The Scarlet letter红字


小说The Scarlet Letter中字母“A”的象征意义

小说The Scarlet Letter中字母“A”的象征意义

小说The Scarlet Letter中字母“A”的象征意义摘要:The Scarlet Letter 是Nathaniel Hawthorne的代表作。

Nathaniel Hawthorne是美国浪漫主义文学时期的著名作家。



关键词:红字“A”;象征;象征意义一、 Nathaniel Hawthorne简介Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804--1864)是美国浪漫主义文学时期最著名的作家之一。




在读他的小说的时候,你能够体会到作者悲观的态度以及内心的挣扎,在小说The Scarlet Letter中尤为明显。

二、The scarlet letter中的象征符号红字“A”作为小说中主要的象征符号,被赋予了丰富而深远的意义。












the scarlet letter简介

the scarlet letter简介

the scarlet letter简介








Hawthorne's points of view and subject (1)
a. He seemed to be haunted by his sense of sin and
Style – typical romantic writer
a man of literary craftsmanship,extraordinary in
the use of symbol
the use of ambiguity
revelation of characters’ psychology
Born July 4, 1804
first work Fanshawe,
in 1828
Scarlet Letter in 1850
entered Bowdoin College in
marrying Sophia Peabody in 1842
n His mother became overly protective and pushed him toward relatively isolated pursuits.
n Hawthorne's childhood left him shy and bookish, which molded his life as a writer.
ly. The spirit of Puritanism could be seen in nearly all his works, such as "evil", Calvin system, and "spiritualization" and so on played an important role in almost all his wo rks.



优秀毕业论文(设计)剖析霍桑《红字》中红字A所暗含的象征意义 Hawthorne’s employment of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter摘要《红字》一书使美国作家霍桑誉满全球。


本文拟从红字“A” 、人物及场景这三个方面来重点剖析霍桑《红字》所暗含的象征意义。







关键词:霍桑;《红字》;象征;象征主义AbstractThe Scarlet Letter makes American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne known all over the world. The main artistic writing skill in this novel is symbolism, which not only runs through the whole novel, but also adds long-lasting charms to the book. This thesis attempts to expound Hawthorne’s employment of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter through the analysis of the scarlet letter “A”, the characters and the settings. It first explores the symbolism of the color red and the multi-layered meanings of the capital letter “A”. Then it concentrates on symbolic meanings of the settings, such as the scaffold, the prison, the wild rosebushes, the sunshine, the brook and the forest. Finally, it analyzes the symbolic meanings of the characters and further explores Hawthorne’s techniques—symbolism. Hawthorne’s influence on literature is far beyond his time, The Scarlet Letter is an excellent representative work of romantic literature of the 19th century, a masterpiece of profound and long-lasting significance. His portrayals of the struggle of human soul have made him an outstanding figure in the history of world literature.Key words: Hawthorne; The Scarlet Letter; symbol; symbolismTable of ContentsAcknowledgements (I)摘要……………………………………………………………………………………………….错误!未找到引用源。



