

诺瓦科技多画面拼接LED视频控制器NovaPro HD用户使用说明书

诺瓦科技多画面拼接LED视频控制器NovaPro HD用户使用说明书

产品用户手册视频控制器 NovaPro HDRev1.4.1 NS160000031目录1 安全声明 ............................................................................................................................................52 概述 (6)声明欢迎您选用西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司(以下简称诺瓦科技)的产品,如果本文档为您了解 和使用产品带来帮助和便利,我们深感欣慰。

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对您在使用中遇到的问题,我们会尽力给予支持,对您 提出的建议,我们衷心感谢并会尽快评估采纳。

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3外观说明 ............................................................................................................................................73.1前面板 (7)3.2后面板 (8)4信号连接 (10)5操作方式说明 (12)6机器操作 (13)6.1操作动作说明 (13)6.2主界面 (13)6.3第一步输入设置 (14)6.4第二步快捷点屏 (15)6.5第三步亮度调节 (17)6.6第四步输出设置 (17)6.7画面控制 (20)6.8高级设置 (21)6.8.1双画面 (21)6.8.2高级点屏 (23)6.8.3拼接带载 (24)6.8.4载入箱体文件 (25)6.8.5监控阈值设置 (28)6.8.6高级属性 (28)6.8.7固化至接收卡 (29)6.8.8双主控热备份 (29)6.8.9DMX512 通道设置 (29)6.8.10 工厂复位 (30)6.8.11 硬件版本 (31)6.9 通讯设置 (31)6.10 语言设置 (31)7 Web 界面操作 (32)7.1 网络搭建 (32)7.2 操作动作说明 (32)7.3 我的设备 (33)8 LCT 客户端操作 (34)9 固件升级 (35)10 常见问题与注意事项 (38)11 技术规格 (39)12 安装尺寸 (41)视频控制器 NovaProHD 用户手册1安全声明为避免可能的危险,请按规定使用此设备。



LED市场细分及产品规划建议书目录一、LED照明市场分析1、LED照明市场背景 (4)2、LED照明市场发展 (4)3、LED照明市场细分 (6)4、LED照明目标市场确立 (11)二、LED照明产品分析1、LED照明产品概述 (17)2、LED照明产品发展 (19)3、LED照明产品细分 (21)4、LED照明产品定位 (25)三、LED照明产品的规划1、LED照明产品规划 (2)2、产品市场推广构想 (31)前言:我从2004年初开始进入照明电气行业至今,转眼间已近8年,作为照明圈子的一份子,目睹了照明行业这几年的发展,也看到很多照明企业的兴旺与惨烈。








Receiving CardMRV481-1Specifications Document Version:V1.1.0Document Number: NS110100477Copyright © 2018 Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.TrademarkStatementYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may m ake improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. Any problem in use or any good suggestion, please contact us through ways provided in the document. We willdo our utmost to solve the problems and adopt the suggestions after e valuation as soon as possible.Receiving Card MRV481-1Specifications Change HistorySpecifications ContentsContentsChange History (ii)1 Safety ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 23 F eatures ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Hardware Structure.......................................................................................................................4 44.1 Appearance (4)4.2 Dimensions (5)4.3 Definition of Data Interface .......................................................................................................................... 6 5 Specifications ................................................................................................................................. 8 Change History1 Safety1 SafetyThis chapter illustrates safety of the MRV481-1 receiving card to ensure the product’sstorage, transport, installation and use safety. Safety instructions are applicable to allpersonnel who contact or use the product. First of all, pay attention to following points.●Read through the instructions.●Retain all instructions.●Comply with all instructions.Storage and Transport Safety●Pay attention to dust and water prevention.●Avoid long-term direct sunlight.●Do not place the product at a position near fire and heat.●Do not place the product in an area containing explosive materials.●Do not place the product in a strong electromagnetic environment.●Place the product at a stable position to prevent damage or personal injurycaused by dropping.●Save the packing box and materials which will come in handy if you ever have tostore and ship the product. For maximum protection during storage and shipping,repack the product as it was originally packed at the factory.Installation and Use Safety●Only trained professionals may install the product.●Plugging and unplugging operations are prohibited when the power is on.●Ensure safe grounding of the product.●Always wear a wrist band and insulating gloves.●Do not place the product in an area having frequent or strong shake.● Perform dust removing regularly.● Contact NovaStar for maintenance at any time, rather than have the productdisassembled and maintained by non-professionals without authorization.●Replace faulty parts only with the spare parts supplied by NovaStar.2 Overview3 Features2Overview The MRV481-1 is a new receiving card developed by NovaStar. A single MRV481-1 loads up to 256×360 pixels. The MRV481-1 supports pixel level brightness and chroma calibration, which effectively removes color difference, greatly improves display consistency of LED images, and presents finer displays to users.Receiving Card MRV481-1Specifications3Features●Outputs 24 groups of RGB parallel data per receiving card.●Supports 1/32 scan.●Supports pixel level brightness and chroma calibration.●Supports setting of images pre-stored in the receiving card.●Supports detection of temperature, voltage, Ethernet cable communicationstatus and video source signals status.●Supports management of module flash which stores calibration coefficients andmodule information.●Supports readback of configuration files .www.novastar.tech44Hardware Structure4.1 AppearancePictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product maydiffer.Definition of J4 (module flash management interface):4.3 Definition of Data InterfaceDimensions4.2 The board thickness is not greater than 2.0 mm, and the total thickness (boardthickness + thickness of components on front and rear panels) is not greater than17.5 mm.The unit of dimension chart is “mm”. The location holes are connected to signal grounds (GND).Specifications 4 Hardware StructureSpecifications5Specifications。




