Nobel Prize of architecture.In conclusion, I. M. Pei's life and work are a testament to the power of vision, perseverance, and dedication. His legacy will forever be etched in the annals of architecture, serving as a beacon of inspiration for generations of designers and architects who come after him. His belief in the transformative power of architecture and his commitment to creating spaces that are both beautiful and meaningful have left an indelible mark on the world, and his influence will undoubtedly continue to resonate for centuries to come.**贝聿铭:建筑界的永恒传奇**在建筑史上,鲜有人的名字能如贝聿铭(I. M. Pei)般散发出如此宏伟与深远的影响。
贝聿铭贝聿铭,美籍华人,祖籍苏州,世界著名的建筑设计师,Pei,Cobb,Freed &Partners,Architects 总建筑师麻省理工学院建筑学士,哈佛大学建筑硕士,香港中文大学荣誉法学博士,宾州大学荣誉博士,Renssselaler Polytechnic Institute荣誉艺术博士,上海同济大学荣誉教授,香港大学荣誉博士;曾任:全美人文委员会委员,美国艺术与科学学院院士,美国学院院士,美国艺术与文学学院院长,罗德岛设计学院士,美国艺术委员会会员,法国学院海外院士,英国皇家艺术学院荣誉院士。
贝聿铭 英文
• The architectural work of Ieoh Ming Pei is truly phenomenal to behold.. • Pei’s work can be seen all over the world, and experiencing his staggering and sometimes controversial works first-hand is a must. You may only get to see one or two of his inspirational designs, but for architectural enthusiasts, all inclusive holidays such as a Pei-themed round the world trip could provide the travel experience of a lifetime.
Design concept(设计理念)
People generally think that architecture architectures architectural design has three features: one is the architecture model and environment natural melting. The second is the treatment of space show originality. The third is building materials fastidious and building interior design is exquisite. These features in the "east house" design has been fully embodied. The general architectures works, he is since industrial revolution of modern urban added light, can say with The Times lockstep. In 1988, bei yuming decided not to accept the large-scale construction engineering, but to deliberately choose small buildings, his design of the building height also more and more low. That is more and more close to the horizon, I think this is the natural regression. Beauty show art gallery more clearly shows the old age to Oriental artistic architectures, especially the hometown the distant scenery - China landscape ideal landscape Jing grip. Japan's critics speak well, this work marks in the long architectures construction career a new milestone.
• 一九七九年,贝聿铭接受了香山饭店的设计 工作。他以一贯的认真细致的作风不但多次 到香山勘察地形、攀登峰顶、俯览周围环境 。而且不辞劳苦地走访了北京、南京、扬州 、苏州、承德等地。考察当地的大建筑和园 林。最后采取了建筑一系列不规则院落的布 局方式,使它与周围的水光山色,参天古树 融为一体。因此,这座新建的香山饭店,外 貌似很普通,初看似乎貌不惊人,但是愈看 就愈会感到她轻妆淡抹的自然美。与过去设 计的那些摩天大厦相比,香山饭店的规模不 算大。但是贝聿铭说「香山饭店在我的设计 生涯中占有重要的位置。我下的功夫比在国 外设计有的建筑高出十倍」。他还说「我们 不能每有新建筑都往外看,中国建筑的根还 在,还可以发芽。当然,光寻历史的根还是 不够的,还要现代化。有了好的根可以插枝 ,把新的东西,能用的东西,接到老根上。 从香山饭店的设计,我企图探索一条新的道 路:在一个现代化的建筑物上,体现出中国 民族建筑艺术的精华」。
• 真正使贝聿铭声名远扬,跻身于世 界级建筑大师行列的是对约翰肯尼 迪图书馆的设计和 建造。为纪念已 故美国总统约翰· 肯尼迪,决定在波 士顿港口建造一座永久性建筑物- -约翰· 肯尼迪图书馆。起初,肯尼 迪家族在一大群应选的一流建筑师 中没有太注意贝聿铭这位「初生之 犊」,但当他生动地 描述了根据建 筑场地所作的设计、建筑材料的选 用、以及如何赋予这座建筑物以特 殊的目的和意义之后,深深地获得 了肯尼迪遗孀杰奎林的激赏。她断 言:“贝聿铭的唯美世界无人可与 之相比。”这座建造了十五年之久 。于一九七九年落成的图书馆,由 于设计新颖、造型大胆、技术高超 ,在美国建筑界引起轰动。被公认 是美国建筑史上最佳杰作之一。
• 澳门科技馆
• 中国驻美国大使馆办公楼,位于美 国首都华盛顿西北区。 北临梵奈斯 大街,西临国际街,南侧是国际路 和中央公园。使馆办公楼建筑设计 和规划遵循中国传统建筑原理,并 融入现代建筑风格。入口大堂的正 南居中、室内外空间的次序条理以 及庭园的巧妙运用从整体上达到了 建筑与园林之间的和谐。使馆新办 公楼分为三部分:西部办公区、东 部办公区和连接东西区的中部入口 大堂。入口大堂造型独特,其鲜明 的现代建筑造型是中国驻美国大使 馆的标志。景观设计是中国驻美国 大使馆办公楼建筑设计的重要组成 部分。驻美大使馆新办公楼由国际 著名建筑大师贝聿铭设计,由中国建 筑人员施工建造。。