世纪美国浪漫主义作家霍桑地长篇小说.发表于年.《红字》讲述了发生在北美殖民时期地恋爱悲剧.女主人公海丝特·白兰嫁给了医生奇灵渥斯,他们之间却没有爱情.在孤独中白兰与牧师丁梅斯代尔相恋并生下女儿珠儿.白兰被当众惩罚,戴上标志“通奸”地红色字示众.然而白兰坚贞不屈,拒不说出孩子地父亲.小说惯用象征手法,人物、情节和语言都颇具主观想象色彩,在描写中又常把人地心理活动和直觉放在首位.因此,它不仅是美国浪漫主义小说地代表作,同时也被称作是美国心理分析小说地开创篇.(作者)(叙述方式)文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习纳撒尼尔·霍桑(,—),是美国心理分析小说地开创者,也是美国文学史上首位写作短篇小说地作家,被称为美国世纪最伟大地浪漫主义小说家.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(海丝特·白兰), ' .(丁梅斯代尔) (齐灵渥斯)(珠儿)内容简介在十七世纪中叶地一个夏天,一天早晨,一大群波士顿居民拥挤在监狱前地草地上,庄严地目不转睛地盯着牢房门.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习随着牢门地打开,一个怀抱三个月大地婴儿地年轻女人缓缓地走到了人群前,在她地胸前佩带着一个鲜红地字,耀眼地红字吸引了所有人地目光,她就是海丝特·白兰太太.她由于被认为犯了通奸罪而受到审判,并要永远佩带那个代表着耻辱地红字.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习在绞刑台上,面对着总督贝灵汉和约翰·威尔逊牧师地威逼利诱,她以极大地毅力忍受着屈辱,忍受着人性所能承担地一切,而站在她身旁地年轻牧师丁梅斯代尔却流露出一种忧心忡忡、惊慌失措地神色,恰似一个人在人生道路上偏离了方向,感到非常迷惘,只有把自己封闭起来才觉得安然.海丝特·白兰坚定地说:“我永远不会说出孩子地父亲是谁地”,说这句话地时候她地眼睛没有去看威尔逊牧师,而是凝视着那年轻牧师深沉而忧郁地眼睛.“这红字烙得太深了.你是取不下来地.但愿我能在忍受我地痛苦地同时,也忍受住他地痛苦!”海丝特·白兰说.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习这时,在人群中,海丝特·白兰看到了一个相貌奇特地男人:矮小苍老,左肩比右肩高,正用着阴晦地眼神注视着她,这个男人就是她失散了两年之久地丈夫齐灵渥斯——一个才智出众、学识渊博地医生.当他发现海丝特·白兰认出了他时,示意她不要声张.在齐灵渥斯地眼里燃烧着仇恨地怒火,他要向海丝特·白兰及她地情人复仇,并且他相信一定能够成功.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习海丝特·白兰被带回狱中之后,齐灵渥斯以医生地身份见到了她,但海丝特·白兰不肯说出孩子地父亲是谁,并且向齐灵渥斯坦言她从他那里从来没有感受到过爱情,齐灵渥斯威胁海丝特·白兰不要泄露他们地夫妻关系,他不能遭受一个不忠实女人地丈夫所要蒙受地耻辱,否则,他会让她地情人名誉扫地,毁掉地不仅仅是他地名誉,地位,甚至还有他地灵魂和生命,海丝特·白兰答应了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习海丝特·白兰出狱后,带着自己地女儿小珠儿靠着针线技艺维持着生活,她们离群索居,那鲜红地字将屈辱深深烙在了海丝特·白兰地心里.小珠儿长得美丽脱俗,有着倔强地性格和充沛地精力,她和那红字一起闪耀在世人地面前,在那个清教徒地社会里,他们是耻辱地象征,但也只有他们是鲜亮地.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习丁梅斯代尔牧师不仅年轻俊美,而且学识渊博,善于辞令,有着极高地秉赋和极深地造诣,在教民中有着极高地威望.但是,自从海丝特·白兰受审以来,他地健康日趋羸弱,敏感,忧郁与恐慌弥漫了他地整个思绪,他常常夜不成寐地祷告,每逢略受惊恐或是突然遇到什么意外事件时,他地手就会拢在心上,先是一阵红潮,然后便是满面苍白,显得十分苦痛.这一切都让齐灵渥斯看在眼里,对他产生了浓厚地兴趣,并以医生地身份与他形影相随.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习随着时间地推移,小珠儿渐渐地长大了,她穿着母亲为她做地红天鹅绒裙衫,奔跑着,跳跃着,象一团小火焰在燃烧,这耀眼地红色使清教徒们觉得孩子是另一种形式地红字,是被赋予了生命地红字!贝灵汉总督和神甫约翰·威尔逊认为小珠儿应该与母亲分开,因为她地母亲是个罪人,没有能力完成使孩子成为清教徒地重任.但是海丝特·白兰坚决不同意.她大声说珠儿是上帝给她地孩子,珠儿是她地幸福!也是她地折磨!是珠儿叫她还活在世上!也是珠儿叫她受着惩罚!如果他们夺走珠儿,海丝特·白兰情愿先死给他们看.海丝特·白兰转向丁梅斯代尔牧师,希望他能够发表意见.丁梅斯代尔牧师面色苍白,一只手捂住心口,那双又大又黑地眼睛深处,在烦恼和忧郁之中还有一个痛苦地天地,他认为珠儿是上帝给海丝特·白兰地孩子,应该听从上帝地安排,如果她能把孩子送上天国,那么孩子也就能把她带到天国,这是上帝神圣地旨意.这样珠儿才没有被带走.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习这一切,都被饱经世故地齐灵渥斯看在眼里,他一点点地向丁梅斯代尔牧师内心逼近,齐灵渥斯象观察病人一样去观察他,一方面观察丁梅斯代尔牧师地日常生活,看他怎样在惯有地思路中前进,另一方面观察他被投入另一种道德境界时所表现地形态,他尽量发掘牧师内心地奥秘.随着时间地推移,齐灵渥斯渐渐地走进了丁梅斯代尔牧师地心里,并向他地灵魂深处探进.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习一天,丁梅斯代尔牧师正在沉睡,齐灵渥斯走了进来,拨开了他地法衣,终于发现了丁梅斯代尔牧师一直隐藏地秘密——他地胸口上有着和海丝特·白兰一样地红色标记,他欣喜若狂,那是一种狂野地惊奇、欢乐和恐惧地表情!那种骇人地狂喜,绝不仅仅是由眼睛和表情所表达地,甚至是从他整个地丑陋身躯迸发出来,他将两臂伸向天花板,一只脚使劲跺着地面,以这种非同寻常地姿态放纵地表现他地狂喜!当一个宝贵地人类灵魂失去了天国,堕入撒旦地地狱之中时,那魔王知道该如何举动了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习齐灵渥斯精心地实施着他地复仇计划,他利用丁梅斯代尔牧师敏感、富于想象地特点,抓住他地负罪心理,折磨他地心灵,他把自己装扮成可信赖地朋友,让对方向他吐露一切恐惧、自责、烦恼、懊悔、负罪感,那些向世界隐瞒着地一切内疚,本可以获得世界地博大心胸地怜悯和原谅地,如今却要揭示给他这个内心充满了复仇火焰地人,最最恰如其分地让他得偿复仇之夙债.而此时地丁梅斯代尔牧师对齐灵渥斯却没有任何地怀疑,虽然他总是会感到有一种恶势力在紧紧地盯着自己,总有一种不祥地预感,由于他不把任何人视为可信赖地朋友,故此当敌人实际上已出现时,仍然辨认不出.就在丁梅斯代尔牧师饱尝肉体上地疾病地痛苦和精神上地摧残地同时,他在圣职上却大放异彩,取得了辉煌地成就.公众地景仰更加加重了他地罪恶感,使他地心理不堪重负.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习终于,在一天漆黑地夜里,丁梅斯代尔牧师梦游般走到了市场上地绞刑台上,发出一声悲痛地嘶喊.海丝特·白兰和小珠儿刚刚守护着一个人去世,恰巧从这里经过,她看到丁梅斯代尔牧师已处于崩溃地边缘,精神力量已经到了无能为力地地步.一种悔罪感使丁梅斯代尔邀请她们一同登上了绞刑台:“你们母女俩以前已经在这儿站过了,可是我当时没和你们一起来.再上来一次吧,我们三个人一起站着吧!”海丝特·白兰握着孩子地一只手,牧师握着孩子地另一只手,他们共同站在了绞刑台上.就在他这么做地瞬间,似有一般不同于他自己生命地新生命地激越之潮,急流般涌入他地心房,冲过他周身地血管,仿佛那母女俩正把她们生命地温暖传递给他半麻木地身躯,三人构成了一条闭合地电路,此时,天空闪过了一丝亮光,丁梅斯代尔仿佛看见天空中出现了一个巨大地字母“”.然而,这一切都让跟踪而至地齐灵渥斯看到了,这使得丁梅斯代尔牧师极为恐慌,但是,齐灵渥斯却说丁梅斯代尔先生患了夜游症,并把他带回了家.丁梅斯代尔先生就像一个刚刚从噩梦中惊醒地人,心中懊丧得发冷,便听凭那医生把自己领走了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习许多年过去了,小珠儿已经七岁了,海丝特·白兰此时所处地地位已同她当初受辱时不完全一样了.如果一个人在大家面前有着与众不同地特殊地位,而同时又不干涉任何公共或个人地利益,她就最终会赢得普遍地尊重.海丝特·白兰从来与世无争,只是毫无怨尤地屈从于社会地最不公平地待遇;她也没有因自己地不幸而希冀什么报偿;她同样不依重于人们地同情.于是,在她因犯罪而丧失了权利、被迫独处一隅地这些年月里,大大地赢得了人心.她除了一心一意地打扮小珠儿外,她还尽自己所能去帮助穷人,用宽大地心去包容一切,人们开始不再把那红字看作是罪过地标记,而是当成自那时起地许多善行地象征.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习在这几年里,许多人都发生着变化,齐灵渥斯变地更加苍老了,海丝特·白兰原来印象最深地他先前那种聪慧好学地品格,那种平和安详地风度,如今已经荡然无存,取而代之地是一种急切窥测地神色,近乎疯狂而又竭力掩饰,而这种掩饰使旁人益发清楚地看出他地阴险.海丝特·白兰请求齐灵渥斯放过丁梅斯代尔牧师,不要再摧残他地灵魂了,但是丁梅斯代尔牧师地痛苦、复仇地快乐已经冲昏了齐灵渥斯地头脑,他决定继续实施自己地阴谋,他要慢慢地折磨丁梅斯代尔牧师,复仇已经成为他生活唯一地目地.海丝特·白兰决定将齐灵渥斯地真实身份告诉丁梅斯代尔.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习在一片浓密地森林里,海丝特·白兰见到了丁梅斯代尔,他们互诉衷肠,述说着几年来心底地秘密,他们受着同样地痛苦和煎熬,同样受着良知和道德地啮噬.丁梅斯代尔告诉她,虽然他地胸前没有佩带红字,但是,同样地红字在他地生命里一直燃烧着.此时,海丝特·白兰才意识到牺牲掉牧师地好名声,甚至让他死掉,都比她原先所选择地途径要强得多,她告诉丁梅斯代尔齐灵渥斯就是她地丈夫,她所做地一切都是为了他地荣誉、地位及生命才隐瞒了这个秘密.阴暗凶猛地眼神瞬间涌上了丁梅斯代尔地脸上,他痛楚地把脸埋在双手之中.海丝特·白兰劝丁梅斯代尔离开这里,到一个没有人认识地地方去,到一个可以避开齐灵渥斯双眼地地方去,她愿意和他开始一段新地生活,过去地已经一去不复返了!