商务翻译Unit 11 商务报告.ppt
中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 11 Business Reception.ppt
![中职教育-国际商务英语口语口译课件:Unit 11 Business Reception.ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5b170e3d69dc5022abea007f.png)
<1> 扎实的语言基本功。良好的英语修养和扎实的汉语基本功是一名 优秀的译员应具备的基本素质,掌握英汉两种语言的结构和语用等特 点和语码转换规律,具有快速、准确地组织词句的能力。尤其是译员 的听力理解能力,这是口译成败的一个关键因素,也是一名译员的综合 语言和知识水平的反映。在口译过程中,影响听力理解的因素有六个: 口音、语感、词汇量、知识面、注意力以及音量与干扰。英语是世界 性的大语种,口音因地而异,不尽相同,有些连英美人自己都听不清 楚。译员不仅会接触到标准规范的英语,也会接触到非标准、非规范 的英语;译员必须在平时就注意多听一些英语的口音、方言及变体, 注意总结其特点和规律,并学会逻辑推理和判断话语的上下文关系, 正确判断说话人所要传达的意思,领会其话语隐含意义。
<2> 交替传译(consecutive interpreting):口译员坐在会议室里,一面 听源语讲话,一面记笔记。当讲话者发言结束或停下来等候传译的时 候,口译员用清楚、自然的目的语,准确、完整地重新表达源语发言 的全部信息内容,就像自己在演讲一样。会议口译中的交替传译要求 口译员能够听取长达五至十分钟连续不断的讲话,并运用良好的演讲 技巧,完整、准确地译出全部内容。
此次访问扩大了我们之间的贸易合作,加强了我们之间的了解和友谊。我们深深 希望,我们的合作会变得更加广泛,深入到生活的各个方面,包括商业、文化、教育及 科研领域。
特点 口译要求译者具有较高的驾驭英语和汉语的能力、多学科的知识和认真
负责的工作态度。与笔译相比,口译还具有一些不同的特点。一方面, 说话者的声音、语调、表情及肢体语言都有助于译员理解说话内容和说 话者的感情色彩;另一方面,口译的过程是体现译者运用综合能力的过 程,主要包括口译者的听力、记忆力、口头表达力、快速反应能力、语 言能力、知识储备量等。不仅如此,由于口译速度是笔译的数倍,甚至 数十倍,且要一次成形,所以口译者还必须具备良好的心理素质。而且, 口译者必须在短时间内独立完成工作,无法求助他人或参考资料。这些 都是口译的不利因素,增加了口译工作的难度。
Now we have our own truck to transport the building materials on the construction site. The expenditure of the department would be lower. This would enable the company to operate more smoothly.
Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8
Report On An Event Date of report:23-Sept-2008
To the board of directors: With the fund granted for the purchasing of a truck of the
II. 试把下列撰写商务报告的七个步骤译成汉语。(2)
4. the introduction: state the subject, state the purpose, summarize your findings 写导言:说明事由、目的以及总结发现的成果。
Sec 1 Sec 3
I. 试把下列商务报告的四个写作阶段译成汉语。 collect information plan the structure write the draft proofread and edit
Unit 11
Business Reports
Business Reports
知识目标: 1. 了解商务报告的基本知识 2. 掌握商务报告的语言特点及其常用翻译技巧 3. 熟悉定语从句的翻译方法
能力目标: 1. 能够正确翻译商务报告中的常见词汇、语句和段落 2. 能够运用所学翻译技巧熟练地翻译各类常见商务报告 3. 能够较为熟练地翻译各类定语从句
Sec 7
Sec 8
I. 商务报告的语言特点(1)
Sec 1
Sec 2
准确;结构上要求语篇完整,布局合理;文体上讲究风格自然, 语言正式。有
Sec 4
Now we have our own truck to transport the building materials on the construction site. The expenditure of the department would be lower. This would enable the company to operate more smoothly.
Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8
Report On An Event Date of report:23-Sept-2008
To the board of directors: With the fund granted for the purchasing of a truck of the
Letter-1Dear Sirs, We recently attended the International Photographic Exhibition in Cairo and were impressed by the high quality, attractive design and reasonable prices of your cameras. Having since seen your full catalogue, we are convinced that there is a promising market for your products here in the Damascus. If you are not already represented here, we should be interested in acting as your sole agent. As leading importers and distributors of more than 20 years’ standing in the photographic trade, we have a good knowledge of the Damascus market. Through our sales organization, we have good contacts with the leading retailers. We handle several other agencies in non-computing lines and, if our proposal interests you, can supply first-class references from manufactures in Britain. We firmly believed that an agency for marketing your products in Damascus would be of considerable benefit to both of us, and we look forward to learning that you are interested in our proposal. Mr. Salim Abdulla, our Purchasing Director, will be in Birmingham during May and will be pleased to call you if we hear from you positively.Letter-2Thank you for your letter of 5th April and for your comments on our cameras. We are still a young company, but expanding rapidly. At present our overseas representation is confined to countries IN Western Europe, where our cameras are selling well. However, we are interested in the chance of developing our trade further a field. When your Mr. Salim Abdulla is in Birmingham, we should certainly like to meet him with a view to discussing your proposal further. If Mr. Abdulla will get in touch with me to arrange a meeting, I can also arrange him to look around our factory and see for himself the quality of the materials and workmanship put into our cameras.Letter-3Dear Sirs, We understood from our neighbors, Firma Karl Brandt, that you have conducted your past buying of hardware in the German market through Firma Neymeyer and Schmidt of Bremen, and that in view of the collapse of their business you now require a reliable agent to take their places. We are well-known to manufacturers of hardware in this country and believed we have the experience and connections necessary to meet your needs. We therefore would like to offer our services as your buying agent in Germany. Before transferring our business to Germany we had many years, can promise you unrivaled services in matters of prices, discounts and freights. As Firms Brandt has promised to write recommending us to you, we should like to summarize the terms w should be willing to accept if we acted for you: 1. We are to have complete freedom in placing orders. 2. All purchases to be made on your behalf and in your name. 3. All accounts to be passed to you for settlement direct with supplier. 4. Commission, as 5 per cent payable quarterly, to be allowed on CIF values of all shipments. 5. You will have full benefit of the very favorable terms we have arranged with the shipping companies, and of any special rates we may obtain for insurance. We hope you will accept our offer and look forward to receiving your decision very soon.Letter-4Letter-4 Amoy International Trading Co., Ltd. 1 Binhai Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China Tel: (5092) 500 0000 Fax: (0592) 500 0001 Postal Code: 361000 29 October, 20- The Nile Trading Co., Ltd. 256 Pyramids Street, Alexandria, Eypt Dear Sirs, We were pleased to learn from your letter of 22 October that you are willing to accept an agency for marketing our goods in Egypt. Set out below are the terms discussed and agreed with your Mr. Johnson when he called here earlier this month, but before drafting the formal agreement we should like you to confirm them. 1. The agency to operate as from 1 January 2005 for a period of 3 years, subject to renewal. 2. The agency to be a sole agency for marketing our goods in Egypt 3. No sales of competing products to be made in Egypt either on your own account or on account of any other firm or company. 4. All customers’ orders to be transmitted t o us immediately for supply direct.5. Credit terms not to be given or promised to any customers without our express consent.6. All the goods supplied to be invoiced by us direct to customers with copies to you.7. A commission of 5%, based on FOB value of all goods shipped to Egypt, whether on orders placed through you or not, payable at the end of each quarter.8. A special del credere commission of 2.5% to be added.9. Customers to settle their accounts with us direct, and a statement to be sent to you at the end of each month of all payments received by us. 10. All questions of difference arising under agreement to be referred to arbitration. I shall be glad if you will kindly confirm these terms. A formal agreement will then be drafted and copies sent for your signature.Letter-5Dear Sirs, We understand that you deal in stationery and related products, and would like to know if you are interested in marketing our products in your country on a commission basis. We are a large and old-established firm specializing in the manufacture of stationery of all kinds, and our products sell well in many parts of the world. The enclosed catalogue will show you the wide range of our products, for which enquires suggest a promising market for many of them waiting for development in your country. If you are interested in our proposal