下面是小编带来相关产品的经典的内容,欢迎阅读!LED灯的经典广告词1. 完美是细节的坚持2. 因为专业,所以出色3. 引领绚动光彩新生活4. 我们只干一件事,我们干好一件事5. 迈进未来,进军无限6. 秉承可靠品质,独领世界风骚7. 满足你的需求,是我们不懈的追求8. 服务为先,诚信共赢9. 梦想启动未来10. 用心点亮绿色照明11. 柔畅光泽,灵逸光盛12. 传递光明,辉映世界13. 演绎色彩魅力,创造全新动力14. 新新不息,创造无限15. 苛求细节,制造精良品质16. 生活有我,无处不在17. 创意经典成就,岁月锻铸辉煌LED灯的经典广告词推荐1. 绿色照明新时代2. 照亮全世界的光芒3. 让我们用心点亮世界4. 理性照亮世界,LED 奉献光明5. 专业就是赢家6. 美丽的星星组成天上的街市,让我们的梦想一起飞翔7. 精彩世界,缤纷呈现8. 一心凭科技追求卓越,双手献真诚创造辉煌9. 以专业品质赢得市场,以合理价格率先行10. 让世界更明亮11. 追求卓越品质,缔造多彩生活12. 倡导绿色品质,写意精彩生活13. 节能新势力演绎光能智慧14. 照明技术新航员15. “光与空间”最佳表现16. 科技让世界更亮丽体现生活之彩17. 追求品质是我们永远的目标18. 因专业而领先19. 科技,创造光与色的完美艺术LED灯的经典广告词精选1. 天道酬勤,商道酬信2. 专业品质,塑造品牌3. 抢一步之先,光彩全球4. 精于质量,优于价格5. 客户的需求和满意是我们的追求6. 倡导绿色照明,写意精彩生活7. 米立之珠,也放光华8. 用更少的电,发更强的光9. 众人仰慕,耀眼夺目,帝王之光10. 比太阳更可爱11. 你的光明我看得见,你的节能我划得来12. 能让我家的电表针不跟月亮走的灯,是xx牌节能灯13. 节能不节能,请看看数字14. 若换上节能,你的开支也节能!15. 选对了 ,才会赢16. 节能不是在口头上!17. 小小节能灯,利国又利民!!18. -----节能灯节能魔力,光明无限!!19. ----节能灯生产高标准,产品低耗能,,品质有保证20. 为您节约每一分耗能,,您理想选择。



2018年家电市场明星产品及未来市场机遇作者:左延鹊来源:《现代家电》 2018年第24期2018年行业最大的变化是消费升级,整个市场在裂变的过程中,涌现了很多明星类的产品,家电行业里很多创新的企业在成长,很多优秀的经销商也在成长。


















2018年Micro-LED行业简析一、显示技术前瞻:OLED率先产业化,未来看Micro-LED、QLED .. 31、显示技术众生,传统LCD正逐渐被替代 (3)2、四大显示解析:技术原理各有特点 (3)3、技术前瞻:OLED率先产业化,Micro-LED与QLED具有理论优势 (4)二、Micro-LED进展:尚存技术瓶颈,2020年有望实现出货 (5)1、Micro-LED尚未面世,Mini-LED仅是过渡方案 (5)2、Micro-LED技术核心:微缩制程与巨量转移技术 (6)3、Micro LED制程方案:目前主要分为Chip bonding、Wafer bonding以及Thinfilmtransfer 三大种类 (7)4、Micro-LED生产成本:晶圆成本占比达55%,5英寸Micro-LED产品成本高达同尺寸LCD 产品成本8倍 (8)5、市场空间:预计2025年Micro-LED市场规模将达28.9亿美元,潜在市场空间300-400亿美元 (9)6、市场格局:众多国内外厂商布局,部分企业已展开深度合作 (10)Micro-LED作为一种新型显示技术,与传统LCD 与OLED对比,存在寿命长、解析度高、功耗低特性,预计2025年市场空间达28.9 亿美元,是LED板块未来最重要增量,未来应用前景广阔。



在微缩制程上,当前实验室制程已达3μm 水平,但由于巨量转移技术面临转移量大、后续监测以及不良晶粒拾取等难题,尚未实现产业化,按照当前技术进展推算,预计有望在2020年实现少量应用产品。


从定义上,Micro-LED是指LED晶粒长度在50μm 以下的显示技术,而Mini-LED的尺寸为100-200μm,并且仍然是仅仅充当LCD 的背光源,与真正的Micro-LED尚有一定距离,但由于其比传统LCD 性能有一定提升,因此有望在尤其是DLP 拼接墙产品等多种领域应用。


2018年进入 LED 时代 ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 白炽灯和气体放电光源正在退出照明历史 ................................................................................................................................ 5 1.1.1 白炽灯的发明,使人类进入了电力照明时代 ................................................................................................................. 5 1.1.2 气体放电光源,丰富了照明灯的应用场景和效果 ......................................................................................................... 5 1.1.3 发光二极管技术发展,推动 LED 迈入照明市场 ........................................................................................................... 6 1.2 LED 照明技术是下一阶段照明市场的主流....................................