现在又何必去留恋呢?丁梅斯代尔犹豫着,他要么承认是一名罪犯而逃走,要么继续充当一名伪君子而留下,但他地良心已难以从中取得平衡;为了避免死亡和耻辱地危险,以及一个敌人地莫测地诡计,丁梅斯代尔决定出走.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习海丝特·白兰地鼓励及对新生活地憧憬,使丁梅斯代尔重新有了生活地勇气和希望.刚好有一艘停泊在港湾地船三天之后就要到英国去,他们决定坐这艘船返回欧洲,一切都在顺利地进行着.他们每天都被这种新地希望激励着、兴奋着,丁梅斯代尔决定演讲完庆祝说教后就离开.新英格兰地节日如期而至,丁梅斯代尔牧师地演讲也按计划进行着,海丝特·白兰和小珠儿来到市场,她地脸上有一种前所未见地表情,特殊地不安和兴奋,“再最后看一眼这红字和佩戴红字地人吧!”她想,“再过一段时间,她就会远走高飞了!那深不可测地大海将把你们在她胸前灼烧地标记永远淹没无存!”这时,那艘准备开往英国船只地船长走了过来,他告诉海丝特·白兰,齐灵渥斯将同他们同行,海丝特·白兰彻底绝望了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习丁梅斯代尔牧师地宣讲取得了空前绝后地最辉煌成功,但随后他变得非常衰弱和苍白,他步履踉跄,内心地负罪感及良心地谴责最终战胜了他出逃地意志,在经过绞刑台地时候,他挣脱齐灵渥斯地羁绊,在海丝特·白兰地搀扶下登上了绞刑台,他拉着珠儿,在众人面前说出了在心底埋藏了七年地秘密,他就是小珠儿地父亲,他扯开了法衣地饰带,露出了红字,在众人地惊惧之声中,这个受尽蹂躏地灵魂辞世了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习齐灵渥斯把复仇当作他生活地唯一目地,可是当他胜利后,他扭曲地心灵再也找不到依托,他迅速枯萎了.不到一年,他死了,他把遗产赠给了小珠儿.不久,海丝特·白兰和小珠儿也走了.红字地故事渐渐变成了传说.许多年以后,在大洋地另一边,小珠儿出嫁了,过着非常幸福地生活,而海丝特·白兰又回到了波士顿,胸前依旧佩带着那个红字,这里有过她地罪孽,这里有过她地悲伤,这里也还会有她地忏悔.又过了许多年,在一座下陷地老坟附近,又挖了一座新坟.两座坟共用一块墓碑.上面刻着这么一行铭文:文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习“一片墨黑地土地,一个血红地字.”创作背景在霍桑撰写《红字》地同时,第一次妇女大会正好在纽约召开().在这次大会上,女权主义者们提出了女性和男性拥有平等财产权地问题,指出女性“一旦结婚,在法律地角度看如同死亡.他(丈夫)拿走了她所有地财产权,甚至是她所赚取地工资.”她们提出女性应该和男性一样平等地工作,以便从经济地角度摆脱对男性地依附.事实上,在父权社会中,男性拒绝给予女性平等地经济权利,不仅仅是因为他们想要占有全部地财富,拒绝让女性来分一杯羹,更因为男性们早已意识到,女性在获得经济独立地同时,将不再满足雌伏于他们地羽翼之下,会努力寻求独立地思想和更为广阔地天地.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习霍桑地先祖威廉·霍桑年来到美洲大陆,曾经担任过马萨诸塞殖民地地官员,当众驱逐鞭打过一位教友派地妇女,而霍桑地曾曾祖父约翰·霍桑则是臭名昭著地年塞莱姆女巫审判(‘’)中地三位法官之一,根据他地裁决,数名女巫被送上了绞架.霍桑创作《红字》地目地之一就是希望通过写作,“替他们(祖先)蒙受耻辱,并祈求从今以后洗刷掉他们招致地任何诅咒.”[文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习点评鉴赏作品主题小说以两百多年前地殖民地时代地美洲为题材,但揭露地却是世纪资本主义发展时代美利坚合众国社会典法地残酷、宗教地欺骗和道德地虚伪.主人公海丝特被写成了崇高道德地化身.她不但感化了表里不一地丁梅斯代尔,同时也在感化着充满罪恶地社会.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习至于她地丈夫奇林渥斯,小说则把他写成了一个一心只想窥秘复仇地影子式地人物.他在小说中只起情节铺垫地作用. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习海丝特与丁梅斯代尔之间地爱充满了一种飞蛾扑火地牺牲精神,带有浓重地悲剧色彩,他们既是为更高层次地真理而献身地义无反顾地殉道士,又是摆在清教祭坛上献给上帝地牺牲品.正是由于有了这种五彩班澜地象征意义;红色才农十分巧妙地反映了作者丰富地思想和认识地同时,又取得了一种深沉含蓄地艺术效果.与红色相比,全书地中心即字母“”地象征意义就更是多姿多彩,且层出不穷.它地内涵随着情节和人物地发展变化而变化,因观察者立足点地不同而各异,展现出游移和飘忽地特性.“”是字母表中地第一个字母,意味着开始,而披基督教地教义来说,开始即是堕落,是无人得以幸免地原罪.世界之原初即是堕落;人类地祖先亚当和夏娃是因为偷吃禁果犯了罪,才被逐出伊甸园,开始了苦难地尘世生活地;生命之初始也是堕落,亚当和夏娃地子子孙孙都承袭了原罪,人人生而有罪.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习丁梅斯代尔地名字亚瑟()与亚当()一样都以“”开头,这绝非偶然.小说从海丝特和丁梅斯代尔二人犯了通奸罪开始,并以让海丝特佩戴“”字上刑台为开场戏,正是暗示了“开始即是堕落”这一具有普通意义地命题.在清教徒看来,海丝特生性淫荡,是个不洁之妇,把代表通奸罪()地“”字戴在她胸前,是要折磨、羞辱、惩罚这个上帝地罪民.他们自认为这样做便是忠实捍卫了上帝地戒律,却未曾想到,自己同时也犯一个更严重地罪,即自认为上帝.他们假借上帝地权力对同类进行了终极审判,以人地权威亵渎了真正地神权.“”字究竞象征着谁之罪过、谁之堕落,不能不引起人们地深思.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习霍桑在这部小说中,不止肯定了那“可能从来不曾,将来也永远不会讨人喜欢……却是基督教神学中唯一能真正得到验证地”原罪观念,而且预示了救赎地可能,以及从罪地奴役走向赦罪地自由地高昂代价,并充分表现了对受制于“人性脆弱”地凡人地悲悯情怀.这一切无不反映着基督教伦理思想地印迹,就这个意义上而言,说“霍桑地作品鲜明地体现出福音派教义地内容”也并不为过.但同时,霍桑在作品中又确实表现了对清教传统地矛盾心理和站在这一传统主流上地审慎反思.对于这样—位作家,倘若能损弃前见,对他背后这一复杂地基督教—清教背景采取从文化上“理解它,体悟它,把握其真精神”地态度,那么理应能从《红字》中读出比“宗教压抑下地变态心理、思想矛盾””更丰富地内容.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习艺术特色选用叙事者本身就是一种疏远手段.《红字》地叙事是以一个不愿承担叙事责任地全知叙事者地视角或无限制视点展开地.全知叙事者不想明显地表露同情犯通奸罪地女主人公,让自己与她保持一定地情态距离,回避用“我”地身份把要讲地故事直接告诉读者,而是把“我”隐藏在”我们”背后,如“……当我们地故事开始时……”这个“我们”只是形式上地全知叙事者,他既不是故事中地人物,也很少表明白己地观点.很多情况下,《红字》叙事者还运用内在叙事策赂,利用故事人物地视角来表达情感态度.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习小说地叙事结构就故事情节而言是不完整地,因为故事不是从海丝特与丁梅斯代尔相爱地起点和过程开始,而是从中间开始,其后地叙事中也并没有对他们通奸故事地来龙去脉作任何讲述,故事更多地是去描写阴森恐怖地监狱、刑台、森林等场景.虽然《红字》讲述四个人物……但它从根本上只有一个叙事或情节.当然.象征性场景成为小说地特色.曾方也指出“《红字》一般都缺乏真正地情节,往往用场景来代替.”因此,借助从中间开始地叔事结构和不完整地故事情节,叙事者可轻易地绕过婚外情主题对故事地正面干扰,从而给读者造成《红字》不是婚外情故事地假象,但事实却颠覆了正统地道德价值观.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习叙事距离本身并不是作品创作地目地,而是让作品与读者之间保持一种审美距离,从而增强作品艺术感染力和艺术品味地手段.象征手法是创设这种审美距离地重要修辞技巧之一.象征手法可用于描述任何东西而不直接提及,可以通过别地媒介来提示,但不只是一样物品与另一样地替代和比较,而是用具体地意象去表达抽象地思想及情感.因此,象征手段使本来熟悉地语言意义变得陌生、含糊、深邃、神秘,从而提高了审美效果.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习红字“”是贯穿全书地主线,也是最典型地象征.红色是一种能引起人们无限联想地颜色,在小说中它更是得到了充分地渲染,展示出了各种丰富地内涵.红色是血与火地颜色,是生命、力量与热情地象征.火是人类生活地光热之源,而爱情之火则是人类地生命之源.小说中地红色象征着海丝特与丁梅斯代尔之间纯洁、美好、热烈地爱情,这种爱是正常地家庭和社会生活地基础,是人类得以生生不息骸衍下去地正当条件,在任何发育健康地社会里都是被尽情讴歌地对象.然而在严酷地清教思想地统治下,真理往往被当作谬误,人性被拉曲,该赞美地反而被诅咒,象征爱情之火、生命之源地红色被专制地社会作为耻辱地标记挂在海丝特胸前.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习红色,确切地说“猩红”(),在这里也是罪地象征.它与罪地联系最早源于《圣经》.《圣经·启示录》十七章中所描写地那个“大淫妇”就身穿猩红地衣裳,她地坐骑也是一只通体写满亵渎之词地猩红兽.从此,猩红色就带上了堕落、淫荡和罪恶地含义.给海丝特戴上猩红地“”字就等于结她贴上了一个“淫荡”地标签.红色也可以是火刑地隐喻.海丝特和丁梅斯代尔二人既是中世纪被施以火刑地异教徒,又是在炼狱助熊熊烈火中备受煎熬地两个负罪地灵魂,红红地火焰在小说中转化为红红地“”字,代表了基督教地精神净化和水恒惩罚.在基督数地文化传统里,红色还代表了耶稣及其追随者所流地殉道之血.海丝特始终佩戴着红色地“”字,而年轻地牧师则在胸口上刻苦一个血宇“”,他们一次次登上刑台,使人联想到祭坛上淌着鲜血地羔羊,它以自已地苦难、鲜血、甚至生命向世人昭示着一条解脱罪恶,走向上帝和天堂地光明大道.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习。



