2016-01 Fuel Oil Market Outlook 燃料油市场分析




燃料油贸易操作流程 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】燃料油贸易操作流程1、燃料油的定义燃料油的概念有广义和狭义之分,广义上说,所有可用做燃料的油品都可成为燃料油;狭义上是指特定类型的部分重油,这里指的是狭义上的概念燃料油(Fuel Oil)属于重油,为原油提炼过程中较后期的产品2、国内燃料油分类国内通常将燃料油分为三类:5-7号燃料油除5-7号之外更轻或更重的燃料油。

其中包括250号,也称为重油或工业燃料油其它重油制品(包括按重量计含油超过70%的制品),此项主要指乳化重油,如委内瑞拉奥里油等3、国外燃料油分类国外通常按50℃时的运动粘度将燃料油分为80CST、180 CST和380CST三大类。




























在线培训——原油、燃润料简介一、国际原油市场简介:主要指纽约商品期货交易所WTI原油和伦敦国际石油交易所BRENT原油1、WTI原油:WTI是英文West Texas Intermediate的缩写,WTI原油由美国得克萨斯州西部油田出产的原油混合而成,是一种低硫轻质原油。











































通过建立自己的销售网站、门店或者销售团 队,直接向终端用户销售燃料油,可以减少 中间环节,提高利润。
利用电子商务平台,如淘宝、京东等,开展线上销 售,简化购买流程,提高销售效率。
通过建立会员体系,提供会员专享优惠和积 分兑换等福利,增加客户粘性,提高客户满 意度。
在产品质量、性能、服务等方面进行差异化,以满足不同客户的需求。例如 ,提供更加清洁、高效的燃料油产品,或者提供更加周到的售后服务等。
通过产品差异化,提升企业在市场中的竞争力。与竞争对手相比,企业可以 提供更加符合客户需求的产品和服务,从而获得更多的市场份额。
通过电视媒体宣传燃料油的产品特性和品牌形象,提高 消费者对产品的认知度和好感度。
利用互联网平台,如搜索引擎、社交 媒体和视频网站等,进行精准营销和 品牌推广,吸引目标客户群体。
在公共场所和交通枢纽等地方设置广 告牌和灯箱等宣传品,提高品牌知名 度和曝光率。
定价策略应根据市场需求、竞争状况以及企业自身条件等因素进行制定。例如,可以根据市场供求关 系、产品成本以及竞争对手的定价等因素来确定价格。
定价策略实施后,需要密切关注市场反应,以便及时调整价格策略。如果价格过高或过低,都会对企 业的销售产生不利影响。因此,企业需要对市场反应进行及时分析,以制定更加合理的定价,各家公司需要更加注重市场需求和客户体验,采取创新性的营销手段来提高品牌价值 和市场竞争力。



市场MARKET 国际燃料油市场月评市场回顾











图2 2020-2021年新加坡陆上渣油库存走势图(百万桶)预计燃油供应趋于紧张,亚洲船用燃油价格整体偏强。




举例1:国内燃料油进口计价 举例2:大庆原油价格的结算 举例2:国内成品油价格
三、中国石油市场信息与价格评估体 建立的必要性与可行性
必要性 --现有的国际体系不能完全反映中国市场 --现有的国际体系不完全有利于中国利益 可行性 --中国市场日益增加的重要性 --国外成功的先例:石脑油市场 --国内的经验:黄埔燃料油估价
一般情况下交易商报来的交易价格很少,可能只有一笔交易,经常一 笔交易也没有,甚至买家都没有,只有一两个卖家,普氏编辑人员也 不是直接用上述价格计算出指数,因此不是由市场真实交易出来的, 而是由它的编辑人员估计出来的,因此存在很大的不确定性,因此主 观性很大,普氏不同的编辑人员很可能得出不同的数字。 , 由于该指数价格有很大的主观性,因此普氏指数价格出来后,经常会引起那 几家国外公司与普氏的争吵,因为可能这个公布的价格,对某公司有
专业石油信息服务平台的功能 --报价、新闻、市场评述
国内信息对新加坡燃料油价格的影响: 2002年8月广州格力、华泰兴、中艺华海等7家主要燃料 油进口商,通过金凯讯信息渠道发布信息:减少新加坡 市场燃料油下月进口数量,造成当日新加坡市场燃料油 现货和纸货价格的大幅下跌,当日现货基准价下跌10美 元/吨,跌幅超过5% 事后媒体评论是国内企业通过有效的信息手段,首 次主动地大幅度地干预了国际燃料油市场价格
是石油市场一种非常重要的交易工具 可以实现固定计价与浮动计价转换 避险工具、保值锁价功能 计价期转换功能 投机功能等

bp-energy-outlook-2016 BP能源展望

bp-energy-outlook-2016 BP能源展望
Unless noted otherwise, data definitions are based on the BP Statistical Review of World Energy, and historical energy data up to 2014 are consistent with the 2015 edition of the Review. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is expressed in terms of real Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) at 2010 prices.