please let us know which of our products are most likely to appeal to your customers, and also terms for commission and other charges on which you would be willing to represent us. We should be grateful if you could give us some idea of the market prospects for our products and suggest ways in which we could help you to develop the market. We hope to hear favourably from you soon.Letter-6Dear Sirs,I read with interest your letter of 4th January enclosing a copy of your catalogue and inviting me to undertake the marketing of your products in New Zealand.Provided we can agree on terms and conditions, I shall be pleased to accept your offer.I already represent R. Mackenzie & Sons in office equipment. As my customer includes many of the principal dealers in New Zealand, I am sure they would provide a promising outlet for stationery and related products of the kind described in your catalogue.I expect to be in London during July and would like to take the opportunity to sidcuss arrangements with you in detail. In the meantime, I suggest the following terms and conditionsas the basis for a formal agreement:1. All goods supplied to be invoiced direct to buyers, with copies sent to me.2. Accounts to be made up and statements sent to me monthly, in duplicate, for distribution tobuyers.3. An agency commission of 2.5% to be payable on net amounts invoiced.4. A del credere commission of 2.5% in return for my guarantee of payments due on all accounts.As initial expenses of introducing your products are likely to be heavy, I feel it reasonable to be heavy, I feel it reasonable to suggest an agreement extending over at least 3 years, though this it is a matter we can discuss when we meet.I shall be glad to learn that you are in general agreement with these suggestions.Letter-7Dear Kennedy,We would like to request your consideration of some revision in our present rate of commission. The request may strike in our total commission.Marketing your goods has proved to be more difficult than could have been expected when we undertook to present you. Since then, German and American competitors have entered the market and firmly established themselves. Consequently, We have been able to maintain our position in the market only by enlarging our force of sales staff and increasing our expenditure on advertising. We are quite willing to incur the additional expense and even to increase it still further because we firmly believe that the required effort will result in increasing business. However, we do not feel we should be expected to bear the whole of the additional cost without some form of compensation. After carefully calculating the increase in our selling costs, we suggest an increase in the rate of commission by, say, 2%.You have always been considerate in your dealing with us and we know we can rely on you to consider our present request with understanding.Letter-8Dear Mr. Green, Thank you for your Letter-22nd June. We noted the unexpected problems presented by your competitors and appreciate the extra efforts you have made with such satisfactory results. We feel sure that, in the long run, the high quality of our goods and the very competitive prices at which they are offered will ensure steadily increasing sales despite the competition from other manufacturers. At the same time we realize that, in the short term, this competition must be met by more active advertising and agree that it would not be reasonable to expect you to bear the full cost. To increase commission would be difficult as our prices leave us with only a very small profit. Instead, we propose to allow you an advertising credits of £500 in the c urrent year towards your additional costs, this amount to be reviewed in 6 months’ time and adjusted according to circumstances. We hope you will be happy with this arrangement and look forward to you confirmation.。
C-E Interpretation (Passage 2)
人均收入与文化产品进出口的相关度高,中国发 展机遇重大。
本句翻译应进行词性转换,相关性高应理解为紧 密相关,即closely related, 机遇重大应为重大机遇,即a great opportunity
C-E Interpretation (Passage 2)
C-E Interpretation (Passage 1)
正如美国学者沃尔夫所言,“文化、娱乐——而不是 那些看上去更实在的汽车制造、钢铁、金融服务业— —正在迅速成为新的全球经济增长的驱动力。” 本句中需要把引言重新译回英文,译文要符合英文的 语言习惯,可使用强调句结构“It’s culture and entertainment——not....that have quickly become the driving force for global economic development. 句中更实在的是指有形的,应译为tangible,驱动力 应译为driving force
其中出口增长最大,导致高收入经济体从1994年出 口值是所有其他国家的11倍,降低到2003年大约 是其他国家的五倍。
本句翻译仍需进行词性转换,出口增长最大可译为 export has seen the greatest increase,后面两个 分句中涉及到倍数关系,译成英文时应避免使用复 杂的从句,因此导致最好译为as a result,两个分 句之间可用对照状语从句连词while连接。
net exporter of cultural products 文化产品净出口国 geographical feature 地域分布 ICIF International Cultrual Industries Fair文博会 go global 走出去 intermediary organizations 中介组织 establish a mature sales network and distribution channels 建立和完善销售网络和发行渠道
商务英语写作实务课件Unit 11
![商务英语写作实务课件Unit 11](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/348d91ed2cc58bd63086bd08.png)
Section Three Situation Writing
Situation 1
You want to be a regional retailer for TST Trading Co., Ltd.. You have to send a fax to the company to ask for a catalogue and price list. Complete the following fax according to the Chinese provided.
Joyce Lee
Lion Incorporated Ref. No.:
□Urgent □Please Reply
□For Review □Please Comment
□Please Reply □Please Recycle
Alice James
1 Mar. 19, 2012
Dear Ms. Stuart, We are currently seeking a venue for this year’s sales convention, scheduled for June. Please provide full information about the convention facilities which your hotel offers, and the charges for them. We expect upwards of 80 delegates. Your early response will be appreciated.