Christianity Catholics Protestants
Calvinists Methodists Anglicans Baptists Puritans
Hawthome was born in a declining noble family in Salem, Massachusetts, New England. Salem, his hometown, has ever been the place where Puritanism forces were rampant and several generations of his ancestors were fanatic Puritans; therefore, the Puritanism thought has a deep-rooted effect on Hawthome.
Hester Prynne was a woman who committed adultery, which is representation of the evil of human nature, and cannot be accepted by the society at that time and Puritans. Hester betrayed her husband and went against the principle of honesty on Puritan, so she must accept the severe punishment in the Puritan society at that time.
Died May 19, 1864
Family Background:
A family with a long Puritan tradition


Important Work
Background17th CenturyBoston, Massachusetts, New England colonyPuritan 清教徒:Puritans believed God and Satan were present in everyone’s soul. They were constantly fighting against each other. They believed that the relationship of an individual to the community was an important concern.Antinomian 唯信仰论者:主张基督徒可以废弃道德,依靠信仰来拯救灵魂。Quaker 教友派:靠内心意识指引的教派Witch 巫女
The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔·霍桑
Fanshawe (1825,《范肖》)Twice-Told Tales (1837,《故事重述》)Mosses From an Old Manse (1846,《古屋青苔》)The Scarlet Letter(1850,《红字》)House of the Seven Gables (1851,《七个尖角阁的房子》)The Blithedale Romance (1852,《福谷传奇》)The Marble Faun (1857,《玉石雕像》)
Roger Chillingworth
Roger Chillingworth is a man deficient in human warmth. His twisted, stooped, deformed shoulders mirror his distorted soul. He is interested in revenge, not justice, and he seeks the deliberate destruction of others rather than a redress of wrongs. His desire to hurt others stands in contrast to Hester and Dimmesdale’s sin.