71 74 78 82 86 90 92 94
Conclusions Annex
• Key figures and fast facts • Annual revisions in detail • Comparison with other energy outlooks
• Data sources
9 19 44 48 52 58
Main changes
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2016 Energy Outlook
© BP p.l.c. 2016
Contents (continued)
Key uncertainties
• Slower global GDP growth • Faster transition to a lower-carbon world • Shale oil and gas have even greater potential
BP Energy Outlook
2016 edition


















November 2016Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO)Forecast highlightsGlobal liquid fuels•U.S. crude oil production averaged 9.4 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2015, and it is forecast to average 8.8 million b/d in 2016 and 8.7 million b/d in 2017. Forecastproduction in 2017 is more than 0.1 million b/d higher than in last month’s STEO.•EIA expects Brent crude oil prices will average close to $48/ barrel (b) in the fourth quarter of 2016 and in the first quarter of 2017. Forecast Brent prices average $43/b in2016 and $51/b in 2017. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices are forecast to average about $1/b less than Brent prices in 2017. The values of futures and optionscontracts indicate significant uncertainty in the price outlook, with NYMEX contractvalues for February 2017 delivery traded during the five-day period ending November 3 suggesting that a range from $35/b to $66/b encompasses the market expectation ofWTI prices in February 2017 at the 95% confidence level.•Higher crude oil prices contributed to U.S. average retail regular gasoline prices in October increasing by 3 cents/gallon (gal) from September to an average of $2.25/gal.With the switch to less-expensive winter gasoline blends and the typical seasonaldecline in gasoline consumption, EIA expects gasoline prices to fall to an average of$1.97/gal in January. Retail gasoline prices are forecast to average $2.13/gal in 2016 and $2.27/gal in 2017.•Global oil inventory builds are forecast to average 0.8 million b/d in 2016 and 0.5 million b/d in 2017.Natural gas•Natural gas marketed production is forecast to average 77.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2016, a 1.4 Bcf/d decline from the 2015 level, which would be the first annual decline since 2005. EIA expects production to start rising in November as a result ofincreases in drilling activity and infrastructure build-out that connects natural gasproduction to demand centers. In 2017, forecast natural gas production increases by an average of 2.9 Bcf/d from the 2016 level.•Growing domestic natural gas consumption, along with higher pipeline exports to Mexico and liquefied natural gas exports, contribute to the Henry Hub natural gas spotprice rising from an average of $2.50/million British thermal units (MMBtu) in 2016 to$3.12/MMBtu in 2017. NYMEX contract values for February 2017 delivery traded during the five-day period ending November 3 suggest that a price range from $2.01/MMBtu to $4.84/MMBtu encompasses the market expectation of Henry Hub natural gas prices inFebruary 2017 at the 95% confidence level.Electricity, coal, renewables, and emissions•EIA forecasts total U.S. generation of electricity from utility-scale plants will be 11.2 terawatthours in 2016, up 0.2% from 2015. Total utility-scale generation grows by 0.5% in 2017.•EIA expects the share of U.S. total utility-scale electricity generation from natural gas will average 34% this year, and the share from coal will average 30%. Last year, bothfuels supplied about 33% of total U.S. electricity generation. In 2017, natural gas andcoal are forecast to generate about 33% and 31% of electricity, respectively, as naturalgas prices are forecast to increase. Nonhydropower renewables are forecast to generate 8% of electricity generation in 2016 and 9% in 2017. Generation shares of nuclear andhydropower are forecast to be relatively unchanged from 2016 to 2017.•Coal production in October 2016 was 73 million short tons (MMst), the highest monthly production level since October 2015, when it was 76 MMst. Forecast coal productiondeclines by 150 MMst (17%) in 2016 to 747 MMst, which would be the lowest level ofcoal production since 1978. Forecast coal production increases by 3% in 2017.•Electric power sector coal stockpiles decreased to 163 MMst in August 2016, down 5% from the previous month. Although coal stocks are at their lowest levels of the yearbecause of the typical seasonal decline that occurs each summer, they are still 4% above the August 2015 level, when coal stockpiles were 157 MMst.•Wind energy capacity at the end of 2015 was 72 gigawatts (GW). EIA expects that 8 GW of capacity will be added in 2016 and 9 GW in 2017. These additions would bring totalwind capacity to 89 GW by the end of 2017.