Unit 11(商务英语阅读教程1)ppt课件
![Unit 11(商务英语阅读教程1)ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2738c656680203d8cf2f24bb.png)
7.尽管滥用脆弱的环境具有潜在的灾难性后果,许多公司在 涉及环保问题时还是不愿去做领路先锋。
8.虽然充斥着那么多通常由记者和官方数据编制的令人费解 的信息,消费者却在苦精恼选,202向1版人课件寻求他们需要的信息和答11 案。
1. What is “biomimicry”? Please relate the definition with a specific example.
2. Find an example of eco-friendly company and prepare to give a presentation in class.
3. Read Text B
Text B: The Wellness Boom
Structure Part I:Helping consumers to lead healthy lifestyles
is becoming a big business. 1. Case of Canyon Ranch 2. Competitiveness of the wellness industry 3. Case of Revolution Part II:Doing well by helping you feel good: 1.The reasons for the rise of the wellness industry 2.The difficulties many wellness firms facing
4. What are the reasons behind the rise of the wellness industry?
商务英语谈判 unit 11
![商务英语谈判 unit 11](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/73053cea0c22590102029d2a.png)
Part One
Situational Practice
You are selling tea to a wholesaler form America. He has ordered a total of $6,000 worth of your tea. Now, he is making sure the tea is absolutely damp-proof and suitably packed. You explain to him the kind of materials you use when packing the tea and the size and type of the boxes you use.
Part Four
BEC Focus
Speaking Test Part One: Interlocutor’s Questions:
Business Topics:
• What kind of facilities do you think hotels ought to provide for business people? (Why?) • Should companies pay for their staff to stay in expensive hotels on business trips? (Why/ Why not?) • Do you think business travels are necessary for companies? (Why / Why not?) • Do you think videoconferencing will replace business travel in the future? (Why/ Why not?) • What kinds of skills are needed for business travelers abroad?
(2)The party, who sets up a breach of the contract, shall be under a duty to take all necessary measures to mitigate the loss which has occurred.
(4) Questionnaires were distributed to our clients for their completion at the end of a one-month period.
(5) The main reason for the delay is that they refuse to abide by the original terms of the contract.
Letter-1Dear Sirs, We recently attended the International Photographic Exhibition in Cairo and were impressed by the high quality, attractive design and reasonable prices of your cameras. Having since seen your full catalogue, we are convinced that there is a promising market for your products here in the Damascus. If you are not already represented here, we should be interested in acting as your sole agent. As leading importers and distributors of more than 20 years’ standing in the photographic trade, we have a good knowledge of the Damascus market. Through our sales organization, we have good contacts with the leading retailers. We handle several other agencies in non-computing lines and, if our proposal interests you, can supply first-class references from manufactures in Britain. We firmly believed that an agency for marketing your products in Damascus would be of considerable benefit to both of us, and we look forward to learning that you are interested in our proposal. Mr. Salim Abdulla, our Purchasing Director, will be in Birmingham during May and will be pleased to call you if we hear from you positively.Letter-2Thank you for your letter of 5th April and for your comments on our cameras. We are still a young company, but expanding rapidly. At present our overseas representation is confined to countries IN Western Europe, where our cameras are selling well. However, we are interested in the chance of developing our trade further a field. When your Mr. Salim Abdulla is in Birmingham, we should certainly like to meet him with a view to discussing your proposal further. If Mr. Abdulla will get in touch with me to arrange a meeting, I can also arrange him to look around our factory and see for himself the quality of the materials and workmanship put into our cameras.Letter-3Dear Sirs, We understood from our neighbors, Firma Karl Brandt, that you have conducted your past buying of hardware in the German market through Firma Neymeyer and Schmidt of Bremen, and that in view of the collapse of their business you now require a reliable agent to take their places. We are well-known to manufacturers of hardware in this country and believed we have the experience and connections necessary to meet your needs. We therefore would like to offer our services as your buying agent in Germany. Before transferring our business to Germany we had many years, can promise you unrivaled services in matters of prices, discounts and freights. As Firms Brandt has promised to write recommending us to you, we should like to summarize the terms w should be willing to accept if we acted for you: 1. We are to have complete freedom in placing orders. 