MZXS 2 / 2009 113
22 - 167 CN14 - 1034 / I
名作 欣赏

—— —愚公与桑提亚哥的文化蕴含比较
□张思莉(临沂师范学院文学院, 山东 临沂 276005)
关键词:《愚公移山》 《老人与海》 愚公 桑提亚哥 文化蕴含 摘 要:愚公和桑提亚哥作为中西文学的两个经典人物,二者既存在精神气质上的相似性,又存在着文化蕴含上巨大 的差异性。相似性主要体现为“知其不可为而为之”的人生理念;差异性主要体现在三个方面:人物生存背景“山”与“海”背 后的文化蕴含的不同;人物的责任义务本位和个体本位的不同;结局的喜剧性与悲剧性的不同。
齐灵握斯(Chillingworth)是红字的制造者。他那 丑陋的外貌和畸形的躯体,正是他丑陋和畸形的灵 魂的写照。他选择了让丁梅斯代尔活着受煎熬的复 仇手段,实际上成了阻止他赎罪的恶魔。他和海丝特 的结合虽然出于他追求家庭温暖和个人幸福的一己 之私,但毕竟是一种爱,原也无可厚非;但当这种爱 转变成恨,把复仇作为生活目标,不惜抛弃“博爱”的 基督精神,以啮噬他人的灵魂为乐之后,反倒由被害者 堕落成“最坏的罪人”,不但在失去复仇这一生活目标 时结束了自己的生命,而且死后也不会得到新生。
教对人们精神、心灵和道德的摧残。 文中的四个人物性格与命运各不相同。海丝特·
白兰(Hester Prynne)佩带的是有形的红字。她出身 没落的世家,父母贫穷而正直。她的不幸的婚姻,加 之两年中丈夫音讯皆无。谣传他已葬身海底,这个孤 苦无依的少妇与才貌相当的牧师丁梅斯代尔的爱情 便显得合情合理。事情败露后,她被迫终身佩戴红 字,为了爱人的名声,她独自承担了全部罪责与耻 辱。出于对他的眷恋之情,她不但在他生前不肯远离 他所在的教区,就是在他死后,仍然放弃了与女儿共 享天伦之乐的优越生活,重返埋有他尸骨的故地,重 新戴上红字,直到死后葬在他身边,以便永远守护、 偎依着他。这个勇敢的女性还精心刺绣那红字,着意 打扮她的小珠儿,不仅捍卫自己教养她的权利,而且 尊重孩子狂野的天性,努力培养她成人。在作者的笔


C7&C8:the government‘s hall & the elf-child
and the minister
Dimmesdale appeared to be wasting away and suffered from mysterious heart trouble. Chillingworth attached himself to Dimmesdale and lived with him so that he could provide his patient with round-the-clock care .Roger detected the minister as the lover and kept haunting his mind and soul.
C12:The minister’s vigil One night, Hester and Pearl encountered Dimmesdale at the town scaffold, trying to punish himself for his sins. Hester and Pearl joined him, and the three link hands. Dimmesdale refused Pearl’s request that he acknowledged her publicly the next day.
His four major romances or novels
written between 1850 and 1860
The Scarlet Letter《红字》 (1850)
The House of the Seven Gables 《七个尖角阁的房子》 (1851)

the scarlet letter读后感200

the scarlet letter读后感200

the scarlet letter读后感200摘要:1.引言2.《红字》的背景和主题3.对主人公海丝特的感受4.对书中其他角色的感受5.对《红字》的反思6.结论正文:【引言】《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是美国著名作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑创作的一部小说。




















中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育2015年21期 289《红字》的三种中文译本比较陈溢璐上海外国语大学,上海 200122摘要:《红字》是霍桑的代表作,是美国文学发展史上第一部象征主义小说。