已经是毫无争议的全球龙头,按照这样 8、协鑫集成(002506)
光伏产业链怎么也绕不开协鑫集 斑。曾经同样的组件大佬英利,已经
团,其四大上市公司,几乎渗透到了产 许久没上榜。
阿 特 斯 2018 年 全 年 发 货 量 为 业链的所有领域。协鑫集成是在集团 10、正泰电器(601877)
2018 年,尚德出货量在 3.4GW 左
晶电池:10GW、15GW、20GW;单晶组 主要是自用),现有光伏组件产能为 右,作为曾经光伏世界中的大佬,尚德
件:16GW、25GW、30GW。就目前的出 6.6GW,在 建 产 能 4GW,规 划 总 产 能 经历破产重组,接近 180 亿元债务,供
货量看,隆基在单晶硅片和单晶组件上, 16.5GW。
在显现。 1、晶科能源
晶科之所以能够保持榜首的位 置 ,得 益 于 其 向 海 外 市 场 扩 张 的 决 心。2018 年晶科能源组件出货量高达 11.4GW,较 2017 年 的 9.8GW 增 长 16.0%,创造了行业内组件出货量的历 史新高。全年总收入为 250.4 亿元人 民币,净利润为 4.065 亿元人民币相比 2017 年飙升 186.9%。但是全年毛利 率 14% ,总 体 来 看 ,与 隆 基 股 份 的 25.67 亿净利润和 22.21%毛利率有较 大差距。晶科的硅片和电池片基本内 部消化,96%以上营业收入来源于组 件。但组件毛利率和综合毛利率都低 于隆基,不知是否藏有玄机。当然,隆 基专攻单晶,与晶科多晶为主相比存 在一定优势。
40 2019 年第 17、18 期



Taurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersApplication SolutionProduct Version: V1.3.0Document Number:NS120100268X I 'A N N O V A S T A R TE C H C O .,L T D .Copyright © 2018 Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an Nova Star Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.StatementYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement any suggestions.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.Application Solution Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents (ii)1 Overview (1)1.1 About This Solution (1)1.2 Characteristics of the Application Solution (1)1.2.1 Synchronous Playing (1)1.2.2 Smart Brightness Adjustment ................................................................................................................... 2 1.2.3 4G Module ................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2.4 Cluster Management ................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Software Acquiring Method ......................................................................................................................... 3 2 AD Player and Mirror Screen Solution ..................................................................................... 5 2.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Single Application ........................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2.1 Networking Diagram ................................................................................................................................. 7 2.2.2 Required Software .................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 Relevant Configurations ........................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Cluster Application ....................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3.1 Networking Diagram ................................................................................................................................. 8 2.3.2 Required Software .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3.3 Required Hardware Devices (8)2.3.4 Relevant Configurations (9)2.4 Splicing (12)2.4.1 Networking Diagram (12)2.4.2 Required Software (13)2.4.3 Relevant Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 13 3 Post Screen Solution . (16)3.1 Overview (16)3.2 Networking Diagram (18)3.3 Required Software (18)3.4 Required Hardware Devices (18)3.5 Relevant Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 19 X I 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C H C O .,L T D.Application Solution Table of Contents4 General Operations (23)4.1 Taurus Login upon ViPlex Handy (Android and iOS) (23)4.2 Taurus Login upon ViPlex Express (Windows) (24)X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.Application Solution 1 Overview1 Overview1.1 About This Solution Taurus series products are the second-generation multimedia players developed by NovaStar specially designed for the medium-small size LED full color displays, and applicable to all kinds of display devices as well as many application scenes.AD player, mirror screen and post screen are used here as examples to describe the application solution of Taurus series products. Pictures of Taurus series products used in networking diagram are taken from T6 model.For more information of Taurus series products, please visit www.novastar.tech to download relevant documents.1.2 Characteristics of the Application Solution 1.2.1 Synchronous Playing This function makes several displays play the same image at the same time with high accuracy based on advanced synchronous playing and scheduling technologies. The synchronous playing function could be enabled for different displays as long as following three requirements are met: ● The synchronous playing function has been enabled on the ViPlex or VNNOX. ●The time of multiple Taurus products are synchronized. ● Playing plans of multiple T aurus products are the same without random transitionor media.Advantages of the synchronous playing function are shown in Table 1-1.Table 1-1 Synchronous playingTime could be synchronized through NTP and RF modes from which the user could select one as required:X I 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C H C O .,L T D .● NTP time synchronization: Taurus time synchronization is based on NTP server.No hardware is required to be added, and time synchronization accuracydepends on network speed. Consequently, network traffic will be consumed by using 4G network.●RF time synchronization: Master and slave devices are required to be set for Taurus. Time of the slave device is synchronized with that of the master device through RF network, and therefore RF device is required. This timesynchronization method is applicable to events with high time synchronization requirement and does not consume network traffic, but its signal receivingdepends on the environment and is limited by distance. 1.2.2 Smart Brightness AdjustmentSmart brightness adjustment includes auto brightness adjustment and timing brightness adjustment.●Auto brightness adjustment: Display brightness will automatically adjust according to environment brightness.● Timing brightness adjustment: Display brightness will automatically adjust to a specific value at a given point of time. Taurus products have brightness sensor connectors. Connect the light sensor and set smart brightness adjustment rules on ViPlex to enable the smart brightness adjustment function. Advantages of smart brightness adjustment are as shown in Table 1-2. Table 1-2 Smart brightness adjustmentTaurus products support manual brightness adjustment as well. 1.2.3 4G Module 4G module can be installed on the Taurus series products. To connect the Taurus to the Internet via 4G network, buy the corresponding 4G module and install it according to the country or region of the service provider.The Taurus can be connected to the Internet through the following three methods listed from the highest to the lowest priority:●Wired network ●Wi-Fi Sta ● 4G networkWhen the three methods are all enabled, the Taurus will select signals automatically according to the priorities.T E C H C O .,L T D .When mobile data network is enabled on ViPlex and priority requirements for signal selection are met, Taurus products with 4G module could connect to Internet. Advantages of 4G module are as shown in Table 1-3.Table 1-3 4G module1.2.4 Cluster ManagementDisplay quantity increases fast following with the development of smart city and commercial application, and cluster solution of NovaStar emerges to uniformly manage and monitor numerous displays in different places.●VNNOX: A cloud publishing service used to realize display remote content management and remote terminal control. ● NovaiCare: A cloud monitoring service used to realize display remote monitoring. VNNOX and NovaiCare could be accessed to remotely and uniformly manage displays with PC, Pad or mobile phone as long as Internet is available. Advantages of cluster management are as shown in Table 1-4. Table 1-4 Cluster management1.3 Software Acquiring MethodTable 1-5 Software acquiring methodsA S T A R T E C H C O .,L T D .X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HApplication Solution 2 AD Player and Mirror Screen Solution2AD Player and Mirror Screen Solution2.1 Overview AD player and mirror screen, the typical commercial display applications, are mainly used for information publishing and advertisement display, and can be placed at the shopping mall, hotel, office building, exhibition, bank, station and community. There are two application modes for the mirror screen which is a mirror when the display is turned off. There are many application modes for the AD player and mirror screen, and only typical applications are introduced in this chapter, including the single application, cluster application and splicing application. Characteristics of the AD player and mirror screen of NovaStar are as shown in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 AD player and mirror screenT A R T E C H C O .,L T D.Application Solution 2 AD Player and Mirror Screen SolutionX I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.2.2 Single Application2.2.1 Networking DiagramTaurus products provide Wi-Fi AP itself. After connecting to Wi-Fi AP with PC, Pad and mobile phone, enter the username and password to log in to the Taurus. 