2. All purchases to be made on your behalf and in your name. 3. All accounts to be passed to you for settlement direct with supplier. 4. Commission, as 5 per cent payable quarterly, to be allowed on CIF values of all shipments. 5. You will have full benefit of the very favorable terms we have arranged with the shipping companies, and of any special rates we may obtain for insurance. We hope you will accept our offer and look forward to receiving your decision very soon.Letter-4Letter-4 Amoy International Trading Co., Ltd. 1 Binhai Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China Tel: (5092) 500 0000 Fax: (0592) 500 0001 Postal Code: 361000 29 October, 20- The Nile Trading Co., Ltd. 256 Pyramids Street, Alexandria, Eypt Dear Sirs, We were pleased to learn from your letter of 22 October that you are willing to accept an agency for marketing our goods in Egypt. Set out below are the terms discussed and agreed with your Mr. Johnson when he called here earlier this month, but before drafting the formal agreement we should like you to confirm them. 1. The agency to operate as from 1 January 2005 for a period of 3 years, subject to renewal. 2. The agency to be a sole agency for marketing our goods in Egypt 3. No sales of competing products to be made in Egypt either on your own account or on account of any other firm or company. 4. All customers’ orders to be transmitted t o us immediately for supply direct.5. Credit terms not to be given or promised to any customers without our express consent.6. All the goods supplied to be invoiced by us direct to customers with copies to you.7. A commission of 5%, based on FOB value of all goods shipped to Egypt, whether on orders placed through you or not, payable at the end of each quarter.8. A special del credere commission of 2.5% to be added.9. Customers to settle their accounts with us direct, and a statement to be sent to you at the end of each month of all payments received by us. 10. All questions of difference arising under agreement to be referred to arbitration. I shall be glad if you will kindly confirm these terms. A formal agreement will then be drafted and copies sent for your signature.Letter-5Dear Sirs, We understand that you deal in stationery and related products, and would like to know if you are interested in marketing our products in your country on a commission basis. We are a large and old-established firm specializing in the manufacture of stationery of all kinds, and our products sell well in many parts of the world. The enclosed catalogue will show you the wide range of our products, for which enquires suggest a promising market for many of them waiting for development in your country. If you are interested in our proposal please let us know which of our products are most likely to appeal to your customers, and also terms for commission and other charges on which you would be willing to represent us. We should be grateful if you could give us some idea of the market prospects for our products and suggest ways in which we could help you to develop the market. We hope to hear favourably from you soon.Letter-6Dear Sirs,I read with interest your letter of 4th January enclosing a copy of your catalogue and inviting me to undertake the marketing of your products in New Zealand.Provided we can agree on terms and conditions, I shall be pleased to accept your offer.I already represent R. Mackenzie & Sons in office equipment. As my customer includes many of the principal dealers in New Zealand, I am sure they would provide a promising outlet for stationery and related products of the kind described in your catalogue.I expect to be in London during July and would like to take the opportunity to sidcuss arrangements with you in detail. In the meantime, I suggest the following terms and conditionsas the basis for a formal agreement:1. All goods supplied to be invoiced direct to buyers, with copies sent to me.2. Accounts to be made up and statements sent to me monthly, in duplicate, for distribution tobuyers.3. An agency commission of 2.5% to be payable on net amounts invoiced.4. A del credere commission of 2.5% in return for my guarantee of payments due on all accounts.As initial expenses of introducing your products are likely to be heavy, I feel it reasonable to be heavy, I feel it reasonable to suggest an agreement extending over at least 3 years, though this it is a matter we can discuss when we meet.I shall be glad to learn that you are in general agreement with these suggestions.Letter-7Dear Kennedy,We would like to request your consideration of some revision in our present rate of commission. The request may strike in our total commission.Marketing your goods has proved to be more difficult than could have been expected when we undertook to present you. Since then, German and American competitors have entered the market and