——贝聿铭I.M.Pei and his most iconic buildings建筑大师贝聿铭安徽王涛涛1Born in China,I.M.Pei (1917—2019)grew up in Suzhouand Shanghai before deciding to move to the United States to studyarchitecture.Pei was praised for giving “this century some of itsmost beautiful interior (内部的)spaces and exterior forms ”,said the jury of the Pritzker Architecture Prize,which he received in 1983.Below are four of his most iconic buildings.●Le Grande Louvre2In 1981,the newly elected French president,François Mitterrand,launched a cam⁃paign to renovate cultural institutions throughout France.One of the most advantageous ofthose projects was the renovation and remodeling of the Louvre.In 1983,after touring Eu⁃rope and the United States,President Mitterrand commissioned Chinese ⁃American archi⁃tect I.M.Pei.It was the first time that a foreign architect had been enlisted to work in Le Grande Louvre.●Bank of China Tower3When commissioned to design the Bank of China Tower on an intricate inland site,I.M.Pei was requested to create an unavoidably tall unique headquarters in a typhoon ⁃prone region that would represent the aspirations of the Chinese people.The solution as⁃similates architecture and engineering simultaneously,involving an asymmetrical tower that stands against both the skyline and the street.●Suzhou Museum4Founded in 1960and originally located in the Zhongwang Mansion of theTaipingHeavenly Kingdom(太平天国),Suzhou Museum has been a highly⁃regarded museum with a number of significant Chinese cultural relics.The new Suzhou Museum designed by I.M. Pei was completed in October2006.Not only does the museum become a monumental (意义深远的)design building in Suzhou,but also a significant construction,merging the traditional southern Chinese architecture style and modern aesthetics.●JFK Presidential Library5In1963,then President John F.Kennedy viewed possible sites for a presidential li⁃brary and museum to be built in his name.After several years,the John F.Kennedy Presi⁃dential Library was finally finished and dedicated on October20,1979.Architect I.M.Pei s signature geometric shapes of concrete steel and glass created an appropriate stately monu⁃mentality.A juxtaposition(并置)of spaces and light quality along with a defined and clear circulation(循环)creates a logical story⁃line of its namesake.ReadingCheckⅠ.Choose the best answers according to the textDetail 1.What can we learn about I.M.Pei from the text?A.He was born in Suzhou on May26,1917.B.He studied architecture both at home and abroad.C.He won the Pritzker Architecture Prize for Le Grande Louvre.D.He preferred concrete steel and glass in his design. Detail 2.Which building requires to show the willingness of the Chinese people?A.Le Grande Louvre.B.Bank of China Tower.C.Suzhou Museum.D.JFK Presidential Library. Detail 3.Which building best suits people who enjoy both traditional and mod⁃ern Chinese aesthetics?A.Le Grande Louvre.B.Bank of China Tower.C.Suzhou Museum.D.JFK Presidential Library. Inference 4.In which column is this text likely to appear?A.Adventures.B.Celebrities.C.Current affairs.D.Historic events.Ⅱ.DiscussionDo you agree with the author s attitude towards cultural confidence?And how to estab⁃lish your own cultural confidence?LanguageStudyComplete the following phrases according to the text 1.充满be of2.工业区park3.拆毁down 4.阐明light on 5.文化自信cultural 6.世界各地allthe worldⅡ.DiscussionWhat other great famous Chinese architects and their designs do you know?Pleasesearch for more information about them and share it with your classmates.Language StudyⅠ.Discover the useful structure in the textnot only...but (also)...意为“不仅……而且……”,用来连接两个表示并列关系的成分,also 可以省略。
【名人故事】华裔建筑设计第一人贝聿铭贝聿铭(Ieoh Ming Pei)是一位华裔建筑设计师,被誉为世界上最伟大的建筑师之一。
1991 First Award for Excellence
1994 Bezalel Academy of Art and Design
Jerusalem Prize for Arts and Letters
2003 National Design Award: Lifetime Achievement Award)
2003 Henry C. Turner Prize(for Innovation in Construction Technology)
2006 Orient und Okzident Preis 2009 英国RIBA皇家金质奖章
•During World War Ⅱ, he served on the National defense Research Commission at Princeton, and from 1945 to 1948, taught at Harvard. In 1948 he accepted the newly created post of director of Architecture at Webb & Knapp, Inc., the real estate development firm, and this association resulted in major architectural and planning projects in Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh and other cities. In 1958, he formed the partnership of I. M. Pei & Associates, which became I. M. Pei & Parteners in 1966.