2.2.2 Required Software ● ViPlex Handy●ViPlex Express 2.2.3 Relevant Configurations No need to set. Refer to 4 General Operations for specific operations to connect and log in to the Taurus products. XI 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C HCO .,L T D.2.3 Cluster Application2.3.1 Networking DiagramVNNOX and NovaiCare could be accessed directly or by way of bridge connection. When bridge connection is selected, following three methods for Internet connection of Taurus products are available with priorities ranging from high to low: ● Wired network ● Wi-Fi Sta● 4G network When the three methods are all enabled, Taurus products will select signals automatically according to the priorities. 2.3.2 Required Software ● ViPlex Handy ● ViPlex Express ● VNNOX ●NovaiCare2.3.3 Required Hardware DevicesXI 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C HCO .,L T D.2.3.4 Relevant ConfigurationsBefore You Begin● The login username and password for VNNOX, NovaiCare and NovaLCT are acquired.● Create solution(s) on VNNOX without random transition and random media of the solution(s).● Create asynchronous players on VNNOX and associate the players with the License.●Configurations required before monitoring have been done on NovaLCT and NovaiCare.Refer to software online help for specific operations of VNNOX, NovaiCare and NovaLCT.Acquiring Player Authentication InformationThe authentication information is required when you bind asynchronous players on VNNOX to the Taurus through ViPlex.Step 1 Visit and log in to VNNOX Lite or VNNOX Pro .Step 2 Perform the following operations to view the correct authentication information.● VNNOX Lite: Choose > Account . ●VNNOX Pro: Choose > Organization Management > System Management and select the Player Authentication tab.Configuring ViPlex Handy (Android and iOS) Step 1 Log in to the Taurus. Refer to 4.1 Taurus Login upon ViPlex Handy (Android and iOS). Step 2 Click screen name to enter Screen management page. Step 3 Set rules for smart brightness adjustment. 1. Select Screen Settings > Brightness Control . 2. Click Brightness Mode, select Smart , and click OK . 3. Click Smart Brightness Adjustment Parameters . 4. Click Edit . 5. Click to set rules for timed brightness adjustment. Then click OK . 6. Clickto set rules for auto brightness adjustment. Then click OK .7. Click Auto adjustment parameters to set the corresponding relation between ambient brightness and screen brightness. 8. Click OK .Step 4 Set the connection method between the Internet and Taurus.Priorities of wired network, Wi-Fi Sta and 4G network range from high to low. When the three methods are all enabled, the Taurus will select signals automatically according to the priorities.XI'A NN O VA S T A R T E C HCO .,L T D.●Wired network: When static IP address is required, select Network Settings > Wired Network Setting , turn DHCP off, enter the static IP address of the Taurus, and click OK .● Wi-Fi Sta: Select Network Settings > Wi-Fi Setting , and turn WiFi on. Click the Wi-Fi name of the external router and enter the Wi-Fi password, and click OK . ●4G network: Select Network Settings > Mobile Data Setting , and turn Mobile Data on.Step 5 Bind the asynchronous player.1. Select Remote Management > VNNOX .2. Set the VNNOX server and player authentication information.3. Click Obtain and select a player from the drop-down box of Player .4. Click OK after setting.Step 6 If display remote monitoring is required, perform the following procedures. Otherwise,ignore this step.1. Select Remote Management > NovaiCare .2. Turn NovaiCare on.3. Select the service node of the NovaiCare from the drop-down box of Server .4. Click the right side of Possessor line.5. Enter the username for login NovaiCare in the pop-up dialog box, and click OK .6. Click OK after setting.Step 7 Repeat above steps to configure other Taurus products in cluster till all Taurus products have been configured. Configuring ViPlex Express (Windows)Step 1 Log in Taurus and see detailed operations in 4.2 Taurus Login upon ViPlex Express (Windows).Step 2 Select Screen Control. Step 3 Set rules for smart brightness adjustment. 1. Select Brightness adjustment . 2. Select the target terminal in the terminal list.3. Clickon the Smart page.4. Set rules for timed brightness adjustment and click Add .5. Set rules for auto brightness adjustment and click Add .6. Click Cancel .7. Click Apply .Step 4 Set the way to connect Taurus to the Internet.The priority of wired network, Wi-Fi Sta and 4G network is from high to low. If all of thethree ways are enabled, the Taurus will choose signal automatically according to the priority order.1. Select Network configuration .XI 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C HCO .,L T D.2. Select the target terminal in the terminal list and perform the following operationsaccording to actual needs.−Wired network: If it is required to set static IP address, deselect Dynamic DHCP , enter the IP address information of the Taurus and then click Apply in the Wired network configuration section.− Wi-Fi Sta: Turn on Wi-Fi in the Wi-Fi configuration section. Click the Wi-Fi name of external router and then enter Wi-Fi password and click OK . −4G network: In the Mobile network configuration area, turn on mobile network.Step 5 Bind asynchronous players.1. Select Server configuration .2. Select the target terminal in the terminal list.3. In Configure parameters for connecting screens to VNNOX , configureVNNOX server and player authentication information. 4. Clicknext to Player and select a player.5. Click Bind .Step 6 If you want to monitor displays remotely, please perform this step; otherwise, skip thisstep.1. In Configure parameters for connecting screens to NovaiCare , configure NovaiCare server and login user name.2. Click Send . Step 7 Repeat above steps until all the Taurus products in the cluster are configured. Configuring VNNOXWhen setting timing rules and synchronous playing upon ViPlex, every Taurus product is required to be set individually, and batch setting is available for setting timing rules and synchronous playing upon VNNOX. When the public network isavailable, VNNOX is recommended for batch configuration to reduce manual operations. Step 1 Visit and log in to VNNOX Pro.Step 2 Set time synchronization rule.1. Select> Players Management > Time Synchronization .2. Click NTP server configuration.3. Configure NTP service information, and then click Save&Close .4. Click New on the page of time synchronization task list.5. Enter time synchronization task name and select time synchronization method,and then click Next .− NTP: Select a NTP server and then click OK .−RF: Select a time synchronization standard device and then click OK . 6. Click Add in the Players tab of the time synchronization task attribute page.−NTP time synchronization: Select all the players in cluster and then click OK .X I 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C HCO .,L T D.−RF time synchronization: Select all the slave players in RF network and then click OK .7. When the time synchronization method upon RF network is selected, and NTPserver is used for the time synchronization standard device, click Configure tab to set NTP to Yes , and select NTP server. Otherwise, ignore this step. 8. Click Save or Save&Close . Players added in the time synchronization task willperform time synchronization according to rules defined in the task.Step 3 If the same image is required to be played by different screens, perform the followingprocedures. Otherwise, ignore this step.1. Select> Players Management > Players .2. Select asynchronous players corresponding to all Taurus series productsrequiring enabling the synchronous playing function. 3. Click Real-time control and select Turn on sync play from the drop-down box.Step 4 Associate with solution(s).1. Select> Players Management > Players .2. Select a player and click Attribute , or click a player name.3. Select a solution from the drop-down box of parameter associate solution .4. Whether solution distribution type is Manual.