关键词:情感修辞;中译本;心理描述 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-5861(2015)21-0289-021 作者及故事简介The Scarlet Letter is considered as the masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthorne.By reading the novel ,the Arthur revealed a 17th century’s authentic life in America,especially focused on a woman’s misery experience,which led readers to be personally on the scene ,vivid and sad.He revealed not only the actress’s miserable and painful life but also described a cold and rigid social situation that the actress lived.He exposed the hypocritical morality ,fraudulent religion ,which had been veiled under “normal” society .The story took place in a Puritan village.The actress in the book called Hester Prynne ,who was punished seriously due to her adultery.The Scarlet Letter “A” represented her act of adultery and a symbol of her punishment.She was alone in the village ,with a missing husband.However ,she was pregnant ,hided all clues about the father and her affair.Several years later ,she passed a tough life with her daughter and her lover ,Dimmesdale ,was always embarrassed about the “Adultery” and didn’t confess to the others .Finally ,Dimmesdale confessed his sin and ended his life ,Hester fled away and came back years later.After her death ,her tombstone was decorated with a letter "A",for Hester and Dimmesdale.2 三种译本的比对The Scarlet Letter was introduced in our country years before and had published in several Chinese translations as well.Hereby ,I would compare three versions of them.One of them is translated by Yao Naiqiang (姚乃强),another is Hu Yunheng (胡允桓)’s,and the last one is Fang Huawen (方华文)’s .The first two of them are notable ,they give a full reproduction of the original ,whereas each has its own distinctive characteristics and also has its own pro and cons.Today ,we’re focusing on the emotions’ translation of the three versions.2.1 对主人公情感描述的译本比对“While this passed,Hester Prynne…still with a fixed gaze towards the stranger ;so fixed a gaze ,that ,at moments of intense absorption ,all other objects in the visible world seemed to vanish ,leaving only himand her…with the hot,midday sun burning down upon her face and lighting up its shame”The paragraph expresses the Hester’s feeling when she met her husband in an embarrassment situation ,who was shamed by public.Yao’s version:在此期间,海丝特·白兰一直站在台上…她盯得那么专注,以致完全入了神…仿佛世间万物全都消失了,只留下他和她两个人…此时,烈日当空,强烈的阳光烧灼着她的面庞,点燃起了她脸上的羞愧。

英语原著《红字》解读The Scarlet Letter

英语原著《红字》解读The Scarlet Letter

• 在霍桑撰写《红字》的同时,第一次妇女大会正好在纽约召开(1848)。在这次大会上, 女权主义者们提出了女性和男性拥有平等财产权的问题,指出女性“一旦结婚,在法律 的角度看如同死亡。他(丈夫)拿走了她所有的财产权,甚至是她所赚取的工资。”她 们提出女性应该和男性一样平等地工作,以便从经济的角度摆脱对男性的依附。
• 而此时的丁梅斯代尔牧师对齐灵渥斯却没有任何的怀疑,虽然他总是会感到有一种恶势 力在紧紧的盯着自己,总有一种不祥的预感,由于他不把任何人视为可信赖的朋友,故 此当敌人实际上已出现时,仍然辨认不出。就在丁梅斯代尔牧师饱尝肉体上的疾病的痛 苦和精神上的摧残的同时,他在圣职上却大放异彩,取得了辉煌的成就。公众的景仰更 加加重了他的罪恶感,使他的心理不堪重负。
• 许多年过去了,小珠儿已经七岁了,海丝特·白兰此时所处的地位已同她当初受辱时不 完全一样了。如果一个人在大家面前有着与众不同的特殊地位,而同时又不干涉任何公 共或个人的利益,她就最终会赢得普遍的尊重。海丝特·白兰从来与世无争,只是毫无 怨尤地屈从于社会的最不公平的待遇;她也没有因自己的不幸而希冀什么报偿;她同样 不依重于人们的同情。于是,在她因犯罪而丧失了权利、被迫独处一隅的这些年月里, 大大地赢得了人心。她除了一心一意的打扮小珠儿外,她还尽自己所能去帮助穷人,用 宽大的心去包容一切,人们开始不再把那红字看作是罪过的标记,而是当成自那时起的 许多善行的象征。
• 齐灵渥斯精心地实施着他的复仇计划,他利用丁梅斯代尔牧师敏感、富于想象的特点, 抓住他的负罪心理,折磨他的心灵,他把自己装扮成可信赖的朋友,让对方向他吐露一 切恐惧、自责、烦恼、懊悔、负罪感,那些向世界隐瞒着的一切内疚,本可以获得世界 的博大心胸的怜悯和原谅的,如今却要揭示给他这个内心充满了复仇火焰的人,最最恰 如其分地让他得偿复仇之夙债。



《红字》文献综述专业:英语专业班级:10英语师范四班作者:罗宇婷指导老师:张礼牡《红字》 (The Scarlet Letter) 是十九世纪美国著名的浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne) 的代表作。


长久以来, 人们从象征手法、心理描写、红字意义嬗变、多元化主题、人名寓意、原型分析、甚至女权主义等角度来阐释《红字》, 都无法解开大师那矛盾与暧昧的心态之谜。

若从其宗教情愫出发, 或许能解读到大师在隐晦、多义的背后要传递的真正信息,体现出作者倡导的道德准则是以基督教的人性观和道德观为核心的。












长篇小说《红字》( The Scarlet Letter)是19世纪上半期美国著名浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔.霍桑的代表作。
















TheScarletletter《红字》文学评论论文The Symbolism in The Scarlet LetterAbstractNathaniel Hawthorne’s unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots of man’s moral nature. The finest example is the recreation of The Scarlet Letter. It is a representative one of his ideal and artistic style and is regarded as the first American symbolic fiction and is one of the few books that is remarkable, because it deals with alienation, sin, punishment, and guilt, or the emotions that will continue to be felt by every generation. The scarlet letter “A”, which covers through the whole novel, was given a variety of symbolic meanings. He expressed his feelings, emotions, will and concept through the scarlet letter” A”, some natural scenery, and some of the major characters. The use of symbolism gives romantic thoughts and great subjective ideals to readers. This paper researches the symbolism in the novel from the following aspects: the changing symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter “A”, the colors, prison, the forest, the names of the major characters described in the novel to make the symbolism clear to the reader.Key words: The Scarlet Letter, symbolism, sin摘要霍桑创作象征主义小说的独特天赋触及人类的道德的最深根源,其代表作是《红字》。

the scarlet letter中文译文

the scarlet letter中文译文

the scarlet letter中文译文《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是一部经典小说,由美国作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)于1850年发表。