贝聿铭(Ie oh Mi ng Pe i)(1917-)美籍华人建筑师,生于广州,其父是中国银行创始人之一贝祖怡。
Pei works to public buildings, the main cultural and educational buildings, is classified as a Modernist building, use of steel, concrete, glass and stone. Father Bezu Yi served as president of the Central Bank of the Republic of China, Bank of China is one of the founders
Pei's architectural style
Construction industry generally believe that Pei's architectural design has three characteristics: First, the architectural style and the natural environment in which to melt. Second, the spatial processing originality. Third, building materials and elegant interior design sophistication. These features in "East Hall" design has been fully reflected. Throughout Pei's work, he added a brilliant modern city since the industrial revolution, it can be said is consistent with the pace of the times. By 1988, Pei decided not to accept large-scale construction projects, but instead carefully selected small-scale buildings, building height he designed are getting lower and lower
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About Mr.Pei
I want to be an architect.
About Mr.Pei
• • • • Education: University of Pennsylvania Massachusetts Institute of Technology Harvard University
• The design that Pei developed for the Bank of China Tower was not only unique in appearance, but also sound enough to pass the city‘s rigorous standards for wind-resistance. • The tower was planned around a visible truss(束、捆) structure, which distributed stress to the four corners of the base(to make it stable) • Using the reflective glass that had become something of a trademark for him, Pei organized the facade(表 面) around a series of X shapes. At the top, he designed the roofs at sloping angles to match the rising aesthetic of the building.
• One of the great achievements in his career: In 1983 he was awarded the Pritzker Prize, sometimes called theNobel Prize of architecture. • "His magnificent designs have challenged engineers to devise innovative structural solutions, and his exacting expectations for construction quality have encouraged contractors to achieve high standards."
Reason for Pei to design
• Pei said, “suzhou is surrounded by water. Water is everywhere. It‘s a very poetic place. But most important, I think when you look at suzhou you have to think of Suzhou as a city that is 2,500 years old. Built of wood ,tile and brick. So this is a small-scale city. It is a human-scale city. And it is a city for life, for people living there. And as such, I think the museum hnd at the same time we have to think about ' change '. Suzhou cannot remain like this forever. It has to have a chance to renew itself -- to become modern.“ 贝聿铭说:“苏州市三面环水,水是无处不在,这是一个很有诗意的地方, 但最重要的,我觉得当你看苏州,你要想到苏州作为一个城市,2500岁。用 木头建造的建成瓦和砖,所以这是一个小规模的城市,它是一个以人为尺度 的城市,它是一个城市的生活,为生活在那里的人,正因为如此,我觉得博 物馆有反映这一传统并在同一时间,我们不得不考虑“改变”苏州不能保持 像这样永远它有一个机会来恢复自己 ——成为现代“
• In order to create garden atmosphere, Pei has chosen trees carefully.There is a bamboo court and pine trees . And all these plants in the museum have the same meaning like that of Suzhou traditional gardens. • 为了营造花园氛围,贝聿铭选择树木很仔细。 有竹院和松树。在博物 馆里,这些植物具有和苏州古典园林相同的含义。
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Ieoh Ming Pei, the 1983 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, is a founding partner of I. M. Pei & Partners based in New York City.
He was born in China in 1917, the son of a prominent banker. He came to the United States in 1935 to study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (B. Arch. 1940) and the Harvard Graduate School of Design (M. Arch. 1946). As a student, he was awarded the MIT Traveling Fellowship, and the Wheelwright Traveling Fellowship at Harvard. later, In 1982, the deans of the architectural schools of the United Sates chose I. M. Pei as the best designer of significant non-residential structures.
Pei is currently a member of the National Council on the Arts, and previously served on the National Council on the Humanities. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, and an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters (of which he served a term as Chancellor), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Design. He is a member of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
the fantastic building built for the Bank of China in Asia’s city that never sleeps. The asymmetrical tower provides over 130,000 square meters of office space for the Bank of China, in a stunning building which is both practical and beautiful. Working to a tight budget of just $130 million Pei used all his architectural guile to produce this wonder.
It is the Paris’most famous museum and attracted no small amount of criticism when Pei’s design for a glass pyramid for the entrance was initially approved. The final construction is not only an impressive structure but also acts as a huge skylight for the museum’s central location, which leads to three separate wings. The perfect end to a Pei world tour of architecture in the city of love.
The architectural work of leoh Ming Pei is truly phenomenal to behold..
Pei’s work can be seen all over the world, and experiencing his staggering and sometimes controversial works first-hand is a must. You may only get to see one or two of his inspirational designs, but for architectural enthusiasts, all inclusive holidays such as a Pei-themed round the world trip could provide the travel experience of a lifetime.。