− Yes. Click Save&Close to return to the player list page. Perform term 5. −No. Click Save or Save&Close . VNNOX will automatically distribute solutions to corresponding Taurus products.5. Select the target player, and click Update solution to manually distributesolutions to corresponding Taurus products. 6. Repeat above steps to associate with solutions for other players in cluster till all players have been configured. 2.4 Splicing 2.4.1 Networking DiagramThe following figure uses three displays splicing as an example to illustrate Taurus connection.X I 'A NNO VA S T A R T E C HCO .,L T D.The Taurus product provides Wi-Fi AP itself. Connect to Wi-Fi AP of each Taurus product through PC, Pad and mobile phone, and then enter the username and password to log in to the Taurus.2.4.2 Required Software● ViPlex Handy●ViPlex Express2.4.3 Relevant Configuration2.4.3.1 Configuring the first display Configuring ViPlex Handy (Android and iOS)Step 1 Log in to the Taurus of the first display. Refer to 4.1 Taurus Login upon ViPlex Handy(Android and iOS) for specific operations. Step 2 Click screen name to enter the Screen management page. Step 3 Select Video Control. Step 4 Click Edit .Step 5 Configure the required parameters.● Mode : Manual ● Source : Inside ● Offset X : 0 ●Offset Y : 0XI 'A N NOVA S TA R T E C HCO .,L T D.Step 6 Click OK .Configuring ViPlex Express (Windows)Step 1 Log in Taurus and see detailed operations in 4.2 Taurus Login upon ViPlex Express(Windows). Step 2 Select Video source.Step 3 Select the target terminal in the terminal list.Step 4 On the Manual page, configure all required parameters.● Video source type : Internal ● X : 0 ●Y : 0Step 5 Click Apply . Configuring other displaysConfiguring ViPlex Handy (Android and iOS)Step 1 Log in to the Taurus of the second display. Refer to 4.1 Taurus Login upon ViPlexHandy (Android and iOS) for specific operations. Step 2 Click screen name to enter Screen management page. Step 3 Select Video Control. Step 4 Click Edit .Step 5 Configure the required parameters.Horizontal splicing image is taken as an example here for illustration. In the event of vertical splicing, the way for setting Offset Y is the same as that for setting Offset X .● Mode : Manual ● Source : HDMI●Offset X: (The display serial number – 1) x The Image width . For example, when the image width is 500px, it is required to be set as 500px for the second display and 1000px for the third display. ●Offset Y : 0Step 6 Click OK .Step 7 Repeat above steps to configure other Taurus products till all Taurus products havebeen configured.Configuring ViPlex Express (Windows)Step 1 Log in Taurus and see detailed operations in 4.2 Taurus Login upon ViPlex Express(Windows). Step 2 Select Video source.Step 3 Select the target terminal in the terminal list.XI 'AN NOVA S TAR T E C HCO .,L T D.Step 4 On the Manual page, configure all required parameters.Horizontal splicing image is taken as an example here for illustration. In the event ofvertical splicing, the way for setting Y is the same as that for setting X.●Video source type: HDMI●X: (The display serial number– 1) x The Image width. For example, when theimage width is 500px, it is required to be set as 500px for the second display and1000px for the third display.●Y: 0Step 5 Click Apply.Step 6 Repeat above steps to configure other Taurus products till all Taurus products have been configured.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.Application Solution3 Post Screen Solution3Post Screen Solution3.1 OverviewPost screens prevail on both sides of highways and roads following with thedevelopment of the smart city. Smart post screen has distinct advantages compared with the conventional post which features illumination and static advertisement only and requires new manufacture and installation in case of advertisement replacement, while the smart post provides functions including illumination, security monitoring, environment monitoring, emergency call, charging pile and LED display which used high-definition smart LED post screen for road leading, data release and advertising promotion.Post screens can be used without quantity limits, and the display contents can be controlled individually or in batch based on cluster management method. Characteristics of the post screen of NovaStar are as shown in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 Post screenR T E C H C O .,L T D.N O V A S TX I' A N3.2 Networking DiagramVNNOX and NovaiCare could be accessed directly or by way of bridge connection to centrally manage post screens.Taurus products can connect to Internet through the wired network, Wi-Fi and 4G network which is recommended for this solution.3.3 Required Software● ViPlex Handy● ViPlex Express● VNNOX●NovaiCare 3.4 Required Hardware DevicesXI 'A N NOVA S TAR T E C HCO .,L T D.3.5 Relevant ConfigurationBefore You Begin● Acquire the login username and password of VNNOX, NovaiCare and NovaLCT. ● Create a solution on the VNNOX without random transition and random media. ● Create an asynchronous player which associates with License on the VNNOX. ●Complete configurations required to be done before monitor on NovaLCT and NovaiCare.Refer to software online help for specific operations of VNNOX, NovaiCare and NovaLCT.Acquiring player Authentication InformationThe authentication information is required when you bind asynchronous players on VNNOX to the Taurus through ViPlex.Step 1 Visit and log in to VNNOX Lite or VNNOX Pro.Step 2 Perform the following operations to view the correct authentication information.●VNNOX Lite: Choose > Account .●VNNOX Pro: Choose > Organization Management > SystemManagement and select the Player Authentication tab.Configuring ViPlex Handy (Android and iOS) Step 1 Log in to the Taurus. Refer to 4.1 Taurus Login upon ViPlex Handy (Android and iOS) for specific operations. Step 2 Click the screen name to enter the Screen management page. Step 3 Set rules for smart brightness adjustment. 1. Select Screen Settings > Brightness Control . 2. Click Brightness Mode to select Smart , and then click OK .3. Click Smart Brightness Adjustment Parameters .4. Click Edit .5. Click to set rules for timed brightness adjustment. Then click OK .6. Clickto set rules for auto brightness adjustment. Then click OK .7. Click Auto adjustment parameters to set the corresponding relation betweenambient brightness and screen brightness. Then click OK . 8. Click OK .Step 4 Set Internet connection mode for the Taurus.1. Select Network Settings > Mobile Data Setting .2. Turn Mobile Data on.Step 5 Bind the asynchronous player.1. Select Remote Management > VNNOX .X I 'A N N OV A S T A R T E C HCO .,L T D.2. Set the VNNOX server and player authentication information.3. Click Obtain and select a player from the dropdown box of Player .4. Click OK after setting.Step 6 If display remote monitoring is required, perform the following procedures. Otherwise,ignore this step.1. Select Remote Management > NovaiCare .2. Turn NovaiCare on.3. Select the service node of NovaiCare from the dropdown box of Server .4. Click the right side of Possessor line.5. Enter the login username of NovaiCare in the pop-up dialog box, and click OK .6. Click OK after setting.Step 7 Repeat above steps to configure other Taurus products in cluster till all Taurusproducts have been configured.Configuring ViPlex Express (Windows)Step 1 Log in Taurus and see detailed operations in 4.2 Taurus Login upon ViPlex Express(Windows).Step 2 Select Screen Control. Step 3 Set rules for smart brightness adjustment. 1. Select Brightness adjustment . 2. Select the target terminal in the terminal list.3. Click on the Smart page.4. Set rules for timed brightness adjustment and click Add .5. Set rules for auto brightness adjustment and click Add .6. Click Cancel .7. Click Apply . Step 4 Set the way to connect Taurus to the Internet. 1. Select Network configuration .2. Select the target terminal in the terminal list.3. In the Mobile network configuration area, turn on mobile network.Step 5 Bind asynchronous players.1. Select Server configuration .2. Select the target terminal in the terminal list.3. In Configure parameters for connecting screens to VNNOX , configureVNNOX server and player authentication information. 4. Clicknext to Player and select a player.5. Click Bind .Step 6 If you want to monitor displays remotely, please perform this step; otherwise, skip thisstep.XI 'A N N O V A S T A R T E C H C O .,L T D.。