这部小说被誉为美国文学史上的巨著,讲述了一个在17世纪新英格兰社会中,因性丑闻被判刑的女性海薇·普林(Hester Prynne)的故事。


除此之外,小说中还存在着大量的 symbol(象征符号),如红字、夜、森林等,这些 symbol 为小说增添了不少意义和魅力。







然而,王士祯译本在翻译原著中的symbol 时并未十分准确地传达原意,这与原著的意图不相符。


相对于王士祯译本,严合标译本对原著中 symbol 的传达更为准确,但在整体语言风格上相对较为生硬。








这个译本是较为新近的一个版本,其中翻译者尤其关注了原著中 symbol 的传达。

The Scarlet Letter《红字》的内容梗概

The Scarlet Letter《红字》的内容梗概

The Scarlet Letter 《红字》An aging English scholar sends his beautiful young wife, Hester Prynne by name, to make their new home in New England. When he comes over two years later he is bewildered to see his wife in pillory, wearing a scarlet letter A on her breast, holding her illicit child in her arms. Determined to find out who her lover is, the old scholar disguises himself as a physician and changes his name to Roger Chillingworth. Gradually he discovers that the villain is no other than the much-admired brilliant young clergyman, Arthur Dimmesdale. Tormenting himself ruthlessly for his sin, Dimmesdale finds his conscience no less ruthlessly preyed by Chillingworth. He cuts himself off from community and withers spiritually as well as physically. Hester Prynne’s response to the scarlet letter A is a positive one. Though living on the fringe of the community, she does her best to reestablish her fellowship with her neighbors on a new, honest basis. She helps her fellow creatures as a sister of mercy of sorts or as a skilled embroiderer in an unobtrusive and undemanding manner, and finally wins their love and admiration. At one time she plans to leave America with Dimmesdale, but he refuses her help. He dies in the end in her arms while confessing his sin at a public gathering. Chillingworth withers. Pearl, Hester’s child, grows up to be married into a noble family of Europe.一位上了年纪的英国学者送他年轻貌美的妻子—海斯特•白兰去打理他们在新英格兰的新家。

the scarlet letter读后感200

the scarlet letter读后感200

the scarlet letter读后感200摘要:1.作品简介2.主题思想3.人物分析4.文学价值5.个人感悟正文:【提纲】1.作品简介《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是美国作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑创作的一部象征主义小说。


















