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第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. John promised his doctor he ________ not smoke, and he has smoked ever since.

A. might

B. should

C. could

D. would.

22. —Have you read book called Waiting for Anya?

—Who _______ it?

A. writes

B. has written

C. wrote

D. had written

23. —Did you return Fred’s call?

—I didn’t need to ____ I’ll see him tomorrow.

A. though

B. unless

C. when

D. because

24. ______ that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed.

A. Seeing

B. To see

C. See

D. Seen

25. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _____ of the parents spoke the language.

A. none

B. neither

C. both

D. each

26. After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ______.

A. hungry and tiredly

B. hungry and tired

C. hungrily and tiredly

D. hungrily and tired

27. The hotel wasn’t particularly good. But I ____ in many worse hotels.

A .was staying B, stayed C. would stay D. had stayed

28. I’ll give you y friend’s home address,I can be reached most evenings.

A. which

B. when

C. whom

D. where

29. No decision about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.

A. will be made

B. is made

C. is being made

D. has been made

30. The companies are working together to create they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. who

31. –Did the book give the information you needed?

–Yes. But _____ it, I had to read the entire book.

A. to find

B. find

C. to finding

D. finding

32. I feel greatly honored ____ into their society.

A. to welcome

B. welcoming

C. to be welcomed

D. welcomed

33. If you really have to leave during the meeting, you’d better leave ____ the back door.

A. for

B. by

C. across

D. out

34. I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time ____ Brian get back.

A. before

B. since

C. till

D. after

35. It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular, and ____ better ones of your own.

A. introduces

B. to introduce

C. introducing

D. introduced



When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A student, I believed I could

__36__ tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne.

I was extremely interested in the ideas he 37 in class.

When I took the first exam, I was 38 to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, 39 English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained_ 40 .

I decided to try harder, although I didn’t know what that41 because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I 42 with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his 43.

One more test before the final exam. One more 44 to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time. 45 The meaning of the word “thorough”. But my46__ did no good and everything 47 as before.

The last hurdle(障碍) was the final. No matter what 48 I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the 49 goodbye.

I stopped working head. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I

even 50 myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have51__with a test.

A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into professor Jayne’s office. He52__ to be expecting me. “If I gave you the As you53 , you wouldn’t continue to work as hard.”

I stared at him. 54 That his analysis and strategy(策略) were correct. I had worked my head 55 , as I had never done before.

I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the only A-plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: you al one must set your own standard of excellence.

36. A. take B. discuss C. cover D. get

37. A. sought B. presented C. exchanged D. obtained

38. A. shocked B. worried C. scared D. anxious

39. A. but B. so C. for D. or

40. A. unchanged B. unpleasant C. unfriendly D. unmoved

41. A. reflected B. meant C. improved D. affected

42. A. quarreled B. reasoned C. bargained D. chatted

43. A. attitude B. mind C. plan D. view

44. A. choice B. step C. chance D. measure

45. A. memorized B. considered C. accepted D. learned