•After declining by 2.7% in 2015, energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the first six months of 2016 were the lowest for that period since 1991. For all of 2016,emissions are projected to decline by 1.5%, and then increase by 0.7% in 2017. Energy-related CO2 emissions are sensitive to changes in weather, economic growth, andenergy prices.Petroleum and natural gas markets reviewCrude oilPrices: Front-month futures prices for Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil in October reached the highest levels in more than a year before falling to $46.35 per barrel (b) and $44.66/b, respectively, on November 3 (Figure 1). Monthly average spot prices for Brent and WTI increased by $3/b and $5/b, respectively, from September to October.Although the outlook for global consumption of petroleum products remains relatively robust because of generally positive global economic data, the potential for additional crude oil supplies in the global market could push prices lower. Recent production gains from producers outside the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), including Russia, the United Kingdom, and Brazil, and the continued resiliency of onshore U.S. producers are applying downward pressure on crude oil prices. Increased volumes from Nigeria, Libya, Iran, and Iraq are set to enter the market and could complicate efforts of OPEC’s members to reach agreement on production quotas at their semi-annual meeting at the end of November.EIA’s November STEO Brent crude oil price forecast is largely unchanged from the October STEO, with prices forecast to average $51/b in 2017. Brent and WTI crude oil prices for the first and second quarters of 2017 are projected to remain near current levels, with prices gradually rising in the second half of 2017. However, if global oil supply levels in the coming months are higher than forecast, contributing to looser global oil balances, prices could be lower than forecast over the coming year.Crude oil supply and inventories: EIA revised the U.S. crude oil production forecast upward from the October STEO, based on slower declines in Lower 48 states production. U.S. crude oil production in 2017 is now expected to average 8.7 million b/d in 2017, more than 0.1 millionb/d higher than in last month’s forecast, and a decline of 0.1 million b/d from 2016 levels.Recent increases in drilling activity in the Permian region are expected to lead to an increase in production in that area in 2017, partially offsetting declines in other areas of the Lower 48 states. The Permian region is the only region in EIA’s Drilling Productivity Report expected to show increases in oil production in October and November (Figure 2). Companies added 81 active oil rigs to the Permian since the end of May, with the region now holding almost as many active rigs as the rest of the United States, onshore and offshore combined.Oil rigs in the Williston Basin (Bakken region) and Eagle Ford increased by only 15 rigs and 4 rigs, respectively, over the same period. One company, SM Energy, sold $785 million worth of Williston Basin assets to purchase $1.6 billion in assets in the Permian region, reflecting the recent increase in merger and acquisition spending in West Texas.Although U.S. crude oil production is forecast to decline in 2017, those declines are expected to be more than offset by increases in hydrocarbon gas liquids production. Overall U.S. liquid fuels production is forecast to increase by 0.2 million b/d next year.Non-OPEC liquid fuels production outside the United States is forecast to increase by 0.1 million b/d in 2017, following a decline of almost 0.3 million b/d in 2016. Non-OPEC production increases in 2017 are driven by increasing production in Canada, Russia, and Kazakhstan that is partially offset by declining production in the North Sea, China, and Mexico.Global petroleum inventories are expected to build through the second quarter of 2017, but there is significant regional variation in that forecast. In the United States, total oil inventories are expected to decline in the fourth quarter of 2016 and first quarter of 2017. However, these U.S. draws are more than offset by inventory builds in other countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and in the rest of the world, contributing to expected global inventory builds through the first half of 2017.Sustained opposite movements of domestic and international crude oil and petroleum product inventories are rare, but that divergence is currently supported by differences in the shapes of the Brent and WTI futures curves. The Brent 1st month-13th month futures prices spread, a measure of contango (when near-term futures prices are at a discount to longer-term futures prices), settled at -$5.25/b on November 3 (Figure 3),a $1.44/b increase in the contango since October 3. The return of Nigerian and Libyan barrels, particularly during refinery maintenance season, may have led to some difficulty placing some light crude oil barrels and put additional downward pressure on prompt Brent prices.The contango in the WTI 1st month-13th month futures price spread also increased in October, but contango in the WTI futures curve remains less than in the Brent futures curve. Higher near-term prices reflected a counter-seasonal decline in total U.S. commercial crude oil inventories and a decline in inventories at the WTI contract delivery point in Cushing, Oklahoma in September and October. October refinery runs were 265,000 b/d higher than the five-year average in the Midwest, contributing to comparatively large inventory