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1. You’re a student, aren’t you? 你是学生,不是吗?

2. She doesn’t like coffee, does she? 她不喜欢咖啡,对吗?

3. He’s from Germany, isn’t he? 他来自德国,是吧?

4. They haven’t arrived yet, have they? 他们还没到,是吗?

5. You’re not going to the party, are you? 你不去参加聚会,对吗?

6. He’s not feeling well today, is he? 他今天感觉不太舒服,是吧?

7. You’ve never been to Paris, have you? 你从未去过巴黎,是吗?

8. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? 今天是个美好的日子,对吗?

9. He can’t swim, can he? 他不会游泳,对吗?

10. She doesn’t like pizza, does she? 她不喜欢披萨,对吗?

11. You’re not afraid of heights, are you? 你不怕高,对吗?

12. They won’t be able to attend the meeting, will they? 他们不能参加会议,对吗?

13. They’re leaving tomorrow, aren’t they? 他们明天要走了,对吗?

14. He’s never been skiing, has he? 他从未滑过雪,对吗?

15. She’s not going to the concert, is she? 她不去音乐会,对吗?

16. You’re not worried about the exam, are you? 你不担心考试吧,对吗?

17. He didn’t eat breakfast this morning, did he? 他今天早上没吃早餐,对吗?

18. They’r e not going to the beach, are they? 他们不去海边,对吗?

19. You’ve already seen the movie, haven’t you? 你已经看过这部电影了,对吗?

20. He’s not coming to the party, is he? 他不来参加聚会,对吗?

在使用反义疑问句时,需要注意的是,它们并不总是表示对话者的不确定或疑虑。有时候,它们可以用作简单的肯定或否定答案的确认方式。例如,第8句话中的反义疑问句“ It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?”就不是表示说话者对天气的疑虑,而是一种简单的确认方式,以确认对话中的肯定或否定。