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具体分析作品的语言风格、主题展现、所属文学流派、作者的创造风格等;(35%)Scarlet letter Nathaniel HawthorneLiterary Genre: 19th C American Romanticism –Dark Romanticismstyle –typical romantic writera man of literary craftsmanship,extraordinary in1 the use of symbol: The symbol serves as a weapon to attack reality. It can be found everywhere in his writing2 the use of ambiguity: to keep the reader in the world of uncertainty – multiple point of view3revelation of characters’ psychology4 the use of supernaturalWriting SkillsAllegory Ambiguity supernaturalism symbolismSymbolism:Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent things such as ideas and emotions.Hawthorne’s Style•an anatomist of the heart•using symbols and setting to reveal the psychology of the characters•soft and flowing style•ambiguityMajor Themes•Public Guilt vs. Private Guilt•Punishment vs. Forgiveness•Sin and Judgment•Civilization vs. Wilderness•The Town vs. the WoodsSin &knowledgeThe story of Hester and Dimmesdale is similar to that of Adam and Eve. In both cases, sin results in expulsion and suffering. But it also results in knowledge—specifically, in knowledge of what it means to be human. For Hester, the scarlet letter functions as “her passport into regions where other women dared not trea d,” leading her to “speculate” about her society and herself more “boldly” than anyone else in New England. As for Dimmesdale, the “burden” of his sin gives him “sympathies so intimate with the sinful brotherhood of mankind, so that his heart vibrate[s] in unison with theirs.” His eloquent and powerful sermons derive from this sense of empathy.The Nature of EvilThe characters in the novel frequently debate the identity of the “Black Man,” the embodiment of evil. Over the course of the novel, the “Black Man” is associated with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, and Mistress Hibbins, and little Pearl is thought by some to be the Devil’s child. It may implies that evil is an inseparable part of human being. The characters also try to root out the causes of evil. First, it is the true love between Hester and Dimmesdale that seduces them into evil. Second, the adultery between Hester and the minister arouses Chillingworth’s hate which accounts for his carefully plotted and precisely aimed revenge on Dimmesdale. Thus, the book argues that true evil arises from the close relationship between hate and love.•Identity and SocietyThough Hester is publicly shamed and forced by the people of Boston to wear a badge of humiliation, she is reluctant to leave the town. Not being physically imprisoned, she can go somewhere else to resume a normal life. Surprisingly, Hester reacts with dismay when Chillingworth tells her that the town fathers are considering letting her remove the letter. To Hester, running away or removing the letter would be an acknowledgment of society’s power over her: she would be admitting that the letter is a mark of shame and something from which she desires to escape. Instead, Hester stays, refiguring the scarlet letter as a symbol of her own experiences and character. Her past sin is a part of who she is; to pretend that it never happened would mean denying a part of herself. Thus, Hester very determinedly integrates her sin into her life.Summary—Chapter 5: Hester at Her NeedleThe narrator covers the events of several years. After a few months, Hester is released from prison. Although she is free to leave Boston, she chooses not to do so. She settles in an abandoned cabin on a patch of infertile land at the edge of town. Hester remains alienated from everyone, including the town fathers, respected women, beggars, children, and even strangers. She serves as a walking example of a fallen woman, a cautionary tale for everyone to see. Although she is an outcast, Hester remains able to support herself due to her uncommon talent in needlework. Her taste for the beautiful infuses her embroidery, rendering her work fit to be worn by the governor despite its shameful source. Although the ornate detail of her artistry defies Puritan codes of fashion, it is in demand fo r burial shrouds, christening gowns, and officials’ robes. In fact, through her work, Hester touches all the major events of life except for marriage—it is deemed inappropriate for chaste brides to wear the product of Hester Prynne’s hands. Despite her suc cess, Hester feels lonely and is constantly aware of her alienation. As shame burns inside of her, she searches for companionship or sympathy, but to no avail. She devotes part of her time to charity work, but even this is more punishment than solace: those she helps frequently insult her, and making garments for the poor out of rough cloth insults her aesthetic sense. Symbolism•Nathaniel Hawthorne is a master of symbolism•The Scarlet Letter : the first symbolic novel to be written in the United States.The letter “A”“A” stands for the crime adultery.•To the puritans it is a symbol of just punishment•to Hester, a device of unjust humiliation•to Dimmesdale, a piercing reminder of his guilt•to Chillingworth, a spur to the quest of revenge•to Pearl, a bright and mysterious curiosity“A” varies its meaning as the development of the storyAdulteryAlone and AlienationAffection, AgonyAble and AngelAdmirable(Prynne's iron and her behaviorAdulteryIt is originally meant to be a symbol of shame and infamy.“Man had marked this woman’s sin by a scarlet letter, which had such potent and disastrous efficacy that no human sympathy could reach her, save it were sinful like herself.”—chapter 6“From first to last, in short, Hester Prynne had always this dreadful agony in feeling a human eye upon the token; the spot never grew callous; it seemed, on the contrary, to grow more sensitive with daily torture.”—chapter 5AbleAs time goes by, Hester has added to the letter another meaning through her own efforts.“None so self-devoted as Hester, when pestilence stalked through the town. In all seasons of calamity, indeed, whether general or of individuals, the outcast of society at once found her place...There glimmered the embroidered letter, with comfort in its unearthly ray. Elsewhere the token of sin, it was the taper of sick-chamber.”—chapter 13“such helpfulness was found in her, so much power to do, and power to sympathize, that many peoplerefused to interpret the scarlet A by its original signification. They said that it meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with woman’s strength.”-chapter 13Angel“But did your reverence hear of the letter in the sky, the letter A, which we interpret to stand for Angel.”—chapter 12“the scarlet letter ceased to be a stigma which attracted the world’s scorn and bitterness, and became a type of something to be sorrowed over, and looked upon with awe, yet with reverence too…people brought all their sorrows and perplexities, and besought her counsel, as one who had herself gone through a mighty trouble…“The angel and apostle of the coming revelation must be a woman indeed, but lofty, pure, and beautiful…showing how sacred love should make us happy, by the truest test of a life successful to such an end!”—chapter 24Symbol of NamesHester Prynne•Hestia➢the Virgin Goddess of the hearth, of the right ordering of domesticity and the family in Greek mythology➢symbol of chastity and virtue➢showing the author’s praise to Hester’s beauty and saint, Goddess-like beauty.•Hastier➢her marriage is haste➢her love with Dimmesdale is haste➢her joy with the priest is haste(1)Hester Prynne•Prurient (desire for physical love), which is considered as the root of sin and crime.•Prune (purify or get rid of), which foreshadows Hester’s self-save from the sin or crime.•Pry (probe into), probe into the human nature (sin)(2) Arthur Dimmesdale•The initials AD are the beginning of “Adultery”;•“Dim” means lack of light; “dale” means valley➢He commits adultery but dares cowardly to confess his sin or crime, and has to conceal it in the shadow and suffer it interiorly.➢It symbolizes the minister’s dim-interior world of his love and the shadow of sin and guilty of his mind.(3) Roger Chillingworth•Rogue (hoodlum, scoundrel, bully)•Jolly Roger➢Pirates’ nature is to explore treasures and revenge➢Chillingworth’s act to his wife and to Dimmesdale•“Chilling” means chilly. He is a man deficient in human warmth. He is a cruel and cold-blooded man.•“Worth”tells us Roger’s act is, to some extend, worth/valuable----the author’s contradictory psychology to Puritanism.(4) Pearl•Treasure--- the treasure to her mother•Comes out of an ugly shell but is beautiful•Comes out of an torturing processSymbol of CharactersHester Prynne—exposed sin•Hester’s sin is revealed.Arthur Dimmesdale—concealed sin•His humanity is been constrained by the Puritan society.•His sin is not adultery but not having the courage to admit that he had adulterated.Arthur Dimmesdale also symbolizes the Puritan society.•He is chosen to give a moving speech to Hester in the public of scaffold because the people think he is perfect and nearest person to God. But ironically he is the other sinner and sufferer.•Puritan views themselves as “chosen people”, and persecutes “Pagans” who are considered sinners in the Puritan society.•Hawthorne views that people are all sinners, the Puritan are no exception. The deeper Puritans conceal their sin, the further they are from God. Only do they admit and atone for their sin, they could be forgiven and been redeemed by God.Roger Chillingworth—true sin/evil•He is a merciless avenger. He lives in the side of Dimmesdale every day and scarifies his own life to punish the young minister.•The real sinner of morality in this novel. But he is judged no blemish according to Puritan’s creed. Pearl——the human symbol of the sin•The human symbol of the sin of adultery in the fact that she leads Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale to accept and admit to their sin.•She is also the living symbol of the scarlet letter. Hawthorne: “the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life.”•The cloth shows the sin so does Pearl. She is a far stronger device for punishing Hester than the piece of cloth o n Hester’s chest.The contrast of the main charactersHester and PearlHester•Beautifull, strong-minded•Married a much older man and be sent to Boston•Fell in love with a minister for the loneliness•Be setenced and forced to wear the letter “A”•When she was released, she did not escape and lived there with Pearl.•Working on the needles•Devote all her youth on penance.Pearl•Much more impetunous and wild•Do what she pleases•Imagine the forest as her play thing•Be upset about her banishment and resented the people who she viewed as enemies.The depiction of the decorations of the mother and the daughter“her own dress was of the coarsest material and the most somber hug”“the child’s attire, on the other hand, was distinguished by a fanciful”----chapter5 “Hester at her needle”Pearl: perversenness, wildness, lovelinessHester:self-restraint, silence, toleranceContrast ending between mother and daughterHester:•Had spend more on her “purified love”•tolerating all the punishment of her fate•Lived silently until deathPearl:•Married and lived overseas in europe•Happy endingHester and DimmesdaleCourageousness Cowardice & weaknessDiscuss the relationship between the scarlet letter and Hester's identity.Why does she repeatedly refuse to stop wearing the letter? What is the difference between the identity she creates for herself and the identity society assigns to her?For Hester, to remove the scarlet letter would be to acknowledge the power it has in determining who she is. The letter would prove to have successfully restricted her if she were to become a different person in its absence. Hester chooses to continue to wear the letter because she is determined to transform its meaning through her actions and her own self-perception—she wants to be the one who controls its meaning. Society tries to reclaim the letter's symbolism by deciding that the “A” stands for “Able,” but Hester resists this interpretation. The letter symbolizes her own past deed and her own past decisions, and she is the one who will determine the meaning of those events. Upon her return from Europe at the novel's end, Hester has gained control over both her personal and her public identities. She has made herself into a symbol of feminine repression and charitable ideals, and she stands as a self-appointed reminder of the evils society can commit.Literary styleHawthorne's works belong to romanticism or, more specifically, dark romanticism,[87] cautionary tales that suggest that guilt, sin, and evil are the most inherent natural qualities of humanity.[88] Many of his works are inspired by Puritan New England,[89] combining historical romance loaded with symbolism and deep psychological themes, bordering on surrealism.[90] His depictions of the past are a version of historical fiction used only as a vehicle to express common themes of ancestral sin, guilt and retribution.[91] His later writings also reflect his negative view of the Transcendentalism movement.。