draws in the region. In October, Midwest crude oil inventories outside Cushing, Oklahoma, dipped below year-ago levels for the first time since August 2014, likely providing support to near-term WTI prices. There was a large build in U.S. commercial crude oil inventories for the week ending October 28 and crude oil imports into the United States increased from the prior week. These movements could signal a rebalancing between domestic and international markets in the near future.Developments in several OPEC member countries are also contributing to the global oil inventory build outside the United States. Overall OPEC crude oil supply is expected to average 32.5 million b/d in 2016 and to increase to 33.3 million b/d in 2017. Libya’s crude oil production rose to almost 0.6 million b/d at the end of October in response to the reopening of the Ras Lanuf and Zueitina ports. In Nigeria, additional cargoes of Forcados and Qua Iboe crude oil were lifted in October following the suspension of force majeures. Iraq and Iran also posted production gains in October, with both countries increasing crude oil exports during the month.Saudi Arabia’s crude oil output is estimated to have decreased in October, likely in response to lower direct crude oil burn for electricity generation. Saudi Arabia’s October production was 10.5 million b/d, roughly 0.4 mllion b/d higher than year-ago levels.Crude oil demand and exchange rates: Global crude oil demand growth in the November STEO was revised upward from the October STEO, with global oil demand expected to grow by 1.3 million b/d in 2016 and by 1.5 million b/d in 2017. China is expected to contribute the most to that growth, with its liquid fuels consumption forecast to grow by almost 0.4 million b/d in 2016 and by 0.3 million b/d in 2017. Growth in China’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth was 6.7% in the third quarter of 2016, and recent indicators for the manufacturing and services sectors suggest the country will achieve its target of between 6.5%-7.0% GDP growth for the full year.Recent movements in exchange rates seem to confirm the overall strong economic data in emerging market economies and imply robust oil demand growth. The value of the U.S. dollar (USD), as measured by the spot U.S. Dollar Index (DXY), has appreciated in recent months. Typically, a strengthening USD signifies weaker expectations for the oil demand outlook, as occurred in 2014-15. The DXY, however, is heavily weighted toward developed economy currencies, and the recent USD appreciation is not occurring against emerging market currencies. The DXY has appreciated 1.6% against developed market currencies since July 1, whereas it has depreciated 0.4% against emerging market currencies, as measured by the JP Morgan Emerging Market Currency index. Brent crude oil prices fell 7.9% over this period, but adjusting for different currencies, they are down only 6.5% in developed market currencies compared with a decline of 7.6% in emerging market currencies (Figure 4).The USD appreciation against developed market currencies mainly reflects a significant decline in the value of the British pound since the United Kingdom voted in June to leave the European Union. The central banks of other developed economies in Europe also announced expansions to monetary easing programs, likely providing downward pressure on the euro. Stronger economic data in emerging markets such as India and Brazil are likely contributing to some appreciation of these currencies against the USD. Because oil demand tends to be more price sensitive in emerging markets than in developed economies, the appreciation of the USD against the pound and the euro is unlikely to strongly affect global oil demand, absent other economic developments.Petroleum productsGasoline Prices: The front-month futures price of reformulated blendstock for oxygenate blending (RBOB, the petroleum component of gasoline used in many parts of the country) rose through October and settled at $1.42 per gallon (gal) on November 3 (Figure 5). Gasoline prices rose on November 1 in response to the shutdown of Colonial Pipeline’s Line 1, which carries gasoline, following damage to a section of the pipeline in Alabama on October 31. However, they declined in the following days, as more information on the planned restart schedule became available. The Line 1 gasoline pipeline previously shut down for 12 days in September because of a leak near the same area that was recently damaged. The impact of such product pipeline outages on gasoline spot and retail prices in the U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast varies by region and depends upon the length of the disruption, the level of existing gasoline stocks, and the ability to bring in additional gasoline supplies using other transport modes. Service on Line 1 was restarted on November 6, following the completion of the process of repair, testing, and government approval.The RBOB-Brent crack spread increased from mid-October into early November, a time when that crack spread typically decreases. The average RBOB-Brent crack spread in October was the highest on record for that month. Prior to the pipeline