2018年LED芯片行业分析报告2018年4月目录一、LED原理及产业链简述 (5)二、行业回顾:LED芯片行业整体波动向上 (7)1、长周期维度:“海兹定律”驱动成长 (7)(1)2002年之前:迷茫的技术探索期 (7)(2)2002~2009年:技术进步,成本下降,应用推广 (8)(3)2010~2017年:高低潮交替的应用渗透期 (9)2、短周期波动:供给与需求的博弈 (9)(1)产能供给需求错配导致的短周期波动 (10)①2011~2014年的小幅波动 (10)②2015年降价:供给过剩下的行业洗牌 (10)③2H2016~4Q2017LED芯片涨价:部分产能加速出清后的龙头红利 (12)④2017年四季度的降价:扩产导致产能小幅过剩 (15)(2)产业链Over booking的放大效应 (16)三、短期观点:1H2018供需共振,芯片厂盈利相对稳定 (18)1、供需判断:1H2018供给和需求均有增长,整体供需相对平衡 (18)(1)供给端:龙头厂商理性扩厂+新产能淘汰落后产能,1H2018产能小幅增长 (19)(2)需求端:多点开花,增长动力十足 (20)2、LED芯片价格有内在的降价趋势:光效提升,抵消降价幅度 (22)四、中长期视角:LED应用继续扩张,未来价格下降将趋缓 (23)1、背光、照明、显示三大传统应用领域多点开花,铸就LED百亿市场 (23)2、Micro LED/Mini LED推广LED显示,有望打开LED成长空间 (25)3、光效提升趋缓,LED芯片价格下降趋于平缓 (29)五、产能转移,大陆LED芯片龙头强者恒强 (29)1、LED芯片产能向大陆转移,市场集中度提升 (29)2、MOCVD 国产化利于国内龙头巩固竞争优势 (31)3、向上整合衬底材料,芯片厂商构建长期领先优势 (33)六、相关企业简况 (34)1、三安光电:LED芯片龙头优势强化,化合物半导体积极拓展 (34)2、华灿光电:内生+外延,带动公司业绩快速增长 (35)3、木林森 (37)4、瑞丰光电 (37)5、洲明科技 (37)6、艾比森 (38)行业回顾:LED芯片行业整体波动向上。