firmly established themselves. Consequently, We have been able to maintain our position in the market only by enlarging our force of sales staff and increasing our expenditure on advertising. We are quite willing to incur the additional expense and even to increase it still further because we firmly believe that the required effort will result in increasing business. However, we do not feel we should be expected to bear the whole of the additional cost without some form of compensation. After carefully calculating the increase in our selling costs, we suggest an increase in the rate of commission by, say, 2%.You have always been considerate in your dealing with us and we know we can rely on you to consider our present request with understanding.Letter-8Dear Mr. Green, Thank you for your Letter-22nd June. We noted the unexpected problems presented by your competitors and appreciate the extra efforts you have made with such satisfactory results. We feel sure that, in the long run, the high quality of our goods and the very competitive prices at which they are offered will ensure steadily increasing sales despite the competition from other manufacturers. At the same time we realize that, in the short term, this competition must be met by more active advertising and agree that it would not be reasonable to expect you to bear the full cost. To increase commission would be difficult as our prices leave us with only a very small profit. Instead, we propose to allow you an advertising credits of £500 in the c urrent year towards your additional costs, this amount to be reviewed in 6 months’ time and adjusted according to circumstances. We hope you will be happy with this arrangement and look forward to you confirmation.。
商务翻译Unit 11 商务报告
![商务翻译Unit 11 商务报告](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dc3fa91014791711cc791736.png)
日常报告主要用于汇报工作,指定期或不定期地向有关部门或上级领导就企业 生产情况、经营状况、工作业绩等所做的汇报。最常见的有日报、周报、月报、 季度报告和年度报告;调查报告主要用于揭示事实真相,一般指受单位或个人 委托,对某一情况进行调查后写出的反映客观事实的报告,作为委托人进行相 关决策的重要依据。如果是属于公证部门出具的调查报告,那么该报告将是以 后解决争议、进行索赔和理赔的合法证据;可行性报告主要用于对可选方案进 行分析、论证,最终提出论证结论。
Ⅱ. 给下列句子选择合适的译文,并说出理由。(3) 3. Steadily rising demand is why we decided to focus on the laser disc market. 译文一:因为需求稳步上升,所以我们决定把LD市场作为主要市场。 译文二:我们决定把LD市场作为主要市场是因为需求稳步上升。 ANSWER 译文一
Ⅲ. 把下文中划线的定语从句译成汉语。(2) We now agree that the breakdown was extremely unfortunate, which we must admit that, under the circumstances, was not entirely unexpected. We now believe that we have managed to sort out the major problems that we had been having with the conveyor equipment. And also when the new robots are installed in September, we feel certain that such problems as causes the breakdown of machines will become a thing of the past. Added to this, the fact that the personnel department has been successful in recruiting some highly qualified maintenance staff makes us confident that a repetition of the events of 17 May now seems entirely unlikely. 译文: 但我们必须承认,在现有条件下,这种情况时有发生 传输设备曾发生的
So where do the added costs come from? According to experts, by the time it is consumed by us in our homes or in a coffee shop, the bean may actually change hands up to 150 times, each time facing a markup as it is transported, roasted, packaged and sold. (2)____A_______. Then another 10% in export costs with freight and insurance before an importer takes over. Finally, it is sold to us in a coffee shop – and running a coffee shop is not cheap. For example, take your typical coffee shop in a shopping precinct, seating 75 inside and 50 outside. The rent is £20,000 a year. (3)____F______.
vcatalyst n.催化剂,刺激(促进)因素 vagricultural commodity农业商品 vminimum guaranteed price n.最低保证价 vsocial conscience社会道德心,社会责任感
1. The two photos below show the beginning and the end of the process of making coffee. Work in pa in between to complete the process?
人民大2023实用现代商务英语翻译(第二版)PPTUnit 11
![人民大2023实用现代商务英语翻译(第二版)PPTUnit 11](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3d35bacf760bf78a6529647d27284b73f2423617.png)
(2)表示相关当事人的术语 applicant (申请开证人) accountee (开证人) beneficiary(受益人) drawee (付款人) drawer (出票人) issuing / establishing bank (开证行) advising / notifying bank(通知行) negotiating bank (议付行) paying bank (付款行) reimbursing bank (偿付行) confirming bank (保兑行)
译文:只有出口人提供与信用证45675 号项下相符的全套单 据, 本行才予承付。
此例中,honor的意思是“兑现”“承付”,accept and pay(如期支付,承兑),honor a bill (cheque,draft , etc. ) (兑现票据(支票,汇票等))。
此外,信用证英语中的acceptance指的是“承兑,认付”; 即买方在见到汇票时答应并签字确认,待到汇票到期后一定付 款,(accept/promise to pay on due date by signing the draft )而不是马上付款。Collect是“到付”的意思,如 freight collected即“运费到付”。
译文:除非信用证在此另有规定,开证行见到银行提示 前的任何议付费用和其他费用都向受益人收取。
此例中,herein 的意思是“在此”,unless otherwise stipulated 这个短语经常会出现在信用证英语 中,相当于一个固定的词组,意思为“除非另有规定”。
例6:We hope that you will take commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and open L/C at once, otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising therefrom .