outage, strong demand for gasoline globally contributed to high levels of gasoline exports, which likely supported gasoline prices. EIA estimates that U.S. gasoline exports in October set a record high, and news reports indicate that Mexico likely increased their gasoline imports from the United States. In addition to sending gasoline to Mexico, U.S. exporters may be transporting gasoline much greater distances, as the cost of shipping petroleum products declined to several-year lows in October.Ultra-low Sulfur Diesel Prices: The front-month futures price for the New York Harbor Ultra-low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) contract fell in October and settled at $1.46/gal on November 3. However, the ULSD-Brent crack spread was almost unchanged over the same period (Figure 6). Weekly EIA estimates show U.S. distillate consumption in October grew year-over-year for the first time since September 2015, helping to support the ULSD crack spread. Increased activity in the U.S. manufacturing sector and higher rail traffic may have contributed to growth in U.S. distillate consumption. According to the Institute for Supply Management’s U.S. Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index, the U.S. manufacturing sector expanded in September and October after contracting in August. In addition, total U.S. rail traffic increased significantly in the past few months from the lows in early 2016. In the coming months, EIA expects U.S. distillate consumption to be higher during this winter heating season compared with last year’s because of colder expected temperatures this winter.Petroleum Product Production: The U.S. gasoline-to-distillate production ratio remains close to the five-year high level reached in in May. As of August, the gasoline-to-distillate production ratio was 2.08 (Figure 7) and, according to preliminary weekly estimates, the ratio increased in September and October. High gasoline crack spreads for this time of year, along with a high gasoline-to-distillate production ratio, have likely pushed overall refinery margins higher compared with previous years.However, futures price spreads for petroleum products indicate that, going forward, a high gasoline-to-distillate production ratio will not be as profitable as it was in 2016. The average front-month and sixth-month RBOB-ULSD futures price spread1 has declined from the highs of early 2016. Refineries can adjust petroleum product yields over time to respond to price signals from the market by modifying processes and feedstocks or by adding equipment. EIA projects that the gasoline-to-distillate production ratio will decline in 2017, but will remain above the ratios from 2011 through 2015.Natural gasPrices and temperatures: The front-month natural gas contract for delivery at Henry Hub moved lower in the second half of October and settled at $2.77 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) on November 3 (Figure 8). The price volatility toward the end of October was mostly the result of warmer-than-normal weather and a change in the delivery month from November to December, reflecting seasonality in natural gas prices. The average Henry Hub natural gas spot price in October decreased by 2 cents/MMBtu from the September average.Warmer-than-normal temperatures in the United States during October led to lower-than- expected heating degree days (HDD), putting downward pressure on natural gas demand and1 The RBOB-ULSD price spread in Figure 7 was calculated by first taking the monthly averages of the front-month and sixth-month futures contracts for RBOB and ULSD. The difference between the average RBOB and the ULSD front-month and sixth-month prices is shown in the chart.prices. HDD were 38% below the previous 10-year average in October. With total U.S. working natural gas inventories already at elevated levels, the reduced demand did not translate into additional storage builds. The pace of storage injections in October was slower compared with previous years, which could reflect a decline in natural gas production during October. Working natural gas storage increased by 71 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per week in October compared with the five-year average of 79 Bcf/week at this time of year in 2011 through 2015.The price difference between November and January natural gas futures contracts reached the highest level in October since 2012, with the difference in prices for the two contracts averaging 40 cents/MMBtu (Figure 9). EIA is currently forecasting about 21% of U.S. natural gas consumption in December, January, and February to be drawn from inventories, slightly higher than the five-year average. Rather than signaling the need for inventory builds to meet winter heating needs, the higher November-to-January futures price spread this year likely reflects the difference between current warmer-than-normal temperatures and the expectation for colder temperatures this winter compared with last winter.Contact: James Preciado (james.preciado@)Notable forecast changes•U.S. crude oil production is forecast to average 8.8 million b/d in 2016 and 8.7 million b/d in 2017. Forecast production in both 2016 and 2017 is 0.1 million b/d higher than in the previous forecast. The higher production forecast is mostly the result ofbenchmarking to August 2016 data from the EIA-914 survey. The October STEOestimated production would fall during August 2016; however, the EIA-914 data showed an increase in production of more than 50,000 b/d from July levels.