2018 年LED 芯片行业的发展趋势(附国内外
从2016 年开始,LED 行业就出在高速发展的阶段,到2018 年,又出现了新的格局。

纵观整个LED 产业链,我们可以看到,LED 芯片领域是LED 产业链的高毛利环节。

国内主要LED 芯片企业相继扩产,国内LED 芯片将会出现产能过剩的问题,芯片价格将会转而下行,国外LED 芯片大厂扩产趋于谨慎,供给增长有限,中国LED 芯片厂澳洋顺昌、华灿光电、三安光电等借助地方政府的支持政策,依靠资金、规模等方面的优势积极扩产,全球LED 芯片产能逐渐向中国大陆转移。

2018 年LED 芯片市场规模
2016 年受LED 芯片巨头晶元光电关停25%蓝光芯片产能,LED 芯片供需关系发生变化,LED 芯片行业在2016 年下半年开始回暖,2017 年随着小间距LED 市场的爆发以及LED 芯片下游封装行业的扩产,导致LED 芯片供应仍有
一定缺口,中国LED 芯片企业的稼动率接近100%,中国LED 芯片产值规模保持快速增长。

数据显示,2017 年中国LED 芯片(不包括台湾,下同)行业产值规模达到188 亿元,较2016 年增长29.7%,占全球LED 芯片产值比例达到40%;中国MOCVD 保有量超过1600 台,全年净增加246 台,LED 芯片产能占全球的比例。






 值得一提的是,2017年木林森已晋升为全球第4大封装厂,同时今年4月起LEDVANCE 100%股权已过户至木林森名下,木林森正式成为LED全产业链一体化航母。




2.3.4 相关配置................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.4 拼接应用.................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.1 组网图 .................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.2 所需软件................................................................................................................................................. 13 2.4.3 相关配置................................................................................................................................................. 13



接收卡 A5s 规格书
请勿擅自维修产品,您可以随时联系诺瓦科技。 请使用诺瓦科技的同款产品进行备件更换。
1 安全说明

接收卡 A5s 规格书
2 概述
2 概述

A5s 是诺瓦推出的小尺寸全功能高端接收卡,单卡带载 320×256(PWM IC)像素。
3.2 提升可维护性 .............................................................................................................................................. 4
司 1.2 安装和使用安全 ........................................................................................................................................... 1 公 2 概述..................................................................................................................................3
V1.0.1 V1.0.0
2017-07-27 2016-10-25
有限 第一次正式发布。


接收卡 A5s 规格书



is a trademark of Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.
You are welcome to use the product of Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement any suggestions.
6.1 Image .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.1.1 Decoder ................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.1.2 Encoder ................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.2 Audio .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 6.2.1 Decoder .................................................................................................................................................. 12 6.2.2 Encoder .................................................................................................................................................. 12 6.3 Video .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 6.3.1 Decoder .................................................................................................................................................. 13 6.3.2 Encoder .................................................................................................................................................. 14










5G2017年12月21日,在国际电信标准组织3GPP RAN的第78次全体会议上,5G NR首发版本正式发布,这是全球第一个可商用部署的5G标准。







物联网国内外普遍公认,物联网这一概念最早是由MIT的Kevin Ashton 教授于1999年在研究RFID时提出来的。


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年终盘点:2018年LED行业十大关键词2018年,由于受到原材料涨价、美国提高关税以及337调查等诸多因素影响下,LED 企业日子过得非常“艰难”。


























四、337调查3月6日,美国Fraen Corporation公司依据《美国1930年关税法》第337节规定向美国际贸易委员会提出申请,指控对美出口、在美进口或在美销售的LED照明设备及组件(Certain LED Lighting Devices and Components Thereof)侵犯其专利权,请求美国际贸易委员会发布普遍排除令和禁止令。






















4月份,飞利浦照明将关闭位于美国Fall River的制造工厂。

飞利浦照明公司通信负责人梅丽莎坎特(Melissa Kanter)说,飞利浦照明Fall River制造工厂的关闭将影响约160名员工,转让工作将于2019年第一季度末完成。


9月14日,东芝旗下照明产品子公司Toshiba Lighting &Technology宣布,为了改善生产效率,将在2019年3月底关闭生产LED照明的沼津工厂,生产将集中至鹿沼工厂。






8月份,OSRAM出售总部位于德国的欧洲灯具业务Siteco,以及美国的SLS服务业务(SYLVANIA Lighting Services)。



10月份,LED和物联网照明专家Acuity Brands将其市值2300万美元的西班牙照明公司Carandini出售。

11月6日,GE宣布将旗下的Current出售给总部位于纽约的私募股权公司American Industrial Partners(AIP)。

11月29日,NEC宣布将旗下从事照明事业的全额出资子公司NEC Lighting将出售给投资基金Nippon MiraiCapital 100%出资设立的新公司,转让日期定于2019年4月1日,作为转让对价,NEC将取得该新公司5%的股份。