•Hydrocarbon gas liquids (HGL) consumption is forecast to average 2.5 million b/d in 2016 and 2.7 million b/d in 2017. The 2017 forecast is almost 0.1 million b/d higher than the previous forecast. The higher 2017 forecast mainly reflects an updated timeline for the startup of three new ethane-fed petrochemical plants expected to begin operatingin 2017. Higher ethane consumption is expected to be supplied with a combination ofincreased production (partly from reduced ethane rejection into pipeline natural gas)and from draws on inventories.•Natural gas marketed production is forecast to average 77.3 Bcf/d in 2016 and 80.3 Bcf/d in 2017, which are 0.2 Bcf/d and 0.9 Bcf/d lower than the previous forecast,respectively. These changes reflect model adjustments to include greater sensitivity ofdrilling activity to Henry Hub natural gas prices.•For more information, please see a detailed table of forecast changes.MMb/d(MMb/d)dollars per barrel2005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017 Note: Shaded area represents 2005-2015 average (2.3 million barrels per day).annual change (MMb/d)annual change (MMb/d)annual change (Bcf/d)annual change (Bcf/d) deviation from average annual change (MMst)annual change (MMst)annual change (million kWh/d)Forecast changeannual changeU.S. census regions and divisions Source: Short-Term Energy Outlook, November 2016.Natural GasNortheastConsumption (Mcf**)75.780.766.476.184.084.767.875.711.7 Price ($/mcf)13.3112.6612.2111.7111.5310.8210.2011.119.0 Expenditures ($)1,0071,02281289196991669184121.7 MidwestConsumption (Mcf)78.680.265.477.688.183.167.775.211.1 Price ($/mcf)9.449.238.998.368.698.567.588.5813.3 Expenditures ($)74274058764876671151364525.8 SouthConsumption (Mcf)53.249.340.846.552.150.540.744.49.2 Price ($/mcf)11.5211.0211.4510.7110.7710.8210.8511.58 6.8 Expenditures ($)61354346849756154644151516.6 WestConsumption (Mcf)49.949.449.148.646.441.445.844.6-2.5 Price ($/mcf)9.919.679.359.139.9610.729.9310.24 3.0 Expenditures ($)4944784594444624444554570.4 U.S. AverageConsumption (Mcf)64.465.055.762.568.064.855.760.17.8 Price ($/mcf)10.8310.4610.259.729.979.919.3110.118.6 Expenditures ($)69867957060767764251960817.1 Heating OilU.S. AverageConsumption (gallons)544.7580.7471.1545.4607.1608.0481.5542.112.6 Price ($/gallon) 2.85 3.38 3.73 3.87 3.88 3.04 2.06 2.4820.5 Expenditures ($)1,5521,9651,7572,1132,3531,8489921,34635.6 ElectricityNortheastConsumption (kWh***)6,8477,0766,4366,8627,2217,2516,4966,849 5.4 Price ($/kwh)0.1520.1540.1540.1520.1630.1680.1650.165-0.2 Expenditures ($)1,0391,0919931,0461,1771,2221,0711,127 5.2 MidwestConsumption (kWh)8,6608,7337,8978,5889,1688,8588,0318,452 5.2 Price ($/kwh)0.0990.1050.1110.1120.1120.1180.1210.123 1.5 Expenditures ($)8569148759581,0311,0439721,038 6.8 SouthConsumption (kWh)8,4828,2207,4667,9728,3818,2817,4587,784 4.4 Price ($/kwh)0.1030.1040.1070.1070.1090.1110.1110.110-0.8 Expenditures ($)873855797851913919827855 3.5 WestConsumption (kWh)7,2397,2167,1907,1506,9816,6006,9486,860-1.3 Price ($/kwh)0.1100.1120.1150.1190.1230.1260.1300.133 2.4 Expenditures ($)799809825848860835901911 1.1 U.S. AverageConsumption (kWh)7,9357,8427,2517,6707,9807,8017,2397,501 3.6 Price ($/kwh)0.1100.1130.1160.1170.1200.1230.1240.1240.2 Expenditures ($)873884842895955960896931 3.9PropaneNortheastConsumption (gallons)672.0717.5595.6675.8745.1751.2607.4675.211.2Price* ($/gallon) 2.98 3.24 3.34 3.00 3.56 3.00 2.71 2.958.9Expenditures ($)2,0042,3211,9902,0312,6532,2531,6461,99221.0MidwestConsumption (gallons)779.6791.9644.3766.4868.6813.3667.7742.011.1Price* ($/gallon) 1.99 2.11 2.23 1.74 2.61 1.91 1.47 1.7317.7Expenditures ($)1,5481,6741,4371,3332,2671,5539821,28430.8 Number of households by primary space heating fuel (thousands)NortheastNatural gas10,99211,11811,23611,34511,52211,72411,84211,959 1.0Heating oil6,0165,8585,7015,4585,2415,1014,9714,827-2.9Propane7337447618138458608738780.6Electricity2,6452,7762,8943,0113,0363,1043,2223,307 2.6Wood501512548582585566541536-0.9Other/None311315324377436438434452 4.2MidwestNatural gas18,05017,97718,01918,05418,07218,16718,09218,046-0.3Heating oil451419393360336318299280-6.5Propane2,0982,0732,0372,0632,0882,0792,0762,061-0.7Electricity4,7154,9225,1195,3335,4225,5005,7225,924 3.5Wood616618631640632612602612 1.7Other/None283289282319353350350362 3.3SouthNatural gas13,73113,65713,63613,68113,79313,90613,91413,9620.3Heating oil906853790738698680656623-5.1Propane2,1652,0982,0241,9821,9431,9241,8881,828-3.2Electricity25,79126,55527,28327,85728,23028,80229,48330,158 2.3Wood586599609612616587581601 3.4Other/None314309304367419408405410 1.3WestNatural gas14,93915,02015,02115,00915,05915,21615,31815,4340.8Heating oil289279261247234225218209-4.0Propane940914885909930917910899-1.2Electricity7,8778,1268,4398,6718,7548,9199,2219,489 2.9Wood721725736728744747724731 1.0Other/None8508508299031,0151,0761,0741,0760.2U.S. TotalsNatural gas57,71357,77157,91258,08858,44659,01459,16659,4010.4Heating oil7,6627,4087,1456,8036,5096,3246,1445,938-3.3Propane5,9365,8295,7075,7665,8065,7805,7465,667-1.4Electricity41,02942,38043,73444,87345,44246,32547,64948,878 2.6Wood2,4242,4542,5242,5632,5762,5122,4482,480 1.3Other/None1,7581,7631,7391,9652,2222,2722,2632,300 1.7 Heating degree daysNortheast4,9335,3374,2174,9645,5945,6444,3204,94014.3Midwest5,6395,7734,4845,5446,4516,0034,6875,33613.8South2,8672,6292,0192,4262,7832,6902,0112,27613.2West3,2853,2583,2293,1812,9892,5652,9482,850-3.3U.S. Average 3,9363,9383,2233,7204,1083,8803,1993,5169.9 Note: Winter covers the period October 1 through March 31. Fuel prices are nominal prices. Fuel consumption per household is based only on households that use that fuel as the primary space-heating fuel. Included in fuel consumption is consumption for water heating, appliances, and lighting (electricity). Per-household consumption based on an average of EIA 2005 and 2009 Residential Energy Consumption Surveys corrected for actual and projected heating degree days. Number of households using heating oil includes kerosene.Table 1. U.S. Energy Markets SummaryU.S. Energy Information Administration | Short-Term Energy Outlook - November 2016201520162017Year1st2nd3rd4th1st2nd3rd4th1st2nd3rd4th201520162017 Energy SupplyCrude Oil Production (a)(million barrels per day) .........................9.499.479.419.309.178.858.688.688.688.718.678.879.428.848.73Dry Natural Gas Production(billion cubic feet per day) .....................73.4474.5074.5174.0873.7772.3871.7371.5173.0674.4175.8176.9374.1472.3475.06Coal Production(million short tons) (240212237207173161205208198175200195897747768)Energy ConsumptionLiquid Fuels(million barrels per day) .........................19.4119.4719.8319.4219.4519.4219.7919.9019.5519.7320.1220.2119.5319.6419.90Natural Gas(billion cubic feet per day) .....................95.9463.5765.7374.3489.3866.8969.5476.9092.2665.9767.8578.0674.8175.6675.97Coal (b)(million short tons) (212189230168168161226183189170211181799737751)Electricity(billion kilowatt hours per day) ...............10.7510.0511.809.7310.219.9712.1710.0710.6110.1411.9010.0110.5810.6110.67Renewables (c)(quadrillion Btu) ..................................... 2.39 2.41 2.32 2.43 2.62 2.61 2.45 2.56 2.54 2.77 2.60 2.599.5510.2410.50Total Energy Consumption (d)(quadrillion Btu) .....................................26.3023.0124.4423.6725.2822.9924.5624.1825.3322.9124.2724.4797.4297.0196.97 Energy PricesCrude Oil West Texas Intermediate Spot(dollars per barrel) .................................48.4857.8546.5541.9433.3545.4644.8547.2447.0048.0351.0053.6548.6742.8449.91Natural Gas Henry Hub Spot(dollars per million Btu) .......................... 2.90 2.75 2.76 2.12 2.00 2.14 2.88 2.99 3.25 3.00 3.02 3.20 2.63 2.50 3.12Coal(dollars per million Btu) .......................... 2.27 2.25 2.22 2.15 2.13 2.13 2.14 2.20 2.19 2.22 2.25 2.22 2.23 2.15 2.22 MacroeconomicReal Gross Domestic Product(billion chained 2009 dollars - SAAR) .....16,26916,37416,45516,49116,52516,58316,65716,73816,83416,93117,03117,11616,39716,62616,978 Percent change from prior year .............. 3.3 3.0 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.6 1.4 2.1GDP Implicit Price Deflator(Index, 2009=100) .................................109.3109.9110.3110.5110.6111.3111.8112.4113.1113.7114.4115.0110.0111.5114.1 Percent change from prior year .............. 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 1.1 1.4 2.3Real Disposable Personal Income(billion chained 2009 dollars - SAAR) .....12,18312,30012,39912,49112,55612,62112,70412,77112,84412,91812,98813,06412,34312,66312,953 Percent change from prior year .............. 3.9 3.6 3.3 3.0 3.1 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.2 2.3 3.5 2.6 2.3Manufacturing Production Index(Index, 2012=100) .................................103.2103.4103.9103.7103.9103.6103.9104.2104.6105.0106.0106.9103.6103.9105.6 Percent change from prior year .............. 2.1 1.4 2.0 2.6 1.10.3 1.7WeatherU.S. Heating Degree-Days ....................2,340443491,2531,947481501,4262,090462701,4954,0853,9034,117 U.S. Cooling Degree-Days ....................464348751335441096912845413863971,4891,5621,417- = no data availablePrices are not adjusted for inflation.(a) Includes lease condensate.(b) Total consumption includes Independent Power Producer (IPP) consumption.(c) Renewable energy includes minor components of non-marketed renewable energy that is neither bought nor sold, either directly or indirectly, as inputs to marketed energy.EIA does not estimate or project end-use consumption of non-marketed renewable energy.(d) The conversion from physical units to Btu is calculated using a subset of conversion factors used in the calculations of gross energy consumption in EIA’s Monthly Energy Review Consequently, the historical data may not precisely match those published in the MER or the Annual Energy Review (AER).Notes: The approximate break between historical and forecast values is shown with historical data printed in bold; estimates and forecasts in italics.Historical data: Latest data available from Energy Information Administration databases supporting the following reports: Petroleum Supply Monthly, DOE/EIA-0109;。




































































2.普氏(PLATTS)公开市场普氏(PLATTS)公开市场是指每天下午5:00~5:30在普氏公开报价系统(PAGE 190)上进行公开现货交易的市场。














燃料油信息周刊(2016年第12期)一、燃料油产业链行情 (1)二、燃料油商品情报 (2)1、燃料油价格走势 (2)2、燃料油月涨跌图 (2)3、燃料油情报 (3)三、上游商品情报 (5)1、原油商品情报 (5)四、下游商品情报 (8)1、汽油商品情报 (8)2、柴油商品情报 (9)3、炭黑商品情报 (11)一、燃料油产业链行情商品初价格末价格涨跌原油40.39 41.54 2.85%燃料油2370.00 2370.00 0.00%汽油5920.21 5920.21 0.00%柴油4812.35 4768.82 -0.90%炭黑4616.67 4550.00 -1.44%二、燃料油商品情报1、燃料油价格走势2、燃料油月涨跌图3、燃料油情报●伊朗油长:伊朗原油产量达到每日400万桶后才会考虑冻产据伊朗通讯社ISNA上周日(3月13日)报导,伊朗石油部长尚甘尼(Bijan Zanganeh)表示,伊朗的原油日产量达到400万桶之后,将参与关于冻结产量的谈判。







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Jan 2016 – Fuel Oil Market Outlook
banchero costa
China Refining Capacity - Annual
(Source: BP ; in million bpd) 16 14
million bpd
10 8 6 4 2 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Jan 2016 – Fuel Oil Market Outlook
banchero costa
Saudi Arabia Fuel Oil Consumption - Annual
(Source: JODI ; in million bpd) 0.5
million bpd
Japan is the third largest consumer of fuel oil, however consumption has been decreasing in the last decade. There was a temporary increase in fuel oil consumption in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the subsequent shut down of all nuclear plants, which required the use of alternative sources for power generation such as fuel oil. Despite this fuel oil consumption is expected to continue to decrease, as nuclear power plants are gradually restarting production and other power sources, like gas are used. Consumption of fuel oil in Saudi Arabia has increased by 35 percent in the last decade as a result of increased power generation needs, especially during the hot summer months.
Jan 2016 – Fuel Oil Market Outlook
; research@
banchero costa
1. 2. 3. 4.
Consumption Production Trade Final Words
page 3 page 12 page 22 page 32
Global fuel oil consumption has steadily decreased over the past decade as high sulphur fuels have become increasingly unpopular as a result of environmental regulations.
Jan 2016 – Fuel Oil Market Outlook
banchero costa
Largest Fuel Oil Consumers - 2014
(Source: JODI ; in percentage of total volume)
Others 40%
China Russia 10%
Jan 2016 – Fuel Oil Market Outlook
banchero costa
Japan Fuel Oil Consumption - Annual
(Source: JODI ; in million bpd) 0.7 0.6 0.5
million bpd
0.4 0.3
0.1 0.0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (1-10)
Jan 2016 – Fuel Oil Market Outlook
banchero costa
Global Fuel Oil Consumption - Annual
(Source: JODI ; in million bpd) 9.0 8.0 7.0
million bpd
6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (1-10)
0.0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (1-10)
Saudi Arabian fuel oil consumption has been increased by 35 percent between 2005 and 2014, reaching just shy of 0.4 million bpd in 2014.
Jan 2016 – Fuel Oil Market Outlook
banchero costa
China Fuel Oil Consumption - Annual
(Source: JODI ; in million bpd) 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7
million bpd
0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3
Teapots were only allowed to purchase crude oil from state-owned oil companies and trading houses. In early-2015 the Chinese government lifted the ban on teapots importing crude; as a result fuel oil consumption is expected to decrease, as teapots increase the use of crude oil for feedstock.
banchero costa
banchero costa
Fuel Oil Market Outlook
(Covering Consumption, Production & Trade)
January 2016
bancosta blue studies – volume WET 2016/#1
banchero costa research
Japan’s fuel oil consumption temporarily increased in the aftermath of the Fukushima accident, as alternative energy sources were utilized. However consumption has since continued decreasing.
banchero costa
China Refining Capacity - 2015
(Source: JYD ; in percentage of total capacity)
Teapot Refineries, 32%
Major Refineries, 68%
Teapot refineries account for 32 percent of total capacity. Teapot refineries traditionally accounted for a significant part of fuel oil imports which they had used as feedstock until the recent reform that allowed them to import crude .
Jan 2016 – Fuel Oil Market Outlook
banchero costa
(Demand Drivers & Consumption)
Jan 2016 – Fuel Oil Market Outlook
banchero costa
In this report we look at residual fuel oil, which is what remains after the distillate fuel and lighter hydrocarbons are distilled away during the refining process. Fuel oil is mostly used for power generation, as a bunker fuel or as an industrial fuel. Global fuel oil consumption decreased approximately 29 percent between 2005 and 2014 to 5.6 million barrels per day (bpd). The decrease in consumption has been driven in part by increased regulation on high sulphur fuels in an effort to curb pollution. China is the biggest consumer of fuel oil, accounting for 11 percent of global consumption in 2014. Russia and Japan accounted for an additional 10 percent and 7 percent respectively. China imports a significant part of the fuel oil it consumes. Traditionally teapot refineries had to complement crude oil with fuel oil for feedstock as a result of legislation banning them from importing crude oil.